1/12 Eva Hartmann Office address: Department of Business and
1/12 Eva Hartmann Office address: Department of Business and
Eva Hartmann Office address: Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Porcelænshaven 1, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark E-mail: eh.dbp@cbs.dk RESEARCH THEMES ! ! ! ! International Political Economy (Trade in Services) European Studies (Social Policy, Labour Policy, Regulated Professions) Multinational Companies (Pharma Industry) Higher Education, Vocational Training, Skill Policy PUBLICATIONS Books • The Evolution of Intermediary Institutions in Europe. From Corporatism to Governance, edited volume, together with Poul F. Kjaer, Hampshire, New York: Palgrave (2014). • Towards a new Research Agenda in Critical Higher Education Studies, edited volume, London: Routledge (2011). • Auf dem Weg zu einem globalen Hochschulraum. Konsequenzen für die Konstitutionalisierung internationaler Politik (towards a global Higher Education Area. Consequences for the constitutionlisation of international politics), monograph, Baden-Baden:Nomos (2011). • Konturen kritischer Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie (Outline of a critical international political economy), editd volume together with Ulrich Brand and Caren Kunze, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot (2009). • Regime-Interaktionen - Die Rolle des GATS und der UNESCO beim Aubau eines globalen Arbeitsmarktregimes (Regime interaction : the role of GATS and the UNESCO in establishing a global labour market regime), monograph, Kassel: Kobra (2007). Special issues • Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory. Special issue on sociology of competition (with Poul F. Kjaer) (forthcoming). • Critical Higher Education Studies, editor of a special issue of Globalisation, Societies and Education (8(2) 2010). Articles (peer-reviewed) • The Europeanisation of the professions: Towards a Williamsonian professional complex?, Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory (forthcoming) • The educational dimension of global hegemony, forthcoming in Millennium, 44(1). 1/12 • The fetish of global competition, Capital & Class. Special issue on comparative studies of capitalism, 38 (1), 2014, pp. 184-196. • Neo-pluralist political science, economic sociology and the conceptual foundations of the comparative capitalisms literatures, co-authored with Ian Bruff, Capital & Class. Special issue of Competition and Change on comparative studies of capitalism, 38 (1) pp.73-85 • International authority in the knowledge-based economy: The rise of standards in educational services (coauthor Jean-Christophe Graz) the Journal International Political Sociology No 3, Vol 6, 2012. • International law and politics: a difficult relation. The legal turn from a critical IPE perspective. New Political Economy, 16(5) 2011, pp. 561-584. • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation: Pawn or Global Player?, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 8(2) 2010: 307-318. • Bologna goes global: A new imperialism in the making?, in Globalisation, Societies and Education, vol. 6, no. 3, 2008, pp. 205-218. • The Bologna-Process and its effectiveness in the light of the interaction between legitimation, legitimacy and legality, (German Title: Der Bologna-Prozess und dessen Durchsetzungskraft- im Spannungsverhältnis Legitimation, Legitimität und Legalität) in juridikum zeitschrift für kritik | recht | gesellschaft, 2/2008, Schwerpunkt Universitätspolitiken, pp.85-90. • The (virtual) International Women’s University as a cyborg building site? (German title: Von Netzen und anderen versponnenen Wünschen. Die (virtuelle) Internationale Frauenuniversität als Cyborgbaustelle?), in Die Philosphin 2001, Vol 12, Issue 24, pp. 115-123. • Gender regime - work regime: New opportunities for women through the reorganisation of work? (German title: Geschlechterordnung – Arbeitsordnung: Reorganisation von Arbeit als Chance für Frauen?) (co-author: Ulrike Teubner), in Zeitschrift für Frauenforschung und Geschlechterforschung, 2001 Jhg. 19, Nr. 3, pp. 19-39. Articles (editor reviewed) • Europäische Hochschulen mit globaler Verantwortung? (European higher education institutions with global responsibility?), in Forum Wissenschaft 31(1) 2014, pp. 22-27. • Global regulation of the knowledge-based Economy: The rise of standards in educational services (co-author Jean-Christophe Graz), Political Institutions: International Institutions eJournal Vol. 4 No. 126, 2010. • Editorial: The new research agenda in critical higher education studies, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 8(2) 2010: 169–173. • Europa als neue Imperialmacht oder im Schatten der USA?, in Forum Wissenschaft 2/2008, Schwerpunkt:Mythos 'Wissensgesellschaft', pp. 16-19. • Soziale Arbeit unter postfordistischen Vorzeichen – Ein Beitrag zur Professionalisierungsdebatte, in Widersprüche Heft 105, September 2007,85-102. • The global market in education: global struggles for hegemony on quality standards and recognition of degrees (German title: Der globale Bildungsmarkt. Hegemoniekämpfe um Qualitätsstandards und Anerkennung von Abschlüssen.), in Prokla, Jhg. 34 2003 Nr.4, pp. 565- 585. 2/12 Book sections • Education outside the public limelight: The ‘parallel universe’ of ICT certifiers, in Antoni Verger, Christopher Lubienski, Gita Steiner-Khamsi (eds.) World Yearbook of Education 2016, The Global Education Industry. London: Routledge (forthcoming). • European Social Policy: Social Cohesion through Competition? in: Eva Hartmann, Poul F. Kjaer (ed), The Evolution of Intermediary Institutions in Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 121-137. • Neopluralistische Politikwissenschaft, Wirtschaftssoziologie und die konzeptuellen Grundlagen der Vergleichenden Kapitalismusforschung, co-authored with Ian Bruff, in Ian Bruff, Matthias Ebenau, Andreas Nölke (eds)(2013), Vergleichende Kapitalismusforschung: Stand, Perspektiven, Kritik, Münster: Westphälisches Dampfboot, pp. 37-50. • Tous pareils, tous différents ? Les chaînes d’équivalence dans l’internationalisation des services professionnels, in Jean-Christophe Graz et Nafi Niang (2013). Des Services sans frontière. Internationalisation et régulation de l’économie des services, Paris : Sciences-Po. • Konturen und Kontroversen kritischer Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie. Zur Einleitung, (co-authors Caren Kunze, Ulrich Brand, in Eva Hartmann, Ulrich Brand and Caren Kunze (2009). Konturen kritischer Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp.7-16. • Alles was Recht ist – Recht in der internationalen politischen Ökonomie, in Eva Hartmann, Ulrich Brand and Caren Kunze (2009). Konturen kritischer Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp.242-268. • L’Union Européenne et le principe de la subsidiarité dans le domaine de l'éducation, dans Ph. Laredo, J.Ph. Leresche et K. Weber (Eds.) 2009 , L'internationalisation des systèmes de recherche en action. Les cas français et suisse, Lausanne : PPUR.pp.51-64. • The EU as an emerging normative power in the global knowledge-based economy? Insights from the field of recognition of higher education qualifications, in Norman Fairclough, Bob Jessop and Ruth Wodak (eds)(2008) 'Education and the knowledge-based economy in Europe', Amsterdam: Sense Publications, pp. 63-86. • Does the WTO empower UNESCO? An emerging form of global governance in the global knowledge-based economy, in Kerstin Martens, Alessandra Rusconi, Kathrin Leuze (2007): New Arenas of Educational Governance, Hampshire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-119. • Liberalization of higher education and training: Implications for workers’ security (co-author Christoph Scherrer), in Ellen Rosskam (ed)(2006), Winners or losers: liberalizing public services, (Geneva: International Labour Organization), pp. 55-119. • The role of transnational knowledge networks in international developmental policy (German title: Die Rolle von transnationalen Wissensnetzwerken in der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik), in Olaf Gerlach, Stefan Kalmring, Daniel Kumitz, Andreas Nowak (eds) (2004), Peripherie und globalisierter Kapitalismus. Frankfurt/M.: Brandes & Apsel, pp. 263-294. • Antiglobalisation networks between system stabilisation and counterhegemony (German title: Globalisierungskritische Netzwerke zwischen Systemstabilisierung und Gegenhegemonie), in Norbert Fröhler, Stefanie Hürtgen, Christiane Schlüter, Mike Thiedke (eds) (2004), ”Wir können auch anders.“ Perspektiven von Demokratie und Partizipation, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 97-109. 3/12 • The transnationalization of tertiary education in a global civil society, in Gabriele Kreutzner, Heidi Schelhowe (eds) (2003), Agents of Change: Virtuality, Gender , and the Challenge to the Traditional University, Opladen, pp. 25-42. Reports/ Working papers • Enhancing intra-regional portability of skills and labour qualifications in UNU-CRIS (Hg.)(2008) 'Deepening the social dimensions of regional Integration: An overview of recent trends and future challenges in light of the recommendations of the report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization', ILO Discussion Paper 188. • The role of qualifications in the global migration regime, GARNET Working paper No. 38, 2008. • Information Technology Vendor Certification Systems, qualifications, 2007, background paper, International Labour Office, Geneva: International Labour Office. • Enhancing international portability of skills and qualifications, 2006, background paper, International Labour Office, Geneva: International Labour Organization. • Negotiations on trade in services - The trade unions’ position on GATS. Dialogue on Globalization, Occasional Papers No. 6 (May) 3003, Geneva : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (co-author Christoph Scherrer). • Liberalization of Higher Education and Training: Implications for Workers’ Security 2003, Geneva: International Labour Office (co-author Sebastian Haslinger, and Christoph Scherrer). PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Since 02/2014 Assistant professor at the Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School 8/2013 - 01/2014 Invited lecturer at the Institute of Sociology, University of Basel 02/2013 - 7/2013 Invited lecturer at the Graduate Institute in Geneva 06/2012 - 01/2013 Lecturer at the Institute of Political and International Studies at the University of Lausanne 12/2011 - 06/2012 Invited lecturer at the Centre Global Social Policies and Governance, University of Kassel 12/2006 - 11/2011 Première assistante (junior lecturer) at the Institute of Political and International Studies at the University of Lausanne 02/2011 - 05/2011 Visiting research fellow at London King’s College 9/2006 - 11/2006 GARNET visiting research fellow at the United Nations University in Bruges /Belgium 4/2004 - 9/2004 Coordinator of the master programme Global Labour Policies at the University of Kassel 8/2001 - 8/2006 Associate research fellow at the Zentrum für Nordamerika-Forschung (ZENAF), University of Frankfurt, partly funded by the Hans-BoecklerFoundation 4/12 02/2001 - 5/2001 Research fellow at the University of Applied Science Darmstadt 6/1999 - 5/2000 International Labour Office (ILO) in Geneva, project assistance in the field of Gender Mainstreaming 6/1998 - 5/1999 German Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), project assistant in the pilot programme Gender Mainstreaming 1/1997 - 09/1997 Research fellow at the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) VISITING SCHOLAR 9/2013 - 15/12/2013 Visiting research fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel 12/2011 - 12/2013 Associate research fellow at the Graduate School "Global Social Policies and Governance”, University of Kassel 05/1212 - 07/2012 Visiting research fellow at the Business School of the University of Hertfordshire 06/2000 - 10/2000 Visiting scholar, International Women’s University, University of Hannover 02/2011 - 05/2011 Visiting research fellow at London King’s College 09/2006 - 12/2006 GARNET visiting research fellow at the United Nations University in Bruges /Belgium 06/2000 - 10/2000 Visiting scholar, International Women’s University, University of Hannover EDUCATION 9/1991-7/1992 Vordiplom in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, University of Zurich, Switzerland 9/1992-12/1996 Diploma in Sociology in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M. 9/12/1996, grade: excellent Subjects: Social Sciences, Education, and Philosophy Thesis: The first women’s movement and the constitution of the bourgeois state in the British Empire Supervisors: Prof Andrea Maihofer, University of Basel Prof Ute Gerhardt, em. University Frankfurt/M. 7/2001-11/2006 PhD thesis PhD thesis: “Konturen postnationaler Staatlichkeit Interdependenz zwischen GATS und UNESCO beim Aufbau eines globalen Arbeitsmarktregimes” (Dr. rer.pol.) (viva voce 15 November 2006 with a Summa cum laude) Supervisors: 5/12 Prof. Christoph Scherrer, University of Kassel Prof. Bob Jessop, University of Lancaster LANGUAGES German: mother tongue English: excellent French: very good Spanish: intermediate (good listening and reading skills) Danish: beginner (in progress) ADVICE AND CONSULTANCY 11/2006 - 11/2006 International Labour Office (ILO), consultancy on international recognition of professional qualifications 10/2004 - 11/2004 International Labour Office (ILO), consultancy for the on liberalization of higher education and training: Implications for workers’ security 7/2003 - 8/2003 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. consultancy for the on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and trade unions’ position TEACHING Summer Term 2015 Lecture on the Labour market and the Europeanisation of social policy in the course Regional integration and the EU B.Sc. International Business and Politics Lectures in the course The EU as a global actor, BSc og MSc in Business, Language and Culture on ! The EU as a global economic power: the nexus between internal integration and external power ! The EU as a Trade Power: between multilateralism, bilateralism and regionalism ! The legitimacy of the EU’s international role Winter Term 2013 Course on Globale (Bildungs)Gerechtigkeit, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Fribourg Course on Transnationalisierung als sozialer Prozess, Institute of Sociology, University of Basel 6/12 Summer Term 2013 Course on The socio-cultural foundations of the world economy: Insights from international economic sociology, Anthropology/Sociology programme, Graduate Institute Geneva Winter Term 2012 Course on Politique internationale, Bachelor, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Summer Term 2012 Course on the Political Economy of Globalisation, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kassel Winter Term 2011 Course on Politiques environnementales internationales, in cooperation with Dr. Yoan Ariffin, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Winter Term 2010 Course on Economie politique de la mondialisation, together with Prof. Jean-Christophe Graz, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Winter Term 2010 Course on Politiques environnementales internationales, together with Dr. Yoan Ariffin, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Summer Term 2009 Course on L’éthique a-t-elle sa place dans la regulation politique internationale?, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Winter Term 2009 Course on Relations Internationales, Institute of Political and International Studies, together with Prof. Jean-Christophe Graz, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Summer Term 2009 Course on Régulation politique internationale : L’éthique a-t-elle sa place dans la regulation politique Internationale?, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Summer Term 2009 Course on Die Internationalisierung und Europäisierung des Gesundheits- und Sozialbereichs, Fachbereich Sozialwesen, Hochschule RheinMain Winter Term 2008 Course on Relations Internationales: La crise alimentaire et les organizations internationals, in cooperation with Prof. Jean-Christophe Graz, Institute of Political and International Studies, University of Lausanne Winter Term 2007 Course on Globalisierung der Sozialpolitik, Institute of Sociology, University of Basel Summer Term 2007 Course on Internationalisierung, Europäisierung oder Amerikanisierung? Standardisierungsprozesse in der internationalen politischen Ökonomie, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kassel Winter Term 2001 Course on The impact of informatisation on labour conditions, together with Prof Ulrike Teubner, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt 1993-2000 Freelance trainer in further education for not-for profit organisations (Arbeit und Leben) and German employment offices in the area of labour conditions, mobbing, conflicts at work 7/12 CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOP ORGANISED 19 - 20 June 2014 The role of competition in European and international integration, 2nd ITEPE Conference, Copenhagen Business School. 1 - 2 March 2013 Workshop on “Towards an international state through privatisation? The internationalisation of healthcare, education and social services”, University of Hertfordshire, UK (together with Jane Hardy). 25 - 27 October 2012 Conference on “Penser l’émancipation”, University of Lausanne, (together with Jean Batou, Sébastien Guex et al.). 23 - 25 June 2011 Panel 17: Political Selectivities: Continuity in Crisis? Discourse, Materiality and Power in Public Service Provision, 6TH International Conference in Interpretative Policy Analysis, 2011, Cardiff University. 11 - 12 March 2010 Workshop on "Des services hors normes?, University of Lausanne (together with Nafi Niang, Jean-Christophe Graz). 25 - 26 September 2009 Workshop on “The perils and opportunities of the internationalisation of higher education: A critical perspective”, University of Lausanne. 16 July 2008 Workshop on “Konturen kritischer Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie” (outline of a critical international political economy), University of Wien (together with Uli Brand). 12 - 15 September 2007 Panel on « Governing the service economy: International standards from a political economy perspective » at the SGIR Pan-European Conference (together with Jean-Christophe Graz and Andreas Nölke). CONFERENCE/TALKS • Education outside the public limelight: The ‘parallel universe’ of ICT certifiers, Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Washington DC, 8-13 March 2015. • The fetish of global markets and the violence of abstraction, International Study Association in New Orleans, 17 -21 February 2015. • Outline of a sociology of global competition, invited speaker at the University of Copenhagen, 4 February 2015. • The multidimensionality of privatisation, invited speaker at the Teacher College, University of Columbia 25 February 2015. • The fetish of global markets and the violence of abstraction Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA) Lund University, October 8-10, 2014. • The changing form of governance : Through the magnifying glass of VET, conference on History of Vocational Education and Training (VET): Cases, Concepts and Challenges, September 8 – 9, 2014, University of Zürich, Zürich. 8/12 • The ordo-liberal orientation of the EU, 2nd ITEPE Conference, 19- 20 June 2014, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen. • The global governance of Technical and Vocational Skills Development, conference on Global Governance of Education & Training and the Politics of Data, 16 -17 June 2014, NORRAG (Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training), Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. • EU and the change of social policies, Workshop “Critical European Studies”: Crisis and New Formation of the EU, 16-17 May 2014, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam. • The competitive solidarity of European integration, Workshop on Institutional Transformation in European Political Economy: Corporatism, Neo-Corporatism and Governance Reconsidered, 30 - 31 January 2014, Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School. • The EU-Global nexus in the field of diplomacy : The case of educational diplomacy 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 18 –21 September 2013, Warsaw. • Auf dem Weg zur Transnationalisierung des Sozialstaats? Invited speaker at the Summer School « Transformation of European Welfare State models and the impact on social work » organised by the University of Applied Science Nordwestschweiz, 6 June 2013, University of Basel. • Macht in internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Invited speaker at the Department of Sociology, 27 May 2013, University of Basel. • The social bond of indifference and the problem of incommensurability: Towards an economic sociology of international trade in services. Invited speaker, Colloquium Anthropology/Sociology programme, 16 April 2013, Graduate Institute Geneva. • Does the marketization of health care underpin transnational solidarity? The trade off between negative and positive rights, Workshop on “Towards an international state through privatisation? The internationalisation of healthcare, education and social services”, 1-2 April 2013, University of Hertfordshire, UK. • A Historical Materialist Account of the Symbolic Order of Global Competition, 9th Annual Historical Materialism Conference, 8-11 November 2012, SOAS, London. • Le talon d'Achille de l’abstraction. Conséquences pour les luttes d’émancipation. Colloque international, 25-27 Octobre 2012, University of Lausanne. • A critical account of the symbolic order of global competition, Workshop on “The ‘Critical’ in Critical Political Economy”, International Political Economy Group (IPEG) of British International Studies Association (BISA), 20-21 September 2012, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. • Die Konstitutionalisierung internationalen Rechts : herrschaftskritische Überlegungen zur Transnationalisierung gesellschaftlicher Integration (the constitutionalisation of international law: A critical study of the transnationalisation of social integration), invited speaker, 14 June 2012, University of Giessen. • Bildung und soziale Mobilität im globalen Kontext (education and social mobility in a global context), Gesellschaftliche Transformationen und Transformationen des SelbstPerspektiven Kritischer Politischer Bildung und ihrer Didaktik, Fachtagung vom 12.-14. April 2012 im Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim. • The social foundation of international competition. What international economic sociology and critical international political economy could learn from each other, Workshop on ‘Comparison, Analysis, 9/12 Critique – Critical Perspectives on the Diversity of Contemporary Capitalism(s)’ University of Frankfurt, 10-11 February 2012. • The conceptual foundations of the comparative capitalisms literature: Neo-pluralist political sciences, economic sociology and Max Weber (co-author Ian Bruff), Workshop on ‘Comparison, Analysis, Critique – Critical Perspectives on the Diversity of Contemporary Capitalism(s)’ University of Frankfurt, 10-11 February 2012. • Die Entstehung transnationaler Öffentlichkeiten durch Privatisierungsprozesse, conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Association of Sociology, University of Innsbruck, 29 September - 1 October 2011. • Die Entstehung internationaler Politikräume durch Privatisierung, workshop on „Der Wandel Politischer Intervention“ der Sektion Politische Ökonomie der DVPW, Otto-FriedrichUniversity Bamberg, 15-16 September 2011. • The social foundation of competition in the global service economy: outline of an economic sociology of law, 10th Conference of European Sociological Association (ESA), University of Geneva, 7-10 September 2011. • The world after Bologna, invited speakter at the 10th Conference of European Sociological Association (ESA), University of Geneva, 7-10 September 2011. • A neo-colonial account of the internationalisation of higher education, international conference on Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Contestations, University of Frankfurt, 16 -18 June 2011. • Die Rolle der Privatisierung beim Aubau eines postnationalen Bildungsraums, Ringvorlesung zum Verhältnis von Politik und Ökonomie in der Politischen Bildung, University of Frankfurt, 14 June 2011. • Bildungsgerecht, Ringvorlesung »Gerecht”, University of Dresden, 8 June 2011. • The Legal Turn from a Critical International Political Economy Perspective: The Difficult Relation between International Law and Politics, international conference on “Towards a Radical International Law”, London School of Economics, 6- 7 May 2011. • They all look the same, don’t they? The social foundation of competition in the global professional service market, talk at London King’s College, 23 February 2011. • The state in a post-neoliberal era, international conference on “The Eurozone in Crisis: Challenges and Controversies in the European Political Economy(ies) and in Political Economy Research”, organized by the critical political economy network of the European Sociological Association, University of Frankfurt, 18-19 February 2011. • The constitutionalisation of international law, 7th Pan-European Conference in IR, University of Stockholm, 9 -11 September 2010. • What’s left of critical thinking?, 7th Pan-European Conference in IR, University of Stockholm, 9 -11 September 2010. • Between regionalisation and internationalisation: the ambivalent role of UNESCO, European Conference on Educational Research, Helsinki, 23 - 27 August 2010. • Wenn der Neoliberalismus sich verstaatlicht. Überlegungen zur Rolle des Marktes bei der Internationalisierung des Sozialstaats, Konferenz “"Regulationstheorie in der Krise?", University of Vienna, 8-9 July 2010. 10/12 • Bologna goes global. The international dimension. Consequences for critical politics? Keynote at the international conference on the Bologna processs, University of Vienna, 12 - 13 March 2010. • Le mode d'intégration économique et sociale efragmentation et cohérence: une analyse du secteur de l'éducation supérieure, Journée d’étude "Des services hors normes? University of Lausanne, 11 - 12 mars 2010. • The external quality assurance of higher education institutions: Towards a new strategy of the transationalisation of the state? Workshop „L'enseignement supérieur entre nouvelle gestion publique et dépression économique: Analyse comparée et essai de prospective“, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 11 - 12 December 2009. • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation: pawn or global player? International workshop “The perils and opportunities of the internationalisation of higher education: A critical perspective”, University of Lausanne, 25-26 September 2009. • Die globale Dimension des Bologna-Prozesses. Konsequenzen für eine kritische Intervention, GEWWissenschaftskonferenz, Endstation Bologna? Zehn Jahre Europäischer Hochschulraum Bad Wildbad im Schwarzwald, 9-12 September 2009. • Is there equal access to UNESCO? Why the research of inequalities should overcome its methodological nationalism, 2nd International Conference organised by the Study Network on Higher Education (RESUP) on Inequalities in Higher Education and Research, Lausanne, 18-20 June 2009. • Alles was Recht ist – Recht in der internationalen politischen Ökonomie, Frühjahrstagung DVPW und ÖGPW „Kapitalismustheorien“,Vienna 24 -25 April 2009. • Die Rolle der Privatisierung beim Aufbau postnationaler Staatlichkeit, Internationaler Workshop, Zeiten und Räume des Staates, Dr.Karl-Renner-Institut un und Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Wien, 17- 19 July 2008. • Recht und Internationale Politische Ökonomie, Workshop Workshop AG Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie, Politikwissenschaften, Universität Wien, 16 July 2008. • The legalisation of international relation: a critical comment, Third workshop of the Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: The Role of the EU (GARNET), JERP 522 European Union, Global Governance, Sovereignty and Law, Institute for European Studies, Vrje Universiteit, Brussels, 28 -29 November 2007. • Integraler globaler Konstitutionismus, Tagung der Assoziation Kritische Gesellschaftsforschung (AKG), “Kritische Internationale Politische Ökonomie:Theoretische und empirische Herausforderungen”, University of Kassel, 21-23 September 2007. • The interdependency between supranational and international arrangements setting standards for an emerging global knowledge based economy', 6th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Turin, 12-15 September 2007. • The globalisation of social policy, workshop on‘The Role of Gendered Knowledge/Knowledge Networks in IPE', organised by the 'Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: The Role of the EU' (GARNET), JERP 5.3.4 Gender in International Political Economy (GIPE), Center for Policy Studies at Central European University (CEU), Budapest, 19-21 July 2007. • The interdependency of the WTO and standard-setting organisations – Towards a postnational polity?, 2nd workshop of the Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and 11/12 Regulation: The Role of the EU (GARNET), JERP 522 European Union, Global Governance, Sovereignty and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, 27-29 June 2007. • Global governance: co-occurance of fragmentation and constitutionalisation? (co-author Ulrich Brand), Workshop ‘Future Routes for Regulation Theory’, University of Lausanne, 22 -23 February 2007. • Bologna between Lisbon, Brussels and Paris – International arrangements for the recognition of higher education qualifications (Bologna zwischen Lissabon, Brüssel und Paris - Internationale Regelungen für die Anerkennung von Hochschul-Qualifikationen), invited speaker, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, Conference “VON BERGEN NACH LONDON, Gewerkschaftliche Positionen zur nächsten Bologna Konferenz, Berlin 2-3 February 2007. • Outline of a postnational polity - The interdependency of the WTO and standard-setting organisations, Workshop of the Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: The Role of the EU (GARNET), JERP 522 European Union, Global Governance, Sovereignty and Law, University of Geneva, 26-27 January 2007. • The role of standard-setting organisations in the global trade in services. - Insights from the sphere of higher education, German Association of political science (DVPW), section politics and economy, University of Kassel, 28-29 April 2006. • The social return after the cultural turn? Or what can we learn from the “success story” of the Lisbon convention? Workshop ‘Discourses of the Knowledge Based Economy’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University, 25 October 2005. • Does the WTO empower UNESCO? An emerging form of global governance in the global knowledge-based economy: insights from a Neo-Gramscian perspective. Workshop “New Arenas of Education Politics”, University of Bremen 23 September 2005. • The internationalisation of standard-setting processes- the case of higher education qualifications (German title: Die Internationalisierung von Standardisierungsprozessen am Beispiel der Hochschulbildung. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Forschungsverbund Wege des Wissens. Transregional Studies, 11 February 2005. • How to think the internationalisation of education policy. Some theoretical reflections, European Conference on Educational Research, Crete, September 22-25 2004. • World Bank vs. UNESCO, or is it all about the OECD? Who governs the global agenda-setting process in higher education?, SGIR Fifth Pan-European International Relations Conference, The Hague, 911 September 2004. • Transnational networks and postcolonial knowledge, International Symposium on Knowledge Networks and Global Governance at the University of Kassel, June 27-29, 2002. • Criticism of globalisation between system stabilisation and the struggle for (counter-) hegemony. (German title: Globalisierungskritik zwischen Systemstabilisierung und Kampf um (Gegen-) Hegemonie.) Conference of the Hans Böckler Foundation, Oberursel, June 12-15 2002. 12/12