Annual Report 2015-16 - Final - Saugeen Memorial Hospital
Annual Report 2015-16 - Final - Saugeen Memorial Hospital
July 2016 2015-16 Annual Report 2016—2017 Board of Directors Jonna Ebel, Chair Mary Jo Arnett Jim Barbour Susan Dunlop Mary McCallum Merle Rath Tony Sheard Jennifer Tuer Joan Vaughan Shannon Van Valkenburg Staff Sally Kidson, Executive Director Sara Dolbeck, Accounting Officer 2015-16 A Great Year! New Emergency Room/Laboratory on Schedule It’s hard to believe that after years and years of preparations, the project we have been waiting for has begun! Thank you to each every donor who gave $1. or $500,000. To Bruce Power, the Guy & Josephine Bevan Foundation, Bert & Eleanor Walker, the Corp. of the Town of Saugeen Shores, Bruce County, the Southampton Rotary Club, the Port Elgin Rotary Club, and the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Auxiliary we say a huge thank you! These donors represent $1,575,000 collectively and we are ever so The addition promises an upgrade in services and comfort for patients. Patients will have private rooms in the new Emergency Room. grateful for this visionary support. Our wonderful hospital has 16 beds, a very busy Emergency Room that saw about 15,673 patients last year, an active Laboratory that handled 602,550 lab tests and an Operating Room that performed a total of 580 surgeries. That’s one busy hospital! The Emergency Room will also have a new waiting room with a separate waiting room for Lab patients. Quite a change from the original hospital built in 1947! (see below) New ER/Lab begins—fundraising goal of $3.2 Million has been met! 2016 Not for Profit of the Year BRASS Award Annual Needs—the new priority for the Foundation $287,625 raised for new Cancer Centre in Owen Sound. With the ER/Lab now underway, the focus for the Foundation shifts to the annual needs of replacement equipment. In the past fiscal year, we were able to purchase $327,000 in new equipment to aid in the New GEM Program for ease of giving. New Planned Gifting Literature for Gifts in Wills Low cost per dollar raised! (13 cents) care of Saugeen Shores Patients. In 2016-17, we are aiming to raise $440,000. We have created a new GEM Program (Give Every Month), to help donors make their donations in an easy and timely man- ner. We have new literature regarding Planned Gifting—for people wishing to make a gift to the Foundation in their wills. These gifts are becoming more essential as we look at the soaring costs of medical equipment. Financial Results! Accomplishments this Year • Annual Dollars Raised (Apr 2015 – Mar 2016) = $327,236 • Campaign Dollars Raised (Apr 2015 – Mar 2016)= $743,787 • TOTAL RAISED = $1,071,023 • TOTAL EXPENDITURES = $140,025 Total Cost per Dollar 13 cents! • • • • • • • • • New Logo Fabulous Board & Volunteers Great Staff, New Systems Excellent Community Support Planned Gifting Program GEM Program Cancer Centre Opening ER/Lab Started 2016 Not for Profit of the Year Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce BRASS Awards Why we do what we do. •The Provincial Government funds operating costs but provides very little funding for updating hospital equipment. •The Province expects communities to support their hospitals to purchase equipment and also provide funds when new builds or expansions occur. This is NOT going to change. Chair’s Remarks On behalf of the Board of Directors, the volunteers and all of the patients who have come through the doors this year, I would like to thank you all for your continued support to Saugeen Memorial Hospital. This year has been one of tremendous change for the Foundation and the building itself, and we are grateful that our community has enthusiastically welcomed the construction, our logo, our new GEM program, new office efficiencies and our new Pastoral Care advisor Rev. Dar Rath. There are so many other “new’s”, but please be assured our goals will never change. We will continue to focus on patient needs, and on supporting staff so that our hospital community will never want. With every dollar you donate, you help us to achieve those goals. Thank you. In closing, I would like to thank Andy Bingham for his 9 years of service on the Board of Directors and welcome Mary Jo Arnett who is new to the Board and Jennifer Tuer who is returning after a leave. Jonna Ebel, Chair If you would like to see a copy of our audited financial statements, please visit You can make a donation to the Hospital Foundation online at or, call the office at 519-797-3230, ext. 3230, or e-mail us at Our Hospital—such a gift! By Sally Kidson, SMHF Executive Director My work day is always filled with variety and I’m never sure what might come my way. While not involved with the medical side of the hospital, I do occasionally meet and chat with patients who stop by to say hi or who I meet in the hall way. The variety of needs that are addressed by this facility and the competent staff amaze me. A woman with a swollen leg, a young boy who has a pacemaker, a girl with a cast on her arm, a man with a serious cut and of course, the unfortunate people involved in accidents or who have serious, life threatening diseases. They all come through the halls at some point or another. I spoke with one of the nurses in the Operating Room recovery just the other day. She won the Bayshore Broadcasting Caring Nurse Award this year. Kaye Holmes is such a compassionate lady—taking such good care of every patient after their surgery. Everyone trusts that they will be taken care of. Everyone trusts that, even if they have to wait, the doctor will see them. We are SO lucky! Please, be generous with your donations. Be a GEM and give every month if that works for you @ Give a gift in your will, or a gift of life insurance. Give annually, or from time to time. But please, give. Foundation’s Mission Raise and manage funds for equipment, facilities and staff development to ensure our community and visitors have access to the best possible hospital care. Our volunteers gave over $23,000 of time this past year! 340 High Street Southampton, ON N0H 2L0 519-797-3230, ext. 3230 Here are a few of our fabulous organizations who have provided support in 2015/16! Thank you! Thank you to the following people who made contributions to The Hospital Campaign! Your support is helping to save lives! Maureen Acker Matthew Benoit Bruce Shoreline Self Advocate Group Kathy Alderdice Kent & Chris Bergstrom Bruce & Helene Buchanan Derrick & Kathy Alstein Fred & Donna Berlet Robert & Liza Buck Don & Jenny Amy Roland Bernier Deanna Buckland Tim & Nancy Andersen Betty Love Memorial Pool Tournament Wendy Buckley Norman (Scotty) Andrews John Biehl Bill & Sue Buckton Beverly & Roxy Angel Frank & Elizabeth Biener Mary Lynne Buffett Brian Anness Joseph Biener Jr. George & Donna Bulina Kenton & Beth Arbuckle Dwight & Margaret Biggs James & Lynne Burgess Bonnie Armstrong David & Kim Biletchi Michael & Catherine Burke Marie Armstrong Lori Billings Ross & Angelia Burkinshaw Mary Jo Arnett Charles (Andy) & Barbara Bingham Dean Burleish Len Arnold Lanny Bingham Keith & Heather Burling Robert & Gay Ashdown James & Julie Binns Robert & Linda Burns Dawn Atchinson John & Mary Lou Evans Blumenson Business After Hours Michael Atkinson BMO Bank Of Montreal Leo & Tillie Butler B.J.'s. Electric Tibor Bohdnetzky Bernie & Pattie Byers Les Bacskai Ken Bollen Joyce Byrne Charles & Virginia Bailey Michael & Abby Bolton George & Wendy Calder Linda Baker Douglas & Marjorie Bondy Dorothy Cameron Ted & Julia Baldwin Sandy Borland Joe & Nancy Cameron Betty Ann Ball Gerard & Lorraine Boucher Maxine L. Cameron Eleanor Barber Alfred Boudreau Marnie Cammidge Christy Barber Lawrence & Patricia Bowers Kate Cammidge-Irwin James & Donna Barbour GloryAnne Bowman Allister Campbell Fred & Liz Barfoot Gordon & Janet Boyd Don & Heather Cambell Joan Barfoot Ruth Boyes Margery Campbell Eugene Barone Cindy Brannan Martin & Linda Baumberger Ed Braun James Beange Robert Breakey Patricia Campbell Canadian Federation Of University Women Stephen & Laurie Beange Don & Kathryn Bremner Sharon Cannon Chuck & Jean Beaton Don Bremner Bremner's Pool & Spa George & Sharon Carere Ruth Beattie Gertrude Brendel Paul & Lori Carey Doug & Carolyn Bechtel Shelley Brick Sue Carruthers Jerrold & Susan Beech Leontine Brideau Audrey Carter Kim Beirnes Warren & Diane Bridge Kevin & Sandra Carter Angela Belair Carolyn Brigden Fred J. Catherwood Sandra Belanger Heather Briggs Leona Cavanaugh Ronald Bell Peter & Cathy Brillinger Cedar Court Motel John & Margy Bell Jack C. Brodie Jean Ceneda Robert & Susan Bell Linda Brooks Peter Chambers Charlie Bell Gordon & Lois Brown Sophie Champagne Aline Bellan Brian & Bridgette Bruce Christine Champion Martha Bennett Bruce Power LP Chantry Breezes Chantry Island Cham-bettes Trevor & Lori Cunningham Margaret Eagleson Virginia Chappell Brian Currie Eagleson Funeral Home Johanne Charlebous Gloria Currie Glen and Sue Earl Mary Chatterton Clay & Ruth Cutting John Ebel Morris & Denise Choma Susan Dagnall Arthur & Christina Eby John & Margaret Church John & Mary Ann Dahmer Basil & Gladys Eby Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Donald & Libby Dal Bianco Irene Eby Adriana Cipolletti Dale's Carpentry John & Gail Eby Ann Clarke Carol Ann D'Andrea Steve & Penny Eckensweiler Cindy Clarke Olga Dark Bill & Eleanor Edwards John Clay Margaret Davidson Elk & Finch Joan D. Clayton Susan Davidson Leslie Elliot Doris Clemen Dawn Davies Charles & Marion Ellis David Clerk Roberta Davis Harold & Evelyn Elsie Katherine Clouthier Janet Dawson Pat Emmerton David & Barbara Cobean David & Maria Day Kim Ens Dean & Anna Coceancic Joan Day Margaret Esplen Debbie Cole Margaret Day Mildred Esplen Denis & Aletha Coleman Peter & Carolyn Day Sandy Esplen James & Catherine Coles Judy Deacon Estate Of Marion J. Eby Vicki Colontino Audrey Dedman Sandra Etherington Community of Christ Devitt Uttley & Company George & Wendy Evans John & Heather Conlin Susan Dewolf Ian & Joan Evans Brad Connolly Nadine Dickie Bev Everitt Stan & Sharron Conquergood Liz Dillman Jackie Ewing Peter & Christine Conquest Patricia Dobec Geordie & Earl Farrell Michele Cook G.l. Pete & Dorothy J. Dobson Peter & Anne Farrell Ken Corbett Bradley & Linda Doll Robert & Caroline Farrell Robert & Regina Corp Corporation Of The Town Of Saugeen Shores Susan J. Dollar Ruth Faust Martin Donat Charles & M. Ellen Feddema Dot Net Computers Inc. Harold S. Fenlon Steven & Deborah Cotton James Doubt Murray & Patricia Fenton Bob & Pat Coulthart Larry & Barb Downey Sarah Fenton Leah Coulthart-Howe Jane Downs Cathy Ferguson John H. Cox Terrance Doyon Janice Ferguson Irene Craig John & Christine Drake Kyle & Julie Ferguson Gord & Linda Crombeen Scott & Lesley Drysdale Shannon & Kim Ferguson Dino Crosetta Joyce Dudgeon Barb Fergusson Michael & Margaret Crossling John Duffield David Ferrell Sherry Crowe Cherie Duhaime William J. & Doris Festeryga Allan & Eileen Cruickshank Linda Dunbar Frank & Cathryn Finch Cruisers Cruise Nites Andrew & Alyssa Dunlop Denise Finora Kenneth & Joyce Culley Kenneth & Janet Dunlop Bryan Fischer Donald Cumming Geoffrey Dunn David Fisher Jack & Helen Cumming Michael Duquette Charles & Shawnee Flippance James & Rona Cunningham Stan Eagles Nicole Flippance Robert Cunningham Frank & Doris Eagleson Brian & Elaine Florence Jill Forsyth Dave Griffiths William & Sybil Henderson John & Kathryn Forsyth George D. & Elizabeth Gruetzner Jim & Laurel Henning Karl & Eileen Fortney George J. & Margaret Grutzner Harold & Ginny Henry Jack & June Fotherby Olive Gunn Hi-Berry Farm Sandra France Sandra Guta Anne and Rob Hierlihy Bruce & Joanne Fraser Ann Guy Louise Higgins John & Betty Fraser Guy & Josephine Bevan Foundation Brian Hilbers Doug & Judy Freiburger Patricia Hagan James E. & Christine Hilbig Brian French Hair Unlimited Anthony Hill Lori Fried Joanne Hall Mae Hill Dan Fryday Lesley Hall Barbara Hillis Lynn Fryday William & Hilary Hall Karen Hillis Wayne Galliher Gary & Joanne Hamer Michael & Mary Lou Hills Beverley Garcia Doug & Jeanette Hamilton Stan Hills Shelley Gaylord Frederick & Joan Hamilton Wayne G.l. Hillson GBHS Southampton Site Staff Hampton Court William Hogg Betty George Brian & Jeanette Hanley Leonard Holley George D. Gruetzner B.A., L.L.B. James & Marion Hanley John & Anne Holman Bruce & Marlene Giles Eileen Harcourt Daniel & Mary Holmes Michael Gillespie John & Ann Marie Harding John & Janet Holmes Betty Gilmour John & Nadine Harding Jayne Holt Walter & Dorothy Gimbel Pauline Harley Cecil Hopkins John & Barbara Gledhill Michael & Jane Harley Edwin & Lenore Horner Douglas & Anne Goar Ken & Jane Harlock Heather Horning Brenda Goegan Jeanne Harris Florence Horton Rhian Goodall Tracey L. Harron Betty Hosmoian Liz Goodall Lillian Harron Irene Howe Doug & Sid Gordon Don & Mary Lynn Hart C. Diane Huber William Gordon & Nancy Iola Werner Hartel Leslie Huber Dennis Gore Diane Harty Christopher & Lee Huether Malcolm Gorra William & Wendy Harwood Robert & Marie Huggard Betty Gow Turgut Hassan Susan Huggard Dianne Gowan J. Hatch Michael Hughes Michael & Cheryl Grace Marsha Havens George & Stephanie Hunsberger Arthur & Carolyn Grady Duncan Hawthorne Heather Hunter Joan Graham Keith & Ann Hawton Angela Hupalo Peggy Graham Donna Haycock Gerry & Patricia Hutchison Suzanne Graham Lynda Hayter Dan & Wendy Huys Jack C. & Marion Grant Robert Hayter Lisa Hyde Margaret Greenhow Hear Group Of Companies Clinton & Shirley Hyslop M. Anita Greenway Walter & Sandra Heathers Louisa Hyslop M. Keith & F. Adele Greig Art & Lynn Heeney Sheryl Irwin Gary Greig Paula Hegarty Thomas & Rosemary Irwin Ray & Gwen Greig Rudy & Jane Heinzl Don & Marlene Ische Grey Bruce Airbus Cheryl Heizer Grant & Carol Jackson Elizabeth Grieve Eric Heizer Karen Jacobs-Schroeder Paul & Valerie Grieve Erin Henderson Michelle Jardin Stacey Jen Richard Kosikar R. Bruce & Diane Little Stephaine Jennings Dennis Kraemer Ken Locke Marion Jensen Jane C. Kramer Carol Longe McNabb Jodie Hartman Krug David & Vermayle Longmuir Chris Johnson Marie-Paule Kruiderink Wolfgang & Anna Lorenz Elis Johnson Cheryl Kryzaniwsky Fern Lougheed Kenneth & Rosalind Johnson Kuehl Electric Marion Lougheed Robert & Lynda Johnson Norbert & Patricia Kuntz Veronica Love-Alexander Doug Johnston Betty Kurck Joyce Luke Jane Johnston Anne Kwan Les & Barbara Lumber Karen Johnston John & Marilyn Kyles Diann Lutz Lindsay Johnston Michael & Andrea Lablance Marjorie Lyness Lori Johnston Mark & Sheree Lake M & E Mowbray Enterprises Inc. Mike & Christine Johnston Gerald & Tracy Lambert Laura MacAulay Marie Jones Norma Lamont George MacDonald Donald & Healther Joynt Mary E. Langdon Nancy MacDonald Judy Rich, Barrister And Solicitor Brian & Sharon Langille Wayne & Marge MacDonald Wayne & Deb Kaufman Michele Lanthier Donelda MacGillivray Kaumagraph Ingternational Ltd. Margaret S. Large-Cardoso Greg MacGillivray Joseph Keely Ron & Ann Larsen Don & Eunice MacIntyre Yvonne B. Keenan Jorgen & Jonna Lassen Walter MacIvor Lynn Kelly Dietrich E. Lauckner Ann Mackay Christine Kelly James Lavery Brian Mackay Ashley Kemila Peter & Pauline Lawrence Gordon & Ann Mackay Ian & Terry Kennedy Stuart & Patricia Lawrence Cam & Rachelle Mackenzie Frank & Yvonne Kennedy Patricia Lawson-Cselotei Carmen Mackie Thelma Kennedy Lorne & Sue Lazenby Walter & Carol Mackowski Ruth Kent John Leader Alan & Barb MacLeod John M. & Elizabeth A. Kerr Brenda Lee John & Nancy MacLeod Harry & Noreen Kibler Pak Wah & Chui Har Lee Lynn Mahoney Sally Kidson & Bruce Durrer James Lees Linda Main K Kieswetter Celine Lefebvre Andrew & Connie Maksymyk Gordon & Gail King Donald H. & Shirley Leggett Andy & Gerry Malcomson Steven & Jacqueline Kippers Douglas Lein Willie & Margaret Mamo John & Mary Kischuck Suzie Leith Doris Manley Sam & Mia Klaman Kevin Lenestour Martin & Gwen Manley Joyce Klem Larry & Katherine Leonard Milena Marecek Evelyn Klemm Mary Letang Lois R. Mark Jeff & Janice Klie Trevor Letang Joanne Marklevitz Arthur & Ruth Knechtel Arlene Letheren Shirley Marnoch Peggy & Peter Knowlton Jessica Leung Michael Marriott Mervyn & Shirley Kobe Kerr Linda Larry & Margaret Marsland Carl Kobe Donald & Judith Lindhorst Fred & Barb Martin Janet Koczwara Craig & Moira Zettel Lindsay Joanne Martin Bonnie Koenig Rod & Kathy Linn Kenneth & Evelyn Martin Clifford & Leslie Kondra Erin Little Kay Martin Phillip ten Kortenaar & Heather Lumber J. Peter & Anne Little Louise Martin William & Shirley Martin Marshall & Mary Jo McMillan Zealma Nickel David & Linda Mason David McNaught Nicol Insurance Jay & Carla Masterson Peter & Joni McNeice Barb Nonnewitz Thomas & Janet Mather Elizabeth McPherson Carolyn Noonan Barnard & Ruth Matisko Robert McTeer Jim & Nancy Norwood Barb Mattussi Winnifred McTeer Jeremy Nowack John & Carol Maus Gerald & Jacqueline Melcher Leslie Nuttall Bill & Jane McAllister Jack & Sharron Meldrum Allan & Karen O’Brien Robert & Grace McAlpine John & Joan Melko Jude O'Brien Daniel & Micah McArthur Neil & Faye Menage Deb O'Donoghue Wilma McArthur Carolyn Menage Brian & Darlene O'Grady Paul McArthur Donald & Sybil Mercer Catherine O'Hagan Mary McCall Coral Mercer Dennis & Bente O'Leary Duncan & Mary McCallum Kelly Meredith Kay Ono Philip & June McCaw Donald & Linda Mewhinney Ontario Power Generation Darlene McConnachie Randy & Lysanne Millar Cheryl O’Reilly Keith McConnachie Megan Millen Jerry & Gaetane Orszytynowicz Mary McConnachie Ben & Susan Miller Clint & Cartriona Osborne Ross & Shirley McConnachie Stephen Miller Elizabeth(Betty) McCulloch Robert & Elizabeth Mills Michael & Bonnie McCullough Suzanne Milner Robert & Nancy Oswald Andrew Woodley Outlaw Brew Company Inc. Elaine McCutchen W. Kent & Charlanne Milroy Marg Overholt David McCutcheon Jim & Beth Mimnagh Douglas & Elizabeth Owen Carol McDermid Nancy Mitchell Robert & Lenore Paddon Dale McDermid Sharon Mooser Linda Palinsky Murry & Cathy McDermid Colin & Valerie Morano William & Jane Palmer Alma McDonald Robert & Beverly Morgan David & Ruth Damm Park Joanne McDonald Glenn & Shirley Morningstar Joel & Leslie Parr Fraser & Carold McDonald Jim F Morrison Joanne Paul Stephen McDougall Carl & Deb Morton Erna Pauli-Reid Eannie McDowall Connie Moss Peninsula Ford Lincoln Lois McFadden Paul J. & Catharine Motz Mary Pepall James & Shelley Mcgill Margaret Motz Michele A. Pepe Glen McGillivray Deborah Mowbray Eugene & Marguetite Perkins Jaqueline McGillivray Jane Muir Gerald & Marie Perreault Ronald & Nancy McGillivray Ron & Heather Mulchey Helen A. Perry Candy McGregor Douglas Mullaly John Petrie Tom & Gwen McGrenere David Munshaw John & Margaret Pettie Karen McIntosh Colleen Murgenroth Howard & Shirley Pettit William & Judy McKee Caroline Murphy Jeff & Karen Phelps Jean McKenzie Michael & Jean Myatt Gary & Helen Phillips Freda McKinnon Leonard & Louise Neeb Paul & Joyce Philp Jim & Barb McKnight Wes & Lois Nelson Joseph Piaskowski Carla McLennan Helen Nemeth Marilyn Pickett Marg McLeod Roger & Patricia Nerney Marilyn Pickford Rod & Mary Ann McLeod New Fairway Park Ltd. Robert & Jane Pilger Montgomery McMeekin Don Nicholson Rick Pilon Bill & Suzanne Pineau Merilyn Reoch Chris Pinnington Bernice Ribey Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 340 Milan & Lucy Ann Pisko George Ribey Anne Runyan Murray Pitman Joyce Ribey Margaret Russett Michael Pitzen Murray & Dorothy Ribey Thomas & Susan Rutherford Ron Plaskett Robert & Sandra Ribey John Ryan Bernie Poetke Sharon Ribey Kevin Ryan Doreen V. Poole Rod & Sandy Rice Richard & Joan W. Sadleir Lynn Pope Catherine Richard Patti Sainthill Port Adult Recreation Centre 55 Plus Emile & Frances Richards Liam Salisbury Super 8 Port Elgin Donald & Lois Richards Robert Sangster Port Elgin & District Lions Club Margaret Richards Saugeen Golf Club Men's League Port Elgin Auto Glass Peter & Arlene Richards Saugeen Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Port Elgin Dinghy Poker Run William & Marie Richards Saugeen Shores Family Eye Care Port Elgin Home Hardware Elizabeth Rickerby Glen & Sandra Sawyer Anthony & Valerie Porter Andrea Rideout Mary Sawyer Mark & Heather Porter Scott & Linda Ritchie Gerald & Jeanette Scanlon Bob Powell Sharon Robert Peter & Marilyn Scatterty Marg Powell Edie Roberts Edward & Anne Scharf Power Workers' Union Local 1000 Mike & Lorna Roberts Paul A. Schendel Ross Prange Shirley Roberts Linda Schertzberg Sandra Prange Ken & Luanne Robertson Fred E. Schildroth Presbyterian Church Women Nelson Robertson Harry Schildroth Jeff Preston Mary Robertson Jack Schildroth Val Prett Ross & Madelene Robertson John & Susan Schlorff Pretty in Pink Dale Robinette M. Schmidt Jack Prevost Tammy Robinson Patrick Schmidt John & Rita Prinsen Lora Robinson Jardin Randy Schnarr Probus Club Of Saugeen Shores Shawna Roesgen Bernhard Schropp David & Barbara Purcell Roma Rolfe John Schultz Catherine Pushalik Sue Roote R. Schumacher William H. Pym Jean Roppel Jane Schwab Michael G. Quigley Heather Roppel Bernard & Trudy Schwass Bev & Joan Rankin Mark Rosner Wilbert H. & Marjorie Schwichtenberg Ian & Marlene Rasmussen Barb Ross Scotiabank K. Michael & Anne Marie Raven Elizabeth Ross Bob Scott Sandra Rayner Gloria Ross Doug & Linda Scott RBC Foundation Sue Roszell Suzanne Scott Remax Land Exchange Ltd. Rotary Club Of Port Elgin William Scott William & Marion Reany Rotary Club of Southampton Lois Scully Erin Reany Rotary Huron Shore Run Mark & Alice Seaman Redhawk Construction Co Ltd. J. Roger RousselI Ronald & Mary Seaman Brian & Karrie Reich Rowland's YIG Royal Canadian Legion Branch 155 Southampton Royal Canadian Legion Branch 340 Port Elgin Seaman And Sons Builders Ross & Elizabeth Reid Tracey Reid Carl & Sandra Reinhardus Joyce Reinhart Cathy Seehaver Jeannette Seguin Craig Selby Cindy Sellner Lewis & Jeanne Seyler Joan Sproat Thomas & Sharon Thede George & Brenda Seymour Reta Sproule Luule Thom Hermi Shalley Square Deal Neil's Tv & Appliances Anne Thompson Anthony & Sylvia Sheard Douglas & Sheila Squire Eleanor Thompson Emma Sheard Donald & Doris Stahlbaum Lisa Thompson Dale Sherwood Peter & Beverley Stamford Robert Thompson Kevin & Karen Sherwood Sandra J. Stark Terry & Jenni Thompson Thomas Shoniker Shawna Stauffer William & Barbara Thomson Brian & Myrna Shular Moe & Karen Stekel James Thorman Brian & Susan Shular Allan & Helen Stephens Sarah Thornton Douglas & Barbara Shular Karen Stephens Tibor's Automotive Richard & Myra Shular David & Allison Stevens Isabel Timmins Jo-Anne Sieffert John & Barbara Stevens Hank & Gerda Toby Brianne Sim Tom Stewart Tolmie Memorial Presbyterian Church Maureen Simpson Thomas & Brenda Stockie Vicki Tomori Victor & Wendy Sinclair Robert & Mary Jane Storey Karen Trealieb Joan Skidmore Marguerite Strangways Trillium Home Loba Of Ont. West Andy & Lorissa Skrypniak G. William & Gail Streeter Ian & Judith Trotman Robert Small Blair Streeter Brian & Judith Trudgeon Beth Smith Judith Strongman Brock Turcotte Diane Smith Charles Stuckey Cara Turcotte Gary & Mary Smith Jo Ann Sturgeon Sharon Turcotte Jane Smith Delores Sullivan Gwendolyn Turner Kim Smith Paul & Constance Sullivan Bev Turner Lyna Smith Renee Sullivan Unifor Margaret Smith Ken & Carole Sutcliffe Rori Urbshott Michael & Donna Smith Donald & Carole Sutherland Derryl & Pat Urstadt Michael & Nancy Smith David & Sandra Sutton John & June Van Bastelaar Peter H. Smith Sutton - Huron Shores Realty Inc. Lianne Van Geel Ryan & Jamie Smith Lori & Bob Sweiger Hank & Barbara Van Moorsel Stuart & Patricia Smith Ron Swindell Louis & Brenda Vanderploeg Thoms Smith & Carol Holmes T. J. Rowley Investments Inc. Jason & Lianne Vangeel Brian & Jo Smyth T.A. Stewart & Son Contractng Ltd. Gary Varsava Donald & Sheila Snyder Len & Helen Tackaberry Brian & Joan Vaughan Snyder Development Connie Tanner JoAnn Vaughan Tony & Maureen Solecki John & Patricia Tate John & Peggy Vecchies Trish Solomway DC Teiler Allen Vernon-Smith Tara Somerville Daphne Telford Dick & Ruth Verrips Lloyd & Carol Sonnenburg Charles & Heather Tennant Sergio & Connie Vidotto Southampton Lab Team Flora Tennyson Vincent’s of Southampton Southampton Meat Market The Bluewater Nimeera Visram Southampton Residents Association The Ladies At Holiday Golf Club Daniel & Julie Vooght Southampton Shindig The Society Of Energy Professionals Edwin Vysma Herb & Jutta Spanier The Timeless Material Co. June Wade James & Katherine Spence Angie Thede Willard & Freda Wade Robert & Catherine Spence Harry Thede Barb & Bruce Waechter Cathy Sprague Kathleen Thede Kim Wager Bert & Eleanor Walker Robert Witter Garry & Gale Walker John & Margo Wolf Ian Walker Dean & Tanya Wolfe Lloyd & Eleanor Walker Douglas & Christine Wood Vivian Walker Fran Wood Bruce & Eleanor Wallace Cathy Woodley Len & Cassie Wallace Lloyd & Thelma Worsley Robert & Audrey Walsh Gail Wright Wesley & Vivien Walton Hugh & Pamela Wright Wayne & Violet Wardrop Philip Wright Sonja Ware Helen Wuerth Doreen Wark Rebecca Wuerth-Sarvis Wark Milk Transport Ltd. Provan & Linda Wylie Douglas Warren Richard & Patricia Wyszynsi George Wathke Kevin & Rhonda Yaraskavitch Judy Watt Steve & Kathy York William Sam & Nora Waytowich Penny & Carl Young Peter B. & Gloria E. Weale Suzanne Young Steven Webb Ralph Zadow Gunne Weber Brenda Zamojc Robert Weber Richard Zemmelink John & Jean Weichel Donna Ziegler Henry & Mary Ann Weickert Paul & Frances Ziegler Linda Weldon Ziegler Lumber Ltd. Marie Wells Paul & Erin Zorzi Dave & Carolyn Wenn Joan Zuwala Each and every name on this list has made our new Emergency Room & Laboratory a reality! Thank you so very much! Mary Wentworth Harvey & Evelyn Weppler Westario Power Inc. Diane Wettlaufer Bruce & Debbie Whalen Ian & Joanne Wheeler Ray & Pauline Wheeler Brad & Liz White Thomas & Glenna White Paul & Debbie Whitehead Margo Whitmore Neil & Beverley Wicks Marilyn Wilkie Norman & Ann Wilkie Rachel Williams Thomas Willins Derek & Lynda Wills Wayne & Renee Willson Charles & Maria Wilson Sherry Winnitoy Alice Winter Donor Dollars at Work—June 28, 2016
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