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Anticipate - SOAR Home
Out th pproacning those wanting to go to Madrid Summer on this study abroad the program Pay by December 1st Page2 Twila McConnell Steel Editor-in-Chief interest Maybe youve seen town upcoming Student hail pm If has activities rext $1 fee two to Page November Dudget out that rganizations ice ctivities 74 current of the between with leaving more these organizations Underwater Concrete Submarine ...The $375000 not equal to caused contro the FSAE recently allotted allotted they were $6000 allotted The was Sting $17211 of Thats the and SGA did requests year due allotted being originally only to enough to will for more for organiza the amount of Tom this Chair was quick beloved and new classic Issue deadline isnt enough forbudget to would proposal together really next Mr year to way However Mr Birckhead pointed out that and faculty at fee parking Tech Georgia $500 is staff SPSU donthavetopayforparicjgat although pay where and faculty has to pay more translating into the staff Regardless something has in happen order to continue our organizations suggestion the town Kevin and consider hall Moss if you have or e-mailing kmoss at one of attending meetings that the and increases there simply write like to ap to proper see us put good proposal for Samford said Bany Birckhead Dean of Stu SGAto dentAffairs wanted that aparking deck forthis is consider being discussed campus and you cantuse money to for pay state SPSU so parking spsuedu courtesy Soccerstarts aren Asay According ditOr Emeritus Marnadou Danso helped with exceeded ectation commented hw vhen asked his the was impressed lye the team This earns 11 soccer was The team plays loses onference vere lost nded ranked Iwo L1St are the re in the lop 25 games and one goal soccer team seven Ibis to before was is of played Mr at teams 1-lughes aid above expectation benelit team next .1111 is to having no ext of the year the aving teani iheni reseason next One of laniadou that and three player have forward ready to lbr the 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there the the money cheap glass team who spent $40000 on one will the are enough the house Feast read Jason in compet they created educate house and purchase one bedroom all 30 people Besides activities officially getting men all held is transport overcome before ing the smart houses of to competition There be- expen The house has washer and transported to to house in way through way like from the Greeks DC display involves are it the ways competition have displayed be overview can run educating The competition to make that houses there days during issue is special to with Getting the Washington ing the transporting the house alone energy and Since make expenses get energy explaining computer needed majors all and similar erator are major house windows The about environmental work Also most of couldnt Howard solar public communication materials website on informa is be to Tippens from ing brochures judged on the for normally the to having panels solar heating cooling technical area without solar apartment tour oftheir house and distribut also sive is building can but project members Money The Solar Decathlon has two house team One this will tech- cooling and technology helpful house the the communications the the all project and electrical of so for this goals creating houses and solar energy heating ventilation Other technology engineering the are and electrical systems and mechanical the impor participate house for the build- engineering electrical nology students design ofthe students to public architecture for the construction and is resource stated students and electrical computer engineering needed the architecture it department needed part cant and faculty team feasible students member from faculty faculty energy in the cause needed have com network the from both get disciplines oh- first interest Also the team would need This competition need Tippens gather Tippens believes help with and currently has 20 teams Night Pictures Page team The night of the goat steps to and to trying own energy its Washington Mr Hughes ....Poetry Yes Christiaan and The tion team teamwork the Solar the competition run of lost next season stated and on display can for game the to just and this is competition in design students goals this for For had true Mr Hughes to tan- evident Coach Momeni plans 0- work on is the ranking Emmanuel against department new compete of the lippens start computer players Scott ECET goals Coach We stated had 26 attempted they said is competition Professor is matches also hand scoring attacking fun eight some work to finish This is to stated allowed per many chances to strength place first goals comes game team Momeni goal He teams fewest does have the jective peting region which On it so every sport the bestGoal Keeping teamhas the Professor Editor Emeritus How- for the defense Coach by only one by Karen Asay to Eric Ati for The soccer teams their his for season they did incredible lieshman players team is per game goal-keeping soccer ever shots teams season the assists and quality surgery August the dlCoiilIreiice SSAC looking back from are returning undergoitig is re Momeni starters Ic also states layers are iid SCOS11 seniors team can and Coach ays All fthe teams end both outstanding in and goals his team ranked is on goal per shots mentioned good the entire season in the nation in Other means so the as pri eight flict has never leaiii level erürinance the second game and dem starters olthc college website the team competition game winners and 16 goals own their of those one freshman vhich obtain tie SPSUs iarily in in ties four teams by only in to held also the nation or the conferences managed The team ord SPSU soccer the and vhen playing team the many matches He in as also stated wins country to review were James Grant season 8-8-2 did was fall first Hughes team how competi at one ofthe toughest he Jeff Mr Hughes season ex everyones New strong to fund to Relations proposal 14th time usually was made isnt going half-baked on December also another to find various to point out Board of Regents withthe in this $41500 proposal SGAPublic Sarnford three for Christ and have it studentfees three Crusade totaling Once requested Why constantly for the rest fiscal allotted FSAEs original FSAE funds prove were of this money not after over even do is buying $18000 than amount per their over originally $87000 only FSAE Racecar as budgets take them Many of Racecar are Campus SGA has years versy SGA and ask which received fund any of to organizations But what Campus budget student previous Of- are weaknesses they could money they requested Those and SGA that unable .. powerofour four well as DS Volume 62 was given $640 SPISA$1000 states itself 77 fiscal now Right There tions for the Find out the strengths stress condition that back come have also IEEE AlAS requestedfiscalbudget meeting Board and The Sting 75% anoe the proposal Government organizations split last Kevin the not students found the over his the to We competitions ourGreeks whichhelpbringin retain Moss StudentActivities Student over In $375000 is Kevin SGAs 6th as through win- out The finally the activities fee them onthe professional organizations like reconsider place much money This $18000 greatly name and evoking school NSBE SHPE considered increase take at years ie points to President proposed many 1200 pm and you havent SGA in the our in the at fling Wednes on 13th at may want you for the meetings Center Theater day November going the signs SPSU benefit Bridge Zelda.. rise in by spreading its new take on with Anticipate Yes Sting November 12 2007 900 Phantom HOurglass The ___________________ --ct.tiuici for World of this the that to SPSU compete The question resources to The November 12 2007 Want Dr to Madrid to go they take Nuhfer-Halten Madrid by in directed two for Sting registering studies during Professor This the is be third year in program Spain month July with the last three NOT have to for this pro- Courses offered for this trip attending if of copy 1002 fare SPAN 2001 registration room single room with shower and SPAN 2002 $100 is $3595 -- night and is which includes board toilet forthe program total cost except fee if Plus Sunday for insurance health supplemental leaving air There are you level other 3000- and graduate is no cause SPSU credit 6-7 hours for Dr Please contact Nuhfer- receive HaltenSIS Dept J308 bnuhferh@ courses who will the be- fee is on the faculty of Dr submis- Karen Asay Editor-in-Chief registration of your you send deadline until for the December 31 However the start be unavailable of Spring Semester See program details at www jy .. Raymond Rultz Jasmine King Naimah Shaw Korey Kolberg Cristina The Sting of Southern Wilson and do not at System ofGeorgia State the University tV State nic JJ made The Sting or University consent and is of Southern in No faculty University property Sting manner any advertisement State Polytechnic The Sting nor Southern Polytech any claims for individual the be reproduced of Thc neither liable is advertisement in The Sting in an endorsement ofSouthern represents University of students or staff official an is State University and cannot written views the State material University express The Sting in All The Sting Polytechnic necessarily reflect and faculty those ofthe Editor or ofthe Southern Polytechnic or staff without are students University ofSouthern students expressed herein ideas authors State Polytechnic ofthe publication The for the published semiweekly is Polytechnic 1j il Funkhouser this Dr Nuhfer- BEFORE DECEMBER will Ravanello Eric Fyffe Christiaan cheapest Editor Jon Meek Finn Maft Copy McConnell Lucy Lament Jonathon List Sean Fine directly meeting contact please Twila Ayanna Benton check fee non-refundable are interested in ifyou John Web Manager Eric Steven After that she tuition students is Halten Spanish courses from Atlanta There the The deadline 2000-level 4000-level level to of of which SPAN The Paris verify FORSPRO 1001 in on planning to copy SPAN program take place are must contact you form and II ilfl for program you Nuhfer-Halten both are in the Also sion gram of days ofthe SPSU at register during summer term Madrid in place during the takes SPSU for The program students do that there will advising You semester fall the following thisconsortium ofuniversities for or products services herein $tII ADVERTISING ti Ji INFORMATION ir The j1 advertisements 11 local advertising for service date run is professional not guaranteed one halfthe intrtiT .. .--3 Sting at .j to see the magnificent welcomes opinions Letters address courtesy or All to never to early or too late to ofour letters are written Increase You 11 ii maximum format are job opportunities learn standard tools for organizing business activity network you build personal and professional Gives you the enhance Any student final decision at night while in our and man- MBA working for will not style content 30060 Please send in the all 100 South University drop them or box outside submitted style content in activities electronic below All such deadline printed the campus of the must be Articles for editing inform to by organizations size and and are articles run on basis paying is Fees Activity made by 00 PM inA252 This includes the is eligible Come We ajob cause or call center realjob pays creative prefer stu our meetings Friday to members so-called The Sting though tojoin Editor-in-Chief upstairs in the student YOU allyou not Its program heightens both your that at 678915-7310 never attend The more DEADLINE Deadline deepen basis full-time experiences to letters letters State Polytechnic who have passed English 1101 Sting opportunity edit e-mail or e-mail disk by subject to dents aging business processes The right to nime names can but purposes unverihcd or or JOINING The Sting SPSU of 45 hours to complete Program can be completed must include Letters space-available GA welcome are space-available takes run on Marietta inA252 office Articles ra io ii iiiin Only the policics double spaced and or neatly printed Unsigned request editorial or criticizing for verification The Sting Southern and events at The ORGANIZATIONS onsider an I\1IBJ in MBA number Sting reserves Pkwy Marietta an be typed hundred words five upon The size letters to get deadline Madrid of Photo Top Reasons ai clas corn letters praising should and phone be withheld architecture offer the by rates more information contact or for space ad one does not Sting but are free campus TO THE EDITOR printed want reserve The Sting I4 Who doesn To should not exceed emr The rate stingadvertisinggmail LETTERS iiJ on Advrtisements must be submitted sified advertising below Ad ertisements To guarantec paper inch on paper $4 per colunin organiLations on advertisement local is determined by frequency ire and Li printed of Thc Sting rate online Articles your technical expertise and for the next submitted issue is after this of The Sting except September 2i Thursday time through will not be printed 1100 P.M at in the issue next permission special your Business Savvy SUBSCRIPTIONS on elay Start this Sp ring Subscriptions an academic Office Atrium Building J-378 Phone 678 91 5-7440 Email able to All year The Sting are 1000000 per semester or $5000000 subscriptions Checks Please with start for subscriptions subscribe the first issue should be Somebody of the made pay- Please .. .-ii---..The Sting offers to officialvisitor issue Web The Sting semester succeeding For more information to every student ofSouthem numbering up Every copy above to faculty Polytechnic 0.25% ofthe 0.25% is to print ofa particular issue is University run for the THEFT and issue than copies of each respective issue be purchased according by The Sting Taking more copies ofan run staffmember alumni and State to price 0.25% ofthe criminal offense set print OPINION The Youre doing fig wrong The Middle it back Poetry Corner Jasmine King for chicken wings Staff Writer as bite them into make chicken So was my first originally rant buttheres probably ting about of you ten or twelve meal every one And of the for but now to just to bad find at the one my food habit its to every the creepy guy daydoes that he at for so it much EDIBLE food Im over thousand Im my to are to honestly hand whine there come to even the every- of the like the not confined semester as that of us spend it you money wed get Im that ramen every before for the purchase means eating said think bit to to option would some that that My times such als the that that the belief we an will wrote for all God all the right take to For one does break from an is we are showcase through to attempt capable of everything he God is what keeps is of both consisting moral and sincerely from being us there are lot morals and right wrong come from him are Agathokakological and look at hope their actions that all With are moral said who and next few Sta/f IVrikr is bring ira tin heavy the you cheni sigh broke college fortunate fiuiiiily the with that and ul student they can all lake their implies something prophane important thing about this liked poem in this my and took concept that reading that through it people will to in my describe final the be will merchandise for havent their location in the We are Hitler We are Mother Teresa We hate We love We are We consist Agathokakological ofboth good and evil We praise We penalize We destroy We create We are Hitler We are Mother Teresa Hood Robin stealing kill because We make people objects ourselves We are We consist ofboth Every human is 771 Suite Every human is are Hitler are Mother Teresa What enables us What causes us know have The answer Hitler We are Mother ii to around yourself 20h OFF 26tn IECEMBI 91h 30% OFF four iO iECEMBI 23rd 40% oFF four 24th JANUARY 3th 50% OFF four 14th JANUARY 27th OFF four 28th FEBUARY 1O About four 1th FEBtJARY fEBUARY l8t FEBUARY 17th About And four and life here four is 7Q% OFF 29tt1 80% OFF OFF word that you believe and guilt word hate and despair letter word and punishment letter and word profanity letter hope word creativity Opposites FEBUARY all letter and purity wholeness deficiency destruction and contempt letter and imagination malice and word letter growth death and stagnation word what and emptiness letter About beauty and grace wrote JANUARY and good and evil word About perfection wrote JANUARY God Aboutjustice and right vindication wrote lF2IiMBER understand Teresa love and wrote lItMRER we dont answer and you might disagree ofboth four wrote About R25t1 change Four Word Letter wrote 700 MARIETTA cannot Agathokakological wrote NVEMI3ER own give hate what lies in are look to to the consist NOVEMBI humanity our of anything capable We wrote 1I lose Teresa way we We We and 321-866 NVEMRER and good and evil this About innocence RD their taking objects What makes us Mother We where Burlington CLOSING ROSWELL yalcoho1ic Agathokakological on Roswell ROWANS STORE 355 werehurt someone murdered We make are and have in the think about revision letter was four words We You owe secondhandretajlfiea_iiiarket the understand believe the viewing glass more little was using four words opinion Town and Country shopping center AJC are of Over Please ifyou already drop by some news The Rowan has had sells quick retiring months Rowans discounting It are of are comes from God and therefore regardless after What makes us Hitler circus humans fel word which We McNally as In Four Word Letter wanted to get across the idea that we are very different then God low classmate and my professor brought to my attention people off the bat read four letter inkeeausew Jessica see good including mor that Agathokakological Say goodbye.. to lot hypocrisy We evil that Hitler ofpeople ultimately just believe like own our good and something courtesy me it better Photo simple reason saddens It about Captain Propaganda but instead Im including these poems them and hopefully get something out of them morals and the beliefin in and wanted God of writing an article left article read follows that the And are agathokakological that instead of arguing slamming individuals and therefore that class and Agathokakological we God everyone But of ones write creatures comes from not to poem fact diverse ideas but you guys first non-existence fact meal plan because ask was going hopes Facebook state publishing poetry with the constant bickering people not arguing that about am frustrated sound thislS cafeteria not paying dollars Why Why didnt English wasnt supposed groups devoted stack to dont mean this...angrybut thing but day but is in Funkhouser or in kind ofout of is actually just same the Christiaan Senior Staff Writer ofmy on aboutitImean People the no noxious substance it quite to take does one Spanish this sauce and all Also isnt no out cart crumbs and little fries rant but plate mean we wash them or does he them on had HOW orI said Okay beginning CLEAN on that so horrible clean me shank SHARPanyway foods absolutely cups that bastardizations ofall want and go through food-encrusted felt dishes sinks have to get- lately semester whenever ask our is it favorite Iand have been Do you know how nauseating complete else else that upset with increasingly write something something all to going November 12 2007 Sting it letter said God and Man restriction which The most in itself The November 12 2007 Know your foe in 2008 tax Those willing have hijacked Party The and principles now socialist thinking removed the and healthy is sensible ofthe class look and what campaign come from contributions In recent witnessed is Party Just rich elitists most Democrat the the the we of the have Carter administrations which both did untold amounts of damage and to Clinton this the We nation this be accused saw we in national Bill we watched the in Clintons Arkansas we disbarred away with get the these In itselfas the fact an orgam campaign 1996 Recently Hillary in candidate has been withherown campaign contribu tion yet such pass Scooter Bush Gonzales for fall for firing there Democratic its is be fir- hailed as next is Demo- in the Highertaxes Surren cratplaybook der Amnesty -Most more The playbook short and is sadlymostAmericansmemones even Enter shorter yet her be faltering campaigns The debates desire to give Many books come to and angry bitter and tongue cruel that permanently your taxes to defined the on and Iran by radical ence Many other America She has to and has no executive career tax raise ofdollars and billions stance Bush the her plans no doubt that or- common ground this the think certainly free- think clear most the that economy entire being are they the in Communist has that Manifesto read the or is understands of an the prospects chilling on up argue experi was she her in in the these making more are cated to it offered am that making said things in them Okay then of from Hillary surprised Besides not that made she has industries away starting HMOs that are much out of Medicare getting too starting with Halliburton needs for defense the down be pared to And that contracts with Ive been in reined no-bid the starting industry that and that billion the money from This why is just clear very intend to one of many ex billion imple sector Ddes who someone extreme and so matter it world is we thing for mQre up Why this We does the free have already need be to and last the big government is tax raising socialistrunning pushing Not only that her weakness several on defense and most this media the from whatthe Founders despite those Ithink America created like tendencies danger far slidvery sound matters because It said from billion on her bring in private willing to act expose Why the this shame on triple failing is socialist to $35 to take ExxonMobil the tojust take had previously also she wanted to up from dollars She lives She plane above quotes she how amples of things to statements contradictory best the forHillarys flip-flops fact the me she has that contradiction more to $10 take do to with as quotes but having reviewed appeared was them these debunking defense dedi few websites out of context them are There statements than very how from alotofthese $10 watched Everyone to going become sector profitable way plans about specific Im the lvelaidout change ment that send to what has to message time its to are going about market has failed how treatment ill end to cuts weak to create self an American Patraeus hero her plans by to people thatrequires theirCommunisthistory of her aware are shameful behavior and of General and to buildapolitical give up der have her on top of stay arena political away from American presidential candidate accomplished nothing ofnote allowed light nature Those consensus been released have vulgar serving her her They have exposed personality the has Hillarys chronicling often positions immigrants illegal licenses drivers We have war remain unanswered the to seems strength latest means that some people and invincible shown her contradictory on Clinton Hillary Shehasbeenhailedas external threats also are busi let just somethinghas tobetaken assuredly that we Washingtonworks and go on as usual ness 93 has Party to image all and attorney ings whenBiliClintonwas hero pass Libby Alberto take the free we gave no for not funny So what and shared prosperity for ity with shared responsibil it to replace We...cant 2008 for openly endorsed with Bills the details arotind Whitewater recalling strangely got her Hillary not recalling to are we saw those campaign for which problems Also roll ofmy head top know who fraudulent for presidential watched contributions them saw of security of murder campaign bogus and internationally country weakened just to was slammed with $719000 donations hit Ted Kennedy something learn fines the Clinton Hillary you should look them up similar to decades failures off the Democratic Party of ie Sandy Gary Condit do not you are zation party Despite themosttaxes atwhopays once it few if folks Clinton Frank name and ideas the Democratic the lie the party the table that far so that perspective no longer popular from party to the brought have for theirtreason pass Jefferson Barney and Big government progressives expanding for powerhouse free Bill William is leadership medias Berger was once one firm American the the accept consider fortheparty thatAlQaedahas by corrup andwihingly and criminal behavior United the Democratic the that party tionandscandal should even American voting be defined to dollars That aside million over no shoving The Democrats have allowed advancement and well being of they bill it into themselves that who seek theirown States of known long power the hike be honest with to have leftistextremists before seen could not solve without Copy Editor personal They havent bilL Siirt Michelson themselves Sting war on the result certainly terrorwill ferocious in 1fl Do the for it Common Good what its would want.. Hfllary the Vmcent Fos letting Osama Bin Whitewater scandal ter controversy the Laden escape countless othersexualcharges against and handing over our technol Bill Chinese to the ogy seen for the post-Clinton on our damages we recently the early seen the than rating boasts President anything not is gress The House wasted stream our theres on series troops of of annual the proposed bill the ness bill in the bill enemies war the send bill to worst record the and ofcourse in the farm small busi the S-CHIP Reid has declared women and night Murtha and troops refuses children them calls to our Marines for calling terror- combatants our court end and have failed to attempts These are the troops sign baugh on so to the sale to Marines their rounding among support gumption him of abusing in match his response smear letter have the the bring her from the that entire government from what down empire through us the are is to your tax after program further and Founding is Hillary It sold by expand- programs social of side fears will she further Fathers further and made frightening statements has that are clearly on the what we would same expect to level hear from Karl Marx Hillary Clinton made the following statements and although they Neil Boortz on Were over all are they were compiled his in this the web order by going to take things com mon good Its time for few by an end the of text to for new begin- government of the few and the she way around for the few...and priority speech the rule have that set on our televisions here home We other can be correctly me ironic to who suffered forth so in his at all she has even works statement that over 70 it still largely the things in following Demo- recent debate by were has that the media making prog am very proud the Supreme Court handed the presidency to Bush and we have been living it consequences is time for us ever since to step up George with will the is wants their right ers the vote to whom on portrayed real deserve that tion they to support- know who she it are that television Hillary Her is and be honest about do not her for do so however They shoul4 know Hillary not support inAmerica and to know should for Demohopefully completely someone support voting 1990s andl unfortunately if they ignored thinkwe defeated her pro- terrible look Bill ride into Hillarys righttorun Hillary most in the be know at Kosovo The feminist candidate who she can for make Hillary will policy foreign Somalia nomination oftheprogressweweremakinguntil the at attacks tame look made presidential Well and Iraq in cratic medicine plan but more She 90s in the Communist bay just socialized cratic was hopes many ofthose ideas socialism posed reality many of the whilethe one country Sure we loves that under andeventually destroyed embraces been observe we point communism years the are distant ofMarxs workers paradise Manifesto held answer of what the Its The dev suffer horrifically astation not largely rejected tenants average will it American that will that think and soil innocent learned what Clinton countries the the the Neil Boortz observes be con- in or her on American attacks solidified Marxist is for thatwhenput only that proves is entire context ress inthe website away fromyouonbehalfofthe ning observed also no exception however she goes even as popular are Democrats government intended sur topics socialist side that secret that ing way ofthinking media But what about even more donation on eBay are the Hillary the Hillary no the her record above the But those the so was chef pastry smearing Rush Lim and accusing of ticket multiple to the our troops and then didnot moral courage were same Democrats They had letter enemy that war ones who claim the to of Gulag These the do called Durban Former Clinton response takes same congressman on an in another detaining Soviet to saying Haditha in Nazis and Dick has equated as that Morris can be quoted One at years and for her experience advisor Dick dollars oflawmurderers Others have troops is apologize recently proven innocent our our JohnKerry accuses them terrorizing elected people to to says our House White They Pelosi and John lost Pelosi are failures to yet them and comfort abroad our through frequently aid gives on spit their efforts Reid Nancy Murtha are the 20 years They increases energy Harry on be done to appropriations Congress tax and Iraq able the votes American and thats my desk for and failed work They have not been single has valuable time out of important behalf done constant of investigations endless pull work time on Senate has wasted an them Con- of Representatives valuable undermine are the party that ists blasted its getting and are the shots at cheap the are They them insult military in the ofOctobersaying party thatwilltake Shee Cindy Code Pink They of Bush andhe is such leftists and party of Bush President the 17th han lower approval medias punching bag the on failure Congress which has not accomplished of note and on in Even more new Democratic the have administration economy have We free Bush administration the of scandal Lewinsky anti-war that this really but if they know then they should know ifthey value higher taxes rights weak weaker national economy abor security socialism gov emment programs big government corruption wage mechanisms willflip flop and controls leveling president who her inexperienced hand think into then your wallet and say vote for Hillary by all means RTA The Legend The -- short actionjust Nintendo Developer Publisher by touching DS Rating Link back The hero that world Everyone wolf turn into travel the through and savethe one of Zelda in the and few its touch-only its attempt instead yearhas shown that almost wins always just button If the more weapon to game is for enemy for time con- ends to hit slash by title Link want shoot the paced lot arrow in Prin- your sword isnt have 11 knows before about as that the this create bow is sword than ofthree couple minutes path opened is person that leads to this and Tetra When along with her after jumps falls to strange The the to grandfather Oshus Linebeck tam to save save world The are the best DS the 55 has does job of in by some of The Phantom Hourglass contains definitely the cinematic best any DS presentation of that superb on character unique and each weve seen while shes since as Oshus is to that the oped are in and then and item you want and talkative she too has her Her grandfather an their stories meant wise-man ally own selfish but both have humor doubt the game every made cutscenes and constantly and secrets from While well the devel- most ofthe minor ones for the make on tap of course the just to relief funniest the joke this This is Zelda humorous characters game that you smiling The most obvious innovation remedy the Using bring up more the since to at stylus bit too might be peal makes since you of instead Nintendo casual same time the hectic is crowd item usage technique for some trying to ap- this alternate is only any of bit the in which tutorials in-game unfair Every ing favorites using reliant as the becomes few ofthe on pause the since map the top lot return- boomerang bomb is little to see where you down the remind you So while the you intelligence if that you around as at the each then down something notes ask sure is cool pretty ask insults so makes it your feel like Well usingthe In established game is that pretty few small annoyances what do nutshell islands your weve stylus in the cool with different in this you do you around second you sail the tools to game different world and to collect stay alive temples allowing you you can runs out act to you go back with the solve this to powers it as long before time temples and will give you are able to floors After Link continues fI.illy with enjoyable that puzzles in it long you your quest if does at pies to control make those the and fun should game fanatics on the doesnt the best and spent Zelda ofa game to fans this die-hard to since jump it was them Despite faults this game has from being one of for the lot with arent this it with do bandwagon stop mean filled that appeal While isnt finished be tern- accessible doesnt it things to games hell expect wont be ap quest anyone can use that to easier game more those Zelda players itinovative arent veterans already but success- games The and scheme every hour new and quests main by offer provide of Zelda this that short that to we have come from Legend new the of enjoyment bit little or reached Phantom Hourglass minor you have trying piece for too and you play often least the when been items to get whatever lower hide can mode isnt something designed get to map the switch sides While multiplayer every time that accomplish captured has limit your hourglass The only annoyance is have to last longer to capture triforce preciated of immunity complete add the way item contains quickly temple puzzles only Phantom the use world you can of you the life-sucking to the time that use to Completing exploring so out minutes worth to the more is life This access- temples This in and step Hourglass as nagging parent the temple sucks couple ultimate available after certain you complete to your only is effectively players many and areas and must use areas Ocean the lowest level and floor to the focused is quest contains that map on are one path try on is Link as certain time the is temple with is ing others to themselves from appearing on guards operates base as three him Those they youll be playing that trying to their where he locating the are easier Link stop which the items that Temple of the It the entire your and much where flag guards rcut draw the of the as as the pretty pieces try that offun lot from foe youre puzzles The only temple different more lot features new uses still theyre that to also It person pLaying Link these progressed So while temples also has is unique the every that game constantly and and something is and so youve done if help constantly do taking having this write time written youve the floors to to DS last innovative on utilize puzzles The only game you focus King to second temple There in to get traveling where they to things are or write solutions to need to back you are You can screen much time too spend given to always be above will annoyance time becomes this make notes on your map down heav- so You never have game your you on in Luckily that maps advantage do to they end so map Zelda huge what screen as it like game butjust weapon more fun such up second the shown manual and not explained in the is menu and one Now pressing buttons and using and or in allows item This efficient with the Most entire series remember where provide stylus end up using both hands just action buttons items the use your equipped item usage much features Hourglass in the map DS games dont know ily on which hand youre holding your to it tapping this fast-paced d-pad depending you use use an item doesnt well with work then equip weapons require further As you can guess doing tapping to to again it using seven years and the traditional characters per- items icon tap the to the on the too predictable keep tap thankfully ones becomes without will you have Phantom best weapons other your to this first quirks that stop theircharacters major to access fairy the archetypal of them have being that becomes sword The main gripe double-edged is of weapons mini-arsenal combat evil which to Nintendo does is tell and Linebeck looks interesting upbeat previous story are designs character has an Ciela sonality guy best currently own your themselves The own for the presentations top-notch as the make which games the DS the also with graphics cinematic The characters animated very well are when combined Wind Hourglass of expressive full by gncom courtesy mLch fun as game Those playing date to game good format Phantom in cutscenes are world of the handheld not its triforce catch Phantom of length cool multi them and use them for how complete you of capture playing The length Phantom Hourglass in and another to entire games player guards them get quarter the game bring thaV surprisingly recreating Waker about one person plays as Photo cel-shading side-quests game quest offer to for the 10 depending on or This is search the games you the is youre around i5 hours with many single her has also to harder is story extra although sea cap definitely other however game him herself in graphics Hourglass work to make does than away with heart contain- The mam annoyance player with forget this shorter col previous that prevy island wake and he can find full most Zelda and the meaning Link Link begins his Oh Tetra the and gamedoes to maze be like butthis ers While an gems giant still pieces able only main vain in ofa shape more Youll lot heart en- fishing for spirit new powers shooing games an games it help of her the ocean the fish collecting spends instantly introduces and with Ciela on searching out where lectingheartcontainem rescue attempt ocean trying to fairy fairy find tribes include anytime of ship unknown wakes up on an up the in the treasurelies have they can they do onboard and jumps vanishes to find and Zelda search ship so that ghost loot its but Princess in maps island in the sure along cruising ship pirate haunted raid Link Tetra her on with starts with for treasure for off left for side-quests legendary does it to purpose and will lot Wind Waker where wn its characters of your Phantom Hourglass picks up exactly has you Some nothave so thatplayers will trance different offer items Boy Virtual island with to extra the puzzle solving game has floors Im abandon Each the exploring spent this provide water temple for wont be in bulk of your so some arejustmeantto contrast structure that world do than to underground however will hard still while small so remember that zrre lot cooped large halfway its Tern- games stark is of lot awarp the to let point annoyed little time fea can that and to to resolve are helpful temple btt being temples tries easier is pretty soon Every time your crowd do to as the new Nintendo map that There you warp be to just artifacts game is you Theres be we wont have anything that of us those not there cannot sacred larger have ungodly this fast- your where that ofTwilight Princess While instantly as important as how most is collected each are means Anyone thathas played Zelda weapon you only that the more deadly lot until temple design you aiming the evil have an average to makes ofthe to you and you direction shooting aiming Twilight floor most previous Zelda that even sailing temble appeal what ples direction than in allows any to fun makes shoot to cess This the attack precise in the pointing-function and fun Of course has always been more accurate lot explode holds Aside from this forced youbypasspuzzles lets islands you come back are as secretpaths that Since in the such tures sacred have been ofthrowing itwill every time temple thosepuzzles pro- defeat collect games operate eliminates puzzles to you the are the vanquished the explode ground had such Simply tapping ajump up being to it exists enemy Your bow the has never Zelda to more accurate lot it you want end where and is- that defeat/solve temples boss and time this upgrade experiences arrow which stab Zelda to different previous ability simple surrounded games in hits the to spin artifact bomb and hoping lot to the the best little new you must ceed these temples with enemies and wasntalways makes it ancient aim The throw its need Some of to Tapping where it that multiple enemies too long use nice you have riddled and throws around second tapping and swiping hectic your which and This time you end up which screen corn- bomb lands that require puzzles hit taking allprevious previous rapidly without more lot 3D touch-only were you constantly failures rare for in definitely circle in him you want to items for it path boomerang ability gets the keepmg you might end up mashing garners is If enemies and Link swipe forward small gambles and constantly include the fun attack anything however itisthatNintendo pany is and double-tap an defi- It Moving Using your sword trols and tradi- D-pad Phantom crowd us the using draw scheme ofjustthe hardcore the past well to as movement preceded casual please simple as run which allows to than eyebrows with control to is more fun with was no exception nitely raised D-pad controls As process usually tional Battling franchises by high expectations so back reverting Ganon Legend of are game accurate rescue evil history game Hourlgass and most revered games the Honestly works stylus in the direction himself split the world the video sail the just to time scheme complex for her to rescue To use your boo- arrow This allows performed screen Zelda around dif- dimensions from princess 14 in to managed four cross into be can bow merang youjust draw single cant imagine another handheld ESRB has Every and is its brings oftuming on your the this control Genre Action-Adventure ferent titles DS Nintendo Nintendo Platform Nintendo in controlscheme umque StqffWriter kidnapped and you have Phantom Hourglass that 2007 Zelda Phantom Hourglass of Spoiler Alert Zeida gets Chichester November Sting Nintendo offun 9/10 DS The November 12 2007 ENTERTAIN MENT Sting Odin Sphere stories Ofl ep1C adventure iiT ChTiCtIS f1V Sean SLl/or time real RPG vere least at one year that for games systems these final additions Odin Sphere that takes is that game surprising are When you Story blow intro nor do you No When thing find books stacked little book on start the Neverending there the are grounds and ofthe the the nation the youll learn the entire of the several the other viewpoint each nations history themselves have to fight emotions an nations and while law and problems The war powerful of one and from different story and Gwendolyn seeks father to the the great lord not will easily have semi-deep conversations over the intricate and which story perhaps their favorite The Gameplay core its action own their and abilities over character to val her spread the through her spear while foes Cornelius down come wheel spinning enemies In he foolish much can and to enough as the through previous of your that hit find same character the character current of each their the of their pains protagonist from Odin her who that the magical too original will just learn in wont part the as of the most exact throwing bugged physical differed different be that the although of character traits also before which greatly deal isnt characters same spell order but you spells off left anything from whats already to making interest- has of as find all so elements but when you the in can that through midst make of you to blow away your foes the game can become ex the many where through battle circular path to another and fresh simple battle in area and yet the challenge die though self to town besides to go an exit not whole the surpris forced them up challenges Is believe complex 2D gaming game it the Its as the You bet- the graphics but basis the are for the While have in plenty of each out character in the will and thats cut scenes with react the if at language is listen to my when deliver niuch react take and the the in niajor charcan they than counterparts Odin in Sphere games excellent Orchestral forge with bined acting perforiiancc of music position you especially most fantasy like talent that so be grateful voice to better of late arnesthen sometimes The music the from rnoiient when corn acting make can the coni splendid that splendid characters the moves very smoothly when dealing with too the Japanese cringe games and English track excellent is comes it the your instead opinion acters their in all weea of those Japanese its point of pain the one youre with actors but who cant stand boos how all voice almost never over but scenes overdramatic bit English their sometimes albeit sheersadness to feel more even awesome warrior of like CI1- they iS foe of player The game front except each different their own outofcombat music times this most frequent the happens being the Neth but 2D games have slow- While ly been dwindling out ofihe main- stream ofthe always good animation Ebert own their area battle to see style and may also to that of crap the that but its relatively 2D can find and never art in way Roger games arent Sphere still fantasy be soon copy let it third many thats its buy go for it Itll forget 9/10 is pile party PS2 the new adventure you to has only themes Odin developers its uses express beautiful claim game not gem hidden beneath like that helps It created gaming industry fun but not only unique titan Overall erworld coudesy wwwsiliconeracom be other characters characters their char- actors take too seriously Certain bit characters move that the is the voice character the English concept expression many enemies Photo to to trans horrendous usually seriously can the is thankfully parts In games the usual problem the voice acting in maneuverability but comes should have lated comes it game becoming Japanese can that characters though Sound When in sprites as environment as the be described that acrobatic acter just composed mainly the serve true mode Next-Generation and environments of through go The can animations battle to worth it well-drawn and game youre snuffagainst statement practically art the is he never played Odin Sphere like game courtesy art but then again there Sphere one for the to thing encounters fun they provide given had that story Graphics of your- it with the those seeking you warp back spell difficult characters Odin level find book final becomes so ter just area other complaint the in that path and so on to but of some more train One penalty ifyou you can to frustrated items and the you current the with Even stuck be tO only start practically you follow is Not the to and ofdifficulty since over with began to get game are tough Knights often is order amazingly fear will each especially system And brings plenty exploration choose circular so forth ingly battles few Despite with especially boss epic Unicorn like Photo that napalm potion tremely rewarding Bosses death scrambling inventory battle many these interesting yourself your variety as you can Alone sound product huge create you materi the final can the system that system you phozons sheep to napples fighting potions that so and eating building up your alchemic als eat You get right incorporates problems One major thing me was fun alchemy ing become doesnt it bepain short while you might yourself going game glide is ability Of next the cannot furthermore greater areas through Gwendolyns glide jumping his him of you me SHEEP addition pretty of absorbseeds area and in the through to higher works them nourish let grow nearly In hordes the will tear thrust on more health them ripping bo mbardment damage to is grant the it Instead Thats You heard can determines you take phozons the result youll that when they level them plant attributes and and then but more by absorb- leveling differently physical one abilities like HP phozons the as well energy release but mulberries advantages whha HP character that For instance little deter- weapon gauge spiritual the higher your ing level how much HP you have basically the have ofyour Your HP Level die of ofjust level your Psypher up In increase you HP MP level you can cast You spells Each ofenemy players air more game thatrequires has but Instead and your an bit instead strength as to takes that you your enemies on is RPG really feels than levels certain game time real it is level phozons find side-scrolling at char- minor one even acter through bring out first Im serious- all players ing repetitive told the love In level ba hot just plain gentlemen however ness is anything vary enough thoughts find and ladies spoiling own inner worries and their No their main characters including joys and abilities is what dass characters against well as has spell tough gets leveling level the as is wise Your Psypher mines Gwen- mother always going fight Psypher Cornelius mammaries Oswald Velvet you as is is how good your approach character theres if this Mercedes furry oc the from each father-issues the that really cutseenes the Lord Odin and death offive demons you %Aflf but its story through through learn youll kyrie wings Through each or its monologue that wraps all than always Sphere different the characters large skill total it sheer badassery an events Odin with players whether is seek to way with connecting main destroyed major events have casional out sets curse Through really and back- Kingdom that to his cure like surrouhding dragons great book together Fairy creature find beginning stories Demon cauldron the you books six final events between find one of the five characters five its then novels this main characters everything lit- on tells is up when warrior Story reads one also you and it Including each tomes ofnot reading yourselfviewing book you single you find ground You pick it up the girl some- and girl and as the by study of sorts control yourselfin off start high and floor and the tering you in yourself but just start character do one watching begin Odin isnt any explosive there Sphere avatar so he skill skill furry rabbit- dolyn has that will While into like the skill nuking but transformed into world more find to day about melee himselfnot only characters your mind up one called limit factoron something it nation of on your spells The game excellent Norse excellent transforms in PS2 and the Cornelius because though right netherworld one such game already and producing like the noth and in the but game corn- bene still next the games several have panics that deny into of console generation despite to impossible wakes Titania other his were ifit as of another prince Side-scrolling Its death Meanwhile ing Game System P52 news of the daughters ritei Staff Genre off shrugs Fine If you cherish it give you shouldnt RTAI The Theres no such thing Though cheap ones Adam Myers line the The academic year old and and else anyone know food cafeteria that means that of tired grew this point my freshman in Now Taco cheese the beef and Others Ramen even want to the college students cornbmed with amenities sparse the on of campus most budget other or the on Cobb mean eating ditional their $5 Would good First Pkwy Marietta campus on Arbys BJs former large in affordable but one of lunch plus tax When eastern was chicken is for wonder why so many ofyour were friends apparently the in lot season puts mood so in the August and born September Well holiday have sex people starting is with when of of does enema tried first on i. ill- though not taste waste the closure makes Coke Black be found directly across can getting there somewhat Good food cheap prices waitre you complicated of whipped what the posed to Cobb consider Developers month Sex on the ifblowjobs one from your nine months this theme shots will Blow Job and G-spot Beach shooter vorite for to ask blowjob Actually might be asking that this going you smacked Dont mess with tender this they can case The event to your shooter to the get bar- you off or cut smack you recipe for days to in to better my be fa- good and spend out actually the how you was little sand got To make half beach cant schnapps grapefruit vodka for shot so this G-spot juice else thinklve Dont to juice not using Mr ad- shooter have shot jokes already rated hope you enjoy these shooters Remember to drink responsibly and always Boston this made enough perverted peach cranberry juice Like Ill really say about X-rated ofvodka lame is that half shot of Southern you need in have The recipe is so it 100% sure shot OK form next couple However never had sex on be than beach because places suggest making statement anything to powerful G-spot Comfort raspberry liqueur and girlfriend tastes It be figuring certain after probably are it bartender more amusing because friends this time all in liquid smooth Also Iperceive goes down dont have Come on guys you know The now orange having sex on would be funny tasted easier on the Beach Sex the Blow Job G-spot mit and guess August XXX sup- represent...hehe Guys get is waiting for FEAST Photo courtesy Happy Thanksgiving topped wonder cream whipped of .. think campus although the present of SPSUs Cobb Parkway from The exit can the could thing New York in called drink Black Cobb Parkway was shot cream This drink has To go with explain three half is and Kahlua good you wouldhave an ofpeople this more Oh what November before Cream Irish Editor Emeritus Ever Blow Job proper your column night drinks Karen Asay future amyersspsu to feature my Local alcoholics corner Triple in at hope features unlike Special week-old Taste Rodopi the e-mail will parmigiana cola Special most disgusting at also It Coca-Cola like beer end them low In of which slice $3 .50 Manhattan of Europe By with familiar had fated European part hear the slice dreams have Manhattan res- star favorites lunch to undoubt the pizza by massive pizza promoting indeed but not from any arrived at me an edu and favorite like ofNew York Taste Marietta best imagining concept European pop was to call only surmise could the area the serving itself window the restaurant Thats an even $5 included tax an It call Id spots and ofyou readers out own else at SPSU campus the an espresso-based pub poster in Cyrillic whom for special In near itself German the and good lunch be found price call and in Where area be tap and take patio was revive to will garden restaurants looking home-style cuisine promises $4.73 with is add in Loop number ofupstart theAtlantaarea also 20 the taurant west just beers on pub itself Marietta located few burritos all have your restau- dining options can edly British Isles will the there of pace from representa- very so in restaurant from add and portiOns $5.25 their cant be beat Send campus southwestern big of their pastries fare two do will compli- both free Balkan small Pkwy restaurant food bar tapas was BJs bill Country Cooking of very small at refer the are closer to addition know their and $5 99 these Baby Tommy almost will best In reputa Vegemite delicious quite botulism or opinion any discussion begins with the French Greek such as at chips is fill can be pies sold Of course in restaurant is and of tofu ofmeat Sq Man- the serves area changc Marietta/Cobb most the Willys either shots even lion Park Dontbe fearedby wouldnt recommend as the and ettal spot Australian the there are of tion word Eu- the restaurants Spanish cuisine the on Slavic serving be too their offers when connotation Italian rants business mentioned themselves by to Delk center offers the my favorite is eats cheap pep- had be certainly more conventional Personally of warning unless it option for driving chips in the for who venture for those Maiiett Square afternoon to out Atlanta community all stuffed arrived time Rodopi than their specials with Thursday for the mentary signage turned its turned order niche years preferred shopping Marietta burritos and was more $4.99 Lunch the restaurant the on While of on were by 30 My of competing Yakuza the or be priced at overwhelmed occasions is recently advertised visited few city the as the speak out that sheer quantity ropean lower to try the uninformed be true to before being always two to rage ago business restaurants storefronts the in word tra pers which out of Smyrna site Rd beef pork ex- high fact that the at that price promi cowboy-style joints of them out of to is when specials both theirlunch spit blame only plan lunch to Brazilian meat and heavier went opened nearby under are easiest for attract Recently on the former meat on for special Taco Rd Hill the al In However have necessarily be misleading to began boot to $5 lunch of those the options restaurants typically to prices The out the out campus restaurant Spectrum Grill to Bakery Café and ofboth worlds Marinated chicken found pleasing banner adorning nearly sauce with bur- While tortilla too cheaper Finally of which disappointed meal plan with quality Windy hibachis that from mystery cup noodles save avoid fast-food Parkway reprieves often is cafeteria That doesnt Bell out to option logical monotony ofthe the its Mexicana Willys of nearby on options on stingy are casual abundance absence the stingy Chipotle orpork slow- the anywhere is or fast un- Delk pectations for it it Moes ordered white wine food and rito joint food does its much as in did not by and not hence be to mushrooms onions and peppers their price lunch on the touting 995 residence the eating on food located it the restaurants origin is sit-down friendly to fast kavarmachicken cooked Rodopi European Cuisine was ofmost But consiUering halls nently terrify imagine For The second through get than not superior became prospect so diet don those and of country much for qualify the macaroni their good deal definitely not that overwhelmed not ofbacon flavor for sustaimng themselves on college was not dry dollar less sick processed how That sauce is sparingly became soon Gastropod ing who pass those drive-thru me though the known offered except its The former Soviet Bloc good Their baked tastes and cheese not congealed Bell wrong nothing Bell for Grade of chicken that the Marietta in Parkway restaurants the adorning the flags by was Bulgaria much not too is cafeteria campus actually $5 ofbreadand choice plus green beans theres their through For it week times with by and year found myself ordering Taco five at the eating plates walls than what mightbe different and the to determined my meal standard meat and two The food drink has past Student Center basement in the vegetables three extended aforementioned the For Monday good sign gets the one for overpaying campus meal plan months of months three is incoming freshmen for noon on for service Thats door free lunch as abundant are there just after Writer Ski/f November 12 2007 Sting 54 The November 12 2007 great success Goat Night This the heck \Vhat is what saying probably when they read the to themselves to email saw their Goat has that It for campus years with on Southern alive been Pol over thirty campus organizations between dif ferent groups letting loose having and that oh yeah The back tradition ate what of One version says secretly the records goat there office put goat where said files Another version says was placed goat of Students in office the that Dean It story not sure but the what stiidents true reacted Goat created by having the Day Goat had Night had been pri Greek niarily other ticipating eating free activity but has organizations too cross-dressing contest SPSU Each It banner war is This were lip the in new Council held hornets and war was somethe that tried for this InterGreek years Goat This activities event was 16th Student Center lobby with the money being Komen Susan How ceived re jar place into count as positi Silver ne point coins/paper money nickels dimes doll all the Cancer quarters is each or- end of the day the your organization intense pretty $20 during the the is last five bricks of At the all Breast skit the for of and competitions were held eating ganization that cheeseburgers time in the which ach ache In or- two person team must scarf down drink each competition has and leads Krystals drink fastest to Spears intervention goat fighting Scar- of huge stom consisted up Mike Vick Nights hero super loaded with unexpected theme reoccurring the throughout used Boys Crank Soulja Superman That surprises was night high socks light dancing many great and broke down Nus Sigma with began dancing nastic flips well that highlight dance in to including and ending with Spice Delta the who showed Other mentionable were Business guys Pi The night tertainment Kappa rendition were to Xi to do competitions and sorority the awarded was There to end on stage 3rd Alpha tie Pi was Delta for sec Fraternity Kappa Phi Fraternity The 2007 Place Xi two way ond between Sigma Pi of en- and support- chanting In full fraternities members per- dancing was their where how us and cheering Phis tribute Spiderman ing step performance and Alpha Girls was back box Betas that gym- slow into in stellar the music was club Teke Gamma Phi and formances to was choreographed evolved stunts rotine routine Risky with groove with the The dancing and knee Tau Kappas Epsilons black heard on button boxers sunglasses Another The dance competition was by most in their shirt Goat Girl dozen of on stage Britney Talladega and dinner scene frozen amount and brain freeze skits Sean Connery face Game Right is Jeopardy with Celebrity Goat dancing eating Price occasions October was Wednesday the day Research The main evening when the of $628.34 total Cancer of organizations had Greek Barkers and pennies the end that with Bob Monty Python re-enactment in placed organizations jars along $25 was It war when penny began being bills The works it donations exa Breast to Fund Research for donated in -5 -100 points dollar at nickel one have the most positive points for 17 the are to Night masterpiece on Tuesday October that one 3-D including The penny Night points raised submissions years fantastic penny best dressed season banner airbrushed thing example The goal money negative as For dur displayed gymnasium the synching team basketball ing the basketball par- ofmen and goats food tug of involved compe male and the both supports female Pennies Celebration dance count bills minutes of ganization is is and competition The annual banner and given laxatives competi contest can be tracked where that competition eating Michelangelo versions happened student good time 1973 numerous that about all is goats about to truly in skit competition is are tradition is Night of events banner penny war tition group week included tion Goat Night con- year of sisted facebook the join were or marquee scrolling invited people were of lot Night Goat is cream contest sucking Council President litcrGrcck and competition goat Howard Jason ORGAN IZATION Sting overall winner for Goat Night was Sigma Nu Fraternity
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