Dear IVAO-Pilots, Do you know exactly how the communication with
Dear IVAO-Pilots, Do you know exactly how the communication with
Dear IVAO-Pilots, Do you know exactly how the communication with an aerodrome controller in a foreign country should look like? No? If not, this list might help you. As a controller I experienced pilots who obviously did not know the example calls and how to act in this country. Those are not easy to control, and I had to admit: When I am flying in a foreign country, I don’t read their example calls from their webside, either. That is where this list starts. It compares and sums up the example calls (Pilot + ATC) in different countries, regarding which information a pilot should state to the controller on a request and how the ATC-answer might be. Of course, in the end controllers in the same country control in different styles, and situation changes, if there is no tower controller online and you need to contact a radar/center/areacontroller. But this list is supposed to give you an idea of what differences there can be. My special thanks to all controller, who spent their time explaining, how controlling in their country works. If you found a fault, have any questions regarding this list or know the correct calls in a country, which is not in this list, feel free to contact me via Skype (“dellars”) or e-Mail ( ifr fr clearanc clearan clear clea cl clearance learance arance Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Amsterdam Spain Sweden Swiss Turkey United Kingdom Destination Destinati Destina Destin Des estination tination nation start-up startstar art-up Destination Destinati Destina Destin Des estination tination nation SID runway runwa runw nway QNH initial initi itial iall cclim climb Squawk Squaw Squ uawk report repor repo port ort rt ready read rre ady dyy for forr su/ su/p su/pb? su/pb? request reques requ quest uest estt (P (Pil (Pilot) (Pilot start-up startstar art-up QNH report repor repo port ort rt ready read rre ady dyy for forr tax taxi? t ifr clearance ifr clearance ifr clearance + + + + + + + +QNH + + + + + + + + + o + o + + + su/pb su/pb su/pb + + + + - en-route clearance + + o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +QNH + o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + o + + o + + o o + o + + + + + + + + + + + + → + + su/pb pb pb su/pb su/pb su/pb su/pb + + + + + + + - - ifr clea. / start-up 1) start-up 2) ifr clearance ifr clearance ifr clearance ifr clearance 1 : both are possible 1 o + + + + + o + + + + + + + o o + o + + + - 2 + + + + + + + + + + o + + + o o + + o su/pb- approval without request + + + + + → o → + : after the correct readback, many controllers give the 2 (+time) pb ifr clearance o + + + + + + + + su/pb Poland ifr clearance ifr clearance + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + su/pb su/pb Portugal ifr clearance + + + + +req. FL + + + o + + 2 su/pb pb 2 + + - + + - + + - + pb - su/pb su/pb su/pb + + + + o not ot m manda mand ma mandato mandatory andatory, ndatory, datory, tory, ory, y, but butt always alwa aalw lways ays yss u us useful usef usefu eful ;) ; answer answe answ nswer wer err (ATC) (AT (A Position Positi Pos osition answer answe answ nswer wer err (ATC) (AT (A any ny o other? othe oth Flight Fligh ight htt ru rules rul request reques requ quest uest estt (P (Pil (Pilot) (Pilot Country Count Cou ountry Informatio Informat Informa Inform Info formation rmation mation ation ion n Identif Ident Ide Id Identifie Identifier entifier ntifier start-up start-up ifr clearance ifr clearance ifr clearance ifr clearance 1) start-up 2) clearance start artt + push pu p Denmark France Position Positi Pos osition Czech Rep. Aircraft Aircra Airc ircraft craft aftt Type TTy Austria Belgium For simulation purposes only ___ A1 RW x + ___ o - ___ - taxi Spain taxi Sweden Swiss Turkey United Kingdom taxi Portugal A1 + ___ - RW x - ___ - taxi RW x - ___ o taxi taxi taxi RW x RW x A1 - ___ + - ___ + + ___ + + + +/- 3 + + + + - o - 4 +/+ +/- 5 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -- 6 + + + + 7 +/- + + + + + ? 8 handover handove han hando handov andover dover over verr APP AP A Poland depa depart departu departure eparture parture arture ture re e clearances cle cleara clearance clea cclearanc arances rances nces cess are arre quite q qui uite itee the t e ssa sam same mee in n every ev ever e ery ry country co countr cou coun ountry taxi taxi not ot m manda mand ma mandato mandatory andatory, ndatory, datory, tory, ory, y, but butt always alwa aalw lways ays yss u us useful usef usefu eful ;) ; Amsterdam Norway - SID - cleared cleare clea eared red ed level lev le RW x passing passin pass assing sing ng le lev leve level taxi Germany Greece initial initia itial iall call call at at APP/CTR APP/CT APP/ APP APP/CTR Netherlands Denmark France voice voic ice ce handoff hand han h hando andoff ndoff off ff byy TTW TWR TWR? ___ ___ ___ ___ o ___ o ___ + ___ - QNH + + + + via RW x A1 RW x RW x A1 A1 A1 runway runwa runw nway Hungary Ireland Italy taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi takeoff takeo take keoff taxi xii to oH Hold Ho Hold. old. d.. P Poi Point - ___ + ___ + - ___ - answer answe answ nswer wer err (ATC) (AT (A request reques requ quest uest estt (P (Pil (Pilot) (Pilot RW x A1 RW x Position Positi Pos osition Country Count Cou ountry Czech Rep. taxi taxi taxi Austria Belgium + + - + + + o +/- + - - + + + + + + + o + 3 : voice handoff, exception: Prague 4 : voice handoff, exception: Billund, Copenhagen 5 : voice handoff, exception: when it says so in the ATIS-Remark 6: "when passing 2000ft, contact …. " 7 : voice handoff, exception: when it says so in the ATIS-Remark 8 : NO voice handoff when there is no voice handoff, you need to check the AIP/SID charts at which height you're supposed to change frequency (or ask For simulation purposes only Explanation This list is supposed to be easy to understand, but nevertheless an explanation is added to introduce you to the basic thoughts of it. Picture 1 ‘+’ stands for an Information you should state to the controller at your request or you can expect it at the answer of him. ‘-‘ stands for the opposite, ‘o’ means, that either you might give him that Information (but you don’t need to) or might receive it. This depends on the controller and on the airport (local regulations). IFR CLEARANCE Now let us, for example, start our flight in Belgium. The first request should sound like: “DLH123, Position 10, Information Delta, request ifr clearance to Dublin” These are the columns where a ‘+’ is placed. Information from columns with a ‘-‘ do not need to be added. The underlined words shall be replaced by the correct parameters of your flight. As it shows in picture 1, in France we can request ‘start-up’ at the first call and the ‘ifr clearance’ is included. In Denmark they call it ‘en-route clearance’ and we should state the local QNH as well. In France, a possible answer might be: “DLH123, good day, start-up approved, cleared Dublin via DEF1G departure, runway 10, (initial climb 4000ft,) squawk 1234” START-UP + PUSHBACK The next request we need is the ‘start-up and pushback’ (su/pb). In some countries we already have the ‘start-up’ clearance, so only ‘pushback’ (pb) is needed. Beside from this, the controller might also tell us the local QNH or he wants us to “report ready for taxi”. TAXI Our engines are started, pushback is completed and now we want to taxi. The biggest difference in the structure of a taxi clearance is the name of the holding point. Some countries call it “Holding Point Runway 10” and some “Holding Point B2 (of) Runway 10”. Again, some controller will mention the QNH. TAKEOFF The phraseology at the ‘line-up’ and ‘takeoff’ procedure is so similar to each other in all countries, that extra explanation is not in this list. HANDOFF + INITIAL CALL The column “voice handoff by TWR?” shall give us a hint, whether we are expected to change the frequency when the Tower-Controller tells us to (+) or we need to do it at a specific point (-). In Portugal there is no voice handoff and in Germany at most airports it is the same. There are some more airports, that’s why extra footer are added. When exactly we are supposed to change are sometimes mentioned in the Remarks, but if not, we should always be able to find it in the AIP or SID-charts. Asking the controller is an option as well. We are airborne now and change our frequency to the Approach- or Area-Controller. Yes, in the UK we do not call the Approach-Controller. When we are making our initial call at this controller, he wants us to give some information as well. It might be for example in the UK: “London Control, DLH123, passing 2000ft, climbing 6000ft, BPK6J departure” Enjoy the view and have a nice flight!