Untitled - JANUS et Cie
Untitled - JANUS et Cie
TEXTILES W E LC O M E TO T H E I N V I T I N G U N I V E R S E O F J A N U S E T C I E T E X T I L E S . V I B R A N T A N D VA R I E D , T H I S C O M P R E H E N S I V E C O L L E C T I O N O F U P H O L S T E R Y, SHEER, D E C O R AT I V E , AND M I C R O B E - R E S I S TA N T FA B R I C S E L A B O R AT E S O N A N A R R AY O F PAT T E R N S , S T R U C T U R E S , A N D T E X T U R E S . T H E S E T E X T I L E S A R E E S S E N T I A L T O T H E C R E AT I O N O F R E S I D E N T I A L , C O R P O R AT E , A N D H O S P I TA L I T Y E N V I R O N M E N T S — I N D O O RS A N D O U T. T H I S H A N D BO O K E X P LO R ES JA N US E T C I E T E X T I L E S I N E X T E N S I V E D E TA I L , P R O V I D I N G N E C E S S A R Y D ATA O N ME ASURING, ORDERING, PROPER C ARE AND M AINTENANCE. IT C O N TA I N S A W E A LT H O F I M A G E S T H AT E X P L O R E T H E C O L L E C T I O N ’ S R A N G E O F C O L O R , T E X T U R E , A N D A P P L I C AT I O N . J A N U S E T C I E TEX TILES C O O R D I N AT E B R I L L I A N T LY WITH ALL JANUS ET CIE FU R N I S H I N GS , UMB R E L L AS , FLO O RCOV E R I N GS , A N D ACC ES SO R I ES . E L E G A N T, E N C H A N T I N G , A N D D U R A B L E , J A N U S E T C I E T E X T I L E S A R E B E A U T I F U L D E S I G N S O L U T I O N S F O R E V E R Y D AY L I V I N G . T H E B ES T FU R N I T U R E TO S U N I N , D I N E O N , O R S I M P LY LO O K AT... I N D O O RS O R O U T® J A N I C E FE L DM A N , P R ES I D E N T FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 1 1/11/13 10:19 AM DECORATIVE TEXTILES Perfect for pillows, draperies, and accent pieces, this selection suits a wide variety of DECORATIVE TEXTILES indoor and outdoor applications. With patterns ranging from whimsical, abstract florals to elegant geometrics and stripes, these fabrics also provide wonderful complements to our extensive collection of upholstery textiles. 2 89-03 SANTO VERT 8 9 - 04 AQ U I LO N E VERT 89-06 SIGNE VERT 8 9 - 0 5 B LO O M VERT 95-04 MEL ANGE EGGPLANT 107-01 SANIBEL AQUA 36-04 ROMA C LO U D 38 - 04 JAQ U I E TAU P E 9 7 - 01 E S T E L L E N AV Y 9 6 - 0 3 N AU T I C A N AVY 48-02 SANIBEL ORANGE 44-09 ESTELLE RUST 36-03 VERSAILLES TAU P E 6 9 - 0 5 RO M A SMOKE 69-03 WINS TON GRANITE UPHOLSTERY With stripes and coordinating solids, velvets and florals, crisp canvas and rich jacquards, nubby tweeds and sumptuous chenilles, our comprehensive collection of UPHOLSTERY upholstery fabrics span a vast color spectrum. While this all-encompassing group has been curated and developed for exterior use, there are endless applications for interior spaces – from hotels and corporate environments to the most exclusive residences. 0 8 - 0 2 R AV E L L A VELLUM 28-00 SKYLINE BAMBOO 33 - 01 SC H O O N E R N U TME G 04-01 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ C O R D OVA N • R I C E C A K E 36-06 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ C O R D OVA N • TAW N Y 71 - 0 5 A N N A B E L SEAL 11 - 0 3 S E A F A N C L AY 3 6 - 0 5 R AV E L L A FRIAR 3 5 - 01 A T H E N A FA LC O N 10 - 04 OX FO R D KHAKI 16 - 0 0 W I N T E R THROW 15 - 0 2 M A R I LY N DA R K C H A M PAG N E 19 - 0 0 S C H O O N E R CHAMOIS 17 - 0 0 S U M M E R SARONG 15 - 0 0 D U N E N AT U R A L 36-00 RIVERWIND ECRU 3 UPHOLSTERY 4 13 - 0 0 S C H O O N E R IVORY 33-00 SANDUNES HAMPTONS 7-00 RIVERWIND BUFF 8-00 LUXE FAW N 21 - 0 0 S A N D U N E S T R AV E R T I N E 34-00 JARDIN SOLID SAND 21 - 01 A L S AC E ANTIQUE GOLD 10-00 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ MISTRAL • SHEARLING 23-00 SKYLINE MAIZE 2 5 - 0 2 S A FA R I DAFFODIL 4-00 SCHOONER SHEETS 22- 0 0 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ C H I N O O K • B U C KS K I N 49-03 REGISFORD MANGO 4 8 - 01 L U X E FLAME 51 - 0 2 V A N D A GRENADINE 27-00 SPRING AIR 50-03 REGISFORD P A P AYA 49-00 SKYLINE PIMENTO 5 5 - 01 V A N G O G H TA N G E R I N E 51 - 01 G E O CADMIUM 5 5 - 0 2 L A VA L E N C I A SUNRISE 48-03 ANNABEL PUMPKIN SPICE 5 5 - 0 3 PA LOMA S T R IPE C A R ROT 54-08 BANDEAU P A P AYA 51-00 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ CHINOOK • CINNABAR 55-06 PLUME R A M B U TA N 55 - 07 S E A FA N B I T T E RSW E E T 54-00 RIVERWIND VERMILION 4 4 - 0 8 M I N OA A M B ER 55-05 ZIP SUNBURST 45-00 JARDIN SOLID T E R R AC OT TA 9 5 - 13 C A T A L I N A SANGRIA 9 5 - 11 P A L M B E A C H FUSCHIA 4 5 - 01 L U X E T E R R AC OT TA 10 - 0 5 N O R F O L K W H E AT 54-06 REGISFORD BRICK 4 4 - 07 SA N T RO P E Z SUNSET 9 5 - 12 B A R G E L L O KEY WEST 58-00 JARDIN SOLID RED UPHOLSTERY 5 5 - 04 PALOM A P L A I D C A RROT 5 UPHOLSTERY 6 39 - 0 0 S K Y L I N E B U C K W H E AT 41 - 0 0 C O N G A L I N E S ELEPHANT 37 - 0 4 W I N T E R COCO 37 - 0 7 B A R G E L L O CAPE COD 7 2 - 01 S I M O N B U C K W H E AT 77-02 LUXE LICHEN 72-03 MIRO TAU P E 10 - 0 3 W A L C O U R T OAT G R A I N 94 - 0 8 C A P R I A LO E 88-05 PALOMA STRIPE VERDANT 44-05 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ CHINOOK • ESPRESSO 40 - 01 MADER A CHESTNUT 88-06 PALOMA PL AID VERDANT 86-00 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ CHINOOK • BOSC 94 - 0 4 D A P P E R FERN 94 - 0 9 G E O LEAF 8 9 - 07 S A FA R I APPLE 4 0 - 0 0 A AT H E N A LICHEN 81 - 0 0 S A N D U N E S T I D A L POND 7 7 - 01 D U N E SAGE 8 5 - 01 D I X O N MOSS 8 9 - 0 2 VA N G O G H KIWI 88-00 RIVERWIND CITRINE 91 - 0 0 V E R A N D A LEAF 8 8 - 07 Z I P GRASSHOPPER 8 8 - 01 A J A R D I N 3 . 5 " STRIPE • WHITE/APPLE 8 9 - 01 L A V A L E N C I A VERDE 10 4 - 0 3 R A V E L L A RAIN 10 5 - 0 0 S K Y L I N E AQUARIUS 8 8 - 01 J A R D I N M A X I STRIPE • LIMELIGHT 8 7 - 01 J A R D I N M I N I STRIPE • LIMELIGHT 10 6 - 0 0 S A N D U N E S JAMAICA 74 - 01 F R O S T E D L E A F VERDIGRIS 10 7 - 0 2 B A N D E A U AQUA 10 7 - 0 0 J A R D I N S O L I D TURQUOISE 10 5 - 01 S A F A R I SKY 103 - 02 HELENA TERR A 10 7 - 0 3 C A S I N O AQUA 54-09 BANDEAU CORAL UPHOLSTERY 84-00 RIVERWIND CELERY 7 UPHOLSTERY 8 59-00 JARDIN MINIS T R I P E • M U LT I 60-00 JARDIN MAXIS T R I P E • M U LT I 10 2 - 0 0 J A R D I N M A X I STRIPE • BLUE SEA 10 3 - 0 0 J A R D I N M I N I STRIPE • BLUE SEA 10 0 - 02 BERMUDA SK Y 95-00 JARDIN SOLID LIL AC 10 0 - 0 0 S A N D U N E S BLUESEA 9 7 - 0 0 JA R DIN 2 " S T R IPE N AVY/ N AT UR A L 9 9 - 01 Z I P R A I N WAT E R 9 6 - 07 A N T I Q U E D EN I M INDIGO 96-02 LUXE MARINE 9 6 - 0 4 S A FA R I MARINE 95-08 REGINA MULBERRY 95-04A CAPRI PORT 97 - 0 2 BA N D E AU MIDNIGHT 9 6 - 01 C A P R I MIDNIGHT 95-09 VERA PLUM 9 5 - 10 S C H O O N E R SYRAH 94 - 15 R A V E L L A PLUM 95-06 REGISFORD PLUM 75 - 01 CASINO GR AY 6 5 - 02 C L A R I D G E PEPPER 7 2 - 11 S A F A R I S TONE 6 8 - 0 0 JA RDI N 2" S TRI P E BL AC K /W H I TE 1-04 DIXON SNOW 68-02 DIXIE BL AC K/WHITE 2-03 ANNABEL PORCEL AIN 9 - 0 0 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ CHINOOK • COCOON 66-04 LUXE ONYX 72-06 FIELDSTRIPE S L AT E 69-02 PLUSH ONYX 6 9 - 01 D A P P E R EBONY 1 - 01 S C H O O N E R SNOW 66-01 AMALIA BLACK/WHITE 6 6 - 0 3 C H LO E CREAM/BL AC K 66 - 0 0 RIVERWIND OBSIDIAN 6 6 - 0 2 A N A LO G BL AC K/WHITE 3-00 JARDIN SOLID N AT U R A L 6 8 - 01 J A R D I N 3 . 5 " STRIPE • BL AC K/WHITE UPHOLSTERY 68-03 PETITE DIXIE BL AC K/WHITE 9 UPHOLSTERY 10 3 - 01 D U P I O N I I VO RY 67 - 0 0 S O F T S H O E CRICKET 71 - 0 0 R I V E RW I N D S L AT E 73-00 CONGA LINES M A N H AT TA N 7 2 - 0 9 S AVA N N A H FLANNEL STRIPE 72-02 DUPIONI MOCHA 02-06 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ C O R D OVA N • G H O S T 75-00 JARDIN 3.5" S T R I P E • G R AY / W H I T E 7 2 - 12 P L U M E ZINC 67- 01 S E A FA N L I CO R I C E 11 - 01 S T R ATA GR IS 7 2 - 14 WEATHERSKIN TEX™ C O R D OVA N • A S H 1- 0 6 OX F O R D BL ANC 12 - 01 S C H O O N E R W H E AT 37 - 0 9 L U X E DOVE 72-04 LUXE TAU P E 7 2 - 13 A N N A B E L FOG 7 2 - 10 L U X E SMOKE 74 - 02 R AVELL A WHITE GOLD 73-04 GUS TOV G R AV E L 7 2 - 07 C A P R I GRANITE 74 - 0 0 J A R D I N S O L I D G R AY UPHOLSTERY 7 2 - 0 8 C H A RL E S TO N GRAV E L 72-05 SURREY S L AT E SHEER TEXTILES SHEER TEXTILES Woven in all-weather acrylic, our easy-to-maintain drapery sheers are as practical as they are beautiful. Because these fabrics are UV resistant, they offer durable décor for a vast array of interior and exterior applications. 3-02 BORGATA CREAM 11 - 0 2 B O R G ATA ECRU 2-02 GOSSAMER C LO U D 11 FURNITURE COVERS Custom-made for any piece from our seating, dining, and lounge collections, our FURNITURE COVERS furniture covers are next to none and engineered of heavy gauge polyester to withstand extreme environments and protect furniture from the damaging or soiling effects of environmental impact. F URN I TUR E COV ER S TA N DA R D TA N FU R N I T U R E COV ER AZTEC* FUR NIT UR E COVE R SC A R LE T * F URNI TUR E COV ER N AV Y W EAV E* FU R N I T U R E COV ER A D M I R A L N AV Y * FUR NIT UR E COVE R SA IL B LUE * F URNI TUR E COV ER BL AC K* FU R N I T U R E COV ER L I G HT G R EY * FUR NIT UR E COVE R FOR E S T * 12 *SPECIAL ORDER SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES palette encompasses sixteen exquisite patterns and twelve ground colors. Each special order option is hand silk-screened in any of seven proprietary pigments. 13 G I N G KO W H I T E WA S H / A N T I Q U E G O L D SEMIRAMIS W H I T E W A S H / S I LV E R G O L D AC HIEA W H I T E WA S H / B L AC K OBADON W H I T E WA S H / P E R S I A N B LU E SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES The ultimate in distinctive, one-of-a-kind design for outdoor textiles, this SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES CYRENE TON AL BEIGE/ANTIQUE GOLD OPIUM TON AL BEIGE/BL AC K OBADON T O N A L B E I G E / S I LV E R G O L D KASHAN TON AL BEIGE/TRUE GOLD MEDIAN PEBBLE/TRUE GOLD DAPHNE PEBBLE/BL AC K 14 TUSCANY PEBBLE/KHAKI VERT ACROPOLIS BARK/TRUE GOLD G I N G KO B A R K / S I LV E R G O L D OPHELIA BARK/KHAKI VERT ARIES BARK/ANTIQUE GOLD SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES 15 J AVA PEBBLE/WHITE SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES KASHAN PA RC H M E N T / B L AC K SEMIRAMIS PA RC H M E N T / A N T I Q U E G O L D DAPHNE PA RC H M E N T / W H I T E DA VINCI P A R C H M E N T / S I LV E R G O L D J AVA COPPER/ANTIQUE GOLD KASHAN COPPER/KHAKI VERT 16 MEDIAN C O P P E R / S I LV E R G O L D G I N G KO FUSCHIA/WHITE EPIGEUS FUSCHIA/ANTIQUE GOLD OPHELIA F U S C H I A / S I LV E R G O L D DA VINCI FUSCHIA/TRUE GOLD SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES 17 OPIUM COPPER/TRUE GOLD SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES AC HIEA PORT/WHITE ARIES P O R T / S I LV E R G O L D OPIUM PORT/KHAKI VERT KASHAN PORT/ANTIQUE GOLD TUSCANY DARK MARINE/WHITE ACROPOLIS DARK MARINE/PERSIAN BLUE 18 ARIES DARK MARINE/KHAKI VERT OBADON AZURE/WHITE AC HIEA AZURE/ANTIQUE GOLD OPIUM A Z U R E / S I LV E R G O L D DAPHNE AZURE/KHAKI VERT SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES 19 EPIGEUS DARK MARINE/TRUE GOLD SPECIAL ORDER TEXTILES ARIES C ACTUS/WHITE SEMIRAMIS C ACTUS/PERSIAN BLUE CYRENE C A C T U S / S I LV E R G O L D MEDIAN C ACTUS/KHAKI VERT EPIGEUS WA S A B I / W H I T E J AVA W A S A B I / S I LV E R G O L D 20 STANDARD GRADE TEXTILES STANDARD GRADE TEXTILES Our selection of 34 standard textiles encompasses a palette of vibrant shades, neutrals, and earth tones. Woven of 100% solution-dyed acrylic, each of our standard fabrics provide unparalleled durability in both interior and exterior environments. 02-00A SPINNAKER W H I T E WA S H 5 - 0 0 S I N G L E FA I L L E SLIPPER WHITE 6-00 SPINNAKER TON AL BEIGE 11 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R BISCUIT 8 - 01 S A M P A N DOESKIN 3 5 - 0 0 S A M PA N BAMBOO 16 - 0 2 A S T I S H I I TA K E 3 8 - 0 0 B ROA DBA NDS S TONE 31 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R SEPIA 42-00 SPINNAKER SANDSTONE 37 - 0 0 A U T U M N I K AT 76 - 0 0 SPINN A KE R PE B B LE 20-00 SPINNAKER PARC HMENT 24-00 SPINNAKER SOLEIL 2 5 - 0 0 S A M PA N SAFFRON 4 8 - 0 0 SPINN A KE R COPPE R 21 STANDARD GRADE TEXTILES 22 56-00 SPINNAKER C AY E N N E 55-00 SPINNAKER PERSIMMON 58-02 ASTI ROUGE 62-00 SPINNAKER CABERNET 94 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R MOSS 7 2 - 0 0 B E GAWA N PEACE 88-04 SPINNAKER PA R ROT 89-00 SPINNAKER WA S A B I 10 4 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R C ACTUS 101 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R SKY 10 0 - 01 A S T I AZURE 101 - 01 S P I N N A K E R PERIWINKLE 99-00 SPINNAKER MOONS TONE 96-00 SPINNAKER DARK MARINE 65-00 SPINNAKER INK 44-00 SPINNAKER BARK 69-00 SPINNAKER ZEBRA 7 2 - 15 S P I N N A K E R H E AT H E R G R E Y TEXTILES FOR UMBRELLAS With stripes and coordinating solids, velvets and f lorals, crisp canvas and rich jacquards, nubby tweeds and sumptuous chenilles, our comprehensive collection of TEXTILES FOR UMBRELLAS umbrella fabrics span a vast color spectrum. While this all-encompassing group has been curated and developed for exterior use, there are endless applications for interior spaces — from hotels and corporate environments to the most exclusive residences. 13 - 0 0 S C H O O N E R IVORY 10 - 0 5 N O R F O L K W H E AT 15 - 0 0 D U N E N AT U R A L 19 - 0 0 S C H O O N E R CHAMOIS 15 - 0 2 M A R I LY N DA R K C H A M PAG N E 3 5 - 01 A T H E N A FA LC O N 34-00 JARDIN SOLID SAND 4-00 SCHOONER SHEETS 4 4 - 08 M I N OA AMBER 49-03 REGISFORD MANGO 50-03 REGISFORD P A P AYA 5 5 - 0 2 L A VA L E N C I A SUNRISE 5 5 - 04 PA LOM A P L A I D C ARROT 45-00 JARDIN SOLID T E R R AC OT TA 5 5 - 0 3 PA LOMA S T R IPE C A R ROT 58-00 JARDIN SOLID RED 23 TEXTILES FOR UMBRELLAS 24 54-06 REGISFORD BRICK 4 4 - 07 SA N T RO P E Z SUNSET 33 - 01 SC H O O N E R N U TME G 12 - 01 S C H O O N E R W H E AT 94 - 0 8 C A P R I A LO E 7 7 - 01 D U N E SAGE 88-06 PALOMA PL AID VERDANT 4 0 - 0 0 A AT H E N A LICHEN 8 8 - 01 J A R D I N M A X I STRIPE • LIMELIGHT 88-05 PALOMA STRIPE VERDANT 8 9 - 01 L A V A L E N C I A VERDE 8 8 - 01 A J A R D I N 3 . 5 " STRIPE • WHITE/APPLE 8 7 - 01 J A R D I N M I N I STRIPE • LIMELIGHT 10 7 - 0 0 J A R D I N S O L I D TURQUOISE 10 3 - 0 0 J A R D I N M I N I STRIPE • BLUE SEA 10 2 - 0 0 J A R D I N M A X I STRIPE • BLUE SEA 9 6 - 07 A NTI Q UE D E NI M INDIGO 10 7 - 0 3 C A S I N O AQUA 9 7 - 0 0 JA R DIN 2 " S T R IPE N AVY/ N AT UR A L 9 6 - 01 C A P R I MIDNIGHT 60-00 JARDIN MAXIS T R I P E • M U LT I 59-00 JARDIN MINIS T R I P E • M U LT I 9 5 - 11 P A L M B E A C H FUSCHIA 75-00 JARDIN 3.5" S T R I P E • G R AY / W H I T E 7 2 - 07 C A P R I GRANITE 72-05 SURREY S L AT E 7 2 - 0 8 C HA R LE S TON GR AVE L 11 -01 S TRATA G RI S 74 - 0 0 J A R D I N S O L I D G R AY 75 - 01 CASINO GR AY 6 8 - 0 0 JA R DIN 2 " S T R IPE B L AC K/ W HIT E 1 - 01 S C H O O N E R SNOW 6 6 - 0 3 C H LO E CREAM/BL AC K 6 6 - 0 2 A N A LO G BL AC K/WHITE 3-00 JARDIN SOLID N AT U R A L 6 8 - 01 J A R D I N 3 . 5 " STRIPE • BL AC K/WHITE 3 - 01 D U P I O N I I VO RY 7 2 - 0 9 S AVA N N A H FLANNEL STRIPE 72-02 DUPIONI MOCHA TEXTILES FOR UMBRELLAS 95-00 JARDIN SOLID LIL AC 25 TEXTILES FOR UMBRELLAS 26 9 5 - 10 S C H O O N E R SYRAH 95-06 REGISFORD PLUM 73-04 GUS TOV G R AV E L FU R N I T U R E COV ER S TA N DA R D TA N 95-04A CAPRI PORT 95-08 REGINA MULBERRY STANDARD GRADE TEXTILES FOR UMBRELL AS STANDARD GRADE TEXTILES FOR UMBRELL AS Our selection of 33 standard textiles for umbrellas encompasses a palette of vibrant shades, neutrals, and earth tones. Woven of 100% solution-dyed acrylic, each of our standard fabrics provide unparalleled durability in both interior and exterior environments. 02-00A SPINNAKER W H I T E WA S H 5 - 0 0 S I N G L E FA I L L E SLIPPER WHITE 6-00 SPINNAKER TON AL BEIGE 11 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R BISCUIT 8 - 01 S A M P A N DOESKIN 3 5 - 0 0 S A M PA N BAMBOO 16 - 0 2 A S T I S H I I TA K E 3 8 - 0 0 B ROA DBA NDS S TONE 31 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R SEPIA 42-00 SPINNAKER SANDSTONE 37 - 0 0 A U T U M N I K AT 76 - 0 0 SPINN A KE R PE B B LE 20-00 SPINNAKER PARC HMENT 24-00 SPINNAKER SOLEIL 2 5 - 0 0 S A M PA N SAFFRON 4 8 - 0 0 SPINN A KE R COPPE R 27 STANDARD GRADE TEXTILES FOR UMBRELL AS 28 56-00 SPINNAKER C AY E N N E 55-00 SPINNAKER PERSIMMON 58-02 ASTI ROUGE 62-00 SPINNAKER CABERNET 94 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R MOSS 88-04 SPINNAKER PA R ROT 89-00 SPINNAKER WA S A B I 10 4 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R C ACTUS 99-00 SPINNAKER MOONS TONE 10 0 - 01 A S T I AZURE 101 - 01 S P I N N A K E R PERIWINKLE 101 - 0 0 S P I N N A K E R SKY 96-00 SPINNAKER DARK MARINE 65-00 SPINNAKER INK 7 2 - 15 S P I N N A K E R H E AT H E R G R E Y 44-00 SPINNAKER BARK 69-00 SPINNAKER ZEBRA FA B R I C YA R D A G E R E Q U I R E M E N T S FABRIC YARDAGE GUIDE Stripes and patterns require additional yardage if they are to be matched. For stripes that need to be matched, add 10% to yardage requirement. For wide stripes, irregular stripes or patterns that need to be matched, measure the repeat and use the following guidelines to determine yardage. FA B R I C R E P E AT S I f the fa br ic patter n repeat is more than 2" you will need additional fabric to accommodate the pattern repeat. To determine a fabric’s vertical repeat, find a dominant feature of the motif and mark it with a pin on two consecutive vertical motifs. Measure the distance between the pins. Determine the horizontal repeat in the same manner. Once you have determined the vertical and horizontal pattern repeat sizes, take the larger of the two and use the chart below to determine the percentage increase. FABRIC SOLID WIDTH FABRIC REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT 2-14" 15-19" 20-27" 28-38" (5-37cm) (38-49cm) (50-70cm) (71-96cm) 54” Add 0 % 10 % 15% 20 % 50 % 46” Add 25% 35% 40 % 45% 50 % 60” Add 0 % 10 % 15% 20 % 50 % 101 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 101 1/11/13 10:23 AM FABRIC YARDAGE GUIDE C O N T R A S T W E LT O R F L AT F L A N G E The yardage requirement for contrast welt, or f lat f lange, will vary depending upon the dimensions of the cushion, the width of the fabric, and whether the fabric is plain or striped. Our standard 1/4" (6mm) welts are normally seamless and not cut on the bias. When calculating seamless welts the fabric required may be 3 times greater than welts with seams. A typical yard of 54" (137cm) plain fabric will yield approximately 29 linear yards (26.5m) of finished 1/4" seamed welt /f lange or 10 yards (9m) of seamless welt /f lange. Striped and patterned fabrics are typically cut on the bias, in which case a striped welt/flange will have a “candy cane” appearance. Special effects such as vertical stripes are available on request. The following formula is used to determine an approximate amount of pre-made fringe, braid, cord, seamless welt or f lange on a standard pillow. Calculate the perimeter of a pillow or knife edge cushion by adding the measurements of all sides plus 20 % . A 24" (61cm) square pillow perimeter totals 96" (244cm) 24" x 4" (61x10cm) plus 20 % totals 116" (295cm) divide by 36" (91cm) which equals 3 1/4 linear yards (3m) . A box cushion requires double the amount of braid or 6 /2 yards (6m) . 1 For larger orders, there may be economies of scale. Please request specific yardage requirements for your project. 102 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 102 1/11/13 10:23 AM FABRIC YARDAGE GUIDE FA B R I C YA R D A G E E S T I M AT E C H A R T YA R D S ( M E T E R S ) Yardage listed is for plain fabric, 54" (137cm) in width CUSHIONS YA R D A G E Lounge Chair Seat Cushion 21/2 (2.28m) Lounge Chair Back Cushion 21/2 (1.83m) Lounge Chair Ottoman 21/2 (2.28m) 2 Seat Sofa Seat Cushions 5 1/2 (4.57m) Back Cushions 4 (3.66m) 3 Seat Sofa Seat Cushions 7 /2 (6.86m) Back Cushions 6 (5.49m) Chaise Lounge Cushion 71/2 (6.40m) Side Chair Seat Cushion 1 3 /4 (1.60m) Arm Chair Seat Cushion 1 3 /4 (1.60m) P I L LOWS YA R D A G E 16" x 16" (41x41cm) 11/2 (1.92m) 18" x 12" (46x30cm) 11/2 (1.92m) 20" x 20" (51x51cm) 11/2 (1.37m) 24" x 24" (61x61cm) 11/2 (1.37m) 24" x 12" (61x30cm) 11/2 (1.37m) 30" x 30" (76x76cm) 2 1/4 (2.06m) 1 For larger orders, there may be economies of scale. Please request specific yardage requirements for your project. 103 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 103 1/11/13 10:23 AM FABRIC YARDAGE GUIDE FA B R I C YA R D A G E E S T I M AT E C H A R T YA R D S ( M E T E R S ) Yardage listed is for 54" (137cm) wide plain fabric. F U L LY U P H O L S T E R E D NO SKIRT S TA N D A R D K I C K P L E AT Round Ottoman to 33" (84cm) diameter 11/4 ( 1.14m) 2 1/2 ( 2.28m) Standard Ottoman to 23"x23" (58x58cm) 1 3 /4 ( 1.60m) 2 3 /4 ( 2.51m) Large Ottoman to 27"x27" (69x69cm) 3 /4 ( .68m) 3 3 /4 ( 3.43m) Dining Room Chair with Drop Seat 2 3 /4 ( 2.51m) Armless Boudoir Chair 16 ( 5.48m) 71/2 ( 6.85m) Barrelback Chair 18 ( 7.31m) 19 ( 8.23m) Fully Upholstered Armchair/Tight Back 18 ( 7.31m) 19 ( 8.23m) Armchair/Removable Back Cushion 11 (10.05m) 12 (10.97m) Wing Chair/Removable Deck Cushion 11 (10.05m) 12 (10.97m) Chaise Lounge/Tight Seat & One Arm 15 (13.71m) 17 (15.54m) Chaise Lounge/Removable Deck Cushion 14 (12.80m) 15 1/2 (14.17m) 2–Cushion Love Seat to 72" (183cm) wide 14 (12.80m) 16 (14.63m) 2–Cushion Sofa/Tight Back to 91" (231cm) wide 17 (15.54m) 19 (17.37m) 1–Cushion Camelback Sofa to 86" (218cm) wide 14 (12.80m) 16 (14.63m) 3–Cushion Sofa to 86" (218cm) 17 (15.54m) 19 (17.37m) 2–Cushion Sofa/3 Back Cushions 21 (19.20m) 24 (21.94m) 3–Cushion Sofa/3 Back Cushions 21 (19.20m) 24 (21.94m) For larger orders, there may be economies of scale. Please request specific yardage requirements for your project. 104 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 104 1/11/13 10:23 AM FA B R I C C U T T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S FABRIC YARDAGE GUIDE We use our best judgment concerning application of fabric, unless specific instructions are provided. When using our fabrics or COM please consider the following: • If the fabric is a stripe, specify which direction you want the stripe • •to appear. Please refer to the railroading section of this book. (p.106) • All stripes will be vertical on cushions unless otherwise noted. • If your fabric is not “railroaded,” seaming will be required on • long, bench-type cushions. We will position these seams at our •discretion unless we are advised otherwise. • If your fabric is a floral or geometric, please specify the direction • • of your fabric as it should appear on your furniture. • If there could be any question concerning which side of your • • fabric is the face side, attach a properly marked cutting to your • • order. We will assume that the face side is rolled on the inside • • of the bolt unless we are advised otherwise. • If your fabric has a nap, we will apply the nap facing down vertically, •unless we are advised otherwise. • Awning weight fabrics used for upholstery may produce creases • due to the fabric stiffness. • Any special handling instructions should be noted in writing • with your order. 105 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 105 1/11/13 10:23 AM UMBRELL A YARDAGE U M B R E L L A YA R D A G E ROUND SQUARE 16.2 ft. (185cm) 6 yards 16.2 ft. (185cm) 6 yards 8.2 ft. (250cm) 7 yards 8.2 ft. (250cm) 10 yards 9.8 ft. (30 0cm) 10 yards 9.8 ft. (30 0cm) 14 yards 11.5 ft. (350cm) 12 yards 11.5 ft. (350cm) 17 yards Above yardages for 54" (137cm) wide, plain fabric. For striped fabrics, please contact us for required yardage. RAILROADING RAILROADIN G Most upholstery fabric is used vertically as it comes off the loom. Printed fabrics are used vertically most of the time due to their specific direction or motif. Some upholstery fabrics are selected so that they can be RAILROADED (e.g. if you turn the bolt on end of a weft stripe and roll out the fabric from left to right across the back of a sofa, the stripe would be applied vertically). Wo v e n Ve r t i c a l l y ( Wa r p S t r i p e ) Wo v e n Horizontally ( We f t S t r i p e ) Wo v e n Ve r t i c a l l y Shown Horizontally (Railroaded) Wo v e n Horizontally S h o w n Ve r t i c a l l y (Railroaded) 106 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 106 1/11/13 10:23 AM LEATHER GUIDE L E AT H E R A Q U I C K G U I D E F O R M E A S U R I N G A N D C A L C U L AT I N G L E AT H E R F O O TA G E . Leather is measured in square feet. Leather hides come in irregular, natural shapes. Each yard of 54" (137cm) fabric is equal to approximately 18 square feet (1.67m 2 ) of leather. 70" 65" (178cm) 85" (216cm) Cow Hide The full grain natural hide of a mature bovine animal. (165cm) 80" (203cm) Fur Half hide tanned with fur on. 55" 65" (140cm) (165cm) 80" (203cm) Shrunken Cow Leather made from naturally shrunken cowhide which has a distinctive grain. 67" (170cm) Calf The hide of a young bovine, characterized by its fine grain and soft hand. 107 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 107 1/11/13 10:23 AM NON-FITTED FURNITURE COVERS FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 89 1/11/13 10:23 AM FURNITURE COVERS FURNITURE COVERS Made of solution-dyed polyester fabric that is lightweight, f lexible, and resistant to mildew and UV light, J ANUS et Cie furniture covers are built to protect your furniture from extreme environment elements. Our covers are tailored to fit loosely over the furniture with a drawstring to secure them to the piece. An identifying label is sewn into the seam to assist in matching covers to frames. Covers are offered in Tan, Black, Light Grey, and Admiral Navy. We offer two styles: non-fitted covers which fit loosely on a single piece of furniture, and semi-fitted covers which follow the shape of the furniture but are not tailored as a slip cover. We stock common sizes of our non-fitted covers in Tan for immediate delivery. Our expert staff is pleased to discuss custom capabilities for uniquely shaped and sized furniture. S TA N D A R D C O V E R S T Y L E S A D D I T I O N A L S T Y L E S AVA I L A B L E LOVE SEAT - 2S W 68"(173cm) x D 37"(94cm) x H 28"(71cm) ARMCHAIR / LOUNGE CHAIR W 32"( 81cm) x D 30"(76cm) x H 28"(71cm) SOFA - 3S W 84"(214cm) x D 37"(94cm) x H 28"(71cm) SIDE TABLE / OT TOMAN W 25"( 6 4cm) x D 25"( 6 4cm) x H 12"( 31cm) CHAISE LOUNGE W 89"(226cm) x D 34"( 87cm) x H 12"( 31cm) 88 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 88 SQUARE DINING TABLE W 54"(137cm) x D 54"(137cm) x H 28"(71cm) SIDE CHAIR W 22"(56cm) x D 26"( 66cm) x H 28"(71cm) 1/11/13 10:23 AM FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 100 1/11/13 10:23 AM CUSHION FILL OPTIONS CUSHION FILL OPTIONS When choosing a cushion fill, please consider your climate, how you intend to care for the cushions and the “look and feel” you want to achieve. S TA N D A R D High resiliency foam provides a firm yet forgiving sit and provides a crown effect toward the center of the cushion. This foam meets CA Technical Bulletin 117 and is suitable for outdoor use in most climates with proper care and maintenance. In high humidity areas, we recommend reticulated fill. Standard cushions for the Azimuth and Amalfi II collections are constructed with two densities of high resiliency foam, each being wedged cut and adhered together to provide the core structure. The foam structure is then wrapped in a muslin inner cover making it suitable for exterior use with proper care and maintenance. R E T I C U L AT E D A 10 0 % reticulated foam insert allows water to drain quickly through the cushions. Our reticulated cushion insert is wrapped in Dacron that secures the fit of the insert to its cushion casing and provides a crown effect toward the center of the cushion. Reticulated is ideal for furniture placed in areas prone to precepitation. This foam meets CA Technical Bulletin 117. D O W N / F E AT H E R - C O V E R E D E X T E R I O R U S E A combination of 25% down and 75% feather is sewn into a channeled envelope along with a High Resiliency foam core that provides structure to the cushion. The contents are inserted into the cushion cover producing a voluminous and luxurious cushion. Normally used indoors; however, with proper care, these cushions may be used outdoors in covered areas with low humidity. 108 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 108 1/11/13 10:23 AM CUSHION FILL OPTIONS JANUS PREMIUM Clustered fiber balls are sewn into a polyester muslin, channeled casing. A high resiliency foam core is then placed inside the casing to create a cushion insert that is unsurpassed in luxury and comfort. These are non-reversible cushions with false bottoms. Premium is suited for both interior and exterior use with proper maintenance. This foam meets CA Technical Bulletin 117. J A N U S R E T I C U L AT E D P R E M I U M Clustered fiber balls are sewn into a polyester muslin, channeled casing. A reticulated foam core is then placed inside the casing. These are non-reversible cushions with false bottoms. Reticulated Premium is suitable for exterior use. This foam meets CA Technical Bulletin 117. FIRE RESIST Fire resistant, polyurethane foam is engineered to be combustion inhibitive while still offering comfort and durability. The fire resistant properties are introduced at the foam formulation stage making the foam ideal for use in upholstered furniture. Fire resist is available for any installation that requires the ultimate in public safety without compromising quality and luxury. Fire resist is suitable for indoor use. Fire retardant barrier cloths are available by special order. Check with local codes for compliance. TO S S P I L LOWS Loose or ultra fine polyester fibers fill a muslin casing to provide your choice of a tailored or down-like pillow. Toss pillows are suited for both interior and exterior use with proper maintenance. This fill meets CA Technical Bulletin 117. 109 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 109 1/11/13 10:23 AM CARE & CLEANING CARE AND CLEANING OF JANUS TEXTILES Acrylic, as with all fabrics, should be cleaned regularly before things such as dirt or food particles are allowed to accumulate and embed in the fibers. This practice will reduce the need for more frequent, vigorous cleaning. Additionally, by keeping your outdoor spaces clean and free of debris you will reduce the prevalence of bacteria that promotes mildew on the cushions themselves. B r i n g you r cu sh ion s i ndo or s i f you k now o f i ncle me nt we a t her approaching. Cushions used on natural un-seasoned teak and natural woods should be removed after each use until the wood has seasoned to its new environment. The finest weather resistant materials have been used to make our cushions; however, they are not impervious to extreme weather or lack of maintenance. If cushions become saturated with water, squeeze any excess water out of the cushions then set them on their side to air dry in a well ventilated, clean, dry area. We recommend the use of J ANUS et Cie furniture covers to protect your investment while reducing the required frequency of cleaning (see p.88). 11 0 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 110 1/11/13 10:23 AM CARE & CLEANING GENERAL OR LIGHT CLEANING • Vacuum cushions to remove all loose soil. • Prepare a cleaning solution of 2 ounces (59 ML ) • dishwashing liquid or J ANUS 1•2•3 ™ per gallon (3.8 L ) • of lukewarm water (less than 10 0°F/ 38°C) . • Use a sponge to clean. Blot, do not scrub. • Allow cleaning solution to soak into fabric. • Rinse thoroughly with clean water. • Allow fabric to air dry. S P OT C L E A N I N G • Apply a light mist of dishwashing liquid or J ANUS 1•2•3 ™ • and water mixture using a spray bottle. • Work the solution into the stain by lightly scrubbing • the area with a sponge. • Rinse thoroughly with clean water. • Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft white towel • or sponge. • Use a wet vac, if available, to remove excess moisture. • Repeat these steps until stain is removed. H E AV Y C L E A N I N G F O R S T U B B O R N S TA I N S A N D M I L D E W Acrylic fabrics do not promote mildew growth, however, mildew may grow on soil, food and other organic substances that are not removed from the fabric. 111 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 111 1/11/13 10:23 AM CARE & CLEANING To clean mildew or other stubborn stains from acrylic fabrics: • Prepare a solution of 8 ounces (237ML ) of bleach and 2 ounces (59 ML ) of dishwashing liquid per gallon (3.8 L ) of clean water. • Spray on entire area and allow to soak into the fabric. • Scrub vigorously with a soft bristle brush, sponge, or clean towel. • Rinse thoroughly with clean water. • Allow fabric to air dry in a well ventilated, clean, dry area. If stain and /or mildew persist, bleach quantities may be increased. In some cases, long standing stains may not be completely removable. See Stain Removal Solutions (p. 114-115) for removal of specific stains. CARE AND CLEANING OF JANUS FURNITURE COVERS J ANUS et Cie furniture covers are designed to be easily maintained. They can be washed in cool water, air dried, or brushed off and rinsed. Proper care and cleaning is important to the life of all fabrics. For normal care and cleaning: • Prepare a solution of 2 ounces (59 ML ) of mild soap per 1 gallon (3.8 L ) of clean warm water. • Scrub vigorously with a soft bristle brush. • Rinse thoroughly with clean, cold water. • Allow fabric to air dry in a well ventilated, clean, dry area. 11 2 FabricBook2013_Text.indd 112 8/7/13 3:28 PM C L E A N I N G O F W E AT H E R S K I N T E X ™ FA B R I C CARE & CLEANING This product is designed with a built-in, stain resistant finish that will not wash or wear off and does not require a topically applied spray. For water soluble stains, use a clean cloth or soft sponge to dab the stain with mild soap and water. Remove the soap solution by wiping the area with a cloth and clean water. Dry with a soft, lint-free cloth or towel. For oil-based or non-water soluble stains, first test in the least visible area. Lightly wipe the stain with a clean cloth moistened with a mild, volatile solvent (acetone or paint thinner) . Blot the area with a dry cloth and allow to air dry. For ink and magic marker, dab lightly with a cloth moistened with a solution of one part dishwashing liquid and one part rubbing alcohol. DO NOT RUB. As the ink loosens, blot the area with a dry cloth. Repeat if necessary. Rinse with a cloth dampened in clean water and dry with a soft cloth. Note: In commercial installations use mild soap and water for general cleaning. Avoid using cleaners containing abrasives or bleach. Disinfectants can be used provided they are evaluated beforehand. Technical bulletins outlining specific cleaning and disinfecting procedures for these products used in health care applications are available on request. 11 3 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 113 1/11/13 10:23 AM STAIN REMOVAL GUIDE S TA I N R E M O VA L S O LU T I O N - DY E D AC RY L I C S TA I N RECOMMENDED CLEANING SOLUTION BEER/ALE 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or 3 oz. (89ML) white vinegar with 1 gal (3.8L) water BERRIES 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or 4-8 oz (118-236ML) ammonia with 1 gal (3.8L) water BIRD DROPPINGS 2 oz (59 ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water BLOOD (DRIED) 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or 4-8 oz (118-236ML) ammonia with 1 gal (3.8L) water BUTTER Volatile solvent (acetone-100%) CHARCOAL/PENCIL Vacuum, 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water CHEWING GUM Volatile solvent (acetone-100%) CHOCOLATE 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or 4 oz (118ML) ammonia with 1 gal (3.8L) water COFFEE 2 oz (59 ML) mild liquid soap or 3 oz. (89ML) white vinegar with 1 gal (3.8L) water or volatile solvent (acetone-100%) COLA 2 oz (59 ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water CRAYON Paint remover (100%) or oil/grease remover (use as directed) GRAPE JUICE 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water GREASE (AUTO) Volatile solvent (acetone-100%) INK (PERMANENT) Paint remover (100%) or volatile solvent (acetone-100%) INK (NON-PERMANENT) 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water IRON RUST Juice from a lemon or lemon concentrate KETCHUP OR MUSTARD 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water LIPSTICK Paint remover (100%) or oil/grease remover (use as directed) MILDEW Bleach (1 cup) with 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water or special cleaners Use various recommended solvents with care in well ventilated areas and keep away from heat. 11 4 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 114 1/11/13 10:23 AM S TA I N R E M O VA L S O LU T I O N - DY E D AC RY L I C RECOMMENDED CLEANING SOLUTION MILK 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water NAIL POLISH Volatile solvent (acetone-100%) OIL Volatile solvent (acetone-100%) ORGANIC SOLUTIONS 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or 3 oz. (89ML) white vinegar STAIN REMOVAL GUIDE S TA I N with 1 gal (3.8L) water PAINT (LATEX) WET 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water PAINT (LATEX) DRIED Paint remover (100%) or oil /grease remover (use as directed) PAINT (OIL OR Paint remover (100%) or oil /grease remover (use as directed) LACQUER) SILLY PUTTY Rubbing alcohol SUNTAN LOTION Pine oil detergent / water (use as directed) or commercial spot remover TEA 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water TOMATO JUICE 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water TREE SAP 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or turpentine (100%) with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water WATER COLOR 2 oz (59 ML) mild liquid soap or 3 oz. (89ML) white vinegar with 1 gal (3.8L) water WINE 2 oz (59ML) mild liquid soap or 3 oz. (89ML) white vinegar or 4-8 oz (118-236ML) ammonia with 1 gallon (3.8 ML) water Use various recommended solvents with care in well ventilated areas and keep away from heat. 11 5 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 115 1/11/13 10:23 AM TEXTILE TESTING Fabrics are almost always chosen for aesthetics, however it is equally important that they be selected for their application as well as expected performance. All fabrics need routine maintenance; however, in installations where fabric will be exposed to high traffic, selections should be carefully considered. Many fabrics offer f lammability code compliance, and many others can be specially treated to do so. In order to breed consistency and a universal vernacular, the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and the AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) developed the testing protocols and ratings guidelines, with the most critical focusing on f lammability, colorfastness to light, and wear abrasion. FLAMMABILITY There are two basic f lammability ratings for our industry as outlined below. All of the fabrics in our collection meet California Technical FLAMMABILITY Bulletin #117. C A L I F O R N I A T E C H N I C A L B U L L E T I N # 117 SECTION E – CL ASS 1 ( PASS ) is a test method of the California Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation. It is a 45˚ f lame test 11 6 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 116 1/11/13 10:23 AM measuring the ease of ignition and the burning rate when a small open FLAMMABILITY f lame hits the surface of the test fabric for 1 second. A Class 1 (Pass) rating is assigned if: 1. A 5.0” section of the fabric is consumed in 3.5 or more seconds (less than 3.5 seconds is a failure). For raised surface fabric, the minimum burn time is increased to 4.0 seconds. 2. The fabric does not ignite. U FAC C L A S S 1 The Upholstered Furniture Action Council was founded in 1978 to make upholstered furniture more resistant to ignition from smoldering cigarettes, which are the leading cause of upholstery fires. This test method is intended as the means of establishing the performance level of upholstery cover fabrics in contact with polyurethane foam, with respect to cigarette ignition resistance. Fabrics which meet the requirements of this test method may be labeled as UFAC Class I, and may be used directly over conventional polyurethane in the horizontal seating surfaces of upholstered furniture bearing the UFAC hangtag. All other fabrics are UFAC Class II and require an approved barrier between the cover fabric and conventional polyurethane foam in the horizontal seating surfaces. There is a third f lammability rating, California Technical Bulletin 133 ( TB or CA 133), that can be required in some commercial installations. 117 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 117 1/11/13 10:23 AM FLAMMABILITY C A L I F O R N I A T E C H N I C A L B U L L E T I N 13 3 ( T B O R C A 13 3 ) CA 133 is not a fabric test. It is a comprehensive f lammability test designed to evaluate a total seating unit (i.e., frame, fabric, foam and barrier cloth as an assembly) . The foam or stuffing in upholstered furniture may be highly f lammable. The codes that require this test are to promote furniture that has f lame resistant foam, or barrier cloth, that will prevent any fire from penetrating fabric coverings. The test is the most comprehensive f lammability evaluation in our industry and attempts to simulate the conditions typical of a real fire. Check with local authorities for codes required for your installation. C O L O R FA S T N E S S Colorfastness is a fabric’s resistance to fading. Perspiration, atmospheric gases or washing can remove or destroy the color of a fabric. The test that measures colorfastness to light is AATCC 169-2003 Method 1990, which quantifies how much a fabric fades when it is subjected to a xenon lamp which simulates sunlight. 11 8 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 118 1/11/13 10:23 AM WEAR ABRASION WEAR ABRASION WYZENBEEK AND MARTINDALE TESTS The Wyzenbeek and the Martindale are the two most frequently used tests intended to offer quantitative measures of a particular fabric’s resistance to abrasion. Each test requires samples of the test fabric to be stretched on a machine that mechanically rubs a different material (the abradant) against the face of the test fabric. The Wyzenbeek method utilizes either a wire mesh or cotton duck as the abradant, while the Martindale test uses worsted wool. The Wyzenbeek rubs back and forth against the test sample so each cycle is called a double rub, while the motion of the Martindale machine is a figure eight cycle. SLING FABRICS S L I N G FA B R I C S Not all outdoor fabrics can be used for sling frames. Fabrics may be too fragile to bear weight or too thick to maintain frame integrity. The tensile strength, construction and weight of our Jardin fabric is the most suitable for opaque sling applications. We also utilize polyvinyl mesh for many of our sling applications. 11 9 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 119 1/11/13 10:23 AM TABLE SEATING CAPACIT Y TA B L E S E AT I N G C A PA C I T Y 5 3 " (134. 5cm ) X 3 6 " ( 91. 5cm ) 48" (122cm ) 4 CHAIRS 48" (122cm ) 4 CHAIRS 4 CHAIRS 7 0 " (178cm ) X 3 6 " ( 91. 5cm ) 54" (137.25cm ) 54" (137.25cm ) 4 CHAIRS 5 CHAIRS 6 CHAIRS 8 8 " (223. 5cm ) X 3 6 " ( 91. 5cm ) 60 " (152. 5cm ) 60 " (152. 5cm ) 6 CHAIRS 5 CHAIRS 6 CHAIRS 1 0 6 " ( 269cm ) X 3 6 " ( 91. 5cm ) 72" (183cm ) 72" (183cm ) 8 CHAIRS 8 CHAIRS 6 –7 C H A I RS 96" (244cm ) 10 0 " (254cm ) 8 CHAIRS 10 C H A I RS 120 " ( 305cm ) 12 C H A I R S SCALE: 1/8 " ( 3.1mm ) = 12 " ( 30. 5cm ) 120 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 120 1/11/13 10:23 AM S TA N D A R D U . S . T O M E T R I C C O N V E R S I O N S WHEN YOU KNOW TO: METRIC UNIT MULTIPLY BY LENGTH in in ft yd mi inches inches feet yards miles AREA in 2 ft 2 yd 2 ac mi 2 square square square acres square VOLUME fl oz gal in 3 ft 3 yd 3 fluid ounces gallons cubic inches cubic feet cubic yard TO FIND 25.4 2.54 0.305 0.914 1.61 millimeters (mm) centimeters (cm) meters (m) meters (m) kilometers (km) 645.2 0.093 0.836 0.405 2.59 square millimeters (mm 2 ) square meters (m 2 ) square meters (m 2 ) hectares (ha) square kilometers (km 2 ) 29.57 3.785 0.0000164 0.028 0.765 milliliters (mL) liters (L) cubic meters (m 3 ) cubic meters (m 3 ) cubic meters (m 3 ) TEMPERATURE oF Fahrenheit F-32 / 1.8 Celsius ( o C) ILLUMINATION fc foot-candles fl foot-Lamberts 10.76 3.426 lux (lx) candela/m 2 (cd/m 2 ) inches feet yard miles STANDARD U.S. TO METRIC CONVERSIONS CONVERSIONS FROM: STANDARD/U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS 121 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 121 1/11/13 10:23 AM METRIC TO STANDARD U.S. CONVERSIONS M E T R I C T O S TA N D A R D U . S . C O N V E R S I O N S CONVERSIONS FROM: METRIC UNIT TO: STANDARD/ U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS WHEN YOU KNOW: MULTIPLY BY TO FIND LENGTH mm cm m m km millimeters centimeters meters meters kilometers 0.0394 0.394 3.28 1.09 0.621 inches (in) inches (in) feet (ft) yards (yd) miles (mi) AREA mm 2 m2 m2 ha km 2 square millimeters square meters square meters hectares square kilometers 0.0016 10.764 1.195 2.47 0.386 square inches (in 2 ) square feet (ft 2 ) square yards (yd 2 ) acres (ac) square miles (mi 2 ) VOLUME mL L m3 m3 m3 milliliters liters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters 0.034 0.264 61.0 35.314 1.307 fluid ounces (fl oz) gallons (gal) cubic inches (in 3 ) cubic feet (ft 3 ) cubic yards (yd 3 ) TEMPERATURE oC Celsius 1.8C + 32 Fahrenheit ( o F) ILLUMINATION lx lux cd/m 2 candela/m 2 0.0929 0.2919 foot-candles (fc) foot-Lamberts (fl) 122 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 122 1/11/13 10:23 AM GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS Acrylic – A synthetic fiber from a special group of vinyl compounds, primarily acrylonitrile. Acrylic is the most sun resistant of all fabrics. Acrylic Backing – Fabrics that have acrylic backing are actually double weave fabrics. Acrylic backing provides vertical and horizontal stability to fabrics. Brocade – Brocade is a type of jacquard weave characterized by a compact warp-effect background with one or more fillings used in the construction to make the motif or figure. Canvas – Strong, coarse cloth of cotton, f lax, hemp, or other fibers, characterized by its plain weave. Canvas is frequently used as sailcloth. Chintz – A brightly printed, glazed cotton fabric often used for bedcovers and draperies. Colorfast – Resistance to fading when a fabric is exposed to light, perspiration, atmospheric gases or washing. The test that measures colorfastness to light is AATCC 169-20 03 Method 1990, which measures the amount of fading that takes place when a fabric is exposed to a xenon lamp to simulate sunlight. Coir – Made from the fibrous mass between the outer shell and the nut of the coconut. COL – Customer’s Own Leather. COM – Customer’s Own Material. Cushion – A soft casing material, stuffed with polyester, synthetics, down, feathers, foam or other special materials. 123 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 123 1/11/13 10:23 AM GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS Damask – A pattern formed by the weaving. Denier – A unit of measure for the linear, mass density thickness of fibers. Flange – A flat cordless detail used in place of a welt. Jute – Made from the fiber of the Corchorus plant. Grown mostly in Asia. Linen – A baste fiber made from the Flax plant. Overlock Stitching – A type of stitch in which the thread encompasses the cut edge of the fabric. Ply – A strand or layer of material, such as yarn or rope. Polyester – A manufactured fiber made from long-chain, synthetic polymers. Railroading – See description and diagram on page 106. Rayon – A generic term for man-made fibers composed of regenerated cellulose. Satin – A weave that is characterized by a smooth, lustrous face surface and a dull back. Seam Slippage – A defect which occurs when yarns pull away from the seam. Seam slippage often occurs on fabrics constructed of continuous filament yarns that are smooth with a slick surface. It can also occur on loosely constructed fabrics. Seat Pad – A thinner version of a seat cushion. Sling – Upholstery fabric used with furniture frames that span a given distance, as with director’s chairs. 124 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 124 1/11/13 10:23 AM GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS Slingable – A sling fabric that is appropriate to be used for furniture frames with a span. Fabrics that are not slingable are either too weak and will tear after use, or are too strong and will result in splitting the furniture frame. Selvedge – The narrow edge of woven fabric that runs parallel to the warp. It is made with stronger yarns, in a tighter construction than the body of the fabric, to prevent unraveling. Silk – A fine and lustrous, natural fiber which is the product of the silkworm. Sisal – A leaf fiber made from the leaves of the Agave family. Solution Dyed – Solution-dyed yarns have the color pigment added to the acrylic solution before the fibers are spun. The color of the fiber is the same on the inside as on the outside. Suitable Use – Describes the various applications for a particular fabric including outdoor and indoor upholstery, drapery, sling, umbrellas and pillows. Tensile Strength – The strength shown by a specimen subjected to tension from torsion. Ultrasuede – A durable and colorfast, non-woven fabric composed of textile fibers and bonded together to form a suede look and feel. Volatile Solvent – A non-aqueous liquid with solvent properties which can be used to remove non-water-soluble substances. 125 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 125 1/11/13 10:23 AM GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS GLOSSARY OF TEXTILE TERMS Warp – The set of yarns in all woven fabrics that run lengthwise and parallel to the selvedge. Weatherskin Tex™ – Weatherskin Tex is a durable, high-tech, high performance fabric with the elegant appearance and touch of fine, soft glove leather that is also weather resistant. Weft – The set of yarns in all woven fabrics that run across the width of the fabric from selvage to selvage at right angles to the warp. Weight – The weight of a given fabric is based on the ounces per square yard, or the grams per square meter. Wool – A fiber derived from the hair of sheep, goats and alpaca. Yarn – A continuous strand of textile fibers which have been twisted together. Yarns are utilized in making fabric, and they may be composed of staple or filament length fibers. A yarn is characterized by its composition, thickness, number of strands or plies, as well as amount and direction of twist. 126 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 126 1/11/13 10:23 AM 1 INCHES CM 2 1 3 FOR LEA KERCHMAN 1 2 . 1 5 . 2 7 – 1 2 . 5 . 11 4 THIS TEX TILE BOOK, AS SO MUCH OF MY LIFE, DEDICATED TO MY MOTHER, LEA, WHOSE UNWAVERING LOVE, GUIDANC E, AND SUPP ORT I H E R I N N AT E PA S S I O N F O R Q UA L I T Y, S T Y L E , A N D TAUGHT ME HOW TO “BE” IN A PERFEC T ORGANZ A SHE LE T ME PAINT AND REPAINT MY ROOM UNTIL MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME TO LIVE A LIFE WELL SHE FILLED THE WORLD WITH MEMORABLE M O M E N T S O F B E AU T Y, I M AG I N AT I O N , L AU G H T E R , I HOPE THIS BOOK AND ALL THE JANUS E T CIE COLLEC TIONS INSPIRE YOU AS MY 14 PRECIOUS MOTHER INSPIRED ME. 5 LOVE. 13 AND 12 LIVED. 11 B E AUTI FU L H ATS A N D G LOV ES AT AG E T W ELV E . 4 INTRODUCED ME TO THE PLE ASURE OF WE ARING 10 I GOT THE COLOR RIGHT WHEN I WAS NINE . SHE 9 SWISS P OLISHED COT TON WHEN I WAS SE VEN . 3 D RESS ES FROM B E AUTI FU LLY PRI NTE D SU PE R - FI N E 8 PINAFORE AT AGE T WO. SHE SE WED US MATCHING 7 D E TA I L I N S P I R ES M E E V E RY DAY O F MY L I F E . S H E 6 HAVE HAD SINCE I C AN REMEMBER . 2 5 IS 6 15 16 are registered trademarks and service marks of J ANUS et Cie. Our tag lines, 7 and appearance and certain furniture, furnishings and design elements are 18 slogans and photography are proprietar y to J ANUS et Cie. The overall look 17 ©2013 J ANUS et Cie. All rights reserved. J ANUS et Cie ® and the tree logo also proprietar y to J ANUS et Cie. All third party marks are owned by their 19 respective owners. 8 20 FabricBook2012_Terry.indd 96 1/11/13 10:23 AM