ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA Bahía Blanca, 04 de diciembre de 2015 Al Sr. Presidente de la Asociación de Deportes con Disco Volador de la República Argentina – ADDVRA Fernando Garín S / D De mi mayor consideración: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Ud. a los efectos de elevar la propuesta para realizar el Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate (PAUC 2017) en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Desde nuestra comisión creemos que será una oportunidad única para continuar promoviendo el crecimiento del Ultimate en el país e integrar a la comunidad y la región a este deporte, como lo venimos haciéndolo desde el 2008 con la organización de dos torneos anuales (HAT playa y COED pasto), clínicas, encuentros y cursos. A los efectos evaluatorios de la propuesta, le adjuntamos el BID proposal y el Budjet template, luego de aceptar los cambios sugeridos. Es menester aclara que considerando el momento de transición económico que vimos en el país, no es factible la realización de un presupuesto detallado y por sobre todo realista (esto fue elevado a la WFDF por nosotros). Sin embargo, la gerencia contable del CUBB basados en su experiencia en eventos reciente de tal magnitud, ha realizado un presupuesto general para esta primera instancia. Si bien para nosotros la alta competencia deportiva es significativa, creemos que generar el desarrollo de igualdad de oportunidades en torno al Ultimate, intercambiar culturas y crear vínculos con jugadores de todo el continente es en esencia lo fundamental para mantener y proteger el “Espíritu de Juego”. Creemos que este enorme esfuerzo debe ser llevado a cabo en conjunto con la comunidad toda (jugadores, asociaciones, clubes, municipios, docentes, alumnos) y en especial con la participación activa nuestra Asociación, que ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA Av Alem 1161. Bahía Blanca - Buenos Aires. Phone: (0291) 454 – 8484 www.clubunibb.com.ar ; ultimatecubb@gmail.com ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA justamente su misión consiste en la difusión y promoción de los deportes con disco, como así también la realización y/o supervisión de eventos deportivos. Por lo expuesto, brevemente le describimos algunos aspectos interesantes a destacar de dicha propuesta como son: i. Solventar los viajes y viáticos de integrantes de la CD para gestionar reuniones de coordinación y trabajo antes y durante el PAUC 2017. ii. Destinar parte de la inscripción de los jugadores (70% del fee de WFDF), a ADDVRA. iii. Colaborar con insumos propios que se utilicen en el torneo (canchas, conos, discos, tableros, cronómetros, banderas, remeras, etc.) que serán donados a ADDVRA. iv. Ofrecer la administración un sistema de becas para apoyar postulaciones de aquellos jugadores del PAUC 2017 con inconvenientes económicos. v. Elaborar un documento de organización de torneos para la Asociación y que sea compartido hacia demás organizaciones regionales. Sin otro particular y esperando trabajar en pos del desarrollo del ULTIMATE mancomunadamente, lo saludamos a Ud. Muy atte.- Valeria Gutierrez TOC PAUCC 2017 Club Universitario de Bahia Blanca ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA Av Alem 1161. Bahía Blanca - Buenos Aires. Phone: (0291) 454 – 8484 www.clubunibb.com.ar ; ultimatecubb@gmail.com WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -1- WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Championships Bid Proposal Bahía Blanca - Argentina Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -2- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Proposal Statement .................................................................................................................. 5 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Organization .................................................................................................................. 5 Support Letters............................................................................................................... 5 Aims and Objectives ...................................................................................................... 9 Tournament Dates ........................................................................................................ 10 2. Main Site - Playing Fields ..................................................................................................... 11 2.1. Playing Fields (Main) .................................................................................................. 11 2.2. Playing Field (Championship Showcase) ..................................................................... 14 3. Main Site - Facilities ............................................................................................................. 16 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. Details of Tournament Facilities at Main Field Site(s) ................................................. 16 Field Wide Public Address System .............................................................................. 18 WiFi Coverage ............................................................................................................. 19 Washrooms/Toilets ...................................................................................................... 19 Water Availability for Players ..................................................................................... 19 Field Shading for Players/Volunteers........................................................................... 19 Proximity of Main Field Site(s) to local amenities ....................................................... 19 Additional fields in proximity to tournament fields (Contingency) .............................. 19 Security for Main Field Site/Tournament Central ........................................................ 20 4. Accommodations ................................................................................................................... 21 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. Description of Proposed Accommodation Site(s) ........................................................ 21 Location of Proposed Accommodation Site(s) ............................................................. 21 Cost summary of Proposed Accommodation Site(s) .................................................... 21 Proposed Accommodations for WFDF/Tournament Officials ..................................... 21 Summary of non-tournament accommodations in proximity to Main Field Site(s) 22 5. Transportation ....................................................................................................................... 24 5.1. Proposed Transportation Plan for Athletes/Volunteers/Officials ................................. 24 5.2. Distance from Local Airport(s) to Accommodations ................................................... 24 5.3. Parking facilities available at all Field Sites for private vehicles ................................. 25 Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -3- 6. Food and Drink ...................................................................................................................... 26 6.1. Description of Player Meal Plan Offered ..................................................................... 26 6.2. Availability and type of “for purchase” food and drink at Main Field Site(s) .............. 26 6.3. Availability and type of “for purchase” food and drink at Championship Showcase field site. ...................................................................................................... 26 6.4. Field Food (Free) offered to athletes at Main Field Site(s) (if any) .............................. 26 7. Volunteers ............................................................................................................................. 28 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. Details of local Ultimate Community .......................................................................... 28 Number of Volunteers planned for event ..................................................................... 28 Description of Accommodations and Food offered to Volunteers ............................... 29 Description of other Volunteer amenities offered ........................................................ 29 8. Social Events/Meetings ......................................................................................................... 30 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. Captains Meeting ......................................................................................................... 30 Opening Ceremony, Opening Game ............................................................................ 30 Player/SOTG Forum .................................................................................................... 31 Mid-Week Showcase Games (Including all Master Divisions Finals) ......................... 31 Trading Night............................................................................................................... 32 Other Social Events ..................................................................................................... 32 Open/Mixed/Womens Finals & Closing Ceremony ..................................................... 33 9. Public Relations and Marketing ............................................................................................. 34 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. Local Media Plan – TV, Radio, Print, Internet ............................................................. 34 Local Spectator Engagement Plan................................................................................ 34 Tournament Newsletter ................................................................................................ 35 Local Sponsorship........................................................................................................ 36 10. Development/Outreach Program ........................................................................................... 37 10.1. Plans to promote Ultimate in local communities prior to the event .............................. 37 10.2. Plans for any legacy programs for Ultimate following the event ................................. 38 11. Budget ................................................................................................................................... 38 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. Team/Player/Guest Fees .............................................................................................. 39 Meal Plan Fees ............................................................................................................. 39 Transportation Fees ...................................................................................................... 39 High Level Budget (Draft 1) ........................................................................................ 39 Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -4- Draft of Proposed Tournament Logo if available Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 1. -5- PROPOSAL STATEMENT 1.1. Organization The PAUCCC will have as organizer the Club Universitario Bahía Blanca (CUBB) (www.clubunibb.com.ar ; https://www.facebook.com/cubboficial/). A non profit civil association and CUBB ultimate team, with the support of the Bahía Blanca City Goverment - Sports Manegment - (Subsecretaría Deportes, Recreación y Tiempo libre del Gobierno de la Cuidad de Bahía Blanca, see government approval letter). Club Universitario de Bahia Blanca It is the biggest sport/cultural activities club with an activities mass that ranges from youngsters, teenagers, university students, graduates and professionals, both male and female. Approximately 5000 members practice one or more of the activities offered by CUBB. See recent drone video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABR7sCEz3Lg 2013 presentation of CUBB https://youtu.be/XHY4joLv5DQ here you will see every activity, buildings, capacities, events, etc about CUBB These activities offered range from sport to cultural: Ultimate, Volleyball, Hockey, Rugby, Handball, Softball, Box, Tennis, Table Tennis, Weight lifting, Full Contact, Gymnastics, Aikido, Ninjitsu, Jazz, Salsa, Bachata, Tango, Folkdance, Theater, Photography, Yoga, Guitar, Arts and painting. This year Ultimate was recognized as an official sport for Club members and the next sports will be swimming, water polo, diving and synchronized swimming. CUBB has one of the biggest amateur football leagues in the country. It houses more than 100 teams, “liga de futbol universitario” (university football league), this means more than 2000 player and 10 fields are active every weekend. All the organization is done from CUBB committee, even the transportation of the player to and from fields every weekend. Apart from this year-round league, it houses the most important sporting and cultural events in the city. Sport camps, different sport tournaments, mayor sports presentations, etc. (Appendix – pictures of recent activities). Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -6- CUBB in conducted by university students, graduates, and sport members the fact that it is mostly financed by the social dance club, permits CUBB to have a very low membership fee, and being able to finance all sport and cultural activities making it possible for a great community labor. It has 2 main campus, “Predio Hector Gatica”-open sport fields, club house, pool, dorms, showers, food service, parking, etc., (see APPENDIX, map 1 for location and site distribution map 1) and Central Campus and Office-indoor sports, dance club, administration offices, cultural spaces, etc. (see APPENDIX, Location Map 2 and Site distribution map 2). The CUBB has a strong backbone for organizing large sports events, it has most needs for players throughout the tournament covered within its club area, fields, tent area, dorms, showers, bathrooms, food canteen, water, a party area, reunion areas, warm up areas, parking space (no cost), swimming pool, watch tower for cameras and press, among others. This is crucial to lowers costs of tournament and fees, because most things are already provided for. Having organized so many events in sport and cultural area it has the knowledge, utilities, staff, and public relations, of most things needed for the event. This is a huge benefit for such a big event as most things have been done before and the CUBB can handle them at a lower cost and a lower margin of error. A few recent events Professionals Beach Volley campus and show (with gold medalist Pan-American champions 2015) November 2015 for more than 500 spectators, game show, press conference, all the incomes were for a beneficial institution. Liga Universitaria de Football (University Amateur football league) – more than 100 teams, 2000 players. CUBB organizes fields, transportation, referees, awards, etc. La Noche del Deporte (sport night) – December each year - awarding ceremony with dinner for all outstanding athletes of Bahia Blanca in every sport discipline (over 400 guests). La Noche de la Cultura VII edición 2015 (Culture Night VII edition) – demonstration of all cultural disciplines of CUBB members (dance, martial arts, music, etc) – see video https://youtu.be/B6JWwmNlnWA Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -7- For more relate to video https://youtu.be/XHY4joLv5DQ See APPENDIX. CUBB event images Tournament Organization Committee The Tournament Organization Committee (TOC) leader will be Ms. Valeria Gutierrez – she has played ultimate for the past 8 years in different countries and tournaments, organized more than 8 tournaments the last 4 years supported by ADDVRA and various short league team encounters. Co-founder and co-trainer of the first Bahía Blanca Ultimate team, is co-director of the Ultimate sport project presented to the CUBB to include ultimate as one of their official sports. She is the founder and director of RAZA ULTIMATE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP (COED, grass) and ULTIMATE CARNAVAL (HAT, beach). She has worked as a volunteer in teaching sports in the regional programs for physical education teachers and schools, one of the last projects teaching ultimate and it’s qualities of spirit and mixed gender possibilities at Center for Educational Investigation and Information - Bahía Blanca District (Centro de Información e Investigación Educativa Distrito Bahía Blanca). For the past 2 years she has played for V ultimate Bs. As. a very competitive team that has won most tournaments and leagues for the past 2 years. As individual she has won statistic awards (MVP, goals, etc) in most tournaments. She has played sport her whole life (6 year experience in Australia) and has always been part of team activities and ultimate teaching and growth. She has been invited to radio, newspaper and television to talk about ultimate as a sport and as a player more than 10 times throughout the past couple of years. She has always worked to develop ultimate in Argentina, with the simple motivation to play and have fun, without associated companies or economic interest. RAZA ULTIMATE TOURNAMENT: a 3-day tournament for teams. This tournament has been held in CUBB for four years now. Bringing together teams and players from all over Argentina and other countries. The organization committee provides and coordinates, games, fields, water, fruit, paramedics, ambulance, awards, souvenirs, field Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -8- staff (for goal and statistics keeping), marketing; radio, television and newspaper publicity and interviews before and during the tournament; main party with dinner and drinks (transport to and from the party). Along with the CUBB it provides dorms, tent sleeping space, and food. Along with all other extras that come along with the organization of a tournament. This tournament is known for its very low fee, this year edition in October cost $300 (U$S 30 aprox) and included, games, fruit, water, isotonic beverage, on field doctor and ambulance, awards, a sport water bottle for all player with tournament logo, dinner and drinks at the party and dance club, transport to and from party, volunteers for field stats and control, ultimate rule pocketbook, and unlimited use of the campus, bathrooms, locker-rooms, showers and more. Tent space cost U$S 10 for the whole weekend and dorms with heat and air conditioner on campus cost U$S 20 for the whole weekend. https://www.facebook.com/ultimateraza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odG2ZJAzWmw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIw_3Gy7MIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4atM1s97P40 CARNAVAL BEACH ULTIMATE TOURNAMENT: a 4 day beach ”hat” tournament in which the organization provides and puts together not only the games but also, transport, hotels, all meals (lunch and dinner during the 4 days), fun games, party at the beach and entrance to dancing clubs later, ADDVRA meetings, introduction of ultimate to on watchers and people (adults and kids) at the beach, along with ultimate activities with souvenirs and awards for participants, paramedics, water, fruit and awards among other things. This tournament held in Monte Hermoso on the long weekend of carnival, high touristic season, meaning a lot of people on the beach. It has the sponsor of the city sports director and city council and has been declared an “activity of council interest” with the mayor’s support. https://vimeo.com/60209852 (see APPENDIX Tournament pictures) 1.2. Support Letters Our bid has the support of: Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal -9- ADDVRA: Asociación de Deportes con Disco Volador de la Republica Argentina Municipalidad de Bahía Blanca – Subsecretaría Deportes, Recreación y Tiempo libre del Gobierno de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Bahía Blanca city council and sports directory) - NOTA PARA ADDVRA esta carta esta en su formato legal y formal esta siendo firmada por el intendente de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, debido a los cambios políticas que conlleva la Argentina en este momento la demora es de aprox 1 semana, la carta estará disponible para la fecha de envio a la WFDF. Se adjunta mail del cordinador de deportes de la municipalidad. - Instituciones pertenecientes a la dirección general de Cultura y Educacion – Gobierno de la Pcia de Bs As (se adjuntan cartas) - Instituto Superior de Formacion Docente N°86, "Cacique Valentín Sayhueque" (The Teacher Formation Superior Institute) - Centro de Información e Investigación Educativa Distrito Bahía Blanca (Center for Educational Investigation and Information Bahía Blanca District) - Direccion de Educ. Fisica-Sede De Inspectores Distrito Villarino (Physical Education Managment – Villarino District). - Direccion de Educ. Fisica-Sede de Inspectores Distrito Bahía Blanca (Physical Education Managment – Bahia Blanca District). - Ultimate teams of Argentina, specially the ones in our region (se adjuntan las cartas recibidas a hoy, varios equipos dieron su aprobación por mail pero aun me han enviado la carta (varios capitanes estan de viaje), serán adjuntas en la propuesta final) - Organizing Committee of the VII CONICET GAMES 1.3. Aims and Objectives We think our main objective should be the sports growth through social integration and human progress. Promote high sport competitiveness but maintaining and protecting the “Spirit of the Game” one of the most important bases of this sport. We aim to integrate the community and region to ultimate, give equal opportunities for all in ultimate, create a cultural exchange and bonds amongst players from all around the world. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 10 - Ultimate has grown in Argentina throughout the last years; it is starting to grow within the country and not only in its capital city (Buenos Aires). As a team or independent ultimate players, we have been teaching it to sports and physical education teachers and schools, throughout the city and region. Apart from Buenos Aires we have the only big (team) tournament in the country that has been taking place for 4 years continuously, and the first and most lasting hat tournament in the country (Carnaval Beach Tournament, first edition being in 2007). Making our region a potential place for a big growth spree and a perfect opportunity for more clubs to take on the sports as a new option for kids and player, for both the country and the region. 1.4. Tournament Dates Proposal date for 2017 PAUCCC – 17th – 21st of November (though this dates can be modified if WFDF considers another better date) Events will run over the course of the following “Day of the Week” schedule: Day 1 – Captains Meeting, Opening Ceremony, Opening Showcase Game & Event games Day 2-3 – Event Games All Teams/All Divisions Day 4 – event games and Semi Finals Day 5 – Masters, Women’s, Mixed and Open Finals, Closing Ceremony Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 2. - 11 - MAIN SITE - PLAYING FIELDS 2.1. Playing Fields (Main) 2.1.1. Location of Main Field Site(s) Site of the tournament fields and accommodation: Predio Hector Gatica, Club Universitario de Bahía Blanca (CUBB) – (see APPENDIX, map 1 for location, and site distribution map 1) It is located on high ground in a non flooding area. Description of typical weather: The average temperature in Bahia Blanca in November is somewhat warm at 18.4 °C. Afternoons have an average high temperatures reaching 25.6 °C. Overnight temperatures are generally quite mild with an average low of 11.2 °C. The weather in November is marginally dry with intermittent rain. Only 61.8mm of water is transferred across on average 8 days. In November the skies in Bahia Blanca are slightly sunny, average length of light 14:17. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 12 - 2.1.2. Number of Fields at each Site 16 official size fields (natural and synthetic grass – 3 with high quality night lights) 2.1.3. Condition of Fields/Surface Type The site has: - 9 natural grass football fields. - 2 synthetic grass football fields. - 2 natural grass rugby fields. - 3 more football fields (under construction will be finished by end of 2016 so they will be ready if needed though capacity is sufficient with fields available today) - All fields are very well kept, without slopes, bumps or differences in level. - The 2 synthetic grass fields are high quality rubber synthetic. - All fields have a grass surrounding area, most are surrounded with high eucalyptus trees giving shade and protecting from winds. - All fields have an irrigation system. 2.1.4. Limitations on Number of games/day per field - No limits in fields with light - Natural light limits in fields without lights. 2.1.5. Earliest Start Time/Latest Ending time of games at each site As there are NO TIME LIMITS, fixture will be put together once we have a more detail number of teams in each category. Latest games have no time limit in 3 fields with lights. Suggested starting time 8am, latest ending 8pm (natural light is available in November in this hour range) but if necessary fields with lights will be available. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 13 - Nota a ADDVRA – a la cancha principal de rugby se le pueden agregar mas (ok segun tecnicos CUBB) la cancha de sintético tiene 1 solo lateral con luces y en este momento se están instalando las restantes (por eso faltaron luces en el Raza) se terminaran de instalar en diciembre. La cancha nueva de sintético tendrá luces de alto voltaje ya que se alquila para partidos nocturnos) 2.1.6. Playing Field (Main) ARENA Field Within the site, field N° 1 or 2 (see site distribution map 1) will be used as main arena field for week games. ARENA FIELD LOCATION (WITHIN MAIN FIELD SITE) One main field will be put together as “La Buena Onda Arena” (This phrase symbolized for Scott (first player from Argentina) the sum of the moments with the Community Ultimate in Argentina). The Arena (with more than a 115x70mts space) has a tower for media and photography, warm up area on the side, it is surrounded by a tall line of eucalyptus trees to provide shade and some protection from winds, it is a few meters from showers and bathrooms and next to the main food canteen. AVAILABLILTY OF BROADCAST FACILITIES Three fields have high towers on the side, scaffoldings can be set on end zones in most fields, and more broadcasting tower is under construction. AVAILABILITY OF WFDF OFFICE/VIP SPACE There will be a tent/globe set in main field area surroundings (see APPENDIX Francisco Lonas for info) for WFDF and for ADDVRA office and VIP area, fully fit with chairs tables, food, wifi, etc. PUBLIC ADDRESS FACILITIES All public, spectators and so, will have access to toilets, canteen and food stands, merchandising stands, gazebos to sit under the shade and most facilities in campus. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 14 - AVAILABILITY OF LIGHTS Three fields will have lighting for night games, 2 are already in use, they have high quality spots, and they are used for sports training and tournaments. The lighting is more than sufficient in these fields. The third field with lights is under construction at the moment. There will be a lighted hockey field used as a multipurpose space, all food areas, tents globes and canteens have lights, dorms, tent/sleeping area and surroundings are lighted. DETAILS ON SPECTATOR SEATING On main site there will be sitting space around all fields on the grass, chairs, some stands and scaffoldings, making it a relaxed and natural way to sit around the fields and enjoy the games. 2.2. Playing Field (Championship Showcase) Club Atletico Liniers football stadium will be the main field for Opening and Evening Showcase games, as well as the day 4 finals. The Championship Showcase has seating capacity of 7.000 spectators, enough for all attending athletes, guests and officials. It has a media stand, all requirements of a stadium such as bathrooms, showers, food canteen, etc. (see APPENDIX Liniers Field), www.clubatleticoliniers.com.ar President: Petrelli Mariano, contact number 54 9 0291 156491565. 2.2.1. Championship Showcase Field Location Club Atletico Liniers is right next to the CUBB Central Campus and office site. (see APPENDIX, Location Map 2 and Site distribution map 2). Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 15 - 2.2.2. Distance from Main Field Site(s) The Stadium is right next to the CUBB Central Campus (where closing ceremony will take place) and 5km from Main field site (Hector Gatica Campus) - (see APPENDIX, Location Map 3). 2.2.3. Showcase Field Details (Seating Capacity, Field Surface/Description, Lights, Press/Broadcasting capabilities, Merchandise Sales, Public Address Capabilities As stated above the showcase field will be a football stadium. With seating capacity for 7.000 spectators, a perfect natural grass field surface, professional stadium lights, press cabin fully fit for video transmission, Public capabilities, food canteen, bathrooms, showers, locker rooms. It is in the main street of Bahía Blanca, with stores, supermarkets, restaurants, kiosks, taxi stands, etc on a 3 block radius. 2.2.4. Entertainment Plans for Showcase/Championship Games Several Games and fun competitions are planned to take place between final games. A children ultimate teaching space (for all public attending the event). And a presentation of the Murgas of Bahía Blanca. This will be in charge of the Cultural-Social committee of CUBB. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 3. - 16 - MAIN SITE - FACILITIES 3.1. Details of Tournament Facilities at Main Field Site(s) 3.1.1. Merchandise Tent There will be a walkthrough are set in center of main site, next to food stores, for all merchandise and sales stands. Each will have a storage area. Stands are being constructed right now (brick structures with wooden roofs) for multi-purpose such as stands, eating areas, team reunions for all CUBB purposes. 3.1.2. First Aid/Medical Services CUBB has a medical coverage in use for all main sports SEM (medical emergencies) www.semsaludsa.com.ar. This includes ambulance on site, during sport tournaments, and emergency standby services in case more are needed. Nearest Hospital 6km from Main field event and only 1km away from championship arena, party main building and closing ceremony. Hospital Municipal de Agudos Dr Leonidas Lucero – high emergency hospital equipped with the best doctors in the city a new emergency service prepared for small and big emergencies. http://www.hmabb.gob.ar/ (See APPENDIX, Map 4) There is also a Regional Hospital for high quality treatments, special requirements, quarantine area, etc Hospital Interzonal Penna The tournament medical director will be: MD. Eduardo Suarez (MP number 1729). He was field Doctor of all Ultimate tournaments in Bahía Blanca for the past 3 years, Principal Doctor for the Boxing Commission of Bahía Blanca (monitoring and coordinating ambulance and emergency systems for every encounter and tournament), and field doctor for motorcycle races in Bahía Blanca. 24 hour doctor once a week in SEM (emergency ambulance system of Bahía Blanca) works in several hospitals and clinics in the city. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 17 - 3.1.3. Food Services CUBB has an all year round food canteen that provides meals and a small food store for training days, tournaments and sports camps, at a very reasonable price, since most attendants are students. Added to this for the PAUCC food stands will be set up (in roofed patios that are being constructed right now for all purpose usage, like, eating, reunions, barbecues, etc). Each stand will have different types of meals. They will be managed by the different sport disciplines that are played in the CUBB (rugby, hockey, softball, handball, etc). These meals, snacks and beverages, will be sold at very low cost. Capacity and quantity will be sufficient for all attendants and players (CUBB receives hundreds of athletes in different events and has experience in this area. The profit made by the stands will stay in each sport discipline to fund tournament travels, equipment, etc. 3.1.4. Alcoholic Drink Sales/Restrictions Argentina has a law that prohibits alcohol under the age of 18. This law is respected in CUBB. For anyone older than this there are no restrictions. Thought amounts will be keeping to a safe number during the day so as to prevent incidents. As this is a sports event and high competition alcohol will be restricted on fields and for players who participate in final championship games prior to games. During the day for player it will be sold at lunch time on regulated amounts. Mostly it will be sold in the afternoons till night time in food and canteen area. (though CUBB may prohibit someone from buying if they think it is necessary due to behavior states) After 8pm small bars will be set up in the food stands. 3.1.5. Social Area/Activities There will be various social areas and activities of ultimate itself for general public (Playground and “Spiritground”), a group coordinating lessons or giving the public chats and general knowledge of the game. There will be different sport/game grounds such as football, beachvolley, tenisfootball, etc., for people to play during free time. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 18 - A fair/kermes will be set up on the grounds with popular fun games such as, fosseball, sliperypole, pool, ping pong, etc Of course there will be a relaxing area with easy chairs, sofas, etc. For those who just want to chat and have a slow time. 3.1.6. Physio Therapy, Chiropractic and/or Massage Services A physio therapy team will have a place on the grounds. It will be in charge of Physio Therapist Angeles Seleme. Graduate of Cordoba National University (2000) MP N° 3038. She has a large background in sports therapy, she has worked in Centro Rehabilitacion de Alto Rendimiento Bs. As. (Rehab Center for high sports performance), Instituto de Reabilitacion Integral Bahía Blanca (IREL http://irel.org.ar/). She is a Certified Tapping Therapist. She has worked as a physiotherapist in sports such as rugby, ultimate and hockey. Services will be included for those who need attendance for injuries (such as taping or bandaging prior to games) advise on care or how to bandage an injury or prevent one, etc. Massages such as tension release, relaxing, or chiropractics will have a cost for those who require services. 3.1.7. Tournament Info Center The tournament info center will stand in the central area of the campus. The main tent will have, fixture, timetable and score boards on big banners, making it easy for every passerby to see and easy to move in case needed (these same banners will be distributed throughout the fields). It will hold backup equipment, speaking utilities, microphone, walkie talkies, phone lines, maps and distribution of fields and stands (food, social area, medic and physio center etc), commission chart and area directors list. General tourist information of Bahía Blanca and Argentina. 3.2. Field Wide Public Address System All public, spectators and so, will have access to toilets, canteen and food stands, merchandising stands, gazebos to sit under the shade and most facilities in campus. There will be volunteer giving rules, and pamphlets about ultimate and ready to answer any questions about the games. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 19 - 3.3. WiFi Coverage The campus has wifi coverage. 3.4. Washrooms/Toilets The campus has toilets in several areas, such as hockey field, food canteen, and rugby field. These are fully equipped washrooms, with toilets, and shower. For the event extra portable toilets and shower units will be rented to be fully equipped and suited for the needs of all players and public. (http://basani.com.ar/region-sur/) Nota a ADDVRA: el Servicio de baños portátiles y duchas será requerido según cantidad de participantes. No hay problema con la capacidad ya que la empresa (por eso se puso la pagina) cuenta con modulos de a 10 duchas (tipo container) y baños portátiles en cantidad. Por eso se puso cantidad suficiente ya que el numero será en base a cantidad de deportistas. 3.5. Water Availability for Players There will be portable dispensers on every field with cool water and isotonic beverages (unlimited and free) and the water in the campus will be drinkable straight from the tap (unpolluted and clean) for every player to fill up upon need. 3.6. Field Shading for Players/Volunteers The campus is surrounded by large eucalyptus trees (as seen on map) which will provide natural shade all over campus. There will be gazebos and umbrellas set up on fields for control table, and volunteers, as well as teams. 3.7. Proximity of Main Field Site(s) to local amenities The campus is only 4 km to the center of the city; there is a shopping mall 1.5 km from campus and another shopping less than 4km away, both with very big supermarkets (Walmart and Hiper-cooperativa), pharmacies, fast-food and restaurants, etc. There are restaurants 2 to 5 km away in Av. Alem, one of the most pictures and main streets of Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 20 - Bahía Blanca. All this is within walking distance for there is a walking track and bike track fully illuminated and through a green area used by most city people for jogging, running and healthy activities. (See APPENDIX, Map 6) 3.8. Additional fields in proximity to tournament fields (Contingency) As CUBB has 2 synthetic fields, so weather is not a mayor problem. Though in case more fields are needed right next to CUBB campus stands the sports campus Club Sportiva Bahía Blanca (www.sociedadsportiva.com.ar) (with rugby and hockey field, bathrooms, club house, etc) that will be available for use if needed. In any case if more than those are needed, 1.5 km away there are 10 football fields (Campus Zibbecchi in the Club Atlético Liniers (www.clubatleticoliniers.com.ar) (the same Club that will hold the Championship games in its stadium), that are also available if needed. (See APPENDIX, Map 5). Because this event will be sponsored by the city council government, they will intervene for backup fields in case more are needed. Contingency plan usage of fields will not generate a higher cost in the budget. Field in Campus Zibbecchi are part of Club Liniers (Championship stadium site). Se contact number of president. 3.9. Security for Main Field Site/Tournament Central CUBB campus is a closed sports campus, so its premises are surrounded by high fences with only 2 entrances. There is a watchman that walks the ground at night. For safe keeping each team will have a big locker to keep all valuables, money etc. Dorms have doors with keys. In general the campus is a very safe place; it is in a very nice residential area. Surrounded by country clubs. Very close to the 5 th army command corps unit to one side, a long jogging/walking area leads from the center of town to the club that is fully illuminated, has a bike track and walking track, where all day round people use for running, biking, jogging etc. as it is a Healthy Green Area. Throughout the road there are City Security Cameras. (See APPENDIX – photo La Carindanga bike/walking track) Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 4. - 21 - ACCOMMODATIONS 4.1. Description of Proposed Accommodation Site(s) - Volunteers will stay on campus in the campus dorms and tent area. - Player will be allowed to stay in: Tents in the campus tent area (350 person capacity) Dorm units - Hotel or barracks in the 5th army command corp center (255 beds) Other alternatives: List of hotels will be given to players (see 4.5 summary of non-tournament accommodations in proximity to Main Field Sites) 4.2. Location of Proposed Accommodation Site(s) - Tents area is in the same campus - 5th army unit dorms are located 3.5 km away connected by the Carrindanga bike/walk track of the city. There is also a regular bus line that passes through the streets. As it is a small distance taxis will have a low cost (aprox AR$60 – U$S6 total for 4 people) - (See APPENDIX, Map 7) 4.3. Cost summary of Proposed Accommodation Site(s) - Cost of tents and hotel/dorms will be charged per night. In 2015 Raza Tournament costs where AR$50 for tents, AR$100 for shared dorms per night and AR$120 for rooms in the 5th army center. (price per person with breakfast) - Hotels go from 2 stars up ranging from AR$ 300 to over AR$ 1500 aprox. (double base) Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 22 - 4.4. Proposed Accommodations for WFDF/Tournament Officials Accommodation for WFDF/Tournament Officials will be free in tournament included accommodation sites. The 5th army corp. unit has meeting room in the hotel in case needed. Aprox 1km from main site (CUBB campus) there will be audiovisual meeting room in CONICET buildings available for officials in case needed. 4.5. Summary of non-tournament accommodations in proximity to Main Field Site(s) This is a list of some of the main hotel in Bahia Blanca, though there are many more in case needed. Hotels HOTEL LAND PLAZA Saavedra 41 | Tel: 0291 – 4599000 HOTEL ARGOS España 149 | Tel: 0291 – 4550404 HOTEL AUSTRAL Av. Colón 159 | Tel:0291 – 4561700 HOTEL MUÑIZ O´higgins 23 | Tel: 0291 – 4560060 HOTEL EGEO Rodriguez 80 | Tel: 4522452 HOTEL BAHÍA Chiclana 251 | Tel: 0291 – 4553050 HOSTEL SANTA ROSA Sarmiento 373 | Tel: 0291 – 4520013 HOTEL BARNE H. Yrigoyen 270 | Tel: 0291 – 4530294 HOTEL CARONTI Caronti 369 | Tel: 0291 – 4538584 HOTEL VICTORIA Gral. Paz 84 | Tel: 0291 – 4520522 www.hotelesland.com e-mail: info@landplaza.com.ar www.hotelargos.com e-mail: reservas@hotelargos.com www.hoteles-austral.com e-mail: haustral@bblanca.com.ar www.hotelmuniz.com.ar e-mail: info@hotelmuñiz.com.ar www.hotelegeo.com.ar e-mail: administracion@hotelegeo.com.ar www.Bahía-hotel.com.ar e-mail: hoteles@Bahía-hotel.com.ar www.bvconline.com.ar/hotelsantarosa e-mail: hotelsantarosa@bvconline.com.ar www.bvconline.com.ar/hotelbarne e-mail: hotelbarne@bvconline.com.ar www.hotelcaronti.com e-mail: consultas@hotelcaronti.com www.hotelvictoriabb.com.ar e-mail: info@hotelvictoriabb.com.ar Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 23 - Aparts APART HOTEL ORION España 227 | Tel: 0291 – 4513505 www.aparthotelorion.com.ar e-mail: reservas@aparthotelorion.com.ar APART HOTEL ALSINA SUITES Lamadrid 92 | Tel: 0291 – 4304100 www.alsinasuites.com.ar e-mail: info@alsinasuites.com.ar Parador Austral H.Yrigoyen 3664 | Tel: 0291 – 4861400 0810-0222-4683 www.paradores-austral.com.ar e-mail: recepcion@paradores-austral.com.ar Moteles MOTEL A.C.A. Av. Sesquicentenario s/nº entre rutas 3 y 35 | Tel: 0291 – 4886855 www.acavillabordeu.com.ar e-mail: info@acavillabordeu.com.ar Hosteles BAHÍA BLANCA HOSTEL Soler 701 | Tel: 0291 – 4526802 www.Bahíablancahostel.com e-mail: info@hostelBahíablanca.com Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 5. - 24 - TRANSPORTATION Aerolíneas Argentinas Sky team member will be the official transport for the event (see APPENDIX letter AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS) this will mean, special offers and discounts for all air tickets for the event for every participant. General Information on how to get to Bahía Blanca (http://www.Bahíablanca.gov.ar/) - Plane: Aerolíneas Argentinas – LAN – SOL. Planes to Bahía Blanca have an all days a week frequency (about 5 flights a day) the journey is about 1 hour. (www.aerolineas.com.ar - www.lan.com - www.sol.com.ar) - Bus: There are more than 10 companies that have regular long distance buses to Bahía Blanca every day with a total 43 frequencies per day, from common to full seat/bed offers. The first bus leaves Bs As al 6am and the last one at nearly 12pm, it takes from 8 to 12 hours by bus, depending on the offer. (www.plataforma10.com.ar) - Train: there are also trains from Bs As to Bahía Blanca. It is a very cheap offer for those who need to lower costs. It takes about 10/14hs. (http://www.ferrobaires.gba.gov.ar) 5.1. Proposed Transportation Plan for Athletes/Volunteers/Officials Transporte Ronan (http://www.transporteronan.com) will be the official transport used throughout the event for every transport included in the tournament. Ronan has been working with CUBB for more than 10 years moving all athletes to and from city campus to field campus. It also works in Bahía Blanca transporting people from mayor factories and companies to different city areas. Offer included in tournament: - There will be vans from the airport and bus station to CUBB campus, the first day and the last day. - During tournament there will be transport for participants to/from fields for main party in the CUBB central city campus and main championship game arena. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - - 25 - Apart from the transport included in the tournament fee, Bahía Blanca has a public bus transport system http://www.gpsurbana.com/ at very low costs that come and go regularly and pass through all tournament sites. The bus line 502 has a 16 regular diary frequency. There are also many taxi stands or these can be called by phone to pick up people at any site. 5.2. Distance from Local Airport(s) to Accommodations Bahía Blanca Airport Comandante Espora and Bus Station are 9 km form site and Train Station at 8km from site (See APPENDIX Map 8) 5.3. Parking facilities available at all Field Sites for private vehicles There is free parking in CUBB campus available for a large amount of private vehicles. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 6. - 26 - FOOD AND DRINK 6.1. Description of Player Meal Plan Offered As stated above there will be low cost stands providing a large variety of meals and snacks for all players and attendants. These meals will be specially prepared for the event, including vegetarian, low fat, high crab and celiac meals. Snacks and drinks will be included in the stands. - All meals will be sold in stands for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. - Prepared and kept under health regulation standards. 6.2. Availability and type of “for purchase” food and drink at Main Field Site(s) Same meals as point 6.1. There is also the main food canteen in campus (open all year round selling food to plaers, public and club members for more than 30 years). There is a large Walmart 1,5km away. 6.3. Availability and type of “for purchase” food and drink at Championship Showcase field site. As the championship showcase will take place at the Liniers Stadium, food there will be provided by Club Liniers in its canteen. It has an all year round food canteen for athletes of the sports club. All main meals, snacks and drinks will be sold for a fair price. There are many restaurants, bars, coffee stores, kiosks, ice cream shops, etc on the same street as the stadium, and two large supermarkets within 300 m. So all needs will be provided. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 27 - 6.4. Field Food (Free) offered to athletes at Main Field Site(s) (if any) For all athletes there will be free fruit (bananas, oranges, mandarins, apples) throughout the whole tournament. Water and isotonic drinks will also be free. And free cookies or alfajores (a very typical Argentinian sweet) during the afternoons. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 7. - 28 - VOLUNTEERS 7.1. Details of local Ultimate Community As CUBB is a multisport club most volunteers will come from the different disciplines and commission. (over 5000 athletes). The regional ultimate community has also volunteered for the event as ultimate is in its toddler stage in the region this will make a great opportunity for the community to grow and strengthen, because it is not a very known sport yet. The most important growing communities are in the near cities of Cervantes (part of the city government sports center), Tres Arroyos whose team is mostly made up of physical education teachers and student. And of course Bahía Blanca, and especially since this year Ultimate was introduced as an official discipline for CUBB club members. This year ultimate was introduced as a probable sport to be taught in public schools in the region through the Center for Educational Investigation and Information Bahía Blanca District (Centro de Información e Investigación Educativa Distrito Bahía Blanca). This was put to work by Grad. Carrizo Lorena who with the collaboration of many ultimate players of Bahía Blanca gave workshops of the sport to school sport teachers. This community of teachers has agreed to also volunteer for the event. Prof. Vigier Cecilia is coordinator of the Physical Ed. Institute (graduates as sport and physical education teachers and professors) and has agreed to work with this project with student and school children to promote and help during the tournament. She will coordinate clinics and lessons or meeting previous to the tournament that will be dictated for all sport teachers, sport trainers and physical education professors. 7.2. Number of Volunteers planned for event As stated before we have a very large amount of volunteers. So numbers won’t be determined at the moment but as many as needed are available to work. Volunteers will come from: - CUBB sports disciplines (ultimate, rugby, hockey, handball, volley, pingpong, softball, etc) - Regional and National Ultimate community. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 29 - - Our association (ADDVRA) - School Sport teachers, and physical educational students from ISFD N° Cacique Valentin Sayhueque. 7.3. Description of Accommodations and Food offered to Volunteers Accommodation for outsiders will be free in dorms and tents in the CUBB campus, dorms in Club Sociedad Sportiva and local ultimate players houses for those who want to share a closer up community encounter. If needed volunteers can also stay in 5 th army unit with players. Meals will also be included FREE in the volunteer package (breakfast, lunch and dinner) on campus stands. 7.4. Description of other Volunteer amenities offered Volunteers will be given - event shirt and jacket - the official souvenir of the tournament. - A diploma of appreciation. - Entrance to event main party. - Transport within the city Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 8. - 30 - SOCIAL EVENTS/MEETINGS 8.1. Captains Meeting The Captains meeting will be in the CUBB Club house which is located inside the main campus between main fields. It has wifi, sound, audio visual capacity (it counts with a sound system, microphones, a projector and screen. It has room to hold all players needed. 8.2. Opening Ceremony, Opening Game - The opening ceremony is planned to take place in main campus on the main hockey field. The field has synthetic grass, lights, toilets, and is right next to the food stores. An audio system will be used for the opening ceremony. The Ceremony will have: - General welcome, - Introduction of authorities, - General direction about the tournament - Team presentations: teams will be called one by one and will take their place assigned (teams will be asked to walk past the main stand with their jerseys on, for pictures) this will give everyone the chance to show their jerseys, see faces of player, present country flags, etc. Something we consider important as it is a special way to get to know who is playing, who came, where they´re from, and hopefully will make all teams a bit more connected with each other and start links and union. - Celebration of welcome: the CUBB cultural activities (see disciplines of CUBB) will do a special presentation of their abilities (dance such as salsa, bachata, tango, jazz, etc) and we will close the ceremony with a very energetic and colorful MURGA. - After the ceremony the opening game will take place in one of the main fields. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 31 - 8.3. Player/SOTG Forum Teaching players Spirit of the Game is simple, yet difficult. The fundamentals are easy: know and abide by the rules, be fair-minded, have fun, and communicate properly. However, how to deal with the details during the game is when it counts. WFDF It is always a challenge for those who transmit, teach or give lessons of ultimate to make students or athletes understand the bases and actions that make “Spirit of the Game” what it should be. It should be the basis of every tournament to make “spirit of the game” a very important part of the event. We as organizers always give a strong participation to this, so this event will be no different. We will endure and protect the spirit throughout the event. Our plan is to follow the WFDF tips: Use a qualitative Spirit Scoring system to provide constructive feedback on how the other teams could improve their adherence to the Spirit of the Game. - Reward teams who get good spirit scores. - Get Spirit Captains to talk to each other if there is a problem with spirit during a game. - Supervise games involving beginners or younger players. - Assign a Spirit Director to oversee the league or spirit nationally. - Encourage Spirit Circles. - Consider formal policies for dealing with teams/players with low spirit. Our experience as player and organizers (in international events) has given us the knowledge that throughout the worlds ultimate is played in deferent ways and spirit is lived very differently. We will select spokesmen from each country to speak at the spirit forum, to tell us what SOTG is about in their country, how do they see others, what can their community teach others. From this we aim to think and speak together about what kind of spirit we want for our continent and work ahead to get to where SOTH should be. 8.4. Mid-Week Showcase Games (Including all Master Divisions Finals) These games will be selected from each division trying to show as many countries as possible. These games will be transmitted (we have done so before in Raza 2013, first tournament in Argentina to transmit games on site via straeming), these will be the Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 32 - games the press will be invited to mid week, and hopefully they will show what ultimate is all about in America. Showcase games will be in main arena in CUBB site, teams to play will be presented formally and will be asked to play their best ultimate, sport and spirit, to have a spirit circle and of course enjoy themselfs. 8.5. Trading Night The main party will take place in the dance club that CUBB has in the Central Campus (APPENDIX map 2) this is a regular university dance club that opens regularly from Thursday to Sunday for all university students to go night dancing and to the bar and club. It will be closed to general public for this night. The party will have a special theme that will be given in due time to all teams so as to come ready for a great night. It will include dinner (food and a limited amount of drinks) INCLUDED IN THE TOURNAMENT INSCRIPTION, music, a show, dancing, bar (with cheap drinks for all to purchase), games and prices, and a long night for those who want to party and have a great time. As this is a closed dance club, there is security at the entrance and in the club, and the bar is tended by the CUBB commission and sports players. So it will be a very safe environment to enjoy and get to mingle with all athletes. As stated before this club is regularly open for dancing 3 nights a week so any player who wants to have fun on a night apart from the party night will have FREE entry to the danceclub! (www.facebook.com/lanochedelcluboficial?ref=br_rs) 8.6. Other Social Events Apart from the main party night a “Choripan evening” is planed for one of the evenings, this will star after the final game of the round nights, on the main campus. For all those who want to attend, choripanes (typical Argentinian barbecue sausage on bread) will be given out to eat. As it will be right after the games the idea is for the evening to be casual, the aim of the reunion will be to play typical spirit round games. Teams will be asked to bring a present for this night to give away to fun game winners. On the campus there will also be spaces for athletes to chat, relax and spend time with other players, games such as fooseball, ping pong, etc will be set up in this area. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 33 - 8.7. Open/Mixed/Women’s and Masters Finals & Closing Ceremony These games will take place on the final day of the tournament in the Arena (Club Liniers Stadium). After these games the closing ceremony will take place in the CUBB basketball stadium right next to the arena. The stadium has the capacity to hold all players and attendants; it has a high seating space above the court for teams and public, lights, music, audio setup, awarding stand and all needs necessary for the ceremony (this area holds the “Noche del deporte” (awarding dinner and ceremony that will distinct the best players of different sports of the city of Bahía Blanca) so it is a space that has experience in awarding and big ceremonies. All amenities needed are in the basketball stadium, toilets, showers, etc. The ceremony will include awards and special distinctions, farewell speech and a special show presentation. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal 9. - 34 - PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING 9.1. Local Media Plan – TV, Radio, Print, Internet Ultimate and local media of the city of Bahía Blanca have a very close relationship. We have been invited to the 3 main tv stations (Channel 4, 9, 7) of the city several times, and sport programs from these channels have covered games and done interviews during our tournaments. The main regional newspaper (La Nueva Provincia) has covered all our tournaments, has invited players several times to talk about ultimate and about their achievements and is regularly giving a spot to the sport in the paper. We have also been invited throughout the years to 3 local and regional radio stations (LU2, Universal, UNS Radio). The TV stations and newspapers have always put the interviews and coverage’s on their internet pages and Facebooks. See Links below. - Public relations and media co-ordination will be in charge of: Mr. Gustavo Anton; more than 10 years working in television channels and radio (Artear group, one of the biggest media groups in Argentina) has experience in publicity, creation of programs, hosting, creating. http://www.lanueva.com/deportes-impresa/836546/ultimate--se-cerro-con-exito-un-torneointernacional.html http://www.lanueva.com/deportes-impresa/835227/prosigue-el-torneo-raza-ultimate-enuniversitario.html http://www.lanueva.com/deportes-impresa/831056/la-decision-olimpica-servira-para-darleimpulso-definitivo-al-ultimate.html http://www.lanueva.com/la-region-impresa/749226/hoy-se-inicia-el-torneo-ultimatecarnaval.html http://www.lanueva.com/sociedad-impresa/235072/viento-en-contra-y-otrocampeonato.html http://www.lanueva.com/sociedad-impresa/223553/sigue-la-acci-243-n.html http://www.lanueva.com/sociedad-impresa/224745/siguen-volando-discos-en-monte.html Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 35 - http://www.lanueva.com/sociedad-impresa/223211/torneo-playero.html http://www.lanueva.com/sociedad-impresa/389061/disco-stu-lleg-243-m-225-s-lejos.html http://www.lanueva.com/sociedad-impresa/387074/va-soplar-viento-en-contra.html http://noticias.perfil.com/2015/02/16/innovacion-puro-discazo/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSheNBB2ROU http://www.arpasto.com/atv/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=142:2011-7ultimate-con-arpasto-en-sd&catid=61:ultimate&Itemid=114 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNPGsQVhTHE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr5kpgxwxR8 9.2. Local Spectator Engagement Plan Most of the general public invitation will be done through local media (tv, paper, radio and internet) in previous months. Along with posters and banner in schools, universities and sports clubs. And of course all the programs that will be coordinated by Vigier Cecilia. - Prof. Vigier Cecilia will coordinate forums and workshops for sport profesors and students, the idea is to coordinate these prior to the event and all participants will be invited as spectators during the games. She will also coordinate school student visits to the weekday games. - Special clinics and games will take place during the days for all public to participate and have fun, while learning what the sport is about. 9.3. Tournament Newsletter The organization counts with a Visual Communications specialist Lic. Ana Gonzalez(See CV attached) who will be in charge of: Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - Web page - Newsletter - Graphic publicity (posters, banners, brochures, etc) - Facebook page - App page. - 36 - 9.4. Local Sponsorship The PAUCCC 2017 has been named “county approved” which means we have the mayors and city government supporting the tournament. (See letter of Gov approval). These means a lot of the needs will be covered by the government itself or through their proposal to local companies. Throughout our 4 years in tournament organizing we have had several big companies sponsor our events (OSDE, Uno Bahía Club, Clinica de ojos del Sud, Direc TV, CocaCola). They have done so continuously through the years and have stated their intention to keep on doing so in the future, especially PAUCCC (APPENDIX sponsorship pictures) As this is a tournament of larger scale we have the intention to seek bigger companies. CUBB has local sponsors of its own and has housed national events with support from many companies. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 37 - 10. DEVELOPMENT/OUTREACH PROGRAM 10.1. Plans to promote Ultimate in local communities prior to the event Our plan to promote Ultimate in local community includes governmental entities such as Sports Sub-Secretary of Bahía Blanca city council (Subsecretaría Deportes, Recreación y Tiempo libre del Gobierno de la Cuidad de Bahía Blanca), articulation through the educational community through the Center for Educational Investigation and Information Bahía Blanca District (Centro de Información e Investigación educativo Dist. Bahía Blanca) and The Teacher Formation Superior Institute (Instituto Superior de Formación Docente - ISFD N° 86 "CACIQUE VALENTÍN SAYHUEQUE") - See support Letters. Our team for this purpose will work on preparation and coordination of workshops for "Initiation for sport teachers and coaches", school program activities, ultimate for children and teenagers, distribution of pamphlets, rules and other ultimate information to public amongst other activities. However we want to work beyond our local community to the region, for this we have already committed different media companies (Channel 9, 7 and 4. La Nueva Provincia News Paper and Radios) to cover PAUCCC 2017 by filming, take photographs, conduct interviews to players, committee, public to show on programs news editions and more. We think it is crucial that our Association (ADDVRA) take participation in this mayor event, so we will offer: - Transport, accommodation and meals FREE for the committee and subcommittee representatives during tournament days to work together with the organization and to promote ADDVRA to all players. - Of course one of the mayors plans is to promote ultimate to all 5000 members of the CUBB, giving them the opportunity to see ultimate played at a greater level in their sports club. Something we think will motivate and commit a lot more members to play the game. - We will offer sport scholarships to national player who should be part of the event as players but may not have the funds to participate. We will work with ADDVRA to evaluate these postulations. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 38 - 10.2. Plans for any legacy programs for Ultimate following the event We believe our legacy must be to promote the growth and spree of the sport through social integration and human development. To learn that ant sport should be played on the basis of fair play and maintaining the "SPIRIT OF THE GAME" and show ultimate as the greatest example for this. To include our community to the sport, generate equal opportunities, exchange knowledge, culture and friendship among player of the continent. We believe a legacy of this will be ADDVRA so we are committed to: - Donate part of the inscription fee to the association, so they can support ultimate project all aver Argentina - Donate with utilities that will be bought for the event (such as field lines, cones, score boards, chronometers, flags, shirts, tends, etc.,) so they can support and impulse other communities to organize tournaments, leagues, friendly games and more. -Elaborate a document for tournament organization for the association, so they can share it with other players and communities. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 39 - 11. BUDGET 11.1. Team/Player/Guest Fees Fees are calculated to not be above Team fee U$S 550 per team Player fee U$S 160 Guest fee U$S 100 11.2. Meal Plan Fees Meals will be sold in the site as there will be a variety of stands selling will many meals and drinks prices will be set for each item. As CUBB will take care of the meals and winnings from these stands will be given to sport disciplines of CUBB they will have very low price (for example today a full hamburger at club canteen is AR $50 - U$S 5 aprox, pizza AR$80, 2lt coca cola AR$30, sandwich AR$30, etc) 11.3. Transportation Fees We have Aerolineas discount yet we haven’t got the companies discount % yet for flights to Argentina and Bahia Blanca Transportation to form airport, bus and train station will be aprox. AR$50 (per trip/person) All transport within tournament will be FREE 11.4. High Level Budget (Draft 1) Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 41 - APPENDIX - This appendix holds maps, field distribution, links, pictures, support letters and most needed information for evaluation committee to check facts and veracity of all the points stated in the bid. CUBB recent events such as the Gold medalist women beach volleyball presentation, Cultural night in the city´s main theater, Sport awarding night and others Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 42 - Location Map 1 – CUBB - Predio Hector Gatica Campus (https://goo.gl/maps/WpmJkwvpnr52) Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 43 - Distribution Map 1 - CUBB - Predio Hector Gatica Campus Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 44 - Location Map 2 – CUBB – Central Campus and Office / Club Liniers - Main field Arena https://goo.gl/maps/mWBWuLWBZ4C2 Distribution Map 2 - CUBB – Central Campus and Office / Club Liniers - Main field Arena Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 45 - TOURNAMENT PICTURES – Raza Ultimate and Carnaval Beach Ultimate Raza Ultimate Carnaval Beach Ultimate Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 46 - Francisco Lonas - Tents/globes: a local company named Francisco Lonas has all types of gazebotents-globes needed to provide extra shade, closed spaces, etc, for the event. www.carpasfranciscolonas.com Club Atletico Liniers - main field stadium to be used for championship games www.clubatleticoliniers.com.ar Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 47 - Map 3 – Distance from main site (Hector Gatica Campus) to main arena Stadium (Club Atlético Liniers) for last day finals and CUBB central campus (closing ceremony) Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 48 - Map 4 – Nearest Hospital Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 49 - Map 5 – Proximity of Main Field Site(s) to local amenities - shopping mall Bahía Blanca Plaza Shopping and Paseo del Sol (with a big Walmart) Map 6 - Additional fields in proximity to tournament fields (Contingency – Club Sociedad Sportiva, Complejo Zibbechi Club Liniers) Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 50 - La Carrindanga bike and walking tracks that connects most locations for event )Central to Hector Gatica Club Campus, Contingency sites, 5th army corps unit, shopping malls, Championship games) Map 7 – Location of Proposed Accommodation Site 5th Army corp. unit. Bahía Blanca – Argentina WFDF 2017 Pan American Ultimate Club Championships – Bid Proposal - 51 - Map 8 - Distance from Local Airport, bus and train station to Accommodations. Sponsorship in tournaments. Bahía Blanca – Argentina ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA Bahía Blanca, 20 de noviembre de 2015 Al Subsecretario Deportes, Recreación y Tiempo libre Municipalidad de Bahía Blanca Sr. Bernardo STORTONI S / D Ref.: Solicitud Declaración Interés Municipal De nuestra mayor consideración: Nos dirigimos a Ud. a efectos de solicitarles declarar de “interés municipal” una propuesta de sede: Bahía Blanca, del próximo Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate (PAUCC) en Noviembre de 2017 que será presentada ante la Federación Internacional de Disco Volador (WFDF - World Flying Disc Federation). Nuestra propuesta tiene como objetivos fundamentales i).- implementar las acciones orientadas hacia el fomento del crecimiento del deporte a través de la integración social y el desarrollo humano; ii).- promover la alta competencia deportiva, pero manteniendo el juego limpio y fair play, con la autorregulación y auto-arbitraje como bases fundamentales de este deporte (ver ANEXO) iii).- Integrar a la comunidad y la región a este deporte, generar el desarrollo de igualdad de oportunidades en torno al Ultimate, intercambiar culturas y crear vínculos con jugadores de todo el continente. Ultimate en el mundo crece a nivel exponencial, con más de 100 federaciones y asociaciones. La Asociación Argentina (ADDVRA) es miembro pleno de la WFDF y cuenta con más de 500 jugadores en el país. El Club Universitario de Bahía Blanca (sede central y organizador) incorporó recientemente el deporte como actividad dentro de sus disciplinas. Es el primer Club en la Argentina en hacerlo y sin dudas un antecedente para el país en este deporte nuevo para el mundo que tiene cualidades como ningún otro. Sería la primera vez que un evento de estas magnitudes se realice en Argentina y esperamos contar con la participación de más de 1000 representantes de equipos de países del Contiene Americano. Considerando la trascendencia que tendría este evento de llevarse a cabo en nuestra ciudad, tener el apoyo y participación de la comuna de Bahía Blanca será fundamental frente a otras posibles presentaciones. Sin más, con cordiales saludos. Valeria Gutierrez TOC PAUCC 2017 Club Universitario de Bahía Blanca ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA ANEXO Ultimate Ultimate es un deporte de alto rendimiento, jugado por equipos. Es un juego de pases rápidos y un deporte de no contacto que combina habilidades y reglas de otros deportes en un juego decididamente competitivo. Es también un excelente ejercicio físico y promueve a través de su filosofía los más altos valores del deportivismo y fraternidad entre sus practicantes y todo esto entorno a un disco volador o frisbee. Tanto en niveles iniciales como en alta competencia (mundiales y torneos de continentes) las categorías son Open, Femenino y MIXTO, lo que lo hace uno de los pocos deportes con alta competencia con esta modalidad. Este año el Comité Olímpico reconoció Ultimate como deporte oficial. Espíritu de Juego El Espíritu de Juego, es la manera de incentivar a los jugadores a jugar limpio. En toda competencia desde los niveles de principiantes a los más avanzados, el “Espíritu de Juego” rige como conducta acudiendo a la buena fe de cada jugador, incita a que Ultimate sea un deporte auto-arbitrado, tanto en el ámbito competitivo como recreativo. Consiste en depositar la responsabilidad del juego limpio en los mismos jugadores. El juego competitivo e intenso es alentado, pero siempre a expensas del respeto entre jugadores y las reglas acordadas, y por sobre todo, sin sacrificar el más fundamental placer de jugar. Habitualmente el Espíritu de Juego es evaluado y premiado. Para dar puntajes, al término de un partido los equipos llenan una planilla (Oficial de la WFDF) para evaluar a su oponente. En ligas y torneos, el premio al Espíritu de Juego suele ser el más importante y festejado. En general, las buenas expresiones de Espíritu son registradas, reconocidas y recordadas por mucho tiempo. Reglas Básicas sobre Ultimate El objetivo de cada equipo es anotar un punto haciendo que un jugador atrape un el disco en la zona de gol que está atacando. El equipo contrario tratará de bloquear el disco, interceptarlo o hacer que el equipo contrario pierda el disco. Cuando alguna de estas cosas sucede hay un cambio de posesión, los ofensivos se vuelven defensivos y los defensivos se vuelven ofensivos. 1. Espíritu de Juego: Ultimate subraya la deportividad, el juego limpio y principalmente diversión. El Juego puede tornarse competitivo, pero siempre debe existir el respeto entre jugadores y a las normas. 2. La Cancha: Se juega en un campo de césped o playa rectangular, con una zona de gol demarcada en cada extremo. Medida oficial 100 x 37 m. ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA 3. Empezar el Juego: Cada punto se inicia con los dos equipos en fila en sus respectivas líneas de zona de gol. La defensa lanza el disco a la ofensa. Cada equipo tiene siete (cinco en Beach) jugadores en el campo. 4. Punto: Cada vez que la ofensiva completa un pase en la zona gol de la defensa. 5. Movimiento del disco: El disco se puede lanzar en cualquier dirección, completando un pase a un compañero de equipo. Los jugadores no pueden correr con el disco, solo pivotear, debe detenerse al tener la posesión, tiene diez segundos para realizar el pase. 6. Cambio de Posesión:Cuando el pase no se completa (por ejemplo, si el disco salió fuera de límites, o se ha caído, bloqueado o interceptado, o se llega al límite de posesión de 10 segundos) la defensa de inmediato toma posesión del disco y se convierte en la ofensa. 7. Cambios de jugadores: Los cambios de jugadores se realizan únicamente después de una puntuación o durante un tiempo por lesión. 8. No contacto: No se permite el contacto físico entre los jugadores. Picks y las pantallas también están prohibidas. 9. Faltas: Cuando una falta interrumpe posesión, el juego se reanuda donde se realizó la falta. Si el jugador que ha cometido la falta no está de acuerdo con la misma, esta es reconsiderada nuevamente. Y se regresa a la jugada anterior. 10. Auto-arbitraje: Los jugadores son responsables de su propia falta y llamadas de línea. Los jugadores deben resolver sus propios conflictos (no existen jueces ni árbitros) Ultimate en Argentina Ultimate en Argentina cuenta actualmente con unos más de 500 jugadores estables conformado por argentinos y extranjeros residentes, quienes han creado la Asociación de Deportes del Disco Volador de la República Argentina (ADDVRA). Desde sus inicios fue principalmente practicado en Capital Federal, sin embargo su crecimiento se está dando últimamente en el interior del país con equipos estables competitivos en Bahía Blanca, La Plata, Tres Arroyos, Cervantes, Córdoba, Mendoza, Lujan, Rosario, Moreno, entre otros, y nuevos focos surgiendo cada año. Existen en Argentina 4 torneos importantes que unen a todos estos equipos junto con participantes de Suramérica. Además se realizan torneos locales en varias ciudades y una liga de Capital y otra en conurbano que se extienden dos temporadas al año. Argentina y sus jugadores ya han participado en varios torneos Panamericanos (Colombia y Brasil), en torneos de clubes internacionales en Italia. Jugadores de todo el país han jugado en diversos equipos latinoamericanos y europeos en torneos de pasto y playa. ULTIMATE - CLUB UNIVERSITARIO DE BAHIA BLANCA Ultimate en Bahia Blanca El equipo inicial de Bahía Blanca se creó hace 5 años, desde su nacimiento trabajo en el desarrollo y la promoción de Ultimate en la ciudad y la región, además de participar en torneos nacionales. Sus fundadores están convencidos que es uno de los mejores deportes para los niños y adolescentes, porque además de ser divertido sus bases son el Espíritu de Juego, respeto y honestidad. Estos valores colaboran con el la integración social y el desarrollo humano, la atención y la reducción de las situaciones de vulnerabilidad social, el desarrollo de igualdad de oportunidades. Es por ello que realizan continuamente tareas de difusión del deporte. - Enseñanza en escuelas municipales y de la zona - Participación en el “Día Internacional del Corazón” - Demostraciones y trabajo en conjunto con el Instituto de Educación Física - Uno Bahía Club clases en la colonia de Vacaciones. - Demostración en FISA 2013. - Invitados por Lic. Lorena Carrizo del Centro de Información e Investigación educativo Dist. Bahia Blanca para colaborar en del Curso “La clase mixta en educación física, planificando propuestas de enseñanza”. Bahía Blanca, Monte Hermoso, Punta Alta, Médanos, Gral. Cerri, Carmen de Patagones. - Clínicas de Ultimate en Tres arroyos y Rosario. Desde 2008, sus fundadores organizan torneos anuales de playa en Monte Hermoso y de césped en Bahía Blanca, con mas de 150 participantes del país y la región. En 2015 el Club Universitario de Bahía Blanca decidió apoyar el deporte y lo incorporo como una más dentro de sus catorce disciplinas deportivas para el 2016. INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE FORMACION DOCENTE N°86, "Cacique Valentín Sayhueque" Bahía Blanca, 24 de noviembre de 2015 Al Director del Comité Organizador del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate PAUCC 2017 DG. Valeria Gutierrez Club Universitario Bahía Blanca S / D De mi mayor consideración: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Uds. a los efectos de brindarle nuestro apoyo y colaboración para integrar la comisión organizadora del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate. Consideramos que desde el ámbito educativo Ultimate además de ser un excelente ejercicio físico y promueve a través de su filosofía los más altos valores del deportivismo y fraternidad entre sus practicantes y todo esto entorno a un disco volador o frisbee. La articulación Ultimate - comunidad fundamental a la hora de insertar el deporte como actividad. educativa será Sin otro particular, saluda a Ud. cordialmente. Prof. Claudio Fabián Olivera DNI: 17.051.580 Coordinador de Eventos ISFD86 Horarios de atención: lunes a viernes de 8 a 12 y de 13 a 17 hs Dirección: Vieytes 51 (altos) - Teléfonos: +54-291-4557814 E-mail de consultas:isfd86@gmail.com - URL: www.isfd86.com.ar Dirección General de Cultura y Educación Dirección Provincial de Proyectos Especiales Dirección de Formación Continua Bahía Blanca, 24 de noviembre de 2015 Al Director del Comité Organizador del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate DG. Valeria Gutierrez Club Universitario Bahía Blanca De mi mayor consideración: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Uds. a los efectos de avalar el pedido de realización del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Desde el ámbito educativo se considera a Ultimate como un deporte alternativo que promueve valores colaborativos y de fraternidad entre sus practicantes. Su ineludible carácter recreativo lo convierten en un deporte con espíritu creador, contribuyendo a una alternativa potencial de carácter educativo y de gran valor como contenido de la Educación Física re afirmando su principio democrático e inclusivo que lo hacen único. Durante el año 2015 desde el área de capacitación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires se ha contribuido a darle promoción y empuje necesario desde las capacitaciones dirigidas a escuela Secundaria respondiendo a una normativa ministerial numero RESOLUCIÓN MINISTERIAL N° 1637 /5(MEd) que marca las pautas para la clase compartida dentro de las horas de educación física. Es por ello que avalo la tarea de la capacitadora (ETR) Cecilia Vigier representando al centro de investigación educativa región 22. Sin otro particular, saluda a Ud. cordialmente. Mg. Viviana Sassi DNI: 17.290.245. Directora CIIE Bahía Blanca. Región 22 CIIE. CENTRO DE INFORMACIÓN E INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA INGENIERO LUIGGI 238 - Tel. 291-4501672 - BAHÍA BLANCA - REGIÓN XXII Centro de Información e Investigación Educativa Distrito Bahía Blanca Bahía Blanca, 24 de noviembre de 2015 Al Director del Comité Organizador Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate PAUCC 2017 DG. Valeria Gutierrez Club Universitario Bahía Blanca S / D De mi mayor consideración: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Uds. a los efectos de brindarle nuestro apoyo y colaboración para integrar la comisión organizadora del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate. Consideramos que desde el ámbito educativo Ultimate además de ser un excelente deporte que promueve a través de su filosofía los más altos valores del deportivismo y fraternidad entre sus practicantes y todo esto entorno a un disco volador o frisbee. La articulación Ultimate y educación como deporte alternativo es altamente significativa ya que permite por sus particulares normativas, como la ausencia de árbitro, su conformación de equipos mixtos, potenciación efectiva del fair play y su ineludible carácter recreativo lo convierten en un deporte con espíritu creador, contribuyendo a una alternativa potencial de carácter educativo y de gran valor como contenido de la Educación Física re afirmando su principio democrático e inclusivo que lo hacen único. Durante el año 2015 desde el área de capacitación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires se ha contribuido a darle promoción y empuje necesario desde las capacitaciones dirigidas a escuela Secundaria respondiendo a una normativa ministerial numero RESOLUCIÓN MINISTERIAL N° 1637/5(MEd) que marca las pautas para la clase compartida dentro de las horas de educación física. Sin otro particular, saluda a Ud. cordialmente. Prof. María Cecilia Vigier. DNI: 14.853.287. Miembro del Equipo Técnico Regional. Región 22. Capacitadora de Educación Física. Especialista en el terreno de la práctica del ISFD86. Bahía Blanca. Dirección: Ingeniero Luiggi 238, Bahía Blanca, Argentina - Tel/Fax: 0291 - 4501672 Bahía Blanca, 24 de noviembre de 2015 Al Director del Comité Organizador Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate PAUCC 2017 DG. Valeria Gutierrez Club Universitario Bahía Blanca S / D De mi mayor consideración: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Uds. a los efectos de brindarle nuestro apoyo y colaboración del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate. La articulación Ultimate - comunidad educativa será fundamental a la hora de continuar insertando el deporte como actividad en nuestras escuelas. Sin otro particular, saluda a Ud. cordialmente, sede de inspectores Bahía Blanca. Gabriela Villada Dni: 16.968.007 Inspectora de Educación Física Partido de Villarino. DIRECCION DE EDUC. FISICA-SEDE DE INSPECTORES DISTRITO VILLARINO Alsina 160 – Carmen de Patagones - Teléfonos: 02920-465119 Bahía Blanca, 24 de noviembre de 2015 Al Director del Comité Organizador Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate PAUCC 2017 DG. Valeria Gutierrez Club Universitario Bahía Blanca S / D De mi mayor consideración: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Uds. a los efectos de brindarle nuestro apoyo y colaboración del Torneo Panamericano de Ultimate. La articulación Ultimate - comunidad educativa será fundamental a la hora de continuar insertando el deporte como actividad en nuestras escuelas. Sin otro particular, saluda a Ud. cordialmente, sede de inspectores Bahía Blanca. Silvana Gatti. DNI: 17673.707 Inspectora de Educación Física Bahía Blanca DIRECCION DE EDUC. FISICA-SEDE DE INSPECTORES DISTRITO BAHIA BLANCA Viamonte 450 - Bahia Blanca (8000) - Tel.:(0291) 4525956 CERVANTES, RIO NEGRO 25 de Noviembre de 2015 Sra. Valeria Gutierrez TOC PAUCC 2017 Club Universitario de Bahia Blanca: Me dirijo a usted como Capitán del Equipo de Ultimate de la Escuela Municipal de Deportes, en representación de todo el equipo de Ultimate y de la Municipalidad de Cervantes, a fin de brindarles todo nuestro apoyo para la organización del PAUCC 2017. Como equipo nos alegramos de haber participado de la edición 2015 del torneo RAZA ULTIMATE, la cual fue la primer experiencia en torneos de la mayoría de los jugadores, en la cual nos hemos sentido muy bien atendidos y hemos adquirido una gran cantidad de aprendizajes que nos permiten seguir adelante y mejorando como equipo. Como jugador de Ultimate desde el año 2008, y habiendo participado en varios torneos nacionales, y particularmente en la mayoría de las ediciones del Torneo RAZA ULTIMATE, celebro la propuesta de la organización del PAUCC 2017 por Uds. ya que conozco, y reconozco, la excelente capacidad del Club Universitario, y de la Comisión Organizadora para llevar adelante este proyecto y sé que realizarán un excelente trabajo con la organización del PAUCC 2017. En concordancia con lo expresado anteriormente, nos ofrecemos como voluntarios para participar y ayudar en la organización de este evento, y así seguir fomentando y desarrollando el ULTIMATE en el país. Esperando poder ayudarlos en lo que necesiten, me despido muy atentamente. MICONI MATIAS Prof. de Ed. Física Prof. de Ultimate en la Escuela Municipal de Deportes de la Ciudad de Cervantes 2017 PAUCC Selection Committee, I am the ultimate coach at the Lincoln International School here in Argentina. I have been involved in ultimate since 1985 both in the states and overseas. I also have some experience organizing and running tournaments both in the states and here in Argentina. I have been very fortunate to be involved in several tournaments organized by Valeria. With no exceptions the tournaments have been perfectly arranged with forethought and organization. There have been ample volunteers to help and things have run very smoothly. She have boundless energy and enthusiasm. She will get things done right. I enthusiastically recommend them to you for the 2017 PAUCC. The Lincoln community will support their efforts where possible. There is no doubt in my mind that they will do a great job. Sincerely, Joseph H Miller Ultimate Team Coach HS Physics Science Dept. Head Asociación Escuelas Lincoln Andrés Ferreyra 4073 | B1637AOS La Lucila | Vte. López | Argentina Tel. +54 11 4851 1700 | joe.miller @lincoln.edu.ar www.lincoln.edu.ar Córdoba Capital - Argentina, 25 de noviembre de 2015 A quien corresponda, Por medio de la presente, y en carácter de capitán del equipo de Ultimate Córdoba, hago llegar el apoyo de todos los miembros del mismo para cualquier actividad que requiera la futura organización del PAUCC 2017 a manos del Club Universitario de Bahía Blanca. Sin otro particular saludamos a usted cordialmente, Eloy Bauer Espitia Capitán del equipo Ultimate Córdoba Tres Arroyos, 2015. Organización PAUCC 2017 Bahía Blanca Argentina. Por medio de la presente comunicamos que desde el equipo de Ultímate de Tres arroyos apoyamos la propuesto de que la ciudad de Bahía blanca sea sede para la realización del PAUCC 2017. Creemos que realizar un evento de esta magnitud en una ciudad del interior del país, potenciaría nuestro deporte desde varios lugares. Es por ello que desde nuestra pequeña comunidad, apoyamos la realización de este tipo de eventos que nos hagan crecer como comunidad, además siendo Argentina la sede nos daría la posibilidad de ver y/o jugar ultímate de gran nivel. Los saludo atentamente. Lujan, Facundo. Capitan Ultimate Tres Arroyos Mambas Negras UFC Buenos Aires, 25 de Noviembre de 2015 Sres.: Valeria Gutierrez - TOC PAUCC 2017 Club Universitario de Bahía Blanca Presente Ref.: PAUCC 2017 Bahía Blanca-Argentina Por medio de la presente, tenemos el agrado de dirigirnos a uds. a los efectos de comunicar que, el equipo deportivo de ultimate frisbee “Mambas Negras UFC”, apoya la propuesta de realizar el próximo PAUCC 2017 en Bahía Blanca (Argentina), que presentarán ante la WFDF para el bid formal,. Como equipo femenino argentino uno los mayores intereses es el crecimiento del deporte en el nuestro país, y entendemos que la realización del PAUCC 2017 en Bahía Blanca, otorgará, tal como platea su propuesta, la oportunidad de compartir con equipos de gran experiencia, intercambiar conocimientos, formar comunidades nuevas y sobre todo hacer nuevos amigos. Asimismo de nuestro interés por participar del PAUCC 2017, quedamos a disposición de la organización para voluntariar en los aspectos previos al evento que consideren necesarios y en el torneo mismo. Desde ya muchas gracias por la invitación a participar.- Catalina Gutierrez Capitana Mambas Negras UFC V ULTIMATE BUENOS AIRES Buenos aires, lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2015 Presentación apoyo PAUCC 2017 Ref.: PAUCC 2017 Bahía Blanca – Argentina. Por medio de la presente el equipo V Ultime Buenos Aires presenta su apoyo, interés y participación en la propuesta dada por el Club Universitario de Bahía blanca liderado por Valeria Gutiérrez para la realización del PAUCC 2017 ya que compartimos los intereses de esta propuesta y creemos fielmente en la buena organización y realización del proyecto. Cordialmente, CAMILO GALLEGO. Capitán. V Ultímate Buenos aires. Enviado el: Para: CC: Asunto: viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015 07:39 a.m. 'Liliana Deborah Lorente' 'Liliana Margetic Sanchez'; 'Maria J Tapia' RE: Consulta :TORNEO PANAMERICANO DE ULTIMATE FRISBEE en noviembre de 2017 Categorías: Categoría roja Estimada Liliana, Gracias por su amable respuesta. Respecto al evento que queremos organizar reviste carácter de internacional, pero a la vez es un evento NO PROFESIONAL y el día 1 de diciembre vence el plazo para la presentación de propuesta a la federación internacional (WFDF) y en febrero/marzo tendremos la respuesta oficial. Por lo tanto los datos siguientes son meramente estimativos. debemos contar con los siguientes datos: Evento: WFDF Pan American Ultimate Club Championships 2017 (PAUCC) Lugar y fecha de realización del Congreso/Evento : Bahía Blanca, de 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2017 Cantidad aproximada de participantes: más de 800 jugadores. Destinos de procedencia: Países de América (Canadá, EE.UU, México, Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Argentina, entre otros) Cantidad y procedencia de disertantes/ invitados cuyos tkts son abonados por el organizador/ entidad: 10, autoridad representantes de la WFDF y ADDVRA (estos serian Bs.As. –Bahía Blanca) Cantidad de viajes del Organizador para difundir/ promocionar el evento: 15, para participar de diferentes eventos (torneos nacionales, regionales, etc) en países de América. Intervención o no de Agencia de viajes: para nosotros es indistinto, lo dejo a su criterio. Contrapartida: Estamos de acuerdo con el ofrecimiento de la contrapartida, y tienen a disposición todo el predio deportivo para colocar no solo banners si no cualquier elemento que consideren oportuno para su promoción. Le consulto si existe la posibilidad de acceder a descuentos para los participantes y/o autoridades, como así también obtener bouchers de viajes para que los organizadores puedan promocionar dicho evento. Ser designados Transportador Oficial en exclusividad Incorporar nuestro logo de Transportador Oficial en la página web del evento, debiendo figurar el link de acceso a nuestra página Distribuir información del beneficio a través de Newsletters a los participantes Banners en la sede del evento los cuales serán proporcionados por nuestra empresa Con cordiales saludos.Valeria Gutierrez De: Liliana Deborah Lorente [mailto:llorente@aerolineas.com.ar] Enviado el: jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015 08:06 p.m. 1 Para: Valeria Gutierrez CC: Liliana Margetic Sanchez; Maria J Tapia Asunto: Ref:Consulta :TORNEO PANAMERICANO DE ULTIMATE FRISBEE en noviembre de 2017 Le envío esta presentación para que conozca lo que podemos ofrecer desde Aerolineas Argentinas , pero al mismo tiempo le comento que siendo un evento a desarrollarse en Noviembre del Año 2017, por el tipo de sistema de reservas que utilizamos recién podrían hacer gestiones de compras / o reservas hasta con 11 meses de anticipación. Es de nuestro agrado informarles que Aerolíneas Argentinas, desde el área comercial, cuenta con el sector Congresos, cuyo objetivo es dar facilidades a los participantes, de esta forma como organizador, podrás captar un mayor número de asistentes al congreso/evento que estés organizando. Por políticas comerciales no otorgamos sponsoreo ni patrocinio . Para poder cumplir con este objetivo, solicitamos ser designados Transportador Oficial. Con dicha designación, los participantes, invitados y organizadores gozarán de descuentos en las tarifas de rutas y vuelos propios de Aerolíneas Argentinas a través de nuestra pagina web. Asimismo Aerolíneas Argentinas, como miembro de la Alianza SkyTeam, les ofrece la posibilidad de inscribir el Congreso Internacional en el SkyTeam Global Meetings. Estos descuentos los otorgamos a Congresos que se realicen en nuestro País. debemos contar con los siguientes datos: Lugar y fecha de realización del Congreso/Evento . Cantidad aproximada de participantes. Destinos de procedencia. Cantidad y procedencia de disertantes/ invitados cuyos tkts son abonados por el organizador/ entidad. Cantidad de viajes del Organizador para difundir/ promocionar el evento Intervención o no de Agencia de viajes. Contrapartida: Ser designados Transportador Oficial en exclusividad Incorporar nuestro logo de Transportador Oficial en la página web del evento, debiendo figurar el link de acceso a nuestra página Distribuir información del beneficio a través de Newsletters a los participantes Banners en la sede del evento los cuales serán proporcionados por nuestra empresa Esperamos encuentren en Aerolíneas Argentinas un aliado en la organización de tu evento. Quedamos a disposición ante cualquier consulta. 2 Cordial saludo L. Deborah Lorente Congresos y Convenciones Aerolineas Argentinas S.A. Rivadavia 578 piso 2do (1002AAQ) Buenos Aires-Argentina (5411)4320-2036 llorente@aerolineas.com.ar Este mensaje y sus anexos contienen información confidencial necesaria para el uso exclusivo del destinatario. Si usted no es el destinatario, debe interrumpir inmediatamente la lectura de este mensaje y borrarlo de su sistema. Cualquier lectura, distribución, copia, o cualquier otro uso no autorizado de este mensaje o sus anexos están estrictamente prohibidos. This message and any attachments contain confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you should immediately stop reading this message and delete it from your system. Any unauthorized reading, distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. Se certificó que el correo no contiene virus. Comprobada por AVG - www.avg.es Versión: 2016.0.7227 / Base de datos de virus: 4460/10985 - Fecha de la versión: 12/11/2015 3 WFDF WORLD ULTIMATE CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT BUDGET Instructions Please use this budget as a guideline for putting together your budget as part of you bid to host a WFDF Championship event. Although you won't know all costs at this time, this will help WFDF when evaulating bids and selecting the best possible host. If your bid is selected, you can build upon this budget as you plan the event. Feel free to adjust or add to the headings as needed for your particular event and situation. If you have any questions, please contact WFDF. Background Information Competitors Ultimate -Open -Women -Mixed -Masters -Junior Open -Junior Women's # of Teams # of Players 550 550 550 550 160 160 160 160 Guts Other Guests Volunteers Staff Event Fees Per Player Per Team Per Guest WFDF Fee Structure Total 100 Free 125 Amount included in fee included in fee included in fee Regional Championships Acommodation meal Fee (per player) USD $10.00 free free Regional Championships Acommodation meal Fee (per player) USD $7.00 free free ADDVRA Fee Structure extras all items including in the tournament (party, transportation, etc) will be free. extras Collaborate with own inputs used in the tournament (field lines, cones, disks, boards, timers, flags, shirts, etc.) that will be donated to ADDVRA