VETAlert 02.10 - Cedefop
VETAlert 02.10 - Cedefop
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training VETAlert Just published on Vocational Education and Training - October 2011 The following publications have just been added to Cedefop’s bibliographic database VET-Bib. Most titles are available either at our Cedefop library or they are accessible electronically. Descriptors are taken from ETT - European Training Thesaurus. References from EU Member States, Norway and Iceland are provided by ReferNet. If titles provided by ReferNet are not available online, a reference to the national Cedefop ReferNet partner is given. All hyperlinks were working at the time of production. Please report any broken links (see impressum). CEDEFOP PUBLICATIONS .................................... 1 Research Papers ................................................. 1 Spotlight on VET ................................................. 1 VET Short descriptions....................................... 1 EU PUBLICATIONS ............................................. 1 THEMES ............................................................. 2 Identifying skill needs......................................... 2 Understanding qualifications............................. 4 Analysing policy.................................................. 4 Developing lifelong learning .............................. 8 COUNTRY INDEX .............................................. 11 IMPRESSUM AND HOW TO SUBSCRIBE ............... 11 CEDEFOP PUBLICATIONS Research Papers Spotlight on VET English French German Polish Spotlight on VET Poland / Cedefop. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. (Spotlight on VET). - ISBN 97892-896-0839-8 Descriptors: training system; youth training; educational dropout; lifelong learning; Poland. Descriptors: migrant training; skill shortage; migration; ethnic group; discrimination; EU countries. VET Short descriptions English Polish Vocational education and training in Poland : short description / Cedefop. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. 66 p. - ISBN 978-92-896-0835-0 Descriptors: training system; educational policy; initial training; continuing training; vocational guidance; vocational counselling; financing of education; teacher training; Poland. EU PUBLICATIONS [online] Commission Staff working document on the transposition and implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive (Directive 2005/36/EC). Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. (SEC (2010) 1292, 22.10.2010). Descriptors: comparability of qualifications; recognition of qualifications; medical practitioner; health worker; labour mobility; EU countries. [online] Migrants, minorities, mismatch? : skill mismatch among migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe / Cedefop. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. 61 p. (Cedefop research paper; No 16). - ISBN 978-92-8960706-3 ISSN 1831-5860 [online] Commission Staff working document Summary of the Impact assessment accompanying document to the proposal for a Council Recommendation on policies to reduce early school leaving. 9 p. (SEC (2011) 98 final, 31.1.2011). Descriptors: school leaving; youth policy; school; educational dropout; EU countries. [online] Vocational education and training at higher qualification levels / Cedefop. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. 150 p. (Cedefop research paper; No 15). ISBN 978-92-896-0704-9 ISSN 1831-5860 Descriptors: level of qualification; comparability of qualifications; agriculture; nurse; financial service; special needs education; information technology; EU countries; Denmark; France; Norway; United Kingdom; Germany; Poland; Netherlands; Portugal; Ireland; Finland; Czech Republic; Romania; Greece. [online] Conclusions on preparatory work for the pilot European Innovation Partnership "Active and Healthy Ageing". Brussels: Council of the European Union, 2011. 2 p. 3074th Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) Council meeting Brussels, 9 March 2011, Brussels, 9 March 2011. Descriptors: older worker; older person; age group; health; active ageing; ageing society; EU countries. ISSN 1831-6085 [online] Consultation paper by DG Internal Market and Services on the professional qualifications Directive. 2011. 20 p. Descriptors: recognition of qualifications; comparability of qualifications; level of qualification; vocational qualification; recognition of learning outcomes; labour mobility; EU countries. [online] Council Declaration on The European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion: Working together to fight poverty in 2010 and beyond -- In Official Journal of the European Union, C 333, 10.12.2010, p. 8-9. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. Descriptors: social exclusion; social integration; poverty; disadvantaged group; access to training; equal opportunities; family; European year; EU countries. Cedefop library EG M 5318 Developing qualifications frameworks in EU Partner countries: modernising education and training / Castejon, Jean-Marc; European Training Foundation ETF. London: Anthem Press, 2011. 344 p. - ISBN 9780857289841 Descriptors: transparency of qualifications; training reform; educational reform; recognition of learning outcomes; assessment of learning outcomes; certification of learning outcomes; qualifications framework; qualifications system; national qualifications framework (NQF); Egypt; Maghreb; Jordan; Morocco; Tunisia; Southern Europe; Albania; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Croatia; FYROM; Kosovo; Montenegro; Serbia; Turkey. Cedefop library EUR M 232 Document management in the European Commission: collected decision and implementing rules. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2010. 110 p. - ISBN 978-92-79-12965-0 Descriptors: information processing; European Union. [online] ETF Yearbook 2011: Social partners in vocational education and training / Nielsen, Søren P. Turin: ETF, 2011. 117 p. (ETF Yearbook). Descriptors: social partners; labour market; lifelong learning; training system; Europe; Middle East; North Africa. [online] EU information and assistance services: at the service of citizens and businesses / European Commission. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2009. 20 p. - ISBN 97892-79-13004-5 Descriptors: European Union; Community policy; Community programme; EU countries. [online] Labour market fact sheet: September 2011. Brussels: European Commission, 2011. 2 p. Descriptors: employment monitoring system; economic crisis; labour market; unemployment; youth unemployment; EU countries. 2 ISSN 1831-6085 [online] Modernisation of higher education in Europe: funding and the social dimension 2011. Brussels: Eurydice, 2011. 114 p. - ISBN 978-92-9201-205-2 Descriptors: higher education; modernisation; educational policy; access to education; financing of education; EU countries; Turkey; Iceland; Liechtenstein; Norway. [online] The e-Skills Manifesto: a Call to Arms / McCormack, Ade. Brussels: European SchoolNet and Digital Europe, 2010. 92 p. - ISBN 9789490477301 Descriptors: eLearning; skill shortage; eLearning; information technology; skill development; lifelong learning; EU countries. THEMES Identifying skill needs Cedefop library DE M 3371 Arbeit und Berufsbildung auf dem Weg ins Solarzeitalter: Befähigung zur Mitgestaltung der Energiewende / Vollmer, Thomas [Work and vocational education and training heads into the solar age – the skills to help shape a turning point in energy production] -- In Lernen und Lehren, Vol 25, No 100, p. 151-157. Wolfenbüttel: Heckners Verlag, 2010. ISSN 0940-7340 Descriptors: sustainable development; power industry; technological sciences; technology; training needs; vocational qualification; vocational training; green economy; green jobs; Germany. [online] Ausbilden im Betrieb: Investition in die Fachkräfte von morgen: Personalentwicklung als Erfolgsfaktor / Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Berufsbildung [Company-based training: investing in the skilled workers of the future: Human resources development as a factor for success]. Bonn: Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Berufsbildung, 2011. 48 p. Investition in die Fachkäfte von morgen, Karlsruhe, 2010. Descriptors: training personnel; demography; in company training; skill shortage; staff development; vocational guidance; vocational training; Germany. Cedefop ReferNet Germany Duale Studiengänge als Instrument der Nachwuchssicherung Hochqualifizierter / Purz, Sylvia [Dual courses of higher education study as an instrument for securing a supply of young highly skilled workers]. Frankfurt: Lang Verlag, 2010. 274 p. - ISBN 978-3-63161754-0 Descriptors: university enterprise relationship; dual system; higher education graduate; highly skilled worker; human resources management; personnel selection; Germany. [online] La dynamique GPEC en entreprise: Club AGEFOSPME, 6 mai 2010 / Deslandes, Chantal [The GPEC dynamics in company: AGEFOS-PME club, in May 6th, VETAlert October 2010 2010.]. Saint-Denis-La Plaine: Centre INFFO, 2010. 27 p. (Dossier documentaire). Descriptors: skill development; manpower planning; training employment contract; retraining; personnel regrading; France. [online] Les entreprises du recyclage: synthèse prospective emploi-compétences. [The companies in recycling: employment – skills forward-looking synthesis.]. Paris: DGEFP, 2010. 30 p. (Synthèse prospective emploicompétences; 50). Descriptors: recycling industry; forecasting; skill analysis; training employment relationship; training needs; France. [online] Fachkräftebedarf und Qualifizierungsstrategien der Wirtschaft in Niederösterreich: Erste Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbefragung von April/Mai 2011 / Schneeberger, Arthur [Requirement for skilled labour and qualification strategies of Lower Austrian business.] -- In ibw aktuell, Nr. 5/2011.. Wien: ibw, 2011. 4 p. ISSN 22238417 Descriptors: skill shortage; skilled worker; economic development; labour shortage; qualification; survey; Austria; Lower Austria. [online] Futures of work and skills: some foresight exercises in Europe and USA / Paulos, Margarida Ramires. [S.l.]: IET, 2008. 13 p. Descriptors: knowledge society; labour; skill; Portugal; Europe; United States. [online] La GPEC Territoriale à l'épreuve de la pratique / Charlot, Jean-Luc; Bergere, Jean-Marie [The Territorial GPEC in the test of the practice.]. Paris: ASTREES, 2011. 28 p. (Note; 7). Descriptors: skill development; decentralisation; manpower planning; occupational mobility; regional and local authority; regional labour market; regional policy; France. Cedefop library CED INT M 3043 The great mismatch: the future of jobs: special report / Bishop, Matthew -- In Economist, Special report, Sept 10th, pp. 3-17. London: Economist, 2011. Descriptors: skill shortage; labour shortage; unemployment; fight against unemployment; economic crisis; skill mismatch; United States; EU countries. [online] Migrants, minorities, mismatch?: skill mismatch among migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe / Cedefop. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. 61 p. (Cedefop research paper; No 16). - ISBN 978-92-8960706-3 ISSN 1831-5860 Descriptors: migrant training; skill shortage; migration; ethnic group; discrimination; EU countries. ISSN 1831-6085 [online] Monitoring Ireland’s skills supply 2011: trends in education and training outputs / Condon, Nora; McNaboe, Joan. Dublin: Forfás, 2011. 121 p. Descriptors: educational statistics; higher education graduate; lifelong learning; qualification; school leaving; training statistics; entry into working life. [online] New skills for new jobs: scope for trade union intervention and sectoral dialogue / Fayolle, Jacky. Brussels: ETUI, 2011. 6 p. (ETUI Policy Brief; 1). ISSN 2031-8782 Descriptors: skill development; basic skill; lifelong learning; trade union role; social dialogue; new skills/emerging skills; basic; EU countries. [online] Profili di management. Francischelli, Emanuela [Management profiles: towards new professionalism and skills.] -- In Osservatorio Isfol, vol 1, no 1, (2011), p. 7389. Milan: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati SpA, 2011. - ISBN 978-88-6250-308-2 Descriptors: management training; managerial skill; skill development; professional development; Italy. [online] Right for the job: over-qualified or under-skilled? / Quintini, Glenda; Venn, Danielle; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD, 2011. 67 p. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers; 120). ISSN 1815-199X Descriptors: skill shortage; job requirements; level of qualification; female employment; quality of life; skill mismatch; overqualification; underqualification; OECD countries; EU countries. [online] Sector skills assessment for science, engineering and manufacturing technologies: England report December 2010 /. Watford: SEMTA (Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies), 2010. 256 p. Descriptors: science worker; engineering; engineering worker; manufacturing industry; manufacturing worker; skill analysis; skill development; skill shortage; England; United Kingdom. [online] Strengthening e-Skills for Innovation in Europe: building on partnerships between academia, industry and government for better e-competences curricula / Fonstad, Nils Olaya; Lanvin, Bruno; INSEAD eLab. 2011. 28 p. Descriptors: eLearning; skill shortage; eLearning; information technology; skill development; lifelong learning; EU countries. [online] The e-Skills Manifesto: a Call to Arms / McCormack, Ade. Brussels: European SchoolNet and Digital Europe, 2010. 92 p. - ISBN 9789490477301 3 Descriptors: eLearning; skill shortage; eLearning; information technology; skill development; lifelong learning; EU countries. [online] UK skills assessment 2010: the finance, accountancy and financial services sectors: summary report /. London: Financial Services Skills Council, 2010. 15 p. Descriptors: financial service; accountant; migrant employment; skill analysis; skill development; skill shortage; training development; training policy; England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; United Kingdom; Wales. Understanding qualifications Cedefop library CED EG M 5318 Developing qualifications frameworks in EU Partner countries: modernising education and training / Castejon, Jean-Marc; European Training Foundation ETF. London: Anthem Press, 2011. 344 p. - ISBN 9780857289841 Descriptors: transparency of qualifications; training reform; educational reform; recognition of learning outcomes; assessment of learning outcomes; certification of learning outcomes; qualifications framework; qualifications system; national qualifications framework (NQF); Egypt; Maghreb; Jordan; Morocco; Tunisia; Southern Europe; Albania; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Croatia; FYROM; Kosovo; Montenegro; Serbia; Turkey. [online] EQF Referencing Process and Report. [EQF Referencing Process and Report. Published by the EQF project EQF Referencing Process – Examples and Proposals (EQF-Ref).]. Vienna: 3s Unternehmensberatung, 2011. 66 p. Descriptors: transparency of qualifications; educational innovation; lifelong learning; European qualifications framework (EQF); national qualifications framework (NQF); Austria; EU countries; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Finland; Germany; Netherlands. Cedefop library BIB DE Z 05 Das Europäische Credit-System für die Berufsbildung (ECVET) nimmt Fahrt auf / Le Mouillour, Isabelle [The European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) begins to gain momentum] -- In Berufsbildung, Vol 64, No 128, p. 13-15. Paderborn: Eusl-Verlags-Gesellschaft, 2011. ISSN 00059536 Descriptors: transparency of qualifications; comparability of qualifications; student mobility; training policy; recognition of qualifications; European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET); credit system; EU countries; Germany. [online] Getting ahead through education: the Qualification Initiative for Germany. / Germany. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Bonn: BMBF, 2008. 20 p. Descriptors: educational policy; level of education; level of qualification; lifelong learning; training policy; Germany. 4 ISSN 1831-6085 [online] Internationaler Vergleich "tertiärer" Bildungsabschlüsse / Schneeberger, Arthur [International comparison of “tertiary” qualifications.] -- In ibw aktuell, Nr. 4/2011.. Wien: ibw, 2011. 3 p. ISSN 22238417 Descriptors: graduate employment; university studies; labour market; academic degree; comparative analysis; skill shortage; comparability of qualifications; working conditions; Austria. [online] Job quality in Europe / Andrew Watt, Janine Leschke. Watt, Andrew; Leschke, Janine. Brussels: ETUI, 2008. 41 p. (ETUI working paper; 2008.7). ISSN 1994-4446 Descriptors: quality of working life; employment policy; fight against unemployment; job satisfaction; comparative analysis; working conditions; skill development; EU countries. [online] M.O.T.O. Model: Model of Transferability of Learning Outcome units among different ECVET systems. [M.O.T.O. Model. Model of Transferability of Learning Outcome units among different ECVET systems.]. [S.I.]: MOTO Project Partnership, 2011. 96 p. Descriptors: transparency of qualifications; Lifelong Learning Programme; training abroad; pilot project; geographical mobility; valuing learning; learning outcomes; transferability of learning outcomes; European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET); Austria; EU countries. Cedefop library CED UK M 1888 Making sense of credit and qualification frameworks in the UK / Bridges, Paul; Flinn, Mark; United Kingdom Credit Forum. London: UK Credit Forum, 2010. 153 p. ISBN 978 0 901437 61 7 Descriptors: transparency of qualifications; vocational qualification; history of training; qualifications framework; credit system; national qualifcations framework (NQF); United Kingdom; EU countries. [online] Vocational education and training at higher qualification levels / European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - Cedefop. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2011. 150 p. (Cedefop research paper; No 15). - ISBN 978-92-896-0704-9 ISSN 1831-5860 Descriptors: level of qualification; comparability of qualifications; agriculture; nurse; financial service; special needs education; information technology; EU countries; Denmark; France; Norway; United Kingdom; Germany; Poland; Netherlands; Portugal; Ireland; Finland; Czech Republic; Romania; Greece. Analysing policy [online] A avaliação de políticas públicas como factor de aprendizagem, inovação institucional e cidadania: o caso da política do ordenamento do território em Portugal. Ferrão, João; Mourato, João [The evaluation of VETAlert October 2010 public policies as a factor in learning, institutional innovation and citizenship: the case of policy planning in Portugal.] -- In Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, Vol.12, 1, 9-28.. [S.l.]: Anpur, 2010. Descriptors: public administration; culture; evaluation; innovation; learning; organisational change; regional planning; Portugal. [online] Deutsches Stabilitätsprogramm: Aktualisierung 2011. [German stability programme: 2011 update]. Berlin: BMF, 2011. 38 p. Descriptors: economic policy; Community policy; educational policy; employment policy; research policy; Germany. [online] After Lisbon: social Europe at the crossroads? / Magnusson, Lars. Brussels: ETUI, 2010. 28 p. (ETUI working paper; 2010.01). ISSN 1994-4446 Descriptors: Community policy; Community legislation; economic crisis; social policy; sustainable development; economic development; Lisbon strategy; Europe 2020 strategy; EU countries. [online] A Dimensão Económica da Literacia em Portugal: uma análise / DataAngel Policy Research [The Economic Dimension of Literacy in Portugal]. Lisboa: GEPE, 2009. 136 p. - ISBN 978-972-614-466-3 Descriptors: literacy; educational policy; economy; Portugal. [online] Auswahlbibliografie "Übergangssystem und Übergangsmanagement": Studien, Gutachten und Forschungsbeiträge: Zusammenstellung aus: Literaturdatenbank Berufliche Bildung / Linten, Markus; Prüstel, Sabine [Selected bibliography “Transitional system and transition management: studies, surveys and research papers”: a compilation from the Vocational Education and Training Literature Database]. Bonn: BIBB, 2011. 18 p. Descriptors: transition from school to work; disadvantaged group; migrant training; training research; training system; vocational guidance; youth unemployment; Germany. Cedefop library EG M 5326 Berufsbildungs- und Hochschulpolitik in der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland. Busemeyer, Marius R.; Trampusch, Christine [Vocational and higher education policy in Switzerland, Austria and Germany.] -- In Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Revue suisse de science politique , Rivista Svizzera di Scienza Politica, Vol 16, no 4, p. 597–615. London: Wiley, 2010. ISSN 1424-7755 Descriptors: training policy; vocational education; higher education; educational policy; comparative analysis; educational reform; education system; dual system; Germany; Austria; Switzerland; EU countries. Cedefop ReferNet Austria Bildung zwischen Standardisierung, Ausgrenzung und Anerkennung von Diversität: Sting, Stephan; Wakounig, Vladimir [Education between standardisation, exclusion and recognition of diversity.]. Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2011. 256 p. - ISBN 978-3-643-50326-8 Descriptors: education system; equal opportunities; marginalisation; social exclusion; access to education; diversity; Austria. [online] Changes in political discourse from the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020: tracing the fate of social policy / Barbier, Jean-Claude. Brussels: ETUI, 2011. 26 p. (ETUI working paper; 2011.1). ISSN 1994-4446 Descriptors: Community policy; Community legislation; economic crisis; social policy; Lisbon strategy; Europe 2020 strategy; governance; EU countries. ISSN 1831-6085 [online] A Dimensão Económica da Literacia em Portugal: uma análise / DataAngel Policy Research [The Economic Dimension of Literacy in Portugal]. Lisboa: GEPE, 2009. 136 p. - ISBN 978-972-614-466-3 Descriptors: literacy; educational policy; economy; Portugal. Cedefop library ASI M 101 Emerging challenges and trends in TVET in the AsiaPacific region / Majumdar, Shyjamal. Rotterdam: Sense Publications, 2010. 252 p. - ISBN 978-94-6091-390-1 Descriptors: training system; training development; trend; technical training; training of trainers; teacher training; vocational training; Asia. Cedefop ReferNet Spain La financiación de las universidades: diez años desde Bolonia / Michavila, Francisco; Martínez, Jorge [University financing: ten years after Bologna] -- In Papeles de economía española, Nº 2009 (2009). Madrid: Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros, 2009. ISSN 02109107 Descriptors: higher education; cost of education; educational policy; educational reform; financing of education; Spain. [online] France: a simplified social benefits system / International Labour Organisation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Geneva: ILO, 2011. 4 p. (Country policy briefs). G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers, Paris, 2011. Descriptors: employment policy; social security; trend; economic crisis; labour market; youth employment; access to employment; employment opportunity; structural unemployment; France. [online] From an agrarian society to a knowledge economy: Portugal, 1950-2010 / Pereira, Álvaro Santos; Lains, Pedro. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2010. 28 p. Descriptors: economic policy; economic development; human capital; Portugal. 5 [online] O Futuro em Aberto?: Modernidade, Insucesso Escolar e Percursos de Errância no Ensino Superior / Vieira, Maria Manuel [Future open? Modernity, academic failure and wandering routes in Higher Education] -- In Sociologia da Educação: Revista Luso-Brasileira, 1, 141183.. [s.l]: [s.n.], 2010. Descriptors: school; failure; higher education; modernisation; Portugal. [online] German Stability Programme: 2011 update. Berlin: BMF, 2011. 38 p. Descriptors: economic policy; Community policy; educational policy; employment policy; research policy; Germany. [online] Germany: reinforced public employment services / International Labour Organisation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Geneva: ILO, 2011. 4 p. (Country policy briefs). G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers, Paris, 2011. Descriptors: employment policy; social security; employment service; trend; economic crisis; labour market; youth employment; access to employment; employment opportunity; structural unemployment; Germany. [online] Germany National Reform Programme 2011. Berlin: BMWi, 2011. 56 p. Descriptors: economic policy; Community policy; educational policy; employment policy; innovation; knowledge society; research policy; Germany. [online] Giving you a better start: a policy note for the G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers / International Labour Organisation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Geneva: ILO, 2011. 32 p. G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers, Paris, 2011. Descriptors: transition from school to work; initial employment; trend; economic crisis; youth unemployment; youth employment; access to employment; employment opportunity; structural unemployment; OECD countries; EU countries. Cedefop library EG M 5323 Information systems for regional labour market monitoring: state of the art and perspectives / Larsen, Christa; Kipper, Jenny; European Network of Regional Labour Market Monitoring. Munich: Rainer Hampp, 2009. 224 p. - ISBN 978-3-86618-409-1 Descriptors: regional labour market; employment monitoring system; trend; EU countries. [online] Intra-EU labour migration: flows, effects and policy responses / Watt, Andrew; Galgoczi, Bela. Brussels: ETUI, 2009. 44 p. (ETUI working paper; 2009.3). ISSN 1994-4446 6 ISSN 1831-6085 Descriptors: labour mobility; migrant worker; geographical mobility; labour statistics; comparative analysis; EU countries. [online] Italy: policies to promote the return to work / International Labour Organisation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Geneva: ILO, 2011. 4 p. (Country policy briefs). G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers, Paris, 2011. Descriptors: employment policy; social security; return to work; employment service; trend; economic crisis; labour market; youth employment; access to employment; employment opportunity; structural unemployment; Italy. [online] Loi du 19 décembre 2008 portant réforme de la formation professionnelle. [Law of 19 December 2008 to reform the vocational training.]. Luxembourg: Service central de législation, 2008. 15 p. Descriptors: legislation; vocational training; Luxembourg. Cedefop library INT M 3051 Mapping out the research–policy matrix: highlights from the First International Forum on the Social Science-Policy Nexus Solinis, Germán; Baya-Laffite, Nicolas. Paris: Unesco, 2010. (Research and Policy series; 1). - ISBN 978-92-3-104176-1 First International Forum on the Social Science-Policy Nexus, 2010. Descriptors: social sciences; research policy; social change. Cedefop ReferNet Germany Multilaterale Bildungsfinanzierung durch das UNOSystem / Hüfner, Klaus [Multilateral educational financing via the UNO System]. Berlin: Frank und Timme, 2011. 230 p. - ISBN 978-3-86596-306-2 Descriptors: financing of education; cost of education; developing countries; financing of training; United Nations; Germany. [online] National system overviews on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms: 2010 edition: Germany. Brussels: Eurydice, 2010. 15 p. Descriptors: education system; compulsory education; educational administration; higher education; post compulsory education; primary education; public sector; upper secondary education; Germany. [online] Nationales Reformprogramm Deutschland 2011. / Germany. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie [Germany National Reform Programme 2011]. Berlin: BMWi, 2011. 56 p. Descriptors: economic policy; Community policy; educational policy; employment policy; innovation; knowledge society; research policy; Germany. [online] Organisation des Bildungssystems in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2009/2010 [Organisation of the education system in Germany 2009/2010]. Brussels: Eurydice, 2010. 379 p. VETAlert October 2010 Descriptors: education system; compulsory education; educational administration; higher education; post compulsory education; primary education; upper secondary education; Germany. [online] Organisation of the education system in Germany. Brussels: Eurydice, 2010. 329 p. Descriptors: education system; compulsory education; educational administration; higher education; post compulsory education; primary education; upper secondary education; Germany. Cedefop ReferNet Spain Las políticas europeas de educación superior: su impacto en España / Mora, José-Ginés [European higher education policies: their impact on Spain] -- In Papeles de economía española, Nº 119 (2009). Madrid: Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros, 2009. ISSN 0210-9107 Descriptors: higher education; curriculum; educational policy; educational reform; financing of education; Spain. Cedefop library EG M 5319 Population ageing in Central and Eastern Europe: societal and policy implications / Hoff, Andreas. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011. (New perspectives on ageing and later life). - ISBN 978-0-7546-7828-1 Descriptors: population trends; older person; demography; ageing society; EU countries; Eastern Europe; Romania; Czech Republic; Hungary; Slovenia; Croatia; Bulgaria. Cedefop ReferNet Austria Quality Assurance in an International Higher Education Area: a case-study approach and comparative analysis of six national higher education systems (Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America). Bernhard, Andrea. Klagenfurt: Universität Klagenfurt, 2011. 394 p. Descriptors: higher education; university studies; case study; trend; quality of education; Austria; Germany; Finland; Canada; United Kingdom; United States. [online] Reformoptionen für das österreichische Schulwesen: internationaler Strukturvergleich und notwendige Reformen aus Sicht der Unternehmen / Schmid, Kurt; Hafner, Helmut [Reform Options for the Transition to Upper Secondary Level Education: international comparison of structure and necessary reforms from a company perspective.] -- In ibw Forschungsbericht, Nr. 161. Wien: ibw, 2011. 138 p. - ISBN ISBN 978-3-90274234-6 Descriptors: educational reform; apprenticeship; educational policy; educational dropout; upper secondary education; quality of education; comparative analysis; Austria. Cedefop library EG M 5321 Reform of higher education in Europe / Enders, Jürgen; De Boer, Harry. Rotterdam: Sense Publications, 2011. 198 p. - ISBN 978-94-6091-553-6 Descriptors: educational reform; higher education; Erasmus; higher education institute; university; academic degree; Bologna process; EU countries. ISSN 1831-6085 [online] Schools have less money left / Driessen, Marcus -- In CBS Web magazine, 18 February 201. Heerlen: CBS, 2010. html, 1 p. Descriptors: financing of education; budget; educational institution; Netherlands. [online] Il sistema della formazione professionale oltre la crisi / Borgonovi, Elio; Garbellano, Salvatore [The System of Management Training Beyond the Crisis.] -- In Osservatorio Isfol, vol 1, no 1, (2011), p. 57-70. Milan: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati SpA, 2011. - ISBN 978-88-6250-308-2 Descriptors: management training; economic crisis; Italy. [online] The social charter at a glance / Council of Europe COE. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2011. 8 p. Descriptors: social policy; human rights; Europe; EU countries. [online] Structures of education and training systems in Europe: Germany 2009/2010 edition. Brussels: Eurydice, 2010. 70 p. Descriptors: education system; apprenticeship; initial training; primary education; secondary education; training system; vocational education; Germany. [online] Strukturen der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland: Ausgabe 2009/2010. [Structures of education and training systems in Germany: 2009/2010 edition]. Brussels: Europäische Kommission, 2010. 70 p. Descriptors: education system; apprenticeship; initial training; secondary education; training system; vocational education; Germany. Cedefop library CED INT M 3055 From the great recession to labour market recovery: issues, evidence and policy options / Islam, Iyanatul; Verick, Sher; International Labour Organisation. Geneva: ILO, 2011. 308 p. - ISBN 978-92-2-124031-0 Descriptors: economic crisis; economic policy; employment policy; labour market; social policy; globalisation; United States; Europe; developing countries. [online] United Kingdom: the UK work programme / International Labour Organisation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Geneva: ILO, 2011. 4 p. (Country policy briefs). G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers, Paris, 2011. Descriptors: employment policy; social security; return to work; employment service; trend; economic crisis; labour market; youth employment; access to employment; employment opportunity; structural unemployment; United Kingdom. Cedefop library ASI M 102 Vorbereitung auf die Welt der Arbeit in Japan: Bildungssystem und Übergangsfragen / Pilz, Matthias [Preparation for the world of work in Japan: the education 7 system and the transition from school to work.. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011. 294 p. - ISBN 978-3-531-18046-5 Descriptors: education system; highly skilled worker; transition from school to work; comparative analysis; youth employment; employability; curriculum research; educational policy; Japan; Germany. [online] Vymezení BOZP v kontextu českého školství / Serafín, Čestmír [Occupational safety and health in the context of the Czech education system.] -- In Měnící se role vzdělavatelů v odborném a celoživotním vzdělávání, p. 39-43. Praha: Národní ústav odborného vzdelávání, 2011. - ISBN 978-80-87063-31-6 Descriptors: occupational safety. [online] National system overviews on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms Ireland 2010 / Department of Education and Skills - DES. Brussels: Eurydice, 2011. 16 p. Descriptors: education system; educational administration; educational reform; level of education; teacher; special needs education; Ireland. [online] Organisation of the education system in Ireland 2009/2010 / Department of Education and Skills - DES. Brussels: Eurydice, 2011. 269 p. Descriptors: education system; educational administration; level of education; evaluation; special needs education; teaching personnel; European dimension; Ireland. Developing lifelong learning Cedefop ReferNet France Accompagner les candidats à la VAE: le mythe de la juste distance / Crognier, Philippe [Accompany the candidates for the VAE: the myth of the just distance.] -- In Savoirs - Revue internationale de recherches en éducation et formation des adultes, No 22 (2010), p. 132152. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010. - ISBN 978-2-296-12562-9 Descriptors: validation of learning outcomes; certificate; training personnel; special needs education; mentoring; France. [online] Active ageing strategies to strengthen social inclusion. Hiebl, Ulrike. Brussels: Peer Review in Social Protection, 2007. 33 p. Peer review Active ageing strategies to strengthen social inclusion, Helsinki, 2007. Descriptors: older person; social integration; socio economic conditions; retirement; social policy; older worker; active ageing; ageing society; Finland; EU countries. Cedefop library EG M 5332 Adult education and training in comparative perspective: understanding differences across countries / Rosenbladt, B; TNS infratest Sozialforschung. Munich: TNS infratest Sozialforschung, 2009. 50 p. 8 ISSN 1831-6085 Descriptors: training statistics; adult training; lifelong learning; formal learning; non formal learning; informal learning; EU countries. [online] Adult Literacies in Scotland 2020: strategic guidance / United Kingdom. Scottish Executive. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government, 2010. 29 p - ISBN 978-0-75599904-0 Descriptors: adult learning; education; equal opportunities; literacy; Scotland; United Kingdom. [online] Ammattikorkeakoulun verkko-opettajan kompetenssi ja kehittyminen Kullaslahti, Tiina [Online teacher's competence and development in the polytecnic.]. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, 2011. 210 p. (Acta Universitatis Tamperensis; 1613). ISSN 1455-1616 Descriptors: competence; online learning; teaching; polytechnic education; Finland. Cedefop ReferNet Germany Berufsorientierung im Spannungsfeld von Information und Beratung: eine interaktions- und kommunikationstheoretische Perspektive auf die Berufsorientierung technisch interessierter Jugendlicher / Struwe, Ulrike [Conflict between information and guidance in vocational orientation: a theoretical interaction and communication based perspective of vocational orientation for young people interested in technical subjects]. Opladen: Budrich, 2010. 432 p. - ISBN 978-3-940755-49-0 Descriptors: vocational guidance; information technology; Internet; transition from school to work; vocational information; Germany. Cedefop ReferNet Austria Berufsverläufe von AbsolventInnen der Bildungsanstalten für Kindergartenpädagogik: Nindl, Sigrid; Fingerlos, Astrid [Professional careers of graduated from college for the training of nursery school teachers (BAKIP)]. Vienna: 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH, 2010. 119 p. Descriptors: career development; pre school education; teacher; Austria. [online] Consultation on the promotion and validation of nonformal and informal learning: AONTAS submission / Ireland. Aontas. Dublin: AONTAS, 2010. 18 p. Descriptors: validation of learning outcomes; adult learning; non formal learning; informal learning; Ireland. Cedefop ReferNet Germany Education as a lifelong process: the German Educational Panel Study (NEPS) / Blossfeld, Hans-Peter -- In Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Special issue, 2011, 14. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011. 330 p. - ISBN 978-3-531-17785-4 Descriptors: lifelong learning; education system; educational policy; educational reform; educational research; Germany. VETAlert October 2010 Cedefop ReferNet France Emploi et formation des seniors: la diversité des âges est une ressource précieuse / Abattu-Massit, Cécile; Lamotte, Bruno [Employment and training of seniors: the variety of ages is a precious resource.] -- In Actualité de la formation permanente, No 221 (Juillet-Août 2009), p. 3542. Saint-Denis-La Plaine: Centre INFFO, 2009. ISSN 0397-331X Descriptors: older worker; discrimination; experimentation; human resources management; staff training; training tutor; transfer of learning; Equal; Senior; Gestion des âges; Tuteur; Formation de tuteur; Transmission savoir; France. Cedefop ReferNet Austria Die epistemologischen Überzeugungen der Vortragenden in der beruflichen Weiterbildung mit Berücksichtigung der Motivation der Erwachsenen: eine empirische Untersuchung mit dem Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut Steiermark / Liszt, Verena [Epistemological convictions of lecturers in CVET with special consideration of the adults’ motivation.]. Graz: Universität Graz, 2011. 97 p. Descriptors: continuing training; lifelong learning; motivation; trainers' attitude; training of trainers; Austria; Styria. [online] Festival dei saperi 2011: a 10 anni dall'Accordo StatoRegioni: il Sistema integrato territoriale di educazione permanente. / Edaforum [Knowledge Festival 2011.].: Edaforum, 2011. Descriptors: adult training; lifelong learning; Italy. Cedefop ReferNet Spain Formadores: Revista de la Confederación española de empresas de formación número 34 marzo 2010 / [Trainers. Review of the Spanish Confederation of Training Companies: number 34, March 2010]. Madrid: Confederación Española de Centros y Academias Privadas, CECAP, 2010. 54 ISSN 1139-4161 Descriptors: in company training; private sector; continuing training; Spain. Cedefop library CED INT M 3046 The future of lifelong learning and work: critical perspectives / Livingstone, D.W.; Mirchandani, Kiran. Rotterdam: Sense Publications, 2010. 308 p. (The knowledge economy and education; 1). - ISBN 978-908790-399-2 Descriptors: lifelong learning; continuing training; apprenticeship; technical training; work based training; learning organisation; literacy; knowledge society; working conditions; Asia. [online] Guide du jury VAE – Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience / Université de Poitiers ; SAFIRE Service orientation, insertion, formation continue [et al.].; Université de Poitiers, Safire alternance formation relations extérieures [Guide for the jury VAE Accreditation of prior learning from experience (of life experience).]. Poitiers: Safire, 2009. 27 p. ISSN 1831-6085 Descriptors: validation of learning outcomes; methodology; Jury VAE; Validation des acquis de l'expérience - VAE; France. [online] I saperi dell'esperienza: riconoscimento e convalida degli apprendimenti pregressi / [Knowledge Acquired through Experience: Prior Learning Recognition and Validation]. , 2011. Descriptors: recognition of learning outcomes; lifelong learning; validation of learning outcomes; Italy; Europe. Cedefop library CED INT M 3045 ISO 29990:2010: Learning services for non-formal education and training: basic requirements for service providers. Geneva: ISO, 2010. 20 p. Descriptors: training standard; training institution; non formal learning; quality of training. [online] Konzeption der Bundesregierung zum Lernen im Lebenslauf. [Federal Government concept for lifelong learning]. Bonn: BMBF, 2008. 9 p. Descriptors: lifelong learning; continuing education; educational policy; social dialogue; training policy; vocational qualification; Germany. [online] Lernen und Bildung im späteren Lebensalter: Leitlinien und Prioritäten 2020 / Waxenegger, Andrea [Learning and education in advanced age: guidelines and priorities for 2020: prepared by the project group “Learning in advanced age”.]. Graz: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2011. 132 p. Descriptors: older person; lifelong learning; adult learning; educational policy; ageing society; Austria; Styria. [online] Lifelong learning: visita di studio in Portogallo / [Lifelong Learning: Results from a Study Visit in Portugal.] -- In Lifelong Lifewide Learning, Vol 7, no. 17-18 (January 2011). Florence: Edaforum, 2011. Descriptors: lifelong learning; accreditation of training; Portugal; Italy. [online] Mikä tekee opettajasta selviytyjän? / Aho, Ismo [What makes a teacher a survivor?]. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, 2011. 234 s. - ISBN 978-951-44-7892-5 ISSN 1455-1616 Descriptors: teacher; teacher role; quality of working life; working conditions; survey; teacher training; Finland. [online] Mitä ammatillisen opettajan tulee osata? / Jalonen, Tapio [What expertises should a vocational teacher have?]. Hämeenlinna: Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, 2011. 74 p. Descriptors: vocational teacher; competence; school; skill; Finland. Cedefop ReferNet France Mondialisation des apprentissages tout au long de la vie: risques et opportunités: dossier / Dax-Boyer, 9 Françoise; Vielajus, Alice [Globalization of lifelong learnings: risks and opportunities: file.] -- In Actualité de la formation permanente, No 222-223 (Sept.-Déc. 2009), p. 5-73. Saint-Denis-La Plaine: Centre INFFO, 2009. ISSN 0397-331X Descriptors: lifelong learning; continuing education; developed countries; developing countries; economics of education; educational sociology; globalisation; informal learning; international cooperation; Formation expérientielle; Asia; France. Cedefop ReferNet France Mondialisation des apprentissages tout au long de la vie: risques et opportunités: panorama d'organismes et de réseaux de niveau international / Héroult, Stéphane [Globalization of lifelong learnings: risks and opportunities: panorama of organisations and networks at international level.] -- In Actualité de la formation permanente, No 222-223 (Sept.-Déc. 2009), p. 71-73. Saint-Denis-La Plaine: Centre INFFO, 2009. ISSN 0397331X Descriptors: lifelong learning; continuing education; developing countries; informal learning; international cooperation; developed countries; Internet; information network; training partnership; Formation expérientielle; Réseau communautaire; France. Cedefop library EG M 5328 The new life of teachers / Day, Christopher; Gu, Qing. London: Routledge, 2010. 224 p. - ISBN 978-0-41548460-2 Descriptors: teacher; teaching personnel; teacher role; teaching; EU countries. [online] L'orientamento a supporto dell'active learning: over 45 e mentoring per le aziende / Grimaldi, Anna; Montalbano, Giuseppa [Career Guidance as a Support for the Active Learning: Over 45s and enterprise mentoring.] - In Osservatorio Isfol, vol 1, no 1, (2011), p. 91-99. Milan: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati SpA, 2011. - ISBN 978-88-6250-308-2 Descriptors: guidance service; mentoring; older worker; ageing society; Italy. 10 ISSN 1831-6085 [online] Règlement grand-ducal du 11 janvier 2010 - Validation des acquis de l'experience. [Grand Ducal Regulation of the 11th of January 2010 - Accreditation of prior experience.]. Luxembourg: Service central de législation, 2010. 4 p. Descriptors: legislation; accreditation of training; Luxembourg. [online] Règlement grand-ducal du 18 mai 2007 portant organisation de l'apprentissage pour adultes. [Act of 18th of Mai 2007 on the organization of adult learning.]. Luxembourg: Service central de législation, 2007. 3 p. Descriptors: legislation; adult learning; adult training; Luxembourg. [online] Retirement and labour market participation / Mosca, Irene; Barrett, Alan. Dublin: Trinity College Dublin, 2011. p. 219-237 Descriptors: older worker; employment; level of education; pension scheme; retirement; working conditions; Ireland. Cedefop ReferNet France Seniors: le plan d'actions clés en main ! / Labruffe, Alain [Seniors: the turnkey action plan !.]. Saint-Denis-La Plaine: AFNOR, 2010. 219 p. - ISBN 978-2-12-465248-8 Descriptors: older worker; methodology; employment policy; human resources management; Senior; Gestion des âges; France. Cedefop library DE M 3373 Weiterbildung in der zweiten Lebenshälfte: multidisziplinäre Antworten auf Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels / Kruse, Andreas; Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung. [Continuing education and training in the second half of life: multidisciplinary answers to the challenges of demographic change]. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann Verlag, 2008. 248 p. - ISBN 978-3-7639-1947-5 Descriptors: lifelong learning; adult training; demography; adult learning; training research; older worker; demography; employability; in company training; ageing society; Germany. VETAlert October 2010 COUNTRY INDEX Africa................................................................................2 Albania .........................................................................2, 4 Asia ........................................................................5, 9, 10 Austria..........................................................3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Bulgaria........................................................................4, 7 Canada .............................................................................7 Croatia......................................................................2, 4, 7 Czech Republic .......................................................1, 4, 7 Denmark.......................................................................1, 4 Eastern Europe ...............................................................7 England........................................................................3, 4 EU countries.................................. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Finland .............................................................1, 4, 7, 8, 9 France .................................................... 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 Germany ........................................ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Greece..........................................................................1, 4 Hungary ...........................................................................7 Iceland..............................................................................2 Ireland ................................................................1, 4, 8, 10 Italy.................................................................3, 6, 7, 9, 10 IMPRESSUM AND HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Cedefop - Vet-Alert - 2011 – issue no 10 – 11 p. ISSN 1831-6085 Cat.-No: TI-AO-11-010-EN-N Publication number 9056 Japan................................................................................8 Kosovo.........................................................................2, 4 Liechtenstein...................................................................2 Montenegro .................................................................2, 4 Netherlands .............................................................1, 4, 7 Norway .....................................................................1, 2, 4 OECD countries ..........................................................3, 6 Poland ..........................................................................1, 4 Portugal .......................................................1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 Romania...................................................................1, 4, 7 Scotland.......................................................................4, 8 Serbia ...........................................................................2, 4 Slovenia ...........................................................................7 Southern Europe .........................................................2, 4 Spain ........................................................................5, 7, 9 Switzerland ......................................................................5 Turkey ..........................................................................2, 4 United Kingdom ..............................................1, 3, 4, 7, 8 United States ...............................................................3, 7 Wales................................................................................4 Library and documentation service PO Box 22427, GR-551 02 Thessaloniki Building: Europe 123, Thessaloniki (Pylaia) Tel. (+30) 23 10 49 02 14, Fax (+30) 23 10 49 00 20 E-mail: If you would like to subscribe to this list, please visit this link Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2011 VET-Alert is published monthly to inform VET specialists about publications and documents acquired by Cedefop’s Library and Documentation service. ISSN 1831-6085 11