Planothidium minutissimum


Planothidium minutissimum
Planothidium minutissimum - PMNT
Planothidium minutissimum (Krasske) E. Morales 2006
Basionyme: Achnanthes lanceolata var. minutissima Krasske 1938
Synonymes: Achnantheiopsis minutissima (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot 1997 (invalide);
Planothidium minutissimum (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot 1999 (invalide)
Krasske 1938, p. 513; Lange-Bertalot et al. 1996, p. 32, pl. 6, figs 18-22; LangeBertalot 1997, p. 207; Lange-Bertalot 1999, p. 284; Morales 2002, p. 39, figs 21-30,
85-90; Morales 2006, p. 338, figs 57-66, 91-96; Hofmann et al. 2011, p. 510, pl. 24,
figs 63-75; Bąk & Lange-Bertalot 2014, fig. 10 a-g.
Bąk M. & Lange-Bertalot H. (2014). Four small-celled Planothidium species from
Central Europe proposed as new to science. Oceanological and Hydrobiological
Studies 43 (4): 346-359.
Hofmann G., Werum M. & Lange-Bertalot H. (2011). Diatomeen im SüßwasserBenthos von Mitteleuropa. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Rugell, distributed by Koeltz
Scientific Books, Königstein, 908 pp.
Krasske G. (1938). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Diatomeen-Vegetation von Island und
Spitzbergen. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 33: 503-533.
Lange-Bertalot H. (1997). Zur Revision der Gattung Achnanthes sensu lato
(Bacillariophyceae): Achnantheiopsis, eine neue Gattung mit dem Typus generis A.
lanceolata. Archiv für Protistenkunde 148: 199-208.
Lange-Bertalot H. (1999). Neue Kombinationen von Taxa aus Achnanthes Bory (sensu
lato). In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom
Micrographs. Phytogeography-Diversity-Taxonomy. Koeltz Scientific Books,
Königstein, Germany, Vol. 6: pp. 276-289.
Lange-Bertalot H., Külbs K., Lauser T., Nörpel-Schempp M. & Willmann M. (1996).
Dokumentation und Revision der von Georg Krasske beschriebenen Diatomeen-Taxa
In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom
Micrographs. Taxonomy. Koeltz Scientific Books. Königstein, Germany, Vol: 3, 358 pp.
Ector L., Wetzel C.E., Novais M.H. & Guillard D. (2015). Atlas des diatomées des
rivières des Pays de la Loire et de la Bretagne. DREAL Pays de la Loire, Nantes.
Planothidium minutissimum - PMNT
Bibliographie (suite)
Morales E.A. (2002). Small Planothidium Round et Bukhtiyarova taxa related to P.
daui (Foged) Lange-Bertalot from the United States. In: E.A. Morales & D.F. Charles
(eds), Tenth NAWQA Taxonomy Workshop on Harmonization of Algal Taxonomy June
13-15, 2002. Report No. 05-1F. Phycology Section/Diatom Analysis Laboratory,
Patrick Center for Environmental Research, The Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, pp. 28-62.
Morales E.A. (2006). Small Planothidium Round et Bukhtiyarova (Bacillariophyceae)
taxa related to P. daui (Foged) Lange-Bertalot from the United States. Diatom
Research 21 (2): 325-342.
Ector L., Wetzel C.E., Novais M.H. & Guillard D. (2015). Atlas des diatomées des
rivières des Pays de la Loire et de la Bretagne. DREAL Pays de la Loire, Nantes.
Planothidium minutissimum - PMNT
04195000 Loc’h à Brech 08-08-2006
Échelles: 10 µm
Morphométrie: Longueur 7,7-10,5 µm, largeur 3,7-4,0 µm, 16-17 stries en 10 µm.
Krasske (1938): Longueur 7-8 µm, largeur 3-3,5 µm.
Morales (2006): Longueur 8-9 µm, largeur 4 µm, 14-16 stries en 10 µm.
Hofmann et al. (2011): Longueur 6-8,5 µm, largeur 3-3,5 µm, 16-18 stries en 10 µm.
Valeurs IPS (pas de données disponibles)
Ector L., Wetzel C.E., Novais M.H. & Guillard D. (2015). Atlas des diatomées des
rivières des Pays de la Loire et de la Bretagne. DREAL Pays de la Loire, Nantes.