Avdelok® 2611 Series
Avdelok® 2611 Series
Avdelok® 2611 Series Lockbolt Fastener For installation information please refer to the tooling overview and manuals on our website. Pour les conditions de pose, merci de vous référer à la description de l’outil et aux manuels disponibles sur notre site Web. Angaben zur Verarbeitung entnehmen Sie bitte der Geräteübersicht und den Betriebsanleitungen auf unserer Website. Per informazioni sull‘installazione preghiamo consultare i manuali e la panoramica degli attrezzi sul nostro sito web. Para ver información sobre máquinas de colocación, consulte nuestra página web, apartados visión general de máquinas y manuales. English Français Deutsch Italiano Brazier head Pin: Carbon boron steel* Zinc plated Clear trivalent passivated Tête plate Flachrundkopf Tige: Acier* Bolzen: Stahl* Revêtement zingué Verzinkt Passivation claire Klar chromatiert, trivalente Cr6-frei Collar: Low carbon Bague: Acier bas Schließring: Stahl** steel** carbone** Verzinkt Zinc plated Revêtement zingué Klar chromatiert, Cr6-frei Clear trivalent passivated Passivation claire trivalente *: SAE 10B21 EN 10263-4 23MnB4 Español Testa tonda Cabeza alomada Bullone: Acciaio a carbonio* Vástago: Acero al carbono* Zincato, Passivazione Zincado chiara trivalente Pasivado claro trivalente Collare: Acciaio a basso tenore di carbonio** Zincato, Passivazione chiara trivalente Collar: Acero bajo en carbono** Zincado Pasivado claro trivalente **: SAE 1008 EN 10263-2 C8C U L Full Collar Schließring Standard Bague Standard Collare Standard Collar Estándar ø L B D min. .031 .094 .156 .219 .281 .344 .406 .469 .531 3/16" .594 (4.8 .656 mm) .718 .781 .843 .906 .969 1.031 1.094 1.156 1.219 .094 1/4" .156 (6.4 .219 mm) .281 max. .094 .156 .219 .281 .344 .406 .469 .531 .594 .656 No. 9 .718 (.196) .781 .843 .906 .969 1.031 1.094 1.156 1.219 1.281 .156 .219 'G' .281 (.261) .344 nom. .077 .140 .202 .265 .327 .390 .452 .515 .577 .640 .702 .765 .827 .890 .952 1.015 1.077 1.140 1.202 1.265 .144 .206 .269 .331 max. max. .395 .132 .526 .161 Flanged Collar Schließring flach Bague courte Collare ribassato Medio Collar Schließring mit Bund Bague à embase Collare flangiato Collar con Ala Part No/ref Part No/ref Part No/ref Full Collar Half Collar2) Flanged Collar3) Part No/ref w. Full Collar2) nom. Half Collar Pin1) S max. T max. S max. T max. 02611-70601 02611-70602 02611-70603 02611-70604 02611-70605 02611-70606 02611-70607 02611-70608 02611-70609 02611-70610 02662-70600 02682-70600 02611-70611 .34 .315 .28 .315 02611-70612 02611-70613 02611-70614 02611-70615 02611-70616 02611-70617 02611-70618 02611-70619 02611-70620 02611-70802 02611-70803 02662-70800 02682-70800 02611-70804 .42 .417 .36 .417 02611-70805 S max. T max. U3) nom. 02615-70600 .37 .390 .030 02615-70800 .46 .515 .037 all dimensions in inches / en pouces / alle Maße in Zoll / in pollici / en pulgadas 1), 2), 3) see last page / voir page 3 / siehe letzte Seite / vedi pagina 3 / ver Pág. 3 © 2013 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., Rev. 05.2012, page 1/3 • www.StanleyEngineeredFastening.com Avdelok® is a trademark of Avdel UK Ltd. Data shown is subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuous product development and improvement policy. Your local Avdel representative is at your disposal should you need to confirm latest information. Avdelok® 2611 Series Lockbolt Fastener U L Full Collar ø L B D Half Collar min. .344 .406 .469 .531 .594 .656 .718 .781 .843 .906 .969 1/4" 1.031 1.094 (6.4 mm) 1.156 1.219 1.281 1.344 1.406 1.469 1.531 1.594 1.656 1.719 1.781 1.844 .141 .234 .328 .422 .516 .609 5/16" .703 (8.0 .796 mm) .890 .984 1.078 1.172 1.265 1.359 1.453 max. nom. .406 .394 .469 .456 .531 .519 .594 .581 .656 .644 .718 .706 .781 .769 .843 .831 .906 .894 .969 .956 1.031 1.019 1.094 1.081 1.156 'G' 1.144 (.261) 1.219 1.206 1.281 1.269 1.344 1.331 1.406 1.394 1.469 1.456 1.531 1.519 1.594 1.581 1.656 1.644 1.719 1.706 1.781 1.769 1.844 1.831 1.906 1.894 .234 .206 .328 .300 .422 .394 .516 .487 .609 .581 .703 .675 .796 .769 'P' .890 .862 (.323) .984 .956 1.078 1.050 1.172 1.144 1.265 1.237 1.359 1.331 1.453 1.425 1.547 1.519 max. max. .526 .161 .657 .214 Part No/ref Part No/ref Part No/ref Full Collar Half Collar2) Flanged Collar3) Part No/ref w. Full Collar2) nom. Flanged Collar Pin1) S max. T max. S max. T max. 02611-70806 02611-70807 02611-70808 02611-70809 02611-70810 02611-70811 02611-70812 02611-70813 02611-70814 02611-70815 02611-70816 02611-70817 02611-70818 02662-70800 02682-70800 02611-70819 .42 .417 .36 .417 02611-70820 02611-70821 02611-70822 02611-70823 02611-70824 02611-70825 02611-70826 02611-70827 02611-70828 02611-70829 02611-70830 02611-71003 02611-71004 02611-71006 02611-71007 02611-71009 02611-71010 02611-71012 02611-71013 02662-71000 02682-71000 02611-71015 .48 .524 .39 .524 02611-71016 02611-71018 02611-71019 02611-71021 02611-71022 02611-71024 S max. T max. U3) nom. 02615-70800 .46 .515 .037 02615-71000 .53 .640 .048 all dimensions in inches / en pouces / alle Maße in Zoll / in pollici / en pulgadas 1), 2), 3) see last page / voir page 3 / siehe letzte Seite / vedi pagina 3 / ver Pág. 3 © 2013 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., Rev. 05.2012, page 2/3 • www.StanleyEngineeredFastening.com Avdelok® is a trademark of Avdel UK Ltd. Data shown is subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuous product development and improvement policy. Your local Avdel representative is at your disposal should you need to confirm latest information. Avdelok® 2611 Series Lockbolt Fastener U L Full Collar ø L B D Half Collar 3/8" (9.6 mm) min. .062 .187 .312 .437 .562 .687 .812 .937 1.062 1.187 1.312 1.437 1.562 1.687 1.812 1.937 max. nom. .187 .143 .312 .268 .437 .393 .562 .518 .687 .643 .812 .768 .937 .893 1.062 'W' 1.018 1.187 (.386) 1.143 1.312 1.268 1.437 1.393 1.562 1.518 1.687 1.643 1.812 1.768 1.937 1.913 2.062 2.038 max. .788 max. .262 Part No/ref Part No/ref Part No/ref Full Collar Half Collar2) Flanged Collar3) Part No/ref w. Full Collar2) nom. Flanged Collar Pin1) S max. T max. S max. T max. 02611-71202 02611-71204 02611-71206 02611-71208 02611-71210 02611-71212 02611-71214 02611-71216 02662-71200 02682-71200 02611-71218 .58 .610 .45 .610 02611-71220 02611-71222 02611-71224 02611-71226 02611-71228 02611-71230 02611-71232 S max. T max. U3) nom. 02615-71200 .64 .786 .056 all dimensions in inches / en pouces / alle Maße in Zoll / in pollici / en pulgadas 1) Different grip range pins with different numbers of grooves available. / Tiges avec autres plages de serrage et different nombre de cannelures sont disponible./ Bolzen mit anderem Klemmbereich und anderer Anzahl von Rillen sind verfügbar. / Sono disponibili bulloni con spessori serrabili differenti con diverso numero di scanalature. / Disponibles pernos con diferente número de anillos segun el espesor a remachar. 2) Half collars increase the grip range to that of the next longest pin. Maximum grip increases by .062" for 3/16" and 1/4" fasteners and .125" for 5/16" and 3/8" fasteners. Avec une bague courte, la plage de serrage maximale est équivalente à celle de l‘Avdelok de longeur immédiamente supérieure. La plage de serrage augmente de .062" pour tiges de 3/16" et 1/4", et de .125" pour tiges de 5/16" et 3/8". Die Verwendung von flachen Schließringen erhöht den Klemmbereich auf den des nächstlängeren Bolzens. Der maximale Klemmbereich erhöht sich um .062" für 3/16" und 1/4" Bolzen und .125" für 5/16" und 3/8" Bolzen. Utilizzando i collari ribassati lo spessore serrabile aumenta, ed è uguale a quello massimo del bullone di misura superiore. Il massimo spessore serrabile aumenta di .062" per i bulloni da 3/16" e 1/4" e di .125" per i bulloni da 5/16" e 3/8". El empleo de medio collar incrementa el máx. espesor a remachar al de la siguiente toma. El máximo espesor a remachar por uso de medio collar es de .062" para diámetros de 3/16" y 1/4" y de .125" para diámetros de 5/16" y 3/8". 3)Flanged collars are used in applications where the hole on the collar side of the application is oversize or is slotted for alignment purposes. To determine what length of pin is required, add dimension U to the thickness of material being fastened. Avec une bague à embase, la plage de serrage est diminuée de la valeur de la cote U. Schließringe mit Bund: um den richtigen Bolzen zu bestimmen, addieren Sie das Maß U zu der zu verbindenden Materialstärke hinzu. Utilizzando i collari flangiati la dimensione „U“ deve essere aggiunta allo spessore da serrare per determinare il tipo di bullone adatto. Utilizar collar con ala: para calcular la referencia de perno necesaria añadir la cota U al espesor de la aplicación. ø nom. lbf4) lbf4) 3/16" 1940 1650 1/4" 3310 3000 5/16" 5030 4900 3/8" 7210 6500 4)These figures represent minimum fastener shear and tensile strength values with the use of a full collar. When using half collars tension is reduced to approximately 45 %. Cette valeurs représentent minimum résistances au cisaillement et à la traction avec l'usage d'une bague standard. Avec l'usage des bagues courtes la résistance à la traction se diminue à env. 45 %. Diese Werte repräsentieren Minimum Scher- und Zugfestigkeiten der Verbindung unter Verwendung von Standard-Schließringen. Bei Verwendung von flachen Schließringen reduziert sich die Zugfestigkeit auf ca. 45 %. I dati si riferiscono a bulloni installati con collari Standard, utilizzando collari ribassati i valori di trazione diminuiscono del 45 % circa, i valori di taglio rimangono invariati. I dati indicati in tabella sono minimi. La figura representa los valores mínimos de resistencia a la cortadura y tracción cuando se utiliza collar estándar. Cuando se utiliza medio collar se reducen aproximadamente en un 45 %. Steel Avdelok® pins typically offer comparable values to property class 5.8 threaded products. / Les tiges Avdelok® acier offrent des valeurs comparables à celles d’un boulon de classe 5.8. / Avdelok® Bolzen aus Stahl bieten Werte, die normalerweise mit denen eines Gewindeproduktes der Festigkeitsklasse 5.8 gleichzusetzen sind. / I bulloni Avdelok® in acciaio normalmente offrono valori comparabili alla classe di resistenzia 5.8 dei prodotti filettati. / Los pernos Avdelok® de acero suelen ofrecer resistencias que equivalen a la calidad 5.8 de los tornillos. © 2013 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., Rev. 05.2012, page 3/3 • www.StanleyEngineeredFastening.com Avdelok® is a trademark of Avdel UK Ltd. Data shown is subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuous product development and improvement policy. Your local Avdel representative is at your disposal should you need to confirm latest information.