Literatur - Online-Hochschulschriften der Universität Halle


Literatur - Online-Hochschulschriften der Universität Halle
Abecker, A., Decker, S., Wolf, T. (1999): Unterstützung des Wissensmanagements durch
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Electronic Business Engineering 4. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik Saarbrücken.
Abraham, M. (2001): Rational Choice-Theorie und Organisationsanalyse, Tagung der
Arbeitsgruppe “Organisationssoziologie”, Universität Bielefeld.
Acuña, S. T., Juristo, N. (2003): Modelling Human Competencies in the Software Process,
4th International Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling (ProSim
2003), Portland, OR.
Alavi, M., Leidner, D. E. (2001): Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge
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Management Information Systems Quarterly - MISQ, 25(1), S. 107-136.
Albrecht, P., Schweizerische Vereinigung für Datenverarbeitung (2000): Berufe der
Informatik - mit Funktionen in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsinformatik, technische
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Allweyer, T. (1998a): Knowledge Process Redesign - Modellierung und Gestaltung der
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Alonso, G., Casati, F., Kuno, H., Machiraju, V. (2004): Web Services - Concepts,
Architectures and Applications, Springer, Berlin.
Althoff, K.-D., Bomarius, F., Tautz, C. (2000): Knowledge Management for Building
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Anderson, J. R. (1987): Methodologies for studying human knowledge, in: Behavioral and
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Anderson, J. R. (1996): ACT - A simple theory of complex cognition, in: American
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Anderson, J. R., Bothell, D., Byrne, M. D., Douglas, S., Lebiere, C., Quin, Y. (2004): An
Integrated Theory of Mind, in: Psychological Review, 111(4), S. 1036-1060.
Anderson, J. R., Graf, R., Grabowski, J. (2001): Kognitive Psychologie, 3. Aufl Auflage,
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Anderson, J. R., Matessa, M., Lebiere, C. (1997): ACT-R - A Theory of Higher Level
Cognition and its Relation to Visual Attention, in: Human-Computer Interaction,
12(4), S. 439-462.
Anderson, J. R., Schunn, C. D. (2000): Implications of the ACT-R Learning Theory - No
Magic Bullets, in: R. Glaser (Hrsg.): Advances in instructional psychology,
Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ.
Angermeier, W. F. (1994): Operantes Lernen : Methoden, Ergebnisse, Anwendung ; ein
Handbuch, Reinhardt, München et al.
Anjewierden, A., Shostak, I., de Hoog, R. (2002): KMsim - A Meta-Modelling Approach
and Environment for Creating Process-Oriented Knowledge Management
Simulations, 13th European Conference on Knowledge Acquisition, Management
and Modelling (EKAW), Sigüenza, S. 65-79.
Apfelbaum, D. (2006): Wer verdient wie viel? Ergebnisse der c't-Gehaltsumfrage 2005, in:
c't magazin für computer und technik, 06(6), S. 130.
Apostolou, D., Mentzas, G. (2003): Experiences from knowledge management
implementations in companies of the software sector, in: Business Process
Management Journal, 9(3), S. 354-381.
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Argote, L., Ingram, P. (2000): Knowledge Transfer - A Basis for Competitive Advantage
in Firms, in: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82(1), S.
Argote, L., Ingram, P., Levine, J. M., Moreland, R. L. (2000): Knowledge Transfer in
Organizations - Learning from the Experience of Others, in: Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82(1), S. 1-8.
Arora, R. (2002): Implementing KM – a balanced score card approach, in: Journal of
Knowledge Management, 6(3), S. 240-249.
Asprey, L., Middleton, M. (2003): Integrative Document and Content Management Strategies for Exploiting Enterprise Knowledge, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey et
Auer, K., Norris, T. (2001): "ArrierosAlife" a Multi-Agent Approach Simulating the
Evolution of a Social System: Modeling the Emergence of Social Networks with
"Ascape", in: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 4(1), verfügbar
Austin, J. L. (1962): How to Do Things with Words, Harvard University Press.
Axelrod, R. (1997): Advancing the Art of Simulation in the Social Sciences, in: R. Conte,
R. Hegselmann, P. Terna (Hrsg.): Simulating Social Phenomena, Springer, Berlin,
S. 21-40.
Bach, J. (2003): The MicroPsi Agent Architecture, 5th International Conference on
Cognitive Modeling (ICCM-5), Bamberg, Germany, S. 15-20.
Bach, N., Homp, C. (1998): Objekte und Instrumente des Wissensmanagements, in:
Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation, 67(3), S. 139-146.
Bach, V. (1999): Business Knowledge Management - von der Vision zur Wirklichkeit, in:
V. Bach, P. Vogler, H. Österle (Hrsg.): Business Knowledge Management,
Springer Berlin, S. 37-84.
Badiru, A. B., Sieger, D. B. (1998): Neural network as a simulation metamodel in
economic analysis of risky projects, in: European Journal of Operational Research,
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(1982): Evaluating the Effect of Inter-Programmer Communication - Levels of
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Notes, 7(1), S. 10-21.
Ballantine, J., Bonner, M., Levy, M., Martin, A., Munro, I., Powell, P. L. (1998):
Developing a 3-D Model of Information Systems Success, in: E. J. Garrity, G. L.
Sanders (Hrsg.): Information Systems Success Measurement, London, S. 46-59.
Balzert, H. (2001): Lehrbuch der Software-Technik, 2 Auflage, Spektrum Akad. Verl.,
Banks, J. (1998): Handbook of simulation - principles, methodology, advances,
applications, and practice, Wiley, New York, NY [u.a.].
Bansler, J. P., Havn, E. C. (2001): Sharing Best Practices - An Empirical Study of ITSupport for Knowledge Sharing, 9th European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS 2001), Bled, Slovenia, S. 653-664.
Barreto, C., D’Eredita, M. (2004): Unraveling Expertise and Knowledge Creation Towards an Instance-Based Model of Knowledge (IMoK), 37th Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2004), Big Island, Hawaii.
Bates, J. (1994): The role of emotions in believable agents, in: Communications of the
ACM, 37(7):
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Baumgartner, R., Flesca, S., Gottlob, G. (2001): Visual Web Information Extraction with
Lixto, VLDB Conference.
Becher, C., Apfelbaum, D. (2005): Wer verdient wie viel? Ergebnisse der c'tGehaltsumfrage 2004, in: c't magazin für computer und technik, 05(6), S. 102.
Beck, S. (2003): Skill and Competence Management as a Base of an Integrated Personnel
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Universal Computer Science, 9(12), S. 1381-1387.
Becker, M. (2002): Personalentwicklung als Kompetenzentwicklung, Hampp, München
Becker, M. C., Knudsen, M. P. (2003 ): Barriers and Managerial Challenges to Knowledge
Transfer Processes, DRUID Summer Conference on Creating, Sharing and
Transferring Knowledge, Copenhagen, Sweden.
Bellifemine, F., Poggi, A., Rimassa, G., Turci, P. (2000): An Object-Oriented Framework
to Realize Agent Systems, WOA 2000 Workshop, Parma, Italy, S. 52-57.
Ben Said, L., Drogoul, A., Bouron, T. (2001): Multi-Agent Based Simulation of Consumer
Behaviour: Towards a New Marketing Approach, International Congress On
Modelling and Simulation, Canberra.
Benbasat, I., Zmud, R. W. (1999): Empirical Research in Information Systems: The
Practice of Relevance, in: MIS Quarterly, 23(1), S. 3-16.
Bender, S., Fish, A. (2000): The transfer of knowledge and the retention of expertise - the
continuing need for global assignments, in: Journal of Knowledge Management,
4(2), S. 125-137.
Benferhat, S., Dubois, D., Prade, H. (1993): Argumentative inference in uncertain and
inconsistent knowledge bases, 9th Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, Washington, D.C.
Benjamins, V. R., al., e. (2002): Skills Management in Knowledge-Intensive
Organizations, Intelligent Software Components, S.A., Madrid, Spain.
Berends, H. (2002): Knowledge sharing and distributed cognition in industrial research,
3rd European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities
(OKLC 2002), Athens, Greece.
Berends, H., van der Bij, H., Debackere, K., Weggeman, M. (2004): Knowledge sharing
mechanisms in industrial research, Working Paper 04.04, Eindhoven Centre for
Innovation Studies, Eindhoven.
Beydeda, S., Book, M., Gruhn, V., Hrsg. (2005): Model-Driven Software Development,
Springer, Berlin.
Birkhölzer, T., Dantas, L., Dickmann, C., Vaupel2, J. (2004): Interactive Simulation of a
Software Producing Organisation’s Operations based on Concepts of CMMI and
Balanced Scorecards, 5th International Workshop on Software Process Simulation
and Modeling (ProSim 2004), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Blackler, F. (1995): Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Organizations: An Overview and
Interpretation, in: Organization Studies, 16(6), S. 1021-1046.
Blaschke, S. (2004): Knowledge Creation in Organizations - An Agent-Based
Demographic Perspective, 5th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge,
Learning and Capabilities (OKLC 2004), Innsbruck, Austria, S. Session G-2.
Blikstein, P., Dor Abrahamson, Wilensky, U. (2005): NetLogo: Where We Are, Where
We’re Going, Interaction Design & Children, Boulder, Colorado.
Blöink, R. (2006): Die Struktur der Intelligenz im Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für
Erwachsene - HAWIE-III: ein Beitrag zur Konstruktvalidität, Kovac, Hamburg.
Boer, N.-I., Berends, H. (2003): The relational dimension of knowledge sharing - an
empirical study of an industrial research group, 4th European Conference on
Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities (OKLC 2003), Barcelona,
Boer, N.-I., van Baalen, P. J., Kumar, K. (2002a): An Activity Theory Approach for
Studying the Situatedness of Knowledge Sharing, 35th Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2002), Big Island, Hawaii.
Boer, N.-I., van Baalen, P. J., Kumar, K. (2002b): The importance of sociality for
understanding knowledge sharing processes in organizational contexts, ERIM
Report Series ERS-2002-05-LIS, ERIM, Rotterdam, verfügbar unter:
Bots, P. W. G., de Bruijn, H. (2002): Effective Knowledge Management in Professional
Organizations - Going by the rules, 35th Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences (HICCS 2002), Big Island, Hawaii.
Boud, D., Middleton, H. (2003): Learning from others at work - communities of practice
and informal learning, in: Journal of Workplace Learning, 15(5), S. 192-202.
Bracha, G. (2004): Generics in the Java Programming Language, verfügbar unter:, letzter Abruf: 25.08.2007.
Braf, E. (2001): Knowledge or Information - What makes the difference?, IFIP WG8.1
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Bratman, M. E. (1984): Two Faces of Intention, in: Philosophical Review, 93(3), S. 375405.
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Bredl, K. (2005): Kompetenz von Beratern - Analyse des Kompetenzerwerbs bei
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Regensburg, Regensburg
Brooks, R. A. (1991): Intelligence without representation, in: Artificial Intelligence, 47(1),
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Bruderer, E., Maiers, M. (1997): From Margin to the Mainstream - An Agenda for
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Bueren, A., Schierholz, R., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W. (2004): Customer Knowledge
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Sciences (HICSS 2004), Big Island, Hawaii.
Bullinger, H.-J., Wörner, K., Prieto, J. (1997): Wissensmanagement heute, Fraunhofer
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Bush, A. A., Tiwana, A. (2005): Designing Sticky Knowledge Networks, in:
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Canals, A., Boisot, M., MacMillan, I. (2004): Evolution of Knowledge Management
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Canessa, E., Riolo, R. L. (2003): The Effect of Organizational Communication Media on
Organizational Culture and Performance - An Agent-Based Simulation Model, in:
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 9, S. 147-176.
Carley, K. M. (1992): Organizational learning and personnel turnover, in: Organization
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Carley, K. M. (2000a): Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems, in:
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Carley, K. M. (2000b): Intraorganizational complexity and computation, in: J. A. C. Baum
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Carley, K. M. (2001): Computational Organization Science - A New Frontier, in: C. A.
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Intelligence, and Emergent Human Organization: Capturing Complexity through
Agent-Based Modeling, National Academy of Sciences Press, S. 7257-7262.
Carley, K. M. (2002a): Information Technology and Knowledge Distribution in C3I teams,
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Carley, K. M. (2002b): Smart Agents and Organizations of the Future, in: L. Lievrouw, S.
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Carley, K. M., Gasser, L. (1999): Computational Organization Theory, in: G. Weiss
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Carley, K. M., Kjaer-Hansen, J., Newell, A. F., Prietula, M. J. (1992): Plural-SOAR capabilities and coordination of multiple agents, in: M. Masuch, M. Warglien
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Carley, K. M., Prietula, M. J. (1993): Plural-Soar - Towards the Development of a
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Carley, K. M., Prietula, M. J. (1994): ACTS Theory - Extending the Model of Bounded
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Carley, K. M., Schreiber, C. (2002): Information Technology and Knowledge Distribution
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Carley, K. M., Schreiber, C. (2004): Going Beyond the Data: Empirical Validation
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Cataldo, M., Carley, K. M., Argote, L. (2000): The Effect of Personnel Selection Schemes
on Knowledge Transfer, 9th International Conference on Computational Analysis
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Cau, A., Concas, G., Melis, M., Turnu, I. (2005): A Discrete Event Simulation Model of
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Clancey, W. J. (2002): Simulating Activities: Relating Motives, Deliberation, and
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