Busturialdea URDAIBAI Biosphere Reserve
Busturialdea URDAIBAI Biosphere Reserve
Busturialdea URDAIBAI Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve Busturialdea URDAIBAI 1 Bermeo 5 Mundaka 2 Biosphere Reserve 9 Elantxobe Sukarrieta Busturia 6 8 Ibarrangelu 7 10 Ea Gautegiz Arteaga Murueta Ereño 4 Forua Errigoiti 3 Gernika-Lumo Kortezubi Nabarniz Ajangiz Arratzu Morga Mendata Muxika The 10 essentials Londres Total Area: 230 Km2 GPS Location: 43º18´47,49´´ N 2º 40´45,96´´ W (Gernika-Lumo) Access from Bilbao: · road directions: · N-634 / A-8 to Amorebieta-Etxano (Autzagane) / BI-635 to Gernika-Lumo. · BI-631 to Bermeo (Sollube), Mungia-Bermeo. · public transport: Euskotren / Bizkaibus. 2 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Bourdeaux Biarritz Bilbao Vitoria-Gasteiz Donostia-San Sebastián Madrid Lisboa n Index Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without URREMENDI’s authorization is expressly prohibited. © URREMENDI Creativity, texts, photographs and design: Nueva Europa S.L. 02 Location 04 Busturialdea - Urdaibai 06 The villages of Busturialdea-Urdaibai 10 The 10 essentials 12 6 Routes to discover Urdaibai 18 Active and Nature Tourism 28 Gastronomic and Eno-tourism 34 Culture and Heritage 40 Restaurants and Steak Houses 44 Accommodation 50 Other Leisure companies 52 Products and Souvenirs of Urdaibai 54 Useful telephone numbers. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 3 Laga Beach - Ibarrangelu. Busturialdea - Urdaibai Busturialdea-Urdaibai awakens to tourism. The restlessness and initiative of people to learn about our vital space and the venture of institutions and its inhabitants to value the resources of the territory, make us aware of our natural and cultural heritage. The beauty of the place is also an ingredient that is implicit in everyday life. The Tree of Gernika, the Oka river estuary with the wave of Mundaka ahead, San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, the Cantabrian Holm-Oak Groves, Gernika Jai Alai, the polychrome wood vault of San Andrés de Ibarrangelu, even the Urdaibai Bird Center observatories or Matxitxako; these are just some of the important resources that the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve and Busturialdea have to offer. 4 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Along with the small and picturesque towns that humanize the landscape, these values and resources are remnants of the elements that differentiate Urdaibai. The international dimension of the place generates interest by a certain type of tourist; one that travels for the desire to learn about other cultures, other customs, other flavours and other landscapes. This Guide provides key information that will help you plan your stay: resources, towns, museums, restaurants, accommodation, tourist and active leisure services that will undoubtedly contribute to making getting to know Urdaibai an unforgettable experience. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 5 A R R A T Z U Ajangiz Errigoiti Ea The Villages of Bustu Ajangiz A natural watchtower overlooking the Oka valley; it is eminently rural. Among its cultural heritage stands out the Neoclassical style Church of the Ascension and Auzokoa Farmhouse (XIX century) and the Mentzeta Tower House in Kanpantxu. www.ajangiz.net Arratzu A passageway for pilgrims, it houses a rich historical legacy. To highlight are the monumental Church of Santo Tomás and the Castro de Arrola, an indigenous hill fort from the Iron Age (IV BC- I AD), recreated at Arrolagune Interpretation Center. www.arratzu.com Bermeo This seafaring village, capital of Biscay in the XIII century, grew closely linked to fishing. Its old town still preserves the flavor of its medieval past. 6 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Torre Ercilla (XVI century), which houses the Arrantzaleen Museoa, or Fisherman’s Museum, and San Juan de Gaztelugatxe are essential references. www.bermeokoudala.net Busturia Located between the salt marsh and the Cantabrian Holm-oak groves, in the heart of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, to its natural wealth we must add valuable assets such as the impressive Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (XIV century) in Axpe, the Royal path and Txirapozu Palace. Torre Madariaga houses the Euskadi Biodiversity Centre. www.busturia.org Ea The estuary, which separates its picturesque town centre, joined by small bridges, leads to the port and an almost familiar beach. It is historically linked to water wealth, the Urtubiaga foundry and the rocky intertidal beach of Ogella. www.eakoudala.net Elantxobe Forua B U S T U R I A Ereño Bermeo Gautegiz Arteaga usturialdea - Urdaibai Elantxobe Perched high on the slopes of Ogoño, overlooking the port, this small fishing village has evolved into a marina, without losing a bit of its authenticity. Some highlights are the Church of San Nicolás de Bari (XIX century) and neoclassical buildings such as the Consistorio or Town Hall. www.elantxobe.eu Ereño Located at the foot of San Miguel de Ereñozar; a spectacular natural watchtower, where a medieval castle once stood. The houses in the town centre are all built with the local red stone, exploited as early as by Roman stonemasons. Attention is drawn to its monumental Church of San Miguel (XV century) which truly stands out. ww.ereno.org Errigoiti Rural and agricultural, its rich religious heritage reveals a mystical past and legendary history. To highlight: the Parochial Church of Santa Maria de Idibalzaga and the baroque shrine of San Antonio. www.errigoiti.net Forua In its Roman settlement and beneath the ground of the monumental Church of San Martín de Tours, is preserved a great part of the historical legacy of the region. We should also emphasize the natural charm of this rural landscape and its paths within the salt marsh www.forua.net Gautegiz Arteaga Its history of mills and foundries becomes glamorous when Napoleon III builds a castle for his wife Eugenia de Montijo, near the salt marsh. Urdaibai Bird Center is close by; it’s a living museum for the sighting, diffusion and investigation of migratory birds. www.gautegizarteaga.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 7 Gernika-Lumo Ibarrangelu Nabarniz Sukarrieta Gernika-Lumo The roots of the rights and freedoms of the Basque people surface in the emblematic Tree of Gernika, under which the Lordships were sworn and where today the “Lehendakari”, the president of the Basque government, takes his oath of office. Other highlights are the Peace Museum, Euskal Herria Museoa, the Park of the Peoples of Europe, and the traditional farmers market on Mondays. www.gernika-lumo.net Ibarrangelu It possesses a wealth of treasures, among which stand out: a magnificent panoramic view of Urdaibai from San Pedro Atxarre, the exclusive XVI century polychrome wood vault of the church of San Andrés and the renowned beaches of Laida and Laga. www.ibarrangelu.net Kortezubi A landscape exposed to the salt marsh and an intimate atmosphere in the valley of Oma, known for its "Painted Forest". On horseback between both is the cave of 8 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Santimamiñe, a prehistoric legacy, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. www.kortezubi.net Mendata It is immersed in a mountainous landscape, on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route. The Tower of Montalbán (XVI century), the gothic-Renaissance Church of San Miguel Arcángel, and the hermitage of San Juan and San Lorenzo are some of the highlights. Its BTT Center is a reference for experienced athletes. www.mendata.eus Morga On the Jacobean Route, seated on a mountainous massiff, it offers a pastoral interior landscape that houses historic areas such as Meakaur, with its Renaissance church of San Martín and the shrine. In Andra Mari, Palacio Zorroza (XVIII century) stands out. www.morgakoudala.com K Mendata Kortezubi M U R U E T A Morga Mundaka Mundaka On the mouth of the estuary, from a vantage point, presided over by the Church of Santa Maria, we discover a charming port, the beauty of the hermitage of Santa Catalina and the comings-and-goings of the surfers that, just a few meters away, defy the waves. This coastal village preserves its seafaring spirit, its rural culture and pampers its traditions. www.mundakaturismo.com Murueta The chimney of the old Tejera, a vestige of an industrial past, stands on the edge of the salt marsh, where we can also highlight the old wharf area, now modernized, and Maiukitza mill. It’s monumental Church of Santa Maria (XIX century) crowns the town center. www.murueta.es Muxika Nabarniz At the foot of mount Iluntzar, it offers spectacular landscapes, trekking, mountain trails and excellent local gastronomy. Important farmhouses of great historical value grant it personality. Among its religious heritage to mention, there’s the Church of Santa Maria de Gorostiza or the hermitage of Santiago Apóstol in Lekerika. www.nabarniz.org Sukarrieta Its personality emerges from its tradition as a ‘summer’ spot. The island of Txatxarramendi is a botanical garden that captivates visitors with the spell of its dense vegetation and spectacular viewpoint, at sea level, which surprises at the end of the trail. www.sukarrieta-pedernales.com Muxika Traditionally agricultural, it is the most extensive town of the region (50km2). Its recondite villages, with well-preserved farmhouses, enjoy a rich heritage, such as the Tower House of Muxika, the hermitage of San Roman and the gothic hermitage of San Pedro and San Pablo. www.muxikakoudala.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 9 San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Mundaka and its left wave 1 2 Myths, legends and traditions adhere to this natural wonder (Protected Biotope). An international reference on the surfing circuit, it maintains its seafaring spirit and a vibrant town centre surrounding its small sea port. The 10 Bermeo’s Port and Old Town 5 6 Urdaibai Bird Center Es 7 Euskadi Biodiversity Centre. Madariaga Tower Important inshore fishing port of the Cantabrian Coast; the fishing spirit emanates from every corner of its old town. This tower house from the XV century houses the Biodiversity Interpretation Centre whose aim is to learn about and enjoy our natural heritage. 10 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Exceptional bird observatory located in the salt marsh, the heart of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, in Gautegiz Arteaga. Tree of Gernika and Assembly House 2 The Forest of Oma and Santimamiñe Cave 3 4 The General Assemblies of Biscay since the Middle Ages and a symbol of the rights and fundamental freedoms of the Basque people. fing s "Land-Art" in the recondite valley of Oma; on the foothills of the prehistoric site declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Essentials 8 9 Elantxobe Laida and Laga beaches. Ea Ibarrangelu Two alluring beaches of the Basque coast to practice surf and kitesurf in the heart of Urdaibai; where serene strolls bring us closer to the biodiversity of these sandbanks. 10 Genuine and picturesque, its town centre hangs from the hillside slopes of Ogoño overlooking the port through steep and narrow streets. Its beauty, both rural and seafaring, captivates at first sight. The picturesque town centre, full of charming spots, and its historic and natural heritage are worth discovering. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 11 6 Routes to discover Urdaibai Local history, nature and culture are the driving force behind these routes, to learn the essentials of Busturialdea-Urdaibai. 1) The Royal Path It runs along the Gernika-Bermeo coast, retracing the footsteps of the ancient Lordships of Biscay, who swore in the laws of the people of Biscay under the Tree of Gernika. Start off in the villa of Gernika-Lumo, where you can see the Tree of Gernika, a symbol of the rights and freedoms of the Basque people; the Gernika Jai Alai fronton -cathedral of ‘cesta punta’- and the Gothic-Renaissance style Church of Santa Maria. In Forua, the Roman settlement and the Church of San Martín de Tours (XVII century) are essential to learn about the history of the region. 12 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Further into the salt marsh in Murueta, the old Tejera offers us an archaeological remnant. Once in Busturia, we will actually “set foot” on the authentic Royal path, with its ancient txakoli vineyards. Torre Madariaga will draw us closer to biodiversity. In Sukarrieta, learn the history of the Roman anchorage of Portuondo; the botanical garden of the Island of Txatxarramendi with its gorgeous views; and take a break on San Antonio Beach. Mundaka offers spectacular views of the Urdaibai estuary from the watchtower and of the open sea from the charming hermitage of Santa Catalina. The route ends in Bermeo. Arrantzaleen Museoa, or Fisherman’s Museum, the gothic cloister of the Convent of San Francisco (1357), the Arc of San Juan or the Church of Sta. Eufemia (XVI century), all tell us its history. A visit to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe is a must. It will render you speechless. 6 Routes to discover Urdaibai The beauty of the Holm-oak forest reaches its fullness thanks to all the small villages on the right bank of Urdaibai estuary. 2) The Holm-oak forest region In Kortezubi, the cave of Santimamiñe submerge you in pre-history; in Oma, the silence of the valley whispers and enthralls the Painted Forest. The endangered wild fauna takes refuge in Basondo. In neighboring Gautegiz Arteaga, stop at the hermitage of San Lorenzo (XVI century) and the castle, which emerges from the landscape in which migratory birds replenish their strength, observed from the Urdaibai Bird Center. Ibarrangelu is a true example of diversity: the ofitas and dunes of the beaches of Laida and Laga contrast with the Holm-oak groves that surround them. Across, the viewpoint of San Pedro Atxarre offers an impressive panoramic view of the Urdaibai estuary and, once in the town center, the guided visit to the church of San Andrés with its spectacular vault will surprise you. Elantxobe with its vertical disposition, that fuses landscape and charm, houses neoclassicstyle buildings (XIX century) and meets the sea in its small port. In Ea its picturesque town centre, separated by the estuary and market by successive bridges, is the counterpoint of its eminently rural neighborhoods of Natxitua and Bedarona; and its calm rocky coves like that of Ogella, of high environmental value. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 13 3) The Golako River Route Runs along the countryside towns, rural-spirited, rising on both banks of the Golako River. It begins in Ajangiz, a natural watchtower overlooking the fertile valley of Gernika-Lumo. The Church of the Ascension (XIX century), surprises for its size. In Mendata, the Montalbán Tower House (XVI century), its pentagonal shape is unique in the Basque Country and the church of San Miguel (XVI century). In the district of Marmiz, the vestiges of the forge and Olazarra mill suggest a strong bond between mankind and nature. Since the Middle Ages, Arratzu has been a coastal pilgrimage route on the way to Santiago, in ancient time crossing over the gorgeous Artzubi Romanesque bridge. The parish of Santo Tomás houses one of the most important baroque choirs in Biscay. In the district of Loiola, Arrolagune is the Interpretation Center of the Oppidum of Arrola, an archaeological site dating back to the II Iron Age. Artzubi Bridge. Arratzu. 14 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 6 Routes to discover Urdaibai 4) Medieval Route Traces history without leaving the extensive town of Muxika, of dispersed neighborhoods and sprinkled with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Church of Santa María de Ibarruri. Muxika. Located in the neighborhood of San Roman is the emblematic Muxika Tower House (XVI century), converted into a rural palace when War of the Bands ended. The Hermitage of San Roman is a magnificent example of the pastoral religious architecture. Heading to the neighborhood of Ibarruri, we see Etxezarreta Palace, Olabarri mill and the gothic hermitage of San Pedro and San Pablo (XV-XVI century). Behind it, is the Church of Santa Maria (1930), of medieval inspiration, and a beautiful baroque Via Crucis. Further ahead, are the baroque palace of Ormaza and the Ibarruri Shoeing Frame. In the neighborhood of Unda, admire the architectonic beauty of its farmhouses from the late Middle Ages. Gothic Farmhouse. Unda Neighborhood. Muxika. In Magunas, eminently rural, emphasis is on the baroque-style hermitage of San Lorenzo, with its wooden choir. The Balcony of Biscay (Mendata) is nearby, a fabulous inland viewpoint of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. Hermitage of San Pedro and San Pablo. Ibarruri. Muxika. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 15 5) Farmhouses and Stelae A journey through the customs and traditions of towns and villages that are home to genuine natural and cultural jewels. Church of San Martín. Meakaur. Morga. Start off from Muxika, in the Church of San Vicente, of great value for its Romanesque corbels on its south façade. On the way to Morga, at the summit of Gerekiz, of interest are the hermitage of San Esteban, of pre-Romanesque origin and its two Roman era (III and IV centuries) headstones. When you reach Andra Mari, Zorroza Palace (XVIII century) with its double-arc portico, is precursor and example of the style of many local farmhouses. In Meakaur, contemplating the Renaissance Church of San Martín, with its beautiful Mannerist door in the shape of a triumphal arc (XVI century) is truly a gift. Across is the hermitage of Santo Cristo Crucificado, from 1766, although founded in 1515. Zorroza Palace. Morga. The route ends in Errigoiti. In the district of Metxikas and Zallobante, next to the appealing recreational area ideal for families is the neoclassic church of San Lorenzo. In Elexalde, the temple of Sta. Maria de Idibaltzaga truly stands out. Across is the great San Antonio shrine, one of the best decorative ironworks in the whole region. A hike up Bizkaigane Mountain has its landscape rewards. 16 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve San Antonio Shrine. Errigoiti. 6 Routes to discover Urdaibai Oma Valley. Kortezubi. 6) From Prehistoric valleys to the hilltops of Urdaibai History and nature go hand in hand in this profound and evocative route. On the foothills of Santimamiñe, in Kortezubi, the valley of Oma unfolds; an idyllic lush green and quiet setting in which you will find extraordinary farmhouses and, resting from ancient toils, the mills of Bolunzulo and Olakoerrota. In Nabarniz, the highest village of Urdaibai emerges the tower of the Church of Sta. Maria de Gorritiz- Gorostizaga, of gothic origin. From here, the Illuntzar mountain top, which offers a spectacular panoramic view of Urdaibai and LeaArtibai is easily accessed. In the district of Ikazurieta, the farmhouse Ikazuriaga is preserved, it is over 500 years old and a colossal Oakwood structure (XVII century). In Lekerika, we find the Aldekoa farmhouse (XVIII century), of dissuaded facade to include one or two floors of balconies, a peculiarity that occurs only in farmhouses of this valley; it has an impressive Coat of Arms and a porch access with a column with an ionic capital. Climbing to mount Arrola allows you to visit a surprising fortified town from the second Iron Age, currently undergoing archaeological investigation. In Ereño, notorious for the reddish stone of its quarries, exploited by the Romans as early as the first century AD, some of the highlights are a stilt granary and the Church of San Miguel, constructed with the stone from its quarries, as well as several of the houses in the town centre. An essential visit is the hermitage of San Miguel de Ereñozar, with exceptional views of the mountains of the Duranguesado and Gorbea; the estuary of Mundaka and to the sea. Archeological excavations on the hilltop have discovered the existence of several necropolises, and even a medieval castle. Further information on Urremendi and all Regional Tourism Offices. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 17 Active and Nature Tourism Trekking Ikazuerita Farmhouse. Nabarniz. Busturialdea-Urdaibai’s network of hiking trails lodges treasures of great cultural, scenic and ethnographic value. Mysterious hermitages, impressive farmhouses, hidden treasures and a spectacular natural landscape will surprise the traveller every step of the way. · Request the trekking brochure at the Regional Tourism Office nearest you or download the routes and consult the network of hiking trails on: www.turismourdaibai.com 18 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Active and Nature Tourism BTT Routes There are 11 routes suitable for the practice of mountain-cycling in Busturialdea-Urdaibai; a journey through the region to "ride" and enjoy its landscapes. Busturialdea-Urdaibai BTT Center Mendata Reception Point: Services: Idatze Etxea Eleixalde district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 72 04 busturialdea@btteuskadi.net www.btteuskadi.net · Bycicle Rentals and GPS. · Bicycle Wash. · Showers and Dressing Rooms. · Information Point. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 19 The Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, a geology book whose pages cover 250 million years. 15 trekking routes, 28 panels, 43 Places of Geological Interest , Geo-tourism Does a labyrinthine world exist beneath the Holm oak groves? Where does the water we consume come from? Why is Laida beach constantly changing? How does the Mundaka wave form? What myths and legends are associated to Geology? Where do the stones of our farmhouses or churches come from? Has Euskadi ever a tropical? More information on: http://www.ingurumena.ejgv.euskadi.eus/libro/guia-lugares-interes-geologico/r49-12872/es/ 20 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve / Active and Nature Tourism Mundaka. Surfing Boga-Boga Guided paddle surf tours. Laida-Ibarrangelu Tel.: 656 71 09 50 www.bogaboga.eu info@bogaboga.eu Hegaluze Tourist boat tours. Cetacean watching tours. Bermeo Tel.: 666 791 021 www.hegaluze.com info@hegaluze.com Laida Kanoak Paddle surf rentals, descent of the estuary. Laida beach Tel.: 94 627 65 15 www.laidakanoak.com info@laidakanoak.com Surfing has a long-standing tradition in BusturialdeaUrdaibai. On the beaches of Laga and Laida and especially in Mundaka, a Mecca for international surfers and cradle of its world-renowned left wave, surfing is enjoyed 100%. Laga Surf Camp Mundaka Surf taldea Surf camp and school. Surf courses. Ibarrangelu Tel.: 667 737 397 / 94 627 63 16 www.lagasurfcamp.com Mundaka Tel.: 666 242 926 www.mundakasurfclub.com Matxitxako Nautika Olatu Sailboat rental, with or without a skipper. Bermeo Tel.: 678 844 128 www.matxitxako.net info@matxitxako.net Professional, technical and recreational Scuba Diving. Bermeo Tel.: 629 81 64 65 www.olatu.net olatu@olatu.net Mundaka Surf Shop Equipment rental and courses. Mundaka Tel.: 94 617 72 29 / 656 798 056 www.mundakasurfshop.com info@mundakasurfshop.com Surfin’ Mundaka Surf School, individual and group classes. Tel.: 695 711 630 michaeldobos67@hotmail.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 21 Txof Scuba diving courses and immersions. Bermeo Tel.: 94 427 77 59 / 656 70 52 26 UR Urdaibai Active tourism centre. Canoeing, kayak rental and courses, stand-up paddle and surf. Ibarrangelu Tel.: 94 627 66 61 / 688 635 190 www.urdaibai.com info@urdaibai.com Urki Abentura Kayak, surf, climbing, orientation, zip line, BTT and others. San Antonio-Sukarrieta Tel.: 667 522 312 www.urkiabentura.com urkiabentura@urkiabentura.com Uribarri Kirolak Scuba diving. Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 625 19 94 Water Activities and Sports Cetacean Observation The Bay of Biscay is a privileged area where you will be able to spot and observe cetaceans very close to our coast. Busturialdea-Urdaibai offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to enjoying water activities and sports such as kayaking or scuba diving, among others. Bottlenose Dolphins, sperm whales, orcas and Cuvier’s beaked whales, are just some of the cetaceans that visit us. Specific Observatory: Cape Matxitxako. Urdaebike Urdaibai On Bicycle rentals. Mundaka Tel.: 688 856 748 www.urdaebike.com info@urdaebike.com Urdaibai Kiroleroak Adventure tourism and activities in Urdaibai. Kayaks, skating, climbing, bicycle rental, and others. Bermeo Tel.: 699 761 736 / 645 739 918 www.urdaibaikiroleroak.com urdaibaikiroleroak@hotmail.com 22 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Cultural-tourism boat excursions from Gernika to Mundaka over the estuary. Mundaka Tel.: 626 859 477 www.urdaibaion.com urdaibaion@urdaibaion.com Urdaiferry Regular passenger ransport on the Urdaibai estuary between Laida, Mundaka and Sukarrieta. Mundaka Tel.: 622 222 919 www.urdaiferry.com urdaiferry@gmail.com nd Active and Nature Tourism Experiences Activities at the Estuary Sail along the estuary of Mundaka to learn about the inner most corners of the Biosphere Reserve to the rhythm of the tide; a unique and privileged way to visit the estuary and experience its wonders. SAILING THE INTERIOR OF URDAIBAI ESTUARY Urdaibai On www.urdaibaion.com Tel.: 626 859 477 urdaibaion@urdaibaion.com Entrance to estuary of Mundaka. KAYAK EXCURSIONS URDAIBAI: A LEGENDARY ESTUARY Urdaibai kiroleroak C.B. UR Urdaibai www.urdaibaikiroleroak.com Tel.: 699 761 736 645 739 918 urdaibaikiroleroak@hotmail.com www.urdaibai.com Tel.: 94 627 66 61 688 635 190 info@urdaibai.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 23 Birding The great wealth of the Busturialdea-Urdaibai ecosystems and mainly the salt marsh, the most important wetland in the Basque Country, makes this an ideal bird-watching destination. Interpretation Center: Urdaibai Bird Center Natural Experience Orueta 7 48314 (Gautegiz Arteaga) Tel.: 94 625 11 57 urdaibai@birdcenter.org www.birdcenter.org Urdaibai Bird Center Tel.: 699 839 202 birdcenter@birdcenter.org BIRD CENTER, INVESTIGATING IN URDAIBAI Observation Points: San Kristobal (Busturia), Orueta and Ozollo (Gautegiz Arteaga) Observatories. www.birdingeuskadi.com 24 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Turismo Active activo and yNature de Naturaleza Tourism Interpretation Centres The aim is to create an environmental and sustainable culture and provide the necessary knowledge of the great natural heritage of Euskadi, the ecosystems of Urdaibai and the importance of their conservation. Euskadi Biodiversity Center. Euskadi Biodiversity Centre. For the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. San Bartolomé district. (Busturia) Tel.: 94 687 04 02 www.torremadariaga.org info@torremadariaga.org Euskadi Biodiversity Center. Admire native wild animal species, endangered fauna and other species that are already extinct from our surroundings. Basondo. Endangered Wildlife Recovery Center. Morgotaurre Farmhouse, 9. Basondo district. (Kortezubi) Tel.: 94 625 44 36 www.basondo.com info@basondo.com Lynx. Basondo. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 25 A visit in which you can get to know the four essential ecosystems of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. Views of Izaro and Ogoño. Biosphere Reserve Route Cantabrian Holm Oak Grov Countryside and Atlantic Forest A distinguishing feature of Urdaibai; defines the landscape, fauna and us. Created by human intervention in the environment. A natural setting for farmhouses and inhabited villages. Observation Point: San Pedro Atxarre. A magnificent watch-tower on Mount Atxarre (312 m) Ibarrangelu. Marshlands Variety of aquatic ecosystems (600 Ha). Observation Point: San Kristobal-Busturia´s sandy area. Observation Point: Axpe-Busturia Meadows. Open Sea Great scenic and natural value at both ecosystems: the coastal area and the sea bed. Observation Point: Cape Matxitxako. 26 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Request your route brochure at the Busturialdea-Urdaibai Tourism Offices. Active and Nature Tourism Busturialdea-Urdaibai overlooks the sea and its valleys, a unique and spectacular landscape. San Pedro Atxarre. Ibarrangelu. Viewpoints Santa Catalina Balcón de Bizkaia San Miguel de Ereñozar On the slopes of Oiz mountain, before your eyes is a more mountainous landscape of the Urdaibai river basin, from where you can get a glimpse of its forest mass in all its fullness. Located on the salt marsh, its views reach Gorbea Mountain and the sea. Remains of an ancient necropolis and a medieval castle (XI century) have been discovered beneath the hermitage. Ibarrangelu Altamira Enjoy an idyllic panoramic view of the Mundaka estuary and spot the hermitages of San Antonio of Sukarrieta, Sta. Catalina of Mundaka and San Miguel de Ereñozar. San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Viewpoint of great beauty, from where one can observe the deep Ganbe valley,Uribe or Sollube mountain. Close to the hermitage of San Miguel. Mundaka On the entrance to the Mundaka estuary, its outlet dominates A privileged place due to the beauty of its surroundings, converted into a recreational area. San Pedro Atxarre Mendata Ereño Morga Bermeo Protected Biotope, 8km from Bermeo and 3 km from cape Matxitxako. Uniquely beautiful landscape, with a hermitage at its peak. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 27 Gastronomy and In Busturialdea-Urdaibai, the rural and seafaring co-exist; an exceptional fact that is reflected with great success in the variety of its cuisine. Enjoy the traditional flavor of the Gernika beans, a spoonful with appellation of origin. The highly-treasured Cantabrian anchovy, exquisite both fresh and preserved, is fished with care by our fishermen/women. Discover an authentic delight, the green pepper of Gernika, tender and flavorful. The ‘Bonito del Norte’ or Albacore is yet another delight to taste, freshly fished in summer, and year-round in the specialized local canned preserves. 28 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve and Eno-tourism Fish, meats, vegetables, txakoli wine, cheeses… They are the result of the care and effort put forth by farmers and fishermen/women to obtain the best from both land and sea. The traditional culinary culture and the highquality natural products unite to offer an ample menu of gastronomical possibilities that have turned the area into a paradise for lovers of fine cuisine. The category and excellence of our txakoli, with wineries leaders in the sector, also offer "a flavor all its own" for the most demanding palates. Traditional flavors, home-cooking or innovative dishes, all elaborated with affection and assembled with products of the highest quality. Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 29 Berroja Winery Txakoli, Nature and Landscape. Enotourism activities and events. Ajurias, Berroja district, 12 bis 48392 Muxika Tel: 94 410 62 54 670 915 657 www.bodegaberroja.com txakoli@bodegaberroja.com Enotourism Activities (Visits by prior appointment) Talleri Winery Enotourism tours to learn about the tradition of txakoli and this wine’s elaboration process. Erroteta district, s/n 48115 Morga Tel.: 94 465 16 89 / 637 737 540 www.bodegatalleri.com info@bodegatalleri.com Bonopintxo de Gernika-Lumo 30 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve An invitation to taste succulent pintxos in a "gastronomic route" throughout Gernika-Lumo. Gastronomy and Eno-tourism Remenetxe Restaurant & Winery Commented wine tastings of Basque winesand wines from around the World, led by Spanish Champion Sommelier, Jon Andoni Rementería. Ugarte district, 5 48392 Muxika Tel.: 94 625 35 20 www.remenetxe.com remenetxe@remenetxe.com Itsasmendi Winery Innovative Winery where you can taste its wide variety of txakoli wines. Amunategi Winery Guided tours. Production of txakoli and recovery of enological heritage. San Bartolomé, 57 48350 Busturia Tel: 685 737 398 www.amunategi.eu info@amunategi.eu Merrutxu Winery Accommodation and Enotourism activities within the winery. Merru, 15 48311 Ibarrangelu Tel.: 94 627 64 35 / 626 86 03 95 www.casaruralpaisvasco.net info@merrutxu.com Arane district, 3 48300 Gernika Tel.: 94 627 03 16 www.bodegasitsasmendi.com info@bodegasitsasmendi.com Learn more at the Gernika-Lumo Tourist Office. Artekale, 8 Tel: 94 625 58 92 www.gernika-lumo.net turismo@gernika-lumo.net Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 31 Eno-gastronomic Experiences Step into the world of txakoli at the hand of the BusturialdeaUrdaibai Wineries. Discover the pairing with local products, like the pintxos, and learn about the traditional gastronomical processes as canned fish preserves. 32 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve DELIGHT YOUR PALATE. AUTHENTIC PINTXOS OF EUSKADI Monday’s in Gernika. Gernika-Lumo Tourism Office Tel.: 94 625 58 92 www.gernika-lumo.net turismo@gernika-lumo.net INTRODUCTION TO THE WORLD OF OUR TXAKOLI Remenetxe Restaurant Tel.: 94 625 35 20 www.remenetxe.com remenetxe@remenetxe.com THE EXCITING HISTORY OF A MILLENIAL WINE Itsasmendi Winery Tel.: 94 627 03 16 www.bodegasitsasmendi.com info@bodegasitsasmendi.com TXAKOLI, NATURE AND LANDSCAPE. AN ENO-GASTRONOMIC EXPERIENCE Berroja Winery Tel.: 94 410 62 54 670 915 657 www.bodegaberroja.com txakoli@bodegaberroja.com IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE WORLD OF TXAKOLI Talleri Winery Tel.: 94 465 16 89 637 73 75 40 www.bodegatalleri.com info@bodegatalleri.com A MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCE Conservas Zallo Tel.: 94 618 63 18 www.zallo.com alega@zallo.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 33 Culture and Heritage Oppidum of Arrola. Arratzu. IN ARRATZU Arrolagune, Oppidum (Fort) of Arrola Interpretation Centre. Illustrates in detail and recreates life in the Iron Age fortress located on the hilltop of Mount Arrola. IN EA Urtubiaga Forge – Town Centre/ Bedarona-Ogella intertidal beach/ Natxitua. Highly-valuable nature and cultural tours. Guided tours by prior reservation. Loiola district, 4 www.bizkaikoa.bizkaia.net Tel.: 94 627 52 27 www.eakoudala.net IN BERMEO Forua Historic Site. Church of San Martín de Tours and Roman Settlement. Fisherman’s Museum. Introduces the fishing tradition of Bermeo and its importance in the historical evolution of the town. Guided tours by prior reservation. Plaza Torrontero, 1 Tel.: 94 688 11 71 www.bizkaikoa.bizkaia.net arrantzalemuseoa@bizkaia.net Ballenero Aita Guria. Recreates the life and work of XVII century whalers. Guided tours by prior reservation. Bermeo Port. Tel.: 94 617 91 21 www.aitaguria.bermeo.org/ aitaguria@bermeo.org 34 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve IN FORUA Shows an ample historical sequence of life and customs, from the Roman era to the present. Guided tours by prior reservation. www.bizkaikoa.bizkaia.net Throughout history, man and nature have interacted in Busturialdea-Urdaibai. The generosity of its landscape and its privileged geographic location has forged customs and ways of life that survive in a rich heritage legacy, showcased to acquaint visitors. IN GERNIKA-LUMO Assembly House and Tree of Gernika. Venue of the General Assembly of Biscay, (Parliament of Biscay). Admission is free. Guided tours with prior reservation. Allende Salazar, s/n Tel.: 94 625 11 38 www.jjggbizkaia.net batzar.etxea@bizkaia.net Euskal Herria Museum. Dedicated to the history and culture of the Basque Country. Guided tours with prior reservation; audio guides. Allende Salazar, 5 Tel.: 94 625 54 51 www.bizkaikoa.bizkaia.net euskalherriamuseoa@bizkaia.net Gernika Peace Museum . Recreates the tragic Bombing of Gernika, as a catalyst to spread a Culture of Peace. Guided tours by prior reservation. Plaza de los fueros, 1. Tel.: 94 627 02 13 www.museodelapaz.org museoa@gernika-lumo.net For visits of museums in Gernika-Lumo there is a single ticket. On sale at the Tourist Office Gernika-Lumo. IN IBARRANGELU San Andrés of Ibarrangelu “The Sistine Chapel of Basque Art”. XVI century building that surprises in its interior with a spectacular and unique polychrome wooden vault, so much by its architectural as its pictorial value. Guided tours year-round. Reservations: 634 42 57 69 ibarrangelu@lagatour.com IN KORTEZUBI Cave of Santimamiñe. Archaeological site, declared World Heritage Site in 2008. Guided tours with prior reservation. Basondo district. Tel.: 94 465 16 57 - 94 465 16 60 www.bizkaikoa.bizkaia.net santimamiñe@bizkaia.net Oma Forest. Interesting work of "Land Art" accessible from a forest trail next to the Lezika Farmhouse/Restaurant. (35-minute walk to the forest). Information and guided tour reservations. Oma district. Tel.: 94 465 16 57 www.bizkaikoa.bizkaia.net Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 35 A Elexalde. Arratzu Saint James Way 36 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve The Jacobean route in its coastal layout, classified in its section of the Basque Country as a ‘CulturalHistorical Site’, covers numerous cultural heritage and tourism points of interest in Busturialdea-Urdaibai. From Mendata to Morga, through Arratzu, Gernika-Lumo, and Muxika, Romanesque bridges, old roads and profound landscapes submerge the traveler in a magical spiritual journey. Euskal Dantzak Aizkolariak Madalenak Festivals and Cultural Events Culture and Heritage Aratusteak Sokatira Popular unrest recovers and maintains the folklore and recreates traditions, patron saint celebrations, popular feasts, and pilgrimages to the hermitages. Rural and autochthonous sports are not lacking, inheritance and the result of an ancestral way of a life. www.turismourdaibai.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 37 Experiences in History, Culture and Landsc The day ends, you start…. Sunset in San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Experience San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. (Includes boat trip with Hegaluze) www.sapurdaibai.com Tel.: 94 647 8320 / 662 90 69 89 jonander@sapurdaibai.com Bermeo Tourism Office. www.bermeokoudala.net www.hegaluze.com Tel.: 94 617 91 54 turismoa@bermeo.org 38 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve SAP Urdaibai Culture and Heritage dscapes Get to know the history of the Basque People, the emblematic Tree of Gernika, the spectacular game of Cesta Punta (Jai Alai) and the wonders of a unique landscape. "Guernica" Mural, Piccaso. Gernika-Lumo. The generosity of the forest – Arotz Tourist Route. The roots of Euskadi: Gernika. Visit Urdaibai.eus Gernika Tourism Office Nueva Europa S.L Tel.: 94 625 06 06 - 634 243 762 www.visiturdaibai.com nuevaeuropa@nuevaeuropa.com www.gernika-lumo.net Tel.: 94 625 58 92 turismo@gernika-lumo.net Basque Pelota and you: Traditional sport that’s got a following- Gernika Jai Alai. Personal experience on the court/ Demonstrations. Gernika Jai Alai Tel.: 94 625 26 01 / 658 750 627 gernikajaialaielkartea@gmail.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 39 Restaurant and AJANGIZ Herriko Taberna Elexalde district Tel.: 94 625 74 54 ARRATZU Herriko Taberna Loiola district Tel.: 94 625 36 86 649 559 516 Olesko Taberna Barrutia district Tel.: 94 625 53 56 BERMEO Aguirre López de Haro, 5 Tel.: 94 688 08 30 94 618 63 46 Akelarre Aurrekoetxea, 2 Tel.: 94 688 08 59 Alde Zaharra (Combined dishes) Erremedio, 21 Tel.: 94 618 75 75 Almiketxu (Steakhouse) Almike district, 8 Tel.: 94 688 09 25 Artza Askatasun bidea, 1 Tel.: 94 688 35 77 Beitxi Eskoikiz, 6 Tel.: 94 688 53 72 Bengoetxe (Steakhouse) Artike bidea, 27 Tel.: 94 688 16 76 94 618 67 67 Bermeoko Kafe Antzokia Aurrekoetxea, 27 Tel.: 94 688 02 16 Cannon (Steakhouse) Mañu district, 2 Tel.: 94 688 34 76 Gai Sai (Combined dishes) Arresi, 28-30 Tel.: 94 688 49 98 Itsas Gane (Combined dishes) Futbol Zelaia Tel.: 94 688 09 46 Izaro Taberna (Combined dishes) Lamera, s/n Tel.: 94 688 11 12 Izokin (Combined dishes) Aurrekoetxea, 22 Tel.: 94 688 48 91 Jokin Eupeme Deuna, 13 Tel.: 94 688 40 89 Casino Lamera, s/n Tel.: 94 603 94 11 Jatetxe txinatarra Santamañe, 4 Tel.: 94 602 83 92 Döner Kebab (Combined dishes) Intxausti, 28 Tel.: 94 602 99 97 Kennedy Arresi, 23 Tel.: 94 688 28 49 Döner Kebab Euskadi (Combined dishes) Zubiar Tar Kepa, 8 Tel.: 94 647 78 95 40 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Lehioa (Combined dishes) Tonpoi Bidea, 13 Tel.: 94 646 01 10 Mañuko Benta Mañu district, s/n Tel.: 94 688 56 01 San Pedro Cofradía Erroxape quay, s/n Tel.: 94 688 35 64 Txalaparta (Combined dishes) Atalde, 1 Txurrut Combined dishes López Díaz de Haro, 3 Tel.: 94 688 13 66 Zabal Eder (Combined dishes) López Díaz de Haro, 2 Tel.: 94 688 25 71 Zokoa (Combined dishes) Askatasun bidea, 42 Tel.: 94 602 83 95 Zubigane (Combined dishes) Kale Istua, 2 Tel.: 94 688 52 54 BUSTURIA Abiña Buru Axpe district, 41 Tel.: 94 687 03 44 nd Steakhouses Batzoki Axpe district, 8 Tel.: 94 687 09 85 Errekaixe Jatetxea Nagusia, 13 Tel.: 94 627 50 33 Ereñozar Plaza Eleixalde Tel.: 94 625 81 41 GERNIKALUMO Eguzki Lore Axpe district, 76 Tel.: 94 687 04 40 Ermintxo Natxitua district Tel.: 94 627 77 00 FORUA Ai Ene! Bizkaia 12 Tel.: 94 603 43 35 Goialde Altamira, 47 Tel.: 94 617 11 70 Eskoikiz Jatetxea Goikoa Bidea, 1 Tel.: 94 627 52 62 MD Gastro (Torre Madariaga) San Bartolomé district, 34 Tel.: 94 687 10 04 Herriko Taberna Bedarona district Tel.: 94 627 51 29 ELANTXOBE Palace Taberna Jatetxea Axpe district, 132 Tel.: 94 687 00 69 Itxas-Etxea Puerto, 2 Tel.: 94 627 66 27 Taberna Barri Altamira district, 34 Tel.: 653 08 99 89 Makues Bidekalea, 1 bajo Tel.: 94 627 66 27 Tenis Pub Camino La Estación, 26 Tel.: 94 617 12 08 EREÑO EA Tel.: 94 625 65 46 Aritza Aritza, 15 Tel.: 94 627 50 29 Atxoste Basetxetas Arita Berri Basetxetas, 23 Baserri Maitea Atxondoa district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 34 08 Landa Berde Carlos Gangoiti, 61 Tel.: 94 625 76 25 GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA Artea Herriko Taberna Herriko enparantza, 1 Tel.: 94 625 68 96 Castillo de Arteaga Gaztelubide, 7 Tel.: 94 627 04 40 Egala Taberna Herriko enparantza, 4 Tel.: 94 625 52 81 Kanala Kanala (Gernika-Laida Rd.) Tel.: 94 625 33 90 Alboka Juan Kaltzada, 105 Tel.: 94 625 26 67 Arane Arane district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 38 42 Arrien Eriabarrena, 2 Asia Döner Enbor Carlos Gangoiti, 7 Tel.: 94 625 78 32 Auzune Restaurante-Bar Aita Luis Villasante, 25 Tel.: 94 625 67 06 Batzoki Carlos Gangoiti, 7 Tel.: 94 625 38 58 Tel.: 94 625 04 54 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 41 Bengo-Etxe Juan Kaltzada, 71 Tel.: 94 625 53 09 Julen Industria, 14 Tel.: 94 625 49 27 Santanape Carlos Gangoiti, 42 Tel.: 94 625 11 91 Arketa Camping Laida beach Tel.: 94 627 81 18 Boliña Barrenkalea, 3 Tel.: 94 625 03 00 Junira Araba, 8 Tel.: 94 465 37 53 San Juan San Juan, s/n Tel.: 94 625 70 86 Atxarre Laida beach Tel.: 94 627 66 79 Donapizza (Pizzería) Askatasuna, 1 Tel.: 94 625 14 64 Lehiope (Combined dishes) Don Tello, 22 Tel.: 94 625 39 26 Simbo (Chinese) Juan Kaltzada, 6 Tel.: 94 625 08 70 Batzoki Elexalde district Tel.: 639 963 710 Telepizza Juan Calzada, 75 Tel.: 94 646 60 44 Bizkaine Laida beach Tel.: 94 627 64 73 Twente Café-Bar San Bartolomé, 2 Tel.: 94 465 31 85 Gabiri Elexalde district Tel.: 94 627 65 33 Zaharra Adolfo Urioste, 1 Tel.: 94 625 05 87 Gorape Elexalde district Tel.: 94 627 60 95 Zallo Barri Juan Kaltzada, 79 Tel.: 94 625 18 00 Itsas ametsa Elexalde district Tel.: 94 627 66 90 Zimela Carlos Gangoiti, 57 Tel.: 94 625 10 12 Ondartza Laida beach Tel.: 94 627 65 01 Döner Kebab Euskadi Iparagirre, 20 Tel.: 94 625 06 11 Gernika Industria, 2 Tel.: 94 625 07 78 Gerni-Jan (Comb. dishes/ hamburgers) Bekoibarra, 27 Tel.: 94 627 14 54 Giusseppe´s (Pizzería) Miguel Unamuno, 6 Tel.: 94 625 74 13 Hang Zhou (Chinese) Iparagirre, 16 Tel.: 94 625 71 74 Hiru Saku Pablo Piccaso, 7 Tel.: 94 603 54 11 Ipar Tabernie Beko Ibarra, 35 Tel.: 94 625 13 50 Lezama Bar Industria, 14 Tel.: 94 465 37 69 1000 Azules Pablo Piccaso, 7 Tel.: 94 603 55 31 1000 Kolorau San Juan Ibarra, 9 Tel.: 94 625 76 19 Nere Kabia (Hamburgers) Nere Kabia, 4 Tel.: 94 625 41 13 Oiñak (Combined dishes) Don Tello, 12 Tel.: 94 625 37 29 Rugby Bar (Sanwiches) Portu, 3 Tel.: 659 240 680 Sakone Aita Luis Villasante, 7 Tel.: 94 627 04 19 42 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve IBARRANGELU Akorda Akorda district Tel.: 94 627 62 44 629 645 933 Arketa Erretegia Laida beach Tel.: 94 627 61 16 Toki-Alai Laga beach Tel.: 94 627 62 53 KORTEZUBI Lezika Basondo district, 8 Tel.: 94 625 29 75 Marko Erretegia (Alehouse) Santa Ana district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 39 99 MENDATA Hotel Atalaya (Sandwiches/ Combined dishess) Itxaropen,1 Tel.: 94 617 70 00 Tel.: 94 625 13 79 Hotel El Puerto (Sandwiches) Portu,1 Tel.: 94 687 67 25 Zarrabenta Olabe district (Zarrabenta) La Fonda Plaza Olazabal Tel.: 94 687 65 43 MORGA Los Txopos (Bar/ Hamburgers) Txopuetak, 1 bajo Tel.: 94 687 64 82 Artape Elexalde district, 7 Estarta Bº Andra Mari, s/n Tel.: 94 625 66 23 Katxi Andra Mari district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 02 95 Poli Andra Mari district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 66 32 MUNDAKA Asador El Bodegón Kepa Deuna, 1 Tel.: 94 687 63 53 Bar Goikoa (Sandwiches) Goiko Kalea, 40 Tel.: 94 602 98 63 El Casino Kepa Deuna, 1 Tel.: 94 687 60 05 Kamiñoko (Steakhouse) Gernika-Bermeo Rd. Tel.: 94 625 51 46 MUXIKA Astei Montecalvo Tel.: 94 673 23 18 Bizkargi Bide Gorozika district Tel.: 94 630 96 26 Etxeko Kurtzero district Tel.: 94 625 34 95 Mundaka Hostel & Sports Café Santa Katalina, s/n Tel.: 94 602 84 77 688 849 434 Gorozika (Cider House) Portuondo Gernika-Bermeo Rd. Tel.: 94 687 60 50 Kaltzada Txakoli Portuondo (AleHouse) Gernika-Bermeo Rd. Tel.: 94 687 60 50 Taberna Barri MURUETA Hotel Ibaigune Larrabe district Tel.: 94 625 72 82 Gorozika district, 1 Tel.: 94 630 91 50 Urrutxua (Steakhouse) Balcón de Bizkaia Rd. Tel.: 94 625 45 26 NABARNIZ Aboitiz Elexalde district, 12 Tel.: 94 625 50 28 Herriko Taberna Elexalde district, 2 Tel.: 94 625 60 40 Nabarniz Elexalde district, 40 Tel.: 94 625 05 58 SUKARRIETA La Marisma Arana Goiri tar Sabin, 2 Tel.: 94 687 10 58 Kurtzero district Tel.: 94 625 86 04 Kurtzero district Txori-Errota Ariatza district, 1 Tel.: 94 625 52 05 Remenetxe Ugarte district, 6 Tel.: 94 625 35 20 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 43 Accommodtions AJANGIZ: ARISTIETA Kanpantxu district, 12 Tel.: 94 625 85 00 aristieta@aristieta.com www.aristieta.com BERMEO: ARTIKETXE AGRO-TOURISM GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA: IBARRANGELU: Artike district, 16 Tlf: 94 688 23 12 / 94 688 56 29 www.nekatur.net BERMEO: BERMEO: KASA BARRI Mañu district, 13 Tel.:94 688 53 89 / 686 627 430 kasabarri@hotmail.com www.kasabarri.com LUR DEIA IBARRANGELU: KORTEZUBI: ERRIGOITI: MUXIKA: ENDEITXE MUXIKA: MADALEN AURREKOA Madalen district Tel.: 94 625 46 31 madalenaurrekoa@euskalnet.net www.nekatur.net 44 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve ZUBIBARRIAGA MORGOTA Basondo district Tel.: 94 625 27 72 morgota@euskalnet.net www.morgota.com ITURBE Gernika-Lekeitio Rd. (Bi-638) Tel.: 94 625 75 11 / 650 03 02 31 endeitxe@gmail.com www.nekatur.net MERRUTXU Gendika district, 1 Tel.: 94 627 63 16 www.nekatur.net San Bartolomé district, 20 Tel.: 94 618 64 91 / 636 328 135 agroiturbe@euskaltel.net www.nekatur.net EREÑO: Basetxeta district, 12 Tel.: 94 625 18 43 urresti@urresti.net www.urresti.net Merru district, 15 Tel.: 626 860 395 info@merrutxu.com www.merrutxu.com Artike district, s/n Tel.: 666 477 665 lurdeia@lurdeia.com www.lurdeia.com BUSTURIA: URRESTI ASTEI Montecalvo Rd. Astei Farmhouse Tel.: 94 673 23 18 www.nekatur.net IBERREKO ERROTA Ariatza district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 45 67 iberrekoerrota@gmail.com www.nekatur.net E COUNTRY INNS AJANGIZ: GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA: OZOLLO ARRIZURIETA GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA: TXOPEBENTA MAÑUKO BENTA GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA: UGALDE BARRI ASTOBIETA Kanpantxu district, 57 Tel.: 679 057 905 crastobieta@yahoo.es www.nekatur.net BERMEO: BERMEO: Mañu district, 43 Tel.: 607 48 27 00 info@arrizurieta.es www.arrizurieta.es Mañu district, s/n (Sollube Summit) Tel.: 94 688 56 01 / 94 688 12 12 info@manuko-benta.com www.manuko-benta.com BUSTURIA: EA: ONTXENE San Kristobal district Gorritxikale, 1 Tel.: 94 687 03 89 info@casaruralontxene.com www.casaruralontxene.com ANDUTZA Angelutxu district, 15 Tel.: 94 465 10 36 / 635 73 35 69 royoajuria75@gmail.com www.casaruralandutza.com EA: EA ASTEI Olagorta district Tel.: 94 627 65 11 info@astei.net www.astei.net ELANTXOBE: Ozollo district, 3 Tel.: 94 625 10 13 / 666 70 57 21 casaruralozollo@gmail.com www.casaruralozollo.com Zendokiz district (Basetxeta) Tel.: 94 625 49 23 / 629 45 50 79 txopebenta@gmail.com www.nekatur.net Kanala district, 22 Tel.: 94 625 65 77 / 609 44 81 21 ugaldebarri@gmail.com www.nekatur.net IBARRANGELU: ARBOLIZ Arboliz district, 12 Tel.: 94 627 62 83 / 665 733 936 arboliz@arboliz.com www.arboliz.com MUXIKA: ALDORI Zabale, 8 Tel.: 94 627 15 09 reservas@aldori.es www.aldori.es MUXIKA: PAGAIGOIKOA Gorozika district. Agirre, 3 Tel.: 626 10 56 38 / 699 29 38 31 info@pagaigoikoa.com www.pagaigoikoa.com OGOÑOMENDI Bermokiz, 6 Tel.: 657 716 648 ogonomendi@gmail.com www.nekatur.net Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 45 Accommodtions BERMEO: BERMEO: RURAL HOTEL ATXURRA*** Apartamentos Arronategi district, s/n Tel.: 94 465 44 04 info@hotelatxurra.com www.hotelatxurra.com TXARAKA ** HOTELS GERNIKA-LUMO: GERNIKA *** Carlos Gangoiti,17 Tel.: 94 625 03 50 h_gernika@hotel-gernika.com www.hotel-gernika.com IBARRANGELU: Camino de Almike Tel.: 94 688 55 58 hoteltxaraka@gmail.com www.hoteltxaraka.com EA: RURAL HOTEL ERMINTXO * Gametxo district Tel.: 94 627 77 10 info@hotelgametxo.com www.hotelgametxo.com MORGA: Elexalde district Natxitua Tel.: 94 627 77 00 ermintxo@euskalnet.net www.euskalnet.net/ermintxo GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA: GERNIKA-LUMO: BOLIÑA * Barrenkale, 3 Tel.: 94 625 03 00 recepcion@hotelbolina.net 46 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve RURAL HOTEL KATXI** Andra Mari district s/n Tel.: 94 627 07 40 hotel@katxi.com www.katxi.com MUNDAKA: ATALAYA ** Itxaropen, 1 Tel.: 94 617 70 00 reservas@atalayahotel.es www.atalayahotel.es CASTILLO DE ARTEAGA **** Gaztelubide, 7 Tel.: 94 627 04 40 info@castillodearteaga.com www.castillodearteaga.com RURAL HOTEL GAMETXO * MUNDAKA: EL PUERTO * Portu, 1 Tel.: 94 687 67 25 info@hotelelpuerto.com www.hotelelpuerto.com BOARDING HOUSES MUNDAKA: KURUTZIAGA JAUREGIA * BERMEO: ECO-HOTEL MUNDAKA * BERMEO: Erremedio, 24 Tel.: 94 618 77 03 hostalaldatzeta@hotmail.com Kurtzio, 1 Tel.: 94 687 69 25 hotel@kurutziagajauregia.com www.kurutziagajauregia.com MUNDAKA: Florentino Larrinaga, 9 Tel.: 94 687 67 00 info@hotelmundaka.com www.hotelmundaka.com MURUETA: IBAIGUNE * EA: Larrabe district, 48 Tel.: 94 625 72 82 ibaigune@ibaigune.com www.ibaigune.com ELANTXOBE: MUXIKA: TORRE ERCILLA ** Talaranzko bidea, 14-1º Tel.: 94 618 75 98 torreercilla@gmail.com BEKALE Barria, 2 Tel.: 94 627 59 02 bekalie@gmail.com www.bekalepentsioa.com ITSASMIN ** Nagusia, 32 Tel.: 94 627 61 74 info@itsasmin.com www.itsasmin.com HOTEL URUNE Txakale district, 8 Tel.: 94 465 16 63 urune@urunehotela.com www.urunehotela.com ALDATZETA * ERRIGOITI: ELIZETXE * Etxebarri, 161 Bº Elizalde Tel.: 94 625 61 94 www.toprural.com GERNIKA-LUMO: AKELARRE OSTATUA** Barrenkale, 5 Tel.: 94 627 01 97 akelarre@hotelakelarre.com www.hotelakelarre.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 47 Accommodtions AJANGIZ: LURRASKA FARM-SCHOOL HOSTELS MORGA: Meakaur district, 1 Tel.: 94 491 17 46 acogida@albergue-meakaur.com www.albergue-meakaur.com Kanpantxu district, s/n Tel.: 94 625 72 45 lurraska@euskalnet.net www.lurraska.com BUSTURIA: PARESI MUXIKA: San Kristobal district Tel.: 94 687 00 50 ELANTXOBE: ELANTXOBE MCPAL HOSTEL MUXIKA: Puerto, 20 Tel.: 902 54 09 99 albergues@suspergintza.net www.suspergintza.net ERRIGOITI: NATURE WORKSHOP BARATZE FARM-SCHOOL Oxina Farmhouse, Basetxetas district Tel.: 94 625 56 06 baratze@baratze.com www.baratze.com GERNIKALUMO: GERNIKA ATERPETXEA Kortezubi Rd. 9 Tel.: 94 465 07 75 gernika@suspergintza.net www.suspergintza.net 48 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve GOROZIKA Gorozika district, 25 Tel.: 94 673 13 32 / 658 75 78 34 gorozikanatura@gmail.com www.gorozika.com URGOZO Zugastieta district Tel.: 94 421 19 36 TOURIST HOSTELS Metxikas district Tel.: 94 625 41 90 imadariaga.errigoiti@ bizkaia.org GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA: MEAKAUR MUNDAKA: MUNDAKA HOSTEL & SPORTS CAFÉ Santa Catalina, s/n Tel.: 94 602 84 77 / 688 849 434 info@mundakahostel.com www.mundakahostel.com (in process) IBA APARTAMENTS BUSTURIA: San Bartolomé district, 18 Tel.: 94 465 44 13 / 699 79 77 82 info@larrago.com www.larrago.com m m 34 LARRAGO RURAL APARTMENTS IBARRANGELU: MUNDAKA: MUNDAKA Lorategi, 1-A Tel.: 94 602 84 00 info@apartamentosmundaka.com www.apartamentos mundaka.com GAMETXO Gametxo district Tel.: 94 627 77 10 info@hotelgametxo.com www.hotelgametxo.com CAMPINGS MUNDAKA: CAMPING PORTUONDO (1ª) Camping and bungalow Gernika-Bermeo Rd. Tel.: 94 687 77 01 recepcion@campingportuondo.com www.campingportuondo.com 34 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 49 Tourist train in Arrola. Arratzu. Other leisure companies Basque Ways Guided tours. Tel.: 617 33 25 13 david@basque-ways.com www.basqueways.com Amalur Bisitak Guided tours. Tel.: 688 81 65 79 amalurbisitak@hotmail.com www.amalurbisitak.com 50 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Hello Urdaibai Receptive Agency. Apdo. Post Box nº12 48370 Bermeo Tel.: 627 477 180 info@hellourdaibai.com www.hellourdaibai.com Sap Urdaibai Personal assistance, transportation and guides. Bizkaiko Jaurerria, 19 48370 Bermeo Tel.: 94 647 83 20 662 906 989 jonander@sapurdaibai.com www.sapurdaibai.com Stop Incentives & Events Receptive agency. Portuondo district, 4 48360 Mundaka Tel. 94 442 46 89 www.stop.es Urdaibai On Guided tours to Beresi Forest. Mundaka Tel. 626 859 477 urdaibaion@urdaibaion.com www.urdaibaion.com Urdaihide Lagatour Guided tours, excursions and events. Elexalde, 1 48311 Ibarrangelu Tel. 634 42 57 69 urdaibai@lagatour.com www.lagatour.com Milla a milla Car Rental in Urdaibai. Tel. 656 741 558 millaamilla@euskalnet.net www.alquilerdecochesurdaibai.com www.rentacarurdaibai.com Fauna-inspired ecotourism excursions. Tel.: 666 465 950 (Spanish) 616 101 235 (English / Euskera) urdaihide@gmail.com www.urdaihide.es www.urdaibaibasatiexperience.com Visit Urdaibai.eus Tourist-Cultural circuits, customized visits and events. Nueva Europa S.L Carlos Gangoiti, 15-ground floor 48.300 Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 625 0606 / 634 243 762 nuevaeuropa@nuevaeuropa.com www.visiturdaibai.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 51 Products of Urdaibai Farmhouse Products Longane Arronategi Bermeo Tel.: 94 688 22 29 / 669 66 03 56 caserio.longane@gmail.com www.longane.es Nanike Barrenetxe-Barri Farmhouse Idokiliz district, 7 Kortezubi Tel.: 94 625 56 31 / 690 61 65 47 nanike@nanike.es www.nanike.es Ecological Agriculture Lurkoi Baserria San Bartolomé district, 11A (Goierri) Busturia Tel.: 94 688 37 47 / 607 400 022 lurkoi@lurkoibaserria.com www.lurkoibaserria.com Kiwis Kiwis Intxausti Etxebarri Farmhouse Arratzu Tel.: 94 625 73 31 www.kiwisintxausti.com Loiolene Baserria (Ecological Kiwis) Sheep’s Cheese (Idiazabal) Sabin Aranburu Goikoetxe Farmhouse Bº Mauma Muxika Tel.: 94 673 35 43 Goat’s Cheese Erreketa Albiz district., Palomar Farmhouse Mendata Tel.: 94 627 78 07 Cider Loiolene Farmhouse, 9 Arratzu Tel.: 94 625 44 54 / 665 739 345 www.loiolene.tk Kandi Cow´s Cheese Basetxeta district, 12 Gautegiz Arteaga Tel.: 94 625 18 43 Farm-fresh bread Asociación Bizkaigane Ajangizko Ogia Euskal Souvenirs Gernike Geuzetxuek Shop of Products, Gifts and Souvenirs, all related to the Basque Country. Basque Products. Delicatessen and typically Basque Product Shop. Aristieta Baserria Kanpantxu district, 12 Ajangiz Tel.: 94 625 85 00 Agroturismo Urresti Andra Mari, s/n Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 625 19 30 euskal_souvenirs@hotmail.com San Miguel Farmhouse Errigoiti Tel.: 94 625 62 15 Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 627 87 09 info@gernike.com www.gernike.com 52 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve Ugarte district, 40 Muxika Tel.: 94 625 33 82 Mendieta district, 44 Ajangiz Tel.: 94 625 83 60 Askatasun Bidea, 1 bajo Bermeo Tel.: 94 688 25 42 Honey Bizkaiko Txakolina Ibargoiti Farmhouse Txakoli Kerixene Kortezubi Tel.: 94 625 23 68 Urkimendi Farmhouse Bermeo Tel.: 94 688 56 03 Jesus Olaizola Enrique Amurrio, 5 Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 625 35 49 Gernikako Indaba (Gernika Beans) Zubiaur Goikoa Farmhouse Ajangiz Tel.: 94 625 68 82 Nanike Barrenetxe-Barri Farmhouse Bº Idokiliz, 7 Kortezubi Tel.: 94 625 56 31 www.nanike.es Orueta district, 6 Gautegiz Arteaga Tel.: 94 625 44 51 Txakoli Kandi (S.A.T. KANDI) Bodega Berroja Berroja district Muxika Tel.: 94 410 62 54 www.bodegaberroja.com Txakoli Merrutxu Ugarte district, 40 Muxika Tel.: 94 625 33 82 Merrutxu Farmhouse Merru district, 15 Ibarrangelu Tel.: 94 627 64 35 / 626 86 03 95 Bodegas Itsasmendi Arane district, s/n Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 627 03 16 / 677 58 03 62 www.bodegasitsasmendi.com Amunategi Txakolina Omabeiti Txakolina Omabeiti Farmhouse Basondo district, 12 Kortezubi Tel.: 94 625 45 54 Bodega Talleri San Bartolomé district Busturia Tel.: 685 73 73 98 www.amunategi.eu Erroteta district, s/n 48115 Morga Tel.: 94 465 16 89 / 637 737 540 www.bodegatalleri.com Souvenirs Itsasora Begira Kuttun Mundaka BC Nautical fashion, gifts and souvenirs. Articles and complements with a unique design and Basque spirit in every detail. Basque fashion and accessory brand. Nardiz tar benantzio, 20 bajo Bermeo Tel.: 94 688 10 29 info@itsasorabegira.bermeonberton.com Carlos Gangoiti, 15-ground floor Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 625 06 06 nuevaeuropa@nuevaeuropa.com www.visiturdaibai.com Lehendakari Agirre Enparantza Mundaka Tel. 94 465 54 56 info@mundakabc.com www.mundakabc.com www.mundakabcstore.com Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve 53 Telephone Numbers of Interest TOWN HALLS Ajangiz Ea Forua Kortezubi Murueta 94 625 19 13 94 627 52 27 94 625 51 16 94 625 50 53 94 625 24 51 Arratzu Elantxobe Gautegiz Arteaga Mendata Muxika 94 625 68 84 94 627 61 08 94 625 29 53 94 625 47 22 94 625 27 01 Bermeo Ereño Gernika-Lumo Morga Nabarniz 94 617 91 00 94 625 46 21 94 627 02 00 94 625 22 70 94 625 50 77 Busturia Errigoiti Ibarrangelu Mundaka Sukarrieta 94 687 00 50 94 625 41 90 94 627 60 04 94 617 72 00 94 687 07 15 TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICES BERMEO TOURIST OFFICE GERNIKA-LUMO TOURIST OFFICE Lamera, s/n Tel.: 94 617 91 54 www.bermeo.eus turismoa@bermeo.org Artekale, 8 Tel.: 94 625 58 92 www.gernika-lumo.net turismo@gernika-lumo.net MUNDAKA TOURIST OFFICE MENDATA INFORMATION POINT Joseba Deuna, s/n Tel.: 94 617 72 01 www.mundakaturismo.com turismo.mundaka@bizkaia.org Eleixalde, s/n Tel.: 94 625 72 04 www.mendata.es turismo.mendata@bizkaia.org Open Season only URREMENDI LOCAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT Plaza Domingo Alegría, s/n Gernika-Lumo Tel.: 94 625 76 09 www.turismourdaibai.com urremendi@urremendi.org EA TOURIST OFFICE Donibane enparantza Tel.: 649 354 834 SAN JUAN DE GAZTELUGATXE TOURIST OFFICE Ermita de San Juan de Gaztelugatxe (Bermeo) EMERGENCY NUMBERS GERNIKA-LUMO HOSPITAL Tel.: 94 627 40 00 54 Busturialdea - URDAIBAI, Biosphere Reserve EMERGENCY 112
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