Rose - Marie Glen
Rose - Marie Glen
Rose - Marie Glen This 62 year old woman drags along everything and everybody with her positive energy. She calls herself a landscapist. So nobody should be surprised to find this lady in wind and weather in the quarries of Massachusetts with brush and easel next to an overthrown fishing boat. Her paintings are beautiful but not without a critical reference to the human hand that again and again destructively interferes… Education: Recent Studies- The Massachusetts College of Art Early Studies- Ecole de Beaux Arts, Arthur Lismer scholarship, Montreal, Canada 1980: M.B.A. Suffolk Universität, Boston, MA., 1966: B.A., Concordia University, Economics and Political Science, Montreal, Canada Work: 1974-98: Founder and principal of Rose-Marie Thorn Glen Communications (Public Relations and Advertising) with work experience in Canada, Great Britain and the United States. 1995: President of the Greater Boston Builders Association, of the National Association of Home Builders. Commissioner of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. 1998: member of cultural exchange group to China under the joint cooperation of Mass Art and the Beijing Institute of Art and Design. Exhibitions/ Awards: 2006: Turner Art Center und Museum, Valdosta, Georgia 2004: Downtown Athletic Club, Savannah, Georgia 2003: The Gallery II, Plano, Texas 2002: Jewish Educational Alliance - Savannah, GA 2002: Southern Artist League, Lowndes Valdosta Arts Commission, Valdosta, GA 2002: Gallery 10, Hilton Head, South Carolina 2002: Matre Gallery, Tula Center, Atlanta, Georgia 2002: Off the Wall Gallery 1 und Off the Wall Gallery 2, Savannah, Georgia 2002: Jewish Educational Alliance - Savannah, Georgia 2002: Women's Work Gallery - Savannah, Georgia 2001: Group Show, Off the Wall Gallery, Savannah, Georgia 2002: Georgia State Capitol, Regierungsbüro 2001: Off the Wall Gallery, Savannah, Georgia 2001-02: Georgia Council of the Arts. Ausstellung im State Capitol Galerie Programm mit Focus auf vorbildlichen professionellen Künstlern 1999: Acacia Gallery, Gloucester, Massachusetts 1999: Art in the Barn, Essex, Massachusetts 1999: Art Walk, Beacon Hill. Boston, Massachusetts, erster Preis 1999: Tybee Lighthouse Gallery, Tybee Island, Georgia 1999: Künstler- Residenz Brisons Veor, St. Just, Cornwall, England 1998: Boston Rathaus 1998: Annisquam Exchange Art Gallery, Gloucester, Massachusetts 1998: The Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Massachusetts 1998: Beacon Hill Art Walk zweiter Preis, Boston, Massachusetts 1997: Emerging Artists Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1997: Massachusetts College of Art, internationals Programm 1997: Beacon Hill Art Walk, Boston, Massachusetts 1959: Arthur Lismer/Montreal Symphony Stipendium, Beaux Arts School von Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Artworks: