Swissmem Welcome to the Visitors from Danmark Mai 30th, 2013 Arthur W. Glättli, head VET-Department Topics 2 1. The Swiss Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Industries (“MEM-branch”) 2. Role of the private sector in VET Training 1 Presentation of the speaker 3 Arthur W. Glättli Head of Swissmem VET department VET polymechanic engineer Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering Baccalaureate for adults Master degree in human sciences (University of Zurich) 4 Swiss MEM industries mechanical and electrical engineering industries 2 The MEM industries 5 Swissmem Opinion leader and service center for the companies in the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries). Swiss exports 2011: all industrial branches The MEM industries are the second biggest exporter. Total 193 bn CHF Share of MEM industries 35% 3 Swiss exports 2011: MEM-industries only Almost two thirds of the MEM industries' goods are destined for the European Economic Area. Most important export destinations: 1. Germany 2. USA 3. China 4. France 5. Italy 6. Netherlands 7. United Kingdom 8. Austria 9. Belgium 10.Japan Total 68.5 bn CHF The MEM industries Switzerland's most important industrial employer The MEM industries employ around 340,000 employees. They are the biggest industrial employer in Switzerland. b MEM: 56% 4 The MEM Industries 9 League Table – Machinery Exports Inhalt Ranking according to product sector 9 Swissmem Inhalt 10 • Offices in Zurich & Winterthur • 1000 member companies • 80 staff in total • 20 VET department Ihr Interessenvertreter für einen starken Werk- und Denkplatz Schweiz Largest industry association of Switzerland 10 5 11 VET of the MEM Branch Number of apprenticies in Swiss VET programms 12 220000 200000 180000 160000 140000 Alle BBT-Berufslernende in der Schweiz 120000 100000 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 6 Number of VET apprentices in MEM industries 13 13 Anzahl Lernende* Gesamtbestand Lernende MEM‐Branche 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -> about 7 % of all employees in MEM-industries are VET apprenteces * Schätzung Swissmem für die MEM-Branche aufgrund der Zahlen des Bundesamtes für Statistik für die ganze Schweiz Vacancies in VET positions 14 open positions* 2011 open positions* 2012 change rate % Construction & architecture Administration & informatics Services Technical professions Trade (small business) Other professions 1500 500 1500 2000 500 500 1500 500 1000 3000 1000 0 +/- 0% +/- 0% - 34% + 50% + 50% - 100% Total 6500 7000 +7% Vacancies in VET positions 2012: all branches 3.6 %, MEM- branche 5.0 % ** -> necessity to intensify the weight of mathematics, natural science and technique in the elementary school Quellen: * BFS **Statistik Swissmem: Angaben der Mitgliedfirmen 7 Unemployment rates 15 -> the dual VET system of Switzerland integrates youth into the economy Quelle: OECD, März 2011 Youth unemployment (age 15 – 24 y) Youth unemployment rate % 45 Spanien 40 35 Estland Irland Polen 30 25 Ungarn Frankreich 20 Belgien 15 Israel 10 5 Tschechien Finnland Dänemark Deutschland Island Luxemburg Niederlande Norwegen Österreich 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Anteil Jugendliche in Berufslehren1 in % -> low VET rate means high youth unemployment rate 1 Prozent der Altersgruppe, 6 Länder mit 0% Berufslehranteil sind nicht dargestellt 2 Auswahl von 23 OECD Ländern 8 Education level of MEM industry staff Education 17 MEM-Branch University University of applied sciences Federal VET No degree 9.6 % 14.2 % 31‘100 45‘900 52.7 % 23.5 % 170‘600 76‘000 100 % 323‘600 Total High qualified professionals is critical to the MEM industries Over 70 % of Swissmem member companies have VET training programs in place (Swiss average < 20 %) 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vocational Education Training (VET) Department 9 Swissmem VET department in Winterthur, Switzerland Director 19 19 Administration Arthur W. Glättli Marina Schäfli Leitungsteam Severin Eichenberger E-Learning Felix Jäggi Developpment 1 Developpment 2 Production Edition Swissmem Oliver Schmid (AA) Paul Hüppi (AU) Luca Tacelli Hans-Walter Tobler Hanspeter Arn (MP, PM, PR) Hans Krebser (KA, Reformen) George Raess Ermira Demiri Daniel Baur Toni Iten Distribution Olivier Habegger (ET, Verantwortlicher Romandie) vac. (KR) Swissmem VET Department 20 Responsibiliy for VET programs Apparatus Engineer Mecatronics Engineer Electronic Engineer ICT Engineer Commercial employee Designing Engineer Polymechanics Engineer 10 Swissmem VET Department development of VET programs practical training (company, intercompany) professional school qualification system WorldSkills Training and advice Marketing / public relations 21 22 Development of the VET system 11 Development of the VET syllabus 23 Reengineering the VET Kompetenzen-Ressourcen-Katalog Development of the VET syllabus 24 Analysis The work that has to be done Future scenario Description of future needs Syllabus Definition of competences for practical training and school Qualification System Definition of standards and development of tests 12 The Swissmem VET development system State Federal Office VET law Legal ordinances SFIVET didactics training Federal Office Cantons SFIVET Branch associations Unions Professional schools 25 Economy Reform committee Cantons Education Offices Professional schools AG SKOBEQ* Branch associations Syllabus Teaching material Testing Enterprises Intercompany courses * Swiss committee for VET development and quality 26 Teaching material for practical training 13 Teaching material for practical training 27 Polymechaniker/in EFZ Konstrukteur/in EFZ Automatiker/in EFZ Elektroniker/in EFZ Teaching projects 28 14 eLearning by Swissmem 29 eLearning Computer based Instruction & Training Web based Training & Testing Qualitätsmanagement PP-Präsentationen eLearning Plattform Web based eEducation-System Lehrgänge Unterrichtshilfen E-LAP Elektroniker LOK-MEM Animationen time2learn Podcasts E-Books Formelbuch CNC Programmierung Simulation 30 Teaching media for professional schools 15 Professional school 31 Teaching material Bools Animation Visual aids Professional school 32 Teaching Material MachineWorld Maschinenelemente TopDesign Die Grundprinzipien der Zeichnungstechnik in die Praxis umsetzen MassStab Zeichnungstechnik 16 33 Qualifikation procedures (Testing) Qualification procedures 34 Development of theoretical and practical tests Test design Solutions Instructions for test experts Material and models Statistics about the test results 17 35 Thank you for your attention ! 18