

Organic/Fairtrade-guide Malmö
The power to choose!
We don’t live in a local and confined society today. Our everyday
decisions have an impact on a global level. The food you buy, the
coffee you drink and the clothes that you wear are often not made in
Sweden. Most of the food is produced on the other side of the earth,
sprayed with pesticides and transported thousands of miles. Your
coffee beans are picked by weary hands, tainted with pesticides. The
producer has to work long hours for a dismal wage. Clothes, which are
often made of cotton, require a quarter of all pesticides that are used in
the world. The pesticides spoil the water and make the soil unusable.
What you consume on a daily basis in Sweden affects people and the
environment around the world. By choosing an organic and Fairtrade
alternative you contribute to a decreased use of pesticides, better
working conditions for producers and a more natural environment for
Now it’s really up to you to make your contribution to a fair and
environmentally friendly world. Your action is important! Consumer
power is great and leads to changes where the producer must find
alternatives which the consumer is satisfied with. One example is
chlorine bleached coffee filters which disappeared overnight because
consumers made a conscious choice.
Malmö’s selection of shops and restaurants with organic and
Fairtrade alternatives is continually increasing. This is the second
edition of the Organic/Fairtrade Guide which was released in 2006 and
was so popular that it ran out at once. In the new edition you find that
many new shops and restaurants are added and ethical consumption is
steadily increasing. Nowadays you can even find Fairtrade and organic
products in big discount stores and well-known clothes chains. Making
an ethical choice is no longer for do-gooders but fashionable and fun.
The producers of the Organic/Fairtrade Guide are a non-profit
association with the name Naturskyddsföreningen and Studiefrämjandet
which is an educational association. Naturskyddsföreningen in Malmö
is a local branch of Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen (The Swedish
Society for Nature Conservation). The association has 170.000
members in the whole of Sweden and is Sweden’s major environmental
association. Our members are everything from mushroom experts, frog
fanatics to climate enthusiasts with the environment as the common
denominator. On our homepage you can find
information about getting involved in the association, current activities
and contacts.
Studiefrämjandet (The Study Promotion Association) is Sweden’s
biggest educational association. We are not tied to any political
party, trades union or religion and our focus is on nature , animals,
the environment and culture. Studiefrämjandet has 18 member
associations of which Naturskyddsföreningen is one. These associations
activate people with an interest in among other things nature, animals,
the environment, outdoor life, music and culture. Studiefrämjandet
arranges study-circles and other activities. You can read more about
Studiefrämjandet’s programme and other activities on our homepage
We wish you a pleasant and tasty read. Your choices can create a
more environmentally friendly, fairer and more pleasant future!
Maria Collings, President in Naturskyddsföreningen i Malmö
Nette Sjögren, Studiefrämjandet in South Western Skåne
Organic and Fairtrade in the city of Malmö
Do you want the world to be more healthy and fair? Then you are holding the right book
in your hand. The Organic/Fairtrade-guide shows the way to shops and restaurant which
offer organic and Fairtrade products. By choosing these products you contribute to a more
sustainable society, not just in Malmö. You also care for your own and others health.
The first edition of the guide, which came out in the spring of 2006, was produced by
Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen and was financed by the city of Malmö’s environmental
grant. This revised second edition is produced by Studiefrämjandet in Malmö and
financed by the city of Malmö’s environmental grant. The guide wants to show what’s
already there in Malmö and to inspire other business people and of course consumers to
catch on to the strong trend for ethical and sustainable consumption.
In Malmö’s environmental programme for 2003-2008 there is a goal that 10 % of
farmland should be organic by the year 2008. Furthermore 20 % of the food purchased
by the city of Malmö should be organically produced by 2007. By the year 2012 100 %
of Malmö’s school restaurant’s food should be organic.
The city of Malmö became the first Fair Trade City in Sweden 17 May 2006. That
implies among other things that all the council departments are obligated to increase
their purchase of Fairtrade products, that there is a certain amount of Fairtrade products
in the shops of the city and that the citizens of Malmö are given information about
Fairtrade. During Malmö’s first year as a Fair Trade City a committee has been formed
to coordinate the activities which has so far amounted to a Fairtrade festival, school
cinema and discussion about the production of jeans in China and the training of council
You can find out more on:
Organic products
Organic products are better for yourself and our
environment. By choosing organic products you
make an active decision to lessen the burden on
air and water and both enhance your own health
and the health of those who have produced the
The variety of organic products is steadily
increasing. There are now organic alternatives in
almost all categories: Food, clothes, detergents,
make-up, hair care …
There are several advantages for the
environment with organic production. Chemical
pesticides are not allowed on organic farms.
That’s why no chemical pesticides reach lakes
and groundwater from organic agriculture. Instead
biological pesticides such as insects are used.
Artificial fertilisers, which are both a limited
resource and very energy consuming, are not
allowed in organic farming and the same goes
for GMOs. It is also forbidden to add synthetic
additives to organic food. The organic farms
benefit biological diversity since there are no
foreign substances that can disrupt the delicate
In organic animal breeding the animals are
free to practise their natural behaviour. That
means e.g. that the pigs should be able to root,
cows graze etc. The hens get more space than the
ones bred on conventional farms. The calves get
to spend more time with their mothers compared
to conventional breeding and their feedstuff can’t
contain antibiotics.
Organic food is often a bit more expensive.
That is due to the fact that the market share for
organic produce is relatively small. Another reason
is that organic farming can give a smaller yield
as artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides
are not used. Organic farming is also more labour
In Sweden the organic products are labelled
with the KRAV mark. The certification of the
products is done by “Aranea Certifiering”.
Flowers, swans and clover. It’s not easy to find your way
in the jungle of labels that signal that a product is good
for the environment. The fact that a product is ecolabelled doesn’t automatically mean that it is good for
the environment. The label only says that the product
fulfils certain criteria that the certifying organisation
has decided. It means that it is less damaging to the
environment than other equivalent products.
Today there are four established eco-lables: Bra
Miljöval, Svanen, KRAV for food and EU-flower
(which you can only find on a few products so far).
Bra Miljöval, Svanen and KRAV have been around
for more than ten years and are wide spread. There
is yet another mark: “Ekologiskt lantbruk” (organic
farming) which you can find on certain cured meats
and provisions today, since KRAV doesn’t allow the
producer to add nitrite.
Eco-labelling is there to make it easier for us
consumers to make choices that are as harmless for
the environment as possible. All labels - Bra Miljöval,
Svanen, KRAV, EU-blomman and ”Ekologiskt lantbruk”
– also have another purpose: They put pressure on
companies to produce more environmentally friendly
products since the requirements for the certification
are continually tightened. There are also other labels
that indicate a care for the environment, such as
WWF’s Panda.
Some companies also have their own label which
they put on their products. These are however not
independent . Coop’s green clover, which you find
on the shelves in the shops, signal a good choice
for the environment, but doesn’t always mean that
the product is eco-labelled. Another label that also
should be mentioned is TCO’s (a trade union) label for
computers and other office appliances. TCO has also
worked out a label for mobile phones. One label that is
becoming more and more established is FSC – Forest
Stewardship Council – which includes products made
of wood. When you are buying fish in the supermarket
you might see the mark MSC – Marine Stewardship
Council – which means that the fish is not close to
Use your power!
Can you
it? råd?
Organic and Fairtrade products are often more expensive than conventional ones. What
do you do then if you have no margins to spend more on your consumption, but still
want to shop ethically?
By more raw materials – instead of processed products. If you cook big
batches and put it in the freezer you have made your own nutritious and cheap
Cook more vegetarian food. Experiment with beans, chickpeas and lentils – it’s
very cheap and nutritious food.
Choose food according to the season. Food that doesn’t grow locally during the
season that we are buying is of course more expensive.
Buy food in big packages, e.g. lentils in looseweight.
Bake your own organic bread.
Cook just what you need so that you don’t have to throw anything away. We
throw away about 25 % of the food that we cook in Sweden.
Reduce your intake of unnecessary food like crisps, sweets, soda and biscuits.
It’s expensive food.
Buy clothes more seldom – but clothes that you really like and feel good about.
Arrange a clothes exchange party. Bring all the clothes that you don’t feel like
wearing anymore and see if your friends want them.
When you can’t afford to buy organic/Fairtrade clothes then buy second-hand.
Buy furniture and other things second-hand
We consumers have a lot of power. What we ask for,
if we are enough people, will end up on the shelves.
So, to get a bigger assortment of organic and Fairtrade
products in the ordinary supermarkets we really
only have to ask. Ask why there isn’t any organic
milk, Fairtrade bananas, KRAV certified potatoes
etc. Everything you could want to buy is organically
produced, the shop has just chosen not to sell it. It’s
that simple.
The assortment of organic and Fairtrade products
is increasing in conventional shops. Coop has taken
the initiative with its Änglamark-range and ICA has
followed suit. It’s easiest to find these products in
supermarkets in the centre of Malmö, like Coop
Erikslust, Malmborgs Caroli City or Hemköp. At Coop’s
and ICA’s hypermarkets there are significantly fewer
organic and Fairtrade products. Discount stores like
Willys and Netto have started to sell more and more of
these products and Lidl has even got their own range of
Fairtrade products.
But isn’t it more expensive? When the demand
increases the prices will soon decrease. Besides, is it
really fair if the prices go down too much? Somewhere
someone else pays what it really costs: Poisoned
groundwater, an ecosystem out of balance, illness
because of work with pesticides and in some cases also
child labour. We are the ones who make the decision,
not somebody else.
Can you really make the world more equitable when you drink
a coffee or buy a banana? The choices we make in the shop
not only affect ourselves but also the people on the other side
of the earth who produce them. By choosing Fairtrade certified
products you can make a difference.
Fairtrade is an ethical and social label which guarantees
the consumer that Human Rights have been followed during
the production of the product. The criteria for Fairtrade are
based on the basic ILO-conventions (International Labour
By buying Fairtrade you contribute to:
• Workers and farmers get paid a fair price
(Fairtrade Minimum Price) for their produce
• Counteract child labour
• Promote the right to belong to a union
• Counteract discrimination on the basis of gender,
skin-colour and faith
• Promote organic farming
Today Swedish customers can buy Fairtrade certified
bananas, coffee, tea, cacao and chocolate in many
supermarkets. The number of products is steadily increasing
and some shops also offer avocado, pineapples, French beans,
roses and quite a lot of other products. You can find the best
assortment in Worldshops (e.g. Världsbutiken i Malmö).
Nowadays you can also find Fairtrade wine at
Systembolaget. Internationally there are more product
categories like tropical fruits, cutting flowers and nuts. In
many European countries consumers are better at asking for
Fairtrade products and therefore they have a better assortment.
Because when demand increases, the range of Fairtrade
products also increases.
Fairtrade in Sweden consists of an association and a
company. “Föreningen för Rättvisemärkt i Sverige” is a nonprofit organisation whose aim is to inform about Fairtrade
and raise public awareness of Fairtrade. Rättvisemärkt’s
vision is a world trade based on respect for Human Rights
and which promotes a better future for human beings and the
The members of the association are among others The
Swedish Red Cross, The Swedish Church, SKTF, HTF and LO
(the three last ones are trade unions).
”Rättvisemärkt i Sverige AB” is a company which issues
licenses to Swedish companies who want to sell Fairtrade
products. They also strive to increase the assortment of
Fairtrade products in Sweden. The company is owned by the
Swedish Church and LO (Landsorganisationen).
Rättvisemärkt is connected to FLO, Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations International,, who caries out
the control of producers, is responsible for the development of
new criteria and the certification of new producers.
During 2006 knowledge about Fairtrade in Sweden
increased considerably. 64 % of the population now know what
the mark means, compared to 38 % in 2002. The sales of
Fairtrade products, measured in volume, increased 63 % from
2005 to 2006.
Barista Fairtrade Coffee
Scandinavia’s first ethical coffee-shop has opened in Malmö. Barista
Fairtrade Coffee wants to offer as many fair trade products as
possible without being more expensive than other cafés. The plan
is to open a new Barista (the name of the chain) each month all
over Sweden. More Barista coffee shops are already on their way in
Björn Almér is the CEO of Barista Fair Trade Coffee. He has a
past as CEO for Espresso House for three years.
- I have become more and more interested in sustainable
development and have been frustrated about the fact that it has
become more expensive to buy organic and Fair trade products. We
have decided not to be more expensive than conventional coffeeshops and hope that our decreased margin will be weighed up
by the fact that more people are choosing us, says Björn. Some
people believe that being a chain and to be for ethical trade is a
contradiction. I believe on the contrary that it is a good combination
because it means that we can develop Fairtrade further by ordering
larger volumes at lower prices. By being a bigger player we also have
the advantage to be able to get ethical alternatives from suppliers
who haven’t been interested in providing this before. A major part
of our assortment consists of new products which would never have
been there if it had not been for the big volumes we order.
Björn and his colleagues chose to place their concept launch
on the most popular shopping street in Malmö since Malmö has
put more effort into sustainable development than any other city in
The choice at Barista is to a certain extent “KRAV-märkt”
(certified by the Swedish equivalent to the British Soil Association).
Milk, juice, butter, cheese, cream cheese and eggs are organic
and more products are on the way. Moreover, most of the Fairtrade
products are also organically produced if not yet KRAV certified.
The goal is to have the entire coffee shop KRAV certified. The staffs’
clothes shall of course also be produced under good conditions and
contacts are already taken with a supplier.
- We also give a share of the profit to our staff and have of course
a collective agreement, because we believe in applying fair trade at
home as well, says Björn Almér.
The coffee-shop is popular with customers in all ages. To make
everyone feel at home we offer two alternatives free of gluten every
day and one vegan alternative. There are also alternatives free of
nuts and lactose. In the counter you find scrumptious sandwiches,
salads and pastries. If you are thirsty there is a great variety of
different kinds of coffee, tea, smoothies and juices.
Each Barista coffee-shop is sponsoring a school class in the
Amhara district in Ethiopia with food through a UN project. This
enables more children, not least girls, to go to school. This is why
the staff proudly wear a UN emblem on their shirt sleeve nicely
placed beside the Fairtrade logo.
On their way out the customer can receive a bag of nicely packed
coffee-grounds. The coffee-grounds are packed in a recycled coffee
bag and is an excellent fertiliser in flower beds and flower boxes.
Barista Fairtrade Coffee
Address: Södra Förstadsg. 24
Ph. no: 97 26 06
Opening hours:
Weekdays: 7 am – 9.30 pm
Sat - Sun: 9 am – 9.30 pm
Astrid & aporna
Who is Astrid? Many customers ask themselves that question at the organic shop
“Astrid och aporna”. The shop, at 350 m2, offers everything from vegetarian dog
food, all kinds of provisions to environmentally friendly safety-razors. The founder
Dan Stielow and his partner Lisa, with the middle name Astrid, started the shop
because they were tired of shopping in ten different shops to find what they wanted.
It’s airy and it almost feels like an ordinary supermarket when you walk with your
shopping cart at Astrid och aporna. The major difference is that in this supermarket
you can’t find anything that has taken the life of a living creature, i.e. neither meat,
fish nor bird. There are, however, a great variety of vegetarian alternatives, especially
in the frozen-food displays.
- As much as possible of our products are organic and also Fair Trade, says Jenni
Stavare, one of the ones in charge. About 80 % of the products are organic. If it’s not
organic it’s always a health food product. When we started the shop we soon found
out that finding good alternatives wasn’t that difficult. Our major supplier is “Kung
Markatta” and “Biofood”, which probably are very minor suppliers to the major
supermarkets. They have a really good selection.
The shop has a big department for food and vegetables and a dairy department
where even vegans and allergy sufferer can buy yogurt, cheese, milk and ice cream
made of soya beans or oats. A salad bar and a little delicatessen with hot food are on
its way.
- We have a large choice for allergy sufferers, since we want everyone to be able
to eat good food. We have also chosen to have a lot of food suitable for diabetics and
others who want to avoid sugar.
For all those with a sweet tooth there is also a lot to choose from, both sweet and
salt. How about smoked, vegetarian beer sausage? Or marshmallows without gelatine?
Astrid Lindgren, whom together with the founder with the middle name Astrid was
a source of inspiration to the name of the shop, is certainly smiling in her heaven at
all the vegetarian and environmentally friendly alternatives.
Astrid & aporna
Gustav Möllersg. 2 (next to the concert hall)
Ph no: 611 60 83
Opening hours: Mon-Th 9 am - 7 pm
Fri 9 am - 8 pm
Sat 10 am -5 pm
Sun 11 am -4 pm
Dolce Sicilia
The most excellent Italian ice-cream which is also organic and a Fairtrade
espresso with that, could it get better? Francesco and Gollie De Luca have
given the citizens of Malmö a luxurious organic oasis where they can have a
coffee or lunch, with the best Italian quality.
The production of ice-cream runs in the family. Mother Francesca is the
one who makes most of the ice-cream, but now the son Francesco is also a
master of the receipts with its fine old traditions, which once his mother’s
grandmother and grandfather used for making ice-cream in Sicily.
The ice-cream is freshly made every day with organic ingredients like nuts,
fresh fruit and the best of chocolate. During the summer season they also
serve sorbet. Just as it says on the door to the ice-cream parlour they serve
more than ice-cream. The menu also consist of crepes filled with either fetacheese, salmon or prosciutto, foccacia with different fillings or a variety of
different salads, e.g. with beans, tuna fish or mozzarella. The salads are made
while you are waiting and are satisfying and fresh.
If you choose the beverage Forza you get a real kick with freshly squeezed
spinach, chilli, apple and lemon. There is also a great variety of different
juices and beverages in exciting combinations to try. The coffee is both KRAV
and Fairtrade certified and naturally comes from an Italian roasting-house.
During the summer a lot of people enjoy the ice-cream and the food on
the sofas outside the parlour or at the tables across the street. Since the icecream has become so popular Francesco and Gollie are now looking for other
places to offer it to the citizens of Malmö.
Dolce Sicilia
Drottningtorget 6 611 31 10
Opening hours: 11-21 every day
Quality is what counts at Emmerys, the Danish bread specialist. In its
elegant premises on “gågatan” they offer 100 % organic bread, coffee and
quite a lot of other products.
– We want to produce the best of tastes. It should be a taste experience
to shop and eat here, says manager Louise Olsson.
Emmerys has existed for more then ten years in Denmark and now has 20
shops/coffee-shops, two restaurants and a big bakery where they use 100 %
organic ingredients. The bread loaves are baked without additives or yeast.
Instead they use something similar to a sourdough. The coffee is roasted in
their own roasting-house.
Behind the counter in Malmö a rich variety of bread is offered. The bestseller is the classical Danish rye-bread. All coffee that is served is organic
and so are most of the sandwiches and pastries. In the shop you can also
find several fridges filled with mostly Danish goodies: organic cheeses,
salmon, chorizo, dairy products, juices and delicatessen like almond pesto
with chilli. On the shelves there are among other things organic olive oil,
pasta and Danish chocolate (to put on the bread).
– More and more people are conscious of what they eat. They want to
know where the products come from and care more about the environment
and themselves, says Louise Olsson.
At Emmerys you can have breakfast, lunch or a coffee either indoors or at
the open-air café if the weather permits.
Address: Södra Förstadsgatan 5
Ph no: 12 61 90
Opening hours: Mon - Thur 7 am - 6 pm
Fri 7 am -7 pm
Sat 7 am - 5 pm
Sun 7 am -3 pm
Flickorna Fläderblom
Lilly-Ann Borgström has for many years been a promoter of organic food and
used to run the catering company “Deli a la Lilly”. Together with Anna-Karin
Olsson she has now opened a restaurant and delicatessen with the name
“Flickorna Fläderblom”.
Here you can easily find both organic and Fairtrade goodies.
Most of the furnishing is made of reused material. The counter is an old
door, the mosaic on one of the walls is made of broken plates. The table and
chairs are flea market bargains. Despite this you get a feeling of newness and
uniqueness with unusual dishes and prime produce. How about a liquorish cake?
Potatoburgers with cashew- and peanuts, luxurious hummus or spicy fillet of
cockerel from a free-range bird. The coffee, tea and the hot chocolate are of
course both organic and Fairtrade.
If you are thirsty you can choose between freshly squeezed juices or organic pop.
At Flickorna Fläderblom you can also buy organic soaps and shampoos,
spices and a great variety of marmalades, jams and chutneys which they produce
themselves. Behind the counter you see a tray filled with freshly baked bread. In
the basement of the newly renovated premises Lilly-Ann and Anna-Karin bake
and cook everything freshly each day. They receive both big and small orders
from companies and private persons. Lilly-Ann is famous for her buffets groaning
with delicacies. They are always artistically constructed with an unusual twist.
The raw materials should if possible be organic and bought locally since they
believe that it results in both better quality and a better environment.
– A lot of people value their spare time very highly and come here to pick
up their food instead of cooking it themselves, not least when they are having
guests. We have a lot of young people as customers. They are health conscious
people who find it relaxing not to have to cook. We recommend organic produce
primarily because we ourselves believe in a healthy environment. In addition the
organic fruits and vegetables taste better, says Lilly-Ann and Anna-Karin.
Flickorna Fläderblom
Address: Köpenhamnsvägen 40
Ph no: 26 19 57
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 10 am – 6.30 pm
Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Ingrid af Maglehem
Fashion and classical clothes – everything produced ethically and
environmentally friendly. Ingrid Elmvik has made it easier for the people
in Malmö to dress smartly with a clean conscience. Her shop “Ingrid av
Maglehem” is as far as possible as you can come from the prejudice of
organic clothes. Instead you find shiny silk, soft wool and the very best of
cotton in gorgeous designs.
Ingrid, who has grown up in Maglehem, hence the name, has a degree
in environmental science. She started her shop in the autumn of 2006
and has a wide collection of different designers, both Swedish and
foreign. The latest addition is the Malmö-based brand “Righteous” with
well-tailored clothes which are both Fairtrade certified and organic.
Ingrid has chosen a selection of clothes that are more feminine and
sensual and less of street fashion. The designer Camilla Norrback uses for
example a lot of silk and laces. An extensive selection of Kuyichi jeans
for both men and women makes it easy to find a pair of smart jeans.
To produce a kilo of cotton it takes as much pesticides. Often DDT
and Agent Orange are used without protection gear by farmers with early
deaths and poisoned soil as a consequence.
The clothes in Ingrid’s shop are produced with organically grown
cotton (without pesticides). This makes them more expensive than the
mass-produced clothes in the big clothes chains, but often less than
designer clothes. On each piece of clothing it says how it has been
produced. On the clothes from Deminwear you even find a name and a
photo of the person who has sewn it.
– I’m convinced that it’s this type of clothes that will remain in the
future, says Ingrid. We have to change our lifestyles by shopping less
and instead buy quality products that are produced without hurting the
environment or people.
Other brands in the shop are: Machja, Consequent, Serendipity,
Ballade, Green Baby and the shoe brand El Naturalista.
Ingrid af Maglehem
Fersens väg 14
Ph no: 12 65 66
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 11 am – 6 pm
Sat 11am - 3 pm
Restaurang Brogatan
1500 litres of organic whipped cream and 10
tonnes of organic potatoes a year. These are
numbers that show that Restaurang Brogatan is
one of the absolute biggest consumers of organic
primary products in Sweden. It’s all about being
able to offer a pleasant culinary experience and not
doing it at the expense of others, says the founder
and owner David Kallos.
15 years ago Brogatan was one of the first
organic restaurants in Sweden. David Kallos’ goal
was to offer fair food to reasonable prices. Fair for
him means serving organic food as extensively as
possible and also to offer his employees decent
working conditions.
He chooses to cooperate with local suppliers as
much as possible, people whose enterprises he and
his employees can visit. Brogatan buys for example
all their beef from the meat supplier Curt Larsson
instead of going through the big slaughter-house.
Most of what is being served at Restaurang
Brogatan is organic. Had it not been for the big sale
of draught beer, the restaurant had passed the tough
British organic certification that the Soil Association
does, where 90 % of all that is being served,
including drinks, must be organic.
- Since I’m a chef from the start it feels very
strange to pour poison on the food. The limits for
pesticides are decided very arbitrarily. It’s better to
choose organic and to use all our senses when we
choose groceries, not just our sight. A conventionally
grown pepper can for example look really nice, but
be full of pesticide residue.
- We use organic products even if they are much
more expensive than the conventional ones, like
butter and whipped cream. About 1 % of all organic
butter that is being sold in Sweden is delivered to
us, says David Kallos.
The wine list at Restaurang Brogatan is extensive
with quite a lot of organic wine. 4-5 organic beer
brands are always on offer, as well as organic liquor,
e.g. brandy.
The organic profile doesn’t show very much in
the menu. Instead David chooses to profile the
restaurant by not offering certain products, like
conventional cola, despite the fact that he had
earned more money if he had sold some of the
conventional brands instead of the organic ones.
- The organic profile leaves its mark as something
positive, but as a customer it could be hard to
pinpoint what it is exactly.
Restaurang Brogatan
Address: Brogatan 12
Ph no: 30 77 17
Opening hours: Mon-Tues 11.30 am–1 am,
Wed – Thur 11.30–2 am
Fri 11.30-3 am, Sat 12 am–3 am, Sun 12 am–1 am
Morot & annat
When everything is organic in a shop it’s easy
and inspiring to shop. The city’s first organic
shop is called “Morot & Annat”. Here you can
find everything from luxurious dark chocolate
and a variety of fruits and vegetable to clothes.
Everything under the same roof and the
assortment is continually increasing.
Hanna Olson comes from a family which
has a great interest in ecology. Her parents run
Mossagården, an organic farm outside Veberöd.
They deliver organic groceries to schools and
kindergartens in the region, and her sister runs
an organic web shop.
–Thanks to Mossagården I can give a good
price on fruit and vegetables. We have our own
production or buy directly from farmers without
middlemen. Then it becomes cheaper, says
Hanna who runs the shop together with her
husband Ulf Hansson.
The shop has about 100 m2 packed with
organic groceries. Besides a great variety of
fruit and vegetables you can also find eggs,
tea, coffee, beans, lentils, pasta, rice, dairy
products, fish, sausages, ice cream, sweets
and snacks. In the shop’s basement Hanna
sells organic clothes and textiles in hemp
and cotton. Many of the products come from
the Danish supplier Urtekram, which has
produced and distributed organic products
since the 70s.
– The environment is a huge concern for
me, says Hanna. The current trend is that
everything should be produced as cheaply as
possible. Most people don’t think about what
consequences the production has for people,
the environment – yes, for how we can go on
living. To have certification organisations like
KRAV and Fairtrade is really important to stop
this trend. These products are also good for
your health since they are free from additives
like preservatives and artificial colouring.
Morot & annat
Address: Drottningtorget 2A
Ph no: 30 21 50
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 12 -19 pm,
Sat 10 am - 16 pm
Farmer’s Market
“It should be simple and fun to shop fresh and organic vegetables”, says Ebba-Maria
Olson, who runs the Internet shop Ebba-Maria wants to make it as
easy as possible for those who want to consume with a common sense and care. That’s
why she sells organic groceries through the internet.
Ebba-Maria started the Internet shop with organic food two years ago and before that
she sold organic food through orders by telephone. She views her web shop as a possibility
for more people to buy organic food. The organic food is delivered every week to different
places of delivery in Skåne, Halland, Göteborg and Stockholm. It could be at home at
a family where the neighbours order a delivery together, or to a company or a school.
Mossagården is also cooperating with different shops, e.g. Morot och annat, which is run
by Ebba-Maria Olson’s sister, and also Ronnebygatans livs. It’s also possible to get the
groceries delivered to your own doorstep by paying a small fee.
The choices are many. You can either order a fruit and vegetable box with varying
contents depending on the season and with matching recipes, or you can put together
your own order from the wide assortment on the homepage. Besides fresh fruit and
vegetables there are also different sorts of pasta, rice, preserves, juices, sweets and some
– It’s an investment in yourself to buy organic, Ebba-Maria believes. A lot of people
choose to spend a lot of money on less important things in life and then can’t pay a little
extra for good and healthy food. Conventional food should be more expensive, since that
production has consequences that we all have to pay for in the end. To shop organic is to
take care of our air, water and soil for future generations. To buy organic is twice as good
according to me, since you care both for yourself and for the environment. As a consumer
you have great powers and by buying organic food you can contribute to a positive
development, says Ebba-Maria.
Ph no: 046 - 855 44
Meeting up. That is what it’s all about. Besides quality and environmental
concern of course. It’s really something special to buy something directly
from the farmer that has produced it. At Bondens Egen Marknad at
Drottningtorget local farmers meet customers in a quiet and pleasurable
Farmer’s Markets started in the ‘70s in the US. In 2001 the Farmer’s
Market started in Malmö and was a success from the very start. The
farmers, both organic and conventional, sell their locally produced
products on eight Saturdays during the autumn and at a Christmas
To buy directly from ”your” farmer has become fashionable. But
above all it gives the customer full traceability and a clear environmental
conscience since the transport is short and packages few. In 2002
Bondens Egen Marknad received the city of Malmö’s environmental prize
and in 2005 the market was nominated for Skånemejeriet’s prize “Första
To browse among freshly harvested vegetables and berries is an
experience for all senses. You can taste cheese from Hishult, buy
nutritious bottles of oil or durum-pasta and bread from Ven. It tastes of
luxury, but doesn’t cost the earth.
The market also offers meat products, like veal, beef and chicken and
handicrafts made of wool and leather.
The customers appreciate the peaceful atmosphere and to be able to
buy directly from the farmer, who is often more of a proud producer than
a cunning salesman. Three of the farmers on the market are there as
salesmen of the third generation.
The market generally begin the last Saturday in August and goes on
for eight Saturdays in a row. The Christmas market is usually held the
second Saturday in December.
Humanitetens Hus
Humanitetens Hus at Drottningtorget is the Swedish Red Cross’ national
centre for humanitarian issues. The house is teeming with inspiration on
how you can live more responsibly. With Humanitetens Hus the Swedish
Red Cross has got a living meeting place for all those who want to change
the world.
Before the Red Cross moved into the building there was a museum
for carriages. In 2005 the Red Cross opened the building for cooperation
between industry, municipalities, the educational system, associations
and other partners. The house is used for meetings, conferences and staffeducation. The thought behind Humanitetens Hus is that lasting changes
have to start at the point where the individual person is at the moment.
They work with a pedagogical program called “The responsible human” –
one for adults, one for children at intermediate level and one for secondary
school pupils. The program offers tools to deal with discrimination, equalityissues, conflict management etc in tailored programs.
The exhibitions at Humanitetens Hus are based on different themes
and on the main activities of the Red Cross to give an introduction to the
organisation. Besides the interesting exhibitions there is also an organic and
Fairtrade café where you can enjoy coffee and cake with a clear conscience.
Opening hours: Tues 12 pm – 8 pm,
Wed - Fri 12 pm -4 pm, some Saturdays
Go to for a
programme and more detailed opening hours.
Address: Drottningtorget 8
Ph no: 32 65 40
Salt & brygga
Björn Stenbeck is filled with fervour for ecology. And his
energy gives results . Other restaurant owners are following
in his footsteps and his restaurant Salt & Brygga has been
awarded prizes several times.
– This is my dream come true, says Björn Stenbeck and
makes a sweeping gesture over the elegant restaurant. The
restaurant looks beautiful for the eye, but what you don’t
see is the concern for the environment that is behind every
detail. From the KRAV certified coffee-beans that he was
the first in Sweden to have, to the furniture that is locally
produced in sustainable materials and the leather on the
sofa and on the chairs which is tanned with bark instead
of chemicals. Nothing is left to chance.
Salt & Brygga was opened in May 2001. Björn
Stenbeck has had some tough years, but he’s optimistic
concerning the future. There are really many customers
eating lunch. Now he wishes more people to discover his
restaurant in the evenings and that it becomes a natural
meeting place for the people in the area. He wants to see
a mix of people in the area, not only “credit card-people”.
– The other day we had a birthday party for a 90-yearold and at the same time there were families with children
eating here. You should be able to just drop in here. No
special type of people should own this place. Malmö is
segregated enough as it is.
Björn Stenbeck is a pioneer of organic food. He
believes that he has a responsibility as a restauranteur.
– I would be able to lower the price on my food if I for
example bought cheap chicken instead of KRAV certified
chicken, but I want to be able to feel proud and know
exactly what I serve. Otherwise I would do something else.
Restauranteurs should introduce new trends, e.g. the
organic. We have the power to influence.
Björn points to the fact that there are many prejudices
against the organic movement.
– A lot of people think that it is only radical
environmentalists who walk around in clogs who are
interested in ecology. That’s why many people are
surprised when they come to Salt & Brygga. It is important
to show that this is not something weird and to counter
prejudices e.g. that there is no really good organic types
of wine.
This is also a class-issue according to Björn. Only 1 %
of Africa’s area is grown organically, compared to Europe’s
15-20 %.
– This is an example of cynical thinking. Just as long
as we receive carnations sprayed with pesticides from
Africa we don’t care about the consequences. We ignore
our moral responsibility. When I serve organic food I have
pulled my weight.
Address: Sundspromenaden 7, Västra hamnen
Ph no: 611 59 40
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 11.30 am – 2 pm, 6 pm - 10 pm
Sat 12.30 pm – 10 pm
Sun 1 pm – 5 pm
Ronnybygatans Ekolivs
”There is not much of it, but what there is, is good” could be applied to
Ronnybygatans Ekolivs. Here you can easily and fast find most of what you need
for your cooking and household. Everything is of course organic and quite a lot is
also Fairtrade.
Tiles and shelves on the walls. Ronnebygatans Ekolivs is situated in an old
milk-shop. Here different kind of people shop, many them regulars. Students,
parents of small children and older women are the main groups. Most of the
people who shop here are also members. The purpose of the association is to
give members a say when it comes to purchase and prices of the organic and
mostly locally produced items.
– The members run the shop together, form working groups and keep the
shop open. Nobody gets paid for their work, but all members get a discount
on everything in the shop. It’s not possible to be a passive member of the
association, but the shop is open to everyone. We want to counteract the fact
that people are unable to buy decent and fairly produced food for economical
reasons. By doing the purchases together the association can offer its members
better prices and more influence over the assortment and quality, says Liv
The association also sells and lends newspapers and books which have a
connection to the concerns of the association. Study-circles and lectures are also
Besides fruit and vegetables you can also find organic dairy products from
Skånemejerier, soyamilk, eggs, pasta, flour, cereals, tinned food, coffee and tea.
They also sell cleaning agents and detergent, skin-care products and sweets. Fair
Trade T-shirts can also be bought.
Ronnebygatans Ekolivs, Ronnebygatan 1
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 13 pm – 19 pm, Sat 12 pm – 15 pm
Ph no: 0706 - 91 27 90
Uma Bazaar
To help others by helping yourself is the main idea with Uma Baazar. In this unique
shop you can buy Fair Trade clothes, furnishings, jewellery and accessories from
people who through this project have had the opportunity to get in to the labour
There is a lot of bazaar feel to the shop. Indian pillows and African plastic
carpets are mixed with baby clothes, toys and a wide assortment of clothes. In
renovated and hand-painted chest of drawers you find tempting treasures from the
whole world; jewellery, scarves, nice smelling teas and chocolate.
The shop was started as a labour-market project with funds from the EU and
the National Board of Health and Welfare. Five of the former project participants
are now running the shop where there before was a hunting shop. Now the values
have changed radically. As many as possible of the products should be produced
sustainably according to ecological and social criteria.
The idea originally came from Elisabeth Gudmunsson, the founder of the
magazine “Aluma”. After having received a prize from IM she travelled to India,
where after having made contacts with female co-operatives came up with the idea
for a shop where those who worked there would be able to help themselves to a
better life. The women in India receive education in their handicraft, a decent wage
and good working conditions. Fairness and long-term planning are the foundation of
the project.
Uma Bazaar has a wide choice of children’s clothes in organic materials and toys
which are kind both to the children’s delicate skin and to those who produce them.
The renovated pieces of furniture are a side enterprise that has spontaneously
developed. The pieces of furniture are continually renovated and painted with
organic paint and sold in the shop. To shop here is not only good for the producers
and the shop assistants but also for the customer. It’s simply beautiful to the eye
and feels good in the heart.
Uma Bazaar
Address: Östra Förstadsgatan 13
Ph. no: 12 30 85
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 11 am – 6 pm,
Sat 11 am – 3 pm, ”long
Saturday” 11 am – 5 pm
Joshua Taylan, a hairdresser with experience from
fashionable salons in several major cities, follows his
conviction that everything that we do should affect
the environment and our health as little as possible.
That’s why he has started an organic hairdresser’s,
Manatura on Drottningtorget.
– My father taught me already as a child that you
should leave as small a footprint after you as possible.
You have to think about the way you are living so that
your lifestyle doesn’t result in poisonous substances
increasing in the environment. Joshua has grown up
in the US and in England, and has had his own salon
in for example San Fransisco. He has also worked
in Tokyo and in London and is educated at Vidal
Sassoon and Toni & Guy. When more and more of
his colleagues had to quit as hairdressers because of
severe eczemas and problems with their respiratory
passages he decided to follow his conviction and start
an organic hairdresser’s. The hairdresser Yen Berger
also work in the saloon after the same principles.
– In Sweden there are about 20 organic
hairdressers and in Copenhagen alone there are eight,
says Joshua. My goal is that the hairdressers who
work with organic products become the norm, and
those who work with synthetic and chemical products
become unusual.
Joshua’s saloon is consistently decorated with
second hand pieces of furniture and the walls are
painted with environmentally friendly paint. He strives
to use and sell products that are as locally produced
as possible to cut down on unnecessary transports.
Joshua not only sells products for the care of your hair
but also organic skin-care and make-up.
Many people might think that an organic
hairdresser only does down-to-earth and a bit
boring things with hair. On the contrary, Joshua is
a specialist in dreads and dying and streaking hair
to create really wicked hairstyles. The colours are
organic and he creates perfect streaks with a product
containing amongst
other things bentonite clay.
– The vegetable dyes make the hair thicker, since
they stay on the outside of the hair, instead of going
inside it like the chemical colours do, says Joshua.
Joshua practices what he preaches. He eats
organic food and buys organic clothes. He has no car
and bikes and walks instead. He doesn’t view his way
of life as demanding, on the contrary. To him it’s both
about enjoying life and to take responsibility.
– We should not destroy what we have come to
Address: Drottningtorget 2 B
Ph no: 797 40
Jane Wikström
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 10 am - 6 pm,
Sat 11 am - 4 pm
(“long Saturday.” 5 pm)
Address: Södra Vallgatan 3, Södertull 611 59 55
Design is most important for Jane Wikström, one of the leading clothes designers
in Sweden for organic clothes. For more than ten years she has struggled to
increase the interest for environmentally friendly and organic clothes. Together
with her daughter Anna Hansen she is aiming to have 100 % organic clothes in her
collection by 2010. The clothes are sold in her shop at Södertull, in a net shop and
through a mail-order catalogue.
Organic children’s pyjamas in a cute gift bag . Exquisite shoes with vegetable
tanned leather. Clothes with beautifully cut and skin friendly qualities. Jane
Wikström, who has designed clothes since 1962 proudly show us around in
her shop.
Her collection is signified by ageless basic designs and so called “accent
designs” which are suited for a special season. The designs are inspired by the
“slow fashion” concept which in its turn is inspired of the “slow food-movement”,
which is a counter reaction to the fast changes in the fashion industry.
The manufacture of the clothes takes place in Malmö and in Estonia. The
materials are either bought ready-made or of her own design and consist mostly
of cotton, flax and hemp. About one third of the collection is now made in
environmentally friendly, mostly organic materials but the goal is to reach 100 %.
Great effort is made so that the production of the clothes is not damaging the
environment or exploiting the people who produce them. The clothes are dyed in
Sweden under strict supervision.
– The typical customer is a woman who wants to feel good in her clothes, who
is conscious both about her physical and mental health and who cares about the
producers well-being, says Jane Wikström. I want to show the customers that it’s
possible to combine good design with concern for the environment and people.
Malmö’s school restaurants
The pupils in Malmö’s schools eat more and more
organic food. During 2006 22 % of everything that
was served was organic and during 2007 they were
able to reach their goal of 35 % already in June. The
goal for 2012 is 100 % organic. During the autumn of
2005 Djupadalsskolan’s school restaurant functioned
as a pilot in a project where the goal was to cook 100
% organic. The purchase of Fairtrade products are also
gradually increasing.
The high percentage of organic food that is used
has not affected the budget. 35.000 portions of
school-food per day – that means power to influence.
When the major provisions companies caught on to
the organic wave a few years ago and presented the
organic products for the institutional kitchen a lot
of municipalities didn’t want to buy them because
it was too expensive. Birgitta Mårtensson-Asterland
from Malmö’s school restaurants did what nobody else
dared to do, she began to order the organic products.
Malmö has since been role models when it comes to
prioritising organic food.
– If we as municipalities aren’t following the
guidelines in the national environmental goals, who
should then do it? says Birgitta.
Nowadays all schools in Malmö have organic milk.
Milk was one of the first products that was replaced.
After that came carrots, cabbage and all beef. The
list is now a long one and include among other things
cheese, bread and cream. The school dininghalls often
show which ingredients are organic by putting up signs
and they try to purchase those products that are most
visible. In that way you both influence the children,
the future customers, and improve the environment
by supporting organic farming.
– Hopefully the children also bring a positive view
of organic food home to the parents.
That organic food is more expensive than
conventional is of course a problem. But it is not a
problem that can’t be overcome.
– Some municipalities ask for extra money to be
able to buy more organic products, but I don’t believe
that’s a sustainable solution. Just as in a private
economy it’s possible to buy organic food without
overstepping one’s budget. All it takes is a bit of
rethinking, says Birgitta. It can for example mean a bit
more vegetarian food and more vegetables over all in
the food. You can also save money by buying produce
according to the season, for example for the saladbar.
Malmö is without doubt the biggest producer of
school food in Sweden. Considering that Sweden
is unique in its supply of warm school meals to
everybody, Malmö might even be the best in the world
on organic food.
”Ekomat i skolan”
Helene Löfven
Ph no: 34 30 73
Il Panifico
Slottsträdgårdens Café
Il Panificio bakes Italian organic bread which is sold in both shops and served
in cafés in several places in Malmö. The bakery is Slow Food certified and has
gradually changed to baking exclusively organic bread.
Il Panificio bakes bread as they did in ancient times without yeast. The
founder Carmelo di Bartelo, who comes from Sicily, has worked as a baker in
Germany and Denmark. He has delivered bread to gourmet restaurants and
even to the queen of Denmark. His commitment has resulted in the Slow
Food certificate, a certificate which is given to those who care about organic
and locally produced food. It’s a reaction to the growing fast food culture in
our world. Il Panificio is the first Slow Food certified bakery in Sweden.
According to Carmelo doughs are living things and should be treated with
respect. Each dough is unique – some of them require rough treatment, some
of them should be handled with care. No machines can feel when or if the
dough needs water, or if the texture is just right. Only experienced baker
hands have that feeling. That’s why the dough has to be kneaded by hand,
Carmelo believes.
The loaves of bread have names which make you long for Italy: Pan di
Casa, Pan di Foccacia, Pan di Pomodore …
Organic coffee and cake in the open in the middle of
the city. Slottsträdgårdens Café is an oasis for both body
and soul, open all year around. After your coffee you can
admire the gardens and maybe buy some vegetables or
flowers to take with you home.
Slottsträdgårdens Café is situated in a small grey
wooden house between Malmöhus Castle and the canal.
Slottsträdgården was opened in 1994. Since 2003 the
café is run by the association “Slottsträdgårdens Vänner”
and the garden by the municipality. The gardening in the
KRAV certified garden is led by John Taylor, a man with a
great interest in ecology. In the garden there are concerts
and lectures. You can for example learn how to cut roses
or grow tomatoes. The garden consists of a herb garden,
a fruit garden and a magnificent flowerbed of perennials.
The association has a number of allotments at their
The café is run by two employees and quite a few
volunteers. They offer organic beverages, sandwiches,
grilled ciabatta, carrot-cake and a lot of other tasty things.
You can buy the bread at the following shops:
Mästers Livs
Möllans ost
Normans Deli
Patisserie St:Gertrud
Van Lunteren, which used to be Il Panificio’s shop and café (Erikslustvägen).
They also have other organic products.
Opening hours for the café:
Mon - Sun 11 am – 5 pm
Opening hours gardening school:
Mon - Fri 9.30 am - 3.30 pm
Address: Slottsträdgården,
behind Malmöhus slott.
Café Zenit/Världsbutiken
You can both take a Fairtrade coffee and
do your Fair Trade shopping in one place at
Kommendanthuset, where you find “Café Zenit”
and “Världsbutiken i Malmö”. Here, opposite
Malmö museum, you can eat an organic lunch,
have a coffee with organic cakes and shop
Fairtrade products. When you are full and
satisfied you can read newspaper articles about
globalisation and Fair Trade or try the interactive
exhibition Zenit City.
Världsbutiken is run by a non-profit
association with the same name which sells
Fair Trade products like tea, coffee, marmalade,
different sorts of chocolate, cereals, soaps,
jewellery, baskets, clothes and shoes. Here
you find excellent presents which contribute
to a better life for the ones who produced the
Café Zenit is run by the non-profit association
Maat, who devotes itself to an ethical cuisine.
- Before, the café was run by Världsbutiken,
but we have now chosen to separate the café
from the shop but of course with a continued
close cooperation, says Ann-Sofie Eriksson, one
of the driving forces in Maat. We want to offer
organic, Fair Trade (if possible) and nutritious
food with a high quality. We also do catering.
The global forum for young people – Zenit
– with its interactive exhibition is run on behalf
of SIDA (the Swedish International Development
Authority). Those who work at Zenit are employed
by Malmö museum. In the premises there is
also free Internet and a billboard filled with
interesting offers. Zenit also offers themenights with global themes. Each month there is
a new exhibition in the café, e.g. by Amnesty
The atmosphere in the café is warm and
friendly. Everyone is welcome here and it
feels OK to come alone and sit down for a
cup of Fairtrade latte and one of the delicious
sandwiches from the menu. Here you can enjoy
scrumptious pies, delicious salads, gratins and
stews, most of it vegetarian. There is always a
gluten-free alternative and also milk- and nut
free alternatives. The prices are humane on
food, drinks and products. During the summer
the open-air café is a lovely place for relaxation
and meetings.
Café Zenit/Världsbutiken i Malmö
Address: Kommendanthuset (just opposite
Malmö Museum), Malmöhusvägen
Ph no: 34 42 86
Opening hours: Tues - Fri 10 am - 4 pm
(if it is nice weather to 6 pm)
Sat - Sun 12 am - 5 pm
A lot of things are happing in the area of organic and Fairtrade food. You find more and more
products on the shelves and more places which sell organic and Fairtrade products. Below you
find some of these that are not included in the guide:
Grannstationen, a café and a meeting
place on Värnhemstorget. Serves Fairtrade
coffee and tea. is a Danish company
which delivers organic groceries directly
to your doorstep.
Waynes Coffee, Ikea, Pizza Hut, Njutbar,
Mando Steakhouse and Hilton serve
Fairtrade coffee.
Stuk Manufaktur, Factory and Impala
Streetwear sell fairly produced jeans with
Fairtrade cotton.
Espressohouse sells Fairtrade coffee in
packets. The coffee they serve has another
ethical label.
Världsbutiken Themba offers handicraft,
textiles, marmalades, chutneys, sweets
and much more from Fair Trade producers
in Africa.
Kahl´s Te- och kaffehandel and Five- O´clock
Tehandel sell Fairtrade coffee and tea.
Heaven’s world sells Fairtrade coffee and
ice cream.
Biograf Spegeln offer Fairtrade coffee,
chocolate and fruit with the film.
Hälsokost Gunnar Jarl on Davidhallsgatan
has quite a lot of organic groceries.
Govindas serves vegetarian, too a large
extent organic food.
Collabo is an association which consists
of young entrepreneurs who want to
promote a sustainable development
through art, culture and design. In their
studio - and eventually shop – they design
their creations and also sell other brands.
Yoganics in the yogastudio Bikram Yoga
Malmö sell organic yoga clothes, clothes,
organic hair and skin care products,
environmentally friendly yoga carpets etc.
By shopping second hand you save resources and support development assistance.
In Malmö you can find the following second hand shops:
Myrorna, Södra Förstadsgatan 74a
Röda Korset Kupan, Köpenhamnsvägen 6
Emmaus Björkå, Norra Bulltoftav. 65 D
UFF/Humana, Möllevångsgatan 29b
Project manager and text-writer:
Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson
Photo: Karin Oddner
Graphic design: Kattarina
Hallin-Baekmark and Johannes
Dahlskog - Damanco AB
Translation: Kristian Smedjeback
Organic/Fairtrade-guide Malmö
Can we achieve a cleaner, healthier and fairer world
by changing the way we consume? The answer is
yes! It is we, the consumers, who have the power to
influence what is being sold in our shops and what’s
on the menu in restaurant and cafés. If we ask for
organic and Fairtrade products the owners will stock
them. In that way the conditions for the producers
and the environment will change for the better.
If we support those who have already started there
will be more people who have the courage to follow.
In Malmö you find an increasing choice
of shops and restaurants who offer organic
and Fairtrade products and services. Svenska
Naturskyddsföreningen and Studiefrämjandet in
Malmö has produced this guide so that you can find
these a bit easier and so that more people will be
inspired to use their power as consumers.
Well, open the book and enjoy the journey to a
better world…

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