Part 3 Analytical report
Part 3 Analytical report
/ Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey / Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2nd wave) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Part 3 Analytical report 3.3. Television 1 Bishkek - 2012 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) This report contains technical and methodological description of baseline survey covering media consumption and media perceptions in Kyrgyzstan. An extensive study was carried out by M-Vector Consulting Agency with USAID financial and advisory support. All materials are presented in consistent methodological order according to survey stages. M-Vector Research Agency 42A Ahunbaev St., 2nd Floor Bishkek, 720064 Kyrgyz Republic Phone: +996 312 510829; 511815 Cell: +996 543 91 88 12 Web: Bishkek 2012. All rights reserved. 2 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Contents: 3.3.1 The level of TV penetration ...................................................................................................... 4 3.3.2 The quality of broadcasting and problems in access to television. ................................. 6 3.3.3 The top of the most famous channels. Most watchable and favorite channels. ........... 9 3.3.4 The reach and share of TV-stations .....................................................................................15 3.3.5 Ratings of TV channels by half an hour time slots ............................................................36 3.3.6 Ratings of TV programs ..........................................................................................................41 Annex 1. Average daily reach and share of channels ......................................................................47 3 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 3.3.1 The level of TV penetration According to the results of the research conducted by “M-Vector” Agency in 2012 television remains the most popular and widespread source of information. The level of TV penetration in the country equals to 98.2%. In almost all regions this indicator exceeds 96-97%. It should be noted that in rural areas television is more common than in urban ones. In the capital the level of TV viewing is the lowest and totals 96.4%. It can be explained by more dynamic lifestyle of citizens, as well as by wide choice of entertaining mediums, such as online TV, mobile TV, Internet video recourses and etc. Because television has already been current for a long time in everybody’s life, there is no dynamics and any changes on this market in comparison with last year. There is no significant difference in level of TV viewing between gender and age groups, people of various nations, education, income level and occupation. Kyrgyzstan 98,2 Rural 98,9 Urban 96,9 Naryn region 96,5 100,0 Osh region Jalal-Abad region 97,1 Batken region 97,9 Issyk-Kul region 98,8 Talas region 99,7 Chui region 99,3 Osh city 97,7 Bishkek city 96,4 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Pic. The level of TV viewing in cut of region and type of settlement, % Let’s consider trends in development of pay television market. According to J’son & Partners Consulting’s estimation, in 2010 the number of pay television subscribers all over the world was about 700 million people, and by 2014 this figure will have risen to 846 million households. Thus the average growth will make up about 4.7% per year.1 According to results of the first wave of media research in 2011 the number of households which have access to pay television totaled 16.5% or 214 884 households. In 2012 this indicator equals to 17.2% or 224 000 households. It can be seen that there is no essential rise on national level (0.7%). This growth can be explained by sample error. However interesting evolution takes place in region cut. Hereby it can be seen from the table that the number of residents of Bishkek, who has cable TV, has risen by 11.0%. In Talas and Issyk-Kul regions on the contrary has significantly increased the number of satellite TV subscribers – by 19% and 15% accordingly. Thus every second resident of Talas region, and every fifth resident of Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions has an access to satellite TV. 1 4 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television It also should be noted that while on the world market the cable TV has 70% share and satellite TV – 25% (5% has IPTV)2, in Kyrgyzstan due to the features of mountainous relief the share of satellite TV is higher than cable TV: 12,7% opposite 8,9%, the difference is more tangible in regions. So, for example, the penetration of cable TV is three times higher in urban than in rural areas. But the spread of satellite TV almost doesn’t depend on type of area. Table The level of penetration of different TV types by regions, % Region Terrestrial Cable Satellite 2012 2012-2011 2012 2012-2011 2012 2012-2011 Bishkek city Osh city Chui region Talas oblast Issyk-Kul region Batken region Jalal-Abad region Osh region Naryn region Urban Rural 70.0 91.0 86.3 86.7 95.9 90.0 94.8 98.7 99.3 -15.3 3.4 5.4 -5.2 4.4 -4.0 -1.5 0.6 -0.2 27.4 4.2 11.3 1.6 3.0 0.6 7.3 2.7 0.0 11.0 -4.7 0.2 -3.8 -3.4 -3.5 6.9 2.4 0.0 6.1 11.3 15.6 48.0 20.9 12.6 10.2 6.3 19.6 3.8 -5.5 0.2 18.9 14.9 -4.5 -1.3 -1.5 5.6 80.2 94.7 -8.5 2.1 15.7 5.0 6.1 0.5 11.5 13.4 -0.8 3.5 Kyrgyzstan 89.4 -1.7 8.9 2.5 12.7 1.9 The penetration of pay TV is rising with the level of total family income. Thus among households with income lower than 10 thousands soms the average number of cable TV subscribers is 3-7%, the number of satellite TV subscribers varies from 5 to12%. Among more well-to-do households with income more than 10 thousands som the average level of cable TV penetration makes up from 10 to 14% (in some income groups it is higher than 50%), and satellite TV penetration varies from 10% to 23%. Table The level of penetration of different TV types in cut of total family income Income Terrestrial Cable Satellite Total Less than 2 000 2 001-5 000 5 001-7 500 7 501-10 000 10 001-12 500 12 501-15 000 15 001-20 000 20 001-30 000 30 001-40 000 Over 40 001 n 34 205 282 356 227 200 108 78 26 13 % 89.1 94.1 94.4 92.9 94.1 86.7 82.1 90.3 78.0 46.9 n 4 8 14 26 11 30 18 8 4 14 % 10.2 3.6 4.6 6.7 4.6 13.1 13.7 9.5 12.1 53.1 n 4 18 36 45 38 21 30 14 5 1 % 10.1 8.4 12.1 11.7 15.7 9.1 22.6 16.7 14.8 3.7 n 39 218 299 383 242 230 131 87 34 27 % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total 1756 89.4 174 8.9 249 12.7 1964 100.0 On the basis of obtained data the total usage of pay TV doesn’t significantly vary among different ethnic groups. However among the representatives of other nationalities this indicator somewhat higher, namely 38%, whereas among Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian people the number of pay TV subscribers totals 19%, 22% and 24% accordingly. 2 5 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Table The level of penetration of different TV types in cut of nationalities Terrestrial Income Cable Satellite n % n % Kyrgyz 1341 91.6 96 6.6 Uzbek 169 87.9 28 Russian 191 82.7 Other 56 1756 Total Total n % n 196 13.4 1463 100.0 14.7 16 8.2 192 100.0 35 15.1 22 9.7 231 100.0 71.7 14 18.7 15 19.6 77 100.0 89.4 174 8.9 249 12.7 1964 100.0 3.3.2 The quality of broadcasting and problems in access to television. Most of the respondents watch TV at home, only 1.2% watches TV at friends’ and relatives’ home or at work. Also during the research the respondents were asked if they have any difficulties and problems in access to television. The results of the survey are presented in the pic. ( On the left side there is a share of respondents who has problems in region cut. On the right it is a difference between the values of this indicator in 2012 and 2011. The red columns indicate the deterioration of the situation and growth of problems, the green ones – inversely, show the improvement and reduction of difficulties. 0 10 20 30 40 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek city Osh city Chui region 60 20 40 60 8,9 20,6 19,6 11,7 21,5 14,4 15,7 3,9 35,2 4,4 53,2 Issyk-Kul region 9,4 39,2 21,5 Batken region 63,3 Jalal-Abad region Naryn region 0 48,2 Talas region Osh region 70 37,8 Rural Urban 50 39,0 51,2 29,8 28,1 1,6 53,7 23,6 Pic. The existence of problems in TV viewing in cut of region and type of settlement, % Thus it should be noted, that in whole on the national level the respondents are more often complain about the presence of problems (by 8.9% more frequent in comparison with 2011). As it is shown in the picture, the level of problems in TV viewing has risen more in rural areas – by 20.6%, in urban areas on the contrary there is a decrease of this indicator. In region cut the presence of difficulties in TV viewing was more frequent noted by residents of Batken region (on 39% more than in 2011), of Jalal-Abad region (on 28% more than in 2011), of Naryn region (on 23.6% more than in 2011) and residents of Issyk-Kul region (on 21.5% more than in 2011). Let’s consider what exactly prevents the respondents from watching the channel of their choice or in convenient time. The main difficulties in TV viewing are the lack of time, bad signal, imposing the programs by relatives and lack of electricity. It should be noted that in comparison with other regions bad signal is the most burning issue for people living in Talas 6 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television and Osh regions. The lack of electricity is the most up-to-date issue in Talas and Naryn regions (it is noted by every fifth resident). The high being busy and lack of free time were more often reported by the respondents from Naryn, Talas and Issyk-Kul regions. The interesting fact is that the pressure from relatives in choosing the channel or program was more often noted by people from Talas and Osh regions. In cut of type of settlement there is a trend that rural people 2 times more often complain about the electricity failure and more often note the pressure from relatives. Bishkek city Osh city Chui region Talas region Issyk-Kul region Batken region Jalal-Abad region Osh region Naryn region Total Table the problems in TV viewing in cut of regions, % No time to watch 56.9 62.4 75.6 80.8 86.4 54.8 69.1 68.5 92.6 70.5 No signal at time 28.6 12.2 23.4 41.1 7.2 28.7 26.4 30.6 24.1 25.9 Relatives impose their taste and do not allow me to watch the programs that I want 14.6 8.4 8.5 42.2 4.9 6.7 6.3 30.6 1.9 12.9 No electricity 4.0 12.0 9.8 30.9 9.4 2.2 1.4 13.1 31.1 9.3 I am sometimes denied use of the TV at home 1.0 8.1 - 8.9 1.5 7.7 0.9 5.6 - 3.0 There is no TV set near me to watch - - 0.4 1.9 - - 1.1 - 0.7 0.5 Cannot afford a TV - - - 2.0 - - 0.5 - - 0.2 Expensive user charge 1.5 - - - - - - - 0.1 Commercial 1.0 - - - - - - - 0.1 - - - 0.9 - - - - - 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Problem Health problems Total According to obtained data in Kyrgyzstan 17.2% of families have access to pay TV, it means that 82.8% watch terrestrial (local) TV, broadcasting analog signal. In 2006 one hundred four countries, including the Kyrgyz Republic, have sighed the Regional agreement “Geneva-2006”, as part of which the Regional plan for digital broadcasting was adopted. In accordance with this plan Kyrgyzstan must finish the transition on digital signal system by June 17, 2015. In connection with the features of digital broadcasting the quality of signal should sufficiently improve in contrast with analog signal. However currently in all regions the channels broadcast analog signal, the quality of which might vary, and often this factor influences on choosing the channel, that by-turn reflects on total rating. During the survey respondent was asked to evaluate the quality of signal of those channels, which he watched during the last week. For evaluation the 5-point scale was used, where 5-perfect, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-bad, 1-very bad. The following picture shows the quality of broadcasting of top-20 channels with the largest weekly audience. Herewith the channels are sorted by descending of average point of broadcasting quality. 7 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 2012 2011 5,00 4,80 4,75 4,65 4,63 4,57 4,60 4,55 4,54 4,53 4,53 4,49 4,42 4,40 4,46 4,28 4,39 4,20 4,48 4,47 4,46 4,46 4,48 4,46 4,37 4,52 4,46 4,44 4,46 4,35 4,27 4,40 4,39 4,33 4,38 4,33 4,19 4,20 4,13 4,05 4,14 4,00 3,80 3,85 Pic. The average estimate of broadcasting quality of top-20 channels in Kyrgyzstan In general respondents evaluated reception quality rather positive – most people marked “good” and “perfect”. In comparison with 2011 there are some slight changes – at hundredth level. Thus among the channels which relatively improved the reception quality the following might be mentioned: Eshlar, UzTV, 7 th channel, NTS+NTV, OTRK, KTK, Piramida, UTS. The Osh TV, 5th channel, Mir, in respondents’ judgment, slightly degraded the quality of broadcasting. Let’s consider the situation with reception quality in regions. The data on quality of signal of top-20 channels is presented in the table below. The lowest values are highlighted in red – the regions where signal from the channel is relatively poor, less quality. So , for instance, the satisfactory signal is marked by viewers of UzTV and Osh TV in Jalal-Abad region, also the by viewers of ELTR in Talas region. Other estimates range from 4 to 5, with little difference among the regions. 8 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Bishkek city Osh city Chui region Talas region Issyk-Kul region Batken region Jalal-Abad region Osh region Naryn region Total Table The average estimate of broadcasting quality of top-20 channels in region cut, % 4.69 4.45 4.62 4.54 4.50 4.57 4.36 4.35 4.39 4.48 1 channel 4.45 4.68 4.55 4.83 4.64 4.45 4.62 4.42 4.44 4.53 ELTR 4.74 4.51 4.48 3.87 4.33 4.61 4.56 4.40 4.37 4.47 RTR-Russia Channel OTRK st 4.58 4.47 4.45 4.50 4.46 4.71 4.50 4.18 4.19 4.49 5 channel 4.31 4.70 4.12 4.50 4.51 4.88 4.58 3.96 4.51 4.40 NTS+NTV 4.60 4.58 4.46 4.39 4.26 5.00 4.72 4.64 4.24 4.53 7 channel NA 4.17 NA NA NA NA 4.64 4.22 NA 4.54 Piramida 4.18 4.31 4.53 NA NA NA 4.39 4.48 NA 4.35 STS 4.65 NA 4.51 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.55 Yoshlar NA 4.80 NA NA NA 4.60 4.74 4.54 NA 4.63 Eho Manasa 4.26 NA 4.43 NA NA NA 4.35 4.74 NA 4.37 Sary-Ozon-TNT 4.78 NA 4.48 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.65 NBT 4.51 NA 4.50 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.46 JTR NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.19 NA NA 4.19 KTK 4.62 NA 4.41 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.46 UzTV NA 4.82 NA NA NA NA 3.61 4.56 NA 4.57 Osh TV NA 4.17 NA NA NA NA 3.79 4.24 NA 4.14 Mir 4.67 NA 4.18 NA NA 5.00 4.68 4.00 NA 4.39 UTS NA NA NA NA NA 4.71 4.31 4.14 NA 4.33 Batken RTV NA NA NA NA NA 4.75 NA NA NA 4.75 th th 3.3.3 The top of the most famous channels. Channels that people watch most often and favorite channels. During the survey respondents were asked to name all channels which they are aware of. First the respondent called channels unaided (spontaneous awareness), and then using a card with all channels (terrestrial, cable and satellite). During the analysis we will consider spontaneous awareness and general awareness (total spontaneous and prompted awareness). Among the most popular channels it can be marked out the top five: OTRK, 1st channel, ELTR, 5th channel, RTR Russia. During the analysis in the national context it is more correct to compare the level of popularity of channels that broadcast across the country. So, for example, OTRK is the undisputed leader, 93.1% know it, and NTS+NTV channel, which less than a year ago, increased coverage (broadcasts throughout the country), is known to 46.9% of the respondents. 9 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 80,5 OTRK 64,1 1st channel 46,9 ELTR 32,0 5th channel 25,1 NTS+NTV Eho Manasa 14,1 Khabar 5,8 DTV Osh TV 25,1 24,6 17,3 RER-Vesti Yoshlar 30,6 10,7 7th channel KTK 31,4 7,4 5,6 58,3 31,6 14,9 Sary-Ozon-TNT 71,7 35,4 14,0 NBT Kultura 85,1 45,4 8,5 STS 93,1 46,9 18,9 Piramida 100 62,3 36,8 RTR-Russia Mir 90 24,4 22,7 22,3 8,1 10,3 7,4 8,8 21,4 19,4 18,1 17,8 Spontaneous awareness Prompted awareness Pic. The most popular channels in Kyrgyzstan, % Let’s consider the brand strength of different channels by region. Those areas in which the channel is the least popular are highlighted in red, the regions of the most popularity – in green color. Thus, the republican channel ELTR is more popular in the southern regions (in Osh region it is known to 93.9% of the respondents), and the inhabitants of the capital are the least aware of this channel (43.3% of the respondents). 5th channel has the weakest position in the Talas and Osh regions (the channel is known to about one-third of the respondents). NTS+NTV channel should conduct more marketing activities in the south of the country, namely in the Jalal-Abad and Osh region (the channel is known to 11-13%), and in Osh and Batken region (about the third of the respondents are aware of the channel). It should be noted that despite the fact that some of the channels broadcast in several regions, level of popularity is not high in the entire coverage area. So, for the southern channels (7th channel and Osh TV), it is typical that in the central area of broadcasting (Jalal-Abad region, and Osh city) popularity is 70% or higher, and at the periphery drops to 20-30%. 10 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television During the analysis it should be taken into account that the respondents could specify the channel, even if it doesn’t broadcast in the region, as it is a perceptional question. In connection with this, some channels have popularity rating in regions out of their coverage. Bishkek city Osh city Chui region Talas region Issyk-Kul region Batken region Jalal-Abad region Osh region Naryn region Total Table The general level of awareness in region cut, % 86.4 92.3 95.5 95.6 97.1 99.5 89.8 94.1 99.3 93.1 1 channel 93.7 88.5 95.6 87.9 92.7 84.5 60.3 85.6 93.0 85.1 ELTR 43.3 68.3 59.7 49.8 70.2 91.1 79.2 93.9 88.4 71.7 5 channel 85.1 77.2 82.1 31.3 87.2 53.1 46.9 32.2 81.3 62.3 RTR-Russia 83.4 34.4 89.8 83.5 82.9 47.8 41.4 15.0 84.4 58.3 NTS+NTV 76.6 31.2 82.9 80.0 65.1 37.0 13.1 11.3 68.5 46.9 Piramida 79.6 47.9 82.5 33.2 31.6 13.8 25.6 24.4 42.9 45.4 Mir 56.6 28.5 78.4 19.8 14.9 50.3 16.0 7.1 36.7 35.4 STS 69.3 14.5 68.7 24.0 42.0 9.8 8.6 1.9 23.7 31.6 NBT 80.4 5.6 77.0 10.5 18.7 10.5 3.3 3.0 27.3 31.4 Eho Manasa 56.3 5.9 73.9 12.6 5.7 2.4 27.6 6.5 32.3 30.6 Kultura 48.7 7.2 52.9 25.6 36.3 18.3 4.7 - 38.6 25.1 Sary-Ozon-TNT 57.8 6.6 67.6 16.2 23.7 4.5 2.5 0.2 4.8 24.6 7 channel 2.5 31.6 3.1 9.2 0.4 1.8 76.7 38.5 0.4 24.4 RTR-Vesti 41.0 8.5 51.6 23.5 42.2 6.8 3.0 3.9 17.7 22.7 Khabar 47.7 5.9 68.6 31.2 2.2 4.1 2.2 0.7 12.4 22.3 KTK 53.4 1.4 65.6 19.1 1.5 5.8 0.2 0.2 7.4 21.4 Yoshlar 0.4 28.0 2.4 0.4 - 39.6 33.9 43.1 - 19.4 DTV 17.4 6.2 18.4 31.0 71.5 9.8 10.3 6.3 20.9 18.1 Osh TV 2.8 73.0 4.3 2.4 1.0 19.1 26.1 34.0 1.9 17.8 Channel OTRK st th th Let’s consider which channels the respondents watch most often and perceive as favorite. As can be seen from the results of the survey, respondents prefer to watch most often their favorite channels, it is evidenced by the minimal difference between the rating of the most watched and favorite channels. For the analysis it was selected top 10 channels, which have been called the most favorite throughout the country. The three leaders are OTRK, 1st channel, one and ELTR. However, if we analyze this picture by region, we can see the difference in the list of favorite channels. Residents of Bishkek, Osh cities, Chui region mostly prefer the Russian 1st channel, as well as other local and cable channels. A high proportion of other channels in these regions is connected with a large pay-TV penetration, and a larger share of the Russian population. Among the capital citizens the second most popular channel – Sary-Ozon - TNT, followed by the OTRK and NTS+NTV. In the rest regions the strongest positions in the ranking of favorite channels has OTRK, this channel is especially popular in Naryn, Talas and Batken regions. 11 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) It should be noted that in Jalal-Abad region, 7th channel has a high rating. For quite a short period of time this channel has managed to gain a loyal audience, giving viewers a quality news and analytical content. Despite the fact that the broadcast area of 7th channel covers Osh oblast and Osh city, in these regions no more than 4% of respondents name it the favorite. ELTR channel, which broadcasts all over the country, is the undisputed leader in Osh region, where more than a third of the population prefer this channel, OTRK is on the second position. An interesting fact is that ELTR is watched mostly by residents of the southern regions; in the north its popularity is quite low - less than 2%. Osh city Chui region Talas region Issyk-Kul region Batken region Jalal-Abad region Osh region Naryn region Total Most viewed 8.7 15.2 14.4 48.5 38.3 42.9 29.7 23.8 55.5 25.5 Favorite 8.6 12.6 9.9 38.2 26.6 44.9 26.1 20.2 44.0 21.5 Most viewed 30.4 28.8 27.1 22.5 29.2 15.5 5.6 10.1 17.1 19.2 Favorite 26.4 36.0 27.7 31.1 27.3 14.4 7.5 12.2 18.0 19.9 Most viewed 0.7 12.0 0.7 0.6 0.3 17.4 12.5 36.9 6.7 12.0 Favorite 0.4 13.9 - 1.0 2.1 19.1 12.6 38.0 12.8 12.7 Most viewed - 1.2 - - - - 28.1 2.5 - 5.6 Favorite - 2.5 - 0.6 - - 28.7 3.8 - 6.0 Most viewed 7.0 3.6 6.7 8.3 2.0 - 1.7 1.5 2.4 3.6 Favorite 6.4 0.4 5.2 6.2 2.8 - 1.7 2.0 4.1 3.3 Most viewed 6.5 0.9 6.3 2.0 3.5 0.9 2.5 - 2.0 3.1 Favorite 4.0 0.5 5.5 1.5 2.5 0.7 2.5 - 2.4 2.5 Sary-OzonTNT Most viewed 10.0 - 7.0 - - - - - - 3.1 Favorite 12.7 - 6.0 - - - - - - 3.4 Eho Manasa Most viewed 4.8 - 10.9 - - - 1.0 0.6 - 2.9 Favorite 5.9 - 12.0 - - - 0.7 0.6 - 3.2 Most viewed 3.6 6.3 3.1 - 7.7 - 2.4 1.6 2.2 2.9 Favorite 2.5 5.1 2.2 0.6 10.5 - 2.4 1.2 2.6 2.7 Most viewed - 7.3 - - - 4.0 4.8 5.8 - 2.7 Favorite - 10.8 - - - 4.0 6.7 7.7 - 3.5 Most viewed 28.4 24.6 23.7 18.2 19.1 19.3 11.7 17.3 14.1 19.4 Favorite 33.2 18.2 31.5 20.8 28.2 17.0 11.1 14.4 16.1 21.2 Most viewed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Favorite 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Characteristics Bishkek city Table Most often watched and favorite channels in region cut Channel OTRK st 1 channel ELTR th 7 channel NTS+NTV RTR 5th channel Yoshlar Other Итого Channels broadcasting in Russian may have a large audience and a significant share in Bishkek city, Issyk-Kul, Chui regions, Osh city. Almost every resident in these regions watches TV in Russian. Channels broadcasting in Kyrgyz will be popular in Naryn, Osh, JalalAbad and Batken regions. 12 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television In Bishkek, less than a third of the population watches television in Kyrgyz, it partly explains a rather low rating of OTRK (a favorite channel for 8.9% of citizens). Also it should be noted that over a third of respondents in Osh city and Osh region called Uzbek as a current language of TV viewing. Yoshlar is a favorite channel for about 6-11% of the population of these regions. In the national context, there is the following picture. Among Kyrgyz 93.3% watch TV in Kyrgyz, 71.9% - in Russian, and 8.5% - in Uzbek. Russian population watches TV in their native language, and 6.1% - in Kyrgyz. It is interesting that among the Uzbeks all three languages are in demand in almost equal measure. Thus, 55.5% watch TV in Kyrgyz, 62.0% - in Russian, 68.9% - in Uzbek. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 29,8 Bishkek city 95,3 0,6 73,3 Osh city 88,9 43,4 66,7 Chui region 90,5 0,0 91,9 Talas region 78,2 0,0 90,9 92,8 Issyk-Kul region 0,0 99,4 Batken region 50,4 11,0 92,1 Jalal-Abad region 58,2 22,6 90,9 Osh region 59,2 31,1 98,7 Naryn region 75,6 0,6 77,1 75,2 Kyrgyzstan 13,3 Kyrgyz Russian Uzbek Pic. Current language for TV viewing in region cut, % If a question about language is only one. third of respondents dominates in Bishkek in Kyrgyz. current languages of TV viewing was multivariate, the preferred In the republic, most respondents named the official language, over a - Russian, 5.4% named - Uzbek. In region cut Russian language and Chui region, in all other regions people prefer to watch programs 13 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 0% 10% Bishkek city 20% 30% 40% 50% 13,1 70% 80% 90% 100% 85,3 Osh city 35,2 Chui region 60% 36,0 31,5 27,9 67,8 Talas region 73,7 Issyk-Kul region 22,6 60,1 36,3 Batken region 0,3 87,4 Jalal-Abad region 11,0 1,5 82,5 Osh region 13,8 79,2 Naryn region 4,2 16,6 83,4 Kyrgyzstan 16,6 57,8 Kyrgyz 3,5 35,9 Russian 5,4 Uzbek Pic. Preferred language for TV viewing in region cut, % Quite interesting trends are observed when comparing the preferences of population on a national level in 2011 and 2012. So it should be noted that Uzbek population in 2011 to a greater extend watched Uzbek channels in native language (72.5%), whereas in 2012 this index appreciably decreased (52.6%), i.e. the fifth part of Uzbek population now prefers Kyrgyz and Russian languages. 0% 20% Kyrgyz Uzbek 40% 60% 80% 74,7 17,5 Russian 0,5 100% 24,3 29,4 52,6 Russian language 20% Kyrgyz Uzbek language 40% 60% Kyrgyz language 80% 76,3 100% 22,0 Uzbek 12,7 14,6 Russian 0,7 99,3 Kyrgyz language 0% 72,5 99,0 Russian language Uzbek language Pic. Preferred language for TV viewing in national cut, 2011-2012, % The main findings of the current section: The level of TV penetration is 98.2%. The level of pay TV penetration is 17.2% or 224 000 households. The number of Bishkek residents, using cable TV, has increased by 11.0%. In Talas and Issyk-Kul regions, on the contrary, has significantly increased the usage of satellite TV – by 19% and 15% respectively. More than a third of respondents indicated that they encountered problems in viewing channels. The main difficulties that prevent respondents from watching TV stations of their choice are the lack of time, a bad signal, the imposition of programs by relatives and the lack of electricity. It should be noted that, in comparison with 14 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television other regions the problem of the temporary absence of the signal is especially relevant for residents of Talas and Osh oblasts. The problem of power failures is especially acute in the Talas and Naryn oblasts (it is noted by every third resident). Respondents generally evaluated the quality of TV signal quite positive - most grades were "good" or "excellent." Among the most popular TV stations the top-5 are: OTRK, 1st channel, ELTR, 5th channel, RTR Russia. The top three most viewed and favorite channels include OTRK, 1st channel and ELTR. Residents of Bishkek, Osh cities, Chui oblast mostly prefer the Russian 1st channel, as well as other terrestrial and cable channels. In the rest of regions the strongest positions in the ranking of favorite channels has OTRK, which is especially popular in Naryn, Talas and Batken oblasts. In Jalal-Abad region, a high rating has 7th channel. ELTR channel, which broadcast area covers all regions of the country, is the undisputed leader in Osh oblast. In the republic, most (57.8%) prefer to watch TV in the official language, over a third of respondents (35.9%) - in Russian, 5.4% - in Uzbek. In region cut Russian language dominates in Bishkek city and Chui oblast, the residents of all other regions prefer to watch programs in the Kyrgyz language. The share of Uzbeks who prefer to watch TV only in Uzbek language, decreased by 20% compared to the previous year (from 72.5% to 52.6%). 3.3.4 The reach and share of TV-stations There are a number of indicators used in the international practice for the media market analysis. These indices are presented in the table ( Table Media indicators for TV Weekly reach The cumulative total of different individuals who have viewed at least 30 minutes of a TV channel across a period of seven days. Average daily reach The average number of viewers watching a channel on an individual day basis. Average viewing time (AVT) The average number of minutes consumed by each individual spent watching a specific channel. Rating The average number of individuals who have seen a specific program, time interval, day part or channel as a whole as a percentage of the total population. Share The time which audience spends watching a particular channel of the total time spend watching all the TV channels. The calculation includes the size of the audience and the average viewing time. As a rule, this information is used for several purposes: for planning the grid, for marketing activities on promotion the channel among different target groups, for commercial airtime pricing. Knowing the size of the audience for each channel and the cost of air time, you can calculate the cost of thousands of contacts, the cost of one rating point for all channels and having such price list, as well as a portrait of an audience of the channel, it is easier to 15 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) allocate advertising budget. The value of this research consists in obtaining an objective and independent information on the market situation. The main indicators of TV market are average daily reach and share of channels. This section includes above indices for all regions of the country. Compared to 2011 the total value of TV viewing in 2012 has dropped by 5.1%. This may be caused by seasonal factor, as the first wave was conducted in first quarter (winter) and the second wave – in third quarter (summer). Usually in summer time due to the warm weather and longer day the population spends less time watching TV-stations and prime time shifts towards late hours. As before two leaders on the national level are: OTRK and 1 st channel, the decline of their reach is conditioned by general seasonal drop of the market. Because of the expansion of broadcasting area to all regions the reach of NTS+NTV has risen substantially (4.6 times) compared to last year. The positions of 7 th channel and Piramida have improved as well. Also less than a year ago a new local terrestrial channel Sary-Ozon has appeared, it rebroadcasts Russian TNT TV-station. In spite of the fact that this channel broadcasts only in Bishkek and Chui oblast, due to its targeting on urban population, the channel managed to come into top-10 by reach. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 5.1% Pic. Average daily reach of TV-stations, Kyrgyzstan 2011-2012, people TV market of Kyrgyzstan is typical TV market. Usually there are two leaders on such markets: state channel, receiving large republican financing for producing quality content, and private TV station which has enough budgets for filling the air with interesting and highrating programs. The rest of the channels compete on a separate market. The described picture completely reflects the situation on the market of Kyrgyzstan. About 40% of the market belongs to such “heavyweights” as OTRK and 1st channel. The share of other (non top-10) channels (other terrestrial, cable and satellite channels) is quite high and makes fifth of all market. During the time the share of other channels can rise due to increasing penetration of pay-TV, on-line TV. 16 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Among the channels which made a good progress during the last year it can be mentioned 7th channel, NTS+NTV, Sary-Ozon-TNT. Analyzing positions of the last channel, it should be mentioned that it was on 11th place by reach, while it is 7th by share. It is connected with the high loyalty of viewers. The AVT of Sary-Ozon-TNT is maximum among all channels and totals 145 minutes per day. By AVT on the second place is Eho Manasa (131 minutes) and 7th channel (115 minutes). Thus, not only the reach but the average time viewing, defining the loyalty of audience, influence on the market share. Placing the commercial, you should remember the rule of "three interventions": the client will remember the message if he sees it at least three times in a short period of time. The first time he notices the appearance of a new product, in the second - thinks about the content of video, goes into the heart of advertising, and in the third - decides whether he needs the product or not. So for making your commercial successful, you need to place it on the TV channel, which has the most loyal audience, then the chance that all three messages will be conveyed to the viewer increases. If the advertiser chooses the news channel, which usually has the minimum average viewing time, the commercials should be placed before or after the news blocks and frequency of placement should be quite high. Pic. Shares of TV channels, Kyrgyzstan 2011-2012, people Data for 2012 are presented in summary table ( 17 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Kyrgyzstan, 2012 г. Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 1 354 587 46.1 97.8 20.3 1 channel 1 188 347 40.4 108.3 19.7 ELTR 746 849 25.4 97.9 11.2 7 channel 277 665 9.4 115.0 4.9 NTS+NTV 291 069 9.9 107.4 4.8 RTR 278 762 9.5 99.5 4.2 Sary-Ozon-TNT 145 598 5.0 145.1 3.2 Eho Manasa 156 220 5.3 131.4 3.1 Yoshlar 206 239 7.0 88.0 2.8 5th channel 227 721 7.7 72.3 2.5 Piramida 165 528 5.6 89.9 2.3 Other 1 101 269 37.5 106.0 20.9 Total 2 940 122 76 106 100 st th Data obtained from the survey allow calculating the daily reach and share of each channel not only average for a week, but for the individual days of the week as well. This information is important in the planning of grid, in the development of new programs. The figure shows the shares of the five major channels by individual week days. Throughout the week leading positions has OTRK channel, only on Friday its share drops significantly. At the same time the share of NTS + NTV on Friday significantly higher than the average for the previous days. This situation could arise due to competition of these TV channels during broadcasting of Euro 2012 football matches. The various factors may have affected the outflow of the audience: the quality of the signal, the start of translation, commentator’s work and other. ORT1st channel KTP ОТRК 20,9 21,6 ELTR 21,5 19,3 19,3 19,3 20,6 NTS+NTV 20,5 19,9 17,9 12,3 9,4 5,3 10,5 10,6 RTR 20,8 19,1 19,6 19,2 12,6 12,6 10,9 6,7 5,5 4,3 4,5 4,1 5,5 3,9 4,5 4,2 4,3 4,9 3,6 1,9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Pic. Shares of the largest channels by week days, Kyrgyzstan, % 18 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Let’s consider the positions of TV channels on the market of Bishkek. As opposed to the national picture, in Bishkek, the largest audience has one channel – 1st channel. OTRK is inferior to 1st channel almost 2 times and takes the third place. This is easily explained by the fact that the majority of residents in the capital prefer to watch channels in Russian – about 85%. NTS+NTV channel has significantly increased its audience. Despite the expansion of the broadcasting area, the overwhelming share of the audience of NTS+NTV is concentrated in Bishkek and Chui region. Consequently, a significant increase of reach in Bishkek can be explained by changes in the program grid, broadcasting matches of Euro 2012, improving of picture transmission. Perhaps part of the audience flowed from RTR, 1st channel, as all three channels broadcast mainly in Russian and aimed at a similar audience. New channel Sary-Ozon - TNT in Bishkek has already earned about 70 thousand viewers. The diagram for the channel shows the comparison with satellite TNT (for 2011). Less than a year ago NBT stopped rebroadcasting Russian STS channel, which is retransmitted by the 39-channel instead of MTV. As a result there was an outflow of the audience from the NBT to STS. 5th channel has lost more than half of the audience. The possibility of nationalization, changes in the composition of the working team may have an indirect effect on the reach of the channel. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 6.8% Pic. Average daily reach of TV-stations, Bishkek 2011-2012, people By market share it can be noted positive trends in NTV + NTS, Sary-Ozon - TNT, STS, Pyramid, KTK channels. High market share have cable and satellite channels included in the "other" category. In general, it should be noted that competition in Bishkek market every year becomes more acute, one can see that the market shares gradually equalized. Unlike radio market where there is a clear focus on the target audience, where each station has its own segment, which life style it tries to reflect, the on television market channels do not have a definite direction, trying to cover all viewers. However, this policy is not always justified. A striking 19 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) example is Sary Ozon – TNT channel, which has its target market (young people) and builds program grid based on the life style, preferences and taste of young people. This specialization has allowed the new channel to enter the top three. The growing penetration of satellite channels from year to year may displace local channels and pull the audience. The more competitive the market is, the more there is a need to narrow the target audience of the channels. Pic. Shares of TV channels, Bishkek, 2011-2012, % Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Bishkek, 2012 Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 1 channel 254 899 47.5 139.2 27.0 NTS+NTV 114 365 21.3 111.5 9.7 Sary-Ozon-TNT 72 072 13.4 152.2 8.4 OTRK 112 096 20.9 89.6 7.7 Eho Manasa 64 117 12.0 124.7 6.1 RTR 71 499 13.3 109.1 5.9 STS 56 712 10.6 105.5 4.6 NBT 47 425 8.8 117.2 4.2 Piramida 54 333 10.1 92.0 3.8 KTK 30 067 5.6 107.7 2.5 5th channel 47 489 8.9 65.4 2.4 Other 144 065 26.9 132.9 17.8 Total 536 295 81 126 100 Channel st 20 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Along with the general decline in total TV consumption, the market in Osh city moves in the opposite direction. So compared with 2011, the total time spent watching television grew by 20.1%. This in turn partly explains the growth of the audience of almost all channels. The audience of Uzbek channels: UzTV and Yoshlar hasn’t significantly increased. However, Kyrgyz channels have more significant growth. 7th channel made the greatest progress; its audience has grown in Osh city 8.3 times. Also a new Kyrgyz channel Bashat has appeared on the market. It began broadcasting on the basis of the Uzbek channel Mezon TV, which stopped working this year. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 20.1% Pic. Average daily reach of TV-stations, Osh city, 2011-2012, people Pic. Shares of TV channels, Osh city, 2011-2012, % 21 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Osh city, 2012 Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 1 channel 92 062 58.6 90.4 25.3 OTRK 58 581 37.3 91.0 16.2 ELTR 41 504 26.4 101.7 12.8 Yoshlar 27 433 17.5 86.7 7.2 Osh TV 34 384 21.9 69.0 7.2 5 channel 27 599 17.6 81.3 6.8 Uz TV 19 087 12.2 86.1 5.0 7 channel 11 069 7.0 95.2 3.2 Piramida 9 383 6.0 107.9 3.1 Bashat 7 202 4.6 133.4 2.9 RTR 10 029 6.4 77.8 2.4 Keremet TV 9 823 6.3 74.8 2.2 Other 17 468 11.1 78.2 5.5 Total 157 020 82 86 100 Channel st th th In Chui oblast total TV consumption changed insignificantly – increased by 2.9%. If in 2011 by the size of the audience OTRK had a leading position, in 2012 the largest reach has 1st channel, its audience has grown by 25%, and the reach of OTRK has dropped by 24%. The top-10 channels include main channels broadcasting in Russian. Almost all channels have increased their audience compared to last year. This may be due to the fact that viewers have become less loyal, and often switch between channels. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 2.9% Pic. Average daily reach of TV-channels, Chui region, 2011-2012, people 22 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television New channels - STS and Sary-Ozon - TNT show significant success. Their audience was compared with an audience of cable channels (STS and TNT). Entering to local air allowed the channels to increase the number of viewers 2.5 times for TNT and 1.8 times for STS. Unlike Bishkek city, the viewers of Chui region turned to be faithful and loyal to NBT channel, which retained its audience. As in the capital, work of NTS+NTV was quite successful; the channel has managed to increase the number of its viewers 2.9 times. The reach of Mir channel has increased almost 3 times, the reach of Piramida channel - 2.3 times. By market share there is an interesting fact that the inhabitants of the region began to less watch other TV and cable channels, their share fell from 23.2% to 13.0%. Also it should be noted that there is a high loyalty of viewers to Sary-Ozon - TNT and Echo Manasa channels. This fact allowed these channels to take a more high position in the market share with a smaller audience (compared to other channels). If we analyze the average viewing time of OTRK channel, by this parameter it is inferior to many channels. It is quite possible that the reason for that is the general direction of the channel. Due to the fact that it is the largest state-owned channel, it is aimed at a wide audience in different regions, so the loyalty of viewers is quite low, each target group selects only those programs that it is interested in, so the total viewing time is reduced. In order to increase the loyalty of the audience it is important, first, to choose a narrower target group and develop the grid, so that each subsequent program will be aimed at that audience, which is available at the given moment and watching your TV channel. In this sense, 1st channel is an example of a rather elaborate programming schedule. If we analyze the morning shows (like "Kontrolnaya zakupka", "Jit Zdorovo", "Modnyi prigovor" etc.), most of them are focused on women, housewives, who at that time are at home, and can watch TV. This policy allows the channel to keep the audience throughout the day. Dramatically change the subject and focus of programs is advisable not more than 2-3 times a day, depending on the inflow and outflow of the target audience and changes in the audience profile during the day. Pic Share of TV channels, Chui region 2011-2012, % 23 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Chui region, 2012 Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 1 channel 186 534 41.8 102.7 19.0 Channel st OTRK 129 288 29.0 85.7 11.0 Eho Manasa 77 418 17.4 138.4 10.6 RTR-Russia 84 103 18.9 100.4 8.4 Sary-Ozon-TNT 53 097 11.9 141.6 7.4 NTS+NTV 67 374 15.1 105.5 7.0 Piramida 60 379 13.5 109.6 6.6 KTK 58 877 13.2 85.8 5.0 NBT 40 582 9.1 106.0 4.3 STS 41 114 9.2 99.3 4.0 Mir 42 353 9.5 89.5 3.8 Other 148 226 33.3 78.8 13.0 Total 445 772 73.4 103.6 100.0 The predominance of mostly local channels in the market is typical for Talas region. The share of other channels (not included in the top-10) is 4.5%. If last year was the absolute leader was OTRK, its share exceeded 50%, but this year there is a decline as in the size of the audience (by 16%) and in the share (by 18.9%). The sharp decline in the share is also connected with a decrease in loyalty to the channel: the average viewing time fell from 123 minutes to 86 minutes. NTS+NTV successfully entered the market, taking a market share of 8%. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 2.3% Pic. Average daily reach of TV channels in Talas region 2011-2012, people 24 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television In addition to traditional market leaders DTV, Zvezda, Khabar, RTR-Vesti are popular in Talas region. Pic. Share of TV channels in Talas region 2011-2012, % Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Talas region, 2012 Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 71 697 71.4 93.0 34.6 1st channel 49 409 49.2 106.3 27.3 RTR-Russia 24 977 24.9 82.1 10.7 NTS+NTV 15 794 15.7 95.8 7.9 DTV 8 652 8.6 78.2 3.5 ELTR 9 799 9.8 66.5 3.4 TNT 4 916 4.9 86.5 2.2 Zvezda 2 997 3.0 138.6 2.2 Khabar 5 813 5.8 70.9 2.1 RTR-Vesti 3 814 3.8 81.9 1.6 Other 9 558 9.5 71.5 4.5 Total 100 354 64.9 90.0 100.0 In the market of Issyk-Kul region, there was also a lot of changes. two leaders OTRK and 1st channel, saved the position of the largest channels, but still lost reach and share. The decline is particularly noticeable for of the Russian channel. Many channels have taken market share, increasing it from zero: DTV, NTS + NTV, TNT, Russia-sport, ARTV. The growing popularity of pay channels can be associated with an increase in the penetration of satellite TV in the region. Popularity of Russia-sport channel is largely associated with the transmission of Euro 2012. 25 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 5.3% Pic. Average daily reach of TV channels in Issyk-Kul region 2011-2012, people Pic. Share of TV channels in Issyk-Kul region, 2011-2012, % High loyalty show viewers of the following channels: Russia-sport (186 minutes), ARTV (135 minutes), NTV + NTS (131 minutes). The more detailed positions of channels are shown in Table ( 26 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Table Average daily reach and share of channels in Issyk-Kul region, 2012 Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 136 644 67.4 112.3 31.9 st 99 767 49.2 101.8 21.1 th 5 channel 33 771 16.7 96.8 6.8 DTV 27 593 13.6 111.8 6.4 NTS+NTV 19 585 9.7 130.6 5.3 RTR-Russia 22 020 10.9 105.9 4.9 Russia sport 9 933 4.9 186.2 3.8 EMTV 17 112 8.4 87.8 3.1 ARTV 9 614 4.7 134.7 2.7 TNT 17 394 8.6 107.9 3.9 ELTR 10 508 5.2 76.5 1.7 Issyk-Kul 10 375 5.1 87.9 1.9 Other 23 192 11.4 77.9 6.5 Total 202 702 64.3 90.0 100.0 1 channel The market of Batken region has grown by 10.1% compared to 2011. Three leaders are OTRK, ELTR and 1st channel. Russian 1st channel has moved from the second position to the third, yielding the second place to ELTR. Population quite actively watch local Batken RTV channel, whereas positions of UTS, Yoshlar on the contrary, have worsened. New channel NTV + NTS has relatively modest position. In general, it is worth noting that the audience’s preferences do not vary significantly, the respondents named just 16 different channels they watch. Therefore, the proportion of other channels is low - 2.1%. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 10.1% Pic. Average daily reach of TV channels, Batken region 2011-2012, People 27 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Pic. Share of TV channels in Batken region, 2011-2012, % Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Batken region, 2012 Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 190 558 69.9 91.5 30.3 1 channel 130 934 48.0 116.1 26.4 st ELTR 137 246 50.3 81.8 19.5 Batken RTV 58 818 21.6 76.0 7.8 UTS 18 941 6.9 84.9 3.5 TNT 14 606 5.4 103.2 2.8 Yoshlar 15 213 5.6 85.1 2.6 RTR-Russia 12 787 4.7 57.9 2.3 NTS+NTV 2 778 1.0 230.0 1.3 NTV 1 769 0.6 300.0 1.1 5 channel 4 937 1.8 35.8 0.3 Other 9687 3.6 144.0 2.1 Total 240 600 91.1 90.0 100.0 th It is noteworthy that amount of television viewing in the Jalal-Abad region, has significantly reduced - by 27%. The market of Jalal-Abad region is rather peculiar. If almost in all regions the two main competitors were OTRK and 1st channel, in the Jalal-Abad region, 1st channel is not very popular, taking only fourth position. 28 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Local channels such as 7th channel, JTR are very popular. The leadership of local channels can be called a success story; it means that population finds the programs of local channels more relevant to them, reflecting their needs. This is the only region where the local 7th channel occupies the first place by market share (25.3%). The indicators of Uzbek TV have significantly weakened. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 26.9% Pic. Average daily reach of TV channels in Jalal-Abad region 2011-2012, people Pic. Share of TV channels in Jalal-Abad region 2011-2012, % 29 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Jalal-Abad region, 2012 Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 7 channel 210 021 44.2 117 25.3 OTRK 240 600 50.6 102 25.2 ELTR 169 111 35.6 101 17.7 1 channel 74 950 15.8 105 8.1 JTR 63 240 13.3 81 5.3 Yoshlar 40 644 8.5 111 4.7 th 5 channel 46 895 9.9 57 2.8 RTR-Russia 32 389 6.8 75 2.5 NTS+NTV 19 347 4.1 101 2.0 Bashat 12 550 2.6 96 1.2 Eho Manasa 13 265 2.8 82 1.1 Other 52 051 Total 475 397 10.9 68.0 75.8 90.0 4.1 100.0 Channel th st As in Osh city, in Osh region the total TV consumption has increased (by 29%). Population began to more active and more often switch between channels, the evidence of this fact is the growth of the audience for most channels. ELTR channel is the leader both by reach and share. Uzbek channels are particularly popular in Osh region. The top-10 included UzTV, Yoshlar, Sport TV. In contrast to the Jalal-Abad region, local channels are at the end of the list of top channels. Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 29.0% Pic. Average daily reach of TV channels, Osh region 2011-2012, people 30 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Pic. Share of TV channels, Osh region 2011-2012, % Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels in Osh region, 2012 Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % ELTR 364 516 57.7 106.0 28.3 OTRK 329 443 52.1 88.1 21.3 1 channel 264 969 41.9 88.7 17.2 UZTV 110 711 17.5 96.7 7.8 Yoshlar 125 604 19.9 78.0 7.2 th 7 channel 57 388 9.1 95.9 4.0 Sport TV 44 228 7.0 98.9 3.2 Osh TV 44 190 7.0 63.4 2.1 NTS+NTV 27 718 4.4 97.5 2.0 Piramida 48 089 7.6 50.6 1.8 3 914 5.0 59.8 1.4 Other 62 628 Total 632 257 9.9 83.7 77.8 81.0 3.8 100.0 st th 5 channel In Naryn oblast OTRK has half of the market; the channel has significantly improved its position compared to the previous year (the audience grew by 38%, the market share - by 21.7%). Based on the data, we can assume that the number of viewers of OTRK has grown due to the outflow of audience of ELTR and 5th channel. Terrestrial NTS+NTV has equal positions with cable channels TNT, Russia-Sport. In general audience’s preferences were split between 18 channels, the share of other channels (not included in the top-10) totals to 5.5%. 31 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Total TV consumption in 2012 Per person: 5.9% Pic. Average daily reach of TV channels, Naryn region 2011-2012, people Pic. Share of TV channels, Naryn region 2011-2012, % 32 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Table Average daily reach and share of TV channelsТаблица in Naryn region, 2012 Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 88 874 74.3 131.1 49.0 1 channel 35 771 29.9 117.3 17.6 ELTR 13 795 11.5 124.1 7.2 RTR 12 695 10.6 103.4 5.5 TNT 6 220 5.2 143.2 3.7 NTS+NTV 6 148 5.1 131.7 3.4 Russia sport 5 444 4.5 138.9 3.2 5 channel 3 957 3.3 152.3 2.5 NTV 3 737 3.1 125.2 2.0 Music Box 2 208 1.8 139.7 1.3 st th Other 7 716 6.4 154.1 4.5 Total 119 667 68.0 141.1 100.0 When you place commercial it is important to consider the demographic profile of target audience of a channel: age, income, and social status of viewers. In this study as an example of the narrow audience we will consider the reach and share of channels popular among people aged 14-44 years. This age group has been taken due to the high economic activity. Similarly, you can get indicators for narrower target groups Table Average daily reach and share of TV channels, Kyrgyzstan 14-44 years, 2012 Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % OTRK Average viewing time, min Share, % 949 276 44.8 96.9 19.6 1 channel 831 068 39.2 109.2 19.3 ELTR 524 721 24.8 104.2 11.6 7 channel 206 366 9.7 112.8 5.0 NTS+NTV 208 062 9.8 104.8 4.6 Sary-Ozon-TNT 141 083 6.7 146.0 4.4 Eho Manasa 114 307 5.4 130.7 3.2 RTR-Russia 161 686 7.6 91.6 3.2 st th Yoshlar 166 509 7.9 86.6 3.1 Piramida 125 512 5.9 92.2 2.5 5th channel 153 644 7.2 67.8 2.2 Other 821 443 38.7 111.4 21.4 Total 2 120 072 75.6 110 100 As stated above, the main indicators for TV channels are average daily reach and market share. But it is also interesting to analyze weekly audience. The ratio of daily reach to weekly reach is one of the indicators that measure loyalty to the channel. The closer the ratio to 100% more constant the audience is in its preferences. This viewer is easier to catch in front of TV screen, and the advertising message is more likely to influence on such spectator. 33 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) The table shows that the most loyal audience has the channel Yoshlar - 80.1% of the weekly audience watches the channel daily. The lowest rate has 5th channel, 44.9% of the weekly audience watches it daily. High weekly reach and low daily audience is typical to news channels. Under these circumstances, it is important to place commercial with more frequency. Table The comparison of weekly and daily reach, Kyrgyzstan 2012 Channel Weekly audience, people Average daily reach, viewers Share of daily audience out of weekly one % Yoshlar 257 439 206 239 80.1% ELTR 1 065 098 746 849 70.1% OTRK 2 017 255 1 354 587 67.2% 1 channel 1 786 279 1 188 347 66.5% Sary-Ozon-TNT 225 023 145 598 64.7% NTS+NTV 486 962 291 069 59.8% 7 channel 478 291 277 665 58.1% Eho Manasa 271 007 156 220 57.6% Piramida 287 848 165 528 57.5% RTR 592 347 278 762 47.1% STS 258 529 121 064 46.8% 5th channel 507 029 227 721 44.9% Other 1 579 579 1 101 269 69.7% Total 3 787 903 2 940 122 77.6% st th The main findings of this section: The top five channels at the national level are OTRK, 1st channel, ELTR, NTS + NTV and RTR. In the past year the following channels score the greatest successes: 7th channel (share increased from 1.7% to 4.9%), NTS+NTV (share increased from 0.7% to 4.8%), Sary-Ozon - TNT (share increased from 1.6% to 3.2%) and ELTR (share increased from 9.7% to 11.2%). Growth in market share of NTS+NTV channel is mostly explained not by the extension of the broadcast area throughout the country, but by the growth of the audience in Bishkek city and Chui region. It should be noted that the channel is most popular in the northern regions. In Bishkek 1st channel is undisputed leader. In the secondary market, competition between channels becomes tougher; as compared to last year market shares gradually equalized. The top-5 channels by market share are: 1st channel (27%), NTS+NTV (9.7%), Sary-Ozon - TNT (8.4%), OTRK (7.7%), Echo Manasa (6.1%). Among the most notable changes it may be mentioned the drop of the share of NBT channel (from 11.5% to 4.2%), this occurred due to the stopping of rebroadcasting of STS TV station, which became terrestrial; as well as the decline in the share of 5th channel (from 7.9% to 2, 4%). Market of Osh city (total viewership) grew by 20.1%, i.e. residents began to watch more channels and more long time. The top-5 channels include 1st channel (25.3%), OTRK (16.2%), ELTR (12.8%), Yoshlar (7.2%), Osh TV (7.2%). There is a new channel Bashat in the market (its share 2.9%), it is broadcasted on the basis of the former Uzbek Mezon TV channel. The audience of Uzbek channels: UzTV and Yoshlar, has not significantly increased. However, more significant growth is shown by Kyrgyz channels. 7th channel has reached the greatest success, its audience has grown in Osh 8.3 times. 34 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television In Chui region the leading channels by market share are 1st channel (19.0%), OTRK (11.0%), Echo Manasa (10.6%), RTR (8.4%), Sary-Ozon - TNT (7.4%). Sary-Ozon - TNT, NTS+NTV, Pyramid, Mir channels demonstrated significant growth. As opposed to Bishkek city there is no any changes in reach and share of NBT channel. In Talas region OTRK is still the leader, but its market share sharply declined (from 53.5% to 34.6%). NTS+NTV successfully entered the market, taking a share of 8%. In addition to traditional market leaders DTV channel, Zvezda, Khabar, RTR-Vesti are also popular in Talas region. Among the residents of Issyk-Kul region, the most popular channels are following: OTRK (market share is 31.9%), 1st channel (market share is 21.1%), 5th channel (market share is 6.8%), DTV (market share is 6.4%), NTS+NTV (market share is 5.3%). Many channels have earned market share, increasing it from zero: DTV, NTS + NTV, TNT, Russia-sport, ARTV. The emergence of new channels in the top-10 resulted in an outflow of viewers from a 1st channel, 5th channel, OTRK, which market shares have declined. The residents of Batken region mainly watch OTRK (market share is 30.3%), 1st channel (market share is 26.4%), ELTR (market share is 19.5%), Batken RTV (market share is 7.8%), UTS (market share is 3.5%). Compared to last year the share of Uzbek TV has substantially dropped. It is noteworthy that total TV consumption in Jalal-Abad region has significantly reduced- by 27%. In contrast to other regions local channels, such as 7th channel and JTR, are very popular in the market. This is the only region where local 7th channel occupies the first place by share (25.3%). The top-5 also include OTRK (25.2%), ELTR (17.7%), 1st channel (8.1%), JTR (5.3%). The positions of Uzbek channels have significantly weakened. As in Osh city, in Osh region there is an increase in TV consumption (by 29%). Population began to switch more often between channels; the evidence of this fact is the growth of the audience for most channels. ELTR channel is the leader both by reach and share. The top five by market share also include OTRK (21.3%), 1st channel (17.2%), UzTV (7.8%), Yoshlar (7.2%). Uzbek channels are particularly popular in Osh region. The top-10 included UzTV, Yoshlar, Sport TV. In Naryn oblast OTRK has half of the market; the channel has significantly improved its position compared to the previous year (the audience grew by 38%, the market share - by 21.7%). Based on the data, we can assume that the number of viewers of OTRK has grown due to the outflow of audience of ELTR and 5th channel. The top-5 channels by market share are: OTRK (49.0%), 1st channel (17.6%), ELTR (7.2%), RTR (5.5%), TNT (3.7%). The consumption of 5th channel has significantly decreased (the share has dropped from 5.7% to 2.5%). 35 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 3.3.5 Ratings of TV channels by half an hour time slots Besides such indicators as reach and share another important indicator is rating of the channel. Rating can be calculated for time interval, day part, and some specific program. In this survey we will show the ratings of TV channels by half an hour time slots (in international practice fifteen minutes time slots are also used). Ratings – are the universal tool for program directors and advertisers. Analyzing the dynamic of ratings and the distribution of audience between channels during the day, you can make changes in programming grid. But you should always remember that it is impossible to keep 100% of viewers during whole day, because there takes place a conception of natural outflow of audience, connected with schedule of the day, tempo of life. Therefore it is necessary to work with that number of viewers who is available at the current moment of time. You may understand how harmonious the programming grid is composed, comparing the curve of ratings for separate TV channel with general curve for all channels. If the curves are similar by shape, prime times are the same, than the grid is optimal. In other case, you need to look for the reasons of decline and make changes in broadcasting programs. On the other side ratings are very important for advertising purposes. Knowing the cost of commercial air on several channels for the same time slot and ratings of these channels (people watching the channel during given time slot as a percentage of the total population), you can calculate the cost of one rating. For instance, let the cost of 20 second commercial on the X channel in the period 6 pm to 6.30 pm equals to 50 USD, and on Y channel – 80 USD. It is difficult for the client to compare the prices offered by both channels without information on ratings. Possessing the results of this survey the client can calculate the cost of 1 rating. Let the channel X in this time slot has the reach of 10%, and Y channel is watched by 20% of population. Than the cost of 1 rating for channel X is 50 USD/10%=5 USD, and for channel Y – 80 USD/20%=4 USD. The results of calculation are presented in the table below. Table The calculation of cost of the commercial using ratings Cost of the commercial Ratings Cost per rating X 50 10% 5 Y 80 20% 4 Channel Thus the commercial on Y channel, which at first sight seemed to be more expensive, in fact is cheaper. The client can make the choice in favor of channel Y or turn to the managers of channel X and ask to give a discount on the basis of calculations done. The usage of ratings facilitates the dialog between advertisers and TV managers; this is the universal language of communication, supported by figures, not emotions and assumptions. The experience of foreign countries proves that this system of calculating the cost of commercial reduced the level of corruption, taking place when some channels “buy” ratings from advertising agencies, pay them for promotion. Such surveys make the process of cooperation maximum transparent. Before we study half an hour time slots, let’s consider at what time in average during a week the respondents watch certain channels. Here the time slots will be enlarged, the day will be divided into six parts. The table ( illustrated the reach of channel in % for each day part. The day parts with a maximum reach are highlighted in blue, with a smallest audience – in yellow. The data is shown for top-10 channels by weekly reach. The morning shows are popular on OTRK, ELTR, 5th channel. At this time the following programs are broadcasted: “Kundarek”, “Zamana” (OTRK), “Kutman tan” (ELTR), “Utro na 36 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television 5” (5th channel). At the same time Piramida and STS channels during this day part have the minimum reach. The programs “24”, “Smotret vsem”, “Budte Zdorovy” on Piramida channel, “Brachnoe chtivo”, “Molodojeny” and othe shows on STS are not so popular. The maximum reach for 1st channel, RTR, NTS+NTV, 7th channel, Eho Manasa, Piramida falls on evening hours (after 8 p.m.). At this time channels broadcasted “Novosti”, “Vesti”, different serials and feature films. For many channels the largest drop in the size of audience is observed at lunch time. Table Weekly reach for TV stations by day parts, Kyrgyzstan 2012, % MidMorning Afternoon Evening Late Evening 41.8 9 am12pm 33.4 12-4 pm 21.4 4-8 pm 8-10 33.4 39.8 After 10 pm 28.9 1 channel 25.8 26.0 23.4 30.5 37.2 32.9 ELTR 29.7 15.6 25.4 15.9 21.0 10.3 RTR 5.3 9.4 8.4 10.6 10.6 12.1 5 channel 9.4 7.6 6.1 8.7 6.8 5.5 NTS+NTV 5.1 4.3 7.9 9.1 7.9 9.1 7 channel 4.3 4.0 3.0 7.7 9.5 6.3 Piramida 2.1 2.5 3.8 5.5 5.0 6.2 Eho Manasa 2.6 2.4 3.5 2.6 5.0 9.1 STS 1.8 4.1 5.6 3.6 5.5 4.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Morning Channel 6-9 am OTRK st th th Total Night The picture ( shows the changes in reach of TV channels compared to 2011. The positive values indicate the growth of share of audience during certain day part, negative indexes, on the contrary are evidence of decline. So it can be noted, that positive changes take place on ELTR channel (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the late evening), on 5th channel (in the morning) and on OTRK (in the night). The changes on OTRK are mainly related to broadcasting of EVRO-2012 championship. Along with a decrease in the audience of top-5 channels, there is a growth of ratings of the rest of the channels (NTS+NTV, 7th channel, Piramida, Eho Manasa). We suppose that the audience flows from more large channels to above mentioned TV stations. The changes on NTS+NTV are due to the expansion of broadcasting area, as well as the growth of the audience in Bishkek city and Chui region. 37 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 8 6,0 6 4 3,8 3,4 2,1 2 2,1 0,7 0,4 0,3 0,0 Mid-Morning -1,1 0 -2 -4 -6 Morning -1,3 0,3 -0,3 Afternoon -3,9 -3,8 -4,4 -4,3 -4,8 Evening -1,7 Late evening -1,4 -2,7 -3,3 -4,4 Night-0,8 -2,2 -2,3 -4,2 -4,2 -5,0 -5,6 -8 OTRK 1st channel ELTR RTR-Russia 5th channel Pic. Changes of reach (in %) by day parts, 2011-2012, % 8 6,4 6,3 6 4 7,0 5,2 4,9 4,3 2,4 2 1,8 2,1 0,1 0 Morning 0,7 0,7 -0,1 Mid-Morning 2,3 2,2 5,2 1,7 1,9 2,9 2,9 2,0 -0,1 Afternoon Evening Late evening -0,7 Night -2 -4 -3,6 -6 NTS+NTV 7th channel Piramida Eho Manasa Pic. Changes of reach (in %) by day parts, 2011-2012, % Let’s consider the ratings of top-5 TV stations. First of all we will study the curve of ratings for two years. Using this curve we can define the size of audience available at certain time slot. There are two prime times for television: morning (from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and evening (from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.). The results of this wave show that the evening prime time is shifted slightly towards late hours. It is connected with the features of summer TV viewing and broadcasting of big sport event, taking place during field works. OTRK channel pass ahead the 1st channel during the period from 9 a.m. to 9.30 a.m., at this time the morning program “Zamana” is on air, it shows news (world, country, rural), weather forecast, different educational rubrics, such as “Knigomania”, juridical advices, advices on making right purchases, on self-care and Other. ELTR channels leave behind its competitors only in the morning from 7 a.m. to 8.30 a.m., at this time it broadcasts morning show “Kutman tan”. 38 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television The biggest rating the channels have during evening prime-time. On the 1st channel at 9 p.m. there is “Vremya” news program, on OTRK – “Ala-Too maalymat” news block. On ELTR channel in the evening the most popular show is “Kyndoluk”. The growth of audience of OTRK and NTS+NTV channels after 10 p.m. related to broadcasting of EURO-2012. 2011 2012 50% 47,1% 45,4% 45% 40,4% 40% 42,1% 38,1% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 0% 0… 0… 0… 0… 0… 0… 0… 0… 0… 0… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 2… 2… 2… 2… 2… 2… 2… 2… 0… 0… П 5% Pic. The total ratings of TV channels, %, Kyrgyzstan 2011-2012 16% 14,2% 14% 11,9% 12% 10,8% 10% 8% 5,7% 6% 4% 0% 05:00-05:29 05:30-05:59 06:00-06:29 06:30-06:59 07:00-07:29 07:30-07:59 08:00-08:29 08:30-08:59 09:00-09:29 09:30-09:59 10:00-10:29 10:30-10:59 11:00-11:29 11:30-11:59 12:00-12:29 12:30-12:59 13:00-13:29 13:30-13:59 14:00-14:29 14:30-14:59 15:00-15:29 15:30-15:59 16:00-16:29 16:30-16:59 17:00-17:29 17:30-17:59 18:00-18:29 18:30-18:59 19:00-19:29 19:30-19:59 20:00-20:29 20:30-20:59 21:00-21:29 21:30-21:59 22:00-22:29 22:30-22:59 23:00-23:29 23:30-23:59 00:00-00:29 00:30-00:59 После 01:00 2% OTRK 1st channel NTS+NTV ELTR RTR-Russia Pic. Ratings of top-5 channels, Kyrgyzstan 2012 39 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) During the survey respondents were asked in how much sessions they usually watch TV stations. As it was found out, population watches most of the channels during 1 session, besides ELTR and 7th channel, which are watched by two thirds of respondents several times a day. As a rule average time viewing of TV channels is about 100-120 minutes, i.e. about 60% of viewers watch channel without a break. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% OTRK 50,6 49,4 1st channel 51,8 48,2 ELTR RTR-Russia 40,3 100% 59,7 56,0 5th channel 44,0 63,9 NTS+NTV 7th channel 90% 36,1 61,0 39,0 47,3 52,7 Piramida 64,8 35,2 Eho Manasa 65,4 34,6 STS 62,8 One session 37,2 Several sessions Pic. Number of sessions for top-10 channels, Kyrgyzstan The main findings of the section: Using the system of ratings the client can compare the cost of commercial on different channels. For this it is necessary to divide the cost of air time on the rating of the channel at this time slot. The obtained result will be the cost of 1% of viewers. You can understand how harmonious the programming grid on TV station is, comparing the shape of curve for TV station with the curve for all TV channels. If the curves are similar by shape, have the same prime times, than the grid is optimal. The morning shows are popular on OTRK, ELTR, 5 th channel. At this time the following programs are broadcasted: “Kundarek”, “Zamana” (OTRK), “Kutman tan” (ELTR), “Utro na 5” (5th channel). The maximum reach for 1st channel, RTR, NTS+NTV, 7th channel, Eho Manasa, Piramida falls on evening hours (after 8 p.m.). At this time channels broadcasted “Novosti”, “Vesti”, different serials and feature films. Compared to 2011 NTS+NTV, 7th channel, Piramida, Eho Manasa have increased their reach during a day. 40 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Two thirds of the respondents watch channels in several sessions. The exception is viewers of ELTR, 7th channel, OTRK and 1st channel; here the ratio is 50/50. Average time viewing of 1 channel a day is 100-120 minutes. Ratings of the channels can be calculated average for a week, as well as for separate week days. The comparison with 2011 is also possible. This information can be presented separately on request of each channel or any other stakeholder. 3.3.6 Ratings of TV programs Let’s consider what types of TV programs are the most interesting for viewers. In whole the tendencies of last year have continued, society is still politicized and prefer to watch news blocks. However current affairs are just only on 7 th place. If serials are very popular in foreign countries, in Kyrgyzstan population prefers to watch mainly feature films. The interesting fact is that residents of Bishkek city have better sense of humor than people in other regions, 12.3% indicated that their favorite type of program is comedy serials, whereas in the republic this figure is 3.9%. The respondents were also asked to name their favorite programs, top-20 is shown in pic ( On the top of the list is news: “Ala-Too” and “Novosti”. On 1st channel the following programs are also popular: “Pust govoryat”, “Davay pojenimsya”, “Pole chudes”, “Jdi menya”. The list of top programs also includes the shows on ELTR channel: “Kutman tan”, “Kundoluk”. The list of favorite telecasts also contains broadcasts on OTRK channel, i.e. “Zamana”, “Bagyt”, “Tamasha shou”, “Azattyk”, “Arnoo concerti”. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 41,1 News Feature films 11,1 Talk-Show 10,3 Music video 8,7 Sport programs 8,0 Drama serials 4,6 Current affairs 4,0 Comedy serials 3,9 Soap operas 2,8 Educational/Documentary programs 2,1 Humor programs 1,2 Other 2,2 70 80 71,4 55,7 36,9 31,8 24,8 18,4 20,9 19,5 9,2 12,4 22,4 18,5 Pic. Preferred types of programs, Kyrgyzstan % 41 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 News 35 32,1 Feature films 18,1 Comedy serials 12,3 Talk-Show 9,9 Sport programs 5,9 Drama serials 5,3 Educational/Documentary programs 5,1 Music video 3,7 Humor programs 2,7 Soap operas 2,3 Other 2,5 Pic. Favorite types of programs, Bishkek % 0 Ala-Too Novosti Pust govoryat Feature films Football Davay pojenimsya Sport Arnoo koncerti Vremya Pole chudes Bagyt Kutman tan Kundiluk Akyl Ordo Muzobo Comedy club Serials Jdi menya Azattyk Tamasha shou Zamana Difficult to answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8,0 6,7 6,7 5,4 5,2 2,6 2,4 2,2 2,2 2,1 1,9 1,6 1,4 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,0 5,2 Pic. List of the most favorite programs, Kyrgyzstan, % 42 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television If previous question was mainly perceptional, the rating of telecasts, presented below, is calculated on the basis of actual behavior of the viewer. Given rating is formed on the basis of the number of viewers, who watched a particular news or entertaining program. The percentage is taken from the total population. The share of the program shows the percent of viewers who is watching given program from the total number of viewers watching TV at this time slot. Let’s consider these indicators on the example of "Vremya" program, broadcasted on Wednesday at 21-00. The rating is 17.7%, i.e. 17.7% of the total population watched this program. Share is 43.6%; it means that 43.6% of all people, who were watching TV from 21-00 to 21-29, were watching "Vremya". The most popular news is on OTRK and 1st channel. Table Top-10 news programs in Kyrgyzstan Date Week day Broadcast time Program title Rating, % Share, % st 13 June WE 9 pm-9:29 pm Vremya 17,7 43,6 st 8 June FR 9 pm-9:39 pm Vremya 16,3 35,0 st 9 June SA 9 pm-21:19 Vremya 14,9 35,1 st 14 June TH 9 pm-9:29 pm Vremya 13,2 32,3 st 1 channel 11 June FR 9 pm-9:29 pm Vremya 13,2 31,9 OTRK 12 June TU 9 pm-9:39 pm 13,1 33,4 1 channel 12 June TU 9 pm-9:29 pm Ala-Too Maalymat programmasy Vremya 12,8 34,0 OTRK 14 June TH 9 pm-9:39 pm 11,5 30,3 1 channel 10 June SU 9 pm-9:19 pm Ala-Too Maalymat programmasy Vremya 10,9 30,5 OTRK 8 June FR 9 pm-9:49 pm Ala-Too Maalymat programmasy 10,7 25,5 Channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel st st Besides top-20 non-news programs was prepared. As it was found the programs with highest ratings are broadcasted on OTRK and 1st channel. Population is actively interested in current affair programs on OTRK channel: “Jumakairyk”, “Erkin mikrofon”, “Jany Bashat”, “Azattyk+”, “Akcent”, “Atayin reportaj”. Several football matches are also in the list of top programs. On the 1st channel the most popular are entertaining shows, such as: talk-show “Pust govoryat”, “Projector Perishilton” and different feature films. Rating of the program allows identifying what appeal to the viewer on your channel, which telecasts are in demand and attract interest. Rating also helps to define how many viewers watched the particular release of the program, after which program it is better to place your commercial, which demographic profile has the audience of your program and other issues. Besides presented ratings it could be obtained the ratings in region cut, for separate channels. Due to the large number of various channels and wide range of programs we will present only national picture. However any detailed information can be provided by separate request. 43 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Table Top-20 non-news programs in Kyrgyzstan Channel Date Week day Broadcast time Program title Rating, % OTRK 11 June MO 8:15-8:29 pm Akcent 12,88 1 Channel 11 June MO 9:30-10:29 pm Serial “Schastlivyi bilet” 12,66 OTRK 8 June FR 8:45-8:59 pm Juma sukbaty 12,50 OTRK 8 June FR 8:15-8:44 pm Erkin mikrofon 12,27 1 Channel 14 June TH 8:00-8:59 pm Pust’ govoryat 11,41 OTRK 9 June SA 9:00-9:49 pm Jumakayryk 11,39 1 Channel 9 June SA 9:30-10:34 pm V teni solnca nacii 11,31 1 Channel 13 June WE 8:00-8:59 pm Pust’ govoryat 11,19 OTRK 10 June SU 8:45-9:29 pm Akyl ordo Intelletualdyk synak 11,08 OTRK 14 June TH 8:25-8:59 pm Svobodnyi mikrofon 10,70 1 Channel 8 June FR 8:00-8:59 pm Pust’ govoryat 10,62 OTRK 12 June TU 8:15-8:54 pm Jany bashat 9,86 OTRK 13 June WE 9:45-9:54 pm Futbolnoe obozrenie 9,66 1 Channel 9 June SA 8:00-8:59 pm Pust’ govoryat 9,60 OTRK 11 June MO 10:00-11:59 pm 9,51 OTRK 13 June WE 10:00-11:59 pm Football. Euro-2012 FranceEngland Football. Euro-2012 1 Channel 10 June SU 9:20-9:59 pm Projector Perishiston 9,05 OTRK 10 June SU 9:35-9:49 pm Atayin reportaj 8,92 OTRK 13 June WE 8:15-8:29 pm Atayin reportaj 8,92 OTRK 13 June WE 8:30-8:59 Yngaisyz suroolor 8,44 Denmark- Portugal 9,33 In addition to traditional ratings the information about image and brand will be also interesting to the management of the channels. This section will present how respondents perceive the channel, which channel is considered the most popular, which one gives the best news coverage about Kyrgyzstan, has the best presenters, is most relevant to the people of Kyrgyzstan. Among the channels that give the best news coverage about Kyrgyzstan the following channels were named: OTRK, ELTR, 5th channel, 7th channel, NTS+NTV. The interesting fact is that OTRK was named as the best source of news by 47% of the respondents and only 22% of the respondents consider it as the channel that provides the most reliable / objective information. Such big gap can be caused by the fact that this is state channel. In many countries state channels are tend to be blamed in one-sided interpretation of issues, population can partially believe news, but at the same time watch news on opposition channels, thus, getting the full picture of issues. OTRK, ELTR, 5th channel, 7th channel were named as the channels that give the best news coverage of Government of Kyrgyz Republic activities. 44 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% OTRK 47% ELTR 12% 5th channel 10% 20% 30% 40% OTRK 22% ELTR 9% 7th channel 0% 12% 1st channel 7% 9% 7th channel 7% 7% NTS+NTV 4% 5th channel Piramida 4% NTS+NTV 3% NBT 2% Piramida 2% 1st channel 2% NBT 2% Other 3% Difficult to answer Other 11% 6% Difficult to answer Pic. Gives you the best news coverage about Kyrgyzstan, % 31% Pic. Is a source that provides the most reliable / objective information, % The 1st channel is considered as the channel that has the best programs and best presenters in Kyrgyzstan; OTRK is on the second place. In Bishkek city there is another picture, TNT is on second position, followed by RTR, NBT, STS, NTS+NTV, OTRK and Other. In whole the opinion of viewers on all the rest characteristics doesn’t change; the channels have almost the same positions in the rating. 0 10 20 1st channel 30 26,5 OTRK 17,3 ELTR 10,8 5th channel 7,0 0 10 OTRK 13,8 ELTR 13,2 RTR-Russia 4,0 7th channel 3,2 7th channel 2,3 NTS+NTV 2,8 NTS+NTV 2,2 Sary-Ozon-TNT 2,6 Piramida 2,3 Yoshlar 2,3 Eho Manasa 2,1 NBT 1,5 STS 1,3 Other Pic. Channel that has the best programs, The main findings of% the section: 40 30,2 2,9 1,6 30 1st channel RTR-Russia Piramida 20 23,5 Pic. Channel that has the best presenters, % 45 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) The main findings of the section: Among preferred types of programs the most popular is news on OTRK and 1 st channel. The current affair programs are also popular among the population. Top-20 non-news telecasts include such shows as Jumakairyk”, “Erkin mikrofon”, “Jany Bashat”, “Azattyk+”, “Akcent”, “Atayin reportaj”. On the 1st channel the most popular programs are: “Pust govoryat”, “Projector Perishilton” and other different programs and feature films in prime time. Ratings of particular programs can be provided by request, containing either market (for example, region) or channel which programs are to be considered. According to the respondents’ perception of the channels on all criteria (popularity, best source of news, best programs, best presenters, reflection of my opinion, reflection of opinion of elite, reflection of opinion of ordinary people) the top-5 channels include OTRK, ELTR, 5th channel, 7th channel, NTS+NTV. The best programs, in the judgment of the respondents, has 1 st channel; in Bishkek city RTR, Sary-Ozon-TNT, NBT and STS are popular as well. 46 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Annex 1. Average daily reach and share of channels Kyrgyzstan14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 1st channel ELTR th 7 channel NTS+NTV RTR Sary-Ozon-TNT Eho Manasa Yoshlar 5th channel Piramida Uz TV STS NBT KTK DTV Sport TV Osh TV JTR TNT Mir Russia sport UTS Batken RTV ElArna Eurosport Khabar Evrazia Kazahstan EMTV Kultura Zvezda Bashat RTR-Vesti MTV ru SBK RenTV+Kara-Balta ARTV ТV-3 NTV Bi Plus Keremet TV Discovery Issyk-Kul Nickelodeon 1 354 587 1 188 347 746 849 277 665 291 069 278 762 145 598 156 220 206 239 227 721 165 528 132 778 121 064 102 221 89 943 57 990 54 743 88 854 63 268 49 085 63 383 24 656 45 417 58 552 38 573 15 748 29 540 21 718 20 350 28 325 21 456 24 974 30 617 16 101 5 427 14 162 9 594 15 959 10 791 10 855 17 943 7 148 10 353 5 427 46.1 40.4 25.4 9.4 9.9 9.5 5.0 5.3 7.0 7.7 5.6 4.5 4.1 3.5 3.1 2.0 1.9 3.0 2.2 1.7 2.2 0.8 1.5 2.0 1.3 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.2 97.8 108.3 97.9 115.0 107.4 99.5 145.1 131.4 88.0 72.3 89.9 94.7 98.9 109.5 91.5 99.2 104.8 62.6 87.3 104.2 79.1 184.0 98.4 73.9 88.5 178.8 88.5 113.0 111.2 79.6 102.3 86.2 68.1 122.8 300.0 108.1 143.4 85.6 126.1 120.0 72.5 157.2 90.7 150.0 20.3 19.7 11.2 4.9 4.8 4.2 3.2 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.3 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 47 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Soni Russia-2 Setenta Forum Sport 2 Namangan TV Pro Kazahstan NTV+ football Sport 24 Sport+ Cinemax 2x2 Music Box Animal Planet МUz TV 31st channel Domashniy Ren TV TV-Centr Ru-TV Karusel Bridge TV Euronews 24. ТВ Tarakiyat Naiman TV Disney Channel Star TV Samal olla Shankay STS Fox Crime Shov TV Total 4 210 5 686 5 427 6 012 7 060 7 069 3 789 3 345 3 602 3 602 2 021 5 427 2 245 2 207 3 602 2 193 1 782 1 298 3 649 1 350 1 334 1 298 2 193 1 920 646 1 694 728 2 796 1 297 646 690 704 1 146 1 297 2 940 122 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 180.0 132.7 120.0 106.9 86.7 75.0 120.0 131.3 120.0 120.0 185.1 60.0 120.0 110.5 60.0 96.6 103.9 129.1 44.7 120.0 119.2 120.0 55.9 60.0 165.6 60.0 120.0 30.0 60.0 120.0 106.9 96.7 58.5 25.0 105.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 48 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Bishkek city 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 1st channel NTS+NTV Sary-Ozon-TNT OTRK Eho Manasa RTR STS NBT Piramida KTK 5th channel Eurosport MTV ru Kultura SBK TNT Bi Plus Discovery RTR-Vesti Mir Russia sport Nickelodeon Soni ElArna Setenta Khabar DTV TV Pro NTV+ football Sport 24 Sport + Kazahstan Cinemax ELTR 2x2 Animal Planet Euronews Total 254 899 114 365 72 072 112 096 64 117 71 499 56 712 47 425 54 333 30 067 47 489 15 684 11 473 26 648 5 405 10 094 10 811 7 119 13 936 14 616 3 774 5 405 4 193 6 224 5 405 6 191 4 148 3 774 3 587 3 587 2 012 2 236 5 405 3 345 2 236 3 587 1 913 536 295 47.5 21.3 13.4 20.9 12.0 13.3 10.6 8.8 10.1 5.6 8.9 2.9 2.1 5.0 1.0 1.9 2.0 1.3 2.6 2.7 0.7 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.4 100.0 139.2 111.5 152.2 89.6 124.7 109.1 105.5 117.2 92.0 107.7 65.4 187.2 209.5 88.8 300.0 141.7 120.0 157.2 73.1 69.3 240.0 150.0 180.0 109.4 120.0 87.0 129.7 120.0 120.0 120.0 185.1 152.8 60.0 93.9 120.0 60.0 60.0 126.2 27.0 9.7 8.4 7.7 6.1 5.9 4.6 4.2 3.8 2.5 2.4 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 100.0 49 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Osh city, 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 1st channel OTRK ELTR Yoshlar Osh TV 5th channel Uz TV 7 канал Piramida Bashat RTR Keremet TV Sport TV NTS+NTV Sary-Ozon-TNT MTV ru Mir Naiman TV STS Zvezda ТV-3 Total 92 062 58 581 41 504 27 433 34 384 27 599 19 087 11 069 9 383 7 202 10 029 9 823 5 712 6 879 2 464 2 146 1 559 733 1 075 680 382 157 020 58.6 37.3 26.4 17.5 21.9 17.6 12.2 7.0 6.0 4.6 6.4 6.3 3.6 4.4 1.6 1.4 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.2 100.0 90.4 91.0 101.7 86.7 69.0 81.3 86.1 95.2 107.9 133.4 77.8 74.8 121.3 68.4 99.0 45.0 60.0 120.0 60.0 60.0 70.0 85.7 25.3 16.2 12.8 7.2 7.2 6.8 5.0 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 100.0 Chui region , 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 1st channel OTRK Eho Manasa RTR Sary-Ozon-TNT NTS+NTV Piramida KTK NBT STS Mir ElArna 5th channel Евразия Kazahstan Khabar TNT RTR-Vesti 186 534 129 288 77 418 84 103 53 097 67 374 60 379 58 877 40 582 41 114 42 353 31 849 31 690 21 399 17 202 8 914 8 221 41.8 29.0 17.4 18.9 11.9 15.1 13.5 13.2 9.1 9.2 9.5 7.1 7.1 4.8 3.9 2.0 1.8 102.7 85.7 138.4 100.4 141.6 105.5 109.6 85.8 106.0 99.3 89.5 90.4 82.8 108.1 98.4 82.6 65.2 19.0 11.0 10.6 8.4 7.4 7.0 6.6 5.0 4.3 4.0 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.3 1.7 0.7 0.5 50 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Zvezda Disney Channel DTV ELTR ТV-3 NTV Karusel Domashniy Sport 2 Ren TV Russia sport Kultura Total 5 078 2 755 4 879 3 012 4 551 2 735 1 279 1 279 1 602 2 197 2 755 1 086 445 772 1.1 0.6 1.1 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.2 73.4 86.7 120.0 64.1 72.0 44.4 68.5 120.0 113.0 60.0 42.8 30.0 68.9 89.1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100.0 Talas region, 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 1st channel RTR NTS+NTV ELTR DTV Khabar Sary-Ozon-TNT RTR-Vesti Zvezda 31st channel NTV Star TV Shov TV Fox Crime Kazahstan Russia sport Mir Samal olla TV-Centr 24. ТВ Total 71 697 49 409 24 977 15 794 9 799 8 652 5 813 4 916 3 814 2 997 1 766 1 500 1 286 1 286 1 136 1 090 945 906 640 640 640 100 354 71.4 49.2 24.9 15.7 9.8 8.6 5.8 4.9 3.8 3.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 64.9 93.0 106.3 82.1 95.8 66.5 78.2 70.9 86.5 81.9 138.6 103.9 95.6 60.0 43.8 54.4 89.4 83.3 60.0 82.1 60.0 45.0 79.9 34.6 27.3 10.7 7.9 3.4 3.5 2.1 2.2 1.6 2.2 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 100.0 51 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Issyk-Kul region, 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 1st channel 5th channel DTV NTS+NTV RTR Russia sport EMTV ARTV TNT Issyk-Kul ELTR Russia-2 ТV-3 Zvezda STS Bridge TV МUZTV RTR-Vesti Sport 2 Ru-TV MTV ru NBT Ren TV Total 136 644 99 767 33 771 27 593 19 585 22 020 9 933 17 112 9 614 17 394 10 375 10 508 5 698 4 840 3 031 8 573 2 197 2 197 4 443 3 681 1 337 1 337 845 717 202 702 67.4 49.2 16.7 13.6 9.7 10.9 4.9 8.4 4.7 8.6 5.1 5.2 2.8 2.4 1.5 4.2 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.8 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 64.3 112.3 101.8 96.8 111.8 130.6 105.9 186.2 87.8 134.7 107.9 87.9 76.5 132.7 112.4 160.0 53.2 120.0 120.0 51.6 60.0 80.0 45.0 0.0 0.0 94.8 31.7 21.0 6.8 6.4 5.3 4.8 3.8 3.1 2.7 3.9 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 100.0 Batken region, 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK ELTR 1st channel Batken RTV UTS TNT RTR Yoshlar NTS+NTV 5th channel NTV Russia sport Sport 2 DTV Sport TV UZTV Total 190 558 137 246 130 934 58 818 20 678 18 941 15 213 14 606 12 787 4 937 2 778 1 769 1 769 1 769 1 513 1 101 272 589 69.9 50.3 48.0 21.6 7.6 6.9 5.6 5.4 4.7 1.8 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 91.1 91.5 81.8 116.1 76.0 97 84.9 85.1 103.2 57.9 35.8 230.0 300.0 180.0 60.0 120.0 60.0 111.2 30.3 19.5 26.4 7.8 3.5 2.8 2.3 2.6 1.3 0.3 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 100.0 Jalal-Abad region, 14+ 52 Part 3: Analytical report, 3.3 Television Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % 7 канал OTRK ELTR 1st channel JTR Yoshlar 5th channel RTR NTS+NTV Bashat Eho Manasa Osh TV STS Sport TV ТV-3 Piramida Keremet TV UTS UZTV DTV Total 210 021 240 600 169 111 74 950 63 240 40 644 46 895 32 389 19 347 12 550 13 265 11 134 12 255 3 973 5 036 5 759 6 461 6 458 3 612 2 026 475 397 44.2 50.6 35.6 15.8 13.3 8.5 9.9 6.8 4.1 2.6 2.8 2.3 2.6 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.4 0.8 0.4 68.0 117 102 101 105 81 111 57 75 101 96 82 68 51 120 90 72 61 58 73 89 85.6 25.3 25.2 17.7 8.1 5.3 4.7 2.8 2.5 2.0 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 100.0 Average viewing time, min Share, % 106.0 88.1 88.7 78.0 96.7 95.9 50.6 98.9 63.4 59.8 97.5 97.9 54.7 65.6 75.0 160.0 20.0 64.3 60.0 120.0 60.0 81.0 28.3 21.3 17.2 7.2 7.8 4.0 1.8 3.2 2.1 1.4 2.0 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 100.0 Osh region, 14+ Channel Average daily reach, viewers ELTR OTRK 1st channel Yoshlar UZTV 7 канал Piramida Sport TV Osh TV 5th channel NTS+NTV UTS Zvezda DTV Namangan Forum Bashat RTR Mir Keremet TV Tarakiyat Total 364 516 329 443 264 969 125 604 110 711 57 388 48 089 44 228 44 190 31 421 27 718 18 642 9 720 7 717 7 173 6 101 5 339 4 299 2 593 1 743 1 719 632 257 Average daily reach, % 57.7 52.1 41.9 19.9 17.5 9.1 7.6 7.0 7.0 5.0 4.4 2.9 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 83.7 Naryn region, 14+ 53 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Survey 2012 (2 nd wave) Channel Average daily reach, viewers Average daily reach, % Average viewing time, min Share, % OTRK 1st channel ELTR RTR TNT NTS+NTV Russia sport 5th channel NTV Music Box STS DTV MTV ru ТV-3 TV-Centr Ren TV Shankay Kultura Total 88 874 35 771 13 795 12 695 6 220 6 148 5 444 3 957 3 737 2 208 1216 1 216 1 115 1 092 705 705 691 468 119 667 74.3 29.9 11.5 10.6 5.2 5.1 4.5 3.3 3.1 1.8 1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 68.0 131.1 117.3 124.1 103.4 143.2 131.7 138.9 152.3 125.2 139.7 180.0 132.7 150.0 120.0 180.0 90.0 140.0 240.0 141.1 49.0 17.6 7.2 5.5 3.7 3.4 3.2 2.5 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 100.0 54