Easter Logicals
Easter Logicals
DOWNLOAD Jessica Gherri Easter Logicals Leserätsel für den Englischunterricht in zwei Differenzierungsstufen 5./6.e Klass Easter baskets These Easter baskets are filled with red, yellow, blue and pink eggs. Read, colour the baskets and the eggs. Then find out: In which basket are two pink eggs? basket 1 basket 2 ba basket 3 1. Two yellow and four T ou pink eggs are in the t same basket. 2. Three blue e eggs eggs and an six red d eggs eg are in the same basket. 3. The basket on the the right rig is purple. 4. Next to o the basket bask with four blue eggs is a basket with six blue eggs. 5. Next to the t purple basket is a green basket. 6. Next to the basket with six red eggs is a basket with two red eggs. 7. Four red eggs and five yellow eggs are in the same basket. 8. In the orange basket are four blue eggs. 9. Next to the basket with five yellow eggs is a basket with four yellow and three pink eggs. Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude 1 Easter baskets At Easter children collect coloured Easter eggs in baskets. In each basket are yellow, green, blue, purple and orange eggs. Read, colour the baskets and the eggs. Then find out: In which basket is one orange egg? basket 1 basket 2 basket 3 to the baskett with 1. Next N w two o green eggs egg is a basket with four green and one yellow egg. 2. Three e blue eggs eggs are in the basket next to the one with four blue eggs. 3.. In the basket with two purple eggs are three orange eggs. 4. The basket bask t on the left is grey. 5. Four Fou yellow and four blue eggs are in the same basket. 6. Three purple eggs are in the basket next to the one with four purple eggs. 7. Three green eggs and two yellow eggs are in the same basket. 8. In the brown basket are two green eggs. 9. Next to the grey basket is a red basket. 10. Five blue eggs and four purple eggs are in the same basket. 11. The basket with four orange eggs is next to the basket with three orange eggs. Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude 2 Easter bunnies Here are three Easter bunnies with baskets and Easter eggs. The bunnies are wearing coloured pairs of dungarees. Read, colour and find out: Which Easter bunny is wearing an orange pair of dungarees? Bunny 1 Bunny ny 2 Bunny 3 1. nd two green eggs egg are in the same basket. One yellow and 2. rown Easter Easter bunny bu The brown has a grey basket. 3. E bunny with w two pink eggs has a blue pair of dungarees. The Easter bunny 4. the basket b Next to the with one red egg is a basket with one blue egg. 5. Two orange eggs are in the basket next to the one with the green eggs. 6. The Easter bunny on the right is brown. 7. The white Easter bunny has a brown basket with one red egg. 8. Easter bunny with the pink pair of dungarees is next to the one with the blue pair of dungarees. 9. The grey Easter bunny with the red basket is next to the Easter bunny with the grey basket. Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude 3 Easter bunnies Children know that the Easter bunny doesn´t exist. But they still like him a lot. Here are three cuddly Easter bunnies with their eggs in their baskets. Read, colour and find out: Which Easter bunny is wearing a red straw hat? Bunny 1 Bunny y2 Bunny 3 The basket on the left is red. 1. Th ed. 2. The grey bunny a pink pair of dungarees. ny is wearing w p 3. One green reen and two yellow eggs are in the same basket. 4. The bunny bunny with the the purple straw hat is not next to the bunny with the blue straw hat. 5. There are a one purple and two orange eggs in the green basket. 6. The two blue eggs are in the basket that belongs to the black bunny. 7. Next to the red basket is a yellow basket. 8. The bunny with the yellow pair of dungarees has a blue straw hat. 9. On the right next to the black bunny is a white bunny. 10. Next to the bunny with the pink pair of dungarees is a bunny with a purple pair of dungarees. 11. The basket with one pink egg is next to the basket with one purple egg. Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude 4 Easter eggs At Easter children like to paint Easter eggs. These eggs are painted with dots, stars and stripes. A ribbon is tied around each egg. Read, colour and find out: Which Easter egg has a blue ribbon? Easter egg 1 Easter Easte egg eg 2 Easter egg 3 Easter Ea aste egg 4 1. Blue stars and a yellow ribbon Blu bbon are on n the same Easter egg. 2. One Easter egg has orange e dots and a red stripes. 3. er egg egg with wit orange e stripes s The Easter is next to the Easter egg with red stripes. 4. he Easter egg on the th right has pink dots. The 5. Eas egg with the orange stripes is an Easter egg with yellow Next to the Easter stripes. 6. h Easter egg between the one with the pink dots and the one with the blue The dots has red dots. 7. Between the egg with yellow ribbon and the egg with green ribbon is the Easter egg with pink ribbon. 8. The Easter egg with purple stars is between the egg with yellow stars and the egg with green stars. 9. One Easter egg has purple stripes and yellow stars. Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude 5 Easter eggs All over the world children like painting Easter Eggs. These eggs are painted with wavy lines, raindrops, flowers and crescents. Each egg is decorated with a coloured ribbon. Read, colour and find out: Which Easter egg has pink crescents? Easter egg 1 Easter egg 2 Easter egg eg 3 Easter egg eg 4 1. The e Easter egg e with red flowers ower is between the the egg with green flowers and the ith yellow flowers. egg with 2. Ea as green raindrops. rain ndr Easter egg number two has g with the orange ang ribbon is between the egg with the blue ribbon 3. The Easter egg gg with with the th green ribbon. ri and the egg ne Easter egg has red raindrops and green wavy lines. 4. One Easter egg with w pink wavy lines has green flowers. 5. The Easter Eas egg with yellow raindrops is between the egg with green raindrops 6. The Easter t egg with blue raindrops. and the 7. The Easter egg with the blue crescents is next to the one with the orange crescents. 8. One Easter egg has a purple ribbon and orange crescents. 9. One Easter egg has pink flowers and a blue ribbon. 10. The Easter egg with the yellow crescents is not next to the egg with the blue crescents. 11. The Easter egg with blue wavy lines is between the egg with green wavy lines and the egg with orange wavy lines. Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude 6 Lösungen Easter baskets Easter bunnies In which basket are two pink eggs? In basket 1 Possible solution: 3/5/8/4/2/6/7/9/1 Which Easter bunny is wearing a red straw hat? Bunny 2 Possible solution: 1/7/5/11/3/6/9/2/10/8/4 Bunny’s colour grey black white pair of dungarees pink purple yellow 4 colour of basket red yellow green green purple green pink purple basket 2 basket 3 colour of 1 egg colour of 2 eggs yellow w blue blu orange red eggs 4 2 6 yellow eggs 5 4 2 blue eggs 4 6 3 pink eggs 2 3 colour of basket orange basket 1 straw hat Easter baskets purple pu le red blue Bunny 1 Bunny 2 Bunn Bunny 3 In which basket is one orange egg? In basket 1 Possible solution: 4/9/8/1/7/5/2/10/6/3/11 green eggs 3 4 2 yellow eggs 2 1 4 blue eggs 5 3 4 purple eggs 4 3 2 orange eggs 1 4 3 colour of basket grey red r brown basket sket 1 basket 2 b Easter eg eggs Which hich E Easter egg has a blue ribbon? Easter egg g4 Possible solution: 4/6/2/3/5/9/8/1/7 P /8/1/7 dots orange oran blue red pink stripes red orange ora yellow yell purple stars blue lue green purple yellow ribbon bon basket 3 yellow yel ow pink green blue Easter Eas r egg 1 Easter egg 2 Easter egg 3 Easter egg 4 Easter eggs E Easter b bunnies Wh Which Easter bunny is wearing an o orange pair ir of dungarees? Bunny 3 Possible solution: 6/2/9/ 6/2/9/7/4/1/5/3/8 /4/1/5/3 Bunny’s colour our white grey gr brown pair of dungarees ngarees blue pink orange ur of colour ket basket brown red grey colour of 1 egg red blue yellow colour of 2 eggs pink orange green Bunny 1 Bunny 2 Bunny 3 Jessica Gherri: Easter Logicals 5./6. Klasse © Persen Verlag, Buxtehude Which Easter egg has pink crescents? Easter egg 2 Possible solution: 2/6/4/11/5/1/9/3/8/7/10 raindrops red green yellow blue wavy lines green blue orange pink crescents yellow pink blue orange flowers pink yellow red green blue orange green purple Easter egg 1 Easter egg 2 Easter egg 3 Easter egg 4 ribbon 7 ® Bergedorfer Weitere Downloads, E-Books und Print-Titel des umfangreichen Persen-Verlagsprogramms finden Sie unter www.persen.de Hat Ihnen dieser Download gefallen? Dann geben eben Sie S e jetzt hre Bewertung Bewertung auf www.persen.de direkt bei dem Produkt Ihre en Ihree Erfahrungen Erfahrungen mit. mi ab und teilen Sie anderen Kunden © 2012 Persen Ve Verlag, ag, Buxtehude AAP Lehrerfachverlage hrerfachve e GmbH Alle Rechte vorbehalte vorbehalten. Das Werk alss Gan Ganzes sowie in seinen Teilen unterliegt dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Der Erwerber des Werks ist berechtigt, das Werk als Ganzes oder in seinen Teilen für den eigenen Gebrauch und den Einsatz im Unterricht zu nutzen. 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