Sociologie de l`habit


Sociologie de l`habit
Université de Fribourg, Science de Religions
«Les Femmes dans les religions» -- Frauen in den Religionen SE 2005
Prof. Dr. Richard Friedli
Littérature – «Les Femmes dans les religions» – Literatur
1) Introductions, colléctions, traditions divers – Einführungen, Sammlungen,
traditionsübergreifende Studien
Atkinson, C.W. et al 1992: Immaculate and Powerful. The Female in Sacred Image and Social Reality. Boston: Beacon
Barth, Reinhard 2004: Frauen, die Geschichte machten. Von Hatschepsut bis Indira Gandhi. Darmstadt:
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Becher, Jeanne (ed.), Women, Religion and Sexuality: Studies on the Impact of Religious Teachings on Women.
Geneva: WCC Publ.
Beck, Gisela 2000: Frauen in der europäischen Geschichte. München: Beck Verlag
Bekkenkamp, Jonneke; de Haardt, Maaike (eds.) 1998: Begin with the Body. Corporeality, Religion, and Gender.
Leuven: Peeters
Bǿrresen, Kari E. 1991: Images of God and Gender Models. Oslo: Solum Forlay
Bǿrresen, Kari E. 2001: Gender and Religion. European Studies. Roma: Carocci
Bynum, Caroline Walker (ed.) 1988: Gender and Religion. The Complexity of Symbols. Boston: Beacon Press (second
Carmody, Denise Lardner 1979: Women and World Religions. Tennessee: Parthenon Press
Castel, Edith 1996: L'éternité au féminin. La femme dans les religions. Paris: Assas Editions
Castelli, Elizabeth A. (ed.) 2001: Women, Gender, Religion. A Reader. New York: Palgrave
Cooey, P.M. et al. (eds.) 1994: After Patriarchy. Feminist Transformation of the World Religions. Maryknoll, New York:
Orbis Books
Davis-Sulikowski, Ulrike et al. (Hg.) 2001: Körper, Religion und Macht. Sozialanthropologie der
Geschlechterbeziehungen. Frankfurt am Main: Campus
Douglas, Mary (ed.) 1970: Witchcraft, Confession and Accusation. London: Tavistock Publications (ASA Monographs;
Eck, Diana L.; Jain, Devaki (eds.) 1987: Speaking of Faith. Global Perspectives on Women, Religion and Social
Change. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers
Falk, Nancy Auer, Rita. M. Gross 1993: La religion par les femmes. Genève: Labor et Fides (Religions en Perspective;
6) (= Unspoken Worlds. Women’s Religious Lives in Non-Western Cultures. San Francisco 1980)
Ferguson, Marianne 1995: Women and Religion. Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice Hall
Fine, Agnès ; Claudine Leduc (eds.) 1995: Femmes et religions. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail (Clio; 2)
Franzmann, Majella 2000: Women and Religion. New York: Oxford University Press
Göttner-Abendroth, Heide 1993: Die Göttin und ihr Heros (10. erw. und vollst. überarb. Neuauf). München: Verlag
Gross, Rita (ed.) 1977: Beyond Androcentrism. New Essays on Women and Religion. Missoula: Scholars Press for
The American Academy of Religion
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck; Findley, Ellison Banks (eds.) 1985: Women, Religion and Social Change. Albany (N.Y.):
SUNY Press
Hoch-Smith, Judith; Spring, Anita (eds.) 1978: Women in Ritual and Symbolic Roles. New York: Plenum Press
Holden, Pat (ed.) 1983: Women’s Religious Lives. London: Croom Helm
Ingman, Heather 2003: Women’s Spirituality in the Twentieth Century. An Exploration through Fiction. Oxford, Bern et
al.: Peter Lang (Religions and Discourse; 20)
King, Ursula; Tina Beattie (eds.) 2004: Gender, Religion and Diversity. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. New York:
King, Ursula 1989: Women and Spirituality. Voices of Protest and Promise. Basingstoke et al: Macmillan Education
King, Ursula (ed.) 1987: Women in the World's Religions. Past and Present. New York: Paragon House
Klöcker, Michael; Monika Tworuschka (Hg.) 1995: Frau in den Religionen. Weimar et al.: Wartburg Verlag
Kloppenborg Ria; Wouter J. Hanegraaff (eds.) 1995: Female Stereotypes in Religious Traditions. Leiden: E. J. Brill
(Studies in the History of Religions; 66)
Lukatis, Ingrid; Sommer, Regina; Christof Wolf (Hg.) 2000: Religion und Geschlechterverhältnis. Opladen: Leske +
Budrich (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion "Religionssoziologie" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie; 4)
O’Neill, Maura 1990: Women Speaking, Women Listening. Women in Interreligious Dialogue. Marknoll/New York:
Orbis Books
Pahnke, Donate (Hg.) 1993: Blickwechsel. Frauen in Religion und Wissenschaft. Marburg: Diagonal-Verlag
(Religionswissenschaftliche Reihe;. 6)
Pahnke, Donate; Sommer, Regina (eds.) 1995: Göttinnen und Priesterinnen: Facetten feministischer Spiritualität.
Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Paper, Jordan; Aijin-Tettey et al. 1997: Through the Earth Darkly. Female Spirituality in Comparative Perspective. New
York: Continuum
Runzo, Joseph; Martin, Nancy M. (eds.) 2000: Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. Oxford: Oneworld
Scheub, Ute 2004: Friedenstreiberinnen. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag Haland & Wirth
Sharma, Arvind (ed.) 1987: Women in World Religions. New York: SUNY Press
Sharma, Arvind (ed.) 1994: Today’s Women in World Religions. New York: SUNY Press
Shiva, Vandana 1989: Das Geschlecht des Lebens. Frauen, Oekologie und Dritte Welt. Berlin: Rotbuch (orig. engl.
Staying Alive)
Stone, Merlin 1989: Als Gott eine Frau war. Die Geschichte der Ur-Religionen unserer Kulturen. München: Goldmann
(orig. engl. When God was a Woman)
Young, Serinity (ed.) 1993: Sacred Writings by and about Women. A Universal Anthology. London/New york:
Young, Serinity (ed.) 1999: Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan
2) Traditions spécifiques – Spezifische Traditionen
Antiquité, Moyen Age – Altertum, Mittelalter
Bejick, Urte 1993: Die Katharerinnen. Häresieverdächtige Frauen im mittelalterlichen Süd-Frankreich. Freiburg i.Br.;
Basel: Herder
Blundell, Sue (ed.) 1998: The Sacred and the Feminine in Ancient Greece. London: Routledge
Boëls-Janssen, Nicole 1993: La vie religieuse des matrones dans La Rome archaïque. Rome: Ecole française de
Dillon, Matthew 2002: Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion. London: Routledge
Kraemer, Ross S. 1992: Her Share of the Blessings. Women's Religions among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the
Greco-Roman World. New York: Oxford Univ. Press
Kraemer, Ross S. 1988: Ecstatics and Ascetics: Studies in the Functions of Religious Activities for Women in the
Greco-Roman World. Ann Arbor (Mich.): UMI
Kraemer, Ross S. (ed.) 1988: Maenads, Martyrs, Matrons, Monastics. A Sourcebook on Women's Religions in the
Greco-Roman World. Philadelphia: Fortress Press
Sawyer, Deborah F.1996: Women and Religion in the First Christian Centuries. London et al.: Routledge (Religion in
the first Christian Centuries; 1)
Judaisme – Judentum
Baskin, Judith Reesa 2002: Midrashic Women. Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature. Hannover: Brandeis
University Press
Blohm 2005 – voir Christianisme
Davidman, Lynn; Shelly Tenenbaum (eds.) 1994: Feminist Perspectives on Jewish Studies. New Haven et al.: Yale
University Press
Frankel, Ellen 1996: The Five Books of Miriam. A Woman’s Commentary on the Torah. New York
Herweg, R.M. 1994: Die jüdische Mutter. Das verborgene Matriarchat. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Kaplan, Marion A. 1997: Jüdisches Bürgertum: Frau, Familie und Identität im Kaiserreich. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz
(Studien zur jüdischen Geschichte ; 3)
Kaufman, Michael 1995: The Woman in Jewish Law and Tradition. Northvale (N.J.): Jason Aronson (2. Aufl.)
Lewinson, P.N. 1992: Eva und ihre Schwestern. Perspektiven einer jüdisch-feministischen Theologie. Gütersloh:
Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Levitt, Laura 1997: Jews and Feminism. The Ambivalent Search for Home. New York [etc.]: Routledge
Millen, Rochelle L. 2004: Women, Birth, and Death in Jewish Law and Practice. Hanover: Brandeis University Press
Navè Levinson, Pnina 1993: Was wurde aus Saras Töchtern? Frauen im Judentum (3. Aufl.) Gütersloh: Gütersloher
Plaskow, Judith 1992: Und wieder stehen wir am Sinai. Eine jüdisch-feministische Theologie. Luzern: Exodus (orig.
engl. Standing Again at Sinai)
Rheinz, Hanna 1998: Die jüdische Frau. Auf der Suche nach einer modernen Identität. Gütersloh: Gütersloher
Roggenkamp, Viola 2002: Tu mir eine Liebe. meine Mamme: jüdische Frauen und Männer in Deutschland sprechen
von ihrer Mutter (mit einem Essay über nachgeborene Juden in Deutschland und ihr Erbe). Berlin: Jüdische Presse
Ruether, Rosemary Radford (ed.) 1974: Religion and Sexism. Images of Woman in the Jewish and Christian
Traditions. New York: Simon and Schuster
Ruether, Rosemary Radford 1994: Gaia und Gott. Eine ökofeministische Theologie der Heilung der Erde. Luzern:
Edition Exodus (orig. engl. Gaia and God. New York 1992)
Sheridan, Sybil (ed.) 1994: Hear our Voice. Women Rabbis tell their Stories. London: SCM Press
Thaw Ronson, Barbara L. 1999: The Woman of the Torah. Commentaries from the Talmud, Midrash, and Kabbalah.
Northvale (N.J.): Jason Aronson
Wallach-Faller, Marianne 2000: Die Frau im Tallit. Judentum feministisch gelesen (hrsg. von Doris Brodbeck). Zürich:
Christianisme – Christentum
Balasuriya, Tissa: Marie ou la liberation humaine. Bruxelles 1997 (= Mary and Human Liberation. Colombo 1990).
Bayes, Jane H.; Nayereh Tohidi (eds.) 2001: Globalization, Gender and Religion. The Politics of Women's Rights in
Catholic and Muslim Contexts. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Beinert, Wolfgang; Heinrich Petri (Hg.) 1996-97: Handbuch der Marienkunde. 2 Bände. Regensburg: Friedrich Puste
(2., völlig neu bearb. Aufl.)
Berger, Teresa 1999: Women's Ways of Worship. Gender Analysis and Liturgical History. Collegeville: The Liturgical
Berger, Teresa (ed.) 2001: Dissident Daughters. Feminist Liturgies in Global Context. Louisville/London: Westminster
Blohm, Uta 2005: Religious Traditions and Personal Stories. Women Working as Priests, Ministers and Rabbis.
Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang
Carmody, Denise Lardner 1992: Virtuous Woman. Reflections on Christian Feminist Ethics. Maryknol/New York: Orbis
Daly, Mary 1991: Beyond God the Father. Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation. London: The Women's Press
(reprint of 1973 first edition) = Jenseits von Gottvater Sohn & Co.. München 1980
Demarest, Donald; Coley Taylor (eds.) 1956: The Dark Virgin. The book of our lady of Guadalupe: a documentary
anthology. New York et al.: Coley Taylor
Duquesne, Jacques 2004: Marie. Paris: Plon
D’Arles, Césare 1988: Oeuvres pour les moniales. Introd., texte critique trad. et notes par Adalbert de Vogüé, Joël
Courreau. Oeuvres monastiques, Tome 1. Paris: Editions du Serf (Sources chrétiennes; 345)
Elizondo, Virgil 1983: Maria e i poveri. Un modello di ecumenismo evangelizzatore. In Concilium; 8; 122-133
Fuhrmann, Sigi, Goldbach, Erich und Irmgard Pahl (Hg.): Soziale Rollen von Frauen in Religionsgemeinschaften.
Münster: LIT Verlag
Groscurth, Doris 1988: Das Wunder von Eisenberg. Europäische Wallfahrten zu modernen Marienerscheinungs- und
Wunderorten. Zürich: Philosophische Fakultät
Jensen, Anne 2002: Frauen im frühen Christentum. Unter Mitarbeit von Livia Neureiter. Bern et al.: Peter Lang
(Traditio Chritiana, Texte und Kommentare zur Patristischen Theologie; 11)
Katoppo, Marianne 1981: Mitleiden - mithandeln: Theologie einer asiatischen Frau. Erlangen: Verlag der Ev.-Luth.
Mission (= Compassionate and Free. Geneva 1979)
King, Ursula (ed.) 1994: Feminist Theology from the Third World. A Reader. London: SPCK ; New York : Orbis Press
Lehman, Edward C. Jr. 1993: Gender and Work. The Case of the Clergy. Albany: State University Press
Maître, Jacques 1997: Mystique et féminité. Essai de psychanalyse sociohistorique. Paris: Les éditions du Cerf
Meyers, Debra 2003: Common Whores, Virtuous Women, and Loving Wives: Free Will Christian Women in Colonial
Maryland. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Moltmann-Wendel, Elisabeth 1995: Die Weiblichkeit des Heiligen Geists. Studien zur Feministischen Theologie.
Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Moody, Linda A. 1996: Women Encounter God. Theology Across the Boundaries of Difference. New York
Porcile Santiso, María Teresa 1991: La Mujer, Espacio de Salvación. Misión de la mujer en la Iglesia, una perspectiva
antropológica. Montevideo: Ediciones Trilce
Riecke, Christina 1997: Gott, meine schwarze grosse Schwester. Afrikanische Frauen lesen die Bibel. NeukirchenVluyn
Ruether, Rosemary R. 1987 : Frauenbilder – Gottesbilder. Feministsiche ERfarhungen in religionsgeschichtlichen
Texten. Gütersloh : Gütersloher Verlagshaus (orig. Engl. Womanguides)
Schumacher, Michèle M. (ed.) 2003: Femmes dans le Christ. Vers un nouveau féminisme. Toulouse
Wacker, Marie-Theres: Von Göttinnen, Göttern und dem einzigen Gott: Studien zum biblischen Monotheismus aus
feministisch-theologischer Sicht. Münster: LIT, 2004 (Theologische Frauenforschung in Europa; 14)
Wacker, Marie-Theres; Erich Zenger (Hg.) 1991: Der eine Gott und die Göttin: Gottesvorstellungen des biblischen
Israel im Horizont feministischer Theologie. Freiburg i.Br.: Herder (Quaestiones disputatae; 135)
Wolf, Eric Robert 2002: The Virgin of Guadalupe. A Mexican National Symbol. In A Reader in the Anthropology of
Religion. Malden: Blackwell Publishers; 168-174
Abou El Fadl, Khaled 2001: Speaking in God's Name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Women. Oxford: Oneworld
Ahmed, Leila 1992: Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate. New Haven/London: Yale
University Press
Callaway, Barbara; Lucy Creevey 1994: The Heritage of Islam. Women, Religion, and Politics in West Africa. Boulder
[etc.]: Lynne Rienner, 1994
Eissa, Dahlia 1999: Constructing the Notion of Male Superiority over Women in Islam. The influence of sex and gender
stereotyping in the interpretation of the Qur’an and the implications for a modernist exegesis of rights. Women living
under Muslim Law:[87]=i-87-2988 (Stand 24.02.05)
Ford, H.A. 1999: Hierarchical Inversions, Divine Subversion. The Miracles of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya. Journal of Feminist
Studies in Religion; 15,2; 5-24
Hassan, Riffat 1990: An Islamic Perspective. In Becher, Jeanne (ed.), Women, Religion and Sexuality: Studies on the
Impact of Religious Teachings on Women. Geneva: WCC Publ.; 93-128
Jawad, Haifaa 2003: Muslim Feminism. A Case Study of Amina Wadud’s Qur’an and Woman. Islamic Studies; 42;
Klein-Hessling, Ruth et al. (Hg.) 1999: Der neue Islam der Frauen. Weibliche Lebenspraxis in der globalisierten
Moderne: Fallstudien aus Afrika, Asien und Europa. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag
Klinkhammer, Gritt Maria 2000: Moderne Formen islamischer Lebensführung: Eine qualitativ-empirische Untersuchung
zur Religiosität sunnitisch geprägter Türkinnen der zweiten Generation in Deutschland. Marburg: Diagonal-Verlag
(Religionswissenschaftliche Reihe; 14)
Laudowicz, Edith (Hg.) 1992: Fatimas Töchter: Frauen im Islam. Köln: PapyRossa Verlag
Mernissi, Fatima 1992: Der politische Harem: Mohammed und die Frauen (orig. Le harem politique: le Prophète et les
femmes, traduit par Veronika Kabis-Alamba). Freiburg i. Br. ; Basel [etc.]: Herder
Mernissi, Fatima 1991: Women and Islam. A Historical and Theological Enquiry (transl. by Mary Jo Lakeland). Oxford:
Basil Blackwell
Minai, Naila 1984: Schwestern unterm Halbmond: Muslimische Frauen zwischen Tradition und Anpassung (aus dem
Amerikan. übers. von Ruth Achlama). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta
Mir-Hosseini, Ziba 1999: Islam and Gender. The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press
Moghissi, Haideh (ed.) 2005: Women and Islam. 3 vols (vol. 1: Images and realities; vol. 2: Social conditions, obstacles
and prospects; vol. 3: Women's movements in Muslim societies). London: Routledge, 2005
Mu ahharī, Murta ā 2002: Les droits de la femme en Islam (traduit de l'anglais et édité par ‘Abbas Ahmad alBostanī). Beyrouth: al-Bouraq
Nasir, Jamal Jamil 1990: The Status of Women under Islamic Law and under Modern Islamic Legislation. London et
al.: Graham and Trotman
Nökel, Sigrid: Die Töchter der Gastarbeiter und der Islam. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2002
Sabbagh, Abdulkarim 1986: Frauen im Islam. Zum Problem sozialer Modernisierung, am Beispiel besonders
Ägyptens. Würzburg: G. Sabbagh
Saktanber, Ayşe 2002: Living Islam: Women, Religion and the Politicization of Culture in Turkey. London: Tauris
Schamah, Muhammad1968: Die Stellung der Frau im sunnitischen Islam unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
Aegyptens [Diss. FU Berlin]
Schimmel, Annemarie 1995: Meine Seele ist eine Frau. Das Weibliche im Islam. München: Kösel (= L’Islam au
féminin. La femme dans la spiritualité musulmane. Paris 2000)
Schirrmacher, Christine; Ursula Spuler-Stegemann 2004: Frauen und die Scharia: Die Menschenrechte im Islam.
Kreuzlingen]: Diederichs
Shaikh, Sa’diyya 2002: Islam, Feminism and the Politics of Representation. Jahrbuch der Europäischen Gesellschaft
für theologische Forschung von Frauen; 10; 93-110
Sikri, Rehana1999: Women in Islamic Culture and Society. A Study of Family, Feminism and Franchise. Delhi:
Kanishka Publishers
Smith, Margaret 1974: Rabi’ya the Mystic and her Fellow-Saints in Islam. Amsterdam: Philo Press (first impression
Suad, Joseph (gen.ed.) 2003: Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers (vol. 1:
Methodologies, paradigms and sources)
Wadud, Amina 1999: Qur’an and Woman. Rereading of the Sacred Text from a Woman's Perspective (2nd ed.). New
York: Oxford University Press
Werner, Karin 1997: Between Westernization and the Veil. Contemporary Lifestyles of Women in Cairo. Bielefeld:
Hindouisme – Hinduismus
Allen, Michael; Mukherjee, S.N. (eds.) 1990: Women in India and Nepal. Delhi: Sterling Publishers
Altekar, A.S. 1991: The Position of Women in Hindu Civilisation. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass (reprint of 1959 second
Bennett, Lynn: Dangerous Wives and Sacred Sisters. Social and Symbolic Roles of High-Caste Women in Nepal. New
York: Columbia University Press, 1983
Bernheim, Roger 2002: Status und Emanzipation der Inderin. Frankfurt am Main: IKO–Verlag für Interkulturelle
Chakraborthy, Kakolee 2000: Women as Devadasis. Origin and Growth of the Devadasi Profession. New Delhi: Deep
& Deep Publications
Das, R.M. 1962: Women in Manu and his Seven Commentators. Varanasi: K.M. Agrawal
Duvvury, Vasumathi K. 1991: Play, Symbolism, and Ritual. A Study of Tamil Brahmin Women's Rites of Passage. New
York et al.: Peter Lang
Erndl, Kathleen M. 1993: Victory to the Mother. The Hindu Goddess of Northwest India in Myth, Ritual, and Symbol.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Fruzzetti, Lina 1992: The Gift of a Virgin. Delhi: Oxford University Press (2nd Indian impression with a new introd. on
"Some contemporary issues in context").
Gatwood, Lynn 1985: Devi and the Spouse Goddess. Women, Sexuality, and Marriage in India. Riverdale, Maryland:
Riverdale Co. Inc.
Ghadially, Rehana 1988: Women and Indian Society. A Reader. Delhi: Sage Publications
Gonsalves, Lina 1993: Women and the Law. New Delhi: Lancer Paperbacks
Gupta, A.R 1982: Women in Hindu Society. A Study of Tradition and Transition. New Delhi: Jyotsna Prakashan
Harlan, Lindsey 1992: Religion and Rajput Women. The Ethic of Protection in Contemporary Narratives. Berkeley:
University of California Press
Harlan, Lindsey; Courtright, Paul B. (eds.) 1995: From the Margins of Hindu Marriage. Essays on Gender, Religion,
and Culture. New York: Oxford Univ. Press
Hawley, John Stratton (ed.) 1994: Sati, the Blessing and the Curse. The Burning of Wives in India. New York: Oxford
Univ. Press
Hawley, John Stratton and Donna Marie Wulff (eds.) 1996: Devi. Goddesses of India. Berkeley et al: University of
California Press
Hazarika, B.N. 1985: Women in the Brāhmaņa Literature. In Dandekar, R.N.; Navathe, P.N. (eds.), Proceedings of the
Fifth World Sanskrit Conference. Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan; 726-735
Hutter, Manfred (Hg.) 1998: Die Rolle des Weiblichen in der indischen und buddhistischen Kulturgeschichte. Akten des
religionswissenschaftlichen Symposiums "Frau und Göttin" in Graz (15.-16. Juni 1997). Graz: Leykam
Heller, Birgit 1999: Heilige Mutter und Gottesbraut: Frauenemanzipation im modernen Hinduismus. Wien: Wiener
Milena Verlag (Reihe Frauenforschung; 39)
Jacobson, Doranne; Wadley, Susan (eds.) 1977: Women in India. Two Perspectives. Delhi: Manohar
Jain, Devaki 1975: Indian Women. Delhi: Government of India
Jamison, Stephanie W. 1996: Sacrificed Wife, Sacrificer’s Wife. Women, Ritual, and Hospitality in Ancient India. New
York: Oxford University Press
Jayal, S. 1966: The Status of Women in the Epics. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass
Kane, Pandurang Vaman 1974: History of Dharmaśāstra. Ancient and Mediaeval Religious and Civil Law. Vol. 2.
Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (voir ‘Women’, ‘Wife’, ‘Widow’)
Kaul, R.N. (ed.) 1999: Kashmir's Mystic. Poetess Lalla Ded, alias, Lalla Arifa. Delhi: S. Chand
Kersenboom-Story, Saskia 1987: Nityasumańgalī. Devadasi Tradition in South India. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass
Kinsley, David 1998: Tantric Divisions of the Divine Feminine. The Ten Mahāvidyās. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass (first
Indian ed.)
Klostermaier, Klaus K. 1990: Śakti. Hindu Images and Concelts of the Goddess. In Hurtado 1990; Goddesses in
Religions and Modern Debate. Manitoba: University of Manitoba; 143-164
Kramrisch, Stella 1975: The Indian Great Goddess. History of Religions 14.4; 235-265.
Leslie, Julia 1983: Essence and Experience. Women and Religion in Ancient Indian Texts. Holden 1983: 89-112
Leslie, Julia (ed.) 1991: Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women. London: Pinter
Marglin, F.A. 1985: Female Sexuality in the Hindu World. In Atkinson et al. 1992
Michaels, Axel 1993: Widow Burning in Nepal. In Toffin, Gérard (ed.), Nepal, Past and Present. Paris: CNRS Editions;
Michaels, Axel, Cornelia Vogelsanger und Annette Wilke (Hg.) 1996: Wild Goddesses in India and Nepal. Bern et al:
Peter Lang Verlag.
Mitter, D.N. 1984: The Position of Women in Hindu Law. Delhi: Inter-India Publications
Mitter, Sara S. 1991: Dharma's Daughters. Contemporary Indian Women and Hindu Culture. New Brunswick: Rutgers
University Press
Lalleśvarī 2000: Chants mystiques du tantrisme cachemirien: Lalla. Prés. et trad. de l'Anglais par Daniel Odier. Paris:
O’Flaherty, Wendy Doniger 1980: Women, Androgynes and other Mythical Beasts. Chicago: University of Chicago
Olson, Carl 1983: Sri Laksmi and Radha. The Obsequious Wife and the Lustful Lover. In: ders. (ed.), The Book of the
Goddess Past and Present. An Introduction to Her Religion. New York: Crossroad; 124-144.
Parashar, Archana 1992: Women and Family Law Reform in India. Uniform Civil Code and Gender Equality. New
Delhi: Sage Publications
Patton, Laura L. (ed.) 2002: Jewels of Authority: Women and Textual Tradition in Hindu India. New York: Oxford
University Press
Pintchman, Tracey 1994: The Rise of the Goddess in The Hindu Tradition. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Poggendorf-Kakar, Katharina, Lidia Guzy und Hartmut Zinser 2000: Tradition im Wandel: Weibliche Religiosität im
Hinduismus, Jainismus und Buddhismus. Tübingen: Medien-Verlag Köhler (Empirische und gesellschaftliche Studien;
Ramanujan, A.K.1982: On Women Saints. In Hawley, J.S.; Wulff, D.M. (eds.), The Divine Consort. Rādhā and the
Goddesses of India; 316-324
Ramaswamy, Vijaya 1997: Walking Naked. Women, Society, Spirituality in South India. Shimla: Indian Institute of
Advanced Study
Robinson, Catherine A 1999: Tradition and Liberation. The Hindu Tradition in the Indian Women's Movement.
Richmond: Curzon
Sharma, Arvind et al 1988: Sati. Historical and Phenomenological Essays. Foreword by M. N. Srinivas. Delhi: Motilal
Sharma, Arvind (ed.) 2002: Women in Indian Religions. New Delhi: Oxford University Press
Shastri, Madhu: Status of Hindu Women. Jaipur: RBSA Publications 1990
Srinivasan, Amrit 1983: The Hindu Temple-Dancer: Prostitute or Nun. Cambridge Anthropology, Art and Society; 8,1;
Srinivasan, Amrit 1984: Temple ‘Prostitution’ and Community Reform. An Examination of the Ethnographic, Historical
and Textual Context of the Devadasi of Tamil Nadu, South India. Ph.D. Thesis, Cambridge University
Temple, Sir Richard Carnac 1924: The Words of Lalla, the Prophetess. Being the Sayings of Lal Ded or Lal Diddi fo
Kashmir. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thomas, P. 1964: Indian Women through the Ages. Bombay: Asia Publishing House
Toshkhani, S.S. (ed.) 2002: Lal Ded, the Great Kashmiri Saint-Poetess. Proceedings of the national seminar,
conducted by Kashmir Education, Culture and Science Society, November 12, 2000. Delhi: A. P. H. Publ. Corporation
(Culture and heritage of Kashmir; 2)
Upadhyaya, Bhagwat Saran 1974: Women in Rgveda. Delhi: S. Chand (third edition)
Wadley, Susan 1977: Women in the Hindu Tradition. In Jacobson 1977: 113-139
Wadley, Susan 1980: Hindu Women’s Family and Household Rites in a North Indian Village. In Falk/Gross 1993
(1980): 94-109
Weinberger-Thomas, Catherine 1996: Cendres d'immortalité. La crémation des veuves en Inde. Paris: Ed. du Seuil (=
engl. Ashes of Immortality. Widow-Burning in India. Chicago 1999)
Winternitz, Moriz 1920: Die Frau in den indischen Religionen. Leipzig: Curt Rabitzsch
Young, Katherine K. 1987 :Hinduism. In Sharma, Arvind (ed.), Women in World Religions, Albany: SUNY Press; 59104
Bouddhisme – Buddhismus
Allione, Tsultrim 1986: Women of Wisdom. London ; New York: Arkana (reprint)
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