Curriculum Vitae Daniel Velasco – Film Score Composer
Curriculum Vitae Daniel Velasco – Film Score Composer
Cu r r iculum Vitae Daniel Velasco – F ilm Score Composer Personal Information Name: Daniel Velasco Location: Bogota - Colombia Web-site: E-mail: Mobile: +57 321 363 3506 10.07 – 04.11 Degree: Filmmusik at the Hochschule für 01.97 – 04.04 Degree: Musical Studies, Emphasis in Composition and Production, Studies Film und Fernsehen “Konrad Wolf” in Germany. at the Javeriana University in Colombia, Special Mention. Filmography - Selection (Professional) 2013 ........... Dreams 4 (Short) Directed by: Benjamin Mu r ray, USA. Work in progress 2012 ........... ECHOES FROM (Short) Directed by: Alexander Lemus, Spain 2010 ........... ZECHE IS N ICH: Sieben Blicke auf das Ruhrgebiet MADE I N GERMANY Filmproduktion, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, ifs international filmschule köln, ZDF Das kleine Fernsehspiel. Germany 2009 ........... EL ASESINATO DE GALÁN (Documentary) Directed by: Mau ricio Acosta, The History Channel, CityTv, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Mazdoc, Bogota ........... SECUESTRADOS (Documentary) Directed by Mauricio Acosta The History Channel, Canal Caracol, Mazdoc, Colombia 2008 ........... EXPED IC IÓN BOTÁN ICA (Documentary), Di rected by: Luis Carlos Ur rutia The History Channel, Canal Caracol, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia ........... EL BOGOTAZO (Documentary) Di rected by mauricio Acosta ........... OU IJA (Documentary) Di rected by: Mauricio Acosta, Mazdoc, Colombia ........... BRUJOS Y BRUJAS (Documentary) Di rected by: Mau ricio Acosta, Mazdoc, ........... ANA NO DUER ME (Animation) Directed by: Daniel Rabanal, Colombia ........... E IGENZE I T (Animation) Di rected by: Sven Mücke The History Channel / Canal Caracol / Mazdoc, Colombia 2005 Colombia 2004 Filmography (Student) 2013 H FF Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany. Work in progress 2011 ........... fEATHERF ISH (Animation) Directed by: Katharina Niedermeier H FF Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany 2011 ........... I M NAECHSTEN LEBEN (Short) Directed by: Marco Gadge, H F F Potsdam- 2010 ........... A LEADI NG MAN (Short) Directed by: Arwo Shirwa 2009 ........... Babelsberg London College of Communication, UK WILLKOM MEN I N DRANSKE (Documentary) Directed by: Eva Thron H FF Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany 2008 ........... SYSTEMFE HLER FRE I HE I T (Animation) Directed by: Sven Mücke H FF Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany ........... ALLES STILL H I ER (Short) Directed by: Josephine F ridetzky, H FF Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany 2005 ........... EL DESPERTAR DE LAS MAR IONETAS (Animation), Di rected by: Eliza- beth Pulido, Javeriana University Bogota, Colombia Languages Spanish English German Native Fluent Fluent Skills and Qualifications Professional orchestration, creative (atmospheric) textures, control of different styles, experience with symphonic orchestral productions, safe handling with Virtual Instruments and other electronic resources (also in combination with real instruments)