WAO - World Affairs Online – Regional Bibliography 2007, august 1


WAO - World Affairs Online – Regional Bibliography 2007, august 1
Current Bibliography
International Relations and Area Studies
Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde
Bulletin Bibliographique
Relations Internationales et Etudes Régionales
Sorted by regions
New entries to the database World Affairs Online (WAO)
Neuzugänge zur Datenbasis World Affairs Online (WAO)
Nouvelles acquisitions de la base de données World Affairs Online (WAO)
Vol. 16 (August 1-15, 2007) 15
Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde
Members / Mitglieder / Membres:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), München
Subject fields / Fachgebiete / Domaines traités:
International Relations / Internationale Beziehungen / Relations Internationales:
International politics, worldwide international system, regional international systems, international conflicts, international
security, international economics, international law, groups of countries, international organisations, foreign policies,
defence policies, arms control, external cultural relations.
Internationale Politik, weltweites internationales System, regionale internationale Systeme, internationale Konflikte,
internationale Sicherheit, internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, internationales Recht, Staatengruppierungen, internationale Organisationen, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, Auswärtige Kulturpolitik.
Politique internationale, système international à l'échelle mondiale, systèmes internationaux régionaux, conflits
internationaux, sécurité internationale, relations économiques internationales, droit international, regroupements d'Etats,
organisations internationales, politique extérieure, politiques de défense, maîtrise des armements, relations culturelles
Area studies / Länderkunde / Etudes régionales:
Political and social structure of countries, political systems, national economics, social services, infrastructure, national law,
defence and internal security, main historical developments.
Ländergesamtstruktur, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, politische Systeme, nationale Wirtschaft, Sozialwesen, Infra-struktur,
nationales Rechtswesen, Verteidigung und (innere) Sicherheit, historische Entwicklungslinien.
Structure générale des pays, développement politique et social, systèmes politiques, économie nationale, réseau social,
infrastructure, système juridique national, défense et sécurité intérieure, grandes lignes historiques.
Volume 16, 2007, No. 15
Data entry deadline / Redaktionsschluß / Clôture de la rédaction:
Publication date / Erscheinungsdatum / Date de parution:
The current regional bibliography is published online twice a month, in the 2nd and 4th week of
a month respectively
Der Regiodienst erscheint zweimal monatlich online, jeweils in der zweiten bzw. vierten
Le bulletin bibliographique régional paraît deux fois par mois online, dans le courant de la 2ème
et 4ème semaine
Editor / Herausgeber /Editeur:
Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde
Redaction / Redaktion / Rédaction:
Uwe Zimmermann
Printed and distributed by / Druck
und Vertrieb / Impression et distribution:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, D-10719 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 88007-328
Fax: +49 30 88007-158
e-mail: fiv@swp-berlin.org
All rights reserved. No storage in information systems and no other reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the expressed consent of
the publisher.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Reproduktion jeder Art, insbesondere die Überführung in maschinen-lesbare Form sowie das
Speichern in Informationssystemen, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Herausgebers gestattet.
Tous droits réservés. Toute copie ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, même partielle, en particulier l'adaptation en langage
machine ou l'enregistrement dans des systèmes informatiques, est illicite sans le consentement écrit de l'éditeur.
© 2007 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany
Subject and regional Classification
Sach- und Regionalklassifikation
Classification des matières et classification régionale
Main part / Hauptteil / Partie principale
Europa / Europe
The Americas
Amerika (insgesamt) / Amérique (entière)
North America (without Mexico)
Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
Latin America
Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
Africa (total)
Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)
Africa south of Sahara
Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
Near and Middle East and North Africa
Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord
Asia (total)
Asien (insgesamt) / Asie (entière)
Asia (without western Asia)
Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
10. Oceania
Ozeanien / Océanie
11. Antarctica
Antarktis / Antarctique
12. Oceans/supracontinental regions
Meere/kontinentübergreifende Regionen / Océans/Régions transcontinentales
13. International organisations
Internationale Organisationen / Organisations internationales
14. Developed countries
Entwickelte Länder / Pays Développes
15. Developing countries
Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement
16. Other groups of countries/area
Sonstige Ländergruppen/Räume / autres groupes de pays/régions
17. World wide
Weltweit / Universel
18. Space
Weltraum / Espace
19. Without regional aspect
Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional
Index / Registerteil / Index
Authors' index
Personenregister / Index d'auteurs
Index of corporate authors
Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Index of serials
Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques
The source of this Current Bibliography, the database "World Affairs Online", contains about 650.000
referral units (since 1974) at the middle of 2006. The type of documents are: Articles (65%), books and
reports (30%), official publications 5%. Approx. 42% of the original documents are in English, 25% in
German, 11% in French, 4% in Spanish, the rest in other languages.
Members of the Fachinformationsverbund have access to the database on a server computer of the software
house KTS Informationssysteme in Munich.
For the public the database is available via the commercial host GENIOS.
The database is produced and managed with the documentation software system DOMESTIC. The
program ADP is used for printing. Both are software products of KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.
The database is produced in co-operation of the following institutes:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI)
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), München
The “Specialized Information Network – International Relations and Area Studies” has started to applicate
diacritics in its data base. For a transitional period the titles documented in French, Italian, Spanish and
Portuguese are shown both with and without diacritics.
The literature generally can be found in the institution producing the record as well as in other institutions,
whose location is represented by a code followed by the signature. If possible, one location of a public
library is offered as well.
You will find an online version of the current issue under: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/litd.pdf
Example for a record:
4181) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:
1) Current number used in the indexes for reference to
the main part. Multiple entries of one record in the
main part have reference numbers separated by a
2) Record producing institution
3) Database ID
4) Locations/shelf numbers of member institutes
5) The library code helps you to identify the library, where
the publication is available.
Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver
Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;
André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /
Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen
Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,
S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5
HSF2) D 7649923) 4)SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK
BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Die diesem Informationsdienst zugrundeliegende Datenbasis „Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde“
enthält Mitte 2006 etwa 688.000 Literaturnachweise seit 1974. Zeitschriften- und Buchaufsätze haben
einen Anteil von rund 65%, Bücher und Reports von 30%, Amtsdruckschriften 5%. Rund 47% der Quellen
sind in englischer Sprache, 29% in Deutsch, 12% in Französisch, 4% in Spanisch, der Rest in anderen
Für Mitglieder des Fachinformationsverbundes ist die Datenbasis auf einem Server-Rechner des SoftwareHauses KTS Informations-Systeme in München zugänglich.
Für die Öffentlichkeit wird die Datenbasis auf dem kommerziellen Host GENIOS.
Die Datenbasis wird mit dem Dokumentationsprogramm DOMESTIC aufgebaut und verwaltet. Die Druckaufbereitung erfolgt mit ADP. Beides sind Softwareprodukte der KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH München.
Der Aufbau der Datenbasis erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit folgender Institutionen:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI)
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), München
Der „Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde“ (FIV-IBLK) hat begonnen, in
seiner Datenbank für die Sprachen Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch Diakritika zu
verwenden. Übergangsweise werden somit Titel mit und ohne Diakritika nachgewiesen.
Die nachgewiesene Literatur ist in der Regel bei dem Institut vorhanden, das den einzelnen Literaturdatensatz erfaßt hat und/oder bei dem Institut, dessen Standort durch seinen Kurzcode gefolgt von der
jeweiligen Signatur angegeben wird. Wenn möglich, wird darüberhinaus ein Standort in einer öffentlichen
Bibliothek nachgewiesen.
Die jeweils aktuellste Ausgabe finden Sie als online-version unter : http://www.fiv-iblk.de/litd.pdf
Beispiel für einen Literaturdatensatz:
4181) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:
1) Laufende Nummer, auf die von den Registern
verwiesen wird. Laufende Nummern, die im
Registerteil mit Semikolon verbunden sind, verweisen
auf Mehrfacheinträge desselben Datensatzes im
2) Erfassende Institution
3) Datenbank-Identnummer
4) Standorte/Signaturen einzelner Verbundinstitute
5) Mit Hilfe des Bibliothekssigelverzeichnisses kann die
durch den Code repräsentierte öffentliche Bibliothek
ermittelt werden
Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver
Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;
André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /
Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen
Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,
S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5
HSF2) D 7649923) 4)SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK
BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
La base de données "Relations Internationales et Etudes Régionales" à partir de laquelle s'élabore ce
produit documentaire, comprend jusqu' au milieu de 2006 quelque 688.000 références bibliographiques
enregistrées depuis 1974. Les articles de périodiques et de livres constituent environ 65%, les
monographies et les rapports représentent 30%, les imprimés officiels 5%. Environ 47% des sources
bibliographiques sont de langue anglaise, 29% sont en allemand, 12% en français et 4% en espagnol, le
reste se répartissant entre les autres langues.
La base de données est accessible aux membres du réseau d'information interinstitutionnel sur le serveur
auprès KTS Informationssysteme à Munich.
Pour le grand public, l'accès à la base de données se fait sur le serveur commerciaux GENIOS.
La base de données est produite et gérée avec le logiciel documentaire DOMESTIC. La mise en forme
pour l'édition est réalisée avec le programme ADP. Ces deux logiciels sont des produits de KTS
Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.
La base de données est réalisée en collaboration avec les organismes suivants:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI)
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), München
Le réseau d’information spécialisée “Relations Internationales et Etudes Régionales” a commencé à
introduire les signes diacritiques en français, italien, espagnol et portugais. On trouvera donc
temporairement un mélange de titres avec et sans accents.
Le document cité se trouve normalement à l'institut qui a enregistré les données ou encore dans les
instituts qui sont mentionnés par un code. Le cas échéant, on trouvera également la référence d'une
bibliothèque publique.
Vouz trouvez le numéro actuel comme version online sous: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/litd.pdf
Exemple d'une notice bibliographique:
4181) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:
1) Numéro d'ordre renvoyant à celui des registres. Les
chiffres séparés dans les index par un point-virgule
renvoient à plusieurs entrées d'un même
enregistrement dans le corpus bibliographique
2) Institution responsable de la saisie
3) Numéro d'identification dans la base de données
4) Localisation/cotes de chacun des organismes
5) On peut retrouver à l'aide du répertoire des sigles de
bibliothèques une bibliothèque publique symbolisée
par un code.
Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver
Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;
André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /
Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen
Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,
S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5
HSF2) D 7649923) 4)SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK
BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Version: January 2007
General literature
General studies / Area studies
Biographical / Memoirs
International politics / system
International relations / process
Foreign policy
International law
International political integration
International political conflicts
Transnational relations /
SB07 International organisations /
International security /
SC01 International relations in the field
of international security
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
SC04 Military strategy
SC05 War / Warfare
SC06 Military capacity
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
SC06.02 Armament
SC06.03 Organisation of military
SC07 Military economy
SC07.01 Armaments industry
SC07.02 Arms trade
International economy
SD01 World economy / International
economic system
SD01.01 International trade /
International trade system
SD01.02 Currency / International
monetary system
SD02 International economic relations
/ economic cooperation
SD02.01 Regional economic
cooperation / Economic
SD03 International transactions /
capital flow
SD03.01 Foreign trade
SD03.02 International capital
movements / Direct
SD03.03 International labour flow
SD03.04 External public debts
SD04 Policy of external economic
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
International cultural relations
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SE02 International relations in the field
of education and science
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SE03 International lingual relations /
Foreign languages
SE04 International media relations /
Communication / Information
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SF01.01 Change of the political
system / Democratisation
SF01.02 Human rights
SF02 Governmental system /
Government institutions
SF03 Political parties
SF04 Political participation
SF04.01 Elections
SF05 Domestic policy
SF06 Internal security / Domestic
SF06.01 Civil war
SF06.02 Terrorism
SF06.03 Criminality
SF07 Military and society /
SF08 Regions / Local government
SF09 Public administration
SF10 Law
SG01 Social system / Social policy
SG02 Social process / Social structure
SG02.01 Demography
SG02.02 Social groups
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement /
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
SG03.01 Social security
SG03.02 Health
SG04 Education / Training
SG05 Political culture / Formation of
SG05.01 Ideologies
SG05.02 Public opinion
SG06 Media / Information
SG07 Social movements /
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SH01 Economic system / Basic
economic conditions
SH02 Economic development /
Economic policy
SH02.01 Economic policy /
Development policy
SH02.02 Socio-economic development
/ structure
SH02.03 Business cycles / Business
cycle policy
SH02.04 Regional / local development
/ Regional economic policy
SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral
development / Sectoral
economic policy
SH03 Labour / Employment
SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour
SH04 Natural resources / Processing
of raw materials
SH05 Energy industry
SH06 Agrarian sector
SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry
SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
SH08 Tertiary sector / Services
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation /
SH08.02 Postal services /
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks /
SH09 Informal sector
SH10 Public finance
Technology / Technological
SI02 Technology policy
SI03 Domains of technology
SI03.01 Space technology
SI03.02 Information technology
SI03.03 Biotechnology
SI03.04 Environmental technology
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon
SI04 International scientifictechnological cooperation /
Environment / Nature
SJ01 Geography / Geology
SJ02 Environmental damages /
protection / Environmental policy
Science / Research
Fields of science
Theory / Methodology
Research and development
Science policy / Research policy
Scientific institutions /
General literature / Other
special fields
I. REGIONAL CLASSIFICATION (political-geographical)
Version: February 2007
RA01 European organisations
RA01.01 EU / EC and member
RA01.02 NATO
RA01.03 COMECON / COMECONcountries
RA01.04 Warsaw Treaty
RA01.05 Council of Europe
RA01.06 WEU
RA02 Geographical areas of Europe
RA02.01 Western Europe political
RA02.02 Eastern Europe political
RA02.03 Central and Eastern
European countries
RA02.11 North Sea region
RA02.12 Baltic Sea region
RA03 Northern Europe
RA03.01 Finland
RA03.02 Sweden
RA03.03 Norway
RA03.04 Denmark
RA03.05 Iceland
RA04 Western Europe
RA04.01 Ireland
RA04.02 United Kingdom
RA04.03 Netherlands
RA04.04 Belgium
RA04.05 Luxembourg
RA04.06 France
RA05 Central Europe
RA05.01 Germany
RA05.02 Federal Republic of Germany
RA05.03 German Democratic Republic
RA05.04 Berlin
RA05.11 Poland
RA05.12 Czechoslovakia
RA05.13 Austria
RA05.14 Switzerland
RA05.21 Czech Republic
RA05.22 Slovak Republic
RA06 Southern Europe
RA06.01 Portugal
RA06.02 Spain
RA06.03 Italy
RA06.04 Malta
RA06.05 Greece
RA06.06 Turkey
RA06.07 Cyprus
RA07 Eastern Europe
RA07.01 Soviet Union
RA07.02 Successor states of the
Soviet Union
RA07.03 Commonwealth of
Independent States
RA07.11 Baltic states
RA07.12 Estonia
RA07.13 Latvia
RA07.14 Lithuania
RA07.21 Russian Federation
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
RA07.31 European States of the
former Soviet Union
RA07.32 Ukraine
RA07.33 Belarus
RA07.34 Moldova
RA07.41 Caucasian States of the
former Soviet Union
RA07.42 Georgia
RA07.43 Armenia
RA07.44 Azerbaijan
RA07.51 Centralasian States of the
former Soviet Union
RA07.52 Kazakhstan
RA07.53 Turkmenistan
RA07.54 Uzbekistan
RA07.55 Kyrgyzstan
RA07.56 Tajikistan
RA08 South-East Europe
RA08.01 Balkans
RA08.11 Yugoslavia
RA08.12 Hungary
RA08.13 Romania
RA08.14 Bulgaria
RA08.15 Albania
RA08.21 Successor states of
RA08.22 Slovenia
RA08.23 Croatia
RA08.24 Bosnia-Herzegovina
RA08.25 Macedonia
RA08.26 Federal Republic of
RA08.27 Serbia and Montenegro
RA08.28 Serbia
RA08.29 Montenegro
RA09 Other European countries /
The Americas
RB01 American organisations
RB01.01 OAS
St. Kitts, Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent (and Grenadines)
Trinidad and Tobago
French Guyana
United States Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico
Netherlands Antilles
French Antilles
British Antilles
Other islands / countries of
the Caribbean
RD04 South America
RD04.01 Andean countries
RD04.02 Andean Group
RD04.11 Argentina
RD04.12 Bolivia
RD04.13 Brazil
RD04.14 Chile
RD04.15 Ecuador
RD04.16 Colombia
RD04.17 Paraguay
RD04.18 Peru
RD04.19 Uruguay
RD04.20 Venezuela
RD05 Other countries / Latin
American areas
Africa (total)
RE01 African organisations
RE01.01 OAU / African Union
North America (without
RC01 Canada
RC02 United States
RE02 Geographical areas of Africa
(above country level)
Latin America
RD00.01 Rio Group
RF01 West Africa
RF01.11 Benin
RF01.12 Burkina Faso
RF01.13 Ivory Coast
RF01.14 Gambia
RF01.15 Ghana
RF01.16 Guinea
RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau
RF01.18 Cape Verde
RF01.19 Liberia
RF01.20 Mali
RF01.21 Mauritania
RF01.22 Niger
RF01.23 Nigeria
RF01.24 Senegal
RF01.25 Sierra Leone
RD02 Central America
RD02.01 Belize
RD02.02 Guatemala
RD02.03 El Salvador
RD02.04 Honduras
RD02.05 Nicaragua
RD02.06 Costa Rica
RD02.07 Panama
RD03 Caribbean
RD03.01 Bahamas
RD03.02 Dominican Republic
RD03.03 Haiti
Africa south of Sahara
I. Regional Classification
RF01.26 Togo
RF01.27 Sao Tome and Principe
RF02 Central Africa
RF02.01 Equatorial Guinea
RF02.02 Burundi
RF02.03 Gabon
RF02.04 Cameroon
RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)
RF02.06 Rwanda
RF02.07 Chad
RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)
RF02.09 Central African Republic
RF03 Southern Africa
RF03.11 Angola
RF03.12 Botswana
RF03.13 Lesotho
RF03.14 Malawi
RF03.15 Mozambique
RF03.16 Namibia
RF03.17 Zambia
RF03.18 Zimbabwe
RF03.19 Republic of South Africa
RF03.20 Swaziland
RF04 East Africa
RF04.01 Kenya
RF04.02 Madagascar
RF04.03 Mauritius
RF04.04 Tanzania
RF04.05 Uganda
RF04.06 Seychelles
RF05 North-East Africa
RF05.01 Ethiopia
RF05.02 Djibouti
RF05.03 Somalia
RF05.04 Eritrea
RF06 African islands and other
African areas
Near and Middle East and
North Africa
RG00 Geographical areas
(transnational) and
organizations of the Near and
Middle East / Northern Africa
League of Arab States
OAPEC / OAPEC-countries
Arab countries
Islamic world
Persian Gulf
RG01 North Africa
RG01.01 Maghreb
RG01.11 Morocco
RG01.12 Western Sahara
RG01.13 Algeria
RG01.14 Tunisia
RG01.15 Libya
RG01.16 Egypt
RG01.17 Sudan
RG02 Eastern Arabia / Israel
RG02.01 Palestine
RG02.11 Iraq
Current Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Territories occupied by Israel
Palestinian self-rule areas
RG03 Arabian peninsula
RG03.01 Gulf States
RG03.11 Bahrain
RG03.12 Qatar
RG03.13 Kuwait
RG03.14 Oman
RG03.15 Saudi Arabia
RG03.16 Yemen
RG03.17 United Arab Emirates
RG04 Western Asia
RG04.01 Afghanistan
RG04.02 Iran
RG04.03 Pakistan
Asia (total)
RH01 Asian organisations
RH01.01 APEC
RH02 Geographical areas of Asia
RH02.01 Himalaya region
RH02.02 Kashmir
RH02.03 Golden Triangle
Asia (without western Asia)
RI01 South Asia
RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC countries
RI01.11 Bangladesh
RI01.12 Bhutan
RI01.13 India
RI01.14 Maledives
RI01.15 Nepal
RI01.16 Sri Lanka
RI02 South-East Asia
RI02.01 Geographical areas of SouthEast Asia
RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN countries
RI02.03 Indochina
RI02.11 Brunei
RI02.12 Indonesia
RI02.13 Malaysia
RI02.14 Philippines
RI02.15 Singapore
RI02.16 Thailand
RI02.21 Cambodia
RI02.22 Laos
RI02.23 Vietnam
RI02.31 Myanmar (Burma)
RI02.32 East Timor
RI03 East Asia / Central Asia
RI03.01 China
RI03.02 Taiwan
RI03.03 People's Republic of China
RI03.05 Hong Kong (since 1997)
RI03.11 Korea
RI03.12 North Korea
RI03.13 South Korea
RI03.21 Hong Kong
RI03.22 Japan
RI03.23 Macao
RI03.31 Mongolia
RI03.32 Far Eastern part of the
Russian Federation / Soviet
Other Asian areas
RJ01 South Pacific organisations
RJ02 Geographical areas of the
South Pacific
RJ02.01 South Pacific Islands
RJ03 Australia / New Zealand
RJ03.01 Australia
RJ03.02 New Zealand
RJ04 Micronesia
RJ04.01 Single Micronesian islands
RJ05 Melanesia
RJ05.01 Papua Neu Guinea
RJ05.02 Single Melanesian islands
without Papua
RJ06 Polynesia
RJ06.01 Single Polynesian islands
RJ07 Other Australian / South
Pacific areas
Oceans / supracontinental
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean / Pacific region
Mediterranean Sea /
Mediterranean area
Black Sea region
Caspian Sea
International organisations
RM01 United Nations
RM02 United Nations special
RM03 Other universal governmental
RM04 Non-governmental organisations
Developed countries
RN01 Western industrialized countries
RN02 Socialist countries
Developing countries
Group of 77
Non-aligned countries
OPEC / OPEC countries
ACP countries
Other groups of countries /
RP01 French-speaking countries
World wide
Without regional aspect
Stand: Januar 2007
Allgemeine Literatur
SA01 Übergreifende
Gesamtdarstellungen /
SA02 Geschichte
SA03 Politik
SA04 Biographisches / Memoiren
Internationale(s) Politik /
Internationale Beziehungen /
Internationales Recht /
Internationale politische
Internationale politische
Transnationale Beziehungen /
Internationale Organisationen /
Internationale Sicherheit /
SC01 Sicherheitspolitische
SC02 Verteidigungs- /
SC03 Rüstungskontrolle / Abrüstung
SC04 Militärstrategie
SC05 Krieg / Kriegführung
SC06 Wehrpotential
SC06.01 Streitkräfte / Militärische
SC06.02 Rüstung
SC06.03 Organisation der
SC07 Militärökonomie
SC07.01 Rüstungsindustrie
SC07.02 Waffenhandel
Internationale Wirtschaft /
SD01 Weltwirtschaft / Internationale
SD01.01 Internationale(r) Handel /
SD01.02 Währung / Internationale
SD02 Internationale
Wirtschaftsbeziehungen /
SD02.01 Regionale
Wirtschaftskooperation /
SD03 Internationaler Leistungs- /
SD03.01 Außenhandel
SD03.02 Internationaler Kapitalverkehr
/ Direktinvestitionen
SD03.03 Internationaler
SD03.04 Externe öffentliche
SD04 Außenwirtschaftspolitik
SD05 Entwicklungshilfe / Auslandshilfe
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Auswärtige Kulturpolitik
Internationale Bildungs- /
Sprachbeziehungen /
Medienbeziehungen /
Kommunikation / Information
Kulturaustausch / Kulturkontakt
Auslandsbild / Fremdbilder
SF01 Politisches System / Verfassung
SF01.01 Politischer Systemwandel /
SF01.02 Menschenrechte
SF02 Regierungssystem /
SF03 Politische Parteien
SF04 Politische Partizipation
SF04.01 Wahlen
SF05 Innenpolitik
SF06 Innere Sicherheit /
Innerstaatlicher Konflikt
SF06.01 Bürgerkrieg
SF06.02 Terrorismus
SF06.03 Kriminalität
SF07 Militär und Gesellschaft / Staat
SF08 Regionen / Kommunen
SF09 Öffentliche Verwaltung
SF10 Recht
SG01 Gesellschaftsordnung /
SG02 Gesellschaftsentwicklung /
SG02.01 Demographie
SG02.02 Gesellschaftliche Gruppen
SG02.03 Nationalitäten / Minoritäten
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.05 Wohnung / Siedlung /
SG02.06 Geschlechterbeziehungen /
SG02.07 Lebensbedingungen /
SG03 Sozialpolitik / Soziales
SG03.01 Soziale Sicherung
SG03.02 Gesundheit
SG04 Erziehung / Bildung / Ausbildung
SG05 Politische Kultur /
SG05.01 Ideologie
SG05.02 Öffentliche Meinung
SG06 Medien / Information
SG07 Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen /
SG08 Kultur / Sprache / Kunst
SG09 Religion /
SH01 Wirtschaftsordnung /
SH02 Wirtschaftsentwicklung /
SH02.01 Wirtschaftspolitik /
SH02.02 Sozio-ökonomische
Entwicklung / Struktur
SH02.03 Konjunktur / Konjunkturpolitik
SH02.04 Regionale / lokale
Entwicklung / Regionale
SH02.05 Branchen / Sektorale
Entwicklung / Sektorale
SH03 Arbeit und Beschäftigung
SH03.01 Unternehmenskultur /
SH04 Natürliche Ressourcen /
SH05 Energiewirtschaft
SH06 Agrarsektor
SH06.01 Ackerbau / Forstwirtschaft
SH06.02 Viehwirtschaft /
SH06.03 Ernährung / Nahrungsmittel
SH07 Gewerbliche Wirtschaft /
SH08 Tertiärer Sektor /
SH08.01 Verkehr / Transport /
SH08.02 Post / Telekommunikation
SH08.03 Geld / Kredit / Banken /
SH09 Informeller Sektor
SH10 Öffentliche Finanzen
Technologie / Technologische
SI02 Technologiepolitik
SI03 Technikzweige
SI03.01 Raumfahrttechnik
SI03.02 Informationstechnologie
SI03.03 Biotechnologie
SI03.04 Umwelttechnologie
SI03.05 Wehrtechnik /
SI04 Internationale wissenschaftlichtechnologische Kooperation /
Umwelt / Natur
SJ01 Geographie / Geologie
SJ02 Umweltschäden / Umweltschutz
/ Umweltpolitik
Wissenschaft / Forschung
Theorie / Methodik
Forschung / Entwicklung
Wissenschaftspolitik /
SK05 Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
/ Hochschulen
Allgemeine Literatur / andere
I. REGIONALKLASSIFIKATION (politisch-geographisch)
Stand: Februar 2007
RA01 Europäische Organisationen
RA01.01 EU / EG sowie
RA01.02 NATO
RA01.03 RGW / RGW-Länder
RA01.04 Warschauer Pakt
RA01.05 Europarat
RA01.06 WEU
RA02 Geographische Räume
RA02.01 Westeuropa politisch
RA02.02 Osteuropa politisch
RA02.03 Mittel- und osteuropäische
RA02.11 Nordseeraum
RA02.12 Ostseeraum
RA03 Nordeuropa
RA04 Westeuropa
RA04.01 Irland
RA04.02 Vereinigtes Königreich
RA04.03 Niederlande
RA04.04 Belgien
RA04.05 Luxemburg
RA04.06 Frankreich
RA05 Mitteleuropa
RA05.01 Deutschland
RA05.02 Bundesrepublik Deutschland
RA05.03 Deutsche Demokratische
RA05.04 Berlin
RA05.11 Polen
RA05.12 Tschechoslowakei
RA05.13 Österreich
RA05.14 Schweiz
RA05.21 Tschechien
RA05.22 Slowakei
RA06 Südeuropa
RA06.01 Portugal
RA06.02 Spanien
RA06.03 Italien
RA06.04 Malta
RA06.05 Griechenland
RA06.06 Türkei
RA06.07 Zypern
RA07 Osteuropa
RA07.01 Sowjetunion
RA07.02 Nachfolgestaaten der
RA07.03 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger
RA07.11 Baltische Staaten
RA07.12 Estland
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Russische Föderation
Europäische Staaten der
ehemaligen Sowjetunion
Kaukasische Staaten der
ehemaligen Sowjetunion
Zentralasiatische Staaten der
ehemaligen Sowjetunion
RA08 Südosteuropa
RA08.01 Balkan
RA08.11 Jugoslawien
RA08.12 Ungarn
RA08.13 Rumänien
RA08.14 Bulgarien
RA08.15 Albanien
RA08.21 Nachfolgestaaten
RA08.22 Slowenien
RA08.23 Kroatien
RA08.24 Bosnien-Herzegowina
RA08.25 Makedonien
RA08.26 Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
RA08.27 Serbien und Montenegro
RA08.28 Serbien
RA08.29 Montenegro
RA09 Andere Länder / Gebiete
Amerika (insgesamt)
Dominikanische Republik
Antigua und Barbuda
St. Kitts, Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent (und Grenadinen)
Trinidad und Tobago
Jungfern-Inseln (USTerritorium)
Puerto Rico
Niederländische Antillen
Französische Antillen
Britische Antillen
Sonstige Inseln / Länder der
RD04 Südamerika
RD04.01 Andenländer
RD04.02 Grupo Andino
RD04.11 Argentinien
RD04.12 Bolivien
RD04.13 Brasilien
RD04.14 Chile
RD04.15 Ecuador
RD04.16 Kolumbien
RD04.17 Paraguay
RD04.18 Peru
RD04.19 Uruguay
RD04.20 Venezuela
RD05 Andere Länder / Gebiete
RB01 Amerikanische
RB01.01 OAS
Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko)
RC01 Kanada
RC02 Vereinigte Staaten
RE02 Geographische Räume
Afrikas (länderübergreifend)
RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe
RD02 Zentralamerika
RD02.01 Belize
RD02.02 Guatemala
RD02.03 El Salvador
RD02.04 Honduras
RD02.05 Nikaragua
RD02.06 Costa Rica
RD02.07 Panama
RD03 Karibik / Karibischer Raum
RD03.01 Bahamas
Afrika (insgesamt)
RE01 Afrikanische Organisationen
RE01.01 OAU / African Union
Afrika südlich der Sahara
RF01 Westafrika
RF01.11 Benin
RF01.12 Burkina Faso
RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire
RF01.14 Gambia
RF01.15 Ghana
RF01.16 Guinea
RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau
RF01.18 Kapverdische Inseln
RF01.19 Liberia
RF01.20 Mali
RF01.21 Mauretanien
RF01.22 Niger
I. Regionalklassifikation
Sierra Leone
São Tomé und Príncipe
RF02 Zentralafrika
RF02.01 Äquatorialguinea
RF02.02 Burundi
RF02.03 Gabun
RF02.04 Kamerun
RF02.05 Kongo
RF02.06 Ruanda
RF02.07 Tschad
RF02.08 Kongo (Kinshasa)
RF02.09 Zentralafrikanische Republik
RF03 Südliches Afrika
RF03.11 Angola
RF03.12 Botswana
RF03.13 Lesotho
RF03.14 Malawi
RF03.15 Mosambik
RF03.16 Namibia
RF03.17 Sambia
RF03.18 Simbabwe
RF03.19 Südafrikanische Republik
RF03.20 Swasiland
RF04 Ostafrika
RF04.01 Kenia
RF04.02 Madagaskar
RF04.03 Mauritius
RF04.04 Tansania
RF04.05 Uganda
RF04.06 Seychellen
RF05 Nordostafrika
RF05.01 Äthiopien
RF05.02 Dschibuti
RF05.03 Somalia
RF05.04 Eritrea
RF06 Afrikanische Inseln und
andere Gebiete Afrikas
Naher und Mittlerer Osten und
RG00 Geographische Räume
(länderübergreifend) und
Organisationen des Nahen
und Mittleren Ostens /
RG00.01 League of Arab States
RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-Länder
RG00.11 Arabische Länder
RG00.12 Islamische Welt
RG00.13 Persischer Golf
RG00.14 Kurdistan
RG01 Nordafrika
RG01.01 Maghreb
RG01.11 Marokko
RG01.12 Westsahara
RG01.13 Algerien
RG01.14 Tunesien
RG01.15 Libyen
RG01.16 Ägypten
RG01.17 Sudan
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
RG02 Arabischer Osten / Israel
RG02.01 Palästina
RG02.11 Irak
RG02.12 Jordanien
RG02.13 Libanon
RG02.14 Syrien
RG02.15 Israel
RG02.16 Israelisch besetzte Gebiete
RG02.17 Palästinensische
RG03 Arabische Halbinsel
RG03.01 Golfstaaten
RG03.11 Bahrain
RG03.12 Katar
RG03.13 Kuwait
RG03.14 Oman
RG03.15 Saudi-Arabien
RG03.16 Jemen
RG03.17 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
RG04 Westasien
RG04.01 Afghanistan
RG04.02 Iran
RG04.03 Pakistan
Asien (insgesamt)
RH01 Asiatische Organisationen
RH01.01 APEC
RH02 Geographische Räume Asiens
RH02.01 Himalaya-Region
RH02.02 Kaschmir
RH02.03 Goldenes Dreieck
Asien (ohne westliches Asien)
RI01 Südasien
RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC-Länder
RI01.11 Bangladesch
RI01.12 Bhutan
RI01.13 Indien
RI01.14 Malediven
RI01.15 Nepal
RI01.16 Sri Lanka
RI02 Südostasien
RI02.01 Geographische Räume
RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN-Länder
RI02.03 Indochina
RI02.11 Brunei
RI02.12 Indonesien
RI02.13 Malaysia
RI02.14 Philippinen
RI02.15 Singapur
RI02.16 Thailand
RI02.21 Kambodscha
RI02.22 Laos
RI02.23 Vietnam
RI02.31 Myanmar (Birma)
RI02.32 Timor-Leste
RI03 Ostasien
RI03.01 China
RI03.02 Taiwan
RI03.03 Volksrepublik China
RI03.05 Hongkong (seit 1997)
RI03.11 Korea
RI03.12 Nordkorea
Fernöstlicher Teil der
Russischen Föderation /
Andere Gebiete Asiens
RJ01 Südpazifische Organisationen
RJ02 Australien / Neuseeland
RJ02.01 Australien
RJ02.02 Neuseeland
RJ03 Südpazifische Inseln
RJ04 Melanesien
RJ04.01 Papua-Neuguinea
RJ04.02 Einzelne Inseln Melanesiens,
außer Papua
RJ05 Mikronesien
RJ05.01 Einzelne Inseln Mikronesiens
RJ06 Polynesien
RJ06.01 Einzelne Inseln Polynesiens
Meere /
Atlantischer Ozean
Indischer Ozean
Pazifischer Ozean / Pazifischer
Mittelmeer / Mittelmeerraum
Kaspisches Meer
Internationale Organisationen
RM01 Vereinte Nationen
RM02 Sonderorganisationen des VNSystems
RM03 andere universale staatliche
RM04 Nichtstaatliche Organisationen
Entwickelte Länder
Westliche Länder
OECD / OECD-Länder
Sozialistische Länder
Gruppe der 77
Blockfreie Staaten
OPEC / OPEC-Länder
Sonstige Ländergruppen /
RP01 Französischsprachige Länder
Ohne direkten Regionalbezug
Mise a jour: Février 2007
Littérature générale
SA01 Études générales / Études
SA02 Histoire
SA03 Politique
SA04 Biographies / Mémoires
Politique internationale /
Système international
SB01 Relations internationales /
Processus internationaux
SB02 Politique étrangère
SB03 Droit international
SB04 Intégration politique internationale
SB05 Conflits politiques / militaires
SB06 Relations transnationales /
Mouvements transnationaux
SB07 Organisations / institutions
Sécurité internationale /
SC01 Relations internationales en
matière de sécurité
SC02 Politique de défense / de sécurité
SC03 Contrôle des armements /
SC04 Stratégie militaire
SC05 Guerre / Opérations de guerre
SC06 Potentiel militaire
SC06.01 Forces armées / Unités
SC06.02 Armement
SC06.03 Organisation de la défense
SC07 Économie de la défense
SC07.01 Industrie de l'armement
SC07.02 Commerce des armements
Économie internationale
SD01 Économie mondiale / Système
économique international
SD01.01 Commerce international /
Organisation internationale du
SD01.02 Monnaie / Système monétaire
SD02 Relations économiques
internationales / Coopération
SD02.01 Coopération économique
régionale / Intégration
SD03 Transactions courantes /
Mouvements internationaux de
SD03.01 Commerce extérieur
SD03.02 Mouvements internationaux de
capitaux / Investissements
SD03.03 Mouvements internationaux de
SD03.04 Dette publique extérieure
SD04 Politique économique extérieure
SD05 Politique d'aide au
développement / Coopération
Relations culturelles
SE01 Politique culturelle extérieure
Current Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SE02 Relations en matière d'éducation
et de science
SE03 Relations linguistiques
internationales / Langues
SE04 Relations internationales des
médias / Communication /
SE05 Échange culturel / Contact des
SE06 Image de l'étranger
SF01 Système politique / Constitution
SF01.01 Transformation du système
politique / Démocratisation
SF01.02 Droits de l'homme
SF02 Système de gouvernement /
Institutions de l'État
SF03 Partis politiques
SF04 Participation politique
SF04.01 Élections
SF05 Politique intérieure
SF06 Sécurité intérieure / Conflit
SF06.01 Guerre civile
SF06.02 Terrorisme
SF06.03 Criminalité
SF07 Armée et société / État
SF08 Régions / Communes
SF09 Administration publique
SF10 Droit
SG01 Système social / Politique
SG02 Évolution sociale / Structures
SG02.01 Démographie
SG02.02 Groupes sociaux
SG02.03 Nationalités / Minorités
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.05 Logement / Habitat /
SG02.06 Rapports entre les sexes /
Communautés de vie
SG02.07 Conditions de vie / Modes
SG03 Politique sociale / Problèmes
SG03.01 Protection sociale
SG03.02 Santé
SG04 Éducation / Enseignement /
SG05 Culture politique / Opinion
SG05.01 Idéologie
SG05.02 Opinion publique
SG06 Médias / Information
SG07 Mouvements sociaux /
SG08 Culture / Langue / Arts
SG09 Religion / Communautés
SH01 Système économique / Cadre
SH02 Développement économique /
Politique économique
SH02.01 Politique économique /
Politique du développement
SH02.02 Développement / structures
SH02.03 Conjoncture / Politique
SH02.04 Développement régional / local
/ Politique économique
SH02.05 Branches économiques /
Evolution sectorielle / Politique
SH03 Travail / Emploi
SH03.01 Culture d'entreprise
Culture du travail
SH04 Ressources naturelles /
Traitement des matières
SH05 Énergie
SH06 Secteur agricole
SH06.01 Cultures / Forêts
SH06.02 Élevage / Pêche
SH06.03 Alimentation / Produits
SH07 Industrie et artisanat
SH08 Secteur tertiaire / Services
SH08.01 Circulation / Transports /
SH08.02 Poste / Télécommunications
SH08.03 Argent / Crédit / Banques /
SH09 Secteur informel
SH10 Finances publiques
SI01 Technologie / Développement
SI02 Politique technologique
SI03 Domaines technologiques
SI03.01 Technologie aérospatiale
SI03.02 Technologie de l'information
SI03.03 Biotechnologies
SI03.04 Technologies de
SI03.05 Technologie des armements /
Systèmes d'armes
SI04 Coopération / relations
technologiques / scientifiques
Environnement / Nature
SJ01 Géographie / Géologie
SJ02 Problèmes écologiques /
Protection de l'environnement
Sciences / Recherche
SK01 Domaines scientifiques
SK02 Théorie / Méthodes
SK03 Recherche et développement
SK04 Politique scientifique / Politique
de la recherche
SK05 Institutions scientifiques /
Littérature générale / Autres
I. CLASSIFICATION REGIONALE (politico-géographique)
Mise a jour: Janvier 2007
RA01 Organisations européennes
RA01.01 Union / Communauté
européenne et pays membres
RA01.02 OTAN
RA01.03 COMECON / pays du
RA01.04 Traité de Varsovie
RA01.05 Conseil de l'Europe
RA01.06 UEO
RA02 Régions géographiques de
RA02.01 Europe occidentale politique
RA02.02 Europe orientale politique
RA02.03 Pays d'Europe centrale et
RA02.11 Région de la Mer du Nord
RA02.12 Région de la Mer Baltique
RA03 Europe du Nord
RA03.01 Finlande
RA03.02 Suède
RA03.03 Norvège
RA03.04 Danemark
RA03.05 Islande
RA04 Europe occidentale
RA04.01 Irlande
RA04.02 Royaume-Uni
RA04.03 Pays-Bas
RA04.04 Belgique
RA04.05 Luxembourg
RA04.06 France
RA05 Europe centrale
RA05.01 Allemagne
RA05.02 République Fédérale
RA05.03 République démocratique
RA05.04 Berlin
RA05.11 Pologne
RA05.12 Tchécoslovaquie
RA05.13 Autriche
RA05.14 Suisse
RA05.21 République tchèque
RA05.22 République slovaque
RA06 Europe méridionale
RA06.01 Portugal
RA06.02 Espagne
RA06.03 Italie
RA06.04 Malte
RA06.05 Grèce
RA06.06 Turquie
RA06.07 Chypre
RA07 Europe orientale
RA07.01 Union Soviétique
RA07.02 États successeurs de l'Union
RA07.03 Communauté d'États
RA07.11 Pays Baltes
RA07.12 Estonie
Current Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Fédération russe
États européens de l'ancienne
Union soviétique
États caucasiens de l'ancienne
Union soviétique
États d'Asie Centrale de
l'ancienne Union soviétique
RA08 Europe du Sud-Est
RA08.01 Balkans
RA08.11 Yougoslavie
RA08.12 Hongrie
RA08.13 Roumanie
RA08.14 Bulgarie
RA08.15 Albanie
RA08.21 États successeurs de la
RA08.22 Slovénie
RA08.23 Croatie
RA08.24 Bosnie-Herzégovine
RA08.25 Macédoine
RA08.26 République Fédérale de
RA08.27 Serbie et Monténégro
RA08.28 Serbie
RA08.29 Montenégro
RA09 Autres pays / régions de
Amérique (entière)
RB01 Organisations américaines
RB01.01 OEA
Amérique du Nord (sans
RC01 Canada
RC02 États-Unis
Amérique Latine
RD00.01 Groupe de Rio
RD02 Amérique centrale
RD02.01 Bélize
RD02.02 Guatemala
RD02.03 El Salvador
RD02.04 Honduras
RD02.05 Nicaragua
RD02.06 Costa Rica
RD02.07 Panama
RD03 Caraibes
RD03.01 Bahamas
RD03.02 République Dominicaine
RD03.03 Haiti
RD03.04 Jamaique
RD03.05 Cuba
RD03.11 Antigua
RD03.12 Barbade
RD03.13 Dominique
RD03.14 Grenade
RD03.15 Saint Kitts, Nevis
RD03.16 Sainte Lucie
RD03.17 Saint Vincent (et Grenadines)
RD03.18 Trinité et Tobago
RD03.21 Guyane
RD03.22 Guyane francaise
RD03.23 Surinam
RD03.31 Iles Vierges américaines
RD03.32 Porto Rico
RD03.41 Antilles néerlandaises
RD03.51 Antilles francaises
RD03.52 Guadeloupe
RD03.53 Martinique
RD03.61 Antilles britanniques
RD03.71 Autres îles / pays des Caraibes
RD04 Amérique du Sud
RD04.01 Pays des Andes
RD04.02 Groupe Andin
RD04.11 Argentine
RD04.12 Bolivie
RD04.13 Brésil
RD04.14 Chili
RD04.15 Équateur
RD04.16 Colombie
RD04.17 Paraguay
RD04.18 Pérou
RD04.19 Uruguay
RD04.20 Vénézuela
RD05 Autres pays / régions de
l'Amérique Latine
Afrique (entière)
RE01 Organisations africaines
RE01.01 OUA / Union africaine
RE02 Régions géographiques de
l'Afrique (niveau au-dessus des
Afrique subsaharienne
RF01 Afrique occidentale
RF01.11 Bénin
RF01.12 Burkina Faso
RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire
RF01.14 Gambie
RF01.15 Ghana
RF01.16 Guinée
RF01.17 Guinée-Bissau
RF01.18 Cap Vert
RF01.19 Libéria
RF01.20 Mali
I. Classification régionale
Sierra Léone
Sao Tomé et Principe
RF02 Afrique centrale
Guinée équatoriale
Congo (Brazzaville)
Congo (Kinshasa)
République centrafricaine
RF03 Afrique australe
République sud-africaine
RF04 Afrique orientale
RF04.01 Kenya
RF04.02 Madagascar
RF04.03 Ile Maurice
RF04.04 Tanzanie
RF04.05 Ouganda
RF04.06 Seychelles
RF05 Afrique du Nord-Est
RF06 Iles africaines et autres régions
de l'Afrique
Proche-Orient / Moyen-Orient et
Afrique du Nord
RG00 Régions géographiques
(transnationales) et
organisations du Proche-Orient
/ Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du
RG00.01 Ligue des États arabes
RG00.02 OPAEP / pays de l'OPAEP
RG00.11 Pays arabes
RG00.12 Monde islamique
RG00.13 Golfe Persique
RG00.14 Kurdistan
RG01 Afrique du Nord
Sahara occidental
Current Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
RG02 Arabie de l'Est / Israel
RG02.01 Palestine
RG02.11 Irak
RG02.12 Jordanie
RG02.13 Liban
RG02.14 Syrie
RG02.15 Israel
RG02.16 Territoires occupés par Israel
RG02.17 Territoires palestiniens
RG03 Péninsule d'Arabie
RJ01 Organsiations du Pacifique Sud
RJ02 Australie / Nouvelle-Zélande
États du Golfe
Arabie Saoudite
Émirats Arabes Unis
RG04 Asie de l'Ouest
RG04.01 Afghanistan
RG04.02 Iran
RG04.03 Pakistan
Hong Kong
Partie extrême orientale de la
Fédération russe / de l'Union
Autres régions de l'Asie
RJ02.01 Australie
RJ02.02 Nouvelle-Zélande
RJ03 Iles du Pacifique Sud
RJ04 Mélanésie
RJ04.01 Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
RJ04.02 Autres îles mélanésiennes sans
RJ05 Micronésie
RJ05.01 Iles micronésiennes
RH Asie (entière)
RJ06 Polynésie
RH01 Organisations asiatiques
RJ06.01 Iles polynésiennes
RH01.01 CEAP
RH02 Régions géographiques de
RH02.01 Région de l'Himalaya
RH02.02 Cachemire
RH02.03 Triangle d'or
Océans / Régions
Océan Atlantique
Océan Indien
Océan Pacifique / Région
Méditerranée / région
Région de la mer Noire
Mer Caspienne
Organisations internationales
RI Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
Asie du Sud
ASACR / pays de l'ASACR
Sri Lanka
Asie du Sud-Est
RI02.01 Régions géographiques de
l'Asie du Sud-Est
RI02.02 ANASE / pays de l'ANASE
RI02.03 Indochine
RI02.11 Brunei
RI02.12 Indonésie
RI02.13 Malaysie
RI02.14 Philippines
RI02.15 Singapour
RI02.16 Thailande
RI02.21 Cambodge
RI02.22 Laos
RI02.23 Vietnam
RI02.31 Myanmar (Birmanie)
RI02.32 Timor oriental
RI03 Asie orientale
RI03.01 Chine
RI03.02 Taiwan
RI03.03 République populaire de Chine
RI03.05 Hong Kong (depuis 1997)
RI03.11 Corée
RI03.12 Corée du Nord
RI03.13 Corée du Sud
RM01 Nations Unies
RM02 Organisations spéciales du
système des Nations Unies
RM03 Autres organisations
gouvernementales internationales
RM04 Organisations non
Pays développés
Pays occidentaux
OCDE / pays OCDE
Pays socialistes
Pays en voie de développement
Groupe des 77
Pays non-alignés
OPEP / pays OPEP
pays ACP
Autres groupes de pays /
RP01 Pays francophones
Sans aspect régional
9 Onuki, Atsuko: Who is Schopenhauer? / by Atsuko Onuki. -
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-34, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Onuki, Atsuko: Wer ist
Schopenhauer? - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SA02 History
1 Todorova, Maria: Historische Vermächtnisse zwischen Europa
und dem Nahen Osten = Historical legacies between Europe
and the Near East / Maria Todorova. Vorrede/Introduction: Wolf
Lepenies. - Berlin: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2007. - 83 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (Carl Heinrich Becker Lecture der Fritz Thyssen
Stiftung; Europa im Nahen Osten - der Nahe Osten in Europa;
Europe in the Middle East - the Middle East in Europe)
IFA D 820397 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
10 Perception of others : The perception of Europe - In: Culture
SWP D 820174 SWP: H.07/0325 DGAP: DG 46546e
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Fremdbild. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SB04 International political integration
2 Larat, Fabrice: Ein Leben für die Freiheit der Kultur : François
Bondy und die Einheit Europas / Fabrice Larat. - In: Osteuropa
(Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 91-103, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820230 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
IFA D 820395 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SF06.02 Terrorism
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
11 Kilcullen, David J.: Subversion and countersubversion in the
3 Todorova, Maria: Historische Vermächtnisse zwischen Europa
campaign against terrorism in Europe / David J. Kilcullen. In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),
30 (August 2007) 8, S. 647-666, Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 662-666
und dem Nahen Osten = Historical legacies between Europe
and the Near East / Maria Todorova. Vorrede/Introduction: Wolf
Lepenies. - Berlin: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2007. - 83 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (Carl Heinrich Becker Lecture der Fritz Thyssen
Stiftung; Europa im Nahen Osten - der Nahe Osten in Europa;
Europe in the Middle East - the Middle East in Europe)
SWP D 820524 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG05.01 Ideologies
12 Feindbilder : Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen /
SWP D 820174 SWP: H.07/0325 DGAP: DG 46546e
hrsg. von Lydia Haustein ... - Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007. 163 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8353-0126-9
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SWP D 820632 SWP: A.07/0297
4 Feindbilder : Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen /
hrsg. von Lydia Haustein ... - Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007. 163 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8353-0126-9
13 Zick, Andreas; Küpper, Beate: Antisemitismus in Deutschland
und Europa / Andreas Zick ; Beate Küpper. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (30. Juli 2007) 31, S. 12-19, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820632 SWP: A.07/0297
DGAP D 820140 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IFA: Z-D1852 BICC: BZ APUZ IIK: ZS-INT-A (füher: 23.619 LA) DIE: ZK038
Öff.StaO: 188
5 Fremdbild : das Bild von Europa - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Perception of others. - In:
Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
14 Gas in the CIS and Europe 1:30000000 / produced by the
Petroleum Economist in association with E.ON Ruhrgas. - 2007
ed. - London: Petroleum Economist, 2007. - 1 Kt.; 142 x 89 cm
- ISBN 1-86186-217-7
IFA D 820293 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
6 Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï Paulin: Abschied von Europa / von
Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 42-46, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï
Paulin: Farewell to Europe. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
SWP D 820172 SWP: KW 578
SH05 Energy industry
15 Gas in the CIS and Europe 1:30000000 / produced by the
Petroleum Economist in association with E.ON Ruhrgas. - 2007
ed. - London: Petroleum Economist, 2007. - 1 Kt.; 142 x 89 cm
- ISBN 1-86186-217-7
SWP D 820172 SWP: KW 578
IFA D 820296 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
7 Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï Paulin: Farewell to Europe / by
SB01 International relations / process
Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 42-46, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï
Paulin: Abschied von Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
16 Barysch, Katinka: Russia, realism and EU unity / Katinka
Barysch. - Brussels: Centre for European Reform, 2007. - 8 S. (Policy Brief / Centre for European Reform)
SWP D 819902 DGAP: DG B01374a
17 Bordacev, Timofej V.: The European world after 1989 /
Timofei Bordachev. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 64-74
IFA D 820400 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 819962 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
8 Onuki, Atsuko: Wer ist Schopenhauer? / von Aitsuko Onuki. -
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-34, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Onuki, Atsuko: Who is
Schopenhauer? - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
18 Colard, Daniel: L'Allemagne unie et les nouvelles relation
franco-allemandes dans la nouvelle Europe : 1990-2006 / par
Daniel Colard. - In: Annuaire français de relations
internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007,
S. 393-405, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
DFI D 819977 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
IFA D 820294 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
19 Communication from the Commission to the European
30 Künkler, Mirjam; Meyer-Resende, Michael: A missing link :
Parliament and the Council : from Cairo to Lisbon - the
EU-Africa strategic partnership ; SEC(2007)855,
SEC(2007)856 / Commission of the European Communities. Brussels, 2007. - 10 S. - (COM(2007)357final)
why Europe should talk about religion when promoting
democracy abroad / Mirjam Künkler, Michael Meyer-Resende. Berlin: DRI, 2007. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper /
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin); No. 1/2007)
SWP D 820049
SWP D 819911
20 Déclaration de l'Union européenne : sixième session du
31 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
Conseil d'association UE-MAROC ; (Bruxelles, le 23 juillet
2007) / Council of the European Union. - Bruxelles, 2007. 12 S. - (12062/07(Presse178))
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
SWP D 820350
32 M'Baye, Sanou: West African expectations of Europe / Sanou
21 Flockhart, Trine: A new transatlantic relationship? European
Mbaye. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 91-106, graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
responses to US global hegemony / Trine Flockhart. Copenhagen: DIIS, 2007. - 23 S., Lit. Hinw. - (DIIS Working
Paper; No. 2007/13) - ISBN 978-87-7605-216-4
SWP D 820358 SWP: H.07/0328
SWP D 819838 DGAP: DG B01375c
33 Memorandum sur les rélations entre la Libye et l'Union
22 Förderung von Frieden und Stabilität im Südkaukasus :
européenne - Bruxelles: Presidência da União Europeia, 2007.
- 2 S.
Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der
Abgeordneten Dieter Dehm ... und der Fraktion DIE LINKE Drucksache 16/4949 / Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln:
Bundesanzeiger, 2007. - 14 S., Tab. - (Verhandlungen des
Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen; 16/5221)
SWP D 820282
34 Möller, Almut: Making an effort but making little headway : EU
SWP D 820102 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1
Middle East policy under German leadership / Almut Möller. München: Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung, 2007. 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 5/2007)
auch veröff. als: Bemüht, aber nur bedingt gestaltungsfähig:
europäische Nahostpolitik unter deutscher Führung. - In: Bilanz
der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Bertelsmann
Forschungsgruppe Politik (CAP Analyse; 5/2007). - S. 65-69
23 García, Francisco: Acuerdo de Asociación, un salto de calidad
en las relaciones económicas y políticas con Europa /
Francisco García. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte
Político (Guatemala), 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213, S. 3-15,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820482 IIK: ZS-LA-P (früher: 28.169 MA) Öff.StaO: H 220
24 García, Francisco: II Foro de la Sociedad Civil Unión Europea
y Centroamérica : perspectivas hacia un acuerdo de asociación
/ Francísco García. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte
Político (Guatemala), 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213, S. 16-20
GIGA D 820489
35 Die neue Zentralasien-Strategie der EU / Deutscher
Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste. - Berlin, 2007. - 2 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Europa / Deutscher Bundestag / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste (Deutschland); Nr. 25/07)
GIGA D 820488 IIK: ZS-LA-P (früher: 28.169 MA) Öff.StaO: H 220
25 Gibert, Marie V.: European engagement in West Africa / Marie
Gibert. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 107-128, Tab.,
Lit. S. 125-128 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SWP D 819764
36 Partnership with Russia in Europe: economic and regional
à la dépression / par Thomas Gomart. - In: Revue du marché
commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007)
510, S. 423-429, Lit. Hinw.
topics for a strategic partnership : Fifth Roundtable
Discussion, Potsdam, March 19–20, 2007 / Friedrich-EbertStiftung, Referat Mittel- und Osteuropa, Gesprächskreis
Partnerschaft mit Russland in Europa, Abteilung Internationaler
Dialog. - Potsdam: FES, 2007. - 60 S., Ill, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820007 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SWP D 819899
SWP D 820359 SWP: H.07/0328
26 Gomart, Thomas: Union Européenne/Russie : de la stagnation
37 Perthes, Volker: Begrenzte Chancen : die Gemeinschaft im
27 Hall, Michael: The EU and Uzbekistan: where to go from here?
israelisch-palästinensisch-libanesisch-syrischen Viereck /
Volker Perthes. - In: FAZ.net (Frankfurt/Main), (30.07.2007),
S. 8
/ Michael Hall. - Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 7 S. - (CEPS Policy
Brief; No. 138)
SWP D 819900
28 Hausotter, Tobias; Niemann, Arne; Schratz, Alexander: Die
SWP D 819771
Belarus-Politik der EU : Handlungsspielräume und
Politikoptionen / T. Hausotter, A. Niemann, A. Schratz. In: Osteuropa (Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 57-69, Lit. Hinw.
38 Sokolov, Sergei: Russia and the EU to negotiate a new
cooperation agreement / Sergei Sokolov. - In: Russia in Global
Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 182-192
SWP D 820224 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820004 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
39 Sorting out the mess : wars, conflicts, and conflict
29 Kimmage, Daniel: Security challenges in Central Asia :
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.) - Wien.
- 145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; 10/2007) - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
implications for the EU’s engagement strategy / Daniel
Kimmage. - Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 6 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief;
No. 139)
SWP D 820348 SWP: H.07/0328
SWP D 819766
40 Yakemtchouk, Romain: L'Union Européenne et le Japon / par
Romain Yakemtchouk. - In: Revue du marché commun et de
l'Union européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510, S. 430-438,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820008 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
52 Dietzsch, Ellen: Europäische Politik in den Medien : eine
SB02 Foreign policy
empirische Analyse der Debatte um den Vertrag über eine
Verfassung für Europa in deutschen und französischen
Printmedien / Ellen Dietzsch. - Dresden: Technische
Universität, 2006. - X,268 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 150-180 -Dresden, Univ., Mag.Arb., 2006
41 Bendiek, Annegret: Die GASP nach dem "Fußnotengipfel" /
Annegret Bendiek. - Berlin: SWP, 2007. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: CFSP after the footnote summit. Berlin: SWP, 2007. - (SWP Comments; 15/2007)
DFI D 819929 DFI: YV 240.DIE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
53 Giuliani, Jean-Dominique: Understanding the Brussels
Öff.StaO: B 1503
42 Bird, Michael: Partnerschaft statt Repräsentation / von Michael
Bird. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 90-96, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Bird, Michael: Not
promotion but partnership. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820306 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
Agreement on the Reform Treaty (23rd June 2007) and the
Intergovernmental Conference / auteur: Jean-Dominique
Giuliani. - Paris: Fondation Robert Schuman, 2007. - [Getr.
SWP D 820267
54 Hagemann, Sara: The EU Reform Treaty: easier signed than
ratified? / by Sara Hagemann. - Brussels: EPC, 2007. - 5 S. (Policy Brief / European Policy Centre)
SWP D 819888
43 Boniface, Jérôme: La politique européenne de voisinage,
55 Kaygisiz, Hasan: Der Prozess bis zu den
entre élargissement et politique étrangère / par Jérôme
Boniface. - In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht), (2007) 1, S. 25-31, Ill.,
Lit. S. 30-31
Beitrittsverhandlungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und
der Türkei von 1990 bis 2005 unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechtsfrage / Hasan Kaygisiz. Bonn, 2006. - 370 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 343-370, Lit.
Hinw. -- Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2006
SWP D 819877 SWP: Y. 955 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SB03 International law
GIGA D 820221 IAs: TUR-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
44 Léger, Philippe: La France et la Cour de justice des
56 Kramer, Heinz: New stumbling blocks on Turkey's path
Communautés européennes / par Philippe Léger. - In: Annuaire
français de relations internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles:
Bruylant, 2007, S. 458-467, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
towards the European Union / Heinz Kramer. - In: Foreign
Policy Bulletin (The Hague), (July 2007) 5, S. 4-6
SWP D 819808
DFI D 819983 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
57 Maurer, Andreas: Vom Verfassungs- zum Reformvertrag : die
SB04 International political integration
Ratifikationsverfahren zum EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die
Verhandlungen zum Mandat der Regierungskonferenz 2007 /
Andreas Maurer. In Zusammenarb. mit Anna Borowsky ... Berlin: SWP, 2007. - 150 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (SWP-Diskussionspapier; FG1-DP 08/2007)
45 Arnold, Hans: Political arguments against Turkey's accession
to the European Union / Hans Arnold. - In: Internationale Politik
und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 101-113
SWP D 820135 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
46 Batten, Gerard: How much does the European Union cost
SWP D 820191
Britain? / by Gerard Batten. - London: Bruges Group, 2006. 17 S., Tab.
58 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EU-phoria in Croatia / by Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EUphorie in Kroatien. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa"
2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
SWP D 820055
47 Bürgin, Alexander: Beitrittsverhandlungen auf Sparflamme :
die EU-Mitgliedschaft und die innenpolitische Krise der Türkei /
Alexander Bürgin. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
(Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 84-100, Lit. S. 100
SWP D 820132 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
IFA D 820430 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
48 Cautrès, Bruno: Les enjeux européens / par Bruno Cautrès. -
Paris: CEVIPOF, [2007]. - 5 S. - (Baromètre politique français:
Elections 2007)
59 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EUphorie in Kroatien / von Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EU-phoria in Croatia. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
DFI D 820625 DFI: YC 320.Y0272 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
49 Chaltiel, Florence: Le "traité modificatif" peut-il être un traité
ambitieux? À propos du Conseil européen de juin 2007 / par
Florence Chaltiel. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union
européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510, S. 413-422, Lit.
IFA D 820310 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820006 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
60 Soulier, Gérard: La France et l'Union européenne après le
50 Debating Europe - In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht), (2007) 1,
"non" au référendum du 29 mai 2005 / par Gérard Soulier. - In:
Annuaire français de relations internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 432-457, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
S. 5-17, Ill., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819871 SWP: Y. 955 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H
51 Democratic legitimacy and the European Union - In: Journal
DFI D 819981 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
of European Integration (Abingdon), 29 (July 2007) 3,
S. 255-385, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
61 Vobruba, Georg: Kritik der Europakritik : die intellektuelle
SWP D 820487 SWP: X. 856 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 46
Perspektive auf die europäische Integration / Georg Vobruba. In: Osteuropa (Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 3-12, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820212 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
71 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
SB05 International political conflicts
62 Möller, Almut: Making an effort but making little headway : EU
Middle East policy under German leadership / Almut Möller. München: Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung, 2007. 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 5/2007)
auch veröff. als: Bemüht, aber nur bedingt gestaltungsfähig:
europäische Nahostpolitik unter deutscher Führung. - In: Bilanz
der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Bertelsmann
Forschungsgruppe Politik (CAP Analyse; 5/2007). - S. 65-69
GIGA D 820489
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
72 Goodbye Lisbon : 14th Frankfurt European Banking
Congress, November 19, 2004 / [Editors: Alexander John
Maisner ...] - Frankfurt/Main: EBC, 2004. - 80 S., Ill.
SWP D 819941 SWP: H.07/0311
63 Perthes, Volker: Begrenzte Chancen : die Gemeinschaft im
israelisch-palästinensisch-libanesisch-syrischen Viereck /
Volker Perthes. - In: FAZ.net (Frankfurt/Main), (30.07.2007),
S. 8
73 Hishow, Ognian N.: The effects of the common currency on
Europe's economic integration / Ognian Hishow. - Berlin: SWP,
2007. - 17 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (SWP-Working
Paper; FG1-WP 13/2007)
SWP D 819771
SWP D 820188
SC International security / Defense
74 União Européia e Mercosul: dois momentos especiais da
64 Segurança internacional : um diálogo Europa-América do Sul
integração regional - Rio de Janeiro: Konrad-AdenauerStiftung, 2007. - 126 S. - (Cadernos Adenauer; 1 (2007)) ISBN 978-85-7504-116-1
2006 ; III Conferência do Forte Copacabana / Wilhelm
Hofmeister ... (org.) . Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ... - Rio de
Janeiro: KAS, 2007. - 186 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-85-7504-114-7
Außerdem erschienen auf Englisch u.d.T.: International
security: A European-South American dialogue 2006 / ed.:
Wilhelm Hofmeister ... Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ... - Rio de
Janeiro, 2007
GIGA D 819827 IIK: AAL-A/5 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD03.01 Foreign trade
75 Belke, Ansgar; Spies, Julia: Die Außenhandelspolitik der EU
GIGA D 820269 IIK: AAL-B/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
gegenüber China / Ansgar Belke, Julia Spies. In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 87 (2007) 7, S. 458-466,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SC01 International relations in the field of international
DIE D 820449 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020
Öff.StaO: H 256
65 Kimmage, Daniel: Security challenges in Central Asia :
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
implications for the EU’s engagement strategy / Daniel
Kimmage. - Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 6 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief;
No. 139)
76 Der Zusammenhang zwischen monetärer Entwicklung und
Immobilienmarkt - In: Monatsbericht / Deutsche Bundesbank
(Frankfurt/Main), 59 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 15-27, graph. Darst., Lit.
SWP D 819766
SWP D 820113 SWP: Y. 6 OSI: Zs 385 DGAP: ZD 65 HSFK: STA 1620
BICC: BZ DBBMON DIE: 87ZA001 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
66 Borrmann, Axel; Busse, Matthias: The institutional challenge
of the ACP/EU economic partnership agreements / Axel
Borrmann and Matthias Busse. - In: Development Policy
Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4, S. 403-416, Tab.,
Lit. S. 414-416
SE International cultural relations
77 Art, architecture, fashion - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-279, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Kunst & Architektur und
Mode. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
DIE D 820045 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
67 Angel, Benjamin: Euro fort, euro faible : phantasmes et
réalités / par Benjamin Angel. - In: Revue du marché commun
et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510,
S. 439-443, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820458 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
78 Banús, Enrique: Kernstück oder Zierblume? / von Enrique
SWP D 820009 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
Banús. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 60-70,
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Banús, Enrique: Key
element or ornament? - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
68 Bourrinet, Jacques: L'impact de la monnaie unique sur les
outre-mers de l'Union Européenne / par Jacques Bourrinet. In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union européenne
(Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510, S. 444-451, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820010 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
69 Hishow, Ognian N.: The effects of the common currency on
Europe's economic integration / Ognian Hishow. - Berlin: SWP,
2007. - 17 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (SWP-Working
Paper; FG1-WP 13/2007)
IFA D 820301 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
79 Beckmann, Christine: Structure nurtures culture / by Christine
Beckmann. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 82-89,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Beckmann, Christine:
Struktur nährt Kultur. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007
/ Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SWP D 820188
SD02 International economic relations / economic
70 Borrmann, Axel; Busse, Matthias: The institutional challenge
of the ACP/EU economic partnership agreements / Axel
Borrmann and Matthias Busse. - In: Development Policy
Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4, S. 403-416, Tab.,
Lit. S. 414-416
IFA D 820421 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
DIE D 820045 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
80 Beckmann, Christine: Struktur nährt Kultur / von Christine
88 Zeller, Ursula: Europe - work of art / by Ursula Zeller. -
Beckmann. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 82-89,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Beckmann, Christine:
Structure nurtures culture. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-248, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Zeller, Ursula: Kunstwerk
Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820459 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
89 Zeller, Ursula: Kunstwerk Europa / von Ursula Zeller. -
IFA D 820304 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-248, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Zeller, Ursula: Europe work of art. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
81 Jain, Rajendra K.: Der blasse Kontinent / von Rajendra K.
Jain. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 38-41, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Jain, Rajendra K.: The pale
continent. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820324 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
IFA D 820295 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
90 Banús, Enrique: Key element or ornament? / by Enrique
82 Jain, Rajendra K.: The pale continent / by Rajendra K. Jain. -
Banús. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 60-70,
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Banús, Enrique: Kernstück
oder Zierblume? - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 38-41, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Jain, Rajendra K.: Der blasse
Kontinent. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820399 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820417 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
83 Kunst & Architektur und Mode - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
91 Bird, Michael: Partnerschaft statt Repräsentation / von Michael
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-279, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Art, architecture, fashion. In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
Bird. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 90-96, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Bird, Michael: Not
promotion but partnership. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820322 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
84 Schöfthaler, Traugott: Escape from Huntington's scenario / by
IFA D 820306 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
Traugott Schöfthaler. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
2007, S. 97-102, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Schöfthaler, Traugott: Raus
aus dem Huntington-Szenario. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
92 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EU-phoria in Croatia / by Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EUphorie in Kroatien. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa"
2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
IFA D 820428 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
85 Schöfthaler, Traugott: Raus aus dem Huntington-Szenario /
IFA D 820430 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
von Traugott Schöfthaler. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa"
2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
2007, S. 97-102, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Schöfthaler, Traugott:
Escape from Huntington's scenario. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820308 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
86 Schwencke, Olaf: Neuland in Sicht / von Olaf Schwencke. -
93 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EUphorie in Kroatien / von Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EU-phoria in Croatia. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
IFA D 820310 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 71-79, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Schwencke, Olaf: New
territory in sight?. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SE02 International relations in the field of education
and science
94 Bildung - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 150-174, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Education. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820302 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
87 Schwencke, Olaf: New territory in sight? / By Olaf Schwencke.
- In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 71-79, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Schwencke, Olaf: Neuland in
Sicht. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820316 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820419 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
95 Education - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
103 Theatre - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 150-174, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Bildung. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 224-234, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Theater. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820451 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820457 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
96 Language - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
104 Anholt, Simon: Brand Europe / by Simon Anholt. - In: Culture
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 178-190, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Sprache. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 18-26, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Anholt, Simon: Die Marke
Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820452 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820394 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
97 Sprache - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 178-190, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Language. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
105 Anholt, Simon: Die Marke Europa / von Simon Anholt. -
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 18-26, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Anholt, Simon: Brand
Europe. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820317 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
IFA D 820292 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
106 Fremdbild : das Bild von Europa - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
98 Film - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Perception of others. - In:
Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 132-146, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Film. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820293 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
107 Perception of others : The perception of Europe - In: Culture
IFA D 820314 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Fremdbild. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
99 Film - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 132-146, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Film. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820395 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820448 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
108 Sumlenny, Sergej: Paradies Europa / von Sergej Sumlenny. -
100 The media - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 53-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Sumlenny, Sergej:
Paradise Europe. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 116-130, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Medien. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820298 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820445 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
109 Sumlenny, Sergej: Paradise Europe / by Sergej Sumlenny. -
101 Medien - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 53-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Sumlenny, Sergej: Paradies
Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 116-130, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: The media. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820412 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820313 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
110 Democratic legitimacy and the European Union - In: Journal
102 Theater - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
of European Integration (Abingdon), 29 (July 2007) 3,
S. 255-385, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 224-234, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Theatre. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SWP D 820487 SWP: X. 856 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 46
111 Landfried, Christine: EU ohne Bürger / Christine Landfried. -
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
52 (2007) 8, S. 913-9016, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820175 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
IFA D 820320 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
112 Pierré-Caps, Stéphane: La constitution française et le traité
SF10 Law
établissant une constitution pour l'Europe / Stéphane PierreCaps. - o.O., [2005]. - 23 S., Lit. Hinw.
121 Nicolaides, Phedon; Suren, Anne-Marie: The rule of law in
the EU : what the numbers say / by Phedon Nicolaides and
Anne-Marie Suren. - In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht), (2007) 1,
S. 33-39, Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 39
DFI D 819813 DFI: YC 320.Y0271 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SWP D 819880 SWP: Y. 955 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H
113 Künkler, Mirjam; Meyer-Resende, Michael: A missing link :
why Europe should talk about religion when promoting
democracy abroad / Mirjam Künkler, Michael Meyer-Resende. Berlin: DRI, 2007. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper /
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin); No. 1/2007)
SG02 Social process / Social structure
122 Van de Velde, Cécile: Vers un "conflit de générations"? jeunes
adules, dépendance économique et solidarités familiales /
Cécile Van de Velde. - In: Rapport annuel 2006 / Centre
d'analyse stratégique. - Paris: La Documentation Française,
2007, S. 102-116, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 115-116 ISBN 978-2-11-006510-0
SWP D 819911
SF01.02 Human rights
DFI D 820327 DFI: FC 250.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
114 Kaygisiz, Hasan: Der Prozess bis zu den
SG02.04 Migration
Beitrittsverhandlungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und
der Türkei von 1990 bis 2005 unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechtsfrage / Hasan Kaygisiz. Bonn, 2006. - 370 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 343-370, Lit.
Hinw. -- Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2006
123 Parkes, Roderick: The Commission's Green Paper on the
future Common European Asylum System / Roderick Parkes. Berlin: SWP, 2007. - 11 S. - (SWP-Working Paper; FG1-WP
GIGA D 820221 IAs: TUR-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 820054
SF05 Domestic policy
115 Bürgin, Alexander: Beitrittsverhandlungen auf Sparflamme :
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
die EU-Mitgliedschaft und die innenpolitische Krise der Türkei /
Alexander Bürgin. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
(Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 84-100, Lit. S. 100
124 Annesley, Claire: Lisbon and social Europe : towards a
European "adult worker model" welfare system / Claire
Annesley. - In: Journal of European Social Policy (London),
17 (August 2007) 3, S. 195-205, Lit. S. 203-205
SWP D 820132 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 820490 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
125 Rostila, Mikael: Social capital and health in European welfare
116 Sorting out the mess : wars, conflicts, and conflict
regimes : A multilevel approach / Mikael Rostila. - In: Journal of
European Social Policy (London), 17 (August 2007) 3,
S. 223-239, Tab., Lit. S. 237-239
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.) - Wien.
- 145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; 10/2007) - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SWP D 820495 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 820348 SWP: H.07/0328
SG03.02 Health
SF06.02 Terrorism
126 Rostila, Mikael: Social capital and health in European welfare
117 Wesseling, Mara: La coordination des politiques antiterroristes
regimes : A multilevel approach / Mikael Rostila. - In: Journal of
European Social Policy (London), 17 (August 2007) 3,
S. 223-239, Tab., Lit. S. 237-239
européennes : mission impossible? / par Mara Wesseling. In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht), (2007) 1, S. 19-24, Ill.,
Lit. S. 23-24
SWP D 820495 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 819873 SWP: Y. 955 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SG04 Education / Training
SF09 Public administration
127 Bildung - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
118 Beckmann, Christine: Structure nurtures culture / by Christine
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 150-174, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Education. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
Beckmann. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 82-89,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Beckmann, Christine:
Struktur nährt Kultur. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007
/ Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820316 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
128 Education - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
IFA D 820421 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 150-174, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Bildung. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
119 Beckmann, Christine: Struktur nährt Kultur / von Christine
Beckmann. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 82-89,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Beckmann, Christine:
Structure nurtures culture. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820451 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SG05.02 Public opinion
129 Cautrès, Bruno: Les enjeux européens / par Bruno Cautrès. -
IFA D 820304 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
Paris: CEVIPOF, [2007]. - 5 S. - (Baromètre politique français:
Elections 2007)
120 Brok, Sascha; Dieckmann, Raimar: "Better Regulation" in
Deutschland und der EU : Zeit für Resultate / Autoren: Sascha
Brok ; Raimar Dieckmann. Ed.: Bernhard Speyer. Frankfurt/Main: Deutsche Bank Research, 2007. - 19 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (EU-Monitor: Beiträge zur europäischen
Integration; 47)
DFI D 820625 DFI: YC 320.Y0272 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SWP D 819996
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
130 Migrants' experiences of racism and xenophobia in 12 EU
137 Beckmann, Christine: Structure nurtures culture / by Christine
member states : pilot study / European Monitoring Centre on
Racism and Xenophobia. - Vienna: EUMC, 2006. - 126 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Beckmann. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 82-89,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Beckmann, Christine:
Struktur nährt Kultur. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007
/ Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820203 IFA: 4B27/58 Öff.StaO: 212
SG06 Media / Information
IFA D 820421 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
131 The media - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 116-130, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Medien. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
138 Beckmann, Christine: Struktur nährt Kultur / von Christine
Beckmann. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 82-89,
graph. Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Beckmann, Christine:
Structure nurtures culture. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820445 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
132 Medien - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 116-130, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: The media. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820304 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
139 Film - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 132-146, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Film. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820313 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
133 Racism, xenophobia and the media : towards respect and
IFA D 820448 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
understanding of all religions and cultures ; an EU seminar in
the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, Vienna,
22-23 May 2006; organised by: Austrian presidency of the
European Union, European Commission, European Monitoring
Centre on Racism and Xenophobia; conference report &
documentation / comp. and ed. by the European Commission
and the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia. - Vienna, 2006. - 25 S.
140 Film - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 132-146, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Film. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820314 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
141 Kunst & Architektur und Mode - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
IFA D 820161 IFA: Cb27/256 Öff.StaO: 212
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-279, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Art, architecture, fashion. In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
134 Art, architecture, fashion - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-279, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Kunst & Architektur und
Mode. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820322 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
142 Language - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 178-190, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Sprache. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820458 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
135 Banús, Enrique: Kernstück oder Zierblume? / von Enrique
Banús. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 60-70,
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Banús, Enrique: Key
element or ornament? - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
IFA D 820452 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
143 Literatur - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 206-220, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Literature. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820301 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
136 Banús, Enrique: Key element or ornament? / by Enrique
Banús. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 60-70,
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Banús, Enrique: Kernstück
oder Zierblume? - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820319 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
144 Literature - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 206-220, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Literatur. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820417 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820456 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
145 Music - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 194-205, Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Musik. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
153 Dullien, Sebastian: Improving economic stability in Europe :
what the Euro Area can learn from the United States'
unemployment insurance / Sebastian Dullien. - Berlin: SWP,
2007. - 50 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (SWP-Working Paper; FG1WP 11/2007)
IFA D 820454 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820260
146 Musik - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
SH05 Energy industry
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 194-205, Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Music. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
154 Approvisionnement électrique : l'Europe sous tension ;
rapport d'information fait au nom de la mission commune
d'information sur la sécurité d'approvisionnement électrique de
la france et les moyens de la préserver / Bruno Sido ... - Paris:
Sénat, 2007. - T. 1-2 - (Document / Sénat; N° 357) - (Les
Rapports du Sénat)
T. 1: Rapport. - 246 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 239-244
T. 2: Auditions et déplacements. - 492 S.
IFA D 820318 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
147 Sprache - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 178-190, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Language. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
DFI D 820262 DFI: YC 860.APP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
155 Götz, Roland: Russland und die Energieversorgung Europas /
Roland Götz. - In: Deutsche Energiepolitik / Lutz Kleinwächter
(Hrsg.). Brandenburgische Landeszentrale für Politische
Bildung. - Potsdam, 2007. - (Internationale Probleme und
Perspektiven; 16), S. 38-48, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. ISBN 3-932502-50-7
IFA D 820317 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
148 Theater - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
SWP D 819897 SWP: H.07/0329 DGAP: DG 46554
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 224-234, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Theatre. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SH06 Agrarian sector
156 Le Roy, Anne: L'agriculture européenne : persistance d'une
très grande hétérogénéité entre états membres / par Anne le
Roy. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union européenne
(Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510, S. 452-457, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820320 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820011 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
149 Theatre - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 224-234, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Theater. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
157 Der Zusammenhang zwischen monetärer Entwicklung und
Immobilienmarkt - In: Monatsbericht / Deutsche Bundesbank
(Frankfurt/Main), 59 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 15-27, graph. Darst., Lit.
SWP D 820113 SWP: Y. 6 OSI: Zs 385 DGAP: ZD 65 HSFK: STA 1620
BICC: BZ DBBMON DIE: 87ZA001 Öff.StaO: 1a
IFA D 820457 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
150 Zeller, Ursula: Europe - work of art / by Ursula Zeller. -
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-248, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Zeller, Ursula: Kunstwerk
Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
158 Gümrükcü, Harun: Hochschulpolitik und -transformation in der
Türkei im Licht der Bologna-Prag-Berlin-Bergen Prozesse /
Harun Gümrükcü. - In: Orient (Baden-Baden), 47 (2006) 4,
S. 484-506, Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 505-506
GIGA D 819982 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
RA01.02 NATO
IFA D 820459 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
151 Zeller, Ursula: Kunstwerk Europa / von Ursula Zeller. -
SB01 International relations / process
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 238-248, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Zeller, Ursula: Europe work of art. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
159 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Is a new Cold War imminent? /
Alexei Arbatov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 84-97
SWP D 819964 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SB05 International political conflicts
160 Coleman, Katharina P.: Peace enforcement through a military
IFA D 820324 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
alliance : The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and Operation
Allied Force in Kosovo / Katharina P. Coleman. - In: Coleman,
Katharina P.: International organisations and peace
enforcement: The politics of international legitimacy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, S. 194-239, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-521-69034-8
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
152 Künkler, Mirjam; Meyer-Resende, Michael: A missing link :
why Europe should talk about religion when promoting
democracy abroad / Mirjam Künkler, Michael Meyer-Resende. Berlin: DRI, 2007. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper /
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin); No. 1/2007)
SWP D 819774 SWP: A.07/0230
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SWP D 819911
161 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Is a new Cold War imminent? /
Alexei Arbatov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 84-97
SWP D 819964 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
162 Gallis, Paul E.: NATO in Afghanistan: A test of the transatlantic
SH03 Labour / Employment
alliance : updated July 16, 2007 / Paul Gallis. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 26 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS
Report for Congress; RL33627) - (RL33627)
171 Heintze, Cornelia: Der Staat als Arbeitgeber im skandinavisch-
deutschen Vergleich : empirische Befunde und theoretische
Anmerkungen / Cornelia Heintze. - In: Berliner Debatte Initial
(Berlin), 18 (2007) 3, S. 79-94, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 93-94
SWP D 820372
SWP D 820015 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 216 HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188
163 Kriendler, John: Ukrainian membership in NATO : benefits,
costs, misconceptions and urban legends / John Kriendler. Shrivenham: CSRC, 2007. - 25 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC
Central and Eastern Europe Series; 07/23) ISBN 978-1-905962-20-4
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
172 Paajanen, Eva; Halttunen, Lea: Kulttuuriviennin tukiverkoston
ja palvelurakenteen kehittäminen (Transl.: Development of
support network and service structure for cultural exportation) /
[Eva Paajanen ; Lea Halttunen]. - Helsinki: Opetusministeriö,
2007. - 26 S., graph. Darst. - (Opetusministeriön
työryhmämuistioita ja selvityksiä; 2007,5) ISBN 978-952-485-293-7
SWP D 820062
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
164 Helms, Ludger: Die politischen Kulturen Osteuropas : Vielfalt
und Differenz / Ludger Helms. - In: Osteuropa (Berlin), 57 (Juli
2007) 7, S. 13-26, Lit.Hinw
IFA D 820122 IFA: Cb27/254 Öff.StaO: 212
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
SWP D 820214 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
173 Koivunen, Hannele; Marsio, Leena: Fair culture? Ethical
dimension of cultural policy and cultural rights / Hannele
Koivunen ; Leena Marsio. - Helsinki: Opetusministeriö, 2007. 125 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Publications of the Ministry of
Education, Finland; 2007,21) - ISBN 978-952-485-383-5
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
165 The democracy barometers (pt. 1) - In: Journal of Democracy
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 65-125, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820158 IFA: 4B27/57 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820142 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
166 Seleny, Anna: Communism's many legacies in East-Central
174 Swedish Institute (Stockholm): The Swedish Institute :
Europe / Anna Seleny. - In: Journal of Democracy
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 156-170, Lit. S. 170
sharing Sweden with the world - Stockholm: SI, 2007. - 11 S.,
SWP D 820149 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
IFA D 820251 IFA: Cb27/255 Öff.StaO: 212
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
167 The democracy barometers (pt. 1) - In: Journal of Democracy
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 65-125, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
175 Norwegian Agency for Development Co-Operation (Oslo):
SWP D 820142 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
Norad programme in arts and cultural education : 2006-2008/9
; programme document - Oslo: NORAD, 2006. - 7 S.
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
168 Mitra, Pradeep; Yemtsov, Ruslan: Increasing inequality in
transition economies : is there more to come? / Pradeep Mitra
and Ruslan Yemtsov. - In: Beyond transition: Annual World
Bank Conference on Development Economics - Regional, 2007
/ ed. by François Bourguignon ... International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C., 2007,
S. 59-102, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 97-102 ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
IFA D 820044 IFA: Cb27/277 Öff.StaO: 212
SE02 International relations in the field of education
and science
176 Norwegian Agency for Development Co-Operation (Oslo):
Norad programme in arts and cultural education : 2006-2008/9
; programme document - Oslo: NORAD, 2006. - 7 S.
SWP D 820536 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
IFA D 820044 IFA: Cb27/277 Öff.StaO: 212
169 Reilu kulttuuri - kestävän khityksen kulttuuri : conclusions
and report from the seminar, 29th to 30th of May 2007 = Rättvis
kultur - kultur för hållbar utveckling / Opetusministeriö. Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Finland ... - Helsinki, 2007. - 14 S.
IFA D 820079 IFA: Cb27/275 Öff.StaO: 212
SE International cultural relations
170 Reilu kulttuuri - kestävän khityksen kulttuuri : conclusions
and report from the seminar, 29th to 30th of May 2007 = Rättvis
kultur - kultur för hållbar utveckling / Opetusministeriö. Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Finland ... - Helsinki, 2007. - 14 S.
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
177 Danske Kulturinstitut (København): Handlingsplan 2007 for
det Danske Kulturinstitut / det Danske Kulturinstitut. København, 2007. - 29 S., Ill. - (Handlingsplan for det Danske
Kulturinstitut; 2007)
IFA D 820209 IFA: Z-DK86 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820079 IFA: Cb27/275 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SG04 Education / Training
186 Namubiru, Proscovia Ssentamu: The theory-practice
SB02 Foreign policy
178 Bird, Michael: Partnerschaft statt Repräsentation / von Michael
Bird. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 90-96, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Bird, Michael: Not
promotion but partnership. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820306 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SB04 International political integration
discourse in initial teacher education : perspectives, problems
and prospects / Proscovia Ssentamu Namubiru. - Bayreuth:
Thielmann und Breitinger, 2007. - 249 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 226-241, Lit. Hinw. - (Bayreuth African Studies Series;
[81]) - ISBN 978-3-939661-03-0
GIGA D 820063 IAK: UGA-M/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SG05.01 Ideologies
187 Goodwin, Matthew J.: The extreme right in Britain : still an
"ugly duckling" but for how long? / Matthew J. Goodwin. - In:
The Political Quarterly (Oxford), 78 (April-June 2007) 2,
S. 241-250, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820143 OSI: Zt 399 DGAP: ZD 268 Öff.StaO: 1a
179 Batten, Gerard: How much does the European Union cost
Britain? / by Gerard Batten. - London: Bruges Group, 2006. 17 S., Tab.
SK Science / Research
188 Science & innovation investment framework 2004-2014 /
HM Treasury. DTI ... - London, 2004. - 190 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - ISBN 1-84532-031-X
SWP D 820055
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
180 Bird, Michael: Not promotion but partnership / by Michael Bird.
- In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 90-96, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Bird, Michael: Partnerschaft
statt Repräsentation. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007
/ Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820425 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 820246 IFA: 4B27/51 Öff.StaO: 212
SF Government
189 Frenzel, Korbinian: Belgien: nach rechts in die Spaltung /
Korbinian Frenzel. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale
Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 916-919, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820176 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
181 Bird, Michael: Partnerschaft statt Repräsentation / von Michael
Bird. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 90-96, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Bird, Michael: Not
promotion but partnership. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820306 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SB07 International organisations / institutions
190 Das NGO Handbuch / Greenpeace Deutschland. - Hamburg:
Greenpeace Media, 2007. - 497 S. - ISBN 978-3-9811689-0-7
BICC D 820192 BICC: BI 3448
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SF01.02 Human rights
191 Von Sobeck, Alexander: Ist Frankreich noch zu retten? hinter
182 Parkes, Roderick: What limits for government control? Civil
liberties and anti-terror measures after the Heathrow bomb plot
/ Roderick Parkes. - In: The Political Quarterly (Oxford),
78 (April-June 2007) 2, S. 272-281, Lit. Hinw.
den Kulissen der Grande Nation / Alexander von Sobeck. Berlin: Propyläen, 2007. - 367 S., Reg., Lit. S. 361 ISBN 978-3-549-07312-4
DGAP D 820144 OSI: Zt 399 DGAP: ZD 268 Öff.StaO: 1a
DFI D 819826 DFI: FA 820.SOB Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF03 Political parties
SA02 History
192 Berger, Françoise: Les relations entre les sidérurgies
183 Goodwin, Matthew J.: The extreme right in Britain : still an
"ugly duckling" but for how long? / Matthew J. Goodwin. - In:
The Political Quarterly (Oxford), 78 (April-June 2007) 2,
S. 241-250, Lit. Hinw.
française et allemande de 1870 à la CECA / Françoise Berger.
- In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2,
S. 163-199, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820143 OSI: Zt 399 DGAP: ZD 268 Öff.StaO: 1a
DFI D 819936 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SB01 International relations / process
193 Bozo, Frédéric; Parmentier, Guillaume: La France et les
184 Developments in Northern Ireland : part I: human rights and
Etats-Unis entre echéances intérieures et tensions
internationales : une réconciliation limitée? / par Frédéric Bozo
et Guilaume Parmentier. - In: Annuaire français de relations
internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007,
S. 541-567, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
police reform; part II: implementation of the Cory reports and
impact on the Good Friday Agreement ; hearings before the
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 108th
Congress, 2nd Session, March 16 and May 5, 2004 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. IV,279 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation
in Europe (United States / Congress); 108th Congress, 2nd
Session, CSCE 108-2-2, 108-2-3)
DFI D 820336 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
194 Colard, Daniel: L'Allemagne unie et les nouvelles relation
franco-allemandes dans la nouvelle Europe : 1990-2006 / par
Daniel Colard. - In: Annuaire français de relations
internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007,
S. 393-405, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
HSFK D 820352 HSFK: 98.654 Öff.StaO: F 197
185 Parkes, Roderick: What limits for government control? Civil
liberties and anti-terror measures after the Heathrow bomb plot
/ Roderick Parkes. - In: The Political Quarterly (Oxford),
78 (April-June 2007) 2, S. 272-281, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 819977 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
195 Pabst, Martin: External interests in West Africa / Martin Pabst.
DGAP D 820144 OSI: Zt 399 DGAP: ZD 268 Öff.StaO: 1a
- In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and management in
West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). - Wien.: BMLV, 2007. (Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10),
S. 37-68, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SWP D 820355 SWP: H.07/0328
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
196 Quand Sarko "découvre" l'Afrique - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),
SD03.01 Foreign trade
47 (5-11 août 2007) 2430, S. 40-48, Ill.
207 Plan d'action commerciale Allemagne et opération "1000
SWP D 820338 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
nouvelles PME en Allemagne" : première revue annuelle ;
exporter mieux et ensemble vers l'Allemagne / Mission
économique en Allemagne ; Comité de pilotage du PAC. - o.O.,
[2006]. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
197 Romer, Jean-Christophe: Les relations franco-russes de 2000
à 2006 : entre bilatéral et multilatéral / par Jean-Christophe
Romer. - In: Annuaire français de relations internationales
2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 415-427, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
DFI D 819788 DFI: WF 550.PLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
208 Roubaud, Jean-François: PME et commerce extérieur / avis
DFI D 819980 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
présenté par Jean-François Roubaud. - Paris: CES, 2007. 73 S., Lit. S. 71 - (Journal officiel de la République française:
Avis et rapports du Conseil Economique et Social; (2007) 16)
SB02 Foreign policy
198 Lombart, Laurent: La politique extérieure du président
DFI D 819887 DFI: YL 860.ROU Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Jacques Chirac dans un monde américano-centré / par Laurent
Lombart. - In: Annuaire français de relations internationales
2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 378-392, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
209 Autié, Philippe; Kahn, Elisabeth: Rapport sur les
compétences immobilières de l'Agence pour l'enseignement
français à l'étranger : mission d'audit de modernisation / établi
par Philippe Autié et Elisabeth Kahn. - [Paris], 2006. - 55 S.,
DFI D 819976 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB03 International law
199 Léger, Philippe: La France et la Cour de justice des
Communautés européennes / par Philippe Léger. - In: Annuaire
français de relations internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles:
Bruylant, 2007, S. 458-467, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
DFI D 819848 DFI: YM 330.AUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
210 Chaubet, François: La politique culturelle française et la
diplomatie de la langue : L'Alliance Française ; (1883-1940) /
François Chaubet. Préface de Jean-François Sirinelli. - Paris:
L'Harmattan, 2006. - 321 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 305-315 - (InterNational) - ISBN 2-296-00651-5
DFI D 819983 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB04 International political integration
200 Cautrès, Bruno: Les enjeux européens / par Bruno Cautrès. -
DFI D 820035 DFI: YM 370.CHAU IFA: 27/460 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Paris: CEVIPOF, [2007]. - 5 S. - (Baromètre politique français:
Elections 2007)
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
211 Arboit, Gérald: La chaîne d'information internationale pour la
DFI D 820625 DFI: YC 320.Y0272 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
France : France 24 à l'épreuve de la réalité ... / par Gérald
Arboit. - In: Annuaire français de relations internationales 2007.
- Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 946-952, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
201 Dietzsch, Ellen: Europäische Politik in den Medien : eine
empirische Analyse der Debatte um den Vertrag über eine
Verfassung für Europa in deutschen und französischen
Printmedien / Ellen Dietzsch. - Dresden: Technische
Universität, 2006. - X,268 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 150-180 -Dresden, Univ., Mag.Arb., 2006
DFI D 819985 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
DFI D 819929 DFI: YV 240.DIE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
212 France-Etats-Unis: regards croisés : principaux
enseignements / French-American Foundation ... - Paris: FAF,
2005. - 8 S.
202 Soulier, Gérard: La France et l'Union européenne après le
"non" au référendum du 29 mai 2005 / par Gérard Soulier. - In:
Annuaire français de relations internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 432-457, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
DFI D 820550 DFI: YM 760.Y0538 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 819981 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
213 Pierré-Caps, Stéphane: La constitution française et le traité
établissant une constitution pour l'Europe / Stéphane PierreCaps. - o.O., [2005]. - 23 S., Lit. Hinw.
203 Beschlüsse des Oberrheinrates : Unterrichtung durch den
Präsidenten des Landtags - In: Drucksachen / Landtag
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mainz), (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336, S. 4
DFI D 819813 DFI: YC 320.Y0271 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF03 Political parties
DFI D 819934 DFI: WE 560.W1159 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
214 Perrineau, Pascal: Qui sont les électeurs potentiels de Jean-
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
Marie Le Pen? / par Pascal Perrineau. - Paris: CEVIPOF,
[2007]. - 3 S. - (Baromètre politique français: Elections 2007)
204 Buffotot, Patrice: L'inflexion de la doctrine française de
dissuasion à l'aube du XXIe siècle / par Patrice Buffotot. - In:
Annuaire français de relations internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 406-414, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
DFI D 820557 DFI: FE 640.F1135 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF04.01 Elections
DFI D 819978 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
215 Cautrès, Bruno: D'un "raz de marée" annoncé à une "simple"
SD02 International economic relations / economic
nette victoire : P4 (4ème vague du PEF réalisée du 19 au 30
juin) / Bruno Cautrès. - Paris: CEVIPOF, 2007. - 11 S., Tab. (Le Panel Electoral Français 2007 / CEVIPOF - Ministère de
205 Berger, Françoise: Les relations entre les sidérurgies
française et allemande de 1870 à la CECA / Françoise Berger.
- In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2,
S. 163-199, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 820618 DFI: FE 740.F1137 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 819936 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
216 Clift, Ben: The Ségolène Royal phenomenon : poltical renewal
in France? / Ben Clift. - In: The Political Quarterly (Oxford),
78 (April-June 2007) 2, S. 282-291
206 Eck, Jean-François: Acteurs et problèmes des relations
économiques et financières franco-allemandes après 1945 /
Jean-François Eck. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg),
39 (avril-juin 2007) 2, S. 149-162, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820145 OSI: Zt 399 DGAP: ZD 268 Öff.StaO: 1a
DFI D 819935 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
217 Le panel électoral français 2007 : V1P2 - résultats détaillés /
227 Eckardt, Frank: Nicolas Sarkozy, Präsident einer
CEVIPOF ... . Enquête realisée par: IFOP - Paris: CEVIPOF,
2007. - 72 S., zahlr. Tab.
DFI D 820478 DFI: FE 740.PAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
218 Le panel électoral français 2007 : enquête post électorale
prekarisierten Gesellschaft / Frank Eckardt. - In: Internationale
Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 53-68,
Lit. S. 67-68
SWP D 820129 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG02.01 Demography
présidentielle 2007 ; résultats d'ensemble / CEVIPOF ...
Enquête réalisée par IFOP - Paris: CEVIPOF, 2007. - 74 S.,
zahlr. Tab.
228 Landais, Camille: Le quotient familial a-t-il stimulé la natalité
DFI D 820484 DFI: FE 740.PAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
219 Perrineau, Pascal: Qui sont les abstentionnistes du 10 juin
2007? Le Panel Electoral Français 2007, CEVIPOF - Ministére
de l'Intérieur ; P3 (3ème vague du PEF réalisée du 29 mai au 9
juin) / Pascal Perrineau. - Paris: CEVIPOF, 2007. - 11 S., Tab.
DFI D 820629 DFI: FE 750.F1139 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
française? estimation de l'efficacité des politiques d'incitations
financières à la fécondité ; (1915-1998) / Camille Landais. [Paris]: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, [2003].
- 57 S., graph. Darst., Zeittaf., Lit. S. 44-45 -- Paris, Ecole des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Mémoire DEA, 2003
DFI D 819878 DFI: FN 450.LAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG02.02 Social groups
229 Blanc, Paul: Loi "handicap" : pour suivre la réforme ... ; rapport
d'information fait au nom de la commission des Affaires
sociales [...] / par Paul Blanc. - Paris: Sénat, 2007. - 95 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab. - (Document / Sénat; N° 359) - (Les
Rapports du Sénat) - ISBN 978-2-11-114706-5
220 Perrineau, Pascal: Qui sont les électeurs potentiels de Jean-
Marie Le Pen? / par Pascal Perrineau. - Paris: CEVIPOF,
[2007]. - 3 S. - (Baromètre politique français: Elections 2007)
DFI D 820432 DFI: FN 860.BLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 820557 DFI: FE 640.F1135 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SF08 Regions / Local government
230 Tiberj, Vincent: La France de la diversité, la France face à la
Präsidenten des Landtags - In: Drucksachen / Landtag
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mainz), (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336, S. 4
diversité : représentations et réalités / par Vincent Tiberj. Paris: CEVIPOF, [2007]. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Baromètre politique
français: Elections 2007)
DFI D 819934 DFI: WE 560.W1159 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 820623 DFI: FN 840.F1138 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF09 Public administration
SG02.04 Migration
221 Beschlüsse des Oberrheinrates : Unterrichtung durch den
222 Gombault, Vincent; Quarré, Dominique: Les salaires des
231 Bougrab, Jeannette; Amiel, Michel: L'accueil et l'intégration
agents de l'Etat en 2005 / Vincent Gombault et Dominique
Quarré. - In: INSEE première (Paris), (juillet 2007) 1151, S. 1-4,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
des nouveaux migrants : commentaire du pays hôte ; France
2004 / Jeannette Bougrab ; Michel Amiel. - o.O., [2004]. - 8 S. (Peer review in the field of social inclusion policies)
DFI D 819752 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
DFI D 819761 DFI: FN 840.F1133 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
232 Code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit
SF10 Law
d'asile : parties législative et réglementaire ; textes mis à jour
au 22 janvier 2007 - Paris: Direction des Journaux Officiels,
2007. - 323 S., Tab., Reg. - (Législation et réglementation) ISBN 978-2-11-076300-6
223 Hyest, Jean-Jacques; Portelli, Hugues; Yung, Richard: Pour
un droit de la prescription moderne et cohérent : rapport
d'information [...] / par Jean-Jacques Hyest, Hugues Portelli et
Richard Yung. - Paris: Sénat, 2007. - 145 S., Tab., Gloss, Lit.
Hinw. - (Document / Sénat; N° 338) - (Les Rapports du Sénat) ISBN 978-2-11-114715-7
DFI D 819829 DFI: FN 060.ETR Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
233 Fack, Gabrielle: Les inégalités des ménages face aux
DFI D 820279 DFI: FC 630.HYE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
évolutions du coût du logement / Gabrielle Fack. - In: Rapport
annuel 2006 / Centre d'analyse stratégique. - Paris: La
Documentation Française, 2007, S. 117-130, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 128-129 - ISBN 978-2-11-006510-0
SG01 Social system / Social policy
224 Cadiou, Stéphane: L'état des segmentations : les effets et
dilemmes de l'activité gouvernementale / Stéphane Cadiou. In: Rapport annuel 2006 / Centre d'analyse stratégique. - Paris:
La Documentation Française, 2007, S. 131-142, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-11-006510-0
DFI D 820328 DFI: FC 250.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
234 Neef, Rainer; Keim, Rolf: "Wir sind keine Sozialen" :
Marginalisierung und Ressourcen in deutschen und
französischen Problemvierteln / Rainer Neef, Rolf Keim mit
Alexandre Engel ... - Konstanz: UVK, 2007. - 309 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 295-307 - (Analyse und Forschung) ISBN 978-3-86764-018-3
DFI D 820332 DFI: FC 250.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
225 Rozès, Stéphane: Fragmentation sociale et "imaginaire
politique" / Stéphane Rozès. - In: Rapport annuel 2006 / Centre
d'analyse stratégique. - Paris: La Documentation Française,
2007, S. 143-150, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-11-006510-0
DFI D 819820 DFI: VN 350.NEE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 820333 DFI: FC 250.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
235 Hébel, Pascale: Le petit déjeuner anglo-saxon s'installe peu à
SG02 Social process / Social structure
peu / Pascale Hébel. - In: Consommation et modes de vie
(Paris), (juillet 2007) 204, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab.
226 Centre d'Analyse Stratégique (France): Rapport annuel 2006
: la société française ; entre convergences et nouveaux
clivages / Centre d'analyse stratégique. - Paris: La
Documentation Française, 2007. - 186 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Rapport annuel / Centre d'Analyse Stratégique;
2006) - ISBN 978-2-11-006510-0
DFI D 819754 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12
236 Landais, Camille: Les hauts revenus en France : (1998-2006)
; une explosion des inégalités? / Camille Landais. - Paris: Paris
School of Economics, 2007. - 46 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 26-27
DFI D 820411 DFI: FC 250.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 819933 DFI: FN 930.LAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
237 Guitton, Patricia: Suivi des engagements en matière de lutte
248 Alaoui, Soraya el-: Paris, plate-forme du livre arabe / Soraya
contre les discriminations des membres du Comité 21 / Patricia
Guitton. - Paris: Enda Europe, 2006. - 48 S., graph.
Darst., Tab.,Lit. S. 32 - (Note d'analyse / Enda Europe)
El Alaoui. - In: Maghreb-Machrek (Paris), (printemps 2007)
191, S. 45-65, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 819889 DFI: FN 860.GUI Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional
economic policy
GIGA D 820377 SWP: X. 585 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 703
238 Landais, Camille: Le quotient familial a-t-il stimulé la natalité
249 Retour d'expérience sur quelques grandes mutation et
française? estimation de l'efficacité des politiques d'incitations
financières à la fécondité ; (1915-1998) / Camille Landais. [Paris]: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, [2003].
- 57 S., graph. Darst., Zeittaf., Lit. S. 44-45 -- Paris, Ecole des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Mémoire DEA, 2003
restructurations économiques en Bretagne : leçons à tirer
pour mieux anticiper et agir / [Conseil économique et social de
Bretagne. Rapporteur: Gérard Maisse]. - Rennes: CESR
Bretagne, 2007. - 350 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 820156 DFI: FS 540.BR/RET Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SH03 Labour / Employment
DFI D 819878 DFI: FN 450.LAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
250 Georges, Nathalie: Profiler les chômeurs? / Nathalie Georges.
SG03.01 Social security
- In: Connaissance de l'emploi (Noisy-le-Grand), (juillet 2007)
44, S. 1-4, Lit. Hinw.
239 Augris, Nathalie: L'épargne retraite en 2005 / Nathalie Augris.
- In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris), (juillet 2007) 585,
S. 1-7, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 819915 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
251 Gombault, Vincent; Quarré, Dominique: Les salaires des
DFI D 819751 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
agents de l'Etat en 2005 / Vincent Gombault et Dominique
Quarré. - In: INSEE première (Paris), (juillet 2007) 1151, S. 1-4,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SG04 Education / Training
240 Sieh, Isabelle: Adaption und Umsetzung des Bologna-
DFI D 819752 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
Prozesses in Frankreich / Isabelle Sieh. - Hamburg: HelmutSchmidt-Univ., 2007. - 61 S., Tab., Lit. S. 58-61, Lit. Hinw. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft;
H. 10)
252 Hamon-Cholet, Sylvie; Sandret, Nicolas: Accidents et
conditions de travail / Sylvie Hamont-Cholet ; Nicolas Sandret. In: Premières synthèses (Paris), (août 2007) 31-2, S. 1-7,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 820611 DFI: FG 610.SIEH Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 819916 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12
SG05.02 Public opinion
253 Les jeunes françaises issus de l'immigration font-ils l'objet
241 Cautrès, Bruno: Les enjeux européens / par Bruno Cautrès. -
d'une discrimination à l'embauche? Une évaluation
expérimentale sur la région Ile de France / Emmanuel Duguet
... - Evry: EPEE, 2007. - 20 S., Tab., Lit. S. 17 - (Document de
Recherche / Centre d'Etude des Politiques Economiques de
l'Université d'Evry; 07-09)
Paris: CEVIPOF, [2007]. - 5 S. - (Baromètre politique français:
Elections 2007)
DFI D 820625 DFI: YC 320.Y0272 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
242 Le panel électoral français 2007 : enquête post électorale
DFI D 820558 DFI: FO 156.F1136 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
présidentielle 2007 ; résultats d'ensemble / CEVIPOF ...
Enquête réalisée par IFOP - Paris: CEVIPOF, 2007. - 74 S.,
zahlr. Tab.
254 La protection des représentants du personnel - In: Liaisons
sociales (Paris), (27 juillet 2007) 14922, Cahier n° 2, S. 1-90,
DFI D 819883 DFI: FP 550.PRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 820484 DFI: FE 740.PAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
243 Le panel électoral français 2007 : V1P2 - résultats détaillés /
SH05 Energy industry
CEVIPOF ... . Enquête realisée par: IFOP - Paris: CEVIPOF,
2007. - 72 S., zahlr. Tab.
DFI D 820478 DFI: FE 740.PAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG06 Media / Information
244 Fickers, Andreas: Fordistische Leitprodukte und techno-
nationalistische Prestigeobjekte : die Rundfunkindustrie im
deutsch-französischen Vergleich ; (1925-1975) / Andreas
Fickers. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin
2007) 2, S. 201-224, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
rapport d'information fait au nom de la mission commune
d'information sur la sécurité d'approvisionnement électrique de
la france et les moyens de la préserver / Bruno Sido ... - Paris:
Sénat, 2007. - T. 1-2 - (Document / Sénat; N° 357) - (Les
Rapports du Sénat)
T. 1: Rapport. - 246 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 239-244
T. 2: Auditions et déplacements. - 492 S.
DFI D 820262 DFI: YC 860.APP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
256 Beudaert, Marc: L'énergie en 2006 : nouvelle hausse des prix,
recul de la consommation / Marc Beudaert. - In: INSEE
première (Paris), (juillet 2007) 1152, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 819937 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SG07 Social movements / associations
DFI D 819918 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
245 Mai 68 : enjeu d'aujourd'hui - In: Politis (Paris), (26 juillet-29
août 2007) 962-964, S. 13-38, zahlr. Ill., Lit. Hinw.
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
DFI D 819920 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
257 Brunn, Denis: Le retour des entreprises allemandes en
Lorraine dans les lendemains immédiats de la Seconde Guerre
mondiale 1945-1960 / Denis Brunn. - In: Revue d'Allemagne
(Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2, S. 241-252, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
246 Alaoui, Soraya el-: Paris, plate-forme du livre arabe / Soraya
El Alaoui. - In: Maghreb-Machrek (Paris), (printemps 2007)
191, S. 45-65, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 819939 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820377 SWP: X. 585 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 703
258 Fickers, Andreas: Fordistische Leitprodukte und techno-
nationalistische Prestigeobjekte : die Rundfunkindustrie im
deutsch-französischen Vergleich ; (1925-1975) / Andreas
Fickers. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin
2007) 2, S. 201-224, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
247 Mardam-Bey, Farouk: La littérature arabe en France /
entretien avec Farouk Mardam-Bey mené par Jean-Pierre
Milelli. - In: Maghreb-Machrek (Paris), (printemps 2007) 191,
S. 37-44
DFI D 819937 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820371 SWP: X. 585 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 703
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
255 Approvisionnement électrique : l'Europe sous tension ;
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SB03 International law
259 Orfeuil, Jean-Pierre; Massot, Marie-Hélène: Regards sur la
268 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
plaquette "bilan des déplacements" à Paris / Jean-Pierre
Orfeuil et Marie Hélène Massot. Avec la collab. de Laurent
Proulhac. - o.O., 2006. - 28 S., Tab.
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
DFI D 819781 DFI: FT 760.F1134 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH08.02 Postal services / Telecommunication
269 Schill, Stephan W.: German Constitutional Court rules on
260 Retailleau, Bruno: Dix ans après, la régulation à l'ère
necessity in Argentine bondholder case / by Stephan W. Schill.
- Washington/D.C.: ASIL, 2007. - ca. 3 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL
Insights; Vol. 11, Issue 20)
numérique : rapport d'information [...] / Bruno Retailleau. Paris: Sénat, 2007. - 150 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (Document / Sénat; N° 350) - (Les Rapports du Sénat) ISBN 978-2-11-114466-8
SWP D 819835
DFI D 820275 DFI: FT 830.RET Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB04 International political integration
270 Dietzsch, Ellen: Europäische Politik in den Medien : eine
SK01 Fields of science
empirische Analyse der Debatte um den Vertrag über eine
Verfassung für Europa in deutschen und französischen
Printmedien / Ellen Dietzsch. - Dresden: Technische
Universität, 2006. - X,268 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 150-180 -Dresden, Univ., Mag.Arb., 2006
261 Landesstudien / hrsg. von Jérôme Vaillant ... - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 75-179, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
IFA D 820264 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
DFI D 819929 DFI: YV 240.DIE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB05 International political conflicts
SA02 History
271 Möller, Almut: Making an effort but making little headway : EU
Middle East policy under German leadership / Almut Möller. München: Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung, 2007. 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 5/2007)
auch veröff. als: Bemüht, aber nur bedingt gestaltungsfähig:
europäische Nahostpolitik unter deutscher Führung. - In: Bilanz
der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Bertelsmann
Forschungsgruppe Politik (CAP Analyse; 5/2007). - S. 65-69
262 Berger, Françoise: Les relations entre les sidérurgies
française et allemande de 1870 à la CECA / Françoise Berger.
- In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2,
S. 163-199, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 819936 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SB01 International relations / process
263 Colard, Daniel: L'Allemagne unie et les nouvelles relation
franco-allemandes dans la nouvelle Europe : 1990-2006 / par
Daniel Colard. - In: Annuaire français de relations
internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007,
S. 393-405, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
GIGA D 820489
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
272 Beschlüsse des Oberrheinrates : Unterrichtung durch den
DFI D 819977 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Präsidenten des Landtags - In: Drucksachen / Landtag
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mainz), (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336, S. 4
264 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
DFI D 819934 DFI: WE 560.W1159 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB07 International organisations / institutions
273 Das NGO Handbuch / Greenpeace Deutschland. - Hamburg:
Greenpeace Media, 2007. - 497 S. - ISBN 978-3-9811689-0-7
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
265 Förderung von Frieden und Stabilität im Südkaukasus :
BICC D 820192 BICC: BI 3448
Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der
Abgeordneten Dieter Dehm ... und der Fraktion DIE LINKE Drucksache 16/4949 / Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln:
Bundesanzeiger, 2007. - 14 S., Tab. - (Verhandlungen des
Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen; 16/5221)
SD02 International economic relations / economic
274 Berger, Françoise: Les relations entre les sidérurgies
française et allemande de 1870 à la CECA / Françoise Berger.
- In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2,
S. 163-199, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820102 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1
266 Golaszinski, Ulrich H. K.: Subsahara-Afrika: die
Wiederentdeckung eines Kontinents / Ulrich Golaszinski. Berlin: FES, 2007. - 16 S. - (Kompass 2020) ISBN 978-3-89892-676-8
DFI D 819936 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
275 Eck, Jean-François: Acteurs et problèmes des relations
économiques et financières franco-allemandes après 1945 /
Jean-François Eck. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg),
39 (avril-juin 2007) 2, S. 149-162, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819886 SWP: H.07/0258 DGAP: DG B01362n IAK: AFR-A/7
Öff.StaO: H 221
DFI D 819935 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
267 Möller, Almut: Making an effort but making little headway : EU
Middle East policy under German leadership / Almut Möller. München: Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung, 2007. 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 5/2007)
auch veröff. als: Bemüht, aber nur bedingt gestaltungsfähig:
europäische Nahostpolitik unter deutscher Führung. - In: Bilanz
der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Bertelsmann
Forschungsgruppe Politik (CAP Analyse; 5/2007). - S. 65-69
GIGA D 820489
SD03.01 Foreign trade
276 Plan d'action commerciale Allemagne et opération "1000
nouvelles PME en Allemagne" : première revue annuelle ;
exporter mieux et ensemble vers l'Allemagne / Mission
économique en Allemagne ; Comité de pilotage du PAC. - o.O.,
[2006]. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 819788 DFI: WF 550.PLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
277 Entwicklungspolitik in Bayern : Analysen und Perspektiven /
Alexander Fonari ... (Hg.). Eine-Welt-Netzwerk Bayern - 4. Aufl.
- Augsburg, 2007. - 261 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Tab.
DIE D 819957 DIE: 87SX007(4) Öff.StaO: B 1503
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SE International cultural relations
SF03 Political parties
278 Bibliographie kulturpolitischer Neuerscheinungen 2006 -
287 Extremismus in Deutschland : Schwerpunkte, Perspektiven,
In: Europäische Kulturpolitik / hrsg. für das Institut für
Kulturpolitik der Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft e.V. von Bernd
Wagner ... - Essen: Klartext-Verl., 2007. - (Jahrbuch für
Kulturpolitik; Bd. 7), S. 421-466 - ISBN 978-3-89861-853-3
Vergleich - In: Politische Studien (München), 58 (August 2007)
1, Special Issue, S. 5-119, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820414 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P
IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206
IFA D 820642 IFA: Z-D4275 Öff.StaO: 212
288 Nachtwey, Oliver: Gerechtigkeitsprobleme der
Marktsozialdemokratie : zur Debatte um ein neues
Grundsatzprogramm der SPD / Oliver Nachtwey. - In: Berliner
Debatte Initial (Berlin), 18 (2007) 3, S. 95-106, Lit. S. 105-106
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
279 Dankert, Birgit: Seminar für Einigkeit im geteilten Korea :
Bibliotheken spielen entscheidende Rolle bei Annäherung
zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea ; deutsche Ost-West-Erfahrung
als Vorbild / Birgit Dankert. - Bad Honnef: Bock + Herchen,
2007. - S. 543-548, Ill. -- Sonderdruck aus: Buch und Bibliothek
(Bad Honnef), 59 (2007) 7/8
SWP D 820016 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 216 HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188
289 Nachwuchsförderpreis Politische Publizistik : "haben die
Volksparteien Zukunft?" - In: Politische Studien (München),
58 (Juli-August 2007) 414, S. 14-75, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820291 IFA: Cb27/290 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820429 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P
IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206
280 Kampschulte, Dennis L.: Transatlantische
Wahrnehmungsunterschiede im Umgang mit internationalen
Konflikten? Zur Bedeutung der auswärtigen Kultur-, Bildungsund Informationspolitik in Deutschland und den USA / vorgelegt
von Dennis L. Kampschulte. - Hamburg, 2006. - 263 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 208-263 -- Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ. der
Bundeswehr, Diss., 2006
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
290 Vec, Miloš: Freiheit unter Verdacht : vom Wandel des Staates
im Zeichen der Sicherheit / Miloš Vec. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 957-966, Lit.
IFA D 820114 IFA: 4B27/69 Öff.StaO: 212
DGAP D 820181 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
SE02 International relations in the field of education
and science
SF06.02 Terrorism
291 Koschut, Simon: Germany and the USA in the "war against
281 Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud: Deutsch-Chinesisches Institut für
terror" : is extraordinary rendition putting transatlantic
cooperation under strain? / Simon Koschut. - In: Internationale
Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 36-52,
Lit. S. 50-52
Interkulturelle Germanistik und Kulturvergleich : DCIKG
Göttingen/Nanjing / Hiltraud Casper-Hehne. - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 255-263 ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
SWP D 820127 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
IFA D 820270 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
SF08 Regions / Local government
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
292 Beschlüsse des Oberrheinrates : Unterrichtung durch den
282 Jahresbibliographie Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Präsidenten des Landtags - In: Drucksachen / Landtag
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mainz), (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336, S. 4
(Interkulturelle Germanistik) 2005 - In: Jahrbuch Deutsch als
Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... - München:
Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 267-318 - ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
DFI D 819934 DFI: WE 560.W1159 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
IFA D 820271 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
SF09 Public administration
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
293 Brok, Sascha; Dieckmann, Raimar: "Better Regulation" in
283 Müller-Jacquier, Bernd: Der neue Masterstudiengang
Deutschland und der EU : Zeit für Resultate / Autoren: Sascha
Brok ; Raimar Dieckmann. Ed.: Bernhard Speyer. Frankfurt/Main: Deutsche Bank Research, 2007. - 19 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (EU-Monitor: Beiträge zur europäischen
Integration; 47)
"Interkulturelle Germanistik" an der Universität Bayreuth /
Bernd Müller-Jacquier. - In: Jahrbuch Deutsch als
Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... - München:
Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 243-254 - ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
IFA D 820268 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
284 Nieke, Beate; Wilkiewicz, Zbigniew: Seminarbericht zur
SWP D 819996
Multiplikatorentagung "Praxis und Umsetzung deutschpolnischer Begegnungsseminare (22.-24.02.2007)" / Beate
Nieke ; Zbigniew Wilkiewicz. - In: Aktuelle Ostinformationen
(Vlotho), 39 (2007) 1-2, S. 73-83, Ill.
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
294 Neef, Rainer; Keim, Rolf: "Wir sind keine Sozialen" :
Marginalisierung und Ressourcen in deutschen und
französischen Problemvierteln / Rainer Neef, Rolf Keim mit
Alexandre Engel ... - Konstanz: UVK, 2007. - 309 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 295-307 - (Analyse und Forschung) ISBN 978-3-86764-018-3
IFA D 820651 IFA: Z-D2311 Öff.StaO: 212
285 Schülke, Katja: Kulturunterschiede als Hindernis und Chance :
eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Erfahrungen von
Brasilianern in Deutschland / Katja Schülke. - In: Brasilien
Dialog (Mettingen), (2006) 3-4, S. 7-48, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
DFI D 819820 DFI: VN 350.NEE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG04 Education / Training
GIGA D 820469 IFA: Z-D2888 IIK: ZS-LA-B (früher: 4.651 BR) DIE: 71ZA003
Öff.StaO: 1a
295 Namubiru, Proscovia Ssentamu: The theory-practice
discourse in initial teacher education : perspectives, problems
and prospects / Proscovia Ssentamu Namubiru. - Bayreuth:
Thielmann und Breitinger, 2007. - 249 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 226-241, Lit. Hinw. - (Bayreuth African Studies Series;
[81]) - ISBN 978-3-939661-03-0
SF01.02 Human rights
286 Vec, Miloš: Freiheit unter Verdacht : vom Wandel des Staates
im Zeichen der Sicherheit / Miloš Vec. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 957-966, Lit.
GIGA D 820063 IAK: UGA-M/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
DGAP D 820181 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
296 Politische Bildung - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(6. August 2007) 32-33, S. 3-38, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820141 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IFA: Z-D1852 BICC: BZ APUZ IIK: ZS-INT-A (füher: 23.619 LA) DIE: ZK038
Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
SH08.02 Postal services / Telecommunication
297 Politische Bildung - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
307 Gramlich, Ludwig: Daseinsvorsorge und Liberalisierung :
(6. August 2007) 32-33, S. 3-38, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820141 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IFA: Z-D1852 BICC: BZ APUZ IIK: ZS-INT-A (füher: 23.619 LA) DIE: ZK038
Öff.StaO: 188
Briefmonopol und Universaldienst ; wie lange klingelt der
"Postmann" noch? / Ludwig Gramlich. - In: Politische Studien
(München), 58 (Juli-August 2007) 414, S. 93-109,
Lit. S. 107-109
SG05.01 Ideologies
SWP D 820442 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P
IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206
298 Extremismus in Deutschland : Schwerpunkte, Perspektiven,
SK01 Fields of science
Vergleich - In: Politische Studien (München), 58 (August 2007)
1, Special Issue, S. 5-119, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
308 Landesstudien / hrsg. von Jérôme Vaillant ... - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 75-179, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
SWP D 820414 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P
IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206
299 Zick, Andreas; Küpper, Beate: Antisemitismus in Deutschland
IFA D 820264 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
und Europa / Andreas Zick ; Beate Küpper. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (30. Juli 2007) 31, S. 12-19, Lit. Hinw.
309 Müller-Jacquier, Bernd: Der neue Masterstudiengang
DGAP D 820140 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IFA: Z-D1852 BICC: BZ APUZ IIK: ZS-INT-A (füher: 23.619 LA) DIE: ZK038
Öff.StaO: 188
SG06 Media / Information
"Interkulturelle Germanistik" an der Universität Bayreuth /
Bernd Müller-Jacquier. - In: Jahrbuch Deutsch als
Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... - München:
Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 243-254 - ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
IFA D 820268 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
300 Dankert, Birgit: Seminar für Einigkeit im geteilten Korea :
Bibliotheken spielen entscheidende Rolle bei Annäherung
zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea ; deutsche Ost-West-Erfahrung
als Vorbild / Birgit Dankert. - Bad Honnef: Bock + Herchen,
2007. - S. 543-548, Ill. -- Sonderdruck aus: Buch und Bibliothek
(Bad Honnef), 59 (2007) 7/8
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
310 Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud: Deutsch-Chinesisches Institut für
Interkulturelle Germanistik und Kulturvergleich : DCIKG
Göttingen/Nanjing / Hiltraud Casper-Hehne. - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 255-263 ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
IFA D 820291 IFA: Cb27/290 Öff.StaO: 212
301 Fickers, Andreas: Fordistische Leitprodukte und techno-
IFA D 820270 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
nationalistische Prestigeobjekte : die Rundfunkindustrie im
deutsch-französischen Vergleich ; (1925-1975) / Andreas
Fickers. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin
2007) 2, S. 201-224, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SA02 History
DFI D 819937 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
311 Berger, Françoise: Les relations entre les sidérurgies
française et allemande de 1870 à la CECA / Françoise Berger.
- In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2,
S. 163-199, Lit. Hinw.
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
302 Bibliographie kulturpolitischer Neuerscheinungen 2006 -
In: Europäische Kulturpolitik / hrsg. für das Institut für
Kulturpolitik der Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft e.V. von Bernd
Wagner ... - Essen: Klartext-Verl., 2007. - (Jahrbuch für
Kulturpolitik; Bd. 7), S. 421-466 - ISBN 978-3-89861-853-3
DFI D 819936 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SB01 International relations / process
312 Schattenberg, Susanne: "Gespräch zweier Taubstummer"?
IFA D 820642 IFA: Z-D4275 Öff.StaO: 212
Die Kultur der Außenpolitik Chručševs und Adenauers
Moskaureise 1955 / Susanne Schattenberg. - In: Osteuropa
(Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 27-46, Lit. Hinw.
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
303 Hishow, Ognian N.: The long term economic performance in
SWP D 820217 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
Germany / Ognian N. Hishov. - London: Chatham House, 2007.
- 25 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SWP D 820297
313 Berger, Françoise: Les relations entre les sidérurgies
SH03 Labour / Employment
française et allemande de 1870 à la CECA / Françoise Berger.
- In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2,
S. 163-199, Lit. Hinw.
304 Heintze, Cornelia: Der Staat als Arbeitgeber im skandinavisch-
deutschen Vergleich : empirische Befunde und theoretische
Anmerkungen / Cornelia Heintze. - In: Berliner Debatte Initial
(Berlin), 18 (2007) 3, S. 79-94, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 93-94
DFI D 819936 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820015 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 216 HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188
314 Eck, Jean-François: Acteurs et problèmes des relations
économiques et financières franco-allemandes après 1945 /
Jean-François Eck. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg),
39 (avril-juin 2007) 2, S. 149-162, Lit. Hinw.
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
305 Brunn, Denis: Le retour des entreprises allemandes en
DFI D 819935 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
Lorraine dans les lendemains immédiats de la Seconde Guerre
mondiale 1945-1960 / Denis Brunn. - In: Revue d'Allemagne
(Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2, S. 241-252, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
DFI D 819939 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
315 Fassel, Horst: Konformität und Differenz : Rumänienbilder in
den Literaturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR nach 1949 /
Horst Fassel. - In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische
Volkskunde 48 / hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert,
2006, S. 179-210 - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
306 Fickers, Andreas: Fordistische Leitprodukte und techno-
nationalistische Prestigeobjekte : die Rundfunkindustrie im
deutsch-französischen Vergleich ; (1925-1975) / Andreas
Fickers. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin
2007) 2, S. 201-224, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820256 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
DFI D 819937 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SF01.02 Human rights
316 Vec, Miloš: Freiheit unter Verdacht : vom Wandel des Staates
im Zeichen der Sicherheit / Miloš Vec. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 957-966, Lit.
DGAP D 820181 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
317 Vec, Miloš: Freiheit unter Verdacht : vom Wandel des Staates
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
im Zeichen der Sicherheit / Miloš Vec. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 957-966, Lit.
326 Beschlüsse des Oberrheinrates : Unterrichtung durch den
Präsidenten des Landtags - In: Drucksachen / Landtag
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mainz), (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336, S. 4
DGAP D 820181 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
DFI D 819934 DFI: WE 560.W1159 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG06 Media / Information
SB07 International organisations / institutions
318 Fickers, Andreas: Fordistische Leitprodukte und techno-
327 Das NGO Handbuch / Greenpeace Deutschland. - Hamburg:
Greenpeace Media, 2007. - 497 S. - ISBN 978-3-9811689-0-7
nationalistische Prestigeobjekte : die Rundfunkindustrie im
deutsch-französischen Vergleich ; (1925-1975) / Andreas
Fickers. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin
2007) 2, S. 201-224, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
BICC D 820192 BICC: BI 3448
SF08 Regions / Local government
DFI D 819937 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
328 Beschlüsse des Oberrheinrates : Unterrichtung durch den
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
Präsidenten des Landtags - In: Drucksachen / Landtag
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mainz), (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336, S. 4
319 Fassel, Horst: Konformität und Differenz : Rumänienbilder in
den Literaturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR nach 1949 /
Horst Fassel. - In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische
Volkskunde 48 / hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert,
2006, S. 179-210 - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
DFI D 819934 DFI: WE 560.W1159 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
IFA D 820256 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
SB01 International relations / process
329 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
320 Brunn, Denis: Le retour des entreprises allemandes en
Lorraine dans les lendemains immédiats de la Seconde Guerre
mondiale 1945-1960 / Denis Brunn. - In: Revue d'Allemagne
(Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2, S. 241-252, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
DFI D 819939 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
SB03 International law
321 Fickers, Andreas: Fordistische Leitprodukte und techno-
330 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
nationalistische Prestigeobjekte : die Rundfunkindustrie im
deutsch-französischen Vergleich ; (1925-1975) / Andreas
Fickers. - In: Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg), 39 (avril-juin
2007) 2, S. 201-224, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
DFI D 819937 OSI: ZT 831 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 252 IFA: Z-F280 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
331 Encinas, Miguel Ángel; Sayos del Castillo, Vanessa: La
322 Fassel, Horst: Konformität und Differenz : Rumänienbilder in
mejora de la eficacia de la cooperación mediante la mejora en
la utilización de los instrumentos de planificación : el caso de la
OTC de República Dominicana / Miguel Ángel Encinas ;
Vanessa Sayos del Castillo. - In: Revista Española de
Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007)
20, S. 111-122, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 122
den Literaturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR nach 1949 /
Horst Fassel. - In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische
Volkskunde 48 / hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert,
2006, S. 179-210 - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
IFA D 820256 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820535 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
323 Fassel, Horst: Konformität und Differenz : Rumänienbilder in
den Literaturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR nach 1949 /
Horst Fassel. - In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische
Volkskunde 48 / hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert,
2006, S. 179-210 - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
332 Cascante Fernández, Rafael: La evaluación en microfinanzas
de la cooperación española / Rafael Cascante Fernández. In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid),
(primavera-verano 2007) 20, S. 151-164, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 162-164
IFA D 820256 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820537 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
333 Cascante Fernández, Rafael: La evaluación en microfinanzas
324 Nieke, Beate; Wilkiewicz, Zbigniew: Seminarbericht zur
de la cooperación española / Rafael Cascante Fernández. In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid),
(primavera-verano 2007) 20, S. 151-164, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 162-164
Multiplikatorentagung "Praxis und Umsetzung deutschpolnischer Begegnungsseminare (22.-24.02.2007)" / Beate
Nieke ; Zbigniew Wilkiewicz. - In: Aktuelle Ostinformationen
(Vlotho), 39 (2007) 1-2, S. 73-83, Ill.
GIGA D 820537 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
IFA D 820651 IFA: Z-D2311 Öff.StaO: 212
SB07 International organisations / institutions
SB01 International relations / process
334 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
325 Das NGO Handbuch / Greenpeace Deutschland. - Hamburg:
Greenpeace Media, 2007. - 497 S. - ISBN 978-3-9811689-0-7
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
BICC D 820192 BICC: BI 3448
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SB03 International law
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
335 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
345 Altan, Özlem: Turkey: sanctifying a secular state / Ozlem
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
Altan. - In: Teaching Islam / ed. by Eleanor Abdella Doumato. Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner, 2007, S. 197-214, Lit. S. 213, Lit.
Hinw. S. 213-214 - ISBN 978-1-58826-450-3
GIGA D 819997 IAs: MEA-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
346 The Greek orthodox church in Turkey: A victim of
systematic expropriation : briefing of the commission on
Security and Cooperation in Europe, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, March 16, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: Commission on
Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2006. - IV,36 S.
SF05 Domestic policy
336 Kempis, Stefan von: Italien im Übergang / Stefan von Kempis.
- In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 23 (2007) 7,
S. 52-73, Lit. Hinw.
HSFK D 820476 HSFK: 98.655 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820166 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IFA: Z-D3306 BICC: BZ KAS IIK: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/849
Öff.StaO: 212
SH05 Energy industry
347 Soytas, Ugur; Sari, Ramazan: Energy consumption, economic
growth, and carbon emissions : challenges faced by an EU
candidate member / Ugur Soytas ; Ramazan Sari. - Ankara:
Business Administration Department of METU, 2007. - 27 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 17-21 - (MARC Working Paper;
SK01 Fields of science
337 Landesstudien / hrsg. von Jérôme Vaillant ... - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 75-179, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
IFA D 820264 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820534
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SB04 International political integration
348 Soytas, Ugur; Sari, Ramazan: Energy consumption, economic
338 Arnold, Hans: Political arguments against Turkey's accession
growth, and carbon emissions : challenges faced by an EU
candidate member / Ugur Soytas ; Ramazan Sari. - Ankara:
Business Administration Department of METU, 2007. - 27 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 17-21 - (MARC Working Paper;
to the European Union / Hans Arnold. - In: Internationale Politik
und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 101-113
SWP D 820135 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
339 Bürgin, Alexander: Beitrittsverhandlungen auf Sparflamme :
die EU-Mitgliedschaft und die innenpolitische Krise der Türkei /
Alexander Bürgin. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
(Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 84-100, Lit. S. 100
GIGA D 820534
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
SWP D 820132 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
349 Gümrükcü, Harun: Hochschulpolitik und -transformation in der
Türkei im Licht der Bologna-Prag-Berlin-Bergen Prozesse /
Harun Gümrükcü. - In: Orient (Baden-Baden), 47 (2006) 4,
S. 484-506, Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 505-506
340 Kaygisiz, Hasan: Der Prozess bis zu den
Beitrittsverhandlungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und
der Türkei von 1990 bis 2005 unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechtsfrage / Hasan Kaygisiz. Bonn, 2006. - 370 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 343-370, Lit.
Hinw. -- Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2006
GIGA D 819982 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
GIGA D 820221 IAs: TUR-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
SA02 History
341 Kramer, Heinz: New stumbling blocks on Turkey's path
350 Richter, Heinz A.: Geschichte der Insel Zypern : Bd. 3:
towards the European Union / Heinz Kramer. - In: Foreign
Policy Bulletin (The Hague), (July 2007) 5, S. 4-6
1959-1965 / Heinz A. Richter. - Mainz ...: Rutzen, 2007. 644 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 630-638, Anh. S. 607-629 (Peleus: Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte
Griechenlands und Zyperns; Bd. 37) - ISBN 3-938646-12-5
SWP D 819808
SWP D 820468 SWP: A.07/0279 DGAP: DG 46547:3
SF01.02 Human rights
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
342 Kaygisiz, Hasan: Der Prozess bis zu den
Beitrittsverhandlungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und
der Türkei von 1990 bis 2005 unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechtsfrage / Hasan Kaygisiz. Bonn, 2006. - 370 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 343-370, Lit.
Hinw. -- Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2006
351 Economic perspectives in Cyprus: The path towards
reunification : Conference proceedings ; the PRIO Cyprus
Centre 2nd Annual Conference in co-operation with MFC S.
Platis, 22nd November 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus / ed. by Fiona
Mullen. - Nicosia: PRIO, 2007. - 46 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
GIGA D 820221 IAs: TUR-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF05 Domestic policy
GIGA D 819830
343 Bürgin, Alexander: Beitrittsverhandlungen auf Sparflamme :
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
die EU-Mitgliedschaft und die innenpolitische Krise der Türkei /
Alexander Bürgin. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
(Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 84-100, Lit. S. 100
352 Economic perspectives in Cyprus: The path towards
reunification : Conference proceedings ; the PRIO Cyprus
Centre 2nd Annual Conference in co-operation with MFC S.
Platis, 22nd November 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus / ed. by Fiona
Mullen. - Nicosia: PRIO, 2007. - 46 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
SWP D 820132 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG04 Education / Training
344 Altan, Özlem: Turkey: sanctifying a secular state / Ozlem
GIGA D 819830
Altan. - In: Teaching Islam / ed. by Eleanor Abdella Doumato. Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner, 2007, S. 197-214, Lit. S. 213, Lit.
Hinw. S. 213-214 - ISBN 978-1-58826-450-3
GIGA D 819997 IAs: MEA-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 371
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
SG03.01 Social security
353 Di Tommaso, Maria L.; Raiser, Martin; Weeks, Melvyn:
362 Rentenreform im Baltikum : neue Modelle im Praxistest /
Home grown or imported? Initial conditions, external anchors
and the determinants of institutional reform in the transition
economies / Maria L. Di Tommaso, Martin Raiser and Melvyn
Weeks. - In: The Economic Journal (Oxford), 117 (April 2007)
520, S. 858-881, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 879-881
Claudia Yvette Matthes ... - In: Osteuropa (Berlin), 57 (Juli
2007) 7, S. 47-56, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820220 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
DIE D 819817 DIE: ZA005 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
363 Tamm, Marek: Intégrer les minorités russophones en Estonie :
SA02 History
entretien avec Marek Tamm / Interv.: Antoine Jacob. - In: Le
Courrier des pays de l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin 2007) 1061,
S. 85-88, Lit. Hinw.
354 Tauger, Mark B.: Arguing from errors : on certain Issues in
Robert Davies' and Stephen Wheatcroft's analysis of the 1932
Soviet grain harvest and the great Soviet famine of 1931-1933 ;
debate / Mark B. Tauger. - In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon),
58 (September 2006) 6, S. 973-984, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820232 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 819913 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a
SB01 International relations / process
364 Antonenko, Oksana: Russia and the deadlock over Kosovo /
SB01 International relations / process
Oksana Antonenko. - Paris: IFRI, 2007. - 21 S., Lit. Hinw. (Russie.Nei.Visions; No. 21)
355 Schattenberg, Susanne: "Gespräch zweier Taubstummer"?
Die Kultur der Außenpolitik Chručševs und Adenauers
Moskaureise 1955 / Susanne Schattenberg. - In: Osteuropa
(Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 27-46, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820108
SWP D 820217 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
365 Antonenko, Oksana: Russia, Central Asia and the Shanghai
Co-operation Organization / by Oksana Antonenko. In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (17. July 2007) 25,
S. 7-12, graph. Darst., Tab.
SF06.02 Terrorism
356 Ben-Ouagrham-Gormley, Sonia: An unrealized nexus?
SWP D 820182
WMD-related trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime in the
former Soviet Union / by Sonia Ben Ouagrham-Gormley. - In:
Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 37 (July-August 2007)
6, S. 6-13, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
366 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Is a new Cold War imminent? /
Alexei Arbatov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 84-97
SWP D 820194 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT
Öff.StaO: 18
SWP D 819964 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
367 Barysch, Katinka: Russia, realism and EU unity / Katinka
SF06.03 Criminality
Barysch. - Brussels: Centre for European Reform, 2007. - 8 S. (Policy Brief / Centre for European Reform)
357 Ben-Ouagrham-Gormley, Sonia: An unrealized nexus?
WMD-related trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime in the
former Soviet Union / by Sonia Ben Ouagrham-Gormley. - In:
Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 37 (July-August 2007)
6, S. 6-13, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819902 DGAP: DG B01374a
368 Bordacev, Timofej V.: The European world after 1989 /
Timofei Bordachev. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 64-74
SWP D 820194 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT
Öff.StaO: 18
SWP D 819962 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
369 Carnogursky, Jan: Kosovo as a test for Russia / Jan
Charnogursky. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 110-120
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 819966 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
358 Miller, Eric A.: To balance or not to balance : Alignment theory
and the Commonwealth of Independent States / Eric A. Miller. Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2006. - IX,195 S., Tab., Reg., Lit.
Hinw. S. 179-192 - ISBN 0-7546-4334-4
370 Ferguson, Joseph P.: U.S.-Russia relations: death of the
1990s / Joseph Ferguson. - In: Comparative Connections
(Washington/D.C.), 9 (July 2007) 2, S. 55-63 -- Enthält:
Chronology of U.S.-Russia relations April-June 2007
HSFK D 820043 HSFK: 38.552 Öff.StaO: F 197
SF06.02 Terrorism
SWP D 819990
359 Novikov, Andrej: Nuclear terrorism remains a credible threat
371 Gilman, Martin G.: Russia: The latecomer to the G8 / Martin
in the CIS / Andrei Novikov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 128-139
G. Gilman. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 98-108
SWP D 819968 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 819965 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
372 Gomart, Thomas: Union Européenne/Russie : de la stagnation
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
à la dépression / par Thomas Gomart. - In: Revue du marché
commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007)
510, S. 423-429, Lit. Hinw.
360 Gas in the CIS and Europe 1:30000000 / produced by the
Petroleum Economist in association with E.ON Ruhrgas. - 2007
ed. - London: Petroleum Economist, 2007. - 1 Kt.; 142 x 89 cm
- ISBN 1-86186-217-7
SWP D 820007 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SWP D 820172 SWP: KW 578
373 Graham, Thomas: The dialectics of strength and weakness /
SH05 Energy industry
Thomas Graham. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 75-83
361 Gas in the CIS and Europe 1:30000000 / produced by the
SWP D 819963 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
Petroleum Economist in association with E.ON Ruhrgas. - 2007
ed. - London: Petroleum Economist, 2007. - 1 Kt.; 142 x 89 cm
- ISBN 1-86186-217-7
SWP D 820172 SWP: KW 578
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
374 Miller, Eric A.: To balance or not to balance : Alignment theory
386 Yu Bin: China-Russia relations: partying and posturing for
and the Commonwealth of Independent States / Eric A. Miller. Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2006. - IX,195 S., Tab., Reg., Lit.
Hinw. S. 179-192 - ISBN 0-7546-4334-4
power, petro, and prestige ... / Yu Bin. - In: Comparative
Connections (Washington/D.C.), 9 (July 2007) 2, S. 158-171 -Enthält: Chronology of China-Russia relations April-June 2007
HSFK D 820043 HSFK: 38.552 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 819988
375 Partnership with Russia in Europe: economic and regional
topics for a strategic partnership : Fifth Roundtable
Discussion, Potsdam, March 19–20, 2007 / Friedrich-EbertStiftung, Referat Mittel- und Osteuropa, Gesprächskreis
Partnerschaft mit Russland in Europa, Abteilung Internationaler
Dialog. - Potsdam: FES, 2007. - 60 S., Ill, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SB02 Foreign policy
387 Malasenko, Aleksej Vsevolodovic: The Islam factor in
Russia's foreign policy / Alexei Malashenko. - In: Russia in
Global Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3,
S. 157-170
SWP D 820002 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 819899
388 Obzor vnesnej politiki Rossijskoj Federacii
376 Romer, Jean-Christophe: Les relations franco-russes de 2000
(Übers.: Überblick über die Außenpolitik der Russischen
Föderation) / Ministerstvo Inostrannych Del Rossijskoj
Federacii, Departament Informacii i Pečati. - Moskva, 2007. ca. 30 S. - (431-27-03-2007)
à 2006 : entre bilatéral et multilatéral / par Jean-Christophe
Romer. - In: Annuaire français de relations internationales
2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, S. 415-427, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
DFI D 819980 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SWP D 820100
377 Rozman, Gilbert: Russia’s resurgence in Northeast Asia :
views from the region / by Gilbert Rozman. - In: Russian
Analytical Digest (Bremen), (17. July 2007) 25, S. 2-5, Tab.
SWP D 820180
389 Smith, Mark A.: A review of Russian foreign policy / Mark A.
Smith. - Shrivenham: CSRC, 2007. - 17 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC
Russian Series; 07/20) - ISBN 978-1-905962-18-1
SWP D 820060
378 Rzchiladse, Gulbaat: Rußland und Georgien : Konfrontation
390 Staun, Jørgen: Siloviki versus liberal-technocrats : The fight
statt Kooperation / Gulbaat Rzchiladse. - In: Osteuropa (Berlin),
57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 71-80, Lit. Hinw.
for Russia and its foreign policy / Jørgen Staun. - Copenhagen:
DIIS, 2007. - 70 S., Lit. Hinw. - (DIIS Report; 2007:9) ISBN 978-87-7605-213-3
SWP D 820227 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
379 Sanaie, Mehdi: Problems and prospects of Iranian-Russian
SWP D 820065
relations / Mehdi Sanaie. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 171-181
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SWP D 820003 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
380 Schulze, Peter W.: Russlands Rückkehr als Machtfigur der
391 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Is a new Cold War imminent? /
europäischen und internationalen Politik / Peter W. Schulze. In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3,
S. 114-130, Lit. Hinw.
Alexei Arbatov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 84-97
SWP D 819964 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 820138 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
392 Dibb, Paul: Is ballistic missile defence destabilising? / Paul
Dibb. - Canberra: Australian National University, 2007. - 4 S.
381 Sherr, James: The lobster, the eagle and the bear / James
Sherr. - Shrivenham: CSRC, 2007. - 7 S. - (CSRC Russian
Series; 07/22)
Außerdem in: Zerkalo Nedeli (Kyiv), (14-20 July, 2007)
SWP D 819755
393 Gärtner, Heinz: USA vs. Russland : das ewige
Sicherheitsdilemma / Heinz Gärtner. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 920-922, Lit.
SWP D 820058
382 Smith, Mark A.: Russia and the Persian Gulf : The deepening
of Moscow's Middle East policy / Mark A. Smith. - Shrivenham:
Conflict Studies Research Centre, 2007. - 15 S., Lit. Hinw. (CSRC Middle East Series; 07/25) - ISBN 978-1-905962-22-8
SWP D 820184
383 Sokolov, Sergei: Russia and the EU to negotiate a new
DGAP D 820177 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
394 Mangott, Gerhard; Senn, Martin: Rückkehr zum Kalten Krieg?
Das russländisch-amerikanische Zerwürfnis über die
Raketenabwehr in Osteuropa / Gerhard Mangott ; Martin Senn.
- In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3,
S. 11-22, Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. S. 19-22
SWP D 820120 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
cooperation agreement / Sergei Sokolov. - In: Russia in Global
Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 182-192
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
SWP D 820004 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
395 Woolf, Amy F.: Nuclear arms control: The Strategic Offensive
384 Wishnick, Elizabeth: Russia and the CIS in 2006 : Asserting
Reductions Treaty : updated January 3, 2007 ; CRS Report for
Congress / Amy F. Woolf. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 27 S., Tab. - (RL31448)
Russian interests on Korean security, energy, and Central Asia
/ Elizabeth Wishnick. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 58-67, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820387 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
HSFK D 820024 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SD03.01 Foreign trade
385 Yasmann, Victor: Russia: race to the North Pole / Victor
Yasmann. - Zurich: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule,
2007. - 2 S.
396 Gilles, Walter: Le commerce extérieur de la Russie : comment
sortir du piège d'une économie de rente? / Walter Gilles. In: Le Courrier des pays de l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin 2007) 1061,
S. 14-31, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 31
SWP D 819750
SWP D 820211 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
397 Sumlenny, Sergej: Paradies Europa / von Sergej Sumlenny. -
408 Kaspar, Karlheinz: Realitätsbeschwörungen : Rußlands
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 53-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Sumlenny, Sergej:
Paradise Europe. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820298 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
398 Sumlenny, Sergej: Paradise Europe / by Sergej Sumlenny. -
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 53-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Sumlenny, Sergej: Paradies
Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820412 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Literaturpreise am Scheideweg? / Karlheinz Kasapr. In: Osteuropa (Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 105-131, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820233 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
409 Malasenko, Aleksej Vsevolodovic: The Islam factor in
Russia's foreign policy / Alexei Malashenko. - In: Russia in
Global Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3,
S. 157-170
SWP D 820002 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
410 Clément-Pitiot, Hélène: Les mutations du capitalisme russe :
des perceptions extérieures à la réalité / Hélène Clément-Pitiot.
- In: Le Courrier des pays de l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin 2007) 1061,
S. 4-13, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 12-13
SWP D 820204 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF04.01 Elections
411 New conditions for growth in Russia / Seija Lainela ... Bank
399 Sokolov, Michail: Le vote confisqué en Russie : étude des
of Finland, BOFIT - Helsinki: BOFIT, 2007. - 50 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (BOFIT Online; No. 7)
élections régionales de 2007 / Mikhaïl Sokolov. - Paris: CERI
Sciences Po, 2007. - 50 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Cahiers
Russie; N. 5/2007)
SWP D 819895
SWP D 820115
SH05 Energy industry
SF05 Domestic policy
412 Aslanjan, Garegin; Molodcov, Sergej; Jakobčuk, Vitalij:
Monitoring the sustainability of Russia's energy development /
Garegin Aslanyan , Sergey Molodtsov , Vitali Iakobtchouk. In: Natural Resources Forum (Oxford), 29 (November 2005) 4,
S. 334-342, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 342
400 Novikov, Evgenij: Putin’s political strategy and the rise of
Sergei Naryshkin / Evgueni Novikov. - Washington/D.C.:
Jamestown Foundation, 2007. - 12 S. - (Occasional Paper /
Jamestown Foundation)
DIE D 819940 DIE: PDF0710 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 820152
413 Götz, Roland: Russland und die Energieversorgung Europas /
401 Staun, Jørgen: Siloviki versus liberal-technocrats : The fight
for Russia and its foreign policy / Jørgen Staun. - Copenhagen:
DIIS, 2007. - 70 S., Lit. Hinw. - (DIIS Report; 2007:9) ISBN 978-87-7605-213-3
SWP D 820065
Roland Götz. - In: Deutsche Energiepolitik / Lutz Kleinwächter
(Hrsg.). Brandenburgische Landeszentrale für Politische
Bildung. - Potsdam, 2007. - (Internationale Probleme und
Perspektiven; 16), S. 38-48, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. ISBN 3-932502-50-7
SWP D 819897 SWP: H.07/0329 DGAP: DG 46554
414 Locatelli, Catherine: Les stratégies d'internationalisation de
Gazprom / Catherine Locatelli. - In: Le Courrier des pays de
l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin 2007) 1061, S. 32-46, Tab., Lit. S. 46
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
402 Inozemcev, Vladislav Leonidovic: Russia today : up the
SWP D 820213 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
down staircase / Vladislav Inozemtsev. - In: Russia in Global
Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 21-33
415 Wishnick, Elizabeth: Russia and the CIS in 2006 : Asserting
SWP D 819959 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
Russian interests on Korean security, energy, and Central Asia
/ Elizabeth Wishnick. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 58-67, Lit.-Hinw.
403 Okara, Andrej: Sovereign democracy : A new Russian idea or
a PR project? / Andrei Okara. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 8-20
DIE D 820387 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 819956 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SI03.01 Space technology
SF08 Regions / Local government
416 Facon, Isabelle; Sourbès-Verger, Isabelle: Le secteur spatial
404 Fuller, Liz: Ingushetia: violence, leadership cracks / by Liz
russe : entre ouverture à l'international et souveraineté
nationale / Isabelle Facon ; Isabelle Sourbès-Verger. - In: Le
Courrier des pays de l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin 2007) 1061,
S. 47-58, Lit. S. 57-58
Fuller. - Zurich: ISN, 2007. - ca. 2 S.
SWP D 820104
SWP D 820216 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
405 Sokolov, Michail: Le vote confisqué en Russie : étude des
élections régionales de 2007 / Mikhaïl Sokolov. - Paris: CERI
Sciences Po, 2007. - 50 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Cahiers
Russie; N. 5/2007)
SC01 International relations in the field of international
417 Kriendler, John: Ukrainian membership in NATO : benefits,
SWP D 820115
costs, misconceptions and urban legends / John Kriendler. Shrivenham: CSRC, 2007. - 25 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC
Central and Eastern Europe Series; 07/23) ISBN 978-1-905962-20-4
406 Suchov, Ivan A.: Russian federalism and evolution of self-
determination / Ivan Sukhov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 46-61
SWP D 819961 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SG Society
SWP D 820062
407 Babaeva, Svetlana: Free from morality, or what Russia
believes in today / Svetlana Babayeva. - In: Russia in Global
Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 34-45
SWP D 819960 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SF08 Regions / Local government
SF08 Regions / Local government
418 Medvedev, Roj Aleksandrovic: A splinted Ukraine / Roy
427 Zourabichvili, Salomé: La démocratisation en Géorgie à
Medvedev. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 194-213
l’épreuve des élections / Salomé Zourabichvili. - Paris: CERI
Sciences Po, 2007. - 28 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Cahiers Russie; N.
SWP D 820005 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SH05 Energy industry
SWP D 820117
419 Pirani, Simon: Ukraine's gas sector / Simon Pirani. - Oxford:
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 2007. - X, 115 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 112-115 - ISBN 1-901795-63-2
SWP D 819894
SB01 International relations / process
428 Antonenko, Oksana: Russia, Central Asia and the Shanghai
Co-operation Organization / by Oksana Antonenko. In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (17. July 2007) 25,
S. 7-12, graph. Darst., Tab.
SB01 International relations / process
420 Hausotter, Tobias; Niemann, Arne; Schratz, Alexander: Die
Belarus-Politik der EU : Handlungsspielräume und
Politikoptionen / T. Hausotter, A. Niemann, A. Schratz. In: Osteuropa (Berlin), 57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 57-69, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820182
SWP D 820224 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
429 Kimmage, Daniel: Security challenges in Central Asia :
implications for the EU’s engagement strategy / Daniel
Kimmage. - Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 6 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief;
No. 139)
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
421 Parmentier, Florent: La Transnistrie : politique de légitimité
SWP D 819766
d'un Etat de facto / Florent Parmentier. - In: Le Courrier des
pays de l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin 2007) 1061, S. 69-75, Lit. S. 75
430 Die neue Zentralasien-Strategie der EU / Deutscher
Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste. - Berlin, 2007. - 2 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Europa / Deutscher Bundestag / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste (Deutschland); Nr. 25/07)
SWP D 820222 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 819764
SB01 International relations / process
422 Förderung von Frieden und Stabilität im Südkaukasus :
SC01 International relations in the field of international
Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der
Abgeordneten Dieter Dehm ... und der Fraktion DIE LINKE Drucksache 16/4949 / Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln:
Bundesanzeiger, 2007. - 14 S., Tab. - (Verhandlungen des
Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen; 16/5221)
431 Kimmage, Daniel: Security challenges in Central Asia :
implications for the EU’s engagement strategy / Daniel
Kimmage. - Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 6 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief;
No. 139)
SWP D 820102 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1
SWP D 819766
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
423 Nichol, Jim: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: security issues
432 Fritz, Verena: Central Asia: governance, geopolitics and
and implications for U.S. interests : updated February 1, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Jim Nichol. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 53 S., Kt., Tab. (RL30679)
development challenges / Verena Fritz. - London: ODI, 2007. 4 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ODI Briefing Paper; 20)
SWP D 819901
HSFK D 819864 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SF06.02 Terrorism
SB01 International relations / process
433 Kazakhstan: Islamic group members on trial for terrorism /
424 Rzchiladse, Gulbaat: Rußland und Georgien : Konfrontation
EurasiaNet. - New York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 2007. ca. 2 S. - (Eurasia Insight)
statt Kooperation / Gulbaat Rzchiladse. - In: Osteuropa (Berlin),
57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 71-80, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820227 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820093
SF04.01 Elections
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
425 Zourabichvili, Salomé: La démocratisation en Géorgie à
434 Kazakhstan: Islamic group members on trial for terrorism /
l’épreuve des élections / Salomé Zourabichvili. - Paris: CERI
Sciences Po, 2007. - 28 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Cahiers Russie; N.
EurasiaNet. - New York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 2007. ca. 2 S. - (Eurasia Insight)
SWP D 820093
SWP D 820117
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SB01 International relations / process
426 Sigwart, Lara: Der Südossetien-Konflikt : Eskalation nach der
Rosenrevolution / Lara Sigwart. - In: Osteuropa (Berlin),
57 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 81-89, Lit. Hinw.
435 Hall, Michael: The EU and Uzbekistan: where to go from here?
/ Michael Hall. - Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 7 S. - (CEPS Policy
Brief; No. 138)
SWP D 820228 SWP: X. 83 OSI: Zs 76 DGAP: ZD 199 HSFK: ZS O
IFA: Z-EUII38 SOI: Z4520A DIE: 09ZA009 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 819900
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
444 Kurucz, Gyula: Brot und Spiele / von Gyula Kurucz. -
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 107-110, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Kurucz, Gyula: Bread and
games (panem et circenses). - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
436 Fumagalli, Matteo: Informal ethnopolitics and local authority
figures in Osh, Kyrgyzstan / Matteo Fumagalli. In: Ethnopolitics (Basingstoke), 6 (June 2007) 2, Special Issue:
Governance in Ethnically Mixed Cities, S. 211-233,
Lit. S. 230-233
ECMI D 819948 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 7
IFA D 820312 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
SG06 Media / Information
437 McBrien, Julie: Brazilian TV and Muslimness in Kyrgyzstan /
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Julie McBrien. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 2007) 19,
S. 16-17, Lit. Hinw. S. 17
445 Pop, Liliana: Time and crisis : framing success and failure in
GIGA D 820522 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 12
Romania's post-communist transformations / Liliana Pop. In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007)
3, S. 395-413, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
438 McBrien, Julie: Brazilian TV and Muslimness in Kyrgyzstan /
SWP D 819852 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
Julie McBrien. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 2007) 19,
S. 16-17, Lit. Hinw. S. 17
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
446 Fassel, Horst: Konformität und Differenz : Rumänienbilder in
GIGA D 820522 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 12
den Literaturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR nach 1949 /
Horst Fassel. - In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische
Volkskunde 48 / hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert,
2006, S. 179-210 - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
SG03.02 Health
IFA D 820256 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
439 Raising the bar for health care in Tajikistan / The World
Bank. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - ca. 2 S., Ill.
SG04 Education / Training
447 Martinas, Corina: Kulturelle Identität und Selbstbild an den
deutschen Schulen in Siebenbürgen : das
Brukenthal-Gymnasium in Sibiu / Corina Martinas. In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische Volkskunde 48 /
hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert, 2006,
S. 247-260, Ill., graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
SWP D 820064
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
IFA D 820259 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
440 Di Tommaso, Maria L.; Raiser, Martin; Weeks, Melvyn:
Home grown or imported? Initial conditions, external anchors
and the determinants of institutional reform in the transition
economies / Maria L. Di Tommaso, Martin Raiser and Melvyn
Weeks. - In: The Economic Journal (Oxford), 117 (April 2007)
520, S. 858-881, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 879-881
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
448 Fassel, Horst: Konformität und Differenz : Rumänienbilder in
den Literaturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR nach 1949 /
Horst Fassel. - In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische
Volkskunde 48 / hrsg. von Werner Mezger ... - Marburg: Elwert,
2006, S. 179-210 - ISBN 978-3-7708-1309-4
DIE D 819817 DIE: ZA005 Öff.StaO: 1a
IFA D 820256 IFA: Z-Hv184 Öff.StaO: 212
SB01 International relations / process
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
449 Pop, Liliana: Time and crisis : framing success and failure in
441 Delevic, Milica: Regional cooperation in the Western Balkans /
Romania's post-communist transformations / Liliana Pop. In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007)
3, S. 395-413, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Milica Delevic. - Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2007. 110 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Chaillot Papers; N° 104) ISBN 978-92-9198-115-1
SWP D 819852 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 819839 SWP: H.07/0339 DGAP: DG 46580d HSFK: Zs C
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SB05 International political conflicts
450 Kosovo: A way forward? hearing before the Committee on
442 Delevic, Milica: Regional cooperation in the Western Balkans /
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, November 8, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2006. - III,51 S. - (Hearing / United
States Senate; S. HRG. 109-683)
Milica Delevic. - Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2007. 110 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Chaillot Papers; N° 104) ISBN 978-92-9198-115-1
SWP D 819839 SWP: H.07/0339 DGAP: DG 46580d HSFK: Zs C
HSFK D 820215 HSFK: 98.666 Öff.StaO: F 197
SF06.03 Criminality
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
451 Arsovska, Jana: Code of conduct : understanding Albanian
443 Kurucz, Gyula: Bread and games (panem et circenses) / by
Gyula Kurucz. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 107-110, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Kurucz, Gyula: Brot und
Spiele. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820434 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
organised crime / Jana Arsovska. - In: Jane's Intelligence
Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 46-49, Ill.
SWP D 820094 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SG02.01 Demography
452 Chalard, Laurent: Le dépeuplement de l'Albanie / Laurent
Chalard. - In: Le Courrier des pays de l'Est (Paris), (mai-juin
2007) 1061, S. 60-68, Tab., Lit. S. 68
SWP D 820218 SWP: Y. 1068 DGAP: ZD 236 Öff.StaO: 206 H
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SB04 International political integration
SF08 Regions / Local government
453 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EU-phoria in Croatia / by Marija
457 Vetters, Larissa: The power of administrative categories :
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EUphorie in Kroatien. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa"
2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
IFA D 820430 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
emerging notions of citizenship in the divided city of Mostar /
Larissa Vetters. - In: Ethnopolitics (Basingstoke), 6 (June 2007)
2, Special Issue: Governance in Ethnically Mixed Cities,
S.187-209, Lit. S. 207-209
ECMI D 819842 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 7
SB05 International political conflicts
458 Coleman, Katharina P.: Peace enforcement through a military
454 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EUphorie in Kroatien / von Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EU-phoria in Croatia. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
IFA D 820310 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
alliance : The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and Operation
Allied Force in Kosovo / Katharina P. Coleman. - In: Coleman,
Katharina P.: International organisations and peace
enforcement: The politics of international legitimacy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, S. 194-239, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-521-69034-8
SWP D 819774 SWP: A.07/0230
SB01 International relations / process
459 Antonenko, Oksana: Russia and the deadlock over Kosovo /
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
455 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EU-phoria in Croatia / by Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EUphorie in Kroatien. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa"
2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
IFA D 820430 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Oksana Antonenko. - Paris: IFRI, 2007. - 21 S., Lit. Hinw. (Russie.Nei.Visions; No. 21)
SWP D 820108
460 Carnogursky, Jan: Kosovo as a test for Russia / Jan
Charnogursky. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 110-120
SWP D 819966 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SB05 International political conflicts
461 Kosovo: A way forward? hearing before the Committee on
456 Pejčinović Burić, Marija: EUphorie in Kroatien / von Marija
Pejčinović Burić. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007,
S. 103-106, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Pejčinović Burić, Marija:
EU-phoria in Croatia. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, November 8, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2006. - III,51 S. - (Hearing / United
States Senate; S. HRG. 109-683)
HSFK D 820215 HSFK: 98.666 Öff.StaO: F 197
IFA D 820310 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
471 The Bush Doctrine and Latin America / Ed. by Gary
Prevost.... - 1st - New York/NY...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. X,261 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-4039-7387-3
SC01 International relations in the field of international
GIGA D 819767 IIK: AAL-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 220
462 Hilton, D. Craig: Shaping commitment: resolving Canada's
472 Cliff, Roger; Shlapak, David A.: U.S.–China relations after
strategy gap in Afghanistan and beyond / D. Craig Hilton. Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2007. - 19 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-299-3
resolution of Taiwan's status / Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak. Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. - 40 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) ISBN 978-0-8330-4036-7
SWP D 820592
SWP D 820644
SD02 International economic relations / economic
473 Cronin, Richard P.: The second Bush administration and
Southeast Asia / Richard P. Cronin. - Washington/D.C.: Henry
L. Stimson Center, 2007. - 20 S.
463 Schnepf, Randy: U.S.-Canada WTO corn trade dispute : CRS
Report for Congress / Randy Schnepf. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33853)
SWP D 820513
HSFK D 819861 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
474 Curtis, Lisa: Promoting stability and democracy in Pakistan /
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
Lisa Curtis. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2007. 7 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Heritage Lectures; No. 1009)
464 Islam, Syed Serajul; Islam, Md. Saidul: The integration of
Asian Muslims in the multicultural mosaic of Canada / Syed
Serajul Islam and Md. Saidul Islam. - In: Asian Profile (Hong
Kong), 35 (June 2007) 3, S. 175-190
SWP D 820634
GIGA D 819815 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
475 Dumbrell, John: The Bush administration US public diplomacy
and Iran / John Dumbrell. - Durham: School of Government and
International Affairs, 2007. - 14 S. - (SGIA Research Working
Papers Series; SGIARWP07-04)
SH06 Agrarian sector
465 Schnepf, Randy: U.S.-Canada WTO corn trade dispute : CRS
Report for Congress / Randy Schnepf. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33853)
GIGA D 819951
476 Ferguson, Joseph P.: U.S.-Russia relations: death of the
HSFK D 819861 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
1990s / Joseph Ferguson. - In: Comparative Connections
(Washington/D.C.), 9 (July 2007) 2, S. 55-63 -- Enthält:
Chronology of U.S.-Russia relations April-June 2007
SA02 History
SWP D 819990
466 Jo Yang-hyeon: East Asian history debate and U.S.-Japan ties
: U.S. house action on the "comfort women" issue / Jo Yanghyeon. - In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 96-113
477 Flockhart, Trine: A new transatlantic relationship? European
responses to US global hegemony / Trine Flockhart. Copenhagen: DIIS, 2007. - 23 S., Lit. Hinw. - (DIIS Working
Paper; No. 2007/13) - ISBN 978-87-7605-216-4
GIGA D 819779 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 819838 DGAP: DG B01375c
467 Aloise, Gene: Nuclear nonproliferation: focusing on the highest
priority radiological sources could improve DoE's efforts to
secure sources in foreign countries : statement of Gene Aloise,
Director, Natural Resources and Environment ; testimony
before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government
Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of
Columbia, Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate - Washington/D.C.: United
States Government Accountability Office, 2007. - 13 S. (GAO-07-580T)
478 Forest, James J. F.; Sousa, Matthew V.: Oil and terrorism in
the New Gulf : framing U.S. energy and security policies for the
Gulf of Guinea / James J. F. Forest and Matthew V. Sousa. Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2007. - XIII,329 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-7391-1995-8
GIGA D 820559 IAK: AFR-C/10 Öff.StaO: H 221
479 Graham, Thomas: The dialectics of strength and weakness /
Thomas Graham. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 75-83
HSFK D 820563 HSFK: 98.641 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 819963 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
468 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Is a new Cold War imminent? /
Alexei Arbatov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 84-97
480 Jo Yang-hyeon: East Asian history debate and U.S.-Japan ties
: U.S. house action on the "comfort women" issue / Jo Yanghyeon. - In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 96-113
SWP D 819964 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
469 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Afghanistan: narcotics and U.S.
GIGA D 819779 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
policy : updated June 19, 2007 / Christopher M. Blanchard. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 47 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32686) - (RL32686)
481 Joint statement following July 31 meeting : The following is
the text of the joint statement released at the conclusion of the
July 31, 2007 Foreign Minister’s meeting of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC), Egypt, Jordan, and the United
States in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 2 S. (2007/653)
SWP D 820398
470 Bozo, Frédéric; Parmentier, Guillaume: La France et les
Etats-Unis entre echéances intérieures et tensions
internationales : une réconciliation limitée? / par Frédéric Bozo
et Guilaume Parmentier. - In: Annuaire français de relations
internationales 2007. - Vol. 8. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007,
S. 541-567, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8027-2382-0
SWP D 820303
DFI D 820336 DFI: YB 020.ANN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
482 Kim, Andrew Eungi; Lie, John: South Korea in 2006 :
492 Sharp, Jeremy M.: Egypt: background and U.S. relations :
nurclear standoff, trade talks and population trends / Andrew
Eungi Kim and John Lie. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 52-57, Lit.-Hinw.
updated March 29, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Jeremy
M. Sharp. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 33 S., Tab. - (RL33003)
DIE D 820386 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
HSFK D 819896 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
483 Latin America and the Caribbean: issues for the 110th
493 Sherr, James: The lobster, the eagle and the bear / James
Congress : CRS Report for Congress / Mark P. Sullivan
(coordinator). Congressional Research Service, Library of
Congress. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 35 S. - (RL33828)
Sherr. - Shrivenham: CSRC, 2007. - 7 S. - (CSRC Russian
Series; 07/22)
Außerdem in: Zerkalo Nedeli (Kyiv), (14-20 July, 2007)
HSFK D 820039 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820058
484 Lavoy, Peter R.: India in 2006 : A new emphasis on
494 Sullivan, Mark P.: Cuba: issues for the 110th Congress : CRS
engagement / Peter R. Lavoy. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 113-124,
Report for Congress / Mark P. Sullivan. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 36 S. - (RL33819)
DIE D 820406 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
HSFK D 820038 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
495 Sutter, Robert: The United States and Asia in 2006 : crisis
485 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
management, holding patterns, and secondary initiatives /
Robert Sutter. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 10-21
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
DIE D 820337 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
496 Sutter, Robert G.: China's rise and the durability of US
486 Lum, Thomas; Vaughn, Bruce: The Southwest Pacific: U.S.
leadership in Asia / Robert G. Sutter. - Madrid: Real Instituto
Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 89/2007)
- (Area: Asia-Pacific)
interests and China's growing influence / Thomas Lum ; Bruce
Vaughn. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 27 S., Kt., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34086) (RL34086)
SWP D 820520
SWP D 820382
497 The United States and South Asia: An expanding agenda :
487 The need for comprehensive immigration reform: securing
the cooperation of participating countries : hearing before
the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and
Citizenship of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States
Senate, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 30, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,32 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-118) (Serial / Committee on the Judiciary (United States / Senate);
No. J-109-23A)
HSFK D 820159 HSFK: 98.668 Öff.StaO: F 197
hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the
Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, May 17, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,38 S. - (Serial / Committee on International Relations (United
States / House); No. 109-197)
HSFK D 820245 HSFK: 98.662 Öff.StaO: F 197
SB02 Foreign policy
498 Dumke, David: A view from the inside: Congressional
decisionmaking and Arab-Israeli policy / David Dumke. Washington/D.C., 2006. - 39 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 31-39 - (CASS
Occasional Papers)
488 Pabst, Martin: External interests in West Africa / Martin Pabst.
- In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and management in
West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). - Wien.: BMLV, 2007. (Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10),
S. 37-68, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
GIGA D 820307
SWP D 820355 SWP: H.07/0328
499 FY2007 supplemental appropriations for defense, foreign
489 Promoting democracy through diplomacy : hearing before
affairs, and other purposes : updated March 28, 2007 ; CRS
Report for Congress / Stephen Daggett ... - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 70 S. - (RL33900)
the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May 5, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,57 S. - (Serial / Committee on International Relations (United
States / House); No. 109-82)
HSFK D 819882 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
500 [President's FY2007 budget request for Avian influenza -
HSFK D 820238 HSFK: 98.340 Öff.StaO: F 197
490 Ribando, Clare M.: Bolivia: political and economic
developments and relations with the United States : updated
January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Clare M.
Ribando. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 24 S., Kt., Tab. - (RL32580)
HSFK D 820019 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
491 A road map for reconstructing U.S. relations with Cuba /
Atlantic Council of the United States. - Washington/D.C., 2007.
- 13 S. - (Issue Brief / Atlantic Council of the United States;
Program on International Security)
SWP D 819821
international response, the global HIV/AIDS programs, the
Millennium Challenge Corporation, U.S. Agency for
International Development, and the State Department,
foreign assistance programs] : Foreign Opearations, Export
Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations for 2007 ;
hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th
Congress, 2nd Session, March 2, 9, 29, April 4, 26, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. V,790 S. - (Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related
Programs Appropriations (House); Pt. 2)
HSFK D 820621 HSFK: 92.150 Öff.StaO: 206
501 Smith, Tony: A pact with the devil : Washington's bid for world
supremacy and the betrayal of the American promise / Tony
Smith. - New York/N.Y.: Routledge, 2007. - XXXVIII, 255 S.,
Lit. S. 237-250 - ISBN 0-415-95245-X
SWP D 820070 SWP: A.07/0283
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
502 Stokes, Bruce: Influence wanes abroad / by Bruce Stokes. -
513 Dobbins, James; Harting, Sarah; Kaye, Dalia Dassa: Coping
In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July 28, 2007) 30,
S. 37-39, Ill., Kt.
with Iran : confrontation, containment, or engagement?
A conference report / James Dobbins, Sarah Harting, Dalia
Dassa Kaye. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. 107 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8330-4187-6
SWP D 820110 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
503 Understanding the Bush Doctrine : psychology and strategy
in an age of terrorism / Stanley A. Renshon ... (eds.) - New
York/N.Y.: Routledge, 2007. - XI, 344 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-415-95504-1
SWP D 819841
514 Exploring the U.S. Africa Command and a new strategic
SWP D 820022 SWP: A.07/0286
relationship with Africa : hearing before the Committee on
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, Wednesday, August 01, 2007 - Washington/D.C.,
2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
SB05 International political conflicts
504 Cliff, Roger; Shlapak, David A.: U.S.–China relations after
resolution of Taiwan's status / Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak. Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. - 40 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) ISBN 978-0-8330-4036-7
SWP D 820272
515 Gärtner, Heinz: USA vs. Russland : das ewige
Sicherheitsdilemma / Heinz Gärtner. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 920-922, Lit.
SWP D 820644
505 Dumke, David: A view from the inside: Congressional
decisionmaking and Arab-Israeli policy / David Dumke. Washington/D.C., 2006. - 39 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 31-39 - (CASS
Occasional Papers)
GIGA D 820307
506 Kahl, Colin H.: In the crossfire or the crosshairs? Norms,
civilian, casualities, and U.S. conduct in Iraq / Colin H. Kahl. In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer
2007) 1, S. 7-46, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820177 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
516 Hearing on China's proliferation and the impact of trade
policy on defense industries in the United States and
China / hearing co-chairs: commissioners: Mark T. Esper ...
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Washington/D.C., 2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
SWP D 820516
517 Mangott, Gerhard; Senn, Martin: Rückkehr zum Kalten Krieg?
SWP D 820608 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
Das russländisch-amerikanische Zerwürfnis über die
Raketenabwehr in Osteuropa / Gerhard Mangott ; Martin Senn.
- In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3,
S. 11-22, Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. S. 19-22
507 Katzman, Kenneth: Iran: U.S. concerns and policy responses :
updated March 13, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Kenneth
Katzman. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 49 S. - (RL32048)
SWP D 820120 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
518 Mulvenon, James: Make talk not war : strategic U.S.-China
HSFK D 819874 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
military-to-military exchanges in the first half of 2007 / James
Mulvenon. - In: China Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.),
(Summer 2007) 21, 14 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.
SB07 International organisations / institutions
508 Blanchfield, Luisa: United Nations reform: U.S. policy and
international perspectives : CRS Report for Congress / Luisa
Blanchfield. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 20 S., Tab. - (RL33848)
SWP D 820636
519 Nichol, Jim: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: security issues
and implications for U.S. interests : updated February 1, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Jim Nichol. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 53 S., Kt., Tab. (RL30679)
HSFK D 820037 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SC01 International relations in the field of international
HSFK D 819864 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
509 Africa Command: opportunity for enhanced engagement or
the militarization of U.S.-Africa relations? / Subcommittee
on Africa and Global Health. Donald M. Payne, Chairman. Washington/D.C., 2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
520 Operation Iraqi Freedom: preliminary observations on Iraqi
security forces' logistics and command and control
capabilities : report to Congressional committees / United
States Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.:
GAO, 2007. - 19 S. - (GAO-07-503R)
SWP D 820276
HSFK D 820552 HSFK: 98.634 Öff.StaO: F 197
510 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Is a new Cold War imminent? /
521 Schroeder, Matthew: US security assistance and Africa :
Alexei Arbatov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 84-97
challenges of weapon sales and military aid / Matthew
Schroeder. - In: Security, reconstruction, and reconciliation:
when the wars end / ed. by Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press,
2007, S. 284-306, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
SWP D 819964 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
511 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The tenuous case for strategic
patience in Iraq : A trip report ; working draft: updated: August
6, 2007 / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. 25 S., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 819763 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
522 Suh Jae-jung: Power, interest, and identity in military alliances
/ Jae-Jung Suh. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. XV, 286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-278, Anh.
S. 207-229 - ISBN 1-4039-7928-6
SWP D 820581
SWP D 820617 SWP: A.07/0291
512 Dibb, Paul: Is ballistic missile defence destabilising? / Paul
Dibb. - Canberra: Australian National University, 2007. - 4 S.
523 Umebayashi, Hiromichi: Missile defence response to the July
5, 2006 North Korean missile test by US naval vessels homeported at Yokosuka / by Umebayashi Horomichi. Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus Institute, 2007. - 35 S., Kt., Anh. (Special Report / Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.); 07-054A)
Außerdem erschienen als: Peace Depot Working Paper;
2E/April 2007
SWP D 819755
SWP D 820509
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
533 H.R. 1 (implementing the 9/11 Commission
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
Recommendations Act of 2007) and S. 4 (improving
America's Security Act of 2007): A comparative analysis :
CRS Report for Congress / Edward F. Bruner (coordinator). Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 85 S. - (RL33942)
524 Boese, Wade: U.S. reaffirms Europe anti-missile plan / Wade
Boese. - In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.),
37 (July-August 2007) 6, S. 23-24, Ill. -- Enthält: Boese, W.:
Nuclear talks waiting on the United States. - S. 24
SWP D 820197 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT
Öff.StaO: 18
HSFK D 819881 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
525 Budgeting for war costs : hearing before the Committee on
the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,
1st Session, January 18, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,78 S. - (Serial /
Committee on the Budget (United States / House); No. 110-1)
HSFK D 820237 HSFK: 98.658 Öff.StaO: F 197
world of aging populations / Mark L. Haas. - In: International
Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer 2007) 1, S. 112-147,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820613 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
535 Handbook of intelligence studies / ed. by Loch K. Johnson. -
Abingdon: Routledge, 2007. - XVII, 382 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-415-77050-5
526 Christoff, Joseph A.: Stabilizing Iraq: factors impeding the
development of capable Iraqi security forces : statement of
Joseph A. Christoff, Director, International Affairs and Trade ;
testimony before the House Armed Services Committee,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Washington/D.C.: United States Government Accountability
Office, 2007. - 16 S. - (GAO-07-612T)
SWP D 820548 SWP: A.07/0281
536 Kaiser, Frederick M.: Congressional oversight of intelligence:
current structure and alternatives : updated February 15, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Frederick M. Kaiser. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 23 S. - (RL32525)
HSFK D 820570 HSFK: 98.645 Öff.StaO: F 197
527 Congressional restrictions on U.S. military operations in
HSFK D 819868 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Somalia, and Kosovo : funding
and non-funding approaches ; CRS Report for Congress / Amy
Belasco ; Lynn J. Cunningham ; Hannah Fischer ; Larry A.
Niksch. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 38 S., Tab. - (RL33803)
537 Koempel, Michael L.: Homeland security: compendium of
recommendations relevant to Housecommittee organization
and analysis of considerations for the House, and 109th and
110th Congresses epilogue : updated March 2, 2007 ; CRS
Report for Congress / Michael L. Koempel. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 108 S. - (RL32711)
HSFK D 820025 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
528 Current and projected national security threats to the
HSFK D 819801 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
United States : hearing before the Select Committee on
Intelligence, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 2nd
Session, February 2, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,68 S. - (Hearing / United
States Senate; S. HRG. 109-724)
538 Masse, Todd; O'Neil, Siobhan; Rollins, John: The
HSFK D 820346 HSFK: 98.672 Öff.StaO: F 197
529 Department of Defense budget priorities fiscal year 2007 :
hearing before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, March 1, 2005
- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,28 S. - (Serial / Committee on the Budget (United States /
House); No. 109-16)
HSFK D 820234 HSFK: 98.656 Öff.StaO: F 197
530 Elsea, Jennifer K.; Grimmett, Richard F.: Declarations of war
and authorizations for the use of military force: historical
background and legal implications : updated March 8, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Jennifer K. Elsea ; Richard F.
Grimmett. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 106 S. - (RL31133)
Department of Homeland Security's risk assessment
methodology: evolution, issues, and options for Congress :
CRS Report for Congress / Todd Masse ; Siobhan O'Neil ;
John Rollins. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 30 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (RL33858)
HSFK D 819866 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
539 National and homeland security: meeting our needs :
hearing before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, February 16,
2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
2005. - III,71 S. - (Serial / Committee on the Budget (United
States / House); No. 109-3)
HSFK D 820225 HSFK: 98.657 Öff.StaO: F 197
540 Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
ground forces vehicle and personnel protection and rotary
wing safety of flight update : joint hearing before the Tactical
Air and Land Forces Subcommittee meeting jointly with
Readiness Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed
Services, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd
Session, hearing held February 1, 2006 - Washington/D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. - IV,126 S., Tab. (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United States /
House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-46)
HSFK D 820021 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
531 Elsea, Jennifer K.; Nicola, Thomas J.: Congressional
authority to limit U.S. militäry operations in Iraq : CRS Report
for Congress / Jennifer K. Elsea and Thomas J. Nicola. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 21 S. - (RL33837)
HSFK D 820436 HSFK: 98.653 Öff.StaO: F 197
541 Operations and reconstruction efforts in Iraq : hearings
HSFK D 819855 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 108th Congress, 2nd Session, hearings held
January 28, April 21, May 7, 21, June 16, 17, 22, July 7,
September 8, 9, 2004 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2006. - IX,1067 S. - (Hearing / Committee on
Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 108-28)
532 FY2007 supplemental appropriations for defense, foreign
affairs, and other purposes : updated March 28, 2007 ; CRS
Report for Congress / Stephen Daggett ... - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 70 S. - (RL33900)
HSFK D 819882 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
534 Haas, Mark L.: A geriatric peace? The future of U.S. power in a
HSFK D 820466 HSFK: 98.646 Öff.StaO: F 197
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
542 Space acquisitions : hearing before the Strategic Forces
552 Sigal, Leon V.: Turnabout is fair play / by Leon V. Sigal. -
Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S.
House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session,
hearing held July 12, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2006. - III,115 S. - (Hearing /
Committee on Armed Services (United States / House);
H.A.S.C. No. 109-34)
Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus Institute, 2007. - ca. 10 S. - (Policy
Forum Online / Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.); 07-057A)
SWP D 820507
553 Woolf, Amy F.: Nuclear arms control: The Strategic Offensive
Reductions Treaty : updated January 3, 2007 ; CRS Report for
Congress / Amy F. Woolf. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 27 S., Tab. - (RL31448)
HSFK D 819863 HSFK: 98.650 Öff.StaO: F 197
543 Special Operations Command: transforming for the long
war : hearing before the Terrorism, Unconventional Threats
and Capabilities Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed
Services, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd
Session, hearing held March 8, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,81 S. - (Hearing /
Committee on Armed Services (United States / House);
H.A.S.C. No. 109-55)
HSFK D 820024 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SC04 Military strategy
554 Rid, Thomas: Der degradierte General : Clausewitz und
zivil-militärische Beziehungen in den USA / Thomas Rid. In: Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin), 18 (2007) 3, S. 69-78,
Lit. S. 78
HSFK D 820361 HSFK: 98.652 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820014 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 216 HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188
544 St. Laurent., Janet A.: Military personnel: DoD needs to
provide a better link between its defense strategy and military
personnel requirements : statement of Janet A. St. Laurent,
Director, Defense Capabilities and Management ; testimony
before the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Committee on
Armed Services, House of Representatives - Washington/D.C.:
United States Government Accountability Office, 2007. - 17 S. (GAO-07-397T)
555 Scheber, Thomas K.: U.S. nuclear policy and strategy and the
NPT regime : implications for the NATO alliance / Thomas K.
Scheber. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),
26 (March-April 2007) 2, S. 117-126, Lit. S. 125-126
SWP D 820201 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12
SC05 War / Warfare
HSFK D 820560 HSFK: 98.639 Öff.StaO: F 197
556 Kahl, Colin H.: In the crossfire or the crosshairs? Norms,
civilian, casualities, and U.S. conduct in Iraq / Colin H. Kahl. In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer
2007) 1, S. 7-46, Lit. Hinw.
545 Symposium - Do you know your military? - In: PS: Political
Science and Politics (Washington/D.C.), 40 (July 2007) 3,
S. 453-487, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
SWP D 820608 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
SWP D 820240 SWP: Y. 1084 OSI: Zu 190 Öff.StaO: 188
546 Walker, David M.: Securing, stabilizing, and rebuilding Iraq:
557 Wilson, Clay: Network centric operations: background and
GAO audit approach and findings : statement of David M.
Walker, Comptroller General of the United Stastes ; testimony
before the Committee on Armed Services, House of
Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 15 S. - (GAO-07-385T)
oversight issues for Congress : updated March 15, 2007 ; CRS
Report for Congress / Clay Wilson. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 51 S. - (RL32411)
HSFK D 820564 HSFK: 98.642 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 819898 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
SC06 Military capacity
558 Bearden, David M.: U.S. disposal of chemical weapons in the
547 Aloise, Gene: Nuclear nonproliferation: focusing on the highest
ocean: background and issues for Congress : updated January
3, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / David M. Bearden. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 22 S. - (RL33432)
priority radiological sources could improve DoE's efforts to
secure sources in foreign countries : statement of Gene Aloise,
Director, Natural Resources and Environment ; testimony
before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government
Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of
Columbia, Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate - Washington/D.C.: United
States Government Accountability Office, 2007. - 13 S. (GAO-07-580T)
HSFK D 820023 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
559 Budget request for atomic energy defense activities :
hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2007 and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ;
hearing before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the
Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held March 1, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. III,99 S. - (Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs;
2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
HSFK D 820563 HSFK: 98.641 Öff.StaO: F 197
548 Bunn, George; Du Preez, Jean: More than words : The value
of U.S. non-nuclear-use promises / by George Bunn and Jean
du Preez. - In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.),
37 (July-August 2007) 6, S. 16-21, Ill., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820196 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT
Öff.StaO: 18
549 Deterring the Ayatollahs : complications in applying Cold War
HSFK D 820630 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
strategy to Iran / Patrick Clawson and Michael Eisenstadt [eds.]
- Washington/D.C, 2007. - 34 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Focus /
Washington Institute for Near East Policy; 72) - (Agenda: Iran)
560 Budget request from the Department of the Navy : hearings
on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and
Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before
the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held
March 1, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,164 S. - (Hearings on National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously
Authorized Programs; 2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed
Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
GIGA D 820523
550 Lennox, Duncan: On the defensive : The future of US ballistic
missile defence / Duncan Lennox. - In: Jane's Intelligence
Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 40-45, Ill.
SWP D 820092 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
HSFK D 820626 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
551 Scheber, Thomas K.: U.S. nuclear policy and strategy and the
NPT regime : implications for the NATO alliance / Thomas K.
Scheber. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),
26 (March-April 2007) 2, S. 117-126, Lit. S. 125-126
SWP D 820201 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
561 Budget request from the U.S. Central Command : hearings
SC06.02 Armament
on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and
Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before
the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held
March 15, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,107 S. - (Hearings on National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously
Authorized Programs; 2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed
Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
570 Defense acquisitions: Assessments of selected weapon
programs : report to Congressional committees / United States
Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO,
2007. - 167 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-406SP)
HSFK D 820547 HSFK: 98.628 Öff.StaO: F 197
571 Defense acquisitions: missile defense acquisition strategy
generates results but delivers less at a higher cost : report
to Congressional committees / United States Government
Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO, 2007. - 71 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-387)
HSFK D 820628 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
562 Budget request from the United States Transportation
HSFK D 820551 HSFK: 98.631 Öff.StaO: F 197
Command and component commands : hearings on National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and Oversight
of Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before the
Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held March 2, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. IV,222 S. - (Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs;
2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
572 The Department of the Navy plans and programs for the
DD(X) next-generation multi-mission surface combatant
ship (part I and part II) : hearings before the Projection Forces
Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S.
House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session,
hearings held July 19, 20, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2006. - IV,302 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-30)
HSFK D 820627 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820354 HSFK: 98.649 Öff.StaO: F 197
563 Defense acquisitions: key decisions to be made on Future
573 Francis, Paul L.: Defense acquisitions: Future Combat System
Combat System : report to Congressional committees / United
States Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.:
GAO, 2007. - 61 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-376)
risks underscore the importance of oversight : statement of
Paul L. Francis, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing
Management ; testimony before the Subcommittee on Air and
Land Forces, Committee on Armed Services, House of
Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 14 S. - (GAO-07-672T)
HSFK D 820543 HSFK: 98.626 Öff.StaO: F 197
564 Department of Defense acquisition reform : hearing before
the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, hearing held
November 2, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2007. - IV,119 S. - (Hearing / Committee on
Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-63)
HSFK D 820555 HSFK: 98.636 Öff.StaO: F 197
574 Joint Strike Fighter: progress made and challenges remain
: report to Congressional committees / United States
Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO,
2007. - 30 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-360)
HSFK D 820460 HSFK: 98.648 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820546 HSFK: 98.627 Öff.StaO: F 197
565 Grasso, Valerie B.: Defense contracting in Iraq: issues and
options for Congress : updated January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report
for Congress / Valerie Bailey Grasso. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 20 S. - (RL33834)
575 Sullivan, Michael: Defense acquisitions: Analysis of costs for
the Joint Strike Fighter engine program : statement of Michael
Sullivan, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management ;
testimony before the Subcommittees on Air and Land Forces,
and Seapower and Expeditionary Forces, Committee on Armed
Services, House of Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United
States Government Accountability Office, 2007. - 18 S. (GAO-07-656T)
HSFK D 819802 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
566 The care of injured and wounded service members :
hearing before the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the
Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
109th Congress, 1st Session, hearing held March 3, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. IV,167 S. - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-45)
HSFK D 820554 HSFK: 98.635 Öff.StaO: F 197
SC06.03 Organisation of military defence
576 Lennox, Duncan: On the defensive : The future of US ballistic
missile defence / Duncan Lennox. - In: Jane's Intelligence
Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 40-45, Ill.
HSFK D 820363 HSFK: 98.651 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820092 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
567 Christoff, Joseph A.: Stabilizing Iraq: factors impeding the
SC07.01 Armaments industry
development of capable Iraqi security forces : statement of
Joseph A. Christoff, Director, International Affairs and Trade ;
testimony before the House Armed Services Committee,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Washington/D.C.: United States Government Accountability
Office, 2007. - 16 S. - (GAO-07-612T)
577 Calvaresi-Barr, Ann M.: Defense trade: national security
reviews of foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies could be
improved : statement of Ann M. Calvaresi-Barr, Director,
Acquisition and Sourcing Management ; testimony before the
Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on
Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection, House of
Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 14 S. - (GAO-07-661T)
HSFK D 820570 HSFK: 98.645 Öff.StaO: F 197
568 Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
ground forces vehicle and personnel protection and rotary
wing safety of flight update : joint hearing before the Tactical
Air and Land Forces Subcommittee meeting jointly with
Readiness Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed
Services, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd
Session, hearing held February 1, 2006 - Washington/D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. - IV,126 S., Tab. (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United States /
House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-46)
HSFK D 820556 HSFK: 98.638 Öff.StaO: F 197
SC07.02 Arms trade
578 Kan, Shirley A.: Taiwan: major U.S. arms sales since 1990 :
updated July 12, 2007 / Shirley A. Kan. - Washington/D.C.:
CRS, 2007. - 50 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for
Congress; RL30957) - (RL30957)
SWP D 820378
HSFK D 820436 HSFK: 98.653 Öff.StaO: F 197
569 Operation Iraqi Freedom: preliminary observations on Iraqi
security forces' logistics and command and control
capabilities : report to Congressional committees / United
States Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.:
GAO, 2007. - 19 S. - (GAO-07-503R)
HSFK D 820552 HSFK: 98.634 Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
579 Angel, Benjamin: Euro fort, euro faible : phantasmes et
réalités / par Benjamin Angel. - In: Revue du marché commun
et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510,
S. 439-443, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
589 Der Zusammenhang zwischen monetärer Entwicklung und
Immobilienmarkt - In: Monatsbericht / Deutsche Bundesbank
(Frankfurt/Main), 59 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 15-27, graph. Darst., Lit.
SWP D 820009 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SWP D 820113 SWP: Y. 6 OSI: Zs 385 DGAP: ZD 65 HSFK: STA 1620
BICC: BZ DBBMON DIE: 87ZA001 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
580 2007 comprehensive report on U.S. trade and investment
policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa and implementation of
the African Growth and Opportunity Act / prepared by the
Office of the United States Trade Representative. Washington/D.C., 2007. - 140 S., Tab., Anh.
SWP D 820235
590 Dür, Andreas: Foreign discrimination, protection for exporters,
and U.S. trade liberalization / Andreas Dür. - In: International
Studies Quarterly (Malden/Mass.), 51 (June 2007) 2,
S. 457-480, graph. Darst., Tab.
HSFK D 819785 SWP: X. 181 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517
591 Export-Import Bank (Washington/D.C.): Export-Import Bank
of the United States : report to the Congress on Ex-Im Bank's
budget estimates fiscal year ending September 30, 2007 Washington/D.C.: Export-Import Bank of the United States,
2006. - 1113 S. - (Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and
Related Programs Appropriations (House); Pt. 1A) - (27-620)
581 Cooper, William H.: U.S.-Japan economic relations :
significance, prospects, and policy options ; updated July 9,
2007 / William H. Cooper. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. 25 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress;
RL32649) - (RL32649)
HSFK D 820620 HSFK: 92.150 Öff.StaO: 206
592 Ludema, Rodney D.: Allies and friends : The trade policy
SWP D 820380
review of the United States, 2006 / Rodney D. Ludema. - In:
The World Economy (Oxford), 30 (August 2007) 8,
S. 1209-1221, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
582 Hornbeck, J. F.: Mercosur: evolution and implications for U.S.
trade policy : updated January 5, 2007 ; CRS Report for
Congress / J. F. Hornbeck. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 14 S., graph. Darst., Tab. (RL33620)
SWP D 820072 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
593 Afghanistan interdiction/eradiction of illegal narcotics and
HSFK D 820018 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
U.S. led rebuilding programs : Foreign Opearations, Export
Financing, and Related Pprograms Appropriations for 2007 ;
hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th
Congress, 2nd Session, September 12, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,188 S. - (Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related
Programs Appropriations (House); Pt. 4)
583 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
584 Schnepf, Randy: U.S.-Canada WTO corn trade dispute : CRS
HSFK D 820624 HSFK: 92.150 Öff.StaO: 206
Report for Congress / Randy Schnepf. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33853)
594 Foreign assistance: enhanced coordination and better
methods to assess the results of U.S. international basic
education efforts are needed : report to Congressional
committees / United States Government Accountability Office. Washington/D.C.: GAO, 2007. - 74 S., graph. Darst., Tab. (GAO-07-523)
HSFK D 819861 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SD03.01 Foreign trade
585 Becker, Geoffrey S.: Food and agricultural imports from China
HSFK D 820549 HSFK: 98.629 Öff.StaO: F 197
: updated July 17, 2007 / Geoffrey S. Becker. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 15 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS
Report for Congress; RL34080) - (RL34080)
595 A Marshall plan for energy, water and agriculture in
developing countries / Richard L. Lawson, chairman. John R.
Lyman, project director & rapporteur. Atlantic Council of the
United States. - Washingon/D.C, 2007. - 35 S., Anh. - (Policy
Paper / Atlantic Council of the United States; April 2007)
SWP D 820373
586 Choe Wongi: Expected geopolitical effects of Korea-U.S. FTA /
Choe Won-gi. - In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 153-160
SWP D 819833
GIGA D 819794 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
596 Operations and reconstruction efforts in Iraq : hearings
before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 108th Congress, 2nd Session, hearings held
January 28, April 21, May 7, 21, June 16, 17, 22, July 7,
September 8, 9, 2004 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2006. - IX,1067 S. - (Hearing / Committee on
Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 108-28)
587 Cooper, William H.; Manyin, Mark E.: The proposed South
Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) : updated
June 25, 2007 / William H. Cooper ; Mark E. Manyin. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 36 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL33435) (RL33435)
HSFK D 820466 HSFK: 98.646 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820391
597 [President's FY2007 budget request for Avian influenza -
international response, the global HIV/AIDS programs, the
Millennium Challenge Corporation, U.S. Agency for
International Development, and the State Department,
foreign assistance programs] : Foreign Opearations, Export
Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations for 2007 ;
hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th
Congress, 2nd Session, March 2, 9, 29, April 4, 26, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. V,790 S. - (Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related
Programs Appropriations (House); Pt. 2)
588 Jackson, James K.: Trade agreements: impact on the U.S.
economy : updated March 15, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress
/ James K. Jackson. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 22 S. - (RL31932)
HSFK D 819876 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820621 HSFK: 92.150 Öff.StaO: 206
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
598 Quarterly report and semiannual report to Congress /
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Arlington/Va., 2007. - 238 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.
608 Promoting democracy through diplomacy : hearing before
the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May 5, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,57 S. - (Serial / Committee on International Relations (United
States / House); No. 109-82)
SWP D 820577
599 Review of U.S. assistance programs to Egypt : hearing
before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia
of the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, May 17 and
June 21, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,54 S. - (Serial / Committee on International
Relations (United States / House); No. 109-211)
HSFK D 820238 HSFK: 98.340 Öff.StaO: F 197
SF01.02 Human rights
609 Blakeley, Ruth: Why torture? / Ruth Blakeley. - In: Review of
International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3,
S. 373-394, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819851 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
HSFK D 820244 HSFK: 98.663 Öff.StaO: F 197
610 Hersh, Seymour M.: Der Report des Generals : wie Antonio
600 Salaam-Blyther, Tiaji: U.S. international HIV/AIDS,
Taguba, der den Abu-Ghraib-Skandal untersuchte, eines seiner
Opfer wurde / Seymour M. Hersh. - In: Blätter für deutsche und
internationale Politik (Bonn), 52 (2007) 8, S. 937-956
tuberculosis, and malaria spending: FY2004-FY2008 : updated
March 6, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Tiaji SalaamBlyther. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 8 S. - (RL33485)
DGAP D 820179 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
HSFK D 819870 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
611 Jackson, Richard: Language, policy and the construction of a
torture culture in the war on terrorism / Richard Jackson. In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007)
3, S. 353-371, Lit. Hinw.
601 Sharp, Jeremy M.: U.S. foreign assistance to the Middle East :
historical background, recent trends, and the FY2008 request ;
updated July 3, 2007 / Jeremy M. Sharp. - Washington/D.C.:
CRS, 2007. - 32 S., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress;
RL32260) - (RL32260)
SWP D 819850 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
612 Cannon, Carl M.: Fowl territory / by Carl M. Cannon. -
SWP D 820325
In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July 28, 2007) 30,
S. 22-27, Ill.
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SWP D 820106 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
602 Dumbrell, John: The Bush administration US public diplomacy
and Iran / John Dumbrell. - Durham: School of Government and
International Affairs, 2007. - 14 S. - (SGIA Research Working
Papers Series; SGIARWP07-04)
613 Congressional restrictions on U.S. military operations in
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Somalia, and Kosovo : funding
and non-funding approaches ; CRS Report for Congress / Amy
Belasco ; Lynn J. Cunningham ; Hannah Fischer ; Larry A.
Niksch. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 38 S., Tab. - (RL33803)
GIGA D 819951
603 Kampschulte, Dennis L.: Transatlantische
Wahrnehmungsunterschiede im Umgang mit internationalen
Konflikten? Zur Bedeutung der auswärtigen Kultur-, Bildungsund Informationspolitik in Deutschland und den USA / vorgelegt
von Dennis L. Kampschulte. - Hamburg, 2006. - 263 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 208-263 -- Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ. der
Bundeswehr, Diss., 2006
HSFK D 820025 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
614 Export-Import Bank (Washington/D.C.): Export-Import Bank
of the United States : report to the Congress on Ex-Im Bank's
budget estimates fiscal year ending September 30, 2007 Washington/D.C.: Export-Import Bank of the United States,
2006. - 1113 S. - (Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and
Related Programs Appropriations (House); Pt. 1A) - (27-620)
IFA D 820114 IFA: 4B27/69 Öff.StaO: 212
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
HSFK D 820620 HSFK: 92.150 Öff.StaO: 206
604 France-Etats-Unis: regards croisés : principaux
615 Inspector General: Activities of the Department of State
enseignements / French-American Foundation ... - Paris: FAF,
2005. - 8 S.
Office of Inspector General : report to Congressional
requesters / United States Government Accountability Office. Washington/D.C.: GAO, 2007. - 43 S., graph. Darst., Tab. (GAO-07-138)
DFI D 820550 DFI: YM 760.Y0538 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
HSFK D 820542 HSFK: 98.625 Öff.StaO: F 197
SF Government
616 Kaiser, Frederick M.: Congressional oversight of intelligence:
605 Ribando, Clare M.: Bolivia: political and economic
current structure and alternatives : updated February 15, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Frederick M. Kaiser. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 23 S. - (RL32525)
developments and relations with the United States : updated
January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Clare M.
Ribando. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 24 S., Kt., Tab. - (RL32580)
HSFK D 819868 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820019 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
617 Koempel, Michael L.: Homeland security: compendium of
SF01 Political system / Constitution
recommendations relevant to Housecommittee organization
and analysis of considerations for the House, and 109th and
110th Congresses epilogue : updated March 2, 2007 ; CRS
Report for Congress / Michael L. Koempel. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 108 S. - (RL32711)
606 Elsea, Jennifer K.; Grimmett, Richard F.: Declarations of war
and authorizations for the use of military force: historical
background and legal implications : updated March 8, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Jennifer K. Elsea ; Richard F.
Grimmett. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 106 S. - (RL31133)
HSFK D 819801 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820021 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
607 On capitalism and democracy - In: Daedalus
(Cambridge/Mass.), 136 (Summer 2007) 3, S. 5-95, Tab., Lit.
SWP D 820118 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
618 Masse, Todd; O'Neil, Siobhan; Rollins, John: The
629 Understanding the Bush Doctrine : psychology and strategy
Department of Homeland Security's risk assessment
methodology: evolution, issues, and options for Congress :
CRS Report for Congress / Todd Masse ; Siobhan O'Neil ;
John Rollins. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 30 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (RL33858)
in an age of terrorism / Stanley A. Renshon ... (eds.) - New
York/N.Y.: Routledge, 2007. - XI, 344 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-415-95504-1
SWP D 820022 SWP: A.07/0286
SF06.03 Criminality
HSFK D 819866 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
630 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Afghanistan: narcotics and U.S.
policy : updated June 19, 2007 / Christopher M. Blanchard. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 47 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32686) - (RL32686)
619 Rosenberg, Morton; Tatelman, Todd B.: Congress's
contempt power : law, history, practice, and procedure / Morton
Rosenberg ; Todd B. Tatelman. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007.
- 68 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34097) (RL34097)
SWP D 820398
SF07 Military and society / Government
SWP D 819824
631 Symposium - Do you know your military? - In: PS: Political
SF04.01 Elections
Science and Politics (Washington/D.C.), 40 (July 2007) 3,
S. 453-487, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
620 Bratvogel, Janika; Gartzke, Ulf; Weiler, Hannes: Libertarians
SWP D 820240 SWP: Y. 1084 OSI: Zu 190 Öff.StaO: 188
in der US-Politik : Amerikas "Dritter Weg"? / Janika Bratvogel ;
Ulf Gartzke ; Hannes Weiler. - In: Politische Studien
(München), 58 (Juli-August 2007) 414, S. 84-92, Lit. S. 92
SF10 Law
632 H.R. 1 (implementing the 9/11 Commission
SWP D 820440 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P
IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206
Recommendations Act of 2007) and S. 4 (improving
America's Security Act of 2007): A comparative analysis :
CRS Report for Congress / Edward F. Bruner (coordinator). Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 85 S. - (RL33942)
621 Phillips, Kevin P.: American theocracy : The peril and politics
of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century /
Kevin Phillips. - New York/N.Y.: Penguin Books, 2006. - XLVII,
464 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-14-303828-3
HSFK D 819881 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 819775 SWP: A.07/0276
SG02.01 Demography
622 The voting rights act and the election of nonwhite officials
- In: PS: Political Science and Politics (Washington/D.C.),
40 (July 2007) 3, S. 489-494, Tab., Lit. S. 494
633 Haas, Mark L.: A geriatric peace? The future of U.S. power in a
world of aging populations / Mark L. Haas. - In: International
Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer 2007) 1, S. 112-147,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820253 SWP: Y. 1084 OSI: Zu 190 Öff.StaO: 188
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SWP D 820613 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
623 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The tenuous case for strategic
patience in Iraq : A trip report ; working draft: updated: August
6, 2007 / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. 25 S., Lit. Hinw.
SG02.04 Migration
634 Comprehensive immigration reform II : hearing before the
Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 109th
Congress, 1st Session, October 18, 2005 - Washington/D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. - III,145 S. - (Hearing /
United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-668) - (Serial / Committee
on the Judiciary (United States / Senate); No. J-109-42)
SWP D 820581
SF06.01 Civil war
624 Bröning, Michael: A hopeless case? Recommendations for
action for a political handling of the Iraq conflict / Michael
Bröning. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn),
(2007) 3, S. 69-83, Lit. S. 82-83
HSFK D 820153 HSFK: 98.671 Öff.StaO: F 197
635 Comprehensive immigration reform: examining the need
SWP D 820131 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
for a guest worker program : hearing before the Committee
on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 2nd
Session, July 5, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2006. - III,93 S. - (Hearing / United States
Senate; S. HRG. 109-607) - (Serial / Committee on the
Judiciary (United States / Senate); No. J-109-94)
SF06.02 Terrorism
625 Blakeley, Ruth: Why torture? / Ruth Blakeley. - In: Review of
International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3,
S. 373-394, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819851 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
HSFK D 820154 HSFK: 98.670 Öff.StaO: F 197
626 Jackson, Richard: Language, policy and the construction of a
636 The need for comprehensive immigration reform: securing
torture culture in the war on terrorism / Richard Jackson. In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007)
3, S. 353-371, Lit. Hinw.
the cooperation of participating countries : hearing before
the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and
Citizenship of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States
Senate, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 30, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,32 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-118) (Serial / Committee on the Judiciary (United States / Senate);
No. J-109-23A)
SWP D 819850 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
627 Koschut, Simon: Germany and the USA in the "war against
terror" : is extraordinary rendition putting transatlantic
cooperation under strain? / Simon Koschut. - In: Internationale
Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (2007) 3, S. 36-52,
Lit. S. 50-52
SWP D 820127 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
HSFK D 820159 HSFK: 98.668 Öff.StaO: F 197
628 Smith, Paul J.: Patriot games : banks come under scrutiny
from US act / Paul J. Smith. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review
(Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 50-53, Ill.
SWP D 820095 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
637 The need for comprehensive immigration reform: serving
646 The need for comprehensive immigration reform: serving
our national economy : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship of the Committee
on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, May 26, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2005. - III,67 S. - (Hearing / United States
Senate; S. HRG. 109-117) - (Serial / Committee on the
Judiciary (United States / Senate); No. J-109-23)
our national economy : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship of the Committee
on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, May 26, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2005. - III,67 S. - (Hearing / United States
Senate; S. HRG. 109-117) - (Serial / Committee on the
Judiciary (United States / Senate); No. J-109-23)
HSFK D 820160 HSFK: 98.669 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820160 HSFK: 98.669 Öff.StaO: F 197
638 The need for comprehensive immigration reform:
strengthening our national security : joint hearing before the
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
and the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and
Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, United
States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May 17, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,77 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-65) (Serial / Committee on the Judiciary (United States / Senate);
No. J-109-20)
HSFK D 820157 HSFK: 98.667 Öff.StaO: F 197
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
647 Polaski, Sandra: U.S. living standards in an era of
globalization / Sandra Polaski. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2007. - 8 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace; 53)
SWP D 819828
SH03 Labour / Employment
648 Comprehensive immigration reform: examining the need
for a guest worker program : hearing before the Committee
on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 2nd
Session, July 5, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2006. - III,93 S. - (Hearing / United States
Senate; S. HRG. 109-607) - (Serial / Committee on the
Judiciary (United States / Senate); No. J-109-94)
639 Of migrants and minutemen : inside the immigration battle -
In: NACLA Report on the Americas (New York/N.Y.),
40 (May-June 2007) 3, S. 13-42, Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 41-42
GIGA D 820475 OSI: Zu 668 IIK: ZS-LA-N (früher: 6.610 LA)
SG03.02 Health
640 Salaam-Blyther, Tiaji: U.S. international HIV/AIDS,
HSFK D 820154 HSFK: 98.670 Öff.StaO: F 197
tuberculosis, and malaria spending: FY2004-FY2008 : updated
March 6, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Tiaji SalaamBlyther. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 8 S. - (RL33485)
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
649 Forest, James J. F.; Sousa, Matthew V.: Oil and terrorism in
the New Gulf : framing U.S. energy and security policies for the
Gulf of Guinea / James J. F. Forest and Matthew V. Sousa. Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2007. - XIII,329 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-7391-1995-8
HSFK D 819870 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SG04 Education / Training
GIGA D 820559 IAK: AFR-C/10 Öff.StaO: H 221
641 Foreign assistance: enhanced coordination and better
methods to assess the results of U.S. international basic
education efforts are needed : report to Congressional
committees / United States Government Accountability Office. Washington/D.C.: GAO, 2007. - 74 S., graph. Darst., Tab. (GAO-07-523)
SH06 Agrarian sector
650 Schnepf, Randy: U.S.-Canada WTO corn trade dispute : CRS
Report for Congress / Randy Schnepf. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33853)
HSFK D 820549 HSFK: 98.629 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 819861 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
642 Phillips, Kevin P.: American theocracy : The peril and politics
of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century /
Kevin Phillips. - New York/N.Y.: Penguin Books, 2006. - XLVII,
464 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-14-303828-3
651 Calvaresi-Barr, Ann M.: Defense trade: national security
reviews of foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies could be
improved : statement of Ann M. Calvaresi-Barr, Director,
Acquisition and Sourcing Management ; testimony before the
Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on
Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection, House of
Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 14 S. - (GAO-07-661T)
SWP D 819775 SWP: A.07/0276
SH Economy
643 Ribando, Clare M.: Bolivia: political and economic
HSFK D 820556 HSFK: 98.638 Öff.StaO: F 197
developments and relations with the United States : updated
January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Clare M.
Ribando. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 24 S., Kt., Tab. - (RL32580)
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
652 Smith, Paul J.: Patriot games : banks come under scrutiny
from US act / Paul J. Smith. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review
(Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 50-53, Ill.
HSFK D 820019 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820095 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
653 Der Zusammenhang zwischen monetärer Entwicklung und
644 On capitalism and democracy - In: Daedalus
Immobilienmarkt - In: Monatsbericht / Deutsche Bundesbank
(Frankfurt/Main), 59 (Juli 2007) 7, S. 15-27, graph. Darst., Lit.
(Cambridge/Mass.), 136 (Summer 2007) 3, S. 5-95, Tab., Lit.
SWP D 820118 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820113 SWP: Y. 6 OSI: Zs 385 DGAP: ZD 65 HSFK: STA 1620
BICC: BZ DBBMON DIE: 87ZA001 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
645 Jackson, James K.: Trade agreements: impact on the U.S.
economy : updated March 15, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress
/ James K. Jackson. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 22 S. - (RL31932)
HSFK D 819876 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
661 Guns and butter: setting priorities in federal spending in
SH10 Public finance
the context of natural disaster, deficits, and war : hearing
before the Federal Financial Management, Government
Information, and International Security Subcommittee, United
States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st Session, October 25, 2005
- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,85 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-586)
654 Budget request for atomic energy defense activities :
hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2007 and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ;
hearing before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the
Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held March 1, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. III,99 S. - (Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs;
2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
HSFK D 820210 HSFK: 98.673 Öff.StaO: F 197
SI03.01 Space technology
662 Space acquisitions : hearing before the Strategic Forces
HSFK D 820630 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S.
House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session,
hearing held July 12, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2006. - III,115 S. - (Hearing /
Committee on Armed Services (United States / House);
H.A.S.C. No. 109-34)
655 Budget request from the Department of the Navy : hearings
on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and
Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before
the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held
March 1, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,164 S. - (Hearings on National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously
Authorized Programs; 2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed
Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
HSFK D 819863 HSFK: 98.650 Öff.StaO: F 197
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
663 Defense acquisitions: Assessments of selected weapon
programs : report to Congressional committees / United States
Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO,
2007. - 167 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-406SP)
HSFK D 820626 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
656 Budget request from the U.S. Central Command : hearings
HSFK D 820547 HSFK: 98.628 Öff.StaO: F 197
on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and
Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before
the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held
March 15, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,107 S. - (Hearings on National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously
Authorized Programs; 2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed
Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
664 Defense acquisitions: key decisions to be made on Future
Combat System : report to Congressional committees / United
States Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.:
GAO, 2007. - 61 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-376)
HSFK D 820543 HSFK: 98.626 Öff.StaO: F 197
665 Defense acquisitions: missile defense acquisition strategy
generates results but delivers less at a higher cost : report
to Congressional committees / United States Government
Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO, 2007. - 71 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-387)
HSFK D 820628 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
657 Budget request from the United States Transportation
Command and component commands : hearings on National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and Oversight
of Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before the
Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held March 2, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. IV,222 S. - (Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs;
2007) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-68)
HSFK D 820551 HSFK: 98.631 Öff.StaO: F 197
666 The Department of the Navy plans and programs for the
DD(X) next-generation multi-mission surface combatant
ship (part I and part II) : hearings before the Projection Forces
Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S.
House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session,
hearings held July 19, 20, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2006. - IV,302 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-30)
HSFK D 820627 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820354 HSFK: 98.649 Öff.StaO: F 197
658 Budgeting for war costs : hearing before the Committee on
the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,
1st Session, January 18, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,78 S. - (Serial /
Committee on the Budget (United States / House); No. 110-1)
HSFK D 820237 HSFK: 98.658 Öff.StaO: F 197
667 Francis, Paul L.: Defense acquisitions: Future Combat System
risks underscore the importance of oversight : statement of
Paul L. Francis, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing
Management ; testimony before the Subcommittee on Air and
Land Forces, Committee on Armed Services, House of
Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 14 S. - (GAO-07-672T)
HSFK D 820555 HSFK: 98.636 Öff.StaO: F 197
659 Department of Defense budget priorities fiscal year 2007 :
hearing before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, March 1, 2005
- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,28 S. - (Serial / Committee on the Budget (United States /
House); No. 109-16)
HSFK D 820234 HSFK: 98.656 Öff.StaO: F 197
660 FY2007 supplemental appropriations for defense, foreign
668 Joint Strike Fighter: progress made and challenges remain
: report to Congressional committees / United States
Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO,
2007. - 30 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (GAO-07-360)
HSFK D 820546 HSFK: 98.627 Öff.StaO: F 197
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
669 Bearden, David M.: U.S. disposal of chemical weapons in the
affairs, and other purposes : updated March 28, 2007 ; CRS
Report for Congress / Stephen Daggett ... - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 70 S. - (RL33900)
ocean: background and issues for Congress : updated January
3, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / David M. Bearden. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 22 S. - (RL33432)
HSFK D 819882 HSFK: P Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820023 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
670 Ramseur, Jonathan L.: Climate change: Action by states to
SK02 Theory / Methodology
address greenhouse gas emissions : CRS Report for Congress
/ Jonathan L. Ramseur. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 20 S., Tab. - (RL33812)
671 Suh Jae-jung: Power, interest, and identity in military alliances
/ Jae-Jung Suh. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. XV, 286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-278, Anh.
S. 207-229 - ISBN 1-4039-7928-6
HSFK D 820036 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820617 SWP: A.07/0291
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
681 Stein, Ernesto; Tommasi, Mariano: The institutional
determinants of state capabilities in Latin America / Ernesto
Stein and Mariano Tommasi. - In: Beyond transition: Annual
World Bank Conference on Development Economics Regional, 2007 / ed. by François Bourguignon ... International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C.,
2007, S. 193-225, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 223-225 ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
SB01 International relations / process
672 The Bush Doctrine and Latin America / Ed. by Gary
Prevost.... - 1st - New York/NY...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. X,261 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-4039-7387-3
GIGA D 819767 IIK: AAL-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 220
673 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
SWP D 820544 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
SF01 Political system / Constitution
682 Calaminus, Emily: Die Vermessung der Demokratie :
Entwicklungen und Beispiele aus Lateinamerika / Emily
Calaminus. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 23 (2007)
7, S. 85-104, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 103-104
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
674 Latin America and the Caribbean: issues for the 110th
SWP D 820170 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IFA: Z-D3306 BICC: BZ KAS IIK: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/849
Öff.StaO: 212
Congress : CRS Report for Congress / Mark P. Sullivan
(coordinator). Congressional Research Service, Library of
Congress. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 35 S. - (RL33828)
683 Gomariz Moraga, Enrique: Sistama político y políticas
HSFK D 820039 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
públicas en América Latina / Enrique Gomariz Moraga. In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de
Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (junio 2007) 38,
S. 91-112, Lit. S. 111-112
675 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820461 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
684 Haldenwang, Christian von: Gobernabilidad en América
Latina : una orientación para la cooperación al desarrollo /
Christian von Haldenwang. - In: Gobernabilidad y reforma
política en América Latina y Europa / Klaus Bodemer...(eds.). La Paz: Plural editores, 2007, S. 41-57, graph. Darst. ISBN 978-99954-1-063-6
SB03 International law
676 Cooperación y asistencia judicial con la Corte Penal
Internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania,
España e Italia / Kai Ambos...(editores). - Montevideo: KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 735 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9974-7942-8-3
GIGA D 820633 IIK: AAL-H/1
685 Ordóñez, Jaime: El debate entre indicadores de diagnóstico
vs. indicadores de prescripción : el caso de América Latina /
Jaime Ordóñez. - In: Gobernabilidad y reforma política en
América Latina y Europa / Klaus Bodemer...(eds.). - La Paz:
Plural editores, 2007, S. 17-39, Tab., Lit. S. 38-39 ISBN 978-99954-1-063-6
GIGA D 820042 IIK: AAL-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
SC International security / Defense
677 Segurança internacional : um diálogo Europa-América do Sul
2006 ; III Conferência do Forte Copacabana / Wilhelm
Hofmeister ... (org.) . Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ... - Rio de
Janeiro: KAS, 2007. - 186 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-85-7504-114-7
Außerdem erschienen auf Englisch u.d.T.: International
security: A European-South American dialogue 2006 / ed.:
Wilhelm Hofmeister ... Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ... - Rio de
Janeiro, 2007
GIGA D 820631 IIK: AAL-H/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
686 Regimes and democracy in Latin America : Theories and
methods / Gerardo L. Munck (ed.). - Oxford [u.a.]: Oxford Univ.
Press, 2007. - 286 S., Lit. S. 247-281 - (Oxford studies in
democracy) - ISBN 978-0-19-921990-2
GIGA D 820269 IIK: AAL-B/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 819912 IIK: AAL-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SF01.02 Human rights
687 Jelin, Elizabeth: Human rights and the memory of political
violence and repression : constructing a new field in social
science / Elizabeth Jelin. - In: Rethinking development in Latin
America / ed. by Charles H. Wood... - University Park/Pa.:
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005, S. 183-201,
Lit. S. 201 - ISBN 0-271-02515-8
678 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
GIGA D 820604 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF04 Political participation
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
688 Oquendo, Angel R.: Democracia y pluralismo / Ángel R.
679 Haldenwang, Christian von: Gobernabilidad en América
Oquendo. - 1a ed. - México: Distribuciones Fontamara, 2004. 280 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Biblioteca de Ética, Filosofía del
Derecho y Política; 96) - ISBN 968-476-470-7
Latina : una orientación para la cooperación al desarrollo /
Christian von Haldenwang. - In: Gobernabilidad y reforma
política en América Latina y Europa / Klaus Bodemer...(eds.). La Paz: Plural editores, 2007, S. 41-57, graph. Darst. ISBN 978-99954-1-063-6
GIGA D 820185 IIK: AAL-H/6 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF09 Public administration
GIGA D 820633 IIK: AAL-H/1
689 Stein, Ernesto; Tommasi, Mariano: The institutional
SF Government
determinants of state capabilities in Latin America / Ernesto
Stein and Mariano Tommasi. - In: Beyond transition: Annual
World Bank Conference on Development Economics Regional, 2007 / ed. by François Bourguignon ... International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C.,
2007, S. 193-225, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 223-225 ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
680 Davis, Diane E.: The state of the state in Latin American
sociology / Diane E. Davis. - In: Rethinking development in
Latin America / ed. by Charles H. Wood... - University Park/Pa.:
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005, S. 159-182 ISBN 0-271-02515-8
GIGA D 820603 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SWP D 820544 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SG02 Social process / Social structure
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
690 Ariza, Marina; Oliveira, Orlandina de: Families in transition /
700 Perry, Guillermo E.; Olarreaga, Marcelo: Trade liberalization,
Marina Ariza ; Orlandina de Oliveira. - In: Rethinking
development in Latin America / ed. by Charles H. Wood... University Park/Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press,
2005, S. 233-247 - ISBN 0-271-02515-8
inequality, and poverty reduction in Latin America / Guillermo
Perry and Marcelo Olarreaga. - In: Beyond transition: Annual
World Bank Conference on Development Economics Regional, 2007 / ed. by François Bourguignon ... International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C.,
2007, S. 103-139, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 136-139 ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
GIGA D 820606 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
691 Transkulturalität und Geschlechterverhältnisse : neue
Perspektiven auf kulturelle Dynamiken in den Amerikas /
Stephanie Schütze...(Hrsg.). - Berlin: Verl. Walter Frey: edition
tranvía, 2007. - 195 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Fragmentierte Moderne in Lateinamerika; Band 4) ISBN 978-3-938944-07-3
SWP D 820539 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
701 Repensando el rol de los Bancos Nacionales de
Desarrollo: funciones y desafíos futuros / Asociación
Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo. Lima: ALIDE, 2007. - 274 S., Tab., graph. Darst.
GIGA D 820034 IIK: AAL-L/3 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG02.04 Migration
GIGA D 820147 IIK: AAL-F/5 Öff.StaO: H 220
692 Of migrants and minutemen : inside the immigration battle -
In: NACLA Report on the Americas (New York/N.Y.),
40 (May-June 2007) 3, S. 13-42, Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 41-42
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
702 Perry, Guillermo E.; Olarreaga, Marcelo: Trade liberalization,
GIGA D 820475 OSI: Zu 668 IIK: ZS-LA-N (früher: 6.610 LA)
inequality, and poverty reduction in Latin America / Guillermo
Perry and Marcelo Olarreaga. - In: Beyond transition: Annual
World Bank Conference on Development Economics Regional, 2007 / ed. by François Bourguignon ... International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C.,
2007, S. 103-139, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 136-139 ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
693 Ward, Peter M.: The lack of "cursive thinking" within social
theory and public policy : four decades of marginality and
rationality in the so-called slum / Peter M. Ward. In: Rethinking development in Latin America / ed. by Charles H.
Wood... - University Park/Pa.: Pennsylvania State University
Press, 2005, S. 271-296, Tab. - ISBN 0-271-02515-8
SWP D 820539 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 820607 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH03 Labour / Employment
703 Pérez Sáinz, Juan Pablo: Exclusion and employability : The
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
new labor dynamics in Latin America / Juan Pablo P´rez Sáinz.
- In: Rethinking development in Latin America / ed. by Charles
H. Wood... - University Park/Pa.: Pennsylvania State University
Press, 2005, S. 205-231, Tab. - ISBN 0-271-02515-8
694 Transkulturalität und Geschlechterverhältnisse : neue
Perspektiven auf kulturelle Dynamiken in den Amerikas /
Stephanie Schütze...(Hrsg.). - Berlin: Verl. Walter Frey: edition
tranvía, 2007. - 195 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Fragmentierte Moderne in Lateinamerika; Band 4) ISBN 978-3-938944-07-3
GIGA D 820605 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
GIGA D 820034 IIK: AAL-L/3 Öff.StaO: H 220
704 Repensando el rol de los Bancos Nacionales de
Desarrollo: funciones y desafíos futuros / Asociación
Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo. Lima: ALIDE, 2007. - 274 S., Tab., graph. Darst.
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
695 Isuani, Ernesto A.: Política social en la región : desafíos
políticos y de gestión / Ernesto A. Isuani. - In: Reforma y
Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para
el Desarrollo (Caracas), (junio 2007) 38, S. 49-72, graph.
Darst., Lit. S. 89-90
GIGA D 820147 IIK: AAL-F/5 Öff.StaO: H 220
705 Tondo Otazu, Christian Enrique: Funktionsbedingungen
fester Wechselkurssysteme für Lateinamerika / Christian
Enrique Tondo Otazu. - Marburg: Tectum, 2007. - XX,249 S.,
Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8288-9219-4
GIGA D 820453 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
696 Roberts, Bryan R.: Citizenship, rights, and social policy /
GIGA D 820027 IIK: AAL-C/4 Öff.StaO: H 220
Bryan R. Roberts. - In: Rethinking development in Latin
America / ed. by Charles H. Wood... - University Park/Pa.:
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005, S. 137-158 ISBN 0-271-02515-8
SK02 Theory / Methodology
706 Ordóñez, Jaime: El debate entre indicadores de diagnóstico
vs. indicadores de prescripción : el caso de América Latina /
Jaime Ordóñez. - In: Gobernabilidad y reforma política en
América Latina y Europa / Klaus Bodemer...(eds.). - La Paz:
Plural editores, 2007, S. 17-39, Tab., Lit. S. 38-39 ISBN 978-99954-1-063-6
GIGA D 820575 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG06 Media / Information
697 Bellver, Ana: Reformas en materia de transparencia : segunda
generación de cambio institucional / Ana Bellver. - In: Reforma
y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para
el Desarrollo (Caracas), (junio 2007) 38, S. 5-48, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 46-48
GIGA D 820631 IIK: AAL-H/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
GIGA D 820441 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
707 Mexican governance : from single-party rule to divided
SG07 Social movements / associations
government / Ed. by Armand B. Peschard-Sverdrup.... Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Press, 2005. - XVIII,317 S., Tab.,
graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. 27,
No. 2) - ISBN 0-89206-457-9
698 Foweraker, Joe: Toward a political sociology of social
mobilization in Latin America / Joe Foweraker. - In: Rethinking
development in Latin America / ed. by Charles H. Wood... University Park/Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press,
2005, S. 115-135 - ISBN 0-271-02515-8
GIGA D 820151 IIK: MEX-H/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF03 Political parties
GIGA D 820572 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
708 Mexican governance : from single-party rule to divided
699 Où va l'Amérique Latine? Tour d'horizont d'un continent en
government / Ed. by Armand B. Peschard-Sverdrup.... Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Press, 2005. - XVIII,317 S., Tab.,
graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. 27,
No. 2) - ISBN 0-89206-457-9
pleine mutation / Coordination: Jean-Paul Marthoz. Groupe de
Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité. Bruxelles: GRIP, 2007. - 128 S., Kt., Tab. - (Les Dossiers du
GRIP; No. 290-291) - ISBN 978-2-8048-0139-7
GIGA D 820151 IIK: MEX-H/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
BICC D 820074 BICC: BI 3446
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SF07 Military and society / Government
709 Camp, Roderic Ai: Mexico's military on the democratic stage /
SB01 International relations / process
Roderic Ai Camp. - Westport/Conn.: Praeger Security
International, 2005. - 366 S., Lit. S. 277-333 ISBN 0-275-98810-4
718 Latin America and the Caribbean: issues for the 110th
Congress : CRS Report for Congress / Mark P. Sullivan
(coordinator). Congressional Research Service, Library of
Congress. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 35 S. - (RL33828)
GIGA D 819943 IIK: MEX-B/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
HSFK D 820039 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SB01 International relations / process
719 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
710 García, Francisco: Acuerdo de Asociación, un salto de calidad
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
en las relaciones económicas y políticas con Europa /
Francisco García. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte
Político (Guatemala), 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213, S. 3-15,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
GIGA D 820482 IIK: ZS-LA-P (früher: 28.169 MA) Öff.StaO: H 220
SD02 International economic relations / economic
711 García, Francisco: II Foro de la Sociedad Civil Unión Europea
y Centroamérica : perspectivas hacia un acuerdo de asociación
/ Francísco García. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte
Político (Guatemala), 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213, S. 16-20
720 Lerman Alperstein, Aída: América Latina entre la Unión
Europea y Estados Unidos / Aída Lerman Alperstein. In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 57 (junio de 2007) 6,
S. 496-510, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820488 IIK: ZS-LA-P (früher: 28.169 MA) Öff.StaO: H 220
SB04 International political integration
DIE D 820133 IFA: Z-ME66 IIK: ZS-LA-CO (früher: 2.890 LA) DIE: 77ZA001
Öff.StaO: 204
712 Castillo Flores, Haydee: la democracia desde otra forma de
hacer gobierno, con la sabiduría de la sociedad civil / Haydee
Castillo Flores. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte
Político (Guatemala), 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213, S. 21-25
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
GIGA D 820493 IIK: ZS-LA-P (früher: 28.169 MA) Öff.StaO: H 220
721 Encinas, Miguel Ángel; Sayos del Castillo, Vanessa: La
mejora de la eficacia de la cooperación mediante la mejora en
la utilización de los instrumentos de planificación : el caso de la
OTC de República Dominicana / Miguel Ángel Encinas ;
Vanessa Sayos del Castillo. - In: Revista Española de
Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007)
20, S. 111-122, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 122
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
713 Economic growth and integration in Central America /
Dominique Desruelle ... (eds.) - Washington/D.C.: IMF, 2007. VIII, 102 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Occasional Paper
/ International Monetary Fund; 257) - ISBN 978-1-58906-616-8
GIGA D 820535 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 819869 SWP: H.07/0318 DIE: 78AH023 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
722 Veisten, Knut; Gomera, Wagner R.: Deficiencias en la
organización del servicio de aseo : un caso donde la
contrartación no funciona en la práctica como en la teoría /
Knut Veisten ; Wagner R. Gomera. - In: Reforma y Democracia
/ Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo
(Caracas), (junio 2007) 38, S. 163-194, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 192-194
714 Economic growth and integration in Central America /
Dominique Desruelle ... (eds.) - Washington/D.C.: IMF, 2007. VIII, 102 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Occasional Paper
/ International Monetary Fund; 257) - ISBN 978-1-58906-616-8
SWP D 819869 SWP: H.07/0318 DIE: 78AH023 Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 820465 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
SF Government
715 Castillo Quintana, Rolando: Análisis sociopolítico de la
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
gestión pública en el marco de la reforma del Estado y de la
interculturalidad / Rolando Castillo Quintana. - In: Reforma y
Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para
el Desarrollo (Caracas), (junio 2007) 38, S. 73-90, graph.
Darst., Lit. S. 89-90
723 Consolidating stability in Haiti / International Crisis Group. -
Port-au-Prince ..., 2007. - 33 S., graph. Darst., Kt, Lit. Hinw. (ICG Latin America/Caribbean Report; N° 21)
GIGA D 820455 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 819797 SWP: H.07/0330
RD03.05 CUBA
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
SB01 International relations / process
716 Gómez Lacayo, Mauricio: Una visión de la planificación y los
724 A road map for reconstructing U.S. relations with Cuba /
nuevos instrumentos desde los países receptores / Mauricio
Gómez Lacayo. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y
Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007) 20, S. 41-50
Atlantic Council of the United States. - Washington/D.C., 2007.
- 13 S. - (Issue Brief / Atlantic Council of the United States;
Program on International Security)
GIGA D 820533 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 819821
SF03 Political parties
725 Sullivan, Mark P.: Cuba: issues for the 110th Congress : CRS
717 Benavides, Katia: Costa Rica: reconfiguración de la política
Report for Congress / Mark P. Sullivan. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 36 S. - (RL33819)
partidaria en el marco del debate del DR-CAFTA / Katia
Benavides. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte Político
(Guatemala), 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213, S. 26-28
HSFK D 820038 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
GIGA D 820494 IIK: ZS-LA-P (früher: 28.169 MA) Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
734 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
726 Henry, Michael: Formulating trade policy in a small
hydrocarbon-dependent economy : The case of Trinidad and
Tobago / Michael Henry. - In: The World Economy (Oxford),
30 (August 2007) 8, S. 1222-1252, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1252
SWP D 820073 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF05 Domestic policy
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
735 Tommasi, Mariano; Spiller, Pablo T.: The institutional
foundations of public policy in Argentina / Pablo T. Spiller ;
Mariano Tommasi. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2007. - 237 S., Lit. S. 211-228 - ISBN 978-0-521-85474-0
727 União Européia e Mercosul: dois momentos especiais da
integração regional - Rio de Janeiro: Konrad-AdenauerStiftung, 2007. - 126 S. - (Cadernos Adenauer; 1 (2007)) ISBN 978-85-7504-116-1
GIGA D 819806 IIK: ARG-H/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
GIGA D 819827 IIK: AAL-A/5 Öff.StaO: H 220
736 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
728 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH03 Labour / Employment
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
737 Acosta, Pablo; Gasparini, Leonardo: Capital accumulation,
trade liberalization, and rising wage inequality : The case of
Argentina / Pablo Acosta, Leonardo Gasparini. - In: Economic
Development and Cultural Change (Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007)
4, S. 793-812, graph. Darst., Tab, Lit. S. 810-812
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
729 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
DIE D 820408 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
738 Acosta, Pablo; Gasparini, Leonardo: Capital accumulation,
trade liberalization, and rising wage inequality : The case of
Argentina / Pablo Acosta, Leonardo Gasparini. - In: Economic
Development and Cultural Change (Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007)
4, S. 793-812, graph. Darst., Tab, Lit. S. 810-812
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD02 International economic relations / economic
DIE D 820408 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
730 Hornbeck, J. F.: Mercosur: evolution and implications for U.S.
trade policy : updated January 5, 2007 ; CRS Report for
Congress / J. F. Hornbeck. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, 2007. - 14 S., graph. Darst., Tab. (RL33620)
SB01 International relations / process
739 Ribando, Clare M.: Bolivia: political and economic
developments and relations with the United States : updated
January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Clare M.
Ribando. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 24 S., Kt., Tab. - (RL32580)
HSFK D 820018 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820019 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SA02 History
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
731 Kaiser, Susana: Postmemories of terror : A new generation
copes with the legacy of the "dirty war" / Susana Kaiser. - New
York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. - 241 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 1-4039-6465-3
740 Nunnenkamp, Peter; Schweickert, Rainer; Wiebelt,
Manfred: Distributional effects of FDI : how the interaction of
FDI and eocnomic policy affects poor households in Bolivia /
Peter Nunnenkamp, Rainer Schweickert and Manfred Wiebelt.
- In: Development Policy Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4,
S. 429-450, Tab., Lit. S. 447-450
GIGA D 819946 IIK: ARG-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 220
SB03 International law
732 Schill, Stephan W.: German Constitutional Court rules on
necessity in Argentine bondholder case / by Stephan W. Schill.
- Washington/D.C.: ASIL, 2007. - ca. 3 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL
Insights; Vol. 11, Issue 20)
DIE D 820048 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
SF Government
741 Ribando, Clare M.: Bolivia: political and economic
SWP D 819835
developments and relations with the United States : updated
January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Clare M.
Ribando. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 24 S., Kt., Tab. - (RL32580)
SF Government
733 Mosqueira Medina, Edgardo: De la evaluación por productos
a las evaluación por resultados e impactos : Análisis de las
experiencias recogidas del proyecto de modernización del
Estado argentino / Edgardo Mosqueira Medina. - In: Reforma y
Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para
el Desarrollo (Caracas), (junio 2007) 38, S. 113-134
HSFK D 820019 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
GIGA D 820463 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
742 Nunnenkamp, Peter; Schweickert, Rainer; Wiebelt,
751 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
Manfred: Distributional effects of FDI : how the interaction of
FDI and eocnomic policy affects poor households in Bolivia /
Peter Nunnenkamp, Rainer Schweickert and Manfred Wiebelt.
- In: Development Policy Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4,
S. 429-450, Tab., Lit. S. 447-450
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
DIE D 820048 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH Economy
SH05 Energy industry
743 Ribando, Clare M.: Bolivia: political and economic
developments and relations with the United States : updated
January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Clare M.
Ribando. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 24 S., Kt., Tab. - (RL32580)
752 Witte, Benjamin: Power struggle: Chileans face off on
hydroelectirc dams / Benjamin Witte. - In: NACLA Report on
the Americas (New York/N.Y.), 40 (May-June 2007) 3, S. 9-12,
GIGA D 820472 OSI: Zu 668 IIK: ZS-LA-N (früher: 6.610 LA)
HSFK D 820019 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
RD04.18 PERU
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SC International security / Defense
753 Ñopo, Hugo; Saavedra, Jaime; Torero, Máximo: Ethnicity
744 Intermediate states, regional leadership and security :
India, Brazil and South Africa / Alcides Costa Vaz. - Brasilia:
Ed. UnB, 2006. - 310 S., Tab., Lit. S. 306-310 ISBN 85-230-0849-7
and earnings in a mixed-race labour market / Hugo Ñopo,
Jaime Saavedra, Máximo Torero. - In: Economic Development
and Cultural Change (Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007) 4,
S. 709-734, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 733-734
DIE D 819831 DIE: 21KC016 Öff.StaO: B 1503
DIE D 820402 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SH03 Labour / Employment
754 Ñopo, Hugo; Saavedra, Jaime; Torero, Máximo: Ethnicity
India, Brazil and South Africa / Alcides Costa Vaz. - Brasilia:
Ed. UnB, 2006. - 310 S., Tab., Lit. S. 306-310 ISBN 85-230-0849-7
and earnings in a mixed-race labour market / Hugo Ñopo,
Jaime Saavedra, Máximo Torero. - In: Economic Development
and Cultural Change (Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007) 4,
S. 709-734, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 733-734
DIE D 819831 DIE: 21KC016 Öff.StaO: B 1503
DIE D 820402 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
745 Intermediate states, regional leadership and security :
755 Pobreza, agua y tierra en Jequetepeque, Perú : perfil de
pobreza y el acceso y manejo del agua y de la tierra en la parte
alta de la cuenca de Jequetepeque, Perú / Ligia Ivette Gómez
... Danish Institute for International Studies - Copenhagen,
2007. - 52 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - (DIIS Working Paper;
No. 2005/14 [i.e. 2007/14]) - ISBN 978-87-7605-217-1
746 Kohsaka, Setsuzo: Toward a revival in Japan-Brazil economic
relations / Kohsaka Setsuzo. - In: Gaiko Forum (Tokyo),
7 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 45-52
SWP D 820483 SWP: X. 874 DGAP: ZD 34
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
747 Schülke, Katja: Kulturunterschiede als Hindernis und Chance :
SWP D 819843
eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Erfahrungen von
Brasilianern in Deutschland / Katja Schülke. - In: Brasilien
Dialog (Mettingen), (2006) 3-4, S. 7-48, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
GIGA D 820469 IFA: Z-D2888 IIK: ZS-LA-B (früher: 4.651 BR) DIE: 71ZA003
Öff.StaO: 1a
756 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
748 Wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen in der ersten Regierung
Präsident Lulas 2003-2006 : eine Übersicht - In: Brasilien
Dialog (Mettingen), (2006) 3-4, S. 49-73, graph. Darst., Tab.
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 820479 IFA: Z-D2888 IIK: ZS-LA-B (früher: 4.651 BR) DIE: 71ZA003
Öff.StaO: 1a
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
SK01 Fields of science
757 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
749 Faria, Vilmar Evangelista: Social science and academic
sociology in Brazil / Vilmar Evangelista Faria. - In: Rethinking
development in Latin America / ed. by Charles H. Wood... University Park/Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press,
2005, S. 79-111, Lit. S. 103-111, Tab., graph. Darst. ISBN 0-271-02515-8
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
GIGA D 820569 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SA01 General studies / Area studies
750 Straßner, Veit: Die offenen Wunden Lateinamerikas :
758 Aló Presidente: Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft /
Vergangenheitspolitik im postautoritären Argentinien, Uruguay
und Chile / Veit Straßner. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. - 389 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 361-389 - (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika:
Politikwissenschaftliche Analysen zur Entwicklungs- und
Schwellenländerforschung) - ISBN 978-3-531-15599-9
Sahra Wagenknecht (Hg.). - Berlin: Edition Ost, 2004. - 223 S.,
graph. Darst., Ill. - ISBN 3-360-01055-8
GIGA D 820017 IIK: VEN/3 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 820499 IIK: ARG-H/8 DIE: 07KC048 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SA03 Politics
SF05 Domestic policy
759 Venezuela a contracorriente : Los orígenes y las claves de la
762 López Maya, Margarita: Breaking with the past : A
revolución bolivariana / Juan Torres López (coord.). Barcelona: Icaria, 2006. - 148 S. - (Más madera) ISBN 84-7426-839-7
40th-anniversary interview with Margarita López Maya /
Margarita López Maya. - In: NACLA Report on the Americas
(New York/N.Y.), 40 (May-June 2007) 3, S. 4-8, Ill.
GIGA D 820503 IIK: VEN/4 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 820470 OSI: Zu 668 IIK: ZS-LA-N (früher: 6.610 LA)
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SF06.02 Terrorism
763 Venezuela: terrorism hub of South America? hearing before
the Subcommittee on International Terrorism and
Nonproliferation of the Committee on International Relations,
U.S. House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session,
July 13, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,29 S. - (Serial / Committee on International
Relations (United States / House); No. 109-189)
760 Webb-Vidal, Andy: Oiling the axis : ties between Iran and
Venezuela / Andy Webb-Vidal. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review
(Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 32-35, Ill.
SWP D 820089 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SF01 Political system / Constitution
761 Venezuela: Hugo Chávez and the decline of an
HSFK D 820243 HSFK: 98.664 Öff.StaO: F 197
"exceptional democracy" / Ed. by Steve Ellner and Miguel
Tinker Salas. - Lanham/MD...: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
2007. - XVI,220 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Latin American Perspectives in
the Classroom) - ISBN 0-7425-5456-2
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
764 Baptista, Asdrubal: Bases cuantitativas de la economía
venezolana : 1830-2002 / Asdrúbal Baptista ; prólogo de Angus
Maddison. - Caracas: Fundación Empresas Polar, 2006. 944 S., zahlr. Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 937-943 ISBN 980-379141-9
GIGA D 819793 IIK: VEN/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 820619 IIK: VEN/6 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SD03.01 Foreign trade
774 Collier, Paul; Venables, Anthony J.: Rethinking trade
SB01 International relations / process
765 Communication from the Commission to the European
Parliament and the Council : from Cairo to Lisbon - the
EU-Africa strategic partnership ; SEC(2007)855,
SEC(2007)856 / Commission of the European Communities. Brussels, 2007. - 10 S. - (COM(2007)357final)
SWP D 820049
preferences : how Africa can diversify its exports / Paul Collier
and Anthony J. Venables. - In: The World Economy (Oxford),
30 (August 2007) 8, S. 1326-1345, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1344-1345, Anh. S. 1342-1343
SWP D 820081 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
775 Accelerating development outcomes in Africa - Progress
and change in the Africa Action Plan / World Bank. - o.O.:
World Bank, 2007. - 50 S., Tab. (JointMinisterialCommitteeoftheBoardsofGovernorsoftheWorld
SB04 International political integration
766 Lecoutre, Delphine: Vers un gouvernement de l’Union
africaine? Maximalistes vs gradualistes / Delphine Lecoutre. Pretoria: ISS, 2007. - 16 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ISS Papers; 147)
SWP D 819891
SWP D 820323
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SC International security / Defense
776 Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï Paulin: Abschied von Europa / von
Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 42-46, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï
Paulin: Farewell to Europe. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
767 Beri, Ruchita: Security challenges in post-9/11 Africa / Ruchita
Beri. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi), 46 (May-July 2006) 2,
S. 46-51, Ill., Lit. S. 51
GIGA D 820030 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
SC01 International relations in the field of international
768 Africa Command: opportunity for enhanced engagement or
the militarization of U.S.-Africa relations? / Subcommittee
on Africa and Global Health. Donald M. Payne, Chairman. Washington/D.C., 2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
IFA D 820296 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
777 Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï Paulin: Farewell to Europe / by
SWP D 820276
769 De Coning, Cedric H.: Peace operations in Africa : The next
decade / Cedric de Coning. - Oslo: NUPI, 2007. - 18 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (NUPI Working Paper; No. 721-2007) ISBN 978-82-7002-165-9
Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon. - In: Culture report "Progress
Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 42-46, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï
Paulin: Abschied von Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820400 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820077
SF01.02 Human rights
770 Exploring the U.S. Africa Command and a new strategic
778 Mepham, David; Ramsbotham, Alexander: Safeguarding
relationship with Africa : hearing before the Committee on
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 1st
Session, Wednesday, August 01, 2007 - Washington/D.C.,
2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
civilians : delivering on the responsibility to protect in Africa /
David Mepham and Alexander Ramsbotham. - London: IPPR,
2007. - 94 S., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
SWP D 820272
SWP D 819906
771 Schroeder, Matthew: US security assistance and Africa :
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
challenges of weapon sales and military aid / Matthew
Schroeder. - In: Security, reconstruction, and reconciliation:
when the wars end / ed. by Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press,
2007, S. 284-306, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
779 Mepham, David; Ramsbotham, Alexander: Safeguarding
civilians : delivering on the responsibility to protect in Africa /
David Mepham and Alexander Ramsbotham. - London: IPPR,
2007. - 94 S., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
GIGA D 819763 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SWP D 819906
772 The Africa competitiveness report 2007 / World Economic
Forum. - Cologny, 2007. - ca. 250 S.
SWP D 819904
SF06.02 Terrorism
780 Beri, Ruchita: Security challenges in post-9/11 Africa / Ruchita
Beri. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi), 46 (May-July 2006) 2,
S. 46-51, Ill., Lit. S. 51
GIGA D 820030 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
773 China in Africa / Margret C. Lee ... . Compiled by Henning
Melber. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet - Uppsala: NAI, 2007. - 46 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Current African Issues; No. 35)
- ISBN 978-91-7106-589-6
GIGA D 819947 IAK: AFR-C/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.5 Africa / Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)
SG02.02 Social groups
781 [Documents of the 2nd Meeting of African Union Women's
Committee, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18-19 April, 2007] Addis Ababa: African Union, 2007. - ca. 44 S. [getr. Zähl.] -Enhält: -- - AU Commission Chairperson's 2nd Progress Report
on the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender
Equality in Africa. - 14 S. -- - Synthesis of First Reports of
Member States on the Implementation of the Solemn
Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA). - 30 S.
SWP D 819892
SB04 International political integration
784 Lecoutre, Delphine: Vers un gouvernement de l’Union
africaine? Maximalistes vs gradualistes / Delphine Lecoutre. Pretoria: ISS, 2007. - 16 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ISS Papers; 147)
SWP D 820323
SG02.02 Social groups
785 [Documents of the 2nd Meeting of African Union Women's
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
782 [Documents of the 2nd Meeting of African Union Women's
Committee, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18-19 April, 2007] Addis Ababa: African Union, 2007. - ca. 44 S. [getr. Zähl.] -Enhält: -- - AU Commission Chairperson's 2nd Progress Report
on the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender
Equality in Africa. - 14 S. -- - Synthesis of First Reports of
Member States on the Implementation of the Solemn
Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA). - 30 S.
SWP D 819892
Committee, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18-19 April, 2007] Addis Ababa: African Union, 2007. - ca. 44 S. [getr. Zähl.] -Enhält: -- - AU Commission Chairperson's 2nd Progress Report
on the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender
Equality in Africa. - 14 S. -- - Synthesis of First Reports of
Member States on the Implementation of the Solemn
Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA). - 30 S.
SWP D 819892
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
786 [Documents of the 2nd Meeting of African Union Women's
SH Economy
783 The Africa competitiveness report 2007 / World Economic
Forum. - Cologny, 2007. - ca. 250 S.
SWP D 819904
Committee, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18-19 April, 2007] Addis Ababa: African Union, 2007. - ca. 44 S. [getr. Zähl.] -Enhält: -- - AU Commission Chairperson's 2nd Progress Report
on the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender
Equality in Africa. - 14 S. -- - Synthesis of First Reports of
Member States on the Implementation of the Solemn
Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA). - 30 S.
SWP D 819892
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SF01.02 Human rights
796 Writers at risk / Charles R. Larson. - In: Africa Quarterly (New
SB01 International relations / process
Delhi), 46 (February-April 2006) 1, S. 24-27, Ill.
787 Golaszinski, Ulrich H. K.: Subsahara-Afrika: die
GIGA D 820026 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
Wiederentdeckung eines Kontinents / Ulrich Golaszinski. Berlin: FES, 2007. - 16 S. - (Kompass 2020) ISBN 978-3-89892-676-8
SF03 Political parties
797 Hulterström, Karolina; Kamete, Amin Y.; Melber, Henning:
Political opposition in African countries : The cases of Kenya,
Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe / Karolina Hulterström ; Amin
Y. Kamete ; Henning Melber. Compiled by Henning Melber. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2007. - 85 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - (Discussion Paper / Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; 37) ISBN 978-91-7106-587-2
SWP D 819886 SWP: H.07/0258 DGAP: DG B01362n IAK: AFR-A/7
Öff.StaO: H 221
788 Quand Sarko "découvre" l'Afrique - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),
47 (5-11 août 2007) 2430, S. 40-48, Ill.
SWP D 820338 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
SD02 International economic relations / economic
GIGA D 820061 IAK: AFR-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
789 2007 comprehensive report on U.S. trade and investment
policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa and implementation of
the African Growth and Opportunity Act / prepared by the
Office of the United States Trade Representative. Washington/D.C., 2007. - 140 S., Tab., Anh.
SWP D 820235
SF06.01 Civil war
798 Turshen, Meredeth: The impact of civil war on women and
children in Africa / Meredith Turshen. - In: Security,
reconstruction, and reconciliation: when the wars end / ed. by
Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press, 2007, S. 85-96, Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
GIGA D 819756 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
790 Zafar, Ali: The growing relationship between China and Sub-
SF07 Military and society / Government
Saharan Africa : macroeconomic, trade, investment, and aid
links / Ali Zafar. - In: The World Bank Research Observer
(London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 103-130, graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 128-130
799 Clark, John F.: The decline of the African military coup / John
F. Clark. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July
2007) 3, S. 141-155, Tab., Lit. S. 154-155
SWP D 820148 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
DIE D 820171 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SG02.02 Social groups
791 Asian involvement in Africa - In: Development and
800 Turshen, Meredeth: The impact of civil war on women and
Cooperation (Frankfurt/Main), 34 (June 2007) 6, S. 232-249,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Asiatische Einflüsse in Afrika. - In:
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 48 (2007) 6.
children in Africa / Meredith Turshen. - In: Security,
reconstruction, and reconciliation: when the wars end / ed. by
Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press, 2007, S. 85-96, Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
DIE D 819809 BICC: BZ DEVCOR IIK: 28.150 INT DIE: ZS007-3 IAK: ZS
Öff.StaO: 83
GIGA D 819756 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
792 Asiatische Einflüsse in Afrika - In: Entwicklung und
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt/Main), 48 (Juni 2007) 6, S.232-249,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Asian involvement in Africa. - In:
Development and cooperation 34 (2007) 6
801 Jassey, Katja; Nyanzi, Stella: How to be a "proper" woman in
the time of AIDS / Katja Jassey and Stella Nyanzi. - Uppsala:
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2007. - 35 S., Ill., Lit. S. 35, Lit. Hinw. (Current African Issues; No. 34) - ISBN 978-91-7106-574-2
DIE D 819804 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E
IFAs: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 819949 IAK: AFR-O/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
793 Dieter, Heribert: Competition stimulates business : China's
SG03.02 Health
engagement / by Heribert Dieter. - In: Development and
Cooperation (Frankfurt/Main), 34 (June 2007) 6, S. 232-235,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Konkurrenz belebt das Geschäft. - In:
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 48 (2007) 6
802 Jassey, Katja; Nyanzi, Stella: How to be a "proper" woman in
the time of AIDS / Katja Jassey and Stella Nyanzi. - Uppsala:
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2007. - 35 S., Ill., Lit. S. 35, Lit. Hinw. (Current African Issues; No. 34) - ISBN 978-91-7106-574-2
DIE D 819812 BICC: BZ DEVCOR IIK: 28.150 INT DIE: ZS007-3 IAK: ZS
Öff.StaO: 83
GIGA D 819949 IAK: AFR-O/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
794 Zafar, Ali: The growing relationship between China and Sub-
Saharan Africa : macroeconomic, trade, investment, and aid
links / Ali Zafar. - In: The World Bank Research Observer
(London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 103-130, graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 128-130
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
803 Kende, Mark S.: Truth commissions versus prosecutios : An
African perspective / Mark S. Kende. - In: Security,
reconstruction, and reconciliation: when the wars end / ed. by
Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press, 2007, S. 133-144, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
DIE D 820171 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
SF01 Political system / Constitution
GIGA D 819757 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
795 Posner, Daniel N.; Young, Daniel J.: The institutionalization
of political power in Africa / Daniel N. Posner and Daniel J.
Young. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July
2007) 3, S. 126-140, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 138-140
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
804 Theatre, performance and new media in Africa / Susan
Arndt ... (eds.) - Bayreuth: Thielmann und Breitinger, 2007. 222 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (Bayreuth African Studies Series; 82) ISBN 978-3-939661-01-6
SWP D 820146 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
GIGA D 820641 IAK: AFR-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
805 Writers at risk / Charles R. Larson. - In: Africa Quarterly (New
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Delhi), 46 (February-April 2006) 1, S. 24-27, Ill.
GIGA D 820026 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
816 Hainzl, Gerald: Interests in West Africa / Gerald Hainzl. -
In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and management in
West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). - Wien.: BMLV, 2007. (Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10),
S. 129-142, Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SH06 Agrarian sector
806 Oya, Carlos: Agricultural maladjustment in Africa : what have
we learned after two decades of liberalisation? / Carlos Oya. In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies (Basingstoke),
25 (May 2007) 2, S. 275-297, Lit. S. 294-297, Lit. Hinw.
S. 292-294
SWP D 820360 SWP: H.07/0328
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
GIGA D 819974 IFA: Z-AF14 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 212
817 Omeje, Kenneth: Conflicts in West Africa / Kenneth Omeje. -
In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and management in
West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). - Wien.: BMLV, 2007. (Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10),
S. 9-36, Kt., Lit. S. 34-36 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SB01 International relations / process
807 Forest, James J. F.; Sousa, Matthew V.: Oil and terrorism in
SWP D 820351 SWP: H.07/0328
the New Gulf : framing U.S. energy and security policies for the
Gulf of Guinea / James J. F. Forest and Matthew V. Sousa. Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2007. - XIII,329 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-7391-1995-8
818 Sorting out the mess : wars, conflicts, and conflict
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.) - Wien.
- 145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; 10/2007) - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
GIGA D 820559 IAK: AFR-C/10 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 820348 SWP: H.07/0328
808 Gibert, Marie V.: European engagement in West Africa / Marie
Gibert. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 107-128, Tab.,
Lit. S. 125-128 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
819 Forest, James J. F.; Sousa, Matthew V.: Oil and terrorism in
the New Gulf : framing U.S. energy and security policies for the
Gulf of Guinea / James J. F. Forest and Matthew V. Sousa. Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2007. - XIII,329 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-7391-1995-8
SWP D 820359 SWP: H.07/0328
809 Hainzl, Gerald: Interests in West Africa / Gerald Hainzl. -
GIGA D 820559 IAK: AFR-C/10 Öff.StaO: H 221
In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and management in
West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). - Wien.: BMLV, 2007. (Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10),
S. 129-142, Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SB07 International organisations / institutions
SWP D 820360 SWP: H.07/0328
820 Bakhoum, Habiboulah: ECOWAS as regional peace broker /
Habiboulah Bakhoum. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict,
and management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 69-89, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 88-89 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
810 M'Baye, Sanou: West African expectations of Europe / Sanou
Mbaye. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 91-106, graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SWP D 820357 SWP: H.07/0328
SWP D 820358 SWP: H.07/0328
SC01 International relations in the field of international
811 Pabst, Martin: External interests in West Africa / Martin Pabst.
- In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict, and management in
West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). - Wien.: BMLV, 2007. (Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10),
S. 37-68, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
821 Bakhoum, Habiboulah: ECOWAS as regional peace broker /
Habiboulah Bakhoum. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict,
and management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 69-89, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 88-89 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SWP D 820355 SWP: H.07/0328
812 Pathak, Vidhan: Francophone Africa and India / Vidhan
SWP D 820357 SWP: H.07/0328
Pathak. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi), 46 (May-July 2006)
2, S. 18-29, Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 29
GIGA D 820029 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
SF03 Political parties
813 Sorting out the mess : wars, conflicts, and conflict
management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.) - Wien.
- 145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; 10/2007) - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
822 Osei, Anja: Politische Parteien und ihre gesellschaftliche
Verankerung in Ghana / Anja Osei. - In: KASAuslandsinformationen (Berlin), 23 (2007) 7, S. 6-25,
Lit. S. 24-25, Anh.
SWP D 820348 SWP: H.07/0328
SWP D 820162 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IFA: Z-D3306 BICC: BZ KAS IIK: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/849
Öff.StaO: 212
SB07 International organisations / institutions
814 Bakhoum, Habiboulah: ECOWAS as regional peace broker /
Habiboulah Bakhoum. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict,
and management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 69-89, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 88-89 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
SG02.04 Migration
823 Tsegai, Daniel: Migration as a household decision : what are
the roles of income differences? Insights from the Volta Basin
of Ghana / Daniel Tsegai. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2,
S. 305-326, Tab., Lit. S. 323-325
SWP D 820357 SWP: H.07/0328
DIE D 820443 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
SC01 International relations in the field of international
815 Bakhoum, Habiboulah: ECOWAS as regional peace broker /
SB01 International relations / process
Habiboulah Bakhoum. - In: Sorting out the mess: wars, conflict,
and management in West Africa / Walter Feichtinger ... (ed.). Wien.: BMLV, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe der
Landesverteidigungsakademie; Bd. 10), S. 69-89, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 88-89 - ISBN 3-902456-75-2
824 Jourde, Cédric: The international relations of small
neoauthoritarian states : islamism, warlordism, and the framing
of stability / Cédric Jourde. - In: International Studies Quarterly
(Malden/Mass.), 51 (June 2007) 2, S. 481-503
SWP D 820357 SWP: H.07/0328
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
HSFK D 819786 SWP: X. 181 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SG03.02 Health
825 The Liberian constitution in simple English and cartoons :
833 Olaoye, R. A.: Two ways of healing : faith and science / R. A.
"empowering local communities to claim respect and protection
of their rights and resist the abuse of power" / National Human
Rights Center of Liberia ; Amnesty International, Dutch Section,
Special Programme on Africa. - o.O.: NHRCL ..., 2004. IXI,45 S., zahlr. Ill.
Olaoye. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi), 46 (February-April
2006) 1, S. 50-53, Ill., Lit.
GIGA D 820028 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 819814 IAK: Ach342LI Öff.StaO: H 221
SF06.01 Civil war
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
834 Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga: The West's reporting of conflict in Africa
/ Ibrahim Seaga Shaw. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi),
46 (May-July 2006) 2, S. 36-49, Kt., Lit. S. 47-48, Lit. Hinw.
S. 46-47
826 Tarr, Byron: Reconstruct governance to rouse Liberia, long
forlorn / Byron Tarr. - In: Security, reconstruction, and
reconciliation: when the wars end / ed. by Muna Ndulo. London: UCL Press, 2007, S. 199-246, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 1-84472-117-5
GIGA D 820031 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
SF10 Law
GIGA D 819762 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
835 Sriram, Chandra Lekha: Justice for whom? Assessing hybrid
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
approaches to accountability in Sierra Leone / Chandra Lekha
Sriram. - In: Security, reconstruction, and reconciliation: when
the wars end / ed. by Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press, 2007,
S. 145-164, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
827 Making Liberia safe : transformation of the national security
sector / David C. Gompert ... RAND National Defense
Research Institute - Santa Monica/Cal., 2007. - 118 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series)
- ISBN 978-0-8330-4008-4
GIGA D 819758 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
SG06 Media / Information
SWP D 819993
836 Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga: The West's reporting of conflict in Africa
/ Ibrahim Seaga Shaw. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi),
46 (May-July 2006) 2, S. 36-49, Kt., Lit. S. 47-48, Lit. Hinw.
S. 46-47
RF01.20 MALI
SF05 Domestic policy
GIGA D 820031 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
828 Sphinx: ATT-cratie: la promotion d'un homme et de son clan /
Le Sphinx. - Paris ...: L'Harmattan, 2006-2007. - Tome 1-2
Tome 1. - 2006. - 147 S., Tab. - ISBN 2-296-01452-6
Tome 2. - 2007. - 75 S. - ISBN 978-2-296-02980-4
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
GIGA D 819825 IAK: Abe324SP Öff.StaO: H 221
837 Alusala, Nelson: Armed conflict and disarmament : selected
Central African case studies / Nelson Alusala. - Pretoria:
Institute for Security Studies, 2007. - VIII,74 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ISS
Monograph Series; No. 129) - ISBN 978-1-920114-10-7
SB01 International relations / process
829 Jourde, Cédric: The international relations of small
neoauthoritarian states : islamism, warlordism, and the framing
of stability / Cédric Jourde. - In: International Studies Quarterly
(Malden/Mass.), 51 (June 2007) 2, S. 481-503
GIGA D 820366 IAK: AFC-B/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
HSFK D 819786 SWP: X. 181 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
838 Mbe, Akoko Robert: "You must be born-again": The
SG02.01 Demography
pentecostalisation of the Presbyterian church in Cameroon /
Akoko Robert Mbe. - In: Journal of Contemporary African
Studies (Basingstoke), 25 (May 2007) 2, S. 299-315,
Lit. S. 314-315
830 Enquête démographique et de santé et à indicateurs
multiples du Niger 2006 / Institut National de la Statistique,
Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances ; Macro International.
- Niamey ..., 2007. - XXXIV,443 S., graph. Darst., Kt.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 295-296
GIGA D 819975 IFA: Z-AF14 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820080 IAK: NER-O/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF05 Domestic policy
839 Congo : entre ombre et lumière - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),
SG03.02 Health
47 (12-25 août 2007) 2431-2432, S. 63-102, Ill., graph. Darst.
831 Enquête de base du programme services de base intégrés
SWP D 820530 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
Niger 2006 / Institut National de la Statistique, Ministère de
l'Economie et des Finances ; UNICEF/Niger ; Macro
International. - Niamey ..., 2007. - XXIV,253 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 131
SH Economy
840 Congo : entre ombre et lumière - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),
47 (12-25 août 2007) 2431-2432, S. 63-102, Ill., graph. Darst.
GIGA D 820090 IAK: NER-O/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 820530 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
832 Enquête démographique et de santé et à indicateurs
RF02.07 CHAD
multiples du Niger 2006 / Institut National de la Statistique,
Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances ; Macro International.
- Niamey ..., 2007. - XXXIV,443 S., graph. Darst., Kt.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 295-296
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
841 Farrow, Mia; Ismail, Omer Sid Ahmed; Prendergast, John:
How to protect civilians in Eastern Chad / by Mia Farrow, Omer
Ismail, and John Prendergast. - Washington/D.C.: Enough,
2007. - 11 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategy Paper / Enough; 5/2007)
GIGA D 820080 IAK: NER-O/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 820290
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
842 May, Roy; Massey, Simon: Chad: politics and security / by
Roy May and Simon Massey. - Genève: UNHCR, 2007. - 36 S.,
Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Writenet Report)
SH10 Public finance
852 Public financial management for PRSP implementation in
SWP D 820330
SWP D 820344 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
Malawi : formal and informal PFM institutions in a
decentralising system / Stefan Leiderer ... Deutsches Institut für
Entwicklungspolitik - Bonn, 2007. - 181 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 151-156 - (Studies /
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik; 28) ISBN 978-3-88985-345-5
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
DIE D 820208 SWP: H.07/0340 DIE: 64ARA003-1 IAK: MWI-F/1
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SA03 Politics
843 RD Kongo : les raisons d'y croire - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),
47 (5-11 août 2007) 2430, S. 49-74, Ill., Kt. -- Enthält außerdem
Interview mit Nzanga Mobutu. - S. 64-65
844 Kets, Evert: The urgent need for a renewed SSR effort in the
Democratic Republic of Congo / Evert Kets. - The Hague: CRU,
2007. - 5 S. - (CRU Policy Brief; 5/2007)
SA01 General studies / Area studies
853 Hupe, Ilona; Vachal, Manfred: Reisen in Mosambik : ein
Reisebegleiter für Natur und Abenteuer ; mit allen
Nationalparks, GPS-Daten, Allradrouten / Text: Ilona Hupe,
Manfred Vachal. - 4., akt. Aufl. - München: Hupe, 2006. 383 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 378 ISBN 3-932084-29-2
SWP D 819908
SF01.02 Human rights
845 Mission d'Enquete au Bas Congo, fevrier 2007 / United
Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. - Kinshasa, 2007. - ca. 10 S.
DIE D 820582 DIE: 65DD001(4) Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 820288
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
854 Donge, Jan Kees van: Flexible SWAps for strategic policy-
846 Final report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic
making : reflections on the Zambian experience / Jan Kees van
Donge. - In: Development Policy Review (Oxford), 25 (July
2007) 4, S. 472-494, Lit. S. 493-494
Republic of the Congo, pursuant to Security Council
resolution 1698 (2006) : letter dated 16 July from the
Chairman of the Security Council Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo addressed to the President of the
Security Council / United Nations Security Council. - New
York/N.Y., 2007. - 42 S., Ill., Kt., Tab. - (S/2007/423)
DIE D 820123 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
SG02.01 Demography
855 Zimbabwe demographic and health survey 2005-2006 /
SWP D 820567
Central Statistical Office ; Macro International. - Harare ...,
2007. - XXIV,455 S., graph. Darst., Kt., zahlr. Tab.,
Lit. S. 297-298
847 Kets, Evert: The urgent need for a renewed SSR effort in the
Democratic Republic of Congo / Evert Kets. - The Hague: CRU,
2007. - 5 S. - (CRU Policy Brief; 5/2007)
GIGA D 820083 IAK: ZWE-O/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SG03.02 Health
SWP D 819908
856 Zimbabwe demographic and health survey 2005-2006 /
848 Mission d'Enquete au Bas Congo, fevrier 2007 / United
Central Statistical Office ; Macro International. - Harare ...,
2007. - XXIV,455 S., graph. Darst., Kt., zahlr. Tab.,
Lit. S. 297-298
Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. - Kinshasa, 2007. - ca. 10 S.
SWP D 820288
GIGA D 820083 IAK: ZWE-O/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH Economy
849 RD Kongo : les raisons d'y croire - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),
SA03 Politics
47 (5-11 août 2007) 2430, S. 49-74, Ill., Kt. -- Enthält außerdem
Interview mit Nzanga Mobutu. - S. 64-65
857 State of the nation : South Africa 2007 / ed. by Sakhela
Buhlungu ... . Human Sciences Research Council - Cape
Town: HSRC Press, 2007. - XVIII,586 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. - (State of the Nation: South Africa; 4) ISBN 978-0-7969-2166-6
SWP D 820344 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
SF Government
GIGA D 819846 IAK: ZAF-H/1-2007 Öff.StaO: H 221
850 Governance and state delivery in Southern Africa :
SC International security / Defense
examples from Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe / ed. by
Henning Melber. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. - Uppsala: NAI,
2007. - 65 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper / Nordiska
Afrikainstitutet; 38) - ISBN 978-91-7106-588-9
858 Intermediate states, regional leadership and security :
India, Brazil and South Africa / Alcides Costa Vaz. - Brasilia:
Ed. UnB, 2006. - 310 S., Tab., Lit. S. 306-310 ISBN 85-230-0849-7
DIE D 819831 DIE: 21KC016 Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 820059 IAK: AFS-H/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SG02.04 Migration
851 Morapedi, Wazha G.: Post-liberation xenophobia in Southern
859 Intermediate states, regional leadership and security :
Africa : The case of the influx of undocumented Zimbabwean
immigrants into Botswana, c.1995-2004 / Wazha G. Morapedi.
- In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies (Basingstoke),
25 (May 2007) 2, S. 229-250, Lit. S. 248-250, Lit. Hinw.
India, Brazil and South Africa / Alcides Costa Vaz. - Brasilia:
Ed. UnB, 2006. - 310 S., Tab., Lit. S. 306-310 ISBN 85-230-0849-7
DIE D 819831 DIE: 21KC016 Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 819972 IFA: Z-AF14 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SF03 Political parties
860 Thomas, David P.: Post-apartheid conundrums: contemporary
SF01 Political system / Constitution
debates and divisions within the South African Communist
party / David P. Thomas. - In: Journal of Contemporary African
Studies (Basingstoke), 25 (May 2007) 2, S. 251-250,
Lit. S. 271-273, Lit. Hinw. S. 270-271
871 Mwenda, Andrew M.: Personalizing power in Uganda /
Andrew M. Mwenda. - In: Journal of Democracy
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 23-37, Lit. S. 36-37
SWP D 820134 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
GIGA D 819973 IFA: Z-AF14 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 212
861 Tupy, Marian L.: Troubling signs for South African democracy
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
under the ANC / by Marian L. Tupy. - Washington/D.C.: Cato
Institute, 2007. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Development Policy
Briefing Paper; No. 3)
872 Prendergast, John: Let's make a deal : leverage needed in
Northern Uganda peace talks / by John Prendergast. Washington/D.C.: Enough, 2007. - 10 S. - (Strategy Paper /
Enough; 6/2007)
SWP D 819884
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
SWP D 820299
862 Bank, Leslie: The rhythms of the yards: urbanism, backyards
SG02.02 Social groups
and housing policy in South Africa / Leslie Bank. - In: Journal of
Contemporary African Studies (Basingstoke), 25 (May 2007) 2,
S. 205-228, Lit. S. 227-228
873 Lawson, David; Appleton, Simon: Child health in Uganda :
policy determinants and measurement / David Lawson and
Simon Appleton. - In: The European Journal of Development
Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2, S. 210-233, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 230-231
GIGA D 819971 IFA: Z-AF14 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 212
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
DIE D 820427 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
863 Backer, David: Victims' responses to truth commissions:
evidence from South Africa / David Backer. - In: Security,
reconstruction, and reconciliation: when the wars end / ed. by
Muna Ndulo. - London: UCL Press, 2007, S. 165-196, Tab.,
graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-84472-117-5
SG03.02 Health
874 Lawson, David; Appleton, Simon: Child health in Uganda :
policy determinants and measurement / David Lawson and
Simon Appleton. - In: The European Journal of Development
Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2, S. 210-233, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 230-231
GIGA D 819760 IAK: A32SE Öff.StaO: H 220
DIE D 820427 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
SF03 Political parties
864 Ahner-Tönnis, Wolfgang: Parteien in jungen Demokratien :
SG04 Education / Training
die Entwicklung in Kenia vor den Wahlen im Dezember 2007 /
Wolfgang Ahner-Tönnis. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen
(Berlin), 23 (2007) 7, S. 26-51
875 Namubiru, Proscovia Ssentamu: The theory-practice
discourse in initial teacher education : perspectives, problems
and prospects / Proscovia Ssentamu Namubiru. - Bayreuth:
Thielmann und Breitinger, 2007. - 249 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 226-241, Lit. Hinw. - (Bayreuth African Studies Series;
[81]) - ISBN 978-3-939661-03-0
SWP D 820164 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IFA: Z-D3306 BICC: BZ KAS IIK: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/849
Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 820063 IAK: UGA-M/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF10 Law
865 The Environmental Management Act, 2004 (No. 20 of 2004)
SF06.02 Terrorism
: regulations / United Republic of Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam:
Government Printer, 2005. - 99 S.
876 Griffin, Christopher; Scherr, Oriana: Terrorist threats in the
2004 (No. 18 of 2004) : regulations / United Republic of
Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam: Government Printer, 2005. - 16 S.
Horn of Africa : A net assessment / by Oriana Scherr and
Christopher Griffin. - Washington/D.C.: AEI, 2007. - 8 S., Lit.
GIGA D 820300 IAK: TZA-D/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 820286
GIGA D 820305 IAK: TZA-D/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
866 The Founders of the Nation (Honouring Procedures) Act,
867 The Income Tax Act, 2004 / United Republic of Tanzania. -
Dar es Salaam: Government Printer, 2004. - S. 759-897
SB05 International political conflicts
GIGA D 820309 IAK: TZA-D/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
877 The search for peace : The conflict between Ethiopia and
868 United Republic of Tanzania: [Acts 1997-2006] / United
Eritrea ; proceedings of scholarly conference on the
Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict, held in Oslo, Norway, 6–7 July, 2006 /
Leenco Lata, ed. Fafo. - Oslo, 2007. - 96 S., Lit. Hinw. - (FAFOReport; 2007:14) - ISBN 82-7422-579-1
Republic of Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam: Government Printer,
1997-2006. - Getr. Zählung
GIGA D 820281 IAK: TZA-D/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH10 Public finance
SWP D 820287
869 The Income Tax Act, 2004 / United Republic of Tanzania. -
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
Dar es Salaam: Government Printer, 2004. - S. 759-897
GIGA D 820309 IAK: TZA-D/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
878 Bigsten, Arne; Gebreeyesus, Mulu: The small, the young,
and the productive : determinants of manufacturing firms in
Ethiopia / Arne Bigsten, Mulu Gebreeyesus. - In: Economic
Development and Cultural Change (Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007)
4, S. 813-840, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 839-840
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
870 The Environmental Management Act, 2004 (No. 20 of 2004)
DIE D 820410 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
: regulations / United Republic of Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam:
Government Printer, 2005. - 99 S.
GIGA D 820305 IAK: TZA-D/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
880 Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia pursuant to
SC07.02 Arms trade
Security Council resolution 1724 (2006 : letter dated 17 July
from the Chairman of the Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning
Somalia addressed to the President of the Security Council /
United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. 51 S., Ill., Tab. - (S/2007/436)
879 Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia pursuant to
Security Council resolution 1724 (2006 : letter dated 17 July
from the Chairman of the Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning
Somalia addressed to the President of the Security Council /
United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. 51 S., Ill., Tab. - (S/2007/436)
SWP D 820568
SWP D 820568
SB05 International political conflicts
881 The search for peace : The conflict between Ethiopia and
Eritrea ; proceedings of scholarly conference on the
Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict, held in Oslo, Norway, 6–7 July, 2006 /
Leenco Lata, ed. Fafo. - Oslo, 2007. - 96 S., Lit. Hinw. - (FAFOReport; 2007:14) - ISBN 82-7422-579-1
SWP D 820287
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SC01 International relations in the field of international
890 Posch, Walter: A CSCE-like process for the Gulf Region?
SA02 History
Neither integration nor isolation ; case-to-case cooperation /
Walter Posch. - In: Orient (Baden-Baden), 47 (2006) 4,
S. 539-553, Lit. Hinw.
882 Todorova, Maria: Historische Vermächtnisse zwischen Europa
und dem Nahen Osten = Historical legacies between Europe
and the Near East / Maria Todorova. Vorrede/Introduction: Wolf
Lepenies. - Berlin: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2007. - 83 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (Carl Heinrich Becker Lecture der Fritz Thyssen
Stiftung; Europa im Nahen Osten - der Nahe Osten in Europa;
Europe in the Middle East - the Middle East in Europe)
GIGA D 819986 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
891 Sharp, Jeremy M.: U.S. foreign assistance to the Middle East :
SWP D 820174 SWP: H.07/0325 DGAP: DG 46546e
historical background, recent trends, and the FY2008 request ;
updated July 3, 2007 / Jeremy M. Sharp. - Washington/D.C.:
CRS, 2007. - 32 S., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress;
RL32260) - (RL32260)
SB01 International relations / process
883 The Middle East: fragility, crisis, and new challenges for
peace operations / International Peace Academy. - New
York/N.Y., 2007. - 11 S.
SWP D 820325
SWP D 820370
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
892 Todorova, Maria: Historische Vermächtnisse zwischen Europa
884 Möller, Almut: Making an effort but making little headway : EU
Middle East policy under German leadership / Almut Möller. München: Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung, 2007. 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 5/2007)
auch veröff. als: Bemüht, aber nur bedingt gestaltungsfähig:
europäische Nahostpolitik unter deutscher Führung. - In: Bilanz
der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Bertelsmann
Forschungsgruppe Politik (CAP Analyse; 5/2007). - S. 65-69
GIGA D 820489
und dem Nahen Osten = Historical legacies between Europe
and the Near East / Maria Todorova. Vorrede/Introduction: Wolf
Lepenies. - Berlin: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2007. - 83 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (Carl Heinrich Becker Lecture der Fritz Thyssen
Stiftung; Europa im Nahen Osten - der Nahe Osten in Europa;
Europe in the Middle East - the Middle East in Europe)
SWP D 820174 SWP: H.07/0325 DGAP: DG 46546e
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
893 Feindbilder : Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen /
885 Smith, Mark A.: Russia and the Persian Gulf : The deepening
of Moscow's Middle East policy / Mark A. Smith. - Shrivenham:
Conflict Studies Research Centre, 2007. - 15 S., Lit. Hinw. (CSRC Middle East Series; 07/25) - ISBN 978-1-905962-22-8
SWP D 820184
hrsg. von Lydia Haustein ... - Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007. 163 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8353-0126-9
SWP D 820632 SWP: A.07/0297
SF03 Political parties
894 Angrist, Michele Penner: Party building in the modern Middle
East / Michele Penner Angrist. - Seattle/Wash. ...: Univ. of
Washington Press, 2006. - VIII,247 S., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 219-236, Lit. Hinw. S. 205-217 - (Publications on the
Near East) - ISBN 978-0-295-98646-3
SB04 International political integration
886 Posch, Walter: A CSCE-like process for the Gulf Region?
Neither integration nor isolation ; case-to-case cooperation /
Walter Posch. - In: Orient (Baden-Baden), 47 (2006) 4,
S. 539-553, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820190
SG02.02 Social groups
GIGA D 819986 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
895 Livani, Talajeh: Middle East & North Africa [2007] : gender
overview / Talajeh Livani. - Washington/D.C.: World Bank,
2007. - 48 S., zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab.
SB05 International political conflicts
887 Handelman, Sapir: Between Machiavellian leaders and the
Arab-Israeli conflict : toward an indirect approach to conflict
resolution in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict / Sapir Handelman. In: Orient (Baden-Baden), 47 (2006) 4, S. 554-567, Lit. S. 566,
Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820056
896 The status & progress of women in the Middle East and
North Africa [2007] / The World Bank Middle East and North
Africa. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 152 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
GIGA D 819987 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
SWP D 820057
888 The Middle East: fragility, crisis, and new challenges for
peace operations / International Peace Academy. - New
York/N.Y., 2007. - 11 S.
SG02.04 Migration
897 Palestinian refugees : challenges of repatriation and
SWP D 820370
889 Möller, Almut: Making an effort but making little headway : EU
Middle East policy under German leadership / Almut Möller. München: Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung, 2007. 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 5/2007)
auch veröff. als: Bemüht, aber nur bedingt gestaltungsfähig:
europäische Nahostpolitik unter deutscher Führung. - In: Bilanz
der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Bertelsmann
Forschungsgruppe Politik (CAP Analyse; 5/2007). - S. 65-69
GIGA D 820489
development / ed. by Rex Brynen ... International Development
Research Centre - London ...: Tauris ..., 2007. - XX,242 S.,
Tab., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Library of Modern Middle East
Studies; 59) - ISBN 978-1-55250-231-0
GIGA D 819787
SG04 Education / Training
898 Teaching Islam : textbooks and religion in the Middle East /
ed. by Eleanor Abdella Doumato ... - Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner,
2007. - 267 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 239-250, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-58826-450-3
GIGA D 819991 IAs: MEA-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 371
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SG05.01 Ideologies
899 Feindbilder : Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen /
hrsg. von Lydia Haustein ... - Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007. 163 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8353-0126-9
908 Wilson, Rodney: Global Islamic capital markets : review of
2006 and prospects for 2007 / Rodney Wilson. - Durham:
School of Government and International Affairs, 2007. - 9 S. (SGIA Research Working Papers Series; SGIARWP07-05)
SWP D 820632 SWP: A.07/0297
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
GIGA D 819953
900 Makris, G. P.: Islam in the Middle East : A living tradition / G.
P. Makris. - 1st published - Oxford ...: Blackwell, 2007. VIII,348 S., Reg., Lit. S. 301-324, Lit. Hinw. S. 255-300 ISBN 978-1-4051-1603-9
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
909 Maninger, Stephan: Die Rolle von Kultur in der Dynamik und
der Bekämpfung von Terrorismus / Stephan Maninger. Bielefeld: WBV Bertelsmann, 2005. - S. 203-223 ISBN 978-3-7639-3309-9 -- Sonderdruck aus: Countering
modern terrorism / Katharina von Knop ... (Hrsg.). - Bielefeld,
WBV Bertelsmann, 2005
GIGA D 820580 Öff.StaO: H 371
901 Teaching Islam : textbooks and religion in the Middle East /
ed. by Eleanor Abdella Doumato ... - Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner,
2007. - 267 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 239-250, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-58826-450-3
IFA D 820207 IFA: Cb27/239 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 819991 IAs: MEA-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 371
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SH05 Energy industry
910 Feindbilder : Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen /
902 Alternative energy : special report - In: Middle East Economic
hrsg. von Lydia Haustein ... - Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007. 163 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8353-0126-9
Digest (London), 51 (10-16 August, 2007) 32, S. 25-35, Ill.,
graph. Darst., Tab.
SWP D 820632 SWP: A.07/0297
SWP D 820531 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
911 Künkler, Mirjam; Meyer-Resende, Michael: A missing link :
why Europe should talk about religion when promoting
democracy abroad / Mirjam Künkler, Michael Meyer-Resende. Berlin: DRI, 2007. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper /
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin); No. 1/2007)
SB05 International political conflicts
903 Weiss, Martin A.: Arab League boycott of Israel / Martin A.
Weiss. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 12 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (CRS Report for Congress; RL33961) - (RL33961)
SWP D 819909
SWP D 819911
SF06.02 Terrorism
SG02.02 Social groups
912 Maninger, Stephan: Die Rolle von Kultur in der Dynamik und
der Bekämpfung von Terrorismus / Stephan Maninger. Bielefeld: WBV Bertelsmann, 2005. - S. 203-223 ISBN 978-3-7639-3309-9 -- Sonderdruck aus: Countering
modern terrorism / Katharina von Knop ... (Hrsg.). - Bielefeld,
WBV Bertelsmann, 2005
904 Abdellatif, Omayma; Ottaway, Marina: Women in Islamist
movements : toward an Islamist model of women’s activism /
Omayma Abdellatif ; Marina Ottaway. - Washington/D.C.:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007. - 13 S., Lit.
Hinw. S. 13 - (Papers / Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace; No. 2/2007)
IFA D 820207 IFA: Cb27/239 Öff.StaO: 212
913 Mostafa, Mohamed M.; Hamdi, Mohaned T. al-: Political
Islam, clash of civilisations, U.S. dominance and Arab support
of attacks on America : A test of a hierarchical model /
Mohamed M. Mostafa ; Mohaned T. Al-Hamdi. - In: Studies in
Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 30 (August 2007) 8,
S. 723-736, Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 735-736, Anh. S. 734-735
GIGA D 819784
SG07 Social movements / associations
905 The ethical criteria for eligible and responsible civil society
involvement in response to the needs and challenges of
human security in the region / Arab NGO Network for
Development. - Amman, 2005. - 12 S., Lit. S. 12, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820527 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.02 Social groups
914 Abdellatif, Omayma; Ottaway, Marina: Women in Islamist
GIGA D 819890
movements : toward an Islamist model of women’s activism /
Omayma Abdellatif ; Marina Ottaway. - Washington/D.C.:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007. - 13 S., Lit.
Hinw. S. 13 - (Papers / Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace; No. 2/2007)
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
906 Abdellatif, Omayma; Ottaway, Marina: Women in Islamist
movements : toward an Islamist model of women’s activism /
Omayma Abdellatif ; Marina Ottaway. - Washington/D.C.:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007. - 13 S., Lit.
Hinw. S. 13 - (Papers / Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace; No. 2/2007)
GIGA D 819784
SG05.01 Ideologies
915 Feindbilder : Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen /
GIGA D 819784
hrsg. von Lydia Haustein ... - Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007. 163 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8353-0126-9
SWP D 820632 SWP: A.07/0297
SB01 International relations / process
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
907 Künkler, Mirjam; Meyer-Resende, Michael: A missing link :
why Europe should talk about religion when promoting
democracy abroad / Mirjam Künkler, Michael Meyer-Resende. Berlin: DRI, 2007. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper /
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin); No. 1/2007)
916 Alaoui, Soraya el-: Paris, plate-forme du livre arabe / Soraya
El Alaoui. - In: Maghreb-Machrek (Paris), (printemps 2007)
191, S. 45-65, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820377 SWP: X. 585 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 703
SWP D 819911
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SF06.02 Terrorism
917 Abdellatif, Omayma; Ottaway, Marina: Women in Islamist
927 Turner, Bertram: Islamic activism and anti-terrorism legislation
movements : toward an Islamist model of women’s activism /
Omayma Abdellatif ; Marina Ottaway. - Washington/D.C.:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007. - 13 S., Lit.
Hinw. S. 13 - (Papers / Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace; No. 2/2007)
in Morocco / Bertram Turner. - Halle/Saale: Max Planck
Institute for Social Anthropology, 2007. - 23 S., Lit. S. 21-23,
Lit. Hinw. - (Working Papers / Max Planck Institute for Social
Anthropology; No. 91)
GIGA D 820052 IAs: MAR-H/3 Öff.StaO: H 371
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
GIGA D 819784
928 Amghar, Samir: Political Islam in Morocco / Samir Amghar. -
Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CEPS Working
Document; No. 269) - ISBN 978-92-9079-722-7
918 Alaoui, Soraya el-: Paris, plate-forme du livre arabe / Soraya
El Alaoui. - In: Maghreb-Machrek (Paris), (printemps 2007)
191, S. 45-65, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819992
GIGA D 820377 SWP: X. 585 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 703
929 Turner, Bertram: Islamic activism and anti-terrorism legislation
919 Ben-el-Haffaf, Abderrahmane: Introduction à l'étude de l'Islâm
in Morocco / Bertram Turner. - Halle/Saale: Max Planck
Institute for Social Anthropology, 2007. - 23 S., Lit. S. 21-23,
Lit. Hinw. - (Working Papers / Max Planck Institute for Social
Anthropology; No. 91)
/ Abderrahmane Ben El-Haffaf. - 3e éd., revue et corrigée Alger: Haut Conseil Islamique, 2005. - 182 S., Lit. Hinw.,
Lit. S. 10-11 - (Publications du Haut Conseil Islamique)
GIGA D 820139 IAs: MEA-L/11 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 820052 IAs: MAR-H/3 Öff.StaO: H 371
920 Ethique de l'islam et économie de marché : Actes du
colloque international, 27-28-29 mars 2006 / 27-28-29 safar
1427 H / Haut Conseil Islamique. - Alger, 2006 - (Publications
du Haut Conseil Islamique)
T. 3: 2007. - 102 S., Lit.Hinw.
SB05 International political conflicts
930 Western Sahara: out of the impasse / International Crisis
GIGA D 820085 Öff.StaO: H 371
921 Künkler, Mirjam; Meyer-Resende, Michael: A missing link :
why Europe should talk about religion when promoting
democracy abroad / Mirjam Künkler, Michael Meyer-Resende. Berlin: DRI, 2007. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper /
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin); No. 1/2007)
SWP D 819911
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
922 Ethique de l'islam et économie de marché : Actes du
Group. - Cairo ..., 2007. - 31 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Middle
East/North Africa Report; No. 66)
SWP D 819994 DGAP: DG B01362k
931 Western Sahara: The cost of the conflict / International
Crisis Group. - Cairo ..., 2007. - 32 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (ICG
Middle East/North Africa Report; No. 65)
SWP D 819995 DGAP: DG B01362m
colloque international, 27-28-29 mars 2006 / 27-28-29 safar
1427 H / Haut Conseil Islamique. - Alger, 2006 - (Publications
du Haut Conseil Islamique)
T. 3: 2007. - 102 S., Lit.Hinw.
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
GIGA D 820085 Öff.StaO: H 371
932 Azarva, Jeffrey: Reneging on reform: Egypt and Tunisia / by
Jeffrey Azarva., 2007. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 6-8 - (Middle Eastern
Outlook; (April 2007) 2)
SB01 International relations / process
GIGA D 820258
923 Déclaration de l'Union européenne : sixième session du
Conseil d'association UE-MAROC ; (Bruxelles, le 23 juillet
2007) / Council of the European Union. - Bruxelles, 2007. 12 S. - (12062/07(Presse178))
SG02.02 Social groups
933 Kapoor, Rashmi: Veils and the resilient women of Tunisia /
Rashmi Kapoor. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi), 46 (May-July
2006) 2, S. 50-63, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.
SWP D 820350
GIGA D 820032 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
SF01 Political system / Constitution
924 Cavatorta, Francesco: More than repression: The significance
SB01 International relations / process
of divide et impera in the Middle East and North Africa : The
case of Morocco / Cavatorta, Francesco. - In: Journal of
Contemporary African Studies (Basingstoke), 25 (May 2007) 2,
S. 187-203, Lit. S. 201-203, Lit. Hinw.
934 Memorandum sur les rélations entre la Libye et l'Union
européenne - Bruxelles: Presidência da União Europeia, 2007.
- 2 S.
GIGA D 819970 IFA: Z-AF14 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820282
SF03 Political parties
925 Amghar, Samir: Political Islam in Morocco / Samir Amghar. -
Brussels: CEPS, 2007. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CEPS Working
Document; No. 269) - ISBN 978-92-9079-722-7
SB01 International relations / process
935 Joint statement following July 31 meeting : The following is
the text of the joint statement released at the conclusion of the
July 31, 2007 Foreign Minister’s meeting of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC), Egypt, Jordan, and the United
States in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 2 S. (2007/653)
SWP D 819992
SF05 Domestic policy
926 Ghorbal, Samy: Maroc : l'énigme jettou / Samy Ghorbal. -
In: Jeune Afrique (Paris), 47 (12-25 août 2007) 2431-2432,
S. 56-60, Ill.
SWP D 820528 SWP: Y. 1100 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 21
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SWP D 820303
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
936 Sharp, Jeremy M.: Egypt: background and U.S. relations :
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
updated March 29, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Jeremy
M. Sharp. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 33 S., Tab. - (RL33003)
945 World Health Organization: Country cooperation strategy for
WHO and Sudan 2003-2007 - Cairo: WHO Regional Office for
the Eastern Mediterranean, 2003. - II,40 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (DocumentWHO-EM/ARD/002/E/L)
HSFK D 819896 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SB05 International political conflicts
GIGA D 819910
937 Abu-Qarn, Aamer S.; Abu-Bader, Suleiman: Structural
breaks in military expenditures : evidence for Egypt, Israel,
Jordan and Syria / Aamer S. Abu-Qarn and Suleiman AbuBader. - Beer-Sheva, 2007. - 27 S., Tab., Lit. S. 24-26 (Discussion Paper / Monaster Center for Economic Research;
No. 07-04)
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
946 Holslag, Jonathan: China’s diplomatic victory in Darfur /
Jonathan Holslag. - Brussels: BICCS, 2007. - 13 S., Ill., Lit.
Hinw. - (BICCS Background Paper)
SWP D 820289
GIGA D 820587
947 Report of the Secretary-General on Darfur / United Nations
SC05 War / Warfare
Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 14 S. - (S/2007/462)
938 Oren, Michael B.: The second war of independence / Michael
B. Oren. - In: Azure (Jerusalem), (Winter 5767/2007) 27,
S. 41-48
GIGA D 820278 Öff.StaO: 30
SC07 Military economy
939 Abu-Qarn, Aamer S.; Abu-Bader, Suleiman: Structural
SWP D 820277
948 Schafer, Leslie Anne: Negotiating the North/South conflict :
Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement / Leslie Anne
Schafer. - Pretoria: ISS, 2007. - 28 S. - (ISS Papers; 148)
SWP D 820311
breaks in military expenditures : evidence for Egypt, Israel,
Jordan and Syria / Aamer S. Abu-Qarn and Suleiman AbuBader. - Beer-Sheva, 2007. - 27 S., Tab., Lit. S. 24-26 (Discussion Paper / Monaster Center for Economic Research;
No. 07-04)
SF06.01 Civil war
949 Dagne, Theodore S.: Sudan: The crisis in Darfur and status of
the North-South peace agreement : updated March 27, 2007 ;
CRS Report for Congress / Ted Dagne. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 27 S. - (RL33574)
GIGA D 820587
HSFK D 819872 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
940 Review of U.S. assistance programs to Egypt : hearing
SG03.02 Health
before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia
of the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, May 17 and
June 21, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 2006. - III,54 S. - (Serial / Committee on International
Relations (United States / House); No. 109-211)
950 World Health Organization: Country cooperation strategy for
WHO and Sudan 2003-2007 - Cairo: WHO Regional Office for
the Eastern Mediterranean, 2003. - II,40 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (DocumentWHO-EM/ARD/002/E/L)
GIGA D 819910
HSFK D 820244 HSFK: 98.663 Öff.StaO: F 197
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SB01 International relations / process
941 Woltering, Robbert A. F. L.: Egyptian public intellectuals and
their "Wests" / Robbert Woltering. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden),
(Spring 2007) 19, S. 42-43, Ill., Lit. Hinw. 43
951 Perthes, Volker: Begrenzte Chancen : die Gemeinschaft im
israelisch-palästinensisch-libanesisch-syrischen Viereck /
Volker Perthes. - In: FAZ.net (Frankfurt/Main), (30.07.2007),
S. 8
GIGA D 820510 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 12
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SWP D 819771
942 Azarva, Jeffrey: Reneging on reform: Egypt and Tunisia / by
Jeffrey Azarva., 2007. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 6-8 - (Middle Eastern
Outlook; (April 2007) 2)
SB02 Foreign policy
952 Dumke, David: A view from the inside: Congressional
decisionmaking and Arab-Israeli policy / David Dumke. Washington/D.C., 2006. - 39 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 31-39 - (CASS
Occasional Papers)
GIGA D 820258
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
943 Gauvain, Richard: Ritual weapons : Islamist purity practices in
Cairo / Richard Gauvain. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring
2007) 19, S. 40-41, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 41
GIGA D 820307
SB05 International political conflicts
GIGA D 820515 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 12
953 Abu-Qarn, Aamer S.; Abu-Bader, Suleiman: Structural
breaks in military expenditures : evidence for Egypt, Israel,
Jordan and Syria / Aamer S. Abu-Qarn and Suleiman AbuBader. - Beer-Sheva, 2007. - 27 S., Tab., Lit. S. 24-26 (Discussion Paper / Monaster Center for Economic Research;
No. 07-04)
SB01 International relations / process
944 Holslag, Jonathan: China’s diplomatic victory in Darfur /
Jonathan Holslag. - Brussels: BICCS, 2007. - 13 S., Ill., Lit.
Hinw. - (BICCS Background Paper)
GIGA D 820587
SWP D 820289
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
954 Arnon, Arie: Israeli policy towards the occupied Palestinian
SC01 International relations in the field of international
territories : The economic dimension 1967-2007 / Arie Arnon. Beer-Sheva, 2007. - 34 S., Tab., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion
Paper / Monaster Center for Economic Research; No. 07-13)
Final version to appear in: The MIddle East Journal
963 Alterman, Jon B.: Iraq and the Gulf states : The balance of
fear / Jon B. Alterman. - Washington/D.C.: US Institute of
Peace, 2007. - 16 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United
States Institute of Peace; 189)
GIGA D 820553
955 Dumke, David: A view from the inside: Congressional
SWP D 820579
decisionmaking and Arab-Israeli policy / David Dumke. Washington/D.C., 2006. - 39 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 31-39 - (CASS
Occasional Papers)
GIGA D 820307
956 Perthes, Volker: Begrenzte Chancen : die Gemeinschaft im
964 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The tenuous case for strategic
patience in Iraq : A trip report ; working draft: updated: August
6, 2007 / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. 25 S., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820581
israelisch-palästinensisch-libanesisch-syrischen Viereck /
Volker Perthes. - In: FAZ.net (Frankfurt/Main), (30.07.2007),
S. 8
SWP D 819771
965 Operation Iraqi Freedom: preliminary observations on Iraqi
security forces' logistics and command and control
capabilities : report to Congressional committees / United
States Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.:
GAO, 2007. - 19 S. - (GAO-07-503R)
HSFK D 820552 HSFK: 98.634 Öff.StaO: F 197
SC07 Military economy
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
957 Abu-Qarn, Aamer S.; Abu-Bader, Suleiman: Structural
breaks in military expenditures : evidence for Egypt, Israel,
Jordan and Syria / Aamer S. Abu-Qarn and Suleiman AbuBader. - Beer-Sheva, 2007. - 27 S., Tab., Lit. S. 24-26 (Discussion Paper / Monaster Center for Economic Research;
No. 07-04)
966 Christoff, Joseph A.: Stabilizing Iraq: factors impeding the
development of capable Iraqi security forces : statement of
Joseph A. Christoff, Director, International Affairs and Trade ;
testimony before the House Armed Services Committee,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Washington/D.C.: United States Government Accountability
Office, 2007. - 16 S. - (GAO-07-612T)
GIGA D 820587
HSFK D 820570 HSFK: 98.645 Öff.StaO: F 197
SG02.04 Migration
967 Operations and reconstruction efforts in Iraq : hearings
958 Palestinian refugees : challenges of repatriation and
before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 108th Congress, 2nd Session, hearings held
January 28, April 21, May 7, 21, June 16, 17, 22, July 7,
September 8, 9, 2004 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2006. - IX,1067 S. - (Hearing / Committee on
Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 108-28)
development / ed. by Rex Brynen ... International Development
Research Centre - London ...: Tauris ..., 2007. - XX,242 S.,
Tab., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Library of Modern Middle East
Studies; 59) - ISBN 978-1-55250-231-0
GIGA D 819787
HSFK D 820466 HSFK: 98.646 Öff.StaO: F 197
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
968 Walker, David M.: Securing, stabilizing, and rebuilding Iraq:
GAO audit approach and findings : statement of David M.
Walker, Comptroller General of the United Stastes ; testimony
before the Committee on Armed Services, House of
Representatives - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 15 S. - (GAO-07-385T)
959 Arnon, Arie: Israeli policy towards the occupied Palestinian
territories : The economic dimension 1967-2007 / Arie Arnon. Beer-Sheva, 2007. - 34 S., Tab., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion
Paper / Monaster Center for Economic Research; No. 07-13)
Final version to appear in: The MIddle East Journal
HSFK D 820564 HSFK: 98.642 Öff.StaO: F 197
GIGA D 820553
SC05 War / Warfare
RG02.11 IRAQ
969 Kahl, Colin H.: In the crossfire or the crosshairs? Norms,
civilian, casualities, and U.S. conduct in Iraq / Colin H. Kahl. In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer
2007) 1, S. 7-46, Lit. Hinw.
SB01 International relations / process
960 Alterman, Jon B.: Iraq and the Gulf states : The balance of
fear / Jon B. Alterman. - Washington/D.C.: US Institute of
Peace, 2007. - 16 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United
States Institute of Peace; 189)
SWP D 820608 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
SC06 Military capacity
SWP D 820579
970 Grasso, Valerie B.: Defense contracting in Iraq: issues and
calculus of external support / by Ryan Carr. - In: Strategic
Insights (Monterey/Cal.), 6 (August 2007) 5, 9 S., Lit. Hinw.
options for Congress : updated January 26, 2007 ; CRS Report
for Congress / Valerie Bailey Grasso. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 20 S. - (RL33834)
SWP D 820367
HSFK D 819802 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
961 Carr, Ryan: Understanding Iran’s motivations in Iraq : The cost
SB05 International political conflicts
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
962 Kahl, Colin H.: In the crossfire or the crosshairs? Norms,
971 Christoff, Joseph A.: Stabilizing Iraq: factors impeding the
civilian, casualities, and U.S. conduct in Iraq / Colin H. Kahl. In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer
2007) 1, S. 7-46, Lit. Hinw.
development of capable Iraqi security forces : statement of
Joseph A. Christoff, Director, International Affairs and Trade ;
testimony before the House Armed Services Committee,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Washington/D.C.: United States Government Accountability
Office, 2007. - 16 S. - (GAO-07-612T)
SWP D 820608 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
HSFK D 820570 HSFK: 98.645 Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
972 Operation Iraqi Freedom: preliminary observations on Iraqi
SF06.01 Civil war
security forces' logistics and command and control
capabilities : report to Congressional committees / United
States Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.:
GAO, 2007. - 19 S. - (GAO-07-503R)
981 Bröning, Michael: A hopeless case? Recommendations for
action for a political handling of the Iraq conflict / Michael
Bröning. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn),
(2007) 3, S. 69-83, Lit. S. 82-83
HSFK D 820552 HSFK: 98.634 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820131 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
973 Progress of the Iraqi security forces : hearing before the
Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
109th Congress, 1st Session, hearing held June 23, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. III,73 S. - (Hearing / Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-33)
SG02.04 Migration
982 Iraqi refugees and internally displaced persons: A
deepening humanitarian crisis? CRS Report for Congress /
Rhoda Margesson (coordinator). - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 16 S. - (RL33936)
HSFK D 820462 HSFK: 98.647 Öff.StaO: F 197
974 Solis, William M.: Operation Iraqi Freedom: preliminary
HSFK D 819879 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
observations on Iraqi security forces' logistical capabilities :
statement of William M. Solis, Director, Defense Capabilities
and Management ; testimony before the House Armed
Services Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations - Washington/D.C.: United States Government
Accountability Office, 2007. - 12 S. - (GAO-07-582T)
SB01 International relations / process
983 Joint statement following July 31 meeting : The following is
the text of the joint statement released at the conclusion of the
July 31, 2007 Foreign Minister’s meeting of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC), Egypt, Jordan, and the United
States in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 2 S. (2007/653)
HSFK D 820561 HSFK: 98.640 Öff.StaO: F 197
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
975 The international compact with Iraq : 2007 mid-year
progress report ; released at the United Nations in New York,
20 July 2007 / UNAMI. - Bagdad, 2007. - 134 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Anh.
SWP D 820303
SG06 Media / Information
SWP D 820369
984 Braune, Ines: Die Journalistenverbände in Jordanien und im
Libanon - ein Teil der Zivilgesellschaft? / Ines Braune. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2005. - 135 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 122-133, Lit. Hinw. - (Hamburger Beiträge: Medien und
politische Kommunikation - Naher Osten und islamische Welt;
Bd. 10) - ISBN 3-89173-090-X
976 Operations and reconstruction efforts in Iraq : hearings
before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of
Representatives, 108th Congress, 2nd Session, hearings held
January 28, April 21, May 7, 21, June 16, 17, 22, July 7,
September 8, 9, 2004 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2006. - IX,1067 S. - (Hearing / Committee on
Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 108-28)
GIGA D 820578 Öff.StaO: H 371
SG07 Social movements / associations
HSFK D 820466 HSFK: 98.646 Öff.StaO: F 197
985 Braune, Ines: Die Journalistenverbände in Jordanien und im
977 Quarterly report and semiannual report to Congress /
Libanon - ein Teil der Zivilgesellschaft? / Ines Braune. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2005. - 135 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 122-133, Lit. Hinw. - (Hamburger Beiträge: Medien und
politische Kommunikation - Naher Osten und islamische Welt;
Bd. 10) - ISBN 3-89173-090-X
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Arlington/Va., 2007. - 238 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.
GIGA D 820578 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 820577
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SF01.02 Human rights
986 Alissa, Sufyan: Rethinking economic reform in Jordan :
978 Iraqi refugees and internally displaced persons: A
confronting socioeconomic realities / Sufyan Alissa. - Beirut:
Carnegie Middle East Center, 2007. - 32 S., Lit. Hinw. (Carnegie Papers / Carnegie Middle East Center; No. 4/2007)
deepening humanitarian crisis? CRS Report for Congress /
Rhoda Margesson (coordinator). - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 16 S. - (RL33936)
HSFK D 819879 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820321
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
979 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The tenuous case for strategic
987 Saleh, Ali Salman; Zeitun, Rami: Islamic banking
patience in Iraq : A trip report ; working draft: updated: August
6, 2007 / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. 25 S., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820581
980 Jabar, Faleh A.: Iraq four years after the U.S.-led invasion :
Assessing the crisis and searching for a way forward / by Faleh
A. Jabar. - Beirut: Carnegie Middle East Center, 2007. - 14 S. (Policy Outlook / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
No. 37)
performance in the Middle East : A case study of Jordan / Ali
Salman Saleh and Rami Zeitun. - Wollongong: School of
Economics and Information Systems, Univ. of Wollongong,
2006. - 19 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 18-19, Lit. Hinw. (Economics Working Paper Series / School of Economics and
Information Systems; 06-21)
GIGA D 819867
SB05 International political conflicts
988 One year since the acceptance of UN Security Council
Resolution 1701, which ended the second Lebanon war :
An interim report#IICC#12.08.2007#30 S. / Intelligence and
Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage
& Commemoration Center (IICC). - Tel Aviv: IICC, 2007. 30 S., Ill., Kt.
SWP D 820566
SWP D 820529
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SC05 War / Warfare
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
989 Rubin, Uzi: The Rocket Campaign against Israel during the
997 Amann, Jürgen M.: Syrien im verflixten 7. Jahr der
2006 Lebanon War / Uzi Rubin. - Ramat Gan: Begin-Sadat
Center for Strategic Studies, 2007. - 46 S., graph. Darst. Kt.,
Lit. Hinw. S. 32-35 - (Mideast Security and Policy Studies; No.
Präsidentschaft von Bashar al-Asad : syrische Unternehmer
zwischen defizitären Rahmenbedingungen und Nischen
ökonomischen Erfolgs / Jürgen M. Amann. - In: Orient (BadenBaden), 47 (2006) 4, S. 507-538, Tab., Lit. S. 536-538, Lit.
GIGA D 819816
GIGA D 819984 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
SF05 Domestic policy
990 Zisser, Eyal: Lebanon - the Cedar revolution : between
continuity and change / Eyal Zisser. - In: Orient (Baden-Baden),
47 (2006) 4, S. 460-483, Lit. Hinw.
SB05 International political conflicts
998 Falk, Richard: Camp David II : looking back, looking forward /
GIGA D 819979 SWP: X. 81 OSI: Zs 664 DGAP: ZD 198 IFA: Z-D1410
DIE: 03ZF001 Öff.StaO: 3
Richard Falk. - In: Journal of Palestine Studies (Berkeley/Cal.),
36 (Spring 2007) 3/143, S. 78-88, Lit. S. 78
Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Balaban, Oded: Interpreting
conflict: Israel-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David II and
beyond. - New York/N.Y.: Peter Lang, 2005. - 217 S.
SG06 Media / Information
991 Braune, Ines: Die Journalistenverbände in Jordanien und im
Libanon - ein Teil der Zivilgesellschaft? / Ines Braune. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2005. - 135 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 122-133, Lit. Hinw. - (Hamburger Beiträge: Medien und
politische Kommunikation - Naher Osten und islamische Welt;
Bd. 10) - ISBN 3-89173-090-X
SWP D 819772 SWP: Y. 196 OSI: Zu 597 DGAP: ZD 313 IFA: Z-USA1117
Öff.StaO: 188
999 Ground to a halt : executive summary / B'Tselem, the Israeli
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories. - Jerusalem, 2007. - 7 S.
GIGA D 820578 Öff.StaO: H 371
SG07 Social movements / associations
SWP D 820315
992 Braune, Ines: Die Journalistenverbände in Jordanien und im
Libanon - ein Teil der Zivilgesellschaft? / Ines Braune. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2005. - 135 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 122-133, Lit. Hinw. - (Hamburger Beiträge: Medien und
politische Kommunikation - Naher Osten und islamische Welt;
Bd. 10) - ISBN 3-89173-090-X
1000 One year since the acceptance of UN Security Council
Resolution 1701, which ended the second Lebanon war :
An interim report#IICC#12.08.2007#30 S. / Intelligence and
Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage
& Commemoration Center (IICC). - Tel Aviv: IICC, 2007. 30 S., Ill., Kt.
GIGA D 820578 Öff.StaO: H 371
SH10 Public finance
SWP D 820529
993 Harvie, Charles; Saleh, Ali Salman: Lebanon’s fiscal crisis
and economic reconstruction after war : The case of a bridge
too far? / Charles Harvie and Ali Salman Saleh. - Wollongong:
School of Economics and Information Systems, Univ. of
Wollongong, 2007. - 19 S., Tab., Lit. S. 18-19, Lit. Hinw. (Economics Working Paper Series / School of Economics and
Information Systems; 07-04)
1001 Weiss, Martin A.: Arab League boycott of Israel / Martin A.
Weiss. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 12 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (CRS Report for Congress; RL33961) - (RL33961)
SWP D 819909
SC05 War / Warfare
1002 Oren, Michael B.: The second war of independence / Michael
GIGA D 819885
B. Oren. - In: Azure (Jerusalem), (Winter 5767/2007) 27,
S. 41-48
SA03 Politics
GIGA D 820278 Öff.StaO: 30
994 Allaf, Rime: Open for business: Syria’s quest for a political
deal / Rime Allaf. - London: Chatham House, 2007. - 12 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (Briefing Paper / Chatham House; MEP BP 07/03) (Middle East Programme)
SWP D 820368
1003 Rubin, Uzi: The Rocket Campaign against Israel during the
2006 Lebanon War / Uzi Rubin. - Ramat Gan: Begin-Sadat
Center for Strategic Studies, 2007. - 46 S., graph. Darst. Kt.,
Lit. Hinw. S. 32-35 - (Mideast Security and Policy Studies; No.
GIGA D 819816
SG04 Education / Training
SF01.02 Human rights
995 Landis, Joshua: Syria: secularism, Arabism, and Sunni
orthodoxy / Joshua Landis. - In: Teaching Islam / ed. by
Eleanor Abdella Doumato. - Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner, 2007,
S. 177-196, Lit. Hinw. S. 195-196 - ISBN 978-1-58826-450-3
1004 Ground to a halt : executive summary / B'Tselem, the Israeli
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories. - Jerusalem, 2007. - 7 S.
GIGA D 819998 IAs: MEA-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 371
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SWP D 820315
996 Landis, Joshua: Syria: secularism, Arabism, and Sunni
SF04.01 Elections
orthodoxy / Joshua Landis. - In: Teaching Islam / ed. by
Eleanor Abdella Doumato. - Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner, 2007,
S. 177-196, Lit. Hinw. S. 195-196 - ISBN 978-1-58826-450-3
1005 Israel at the polls 2003 / ed. by Shmuel Sandler ... - 1st
published - Abingdon ...: Routledge, 2005. - XII,289 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Israeli History, Politics and
Society) - ISBN 0-415-36019-6
Außerdem erschienen in: Israel Affairs (London), 10 (Summer
2004) 4: Israel at the polls 2003
GIGA D 819998 IAs: MEA-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 819942 IAs: ISR-H/2 Öff.StaO: H 371
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
SF01.02 Human rights
1006 Alterman, Rachelle: Land and housing strategies for
1015 Ground to a halt : executive summary / B'Tselem, the Israeli
immigrant absorption : lessons from the Israeli experience /
Rachelle Alterman. - In: Palestinian refugees / ed. by Rex
Brynen ... International Development Research Centre. London ...: Tauris ..., 2007. - (Library of Modern Middle East
Studies; 59), S. 163-217, Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-55250-231-0
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories. - Jerusalem, 2007. - 7 S.
SWP D 820315
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
GIGA D 819844
1016 After Gaza / International Crisis Group. - Amman ..., 2007. -
41 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Middle East Report; No 68)
SB05 International political conflicts
GIGA D 819903
1007 Ground to a halt : executive summary / B'Tselem, the Israeli
1017 Flottau, Heiko: Die Implosion Palästinas / Heiko Flottau. -
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories. - Jerusalem, 2007. - 7 S.
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
52 (2007) 8, S. 923-927, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 820178 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820315
1018 Karmi, Omar: Fatah's fatigue : Palestinian stalemate's regional
SF01.02 Human rights
repercussions / Omar Kami. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review
(Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 26-31, Ill.
1008 Ground to a halt : executive summary / B'Tselem, the Israeli
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories. - Jerusalem, 2007. - 7 S.
SWP D 820087 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SF06.02 Terrorism
1019 Schweitzer, Yoram: Palestinian Istishhadia : A developing
SWP D 820315
instrument / Yoram Schweitzer. - In: Studies in Conflict and
Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 30 (August 2007) 8, S. 667-689,
Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 687-689
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1009 Karmi, Omar: Fatah's fatigue : Palestinian stalemate's regional
SWP D 820525 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
repercussions / Omar Kami. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review
(Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 26-31, Ill.
SWP D 820087 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SB01 International relations / process
SF06.02 Terrorism
1020 Alterman, Jon B.: Iraq and the Gulf states : The balance of
1010 Schweitzer, Yoram: Palestinian Istishhadia : A developing
fear / Jon B. Alterman. - Washington/D.C.: US Institute of
Peace, 2007. - 16 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United
States Institute of Peace; 189)
instrument / Yoram Schweitzer. - In: Studies in Conflict and
Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 30 (August 2007) 8, S. 667-689,
Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 687-689
SWP D 820525 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820579
1021 Joint statement following July 31 meeting : The following is
the text of the joint statement released at the conclusion of the
July 31, 2007 Foreign Minister’s meeting of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC), Egypt, Jordan, and the United
States in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 2 S. (2007/653)
SA03 Politics
1011 Morro, Paul: The Palestinian territories : background and U.S.
relations / Paul Morro. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 42 S.,
Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34074) (RL34074)
SWP D 820573
SWP D 820303
SB01 International relations / process
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1012 Morro, Paul: The Palestinian territories : background and U.S.
1022 Alterman, Jon B.: Iraq and the Gulf states : The balance of
relations / Paul Morro. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 42 S.,
Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34074) (RL34074)
fear / Jon B. Alterman. - Washington/D.C.: US Institute of
Peace, 2007. - 16 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United
States Institute of Peace; 189)
SWP D 820573
SWP D 820579
SB05 International political conflicts
SH Economy
1013 Falk, Richard: Camp David II : looking back, looking forward /
1023 GCC economic outlook 2010 : The boom goes on ... / NBK,
Richard Falk. - In: Journal of Palestine Studies (Berkeley/Cal.),
36 (Spring 2007) 3/143, S. 78-88, Lit. S. 78
Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Balaban, Oded: Interpreting
conflict: Israel-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David II and
beyond. - New York/N.Y.: Peter Lang, 2005. - 217 S.
National Bank of Kuwait. - 2nd ed. - Kuwait: NBK Economic
Research, 2007. - 47 S., zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab.
SWP D 820326
SWP D 819772 SWP: Y. 196 OSI: Zu 597 DGAP: ZD 313 IFA: Z-USA1117
Öff.StaO: 188
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
1024 Wilson, Rodney: Islamic asset management / Rodney Wilson.
1014 Ground to a halt : executive summary / B'Tselem, the Israeli
- Durham: School of Government and International Affairs,
2007. - 14 S. - (SGIA Research Working Papers Series;
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories. - Jerusalem, 2007. - 7 S.
GIGA D 819952
SWP D 820315
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1025 Wright, Steven: Generational change and elite-driven reforms
in the Kingdom of Bahrain / Steven Wright. - Durham/N.C.:
University of Durham, 2006. - 28 S., Lit. S. 27-28 - (Durham
Middle East Papers; No. 82) - (Sir William Luce Fellowship
1033 Koch, Christian: Kingdom come : Saudi Arabia asserts its
position as regional actor / Christian Koch. - In: Jane's
Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 36-38,
SWP D 820091 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
GIGA D 819950
SH Economy
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
1034 The Saudi economy's golden era : phase two / Jadwa
1026 Bahrain nutrition profile / Nutrition and Consumer Protection
Investment. - Riyadh, 2007. - 18 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
Division, FAO. - Rome: FAO, 2007. - 28 S., Kt.,
graph.Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27-28
SWP D 820576
GIGA D 820273
SB01 International relations / process
1035 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Afghanistan: narcotics and U.S.
SG04 Education / Training
policy : updated June 19, 2007 / Christopher M. Blanchard. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 47 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32686) - (RL32686)
1027 Schools and schooling in Qatar 2005-06 : A statistical
overview of aspects of schools and schooling in Qatar /
Supreme Education Council, Evaluation Institute. - Doha: SEC,
2007. - X,91 S.
SWP D 820398
GIGA D 820033
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1036 Gallis, Paul E.: NATO in Afghanistan: A test of the transatlantic
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1028 Salem, Paul: Kuwait: politics in a participatory Emirate / Paul
Salem. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2007. - 19 S. - (Papers / Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace; No. 3/2007)
GIGA D 819778
RG03.14 OMAN
alliance : updated July 16, 2007 / Paul Gallis. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 26 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS
Report for Congress; RL33627) - (RL33627)
SWP D 820372
1037 Hilton, D. Craig: Shaping commitment: resolving Canada's
strategy gap in Afghanistan and beyond / D. Craig Hilton. Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2007. - 19 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-299-3
SWP D 820592
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
1029 Raisi, Ali Hamdan al-; Pattanaik, Sitikantha; Raisi, Amal
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
Yousuf al-: Transmission mechanism of monetary policy under
the fixed exchange rate regime of Oman / Ali Hamdan Al Raisi ;
Sitikantha Pattnaik ; Amal Yousuf Al Raisi. - Muscat: Central
Bank of Oman, Economic Research and Statistics Department,
2007. - 30 S., Lit. S. 30 - (Central Bank of Oman Occasional
Paper; No. 2007-1)
1038 Afghanistan interdiction/eradiction of illegal narcotics and
U.S. led rebuilding programs : Foreign Opearations, Export
Financing, and Related Pprograms Appropriations for 2007 ;
hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th
Congress, 2nd Session, September 12, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,188 S. - (Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related
Programs Appropriations (House); Pt. 4)
GIGA D 820000
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
HSFK D 820624 HSFK: 92.150 Öff.StaO: 206
1030 Evaluation of the national economy performance in the
sixth five-year development plan (2001 - 2005) / Sultanate of
Oman, Ministry of National Economy. - Muscat, 2006. - 34 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab.
GIGA D 819999
SF Government
1039 Katzman, Kenneth: Afghanistan: government formation and
performance : updated June 15, 2007 / Kenneth Katzman. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 6 S. - (CRS Report for
Congress; RS21922) - (RS21922)
SWP D 820407
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
1031 Macki, Ahmed: Statement by His Excellency, the Minister of
National Economy, on the occasion of ratification of the
seventh five-year development plan and the state general
budget for the year 2006 / Minister of National Economy. - 2nd
ed. - Muscat: Ministry of National Economy, 2007. - 30 S., Tab.
1040 Ghufran, Nasreen: Afghanistan in 2006 : The complications of
post-conflict transition / Nasreen Ghufran. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 87-98,
DIE D 820396 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 819955
1041 Wordsworth, Anna: A matter of interests: gender and the
1032 Statistical strategy of Oman (2006-2020) / Ministry of
National Economy, Statistics Advisory Committee. - Muscat:
Ministry of National Economy, 2007. - 14 S.
GIGA D 819958
politics of presence in Afghanistan's Wolesi Jirga / Anna
Wordsworth. - Kabul: AREU, 2007. - 56 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Issue Paper Series / Afghanistan Research and Evaluation
Unit (Kabul))
SWP D 820598
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
RG04.02 IRAN
SF03 Political parties
1042 Nadir, Mohammad: Political parties in Afghanistan :
SB01 International relations / process
background information / Mohammad Nadir. - Berlin: FES,
2007. - 5 S., Tab.
1052 Carr, Ryan: Understanding Iran’s motivations in Iraq : The cost
calculus of external support / by Ryan Carr. - In: Strategic
Insights (Monterey/Cal.), 6 (August 2007) 5, 9 S., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820367
SWP D 820647
1053 Dumbrell, John: The Bush administration US public diplomacy
SF05 Domestic policy
and Iran / John Dumbrell. - Durham: School of Government and
International Affairs, 2007. - 14 S. - (SGIA Research Working
Papers Series; SGIARWP07-04)
1043 Katzman, Kenneth: Afghanistan: post-war governance,
security, and U.S. policy : updated June 21, 2007 / Kenneth
Katzman. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 58 S., Kt., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL30588) (RL30588)
GIGA D 819951
1054 Sanaie, Mehdi: Problems and prospects of Iranian-Russian
SWP D 820392
relations / Mehdi Sanaie. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 171-181
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SWP D 820003 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
1044 Foxley, Tim: The Taliban's propaganda activities : how well is
SB05 International political conflicts
the Afghan insurgency communicating and what is it saying? /
Tim Foxley. - Stockholm: SIPRI, 2007. - 19 S., Lit. Hinw. - (A
SIPRI Project Paper)
1055 Katzman, Kenneth: Iran: U.S. concerns and policy responses :
updated March 13, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / Kenneth
Katzman. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 49 S. - (RL32048)
SWP D 820593
1045 Ghufran, Nasreen: Afghanistan in 2006 : The complications of
HSFK D 819874 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
post-conflict transition / Nasreen Ghufran. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 87-98,
SC01 International relations in the field of international
DIE D 820396 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
1056 Dobbins, James; Harting, Sarah; Kaye, Dalia Dassa: Coping
with Iran : confrontation, containment, or engagement?
A conference report / James Dobbins, Sarah Harting, Dalia
Dassa Kaye. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. 107 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8330-4187-6
1046 Katzman, Kenneth: Afghanistan: post-war governance,
security, and U.S. policy : updated June 21, 2007 / Kenneth
Katzman. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 58 S., Kt., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL30588) (RL30588)
SWP D 819841
SWP D 820392
1057 Webb-Vidal, Andy: Oiling the axis : ties between Iran and
Venezuela / Andy Webb-Vidal. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review
(Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 32-35, Ill.
1047 Wilder, Andrew: Cops or robbers? The struggle to reform the
Afghan National Police / Andrew Wilder. - Kabul: AREU, 2007.
- 94 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Issue Paper Series
/ Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (Kabul))
SWP D 820089 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1058 Bahgat, Gawdat: Iran and the United States: The emerging
SWP D 820597
security paradigm in the Middle East / Gawdat Bahgat. In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.), 37 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 5-18, Lit. Hinw.
SF06.03 Criminality
1048 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Afghanistan: narcotics and U.S.
policy : updated June 19, 2007 / Christopher M. Blanchard. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 47 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32686) - (RL32686)
SWP D 820571 Öff.StaO: 213
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
SWP D 820398
1059 Deterring the Ayatollahs : complications in applying Cold War
strategy to Iran / Patrick Clawson and Michael Eisenstadt [eds.]
- Washington/D.C, 2007. - 34 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Focus /
Washington Institute for Near East Policy; 72) - (Agenda: Iran)
SG Society
1049 [Identities in Afghanistan : Afghan identities] / Marije
Braakman ... - In: Asien (Hamburg), (Juli 2007) 104, S. 9-152,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820523
GIGA D 819773 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IFAs: 3/618
Öff.StaO: 1a
1060 A nuclear Iran: challenges and responses : hearing before
the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate,
109th Congress, 2ndt Session, March 2, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,53 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-679)
SG02.02 Social groups
1050 Wordsworth, Anna: A matter of interests: gender and the
politics of presence in Afghanistan's Wolesi Jirga / Anna
Wordsworth. - Kabul: AREU, 2007. - 56 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Issue Paper Series / Afghanistan Research and Evaluation
Unit (Kabul))
HSFK D 820223 HSFK: 98.665 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 820598
SG06 Media / Information
1051 Foxley, Tim: The Taliban's propaganda activities : how well is
the Afghan insurgency communicating and what is it saying? /
Tim Foxley. - Stockholm: SIPRI, 2007. - 19 S., Lit. Hinw. - (A
SIPRI Project Paper)
SWP D 820593
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SC06.02 Armament
SF04.01 Elections
1061 Schulte, Gregory L.: Politische Studien-Zeitgespräch mit dem
1069 Elections, democracy and stability in Pakistan /
Ständigen Vertreter der Vereinten Staaten bei den
Internationalen Organisationen in Wien, Botschafter Gregory L.
Schulte, zum iranischen Atomprogramm als nukleare
Bedrohung im 21. Jahrhundert / Die Fragen stellte Anja Strunz.
- In: Politische Studien (München), 58 (Juli-August 2007) 414,
S. 8-13, Ill.
International Crisis Group. - Islamabad ..., 2007. - 30 S., Kt.,
Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Asia Report; No. 137)
GIGA D 819753 SWP: H.07/0346
SF05 Domestic policy
SWP D 820420 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P
IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206
1070 Khan, Adeel: Pakistan in 2006 : safe center, dangerous
peripheries / Adeel Khan. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 125-132, Lit.-Hinw.
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
1062 Dumbrell, John: The Bush administration US public diplomacy
DIE D 820409 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
and Iran / John Dumbrell. - Durham: School of Government and
International Affairs, 2007. - 14 S. - (SGIA Research Working
Papers Series; SGIARWP07-04)
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1071 Khan, Adeel: Pakistan in 2006 : safe center, dangerous
GIGA D 819951
peripheries / Adeel Khan. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 125-132, Lit.-Hinw.
SF05 Domestic policy
DIE D 820409 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
1063 Kursawe, Janet: Halbzeitbilanz: innere Entwicklungen in Iran
unter Ahmadinejad / Janet Kursawe. - Hamburg: GIGA German
Institute of Global and Area Studies, 2007. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. (GIGA Focus Nahost; (2007) 7)
GIGA D 820051
1072 Pakistan's future : building democracy, or fueling extremism?
Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United
States Senate, 110th Congress, 1st Session, Wednesday, July
25, 2007 / U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Washington/D.C., 2007. - [Getr. Zählung)
SWP D 820585
SG02.02 Social groups
1064 Mahdavi, Pardis: Meeting, mating, and cheating online in Iran /
SF06.02 Terrorism
Pardis Mahdavi. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 2007) 19,
S. 18-19, Lit. Hinw. S. 19
1073 Ali, Zafar: Pakistan's nuclear assets and threats of terrorism :
how grave is the danger? / Zafar Ali. - Washington/D.C.: Henry
L. Stimson Center, 2007. - 19 S., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820521 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 12
SI03.02 Information technology
SWP D 820514
1065 Mahdavi, Pardis: Meeting, mating, and cheating online in Iran /
1074 Mills, Elizabeth: General siege : Musharraf's fragile position /
Pardis Mahdavi. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 2007) 19,
S. 18-19, Lit. Hinw. S. 19
Elizabeth Mills. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon),
20 (August 2007) 8, S. 8-15, Ill., Tab.
GIGA D 820521 IAs: zzz Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 820082 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SF07 Military and society / Government
1075 Akhtar, Aasim Sajjad; Amirali, Asha; Ali Raza, Muhammad:
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Reading between the lines : The mullah-military alliance in
Pakistan / Aasim Sajjad Akhtar, Asha Amirali and Muhammad
Ali Raza. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon),
15 (December 2006) 4, S. 383-397, Lit. S. 395-397
1066 Chesser, Susan G.: Pakistan: significant recent events : March
26 - June 21, 2007 / Susan G. Chesser. - Washington/D.C.:
CRS, 2007. - 26 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress;
RL34075) - (RL34075)
SWP D 819914 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820381
SG04 Education / Training
1076 Ghuman, Sharon; Lloyd, Cynthia B.: Teacher absence as a
SB01 International relations / process
factor in gender inequalities in access to primary schooling in
rural Pakistan / Sharon Ghuman ; Cynthia B. Lloyd. - New
York/N.Y.: Population Council, 2007. - 27 S., Tab., Lit. S. 15-18
- (Poverty, Gender, and Youth Working Papers; No. 1/2007)
1067 Curtis, Lisa: Promoting stability and democracy in Pakistan /
Lisa Curtis. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2007. 7 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Heritage Lectures; No. 1009)
GIGA D 819907
SWP D 820634
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1077 Akhtar, Aasim Sajjad; Amirali, Asha; Ali Raza, Muhammad:
1068 Elections, democracy and stability in Pakistan /
International Crisis Group. - Islamabad ..., 2007. - 30 S., Kt.,
Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Asia Report; No. 137)
GIGA D 819753 SWP: H.07/0346
Reading between the lines : The mullah-military alliance in
Pakistan / Aasim Sajjad Akhtar, Asha Amirali and Muhammad
Ali Raza. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon),
15 (December 2006) 4, S. 383-397, Lit. S. 395-397
SWP D 819914 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
1078 Nawab, Mohamed: The Ulama in Pakistani politics / Mohamed
Nawab. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International
Studies, 2007. - 48 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Institute of
Defence and Strategic Studies; No. 133)
SWP D 820589
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1082 Lukin, Aleksandr Vladimirovic: The Shanghai cooperation
SA01 General studies / Area studies
organization : what next? / Alexander Lukin. - In: Russia in
Global Affairs (Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3,
S. 140-156
1079 Dittmer, Lowell: Asia in 2006 / Lowell Dittmer. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 1-9
DIE D 820335 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 819969 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
RH01.01 APEC
SB01 International relations / process
SG03.02 Health
1080 Sutter, Robert: The United States and Asia in 2006 : crisis
management, holding patterns, and secondary initiatives /
Robert Sutter. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 10-21
1083 Gilbourd, Joel: APEC and infectious disease : meeting the
challenge / Joel Gilbourd. - Canberra: Crawford School of
Economics and Government, 2007. - 64 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (Asia Pacific Economic Papers; No. 367) ISBN 0-86413-320-0
DIE D 820337 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820595
SB01 International relations / process
1081 Antonenko, Oksana: Russia, Central Asia and the Shanghai
Co-operation Organization / by Oksana Antonenko. In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (17. July 2007) 25,
S. 7-12, graph. Darst., Tab.
SWP D 820182
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SB International politics / system
SB01 International relations / process
1084 Gyngell, Allan: Design faults: The Asia Pacific's regional
1092 The United States and South Asia: An expanding agenda :
architecture / Allan Gyngell. - Sydney: Lowy Institute for
International Policy, 2007. - 12 S. - (Lowy Institute Policy Brief)
hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the
Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, May 17, 2006 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,38 S. - (Serial / Committee on International Relations (United
States / House); No. 109-197)
SWP D 820505
SB01 International relations / process
1085 Sutter, Robert G.: China's rise and the durability of US
leadership in Asia / Robert G. Sutter. - Madrid: Real Instituto
Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 89/2007)
- (Area: Asia-Pacific)
SWP D 820520
1086 Zhang Jian: Building "a harmonious world"? Chinese
perceptions of regional order and implications for Australia /
Jian Zhang. - Barton: ASPI, 2007. - 12 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute; 35)
SWP D 820600
HSFK D 820245 HSFK: 98.662 Öff.StaO: F 197
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1093 Hagerty, Devin T.: Bangladesh in 2006 : living in "interesting
times" / Devin T. Hagerty. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 105-112, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820403 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SD02 International economic relations / economic
1094 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
agreement : Vol. II : methodology and selected case studies /
World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank Office, December, 2006.
- VII,206 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series) - (Document of the World Bank)
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1087 Cimbala, Stephen J.: Nuclear arms in Asia : Theory and policy
issues / Stephen J. Cimbala. - In: Comparative Strategy
(Philadelphia/Pa.), 26 (March-April 2007) 2, S. 127-140, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 140
SWP D 820202 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12
GIGA D 820130
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
1095 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
1088 Kearney, Colm; Muckley, Cal: Is North and Southeast Asia
agreement : [Vol. I] / World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank
Office, December, 2006. - XXXI,96 S., zahlr. graph. Darst.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 90-94, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series; No. 13) - (Document of the World Bank)
becoming a yen block? / Colm Kearny and Cal Muckley. In: International Journal of Finance and Economics
(Chichester), 12 (July 2007) 3, S. 337-351, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 351
DIE D 820241 DIE: ZA061 Öff.StaO: 206
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
GIGA D 820124
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1089 Kearney, Colm; Muckley, Cal: Is North and Southeast Asia
1096 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
becoming a yen block? / Colm Kearny and Cal Muckley. In: International Journal of Finance and Economics
(Chichester), 12 (July 2007) 3, S. 337-351, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 351
agreement : [Vol. I] / World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank
Office, December, 2006. - XXXI,96 S., zahlr. graph. Darst.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 90-94, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series; No. 13) - (Document of the World Bank)
DIE D 820241 DIE: ZA061 Öff.StaO: 206
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
GIGA D 820124
1090 Grenville, Stephen: Ten years after the Asian crisis : is the
1097 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
IMF ready for "next time"? / Stephen Grenville. - Sydney: Lowy
Institute for International Policy, 2007. - 24 S., Lit. Hinw. (Lowy Institute Analysis)
agreement : Vol. II : methodology and selected case studies /
World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank Office, December, 2006.
- VII,206 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series) - (Document of the World Bank)
SWP D 820504
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1091 Islam, Syed Serajul; Islam, Md. Saidul: The integration of
GIGA D 820130
Asian Muslims in the multicultural mosaic of Canada / Syed
Serajul Islam and Md. Saidul Islam. - In: Asian Profile (Hong
Kong), 35 (June 2007) 3, S. 175-190
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1098 White, Howard: The Bangladesh health SWAp : experience of
GIGA D 819815 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
a new aid instrument in practice / Howard White. In: Development Policy Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4,
S. 451-472, Tab., Lit. S. 471-472
DIE D 820121 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SF10 Law
1099 Hoque, Ridwanul: Taking justice seriously : judicial public
interest and constitutional activism in Bangladesh / Ridwanul
Hoque. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon),
15 (December 2006) 4, S. 399-422, Lit. S. 415-422
1109 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
agreement : [Vol. I] / World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank
Office, December, 2006. - XXXI,96 S., zahlr. graph. Darst.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 90-94, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series; No. 13) - (Document of the World Bank)
SWP D 819917 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.02 Social groups
1100 Chowdhury, Saber Ahmed: Participation in forestry : The role
of patron-client relationship in ensuring people's participation in
the social forestry policy of Bangladesh / Saber Ahmed
Chowdhury. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007)
4, S. 353-372
GIGA D 820124
1110 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
agreement : Vol. II : methodology and selected case studies /
World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank Office, December, 2006.
- VII,206 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series) - (Document of the World Bank)
GIGA D 820107 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG03.02 Health
1101 White, Howard: The Bangladesh health SWAp : experience of
a new aid instrument in practice / Howard White. In: Development Policy Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4,
S. 451-472, Tab., Lit. S. 471-472
GIGA D 820130
DIE D 820121 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1111 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry
agreement : [Vol. I] / World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank
Office, December, 2006. - XXXI,96 S., zahlr. graph. Darst.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 90-94, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series; No. 13) - (Document of the World Bank)
1102 Chowdhury, Saber Ahmed: Participation in forestry : The role
of patron-client relationship in ensuring people's participation in
the social forestry policy of Bangladesh / Saber Ahmed
Chowdhury. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007)
4, S. 353-372
GIGA D 820107 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 820124
1112 India-Bangladesh bilateral trade and potential free trade
SF05 Domestic policy
agreement : Vol. II : methodology and selected case studies /
World Bank. - Dhaka: The World Bank Office, December, 2006.
- VII,206 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Bangladesh
Development Series) - (Document of the World Bank)
1103 Gellner, David N.: Nepal and Bhutan in 2006 : A year of
revolution / David N. Gellner. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 80-86
DIE D 820393 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 820130
SB01 International relations / process
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1113 Asian involvement in Africa - In: Development and
1104 Lavoy, Peter R.: India in 2006 : A new emphasis on
Cooperation (Frankfurt/Main), 34 (June 2007) 6, S. 232-249,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Asiatische Einflüsse in Afrika. - In:
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 48 (2007) 6.
engagement / Peter R. Lavoy. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 113-124,
DIE D 820406 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
DIE D 819809 BICC: BZ DEVCOR IIK: 28.150 INT DIE: ZS007-3 IAK: ZS
Öff.StaO: 83
1105 Pathak, Vidhan: Francophone Africa and India / Vidhan
1114 Asiatische Einflüsse in Afrika - In: Entwicklung und
Pathak. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi), 46 (May-July 2006)
2, S. 18-29, Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 29
Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt/Main), 48 (Juni 2007) 6, S.232-249,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Asian involvement in Africa. - In:
Development and cooperation 34 (2007) 6
GIGA D 820029 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
SC International security / Defense
DIE D 819804 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E
IFAs: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1106 Intermediate states, regional leadership and security :
India, Brazil and South Africa / Alcides Costa Vaz. - Brasilia:
Ed. UnB, 2006. - 310 S., Tab., Lit. S. 306-310 ISBN 85-230-0849-7
SE International cultural relations
DIE D 819831 DIE: 21KC016 Öff.StaO: B 1503
1115 Jain, Rajendra K.: Der blasse Kontinent / von Rajendra K.
Jain. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 38-41, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Jain, Rajendra K.: The pale
continent. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1107 Intermediate states, regional leadership and security :
India, Brazil and South Africa / Alcides Costa Vaz. - Brasilia:
Ed. UnB, 2006. - 310 S., Tab., Lit. S. 306-310 ISBN 85-230-0849-7
IFA D 820295 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
DIE D 819831 DIE: 21KC016 Öff.StaO: B 1503
1116 Jain, Rajendra K.: The pale continent / by Rajendra K. Jain. -
SC07.02 Arms trade
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 38-41, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Jain, Rajendra K.: Der blasse
Kontinent. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
1108 Indian helicopters for Myanmar : making a mockery of the
EU arms embargo? / Amnesty International. - London, 2007. 21 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820594
IFA D 820399 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
1117 Guha, Ramachandra: Adivasis, naxalites and Indian
1127 Adhikari, Sudeepto; Kumar, Patan: Nationalism, regionalism
democracy / Ramachandra Guha. - In: Economic and Political
Weekly (Bombay), 42 (August 11, 2007) 32, S. 3305-3312, Lit.
and federalism : The geographical basis of some conflicting
political concepts in India / Sudeepto Adhikari and Ratan
Kumar. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4,
S. 333-352
GIGA D 820616 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
GIGA D 820105 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
1128 Ray, Dayabati: Politics at the margin : A tale of two villages /
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
Dayabati Roy. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay),
42 (August 11, 2007) 32, S. 3323-3329, Lit., Lit. Hinw.
1118 Anand, Mukesh; Chaudhury, Saswata: Government
employment and employees' compensation : some contours for
the sixth central pay commission / Mukesh Anand ; Saswata
Chaudhury. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay),
42 (August 04, 2007) 31, S. 3225-3232, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820615 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
SG05.01 Ideologies
1129 Liebman, Alex: The impact of foreign threat on the formation
of Chinese and Indian nationalism / Alex Liebman. - In: The
Chinese Journal of International Politics (Oxford), 1 (Summer
2007) 3, S. 347-371, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820111 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
SF03 Political parties
1119 Hasan, Zoya: Bridging a growing divide? The Indian National
SWP D 820645
Congress and Indian democracy / Zoya Hasan. In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), 15 (December 2006)
4, S. 473-488, Lit. S. 487-488
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1130 Benjamin, Sonia: A rose by any other name : exploring the
SWP D 819922 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
politics of Mani Ratnam's Roja / Sonia Benjamin. In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), 15 (December 2006)
4, S. 423-435, Tab., Lit. S. 434-435
SF04 Political participation
1120 Ciotti, Manuela: At the margins of feminist politics?
SWP D 819919 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
A comparative analysis of women in Dalit politics and Hindu
right organisations in Northern India / Manuela Ciotti. In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), 15 (December 2006)
4, S. 437-452, Lit. S. 451-452
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1131 Nussbaum, Martha C.: The clash within : democracy, religious
violence, and India's future / Martha C. Nussbaum. Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 2007. - XVIII, 403 S.,
Kt., Lit. S. 347-381 - ISBN 0-674-02482-6
SWP D 819921 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.02 Social groups
SWP D 820020 SWP: A.07/0282
1121 Ciotti, Manuela: At the margins of feminist politics?
A comparative analysis of women in Dalit politics and Hindu
right organisations in Northern India / Manuela Ciotti. In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), 15 (December 2006)
4, S. 437-452, Lit. S. 451-452
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1132 Economic space - In: Beyond transition: Annual World Bank
Conference on Development Economics - Regional, 2007 / ed.
by François Bourguignon ... International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C., 2007,
S. 155-181, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
SWP D 819921 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a
1122 Deshpande, Ashwini: Overlapping indentities under
liberalization : gender and caste in India / Ashwini Deshpande.
- In: Economic Development and Cultural Change
(Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007) 4, S. 735-760, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 758-760
SWP D 820540 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
SH03 Labour / Employment
DIE D 820404 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
1133 [Aspects of poverty and employment] / G. C. Manna ... -
In: Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 42 (July 28,
2007) 30, S. 3108-3150, Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält: 4 Beitr.
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1123 Chandra, Kanchan: Why ethnic parties succeed : patronage
and ethnic head counts in India / Kanchan Chandra. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004. - XXI,343 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Tab. - (Cambridge Studies in Comparative
Politics) - ISBN 978-0-521-89141-7
GIGA D 820119 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
SH06 Agrarian sector
1134 Jeromi, P. D.: Farmers' indebtedness and suicides : impact of
BICC D 820189 BICC: BI 3447
agricultural trade liberalisation in Kerala / P. D. Jeromi. In: Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 42 (August 04,
2007) 31, S. 3241-3247, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw.
1124 Guha, Ramachandra: Adivasis, naxalites and Indian
democracy / Ramachandra Guha. - In: Economic and Political
Weekly (Bombay), 42 (August 11, 2007) 32, S. 3305-3312, Lit.
GIGA D 820116 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
GIGA D 820616 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
1135 Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for
1125 Ali, Md. Julfikar; Mustaquim, Md.: Growth of urban
United Nations assistance in support of its peace process /
United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 14 S.
- (S/2007/442)
population and trends of urbanization in North Bengal, India : A
study in spatio-temporal perspective / md. Julfikar Ali and Md.
Mustaquim. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (June 2007) 3,
S. 221-236
SWP D 820500
GIGA D 819822 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF05 Domestic policy
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
1136 Gellner, David N.: Nepal and Bhutan in 2006 : A year of
1126 Sengupta, Jhumur; Sarkar, Debnarayan: Discrimination in
revolution / David N. Gellner. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 80-86
ethnically fragmented localities : A study on public good
provision in West Bengal / Jhumur Sengupta ; Debnarayan
Sarkar. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay),
42 (August 11, 2007) 32, S. 3313-3321, Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820393 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 820612 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1147 Permata, Ahmad-Norma: Muslim insurgencies in Southeast
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
Asia : intractability, the security dilemma, and "Islamic factor" /
Ahmad-Norma Permata. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta),
13 (2006) 2, S. 241-262, Tab., Lit.
1137 Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for
United Nations assistance in support of its peace process /
United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 14 S.
- (S/2007/442)
NIAS D 820353 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SWP D 820500
1148 Beyond the crisis : emerging trends and challenges / Asian
Development Bank. - Manila: ADB, 2007. - VIII, 52 S., graph.
Darst., Tabl. Lit. Hinw.
SF01.02 Human rights
DIE D 819849 DIE: 01AH044 Öff.StaO: B 1503
1138 Return to war : human rights under siege / Human Rights
SK03 Research and development
Watch. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 129 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Human Rights Watch Publications: C, Asia; Vol. 19, No. 11(C))
1149 Hall, Ronald E.: Race as western hegemony in social science
research : implications of eurocentrism for Southeast Asian
populations / Ronald E. Hall. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),
35 (June 2007) 3, S. 263-270
SWP D 820650
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
GIGA D 819823 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
1139 De Silva, Chandra Richard: Sri Lanka in 2006 : unresolved
political and ethnic conflicts amid economic growth / Chandra
R. de Silva. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 99-104
SB01 International relations / process
1150 Lai Foon Wong: China–ASEAN and Japan–ASEAN relations
DIE D 820401 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
during the post-Cold War era / Lai Foon Wong. - In: The
Chinese Journal of International Politics (Oxford), 1 (Summer
2007) 3, S. 373-404, graph. Darst., Tab., Anh.
SF06.01 Civil war
1140 Return to war : human rights under siege / Human Rights
SWP D 820646
Watch. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 129 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Human Rights Watch Publications: C, Asia; Vol. 19, No. 11(C))
SC International security / Defense
1151 Emmers, Ralf: Comprehensive security and resilience in
SWP D 820650
Southeast Asia : ASEAN's approach to terrorism and sea
piracy / Ralf Emmers. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of
International Studies, 2007. - 32 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper
/ Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies; No. 132)
SG02.02 Social groups
1141 Dissanayake, Lakshman: The roll of Srilankan women in
reproductive decision-making / Lakshman Dissanayake. - In:
Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 327-332
SWP D 820588
GIGA D 820103 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
1152 Jones, David Martin: Making process, not progress : ASEAN
SG03.02 Health
and the evolving East Asian regional order / David Martin
Jones. - In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.),
32 (Summer 2007) 1, S. 148-184, Lit. Hinw.
1142 Dissanayake, Lakshman: The roll of Srilankan women in
reproductive decision-making / Lakshman Dissanayake. - In:
Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 327-332
SWP D 820614 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
GIGA D 820103 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1153 Emmers, Ralf: Comprehensive security and resilience in
1143 De Silva, Chandra Richard: Sri Lanka in 2006 : unresolved
Southeast Asia : ASEAN's approach to terrorism and sea
piracy / Ralf Emmers. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of
International Studies, 2007. - 32 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper
/ Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies; No. 132)
political and ethnic conflicts amid economic growth / Chandra
R. de Silva. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 99-104
DIE D 820401 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820588
SB01 International relations / process
SF05 Domestic policy
1144 Cronin, Richard P.: The second Bush administration and
1154 Case, William: Brunei in 2006 : not a bad year / William Case.
Southeast Asia / Richard P. Cronin. - Washington/D.C.: Henry
L. Stimson Center, 2007. - 20 S.
- In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007)
1, S. 189-193, Lit.-Hinw.
SWP D 820513
DIE D 820439 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SE International cultural relations
1145 Hall, Ronald E.: Race as western hegemony in social science
SA03 Politics
research : implications of eurocentrism for Southeast Asian
populations / Ronald E. Hall. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),
35 (June 2007) 3, S. 263-270
1155 Kingsbury, Damien: Indonesia in 2006 : cautious reform /
Damien Kingsbury. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 155-161, Lit.-Hinw.
GIGA D 819823 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
DIE D 820422 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1146 Horstmann, Alexander: The revitalization of Islam in
SB International politics / system
Southeast Asia : The cases of Darul Arqam and Jemaat
Tabligh / Alexander Horstmann. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta),
13 (2006) 1, S. 69-91, Lit.
1156 Wanandi, Jusuf: New powers for global change? Indonesia,
East Asia and global governance / Jusuf Wanandi. - Berlin:
FES, 2007. - 8 S. - (FES Briefing Paper; 9/2007)
NIAS D 820343 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820518
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SH06 Agrarian sector
1167 Kajisa, Kei: Personal networks and nonagricultural
employment : The case of a farming village in the Philippines /
Kei Kajisa. - In: Economic Development and Cultural Change
(Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007) 4, S. 659-707
1157 Beeck, Christine: Re-paving the road to peace : Analysis of
the implementation of DD&R in Aceh Province, Indonesia / by
Christine Beeck. - Bonn: BICC, 2007. - 74 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Brief / Bonn International Center for Conversion;
DIE D 820248 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery
1168 The equity and poverty impacts of aquaculture : insights
from the Philippines / Xavier Irz ... - In: Development Policy
Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4, S. 495-516, Tab.,
Lit. S. 513-515
SG04 Education / Training
1158 Jamhari, ...; Burhanudin, Jajat: Assessment of social and
political attitudes in Indonesian Islamic education institution /
Jamhari and Jajat Burhanudin. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta),
13 (2006) 3, S. 397-433, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820125 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
NIAS D 820365 Öff.StaO: 1a
1169 Fafchamps, Marcel; Gubert, Flore: Contingent loan
repayment in the Philippines / Marcel Fafchamps, Flore Gubert.
- In: Economic Development and Cultural Change
(Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007) 4, S. 633-667, Tab., Lit. S. 667
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1159 Jahar, Asep Saepudin: The clash of Muslims and the state :
wagf and zakat in post independence Indonesia / Asep
Saepudin Jahar. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta), 13 (2006) 3,
S. 353-395, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820247 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
NIAS D 820356 Öff.StaO: 1a
SA03 Politics
1160 Salman, ...: The Tarbiyah movement : why people join this
1170 Chua Beng Huat: Singapore in 2006 : An irritating and irritated
Indonesian contemporary Islamic movement / Salman. In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta), 13 (2006) 2, S. 171-240, Tab.,
ASEAN neighbor / Chua Beng Huat. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 206-212,
NIAS D 820349 Öff.StaO: 1a
DIE D 820450 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
1161 Suhelmi, Ahmad: Communism debated again : The Muslim
response to the idea of revoking the 1966 anti-communism in
post-Soeharto Indonesia / Ahmad Suhelmi. - In: Studia Islamika
(Jakarta), 13 (2006) 1, S. 1-31, Lit. Hinw.
SF Government
NIAS D 820340 Öff.StaO: 1a
1171 Sam Choon-yin: Power without political legitimacy : The cause
of Thaksin's downfall / Choon-yin Sam. - In: Asian Profile (Hong
Kong), 35 (June 2007) 3, S. 207-220
SA03 Politics
GIGA D 819819 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
1162 Derichs, Claudia: Malaysia in 2006 : An old tiger roars /
SF04 Political participation
Claudia Derichs. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 148-154, Lit.-Hinw.
1172 Manowong, Ektewan: Assessing the performance of public
hearing as participation tool for effective governance in project
management in Thailand / Ektewan Manowong. - In: Asian
Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 313-326
DIE D 820418 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
GIGA D 820101 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF07 Military and society / Government
1163 Kitchen, Philip J.; Ahmad, Syed Zamberi: Internationalization
1173 Ockey, James: Thailand in 2006 : retreat to military rule /
of MNCs : lessons from Malaysia National Oil Corporation - the
Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) / Philip J. Kitchen and
Syed Zamberi Ahmad. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),
35 (June 2007) 3, S. 191-206
James Ockey. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 133-140, Lit.-Hinw.
GIGA D 819818 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
DIE D 820413 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
SG02.04 Migration
1174 Support by migrants to their elderly parents inrural
1164 Ramasamy, Bala; Yeung, Matthew: Malaysia : trade policy
Cambodia and Thailand : A comparative study / Zachary
Zimmer ... Population Council - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 37 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 20-26 - (Poverty, Gender, and Youth
Working Papers; No. 2)
review 2006 / Bala Ramasamy and Matthew Yeung. - In: The
World Economy (Oxford), 30 (August 2007) 8, S. 1193-1208,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1208, Anh. S. 1207
SWP D 820071 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 820150
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1165 Horstmann, Alexander: The revitalization of Islam in
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
Southeast Asia : The cases of Darul Arqam and Jemaat
Tabligh / Alexander Horstmann. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta),
13 (2006) 1, S. 69-91, Lit.
1175 Manowong, Ektewan: Assessing the performance of public
hearing as participation tool for effective governance in project
management in Thailand / Ektewan Manowong. - In: Asian
Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 313-326
NIAS D 820343 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 820101 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF05 Domestic policy
1166 Coronel, Sheila S.: The Philippines in 2006 : democracy and
SA03 Politics
its discontents / Sheila S. Coronel. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 175-182,
1176 Weggel, Oskar: Cambodia in 2006 : self-promotion and
self-deception / Oskar Weggel. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 141-147,
DIE D 820433 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
DIE D 820415 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SG02.04 Migration
1177 Support by migrants to their elderly parents inrural
SA03 Politics
Cambodia and Thailand : A comparative study / Zachary
Zimmer ... Population Council - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 37 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 20-26 - (Poverty, Gender, and Youth
Working Papers; No. 2)
1186 Thawnghmung, Ardeth Maung; Maung Aung Myoe:
GIGA D 820150
Myanmar in 2006 : Another year of housekeeping? / Ardeth
Maung Thawnghmung and Maung Aung Myoe. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1,
S. 194-199, Lit.-Hinw.
RI02.22 LAOS
DIE D 820444 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SA03 Politics
SC07.02 Arms trade
1178 Gunn, Geoffrey C.: Laos in 2006 : changing of the guard /
1187 Indian helicopters for Myanmar : making a mockery of the
Geoffrey C. Gunn. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 183-188, Lit.-Hinw.
EU arms embargo? / Amnesty International. - London, 2007. 21 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820437 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820594
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1188 Clapp, Priscilla: Building democracy in Burma / Priscilla
1179 Vu Tuong: Vietnamese political studies and debates on
Clapp. - Washington/D.C.: US Institute of Peace, 2007. - 72 S.,
Anh. - (Working Paper / United States Institute of Peace;
Vietnamese nationalism / Tuong Vu. - In: Journal of
Vietnamese Studies (Berkeley/Cal.), 2 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 175-230, Lit. Hinw.
NIAS D 820257
SWP D 820586
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
1180 Hy Van Luong: Vietnam in 2006 : stronger global integration
and resolve for better governance / Hy V. Luong. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1,
S. 168-174, Lit.-Hinw.
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
1189 Coleman, Katharina P.: Peace enforcement through a global
organisation : The United Nations and INTERFET in East Timor
/ Katharina P. Coleman. - In: Coleman, Katharina P.:
International organisations and peace enforcement: The politics
of international legitimacy. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 2007, S. 240-277, graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-521-69034-8
DIE D 820426 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1181 The music of the state : Vietnam's quest for a national anthem
/ Jason Gibbs. - In: Journal of Vietnamese Studies
(Berkeley/Cal.), 2 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 129-174, Ill., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819776 SWP: A.07/0230
NIAS D 820255
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1182 Taylor, Nora A.: Vietnamese anti-art and anti-Vietnamese
1190 Coleman, Katharina P.: Peace enforcement through a global
artists : experimental performance culture in Hà Nôi's
alternative exhibition spaces / Nora A. Taylor. - In: Journal of
Vietnamese Studies (Berkeley/Cal.), 2 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 108-128, Ill., Lit. Hinw.
organisation : The United Nations and INTERFET in East Timor
/ Katharina P. Coleman. - In: Coleman, Katharina P.:
International organisations and peace enforcement: The politics
of international legitimacy. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 2007, S. 240-277, graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-521-69034-8
NIAS D 820231
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SWP D 819776 SWP: A.07/0230
1183 Hy Van Luong: Vietnam in 2006 : stronger global integration
1191 Nevins, Joseph: Timor-Leste in 2006 : The end of the
and resolve for better governance / Hy V. Luong. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1,
S. 168-174, Lit.-Hinw.
post-independence honeymoon / Joseph Nevins. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1,
S. 162-167, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820426 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
DIE D 820423 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional
economic policy
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1192 Nevins, Joseph: Timor-Leste in 2006 : The end of the
1184 Taylor, Philip: Poor policies, wealthy peasants : Alternative
post-independence honeymoon / Joseph Nevins. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1,
S. 162-167, Lit.-Hinw.
trajectories of rural development in Vietnam / Philip Taylor. In: Journal of Vietnamese Studies (Berkeley/Cal.), 2 (Summer
2007) 2, S. 3-56, Lit. Hinw.
NIAS D 820226
DIE D 820423 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SH06 Agrarian sector
1185 McElwee, Pamela: From the moral economy to the world
SB International politics / system
economy : revisiting Vietnamese peasants in a globalizing era /
Pamela McElwee. - In: Journal of Vietnamese Studies
(Berkeley/Cal.), 2 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 57-107, Ill., Tab., Lit.
1193 Wanandi, Jusuf: New powers for global change? Indonesia,
East Asia and global governance / Jusuf Wanandi. - Berlin:
FES, 2007. - 8 S. - (FES Briefing Paper; 9/2007)
NIAS D 820229
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SWP D 820518
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SB01 International relations / process
SB01 International relations / process
1194 Rozman, Gilbert: Russia’s resurgence in Northeast Asia :
1204 Cliff, Roger; Shlapak, David A.: U.S.–China relations after
views from the region / by Gilbert Rozman. - In: Russian
Analytical Digest (Bremen), (17. July 2007) 25, S. 2-5, Tab.
SWP D 820180
resolution of Taiwan's status / Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak. Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. - 40 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) ISBN 978-0-8330-4036-7
SWP D 820644
1205 Romberg, Alan D.: Election 2008 and the future of cross-Strait
SC International security / Defense
relations / Alan D. Romberg. - In: China Leadership Monitor
(Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 29 S., Lit. Hinw.
1195 Jones, David Martin: Making process, not progress : ASEAN
and the evolving East Asian regional order / David Martin
Jones. - In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.),
32 (Summer 2007) 1, S. 148-184, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820637
SWP D 820614 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
SB05 International political conflicts
1206 Cliff, Roger; Shlapak, David A.: U.S.–China relations after
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
1196 Zhang Bin; Fan He: Is Asian currency unit attractive to East
Asian Economies? / Bin Zhang ; Fan He. - In: China and World
Economy (Beijing), 15 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 62-76,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 76
GIGA D 819765 Öff.StaO: 1a
resolution of Taiwan's status / Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak. Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. - 40 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) ISBN 978-0-8330-4036-7
SWP D 820644
SC International security / Defense
1207 Wang Yizhou: China's state security in a time of peaceful
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
development : A new issue on research agenda / Yizhou
Wang. - In: China and World Economy (Beijing),
15 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 77-86, Lit. S. 86, Lit. Hinw.
1197 Natsuda, Kaoru; Otsuka, Kozo: East Asian industrial
development : The flying geese or international production
networks? / Kaoru Natsuda and Kozo Otsuka. - In: Asian
Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 293-312
GIGA D 819768 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 820099 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SC07.02 Arms trade
1208 Kan, Shirley A.: Taiwan: major U.S. arms sales since 1990 :
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
updated July 12, 2007 / Shirley A. Kan. - Washington/D.C.:
CRS, 2007. - 50 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for
Congress; RL30957) - (RL30957)
1198 Beyond the crisis : emerging trends and challenges / Asian
Development Bank. - Manila: ADB, 2007. - VIII, 52 S., graph.
Darst., Tabl. Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 819849 DIE: 01AH044 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 820378
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
SF03 Political parties
1199 Natsuda, Kaoru; Otsuka, Kozo: East Asian industrial
1209 Chu Yun-han: Taiwan in 2006 : A year of political turmoil /
development : The flying geese or international production
networks? / Kaoru Natsuda and Kozo Otsuka. - In: Asian
Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 293-312
Yun-han Chu. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 44-51, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820385 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 820099 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF04.01 Elections
1210 Romberg, Alan D.: Election 2008 and the future of cross-Strait
SA02 History
relations / Alan D. Romberg. - In: China Leadership Monitor
(Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 29 S., Lit. Hinw.
1200 Fu Anming: Some random comments on Hu Shi's friendships /
Fu Anming. - In: Chinese Studies in History (Armonk/N.Y.),
40 (Spring 2007) 3, S. 3-33
SWP D 820637
NIAS D 820331 Öff.StaO: 206
SF05 Domestic policy
1201 Wu Xiangxiang: Hu Shi's sincerety and honesty toward his
friends / Wu Xiangxiang. - In: Chinese Studies in History
(Armonk/N.Y.), 40 (Spring 2007) 3, S. 34-55
1211 Chu Yun-han: Taiwan in 2006 : A year of political turmoil /
NIAS D 820334 Öff.StaO: 206
Yun-han Chu. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 44-51, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820385 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SA02 History
1202 Fu Anming: Some random comments on Hu Shi's friendships /
SA02 History
Fu Anming. - In: Chinese Studies in History (Armonk/N.Y.),
40 (Spring 2007) 3, S. 3-33
1212 Schoenhals, Michael: Public security in the People's Republic
of China : A selection of mood assessment reports (1951-1962)
/ Michael Schoenhals (editor). - In: Contemporary Chinese
Thought (Armonk/N.Y.), 38 (Spring 2007) 3, S. 3-101, Lit. Hinw.
NIAS D 820331 Öff.StaO: 206
1203 Wu Xiangxiang: Hu Shi's sincerety and honesty toward his
friends / Wu Xiangxiang. - In: Chinese Studies in History
(Armonk/N.Y.), 40 (Spring 2007) 3, S. 34-55
NIAS D 820339 Öff.StaO: 1a
SA03 Politics
NIAS D 820334 Öff.StaO: 206
1213 Saich, Tony: China in 2006 : focus on social development /
Tony Saich. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 32-43, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820384 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SB01 International relations / process
SB05 International political conflicts
1214 Cliff, Roger; Shlapak, David A.: U.S.–China relations after
1225 Cliff, Roger; Shlapak, David A.: U.S.–China relations after
resolution of Taiwan's status / Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak. Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. - 40 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) ISBN 978-0-8330-4036-7
resolution of Taiwan's status / Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak. Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. - 40 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) ISBN 978-0-8330-4036-7
SWP D 820644
SWP D 820644
1215 Hilpert, Hanns Günther: Japan und China : politische Rivalen
SC International security / Defense
oder wirtschaftliche Partner? / Hanns-Günther Hilpert. In: Japan nach Koizumi: Wandel in Politik, Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft / Micheal Behrens ... (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos, 2007, S. 87-98, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 97-98 ISBN 978-3-8329-2824-7
1226 Wang Yizhou: China's state security in a time of peaceful
development : A new issue on research agenda / Yizhou
Wang. - In: China and World Economy (Beijing),
15 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 77-86, Lit. S. 86, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820532 SWP: A.07/0284 DGAP: DG 46570
GIGA D 819768 Öff.StaO: 1a
1216 Holslag, Jonathan: China’s diplomatic victory in Darfur /
Jonathan Holslag. - Brussels: BICCS, 2007. - 13 S., Ill., Lit.
Hinw. - (BICCS Background Paper)
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SWP D 820289
1227 Dibb, Paul: Is ballistic missile defence destabilising? / Paul
Dibb. - Canberra: Australian National University, 2007. - 4 S.
1217 Lai Foon Wong: China–ASEAN and Japan–ASEAN relations
during the post-Cold War era / Lai Foon Wong. - In: The
Chinese Journal of International Politics (Oxford), 1 (Summer
2007) 3, S. 373-404, graph. Darst., Tab., Anh.
SWP D 819755
1228 Hearing on China's proliferation and the impact of trade
policy on defense industries in the United States and
China / hearing co-chairs: commissioners: Mark T. Esper ...
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Washington/D.C., 2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
SWP D 820646
1218 Lavoy, Peter R.: India in 2006 : A new emphasis on
engagement / Peter R. Lavoy. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 113-124,
SWP D 820516
DIE D 820406 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
1229 Lee, John: Foundations for modern approaches to the China
security question / John Lee. - Canberra: SDSC, 2007. - 59 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Strategic and Defence Studies
Centre; No. 405)
1219 Lum, Thomas; Vaughn, Bruce: The Southwest Pacific: U.S.
interests and China's growing influence / Thomas Lum ; Bruce
Vaughn. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 27 S., Kt., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34086) (RL34086)
SWP D 820596
1230 Mulvenon, James: Make talk not war : strategic U.S.-China
SWP D 820382
military-to-military exchanges in the first half of 2007 / James
Mulvenon. - In: China Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.),
(Summer 2007) 21, 14 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.
1220 Romberg, Alan D.: Election 2008 and the future of cross-Strait
relations / Alan D. Romberg. - In: China Leadership Monitor
(Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 29 S., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820636
SWP D 820637
SC06 Military capacity
1221 Sutter, Robert G.: China's rise and the durability of US
leadership in Asia / Robert G. Sutter. - Madrid: Real Instituto
Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 89/2007)
- (Area: Asia-Pacific)
SWP D 820520
1231 Fisher, Richard D. (jr.): Naval gazing : emerging expeditionary
capabilities in the western Pacific / Richard D. Fisher Jr.. In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8,
S. 54-55, Ill.
SWP D 820097 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
SD International economy
1222 Yu Bin: China-Russia relations: partying and posturing for
1232 Breslin, Shaun: China and the global political economy /
power, petro, and prestige ... / Yu Bin. - In: Comparative
Connections (Washington/D.C.), 9 (July 2007) 2, S. 158-171 -Enthält: Chronology of China-Russia relations April-June 2007
Shaun Breslin. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. IX, 246 S., Kt., Lit. S. 211-238 - (International Political Economy
Series) - ISBN 1-4039-8647-9
SWP D 820473 SWP: A.07/0277
SWP D 819988
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
1223 Zhang Jian: Building "a harmonious world"? Chinese
perceptions of regional order and implications for Australia /
Jian Zhang. - Barton: ASPI, 2007. - 12 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute; 35)
1233 Morrison, Wayne M.; Labonte, Marc: China's currency : A
summary of the economic issues / Wayne M. Morrison ; Marc
Labonte. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 6 S. - (CRS Report
for Congress; RS21625) - (RS21625)
SWP D 820600
SWP D 820379
SB02 Foreign policy
SD02 International economic relations / economic
1224 Wang Jisi: China's road to peaceful development and the
United States / Wang Jisi. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano,
2007. - 6 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 90/2007) - (Area:
SWP D 820519
1234 China in Africa / Margret C. Lee ... . Compiled by Henning
Melber. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet - Uppsala: NAI, 2007. - 46 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Current African Issues; No. 35)
- ISBN 978-91-7106-589-6
GIGA D 819947 IAK: AFR-C/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1235 Hilpert, Hanns Günther: Japan und China : politische Rivalen
SE02 International relations in the field of education
and science
oder wirtschaftliche Partner? / Hanns-Günther Hilpert. In: Japan nach Koizumi: Wandel in Politik, Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft / Micheal Behrens ... (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos, 2007, S. 87-98, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 97-98 ISBN 978-3-8329-2824-7
1245 Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud: Deutsch-Chinesisches Institut für
Interkulturelle Germanistik und Kulturvergleich : DCIKG
Göttingen/Nanjing / Hiltraud Casper-Hehne. - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 255-263 ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
SWP D 820532 SWP: A.07/0284 DGAP: DG 46570
1236 Zafar, Ali: The growing relationship between China and Sub-
Saharan Africa : macroeconomic, trade, investment, and aid
links / Ali Zafar. - In: The World Bank Research Observer
(London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 103-130, graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 128-130
IFA D 820270 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
1246 Ramo, Joshua Cooper: Brand China / by Joshua Cooper
DIE D 820171 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
Ramo. - London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2007. - 49 S., graph.
Darst. - ISBN 978-1-905833-07-8
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
1237 Li Huizhong; Huang Ping; Li Jialun: China's FDI net inflow
IFA D 820205 IFA: 4B27/80 Öff.StaO: 212
and deterioration of terms of trade : paradox and explanation /
Huizhong Li ; Ping Huang ; Jialun Li. - In: China and World
Economy (Beijing), 15 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 87-95,
Tab., Lit. S. 95
GIGA D 819769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1247 When will the Chinese people be free? - In: Journal of
Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 38-64, Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält außerdem: Pei Minxin: Comment, how will
China democratize? - S. 53-57 -- Yang Dali L.: Comment,
China's long march to freedom. - S. 58-64
SWP D 820137 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1238 Becker, Geoffrey S.: Food and agricultural imports from China
: updated July 17, 2007 / Geoffrey S. Becker. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 15 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS
Report for Congress; RL34080) - (RL34080)
SF03 Political parties
1248 Li Cheng: The leadership of China's four major cities : A study
of municipal Party standing committees / Cheng Li. - In: China
Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 19 S.,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820373
1239 Belke, Ansgar; Spies, Julia: Die Außenhandelspolitik der EU
SWP D 820643
gegenüber China / Ansgar Belke, Julia Spies. In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 87 (2007) 7, S. 458-466,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
1249 Miller, Alice Lyman: Hu Jintao and the PLA brass / Alice L.
Miller. - In: China Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.), (Summer
2007) 21, 9 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820449 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020
Öff.StaO: H 256
SWP D 820640
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
1240 Islam, Sadequl: The impact of changes in multilateral and
SF04.01 Elections
regional trade policy regimes on textiles and clothing sectors of
China : A general equilibrium analysis / Sadequl Islam. - In:
Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 273-292
1250 Romberg, Alan D.: Election 2008 and the future of cross-Strait
relations / Alan D. Romberg. - In: China Leadership Monitor
(Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 29 S., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820096 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820637
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SF05 Domestic policy
1241 Asian involvement in Africa - In: Development and
Cooperation (Frankfurt/Main), 34 (June 2007) 6, S. 232-249,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Asiatische Einflüsse in Afrika. - In:
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 48 (2007) 6.
1251 Clarke, Michael E.: Xinjiang in the “reform” era, 1978-91 : The
political and economic dynamics of Dengist integration /
Michael E. Clarke. - In: Issues and Studies (Taipei), 43 (June
2007) 2, S. 39-92
DIE D 819809 BICC: BZ DEVCOR IIK: 28.150 INT DIE: ZS007-3 IAK: ZS
Öff.StaO: 83
GIGA D 819800 SWP: X. 323 DGAP: ZD 156 IFA: Z-FM39 IFAs: 3/95
Öff.StaO: H 222
1242 Asiatische Einflüsse in Afrika - In: Entwicklung und
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt/Main), 48 (Juni 2007) 6, S.232-249,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Asian involvement in Africa. - In:
Development and cooperation 34 (2007) 6
1252 Holslag, Jonathan: China’s diplomatic victory in Darfur /
Jonathan Holslag. - Brussels: BICCS, 2007. - 13 S., Ill., Lit.
Hinw. - (BICCS Background Paper)
DIE D 819804 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E
IFAs: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 820289
SF06.03 Criminality
1243 Dieter, Heribert: Competition stimulates business : China's
1253 Xu Xin: The pivate eforcement of law : materials from China /
engagement / by Heribert Dieter. - In: Development and
Cooperation (Frankfurt/Main), 34 (June 2007) 6, S. 232-235,
Ill., Lit. Hinw.
Außerdem ersch. u.d.T.: Konkurrenz belebt das Geschäft. - In:
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 48 (2007) 6
Xu Xin. - In: Issues and Studies (Taipei), 43 (June 2007) 2,
S. 129-174
GIGA D 819805 SWP: X. 323 DGAP: ZD 156 IFA: Z-FM39 IFAs: 3/95
Öff.StaO: H 222
DIE D 819812 BICC: BZ DEVCOR IIK: 28.150 INT DIE: ZS007-3 IAK: ZS
Öff.StaO: 83
SF07 Military and society / Government
1254 Miller, Alice Lyman: Hu Jintao and the PLA brass / Alice L.
1244 Zafar, Ali: The growing relationship between China and Sub-
Miller. - In: China Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.), (Summer
2007) 21, 9 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Saharan Africa : macroeconomic, trade, investment, and aid
links / Ali Zafar. - In: The World Bank Research Observer
(London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 103-130, graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 128-130
SWP D 820640
DIE D 820171 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1266 "You will be harassed and detained" : media freedoms under
SF08 Regions / Local government
assault in China ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games /
Human Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 40 S., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (Human Rights Watch Publications: C, Asia; Vol.
19, No. 12(C))
1255 Li Cheng: The leadership of China's four major cities : A study
of municipal Party standing committees / Cheng Li. - In: China
Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 19 S.,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820649
SWP D 820643
SH Economy
SG Society
1267 Breslin, Shaun: China and the global political economy /
1256 Olympic countdown : Is Beijing ready? - In: Beijing Review
Shaun Breslin. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. IX, 246 S., Kt., Lit. S. 211-238 - (International Political Economy
Series) - ISBN 1-4039-8647-9
(Beijing), 50 (August 2, 2007) 31, S. 10-23, Ill.
SWP D 820012 SWP: Y. 1024 OSI: ZS 544 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820473 SWP: A.07/0277
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1268 Morrison, Wayne M.: China's economic conditions : updated
1257 Fewsmith, Joseph: The political implications of China's
July 13, 2007 / Wayne M. Morrison. - Washington/D.C.: CRS,
2007. - 25 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for
Congress; RL33534) - (RL33534)
growing middle class / Joseph Fewsmith. - In: China
Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 8 S.,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820639
SWP D 820375
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1269 China as the world factory / ed. by Kevin Honglin Zhang. -
1258 Awe, Thomas: Der verzweifelte Marsch in die Stadt : Shanghai
London ...: Routledge, 2006. - XXI, 280 S., graph. Darst. (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia; 64) ISBN 0-415-70126-0
und das Phänomen der Migration / Thomas Awe. - In: KASAuslandsinformationen (Berlin), 23 (2007) 7, S. 74-84, Lit.
DIE D 820416 DIE: 11AH065 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 820168 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IFA: Z-D3306 BICC: BZ KAS IIK: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/849
Öff.StaO: 212
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
1270 Naughton, Barry: Strengthening the center, and Premier Wen
1259 Lang Siwei: Progress in energy-efficiency standards for
Jiabao / Barry Naughton. - In: China Leadership Monitor
(Stanford/Cal.), (Summer 2007) 21, 10 S., Lit. Hinw.
residential buildings in China / Siwei Lang. - In: Energy and
Buildings (Lausanne), 36 (December 2004) 12, S. 1191-1196,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1196
SWP D 820638
DIE D 820486 DIE: PDF0713
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1260 Sustainable urban housing in China : principles and case
studies for low-energy design / ed. by Leon Glicksman ... Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. - XXV, 267 S., Ill., graph. Darst., 1
CD-ROM - (Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries; 9) ISBN 1-4020-5412-2
1271 Clarke, Michael E.: Xinjiang in the “reform” era, 1978-91 : The
political and economic dynamics of Dengist integration /
Michael E. Clarke. - In: Issues and Studies (Taipei), 43 (June
2007) 2, S. 39-92
DIE D 819832 DIE: 11DCA004 Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 819800 SWP: X. 323 DGAP: ZD 156 IFA: Z-FM39 IFAs: 3/95
Öff.StaO: H 222
SG03.01 Social security
1272 Economic space - In: Beyond transition: Annual World Bank
1261 Meng Xin: Wealth accumulation and distribution in urban China
Conference on Development Economics - Regional, 2007 / ed.
by François Bourguignon ... International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C., 2007,
S. 155-181, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
/ Xin Meng. - In: Economic Development and Cultural Change
(Chicago/Ill.), 55 (July 2007) 4, S. 761-791
DIE D 820405 DIE: ZF001 Öff.StaO: 188
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
SWP D 820540 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
1262 Ramo, Joshua Cooper: Brand China / by Joshua Cooper
1273 Keidel, Albert: Assessing China's economic rise : strengths,
Ramo. - London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2007. - 49 S., graph.
Darst. - ISBN 978-1-905833-07-8
weaknesses and implications / by Albert Keidel. Philadelphia/Pa.: FPRI, 2007. - ca. 8 S. - (E-Notes)
IFA D 820205 IFA: 4B27/80 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820648
SG05.01 Ideologies
1274 Mitra, Pradeep; Yemtsov, Ruslan: Increasing inequality in
transition economies : is there more to come? / Pradeep Mitra
and Ruslan Yemtsov. - In: Beyond transition: Annual World
Bank Conference on Development Economics - Regional, 2007
/ ed. by François Bourguignon ... International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development. - Washington/D.C., 2007,
S. 59-102, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 97-102 ISBN 0-8213-6843-5
1263 Liebman, Alex: The impact of foreign threat on the formation
of Chinese and Indian nationalism / Alex Liebman. - In: The
Chinese Journal of International Politics (Oxford), 1 (Summer
2007) 3, S. 347-371, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820645
1264 Xu Ben: Official and nonofficial nationalism in China at the turn
SWP D 820536 SWP: V. 566 BICC: BY WBACDE DIE: AH305 Öff.StaO: 206
of the century / Ben Xu. - In: Issues and Studies (Taipei),
43 (June 2007) 2, S. 93-128
SH03 Labour / Employment
GIGA D 819803 SWP: X. 323 DGAP: ZD 156 IFA: Z-FM39 IFAs: 3/95
Öff.StaO: H 222
1275 Focus : human resources / Jill Malila ... - In: The China
Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 34 (July-August 2007) 4,
S. 16-31
SG06 Media / Information
GIGA D 819796 IFAs: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206
1265 Hearing on access to information in the People's Republic
of China / hearing co-chairs: chairman Bartholomew ... U.S.China Economic and Security Review Commission Washington/D.C., 2007. - [Getr. Zählung]
SWP D 820517
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SH05 Energy industry
1276 Shi Dan: Regional differences in China's energy efficiency and
conversation potentials / Shi Dan. - In: China and World
Economy (Beijing), 15 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 96-115,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 115
GIGA D 819770 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD International economy
1284 Kim Kyung-suk: Turning the Korean peninsula into a
Northeast Asia logistic hub / Kim Kyung-suk. - In: Korea Focus
(Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 143-152
GIGA D 819790 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
1277 Sustainable urban housing in China : principles and case
1285 Kim Kyung-suk: Turning the Korean peninsula into a
studies for low-energy design / ed. by Leon Glicksman ... Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. - XXV, 267 S., Ill., graph. Darst., 1
CD-ROM - (Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries; 9) ISBN 1-4020-5412-2
Northeast Asia logistic hub / Kim Kyung-suk. - In: Korea Focus
(Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 143-152
GIGA D 819790 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
DIE D 819832 DIE: 11DCA004 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH06 Agrarian sector
SB01 International relations / process
1278 Conlé, Marcus: Wettbewerb, Insitutionen und Entwicklung der
1286 Kim, Andrew Eungi; Lie, John: South Korea in 2006 :
ländlichen Industrie in China : ein Beitrag zur Erklärung des
Reformprozesses auf der Basis der evolutorischen
Wettbewerbstheorie = Competition, institutions and the
development of rural industry in China : A contribution to the
explanation of the reform process on the basis of evolutionary
competition theory / Marcus Conlé. - Köln, 2005. - II,61 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 53-61, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Kölner ChinaStudien Online)
nurclear standoff, trade talks and population trends / Andrew
Eungi Kim and John Lie. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 52-57, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820386 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
1287 Son Key-young: Entrenching 'identity norms' of tolerance and
engagement : lessons from rapprochement between North and
South Korea / Key-young Son. - In: Review of International
Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3, S. 489-509, Ill., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820219
1279 Zhong Funing; Zhu Jing; Xie Zhengqin: How mobile are
resources in Chinese agriculture? Implications for China's
agricultural trade policy / Funing Zhong ; Jing Zhu ; Zhengqin
Xie. - In: China and World Economy (Beijing),
15 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 43-61, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 61
GIGA D 819759 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 819859 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1288 Suh Jae-jung: Power, interest, and identity in military alliances
/ Jae-Jung Suh. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. XV, 286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-278, Anh.
S. 207-229 - ISBN 1-4039-7928-6
SWP D 820617 SWP: A.07/0291
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1280 Islam, Sadequl: The impact of changes in multilateral and
regional trade policy regimes on textiles and clothing sectors of
China : A general equilibrium analysis / Sadequl Islam. - In:
Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 35 (August 2007) 4, S. 273-292
1289 Chestnut, Sheena E.: Illicit activity and proliferation : North
GIGA D 820096 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
Korean smuggling networks / Sheena Chestnut. In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer
2007) 1, S. 80-111, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SK02 Theory / Methodology
SWP D 820610 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
1281 Conlé, Marcus: Wettbewerb, Insitutionen und Entwicklung der
1290 Kim Keun-sik: The prospects for institutionalizing the Six-Party
ländlichen Industrie in China : ein Beitrag zur Erklärung des
Reformprozesses auf der Basis der evolutorischen
Wettbewerbstheorie = Competition, institutions and the
development of rural industry in China : A contribution to the
explanation of the reform process on the basis of evolutionary
competition theory / Marcus Conlé. - Köln, 2005. - II,61 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 53-61, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Kölner ChinaStudien Online)
Talks / by Keun-sik Kim. - Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus Institute,
2007. - ca. 7 S. - (Policy Forum Online / Nautilus Institute
(Berkeley/Cal.); 07-051A)
SWP D 820511
1291 Lee Kwang-ho: Moving on to second-stage implementation /
by Lee Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 30 (August
2007) 8, S. 2-8, Ill.
GIGA D 820219
SWP D 820601 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IFAs: 3/513
Öff.StaO: H 222
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
1292 Lee Kwang-ho: Speeding up North Korea's denuclearization
1282 Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud: Deutsch-Chinesisches Institut für
process / by Lee Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul),
30 (July 2007) 7, S. 2-9, Ill.
Interkulturelle Germanistik und Kulturvergleich : DCIKG
Göttingen/Nanjing / Hiltraud Casper-Hehne. - In: Jahrbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 / hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007, S. 255-263 ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
SWP D 820173 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IFAs: 3/513
Öff.StaO: H 222
1293 Niksch, Larry A.: North Korea's nuclear weapons development
and diplomacy : updated July 2, 2007 / Larry A. Niksch. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 9 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report
for Congress; RL33590) - (RL33590)
IFA D 820270 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
(SINCE 1997)
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SWP D 820389 SWP: 100 KB
1283 Martin, Michael F.: Hong Kong: ten years after the handover /
1294 Sigal, Leon V.: Turnabout is fair play / by Leon V. Sigal. -
Michael F. Martin. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 36 S.,
Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress;
RL34071) - (RL34071)
Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus Institute, 2007. - ca. 10 S. - (Policy
Forum Online / Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.); 07-057A)
SWP D 820507
SWP D 820374
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1305 Son Key-young: Entrenching 'identity norms' of tolerance and
SC06.02 Armament
engagement : lessons from rapprochement between North and
South Korea / Key-young Son. - In: Review of International
Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3, S. 489-509, Ill., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
1295 Cho, Ilsoo David; Woo, Meredith Jung-en: North Korea in
2006 : The year of living dangerously / Ilsoo David Cho and
Meredith Jung-En Woo. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 68-73, Lit.-Hinw.
SWP D 819859 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
DIE D 820388 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
1306 Suh Jae-jung: Power, interest, and identity in military alliances
1296 Bae Chong-ryel: Changes in North Korea's external economic
/ Jae-Jung Suh. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. XV, 286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-278, Anh.
S. 207-229 - ISBN 1-4039-7928-6
sector since the July 2002 reform measures : evaluation and
prospects / by Bae Chong-ryel. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul),
30 (August 2007) 8, S. 44-55, Lit. S. 54-55
SWP D 820617 SWP: A.07/0291
SWP D 820602 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IFAs: 3/513
Öff.StaO: H 222
SD03.01 Foreign trade
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
1307 Choe Wongi: Expected geopolitical effects of Korea-U.S. FTA /
Choe Won-gi. - In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 153-160
1297 Dankert, Birgit: Seminar für Einigkeit im geteilten Korea :
Bibliotheken spielen entscheidende Rolle bei Annäherung
zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea ; deutsche Ost-West-Erfahrung
als Vorbild / Birgit Dankert. - Bad Honnef: Bock + Herchen,
2007. - S. 543-548, Ill. -- Sonderdruck aus: Buch und Bibliothek
(Bad Honnef), 59 (2007) 7/8
GIGA D 819794 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
1308 Cooper, William H.; Manyin, Mark E.: The proposed South
Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) : updated
June 25, 2007 / William H. Cooper ; Mark E. Manyin. Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 36 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL33435) (RL33435)
IFA D 820291 IFA: Cb27/290 Öff.StaO: 212
SF06.03 Criminality
1298 Chestnut, Sheena E.: Illicit activity and proliferation : North
Korean smuggling networks / Sheena Chestnut. In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Summer
2007) 1, S. 80-111, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820391
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SWP D 820610 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I
BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851
1309 Dankert, Birgit: Seminar für Einigkeit im geteilten Korea :
Bibliotheken spielen entscheidende Rolle bei Annäherung
zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea ; deutsche Ost-West-Erfahrung
als Vorbild / Birgit Dankert. - Bad Honnef: Bock + Herchen,
2007. - S. 543-548, Ill. -- Sonderdruck aus: Buch und Bibliothek
(Bad Honnef), 59 (2007) 7/8
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
1299 Park Yong-soo: Nationalism in South and North Korea : A
study of responses to national crises / Park Yong-soo. In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 114-128
IFA D 820291 IFA: Cb27/290 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 819780 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SG06 Media / Information
1310 Kern, Thomas: Modernisierung und Demokratisierung : das
Erklärungspotenzial neuerer differenzierungstheoretischer
Ansätze = Modernization and democratization: The explanatory
potential of recent differentiation theoretical approaches /
Thomas Kern. - In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie (Köln), 59 (2007) 1, S. 30-58
1300 Dankert, Birgit: Seminar für Einigkeit im geteilten Korea :
Bibliotheken spielen entscheidende Rolle bei Annäherung
zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea ; deutsche Ost-West-Erfahrung
als Vorbild / Birgit Dankert. - Bad Honnef: Bock + Herchen,
2007. - S. 543-548, Ill. -- Sonderdruck aus: Buch und Bibliothek
(Bad Honnef), 59 (2007) 7/8
GIGA D 820347 IFA: Z-D1389 DIE: ZH002 Öff.StaO: 188
IFA D 820291 IFA: Cb27/290 Öff.StaO: 212
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
1311 Park Yong-soo: Nationalism in South and North Korea : A
study of responses to national crises / Park Yong-soo. In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 114-128
1301 Lee Dong-hwi: Reforming and opening North Korea's
economy : evaluation and prospects / Lee Dong-hwi. In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 129-142
GIGA D 819780 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 819782 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG06 Media / Information
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
1312 Dankert, Birgit: Seminar für Einigkeit im geteilten Korea :
Bibliotheken spielen entscheidende Rolle bei Annäherung
zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea ; deutsche Ost-West-Erfahrung
als Vorbild / Birgit Dankert. - Bad Honnef: Bock + Herchen,
2007. - S. 543-548, Ill. -- Sonderdruck aus: Buch und Bibliothek
(Bad Honnef), 59 (2007) 7/8
1302 Cho, Ilsoo David; Woo, Meredith Jung-en: North Korea in
2006 : The year of living dangerously / Ilsoo David Cho and
Meredith Jung-En Woo. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 68-73, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820388 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
IFA D 820291 IFA: Cb27/290 Öff.StaO: 212
SK02 Theory / Methodology
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
1303 Suh Jae-jung: Power, interest, and identity in military alliances
1313 Kim Joo-hoon: Manufacturing, service sectors need fine-
/ Jae-Jung Suh. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. XV, 286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-278, Anh.
S. 207-229 - ISBN 1-4039-7928-6
tuning to jump-start economy / Kim Joo-hoon. - In: Korea Focus
(Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 161-167
GIGA D 819795 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 820617 SWP: A.07/0291
SI01 Technology / Technological development
1314 Kim Joo-hoon: Manufacturing, service sectors need fine-
tuning to jump-start economy / Kim Joo-hoon. - In: Korea Focus
(Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 161-167
SB01 International relations / process
1304 Kim, Andrew Eungi; Lie, John: South Korea in 2006 :
GIGA D 819795 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
nurclear standoff, trade talks and population trends / Andrew
Eungi Kim and John Lie. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 52-57, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820386 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SK02 Theory / Methodology
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1315 Suh Jae-jung: Power, interest, and identity in military alliances
1326 Oshima, Kenzo: Japan in the United Nations : building
/ Jae-Jung Suh. - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. XV, 286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-278, Anh.
S. 207-229 - ISBN 1-4039-7928-6
foundations for the next 50 years / Oshima Kenzo. - In: Gaiko
Forum (Tokyo), 7 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 3-10, Tab.
SWP D 820477 SWP: X. 874 DGAP: ZD 34
SWP D 820617 SWP: A.07/0291
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1327 Umebayashi, Hiromichi: Missile defence response to the July
SA02 History
5, 2006 North Korean missile test by US naval vessels homeported at Yokosuka / by Umebayashi Horomichi. Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus Institute, 2007. - 35 S., Kt., Anh. (Special Report / Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.); 07-054A)
Außerdem erschienen als: Peace Depot Working Paper;
2E/April 2007
1316 Jo Yang-hyeon: East Asian history debate and U.S.-Japan ties
: U.S. house action on the "comfort women" issue / Jo Yanghyeon. - In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 96-113
GIGA D 819779 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
SA03 Politics
SWP D 820509
1317 Park, Gene; Vogel, Steven K.: Japan in 2006 : A political
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
transition / Gene Park and Steven Vogel. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 22-31,
1328 Nanto, Dick K.: Japan's currency intervention : policy issues ;
updated July 13, 2007 / Dick K. Nanto. - Washington/D.C.:
CRS, 2007. - 21 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (CRS
Report for Congress; RL33178) - (RL33178)
DIE D 820383 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 820376
1318 Hilpert, Hanns Günther: Japan und China : politische Rivalen
SD02 International economic relations / economic
oder wirtschaftliche Partner? / Hanns-Günther Hilpert. In: Japan nach Koizumi: Wandel in Politik, Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft / Micheal Behrens ... (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos, 2007, S. 87-98, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 97-98 ISBN 978-3-8329-2824-7
1329 Cooper, William H.: U.S.-Japan economic relations :
significance, prospects, and policy options ; updated July 9,
2007 / William H. Cooper. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. 25 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress;
RL32649) - (RL32649)
SWP D 820532 SWP: A.07/0284 DGAP: DG 46570
1319 Jo Yang-hyeon: East Asian history debate and U.S.-Japan ties
: U.S. house action on the "comfort women" issue / Jo Yanghyeon. - In: Korea Focus (Seoul), 15 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 96-113
SWP D 820380
1330 Hilpert, Hanns Günther: Japan und China : politische Rivalen
GIGA D 819779 IFA: Z-KR69 IFAs: 3/845 Öff.StaO: H 222
oder wirtschaftliche Partner? / Hanns-Günther Hilpert. In: Japan nach Koizumi: Wandel in Politik, Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft / Micheal Behrens ... (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos, 2007, S. 87-98, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 97-98 ISBN 978-3-8329-2824-7
1320 Lai Foon Wong: China–ASEAN and Japan–ASEAN relations
during the post-Cold War era / Lai Foon Wong. - In: The
Chinese Journal of International Politics (Oxford), 1 (Summer
2007) 3, S. 373-404, graph. Darst., Tab., Anh.
SWP D 820532 SWP: A.07/0284 DGAP: DG 46570
SWP D 820646
1331 Kohsaka, Setsuzo: Toward a revival in Japan-Brazil economic
1321 Mulgan, Aurelia George: Australia–Japan relations : new
directions / Aurelia George Mulgan. - Barton: ASPI, 2007. 16 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic
Policy Institute; 36)
SWP D 820599
1322 Pan Liang: The United Nations in Japan's foreign and security
policymaking, 1945-1992 : national security, party politics, and
international status / Liang Pan. - Cambridge/Mass. ...: Harvard
Univ. Pr., 2005. - XV,384 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 351-372 (Harvard East Asian Monographs; 257) - ISBN 0-674-01963-6
relations / Kohsaka Setsuzo. - In: Gaiko Forum (Tokyo),
7 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 45-52
SWP D 820483 SWP: X. 874 DGAP: ZD 34
1332 Wolf, Manuela: Verhandlungsstrategien gegenüber
japanischen Geschäftspartnern : westliche und japanische
Sichtweisen / Manuela Wolf. - In: Japan: Analysen, Prognosen
(München), (Mai 2007) 197. - 35 S., Lit. S. 32-34
GIGA D 819807 IFAs: 3/842 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1333 Corning, Gregory P.: Japan's bilateral FTAs : no obstacle to
HSFK D 820047 HSFK: 38.522 Öff.StaO: F 197
progress in the Doha Round / Gregory P. Corning. - In: East
Asia: An International Quarterly (Piscataway/N.J.), 24 (Spring
2007) 1, S. 45-67, Lit. Hinw.
1323 Yakemtchouk, Romain: L'Union Européenne et le Japon / par
Romain Yakemtchouk. - In: Revue du marché commun et de
l'Union européenne (Paris), (juillet-août 2007) 510, S. 430-438,
Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820098 SWP: X. 701 IFAs: 3/377 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820008 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
1334 Onuki, Atsuko: Wer ist Schopenhauer? / von Aitsuko Onuki. -
SB02 Foreign policy
1324 Edström, Bert: The success of a successor: Abe Shinzo and
Japan's foreign policy / Bert Edström. - Washington/D.C. ...:
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies
Program, 2007. - 82 S., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820635
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-34, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Onuki, Atsuko: Who is
Schopenhauer? - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 /
publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820294 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
1325 Yoshizaki, Tatsuhiko: Japan, the quiet genius : toward a
strategic public diplomacy / Yoshizaki Tatsuhiko. - In: Gaiko
Forum (Tokyo), 7 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 21-27, Tab.
SWP D 820481 SWP: X. 874 DGAP: ZD 34
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1335 Onuki, Atsuko: Who is Schopenhauer? / by Atsuko Onuki. -
In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-34, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Onuki, Atsuko: Wer ist
Schopenhauer? - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 /
Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820397 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1337 Wolf, Manuela: Verhandlungsstrategien gegenüber
japanischen Geschäftspartnern : westliche und japanische
Sichtweisen / Manuela Wolf. - In: Japan: Analysen, Prognosen
(München), (Mai 2007) 197. - 35 S., Lit. S. 32-34
GIGA D 819807 IFAs: 3/842 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH05 Energy industry
SF04.01 Elections
1338 Chrisstoffels, Jan-Hein: Earthquake alarm - the Kashiwazaki
1336 Köllner, Patrick: Campaigning for the Japanese Lower House
: from mobilising to chasing voters? / Patrick Köllner. Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,
2007. - 29 S., Lit. S. 24-29, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (GIGA Working
Papers; No. 55)
nuclear incident and the consequences for Japan's nuclear
policy / Jan-Hein Chrisstoffels. - The Hague: CIEP, 2007. 8 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CIEP Briefing Papers)
GIGA D 820342
SWP D 820512
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1339 Noerper, Stephen: Mongolia in 2006 : land of the rising khan /
Stephen Noerper. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 74-79, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820390 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
1342 Zhang Jian: Building "a harmonious world"? Chinese
perceptions of regional order and implications for Australia /
Jian Zhang. - Barton: ASPI, 2007. - 12 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute; 35)
SB01 International relations / process
1340 Lum, Thomas; Vaughn, Bruce: The Southwest Pacific: U.S.
interests and China's growing influence / Thomas Lum ; Bruce
Vaughn. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 27 S., Kt., Tab., Lit.
Hinw., Anh. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34086) (RL34086)
SWP D 820600
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SWP D 820382
1343 Lee, John: Foundations for modern approaches to the China
SB01 International relations / process
1341 Mulgan, Aurelia George: Australia–Japan relations : new
directions / Aurelia George Mulgan. - Barton: ASPI, 2007. 16 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic
Policy Institute; 36)
SWP D 820599
security question / John Lee. - Canberra: SDSC, 2007. - 59 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Strategic and Defence Studies
Centre; No. 405)
SWP D 820596
SA03 Politics
1344 Chin, James: Papua New Guinea in 2006 : Somare's u-turn
and legacy / James Chin. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
47 (January-February 2007) 1, S. 200-205, Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 820447 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IFAs: 3/71 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SC International security / Defense
SE International cultural relations
1345 International maritime security : joint hearing before the
Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and
International Relations and the Subcommittee on Criminal
Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee
on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th
Congress, 1st Session, December 13, 2005 - Washington/D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. - V,216 S. - (Serial /
Committee on Government Reform (United States / House);
No. 109-148)
1349 Schöfthaler, Traugott: Escape from Huntington's scenario / by
Traugott Schöfthaler. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe"
2007 / publ.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
2007, S. 97-102, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Schöfthaler, Traugott: Raus
aus dem Huntington-Szenario. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007
HSFK D 820341 HSFK: 98.659 Öff.StaO: F 197
IFA D 820428 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
1346 International maritime security II: law enforcement,
passenger security and incident investigation on cruise
ships : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security,
Emerging Threats, and International Relations of the
Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, March 7, 2006
- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. III,271 S. - (Serial / Committee on Government Reform (United
States / House); No. 109-154)
1350 Schöfthaler, Traugott: Raus aus dem Huntington-Szenario /
von Traugott Schöfthaler. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa"
2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart,
2007, S. 97-102, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Schöfthaler, Traugott:
Escape from Huntington's scenario. - In: Culture report
"Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820308 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
HSFK D 820345 HSFK: 98.660 Öff.StaO: F 197
SG06 Media / Information
SC06 Military capacity
1351 Racism, xenophobia and the media : towards respect and
1347 Bearden, David M.: U.S. disposal of chemical weapons in the
understanding of all religions and cultures ; an EU seminar in
the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, Vienna,
22-23 May 2006; organised by: Austrian presidency of the
European Union, European Commission, European Monitoring
Centre on Racism and Xenophobia; conference report &
documentation / comp. and ed. by the European Commission
and the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia. - Vienna, 2006. - 25 S.
ocean: background and issues for Congress : updated January
3, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / David M. Bearden. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 22 S. - (RL33432)
HSFK D 820023 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
IFA D 820161 IFA: Cb27/256 Öff.StaO: 212
1348 Bearden, David M.: U.S. disposal of chemical weapons in the
ocean: background and issues for Congress : updated January
3, 2007 ; CRS Report for Congress / David M. Bearden. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2007. 22 S. - (RL33432)
SB01 International relations / process
1352 Yasmann, Victor: Russia: race to the North Pole / Victor
Yasmann. - Zurich: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule,
2007. - 2 S.
HSFK D 820023 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 819750
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1362 Erklärung von Paris über die Wirksamkeit der
SB01 International relations / process
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit : Eigenverantwortung,
Harmonisierung, Partnerausrichtung, Ergebnisorientierung
sowie gegenseitige Rechenschaftspflicht = Paris declaration on
aid effectiveness - Paris, 2006. - 15 S., Tab.
Erscheint in Englisch u.d.T.: Paris declaration on aid
effectiveness. - Paris, 2005
1353 Mosegaard Søbjerg, Lene: Trusteeship and the concept of
freedom / Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg. - In: Review of
International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3,
S. 475-488, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819857 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
1354 Pan Liang: The United Nations in Japan's foreign and security
IFA D 820050 IFA: Cb27/282 Öff.StaO: 212
policymaking, 1945-1992 : national security, party politics, and
international status / Liang Pan. - Cambridge/Mass. ...: Harvard
Univ. Pr., 2005. - XV,384 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 351-372 (Harvard East Asian Monographs; 257) - ISBN 0-674-01963-6
1363 The international compact with Iraq : 2007 mid-year
progress report ; released at the United Nations in New York,
20 July 2007 / UNAMI. - Bagdad, 2007. - 134 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Anh.
HSFK D 820047 HSFK: 38.522 Öff.StaO: F 197
SB03 International law
SWP D 820369
1355 Ooyen, Robert Christian van: Politische Bedingungen einer
effektiven internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit / Robert Christian
van Ooyen. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn),
(2007) 3, S. 23-35, Lit. Hinw.
1364 Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for
United Nations assistance in support of its peace process /
United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 14 S.
- (S/2007/442)
SWP D 820126 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 820500
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1365 Toye, John; Toye, Richard: The UN and global political
1356 Blanchfield, Luisa: United Nations reform: U.S. policy and
economy : trade, finance, and development / John Toye and
Richard Toye. - Bloomington/Ind. ...: Indiana Univ. Pr., 2004. XV,390 S., Reg. - (United Nations Intellectual History Project
Series) - ISBN 0-253-21586-9
international perspectives : CRS Report for Congress / Luisa
Blanchfield. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, 2007. - 20 S., Tab. - (RL33848)
HSFK D 820053 HSFK: 38.558 Öff.StaO: F 197
HSFK D 820037 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
1357 Ooyen, Robert Christian van: Politische Bedingungen einer
SF01.02 Human rights
effektiven internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit / Robert Christian
van Ooyen. - In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn),
(2007) 3, S. 23-35, Lit. Hinw.
1366 Mepham, David; Ramsbotham, Alexander: Safeguarding
civilians : delivering on the responsibility to protect in Africa /
David Mepham and Alexander Ramsbotham. - London: IPPR,
2007. - 94 S., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
SWP D 820126 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-D1415 DIE: 09ZS001 IAK: ZS IFAs: 3/68 Öff.StaO: H 222
1358 Oshima, Kenzo: Japan in the United Nations : building
SWP D 819906
foundations for the next 50 years / Oshima Kenzo. - In: Gaiko
Forum (Tokyo), 7 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 3-10, Tab.
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SWP D 820477 SWP: X. 874 DGAP: ZD 34
1367 Coleman, Katharina P.: Peace enforcement through a global
1359 Reforming the United Nations : The struggle for legitimacy
organisation : The United Nations and INTERFET in East Timor
/ Katharina P. Coleman. - In: Coleman, Katharina P.:
International organisations and peace enforcement: The politics
of international legitimacy. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 2007, S. 240-277, graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-521-69034-8
and effectiveness / ed. by Joachim Müller. - Leiden ...: Nijhoff
Publ., 2006. - XIV,531 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. ISBN 90-04-15131-1
HSFK D 819893 HSFK: UN Öff.StaO: F 197
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SWP D 819776 SWP: A.07/0230
1368 Final report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic
1360 De Coning, Cedric H.: Peace operations in Africa : The next
decade / Cedric de Coning. - Oslo: NUPI, 2007. - 18 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (NUPI Working Paper; No. 721-2007) ISBN 978-82-7002-165-9
SWP D 820077
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
Republic of the Congo, pursuant to Security Council
resolution 1698 (2006) : letter dated 16 July from the
Chairman of the Security Council Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo addressed to the President of the
Security Council / United Nations Security Council. - New
York/N.Y., 2007. - 42 S., Ill., Kt., Tab. - (S/2007/423)
SWP D 820567
1361 Coleman, Katharina P.: Peace enforcement through a global
1369 Mepham, David; Ramsbotham, Alexander: Safeguarding
organisation : The United Nations and INTERFET in East Timor
/ Katharina P. Coleman. - In: Coleman, Katharina P.:
International organisations and peace enforcement: The politics
of international legitimacy. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 2007, S. 240-277, graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-521-69034-8
civilians : delivering on the responsibility to protect in Africa /
David Mepham and Alexander Ramsbotham. - London: IPPR,
2007. - 94 S., Lit. Hinw., Anh.
SWP D 819906
SWP D 819776 SWP: A.07/0230
1370 Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for
United Nations assistance in support of its peace process /
United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 14 S.
- (S/2007/442)
SWP D 820500
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.13 International organisations / Internationale Organisationen / Organisations internationales
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SG Society
1371 Mosegaard Søbjerg, Lene: Trusteeship and the concept of
freedom / Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg. - In: Review of
International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3,
S. 475-488, Lit. Hinw.
1378 Grenville, Stephen: Ten years after the Asian crisis : is the
IMF ready for "next time"? / Stephen Grenville. - Sydney: Lowy
Institute for International Policy, 2007. - 24 S., Lit. Hinw. (Lowy Institute Analysis)
SWP D 819857 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SWP D 820504
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1372 Hovi, Jon; Bretteville Froyn, Camilla; Bang, Guri: Enforcing
1379 Accelerating development outcomes in Africa - Progress
the Kyoto Protocol : can punitive consequences restore
compliance? / Jon Hovi, Camilla Bretteville Froyn and Guri
Bang. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),
33 (July 2007) 3, S. 435-450, Lit. Hinw.
and change in the Africa Action Plan / World Bank. - o.O.:
World Bank, 2007. - 50 S., Tab. (JointMinisterialCommitteeoftheBoardsofGovernorsoftheWorld
SWP D 819854 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 819891
SB03 International law
1380 World Health Organization: Country cooperation strategy for
1373 Li Ji: [WTO-Streitfälle] / Ji Li. - In: The Yale Journal of
WHO and Sudan 2003-2007 - Cairo: WHO Regional Office for
the Eastern Mediterranean, 2003. - II,40 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (DocumentWHO-EM/ARD/002/E/L)
International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 485-515, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819931 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
GIGA D 819910
1374 Anderson, Kym: The World Trade Organisation's Doha cotton
SG03.02 Health
initiave : A tale of two issues / Kym Anderson. - In: The World
Economy (Oxford), 30 (August 2007) 8, S. 1281-1304, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1303-1304
1381 World Health Organization: Country cooperation strategy for
WHO and Sudan 2003-2007 - Cairo: WHO Regional Office for
the Eastern Mediterranean, 2003. - II,40 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (DocumentWHO-EM/ARD/002/E/L)
SWP D 820076 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
1375 Bouët, Antoine; Mevel, Simon; Orden, David: More or less
ambition in the Doha Round : winners and losers from trade
liberalisation with a development perspective / Antoine Bouët,
Simon Mevel and David Orden. - In: The World Economy
(Oxford), 30 (August 2007) 8, S. 1253-1280, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1279-1280
GIGA D 819910
SH06 Agrarian sector
1382 Schnepf, Randy: U.S.-Canada WTO corn trade dispute : CRS
SWP D 820075 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
Report for Congress / Randy Schnepf. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33853)
1376 Kinnman, Susanna; Lodefalk, Magnus: What is at stake in
the Doha Round? / Susanna Kinnman and Magnus Lodefalk. In: The World Economy (Oxford), 30 (August 2007) 8,
S. 1305-1325, Tab., Lit. S. 1324-1325
HSFK D 819861 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SH10 Public finance
SWP D 820078 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
1383 Kerr, Paul: ElBaradei : IAEA budget problems dangerous /
Paul Kerr. - In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.),
37 (July-August 2007) 6, S. 38-40, Ill.
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SWP D 820198 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT
Öff.StaO: 18
1377 Schnepf, Randy: U.S.-Canada WTO corn trade dispute : CRS
Report for Congress / Randy Schnepf. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33853)
SB07 International organisations / institutions
HSFK D 819861 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
1384 Das NGO Handbuch / Greenpeace Deutschland. - Hamburg:
Greenpeace Media, 2007. - 497 S. - ISBN 978-3-9811689-0-7
BICC D 820192 BICC: BI 3448
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1391 Flottau, Heiko: Die Implosion Palästinas / Heiko Flottau. -
SB01 International relations / process
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
52 (2007) 8, S. 923-927, Lit. Hinw.
1385 Jourde, Cédric: The international relations of small
neoauthoritarian states : islamism, warlordism, and the framing
of stability / Cédric Jourde. - In: International Studies Quarterly
(Malden/Mass.), 51 (June 2007) 2, S. 481-503
DGAP D 820178 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA: Z-D1063 Öff.StaO: 1a
HSFK D 819786 SWP: X. 181 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517
SF06.01 Civil war
1392 Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga: The West's reporting of conflict in Africa
1386 Pescador Hernández, Silvia: Idas y venidas de la
/ Ibrahim Seaga Shaw. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi),
46 (May-July 2006) 2, S. 36-49, Kt., Lit. S. 47-48, Lit. Hinw.
S. 46-47
cooperación internacional para el desarrollo / Silvia Pescador
Hernández. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y
Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007) 20,
S. 167-180, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 820031 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 820538 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
SF06.02 Terrorism
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1393 Maninger, Stephan: Die Rolle von Kultur in der Dynamik und
cooperación internacional para el desarrollo / Silvia Pescador
Hernández. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y
Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007) 20,
S. 167-180, Lit. Hinw.
der Bekämpfung von Terrorismus / Stephan Maninger. Bielefeld: WBV Bertelsmann, 2005. - S. 203-223 ISBN 978-3-7639-3309-9 -- Sonderdruck aus: Countering
modern terrorism / Katharina von Knop ... (Hrsg.). - Bielefeld,
WBV Bertelsmann, 2005
GIGA D 820538 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
IFA D 820207 IFA: Cb27/239 Öff.StaO: 212
1387 Pescador Hernández, Silvia: Idas y venidas de la
SG06 Media / Information
1394 Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga: The West's reporting of conflict in Africa
SB01 International relations / process
/ Ibrahim Seaga Shaw. - In: Africa Quarterly (New Delhi),
46 (May-July 2006) 2, S. 36-49, Kt., Lit. S. 47-48, Lit. Hinw.
S. 46-47
1388 Gilman, Martin G.: Russia: The latecomer to the G8 / Martin
G. Gilman. - In: Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow),
5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 98-108
GIGA D 820031 IFA: Z-JN75 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: 206
SWP D 819965 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SK03 Research and development
SE International cultural relations
1395 Hall, Ronald E.: Race as western hegemony in social science
1389 Hall, Ronald E.: Race as western hegemony in social science
research : implications of eurocentrism for Southeast Asian
populations / Ronald E. Hall. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),
35 (June 2007) 3, S. 263-270
research : implications of eurocentrism for Southeast Asian
populations / Ronald E. Hall. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),
35 (June 2007) 3, S. 263-270
GIGA D 819823 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 819823 IFAs: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
1390 Maninger, Stephan: Die Rolle von Kultur in der Dynamik und
1396 Castles, Francis G.; Obinger, Herbert: Social expenditure
der Bekämpfung von Terrorismus / Stephan Maninger. Bielefeld: WBV Bertelsmann, 2005. - S. 203-223 ISBN 978-3-7639-3309-9 -- Sonderdruck aus: Countering
modern terrorism / Katharina von Knop ... (Hrsg.). - Bielefeld,
WBV Bertelsmann, 2005
and the politics of redistribution / Francis G. Castles ; Herbert
Obinger. - In: Journal of European Social Policy (London),
17 (August 2007) 3, S. 206-222, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 221-222
SWP D 820492 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12
IFA D 820207 IFA: Cb27/239 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
1406 Reilu kulttuuri - kestävän khityksen kulttuuri : conclusions
and report from the seminar, 29th to 30th of May 2007 = Rättvis
kultur - kultur för hållbar utveckling / Opetusministeriö. Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Finland ... - Helsinki, 2007. - 14 S.
SB01 International relations / process
1397 Pescador Hernández, Silvia: Idas y venidas de la
cooperación internacional para el desarrollo / Silvia Pescador
Hernández. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y
Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007) 20,
S. 167-180, Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820079 IFA: Cb27/275 Öff.StaO: 212
SE International cultural relations
GIGA D 820538 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
1407 Reilu kulttuuri - kestävän khityksen kulttuuri : conclusions
and report from the seminar, 29th to 30th of May 2007 = Rättvis
kultur - kultur för hållbar utveckling / Opetusministeriö. Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Finland ... - Helsinki, 2007. - 14 S.
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1398 Kiely, Ray: Poverty reduction through liberalisation?
Neoliberalism and the myth of global convergence / Ray Kiely. In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007)
3, S. 415-434, Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 820079 IFA: Cb27/275 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 819853 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SE02 International relations in the field of education
and science
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
1399 Global imbalances and developing countries : remedies for
1408 Norwegian Agency for Development Co-Operation (Oslo):
a failing international financial system / Jan Joost Teunissen ...
(eds) - The Hague: FONDAD, 2007. - XXI, 147 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Developing Countries and the US
Debt Problem: Should the Dollar be phased out as the Key
Currency of the System?; 2) - ISBN 978-90-74208-29-1
Norad programme in arts and cultural education : 2006-2008/9
; programme document - Oslo: NORAD, 2006. - 7 S.
DIE D 819847 DIE: EJC188 Öff.StaO: B 1503
IFA D 820044 IFA: Cb27/277 Öff.StaO: 212
1400 Kamin, Steven B.; Schindler, John; Samuel, Shawna: The
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
contribution of domestic and external factors to emerging
market currency crises : An early warning systems approach /
Steven B. Kamin, John Schindler and Shawna Samuel. In: International Journal of Finance and Economics
(Chichester), 12 (July 2007) 3, S. 317-336, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 336
1409 Spaces for change? The politics of citizen participation in new
democratic arenas / ed. by Andrea Cornwall.... - London...: Zed
Books, 2007. - XVIII,270 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability;
Vol.4) - ISBN 1-84277-553-7
DIE D 820239 DIE: ZA061 Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 819811 IIK: INT-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1410 Spaces for change? The politics of citizen participation in new
1401 Bergendorff, Steen: Cultural complexity and development
democratic arenas / ed. by Andrea Cornwall.... - London...: Zed
Books, 2007. - XVIII,270 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability;
Vol.4) - ISBN 1-84277-553-7
policy / Steen Bergendorff. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2,
S. 195-209, Lit. S. 209
DIE D 820424 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
GIGA D 819811 IIK: INT-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
1402 Erklärung von Paris über die Wirksamkeit der
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit : Eigenverantwortung,
Harmonisierung, Partnerausrichtung, Ergebnisorientierung
sowie gegenseitige Rechenschaftspflicht = Paris declaration on
aid effectiveness - Paris, 2006. - 15 S., Tab.
Erscheint in Englisch u.d.T.: Paris declaration on aid
effectiveness. - Paris, 2005
1411 Guimarães, Ricardo J. R.: Searching for the vulnerable : A
review of concepts and assessments of vulnerability related to
poverty / Ricardo J. R. Guimarães. - In: The European Journal
of Development Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2,
S. 234-250, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 249
DIE D 820431 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
IFA D 820050 IFA: Cb27/282 Öff.StaO: 212
SG03.02 Health
1403 Kultur und Entwicklung : ohne die Eine läuft bei der Anderen
gar nichts - In: Eine Welt (Bern), (Juni 2007) 2, S. 6-15, Ill.
1412 Gesundheit in Entwicklungsländern : Antwort der
Bundesregierung auf die Große Anfrage der Abgeordneten Karl
Addicks ... und der Fraktion der FDP - Drucksache 16/3209 /
Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 2007. - 46 S.,
Tab. - (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages:
Drucksachen; 16/5378)
IFA D 820041 IFA: Z-SZ337 DIE: ZS013 Öff.StaO: 212
1404 Norwegian Agency for Development Co-Operation (Oslo):
Norad programme in arts and cultural education : 2006-2008/9
; programme document - Oslo: NORAD, 2006. - 7 S.
SWP D 820109 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1
1413 Zwane, Alix Peterson; Kremer, Michael: What works in
fighting diarrheal diseases in developing countries? A critical
review / Alix Peterson Zwane, Michael Kremer. - In: The World
Bank Research Observer (London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1,
S. 1-24, Tab., Lit. S. 18-24
IFA D 820044 IFA: Cb27/277 Öff.StaO: 212
1405 Pescador Hernández, Silvia: Idas y venidas de la
cooperación internacional para el desarrollo / Silvia Pescador
Hernández. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y
Cooperación (Madrid), (primavera-verano 2007) 20,
S. 167-180, Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 820163 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
SG07 Social movements / associations
1414 Spaces for change? The politics of citizen participation in new
GIGA D 820538 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
democratic arenas / ed. by Andrea Cornwall.... - London...: Zed
Books, 2007. - XVIII,270 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability;
Vol.4) - ISBN 1-84277-553-7
GIGA D 819811 IIK: INT-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.15 Developing countries / Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry
1415 Bergendorff, Steen: Cultural complexity and development
1423 The economic theory of agrarian institutions / ed. by
policy / Steen Bergendorff. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2,
S. 195-209, Lit. S. 209
Pranab Bardhan. - Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 2004. - 408 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 383-403 - ISBN 0-19-828762-3
DIE D 820496 DIE: AXA795 Öff.StaO: B 1503
DIE D 820424 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
1416 Kultur und Entwicklung : ohne die Eine läuft bei der Anderen
1424 Schmitz, Hubert: Reducing complexity in the industrial policy
gar nichts - In: Eine Welt (Bern), (Juni 2007) 2, S. 6-15, Ill.
debate / Hubert Schmitz. - In: Development Policy Review
(Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4, S. 417-428, Tab., Lit. S. 426-428
IFA D 820041 IFA: Z-SZ337 DIE: ZS013 Öff.StaO: 212
DIE D 820046 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
1425 Cascante Fernández, Rafael: La evaluación en microfinanzas
1417 The economic theory of agrarian institutions / ed. by
de la cooperación española / Rafael Cascante Fernández. In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid),
(primavera-verano 2007) 20, S. 151-164, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 162-164
Pranab Bardhan. - Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 2004. - 408 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 383-403 - ISBN 0-19-828762-3
DIE D 820496 DIE: AXA795 Öff.StaO: B 1503
1418 Linking the formal and informal economy : concepts and
GIGA D 820537 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
policies / ed. by Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis ... Expert Group on
Development Issues ... - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2006. - XVII,
294 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Studies in
Development Economics) - ISBN 978-0-19-920476-2
1426 Torre, Augusto de la; Gozzi, Juan Carlos; Schmukler,
Sergio L.: Financial development : maturing and emerging
policy issues / Augusto de la Torre, Juan Carlos Gozzi, Sergio
L. Schmukler. - In: The World Bank Research Observer
(London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 67-102
DIE D 820609 DIE: AF542 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
DIE D 820169 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
1419 Cascante Fernández, Rafael: La evaluación en microfinanzas
SH09 Informal sector
de la cooperación española / Rafael Cascante Fernández. In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid),
(primavera-verano 2007) 20, S. 151-164, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 162-164
1427 Informal labour markets and development / ed. by Basudeb
Guha-Khasnobis ... Expert Group on Development Issues ... Houndmills: PalgraveMacmillan, 2006. - XVIII, 265 S., graph.
Darst. - (Studies in Development Economics and Policy) ISBN 978-1-4039-8755-6
GIGA D 820537 IIK: ZS-LA- R (früher: 1.045 INT) Öff.StaO: H 220
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
DIE D 820467 DIE: AU392 Öff.StaO: B 1503
1420 Kiely, Ray: Poverty reduction through liberalisation?
1428 Linking the formal and informal economy : concepts and
Neoliberalism and the myth of global convergence / Ray Kiely. In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007)
3, S. 415-434, Lit. Hinw.
policies / ed. by Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis ... Expert Group on
Development Issues ... - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2006. - XVII,
294 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Studies in
Development Economics) - ISBN 978-0-19-920476-2
SWP D 819853 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
DIE D 820609 DIE: AF542 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH03 Labour / Employment
1421 Informal labour markets and development / ed. by Basudeb
Guha-Khasnobis ... Expert Group on Development Issues ... Houndmills: PalgraveMacmillan, 2006. - XVIII, 265 S., graph.
Darst. - (Studies in Development Economics and Policy) ISBN 978-1-4039-8755-6
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
1429 Borrmann, Axel; Busse, Matthias: The institutional challenge
of the ACP/EU economic partnership agreements / Axel
Borrmann and Matthias Busse. - In: Development Policy
Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4, S. 403-416, Tab.,
Lit. S. 414-416
DIE D 820467 DIE: AU392 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH05 Energy industry
DIE D 820045 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
1422 The political economy of power sector reform : The
experiences of five major developing countries / Ed. by David
Victor.... - Cambridge...: Cambridge University Press, 2007. XVIII,330 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 0-521-86502-6
SD02 International economic relations / economic
1430 Borrmann, Axel; Busse, Matthias: The institutional challenge
of the ACP/EU economic partnership agreements / Axel
Borrmann and Matthias Busse. - In: Development Policy
Review (Oxford), 25 (July 2007) 4, S. 403-416, Tab.,
Lit. S. 414-416
GIGA D 819799 IIK: INT-F/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
DIE D 820045 DIE: ZA078 Öff.StaO: 206
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
1443 Thränert, Oliver; Tucker, Jonathan B.: Freeing the world of
chemical weapons : The Chemical Weapons Convention at the
ten-year-mark / Oliver Thränert ; Jonathan B. Tucker. - Berlin:
SWP, 2007. - 33 S., Lit. Hinw. - (SWP Research Papers; RP
SA02 History
1431 Kolonialkriege : militärische Gewalt im Zeichen des
Imperialismus / Thoralf Klein ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: Hamburger
Edition, 2006. - 369 S. - ISBN 978-3-936096-70-5
BICC D 820471 BICC: BI 3450
SWP D 820183 SWP: H.07/0336 DIE: AZL106 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SB International politics / system
SC06.02 Armament
1432 Beck, Ulrich: Der kosmopolitische Blick oder: Krieg ist Frieden
1444 Croll, Peter: Der Trend weltweiter Aufrüstung hält an / von
/ Ulrich Beck. - Frankfurt7Main: Suhrkamp, 2004. - 282 S.,
Lit. S. 267-282 - (Edition Zweite Moderne) ISBN 3-518-41608-1
Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Cosmopolitan vision. - Reprint. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006. - IX, 201 S. - ISBN 0-74563399-4
Peter Croll. - In: Wissenschaft und Frieden (Bonn), 25 (Juli
2007) 3, S. 5, Ill.
BICC D 820088 BICC: BZ WUF Öff.StaO: 1a
1445 Price, Owen C. W.: Preparing for the inevitable : nuclear
signaling for regional nuclear crises / Owen C. W. Price. In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.), 26 (March-April
2007) 2, S. 103-115, Tab., Lit. S. 111-115
DIE D 820155 DIE: EB263-d Öff.StaO: B 1503
1433 Kagan, Robert: End of dreams, return of history / by Robert
SWP D 820200 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12
Kagan. - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),
(August-September 2007) 144, ca. 10 S., Lit. Hinw.
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1446 Tendenzen der Wirtschaftsentwicklung 2007/2008 -
SWP D 819836 Öff.StaO: 188/144
In: Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
(Berlin), 74 (24. Juli 2007) 30, S. 453-477, graph. Darst., Tab.
1434 Kolonialkriege : militärische Gewalt im Zeichen des
Imperialismus / Thoralf Klein ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: Hamburger
Edition, 2006. - 369 S. - ISBN 978-3-936096-70-5
SWP D 819810 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a
BICC D 820471 BICC: BI 3450
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
1447 Global imbalances and developing countries : remedies for
SB05 International political conflicts
a failing international financial system / Jan Joost Teunissen ...
(eds) - The Hague: FONDAD, 2007. - XXI, 147 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Developing Countries and the US
Debt Problem: Should the Dollar be phased out as the Key
Currency of the System?; 2) - ISBN 978-90-74208-29-1
1435 Kazimirov, Vladimir: Two Helsinki principles and an 'atlas of
conflicts' / Vladimir Kazimirov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 121-126
SWP D 819967 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
DIE D 819847 DIE: EJC188 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SC International security / Defense
SD02 International economic relations / economic
1436 Goldsmith, Benjamin E.: Defense effort and institutional
theories of democratic peace and victory : why try harder? /
Benjamin E. Goldsmith. - In: Security Studies (London),
16 (April-June 2007) 2, S. 189-222, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
1448 Haslam, Paul Alexander: A 'flexibility for development' index :
can international investment agreements be compared
quantitatively? / Paul Alexander Haslam. - In: The European
Journal of Development Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007)
2, S. 251-273, Tab., Lit. S. 271-273
SWP D 820067 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
1437 Stockholm initiative of disarmament demobilisation
reintegration : testing the principles / Lena Sundh ... (eds.) Stockholm, 2007. - 51 S. - ISBN 978-91-633-0676-1
DIE D 820435 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
BICC D 820242 BICC: BI 3449
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1449 Belloni, Roberto: The trouble with humanitarianism / Roberto
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
Belloni. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),
33 (July 2007) 3, S. 451-474, Lit. Hinw.
1438 Contributions to Nobel Peace Laureates Summits 2002-
2006 / International Peace Bureau. - Geneva, 2007. - 97 S., Ill.
SWP D 819856 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
BICC D 820193 BICC: BC 3539
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
1439 Croll, Peter: Der Trend weltweiter Aufrüstung hält an / von
Peter Croll. - In: Wissenschaft und Frieden (Bonn), 25 (Juli
2007) 3, S. 5, Ill.
1450 Anholt, Simon: Brand Europe / by Simon Anholt. - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 18-26, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Anholt, Simon: Die Marke
Europa. - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
BICC D 820088 BICC: BZ WUF Öff.StaO: 1a
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1440 Becker, Una: Light at the end of the tunnel? The Sixth Review
Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention / Una
Becker. - Frankfurt/Main: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und
Konfliktforschung, 2007. - III,41 S., Tab. - (PRIF Reports; No.
79) - ISBN 978-3-937829-52-4
IFA D 820394 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
HSFK D 820250 SWP: H.07/0338 HSFK: HSFK Öff.StaO: F 197
1451 Anholt, Simon: Die Marke Europa / von Simon Anholt. -
In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 18-26, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Anholt, Simon: Brand
Europe. - In: Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
1441 Price, Owen C. W.: Preparing for the inevitable : nuclear
signaling for regional nuclear crises / Owen C. W. Price. In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.), 26 (March-April
2007) 2, S. 103-115, Tab., Lit. S. 111-115
SWP D 820200 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12
1442 The story of the chemical weapons ban / Organization for
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. - Lelystad: IVIO, 2007. 26 S., Ill.
IFA D 820292 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
BICC D 820541 BICC: BC 3540
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
1452 Fremdbild : das Bild von Europa - In: Kulturreport "Fortschritt
1463 Countering the financing of terrorism / ed. by Thomas J.
Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ... Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Perception of others. - In:
Culture report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
Biersteker ... - New York/N.Y.: Routledge, 2008 [i.e. 2007]. 344 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-415-39643-3
SWP D 820364 SWP: A.07/0285
1464 Drennan, Shane; Black, Andrew: Jihad online : The changing
role of the internet / Shane Drennan and Andrew Black. In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8,
S. 16-20, Ill.
IFA D 820293 IFA: JAB390 Öff.StaO: 212
1453 Perception of others : The perception of Europe - In: Culture
report "Progress Europe" 2007 / publ.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007, S. 30-56, Ill.
Erscheint außerdem in Dt. u.d.T.: Fremdbild. - In: Kulturreport
"Fortschritt Europa" 2007 / Hrsg.: Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen ... - Stuttgart, 2007
IFA D 820395 IFA: JAB393 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 820084 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
1465 Jones, Sidney: Arrested development : Jemaah Islamiyah
down but not out / Sidney Jones. - In: Jane's Intelligence
Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 22-25, Ill.
SWP D 820086 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
1466 Murphy, Martin N.: Contemporary piracy and maritime
terrorism : The threat to international security / Martin N.
Murphy. - Abingdon: Routledge, 2007. - 108 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 89-108 - (Adelphi Papers; 388) ISBN 978-0-415-45234-2
SF Government
1454 Uvalle Berrones, Ricardo: Institucionalidad, eficacia y
desafíos de la democracia / Ricardo Uvalle Berrones. In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de
Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (junio 2007) 38,
S. 135-162, Lit. S. 161-162
SWP D 819845 SWP: H.07/0326 DGAP: DG 46546i
1467 Niemeyer, Sidney; Smith, David K.: Following the clues : The
role of forensics in preventing nuclear terrorism / by Sidney
Niemeyer and David K. Smith. - In: Arms Control Today
(Washington/D.C.), 37 (July-August 2007) 6, S. 14-15, Ill., Lit.
GIGA D 820464 IIK: ZS-LA-R (früher: 1.538 LA) Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SWP D 820195 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT
Öff.StaO: 18
1455 On capitalism and democracy - In: Daedalus
(Cambridge/Mass.), 136 (Summer 2007) 3, S. 5-95, Tab., Lit.
1468 Radu, Michael: Al Qaeda confusion : how to think about Jihad
SWP D 820118 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188
/ by Michael Radu. - Philadelphia/Pa.: FPRI, 2007. - ca. 7 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (E-Notes)
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SWP D 820590
1456 The democracy barometers (pt. 1) - In: Journal of Democracy
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 65-125, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
1469 Seebeck, Lesley: Responding to systemic crisis : The case of
agroterrorism / Lesley Seebeck. - In: Studies in Conflict and
Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 30 (August 2007) 8, S. 691-721,
Tab., Lit. S. 714-721
SWP D 820142 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
1457 Kern, Thomas: Modernisierung und Demokratisierung : das
SWP D 820526 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
Erklärungspotenzial neuerer differenzierungstheoretischer
Ansätze = Modernization and democratization: The explanatory
potential of recent differentiation theoretical approaches /
Thomas Kern. - In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie (Köln), 59 (2007) 1, S. 30-58
1470 Shannon, Vaughn P.; Dennis, Michael: Militant Islam and the
futile fight for reputation / Vaughn P. Shannon and Michael
Dennis. - In: Security Studies (London), 16 (April-June 2007) 2,
S. 287-317, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820069 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
GIGA D 820347 IFA: Z-D1389 DIE: ZH002 Öff.StaO: 188
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1458 Spaces for change? The politics of citizen participation in new
democratic arenas / ed. by Andrea Cornwall.... - London...: Zed
Books, 2007. - XVIII,270 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability;
Vol.4) - ISBN 1-84277-553-7
1471 Spaces for change? The politics of citizen participation in new
democratic arenas / ed. by Andrea Cornwall.... - London...: Zed
Books, 2007. - XVIII,270 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability;
Vol.4) - ISBN 1-84277-553-7
GIGA D 819811 IIK: INT-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 819811 IIK: INT-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01.02 Human rights
SG02.04 Migration
1459 Belloni, Roberto: The trouble with humanitarianism / Roberto
Belloni. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),
33 (July 2007) 3, S. 451-474, Lit. Hinw.
1472 Flucht als Politik : Berichte von fünf Kontinenten ; with English
summaries / Katharina Inhetveen (Hg.). - Köln: Köppe, 2006. 229 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Siegener Beiträge zur Soziologie;
Bd. 5) - ISBN 3-89645-347-5
SWP D 819856 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
GIGA D 819840 IAK: INT-G/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
1460 Kazimirov, Vladimir: Two Helsinki principles and an 'atlas of
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
conflicts' / Vladimir Kazimirov. - In: Russia in Global Affairs
(Moscow), 5 (July-September 2007) 3, S. 121-126
1473 The democracy barometers (pt. 1) - In: Journal of Democracy
SWP D 819967 SWP: X. 866 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 65-125, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SF06.02 Terrorism
SWP D 820142 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
1461 Abrahms, Max: Why democracies make superior
counterterrorists / Max Abrahms. - In: Security Studies
(London), 16 (April-June 2007) 2, S. 223-253, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. S. 252-253
SG06 Media / Information
1474 Drennan, Shane; Black, Andrew: Jihad online : The changing
SWP D 820068 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
role of the internet / Shane Drennan and Andrew Black. In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8,
S. 16-20, Ill.
1462 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Al Qaeda: statements and
evolving ideology : updated July 9, 2007 / Christopher M.
Blanchard. - Washington/D.C.: CRS, 2007. - 18 S., Lit. Hinw. (CRS Report for Congress; RL32759) - (RL32759)
SWP D 820084 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
1475 Jones, Sidney: Arrested development : Jemaah Islamiyah
down but not out / Sidney Jones. - In: Jane's Intelligence
Review (Coulsdon), 20 (August 2007) 8, S. 22-25, Ill.
SWP D 820497
SWP D 820086 SWP: Y. 908 DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
SG07 Social movements / associations
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
1476 Spaces for change? The politics of citizen participation in new
1482 Murphy, Martin N.: Contemporary piracy and maritime
democratic arenas / ed. by Andrea Cornwall.... - London...: Zed
Books, 2007. - XVIII,270 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability;
Vol.4) - ISBN 1-84277-553-7
terrorism : The threat to international security / Martin N.
Murphy. - Abingdon: Routledge, 2007. - 108 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 89-108 - (Adelphi Papers; 388) ISBN 978-0-415-45234-2
GIGA D 819811 IIK: INT-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 819845 SWP: H.07/0326 DGAP: DG 46546i
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1477 Kultur und Entwicklung : vier Weltregionen im Vergleich /
Andreas Boeckh ... (Hrsg.) - Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges.,
2007. - 219 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-8329-2280-1
1483 Fletcher, Susan R.; Parker, Larry: Climate change: The Kyoto
Protocol and international actions : CRS Report for Congress /
Susan R. Fletcher ; Larry Parker. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2007. - 14 S. - (RL33826)
IFA D 820001 IFA: 27/514 Öff.StaO: 212
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
HSFK D 820040 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
1478 Radu, Michael: Al Qaeda confusion : how to think about Jihad
1484 Lynas, Mark: Six degrees : our future on a hotter planet / Mark
/ by Michael Radu. - Philadelphia/Pa.: FPRI, 2007. - ca. 7 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (E-Notes)
Lynas. - London: Fourth Estate, 2007. - XXIII, 358 S., Lit.
Hinw., Reg. - ISBN 978-0-00-720904-0
DIE D 819927 DIE: AZM611 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 820590
SK02 Theory / Methodology
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
1485 Goldsmith, Benjamin E.: Defense effort and institutional
1479 On capitalism and democracy - In: Daedalus
theories of democratic peace and victory : why try harder? /
Benjamin E. Goldsmith. - In: Security Studies (London),
16 (April-June 2007) 2, S. 189-222, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
(Cambridge/Mass.), 136 (Summer 2007) 3, S. 5-95, Tab., Lit.
SWP D 820118 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 820067 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
1480 Sunkel, Osvaldo: The unbearable lightness of neoliberalism /
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
Osvaldo Sunkel. - In: Rethinking development in Latin America
/ ed. by Charles H. Wood... - University Park/Pa.: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 2005, S. 55-78 - ISBN 0-271-02515-8
1486 UPEACE 2007 : creating opportunities to change the world /
Universidad para la Paz. - Ciudad Colón: University of Peace,
2007. - 28 S., Ill.
GIGA D 820562 IIK: 34.852 Öff.StaO: H 220
BICC D 820545 BICC: BC 3542
SH05 Energy industry
1481 The political economy of power sector reform : The
experiences of five major developing countries / Ed. by David
Victor.... - Cambridge...: Cambridge University Press, 2007. XVIII,330 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 0-521-86502-6
GIGA D 819799 IIK: INT-F/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
1498 Osofsky, Hari M.: A law and geography perspective on the
New Haven School / Hari M. Osofsky. - In: The Yale Journal of
International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 421-453, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SB International politics / system
1487 Critical international relations theory after 25 years / ed.:
SWP D 819928 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
Nicholas Rengger. (Cambridge), 33 (April 2007) Suppl. S1,
S. 1-176, Lit. Hinw.
1499 Rudesill, Dakota S.: Precision war and responsibility :
SWP D 820112 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
transformal military technology and the duty of care under the
laws of war / Dakota S. Rudesill. - In: The Yale Journal of
International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 517-545, Lit. Hinw.
SB01 International relations / process
1488 De Nevers, Renée: Imposing international norms: great
powers and norm enforcement / Renée de Nevers. In: International Studies Review (Malden/Mass.), 9 (Spring
2007) 1, S. 53-80, Tab.
SWP D 819932 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
1500 Schiff Berman, Paul: A pluralist approach to international law /
Paul Schiff Berman. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law
(New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 301-329, Lit.
HSFK D 819792 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47
1489 Promoting democracy through diplomacy : hearing before
the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May 5, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,57 S. - (Serial / Committee on International Relations (United
States / House); No. 109-82)
SWP D 819923 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
1501 Suganami, Hidemi: Understanding sovereignty through
Kelsen/Schmitt / Hidemi Suganami. - In: Review of International
Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3, S. 511-530, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819862 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
HSFK D 820238 HSFK: 98.340 Öff.StaO: F 197
1502 Waters, Melissa A.: Normativity in the "new" schools :
Assessing the legitimacy of international legal norms created
by domestic courts / Melissa A. Waters. - In: The Yale Journal
of International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 455-484, Lit. Hinw.
1490 Schweller, Randall L.: Unanswered threats : political
constraints on the balance of power / Randall L. Schweller. Princeton/N.J. ...: Princeton Univ. Pr., 2006. - XI,182 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 153-164 - (Princeton Studies in
International History and Politics) - ISBN 0-681-12425-6
SWP D 819930 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
HSFK D 820274 HSFK: 38.513 Öff.StaO: F 197
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1491 Steele, Brent J.: Liberal-idealism: A constructivist critique /
1503 Duffield, John: What are international institutions? / John
Brent J. Steele. - In: International Studies Review
(Malden/Mass.), 9 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 23-52
Duffield. - In: International Studies Review (Malden/Mass.),
9 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 1-22, Tab.
HSFK D 819791 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47
HSFK D 819789 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47
1492 Suganami, Hidemi: Understanding sovereignty through
1504 Sarooshi, Dan: International organizations and their exercise
Kelsen/Schmitt / Hidemi Suganami. - In: Review of International
Studies (Cambridge), 33 (July 2007) 3, S. 511-530, Lit. Hinw.
of sovereign powers / Dan Sarooshi. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ.
Pr., 2005. - XVII,151 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 123-143 - (Oxford
Monographs in International Law) - ISBN 0-19-928325-7
SWP D 819862 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
HSFK D 820584 HSFK: 39.094 Öff.StaO: F 197
SB02 Foreign policy
1493 George, Alexander L.: On foreign policy: unfinished business /
SC01 International relations in the field of international
Alexander L. George. - Boulder/Colo. ...: Paradigm Publ., 2006.
- X,132 S., Reg. - (On Politics) - ISBN 1-59451-264-7
1505 Chen Ho-chyuan; Neilson, William S.: The reliability of
HSFK D 820574 HSFK: 38.912 Öff.StaO: F 197
alliances and extended deterrence : A game-theoretical
analysis / Ho-Chyuan Chen and William S. Neilson. - In: Issues
and Studies (Taipei), 43 (June 2007) 2, S. 1-38
SB03 International law
1494 Borgen, Christopher J.: Whose public, whose order?
GIGA D 819798 SWP: X. 323 DGAP: ZD 156 IFA: Z-FM39 IFAs: 3/95
Öff.StaO: H 222
Imperium, region, and normative friction / Christopher J.
Borgen. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 331-362, Tab., Lit.
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1506 Grävingholt, Jörn; Hofmann, Claudia; Klingebiel, Stephan:
SWP D 819924 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
Development cooperation and non-state armed groups (Orig.:
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Umgang mit nichtstaatlichen
Gewaltakteuren) / Jörn Grävingholt ; Claudia Hofmann ;
Stephan Klingebiel. - Bonn: DIE, 2007. - 112 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 95-104 - (Studies / Deutsches Institut für
Entwicklungspolitik; 29) - ISBN 978-3-88985-353-0
1495 Bratspies, Rebecca M.: Rethinking decisionmaking in
international environmental law : A process-oriented inquiry into
sustainable development / Rebecca M. Bratspies. - In: The
Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),
32 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 363-391, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819925 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
1496 Hennes, Simon: Externe Hoheitsgewalt in Krisengebieten /
DIE D 820206 SWP: H.07/0341 DIE: KC276-e-1 IAK: INT-C/7 Öff.StaO: B 1503
Simon Hennes. - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2006. 375 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 359-375 - (Nomos
Universitätsschriften: Recht; Bd. 474) - ISBN 3-8329-1876-0 -Zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 2005
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1507 Woolf, Amy F.: Arms control and nonproliferation: A catalog of
treaties and agreements : CRS Report for Congress / Amy F.
Woolf. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
2007. - 59 S. - (RL33865)
HSFK D 820252 HSFK: 38.583 Öff.StaO: F 197
1497 Levit, Janet Koven: Bottom-up international lawmaking :
reflections on the New Haven School of International Law /
Janet Koven Levit. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law
(New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 393-420, Lit.
HSFK D 819860 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 819926 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional
SC04 Military strategy
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1508 Lebow, Richard Ned: Thucydides and deterrence / Richard
1519 Hennes, Simon: Externe Hoheitsgewalt in Krisengebieten /
Ned Lebow. - In: Security Studies (London), 16 (April-June
2007) 2, S. 163-188, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Simon Hennes. - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2006. 375 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 359-375 - (Nomos
Universitätsschriften: Recht; Bd. 474) - ISBN 3-8329-1876-0 -Zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 2005
SWP D 820066 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
HSFK D 820252 HSFK: 38.583 Öff.StaO: F 197
1509 Grävingholt, Jörn; Hofmann, Claudia; Klingebiel, Stephan:
Development cooperation and non-state armed groups (Orig.:
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Umgang mit nichtstaatlichen
Gewaltakteuren) / Jörn Grävingholt ; Claudia Hofmann ;
Stephan Klingebiel. - Bonn: DIE, 2007. - 112 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 95-104 - (Studies / Deutsches Institut für
Entwicklungspolitik; 29) - ISBN 978-3-88985-353-0
DIE D 820206 SWP: H.07/0341 DIE: KC276-e-1 IAK: INT-C/7 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SG Society
1520 Faizullaev, Alisher: Individual experiencing of states / Alisher
Faizullaev. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),
33 (July 2007) 3, S. 531-554, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819865 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
1521 Lewis, Miranda: States of reason : freedom, responsibility and
the governing of behaviour change / Miranda Lewis. - London:
IPPR, 2007. - 138 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 118-138 ISBN 978-1-86030-312-8
SWP D 819834 SWP: H.07/0298
1510 Klein, Thomas M.: Performance management in der
humanitären Hilfe und internationalen
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit / Thomas M. Klein. - Wien:
ÖFSE, 2007. - 165 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 148-165 (ÖFSE-Forum; 33) - ISBN 3-9502306-3-7
SG02.02 Social groups
1522 Morrison, Andrew R.; Ellsberg, Mary; Bott, Sarah:
Addressing gender-based violence : A critical review of
interventions / Andrew Morrison, Mary Ellsberg, Sarah Bott. In: The World Bank Research Observer (London), 22 (Spring
2007) 1, S. 25-51, Tab., Lit. S. 46-51
DIE D 819837 DIE: SBA151 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
DIE D 820165 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
1511 Altmayer, Claus: Landeskunde als Kulturwissenschaft / Claus
Altmayer. - In: Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 /
hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... - München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007,
S. 181-199, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1523 Religion in global civil society / ed. by Mark Juergensmeyer.
IFA D 820266 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
- Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2005. - XIII,215 S., Reg. ISBN 0-19-518835-7
SF Government
HSFK D 820263 HSFK: 38.974 Öff.StaO: F 197
1512 De Nevers, Renée: Imposing international norms: great
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
powers and norm enforcement / Renée de Nevers. In: International Studies Review (Malden/Mass.), 9 (Spring
2007) 1, S. 53-80, Tab.
1524 Sala-i-Martin, Xavier; Barro, Robert J.: Economic growth /
Robert J. Barro ; Xavier Sala-i-Martin. - 2nd ed. Cambridge/Mass.: MIT, 2004. - XVI,654 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 627-640, Anh. - ISBN 0-262-02553-1
HSFK D 819792 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47
1513 Faizullaev, Alisher: Individual experiencing of states / Alisher
SWP D 820362 SWP: A.07/0287
Faizullaev. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),
33 (July 2007) 3, S. 531-554, Lit. Hinw.
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
SWP D 819865 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
1525 Shaping the future of water for agriculture : A sourcebook
for investment in agricultural water management / The World
Bank ; ARD Agriculture and Rural Development. Washington/D.C.: IBRD, 2005. - XVIII, 334 S. ISBN 0-8213-6161-9
1514 Sarooshi, Dan: International organizations and their exercise
of sovereign powers / Dan Sarooshi. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ.
Pr., 2005. - XVII,151 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 123-143 - (Oxford
Monographs in International Law) - ISBN 0-19-928325-7
DIE D 819944 DIE: AXA794 Öff.StaO: B 1503
HSFK D 820584 HSFK: 39.094 Öff.StaO: F 197
SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1526 Shaping the future of water for agriculture : A sourcebook
1515 The debate on "sequencing" - In: Journal of Democracy
for investment in agricultural water management / The World
Bank ; ARD Agriculture and Rural Development. Washington/D.C.: IBRD, 2005. - XVIII, 334 S. ISBN 0-8213-6161-9
(Baltimore/Md.), 18 (July 2007) 3, S. 5-22, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 820128 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
IIK: 25.492 INT DIE: ZK008
1516 Promoting democracy through diplomacy : hearing before
DIE D 819944 DIE: AXA794 Öff.StaO: B 1503
the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May 5, 2005 Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005. III,57 S. - (Serial / Committee on International Relations (United
States / House); No. 109-82)
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
1527 Lavallée, Emmanuelle: Corruption, concurrence et
développement : une analyse econométrique à l`échelle des
entreprises / Emmanuelle Lavallée. - In: The European Journal
of Development Research (Abingdon), 19 (June 2007) 2,
S. 274-304, Tab., Lit. S. 298-299
HSFK D 820238 HSFK: 98.340 Öff.StaO: F 197
DIE D 820438 BICC: BZ EURJOUR DIE: ZA151 IAK: ZS Öff.StaO: Bo 149
SF01.02 Human rights
1517 Landman, Todd: Studying human rights / Todd Landman. Londom [u.a]: Routledge, 2006. - 178 S. - ISBN 0-415-32605-2
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
1528 Rudesill, Dakota S.: Precision war and responsibility :
GIGA D 819875 IIK: GEN-H/9 Öff.StaO: H 220
transformal military technology and the duty of care under the
laws of war / Dakota S. Rudesill. - In: The Yale Journal of
International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 32 (Summer 2007) 2,
S. 517-545, Lit. Hinw.
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
1518 Bortolotti, Bernardo; Perotti, Enrico: From government to
regulatory governance : privatization and the residual role of
the state / Bernardo Bortolotti, Enrico Perotti. - In: The World
Bank Research Observer (London), 22 (Spring 2007) 1,
S. 53-66, Lit. S. 65-66
SWP D 819932 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
DIE D 820167 SWP: Y. 822 BICC: BZ WBRO DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional
1532 Critical international relations theory after 25 years / ed.:
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
Nicholas Rengger. (Cambridge), 33 (April 2007) Suppl. S1,
S. 1-176, Lit. Hinw.
1529 Bratspies, Rebecca M.: Rethinking decisionmaking in
SWP D 820112 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12
international environmental law : A process-oriented inquiry into
sustainable development / Rebecca M. Bratspies. - In: The
Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),
32 (Summer 2007) 2, S. 363-391, Lit. Hinw.
1533 Lebow, Richard Ned: Thucydides and deterrence / Richard
Ned Lebow. - In: Security Studies (London), 16 (April-June
2007) 2, S. 163-188, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 819925 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 820066 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
1534 Sala-i-Martin, Xavier; Barro, Robert J.: Economic growth /
SK01 Fields of science
Robert J. Barro ; Xavier Sala-i-Martin. - 2nd ed. Cambridge/Mass.: MIT, 2004. - XVI,654 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 627-640, Anh. - ISBN 0-262-02553-1
1530 Altmayer, Claus: Landeskunde als Kulturwissenschaft / Claus
Altmayer. - In: Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2006 /
hrsg. von Andrea Bogner ... - München: Iudicium-Verl., 2007,
S. 181-199, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89129-168-9
SWP D 820362 SWP: A.07/0287
1535 Steele, Brent J.: Liberal-idealism: A constructivist critique /
IFA D 820266 IFA: Z-D2702 Öff.StaO: 212
Brent J. Steele. - In: International Studies Review
(Malden/Mass.), 9 (Spring 2007) 1, S. 23-52
SK02 Theory / Methodology
HSFK D 819791 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47
1531 Chen Ho-chyuan; Neilson, William S.: The reliability of
alliances and extended deterrence : A game-theoretical
analysis / Ho-Chyuan Chen and William S. Neilson. - In: Issues
and Studies (Taipei), 43 (June 2007) 2, S. 1-38
GIGA D 819798 SWP: X. 323 DGAP: ZD 156 IFA: Z-FM39 IFAs: 3/95
Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Abdellatif, Omayma 904;906;914;917
Abrahms, Max 1461
Abu-Bader, Suleiman 937;939;953;957
Abu-Qarn, Aamer S. 937;939;953;957
Acosta, Pablo 737;738
Adhikari, Sudeepto 1127
Ahmad, Syed Zamberi 1163
Ahner-Tönnis, Wolfgang 864
Akhtar, Aasim Sajjad 1075;1077
Alaoui, Soraya el- 246;248;916;918
Ali Raza, Muhammad 1075;1077
Ali, Md. Julfikar 1125
Ali, Zafar 1073
Alissa, Sufyan 986
Allaf, Rime 994
Aloise, Gene 467;547
Altan, Özlem 344;345
Alterman, Jon B. 960;963;1020;1022
Alterman, Rachelle 1006
Altmayer, Claus 1511;1530
Alusala, Nelson 837
Amann, Jürgen M. 997
Ambos, Kai 264;268;329;330;334;335;673;676
Amghar, Samir 925;928
Amiel, Michel 231
Amirali, Asha 1075;1077
Anand, Mukesh 1118
Anderson, Kym 1374
Angel, Benjamin 67;579
Angrist, Michele Penner 894
Anholt, Simon 104;1450 105;1451
Annesley, Claire 124
Antonenko, Oksana 364;459 365;428;1081
Appleton, Simon 873;874
Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic
Arboit, Gérald 211
Ariza, Marina 690
Arndt, Susan 804
Arnold, Hans 45;338
Arnon, Arie 954;959
Arsovska, Jana 451
Aslanjan, Garegin 412
Augris, Nathalie 239
Autié, Philippe 209
Awe, Thomas 1258
Azarva, Jeffrey 932;942
Babaeva, Svetlana 407
Backer, David 863
Bae Chong-ryel 1296
Bahgat, Gawdat 1058
Bakhoum, Habiboulah 814;815;820;821
Bang, Guri 1372
Bank, Leslie 862
Banús, Enrique 78;135 90;136
Baptista, Asdrubal 764
Bardhan, Pranab 1417;1423
Barro, Robert J. 1524;1534
Bartholomew, Carolyn 1265
Barysch, Katinka 16;367
Batten, Gerard 46;179
Bearden, David M. 558;669;1347;1348
Beck, Ulrich 1432
Becker, Geoffrey S. 585;1238
Becker, Una 1440
Beckmann, Christine 79;118;137 80;119;138
Beeck, Christine 1157
Belasco, Amy 527;613
Belke, Ansgar 75;1239
Belloni, Roberto 1449;1459
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Bellver, Ana 697
Ben-el-Haffaf, Abderrahmane 919
Ben-Ouagrham-Gormley, Sonia 356;357
Benavides, Katia 717
Bendiek, Annegret 41
Benjamin, Sonia 1130
Bergendorff, Steen 1401;1415
Berger, Françoise 192;205;262;274;311;313
Beri, Ruchita 767;780
Beudaert, Marc 256
Biersteker, Thomas J. 1463
Bigsten, Arne 878
Bird, Michael 42;91;178;181 180
Black, Andrew 1464;1474
Blakeley, Ruth 609;625
Blanc, Paul 229
Blanchard, Christopher M. 469;630;1035;1048
Blanchfield, Luisa 508;1356
Boeckh, Andreas 1477
Boese, Wade 524
Boniface, Jérôme 43
Bordacev, Timofej V. 17;368
Borgen, Christopher J. 1494
Borowsky, Anna 57
Borrmann, Axel 66;70;1429;1430
Bortolotti, Bernardo 1518
Bott, Sarah 1522
Bouët, Antoine 1375
Bougrab, Jeannette 231
Bourrinet, Jacques 68
Bozo, Frédéric 193;470
Braakman, Marije 1049
Bratspies, Rebecca M. 1495;1529
Bratvogel, Janika 620
Braune, Ines 984;985;991;992
Breslin, Shaun 1232;1267
Bretteville Froyn, Camilla 1372
Brok, Sascha 120;293
Bröning, Michael 624;981
Bruner, Edward F. 533;632
Brunn, Denis 257;305;320
Brynen, Rex 897;958
Buffotot, Patrice 204
Buhlungu, Sakhela 857
Bunn, George 548
Bürgin, Alexander 47;115;339;343
Burhanudin, Jajat 1158
Busse, Matthias 66;70;1429;1430
Cadiou, Stéphane 224
Calaminus, Emily 682
Calvaresi-Barr, Ann M. 577;651
Camp, Roderic Ai 709
Cannon, Carl M. 612
Carnogursky, Jan 369;460
Carr, Ryan 961;1052
Cascante Fernández, Rafael
Case, William 1154
Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud 281;310;1245;1282
Castillo Flores, Haydee 712
Castillo Quintana, Rolando 715
Castles, Francis G. 1396
Cautrès, Bruno 48;129;200;241 215
Cavatorta, Francesco 924
Chalard, Laurent 452
Chaltiel, Florence 49
Chandra, Kanchan 1123
Chaubet, François 210
Chaudhury, Saswata 1118
Chen Ho-chyuan 1505;1531
Chesser, Susan G. 1066
Chestnut, Sheena E. 1289;1298
Chin, James 1344
Cho, Ilsoo David 1295;1302
Choe Wongi 586;1307
Chowdhury, Saber Ahmed 1100;1102
Chrisstoffels, Jan-Hein 1338
Christoff, Joseph A. 526;567;966;971
Chu Yun-han 1209;1211
Chua Beng Huat 1170
Cimbala, Stephen J. 1087
Ciotti, Manuela 1120;1121
Clapp, Priscilla 1188
Clark, John F. 799
Clarke, Michael E. 1251;1271
Clawson, Patrick 549;1059
Clément-Pitiot, Hélène 410
Cliff, Roger 472;504;1204;1206;1214;1225
Clift, Ben 216
Colard, Daniel 18;194;263
Coleman, Katharina P. 160;458
Collier, Paul 774
Conlé, Marcus 1278;1281
Cooper, William H. 581;1329 587;1308
Cordesman, Anthony H. 511;623;964;979
Corning, Gregory P. 1333
Cornwall, Andrea 1409;1410;1414;1458;1471;1476
Coronel, Sheila S. 1166
Crespy, Amandine 57
Croll, Peter 1439;1444
Cronin, Richard P. 473;1144
Curtis, Lisa 474;1067
D'Angelo, Paula 57
Daggett, Stephen 499;532;660
Dagne, Theodore S. 949
Dankert, Birgit 279;300;1297;1300;1309;1312
Davis, Diane E. 680
De Coning, Cedric H. 769;1360
De Nevers, Renée 1488;1512
De Silva, Chandra Richard 1139;1143
Delevic, Milica 441;442
Dennis, Michael 1470
Derichs, Claudia 1162
Deshpande, Ashwini 1122
Desruelle, Dominique 713;714
Devrim, Deniz 57
Di Tommaso, Maria L. 353;440
Dibb, Paul 392;512;1227
Dieckmann, Raimar 120;293
Dieter, Heribert 793;1243
Dietzsch, Ellen 52;201;270
Dissanayake, Lakshman 1141;1142
Dittmer, Lowell 1079
Dobbins, James 513;1056
Donge, Jan Kees van 854
Doumato, Eleanor Abdella 898;901
Drennan, Shane 1464;1474
Du Preez, Jean 548
Duffield, John 1503
Duguet, Emmanuel 253
Dullien, Sebastian 153
Dumbrell, John 475;602;1053;1062
Dumke, David 498;505;952;955
Dür, Andreas 590
Eck, Jean-François 206;275;314
Eckardt, Frank 227
Edström, Bert 1324
Ellner, Steve 761
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Ellsberg, Mary 1522
Elsea, Jennifer K. 530;606 531
Emmers, Ralf 1151;1153
Encinas, Miguel Ángel 331;721
Engel, Alexandra 234;294
Esper, Mark T. 516;1228
Fack, Gabrielle 233
Facon, Isabelle 416
Fafchamps, Marcel 1169
Faizullaev, Alisher 1513;1520
Falk, Richard 998;1013
Fan He 1196
Faria, Vilmar Evangelista 749
Farrow, Mia 841
Fassel, Horst 315;319;322;323;446;448
Feichtinger, Walter E. 39;116;813;818
Ferguson, Joseph P. 370;476
Fewsmith, Joseph 1257
Fickers, Andreas 244;258;301;306;318;321
Fisher, Richard D. (jr.) 1231
Fletcher, Susan R. 1483
Flockhart, Trine 21;477
Flottau, Heiko 1017;1391
Fonari, Alexander 277
Forest, James J. F. 478;649;807;819
Foweraker, Joe 698
Foxley, Tim 1044;1051
Francis, Paul L. 573;667
Frenzel, Korbinian 189
Fritz, Verena 432
Fu Anming 1200;1202
Fuller, Liz 404
Fumagalli, Matteo 436
Gallis, Paul E. 162;1036
García, Francisco 23;710 24;711
Gärtner, Heinz 393;515
Gartzke, Ulf 620
Gasparini, Leonardo 737;738
Gassen, Glenn 57
Gauvain, Richard 943
Gebreeyesus, Mulu 878
Gellner, David N. 1103;1136
George, Alexander L. 1493
Georges, Nathalie 250
Ghorbal, Samy 926
Ghufran, Nasreen 1040;1045
Ghuman, Sharon 1076
Gibert, Marie V. 25;808
Gilbourd, Joel 1083
Gilles, Walter 396
Gilman, Martin G. 371;1388
Giuliani, Jean-Dominique 53
Glicksman, Leon 1260;1277
Golaszinski, Ulrich H. K. 266;787
Goldsmith, Benjamin E. 1436;1485
Gomariz Moraga, Enrique 683
Gomart, Thomas 26;372
Gombault, Vincent 222;251
Gomera, Wagner R. 722
Gómez Lacayo, Mauricio 716
Gómez, Ligia Ivette 755
Gompert, David C. 827
Goodwin, Matthew J. 183;187
Götz, Roland 155;413
Gozzi, Juan Carlos 1426
Graham, Thomas 373;479
Gramlich, Ludwig 307
Grasso, Valerie B. 565;970
Grävingholt, Jörn 1506;1509
Grenville, Stephen 1090;1378
Griffin, Christopher 876
Grimmett, Richard F. 530;606
Gubert, Flore 1169
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Guha, Ramachandra 1117;1124
Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb 1418;1428
Guimarães, Ricardo J. R. 1411
Guitton, Patricia 237
Gümrükcü, Harun 158;349
Gunn, Geoffrey C. 1178
Gyngell, Allan 1084
Haas, Mark L. 534;633
Hagemann, Sara 54
Hagerty, Devin T. 1093
Hainzl, Gerald 809;816
Haldenwang, Christian von 679;684
Hall, Michael 27;435
Hall, Ronald E. 1145;1149;1389;1395
Halttunen, Lea 172
Hamdi, Mohaned T. al- 913
Hamon-Cholet, Sylvie 252
Handelman, Sapir 887
Harting, Sarah 513;1056
Harvie, Charles 993
Hasan, Zoya 1119
Haslam, Paul Alexander 1448
Hausotter, Tobias 28;420
Haustein, Lydia 4;12;893;899;910;915
Hébel, Pascale 235
Heintze, Cornelia 171;304
Helms, Ludger 164
Hennes, Simon 1496;1519
Henry, Michael 726
Hersh, Seymour M. 610
Hilpert, Hanns Günther 1215;1235;1318;1330
Hilton, D. Craig 462;1037
Hishow, Ognian N. 69;73 303
Hodick, Benjamin 852
Hofmann, Claudia 1506;1509
Hofmeister, Wilhelm 64;677
Hoheisel, Petra 57
Holslag, Jonathan 944;946;1216;1252
Hoque, Ridwanul 1099
Hornbeck, J. F. 582;730
Horstmann, Alexander 1146;1165
Hovi, Jon 1372
Huang Ping 1237
Hulterström, Karolina 797
Hupe, Ilona 853
Hy Van Luong 1180;1183
Hyest, Jean-Jacques 223
Inhetveen, Katharina 1472
Inozemcev, Vladislav Leonidovic 402
Irz, Xavier 1168
Islam, Md. Saidul 464;1091
Islam, Sadequl 1240;1280
Islam, Syed Serajul 464;1091
Ismail, Omer Sid Ahmed 841
Isuani, Ernesto A. 695
Jabar, Faleh A. 980
Jackson, James K. 588;645
Jackson, Richard 611;626
Jahar, Asep Saepudin 1159
Jahn, Daniela 57
Jain, Rajendra K. 81;1115 82;1116
Jakobčuk, Vitalij 412
Jamhari, ... 1158
Jassey, Katja 801;802
Jelin, Elizabeth 687
Jeromi, P. D. 1134
Jo Yang-hyeon 466;480;1316;1319
Johnson, Loch K. 535
Jones, David Martin 1152;1195
Jones, Sidney 1465;1475
Jourde, Cédric 824;829;1385
Juergensmeyer, Mark 1523
Kabey, Ester 852
Kagan, Robert 1433
Kahl, Colin H. 506;556;962;969
Kahn, Elisabeth 209
Kaiser, Frederick M. 536;616
Kaiser, Susana 731
Kajisa, Kei 1167
Kamete, Amin Y. 797
Kamin, Steven B. 1400
Kampschulte, Dennis L. 280;603
Kan, Shirley A. 578;1208
Kapoor, Rashmi 933
Karmi, Omar 1009;1018
Kaspar, Karlheinz 408
Katzman, Kenneth 507;1055 1039 1043;1046
Kaye, Dalia Dassa 513;1056
Kaygisiz, Hasan 55;114;340;342
Kazimirov, Vladimir 1435;1460
Kearney, Colm 1088;1089
Keidel, Albert 1273
Keim, Rolf 234;294
Kempis, Stefan von 336
Kende, Mark S. 803
Kern, Thomas 1310;1457
Kerr, Paul 1383
Kets, Evert 844;847
Khan, Adeel 1070;1071
Khasibi, Mohammed Nasser al- 1032
Kiely, Ray 1398;1420
Kilcullen, David J. 11
Kim Joo-hoon 1313;1314
Kim Keun-sik 1290
Kim Kyung-suk 1284;1285
Kim, Andrew Eungi 482;1286;1304
Kimmage, Daniel 29;65;429;431
Kingsbury, Damien 1155
Kinnman, Susanna 1376
Kitchen, Philip J. 1163
Klein, Thomas M. 1510
Klein, Thoralf 1431;1434
Klingebiel, Stephan 1506;1509
Koch, Christian 1033
Koempel, Michael L. 537;617
Kohsaka, Setsuzo 746;1331
Koivunen, Hannele 173
Köllner, Patrick 1336
Koschut, Simon 291;627
Kramer, Heinz 56;341
Kremer, Michael 1413
Kriendler, John 163;417
Kumar, Patan 1127
Künkler, Mirjam 30;113;152;907;911;921
Küpper, Beate 13;299
Kursawe, Janet 1063
Kurucz, Gyula 443 444
Labonte, Marc 1233
Lai Foon Wong 1150;1217;1320
Lainela, Seija 411
Landais, Camille 228;238 236
Landfried, Christine 111
Landis, Joshua 995;996
Landman, Todd 1517
Lang Siwei 1259
Lang, Kai-Olaf 57
Larat, Fabrice 2
Lata, Leenco 877;881
Lauer, Jan-Hendrik 57
Lavallée, Emmanuelle 1527
Lavoy, Peter R. 484;1104;1218
Lawson, David 873;874
Lawson, Richard L. 595
Lebow, Richard Ned 1508;1533
Lecoutre, Delphine 766;784
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Lee Dong-hwi 1301
Lee Kwang-ho 1291 1292
Lee, John 1229;1343
Lee, Margaret C. 773;1234
Léger, Philippe 44;199
Lehmer, Carina 57
Leiderer, Stefan 852
Lennox, Duncan 550;576
Lepenies, Wolf 1;3;882;892
Lerman Alperstein, Aída
Levit, Janet Koven 1497
Lewis, Miranda 1521
Li Cheng 1248;1255
Li Huizhong 1237
Li Ji 1373
Li Jialun 1237
Lie, John 482;1286;1304
Lieb, Julia 57
Liebman, Alex 1129;1263
Livani, Talajeh 895
Lloyd, Cynthia B. 1076
Locatelli, Catherine 414
Lodefalk, Magnus 1376
Lombart, Laurent 198
López Maya, Margarita 762
Ludema, Rodney D. 592
Lukin, Aleksandr Vladimirovic 1082
Lum, Thomas 486;1219;1340
Lummer, Benjamin 57
Lyman, John R. 595
Lynas, Mark 1484
M'Baye, Sanou 32;810
Macki, Ahmed 1031
Maddison, Angus 764
Mahdavi, Pardis 1064;1065
Maisner, Alexander John 72
Maisse, Gérard 249
Makris, G. P. 900
Malasenko, Aleksej Vsevolodovic 387;409
Malila, Jill 1275
Mangott, Gerhard 394;517
Maninger, Stephan 909;912;1390;1393
Manna, G. C. 1133
Manowong, Ektewan 1172;1175
Manyin, Mark E. 587;1308
Mardam-Bey, Farouk 247
Margesson, Rhoda 978;982
Markert, Marat 57
Marsic, Tomislav 57
Marsio, Leena 173
Marthoz, Jean-Paul 699
Martin, Michael F. 1283
Martinas, Corina 447
Masse, Todd 538;618
Massey, Simon 842
Massot, Marie-Hélène 259
Matthes, Claudia Yvette 362
Maung Aung Myoe 1186
Maurer, Andreas 57
May, Roy 842
Mbe, Akoko Robert 838
McBrien, Julie 437;438
McElwee, Pamela 1185
McGinley, Marie 57
Medvedev, Roj Aleksandrovic 418
Melber, Henning 773;1234 797 797 850
Meng Xin 1261
Mepham, David 778;779;1366;1369
Mevel, Simon 1375
Meyer-Resende, Michael
Miller, Alice Lyman
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Miller, Eric A. 358;374
Mills, Elizabeth 1074
Mitra, Pradeep 168;1274
Möller, Almut 34;62;267;271;884;889
Molodcov, Sergej 412
Morapedi, Wazha G. 851
Morrison, Andrew R. 1522
Morrison, Wayne M. 1233 1268
Morro, Paul 1011;1012
Mosegaard Søbjerg, Lene 1353;1371
Mosqueira Medina, Edgardo 733
Mostafa, Mohamed M. 913
Muckley, Cal 1088;1089
Mulgan, Aurelia George 1321;1341
Mullen, Fiona 351;352
Müller, Joachim 1359
Müller-Jacquier, Bernd 283;309
Mulvenon, James 518;1230
Munck, Gerardo L. 686
Murphy, Martin N. 1466;1482
Mustaquim, Md. 1125
Mwenda, Andrew M. 871
Nachtwey, Oliver 288
Nadir, Mohammad 1042
Namubiru, Proscovia Ssentamu 186;295;875
Nanto, Dick K. 1328
Natsuda, Kaoru 1197;1199
Naughton, Barry 1270
Nawab, Mohamed 1078
Neef, Rainer 234;294
Neilson, William S. 1505;1531
Nevins, Joseph 1191;1192
Nichol, Jim 423;519
Nicola, Thomas J. 531
Nicolaides, Phedon 121
Nieke, Beate 284;324
Niemann, Arne 28;420
Niemeyer, Sidney 1467
Niksch, Larry A. 1293
Noerper, Stephen 1339
Ñopo, Hugo 753;754
Novikov, Andrej 359
Novikov, Evgenij 400
Nunnenkamp, Peter 740;742
Nussbaum, Martha C. 1131
Nyanzi, Stella 801;802
O'Neil, Siobhan 538;618
Obinger, Herbert 1396
Ockey, James 1173
Oetzmann, Verena 57
Okara, Andrej 403
Olaoye, R. A. 833
Olarreaga, Marcelo 700;702
Oliveira, Orlandina de 690
Oloukpona-Yinnon, Adjaï Paulin 6;776 7;777
Omeje, Kenneth 817
Ondarza, Nikolai von 57
Onuki, Atsuko 8;1334 9;1335
Ooyen, Robert Christian van 1355;1357
Oquendo, Angel R. 688
Orden, David 1375
Ordóñez, Jaime 685;706
Oren, Michael B. 938;1002
Orfeuil, Jean-Pierre 259
Osei, Anja 822
Oshima, Kenzo 1326;1358
Osofsky, Hari M. 1498
Otsuka, Kozo 1197;1199
Ottaway, Marina 904;906;914;917
Oya, Carlos 806
Paajanen, Eva 172
Pabst, Martin 195;488;811
Pan Liang 1322;1354
Park Yong-soo 1299;1311
Park, Gene 1317
Parker, Larry 1483
Parkes, Roderick 57 123 182;185
Parmentier, Florent 421
Parmentier, Guillaume 193;470
Pathak, Vidhan 812;1105
Pattanaik, Sitikantha 1029
Payne, Donald M. 509;768
Pejčinović Burić, Marija 58;92;453;455
Pérez Sáinz, Juan Pablo 703
Permata, Ahmad-Norma 1147
Perotti, Enrico 1518
Perrineau, Pascal 214;220 219
Perry, Guillermo E. 700;702
Perthes, Volker 37;63;951;956
Pescador Hernández, Silvia
Peschard-Sverdrup, Armand B. 707;708
Phillips, Kevin P. 621;642
Pierré-Caps, Stéphane 112;213
Pirani, Simon 419
Polaski, Sandra 647
Pop, Liliana 445;449
Portelli, Hugues 223
Posch, Walter 886;890
Posner, Daniel N. 795
Prendergast, John 841 872
Prevost, Gary 471;672
Price, Owen C. W. 1441;1445
Proulhac, Laurent 259
Quarré, Dominique 222;251
Radu, Michael 1468;1478
Raiser, Martin 353;440
Raisi, Ali Hamdan al- 1029
Raisi, Amal Yousuf al- 1029
Ramasamy, Bala 1164
Ramo, Joshua Cooper 1246;1262
Ramsbotham, Alexander 778;779;1366;1369
Ramseur, Jonathan L. 670
Ray, Dayabati 1128
Reinsch, Moritz 57
Rengger, Nicholas 1487;1532
Renshon, Stanley A. 503;629
Retailleau, Bruno 260
Ribando, Clare M. 490;605;643;739;741;743
Richter, Heinz A. 350
Rid, Thomas 554
Roberts, Bryan R. 696
Roecker, Timothy 57
Roll, Michael 852
Rollins, John 538;618
Romberg, Alan D. 1205;1210;1220;1250
Romer, Jean-Christophe 197;376
Rosenberg, Morton 619
Rostila, Mikael 125;126
Roubaud, Jean-François 208
Le Roy, Anne 156
Rozès, Stéphane 225
Rozman, Gilbert 377;1194
Rubin, Uzi 989;1003
Rudesill, Dakota S. 1499;1528
Rzchiladse, Gulbaat 378;424
Saavedra, Jaime 753;754
Saich, Tony 1213
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier 1524;1534
Salaam-Blyther, Tiaji 600;640
Saleh, Ali Salman 987 993
Salem, Paul 1028
Salman, ... 1160
Sam Choon-yin 1171
Samuel, Shawna 1400
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Sanaie, Mehdi 379;1054
Sandler, Shmuel 1005
Sandret, Nicolas 252
Sari, Ramazan 347;348
Sarkar, Debnarayan 1126
Sarooshi, Dan 1504;1514
Sayos del Castillo, Vanessa 331;721
Schafer, Leslie Anne 948
Schattenberg, Susanne 312;355
Scheber, Thomas K. 551;555
Scherr, Oriana 876
Schiff Berman, Paul 1500
Schill, Stephan W. 269;732
Schindler, John 1400
Schmitz, Hubert 1424
Schmukler, Sergio L. 1426
Schnepf, Randy 463;465;584;650;1377;1382
Schnitzer, Stefanie 852
Schoenhals, Michael 1212
Schöfthaler, Traugott 84;1349 85;1350
Schratz, Alexander 28;420
Schroeder, Matthew 521;771
Schülke, Katja 285;747
Schulte, Gregory L. 1061
Schulze, Peter W. 380
Schütze, Stephanie 691;694
Schweickert, Rainer 740;742
Schweitzer, Yoram 1010;1019
Schweller, Randall L. 1490
Schwencke, Olaf 86 87
Seebeck, Lesley 1469
Seleny, Anna 166
Sengupta, Jhumur 1126
Senn, Martin 394;517
Shannon, Vaughn P. 1470
Sharp, Jeremy M. 492;936 601;891
Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga 834;836;1392;1394
Sherr, James 381;493
Shi Dan 1276
Shlapak, David A. 472;504;1204;1206;1214;1225
Sido, Bruno 154;255
Sieh, Isabelle 240
Sigal, Leon V. 552;1294
Sigwart, Lara 426
Sirinelli, Jean-François 210
Smith, David K. 1467
Smith, Mark A. 382;885 389
Smith, Paul J. 628;652
Smith, Tony 501
Sokolov, Michail 399;405
Sokolov, Sergei 38;383
Solis, William M. 974
Son Key-young 1287;1305
Soulier, Gérard 60;202
Sourbès-Verger, Isabelle 416
Sousa, Matthew V. 478;649;807;819
Soytas, Ugur 347;348
Speyer, Bernhard 120;293
Sphinx 828
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Spies, Julia 75;1239
Spiller, Pablo T. 735
Sriram, Chandra Lekha 835
St. Laurent., Janet A. 544
Staun, Jørgen 390;401
Steele, Brent J. 1491;1535
Stein, Ernesto 681;689
Stengel, Andrea 57
Stokes, Bruce 502
Straßner, Veit 728;729;734;736;750;751;756;757
Suchov, Ivan A. 406
Suganami, Hidemi 1492;1501
Suh Jae-jung 522;671;1288;1303;1306;1315
Suhelmi, Ahmad 1161
Sullivan, Mark P. 483;674;718 494;725
Sullivan, Michael 575
Sumlenny, Sergej 108;397 109;398
Sundh, Lena 1437
Sunkel, Osvaldo 1480
Suren, Anne-Marie 121
Sutter, Robert 495;1080
Sutter, Robert G. 496;1085;1221
Tamm, Marek 363
Tarr, Byron 826
Tatelman, Todd B. 619
Tauger, Mark B. 354
Taylor, Nora A. 1182
Taylor, Philip 1184
Teunissen, Jan Joost 1399;1447
Thawnghmung, Ardeth Maung 1186
Thomas, David P. 860
Thränert, Oliver 1443
Tiberj, Vincent 230
Todorova, Maria 1;3;882;892
Tommasi, Mariano 681;689 735
Tondo Otazu, Christian Enrique 705
Torero, Máximo 753;754
Torre, Augusto de la 1426
Toye, John 1365
Toye, Richard 1365
Tsegai, Daniel 823
Tucker, Jonathan B. 1443
Tupy, Marian L. 861
Turner, Bertram 927;929
Turshen, Meredeth 798;800
Umebayashi, Hiromichi 523;1327
Uvalle Berrones, Ricardo 1454
Vachal, Manfred 853
Vaillant, Jérôme 261;308;337
Van de Velde, Cécile 122
Vaughn, Bruce 486;1219;1340
Vaz, Alcides Costa 744;745;858;859;1106;1107
Vec, Miloš 286;290;316;317
Veisten, Knut 722
Venables, Anthony J. 774
Vetters, Larissa 457
Victor, David G. 1422;1481
Vieillard-Baron, Hervé 234;294
Vobruba, Georg 61
Vogel, Steven K. 1317
Von Sobeck, Alexander 191
Vu Tuong 1179
Wagenknecht, Sahra 758
Walker, David M. 546;968
Wanandi, Jusuf 1156;1193
Wang Jisi 1224
Wang Yizhou 1207;1226
Ward, Peter M. 693
Wassenberg, Florian 57
Waters, Melissa A. 1502
Webb-Vidal, Andy 760;1057
Weeks, Melvyn 353;440
Weggel, Oskar 1176
Weiler, Hannes 620
Weiss, Martin A. 903;1001
Wesseling, Mara 117
White, Howard 1098;1101
Wiebelt, Manfred 740;742
Wilder, Andrew 1047
Wilkiewicz, Zbigniew 284;324
Wilson, Clay 557
Wilson, Rodney 908 1024
Wishnick, Elizabeth 384;415
Witte, Benjamin 752
Wolf, Manuela 1332;1337
Woltering, Robbert A. F. L. 941
Woo, Meredith Jung-en 1295;1302
Woolf, Amy F. 395;553 1507
Wordsworth, Anna 1041;1050
Wright, Steven 1025
Wu Xiangxiang 1201;1203
Xie Zhengqin 1279
Xu Ben 1264
Xu Xin 1253
Yakemtchouk, Romain 40;1323
Yasmann, Victor 385;1352
Yemtsov, Ruslan 168;1274
Yeung, Matthew 1164
Yoshizaki, Tatsuhiko 1325
Young, Daniel J. 795
Yu Bin 386;1222
Yung, Richard 223
Zafar, Ali 790;794;1236;1244
Zeitun, Rami 987
Zeller, Ursula 88;150 89;151
Zhang Bin 1196
Zhang Jian 1086;1223;1342
Zhang, Kevin Honglin 1269
Zhong Funing 1279
Zhu Jing 1279
Zick, Andreas 13;299
Ziegenbein, Julia 852
Zimmer, Zachary 1174;1177
Zisser, Eyal 990
Zourabichvili, Salomé 425;427
Zwane, Alix Peterson 1413
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit
(Kabul) 1041;1050 1047
African Union
Air Mobility Command (United States)
American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research (Washington/D.C.) 876
825 1108;1187
Asia Center (Harvard University,
Cambridge/Mass.) 1322;1354
Atlantic Council of the United States
(Washington/D.C.) 491;724 595
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton)
1086;1223;1342 1321;1341
B'Tselem (Jerusalem)
Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in
Transition (Helsinki) 411
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Wissenschaften (Berlin) 1;3;882;892
Brussels Institute of Contemporary China
Studies 944;946;1216;1252
Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace 599;940 647
Department of Energy (United States)
Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic
Studies (University of Durham) 1025
Department of Health and Human Services
(United States) 500;597
Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais
Department of Homeland Security (United
States) 634
Chamber of Commerce of the USA
Center for Security Policy (Washington/D.C.)
Center for Strategic and International
Studies (Washington/D.C.) 599;940 707;708
Center for Strategic and International
Studies / Arleigh A. Burke Chair in
Strategy (Washington/D.C.) 511;623;964;979
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk
Road Studies Program (Washington/D.C.,
Uppsala) 1324
Centre d'Etude de la Vie Politique Française
(Paris) 48;129;200;241 214;220 215 217;243
450;461 489;608;1489;1516 497;1092 500;597
541;596;967;976 593;1038 599;940 763
Department of State / Office of the
Spokesman (United States)
Department of the Air Force (United States)
Coast Guard (United States / Department of
Transportation) 1345
Department of the Army (United States)
540;568 541;596;967;976 564
Department of the Navy (United States)
Commission on Security and Cooperation in
Europe (United States / Congress) 184
Committee on Armed Services (United
States / House) 541;596;967;976 560;655
Committee on Foreign Relations (United
States / Senate) 450;461 514;770 1060 1072
Congressional Research Service (Library of
Congress, Washington/D.C.) 162;1036
395;553 423;519 463;465;584;650;1377;1382
469;630;1035;1048 483;674;718 486;1219;1340
490;605;643;739;741;743 492;936 494;725
499;532;660 507;1055 508;1356 527;613 530;606
531 533;632 536;616 537;617 538;618 557
558;669;1347;1348 565;970 578;1208 581;1329
582;730 585;1238 587;1308 588;645 600;640
601;891 619 670 903;1001 949 978;982 1011;1012
1039 1043;1046 1066 1233 1268 1283 1293 1328
1462 1483 1507
Conseil Economique et Social (France)
Conseil Economique et Social de la Région
Bretagne 249
560;655 564 572;666
Department of Trade and Industry (United
Kingdom) 188
Deutsche Bank Research (Frankfurt/Main)
561;656 562;657 564 973
Council of the European Union
Central Statistical Office (Zimbabwe)
Department of State (United States)
Clingendael International Energy
Programme (The Hague) 1338
Conflict Studies Research Centre (Defence
Academy of the United Kingdom,
Shrivenham) 163;417 381;493 382;885 389
Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity
(Cato Institute, Washington/D.C.) 861
635;648 637;646
Committee on the Judiciary (United States /
Senate) 634 635;648
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
(Georgetown University,
Washington/D.C.) 498;505;952;955
Centre d'Analyse Stratégique (France)
Department of Labor (United States)
Committee on the Budget (United States /
House) 525;658 529;659 539
904;906;914;917 980 986 1028
Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments (Washington/D.C.)
Centro de Estudos das Américas
(Universidad Candido Mendes, Rio de
Janeiro) 64;677
Committee on International Relations
(United States / House) 489;608;1489;1516
Carnegie Middle East Center (Beirut)
Department of Defense (United States)
525;658 529;659 541;596;967;976 543 564 572;666
Brookings Institution (Washington/D.C.)
218;242 219 230
Centre for European Policy Studies
(Brussels) 27;435 29;65;429;431 925;928
Commission of the European Communities
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
(Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan) 989;1003
Central Bank of Oman
Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung /
Forschungsgruppe Bertelsmann Politik
(Universität München) 34;62;267;271;884;889
Australian National University (Canberra)
Cato Institute (Washington/D.C.)
Department for Education and Skills (United
Kingdom) 188
Asian Development Bank (Manila)
Bruges Group (London)
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches
Internationales (Fondation Nationale des
Sciences Politiques, Paris) 399;405 425;427
Democracy Reporting International (Berlin)
Arab NGO Network for Development
Danske Kulturinstitut (København)
Centre for European Reform (London)
American Society of International Law
Amnesty International
Centre d'Etudes des Politiques
Economiques (Université d'Evry-Val
d'Essonne) 253
Deutscher Bundestag / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste (Deutschland) 35;430
Director of National Intelligence (United
States) 528
Eine-Welt-Netzwerk Bayern
Elcano Royal Institute (Madrid)
Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
Opportunities Directorate-General
(European Commission) 231
Enda Europe (Paris)
841 872
European Commission
European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia (Vienna) 130 133;1351
European Policy Centre (Brussels)
European Union
European Union Institute for Security
Studies (Paris) 441;442
Expert Group on Development Issues
(Stockholm) 1418;1428 1421;1427
Export-Import Bank (Washington/D.C.)
Council on Foreign Relations (New
York/N.Y.) 1060
Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science
(Oslo) 877;881
Crawford School of Economics and
Government (Australian National
University, Canberra) 1083
FAO Nutrition and Consumer Protection
Division 1026
Danish Institute for International Studies
(Copenhagen) 21;477 390;401 755
Federal Bureau of Investigation (United
States) 1345
Finnish Ministry of Education
169;170;1406;1407 172 173
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Fondation Robert Schuman (Paris)
Foreign Policy Centre (London)
Foreign Policy Research Institute (University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia/Pa.) 1273
International Development Research Centre
(Ottawa) 897;958
Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala)
International Institute for Strategic Studies
(London) 1466;1482
Nordic Council of Ministers
International Monetary Fund
Forschungsgruppe EU-Integration (SWP
Berlin) 69;73 123 153
International Peace Academy (New
York/N.Y.) 883;888
Forum on Debt and Development (The
Hague) 1399;1447
International Peace Bureau (Geneva)
Foundation for Science and Politics (Berlin)
41 57 1443
36;375 266;787
1042 1156;1193
German Bundestag (Germany)
German Development Institute (Bonn)
Overseas Development Institute (London)
German Institute for Middle East Studies
(Hamburg) 984;985;991;992
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area
Studies (Hamburg) 1336
GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies
(Hamburg) 1063
526;567;966;971 544 546;968 563;664 570;663
571;665 573;667 574;668 575 577;651 594;641
615 974
Greenpeace Deutschland (Hamburg)
Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la
Paix et la Sécurité (Bruxelles) 699
919 920;922
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(University of California, Livermore/Cal.)
474;1067 539 661
Human Rights First (New York/N.Y.)
Management and Administration Research
Center (Middle East Technical University,
Ankara) 347;348
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
(Halle) 927;929
Military Sealift Command (United States)
Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Finland)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Russian
Federation) 388
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Sweden)
Human Sciences Research Council
(Pretoria) 857
IBRD Agriculture and Rural Development
Department 1525;1526
Monaster Center for Economic Research
(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer-Sheva) 937;939;953;957 954;959
Institut Français d'Opinion Publique (Paris)
217;243 218;242
Institut National de la Statistique (Niamey)
830;832 831
Institute for Public Policy Research (London)
778;779;1366;1369 1521
Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, Cape
Town) 766;784 837 948
Intelligence and Terrorism Information
Center (Tel Aviv) 988;1000
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development 439 895 896
1094;1097;1110;1112 1095;1096;1109;1111 1525;1526
International Crisis Group (Brussels)
930 931 1016 1068;1069
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
National Bank of Kuwait (Kuwait)
National Defense Research Institute (Santa
Monica/Cal.) 827
National Defense University
(Washington/D.C.) 541;596;967;976
National Human Rights Center of Liberia
National Nuclear Security Administration
(United States / Department of Energy)
National Reconnaissance Office (United
States) 542;662
Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.)
School of Economics and Information
Systems (University of Wollongong)
Sénat (France)
154;255 223 229 260
Special Inspector General for Iraq
Reconstruction (United States) 598;977
Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute 1044;1051
Mission Economique en Allemagne (Berlin)
Inspection Générale des Affaires Etrangères
(France) 209
S. Rajaratnam School of International
Studies (Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore) 1078 1151;1153
Select Committee on Intelligence (United
States / Senate) 528
1031 1032
1138;1140 1266
Rand Corporation / Project Air Force (Santa
Monica/Cal.) 472;504;1204;1206;1214;1225
Russia/NIS Center (Institut Français des
Relations Internationales, Paris) 364;459
830;832 831 855;856
Ministry of National Economy (Oman)
Human Rights Watch (New York/N.Y.)
Macro International
Ministère de l'Intérieur et de l'Aménagement
du Territoire (France) 217;243 218;242
Heritage Foundation (Washington/D.C.)
Population Council / Policy Research
Division (New York/N.Y.) 1174;1177
Royal Institute of International Affairs
(London) 303 994
Henry L. Stimson Center (Washington/D.C.)
Population Council (New York/N.Y.)
Lowy Institute for International Policy
(Sydney) 1084 1090;1378
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der
Bundeswehr Hamburg 240
473;1144 1073
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
Rand Corporation / National Security
Research Division (Santa Monica/Cal.)
Millennium Challenge Corporation
(Arlington/Va.) 500;597
Her Majesty's Treasury (United Kingdom)
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
PRIO Cyprus Centre (Nicosica)
Latin American Assocaiation of
Development Financing Institutions
Government Accountability Office (United
States) 467;547 520;569;965;972
Haut Conseil Islamique (Algérie)
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of
Governors of the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund on the
Transfer of Real Resources to Developing
Countries 775;1379
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für
Entwicklungshilfe (Wien) 1510
541;596;967;976 973
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Office of the United States Trade
Representative (Washington/D.C.)
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons 1442
Joint Chiefs of Staff (United States /
Department of Defense) 529;659
French-American Foundation (Paris)
Jamestown Foundation
Norwegian Agency for Development CoOperation (Oslo) 175;176;1404;1408
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
(Oslo) 769;1360
International Relations and Security Network
(Zurich) 385;1352 404
Jadwa Investment
Freedom House (New York/N.Y.)
797 801;802 850
552;1294 1290
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre
(Australian National University, Canberra)
Strategic Studies Institute (United States
Army War College, Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)
Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health
(United States / House / Committee on
Foreign Affairs) 509;768
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
(United States / House / Committee on
International Relations) 497;1092
Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug
Policy, and Human Resources (United
States / House / Committee on
Government Reform) 1345
Subcommittee on Federal Financial
Management, Government Information,
and International Security (United States /
Senate / Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs) 661
Subcommittee on Foreign Operations,
Export Financing, and Related Programs
(United States / House / Committee on
Appropriations) 500;597 593;1038
Netherlands Institute of International
Relations Clingendael / Conflict Research
Unit (Den Haag) 844;847
III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border
Security and Citizenship (United States /
Senate / Committee on the Judiciary)
487;636 637;646 638
Subcommittee on International Terrorism
and Nonproliferation (United States /
House / Committee on International
Relations) 763
Subcommittee on Military Personnel (United
States / House / Committee on Armed
Services) 566
Subcommittee on National Security,
Emerging Threats and International
Relations (United States / House /
Committee on Government Reform)
Subcommittee on the Middle East and
Central Asia (United States / House /
Committee on International Relations)
Subcommittee on Projection Forces (United
States / House / Committee on Armed
Services) 572;666
Subcommittee on Readiness (United States
/ Senate / Committee on Armed Services)
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (United
States / House / Committee on Armed
Services) 542;662 559;654
Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land
Forces (United States / House /
Committee on Armed Services) 540;568
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology
and Homeland Security (United States /
Senate / Committee on the Judiciary) 638
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional
Threats and Capabilities (United States /
House / Committee on Armed Services)
541;596;967;976 560;655 566
United States Navy
540;568 560;655 566
572;666 1345
Supreme Education Council / Evaluation
Institute (Qatar) 1027
United States Special Operations Command
Swedish Institute (Stockholm)
United States Transportation Command
Taylor Nelson Sofres (Montrouge)
United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq
United Nations Children's Fund
United States Marine Corps
United States-China Economic and Security
Review Commission 516;1228 1265
Universität Göttingen
United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees 842
University for Peace (Ciudad Colon)
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of Congo 845;848
University of Durham / School of
Government and International Affairs
United Nations Security Council
879;880 947 1135;1137;1364;1370
United Republic of Tanzania
865;870 866
867;869 868
United States Agency for International
Development 500;597 593;1038 599;940
United States Air Force
542;662 566
United States Army
540;568 541;596;967;976
475;602;1053;1062 908 1024
University of the Federal Armed Forces
Hamburg 280;603
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
(Washington/D.C.) 549;1059 1060
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars (Washington/D.C.)
World Economic Forum (Cologny)
562;657 566 973
United States Army Materiel Command
(Alexandria/Va.) 541;596;967;976
United States Central Command
United States Institute of Peace
(Washington/D.C.) 541;596;967;976
World Health Organization
World Institute for Development Economics
Research (United Nations University,
Helsinki) 1418;1428 1421;1427
960;963;1020;1022 1188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Africa Quarterly (New Delhi)
- 46 (February-April 2006) 1: 796;805 833
- 46 (May-July 2006) 2: 767;780 812;1105
834;836;1392;1394 933
Aktuelle Ostinformationen (Vlotho)
- 39 (2007) 1-2: 284;324
Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.)
- 37 (July-August 2007) 6: 356;357 524 548
1383 1467
Asian Profile (Hong Kong)
- 35 (June 2007) 3: 464;1091 1125
1145;1149;1389;1395 1163 1171
- 35 (August 2007) 4: 1100;1102 1127 1141;1142
1172;1175 1197;1199 1240;1280
Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.)
- 47 (January-February 2007) 1: 384;415
482;1286;1304 484;1104;1218 495;1080 1040;1045
1070;1071 1079 1093 1103;1136 1139;1143 1154
1155 1162 1166 1170 1173 1176 1178 1180;1183
1186 1191;1192 1209;1211 1213 1295;1302 1317
1339 1344
Asien (Hamburg)
- (Juli 2007) 104: 1049
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn)
- (30. Juli 2007) 31: 13;299
- (6. August 2007) 32-33: 296;297
Azure (Jerusalem)
- (Winter 5767/2007) 27: 938;1002
Beijing Review (Beijing)
- 50 (August 2, 2007) 31: 1256
Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin)
- 18 (2007) 3: 171;304 288 554
Blätter für deutsche und internationale
Politik (Bonn)
- 52 (2007) 8: 111 189 286;290;316;317 393;515
610 1017;1391
Brasilien Dialog (Mettingen)
- (2006) 3-4: 285;747 748
China and World Economy (Beijing)
- 15 (January-February 2007) 1: 1196
1207;1226 1237 1276 1279
The China Business Review
- 34 (July-August 2007) 4: 1275
China Leadership Monitor (Stanford/Cal.)
- (Summer 2007) 21: 518;1230
1205;1210;1220;1250 1248;1255 1249;1254 1257 1270
The Chinese Journal of International
Politics (Oxford)
- 1 (Summer 2007) 3: 1129;1263 1150;1217;1320
Chinese Studies in History (Armonk/N.Y.)
- 40 (Spring 2007) 3: 1200;1202 1201;1203
Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.)
- 57 (junio de 2007) 6:
Comparative Connections
- 9 (July 2007) 2: 370;476 386;1222
Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.)
- 26 (March-April 2007) 2: 551;555 1087
Contemporary Chinese Thought
- 38 (Spring 2007) 3: 1212
International Security (Cambridge/Mass.)
- 32 (Summer 2007) 1: 506;556;962;969 534;633
Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon)
- 15 (December 2006) 4: 1075;1077 1099 1119
International Studies Quarterly
- 51 (June 2007) 2: 590 824;829;1385
1120;1121 1130
Le Courrier des pays de l'Est (Paris)
- (mai-juin 2007) 1061: 363 396 410 414 416
421 452
Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.)
- 136 (Summer 2007) 3: 607;644;1455;1479
Development and Cooperation
- 34 (June 2007) 6: 791;1113;1241 793;1243
Development Policy Review (Oxford)
- 25 (July 2007) 4: 66;70;1429;1430 740;742 854
1098;1101 1168 1424
Drucksachen / Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz
- (8. Juli 2005) 14/4336:
East Asia: An International Quarterly
- 24 (Spring 2007) 1: 1333
Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay)
- 42 (July 28, 2007) 30: 1133
- 42 (August 04, 2007) 31: 1118 1134
- 42 (August 11, 2007) 32: 1117;1124 1126
Economic Development and Cultural
Change (Chicago/Ill.)
- 55 (July 2007) 4: 737;738 753;754 878 1122
1167 1169 1261
The Economic Journal (Oxford)
- 117 (April 2007) 520: 353;440
Eine Welt (Bern)
- (Juni 2007) 2: 1403;1416
EIPA Scope (Maastricht)
- (2007) 1: 43 50 117 121
Energy and Buildings (Lausanne)
- 36 (December 2004) 12: 1259
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit
- 48 (Juni 2007) 6: 792;1114;1242
Ethnopolitics (Basingstoke)
- 6 (June 2007) 2: 436 457
Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris)
- (juillet 2007) 585: 239
Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon)
- 58 (September 2006) 6: 354
The European Journal of Development
Research (Abingdon)
- 19 (June 2007) 2: 823 873;874 1401;1415 1411
1448 1527
FAZ.net (Frankfurt/Main)
- (30.07.2007): 37;63;951;956
Foreign Policy Bulletin (The Hague)
- (July 2007) 5: 56;341
Gaiko Forum (Tokyo)
- 7 (Spring 2007) 1: 746;1331 1325 1326;1358
Connaissance de l'emploi
- (juillet 2007) 44: 250
INSEE première (Paris)
- (juillet 2007) 1151: 222;251
- (juillet 2007) 1152: 256
Consommation et modes de vie (Paris)
- (juillet 2007) 204: 235
International Journal of Finance and
Economics (Chichester)
- 12 (July 2007) 3: 1088;1089 1400
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
1152;1195 1289;1298
International Studies Review
- 9 (Spring 2007) 1: 1488;1512 1491;1535 1503
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
- (2007) 3: 45;338 47;115;339;343 227 291;627 380
394;517 624;981 1355;1357
ISIM Review (Leiden)
- (Spring 2007) 19: 437;438 941 943 1064;1065
Issues and Studies (Taipei)
- 43 (June 2007) 2: 1251;1271 1253 1264
Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon)
- 20 (August 2007) 8: 451 550;576 628;652
760;1057 1009;1018 1033 1074 1231 1464;1474
Japan: Analysen, Prognosen (München)
- (Mai 2007) 197: 1332;1337
Jeune Afrique (Paris)
- 47 (5-11 août 2007) 2430: 196;788 843;849
- 47 (12-25 août 2007) 2431-2432: 839;840
Journal of Contemporary African Studies
- 25 (May 2007) 2: 806 838 851 860 862 924
Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.)
- 18 (July 2007) 3: 165;167;1456;1473 166 795
799 871 1247 1515
Journal of European Integration
- 29 (July 2007) 3: 51;110
Journal of European Social Policy
- 17 (August 2007) 3: 124 125;126 1396
Journal of Palestine Studies
- 36 (Spring 2007) 3/143: 998;1013
Journal of Vietnamese Studies
- 2 (Summer 2007) 2: 1179 1181 1182 1184
KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin)
- 23 (2007) 7: 336 682 822 864 1258
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie (Köln)
- 59 (2007) 1: 1310;1457
Korea Focus (Seoul)
- 15 (Summer 2007) 2: 466;480;1316;1319
586;1307 1284;1285 1299;1311 1301 1313;1314
Liaisons sociales (Paris)
- (27 juillet 2007) 14922, Cahier n° 2: 254
Maghreb-Machrek (Paris)
- (printemps 2007) 191: 246;248;916;918 247
Middle East Economic Digest (London)
- 51 (10-16 August, 2007) 32: 902
Monatsbericht / Deutsche Bundesbank
- 59 (Juli 2007) 7: 76;157;589;653
NACLA Report on the Americas
(New York/N.Y.)
- 40 (May-June 2007) 3: 639;692 752 762
III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques
National Journal (Washington/D.C.)
- 39 (July 28, 2007) 30: 502 612
Natural Resources Forum (Oxford)
- 29 (November 2005) 4: 412
Orient (Baden-Baden)
- 47 (2006) 4: 158;349 886;890 887 990 997
Osteuropa (Berlin)
- 57 (Juli 2007) 7: 2 28;420 61 164 312;355 362
378;424 408 426
Panorama Centroamericano : Reporte
Político (Guatemala)
- 49 (enero-febrero 2007) 213: 23;710 24;711
712 717
Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)
- 37 (Summer 2007) 2: 1058
Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.)
- (August-September 2007) 144: 1433
The Political Quarterly (Oxford)
- 78 (April-June 2007) 2: 182;185 183;187 216
Politis (Paris)
- (26 juillet-29 août 2007) 962-964: 245
Politische Studien (München)
- 58 (Juli-August 2007) 414: 289 307 620 1061
- 58 (August 2007) 1: 287;298
Reforma y Democracia / Centro
Latinoamericano de Administración
para el Desarrollo (Caracas)
- (junio 2007) 38: 683 695 697 715 722 733
Review of International Studies
- 33 (July 2007) 3: 445;449 609;625 611;626
1287;1305 1353;1371 1372 1398;1420 1449;1459
1492;1501 1513;1520
Revista Española de Desarrollo y
Cooperación (Madrid)
- (primavera-verano 2007) 20: 331;721
332;333;1419;1425 716 1386;1387;1397;1405
Revue d'Allemagne (Strasbourg)
- 39 (avril-juin 2007) 2: 192;205;262;274;311;313
206;275;314 244;258;301;306;318;321 257;305;320
Revue du marché commun et de l'Union
européenne (Paris)
- (juillet-août 2007) 510: 26;372 40;1323 49
67;579 68 156
Studia Islamika (Jakarta)
- 13 (2006) 1: 1146;1165 1161
- 13 (2006) 2: 1147 1160
- 13 (2006) 3: 1158 1159
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
- 30 (August 2007) 8: 11 913 1010;1019 1469
Vantage Point (Seoul)
- 30 (July 2007) 7: 1292
- 30 (August 2007) 8: 1291 1296
Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden)
- 87 (2007) 7: 75;1239
Wissenschaft und Frieden (Bonn)
- 25 (Juli 2007) 3: 1439;1444
Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin)
- 74 (24. Juli 2007) 30: 1446
Russia in Global Affairs (Moscow)
- 5 (July-September 2007) 3: 17;368 38;383
The World Bank Research Observer
- 22 (Spring 2007) 1: 790;794;1236;1244 1413
159;161;366;391;468;510 359 369;460 371;1388
373;479 379;1054 387;409 402 403 406 407 418
1082 1435;1460
The World Economy (Oxford)
- 30 (August 2007) 8: 592 726 774 1164 1374
Premières synthèses (Paris)
- (août 2007) 31-2: 252
Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen)
- (17. July 2007) 25: 365;428;1081 377;1194
PS: Political Science and Politics
- 40 (July 2007) 3: 545;631 622
Security Studies (London)
- 16 (April-June 2007) 2: 1436;1485 1461 1470
Regional Bibliography IRAS 15/2007
Strategic Insights (Monterey/Cal.)
- 6 (August 2007) 5: 961;1052
1426 1518 1522
1375 1376
The Yale Journal of International Law
(New Haven/Conn.)
- 32 (Summer 2007) 2: 1373 1494 1495;1529
1497 1498 1499;1528 1500 1502