Greetings from the Oregon EMS Conference Committee


Greetings from the Oregon EMS Conference Committee
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Greetings from the Oregon EMS
Conference Committee
2010 is shaping up to be quite the year for new events both locally and
nationally. We’ve seen a number of high profile fire service management
personnel within our state retire or change positions this year. We’ve seen
Medicare (or should I say CMS) reimbursements go down and up in a few
short months and we’ve seen historic disasters at home and around the
And now your Oregon EMS Conference is having a number of “firsts” in
For the first time Salem, the State Capital, will be the host of The Oregon
EMS Conference. The Salem Conference Center is shaping up to be a
great facility to host what is the largest EMS Conference in Oregon. For that
matter we are the only centralized EMS conference on the West Coast.
Another first is our keynote speaker, Randolph Mantooth, (Johnny Gage
from the show Emergency), who will be making his debut for the first time.
Randolph’s character Johnny Gage and his partner Roy DeSoto (played
by Kevin Tighe) were the motivation for thousands of folks to become
paramedics and enter the world of EMS. While these actors played the role,
it was really Jame’s Page the Grandfather of EMS that was the nuclei for
the movement of pre-hospital care as we know it today. Jim’s knowledge
led this show to portray pre-hospital providers as never shown before.
Randolph Mantooth’s speaking engagement at the conference is being
sponsored by a substantial contribution from Life Flight Network. Please
join the committee in thanking Life Flight Network for making this possible.
And finally we are having our first Cadaver Lab. The conference committee
has been trying for years to host one of these educational opportunities
and all the elements have finally come together in Salem to allow us to
bring you this excellent training opportunity. Class size will be limited but
those involved will see firsthand how the treatments you practice enter
the human body. Students will be able to perform skills they’ve only been
able to do previously on manikins. There are many agencies that are owed
a huge thank you for their work for bringing this to you. Thanks to the
Oregon Health & Science University Hospital and Salem Hospital for their
partnership in bringing you this opportunity.
Salem and the surrounding area have lots to offer both you and your guest
for all sorts of entertainment. Personnel will be available at the registration
table to help you pick one of the many events to experience while you’re in
Thank you for everything you do on a daily basis and for your support
in making our conference such a success. I hope to see you during the
conference and remember as always,
Play safe, train hard, and keep an eye on your partner,
Oregon EMS Conference Committee Chair
Dave Lapof
Oregon EMS
Excellence in Education
Salem Conference Center
200 Commercial St SE
Salem, OR 97301
The Grand Hotel (attached to the
Salem Conference Center)
877-540-7800 (Say you are with
the Oregon EMS Conference)
Room rates are available until
Tuesday, September 10, 2010.
Room Rates:
$119 - two queen beds or king
$129 - double rate
Cover Artist Michael T. Gilbert
Over the years Michael’s
written or drawn comics
starring Superman, Batman, Dr.
Strange, Elric, and the Disney
characters. But his signature
creation remains his fearless
monster-fighting superhero,
Doc Stearn … Mr. Monster!
Additionally, Mr. Monster also
hosts “Mr. Monster’s Comic
Crypt,” a monthly column
devoted to comic book history
for Alter Ego magazine. A
published comic book artist
since 1973, Michael has also
designed t-shirts, TV graphics
and gruesome tattoos. Those
interested in commissioning
art can contact him at:
He currently lives in raindrenched Oregon with his wife,
Janet ––and the huge, festering
pile of pulp he laughingly calls
his comic book collection!
w w w. o r e g o n e m s c o n f e r e n c e . c o m
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w w w
Pre-Conferences at a Glance
Thursday, October 7
0800 - 1200 ALS Skills with Life Flight Network, and REACH Air Medical Services (repeats at 1300)
0800 - 1200
Cadaver Lab with Dr. Brion Benninger (repeats at 1300)
0800 - 1200
Today’s Preparations Will Determine Tomorrow’s Outcomes with Jeff Rubin
ALS Skills
102 Civil Support Team Capabilities Brief with Captain Presenters: Life Flight Network, and
REACH Air Medical Services
0800 - 1200 (repeats at 1300)
Gregg Ramirez
1300 - 1700 ALS Skills with Life Flight Network, and REACH Air Medical Services (repeat of 0800 session)
1300 - 1700 Cadaver Lab with Dr. Brion Benninger (repeat of 0800 session)
1300 - 1700
Weapons of Mass Destruction with Mike Verkest
0800 - 1700 Assessment & Treatment with Mike Pante & Richard Kalasky
1830 - 2130 Interesting and Diverse Case Studies of People Around the Nation and World with Dr. Matt Eschelbach FREE ADMISSION - Open to Public
Hands-on skills session of advanced
skills. Appropriate for Paramedics and
RNs. Come refresh your memory of
advanced airway techniques, needle
decompression, and other life saving
interventions. This is your chance to review
high risk, low frequency interventions.
Demonstrating the Anatomical
Architecture of Emergency
Procedures (Cadaver Lab)
Presenter: Dr. Brion Benninger
0800 - 1200 (repeats at 1300)
Using a human cadaver, common
emergency procedures will be
demonstrated. Attendees will have the
opportunity for hands-on participation.
Following each specific demonstration,
further dissection will be conducted
to support the theory of the subject
technique. Controversies regarding
these techniques will be discussed. The
following emergency procedures will
be included, but other procedures may
be incorporated: Emergency airway
(Cricothyrotomy and Intubation); Carotid
massage; Cardiac massage/resuscitation;
Scalene block for upper limb trauma;
Supraclavicular tamponade to control
upper limb bleeding; Thoracentesis;
Pericardiocentesis; Emergency relief of
tension pneumothorax; Paracentesis;
Acute organ trauma; Peripheral venous
access – neck (upper limb, lower limb);
Arterial pulses. Space is limited so
register early!
Brion Benninger, MD MSc, trained in
England in surgery and trauma. Also
received Masters in Sports Medicine and
was Chief Medical Officer for motorcar
and motorbike racing, and physician
to National teams. Worked at Queen’s
Medical Center, Nottingham, England,
busiest emergency room in Europe.
During residency training was mentored
by Sir Harold Ellis (Surgeon and Clinical
Anatomist). Research interests include
clinical anatomy, soft tissue rehabilitation,
and anatomy education for health care
professionals. Teaches clinical anatomy
to surgical residents, medical, dental,
and allied health students at OHSU. Has
edited and authored several texts which
include Netters Atlas 5th Edition, Parrot
vs. the Architect, Visual Human Dissector,
and a new dissection manual and a head
and neck clinical anatomy text due to be
released in 2011. Has mentored several
students and taken 70 clinical anatomy
research projects during the last four
years to national conferences and sits on
multiple national committees.
Today’s Preparations Will
Determine Tomorrow’s
Presenter: Jeff Rubin
0800 - 1100
What kind of earthquake and tsunami
hazards do we face in Oregon and how
could they affect us? How can you and
your organization prepare for them and
what resources are available to assist you?
Recent incidents offer some lessons.
Jeff Rubin has been Tualatin Valley Fire &
Rescue’s emergency manager since 2001.
Before that, he was a Hazardous Materials
Captain in the Special Operations Section
of Austin EMS, also working in mass
casualty planning, hazmat/WMD planning
and response, and hospital preparedness.
Jeff also served as a firefighter and
company officer with Travis County
(Texas) ESD#4. Jeff holds a BS from Yale
University, and an MA and PhD from the
University of Texas at Austin, where he
was an Asst. Dean and taught a semesterlong Wilderness Medicine class. Jeff
was a participant in the NATO Advanced
Research Workshop on Mass Casualty
Events held in Haifa, Israel, in April 2005
and has participated as a faculty member
at several national and international
conferences, including many years with
the Texas EMS Conference. Jeff is the CoChairman of the First Responder Working
Group under the US Dept. of Homeland
Security’s Science and Technology
Directorate, serving as a clearinghouse
for technology requirements and advising
DHS on priorities for development.
102 Civil Support Team
Capabilities Brief
Presenter: Captain Gregg Ramirez
1100 - 1200
The mission of Weapons of Mass
Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMDCST) is to support local and state
authorities at domestic WMD/NBC incident
sites by identifying agents and substances,
assessing current and projected
consequences, advising on response
measures, and assisting with requests for
additional military support.
Gregg Ramirez is currently the Medical
Operations Officer (Captain) for the 102nd
WMD Civil Support Team. He has a BS
in Education, and Advanced and Critical
Care Paramedic certification. He has
been a practicing Paramedic since 1995
beginning at OHSU and was recently the
Director of Paramedic Education at the
Northwest Regional Training Center.
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Thursday, October 7
ALS Skills
Presenters: Life Flight Network, and
REACH Air Medical Services
1300 - 1700 (repeat of 0800 session)
See description and bio on page 5.
Demonstrating the Anatomical
Architecture of Emergency
Procedures (Cadaver Lab)
Presenter: Dr. Brion Benninger
1300 - 1700 (repeat of 0800 session)
See description and bio on page 5.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Presenter: Mike Verkest
1300 - 1700
Developed by the National Domestic
Preparedness Consortium (NDPC), the
Standardized Awareness Authorized
Training course is a five-hour training
course that provides instruction on:
prevention and deterrence, chemical and
biological agents, radiological materials,
explosives, and the Emergency Response
Mike Verkest, A.A.S, EMT-P has been in
Emergency Medical Services since 1995.
He started his career in Southern Oregon
working as an EMT-Basic for American
Medical Response, NW. Since then,
he has worked as an EMT-Intermediate
and Paramedic. In 2004, he became an
Operations Supervisor in Multnomah
County, OR and served in that position
for 4 years. He currently serves as the
Training Officer for Multnomah County.
He has received the National Star of
Life Award and the Oregon EMS Impact
Medal. Mike is an Advanced Disaster Life
Support Instructor and enjoys educating
responders about WMD/CBRNE events.
He has attended many courses at the
FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness
in Anniston, Alabama.
(ATT) represents the state-of-the-art in
prehospital trauma assessment and
management. Based on the most current
medical information and best practices,
this concise and highly interactive
continuing education course covers the
critical knowledge and skills necessary to
rapidly evaluate, stabilize, and transport
the trauma patient. Hands-on skills
stations, live-action video, and small
group scenarios offer the most dynamic
trauma course.
Richard Kalasky is a current National,
Georgia and Colorado Paramedic. He
has been involved in EMS for almost 15
years. He currently works for Jones and
Bartlett AAOS Publishers as a Public
Safety Specialist, in charge of educating
EMS professionals. He also currently is
the Training and Education Coordinator
for Crested Butte Fire Protection District/
Gunnison Valley Hospital.
Michael Pante is a paramedic, educator
and author. He has been involved in EMS
for over 20 years and has taught students
from across the world in subjects ranging
from trauma to pediatrics and geriatrics.
He was the lead author and editor for the
new Assessment and Treatment of Trauma
textbook and course.
Interesting and Diverse Case
Studies of People Around the
Nation and World
1830 - 2130 FREE ADMISSION
Presenter: Dr. Matt Eschelbach
Come spend an evening with Dr. Matt
Eschelbach reviewing real life case
studies of some of the more challenging
individuals we meet on a daily basis. Dr.
Eschelbach’s presentation will take place
in an informal setting where attendees
may eat popcorn and enjoy a beverage.
Obtain CE and have a good time doing it.
This is always a fun educational time.
Dr. Matthew Eschelbach is the Director
of Emergency Medicine for St Charles
Assessment and Treatment of
Trauma (ATT)
Presenters: Richard M. Kalasky & Mike
0800 - 1700
Course is for all levels, BLS and ALS.
Assessment and Treatment of Trauma
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Scholarships Available
See registration page 17
The Oregon State Ambulance
Association is a group of dedicated
emergency ambulance service providers from around the state. Membership is comprised of both private and
public members with the mission to
work collaboratively on legislative and
operational issues. The association
makes these scholarships available to
encourage better trained EMTs of all
levels throughout the state.
For more information please contact, Nan Heim Executive Director at
Medical Center, Redmond, OR. He
returns this year as Medical Director for
the Oregon EMS Conference. In addition
to his duties as an ER physician he also
serves as EMS Physician Advisor for
Redmond, Lapine, Sunriver, Crescent
and Chemult EMS agencies. He is a
member of the EMT Advisory Committee
at the Oregon Medical Board where he
helps guide direction for Oregon EMS.
He was the recipient of the “2003 EMS
Medical Director of the Year”, awarded by
the Oregon Health Division . His work
includes establishing region wide EMS
protocols and EMS education.
Conference at a Glance - Friday, October 8, Conference Day 1
0800 - 0910 General Session- EMS: Then and Now with Randolph Mantooth
0930 - 1700 Oregon EMS Directors’ Forum (Open to EMS Managers)
0920 - 1030 Advanced ECG Computerized Analysis with Dr. Mohamud Daya (repeats at 1055 session)
0920 - 1030 Age and Trauma, How Age Affects Injury with Mike Pante (repeats at 1055 session)
0920 - 1030 Risk Management of Infectious Diseases with Pat Preston (Part I)
1055 - 1205 Advanced ECG Computerized Analysis with Dr. Mohamud Daya(repeat of 0920 session)
1055 - 1205 Age and Trauma, How Age Affects Injury with Michael Pante (repeat of 0920 session)
1055 - 1205 Risk Management of Infectious Diseases with Pat Preston (Part II)
1315 - 1425 Rural Pediatric Emergency Medicine with Dr. Kristi Nix
1315 - 1425 Environmental Emergencies with Dr. Cornelius Peeples (repeats Saturday)
1315 - 1425 The Difficult Airway: Identification/Management with Dr. Robert Vissers (repeats at 1435 session)
1435 - 1545 Service with a Smile--Dealing with the Hostile Patient with Steve Berry
1435 - 1545 First Responders Evacuating People with Disabilities in a Disaster with Dr. Jerry Ryan
1435 - 1545 The Difficult Airway: Identification & Management with Dr. Robert Vissers (repeat of 1315 session)
1610 - 1720 General Session -- If Life is Worth Saving, It Must be Worth Living with Steve Berry
Friday Evening
1815 - 1845
1845 - 2130
Oregon EMS Trauma Systems Awards Banquet
Attire: Business or Dress Uniform
w w w. o r e g o n e m s c o n f e r e n c e . c o m
Friday, October 8
Conference Day 1
General Session
EMS: Then and Now
Presenter: Randolph Mantooth
0800 - 0910
This program explores the state of
emergency response systems in the
United States prior to 1970, and discusses
the genesis of the fire-based paramedic
program. The lecture focuses on the
people responsible for the creation of the
modern paramedic/EMT concept and
its introduction to the American public. It
also delves into the unique role played
by television’s first reality-based series in
accelerating the implementation of EMS
systems nationwide during the 1970s. The
program will give EMS providers a clear
view of where they came from, and the
steps it took to get to where EMS is today.
Randolph Mantooth is a professional
actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.
A graduate of the American Academy
of Dramatic Arts in New York, he has
over eighty acting credits in television,
film, and theater. His starring role as Los
Angeles County Firefighter/Paramedic
John Gage in the 1972-1979 television
series “EMERGENCY!” helped propel
the concept of fire-based paramedics
into nationwide awareness. Randy
has maintained close personal and
professional ties with the firefighting and
emergency medical services communities
throughout his life, and has been a popular
speaker at Fire and EMS Conferences
since 1982.
Advanced ECG Computerized
Presenter: Dr. Mohamud Daya
0920 - 1030 (repeats at 1055)
Participants will learn about the recent
advances in computerized ECG analysis
along with their potential applications
and roles in the EMS setting. This will
include a discussion of culprit artery
identification and right ventricle MI
detection, identification of acute global
myocardial ischemia and role of ischemia
risk predictive software such as ACI-TIPI.
The format will involve interactive case
discussions as well as review of pertinent
literature on these subjects.
Mohamud Daya MD, MS is the EMS
medical director for Tualatin Valley Fire
& Rescue, Forest Grove Fire & Rescue
and the Washington County Consolidated
Communications Agency. He is also
an Associate Professor of Emergency
Medicine at the Oregon Health & Science
Age and Trauma, How Age
Affects Injury
Presenter: Micheal Pante
0920 - 1030 (repeats at 1055)
Injury affects the human body differently
as we age. As EMS providers we care for
trauma patients of every age. But what
makes children and the elderly respond
differently to injury? The presentation will
discuss the differences seen in the causes
of trauma, the response to injury by the
body and treatment strategies for both
ends of the age spectrum.
Michael Pante is a paramedic, educator
and author. He has been involved in EMS
for over 20 years and has taught students
from across the world in subjects ranging
from trauma to pediatrics and geriatrics.
He was the lead author and editor for the
new Assessment and Treatment of Trauma
textbook and course.
Risk Management of Infectious
Diseases Part 1
Presenter: Pat Preston
0920 - 1030
The lecture is designed to acquaint
the EMS professional with the risks of
acquiring an infectious disease as a
result of performing task while on duty. A
review of the global emergence of new
and commonly-encountered organisms
causing infectious diseases in communitydwelling residents will be presented.
Community-based infectious diseases
which pose a risk to the EMS professional
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will be identified and reviewed. Modes of
transmission of these identified diseases
to the EMS professional will be discussed.
Mr. Preston is a consultant, lecturer and
author with a national private practice
specializing in the control and prevention
of community-based infectious diseases.
His 37-year practice has focused on the
management of infectious-diseasesexposure risks for professionals in the
healthcare industry and post-exposure
follow up protocol.
Advanced ECG Computerized
Presenter: Dr. Mohamud Daya
1055 - 1205 (repeat of 0920 session)
See description and bio on page 8.
Age and Trauma, How Age
Affects Injury
Presenter: Micheal Pante
1055 - 1205 (repeat of 0920 session)
See description and bio on page 8.
Risk Management of Infectious
Diseases Part 2
Presenter: Pat Preston
1055 - 1205
With consideration of the contents
presented in the PART 1 lecture, this
lecture is designed to identify the national
guidelines for control and prevention
of commonly-encountered infectious
diseases in the community setting.
Principles of hand hygiene, equipment
disinfection, employee immunizations,
and work restrictions of employees who
are ill with communicable diseases will be
See bio on page 8.
Rural Pediatric Emergency
Presenter: Dr. Kristi Nix
1315 - 1425
Learn about common prehospital
presentations in pediatrics patients.
Includes discussion of common
complications of resuscitation.
Dr. Nix is a general pediatrician in Bend,
Oregon. She moved to Oregon in
November after working on the Navajo
Rerservation in Northern Arizona for the
past five years. She served as the Chief of
Pediatrics in Chinle, Arizona and worked
closely with prehospital and emergency
room services. Training: Pediatric
Residency at University of Washington.
w w w. o r e g o n e m s c o n f e r e n c e . c o m
Friday, October 8
Conference Day 1
Cold Illness - Heat Illness,
Environmental Emergencies
Presenter: Dr. Cornelius Peeples
1315 - 1425 (repeats Saturday 0920)
Dr. Peeples will discuss the complications
of treating patients in varying temperature
climates and how to use assessment tools
for these delicate patients.
Dr. Peeples specialized in emergency
medicine at the University of Wisconsin
Medical School, and completed his
residency in Emergency Medicine at
UCLA. He is currently an attending
physician at St. Charles Medical Center,
Emergency Department in Bend,
Oregon. He is also the Medical Director
for DCSSAR, and a Swat Team Tactical
The Difficult Airway:
Identification and
Management in EMS
Presenter: Dr. Robert Vissers
1315 - 1425 (repeats at 1435)
Dr Vissers will look at challenging airway
situations and the strategies to overcome
these challenges. An in-depth review of
new and old airway devices and how they
help the EMS responder managing the
difficult airway patient.
Robert J. Vissers is the Associate
Chief Medical Officer and Director of
Emergency Services at Legacy Emanuel
Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. He
also serves as an adjunct professor at
Oregon Health Sciences University. Dr.
Vissers attended the Residency Program
in Emergency Medicine at Vancouver
General Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada;
was an attending physician at Brigham
and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical
School and was the Residency Director
of Emergency Medicine at the University
of North Carolina in Chapel Hill for seven
years. Dr. Vissers works clinically as an
emergency physician in a Level 1 Trauma
Center, caring for both adults and children.
He is a popular speaker at medical
conferences, both in the United States
and abroad. Dr. Vissers is a national
expert in airway management and patient
flow. He has authored over 50 book
chapters and countless articles on many
subjects, with an emphasis on difficult
airway management. Dr. Vissers resides in
Portland with his wife and four children.
Service with a Smile--Dealing
with the Hostile Patient
Presenter: Steve Berry
1435 - 1545
Many psychiatric calls are purely
behavioral in nature. They are often the
result of overwhelming and cumulative
stressful events. Most require little more
than reassurance and comfort by the
health care provider. We may, however,
lose sight of providing such compassion
secondary to the accumulated stress we
face ourselves in EMS. By learning how to
honor yourself, you can most often disarm
behavioral confrontations without the use
of restraints and/or medication.
Steve Berry, BA, NREMT-P; a former
teacher and interpreter for the hearing
impaired, Steve has published 10
EMS related cartoon books since his
escapades as a paramedic/EMS instructor
began 22 years ago. Steve writes a
monthly humor column for Jems magazine
along with cartoon illustrations for both
Jems and FireRescue magazines. A
part-time paramedic with Cripple Creek
Ambulance and the Broadmoore Fire
Protection District in Colorado Springs,
Steve seeks world peace along with
frequent flyer mileage.
Tips for First Responders
Evacuating People with
Disabilities in a Disaster
Presenter: Dr. Jerry Ryan
1435 - 1545
The presentation/training is targeted at
first responders emphasizing the idea that
no matter what type of emergent situation,
natural or man made, first responders
would need the skill set and knowledge
to address the needs of individuals
with disabilities. The training provides
disability specific tips and best practices
for first responders when encountering
individuals with disabilities. Disabilities
covered include: Seniors, People with
Service Animals, People with Mobility
Impairments, People with Autism, People
who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, People
who are Blind or Visually Impaired, People
with Cognitive Disabilities, People with
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, People
who are Mentally Ill. The training ends
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with situational scenarios where we would
pair first responders and provide scenario
Jerry D. Ryan received a PhD in Natural
Health in 2005 from Clayton College,
Birmingham, Alabama. He provides
his services as a Life Coach/Natural
Health Consultant. He has served as the
President of Oregon Paralyzed Veterans
of America (PVA), a member of the VA
VISN20 SCI Advisory Board, a member
of the Portland VA Institutional Review
Board, as a member of the National PVA
Education Foundation Board, and as a
facilitator for Healthy Lifestyles for the
Disabled workshops. His background
experience includes years of training as
a bodybuilder and martial artist. He is
currently studying for a Masters degree
in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling at
Portland State University.
The Difficult Airway:
Identification and
Management in EMS
Presenter: Dr. Robert Vissers
1435 - 1545 (repeat of 1315 session)
See description and bio on page 10.
General Session
If Life is Worth Saving, It Must be
Worth Living
Presenter: Steve Berry
1610 - 1720
Humor is a gift we are born with and,
used positively, is a source of major
stress reduction, but it must nurtured and
often times relearned for those working in
emergency health care. Our profession
attracts some of the most dedicated and
compassionate people. So much so
that they often neglect their own needs.
Join Steve as he combines his EMS and
cartooning backgrounds to speak the
message of health and humor.
See bio on page 10.
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Conference at a Glance - Saturday, October 9, Conference Day 2
0800 - 0910 General Session - Building a Foundation: BLS in an ALS World with Mark Rock
0920 - 1030 Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic Shock in 2010 with Dr. Martin Schreiber (repeats at 1055)
0920 - 1030 The Hole Story: The Implications of Body Piercing with Steve Berry
0920 - 1030 Environmental Emergencies with Dr. Cornelius Peeples (repeat of Friday’s Session)
1055 - 1205 Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic Shock in 2010 with Dr. Martin Schreiber (repeat of 0920 session)
1055 - 1205 Rural Basics or How Not to Kill Your Patient on a 2 hour Transport with Jill Simmons
1055 - 1205 Common Pediatric EMS Calls: Separating the Good from the Bad with Dr. Ritu Sahni
1315 - 1425 General Session - Finding Humor in the Crazy World of EMS: Welcome
to the Dark Side with Steve Berry
1435 - 1545 Top Ten Papers on Pre-Hospital Care with Dr. Richard Mullins (repeats at 1610)
1435 - 1545 Diversity: One Size Doesn’t Fit All with Dr. Ed Wilgus and Victor Hoffer
1435 - 1545 Importance of Systems of Care with Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa (repeats at 1610)
1610 - 1720 Top Ten Papers on Pre-Hospital Care with Dr. Richard Mullins (repeat of 1435 session)
1610 - 1720 Oh No! Not Another Pregnant Patient with Dr. Ritu Sahni
1610 - 1720 Importance of Systems of Care with Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa (repeat of 1435 session)
Mission Statement
Oregon EMS Conference
To provide the highest quality educational conferences for EMTs of Oregon, respecting the
diversity of the settings in which they work and drawing from all walks of service to develop
curricula that are well balanced and relevant.
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research interests include resuscitation,
hemorrhage control and novel blood
Saturday, October 9
Conference Day 2
The Hole Story: The Implications
of Body Piercing
Presenter: Steve Berry
0920 - 1030
General Session
Building a Foundation: BLS in
an ALS World
Presenter: Mark Rock
0800 - 0910
The past ten years have seen an explosion
in advanced level care, but has this come
at the expense of the BLS that provides
the basis for sound EMS? EMS Author,
Educator, and JEMS EMT and Paramedic
Advisory Committee (EPAC) member
Mark Rock explores this topic against a
background of EMS’ transition from BLS
intensive to ALS intensive, and explains
why, in an ALS world, BLS continues to be
Mark Rock is an alumnus of the University
of Oregon and did post-graduate work
at Portland’s Neurological Sciences
Institute before moving to Los Angeles in
the 1980’s. Rock first practiced EMS as
a Lifeguard on the beaches of southern
California, and then went on to serve as a
Paramedic in both private and fire-based
systems. Most recently, Rock travelled to
Columbus, OH, where he assisted with the
development of the NREMT examinations.
He continues to practice as a Paramedic
in the greater Los Angeles area.
Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic
Shock in 2010
Presenter: Dr. Martin Schreiber
0920 - 1030 (repeats at 1055)
The presentation is designed to describe
the optimal resuscitation of the trauma
patients in hemorrhagic shock. The
presentation will focus on the goals of
resuscitation as well as resuscitation
endpoints. Different fluids for resuscitation
will be compared and contrasted and
the concept of fluid as a drug will be
discussed. The concept of hemostatic
resuscitation will be introduced.
Dr. Schreiber is the Chief of Trauma,
Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery at
Oregon Health & Science University. He
is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the US
Army Reserve and he was deployed to
Operation Iraqi Freedom giving him a
unique view of trauma resuscitation. His
Body piercing has become a common
phenomenon in all areas of the country.
Why do people do it and what are the
health risks? Mr. Berry will review some of
the ways they may interfere with standard
treatment for those working in emergency
health care.
Dr. Ritu Sahni is current Medical Director
of the Oregon EMS/Trauma Program
and Associate Professor of Emergency
Medicine at Oregon Health & Sciences
University. He is current Medical Director
of the Lake Oswego Fire Dept and
previously held the position of Medical
Director of Life Flight Network. Dr. Sahni
also serves on the Board of Directors
for the National Association of EMS
Physicians and the National Registry of
See bio on page 10.
General Session
Finding Humor in the Crazy
World of EMS: Welcome
to the Dark Side
Cold Illness - Heat Illness
Presenter: Steve Berry
1315 - 1425
Presenter: Dr. Cornelius Peeples
0920 - 1030 (repeat of Friday session)
See description and bio on page 10.
Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic
Shock in 2010
Presenter: Dr. Martin Schreiber
1055 - 1205 (repeat of 0920 session)
See description and bio on page 13
Rural Basics or How Not to
Kill Your Patient on a 2-hour
Presenter: Jill Simmons
1055 - 1205
Basic tips for handling rural patients on
long distance transports. Including tips on
why we trend our patients, understanding
capnography, pediatric helps and hints
and tips for helping your crew work
Jill is a paramedic firefighter with Crook
County Fire and Rescue and Deschutes
County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue. She
is also the training center coordinator for
Code Ready Training in Central Oregon
and is a regional faculty in both ACLS and
BLS for the American Heart Association.
Jill teaches a variety of classes including
Common Pediatric EMS Calls:
Separating the Good from the
Presenter: Dr. Ritu Sahni
1055 -1205
This lecture will use a case based fromat
to stimulate discussion about these
common calls and how to differentiate the
serious from the not so serious.
Those working in the field of emergency
medicine often times have to respond
to scenes involving horrific trauma and
death, and yet they must not only keep
working the remainder of their shift, but
they must do it again the next day and
the next. How do they do this? For many,
gallows humor offers a momentary respite
from their sense of loss and pain. Most
people outside our profession view this as
going beyond the bounds of good taste.
But we know in spite of such tragedies,
amusing incidents happen anyway, and
that sometimes humor is the only weapon
we have. Sometimes it’s just an inner
chuckle that tells us “we’ll get through
this.” We all need to sharpen our senses
on calls. Join Steve as he encourages us
to enhance our sense of healthy humor
while touching your heart with hope and
See bio on page 12.
Top Ten Papers on Pre Hospital
Presenter: Dr. Richard Mullins
1435 - 1545 (repeats at 1610)
A power point lecture presentation on the
Top ten papers published in the past 5
years on the topics regarding pre hospital
care of injured patients.
Richard Mullins, MD is a Professor of
Surgery at Oregon Health and Science
University. He was Chief of the Trauma
service at OHSU from 1989-2008. He
is a graduate of Tufts Medical School,
was trained in General Surgery at OHSU,
and had trauma fellowships at the Grady
Hospital in Atlanta and Detroit Receiving
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Importance of Systems of Care
Saturday, October 9
Conference Day 2
Presenter: Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa
1435 - 1545 (repeats at 1610)
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Presenter: Dr. Ed Wilgus and Victor Hoffer,
1435 - 1545
Take a look around! The faces of
Oregonians have been rapidly changing!
We look very differently from ten years
ago, five years ago, one year ago. As
first responders, do we truly see these
changes and how do we effectively
manage the dynamics of cultural, linguistic
and diversity differences? In a thoughtful,
passionate and engaging manner, this
session will not only create a greater
awareness of our changing communities
but will ask the questions, “how are first
responders adapting to diversity and the
cultural context of individuals and the
communities served.” Real-life scenarios
will paint a picture that echoes the need
for responding in culturally effective ways.
Ed Wilgus, PhD, is the Diversity Manager
for Salem Health/Hospital. Prior to coming
to SH, Ed conducted research, writing,
keynoting and workshops addressing
issues related to systemic human
resources capital management and
Dr Cigarroa will discuss the value of a
systematic approach to patient care and
how it can benefit the outcome for the
patient in a positive way. Knowing what is
involved in the total care of our patients
will help us make better decisions. This
class is a must for all of us who work in the
medical system.
Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa joined the Division
of Cardiovascular Medicine in January
2006 as Associate Cheif of Clinical Affairs
and Director of Cardiac Catheterization
Laboratories. Dr. Cigarroa’s expertise lies
in the interventional cardiology, which
he practices in OHSU’s Cardiovascular
Medicine Clinic. Research interests
include acute coronary syndromes,
cocain and cardiovascular complications,
and valvular heart disease. Dr. Cigarroa
graduated from Yale University in 1985,
attended Cornell University Medical
School and finished his Internship and
Residency at Massachusetts General
Hospital in Boston.
Oh No! Not Another Pregnant
Presenter: Dr. Ritu Sahni
1610 - 1720
This lecture will be a “rapid – fire” overview
of OB – related emergencies. The focus
will be on non-childbirth emergencies
such as eclampsia, placental abruption,
etc. Format will include case reviews and
See bio on page 13.
Importance of Systems of Care
Presenter: Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa
1610 - 1720 (repeat of 1435 session)
See description and bio on page 15.
Top Ten Papers on Pre Hospital
Presenter: Dr. Richard Mullins
1610 - 1720 (repeat of 1435 session)
A power point lecture presentation on the
Top ten papers published in the past 5
years on the topics regarding pre hospital
care of injured patients.
See bio on page 13.
Oregon Certified First Responder and EMT Minimum Continuing Education Requirements
Section 1 - Continuing Education Topics
Trauma Emergencies
Medical Emergencies
Pediatric and Obstetric Emergencies
Airway, Breating, and Cardiology
Miscellaneous EMS Topics (Related Topics)
Educational Topics Approved by the Medical
Total Hours for the Certification Period
Section 2 - Clinical Skills Competency
Current CPR Certification
Airway Management and Adjuncts
Cardiac Arrest Management
Splinting and Immobilization
Vascular Access
Chest Decompression and Cricothyroidotomy
Two Year Certifiation Period
At Least One During Certification
Yes AHA Healthcare provider or equivalent
Yes Proficiency within Scope of Practice
Yes Proficiency within Scope of Practice
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Reset Form
Oregon EMS Conference 2010 Registration
Pre-conference workshop registration deadline is 9/13/10,
unless noted otherwise. REGISTER EARLY! Space is limited.
Print Form
Pre-Conference Workshops - Thursday, Oct 7
Assess & Treatment of Trauma (8a-5p)
$149 $
NOTE: Hotel room rates are available only until September 10, 2010.
See Page 3 of brochure for details.
ALS Skills (8a-12p)
$ 69 $
Cadaver Lab (8a-12p)
$ 69 $
Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available. To
request an application please e-mail Nan Heim, Executive Director of the
Oregon State Ambulance Association at
Preparations/Civil Support (8a-12p)
$ 69 $
ALS Skills (Repeat of AM) (1p-5p)
$ 69 $
Cadaver Lab (Repeat of AM) (1p-5p)
$ 69 $
Weapons of Mass Destruction (1p-5p)
$ 69 $
Diverse Case Studies (6:30p-9:30p)
Conference Registration: Complete form and submit with
payment to:
EMS Conference -T Sielsch
PO Box 30148
Portland, OR 97294
Two-day Conference, Friday & Saturday, Oct 8-9
Please make checks payable to Oregon Research Education
Foundation (OREF). Registration must be accompanied by check,
money order or approved credit card (VISA or MC). Unfortunately,
purchase orders cannot be accepted.
Registration on or before 9/13/10
Registration (Includes T-shirt and Banquet Dinner)
Registration after 9/13/10 and on-site
Registration (Includes T-shirt and Banquet Dinner)
Register with credit card by fax 503-926-9297. Registration form is
fillable online at Fill it in, print it,
then fax! Registration questions, call 503-781-9405.
Select T-shirt size*
Refunds and Cancellations: Refunds will be given, less a $25 processing fee, if we are
notified at least 10 working days prior to the start of the conference. Thereafter, NO
refunds will be issued. If you cannot attend, you may send a substitute in your place
provided that we are notified 5 working days prior to the conference. Thereafter, NO
substitutions will be made.
*Your T-shirt size may not be available if size is not selected.
Select Banquet choice:
Chicken or
I will not be attending banquet
Registration Student Rate: Student must be enrolled in an EMT Basic, Intermediate,
or Paramedic program (Summer or Fall 2010). You MUST supply a copy of your official
registration/schedule for verification along with the conference registration form. For
questions about eligibility, please contact Mark Hornshuh at 503-978-5570. There are no
discounted rates for pre-conference workshops. The student rate does not include
T-shirt or Friday awards banquet. Please purchase a dinner ($38) if you would like to
attend the banquet, noting your meal preference.
Student Rate before 9/13/10
Student Rate after 9/13/10
Extra Banquet Dinner Tickets (guests)- Friday night Awards
x $38 each
Qty of: Chicken
Please indicate your area(s) of interest:
Today's Date:
EMPLOYER/AGENCY AFFILIATION As you would like to have it written on your name badge. (Please limit to 30 characters, printed clearly)
(Please print clearly)
CHECK (PAYABLE TO Oregon Research & Education Foundation (OREF)
Check here if you do NOT want your name, address, and phone number supplied to the conference exhibitors.
w w w. o r e g o n e m s c o n f e r e n c e . c o m
2010 Conference
American Medical Response/ NW
On behalf of the Oregon EMS Conference and the
EMTs of Oregon, we would like to thank the following
people and organizations for their generous contributions of time and effort.
Life Flight Network
Matthew Eschelbachlbach, DO - Conference Medical Director
PLATINUM - DONATION $2,500 and above
Portland, OR
Aurora, OR
Metro West Ambulance
Hillsboro, OR
REACH Air Medical Services
Corvallis, OR
Rural Metro Ambulance
Salem, OR
Jan Acebo, EMT-P - REACH Air Medical Services
Mark Hornshuh, BS, EMT-P - Portland Community College
Dave Lapof, EMT-B - Seal Rock FD
David Long - Oregon Research & Education Foundation
Aaron Monnig, EMT-P - Rural Metro Ambulance
Bob Renggli, Liaison & PIO - Rural Metro Ambulance
Anne Slaughter, EMT-P - City of Bend Fire Department
Jennifer Stoner, BS, EMT-B - American Medical Response
Oregon EMS Association
Sandy, OR
Pacific Surgical, PC
Portland, OR
Pete Tracy - Life Assist, Inc.
Bernie Zollner, BS, EMT-P - Life Flight Network
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -FOLD HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oregon EMS Conference
Teresa Sielsch, Coordinaor
PO Box 30148
Portland, OR 97294
Oregon EMS Conference
Teresa Sielsch, Conference Coordinaor
PO Box 30148
Portland, OR 97294
w w w
Emergency Vehicles
Your complete
source for EMS
Supplies and
25 years of outstanding
customer service
11277 Sunrise Park Dr.,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Pete Tracy -- 503-577-9575
Present this ad at the life-assist, inc. exhibit for a
free CPR key ring--Limited to the first 10 people!
w w w. o r e g o n e m s c o n f e r e n c e . c o m
Oregon EMS Conference
Oregon Research & Education Foundation
for Trauma, Emergency & Critical Care (OREF)
PO Box 90455
Portland, OR 97227
Keynote Speakers
Randolph Mantooth
Other Speakers Include
Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa
Dr. Mohamud Daya
Victor Hoffer
Dr. Richard Mullins
Dr. Kristi Nix
Michael Pante
Dr. Cornelius Peeples
Pat Preston
Dr. Jerry Ryan
Dr. Ritu Sahni
Jill Simmons
Dr. Martin Schreiber
Dr. Robert Vissers
Dr. Ed Wilgus
U.S. Postage
Portland, Oregon
Permit No. 2303
2010 Conference
PLATINUM - DONATION $2,500 and above
American Medical Response/NW,
Life Flight Network,
Portland, OR
Aurora, OR
Metro West Ambulance,
Hillsboro, OR
REACH Air Medical Services,
Corvallis, OR
Rural Metro Ambulance, Salem, OR
Oregon EMS Association, Sandy, OR
Pacific Surgical, PC, Portland, OR
Conference Location
Salem Conference Center
200 Commercial Street SE
Salem, OR 97301
See page 3 for hotel info.