Biblical Studies June 2014


Biblical Studies June 2014
Biblical Studies Catalog
Reduced Prices!
June 2014
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Commentaries-­‐ New Testament 3 Commentaries-­‐ Old Testament 22 Commentary Sets 33 Concise Commentaries 33 New Testament 34 Old Testament 121 2 COMMENTARIES-­‐ NEW TESTAMENT . __Sermon Bible: Matthew I-­‐XXI__. Armstrong. 1900. . 511pp. Very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.67 [707762] . __Sermon Bible: Matthew XXII to Mark XVI__. Armstrong. 1900. . 389pp. Stained and rubbed cover; otherwise very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.67 [707763] Abbott, Lyman. __Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans__. A.S. Barnes. 1888. . 230pp. Worn cover, badly shaken. Front free end paper badly torn. Back glued end paper damaged. First page of first chapter detached and chipped along all edges. Foxing, extensive pencil underlining. $3.5 [336611] Abbott, T.K.. __ICC: Ephesians and Colossians__. Scribner's. 1903. . 315pp. Damp-­‐
staining to top edge. Shaken. Small amount of ink underlining. Worn cover. $5 [324595] Albright, W.F. and C.S. Mann. __AB: Matthew__. Doubleday. 1971. . 356pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [A350009] Allen, Willoughby C.. __ICC: Matthew__. Scribner's. 1907. . 352pp. Front hinge very weak; cloth frayed at spine edges. $5 [193226] Anderson, Hugh. __NCB: Mark__. Oliphants. 1976. . pp. Ex-­‐library, else good. $4 [222383] Bachmann, Philipp. __Erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther [Kommentar zum Neuen Testament Band VII]__. A. Deichertsche. 1921. . 487pp. Foxing, underlining. $10 [255079] Barde, Edouard; vertaald door G. Keizer. __Kommentaar op de Handelingen der Apostelen__. J.H. Kok. 1910. Dutch. 594pp. Good; foxing. $8 [311226] Barnes, Albert. __Luke & John (Barnes' Notes on the New Testament series)__. Baker. 1953. . 409pp. G/G. Some ink underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [712848] Barnes, Albert. __Matthew-­‐Mark (Barnes' Notes on the New Testament series)__. Baker. 1976. . 400pp. VG/VG $3.5 [219869] 3 Barnes, Albert; edited by Robert Frew. __Hebrews -­‐ Jude [Notes on the New Testament]__. Baker. n.d.. . 404pp. A touch of foxing to top edge, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U11103] Barnes, Albert; edited by Robert Frew. __I Corinthians -­‐ Galatians [Notes on the New Testament]__. Baker. n.d.. . 400pp. A touch of foxing to top edge, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U11101] Barrett, C.K.. __Gospel According to St. John: An Introduction with Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text__. SPCK. 1958. . 531pp. G/G. Book: Neat pencil underlining to a few pages, else good. DJ: Edgeworn, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [U12108] Barth, Markus. __The Broken Wall: A study of the Epistle to the Ephesians__. Collins. 1959. . 256pp. Very slight marks. Ex-­‐library. $3.5 [A281563] Bartlet, J. Vernon ed.. __Acts [Century Bible: A Modern Commentary]__. Blackwood, Le Bas & Co.. n.d.. . 394pp. Ex-­‐library, front hinge repaired, lower corners stained. $3.5 [275771] Beare, Francis Wright. __The Gospel According to Matthew__. Harper and Row. 1981. . 550pp. G/G. Pencil underlining to a few pages, else good; DJ chipped. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [U14656] Bennett, W.H.. __General Epistles: James, Peter, John & Jude [Century Bible: A Modern Commentary]__. London: Caxton Publishing. n.d.. . 350pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken, lower corners stained. $3.5 [275770] Bernard, J.H.. __The Pastoral Epistles__. Baker. 1980. . 192pp. Acceptable. Splotches on cover, edges grubby. Text clean and bright, tight binding. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [88278] Betz, Hans Dieter. __Hermeneia: 2 Corinthians 8 and 9__. Fortress. 1985. . 179pp. Bumped corners. Faded dust jacket. $8 [305414] Betz, Hans Dieter. __Hermeneia: Galatians__. Fortress. 1979. . 352pp. Good; some underlining. $9 [346757] 4 Betz, Hans Dieter; George W. MacRae, ed.. __Hermeneia: 2 Corinthians 8 and 9__. Fortress. 1985. . 179pp. G/VG, slightly bowed boards. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $8 [713621] Biesterveld, P.. __Brief van Paulus aan de Colossensen: Verklaand__. J.H. Bos. 1908. Dutch. 415pp. Foxing, worn cover. $8 [311225] Billroth, Gustav; trans. by W. Lindsay Alexander. __Commentary on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, vol. I [Biblical Cabinet, vol. XXI]__. Edinburgh: T&T Clark. 1937. . 289pp. Cover worn, white paint splattered over front board, very shaken, foxing. $8 [266836] Borse, Udo. __Standort des Galaterbriefes [Bonner Biblische Beitrage, 41]__. Peter Hanstein Verlag. 1972. German. 201pp. Ink underlining. Boards bowed. Foxing. $7 [351113] Boylan, Patrick Canon. __St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans: Translation and Commentary__. M.H. Gill & Son. 1934. . 306pp. Faded, stained and edgeworn cover; shaken, ex-­‐library. $7.5 [299815] Brandt, D. Wilhelm. __Anvertraute Gut: Eine Einführung in die Briefe an Timotheus und Titus__. Im Furche Verlag. 1959. . 159pp. VG/G. Water spots on spine of dust jacket only. $3.5 [279348] Brockington, L.H. ed.. __Century Bible: 1 & 2 Thessalonians__. Nelson. 1969. . 124pp. Ex-­‐library, else good. $3.75 [222380] Brown, Raymond E.. __AB: Gospel According to John, vol. 1: I-­‐XIII__. Doubleday. 1966. . 1208pp. Highlighting, torn dust jacket. $9.5 [354597] Bultmann, Rudolf. __Hermeneia: Johannine Epistles__. Fortress. 1973. . 143pp. Very good. $6.5 [A302124] Bultmann, Rudolf. __Second Letter to the Corinthians__. Augsburg. 1985. . 272pp. G/G, underlining. $8 [346606] Burton, Ernest De Witt. __ICC: Galatians__. T&T Clark. [1921] 1964. . 541pp. Ex-­‐
library. Multi-­‐colored ink underlining in 2nd half. Bumped corners. $4 [AKA0280] Calvin, John. __Auslegung des Briefes Pauli an die Römer. Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von Emil Wilhelm Krummacher und Ludwig Bender__. Siegmund Schmerber. n.d.. German. 504pp. In worn paper boards, slight foxing, marginalia $3.5 [358545] 5 Calvin, John. __First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians__. Oliver & Boyd. 1960. . 370pp. VG/G $3.5 [321756] Calvin, John; trans. by A.W. Morrison; David W. Torrance and Thomas F. Torrance, eds.. __A Harmony of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, vol 1 [Calvin's New Testament Commentaries]__. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. 1972. . 326pp. Used book. G/G. Ex-­‐library. DJ is slightly chipped. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1795] Calvin, John; trans. by A.W. Morrison; David W. Torrance and Thomas F. Torrance, eds.. __A Harmony of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, vol. III [Calvin's New Testament Commetaries]__. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. 1972. . 345pp. Used book. VG/G. Ex-­‐library. DJ is slightly chipped and slightly torn. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1799] Calvin, John; trans. by T.H.L. Parker. __Gospel According to John, part 1 (1-­‐10) (Calvin's NT Commentaries series)__. Eerdmans. 1959. . 278pp. VG/VG $4.5 [211017] Calvin, John; trans. by T.H.L. Parker; David W. Torrance and Thomas F. Torrance, eds.. __A Harmony of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, vol. II [Calvin's New Testament Commetaries]__. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. 1972. . 306pp. Used book. G/G. Ex-­‐library. DJ is slightly chipped. Spine is slightly cocked. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1797] Carter, Charles W. and Ralph Earle. __Acts of the Apostles [Evangelical Commentary]__. Zondervan. 1959. . 435pp. Shaken, underlining, stained page edges. $5 [340776] Ceulemans, F.C.. __Commentarius in Evangelium Secundum Marcum et in Evangelium Secundum Lucam. Editio Tertia Recognita__. H. Dessain. 1931. Latin. 259pp. Foxing, faded wrappers, back wrapper torn. $8.5 [313128] Clark, Gordon H.. __First and Second Thessalonians__. Trinity Foundation. 1986. . 165pp. Very good. $4 [357546] Conzelmann, Hans. __Apostelgeschichte [Handbuch zum Neuen Testament, 7]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1963. . 158pp. Slight underlining; from the library of [J.] Louis Martyn. $3.5 [199712] Conzelmann, Hans. __Hermeneia: 1 Corinthians__. Fortress. 1975. . 323pp. Underlining, slightly shaken. $7.5 [A339791] 6 Corluy, Josephi. __Commentarius in Evangelium S. Joannis in Usum Praelectinoum, Editio Tertia__. C. Poelman. 1889. Latin. 555pp. Worn, half-­‐leather cover, foxing, ex-­‐library. $8.5 [333263] Courson, Jon. __Acts 15-­‐28 (Tree of Life Bible Commentary)__. Tree of Life Publishing. 1994. . 362pp. Highlighting, cracked spine. $3.5 [219732] Crouch, Owen. __When God Became Human: Studies in the Gospel of Luke__. College Press. 1991. . 397pp. Very good. $5 [321097] Dahl, Nils Alstrup, Hermann Dietzfelbinger, Martii Simojoki, Edmund A. Steimle & Martin Haug. __Kurze Auslegung des Epheserbriefes__. Vandenhoek & Ruprecht. 1965. . 162pp. Ink & pencil underlining. Edgeworn & faded wraps. $8.5 [279351] Daillé, Jean. __An Exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Philippians__. Presbyterian Board of Publication. n.d.. . 479pp. Worn cover, hinges very tender, foxing. $10 [302513] Daille, John. __Exposition of Philippians__. Tyndale Bible Society. n.d.. . 286pp. Good. $8 [245371] Dana, H.E.. __Epistles and Apocalypse of John: A Brief Commentary__. Central Seminary Press. 1947. . 161pp. Bowed boards, musty. $8 [257908] Daniel, Orville E.. __A Combined Harmony of the Gospels__. Baptist Book Room. 1937. . 417pp. Fair. Bookworm, a bit of foxing, some edgewear. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [U10774] Deibert, Richard I.. __Mark (Interpretation Bible Studies)__. W/JKP. 1998. . 132pp. Pencil underlining. $3.5 [297770] Dibelius, Martin. __Hermeneia: James__. Fortress. 1976. . 285pp. Good; bumped spine edges and corners. $3.5 [319070] Dunkin, J.E.. __Commentary on Romans for the Student and Teacher__. College Press. 1986. . 379pp. VG/G $5 [279270] Earle, Ralph. __An Evangelical Commentary on the Gospel According to Mark__. Zondervan. 1957. . 192pp. G/G. Book: some pen underlining, else good: DJ: Edgeworn, with a few small tears. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U12897] 7 Ellicott, Charles. __A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, Ephesians and Thessalonians__. James Family. 1978. . pp. Owner's name to ffep, light foxing to top edge, else very good. Reprint of Draper and Halliday edition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $10 [U14571] Ellicott, Charles. __St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians with a Critical and Grammatical Commentary__. James Family. n.d.. . 344pp. Spine cocked, a touch of foxing to top edge, else good. Reprint of 1887 Longmans edition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [U14569] Ellicott, Charles J.. __St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians: With a Critical and Grammatical Commentary, and a Revised Translation__. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green. 1880. . 167pp. Good, spine chipped and beginning to peel, tight binding, clean text. State fourth edition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $10 [88367] Ellis, E. Earle ed.. __Luke [New Century Bible Commentary]__. Oliphants. 1974. . 300pp. Underlining, slightly sunned spine. From the library of Robin Scroggs. $3.34 [193307] Elwell, Walter. __Evangelical Commentary on the Bible__. Baker. 1990. . 1229pp. Spine concave, highlighting and a few pen marks, else good. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $8.5 [U13222] Emmet, Cyril W.. __St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1916. . 68pp. Some underlining, water-­‐spotted cover, ffep corner-­‐clipped. $5 [340780] Fairbairn, Patrick. __Pastoral Epistles__. James & Klock. 1976. . 451pp. VG/VG $10 [324918] Farrer, Austin. __A Rebirth of Images: The Making of St. John's Apocalypse__. Beacon. 1949. . 348pp. Good; some underlining. $8.5 [350054] Ferrar, W.J.. __The Apocalypse Explained for Readers of To-­‐Day__. SPCK. 1936. . 128pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. $3.5 [279460] Ford, J. Massyngberde. __AB: Revelation__. Doubleday. 1975. . 455pp. Highlighting, chipped and faded dust jacket. $7.5 [339764] Frame, James Everett. __ICC: Thessalonians__. T&T Clark. 1966. . 326pp. Underlining, otherwise sound. $6.5 [349750] 8 Garlington, Don. __An Exposition on Galatians: A Reading from the New Perspective. 2nd edition__. Wipf & Stock. 2004. . 352pp. Very good. $8.5 [336607] Goppelt, Leonhard. __Commentary on I Peter__. Eerdmans. 1993. . 385pp. Ink underlining throughout. Slightly weak front hinge. Edited by Ferdinand Hahn. Translated by John E. Alsop. $7.5 [360516] Gosterzee, J.J. van. __Evangelium nach Lukas (Theologisch-­‐homiletisches Bibelwerk)__. Belhagen & Klasing. 1880. . 581pp. Yellowed pages, slightly shaken. $3.34 [218627] Griffith, Gwilym O. . __St. Paul's Gospel to the Romans__. Blackwell. 1949. . 197pp. VG/VG * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.75 [709128] Gromacki, Robert G.. __Called to Be Saints: An Exposition of I Corinthians__. Baker. 1989. . 209pp. Good; slightly creased spine, lower corners bumped. $3 [267443] Gromacki, Robert G.. __Stand United in Joy: An Exposition of Philippians__. Baker. 1980. . 197pp. Good; slightly creased spine. $3 [267444] Gruenler, Royce Gordon. __Trinity in the Gospel of John: A Thematic Commentary on the Fourth Gospel__. Baker. 1986. . 159pp. Underlining, creased and cocked spine $6.5 [319499] Grundmann, Walter. __Evangelium nach Matthäus (Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament)__. Evangelische Verlag. 1975. . 480pp. Some underlining. $3 [192308] Haenchen, Ernst. __Apostelgeschichte (Kritisch-­‐Exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament)__. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 1956. . 665pp. VG/VG $5 [218629] Haenchen, Ernst. __Hermeneia: John 1__. Fortress. 1984. . 308pp. VG/G. $8 [A346802] Haenchen, Ernst. __Hermeneia: John 2__. Fortress. 1984. . 366pp. Slight pencil underlining. Yellowed. Faded dust jacket. $8 [305409] Harlefs, Gottlieb Christoph Adolph. __Commentar über den Brief Pauli an die Ephesier__. Verlag von Carl Heyder. 1834. German. 574pp. Worn cover, foxing. $8.5 [313129] 9 Harms, Louis; Ch. Harms (Hrsg.). __Epistel an die Hebräer__. Verlag der Missionshausdruckerei. 1871. German. 360pp. Good; foxing, slightly worn cover. $6.5 [331868] Hauck, Friedrich. __Evangelium des Lukas (Synoptiker II) [Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament mit Text und Paraphrase, III]__. A. Deichertsche Verlag.. 1934. . 303pp. Worn cover, shaken, extensive underlining, light foxing. $5 [336784] Héring, Jean. __L'Épitre aux Hébreux [Commentaire du Nouveau Testament XII]__. Delachaux et Niestle. 1954. . 131pp. Ink underlining and notes, bent corners, foxing. $8.5 [352040] Héring, Jean. __Seconde Épitre de Saint Paul aux Corinthiens. Deuxième édition, revue [Commentaire du Nouveau Testament, VIII]__. Delachaux & Niestlé. 1958. . 111pp. Very good; yellowed pages. $8.5 [235224] Héring, Jean; A. W. Heathcote and P.J. Allcock trans.. __Second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians__. Epworth. 1967. . 111pp. Very good; label on spine, personal library envelope inside back cover. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $7 [713126] Holtzmann, H.J.. __Aposttelgeschichte [Hand-­‐Commentar zum Neuen Testament I.II]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1901. . 160pp. Yellowed pages, else very good. $8 [233737] Jervis, L. Ann. __Galatians [New International Biblical Commentary]__. Hendrickson. 1999. . 172pp. VG/VG $4.5 [353987] Jones, Alexander. __The Gospel According to St. Matthew__. Sheed & Ward. 1965. . 334pp. Worn and sunned jacket, ex-­‐library; sound otherwise. $4.67 [KVS407] Kelly, W.. __Lectures on the Epistle of Jude (translated from a corrected text)__. Bible Truth Publishers. 1970. . 175pp. Very good. $4 [215391] Kingsbury, Jack Dean. __Matthew [Proclamation Commentaries series]__. Fortress. 1978. . 116pp. Ink underlining. $4 [284827] Knabenbauer, Josepho. __Commentarius in Quatuor S. Evangelia III: Evangelium Secundum Lucam [Cursus Scripturae Sacrae]__. P. Lethielleux. 1896. . 653pp. Worn, half-­‐leather binding. Spine edges chipped, upper spine edge repaired with a strip of clear tape. Foxing, ex-­‐library, slightly shaken. $8.5 [334984] Kohlbrügge, H.F.. __Het Ambt der Presbyters: 1 Petrus 5, vs. 1-­‐4__. Amsterdam: C.A. Spin & Zoon. 1857. . 88pp. Penciling, foxing. $3.34 [218569] 10 Köhler, Joh. Th.. __Brief Pauli an die Glater__. Northwestern Publishing House. 1910. . 143pp. Foxing, shaken, worn cover. $8 [306048] Kovacs, Judith L.. __1 Corinthians [The Church's Bible]__. Eerdmans. 2005. . 340pp. AN/AN * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $9.75 [713604] Kraeling, Emil G.. __Clarified New Testament, vol. 1: The Four Gospels__. McGraw-­‐
Hill. 1962. . 337pp. VG/G, faded and slightly torn dust jacket. $3 [S01269] Kuss, Otto. __Römer Brief, Erste Lieferung, Röm. 1,1-­‐6,11__. Verlag Friedrich Pustet. 1963. German. 320pp. Slight underlining, cocked spine, slightly torn wrappers. $5 [339221] Kuss, Otto. __Römer Brief, Zweite Lieferung, Röm. 6,11-­‐8,19__. Verlag Friedrich Pustet. 1963. German. pp. Slight underlining, cocked spine, slightly torn wrappers. $5 [339222] Kuss, Otto. __Römerbrief, 1. Lieferung, Röm. 1,1-­‐6,11__. Friedrich Pustet. 1963. German. 320pp. Good; pencil underlining, uncut edges. From the library of Krister Stendahl, whose name is on front wrapper. $5 [305772] Kuss, Otto. __Römerbrief, 2. Lieferung, Röm. 6, 11-­‐8,19__. Friedrich Pustet. 1963. German. pp. Good; uncut edges. $5 [305771] Lange, Joachim (Hrsg.). __Matthäus-­‐Evangelium [Wege der Forschung, Band 525]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1980. German. 464pp. Very good. $5 [304223] Lard, Moses E.. __Commentary on Paul's Letter to Romans, with a Revised Greek Text, compiled from the best recent authors, and a new translation__. Gospel Light. n.d.. . 485pp. Underlining and highlighting, remnant of small label on spine. $8 [343535] Larson, Knute; edited by Max Anders. __I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [Holman New Testament Commentary]__. Holman. 2000. . 418pp. Ink underlining. $5 [306397] Leaney, A.R.C. . __Commentary on Luke [Harper's New Testament Commentaries]__. Harper. 1958. . 300pp. Good; small stain at lower edge, dust jacket badly chipped and torn. $3.5 [218952] Leenhardt, Franz J.. __Epistle to the Romans: A Commentary__. World. 1961. . 389pp. Ink underlining, faded and chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [350590] 11 Leenhardt, FranzpJ.. __L'Épitre de Saint Paul aux Romains [Commentaire du Nouveau Testament VI]__. Delachaux et Niestlé. 1957. . 219pp. Foxing, slight penciling, bent corners. From the library of Geoffrey Wainwright. $3.5 [347465] Lekkerkerker, A.F.N.. __Brief van Paulus aan de Romeineni (De prediking van het Nieuwe Testament)__. Callenbach-­‐Nijkerk. 1974. . 360pp. Very good, creased spine. $4.67 [196214] Lenski, R.C.H.. __Interpretation of St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians__. Wartburg Press. 1946. . 901pp. Top edge damp-­‐warped. Yellowed. Shaken. $8.5 [342025] Lenski, R.C.H.. __Interpretations of I & II Corinthians__. Augsburg. 1963. . 1341pp. Ink underlining, shaken, faded and torn dust jacket. $8 [347177] Liddon, H.P.. __Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans__. James and Klock. 1977. . 309pp. Very good, edges grubby else clean text, tight binding. 1977 reprint of 1899 Longmans, Green and Co. edition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8.5 [88470] Lincoln, William. __Lectures on the Epistle to the Colossians__. Kilmarnock, Scotland: John Ritchie. n.d.. . 78pp. Shaken. Foxing. Very slight marks. Cover lightly soiled. $3.67 [KS1038] Lohse, Eduard. __Briefe an die Kolosser und an Philemon (Kritisch-­‐Exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament Begründet von Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer)__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1964. . 291pp. VG/VG $4.67 [218603] Lohse, Eduard. __Offenbarung des Johannes [Neue Testament Deutsche, 11]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1960. . 120pp. Underlining, sound otherwise. $3 [166478] Lührmann, Dieter. __Galatians [Continental Commentary]__. Fortress. 1992. . 161pp. VG/G, slightly faded dust jacket. $8.5 [339347] Luthardt, Ernst Ch. und Otto Böckler. __Evangelium nach Johannes und die Apostelgeschichte [Kurzgesasster Kommentar zu den heiligen Schriften Alten und Neuen Testamentes, 2. Abteilung]__. C.H. Beck. 1894. German. 323, 542pp. Worn quarter-­‐leather cover, foxing. $8 [333061] Luther, Martin; translated by Ax. P. Falk. __Pauli Bref till Galaterna__. Evang. Fosterlands-­‐Stiftelsens. 1914. Swedish. 586pp. pencil underlining, spine creased $3 [KVS276] 12 Luthi, Walter. __Johannes: Das vierte Evangelium __. Friedrich Reinhardt Basel. 1942. . 375pp. Yellowed wrappers, previous owner's name. $3.5 [150535] Mann, C.S.. __AB: Mark__. Doubleday. 1986. . 714pp. VG/G, faded and chipped dust jacket. $5 [305305] Martin, G. Currie ed.. __Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians [Century Bible: A Modern Commentary]__. Caxton Publishing Co.. n.d.. . 192pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken, repaired hinges. $3.5 [275777] Martin, Ralph P.. __WBC: 2 Corinthians__. Word Books. 1986. . 527pp. Cocked spine. Bookplate. Else G/G. $9 [315144] Marxsen, Willi. __Der erste Brief Thessalonicher [Zürcher Bibelkommentare NT 11.1]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1979. . 80pp. Underlining and highlighting, slight foxing. $4.5 [339362] Marxsen, Willi. __Der zweite Thessalonicherbrief [Zürcher Bibelkommentare NT 11.2]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1982. . 119pp. Very good; lower corners bent. $4.5 [339361] Massie, J. ed.. __Corinthians (Century Bible series)__. T.C. & E.C. Jack. n.d.. . 339pp. Previous owner's name, back glued end paper torn $3 [183938] Massie, J. ed.. __I and II Corinthians (Century Bible series) __. T.C. & E.C. Jack. n.d.. . 339pp. Pen underlining and marginalia to a few pages, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [U15409] Masson, Charles. __Les Deux Épitres de Saint Paul aux Thessaloniciens [Commentaire du Nouveau Testament XIa]__. Delachaux & Niestlé. 1957. . 116pp. Foxing, underlining, lower corners bent, slightly torn wrappers. $4.5 [351878] Mayor, Joseph B.. __Epistle of St. James [Greek text with Introduction and Comments]__. Zondervan. 1954. . pp. Good; label on spine, personal library envelope and book plate inside. $8 [277411] McGarvey, J.W.. __Acts, vol. 1 (New Testament Commentary, vol. 1)__. Standard. 1892. . 262pp. Very good; ex-­‐library. $3 [302680] McNeile, Alan Hugh. __Gospel according to St. Matthew (Greek text with introduction, notes, and indices)__. Macmillan. 1955. . 447pp. Extensive ink underlining. $3.5 [270486] 13 Menken, Maarten J.J.. __2 Thessalonians [New Testament Readings series]__. Routledge. 1994. . 171pp. Underlining and marginalia, lower corners bumped. $7 [347574] Metzger, Paul Louis. __Gospel of John: When Love Comes to Town__. IVP. 2010. . 302pp. Near fine. Foreword by Leonard Sweet; Afterword by Rick McKay. $5 [360825] Meyer, Heinrich August. __Critical and Exetical Hand-­‐Book to Matthew [Meyer's Commentary on the New Testament, vol. 1]__. Hendrickson. 1983. . 539pp. Good; upper page corners bumped. $10 [331255] Meyer, Heinrich August. __Critical and Exetical Hand-­‐Book to the Acts of the Apostles [Meyer's Commentary on the New Testament, vol. 4]__. Hendrickson. 1983. . 512pp. Good; upper page corners bumped. $8.5 [331266] Meyer, Heinrich August. __Critical and Exetical Hand-­‐Book to Timothy and Titus and Hebrews [Meyer's Commentary on the New Testament, vol. 9]__. Hendrickson. 1983. . 753pp. Very good. $8 [331251] Meyer, Heinrich August. __Gospel of John (2 vols.) [Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the New Testament]__. T&T Clark. 1976. . 347, 412pp. Very shaken, edgeworn covers, personal library pouches, bookplates, and spine labels. $8.5 [286917] Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm. __Critical and Exegetical Hand-­‐book to Philippians, Colossians and Philemon__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1885. . 638pp. Ex-­‐
library, rubbed cover, shaken. $4.5 [359978] Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm. __Critical and Exegetical Hand-­‐book to the Gospel of John__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1884. . 565pp. Ex-­‐library, rubbed cover, slightly shaken. $4.5 [359980] Michaelis, Wilhelm. __Brief des Paulus an die Philipper (Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament, XI)__. A. Deichertsche. 1935. . 77pp. Underlining and marginalia, else good. $3.5 [210421] Michaelis, Wilhelm. __Evangelium nach Matthäus 1. Teil: Kapitel 1-­‐7__. Zwingli-­‐
Verlag. 1948. German. 384pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $4.5 [336904] Michaelis, Wilhelm. __Evangelium nach Matthäus 2. Teil: Kapitel 8-­‐17__. Zwingli-­‐
Verlag. 1949. German. 392pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $4.5 [336905] Michaels, J. Ramsey. __WBC: 1 Peter__. Word. 1988. . 337pp. Ink underlining. $8 [360647] 14 Montague, George T.. __First and Second Timothy, Titus [Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture]__. Baker. 2008. . 267pp. As new $5 [308713] Moore, Heinrich August. __Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistle to the Romans (2 vols.)__. T&T Clark. 1973. . 324, 392pp. Worn covers, shaken, personal library pouches, bookplates, and spine labels, second volume's spine cloth is nearly torn away. $8.5 [286916] Morgan, G. Campbell. __The Corinthian Letters of Paul__. Revell. n.d.. . 275pp. Reading copy. Extensive highlighting and pen underlining, edgeworn. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [U15406] Neil, William. __Acts of the Apostles [New Century Bible]__. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. 1973. . 270pp. Underlining and marginalia. $3 [193005] Neil, William. __Galatians [Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible]__. Cambridge. 1967. . 94pp. VG/VG $3.34 [211565] Neumann, Frederick. __The Binding Truth, vol. II: Why are You Afraid? The Gospels of Mark and John__. Pickwick. 1984. . 345pp. Very good. $3 [353951] Neumann, Frederick. __The Binding Truth, vol. V: Living the Real Life. Other Pauline Epistles, the Epistle to the Hebrews, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelations__. Pickwick. 1986. . 275pp. Near fine. $3 [353949] Nieboer, J.. __Practical Exposition of James__. Our Daily Walk Publishers. 1950. . 436pp. Ink underlining, shaken. $7 [266842] Nineham, D.E.. __Gospel of Mark [Pelican Gospel Commentaries]__. Seabury. 1968. . 477pp. G/G, bumped board corners. $5 [340807] Nösgen, G.F.. __Evangelien nach Matthäus, Markus, und Lukas [Kurzgesatzter Kommentar zu den heiligen Schriften Alten und Neuen Testamentes sowie zu den Apokyryphen]__. C.H. Beck. 1897. . 447pp. Quarter-­‐leather, spine peeling, heavy foxing. $8 [303472] Patte, Daniel. __The Gospel According to Matthew__. Fortress. 1987. . 432pp. Creased spine, slight underlining. $3.5 [354273] Pelikan, Jaroslav. __Acts [Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible]__. Brazos. 2005. . 320pp. Corners bumped. Else VG/VG. $8 [319605] Philippi, Friedrich Adolph. __Commentar über den Brief Pauli an die Römer__. Heyder & Zimmer. 1856. German. 643pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, some underlining. Rebound in black library buckram. $10 [333349] 15 Plumptre, E.H.. __General Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude, with Notes and Introduction__. Cambridge. 1910. . 220pp. Ex-­‐library, ink underlining, last page sliced along spine. $3.5 [343256] Plumptre, E.H.; edited by Charles John Ellicott. __Acts of the Apostles [The New Testament Commentary]__. Cassell & Co.. n.d.. . 478pp. Foxing, rubbed cover, spine cloth slightly torn. $3.5 [275672] Plumptre, E.H.; edited by Charles John Ellicott. __Gospel According to St. Luke [The New Testament Commentary]__. Cassell & Co.. n.d.. . 432pp. Foxing, rubbed cover, spine cloth slightly torn. $3.5 [275668] Plumptre, E.H.; edited by Charles John Ellicott. __Gospel According to St. Mark [The New Testament Commentary]__. Cassell & Co.. n.d.. . 281pp. Foxing, slight penciling, rubbed cover, spine cloth slightly torn. $3.5 [275667] Pokorny, Petr. __Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser, 10/I (Theologscher Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament)__. Evangelische Verlag.. 1987. . 176pp. Stained page corners, else G/G. $4.5 [210275] Pokorny, Petr. __Colossians: A Commentary__. Hendrickson. 1991. . 232pp. G/G, ink underlining, slightly chipped dust jacket. $5 [297222] Ramsay, W.M.. __Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians__. G.P. Putnam's. 1900. . 478pp. Shaken, foxing, bumped corners. $5 [338956] Ramsey, James B.. __Revelation: An Exposition of the First 11 Chapters__. Banner of Truth. 1977. . 518pp. VG/VG. Some pen underlining to biographical introduction only, otherwise book and DJ very good. Reprint of 1873 edition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8.5 [U11743] Rawlinson, A.E.J.. __St. Mark: with introduction , commentary and additional notes__. Methuen & Co.. 1942. . 278pp. Underlining, chipped and stained dust jacket. $4 [150389] Redford, Douglas ed.. __New Testament, vol. 2, The New Testament Church: Acts-­‐
Revelation [Standard Reference Library Through-­‐the-­‐Bible Commentary]__. Standard. 2007. . 303pp. Very good. $4.5 [306124] Reith, George. __St. John's Gospel (2 vols.) [Hand-­‐books for Bible Classes series]__. T&T Clark. n.d.. . 136, 178pp. Edgeworn boards, spine of first volume peeling, second volume is spineless; penciling. $4 [215186] 16 Rice, Edwin W.. __People's Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John__. American Sunday School Union. 1893. . 335pp. Good, spine cocked and worn, owner's name stamped on both endpapers, stain on rear cover. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [88660] Richard, Pablo . __Apocalypse: A People's Commentary on the Book of Revelation__. Orbis. 1995. . 184pp. VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [U11725] Rigaux, B.. __Les Epitres aux Thessaloniciens [Études Bibliques]__. J. Gabalda / Editions J. Duculot. 1956. French. 754pp. Wraps chipped along edges. Foxing, yellowed. Most pages unopened. Creased spine. $5 [346105] Ritt, Hubert. __Offenbarung des Johannes__. Echter Verlag. 1986. . 120pp. Extensive ink underlining. $8 [255583] Robertson, Archibald and Alfred Plummer. __ICC: I Corinthians__. Scribner's. 1911. . 424pp. Very shaken, first leaves nearly detached. Much penciling and slight ink marks. Cloth peeling at spine. $5 [324597] Robertson, Archibald and Alfred Plummer. __ICC: II Corinthians__. Scribner's. 1915. . 424pp. Shaken, underlining, faded and chipped spine. $6.5 [349779] Robinson, J. Armitage. __St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: A Revised Text & Translation with Exposition & Notes__. James Clarke & Co.. n.d.. . 314pp. Penciling throughout. Slightly shaken, cocked spine. Edgeworn & faded dust jacket. $8 [279342] Ropes, James Hardy. __ICC: Epistle of St. James__. T&T Clark. 1954. . 319pp. Ex-­‐
library, water-­‐spotted cover. $7 [325295] Roux, Hebert. __L'Evangile du Royaume: Commentaire sur l'Evangile selon saint Matthieu__. Labor et Fides. . French. 295pp. Yellowed pages, else very good. $5 [242564] Sanday, William and Arthur C. Headlam. __ICC: Romans__. Scribner's. [1896]. . 450pp. Cocked spine. Heavy pencil underlining. Faintly musty. Faded & worn cloth. $5 [324604] Schelkle, Karl Hermann. __Petrusbriefe, Judasbrief [Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, Band XIII: Faszikel 2]__. Herder. 1970. . 250pp. Extensive ink underlining and notes. $7 [299177] 17 Schlatter, A.. __Erläuterungen zum Neuen Testament, 1. Band: Die Evangelien und die Apostelgeschichte__. Verlag der Vereinsbuchhandlung. 1918. German. pp. Edgeworn cover, badly bumped corners, shaken. Underlining, foxing. $3 [336637] Schlatter, A.. __Römerbrief ausgelegt für Bibelleser [Erlänterungen zum Neuen Testament, 1. Teil]__. Calw & Stuttgart. 1895. . 270pp. Very good. $3.5 [242725] Schlatter, Adolf. __Das Evangelium des Lukas aus Seinen Quellen Erklärt__. Calwer Verlag. 1975. . 720pp. VG/G, stained dust jacket. $8.5 [336712] Schmithals, Walter. __Apostelgeschichte des Lukas [Zürcher Bibelkommentare, 3.2]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1982. German. 247pp. Ink underlining and notes, corners slightly bumped. $5 [308168] Schnackenburg, Rudolf. __Johannesbriefe [Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, Band XIII, Faszikel 3]__. Herder. 1963. . 336pp. Ex-­‐library, chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [299932] Schneider, Gerhard. __Evangelium nach Lukas: Kapitel 1-­‐10 [ÖTK, 3/1]__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus / Gerd Mohn. 1977. German. 253pp. Small stains inside wrappers. Pencil underlining. Yellowed. $5 [342427] Schneider, Gerhard. __Evangelium nach Lukas: Kapitel 11-­‐24 [ÖTK, 3/2]__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus / Gerd Mohn. 1977. German. 255-­‐510pp. Pencil underlining, foxing, yellowed. $5 [342426] Schneider, Johannes. __Evangelium nach Johannes, Sonderband [Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament]__. Evangelische Verlag. 1978. . 348pp. VG/G $3.5 [295102] Schwank, Benedikt. __Erste Brief des Apostels Petrus (Geistliche Schriftlesung)__. Patmos-­‐Verlag. 1964. . 141pp. VG/VG $3.5 [218577] Schweizer, Eduard. __Brief an die Kolossar [EKK]__. Benziger / Neukirchener. 1976. German. 230pp. Slightly faded spine. Else good. $3.5 [346649] Selwyn, Edward Gordon. __First Epistle of Peter (Greek text)__. Macmillan. 1958. . 517pp. Musty. Foxing to end papers. Slightly shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. $4 [349091] Shore, T. Teignmouth; E.H. Plumptre; edited by Charles John Ellicott. __St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians [The New Testament Commentary]__. Cassell & Co.. n.d.. . 138pp. Foxing, rubbed cover, some penciling, shaken, spine cloth slightly torn. $3.5 [275691] 18 Siotos, Markos [Siotes, Markos]. __E Phrontis tes Protes Ekklesias uper ton Orphanon Korasidon (on I Cor. 7:36-­‐38)__. Athens (n.p.). 1964. . 115pp. Very good, text predominately in Greek, with some notes in German. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $5 [244436] Slater, W.F. ed.. __Matthew [Century Bible: A Modern Commentary]__. London: Caxton. n.d.. . 332pp. Sunned spine, stained pages, ex-­‐library. $3.5 [302695] Sloyan, Gerard S.. __Interpretation: John__. John Knox. 1988. . 239pp. VG/VG. $8.5 [303550] Smalley, Stephen S.. __WBC: 1,2,3 John__. Word Books. 1984. . 386pp. Ex-­‐library. Slight penciling. $7.5 [342150] Smith, David. __Disciple's Commentary on the Gospels (3 vols.)__. Waverley Book Co.. 1928 . . 454, 446, 363pp. Shaken, dampstains, foxed end papers, book plates, bumped corners. This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $7.88 [704797] Spence, H.D.M.; Alfred Barry, W.F. Moulton, and E.G. Punchard; edited by Charles John Ellicott. __Epistles to Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James [The New Testament Commentary]__. Cassell & Co.. n.d.. . 304pp. Foxing, rubbed cover, slight penciling, spine cloth slightly torn. $3.5 [275671] Stöckhardt, G.. __Kommentar über den Ersten Brief Petri__. Concordia. 1912. German. 230pp. Good; spine chipped at upper edge. $5 [310828] Strecker, Georg. __Die Johannesbriefe [Kritisch-­‐Exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament, 14 Band]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1989. . 381pp. VG/VG $5 [348042] Stuhlmacher, Peter. __Brief an die Römer [Neue Testament Deutsch, Band 6]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1989. . 237pp. Good; creased spine. $3.5 [273346] Swete, Henry Barclay. __Apocalypse of St. John (Greek text)__. Eerdmans. 1968. . 338pp. Shaken, faded dust jacket. $10 [346542] Tatford, Frederick A.. __Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians__. Loizeaux Bros.. 1991. . 127pp. VG/VG $5 [214909] Taylor, Vincent. __Gospel According to St. Mark, 2nd edition. The Greek text with introduction, notes, and indexes__. Macmillan. 1966. . 700pp. Sunned cover, shaken, ink underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $6.5 [711545] 19 Tenney, Merrill C.. __Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty__. Eerdmans. 1979. . 216pp. Chipped dust jacket, previous owner's name, in large handwriting, on front glued end paper. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [707146] Tenney, Merrill C.. __John: the Gospel of Belief__. Eerdmans. 1979. . 321pp. VG/G, sunned dust jacket. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.34 [710805] Tholuck, A.. __Commentar zum Evangelio Johannis__. Friedrich Perthes. 1833. . 360pp. Worn cover, foxing. $7.67 [211445] Thomas, David. __Acts of the Apostles, Expository and Homiletical Commentary__. Kregel. 1980. . 493pp. VG/VG $8.5 [266445] Thompson, James. __Letter to the Hebrews__. R.B. Sweet. 1971. . 184pp. Very good. $3 [251058] Trilling, Wolfgang. __Der zweite Brief an die Thessalonischer [Evangelisch-­‐
Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament XIV]__. Benziger Verlag. 1980. German. 166pp. Very good. $7 [347842] Turnbull, Ralph G., ed.. __Proclaiming the New Testament (5 vols.)__. Baker . [1961] reprint. . 5 vols.pp. Slight penciling in Vols. I and III. Else very good. $10 [305829] Watkins, H.W.; edited by Charles John Ellicott. __Gospel According to St. John [The New Testament Commentary]__. Cassell & Co.. n.d.. . 468pp. Foxing, rubbed cover, shaken, spine cloth slightly torn. $3.5 [275669] Watson, Charles. __First Epistle General of St. John__. James Maclehose. 1891. . 534pp. Worn and scraped cover, cocked spine, foxing, slight penciling. $9.33 [218579] Weiser, Alfons. __Apostelgeschichte, Kapitel 1-­‐12 [Okumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament, 5/1]__. Gutersloher. 1981. German. 293pp. Pencil underlining throughout. Creased and cocked spine. Wraps rubbed. Mass-­‐market paperback. $7 [342073] Weiser, Alfons. __Apostelgeschichte, Kapitel 13-­‐28 [Okumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament, 5/2]__. Gutersloher. 1985. German. 295-­‐684pp. Pencil underlining throughout. Creased and cocked spine. Yellowed. Wraps rubbed. Mass-­‐market paperback. $7 [342074] White, R.E.O.. __Open Letter to Evangelicals: Devotional and Homiletic Commentary on First John__. Eerdmans. 1964. . 276pp. VG/VG $3.5 [196952] 20 Wilckens, Ulrich. __Der Brief an die Römer. 3. Teilband, Röm 12-­‐16 [Evangelisch-­‐
Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, Band. VI/3]__. Benziger Verlag / Neukirchener Verlag. 1989. . 160pp. Underlining and highlighting. $10 [338590] Wiley, H. Orton. __Epistle to the Hebrews__. Beacon Hill. 1959. . 438pp. Red ink underlining, marked spine. $9.5 [282380] Williams, David J.. __Acts [New International Biblical Commentary]__. Hendrickson. 1990. . 493pp. Very good. $5 [ZZ0319] Willimon, William H.. __Interpretation: Acts__. John Knox Press. 1988. . 197pp. VG/VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $6.5 [U11988] Wohlenberg, P., Karl Burger, und Ernst Chr. Luthardt. __Brief des Paulus an die Epheser, an die kolosser, an Philemon, an die Philipper, fersner die Briefe des Jakobus, Petrus, Judas, und Johannes [Kurzgesatzter Kommentar zu den heiligen Schriften Alten und Neuen Testamentes sowie zu den Apokyryphen]__. C.H. Beck. 1895. . 333pp. Quarter-­‐leather, spine peeling, heavy foxing. $8 [303473] Wolf, E.J.. __An exposition of the gospels of the church year, on the basis of Nebe. __. Lutheran Publication Society. 1900. . 914pp. Boards worn, some pencil underlining and marginalia, cocked spine, else sound. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [U14080] Wurz, Ervin W.. __Gospel of Mark__. Bible Truth Publishing. 1970. . 223pp. Very good. $3.34 [215008] Young, E.S.. __Romans: Justification by Faith in Christ, vol. 2__. Bible Student's League. 1923. . 166pp. Ex-­‐library, else very good. $4 [177256] Young, E.S.. __Romans: Justification by Faith in Christ, vol. 1__. Bible Student's League. 1923. . 179pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $3.5 [179187] Zahn, Theodor. __Brief des Paulus an die Galater [Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, Band IX]__. A. Deichert. 1905. . 299pp. Some highlighting and underlining. Spine and corners repaired with binding tape, faded cover, foxing, shaken. $8.5 [302710] 21 COMMENTARIES-­‐ OLD TESTAMENT . __Sermon Bible: Psalm LXXVII to Song of Solomon__. Armstrong. 1895. . 410pp. Stained and rubbed cover; otherwise very good. $4.67 [158006] Allen, Leslie C.. __WBC: Psalms 101-­‐150__. Word. 1983. . 342pp. G/G. Some ink notes, chipped dust jacket. $9 [A314445] Anderson, A.A.. __Psalms, vol. 1 [New Century Bible]__. Oliphants. 1972. . 527pp. Shaken; faded dust jacket. $8 [317890] Barnes, Albert. __Job, 2 vols. (Notes on the Old Testament series)__. Baker. 1977. . 363, 339pp. Warped boards, musty. Sound otherwise. $4 [167038] Barton, John and John Muddiman eds.. __The Pentateuch [Oxford Bible Commentary]__. Oxford. 2010. . 230pp. Good. $7 [360900] Becker, J.. __Esra/Nehemia [Neue Echter Bibel]__. Echter Verlag. 1980. . 124pp. Very good. $8.5 [269497] Benzinger, I.. __Bücher der Könige [Kurzer Hand-­‐Commentar zum Alten Testament]__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1899. German. 216pp. Ex-­‐library. Heavy foxing. Bound in soft, cloth-­‐covered boards -­‐ creased and edgeworn. $5 [317574] Bertholet, Alfred. __Leviticus (Kurzer Hand-­‐Commentar zum Alten Testament)__. J.C.B. Mohr . 1901. . 104pp. Very worn, half-­‐leather cover, spine peeling, ex-­‐library. $4.67 [220171] Blackwood, Andrew W. Jr.. __Devotional Introduction to Job__. Baker. 1959. . 166pp. Ink underlining. $3 [250844] Bonkamp, Bernhard. __Psalmen nach dem hebraischen Grundtext__. Wilhelm Visarius. 1949. . 634pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken, yellowed pages. $5 [164458] Bradshaw, J.R.. __The Book of Esther: A Remarkable, True Story__. Oliphants. n.d.. . 62pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $5 [329441] Bratcher, Robert G. and Barclay M. Newman. __Translator's Handbook on the Book of Joshua [Helps for Translators series]__. United Bible Societies. 1983. . 340pp. Very good. $8 [315121] Bright, John. __AB: Jeremiah__. Doubleday. 1965. . 372pp. VG/G $5 [A228866] Brownlee, William H.. __WBC: Ezekiel 1-­‐19__. Word. 1986. . 320pp. VG/G $5 [A314763] 22 Budd, Philip J.. __WBC: Numbers__. Word. 1984. . 409pp. G/VG, some pencil underlining. $8.5 [A305311] Buis, Pierre et Jacques Leclercq. __Deuteronome (Sources Bibliques)__. J. Gabalda et C.. 1963. . 215pp. Ex-­‐library, in brown buckram. $7.67 [189877] Calvin, Johannes; Wilhelm Boudriot, ed. & trans.. __Jesaja, I.Hälfte [Johannes Calvins Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift]__. Neue Reihe. 1941. German. 663pp. Shaken. Boards bowed. Yellowed, foxing to end papers. $5 [325929] Calvin, John. __Book of Joel [Geneval Series commentary]__. Banner of Truth. 1958. . 133pp. G/G, chipped dust jacket. $4 [244738] Calvin, John. __Daniel, vol. I [Calvin's Commentaries series]__. Eerdmans. 1948. . 397pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [288081] Calvin, John. __Ezekiel I: Chapters 1-­‐12__. Eerdmans. 1994. . 322pp. Like new $3.67 [138357] Calvin, John. __Ezekiel, vol. I [Calvin's Commentaries series]__. Eerdmans. 1948. . 415pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [288088] Calvin, John. __Isaiah, vol. I [Calvin's Commentaries series]__. Eerdmans. 1948. . 496pp. Some underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [288083] Calvin, John. __Isaiah, vol. II [Calvin's Commentaries series]__. Eerdmans. 1948. . 482pp. Some underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [288084] Calvin, John. __Isaiah, vol. IV [Calvin's Commentaries series]__. Eerdmans. 1948. . 504pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [288089] Calvin, John. __Minor Prophets [Calvin's Commentaries 6]__. Associated Publishers and Authors. n.d.. . 1107pp. Very good. $5 [317316] Calvin, John; trans. by William Pringle. __Commentary on Isaiah, vol. IV__. Eerdmans. 1948. . 504pp. Yellowed pages, chipped dust jacket. $3.34 [150414] Carroll, Robert P.. __Jeremiah, vol. 1__. Sheffield Phoenix. 2006. . 496pp. Very good. $9.5 [347783] Carroll, Robert P.. __Jeremiah, vol. 2__. Sheffield Phoenix. 2006. . 384pp. Very good. $9.5 [347784] Clarke, Arthur G.. __Song of Songs__. Walterick Publications. n.d.. . 112pp. VG/VG $7.5 [298226] 23 Cornely, Rudolpho. __Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas II. Prior Epistola ad Corinthios [Cursus Scripturae Sacrae]__. P. Lethielleux. 1890. . 536pp. Worn and chipped half-­‐leather binding. Foxing, ex-­‐library. First page of Prolegomena loose but present. $8.5 [334987] Craigie, Peter C.. __WBC: Psalms 1-­‐50__. Word. 1983. . 375pp. Ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $10 [354004] Crockett, William Day. __A Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles: The Books of the Kings of Judah and Israel__. Baker. 1982. . 365pp. Ex-­‐church lib else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [U11161] Curtis, Edward Lewis and Albert Alonzo Madsen. __ICC: Books of Chronicles__. Scribner's. 1910. . 534pp. Shaken, faded spine. $6.5 [349780] De Groot, Joh.. __I Samuel (Tekst en Uitleg series)__. J.B. Wolters. 1934. . 186pp. Ex-­‐church library, good otherwise. $3.34 [153471] De Groot, Joh.. __II Samuel (Tekst en Uitleg series)__. J.B. Wolters. 1935. . 184pp. Ex-­‐church library, good otherwise. $3.34 [153470] De Witt, John. __The Psalms: A New Translation with Introductory Essay & Notes__. Anson D.F. Randolph. 1891. . 325pp. Ex-­‐library, rather shaken. $9.33 [172738] Delitzsch, F.. __Job, vol. 1 & 2 (Keil & Delitzsch commentary series)__. Eerdmans. 1970. . 453, 462pp. Underlining; second volume badly dampstained and shaken, with mildewed back end papers. $4 [181786] Demarest, Gary W.. __Leviticus [The Communicator's Commentary]__. Word Books. 1990. . 286pp. Very good. $4.5 [265326] DeVries, Simon J.. __WBC: 1 Kings__. Word. 1985. . 286pp. VG/VG $9 [314480] Dommershausen, Werner. __1 Makkabäer, 2 Makkabäer [Neue Echter Bibel: Kommentar zum Alten Testament mit der Einheitsübersetzung series]__. Echter Verlag. 1985. . 182pp. Very good. $5 [298945] Driver, S.R.. __ICC: Deuteronomy__. Scribner's. 1906. . 434pp. Very worn and faded cover, cloth frayed at spines. Very shaken, some pages beginning to loosen, musty, ex-­‐library. $6.5 [349776] Edghill, Ernest Arthur; G.A. Cooke, ed.. __Book of Amos, 2nd Edition__. Methuen and Co.. 1926. . 119pp. Red ink underlining throughout. Shaken. Yellowed, foxing. Ex-­‐
library. $5 [308150] 24 Eichrodt, Walter. __Ezekiel [Old Testament Library]__. SCM. 1970. . 594pp. A bit shaken, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [U11939] Ellicott, Charles John (Ed.). __Jeremiah – The Four Gospels [Ellicott's Commentary on the Whole Bible, Volumes V and VI]__. Zondervan. 1970. . 609+563pp. Shaken, a bit edgeworn, else good.. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7 [U12057] Evans, Mary J.. __1 and 2 Samuel [New International Biblical Commentary]__. Hendrickson. 2000. . 267pp. VG/VG $5 [353986] Ewald, Georg Heinrich August von; J. Frederick Smith, trans.. __Commentary on the Books of Nahûm, Ssephanya, Habaqqûq, "Zakharya" XII.-­‐XIV., Yéremyá__. Williams & Norgate. 1878. . 302pp. Ex-­‐library. Shaken. Spine re-­‐glued & covered in blue library tape. Yellowed. Foxing throughout. Worn boards. $4 [245953] Exell, Joseph S.. __The Biblical Illustrator: Daniel and Minor Prophets__. Baker. n.a.. . pp. Sporadic highlighting and marginalia, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8 [U11042] Fey, Reinhard. __Amos und Jesaja. Abhängigkeit und Eigenstädigkeit des Jesaja [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 12. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1963. . 159pp. VG/VG $8 [337282] Fretheim, Terence E.; Teresa Franzosi trans.. __Esodo [Strumenti 19, Commentari]__. Claudiana-­‐Torino. 2004. . 441pp. Very good. $5 [273087] Gemser, Berend. __Sprüche Salomos [Handbuch zum Alten Testament, Erste Reihe 16]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1963. German. 116pp. Ex-­‐library, good otherwise. $5 [248601] Gerleman, Gillis. __Esther, fasc. 1 & 2 [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament XXI.2]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1970. . pp. Good. Paperback bindings, in a cloth slip case. $3 [336454] Gerleman, Gillis. __Ruth/Das Hohelied [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1963. . pp. Good. Paperback fascicles in a cloth slip case. $8 [336570] Gray, George Buchanan. __ICC: Book of Isaiah, vol. I: Introduction, and Commentary on I-­‐XXVII__. Scribner's. 1912. . 472pp. Shaken, penciling. $5 [336121] Gray, George Buchanan. __ICC: Isaiah, vol. I, Isaiah I-­‐XXIX__. T&T Clark. 1954. . pp. Shaken, ink underlining, two pages loose but present. $5 [336119] 25 Gray, John. __OTL: I & II Kings__. Westminster. 1963. . 744pp. Underlining, slightly shaken, torn dust jacket. $5 [305957] Gross, Heinrich. __Tobit, Judit [Neue Echter Bibel, Kommentar zum Alten Testament mid der Einheitsübersetzung]__. Echter Verlag. 1987. . 124pp. Very good. $5 [305598] Gunkel, Hermann. __Genesis [Göttinger handkommentar zum Alten Testament, I. Abteilung, I. Band]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1917. . 509pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in brown buckram. Pencil underlining. $8.5 [314576] Gunkel, Hermann. __Urgeschichte und die Patriarchen (das erste Buch Mois) [Schriften des Alten Testaments, 1. Abteilung, 1. Band]__. Vandenhoek & Ruprecht. 1921. . 310pp. Edgeworn boards, browned and brittle pages. $3.34 [219982] Harper, William Rainey. __ICC: Amos and Hosea__. Scribner's. 1915. . 624pp. Spine cloth frayed, slightly shaken, slightly musty. $6.5 [349766] Hartman, Louis F. and Alexander A. Di Lella. __AB: Book of Daniel__. Doubleday. 1978. . 345pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $4 [305284] Hastings, James ed.. __Psalms II (The Speakers' Bible)__. 'Speakers' Bible'. 1925. . 396pp. Underlining, yellowed pages. $3 [180048] Heinisch, Paul. __Buch Genesis: Übersetzt & Erklärt, 1. bis 3. Tausend__. Verlag von Peter Hanstein. 1930. . 436pp. Ex-­‐library. Rebound in black buckram. Shaken, half title nearly detached. Yellowed. Cover scuffed & worn. $10 [296774] Herrmann, Siegfried. __Jeremia XII .1, Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1986. . 80pp. Very good. $3.67 [150549] Hertz, Joseph H.. __The Pentateuch and Haftorahs: Hebrew Text, English Translation and Commentary (2 Vols.)__. Metzudah. n.d.. . 990pp. Vol. I shaken, some wear to boards, else sound. $8 [362035] Hillers, Delbert R.. __Hermeneia: Micah__. Fortress. 1984. . 116pp. Pencil underlining, else good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $8.5 [713618] Hölcher, Gustav. __Buch Hiob [Handbuch zum Alten Testament, 17]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1952. . 102pp. Foxing. Faded cover. $3.5 [309962] Horst, Friedrich. __Hiob 1-­‐19 [Biblischer Kommentar]__. Neurkirchener Verlag. 1960. German. 288pp. Very good. Bound in four fascicles, inside a slipcase. $6.5 [313613] 26 Hummelauer, Francisco de. __Commentarius in Genesim [Cursus Scripturae Sacrae]__. P. Lethielleux. 1908. . 612pp. Worn, half-­‐leather binding, spine chipped and reglued. Foxing, ex-­‐library. $8.5 [334975] Janzen, J. Gerald. __Genesis 12-­‐50 [International Theological Commentary]__. Eerdmans. 1993. . 215pp. Very good. $5 [317237] Jeremias, Jörg. __Prophet Hosea [Alte Testament Deutsche, 24/1]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1983. German. 174pp. Foxing. $6.5 [269348] Kaiser, Otto. __OTL: Isaiah 1-­‐12__. SCM. 1972. . 170pp. Yellowed. Else good. $3.5 [342407] Kaiser, Otto. __OTL: Isaiah 13-­‐39__. Westminster. 1974. . 170pp. Faded cover, highlighting. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.5 [711513] Kaiser, Otto. __Prophet Jesaia, Kap. 1-­‐12 [Alte Testament Deutsch]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1960. German. 126pp. Very good. $3.67 [149699] Kalt, Edmund und Willibald Lauc. __Makkabäerbücher & Buch Job [Herders Bibelkommentar die Heilige Schrift für das Leben erklärt, Band V]__. Herder. 1939. German. 506pp. Good. Sunned spine, foxing. $5 [313088] Kautsch, E. & A. Socin; S. Baer & Fr. Delitsch. __Genesis mit Ausserer Unterscheidung der Quellenschriften; Liber Genesis (2 books bound as 1)__. Akademische Verlag.. 1888, 1869. . 120, 96pp. Ex-­‐library, edgeworn boards, slightly yellowed pages; else very good. Rebound in red cloth, half leather. $4.67 [177516] Keil, C.F. & F. Delitzsch. __Pentateuch (3 vols.) [Keil & Delitzsch Commentaries on the Old Testament series]__. Eerdmans. n.d.. . 501, 486,531 pp. Very good. $4.8 [252368] Kelly, W.. __Lectures on Daniel__. Bible Truth Publishers. n.d.. . 270pp. Very good. $3.5 [215809] Kilian, Rudolf. __Jesaja 1-­‐12 [Neue Echter Bibel: Kommentar zum Alten Testament mit der Einheitsübersetzung ]__. Echter Verlag. 1980. . 93pp. Ink underlining and notes. $3.5 [317657] Kilian, Rudolf. __Jesaja 1-­‐39 [Ertrage der Forschung]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1983. German. 160pp. Good. $3.5 [323098] 27 Knabenbauer, Iosepho. __Commentarius in Isaiam Prophetam [Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, I.1]__. P. Lethielleux. 1887. Latin. 626pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, in worn half-­‐
leather binding. $5 [335991] Knabenbauer, Josepho. __Commentarius in Danielem Prophetam, Lamentationes et Baruch [Cursus Scripturae Sacrae]__. P. Lethielleux. 1891. . 524pp. Worn, half-­‐
leather binding, spine chipped and reglued. Foxing, ex-­‐library. $8.5 [334973] Knopf, Rud.. __Briefe Petri und Judä [Kritisch-­‐exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament, Zwölfte Abteilung, 7. Auflage]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1912. German. 329pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in light brown buckram. $6.5 [317940] Kraus, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Klagelieder (Threni) Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament, Band XX__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1960. . 96pp. Very good. $3.34 [220170] Kraus, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Psalmen I [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1961. . 560pp. $9.5 [309935] Kraus, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Psalmen II [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1961. . pp. chipped dust jacket. $9.5 [316582] Lange, John Peter. __Joshua, Ruth [Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures]__. Zondervan. n.d.. . pp. Slightly shaken, chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [339310] Lange, John Peter (Trans. Philip Schaff). __Numbers and Deuteronomy [Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures]__. Zondervan. n.d.. . 192+241pp. VG/G. Book: Very good. DJ: Some scuffing, a few small stains, chipped as base of spine, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [U10715] Larsson, Goran. __Uppbrottet. Bibelteologisk kommentar till Andra Moseboken (A commentary on the Book of Exodus, in Swedish)__. Stockholm: Vebum. 1997. . 342pp. Fine. $4 [163441] Lauha, Aarre. __Kohelet [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament, XIX]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1978. German. 232pp. G/VG, pencil underlining. $10 [305360] Leslie, Elmer. __Jeremiah: Chronically arranged, translated & interpreted__. Abingdon. 1954. . 349pp. G/G, underlining, chipped dust jacketThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [704745] 28 Levy, Reuben. __Deutero-­‐Isaiah: A Commentary, Together with a Preliminary Essay on Deuter-­‐Isaiah's Influence on Jewish Thought__. Oxford. 1925. . 286pp. Ex-­‐
library. Shaken. Cloth chipped & fraying at spine. $7.5 [296572] Lohfink, N.. __Kohelet [Neue Echter Bibel Kommentar zum Alten Testament mit der Einheitsübersetzung]__. Echter Verlag. 1980. . 86pp. Very good. $5 [317394] Marlowe, Alexander. __The Book of Beginnings: A new translation of the Book of Genesis, with special attention to its poetic values__. Eerdmans. 1938. . 139pp. G/G. Some dog-­‐eared pages, dj edgeworn with a few tears. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8.5 [U13479] Marti, Karl. __Das Buch Jesaja: Erklärt [Kurzer Hand-­‐Commentar zum Alten Testament, X]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1900. . 391pp. Lacks spine; shaken, foxing, edgeworn boards. $8.5 [265201] Mayes, A.D.H.. __Deuteronomy [New Century Bible Commentary]__. Eerdmans / Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1981. . 416pp. VG. Owner's stamp to flyleaf. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [U14646] Mays, James Luther. __OTL: Amos__. Westminster. 1969. . 168pp. VG/VG $3.34 [A163695] Mays, James Luther. __OTL: Hosea__. Westminster. 1969. . 190pp. VG/VG. Previous owner's names. $3.34 [182107] Mitchell, H.G.. __Isaiah: A Study of Chapters I-­‐XII__. Thomas Y. Crowell. 1897. . 263pp. Underlining, shaken, rubbed cover, cloth chipped at spine edges. $3.5 [210558] Moore, Carey A.. __AB: Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions__. Doubleday. 1979. . 374pp. Chipped and faded dust jacket. Former owner name & bookplate. FFEP corner-­‐clipped. Else good. $5 [A339430] Moore, Carey A.. __AB: Judith__. Doubleday. 1985. . 286pp. VG/VG. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $8 [707938] Mulder, M.J.. __Koningen, Deel I: I Koningen 1-­‐7 [Commentaar op Het Oude Testament]__. J.H. Kok. 1987. . 306pp. Very good. $8.5 [243683] Nelson, Richard D.. __Interpretation: 1 & 2 Kings__. John Knox. 1987. . 273pp. Slight penciling, good otherwise. $4 [362751] 29 Noth, Martin. __Könige, I. 1-­‐16 [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. n.d.. . pp. Good. Paperback fascicles in a cloth bound slip case. $4 [336574] Noth, Martin. __OTL: Exodus__. Westminster. 1962. . 283pp. Ink underlining; trans. by J.S. Bowden $3.5 [252896] Nötscher, Friedrich. __Buch Jeremias, Übersetzt und Erklärt (Heilige Schrift, VII Band)__. Peter Hanstein. 1934. . 378pp. Yellowed pages, musty. $3.34 [215330] Osterley, W. O. E.. __The Psalms: Translated with Text-­‐Critical and Exegetical Notes__. SPCK. 1939. . 599pp. Shaken, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8.5 [U12141] Plöger, Otto. __Das Buch Daniel [Kommentar zum Alten Testament]__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1965. . 183pp. Stained cover, ex-­‐library. $8 [346447] Pool, Matthew. __Annotations Upon the Holy Bible, vol. II only__. Robert Carter & Brothers. 1952. . 1030pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, front two blanks dampstained, worn cover, repaired hinges, spine covered in green binding tape. $8.5 [275924] Pope, Marvin H.. __AB: Job__. Doubleday. 1965. . 293pp. G/G, pencil underlining. $3 [340700] Preuss, Horst Dietrich. __Deuteronomium [Erträge der Forschung]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1982. . 269pp. Very good $6.5 [322464] Rendtorff, Rolf. __Leviticus III .1, Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1985. . 80pp. Very good. $4.67 [150557] Rice, Gene. __Nations Under God: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Kings [International Theological Commentary]__. Eerdmans. 1990. . 198pp. Cocked spine. Creased wraps. Else good. $4 [262543] Robinson Th. H. und F. Horst. __Zwölf Kleinen Propheten: Hosea bis Micha / Nahum bis Maleachi [Handbuch zum Alten Testament, Erste Reihe 14]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1964. German. 275pp. Good; foxing. $5 [S01248] Rudolph, Wilhelm. __Buch Ruth (Kommentar zum Alten Testament, Band XVI, 2)__. A. Deichertsche. 1939. . 47pp. Yellowed wrappers, else good. $5 [191263] Rudolph, Wilhelm. __Hosea [Kommentar zum Alten Testament]__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1966. . 269pp. Heavy underlining and highlighting. $8.5 [299383] 30 Scharbert, J. ed.. __Exodus [Neue Echter Bibel]__. Echter Verlag. 1980. . 151pp. Very good. $8.5 [269495] Scharbert, Josef. __Genesis 1-­‐11 [Neue Echter Bibel: Kommentar zum Alten Testament mit der Einheitsübersetzung]__. Echter Verlag. 1980. . 120pp. Very good. $5 [269551] Schmidt, Werner H.. __Exodus (1,1-­‐6,30) [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1974. . pp. Good. Paperback fascicles in a cloth slip case. Mixed bindings. $8.5 [336566] Schmitt, A.. __Weisheit [Neue Echter Bibel]__. Echter Verlag. 1989. . 88pp. Very good. $5 [269496] Schumpp, P. Meinrad M.. __Buch Tobias (Exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament, 11. Band)__. Aschendorffschen Verlag.. 1933. German. 292pp. Ex-­‐
library, slightly musty; else sound. $9.33 [191257] Scroggie, W. Graham. __Psalms 1-­‐41 (The Psalter, Vol. 1; The Study Hour series)__. Harper. . . 144pp. Ex library, yellowed pages with some penciling, boards rubbed and worn. $8 [CR0824] Smart, James D.. __History and Theology in Second Isaiah__. Westminster. 1952. . 304pp. ex-­‐library, weak hinges * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.67 [712845] Smith, Henry Preserved. __ICC: Samuel__. Scribner's. 1909. . 421pp. Musty, slightly shaken, faded and frayed spine. $6.5 [349774] Smith, Ralph L.. __WBC: Micah-­‐Malachi__. Word Books. 1984. . 358pp. Small amount of ink underlining. Cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. Bookplate. $9 [315136] Staerk, W.. __Lyrik (Psalmen, Hoheslied und Verwandtes) [Schriften des Alten Testaments, 3. Abteilung, 1. Band]__. Vandenhoek & Ruprecht. 1921. . 408pp. Edgeworn boards, browned and brittle pages. $3.34 [219981] Throntveit, Mark A.. __Interpretation: Ezra-­‐Nehemiah__. John Knox. 1991. . 129pp. VG/VG $9.5 [338511] Torrey, Charles Cutler. __Second Isaiah: A New Interpretation__. Scribner's. 1928. . 477pp. Foxing, shaken. $7.5 [301789] Ward, James M.. __Hosea: A Theological Commentary__. Harper & Row. 1966. . 264pp. G/VG, pencil underlining. $3.5 [A305499] 31 Watt, John. __Neglected Books-­‐ Ruth and the Song of Solomon__. Bible Truth Press. n.d.. . 191pp. Worn wrappers, creased spine, some underlining. $5 [215591] Watts, John D.W.. __WBC: Isaiah 34-­‐66__. Word. 1987. . 385pp. VG/VG $9 [314477] Westermann, Claus. __Genesis 12-­‐36 [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament 1/2]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1972. German. pp. Slightly musty, otherwise sound. 8 fascicles in a hardcover slip case. $8.5 [336451] Westermann, Claus. __Genesis 37-­‐50 [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1981. German. pp. Very good. Paperback fascicles in a cloth slip cover. $5 [336457] Westermann, Claus. __Genesis: A Practical Commentary__. Eerdmans. . . 338pp. Foxing, wrappers worn with scratch to spine, else good. $8 [361599] Wevers, John W. ed.. __Century Bible: Ezekiel__. Nelson. 1969. . 355pp. Ex-­‐library, else good. $4 [222375] Wevers, John W. ed.. __Ezekiel [Century Bible, New Series]__. Nelson. 1969. . 355pp. G/G, cocked spine. $4 [267878] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Haggai: A Commentary__. Augsburg. 1988. . 128pp. VG/VG $3.5 [361171] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Hermeneia: Hosea__. Fortress. 1982. . 259pp. Some yellow highlighting, else good. $7 [361987] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Hermeneia: Joel and Amos__. Fortress. 1977. . 392pp. G/G. Chipped and faded dust jacket. $8 [316724] Zimmerli, Walther. __Ezechiel 1 [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1969. . 578pp. Very good. $7 [214644] 32 COMMENTARY SETS . __Daily Devotional Bible Commentary (4 vols.)__. A.J. Holman. 1977. . pp. VG/VG. $9 [266759] Smith, James. __Handfuls on Purpose (13 vols., including unmatched index)__. Eerdmans. 1947. . pp. Underlining, covers rubbed, some covers scuffed. Volume 9 has badly damaged upper spine and boards (text not affected). $9 [291545] CONCISE COMMENTARIES . __New Testament and Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Parallel edition__. Iverson-­‐
Norman Assoc.. 1971. . 1106pp. Boards warped, $2.75 [KVS353] Alleman, Herbert C. & Elmer E. Flack, eds.. __Old Testament Commentary -­‐ Complete in 1 volume__. Muhlenberg. 1965. . 893pp. G/G $3 [229662] Barnes, Albert. __Barnes' Note on the New Testament (complete and unabridged in 1 volume)__. Kregel. 1968. . 1763pp. Good; some underlining and marginalia. $5 [288064] Black, Matthew & H.H. Rowley eds.. __Peake's Commentary on the Bible__. Nelson. 1962. . 1126pp. Ex-­‐library, slightly stained cover. $3.5 [318590] Brown, Raymond E.; Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E. Murphy eds.. __Jerome Biblical Commentary__. Prentice-­‐Hall. 1968. . 889pp. Shaken, some ink underlining and marginalia, lower page edges damp stained. $4 [359671] Davies, G. Henton, Alan Richardson & Charles L. Wallis eds.. __Twentieth Century Bible Commentary__. Harper. 1955. . 564pp. VG/G $4 [225629] Eiselen, Frederick; Edwin Lewis & David Downey, eds.. __Abingdon Bible Commentary__. Abingdon. 1929. . 1452pp. Shaken, underlining. $3.34 [KVS405] Hartman, Lars. __Ur Nya Testamentet. Kommentarer till valda texter__. Gleerups. 1970. . 370pp. VG/VG $9 [233774] Harvey, A. E.. __New English Bible Companion to the New Testament__. Oxford. 1970. . 850pp. Extensive ink underlining. $4.5 [259042] MacDonald, William. __Believer's Bible Commentary: New Testament__. Nelson. 1990. . 1199, xxxiipp. G/G. $6.5 [336068] 33 Neil, William. __Harper's Bible Commentary__. Harper. 1962. . 544pp. Underlining, else sound. $4 [218500] Roehrs, Walter R. and Martin H. Franzmann. __Concordia Self-­‐Study Commentary__. Concordia. 1979. . 302pp. Very good. $8.5 [257962] Schmauk, Theodore E. & C. Theodore Benze. __Commentary on the Gospels for the Sundays of the Church Year. For Study & Devotion__. United Lutheran Publication House. 1919. . 324pp. Shaken, good otherwise. $3.34 [151918] Van Harn, Roger E. ed.. __Lectionary Commentary. The First Readings: The Old Testament and Acts__. Eerdmans. 2001. . 623pp. Discounted new book. $9 [355429] Van Harn, Roger E. ed.. __Lectionary Commentary. The Second Readings: Acts and the Epistles__. Eerdmans. 2001. . 647pp. Discounted new book. $9 [355430] NEW TESTAMENT . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1977__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 141pp. Stamps on front wrapper and title page, else very good. $4 [214732] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1980__. Scholars Press. 1980. . pp. Curled down the center, else good. $4 [A214726] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1983__. Scholars Press. 1983. . 208pp. Front wrapper slightly stained, else good. $4 [A214720] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1984__. Scholars Press. 1984. . 280pp. Very good. $4 [214721] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1985__. Scholars Press. 1985. . pp. Slightly curled down the center, else good. $4 [214727] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1986__. Scholars Press. 1986. . 269pp. Very good. $4 [214719] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1987__. Scholars Press. 1987. . 336pp. Very good. $4 [A214718] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1988__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 375pp. Very good. $4 [214741] 34 . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1990__. Scholars Press. 1990. . 423pp. Very good. $3.34 [194790] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1991__. Scholars Press. 1991. . 304pp. Very good. $3.34 [A194792] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1992__. Scholars Press. 1992. . 377pp. Very good. $3.34 [194791] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1993__. Scholars Press. 1993. . 410pp. Very good. $4 [214731] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1994__. Scholars Press. 1994. . 421pp. Slightly curled down the center, else good. $4 [214728] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1995__. Scholars Press. 1995. . 426pp. Near fine $3.34 [194788] . __AAR/SBL Abstracts, 1997__. Scholars Press. 1997. . 416pp. Very good. $4 [214723] . __Abstracts, Society of Biblical Literature 1973__. SBL/CSR Executive Office. 1973. . 91pp. Very good. $3.34 [214747] . __Abstracts, Society of Biblical Literature 1976__. Scholars Press. 1976. . 108pp. Very good. $4 [214742] . __Abstracts, Society of Biblical Literature 1978__. Scholars Press. 1978. . 111pp. Yellowed pages, else good. $3.34 [214744] . __Abstracts, Society of Biblical Literature 1979__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 104pp. Yellowed pages, else good. $3.34 [214746] . __Abstracts, Society of Biblical Literature 1980__. Scholars Press. 1980. . pp. Very good. $3.34 [214748] . __Abstracts: American Academy of Religion /Society of Biblical Literature 1975__. Scholars Press. 1975. . 89pp. Curled down the center, else good $3.34 [214757] . __Abstracts: American Academy of Religion /Society of Biblical Literature 1982__. Scholar's Press. 1982. . 219pp. Very good. $3.34 [194880] . __Apocryphal Books of the New Testament... Illustrated from Ancient Paintings and Missals__. David McKay. 1901. . 288pp. Sunned cover, slightly shaken, heavy foxing, small tear in the margin of one page. $6.5 [285192] 35 . __Book of Numbers in the New Testament. Being the Substance of Readings on the Epistles to the Corinthians__. G. Morrish. 1904. . 231pp. Bound in slightly frayed, stiff wraps. Heavy foxing, penciling, nearly disbound. $8 [332715] . __Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense, Opening of the 41st Session. Huldezitting Frans Neirynck 18 augustus 1992__. K.U. Leuven. 1992. . 50pp. Stapled booklet. Underlining, otherwise good. $8 [350185] . __Coniectanea Neotestamentica XI in honorem Antonii Fridrichsen Sexagenarii, edenda curavit Seminarium Neotestamenticum Upsaliense__. C.W.K. Gleerup. 1947. Latin. 250pp. Good; slight foxing. $8.5 [333419] . __Followers of Christ: Readings on the Gospel of John at Detroit, Sept. 1917__. Gospel Book and Tract Depot. n.d.. . 159pp. Good; lacks ffep. $3.5 [333357] . __Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie (JBTh), Band 4 (1989) 'Gesetz' als Thema Biblischer Theologie__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1989. German. 360pp. Very good. $8.5 [314013] . __La Vie du Christ dans sa Patrie Terrestre sur les lieux et d'après les monuments de la Palestine. Série d'ariticles parus dans 'la Terre Sainte', périodique de la Custodie Franciscaine__. Edition de l'Imprimerie Franciscaine. 1967. . 268pp. Good. Slightly chipped wrappers, corners and lower spine quite bumped. From the personal library of Ramsey Michaels. $5 [303444] . __Neotestamentica et Patristica: Eine Freundesgabe, Herrn Professor Dr. Oscar Cullmann zu Seinem 60. Geburtstag Überreicht (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, vol. VI)__. E.J. Brill. 1962. . 330pp. Underlining, slightly cocked spine $7.67 [199071] . __Society of Biblical Literature 1986 Seminar Papers__. Scholars Press. 1986. . 651pp. Front wrapper creased, otherwise good. $5 [218275] . __Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting 1989__. Scholars Press. 1989. . 655pp. Very good. $3.34 [214773] . __Society of Biblical Literature Paper Titles, Abstracts, Annual Reports, 1971__. Scholars Press. 1971. . 136pp. Previous owner's name on front wrapper, else very good. $3.34 [214753] . __Society of Biblical Literature Proceedings, 1972, vol. 1__. Scholars Press. 1972. . 313pp. Very good. $3.34 [217934] 36 . __Society of Biblical Literature, 170th Annual Meeting Seminar Papers, vol. 2. 28-­‐
31 October 1971, Regency Hyatt House, Atlanta, Georgia__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1971. . pp. Dampstained, musty, lower corner bent. $3.34 [219666] . __The Gospels Reconsidered: A Selection of Papers read at the International Congress on The Four Gospels in 1957__. Basil Blackwell. 1960. . 222pp. Ex-­‐
library, faded and rubbed cover. $3.5 [338791] Aageson, James W.. __Written Also for Our Sake: Paul and the Art of Biblical Interpretation__. W/JKP. 1993. . 156pp. Very good. $3 [A278479] Abbot, Ezra. __Authorship of the Fourth Gospel__. Geo. H. Ellis. 1880. . 104pp. Ex-­‐
library; cover's edges quite worn, front free end paper detached, weak hinges. $6.33 [164906] Achelis, Hans. __Christendum in den Ersten Drei Jahrhunderten__. Quelle & Meyer. 1925. German. 343pp. Foxing, penciling. $8 [313819] Adam, A.K.M.. __Making Sense of New Testament Theology: 'Modern' Problems and Prospects__. Mercer. 1995. . 238pp. Very good, label on spine. $5 [269493] Adolf, D.. __Paulus und Jesus (Religionsgeschichtliche Volksbücher, 14. Heft)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1907. . 72pp. Deeply yellowed pages, else good. Rebound into marbelled paper boards. $3.34 [213896] Aland, Kurt. __Did the Early Church Baptize Infants?__. Westminster. 1963. . 119pp. Rubbed dust jacket, else good. $8 [CR0848] Aland, Kurt; J.P. Audet, J.H. Crehan, H. Cunliffe-­‐Jones, J. Danielou, A. Hamman, R.D. Potter, A.M. Ramsey, B. Reicke, RD. Richardson, H. Riesenfeld, J.A.T. Robinson, W.C. van Unnik, D.E.H. Whiteley, R.R. Williams. __The Gospels Reconsidered: A Selection of Papers read at the International Congress on the Four Gospels in 1957__. Basil Blackwell. 1960. . 222pp. Ink underlining, sunned spine. $5 [299443] Albertz, Martin. __Botschaft des Neuen Testaments, I. Band: Enstehung der Botschaft, I. Halbband, Entsehung des Evangeliums__. Evangelischer Verlag. 1947. . 301pp. G/G, foxing. $4 [279293] Aleith, Eva. __Pauluserständnis in der Alten Kirche__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1937. German. 122pp. Ex-­‐library, title page torn, bound in green buckram; else good. $5 [308280] Amiot, Francois. __Idees Maitresses de Saint Paul (Lectio Divina 24)__. Editions du Cerf. 1959. . 270pp. Chipped and torn wrappers, else sound. $3.34 [189917] 37 Anderson, Hugh and William Barclay, eds.. __New Testament in Historical and Contemporary Perspective: Essays in Memory of G.H.C. Macgregor__. Blackwell. 1965. . 280pp. Some penciling. Bumped corners. Edgeworn jacket. $8.5 [344239] Andrews, Samuel J. (Biographical Introduction by Wilbur M. Smith). __The Life of Our Lord Upon the Earth: Considered in its Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Relations__. Zondervan Publishing House. 1954. . 651pp. Used book. Fair condition. Shaken. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [NW1174] Argall, Randal A., Beverly A. Bow, and Rodney A. Werline, eds.. __For a Later Generation: The Transformation of Tradition in Israel, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity__. Trinity Press International. 2000. . 333pp. Used book. VG/VG. DJ is discolored on spine. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1176] Arndt, Friedr.. __Bergpredigt Jesus Christi. Dreizehn Betrachtungen in der Trinitatiszeit 1838. Zweiter Theil__. Magdeburgh: W. Heinrichshofen. 1839. . 200pp. Rubbed cover, ex-­‐library, foxing. $5 [231942] Ashton, John. __Understanding the Fourth Gospel__. Oxford, Clarendon Paperbacks. 1993. . 599pp. Spine broken, pen underlining. $6.5 [362598] Asting, Ragnar. __Heiligkeit im Urchristentum__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1930. . 332pp. Cracked spine, sound otherwise. $5 [279996] Aune, David E.. __Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World__. Eerdmans. 1983. . 522pp. Extensive pencil underlining. $10 [345844] Austgen, Robert J.. __Natural Motivation in the Pauline Epistles__. Notre Dame. 1969. . 165pp. Very good. $3.5 [295674] Baarda, T.; Hans Janen, S.J. Noorda, J.S. Vos. __Paulus en de andrere joden: Exegitische bijdragen en discussie__. Meinema. 1984. . 206pp. Creased spine, underlining and highlighting. Signed by Noorda $3.34 [210631] Babcock, William S.. __Paul and the Legacies of Paul__. Southern Methodist University Press. 1990. . 426pp. Underlining, creased spine. $4 [338103] Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. __Jesus the Son of God, or Primitive Christology__. Yale. 1911. . 101pp. Slight underlining, foxing, board corners bumped. $5 [350123] 38 Bagnall, Roger S. and Peter Derow. __Greek Historical Documents: The Hellenistic Period [Society of Biblical Literature Sources For Biblical Study 16]__. Scholars Press. 1981. . 270pp. Used book. Near fine condition. Previous owner's name is stamped inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1178] Balch, David L.. __Let Wives be Submissive: The Domestic Code in I Peter [Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, 26]__. Scholars Press. 1981. . 196pp. Extensive ink underlining, sunned and slightly creased wrappers. $8.5 [299702] Balz, Horst Robert. __Methodische Probleme der neutestamentlichen Christologie [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 25]__. Neukirchener Verlag des Erziehungsvereins. 1967. . 310pp. Very good; very slight underlining. $7.5 [296161] Bandas, Rudolph G.. __Master-­‐Idea of Saint Paul's Epistles or the Redemption: A Study of Biblical Theology [Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis Dissertationes, Series II, Tomus 13]__. Desclée. 1925. French. 432pp. Ex-­‐library, very shaken, foxing; rubbed and edgeworn cover. $6.5 [303334] Barnikol, Ernst. __Nichtpaulinische Ursprung des Parallelismus der Apostel Paulus and Petrus (Galater 2, 7-­‐8) [Forschungen zur Entstehung des Urchristentums des Neuen Testaments und der Kirche, V.]__. Walter G. Mühlau. 1931. . 31pp. Very good, sunned spine. $3.5 [229443] Barnikol, Ernst (Hrsg.). __Forschungen zur Entsethung des Urchristentums des Neuen Testaments und der Kirche II: Drei Jerusalemreisen des Paulus__. Walter G. Mühlau. 1929. German. 63pp. Wrappers slightly worn, else good. $3.34 [210190] Barrett, C.K.. __Essays on Paul__. Westminster. 1982. . 170pp. Underlining , chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [279547] Barrett, C.K.. __Gospel of John and Judaism__. Fortress. 1975. . 101pp. Pencil underlining and notes, slightly chipped dust jacket. $4 [305493] Bartchy, S. Scott. __First-­‐Century Slavery and the Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7:21 [Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, No. 11]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1973. . 199pp. Used book. Good condition. Cover is worn along the spine. Underlining. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1193] Bartels, Robert A.. __Kerygma or Gospel Tradition -­‐ Which Came First?__. Augsburg. 1961. . 126pp. Wrappers slightly worn, previous owner's name inside; good otherwise. $4 [A178452] 39 Barth, Markus. __Abendmahl: Passamahl, Bundesmahl und Mesiasmahl [Theologische Studien, Heft 18]__. Evangelischer Verlag. 1948. . 67pp. Good; foxing, chipped wrappers, lower corners slightly bent. $8.5 [281391] Barth, Markus. __The Broken Wall: A study of the Epistle to the Ephesians__. Judson. 1959. . 272pp. Ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4 [A258896] Barton, George A.. __Studies in New Testament Christianity__. University of Pennsylvania Press. 1928. . 150pp. Yellowed. Edgeworn boards. $4 [298828] Batiffol, Pierre. __Credibility of the Gospel: 'Orpheus' et L'Evangile__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1912. . 220pp. Ex-­‐library, very shaken, worn cover. $8.5 [255518] Baumert, Norbert. __Woman and Man in Paul: Overcoming a Misunderstanding__. Michael Glazier. 1996. . 498pp. Underlining, creased spine. $3.5 [338585] Baumgarten, E.; W. Bousset, H. Gunkel, W. Heitmüller, G. HOllmann, A. Jülicher & R. Knopf, F. Koehler, W. Lueken & oh. Weiss. __Schriften des Neuen Testaments, 1. Halbband: 1. Band, die drei älteren Evangelien, Bog. 1-­‐17 und Beilage, Synoptische Taflen in viersachem Faraendruck__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1916. German. 272pp. Extensive underlining, some repaired pages. Rebound in blue library buckram. $3.5 [359984] Baumgarten, Jörg. __Paulus und die Apokalyptik [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 44]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1975. . 268pp. Underlining and highlighting, faded and chipped dust jacket. $8.5 [338080] Bazes, Moshe. __Jesus the Jew-­‐ The Historical Jesus. The True Story of Jesus__. Alpha Press. 1976. . 129pp. Underlining, lower corners bent. $5 [269022] Beardslee, W.A.. __Human Achievement and Divine Vocation in the Message of Paul__. SCM. 1961. . 142pp. VGThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [703743] Beardslee, William A.. __Margins of Belonging: Essays on the New Testament & Theology (AAR Studies in Religion, 58)__. Scholars Press. 1991. . 246pp. Very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [707248] Becker, Heinz. __Reden des Johannesevangeliums und der Stil der gnostischen Offenbarungsrede__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1956. . 136pp. Underlining, else good. $3.34 [212457] Becker, Jürgen. __Jesus of Nazareth__. Walter de Gruyter. 1998. . 386pp. Ink underlining, creased spine. $8.5 [338099] 40 Becker, Jürgen. __Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles__. W/JKP. 1993. . 513pp. Underlining, else sound; foreword by Marion L. Soards. $3.5 [A346501] Becker, Jürgen. __Paulus: der Apostel der Völker__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1989. . 524pp. Underlining and highlighting. $3.34 [211632] Beijer, Erik. __Kristologi och etik i Jesu Bergspredikan__. Diakonistyrelsens Bokförlag. 1960. . 360pp. Very good. $8.5 [242768] Benko, Stephen and John J. O'Rourke. __The Catacombs and the Colosseum: The Roman Empire as the Setting of Primitive Christianity__. Judson Press. 1971. . 318pp. Used book. Fair condition. Binding is starting to break. Very slight underlining and marginalia. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [NW1202] Benoit, Pierre. __Exegese und Theologie: Gesammelte Aufsätze [Kommentare und Beiträge zum Alten und Neuen Testament]__. Patmos-­‐Verlag. 1965. German. 336pp. G/G, bumped corners, chipped dust jacket. $4 [345971] Benoit, Pierre; Benet Weatherhead, trans.. __Jesus and the Gospel (2 vols.)__. Herder and Herder. 1973. . 253, 185pp. Ex-­‐library. Else good. $8 [342299] Bentzen, Aage. __Messias Moses redivivus Menschensohn: Skizzen zum Thema Weissagung und Erfüllung [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 17]__. Zwingli-­‐Verlag. 1948. German. 80pp. Good. Foxing, lower corners slightly bumped. $5 [308674] Berger, Henry William. __Toward the New Testament of the Future: An Attempt to Separate Theological Interpolations from the Teachings of Jesus__. Exposition Press. 1953. . 295pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [307682] Berger, Klaus. __Amen-­‐Worte Jesu: Eine Untersuchung zum Problem der Legitmation in apokalyptischer Rede__. Alfred Topelmann. 1970. . 182pp. Ex-­‐
library, cloth slightly frayed along backstrip edge; otherwise very good. $7.67 [171656] Berger, Klaus. __Historische Psychologie des Neuen Testaments (Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 146/147)__. Katholisches Bibelwerk GmbH. 1991. . 303pp. Near fine. $5 [197833] Berger, Klaus und Carsten Colpe. __Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch zum Neuen Testament [Texte zum Neuen Testament, Band 1]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1987. German. 328pp. Good; slight foxing. $6.5 [346547] 41 Best, Ernest. __The Temptation and the Passion: The Markan Soteriology [Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 2]__. Cambridge. 1965. . 220pp. VG/G $8.5 [A293712] Best, John H.. __The Miracles of Christ in the Light of Our Present-­‐Day Knowledge__. SPCK. 1937. . 185pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, penciling. $8 [338476] Bethune-­‐Baker, J.F.. __Early Traditions about Jesus__. Macmillan. 1930. . 205pp. Ex-­‐library, good otherwise. $3.34 [172302] Betz, Hans Dieter. __Essays on the Sermon on the Mount__. Fortress. 1985. . 170pp. Ink underlining throughout. Slight foxing to end papers and dust jacket. Edgeworn jacket. Translated by L.L. Welborn. $8.5 [345902] Betz, Hans Dieter. __Nachfolge und Nachahmung Jesu Christi im Neuen Testament [Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie, 37]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1967. German. 236pp. Underlining, torn dust jacket. $9.5 [338909] Beyer, J.P.. __Brief St. Pauli an die Epheser in Predigten gehalten vor der Evangelisch-­‐Lutherischen St. Johannes-­‐Gemeinde zu Brooklyn, N.Y.__. Martin Luther Waisenhauses. 1900. German. 275pp. Shaken, sound otherwise. $4 [334641] Bieder, Werner. __Die Berufung im Neuen Testament [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 38]__. Zwingli Verlag. 1961. German. 110pp. Foxing, lower spine bent. $5 [350149] Biederwolf, William Edward. __A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit, 4th ed.__. Zondervan. 1936. . 127pp. Yellowed pages, else very good. $3 [215385] Björck, Erland. __Evangelium enligt Markus [Handledning Vid Studiet Av Nya Testamentet]__. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses . 1931. . 211pp. Very good, upper edges uncut. $8.5 [233371] Blank, Josef. __Paulus und Jesus: Eine theologische Grundlegung [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Band XVIII]__. Kosel-­‐Verlag. 1968. . 361pp. Ink underlining. $8 [295866] Böcher, Otto. __Johannesapokalypse [Erträge der Forschung, Band 41]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1975. German. 154pp. Good $3.5 [326280] Bockmuehl, Markus and Alan J. Torrance eds.. __Scripture's Doctrine and Theology's Bible: How the New Testament Shapes Christian Dogmatics__. Baker. 2008. . 240pp. As new. $7.5 [309009] 42 Boehmer, Dr. & Dr. Kropatscheck. __Biblischen Zeit-­‐ und Streitfragen [Der Tert des neuen Testaments, 1. Serie, 7. Heft]__. Edwin Runge. 1905. . 32pp. Very good booklet. Upper edges uncut. $3.5 [229441] Boers, Hendrikus. __Neither on This Mountain Nor in Jerusalem: A Study of John 4 [SBL Monograph Series, no. 35]__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 230pp. Near fine. $10 [299026] Boers, Hendrikus. __The Justification of the Gentiles: Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Romans__. Hendrickson. 1994. . 334pp. G/VG, pencil underlining. $5 [338212] Bogart, John. __Orthodox and Heretical Perfectionism in the Johannine Community as Evident in the First Epistle of John [SBL Dissertation Series 33]__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 190pp. Front leaves creased along spine, few leaves pulling away at top. Else good. Former owner's name on front wrap. $8.5 [A326158] Boismard, M.-­‐É and A. Lamouille. __La Vie des Évangiles. Initiation à la critique des textes__. Éditions du Cerf. 1980. French. 119pp. Good; slight foxing. $8 [312798] Boismard, M.É.. __Un Évangile Pré-­‐Johannique, vol. II: Jean 2,13-­‐4,54, Tome I [Études Bibliques, Nouvelle série no. 24]__. Librairie Lecoffre, J. Gabalda et. Cie. 1994. . 255pp. Very good. $8.5 [296833] Boismard, M.É. et A. Lamouille. __Un Évangile Pré-­‐Johannique, vol. I: Jean 1, 1-­‐2, 12, Tome I [Études Bibliques, Nouvelle série no. 17]__. Librairie Lecoffre, J. Gabalda et. Cie. 1993. . 193pp. Very good. $8.5 [296831] Bonsirven, Joseph. __L'Évangile de Paul [Théologie, 12]__. Éditions Montaigne. 1948. French. 364pp. Heavy foxing, page edges brittle, rebound in paper boards with buckram spine. $8.5 [308156] Bonsirven, Joseph. __Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus Christ__. Holt/Rinehart/Winston. 1964. . 271pp. Ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [A349196] Bonsirven, Joseph. __Theology of the New Testament__. Newman Press. n.d.. . 413pp. Good; rubbed cover, underlining. $4 [A307558] Bonsirven, Joseph; trans. by William Wolf. __Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus Christ__. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1964. . 271pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is chipped along the top edge. Spine is slightly cocked. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [NW1209] 43 Bornkamm, Gunther. __Early Christian Experience__. Harper. 1969. . 193pp. VG/G $3 [A193386] Bornkamm, Gunther. __Geschichte und Glaube (Erster Teil)__. Chr. Kariser. 1968. . 287pp. VG/VG $3.75 [KVS249] Bornkamm, Günther. __Gesetz und Schöpfung im Neuen Testament [Sammlung Gemeinverständlicher vorträge und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsgeschichte 175]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1934. . 28pp. Good; upper edges uncut. $3.5 [298352] Bornkamm, Günther. __Vorgeschichte des sogenannten Zweiten Korintherbriefes [Sitzungberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-­‐
historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1961, 2. Abhandlung]__. Carl Winter. 1961. German. 36pp. Stapled booklet. Faded and chipped wrappers, underlining. $3 [A358443] Bornkamm, Gunther; Gerhard Barth, Heinz Joachim Held. __Überlieferung aus Auslegung im Matthäusevangelium [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 1 Band.]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1961. German. 304pp. Underlining, else sound. $3.34 [A213544] Borsch, Frederick Houk. __The Son of Man in Myth and History [New Testament Library]__. SCM Press. 1967. . 431pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn. Spine is slightly cocked. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [NW1215] Bousset, Wilhelm. __Kyrios Christos: Geschichte des Christusglaubens von dne Anfängen des Christentums bis Irenaeus__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1965. German. 394pp. Very good. $9.5 [301232] Bousset, Wilhelm. __Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter__. Ruether & Reichard. 1903. . 512pp. Worn cover, spine reglued, foxing, pencil underlining. $6.5 [308393] Bousset, Wilhelm; Hugo Gressmann (Hrsg.). __Religion des Judentums im Späthellenstischen Zeitalter [Handbuch zum Neuen Testament, 21]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1926. German. 576pp. Faded and worn library buckram binding, ex-­‐library. $6.5 [312320] Bovon, Francois; trans. by Ken McKinney. __Luke the Theologian: Thirty-­‐three Years of Research (1950-­‐1983) [Princeton Theological Monograph Series, 12)__. Pickwick Publications. 1987. . 510pp. Discounted new book. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $6.5 [NW1216] 44 Brandenburger, Egon. __Adam und Christus: Exegetisch-­‐Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Römer 5, 12-­‐21 (1. Kor. 15) [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 7. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1962. German. 302pp. Foxing, ink underlining, cocked spine. $8 [A303398] Brassac, Augustus; trans. by Joseph L. Weidenhan. __Student's Handbook to the Study of the New Testament: The Gospels-­‐ Jesus Christ__. B. Herder. 1913. . 595pp. Worn cover, very shaken, ex-­‐library. $4.5 [332552] Braun, Herbert. __Plutarch's Critique of Superstition in the Light of the New Testament [Claremont Graduate School Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Occasional Papers no. 5]__. Claremont. n.d.. . 8pp. Very good, stapled booklet. $5 [332556] Braun, Herbert. __Plutarch's Critique of Superstition in the Light of the New Testament [Claremont Occasional Papers, no. 5]__. Claremont Graduate School. n.d.. . 8pp. Stapled booket. Lower corners slightly bent, otherwise very good. $3.5 [358666] Braun, Herbert. __Qumran und das Neue Testament, Band II__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1966. German. 403pp. Good. Faded wrappers, upper edges uncut. $4.5 [304631] Braun, Herbert. __Spätjüdisch-­‐häretischer und frühchristlicher Radikalismus. Jesus von Nazareth und die essenische Qumransekte. 1 Band: Spätjudentum [Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie, 24, I]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1957. . 159pp. Ink underlining, faded wrappers. $8.5 [300062] Brinsmead, Bernard Hungerford. __Galatians-­‐ Dialogical Response to Opponents [SBL Dissertation Series 65]__. Scholars Press. 1982. . 366pp. Good; creased wrappers, faded spine. $10 [294703] Broer, Ingo. __Einleitung in das Neue Testament, Band II: Die Briefliteratur, die Offenbarung des Johannes und die Bildung des Kanons__. Echter. 2001. German. 730pp. Good. $8 [335583] Brown, Colin. __Jesus in European Protestant Thought, 1778-­‐1860 (Studies in Historical Theology 1)__. Labyrinth. 1984. . 359pp. Water stained pages, cocked spine, slightly bowed boards. $5 [226952] Brown, Raymond. __New Testament Essays__. Bruce. 1965. . 275pp. Ex-­‐lib, else a clean, crisp copy. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U12130] Brown, Raymond E.. __The Birth of the Messiah__. Doubleday. 1977. . 594pp. G/G, pencil underlining, chipped and faded dust jacket. $5 [A305285] 45 Brown, Raymond E. and P. Joseph Cahill. __Biblical Tendencies Today: An Introduction to the Post-­‐Bultmannians__. Corpus Books. 1969. . 72pp. Wraps rubbed, else good. Staple-­‐bound booklet. $3.5 [308386] Bruce, Alexander Balmain. __Humiliation of Christ in Its Physical, Ethical, and Official Aspects. 2nd edition__. Hodder & Stoughton. n.d.. . 457pp. Underlining. $4 [266511] Bruce, Alexander Balmain. __Training of the Twelve__. George H. Doran. n.d.. . 552pp. Underlining, else good. $3.34 [A210816] Brückner, Martin. __Entstehung der Paulinischen Christologie__. J.H. Ed. Heitz (Heitz & Mündel). 1903. . 237pp. Ex-­‐library, in light brown buckram. Front free end paper chipped and detached, else good. $9.33 [189883] Brun, Lyder. __Auferstehung Christi in der Urchristlichen Ueberlieferung__. H. Aschehoug & Co.. 1925. . 97pp. Faded and slightly torn wrappers. $8.5 [242783] Buchanan, Colin ed.. __Essays on Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Early Church [Grove Liturgical Study, no. 40]__. Grove Books. 1984. . 37pp. Very good, stapled booklet. A Sequel to Liturgical Study no. 31, Eucharistic Sacrifice: The Roots of a Metaphor, by Rowan Williams $3.5 [339209] Bucher, Madeleine. __The Mysterious Parable: A Literary Study [Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 6]__. Catholic Biblical Association of America. 1977. . 101pp. Extensive ink underlining, foxing. $8.5 [360636] Bultmann, Rudolf. __Alte und der Neue Mensch in der Theologie des Paulus__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1964. . 66pp. Pencil underlining, good otherwise. $3 [164011] Bultmann, Rudolf. __Faith and Understanding, vol. I__. Harper & Row. 1969. . 348pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $5 [A325088] Bultmann, Rudolf. __Primitive Christianity in its Contemporary Setting__. Thames & Hudson. 1956. . 240pp. Foxing, torn dust jacket. $6.5 [349287] Bultmann, Rudolf. __Theology of the New Testament (2 vols.)__. Scribner's. 1951. . 395, 278pp. Sloppy ink underlining, shaken, torn dust jackets. $5 [354476] Bundy, Walter E.. __Jesus and the First Three Gospels: An Introduction to the Synoptic Tradition__. Harvard. 1955. . 598pp. Slight ink underlining, shaken. $3.5 [A311250] 46 Bunine, Alexis. __Légende Tenace: Le Retour de Paul à Antioche après sa Mission en Macédoine et en Grèce (Actes 18,18-­‐19,1) [Cahiers de la Revue Biblique 52]__. J. Gabalda. 2002. . 142pp. Good; lower corner bent. $8 [302435] Burkill, T.A.. __New Light on the Earliest Gospel: Seven Markan Studies__. Cornell. 1972. . 275pp. VG/G, scuffed dust jacket. $4.5 [A338466] Burkitt, F. Crawford. __Gospel History & Its Transmission__. T&T Clark. 1906. . 360pp. Poor: ex-­‐library, shaken, marginalia, badly worn cover * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.75 [706698] Burridge, Richard A. and Graham Gould. __Jesus Now and Then__. Eerdmans. 2004. . 215pp. New book. $5 [AEN0623] Busch, Friedrich. __Verständnis der Synoptischen Eschatologie; Markus 13 neu untersucht (Neutestamentliche Forschungen, Vierte Riehe: Evangeliumsprobleme; 2. heft)__. C. Bertelsmann. 1938. . 157pp. Slight penciling, else good. $5 [188559] Cadbury, Henry J.. __Eclipse of the Historical Jesus__. Pendle Hill. 1963. . 35pp. Ink underlining. $5 [269365] Cadoux, Cecil John. __The Historic Mission of Jesus__. Harper. 1941. . 376pp. Good; bumped corners. $3.5 [268148] Campbell, James M.. __Paul the Mystic: A Study in Apostolic Experience__. G.P. Putnam's. 1908. . 285pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library, slightly shaken. Spine cloth slightly frayed. $8.5 [300506] Campenhausen, Hans von. __Jungfrauengeburt in der Theologie der alten Kirche [Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1962, 3. Abhandlung]__. Carl Winter. 1962. . 69pp. Good; faded wrappers. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $6.5 [303778] Cannon. George E.. __The Use of Traditional Materials in Colossians__. Mercer University Press. 1983. . 253pp. Used book. VG/VG. DJ is very slightly worn alog the edges. Spine is very slightly cocked. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1236] Caputo, John D. and Alcoff, Linda Martin (Eds.). __St. Paul among the Philosophers__. Indiana University Press. 2009. . 195pp. Pencil underlining and marginalia, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $9.5 [U10289] 47 Cardenal, Ernesto; Donald D. Walsh, trans.. __Gospel in Solentiname (4 vols.)__. Orbis. 1977. . 4 vols.pp. Page edges lightly soiled. Creased spines. Else very good. $9 [281520] Carlston, Charles E.. __Parables of the Triple Tradition__. Fortress. 1975. . 249pp. Underlining, musty. $3.5 [213393] Carpenter, J. Estlin. __The First Three Gospels: Their Origin and Relations. 2nd edition__. American Unitarian Association. 1890. . 410pp. Edgeworn cover, front hinge nearly broken, back hinge weak, ffep corner clipped. $5 [309714] Carpenter, S.C.. __Christianity According to S. Luke__. SPCK. 1919. . 239pp. Ex-­‐
library, light foxing, slight penciling. $5 [307557] Carruth, Shawn and Garsky, Albrecht (Stanley Anderson editor). __Documenta Q-­‐ Q 11:2b-­‐4. Reconstructions of Q Through Two Centuries of Gospel Research Excerpted, Sorted, and Evaluated__. Peeters. 1996. . 206pp. Very good $5 [J00086] Carter, Warren. __Matthew: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist__. Hendrickson. 1996. . 322pp. Very good. $4 [279224] Cartlidge, David R. and David L. Dungan. __Sourcebook of Texts for the Comparative Study of the Gospels, 2nd edition__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1971. . 285pp. Very good, in a comb binding. $3 [336786] Cassidy, Richard J.. __Jesus, Politics, and Society: A Study of Luke's Gospel__. Orbis. 1978. . 228pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $8.5 [248939] Catchpole, David. __Jesus People: The Historical Jesus and the Beginnings of Christianity__. Baker. 2006. . 325pp. Very good. $8.5 [237150] Cerfaux, L.; J. Coppens, R. de Langhe, V. de Leeuw, A. Descamps, J. Giblet, B. Rigaux. __Attente du Messie __. Desclee de Brouwer. 1954. French. 188pp. Ink underlining, wrappers loose. $5 [188498] Cerfaux, Lucien and Jules Cambier. __L'Apocalypse de Saint Jean lue Aux Chrétiens [Lectio Divina, 17]__. Éditions du Cerf. 1955. . 238pp. Good; foxing. $5 [303244] Chapin, E.H.. __Discourses on the Lord's Prayer__. A. Tompkins. . . 209pp. Dampstained cover, warped boards, dampwarped pages, some penciling. $3.34 [177685] 48 Charles, R.H.. __British Academy Lectures on The Apocalypse [Schweich Lectures, 1919]__. Oxford. 1923. . 80pp. Yellowed. Foxing to end papers. Cover rubbed & edgeworn. $8 [298774] Charles, R.H.. __Eschatology: The Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, Judaism and Christianity. A Critical History__. Schocken. 1963. . 482pp. Creased and torn wrappers, underlining. $3.5 [318728] Charles, R.H.. __Lectures on the Apocalypse__. British Academy, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. 1922. . 80pp. Ex-­‐library, worn cover, spine cloth peeling and repaired with clear tape. Foxing, slight underlining. $3.5 [350212] Charlesworth, James H. (assisted by P. Dykers). __The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research [Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, No. 7]__. Scholars Press. 1976. . 245pp. Used book. Poor condition. Binding is broken. Cover is worn on spine. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1245] Charlesworth, James H. and Walter P. Weaver eds.. __Images of Jesus Today__. Trinity Press International. 1994. . 119pp. Near fine $7 [247412] Charlot, John. __New Testament Disunity; Its Significance for Christianity Today__. E.P. Dutton. 1970. . 260pp. Vg/Vg $3.5 [200156] Childs, Brevard S.. __New Testament As Canon: An Introduction__. Fortress. 1984. . 572pp. Slightly cocked spine. Else G/G. $8 [346784] Chilton, Bruce ed.. __Kingdom of God__. SPCK/Fortress. 1984. . 162pp. Yellowed pages, highlighting and underlining. $3 [264396] Chirat, Henri. __L'Assemblée Chrétienne a l'Age Apostolique__. Les Éditions du Cerf. 1949. French. 282pp. Heavy foxing, underlining, creased wrappers. $5 [333215] Christ, Felix. __Jesus Sophia: Die Sophia-­‐Christologie bei den Synoptikern__. Zwingli-­‐Verlag. 1970. . 196pp. Very good. $6.5 [298017] Clark, Gordon H.. __Johannine Logos__. Presbyterian and Reformed. 1972. . 90pp. Yellow highlighting throughout. Ink notes on end papers. Else good. $4 [342566] Clarke, Arthur G.. __New Testament Church Principles__. John Ritchie Limited. 1962. . 102pp. Slightly shaken. Chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [251844] Clarke, W.K. Lowther. __New Testament Problems: Essays, Reviews, Interpretations__. Macmillan. 1929. . 222pp. Worn cover, shaken, foxing, pencil underlining. $3.5 [354501] 49 Cohu, J.R.. __St. Paul in the Light of Modern Research__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1911. . 346pp. Shaken, worn cover, bumped corners, yellowed pages, underlining. $4 [302191] Collange, J.F.. __Enigmes de la Deuxieme Epitre de Paul aux Corinthiens. Etude Exegetique de 2. Cor. 2,14-­‐7,4 [Society for New Testament Studies, Monograph Series 18]__. Cambridge. 1972. French. 352pp. VG/VG $8.5 [310120] Colwell, Ernest Cadman. __Jesus and the Gospel__. Oxford. 1963. . 76pp. Ex-­‐
library, slight marks. $3.34 [178228] Conybeare, F.C.. __History of New Testament Criticism__. Putnam. 1910. . 192pp. Pencil underlining. $5 [329024] Conzelmann, Hans. __Gentiles, Jews, Christians: Polemics and Apologetics in the Greco-­‐Roman Era__. Fortress. 1992. . 390pp. VG/VG $3.5 [303032] Conzelmann, Hans. __Grundriss der Theologie des Neuen Testaments [Einfuhrung in die evangelische Theologie, Band 2]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1967. German. 407pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4 [165645] Conzelmann, Hans. __History of Primitive Christianity__. Abingdon. 1973. . 190pp. Extensive ink underlining and notes, slightly torn dust jacket. Translated by John E. Steely. $5 [275476] Conzelmann, Hans. __Outline of the Theology of the New Testament__. Harper. 1968. . 373pp. Underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [710853] Conzelmann, Hans. __Theology of St. Luke__. Harper. 1961. . 255pp. Underlining, musty, chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [339054] Conzelmann, Hans; trans. by John Bowden. __An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament__. Harper & Row. 1969. . 373pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn. Slight underlining. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1251] Cook, James I. __Edgar Johnson Goodspeed: Articulate Scholar__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1981. . 88pp. Good. $8.5 [268447] Cook, Michael L.. __The Jesus of Faith: A Study in Christology [Theological Inquiries: Studies in Contemporary Biblical and Theological Problems]__. Paulist Press. 1981. . 208pp. Used book. Very good condition. Cover is slightly worn. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1256] 50 Cooley, William Forbes. __The Aim of Jesus Christ: A Critical Inquiry for the General Reader__. George Allen & Unwin. 1925. . 226pp. Foxing, chipped dust jacket $4 [299338] Corell, Alf. __Consummatum est: Eskatologi och Kyrka I Johannesevangeliet__. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag Stockholm. 1950. Swedish. 310pp. Creased and torn wrappers, underlining. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $3.5 [304593] Corley, Bruce ed.. __Colloquy on New Testament Studies. A Time for Reappraisal and Fresh Approaches__. Mercer. 1980. . 368pp. Underlining, spine concave. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.34 [710795] Cousar, Charles B.. __A Theology of the Cross: The Death of Jesus in the Pauline Letters__. Fortress. 1990. . 194pp. Penciling, faded and creased spine. $3.5 [318000] Craddock, Fred B.. __Pre-­‐existence of Christ in the New Testament__. Abingdon. 1968. . 192pp. Ink underlining. $3.5 [304643] Cramer, A.W.. __Stoicheia Tou Kosmou: Interpretatie van een nieuwtestamentische term__. B. De Graaf. 1961. . 179pp. Underlining, else good. $5 [199470] Crocker, Cornelia Cyss. __Reading 1 Corinthians in the Twenty-­‐First Century__. T&T Clark. 2004. . 253pp. Good; pencil marginalia. $5 [280103] Cross, F.L.. __Studies in Ephesians__. Mowbrays. 1956. . 121pp. G/G. Foxing, slightly torn dust jacket. $8 [303706] Crossan, John Dominic. __Cliffs of Fall: Paradox and Polyvalence in the Parables of Jesus__. Seabury Press. 1980. . 120pp. Dust jacket yellowed on spine. Else VG/G. $9.5 [305571] Crossan, John Dominic. __Finding is the First Act: Trove Folktales and Jesus' Treasure Parable__. Fortress. 1979. . 141pp. Good. $5 [300643] Crossan, John Dominic. __In Fragments: The Aphorisms of Jesus__. Harper & Row. 1983. . 389pp. Foxing, chipped dust jacket, first few pages beginning to loosen. $3 [338370] Crossan, John Dominic. __Raid on the Articulate: Comic Eschatology in Jesus and Borges__. Harper and Row. 1976. . 207pp. Penciling. Faded & chipped dust jacket. Cocked spine. $5 [305591] 51 Crossan, John Dominic . __In Fragments: The Aphorisms of Jesus__. Harper & Row. 1983. . 389pp. Heavy foxing to top edge and dust jacket. Pages yellowed. Else sound. $3 [317603] Cullmann, Oscar. __Erswten Christlichen Glaubensbekenntnisse [Theologische Studien, Heft 15]__. Evangelischer Verlag. 1943. . 60pp. Good; foxing, chipped wrappers, lower corners slightly bent. $6.5 [281392] Cullmann, Oscar. __Heil als Geschichte: Heilgeschichtliche Existenz im Neuen Testament__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1965. German. 328pp. Ink underlining. $5 [317138] Cullmann, Oscar. __Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? The Witness of the New Testament__. Macmillan. 1958. . 60pp. Very shaken, underlining and highlighting. $8 [337152] Cullmann, Oscar. __Le Bapteme des enfants et la doctrine biblique du bapteme__. Cahiers Théologiques. 1948. . 69pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, slightly chipped wrappers. $8.5 [340721] Cullmann, Oscar. __Traditionen: Säsom Exegetiskt Historiskt och Teologiskt Problem__. Svenska Kyrkans. 1954. . 69pp. Penciling, else good. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $5 [240293] Cullmann, Oscar; Gareth Putman, trans.. __Jesus & the Revolutionaries__. Harper & Row. 1970. . 84pp. Foxing to page edges & end papers. Slightly shaken. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [711838] Cullmann, Oscar; trans. by Floyd V. Filson. __Peter, Disciple-­‐Apostle-­‐Martyr: A Historical and Theological Study__. SCM Press. 1953. . 252pp. Used book. Good condition. DJ is worn and chipped. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1261] Cumming, J.E.. __Studies in the Gospel According to Matthew__. Kilmarnock: John Ritchie. n.d.. . 109pp. Slight foxing, else good. $3.34 [214956] Curtis, Arthur H.. __Vision & Mission of Jesus: A Literary & Critical Investigation__. T&T Clark. 1954. . 388pp. Foxing to end papers. Back free end paper corner clipped. Old-­‐book smell. $8.5 [298829] D'Angelo, Mary Rose. __Moses in the Letter to the Hebrews [SBL Dissertation Series 42]__. Scholars Press. 1978. . 270pp. Very good. $8 [347934] 52 da Fonseca, Aloisius Gonzaga. __Quaestio Synoptica, Editio Tertia [Institutiones Biblicae]__. E. Pontificio Instituto Biblico. 1952. Latin. 224pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken, foxing. Rebound in lime-­‐green buckram. $5 [335090] Dahl, Nils Alstrup. __Das Volk Gottes: Eine Untersuchung zum Kirchenbewusstein des Urchristentums mit Einem Vorwort zum Neudruck__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1963. . 351pp. Ink underlining. $8.5 [297655] Daniélou, Jean. __Message Évangélique et Culture Hellénistique, aux II et III Siècles [Bibliothèque de Théologie, II]__. Desclée & Co.. 1961. French. 485pp. Good. Wrappers stained, lower wrappers reglued. $10 [310586] Danker, Frederick W.. __Man in Conflict: A Study of Flesh and Spirit in Galatians [Reprinted from Concordia Theological Monthly, vol.XXVII, July 1956, no. 7, 'Faith Without Works']__. Concordia Theological Monthly. 1956. . 48pp. Stapled booklet. Faded wrappers, otherwise very good $5 [300839] Dart, John. __Decoding Mark__. Trinity Press International. 2003. . 213pp. NF/NF $4 [286114] Davies, J. Newton. __Rightly Dividing the Word__. Abingdon. 1929. . 299pp. Ex-­‐
library, with partially removed label and interior library matter; else sound. $4.5 [165389] Davies, W.D.. __Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: Some Rabbinic Elements in Pauline Theology__. S.P.C.K.. 1962. . 392pp. Used book. Poor condition. Binding is broken. Spine is cocked. Underlining throughout the book. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1279] Dawe, Donald G.. __Paul Interpreted for India__. Guru Gobind Singh Department. n.d.. . 135pp. Good; slight foxing. $3.5 [328980] de Surgy, P.; P. Grelot, M. Carrez, A. George, J. Delorme, X. Léon-­‐Dufour; trans. by Charles Underhill Quinn. __The Resurrection and Modern Biblical Thought__. Corpus Books. 1970. . 162pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library. $3.5 [338882] Deichgräber, Reinhard. __Gotteshymnus und Christusshymnus in der frühen Christenheit: Unteruschungen zu Form, Sprache und Stil der früchristlichen Hymnen__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1967. German. 251pp. Good; slight foxing. $8 [340771] Deisser, Kurt. __Auferstehungshoffnung und Pneumagedanke bei Paulus__. A. Deichert. 1912. German. 157pp. Foxing, ink underlining. Wrappers reglued. $3.5 [311455] 53 Deissmann, Adolf. __New Testament in the Light of Modern Research__. Doubleday. 1929. . 193pp. Spine cloth frayed and sunned, else good. $4.5 [194994] Deiszner, Kurt. __Paulus und die Mystik seiner Zeit__. A. Deichert. 1921. . 149pp. Ex-­‐library, browned and brittle pages, wrappers chipped. $5 [248935] Delatte, Paul. __L'Évangile de Notre-­‐Seigneur Jésus-­‐Christ le Fils de Dieu__. Maison Alfred Mame et Fils. 1921. French. 895pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in mustard buckram. Else good. $4.5 [313205] Delling, Gerhard. __Gottesdienst im Neuen Testament__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1952. . 173pp. Yellowed pages, ink underlining. $6.5 [254902] Denis, Albert-­‐Marie. __L'Apotre Paul 'prophète messianique' des Gentils. Étude thématique de 1 Thess. II, 1-­‐6 [Analecta Lovaniensia Biblica et Orientalia, Ser. III, Fasc. 6]__. Publications Universitaires de Louvain. 1957. . pp. Stapled booklet. Some underlining, bent corners, else good. $4.5 [325617] Denzer, George A.. __The Parables of the Kingdom: A Presentation and Defense of the Absolute Mercy Theory of the Kingdom Parables with a Review and Criticism of Modern Catholic Opinion [Catholic University of America Studies in Sacred Theology, no. 94]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1945. . 185pp. Ex-­‐
library, wrappers yellowed, spine repaired with clear tape. $8.5 [310462] Derwacter, Frederick Milton. __Preparing the Way for Paul: The Proselyte Movement in Later Judaism__. Macmillan. . . 165pp. Very good; some foxing. $5 [308243] Dewey, Joanna. __Markan Public Debate [SBL Dissertation Series 48]__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 277pp. Faded and slightly torn wrappers, ink underlining. $4 [361087] Dewhirst, Paul. __Faith of Jesus__. Paul A. Dewhirst. 1987. . 108pp. VG/VGThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.13 [703804] Dibelius, Martin. __From Tradition to Gospel__. Scribner's. 1935. . 311pp. Extensive pencil underlining. Faded boards. Shaken. $5 [281607] Dibelius, Martin. __Studies in the Acts of the Apostles__. SCM. 1956. . 228pp. Ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4 [318916] Diderichsen, Børge Krag. __Den Markianske Skilsmisseperikope: Dens Genesis og Historiske Placering__. Gyldendal. 1962. Swedish. 354pp. Lower spine damaged, corners bumped. $5 [306723] 54 Didier, Georgio. __Désintéressement du Chrétien. La Rétribution dans la Morale de Saint Paul__. Paris: Éditions Montaigne. 1955. . 254pp. Good; ex-­‐library, slightly grubby cover. $4 [299618] Didier, M.. __L'Évangile selon Matthieu: Rédaction et théologie [Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium XXIX]__. J. Duculot. 1972. French. 428pp. Underlining, foxing, concave and creased spine. $8.5 [303183] Dignath, Walter. __Weihnachtstexte im Unterricht__. Gutersloher Verlag. 1965. . 192pp. Ex-­‐library, sunned spine. $4 [179702] Dinkler, Erich. __Taufaussagen des Neuen Testaments [Sonderdruck aus 'Zu Karl Barths Lehre von der Taufe']__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1971. German. pp. Good; slight foxing. $5 [314072] Dinkler, Erich (Hrsg.). __Zeit und Geschichte Dankesgabe an Rudolf Bultmann zum 80. Geburtstag__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1964. German. 749pp. Extensive ink underlining, slightly sunned cover. $8.5 [298354] Dinkler, Erich; K. Viering (Hrsg.). __Taufaussagen des Neuen Testaments. Sonderdruck aus: Zu Karl Barths Lehre von der Taufe __. . 1971. German. 153pp. Very good. Inscribed by the author. $5 [199095] Dobschütz, E. von; F.L. Pogson trans.. __Apostolic Age__. Philip Green. 1909. . 144pp. Ex-­‐library, yellowed pages. $4.5 [211420] Dobschütz, E.V.. __Apostolische Zeitalter__. Gebauer-­‐Schwetschke. 1904. . 70pp. Yellowed and brittle pages, else good. $5 [212076] Dockery, David S. & David E. Garland. __Seeking the Kingdom: The Sermon on the Mount Made Practical for Today__. Shaw. 1992. . 146pp. Stained edges and margins, good otherwise. $3.34 [182040] Dodd, C.H.. __History and the Gospel__. Nisbet. 1941. . 189pp. G/G, slight foxing, slightly musty. From the library of Geoffrey Wainwright. $3.5 [347603] Dömer, Michael. __Das Heil Gottes: Studien zur Theologie des lukanischen Doppelwerkes [Bonner Biblische Beiträge, Band 51]__. Peter Hanstein. 1978. . 233pp. Extensive ink underlining. $10 [294926] Donahue, John R.. __Are You the Christ? The Trial Narrative in the Gospel of Mark__. DuplicateSociety of Biblical Literature. 1973. . 269pp. Faded wraps. Else good. $8 [A319592] 55 Dondorp, A.. __Verzoekingen van Jezus Christus in de Woestijn__. J.H. Kok. 1951. . 186pp. Good. Foxing, back wrappers stained. $4 [303384] Donfried, Karl P. & Johannes Beutler. __The Thessalonians Debate: Methodological Discord or Methodological Synthesis?__. Eerdmans. 2000. . 384pp. Spine creased, underlining and highlighting, to a few pages, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U12339] Donfried, Karl Paul. __Paul, Thessalonica, and Early Christianity__. Eerdmans. 2002. . 347pp. New Copy $9 [KVS027] Doohan, Helen. __Paul's Vision of Church [Good New Studies, 32]__. Michael Glazier. 1989. . 262pp. Very good; creased spine. $7 [297893] Doty, William G.. __Contemporary New Testament Interpretation__. Prentice-­‐Hall. 1972. . 176pp. Ex-­‐library, good otherwise. $3.34 [172607] Doublet, Monseigneur. __Saints Évanglies Commentés D'après la tradition et les travaux récents, Tome Troisième__. Berche & Tralin. 1905. French. 438pp. Quarter-­‐leather; upper spine leather torn and reglued. Faded spine, boards slightly bowed, foxing. $8.5 [313919] du Rand, J.A.; P.P.A. Kotzé. __Analysis of the Johannine Letters: Addendum to Neotestamentic 13, Studies in the Johannine Letters__. South Africa. 1981. . 23pp. Stapled booklet. Slightly faded wrappers, else good. $5 [352020] du Rand, Jan A.. __Johannine Perspectives: Introduction to the Johannine Writings, Part I__. Orion. 1991. . 395pp. Underlining, creased wrappers. $8.5 [351890] Dunn, James D.G.. __Jesus and the Spirit: A Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and the First Christians as Reflected in the New Testament__. Westminster. 1975. . 515pp. G/G, some underlining and notes, chipped dust jacket. $8 [294779] Dupont, Dom Jacques. __Les sources du Livre des Actes. État de la question__. Desclée de Brouyer. 1960. French. 165pp. Good. Underlining, foxing, bent corners. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $4.5 [304213] Dupont, Jacques. __The Sources of the Acts__. Herder. 1964. . 180pp. Ex-­‐library, underlining, slightly chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [345109] Duriez, Colin. __AD 33: The Year That Changed the World__. IVP. 2007. . 256pp. Discounted new book $8.5 [249313] 56 Ebner, Martin. __Jesus-­‐Ein Wisheits-­‐Leherer? Synoptische Weisheitslogien im Traditionsprozess (Herders Biblische Studien 15)__. Herder. 1998. . 483pp. NF/NF $9.33 [188640] Ebrard, J.H.A.. __Evangelium Johannis und die neueste Hypothese über seine Entstehung. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Evangelien__. Verlag von Meyer und Zeller. 1845. German. 217pp. Badly stained pages, underlining. $8 [332668] Eck, Samuel. __Ueber die Bedeutung der Auferstehung Jesu für die Urgemeinde und für uns (Hefte zur 'Christlichen Welt' Nr. 32)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1898. . 36pp. Stapled booklet with uncut edges, condition very good. $3.5 [228978] Eckert, Jost. __Urchristliche Verkündigung im Streit Zwischen Paulus und Seinen Gegnern Nach Dem Glaterbrief__. Friedrich Pustet. 1971. . 260pp. Underlining and highlighting $4.67 [211766] Edwards, Richard A.. __Matthew's Narrative Portrait of Disciples: How the Text-­‐
Connoted Reader is Informed__. Trinity Press International. 1997. . 151pp. Very good. $3.5 [326490] Edwards, Richard Allen. __Sign of Jonah in the Theology of the Evangelists and Q__. SCM. 1971. . 122pp. Wraps soiled on back & chipped at spine. Else good. $3.5 [297473] Ehrhardt, Arnold. __Acts of the Apostles: Ten Lectures__. Manchester. 1969. . 139pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $8 [298955] Ehrhardt, Arnold. __Framework of the New Testament Stories__. Harvard. 1964. . 336pp. G/G, ex-­‐library. $7 [301379] Eidem, Erling. __Det Kristna Livet Enlight Paulus__. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses. 1927. . 341pp. Good. Penciling, slight foxing. Rebound in library buckram. $5 [306974] Eiss, Werner. __Qumran und die Anfänge der Christlichen Gemeinde [Calwer Hefte 23]__. Calwer Verlag. 1959. German. 24pp. Stapled booklet. Pencil underlining. $3.5 [308050] Ellicott, C.J.. __Christus Comprobator, or the Testimony of Christ to the Old Testament__. Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South. 19229. . 191pp. Underlining, ex-­‐library, rebound in burgundy buckram. $3.5 [214870] Elliott, John H.. __A Home for the Homeless: A Social-­‐Scientific Criticism of I Peter, Its Situation and Strategy__. Fortress. 1981. . 306pp. G/G, ink underlining. $9 [250999] 57 Elliott, John H.. __Conflict, Community, and Honor: 1 Peter in Social-­‐Scientific Perspective (Cascade Companions) __. Cascade. 2007. . 94pp. VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.75 [U15596] Elliott, John H.. __Home for the Homeless: A Social-­‐Scientific Criticism of I Peter, Its Situation & Strategy__. Fortress. 1981. . 306pp. Extensive ink underlining. Chipped dust jacket. Cocked spine. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [713719] Ellis, E. Earle. __Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity: New Testament Essays__. Eerdmans. 1978. . 289pp. Musty, creased spine, sound otherwise. $4.5 [246633] Eltester, Walther (Hrsg.). __Judentum Urchristentum Kirche: Festschrift für Joachim Jeremias__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1960. . 259pp. Creased pages, slight foxing. $8.5 [321786] Enermalm-­‐Ogawa, Agneta. __Un langage de priere juif en grec: Le temoignagae des deux premiers livres des Maccabees [Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series 17]__. Almqvist & Wiksell International. 1987. . 157pp. Underlining, small stains on wrappers, spine edges bumped. Inscribed and signed by the author, to Robin Scroggs. $7.5 [295941] Epp, Eldon Jay and George W. Macrae, S.J. eds.. __New Testament and Its Modern Interpreters__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 601pp. Very good; creased spine. $8.5 [282432] Etzold, Otto. __Rechtfertigung Heute: Ein Wort zur Botschaft des Römerbriefs [Calwer Hefte 72]__. Calwer Verlag. 1965. German. 47pp. Very good. $3.5 [308046] Evans, C.F.. __Resurrection and the New Testament [Studies in Biblical Theology, Second Series, No. 12]__. SCM Press. 1970. . 190pp. Used book. Good condition. Cover is worn on the spine. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1347] Everling, Otto. __Die Paulinische Angelologie und Dämonologie, Ein biblisch-­‐
theologischer Versuch__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1888. . 126pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. Most of spine detached. $5 [337016] Ewald, Paul. __Über die Glaubwürdigkeit der Evangelien__. A. Deichert. 1897. . 25pp. Pencil underlining, else good. $3.5 [229058] 58 Fairweather, William. __The Background of the Gospels, or Judaism in the Period Between the Old and New Testaments__. T&T Clark. 1908. . 455pp. Faded cover, spine cloth slightly torn, foxing, slightly shaken. $3.5 [268681] Farmer, W.R.; C.F.D. Moule; R.R. Niebuhr; eds.. __Christian History and Interpretation: Studies Presented to John Knox__. Cambridge. 1967. . 428pp. Penciling through second half. Edgeworn and yellowed dust jacket. $6.5 [A325007] Farmer, William ed.. __New Synoptic Studies__. Mercer. 1983. . 533pp. VG/VG $4.5 [310099] Farmer, William R.. __Reflections Upon 'The Historical Perimeters for Understanding the Aims of Jesus' [Offprint from: Authenticating the Activities of Jesus]__. Brill. 1999. . pp. Booklet, in very good condition. Front wrapper inscribed and signed by the author, to Bruce M. Metzger. $3.5 [335252] Fascher, Erich. __Weib des Pilatus (Matthäus 27, 19); Die Auferweckung der Heiligen (Matthäus 27, 51-­‐53), Zwei Studien zur Geschichte der Schrifauslegung__. Max Niemeyer. 1951. . 51pp. Foxing, chipped wrappers. $8.5 [286528] Feine, Paul & Johannes Behm; reedited by Werner Georg Kümmel. __Introduction to the New Testament__. Abingdon. 1966. . 444pp. Underlining, otherwise good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.5 [708551] Ferrar, W.J.. __From Daniel to St. John the Divine: A Study in Apocalypse__. SPCK. 1930. . 121pp. Good; yellowed pages, upper corners bumped. $10 [255301] Feuillet, André. __L'Apocalypse [Studia Neotestamentica, Subsidia 3]__. Desclée de Brouwer. 1963. French. 122pp. Ink marginalia. Double association: From the library of Paul Minear and of Leander Keck. $8 [268689] Fiebig, Paul. __Umwelt des Neuen Testaments__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1926. . 85pp. Good. $3.5 [235663] Findlay, Adam Fyfe. __Byways in Early Christian Literature: Studies in the Uncanonical Gospels and Acts__. T&T Clark. 1923. . 354pp. Worn cover, bumped corners. $6.5 [315554] Finegan, Jack. __Myth and Mystery: An Introduction to the Pagan Religions of the Biblical World__. Baker Book House. 1989. . 335pp. Used book. Very good condition. Very slight marginalia. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1360] 59 Fisher, Fred L.. __Jesus and His Teachings__. Broadman. 1972. . 157pp. VG/VG $8.5 [329014] Fitzmyer, Joseph A.. __To Advance the Gospel: New Testament Studies__. Crossroad. 1981. . 265pp. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $3 [263258] Foakes-­‐Jackson, F.J.. __Rise of Gentile Christianity__. Doran. 1927. . 231pp. Ex-­‐
library, shaken; back glued end paper damaged by rough removal of library matter. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [710746] Foerster, D. Werner. __Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (2 vols.)__. Furche-­‐Verlag. 1954. . 248, 295pp. VG/VG $5 [186620] Foerster, Werner. __From the Exile to Christ: Historical Introduction to Palestinian Judaism__. Fortress. 1964. . 245pp. VG/VG $3.67 [711350] Foerster, Werner. __Romische Weltreich zur Zeit des Neuen Testaments__. Im Furche. 1961. . 295pp. Pencil underlining, otherwise very good. $5 [163627] Ford, Richard Q.. __The Parables of Jesus: Recovering the Art of Listening__. Fortress. 1997. . 183pp. Very good. $3.5 [348373] Forestell, J.T.. __Targumic Traditions and the New Testament [SBL Aramaic Studies 4]__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 137pp. Good; faded wrappers. $8.5 [326098] Förster, Werner. __Palestinian Judaism in New Testament Times__. Oliver & Boyd. 1964. . 247pp. VG/VG $8 [300118] Fortna, Robert T. and Tom Thatcher eds.. __Jesus in Johannine Tradition__. W/JKP. 2001. . 381pp. Ink underlining. $5 [348037] Fortna, Robert Tomson. __The Fourth Gospel and Its Predecessor__. Fortress. 1988. . 332pp. G/G, slightly chipped dust jacket, slight foxing. $3.5 [347546] Fox, G. George. __Jesus, Pilate and Paul__. Isaacs & Company. 1955. . 159pp. Foxing, chipped dust jacket, some underlining. $4 [300278] France, R.T. and David Wenham eds.. __Gospel Perspectives, vol. III__. JSOT Press. 1983. . 299pp. Slight foxing, slightly shaken. $8 [299085] Francis, Fred O. and Wayne A. Meeks ed. & trans.. __Conflict at Colossae: A Problem in the Interpretation of Early Christianity Illustrated by Selected Modern Studies, Revised edition__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1973. . 222pp. Small stain on front wrapper, else good. Comb binding. $3.5 [334687] 60 Fransen, Joh.. __Ofwersattning af Pauli bref till de Romare med 400 anmarkningar, och ett bihang oefwer 7 faerfkildta ftaellen i den hel. Skrift__. Stockholm: J. Horberg. 1834. . 139pp. Boards quite edgeworn, otherwise good. $8.5 [243638] Frazee, Charles A.. __Two Thousand Years Ago: The World at the Time of Jesus__. Eerdmans Press. 2002. . 248pp. Used book. VG/VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [NW1367] Fredriksen, Paula. __Jesus of Nazareth: King of the Jews. A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity__. Knopf. 1999. . 327pp. VG/VG $6.5 [354861] Freed, Edwin D.. __The Apostle Paul, Christian Jew: Faithfulness and Law__. University Press of America. 1993. . 256pp. Good; slight foxing. $8.5 [346484] Fridrichsen, Anton; foreword by Krister Stendahl. __The Problem of Miracle in Primitive Christianity__. Augsburg. 1972. . 174pp. Ink underlining. $4 [268520] Friedrich, Gerhard. __Ausslegungen der Reformatoren: Gemeinsam mit Ulrich Asendorf, Samuel Lutz und Wilhelm Neuser [Texte zum Neuen Testament, Band 3]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1984. German. 291pp. Good; slight foxing. $6.5 [346546] Frisque, Jean. __Oscar Cullmann, Une theologie de l'histoire du salut (Cahiers de l'actualite Religieuse 11)__. Casterman. 1960. . 279pp. Ex-­‐library, else good. $3.34 [189474] Fuchs, Albert. __Jesus in Verkündigung der Kirche [Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt, Serie A, Band 1]__. Druck: Plöchl, Freistadt. 1976. German. 205pp. Very good; spine edges bumped. $8 [310583] Fuchs, D. Ernst. __Zur Frage Nach dem Historischen Jesus, 2. Auflage__. J.c.B. Mohr. 1960. German. 458pp. Penciling in first half. Else sound. $3.5 [346372] Füglister, Notker. __Heilsbedeutung des Pascha [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament]__. Kösel-­‐Verlag München. 1963. . 309pp. Ex-­‐library, slight foxing, grubby wrappers. $5 [298047] Gaffney, J. Patrick. __Inexhaustible Presence: The Mystery of Jesus__. Dimension Books. 1986. . 198pp. Pencil marks, else good. $3.5 [211705] Gager, John C.. __Reinventing Paul__. Oxford. 2000. . 198pp. Boards slightly bowed. Else G/VG. $4 [264910] 61 Gale, Herbert M.. __Use of Analogy in the Letters of Paul, the__. Westminster. 1964. . 282pp. VG/VG, bound brown cloth, slightly chipped dj in mylar sleeveThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.34 [703835] Gamble, Harry, Jr.. __Textual History of the Letter to the Romans: A Study in Textual and Literary Criticism__. Eerdmans. 1977. . 151pp. Small hole in front wrap, dent in first few leaves. Top corner bumped. Else sound. Edited by Irving Alan Sparks. $5 [361113] Gardner, Percy. __Historic View of the New Testament__. Adam & Charles Black. 1901. . 274pp. Ex-­‐library, edgeworn cover, foxing, shaken. $8 [326638] Garnder-­‐Smith, P.; foreword by F.J. Foakes Jackson. __Christ of the Gospels: A Study of the Gospel Records in the Light of Critical Research__. Heffer. 1938. . 245pp. VG/G, bumped corners, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [268521] Gärtner, Bertil. __The Temple and the Community in Qumran and the New Testament [Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 1]__. Cambridge. 1965. . 164pp. Good, in a torn dust jacket. $9.5 [272830] Gasque, W. Ward. __History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles__. Eerdmans. 1975. . 344pp. Good. Adhesive stain on front cover, blurb from dust jacket pasted to front glued end paper. $4 [308219] Gaston, Lloyd. __Horae Synopticae Electronicae: Word Statistics of the Synoptic Gospels [Sources for Biblical Study 3__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1973. . 100pp. Good; slight foxing, corners slightly bent. $4 [301124] Georgi, Dieter. __Die Geschichte der Kollekte des Paulus für Jerusalem [Theologische Forschung 38]__. Herbert Reich. 1965. German. 102pp. Good; slight foxing. $5 [337377] Georgi, Dieter. __Geschichte der Kollekte des Paulus für Jerusalem (Theologische Forschung 38)__. Herbert Reich. 1965. . 102pp. Very good. $3.34 [212289] Georgi, Dieter. __Opponents of Paul in Second Corinthians__. Fortress. 1986. . 463pp. VG/VG $3.5 [348090] Gerhardsson, Birger. __Origins of the Gospel Traditions__. Fortress. 1979. . 95pp. VG/VG $5 [248784] 62 Gerhardsson, Birger. __The Gospel Tradition [Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series, 15]__. Wallin & Dalholm, Lund. 1986. . 57pp. Used book. Good condition. Inscribed by author. Cover is slightly worn. Spine is slightly bumped. Slight marginalia. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8 [NW1378] Gerleman, G.. __Der Menschensohn (Studia Biblica, vol. I)__. E.J. Brill. 1983. . 79pp. Underlining. $5 [221341] Gerstenberger, Erhard. __Wesen und Herkunft des 'Apodiktischen Rechts' [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 20 Band]__. Neurkirchener Verlag. 1965. German. 162pp. Very good. $5 [312872] Gilbert, George Holley. __Revelation of Jesus: A Study of the Primary Sources of Christianity__. Macmillan. 1899. . 375pp. Good. Stained cover, slight foxing. $8 [301091] Gilg, Arnold. __Weg und Bedeutung der altkirchlichen Christologie (Theologische Bücherei, Historische Theologie Band 4)__. Chr. Kaiser. 1955. . 105pp. Yellowed pages, else good. $3 [188772] Gillman, Florence Morgan. __Herodias: At Home in that Fox's Den__. Michael Glazier. 2003. . 136pp. Very good. $3.5 [337148] Gils, Félix. __Jésus Prophète: D'Après les Évangiles Synoptiques [Orientalia et Biblica Lovaniensia, II]__. Louvain. 1957. French. 192pp. Ex-­‐library, spine edges bumped. $8.5 [311374] Girard, Chanoine Louis. __Cadre Chronologique du Ministère de Jésus__. J. Gabalda et Cie. 1953. French. 94pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, upper edges uncut. $5 [310780] Gloege, Gerhard. __Reich Gottes und Kirche im Neuen Testament [Neutestamentiliche Forschungen, Zweite Reihe, Untersuchungen zum kirchenproblem des Urchristentums, 4. Heft]__. C. Bertelsmann. 1929. . 428pp. Pencil underlining, bumped corners. $8 [279069] Gloer, W. Hulitt ed.. __Eschatology and the New Testament: Essays in Honor of George Raymond Beasley-­‐Murray__. Hendrickson. 1988. . 154pp. VG/G $4 [299991] Godet, F.; W. H. Lyttelton ed.. __Studies on the New Testament__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1873. . 398pp. Worn and stained cover and page edges, musty, shaken, front hinge repaired, foxing. $3.5 [305642] 63 Goetz, D. Karl Gerold. __Ursprung des kirchlichen Abendmahls blosse Mahlgemeinschaft von Jesus und seinen Jüngern oder eine besondere Handlung und Worte von Jesus?__. Friedrich Reinhardt. 1929. . 64pp. Ex-­‐library, penciling, wrappers tearing away. $4 [180226] Goguel, M. Maurice. __Aux Sources de la Tradition Chrétienne__. Delachaux et Niestlé. 1950. . 280pp. Slightly cocked spine, wrappers becoming loose. $7 [233614] Goguel, Maurice. __Jesus the Nazarene, Myth or History?__. D. Appleton. 1926. . 320pp. Sunned spine, foxing, slightly shaken. $8 [310902] Goguel, Maurice . __The Life of Jesus__. Macmillan. 1954. . 591pp. G/G, ink underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.5 [713716] Goodspeed, Edgar J.. __Christianity Goes to Press__. Macmillan. 1940. . 115pp. Ex-­‐
library, slight foxing. $8.5 [295517] Goodspeed, Edgar J.. __New Solutions of New Testament Problems__. Chicago. 1927. . 127pp. Worn cover, ex-­‐library, shaken, slight underlining, slight foxing. $5 [348248] Goodwin, Mark. __Paul, Apostle of the Living God: Kerygma & Conversion in 2 Corinthians__. Trinity. 2001. . 261pp. New copy. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $9.5 [706712] Goppelt, L.. __Theologie des Neuen Testaments. 1. Jesu Wirken in seiner theologischen Bedeutung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1976. . 669pp. Underlining, cocked and creased spine. $4 [228192] Goppelt, L. . __Origines de l'Eglise__. Payot, Paris. 1961. . 293pp. Underlining, yellowed pages. $4 [188598] Goppelt, Leonhard. __Christologie und Ethik: Aufsätze zum Neuen Testament__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. . 276pp. Foxing, extensive ink underlining, lower corners bumped. $5 [272884] Goppelt, Leonhard. __Theologie des Neuen Testaments (2 vols.)__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1976. . 669pp. Tidy ink underlining and notes, else good. $3.34 [198154] 64 Goppelt, Leonhard. __Typos: Die Typologie Deutung des Alten Testaments im Neuen & Anhang: Apokalyptik und Typologie bei Paulus__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1966. . 299pp. Faded cover. $8.5 [279938] Grafe, Eduard. __Urchristentum und das Alte Testament. Rede gehalten beim Antritt des Rektorates zu Bonn am 18. Oktober 1906__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1907. . 48pp. Stained and chipped wrappers. $4.5 [228948] Grant, Robert M.. __Early Christianity and Society: Seven Studies__. Harper & Row. 1977. . 221pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn along the edges. Light pencil underlining throughout the book. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1396] Grant, Robert M.. __Historical Introduction to the New Testament__. Harper. 1963. . 448pp. Underlining. $3.5 [230565] Grant, Robert M.. __Jesus After the Gospels: The Christ of the Second Century [The Hale Memorial Lectures of Seabury-­‐Western Theological Seminary, 1989]__. Westminster/John Knox Press. 1990. . 134pp. Used book. VG/VG. DJ is very slightly worn along the edges. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1399] Grass, Hans. __Ostergeschehen und Osterberichte__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1964. German. 346pp. VG/G $5 [301980] Grass, Karl. __Lehre von der wesenhaften Gottheit Jesu Christi__. Dörffling & Franke. 1905. . 74pp. Good. $8.5 [229775] Grässer, Erich. __Problem der Parusieverzögerung in den Synoptischen Evangelien und in der Apostelgeschichte__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1957. German. 234pp. Ex-­‐
library, rebound in green buckram. Yellowed. Else good. $5 [317576] Grassi, Joseph A. . __God Makes Me Laugh: A New Approach To Luke__. Michael Glazier. 1986. . 152pp. Good. Some faded highlighting, owner's name on inside cover. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [89114] Grau, Rudolf Freidrich. __Selbstbewusstlein Jesu__. G.H. Beck. 1886. German. 393pp. Edgeworn boards, shaken, slight foxing. $4.5 [313230] Grayston, Kenneth. __Dying , We Live: A new enquiry into the death of Christ in the New Testament__. Oxford. 1990. . 496pp. dust jacket slightly rubbed $4 [KVS474] 65 Green, Joel B. and Max Turner eds.. __Jesus of Nazareth, Lord and Christ: Essays on the Historical Jesus and New Testament Christology__. Eerdmans. 1994. . 536pp. VG/VG $9.5 [347557] Greijdanus, S.. __Gebruik van het Grieksch door den Heere en zijne Apostelen in Palestina__. J.H. Kok. 1932. . 48pp. From the library of Bruce M. Metzger. Some foxing, lower spine corner slightly bent, else good. $8.5 [302984] Griffith-­‐Jones, Robin. __Four Witnesses: The Rebel, the Rabbi, the Chronicler, & the Mystic__. Harper. 2000. . 405pp. VG/VG $3.13 [142775] Grosheide, F.W.. __De Openbaring Gods in Het Nieuwe Testament__. J.H. Kok. 1953. Dutch. 268pp. Good; foxing. $9 [332932] Gruenler, Royce Gordon. __Jesus, Persons, and the Kingdom of God__. Bethany Press. 1967. . 224pp. VG/G, torn dust jacket. $8 [343426] Grundmann, Walter. __Zeugnis und Gestalt des Johannes-­‐Evangeliums__. Calwer . 1960. . 98pp. Yellowed pages, underlining. $3.5 [219650] Gundry, Robert H.. __Jesus the Word according to John the Sectarian: A Paleofundamentalist Manifesto for Contemporary Evangelicalism, especially its elites, in North America__. Eerdmans. 2002. . 137pp. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.5 [712847] Gunkel, Hermann; Roy A. Harrisville and Philip A. Quanbeck II, trans.. __Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle Paul__. Fortress. 1979. . 133pp. Ink underlining in first half. $5 [308180] Gunn, James. __I Will Build My Church__. Walterick Publishers. n.d.. . 156pp. VG/VG $3.34 [215392] Günther, Ernst. __Entwicklung der Lehre von der Person Christi im XIX. Jahrhundert__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1911. German. 443pp. Worn cover, spine covered in blue binding tape; ex-­‐library, shaken. Third page loose but present. $5 [313175] Güttgemanns, Erhardt. __Offene Fragen zur Formgeschichte des Evangeliums__. Chr. Kaiser . 1970. . 280pp. Ink underlining. $4 [254883] Haas, Jakob. __Stellung Jesu zu Sünde und Sünder nach den Vier Evangelien [Studia Friburgensia, Neue Folge, Heft 7]__. Universitatsverlag Freiburg Schweiz. 1953. . 254pp. Foxing, slightly chipped wrappers; very good otherwise. $8.5 [295904] 66 Hackett, H.B.. __Commentary on the Original Text of the Acts of the Apostles__. John P. Jewett. 1852. . 407pp. Yellowed pages, cocked spine, worn cover. $7.67 [212843] Haefeli, Leo.. __Cäsarea am Meer: Topographie und Geschichte der Stadt nach Josephus und Apostelgeschichte [Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, X. Band, 5. Heft]__. Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1923. German. 76pp. Badly torn wrappers, lower corners quite bent, foxing. Page edges uncut. $8 [310046] Haenchen, Ernst. __Potschaft des Thomas-­‐Evangeliums__. Alfred Topelmann. 1961. . 76pp. Creased wraps. Slight yellowing. Former owner's name-­‐stamp. $3.5 [300261] Hahn, Ferdinand. __Christologische Hoheitstitel. Ihre Geschichte im frühen Christentum__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1964. . 442pp. Faded and water-­‐stained cover, underlining. $4 [210659] Hahn, Ferdinand. __Das Verstandnis Der Mission Im Neuen Testament__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1963. . 168pp. Extensive ink underlining/marks throughout. $5 [CR0811] Hahn, Ferdinand. __Verständnis der Mission im Neuen Testament (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament)__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1963. . 168pp. Ex-­‐library, else very good. $3.34 [222441] Hahn, Ferdinand (Hrsg.). __Formgeschichte des Evangeliums [Wege der Forschung Band LXXXI]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1985. German. 484pp. Very good. $8 [317817] Hall, David R.. __The Gospel Framework, Fiction or Fact? A Critical Evaluation of der Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu by Karl Ludwig Schmidt__. Paternoster. 1998. . 174pp. Foxing, underlining. $6.5 [350213] Hamerton-­‐Kelly, Robert. __God the Father: Theology and Patriarchy in the Teaching of Jesus__. Fortress. 1979. . 128pp. Highlighting. $4 [184590] Hänel, Curt. __Kohlrauschs Vademecum homileticum. Predigt-­‐Dispositionen für alt-­‐ und neutestamentliche Texte. 4. Auflage__. A. Deichersche. 1928. German. 228pp. Very good. $8.5 [332848] Hanna, William. __Close of the Ministry (Life of Our Lord series, vol. 3)__. Robert Carter. 1870. . 351pp. Cloth chipped at spine's head and tail, mildewed end papers, ex-­‐library, shaken. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [708657] 67 Hanna, William. __Earlier Years of Our Lord's Life on Earth (Life of Our Lord, vol. 1)__. Robert Carter. 1870. . 400pp. Cloth chipped at spine's head and tail, mildewed end papers, ex-­‐library, quite shaken. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.34 [708656] Hanna, William. __Forty Days of Our Lord's Resurrection (Life of Our Lord, vol. 6)__. Robert Carter. 1870. . 316pp. Cloth chipped at spine's head and tail, mildewed end papers, ex-­‐library. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [708658] Hanson, Anthony Tyrrell. __Studies in Paul's Technique and Theology__. SPCK. 1974. . 329pp. Bumped corners, musty, some marginalia. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.34 [710794] Hare, Douglas R. A.. __Son of Man Tradition__. Fortress. 1990. . 316pp. VG/VG. $4 [308125] Harnack, Adolf. __Beiträge zur Einleitung in das Neue Testament IV: Neue Untersuchungen zur Apostelgeschichte und zur Abfassungzeit der Synoptischen Evangelien__. J.C. Hinrichs. 1911. German. 114pp. Slight foxing, marginalia. $4.5 [358484] Harnack, Adolf von. __Entstehung des Neuen Testaments und die Wichtigsten Folgen der Neuen Schöpfung [Beiträge zur Einleitung in das Neue Testament, VI. Heft]__. J.C. Hinrichs. 1914. . 152pp. From the library of Krister Stendahl. Heavy foxing, underlining. Rebound in red library buckram. $8 [306791] Harnisch, Wolfgang. __Eschatologische Existenz. Ein Exegetischer Beitrag zum Sachanliegen von 1. Thessalonicher 4,13-­‐5,11__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1973. . 187pp. Wrappers slightly torn and becoming loose, else good. $9.5 [303371] Harrington, Daniel and James Keenan. __Jesus and Virtue Ethics: Building Bridges Between New Testament Studies and Moral Theology__. Sheed & Ward. 2002. . 216pp. Penciling, otherwise good. $10 [357838] Harris, Stephen N.. __New Testament: A Student's Introduction. 3rd edition.__. Mayfield. 1998. . 419pp. Underlining, highlighting, creased wrappers. $3.5 [161541] Harrison, P.N.. __Problem of the Pastoral Epistles__. Oxford. 1921. . 184, (16)pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, edgeworn and rubbed cover. $8 [299545] 68 Harrison, P.N.. __The Problem of the Pastoral Epistles__. Oxford. 1921. . 184, [16]pp. Foxing, chipped dust jacket; upper page edges uncut. $8 [294231] Hartman, Lars. __Testimonium Linguae: Participial Constructions in the Synoptic Gospels. A Linguistic Examination of Luke 21, 13 [Coniectanea Neotestamentica XIX]__. C.W.K. Gleerup. 1963. . 75pp. Foxing, underlining. $4 [350240] Harvey, A.E.. __Jesus and the Constraints of History__. Westminster. 1982. . 184pp. Ink underlining, faded dust jacket. $5 [KVS552] Harvey, A.E.. __Jesus on Trial: A Study in the Fourth Gospel__. John Knox. 1977. . 140pp. Foxing, underlining. $4 [347202] Harvey, John D.. __Listening to the Text: Oral Patterning in Paul's Letters__. Baker. 1998. . 357pp. Like new * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.83 [706755] Hastings, Adrian. __Prophet and Witness in Jerusalem; a study of the teaching of Saint Luke__. Helicon Press. 1958. . 198pp. G/G, slight shelf wear and yellowing, otherwise very clean $4.5 [200178] Hatch, H.G.. __Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: An Investigation of Christological Data in the Synoptic Gospels__. SPCK. 1939. . 160pp. G/G, slight foxing. $5 [268472] Haupt, D. Erich. __Eschatologischen Aussagen Jesu in den Synoptischen Evangelien__. Reuther & Reichard. 1895. . 164pp. Foxing, lower corners and center of spine edge bent, upper edges uncut. $8.5 [240312] Haussleiter, Johannes. __Vorgeschichte des apostolischen Glaubensbekenntnisses. Ein Beitrag zur Symbolforschung__. C.H. Beck. 1893. . 58pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, rebound in library buckram and paper boards. $8.5 [308196] Havener, Ivan; Athanasius Polag, contrib.. __Q: The Sayings of Jesus, with a Reconstruction of Q__. Michael Glazier. 1987. . 176pp. Small stains to fore-­‐edge & back wrap. Else good. From the personal library of R[obert] T. Fortna. $5 [295365] Hawkins, John C.. __Horae Synopticae: Contributions to the Study of the Synoptic Problem. 2nd edition, revised and supplemnted__. Oxford. 1968. . 223pp. VG/G, slightly stained dust jacket. $4 [360802] Hawkins, Robert Martyr. __The Recovery of the Historical Paul__. Vanderbilt. 1943. . 292pp. Worn cover, very shaken, ex-­‐library. $5 [335962] 69 Hayes, D.A.. __Synoptic Gospels and the Book of Acts__. Methodist Book Concern. 1919. . 354pp. Underlining, shaking; edgeworn boards. $3.5 [255703] Hayes, Doremus Almy. __The Synoptic Problem__. Eaton & Mains / Jennings & Graham. 1912. . 87pp. Very good. $8.5 [357524] Hayes, John H.. __Son of God to Super Star: Twentieth-­‐Century Interpretations of Jesus__. Abingdon. 1976. . 255pp. Underlining, creased spine. $3.5 [226605] Headlam, Arthur C.. __Miracles of the New Testament (Moorhouse Lectures, 1914)__. John M urray. 1915. . 361pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, rubbed cover. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.34 [710754] Hedrick, Charles W. and Robert Hodgson Jr. eds.. __Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity__. Hendrickson. 1986. . 332pp. Underlining, creased and faded wrappers. $3.5 [338625] Hegermann, Harald. __Vorstellung von Schöpfungsmittler im Hellenistischen Judentum und Urchristentum__. Akademie-­‐Verlag. 1961. . 220pp. Some penciling, else good. $9.33 [210715] Heim, Karl. __Jesus der Herr__. Im Furche. 1955. . 207pp. Very good. $4 [165615] Heise, Jürgen. __Bleiben: Menein in den Johanneischen Schriften__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1967. . 186pp. Ex-­‐library, very good otherwise. $5 [248643] Hengel, Martin. __Christ and Power__. Fortress. 1977. . 82pp. Underlining, else good. $4 [197639] Hengel, Martin. __Nachfolge und Charisma: Eine exegetisch-­‐religionsgeschichtliche Studie zu Mt 821f. und Jesu Ruf in die Nachfolge__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1968. . 116pp. Extensive ink underlining. $8 [254900] Hengel, Martin. __The Atonement: The Origins of the Doctrine in the New Testament__. Fortress. 1981. . 112pp. Very good. $4.5 [316352] Hengel, Martin; trans. by James Greig. __The Charismatic Leader and His Followers__. Crossroad. 1981. . 111pp. Extensive ink underlining, boards slightly bowed. $5 [343523] Hennecke, Edgar; edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher. __New Testament Apocrypha (2 vols.)__. W/JKP. 1963. . 560, 771pp. Underlining, foxing, spine cloth peeling. $10 [353024] 70 Herbers, M. James. __The Voice and the Word: A Historical Novel of the Lives and Time of Jesus and John the Baptist Based Upon the Holy Scripture__. M. James Herbers. 2005. . 271pp. Very good. $5 [302285] Hermann, Ingo. __Kyrios und Pneuma: Studien zur Christologi der paulinischen Hauptbriefe [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament]__. Kösel-­‐Verlag München. 1961. . 155pp. Good; ex-­‐library. $3.5 [299384] Hick, P. Ludwig. __Die Staatsgewalt im Lichte des Neuen Testamentes__. Johannes Volk. 1948. German. 88pp. Good; foxing $4.5 [336718] Hiebert, D. Edmond. __An Introduction to the Non-­‐Pauline Epistles__. Moody Press. 1974. . 252pp. VG/G $4 [267350] Hill, David. __New Testament Prophecy__. John Knox. 1979. . 241pp. Ink underlining, lower spine bumped. $8 [347276] Hock, Ronald F.. __The Social Context of Paul's Ministry: Tentmaking and Apostleship__. Fortress. 1980. . 112pp. Ink underlining. $4 [325077] Hoffmann, Paul. __Studien zur Theologie der Logienquelle [Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, Neue Folge Band 8]__. Aschendorff Münster. 1981. . 366pp. Underlining. $9.5 [338914] Holdsworth, William West. __Gospel Origins: A Study in the Synoptic Problem__. Charles Scribner's. 1913. . 211pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken. $3.5 [304954] Holmberg, Bengt. __Paul and Power: The Structure of Authority in the Primitive Church as Reflected in the Pauline Epistles__. Fortress. 1980. . 232pp. Underlining and notes. $8 [337375] Holmes, B.T.. __The Word of God: Mark's Version__. B.T. Holmes. 1962. . 291pp. Ex-­‐library, faded cover, bumped corners. $4 [311329] Holtzmann, H.J.. __Messianische Bewusstsein Jesu__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1907. . 100pp. Ex-­‐library, else good, in an edgeworn library binding. $7.67 [189812] Holtzmann, Heinrich Julius; D.A. Julicher & W. Bauer (Hrsg.). __Lehrbuch der Neutestamentlichen Theologie (Band 1)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1911. German. 580pp. Half-­‐bound, leather is rubbed. Underlining and many notes in text. $3.67 [160957] Holtzmann, Oscar. __Messiasbewusstsein Jesu und seine neuste Bestreitung__. J. Ricker'sche Verlag.. 1902. . 26pp. Ex-­‐library, wrappers creased, pencil notes. $3.34 [179380] 71 Holzmeister, Urbanus. __De Sancto Ioseph Quaestiones Biblicae [Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici]__. Rome: E. Pontificio Instituto Biblico. 1945. Latin. 128pp. Ex-­‐
library, foxing, slightly torn wrappers. $8.5 [310575] Hooke, S.H.. __The Resurrection of Christ as History and Experience__. Darton, Longman, and Todd. 1967. . 209pp. Slight foxing, slightly shaken, chipped dust jacket. $5 [297494] Hooker, Morna. __Studying the New Testament__. Augsburg. 1979. . 224pp. underlining * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.5 [711620] Hooker, Morna D.. __Beginnings: Keys That Open the Gospels__. Reprint. 2006. . 97pp. Remainder copy of a limited reprint edition, in like new condition. $3 [356623] Hooker, Morna, and Colin Hickling, eds.. __What About the New Testament? Essays in Honour of Christopher Evans__. SCM Press. 1975. . 242pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn along the edges. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $7.5 [NW1433] Hopwood, P.G.S.. __Religious Experience of the Primitive Church__. Scribner's. 1937. . 387pp. spine yellowed,cover rubbed, name in ink in front $3.34 [KVS541] Horsley, Richard. __Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q__. Scholars Press. 2006. . 229pp. Yellow highlighting to a few pages, else good. $10 [362545] Horsley, Richard A.. __Sociology and the Jesus Movement__. Crossroad. 1989. . 178pp. G/VG, ink underlining. $10 [296095] Horsley, Richard A. and John S. Hanson. __Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus__. Harper. 1988. . 271pp. Underlining and highlighting, cocked and faded spine. $3.5 [338096] Hort, Fenton John Anthony. __The Christian Ecclesia__. Macmillan. 1897. . 306pp. Ex-­‐library, water-­‐spotted cover, bumped corners, underlining. $3.5 [KVS576K] Hoskyns, Edwyn Clement; Francis Noel Davey. __Crucifixion-­‐Resurrection: The Pattern of the Theology and Ethics of the New Testament __. Wipf & Stock. 2004. . 383pp. Like new. $10 [CR0720] Hoste, William. __Visions of John the Divine: An Exposition, Chapter by Chapter, of the Book of Revelation__. John Ritchie. n.d.. . 192pp. Shaken, foxing, worn cover. $8.5 [302998] 72 Hübner, Hans. __Das Gesetz bei Paulus: Ein Beitrag zum Werden der paulinischen Theologie__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1982. German. 207pp. Underlining and highlighting, creased and cocked spine. $3.5 [337374] Hübner, Hans. __Das Gesetz in der Synoptischen Tradition__. Luther Verlag. 1973. German. 261pp. Very good. $5 [340727] Hübner, Hans. __Law in Paul's Thought__. T&T Clark. 1984. . 186pp. Very extensive ink underlining. $5 [255799] Huetér, John E.. __Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and Now Judas and His Redemption (In Search of the Real Judas)__. Branden Press. 1983. . 199pp. Cracked spine. $5 [235429] Hull, John M.. __Hellenistic Magic and the Synoptic Tradition__. SCM. 1974. . 192pp. Ink underlining, creased spine. $5 [347895] Hultgren, Arland J.. __Christ and His Benefits: Christology and Redemption in the New Testament__. Fortress. 1987. . 285pp. VG/VG $5 [301376] Hultgren, Arland J. and Barbara Hall eds.. __Christ and His Communities: Essays in Honor of Reginald H. Fuller__. Forward Movement. 1990. . 153pp. Very good; upper corners slightly bumped. $5 [310791] Humphrey, Edith M.. __And I Turned to See the Voice: The Rhetoric of Vision in the New Testament__. Baker. 2007. . 238pp. Like new. $7 [308901] Hunt, B.P.W. Stather. __Primitive Gospel Sources__. Philosophical Library. 1951. . 344pp. Foxing, ink underlining, water-­‐spotted cover. $5 [297522] Hunter, Archibald M. . __Pattern for Life: An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount__. Westminster. 1953. . 124pp. Very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [708541] Hurd, John Coolidge Jr.. __Origin of I Corinthians__. Mercer. 1982. . 355pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [321757] Huuhtanen, Pauli. __Opetuslapsi Ja Omaisuus: Omaisuuden Arvostukseen Ja Käyttöön Liittyvät Korostukset Luukkaan Evankeliumissa, Traditio-­‐ja redaktiohistoriallinen tutkimus (Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran Julkaisuja no. 29)__. Helsinki. 1976. . 288pp. Very good. $7.67 [199562] Iversen, Iver. __The Roman Congregation at the Time of Paul__. Lutheran Publishing House. 1921. . 72pp. Ink underlining, torn wrappers, corner clipped title page. 73 $10 [298546] Jackson, Henry Latimer. __Fourth Gospel and Some Recent German Criticism__. Cambridge. 1906. . 247pp. Spine cloth chipped, ex-­‐library. $8.5 [329026] Jeffers, James S.. __Conflict at Rome: Social Order and Hierarchy in Early Christianity__. Fortress. 1991. . 215pp. Underlining. $6.5 [340766] Jeffrey, James. __Gospel of Paul, the Gospel of Jesus__. Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier. 1899. . 149pp. Foxing, a few torn page edges (no text lost). $8.5 [297914] Jelke, Robert. __Die Wunder Jesu__. A. Deichertsche Verlag.. n.d.. German. 125pp. Foxing. Rebound in marbelled paper boards. $4 [312843] Jennings, Louis B.. __Bibliography & Biography of Shirley Jackson Case__. Chicago. 1949. . 39pp. Ex-­‐library, bumped corners. $6.5 [244712] Jeremias, Joachim. __Bergpredigt, Die [Calwer Hefte 27]__. Calwer. 1959. German. 29pp. Penciling througout. Yellowed. Staple-­‐bound booklet. $3.5 [307289] Jeremias, Joachim. __Botschaft Jesu vom Vater [Calwer Hefte 92]__. Calwer. 1968. German. 28pp. Penciling througout. Staple-­‐bound booklet. $3.5 [307290] Jeremias, Joachim. __Der Prolog des Johannesevangeliums [Calwer Hefte 88]__. Calwer Verlag Stuttgart. 1967. German. 31pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $5 [358490] Jeremias, Joachim. __Eucharistic Words of Jesus, revised & enlarged edition__. Scribner's. 1966. . 278pp. Ink underlining and marginalia, torn dust jacket. $8.5 [360941] Jeremias, Joachim. __Hat die Urkirche die Kindertaufe geübt?__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1949. . 49pp. Wrappers faded, edgeworn, and detached; pages deeply yellowed and coming loose, one torn page (no text lost). From the personal library of Brevard S. Childs. $3.34 [189470] Jeremias, Joachim. __Jesu Verheissung für die Völker__. Kohlhammer. 1956. German. 69pp. Foxng, underlining, lower corners bent. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $8 [304197] Jeremias, Joachim. __New Testament Theology__. Scribner's. 1971. . 330pp. Slightly stained cover, bowed boards. $4.5 [346581] 74 Jeremias, Joachim. __Prayers of Jesus__. Fortress. 1979. . 124pp. Cracked spine. Front wrap rubbed. $5 [305169] Jeremias, Joachim. __Unbekannte Jesusworte__. C. Bertelsmann. 1951. . 98pp. Foxing $4 [272821] Jeremias, Joachim; David Cairns, trans.. __Infant Baptism in the First Four Centuries__. Westminster. 1962. . 111pp. Cocked spine. Edgeworn dust jacket. Else good. $9 [303520] Jeremias, Joachim; Reginald Fuller, trans.. __Unknown Sayings of Jesus__. SPCK. 1958. . 110pp. Yellowed. Else G/G. $9.5 [305590] Jewett, Robert. __Thessalonian Correspondence: Pauline Rhetoric and Millenarian Piety__. Fortress. 1986. . 240pp. Pencil underlining and notes, chipped and stained dust jacket. $6.5 [347577] Johnson, E. Elizabeth. __The Function of Apocalyptic and Wisdom Traditions in Romans 9-­‐11__. Scholars Press. 1989. . 260pp. Good. $7.5 [362531] Johnson, Luke T.. __Sharing Possessions: Mandate and Symbol of Faith__. Fortress. 1981. . 160pp. Pencil underlining, else good. $9 [315897] Johnson, Sherman E.. __The Joy of Study: Papers on New Testament and Related Subjects Presented to Honor Fredrick Clifton Grant__. Macmillan. 1951. . 163pp. Very good. $4 [248751] Johnson, Sherman E. ed.. __Joy of Study: Papers on New Testament and Related Subjects Presented to Honor Frederick Clifton Grant__. Macmillan. 1951. . 161pp. Ink underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [712993] Johnston, Harold Whetstone. __The Private Life of the Romans__. Scott, Foresman and Company. 1903. . 344pp. Good, cover worn, multiple signatures from "the ladies circle" on rear flyleaf. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [88686] Jones, Geraint Vaughan. __Christology & Myth in the New Testament__. Harper. 1956. . 295pp. VG/G, slight foxing, chipped dust jacketThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [703882] Jossa, Giorgio. __Dal Messia al Cristo (Studi Biblici 88)__. Paideia. 2000. . 196pp. Very good. $3.5 [220747] 75 Jülicher, Adolf. __Paulus und Jesus (Religionsgeschichtliche Volksbücher, 1. Reihe, 14. Heft)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1907. . 72pp. Ex-­‐library, browned pages; in dark red buckram. $4 [188222] Jüngel, Eberhard. __Paulus und Jesus (Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie, 2)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1967. . 319pp. Bumped corners, else good. $4 [196673] Jüngel, Eberhard. __Paulus und Jesus: Eine Untersuchung zur Präzisierung der Frage nach dem Ursprung der Christologie__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1964. . 319pp. Ink underlining. $4 [256430] Jwand, H. J. ed.. __Gottinger Predigtmeditationen: 4. Jahrgang 1949/1950. Die altkirchlichen Evangelien. Zweite Auflage.__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1966. . 312pp. Cloth frayed at spine edges; otherwise very good. $3 [149687] Kähler, Else. __Die Frau in den paulinischen Briefen__. Gotthelf Verlag Zürich. 1960. German. 311pp. Ex-­‐library, lower spine damaged by rough removal of label, else good. $8 [311414] Kasemann, Ernst. __Paulinische Perspektiven__. J.C.B. Mohr . 1969. . 285pp. Very good. $4 [164027] Käsemann, Ernst. __Exegetische Versuche und Besinnungen (2 vols.)__. Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht. 1964. German. 316, 304pp. Underlining, spines and wrapper edges reinforced with clear tape. $3.34 [213507] Käsemann, Ernst. __New Testament Questions of Today__. Fortress Press. 1969. . 305pp. P/G, bound blue cloth, shelf worn, back endpapers split and hinge weak, pencilled marginalia, dj rubbedThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.34 [703886] Käsemann, Ernst. __Perspectives on Paul__. Fortress. 1974. . 173pp. Slight underlining, else G/G. $7 [233562] Käsemann, Ernst; Roy A. Harrisville and Irving L. Sandberg, trans.. __The Wandering People of God: An Investigation of the Letter to the Hebrews__. Augsburg. 1984. . 255pp. Foxing to page-­‐edges and interior of dust jacket. Label on spine. Cocked spine. Faded and edgeworn jacket. $7.5 [314990] Keck, Leander E.. __Who is Jesus? History in Perfect Tense__. University of South Carolina Press. 2000. . 207pp. Used book. F/NF. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [NW1468] 76 Keck, Leander E. and J. Louis Martyn eds.. __Studies in Luke-­‐Acts__. Abingdon. 1966. . 316pp. Musty, some underlining, chipped dust jacket. $5 [348396] Kee, Howard Clark. __Who Are the People of God? Early Christian Models of Community__. Yale. 1994. . 280pp. G/VG, pencil underlining. $5 [286321] Kelber, Werner H. ed.. __The Passion in Mark: Studies on Mark 14-­‐16__. Fortress. 1976. . 203pp. Pencil underlining, chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [338750] Kelly, W.. __Short Introduction to the Epistles of Paul the Apostle__. T. Weston. 1902. . 150pp. Very good, rebound in dark blue buckram. $3.34 [215657] Keppler, Paul Wilhelm. __Adventsperikopen: Exegetische-­‐Homiletisch Erklärt [Biblischen Studien, IV. Band, 1. Heft]__. Herder. 1899. . 143pp. Foxing, chipped and torn wrappers. $3.5 [301548] Kertelge, Karl (Hrsg.). __Kirchliche amt im Neuen Testament [Wege der Forschung, Band CDXXXIX]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1977. German. 574pp. Good; slight ink underlining. $5 [310613] Kiehl, Erich H.. __The Passion of Our Lord__. Baker. 1990. . 224pp. Yellow highlighting. $4 [264406] Kilpatrick, G.D.. __Origins of the Gospel According to St. Matthew__. Oxford. 1946. . 151pp. Extensive ink and pencil underlining. Foxing. No dust jacket. From the personal library of Krister Stendahl. $5 [309391] King, Henry Churchill. __The Ethics of Jesus__. Macmillan. 1910. . 293pp. Ex-­‐lib, shaken, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [U11714] Kingsbury, Jack Dean. __Parables of Jesus in Matthew 13__. John Knox. 1969. . 180pp. G/VG, ink underlining. $5 [285782] Kingsbury, Jack Dean. __The Christology of Mark's Gospel__. Fortress. 1983. . 203pp. Ink underlining. $3.5 [348398] Kinsey, Robert S.. __With Paul in Greece__. Parthenon Press. 1957. . 203pp. Ink underlining. $5 [306925] Kinukawa, Hisako; foreword by Letty M. Russell. __Women and Jesus in Mark: A Japanese Feminist Perspective__. Orbis. 1994. . 156pp. Ink underlining and notes. $3.5 [326498] Kirby, John C.. __Ephesians: Baptism and Pentecost, an Inquiry into the Structure and Purpose of the Epistle to the Ephesians__. McGill University. 1968. . 207pp. 77 Extensive ink underlining. $5 [314574] Kistemaker, Simon J.. __Parables of Jesus__. Baker. 1980. . 301pp. VG/G $4.5 [298386] Kittel, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich; Trans. G.W. Bromiley. __Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, vol. II__. Eerdmans. 1971. . 955pp. Some underlining, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7.25 [U11521] Kittel, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich; Trans. G.W. Bromiley. __Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, vol. III__. Eerdmans. 1968. . 1104pp. G/A. Book: some underlining, else good. DJ: Acceptable–Edgeworn, scuffed, spine faded. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7.25 [U11523] Kittel, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich; Trans. G.W. Bromiley. __Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, vol. IV__. Eerdmans. 1969. . 1126pp. G/G. Book: underlining on a few pages, else good. DJ: edgeworn, scuffed, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7.25 [U11524] Kittel, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich; Trans. G.W. Bromiley. __Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, vol. V__. Eerdmans. 1969. . 1031pp. G/A. Book: some underlining, else good. DJ: Acceptable. Edgeworn, torn, scuffed. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7.25 [U11525] Kittel, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich; Trans. G.W. Bromiley. __Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, vol. VI__. Eerdmans. 1971. . 1003pp. G/G. Book: some underlining, else good. DJ: Edgeworn, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7.25 [U11522] Klassen, William. __Judas: Betrayer or Friend of Jesus?__. Fortress. 1996. . 238pp. Very good. $3.5 [306548] 78 Klassen, William and Graydon Snyder ed.. __Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Otto A. Piper__. Harper. 1962. . 302pp. G/P, very chipped dust jacket, underliningThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [703909] Klausner, Joseph; trans. by Friedrich Thieberger. __Von Jesus zu Paulus__. Jewish Publishing House. 1950. . 575pp. Sunned and bumped spine, slightly bowed boards, shaken, underlining, foxing. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $8 [303689] Klein, Günter. __Zwölf Apostel. Ursprung und Gehalt einer Idee__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1961. German. 222pp. Good. Slight foxing, upper edges uncut. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $8.5 [304196] Kluepfel, P.. __Holy Spirit in the Life and Teaching of Jesus and the Early Christian Church__. Lutheran Book Concern. n.d.. . 145pp. Good. $7.67 [221109] Knibb, Michael A.. __The Qumran Community__. Cambridge. 1987. . 275pp. Good. $8.5 [362285] Knopf, Rudolf. __Einführung in das Neue Testament: Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments Geschichte und Religion des Urchristentums__. Amerikanischen Hilfs-­‐
Kommission des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen. 1929. . 408pp. Faded, creased and concave spine. $7.67 [228165] Knowles, Michael P.. __We Preach Not Ourselves: Paul on Proclamation__. Brazos. 2008. . 276pp. Like new. $7.5 [309038] Knowling, R.J.. __Testimony of St. Paul to Christ__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1906. . 533pp. Ex-­‐library. Cover quite rubbed; hinges are weak-­‐ one time repaired with binding tape, which has been stripped away, leaving adhesive stains on either side of each hinge. Pages are yellowed, but in a good state otherwise. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [707231] Knox, Wilfred L.. __Some Hellenistic Elements in Primitive Christianity__. Printed for the British Academy by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. 1944. . 108pp. Back end papers are stained, otherwise good. $8.5 [295128] Knox, Wilfred L.. __St. Paul and the Church of the Gentiles__. Cambridge. 1961. . 261pp. Shaken, some underlining. $5 [339232] Knudson, Ralph E.. __Theology in the New Testament: A Basis for Christian Faith__. Judson Press. 1964. . 442pp. Extensive underlining, title page ripped out, previous owner's name stamp, in several places, blacked out. $3 [153256] 79 Koch, Klaus. __Ratlos vor der Apokalyptik__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1970. . 119pp. Slight foxing. $8 [269381] Kodell, Jerome. __The Eucharist in the New Testament__. Michael Glazier. 1988. . 142pp. Ex-­‐library, highlighting. $4 [339133] Kolmodin, Adolf. __Grunddragen I Jesu Liv__. Svenksa Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses. 1929. . 187pp. Very good, uncut edges. $4 [243015] Kosmala, Hans ed.; with Gillis Gerleman, Gösta Lindeskog, and H.S. Nyberg. __Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute, vol. II__. E.J. Brill. 1963. . 120pp. Very good. $9.5 [295076] Kränkl, Emmeram. __Jesus der Knecht Gottes: Die heilsgeschichtliche Stellung Jesu in den Reden der Apostelgeschichte [Münchener Universitäts-­‐Schriften]__. Friedrich Pustet. 1972. . 239pp. Ex-­‐library, extensive ink underlining. $5 [255057] Kümmel, Werner. __Man in the New Testament, revised & enlarged edition__. Westminster. 1963. . 100pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [348394] Kümmel, Werner Georg. __Verheissung und Erfüllung: Untersuchungen zur eschatologischen Verkündingung Jesu__. Zwingli-­‐Verlag. 1953. . 156pp. Wrappers yellowed and chipped, else good. From Brevard S. Childs's personal library. $4 [188562] Kundsin, Karl. __Topologische Überlieferungsstoffe im Johannes-­‐Evangelium [Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1925. . 80pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $9.5 [286549] Ladd, George Eldon. __Pattern of New Testament Truth__. Eerdmans. 1968. . 119pp. Ink underlining. $4.5 [339104] Laeuchli, Samuel. __Language of Faith: an Introduction to the Semantic Dilemma of the Early Church__. Abingdon. 1962. . 269pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacketThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.75 [703925] Lagrange, M.J.. __Gospel of Jesus Christ (2 vols)__. Newman Bookshop. 1938. . 320, 350pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library, bumped and worn corners, underlining, shaken. $8 [339170] Lake, Kirsopp. __Earlier Epistles of St. Paul: Their Motive & Origin__. Wipf & Stock. 2004. . 466pp. Slightly defective new copy. $9.25 [242003] 80 Langen, Joseph. __Grundriss der Einleitung in das Neue Testament__. Herder. 1868. German. 208pp. Foxing, stains. Rebound in teal library buckram. $8 [313226] Larcher, C.. __Actualite Chretienne de l'Ancien Testament d'Apres le Nouveau Testament (Lectio Divina 34)__. Editions du Cerf. 1962. . 533pp. Front wrapper creased and torn, underlining. $4 [188797] Laurentin, René. __Structure et Théologie de Luc I-­‐II [Études Bibliques]__. J. Gabalda. 1957. . 232pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in black buckram $8 [299209] Lazaro, Tomas Otero. __Col. 1, 15-­‐20 En el contexto de la carta (Tesi Gregoriana, Serie Teologia 48)__. Editrice Pontificia Universita Gregoriana. 1999. . 307pp. Very good. $7.67 [188723] Lazure, Noël. __Les Valeurs Morales de la Théologie Johannique (Évangile et Épitres) [Études Bibliques]__. J. Gabalda et Cie.. 1965. French. 387pp. Ex-­‐library, faded wrappers, clear tape over spine. $4 [334816] Leaney, A.R.C.. __Rule of Qumran & Its Meaning__. Westminster. 1966. . 310pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [710854] Leaney, A.R.C.. __The Christ of the Synoptic Gospels [Supplement to the New Zealand Theological Review]__. New Zealand Theological Review. 1966. . 38pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise very good; stapled booklet. $5 [279497] LeBeau, Greenspoon, and Hamm eds.. __Historical Jesus through Catholic and Jewish Eyes__. Trinity. 2000. . 171pp. New $3.67 [203431] Lee, E. Kenneth. __A Study in Romans__. SPCK. 1962. . 166pp. Drastically corner clipped dust jacket and ffep, previous owner name stamp on ffep. Otherwise very good. $3.34 [171137] Lehmann, Martin. __Synoptische Quellenanalyse und die Frage nach dem historischen Jesus... Inauguraldissertaion__. Kirchlichen Hochschule Berlin. 1968. . 218pp. Foxing, corners slightly bent, else good. $5 [296401] Leipoldt, Johannes. __Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons (2 vols. in 1)__. J.C. Hinrichs. 1907. German. 288, 181pp. Good; rebound in worn buckram; pencil underlining. $8 [312051] Leipoldt, Johannes. __Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, 1. & 2. Teil (2 vols in 1)__. J.C. Hinrichs. 1908. . 288, 181pp. Foxing, underlining; rebound in red library buckram. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $8 [303791] 81 Leipoldt, Johannes. __Gottesdienst der ältesten Kirche. Jüdisch? Griechisch? Christlich?__. Dörffling & Franke. 1937. German. 61pp. Faded and slightly torn wrappers. $3.5 [336927] Leipoldt, Johannes. __Gotteserlebnis Jesu im Lichte der vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte [Archiv für Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte und Kulturkunde, Hft 2]__. Eduard Pfeiffer. 1927. . 42pp. Wrappers faded and torn. $3.5 [232293] Leipoldt, Johannes und Walter Grundmann (Hrsg.). __Umwelt des Urchristentum (3 Bands.)__. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin. 1966. German. 527, 426, 274pp. Band I, II & III. Good; yellowed pages. Contributions by Günther Hansen, Günter Haufe, Harold Hegermann, Karl Matthiae, Helmut Ristow, Hans-­‐Martin Schenke. $8.5 [255609] Leivestad, Ragnar. __Jesus in His Own Perspective: An Examination of His Sayings, Actions, and Eschatological Titles__. Augsburg. 1987. . 192pp. Very good $5 [256766] Lenk, P.H.. __Wer war Jesus?__. Christoph Steffen. 1903. . 250pp. Foxing, some bent upper page corners; otherwise good. $8 [299343] Léon-­‐Dufour, Xavier. __Life & Death in the New Testament: the Teaching of Jesus & Paul__. Harper. 1986. . 316pp. VG/VGThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.75 [703932] Leuba, Jean-­‐Louis. __L'Institution et L'Événement: Les deux modes de l'oeuvre de Dieu selon le Nouveau Testament, Leur différence, leur unité__. Bibliothèque Théologique. 1950. French. 141pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. Rebound in hardcover library binding. $5 [332826] Leuba, Jean-­‐Louis. __New Testament Pattern: An Exegetical Enquiry into the 'Catholic' and 'Protestant' Dualism__. Lutterworth. 1953. . 163pp. Ex-­‐library. $7 [257857] Liechtenhan, Rudolf. __Die Offenbarung im Gnosticismus__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1901. German. 168pp. Faded and badly torn wrappers, binding coming undone, pencil underlining and notes, lower corners bent. $8 [360219] Lindars, Barnabas. __Behind the Fourth Gospel [Studies in Creative Criticism 3]__. SPCK. 1971. . 84pp. Underlining, half-­‐title page corner-­‐clipped. $5 [338985] Lindars, Barnabas. __John [New Testament Guides]__. JSOT Press. 1990. . 106pp. Very good. $5 [279413] Lindars, Barnabas. __The Apocalyptic Myth and the Death of Christ (Manson Memorial Lecture) Reprinted from the 'Bulletin of the John Rylands University 82 Library of Manchester', vol. 57, No. 2, Spring, 1975__. John Rylands University Library. 1975. . 21pp. Stapled pamphlet. Wrappers slightly faded, booklet bent in several places. $6.33 [163444] Lindeskog, Gösta; Anton Fridrichsen & Harald Riesenfeld; under medverkan av Krister Stendahl. __Inledning Till Nya Testamentet__. Stockholm: Diakonistyrelsens Bokförlag. 1964. . 400pp. Lower corner of front wrapper torn away, lower front page corners bent; else good. $3.5 [212707] Lindgren, Joh:S.. __Brevet Till Efesierna [Handledning Vig Studiet av Nya Testamentet]__. A.-­‐B. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag. 1916. . 53pp. Wrappers creased, yellowed and coming loose; good otherwise. Upper edges uncut. $5 [244411] Link, Christian; Ulrich Luz, Lukas Vischer. __Sie aber hielten fest an der Gemeinschaft... Einheit der Kirche als Prozess im Neuen Testament und heute__. Benzinger/Reinhardt. 1988. . 275pp. Cocked spine, else good. $3.5 [228217] Linnemann, Eta. __Studien zur Passionsgeschichte__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1970. . 187pp. Ink underlining and notes. $3.5 [299822] Linton, Olof. __Pauli mindre brev [Tolkning av Nya Testamentet]__. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistrelses Bokförlag. 1964. Swedish. 445pp. Foxed and creased wrappers, underlining. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $5 [331227] Lipsius, Richard Adelbert. __Quellen der Römischen Petrus-­‐Sage__. Schwers'sche Buchhandlung. 1872. German. 166pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, pencil underlining, creased pages. Rebound in library buckram. $8.5 [310105] Ljungman, Henrik. __Gesetz Erfüllen: Matth. 5,17 ff. und 3, 15 untersucht [Lunds Universitets Arsskrift N.F. Avd. 1 Bd. 50. Nr 6]__. C.W.K. Gleerup. 1954. . 140pp. Extensive ink underlining, faded wrappers, lower corners bent. $8.5 [301426] Loader, William. __The Septuagint, Sexuality, and the New Testament: Case Studies on the Impact of the LXX in Philo and the New Testament__. Eerdmans. 2004. . 163pp. Very good. $7 [316549] Loane, Marcus. __Our Risen Lord__. Zondervan. 1965. . 119pp. VG/G $8 [266492] Lobstein, Paul. __Virgin Birth of Christ: An Historical and Critical Essay__. Williams and Norgate. 1903. . 138pp. Stained cover and page edges, ex-­‐library, foxing. $3 [345085] 83 Loewenich, W. von. __Johannes-­‐Verständnis im zweiten Jahrhundert [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 13]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1932. . 168pp. Very good; rebound in black buckram. $5 [298519] Lohmeyer, Ernst. __Gottesknecht und Davidssohn__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1953. . 155 pp. Wrappers worn and loose; slight marks in the text. From the library of Brevard S. Childs. $4 [194302] Lohmeyer, Ernst. __Lord of the Temple: A Study of the Relation Between Cult and Gospel__. Oliver and Boyd. 1961. . 116pp. Slight foxing, chipped and torn dust jackets. $4.5 [297847] Lohmeyer, Ernst. __Urchristentum, 1. Buch Johannes der Täufer__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1932. . 196pp. Faded wrappers, one gathering loose, else good. $4 [287451] Lohse, Eduard. __Die Einheit des Neuen Testaments: Exegetische Studien zur Theologie des Neuen Testaments__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1973. German. 355pp. Ink underlining, concave spine. $5 [308295] Lohse, Eduard. __Märtyrer und Gottesknecht: Untersuchungen zur urchristlichen Verkündigung vom Sühntod Jesu Christi__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1963. German. 230pp. Good; outer page edges stained. $4 [310564] Lohse, Eduard. __Theological Ethics of the New Testament__. Fortress. 1991. . 236pp. Very good. $5 [248967] Loisy, Alfred; trans. by L.P. Jacks. __Origins of the New Testament__. Allen & Unwin. 1950. . 332pp. Shaken, foxing, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [312339] Longenecker, Richard N.. __Christology of Early Jewish Christianity__. Alec R. Allenson. 1970. . 178pp. Very good. $4 [347014] Löning, Karl. __Die Saulustradition in der Apostelgeschichte__. Aschendorff. 1973. German. 225pp. Foxing, underlining, chipped dust jacket $5 [350174] Loofs, Friedrich. __Wer war Jesus Christus? Für Theologen und den weiteren Kreis gebildeter Christen__. Max Niemeyer. 1922. . 255pp. Ex-­‐library, browned pages with brittle edges. $3.34 [188432] Lowrie, Walter. __Doctrine of Saint John: An Essay in Biblical Theology__. Longmans, Green. 1899. . 216pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken. $4.67 [164672] Lowrie, Walter. __Ss. Peter and Paul in Rome: An Archeological Rhapsody__. Oxford. 1940. . 164pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $7 [297703] 84 Lüdemann, Gerd. __Early Christianity According to the Traditions in Acts: A Commentary__. Fortress. 1984. . 277pp. Underlining and highlighting, cocked spine. $3.5 [337490] Lüdemann, Gerd. __Paulus, der Heidenapostel, Band II: Antipaulinismus im frühen Christentum__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1983. German. 322pp. Pencil underlining and highlighting. $10 [338313] Luhrmann, Dieter. __Itinerary for New Testament Study__. SCM, Trinity Press International. 1989. . 131pp. Pencil underlining, yellowed pages; good otherwise. $3 [164216] Lührmann, Dieter. __Glaube im frühen Christentum__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gerd Mohn. 1976. German. 99pp. Ink underlining. $3.5 [310834] Lührmann, Dieter. __Offenbarungs-­‐Verständnis bei Paulus und in Paulinischen Gemeinden (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 16. Band)__. Neukirchener. 1965. . 183pp. Underlining, spine and wrapper edges reinforced with clear tape. $3.34 [213736] Lull, David John. __The Spirit in Galatia: Paul's Interpretation of Pneuma as Divine Power [SBL Dissertation Series 49]__. Scholars Press. 1980. . 240pp. Very good; from the library of Abraham Malherbe. $8.5 [326095] Lull, Timothy ed.. __Society of Biblical Literature 1988 Seminary Papers__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 644pp. Very good. $5 [252315] Lundström, Gösta. __The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus__. John Knox. 1963. . 300pp. VG/VG $3.5 [267147] Lutgert, W.. __Johanneische Christologie [Beiträge zur Förderugn christlicher Theologie, Erstes Heft]__. C. Bertelsmann. 1899. German. 139pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing, rebound in red library buckram. $5 [313757] Luthardt, Chr. Ernst. __Johanneische Evangelium nach seiner Eigenthümlichkeit, Geschildert und erklärt (1 & 2 Abtheilung bound in 1)__. Nürnberg. 1852. . 412, 490pp. Foxing, edgeworn cover. $8 [301138] Lyonnet, Stanislao. __De Peccato et Redemptione, I. De Notione Peccati [Theologia Biblici Novi Testamenti, Scripta Pontificii Insitituti Biblici III]__. Pontificio Instituto Biblico. 1957. Latin. 92pp. Foxing, bent corner. $8.5 [326199] Lyonnet, Stanislaus. __Exegesis Epistulae ad Romanos, Cap. V ad VIII (Except. Rom 5, 12-­‐21)__. Pontificum Institutum Biblicum. 1961. . 134pp. Faded, stained and torn wrappers; ex-­‐library, light foxing. $6.5 [318325] 85 Lyons & Parvis. __New Testament Literature: An Annotated Bibliography, vol. 1__. Chicago. 1948. . 392pp. GThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.25 [703942] Lyons, George. __Pauline Autobiography, Toward a New Understanding [SBL Dissertation Series, 73]__. Scholars Press. 1985. . 273pp. Ink underlining. $8.5 [297113] MacDonald, Alexander B.. __Christian Worship in the Primitive Church__. T&T Clark. 1934. . 230pp. Faded, rubbed and edgeworn cover; lacks ffep; foxing, slight underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $7.67 [710767] Macduff, J.R.. __Brighter than the Sun; or, Christ the Light of the World. A life of Our Lord for the Young__. Robert Carter & Brothers. 1878. . 433pp. Cover badly stained, back board badly water damaged. Back end papers water damaged and torn. Foxing, very shaken. $8 [339417] Mack, Burton L.. __A Myth of Innocence: Mark and Christian Origins__. Fortress. 1988. . 432pp. Yellowed. Small amount of penciling. Faded dust jacket. Cocked spine. $10 [296452] MacKinnon, James. __The Gospel in the Early Church: A Study in the Early Development of Christian Thought__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1933. . 339pp. Ex-­‐
library, edgeworn boards and spine, shaken, some underlining. $6.33 [177571] MacRae, George ed.. __Abstracts: Society of Biblical Literature 1976__. Scholar's Press. 1976. . 108pp. Very good. $3.34 [194873] Magnusson, Martin. __Begriff 'Verstehen' in Exegetischem Zusammenhang unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Paulinischen Schriften [Studia Theologica Lundensia, 8]__. CWK Gleerup. 1954. . 224pp. Underlining, foxed wrappers. From the library of Richard R. Niebuhr. $8.5 [283302] Maier, Harry O.. __Apocalyse Recalled: The Book of Revelation after Christendom__. Fortress. 2002. . 271pp. Very good $3.5 [327049] Major, H. D. A. , Manson, T. W. , and C.J. Wright. __Mission and Message of Jesus__. E. P. Dutton & Co.. 1951. . 966pp. DJ endorsements taped to flyleaf, slight and neat pen underlining, edgeworn, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $3.5 [89270] 86 Malatesta, Edward. __St. John's Gospel, 1920-­‐1965 [Analecta Biblica 32]__. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute. 1967. . 205pp. Good; upper page edges uncut. $7.5 [297246] Malden, R.H.. __Problems of the New Testament To-­‐Day__. Oxford, Humphrey Milford. 1923. . 250pp. Good. Foxing, ex-­‐library. Association: Bookplate indicated book was a gift of Merrill C. Tenney to Wheaton College Library. $5 [306561] Malherbe, Abraham J. & Wayne A. Meeks ed.. __Future of Christology: Essays in Honor of Leander E. Keck__. Fortress. 1993. . 265pp. Display copy label and stamp, very good otherwise. $5 [152196] Manson, T.W.. __St. Paul in Greece: The Letters to the Thessalonians [Reprinted from the 'Bulletin of the John Rylands Library,' vol. 35, no. 2, March 1953]__. John Rylands Library. 1953. . 447pp. Sewn booklet with ink markings in the text and bent corners. $3.5 [300199] Manson, T.W.; edited by Matthew Black. __On Paul and John: Some Selected Theological Themes__. SCM. 1963. . 168pp. Good; slight foxing. $3 [298886] Marin, Louis. __The Semiotics of the Passion Narrative: Topics and Figures__. Pickwick. 1980. . 263pp. Good; faded wrappers. $8 [340785] Marriott, Horace. __Sermon on the Mount__. SPCK. 1925. . 274pp. Ex-­‐library, boards edgeworn, spine rebacked with brown binding tape. $4 [180251] Marsh, John. __Jesus in His Lifetime__. Sidgwick and Jackson. 1981. . 262pp. Ink underlining. $5 [267817] Marshall, David. __Why the Jesus Seminar Can't Find Jesus and Grandma Marshall Could__. Kuai Mu Press. 2005. . 246pp. Very good. $9.5 [306384] Marshall, I. Howard. __New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods__. Eerdmans. 1977. . 406pp. Ink underlining, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [325981] Martin, Francis ed.. __Narrative Parallels to the New Testament [Society of Biblical Literature, no. 22]__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 266pp. Good; faded wrappers. $3.5 [299027] Martin, Ralph P. and Brian J. Dodd eds.. __Where Christology Began: Essays on Philippians 2__. W/JKP. 1998. . 169pp. Good; front wrapper creased. $9.5 [302194] 87 Martin, Troy W.. __By Philosophy & Empty Deceit: Colossians as Response to a Cynic Critique (Journal for the Study of New Testament Supplement Series No. 118)__. Sheffield. 1996. . 223pp. As new * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $9.33 [706860] Martyn, J. Louis. __Gospel of John in Christian History: Essays for Interpreters__. Paulist. 1979. . 147pp. Good; ex-­‐library. $4 [339027] Martyn, J. Louis. __History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel__. Abingdon. 1968. . 168pp. Extensive ink underlining. Chipped dust jacket. Foxing. $5 [346795] Marxsen, Willi. __Introduction to the New Testament: an Approach to Its Problems__. Fortress. 1968. . 284pp. G/VG, red underliningThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.75 [703959] Marxsen, Willi; selected, trans. and intro. by Philip E. Devenish. __Jesus and the Church: The Beginnings of Christianity__. Trinity Press International. 1992. . 179pp. Very good. $8.5 [299339] Mason, Arthur James. __Conditions of Our Lord's Life on Earth__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1896. . 194pp. Bumped corners, foxing. $3.34 [192356] Matera, Frank J.. __New Testament Ethics: The Legacies of Jesus and Paul__. W/JKP. 1996. . 325pp. Two small bumps on front board -­‐ dent cover and jacket. Else VG/VG. $6.5 [327835] Matheson, George. __Representative Men of the New Testament__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1905. . 367pp. Faded cover, foxing, shaken. Front cover embossed with 'Church of Scotland Woman's Guild 1906'. Bookplate indicates this book was a prize for the 1906 Guild competition. $3 [KE0033] Mathews, Shailer. __The Messianic Hope in the New Testament__. Chicago. 1905. . 338pp. Worn cover, very shaken, ex-­‐library. Some underlining. Association copy: from the library of Williston Walker, whose signature appears on title page. Later presented by Williston Walker to Yale University Library. $6.5 [351999] Mattill, A.J. and Mary Bedford Mattill, eds.. __Classified Bibliography of Literature on the Acts of the Apostles [New Testament Tools and Studies]__. Brill. 1966. . 513pp. Foxing to end papers. Cover stained, corners bumped, cloth worn. $8.5 [306746] Mauriac, François; Axel Claëson. __Jesu Liv__. Sveriges Kristliga. 1937. . 302pp. Good, creased spine. $5 [243018] 88 Mauser, Ulrich. __Gospel of Peace: A Scriptural Message for Today's World__. W/JKP. 1992. . 196pp. Faded wrappers, very good otherwise. $5 [248576] May, David M.. __Social Scientific Criticism of the New Testament: A Bibliography__. Mercer. 1991. . 91pp. Very good. $5 [311611] McArthur, Harvey K. ed.. __New Testament Sidelights: Essays in Honor of Alexander Converse Purdy__. Hartford. 1960. . 135pp. Good; ink underlining. $8 [306304] McCrea, Alexander. __Work of Jesus in Christian Thought__. Epworth. 1939. . 288pp. Foxing, worn and stained cover. $3.5 [299933] McDougall, Holmes . __Gospel of Luke (First Examinations in Religious Studies)__. Holmes McDougall. n.d.. . 116pp. Very good. $3.34 [212612] McGaughy, Lane C. ed.. __Abstracts: Society of Biblical Literature 1971__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1971. . 136pp. Very good. $3.34 [194875] McKay, Johnston & James Miller eds.. __Biblical Studies: Essays in Honor of William Barclay__. Westminster. 1976. . 223pp. VG/G $3.34 [201074] McKnight, William J.. __Apocalypse of Jesus Christ: A Reappearance, I: John to the Seven Churches__. Hamilton Brothers. 1927. . 321pp. Good. Foxing, white handwritten lettering on spine $4 [302993] McNamara, Martin. __Targum and Testament__. Eerdmans. 1972. . 227pp. Very Good. $4.5 [361609] McNeile, Alan Hugh; revised by C.S.C. Williams. __Introduction to the Study of the New Testament, 2nd edition__. Oxford. 1953. . 486pp. VG/VG. Previous owner's name stamped on ffep $3.34 [145695] McNicol, Allan J.. __Jesus' Directions for the Future: A Source & Redaction-­‐History Study of teh use of the Eschatological Traditions in Paul & in the Synoptic Accounts of jesus' Last Eschatological Discourse [New Gospel Studies 9]__. Mercer. 1996. . 219pp. Very good. $4.5 [294372] Meeks, Wayne A. (Hrsg.). __Soziologie des Urchristentums [Theologische Bücherei, 62]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1979. German. 312pp. Very good; lower corners slightly bumped. $5 [300290] Meier, John P.. __The Vision of Matthew: Christ, Church and Morality in the First Gospel__. Paulist. 1978. . 270pp. Good; creased spine. $3 [256363] 89 Meinertz, Max. __Gleichnisse Jesu__. Aschendorffsche Verlag. 19487. . 94pp. Yellowed pages, sunned wrappers. $5 [243760] Meinertz, Max. __Theologie des Neuen Testaments (2 Bands)__. Peter Hanstein Verlag. 1950. . 2 vols.pp. Yellowed. Penciling throughout Vol. I. Ex-­‐library. Corners bumped. Vol. II shaken. $8 [309995] Melander, John. __Paulus' Första Brev Till Korintierna__. A.B. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag. 1918. . 134pp. Good; yellowed and chipped wrappers. $5 [235433] Menoud, Philippe H.. __L'évangile de Jean d'après recherches récentes [Cahiers Théologiques de l'Actualité Protestante 3]__. Delachaux & Niestlé. 1947. . 91pp. Stained wrappers, heavy foxing, some underlining. $4.5 [285220] Menoud, Philippe-­‐H.. __L'Eglise et Les Ministeres selon le Nouveau Testament (Cahiers Theologiques de L'Actualite Protestante 22)__. Delachaux & Niestle. 1949. . 63pp. Ex-­‐library, browned wrappers. $3.34 [188254] Menoud, Philippe-­‐H.. __L'evangile de Jean: d'apres les recherches recentes__. Delachaux & Niestle. 1947. . 91pp. Underlining, browned and brittle pages. $4.5 [211796] Merkel, Friedemann; Hns-­‐Martin Linnemann, Erdmann Sturm, Martin Hengel, Eduard Lohse. __Kurt Aland in Memoriam (in German)__. Münster/Westfalen. 1995. German. 72pp. Very good. $8 [308676] Merlier, Octave. __Itinéraires de Jésus et Chronologie dans le Quatrième Évangile [Connaissance de la Grèce, XI. Études Néo-­‐Testamentaires 2 a]__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1961. French. 35pp. Ex-­‐library, in a library hardcover binding. $8.5 [333343] Metzger, Bruce M.. __Index of Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church Published in Festschriften__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1951. . 182pp. Very good. $5 [268445] Metzger, Bruce M.. __Index to Periodical Literature on Christ and the Gospels__. Eerdmans. 1962. . 602pp. Good; stained cover. $6.5 [268669] Metzger, Bruce M.. __Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul__. Brill. 1960. . 183pp. Very good; yellowed pages. $3.5 [268141] 90 Metzger, Bruce M. ed.. __Index of Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church Published in Festschriften; and Supplement [Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. V]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1951. . 182, 20pp. Ex-­‐
library; supplement booklet attached at back. $5 [255492] Metzger, Bruce M. ed.; foreword by Ernest Cadwell Colwell. __Annotated Bibliography of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament 1914-­‐1939 [Studies and Documents, XVI]__. Ejnar Munksaard. 1955. . 133pp. Faded and torn wrappers, lower spine covered in gray binding tape, wrappers reglued. $10 [311559] Metzger, Bruce Manning. __Reminiscences of an Octogenarian__. Hendrickson. 1997. . 242pp. Underlining, slightly chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [350592] Meyer, Ben F.. __Critical Realism & the New Testament [Princeton Theological Monograph Series, 17]__. Pickwick Publications. 2001. . 226pp. Discounted new book. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $9 [NW1552] Meyer, Ben F. and E.P. Sanders eds.. __Jewish and Christian Self-­‐Definition, vol. 3: Self-­‐Definition in the Greco-­‐Roman World__. Fortress. 1980. . 295pp. G/VG, pencil marginalia. $8.5 [280106] Michaelis, Wilhelm. __Einleitung in das Neue Testament__. BEG-­‐Verlag. 1946. German. 410pp. Cloth frayed at spine edges, bumped corners. $4 [192051] Michaelis, Wilhelm. __Erscheinungen des Auferstandenen__. Heinrich Majer. 1944. . 160pp. Ex-­‐library, large stains (text not affected). $7.67 [187646] Michaelis, Wilhelm. __Thomas-­‐Evangelium [Calwer Hefte 34]__. Calwer Verlag. 1960. German. 30pp. Stapled booklet. Foxing, penciling. $3.5 [308049] Michaels, J. Ramsey. __Servant and Son: Jesus in Parable and Gospel__. John Knox. 1981. . 322pp. Very good. $3.5 [300526] Micklem, E.R.. __Miracles and the New Psychology: A Study in the Healing Miracles of the New Testament__. Oxford. 1922. . 143pp. Ex-­‐library, some underlining. $3.5 [350599] Minear, Paul S.. __And Great Shall Be Your Reward: The Origins of Christian Views of Salvation [Yale Studies in Religion, no. 12]__. Yale. 1941. . 74pp. Underlining, foxing, corners slightly bent. $3.5 [345870] Minear, Paul S.. __Eyes of the Faith: A Study in the Biblical Point of View__. Westminster. 1946. . 307pp. VG/G, faded and chipped dust jacket. $3 [338945] 91 Minear, Paul S.. __The Bible and the Historian: Breaking the Silence About God in Biblical Studies__. Abingdon. 2002. . 280pp. Front wrapper and first few pages creased along lower edge. $3 [325799] Misiurek, Ks. Jerzy. __Chrystologia Braci Polskich: Okres Przedsocynianski__. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. 1983. . 260pp. Very good. $6.5 [233827] Moe, Olaf. __Johannesevangeliet: Innledet og Fortolket__. H. Aschehoug & Co.. 1951. . 630pp. Faded wrappers; good otherwise. $8.5 [238993] Moffatt, James. __The Approach to the New Testament [Hibbert Lectures, 2nd series]__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1922. . 240pp. Some underlining, slightly shaken. Rubbed cover, bumped corners. $5 [350208] Moffatt, James. __Theology of the Gospels__. Duckworth. 1948. . 220pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $3 [273081] Möhring, Paul. __Gittenlehre Jesu: Ihre leitenden Gesichtspunkte und religiösen Grundlagen__. Leipzig: E. Angleich. 1895. . 112pp. Very good; upper edges uncut. $5 [229450] Montefiore, C.G.. __Some Elements of the Religious Teaching of Jesus According to the Synoptic Gospels__. Macmillan. 1910. . 171pp. Rubbed cover, shaken, underlining. $3.5 [350204] Montefiore, Hugh. __Josephus and the New Testament__. A.R. Mowbray. 1962. . 39pp. Good. $3.5 [308387] Montgomery, Robert M.. __Auxiliary Studies in the Bible: The Two-­‐Source Theory and the Synoptic Gospels__. Abingdon. 1970. . pp. Good. $8.5 [334463] Montgomery, Robert M. and W. Richard Stegner. __Auxiliary Studies in the Bible: Forms in the Gospels I: The Pronouncement Story__. Abingdon. 1970. . pp. Workbook has markings. $8.5 [334462] Montgomery, Robert M. and W. Richard Stegner. __Auxiliary Studies in the Bible: Kerygma__. Abingdon. 1970. . 34pp. Workbook has markings, wrappers are faded. $3.5 [334461] Montgomery, Thomas. __El Evangelio de San Mateo, Segun El Manuscrito Escurialense I.I.6, Texto, Gramática, Vocabulario [Anejos de Boletín de la Real Academia Española, Anejo VII]__. Imprenta Silverio Aguirre Torre. 1962. Spanish. 285pp. Torn wrappers, else sound. $5 [332934] 92 Moore, Stephen D.. __Mark and Luke in Poststructuralist Perspectives__. Yale. 1992. . 192pp. Ink underlining and notes. $8.5 [306547] Morton, A.Q. and James McLeman. __Paul, the Man and the Myth: A Study in the Authorship of Greek Prose__. Harper & Row. 1966. . 217pp. G/G $6.5 [299981] Morton, A.Q.d and J. McLeman. __Genesis of John__. Saint Andrew Press. 1980. . 219pp. Chipped dust jacket. Slight ink notes. Signed by A.Q. Morton. $5 [309399] Motyer, J.A.. __The Richness of Christ: Studies in the Letter to the Philippians__. Inter-­‐Varsity Fellowship. 1966. . 188pp. Very good. $5 [275648] Moule, C.F.D. ed.. __Miracles. Cambridge Studies in Their Philosophy and History__. A.R. Mowbray & Co.. 1965. . 245pp. G/G, slight underlining. $4.5 [279496] Moule, C.F.D., ed.; Willi Marxsen, Gerhard Delling, Ulrich Wilckens, Hans-­‐Georg Geyer. __Significance of the Message of the Resurrection for Faith in Jesus Christ__. SCM. 1968. . 142pp. Ex-­‐library. Worn & slightly soiled wraps. Else good. $4.5 [297465] Moxnes, Halvor. __The Economy of the Kingdom: Social Conflict and Economic Relations in Luke's Gospel__. Fortress. 1988. . 183pp. Very good. $5 [278381] Mudiso Mba Mundla, Jean-­‐Gaspard. __Jesus und die Führer Israels. Studien zu den sog. Jerusalemer Streitgesprächen__. Aschendoff Münster. 1984. German. 377pp. Ink underlining. $8.5 [313754] Müller, Christian. __Gottes Gerechtigkeit und Gottes Volk. Eine Untersuchung zu Römer 9-­‐11__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1964. German. 116pp. Good. Foxing, corners slightly bent. $3.5 [308653] Müller, G.H.. __Zur Synopse. Untersuchung über die Arbetisweise des Lk and Mt und ihre Quellen, namentlich die Spruchquelle, im Anschluss an eine Synopse Mk-­‐Lk-­‐
Mt__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1908. . 60pp. Good. $5 [229455] Munck, Johannes. __Presbyters and Disciples of the Lord in Papias [Reprinted from The Harvard Theological Review, vol. LII, no. 3, October 1959]__. Harvard Theological Review. 1959. . pp. Booklet. Good; upper corners bent. Previous owner's signature on front wrapper. $8 [335251] Murphy-­‐O'Connor, J.. __Prédication selon Saint Paul [Cahiers de la Revue Biblique 4]__. J. Gabalda. 1966. . 182pp. Foxing, chipped wrappers. $8.5 [312379] 93 Murphy-­‐O'Connor, Jerome. __Becoming Human Together: The Pastoral Anthropology of St. Paul__. Michael Glazier. 1982. . 224pp. Extensive pencil underlining. Faded spine. $7.5 [305443] Murphy, Frederick J.. __Religious World of Jesus: An Introduction to Second Temple Palestinian Judaism__. Abingdon. 1991. . 406pp. Good. $5 [305826] Mussner, Franz. __Theologie der Freiheit nach Paulus__. Herder. 1976. . 83pp. Good. $4 [213738] Nash, Scott ed.. __Interpreting Galatians for Preaching and Teaching: Kerygma and Church__. Smyth & Helwyns. 1995. . 182pp. Very good. $4.67 [213754] Nau, Arlo J.. __The Impact of Context on Content in Matthew__. Fairway Press. 1999. . 290pp. Near fine, inscribed by the author. $8 [268144] Nauck, Wolfgang. __Tradition und der Charakter des ersten Johannesbriefes [Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 3]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1957. . 192pp. Good; foxing, slightly torn wrappers. $8.5 [280072] Neill, Stephen. __The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861-­‐1961 [The Firth Lectures, 1962]__. Oxford University Press. 1964. . 360pp. Used book. VG/VG. Very slight underlining and marginalia. Cover is very slightly worn. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1578] Neirynck, F.. __L'Evangile de Jean: Examen critique du commentaire de M.É. Boismard et A. Lamouille [Extrait des Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 1977, t. 53, fasc. 4, pp. 363-­‐478]__. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. 1977. French. pp. Foxing, wrappers torn along spine. $8 [311743] Nepper-­‐Christensen, Poul. __Matthäusevangelium: Ein Judenchristliches Evangelium?__. Universitetsforlaget I Aarhus. 1958. German. 227pp. Ex-­‐library, good otherwise. $8.5 [248911] Neuenzeit, Paul. __Herrenmahl: Studien zur paulinischen Eucharistieauffassung (Studien zum Alten & Neuen Testament series)__. Kosel-­‐Verlag. 1960. . 253pp. Ex-­‐
library, bumped corners. $4.67 [160548] Neufeld, Vernon H.. __The Earliest Christian Confessions [New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. V]__. Eerdmans. 1963. . 166pp. Slight ink underlining, chipped and grubby dust jacket. $8 [296348] 94 Newheart, Michael Willett. __Word and Soul: A Psychological, Literary, and Cultural Reading of the Fourth Gospel__. Michael Glazier. 2001. . 165pp. Near fine. $4 [286470] Newport, Kenneth G.C.. __Sources & 'Sitz im Leben' of Matthew 23 (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Supplement Series 117)__. Sheffield. 1995. . 205pp. Near fine. $6.67 [172212] Neyrey, Jerome H.. __Paul in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters__. W/JKP. 1990. . 263pp. G/G; bowed boards. $5 [267094] Nicol, W.. __The Semeia in the Fourth Gospel: Tradition and Redaction [Supplements to Novum Testamentum, vol. XXXII]__. E.J. Brill. 1972. . 155pp. Underlining, else good. From the library of biblical scholar [J. Louis] Martyn. $9.33 [199258] Niebergall, Friedrich. __Praktische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments für Prediger und Religionslehrer, 2 auflage__. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr. 1914. . 608pp. Ex-­‐library, shaken, spine damaged by careless removal of library label. $3.34 [181161] Niewalda, Paul. __Sakramentssymbolik im Johannesevangelium? Eine exegetisch-­‐
historische Studie__. Lahn-­‐Verlag. 1958. German. 172pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. $5 [311007] Nissinen, Martti. __Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective__. Fortress. 1998. . 208pp. Pencil underlining, otherwise good. $9 [358813] Noel, Conrad. __Life of Jesus__. Religious Book Club. 1938. . 619pp. Foxing, slightly shaken. $6.5 [269288] Noetzel, Heinz. __Christus und Dionysos: Bemerkungen zum religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergrund von Johannes 2, 1-­‐11__. Calwer Verlag. n.d.. . 59pp. Good; foxing. $6.5 [279177] Nötscher, Friedrich. __Vom Alten zum Neuen Testament [Bonner Biblische Beiträge, 17]__. Peter Hanstein Verlag. 1962. German. 250pp. Good; ex-­‐library. $8 [310150] Nunn, H.P.V.. __Authorship of the Fourth Gospel__. Alden & Blackwell (Eton). 1952. . 152pp. Musty, chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [348087] O'Collins, Gerald. __The Calvary Christ__. Westminster. 1977. . 124pp. Very good. $8 [337684] 95 O'Neill, J.C.. __The Point of It All: Essays on Jesus Christ__. Deo Publishing. 2000. . 163pp. Very good. $8.5 [315763] Ohrn, Arnold T.. __The Gospel and the Sermon on the Mount__. Revell. 1948. . 109pp. G/G, slight foxing. From the library of Bruce M. Metzger. $3.34 [199773] Orton, David E. ed.. __Composition of John's Gospel: Selected Studies from Novum Testamentum__. Brill. 1999. . 276pp. Very good. $8 [348040] Osborn, Eric. __Ethical Patterns in Early Christian Thought__. Cambridge. 1976. . 252pp. VG/VG $8.5 [338534] Osborne, Kenan B.. __Resurrection of Jesus: New Considerations for Its Theological Interpretation__. Paulist. 1997. . 194pp. Very good. $4 [309725] Osten-­‐Sacken, Peter von der. __Evangelium und Tora: Aufsätze zu Paulus__. Chr. Kaiser. 1987. . 329pp. Very good. $7 [210044] Painter, John. __The Quest for the Messiah, 2nd edition, revised and enlarged__. Abingdon. 1993. . 492pp. Underlining, foxing, creased spine. $8 [347755] Painter, John. __The Quest for the Messiah: The History, Literature, and Theology of the Johannine Christianity. 2nd edition, revised & enlarged__. Abingdon. 1993. . 492pp. Good; some underlining. $8 [350098] Paley, William. __Hore Paulinae or The Truth of the Scipture History of St. Paul Evinced__. Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh. n.d.. . 256pp. lots of foxing, deckled edges $3.5 [KVS403] Parkes, James. __Foundations of Judaism and Christianity__. Quadrangle Books. 1960. . 344pp. Ink underlining, slightly stained and bowed cover. $3.5 [325315] Parson, Mikeal C.. __Body and Character in Luke and Acts: The Subversion of Physiognomy in Early Christianity__. Baker. 2006. . 191pp. As new. $6.5 [308755] Parsons, Mikeal C. and Richard I. Pervo. __Rethinking the Unity of Luke and Acts__. Fortress. 1993. . 148pp. Underlining, cocked spine. $5 [337491] Parvis, Merrill M. and Allen P. Wikgren eds.. __New Testament Manuscript Studies: The Materials and the Making of a Critical Apparatus__. Chicago. 1950. . 220, xxxiipp. Upper spine corner bumped, wrappers slightly faded and torn, heavy foxing. $8 [299159] 96 Pasquetto, Virgilio. __Annuncio del Regno. I Grandi Temi dei Vangeli Sinottici Riproposti al Cristiano d'Oggi__. Edizioni Dehoniane Napoli. 1985. Italian. 507pp. Foxing, otherwise good. $4.5 [313808] Pate, C. Marvin. __Communities of the Last Days: The Dead Sea Scrolls, the New Testament, and the Story of Israel__. IVP. 2000. . 303pp. Very good. $8.5 [278559] Patterson, Stephen J.. __The Gospel of Thomas and Jesus__. Polebridge. 1993. . 275pp. Very good. $4.5 [340782] Paynter, H.M.. __Critical Exposition: Comprising All That Is Said in the New Testament Relating to the Holy Supper. Second Edition: Revised and Enlarged.__. Wm. H. Wilson. 1882. . 96pp. Shaken, front hinge repaired with clear tape. Heavy foxing, deeply yellowed. Cloth fraying at spine. $8.5 [309893] Pedersen, Ebbe Thestrup; översättning Ann-­‐Mari Holm. __Den trettonde aposteln: Introduktion till att första Paulus__. Verbum. 1981. . 175pp. Very good. $5 [302172] Percy, Ernst. __Botschaft Jesu: Eine Traditionskritische und Exegetische Untersuchung__. C.W.K. Gleerup. 1953. German. 324pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in burgundy buckram. Yellowed. Else good. $6.5 [317599] Perkins, Pheme. __Resurrection: New Testament Witness and Contemporary Reflection__. Doubleday. 1984. . 504pp. Extensive ink underlining. $5 [247900] Perowne, Stewart. __The Later Herods: The Political Background of the New Testament__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1958. . 216pp. Musty, pencil underlining. $3.5 [327048] Perry, Lloyd M. and Calvin B. Hanson. __Romans: A Model for Bible Study Methods__. Moody Press. 1982. . 189pp. Good; slight underlining. $4 [277335] Pervo, Richard I.. __Luke's Story of Paul__. Fortress. 1990. . 96pp. Very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [712864] Pesce, Mauro. __Paolo e Gli Arconti a Corinto. Storia dell ricerca (1888-­‐1975) ed esegesi di I Cor. 2, 6.8__. Paideia Editrice Brescia. 1977. . 477pp. Very good. $4 [220174] Pesch, Rudolf. __Der reiche Fischfang, Lk 5,1-­‐11/Jo 21, 1-­‐14 [Kommentare und Beiträge zum Alten und Neuen Testament]__. Patmos-­‐Verlag. 1969. German. 168pp. G/VG, some underlining. $10 [312656] 97 Petersen, Norman R.. __The Gospel of John and the Sociology of Light: Language and Characterization in the Fourth Gospel__. Trinity Press International. 1993. . 170pp. Ink underlining and highlighting. $3.5 [361391] Petzer, Kobus. __Teks van die Nuwe Testament (Hervormde Teologiese Studies Supplementum 2, 1990)__. AG van Aarde. 1990. . 353pp. Good. $5 [192401] Pfannmüller, Gustav. __Jesus im Urteil der Jahrhunderte: Die bebeutendsten Auffaffungen Jesu in Theologie, Philosophie, Literatur und kunst bis zur Gesgenwart__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1939. . 574pp. Yellowed pages, ink underlining. $4 [266088] Pfleiderer, Otto. __The Early Christian Conception of Christ__. Putnam's. 1906. . 170pp. Ex-­‐library; light wear to corners of boards. $4.5 [201220] Pfleiderer, Otto. __The Early Conception of Christ: Its Significance and Value in the History of Religion__. Williams & Norgate. 1905. . 170pp. Pencil underlining; worn cover, spine cloth splitting. $4 [299770] Piepenbring, Charles (Trans. Lilian A. Clare). __The Historical Jesus__. Macmillan. 1924. . 224pp. Shaken, edgeworn, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $9 [U11866] Pink, Arthur S.. __The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross__. Baker. 1974. . 134pp. G/G, ex-­‐library, torn dust jacket. $4 [306126] Plank, Karl A.. __Paul and the Irony of Affliction__. Scholars Press. 1987. . 109pp. Underlining. $4 [285069] Ploeg, J. van der; D. Barthélemy, O. Betz, L. Cerfaux, J. Coppens, A. Jaubert, G. Lambert, F. Nötscher, J. Schmitt, & A.S. vand der Woude. __La Secte de Qumran et les Origines du Christianisme [Recherches Bibliques, IV]__. Desclée de Brouwer. 1959. French. 244pp. Stained wrappers, cocked spine; else good. $5 [242925] Poirier, Leandre. __Sept Eglises, ou Le Premier Setpenaire Prophetique de l'Apocalypse: Dissertation [Catholic University of America, NT, No. 78]__. Catholic University of America. 1943. . 208pp. Ex-­‐library. Rebound from paperback into library hardback. Yellowed. Foxing to wraps. $8 [301458] Pokorny, Petr. __Literarni a Teologicky uvoddo Noveho Zakona__. Vyehrad. 1993. . 331pp. NF/NF $3.34 [KVS183] Pokorny, Petr. __Pisen o Perle: Tajne knihy starovekych gnostiku__. Praha. 1986. . 278pp. NF/NF $3.34 [KVS182] 98 Pokorny, Petr. __Recke dedictvi v Orientu__. Praha. 1993. . 375pp. NF/NF $3.34 [KVS181] Pokorny, Petr. __Zukunft des Glaubens: Sechs Kapitel uber Eschatologie__. Calwer. 1992. . 105pp. VG $2.75 [217993] Polack, A.I. and W.W. Simpson. __Jesus in the Background of History__. Cohen and West. 1957. . 160pp. VG/VG, lower page corners bent. $4 [300041] Porter, Frank Chamberlin. __Mind of Christ in Paul: Light from Paul on Present Problems of Christian Thinking__. Scribner's. 1930. . 323pp. Foxing, penciling. From the library of H.R. Niebuhr. $5 [286511] Powell, Evan. __Myth of the Lost Gospel__. Symposium Press. 2006. . 176pp. Very good. $4 [281509] Powell, Mark Allan and David R. Bauer eds.. __Who Do You Say That I Am? Essays on Christology in honor of Jack Dean Kingsbury__. W/JKP. 1999. . 292pp. Very good. $3.5 [263119] Preisker, Herbert. __Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (Sammlung Töpelmann, Zweite Reihe: Hilfsbücher zum theologischen Studium, Band 2)__. Alfred Toepelmann. 1937. . 306pp. Very good. $3.34 [187918] Pressensé, E. de. __Early Years of Christianity, vol. 1: Apostolic Era__. Charles Scribner & Co.. 1870. . 536pp. Poor. Ex-­‐library, edgeworn boards, spine covered in binding tape, pages yellowed and brittle, cracked spine. $3.5 [232324] Preuschen, Erwin. __Apostelgeschichte (Handbuch zum Neuen Testament, vierter band, erster teil)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1912. . 159pp. Ex-­‐library, bound into library binding with marbeled boards. $3.34 [180868] Prunet, Olivier. __La Morale Chrétienne d'Après les Écrits Johanniques__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1957. French. 152pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library. $8 [332999] Räisuänen, Heikki. __Beyond New Testament Theology__. SCM / Trinity Press International. 1990. . 206pp. Underlining, creased spine. $3.5 [317923] Rambach, Johann Jacob. __Betrachtungen über das Leiden Christi, Nach der harmonischen Beschreibung der vier Evangelisten abgehandelt__. Thomas & Mattill. 1895. German. 944pp. Foxing, slightly worn cover, else sound. $8.5 [332674] Ramsay, W.M. . __The Education of Christ__. Wipf & Stock. 1998. . 151pp. Slightly blemished new copy. $4 [242258] 99 Rattenbury, J. Ernest. __Testament of Paul: Studies in Doctrines born of Evangelical Experience__. Epworth. 1930. . 313pp. Good; foxing. $4 [269314] Rauer, Max. __Der Dem Petrus von Laodicea Zugeschriebene Lukaskommentar [Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, VIII. Band 2. Heft]__. Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1920. German. 80pp. Foxing, upper edges uncut. $9.5 [313446] Reese, James M.. __Experiencing the Good News: The New Testament as Communication [Good News Studies, 10]__. Michael Glazier. 1984. . 203pp. Very good. $8.5 [283326] Rehwinkel, Alfred M.. __The New Testament World and Its Historical and Geographical Background, Part I, 4th revised and enlarged edition__. . 1936. . 142pp. Faded and creased wrappers, else good. $4.5 [310352] Reim, Günter. __Studien zum Alttestamentlichen Hintergrund des Johannesevangeliums [Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 22]__. Cambridge. 1974. . 313pp. VG/VG $9.33 [199729] Reimarus, Hermann Samuel; edited by Charles H. Talbert. __Reimarus: Fragments [Lives of Jesus series]__. Fortress. 1970. . 279pp. Ex-­‐library, underlining. $7 [349769] Reiser, Marius. __Jesus & Judgement: Eschatological Proclamation in Its Jewish Context__. Fortress. 1997. . 398pp. Very good. $3.5 [168185] Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich. __Auferstehung Jesu: Form, Art und Sinn der Urchristlichen Osterbotschaft__. Luther-­‐Verlag. 1954. . 125pp. Yellowed pages, else very good. Association copy: Gift of Everett F. Harrison to George Ladd; inscribed and signed by Harrison. $9.33 [188518] Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich. __Paulusbild in der Neueren Deutschen Forschung (Wege der Forschung Band XXIV)__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1964. . 621pp. Underlining. $3.5 [213734] Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich (hrsg.). __Das Paulusbild in der Neuren Deutschen Forschung [Wege der Forschung, Band XXIV]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1982. . 623pp. Pencil underlining. $3.5 [338331] Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich (Hrsg.). __Paulusbild in Neueren Deutschen Forschung [Wege der Forschung, Band XXIV]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1964. German. 623pp. Ink underlining. $3.5 [311263] 100 Reumann, John. __Variety and Unity in New Testament Thought__. Oxford. 1991. . 330pp. Very good. $3.5 [326042] Reumann, John, ed.. __Understanding the Sacred Text: Essays in Honor of Morton S. Enslin on the Hebrew Bible & Christian Beginnings__. Judson. 1972. . 256pp. Slightly shaken. Chipped dust jacket. Bumped corners. Else good. $6.5 [295156] Reumann, John; with responses by Joseph A. Fitzmyer & Jerome D. Quinn. __Righteousness in the New Testament__. Paulist. 1982. . 278pp. Very good. $5 [309757] Richard Earl. __New Views on Luke and Acts__. Michael Glazier / Liturgical Press. 1990. . 196pp. Ink marks throughout. Corner bumped. $4.5 [357919] Richard, Earl. __Acts 6:1-­‐8:4: The Author's Method of Composition [SBL Dissertation Series 4]__. Scholars Press. 1978. . 379pp. Very good. $7 [347955] Riches, John. __Jesus and the Transformation of Judaism__. Darton Longman & Todd. 1980. . 254pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $4 [318680] Richter, Georg. __Deutsches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament__. Friedrich Pustet. 1962. . 1088pp. VG/VG. 10. Band Registerband/Regensburger Neues Testament $3.75 [KVS217] Ridderbos, Herman. __Paul: An Outline of His Theology__. Eerdmans. 1975. . 587pp. Extensive ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $6.5 [336605] Riesenfeld, Harald. __The Gospel Tradition and Its Beginnings: A Study in the Limits of 'Formgeschichte'__. A.R. Mowbray. 1957. . 30pp. Good, stapled booklet. From the library of Krister Stendahl, whose name is written on the front wrapper. $5 [359931] Rigaux, Beda. __Letters of St. Paul: Modern Studies__. Franciscan Herald. 1968. . 272pp. VG/G $8.5 [339768] Rigaux, Béda. __Saint Paul et Ses Lettres: État de la question [Studia Neotestamentica, Subsidia II]__. Desclée de Brouwer. 1962. French. 229pp. Good. Ex-­‐library, faded cover. $8 [300979] Riley, Harold. __First Gospel__. Mercer. 1992. . 130pp. Near fine. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.5 [713632] Riley, Harold. __The First Gospel__. Mercer. 1992. . 130pp. Near fine. $3.5 [169279] 101 Rimmer, Harry. __The New Testament and the Laws of Evidence__. Eerdmans. 1938. . 119pp. Shaken. Some ink marginalia. $4.5 [252657] Rissi, Mathias. __Zeit und Geschichte in der Offenbarung des Johannes [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments]__. Zwingli-­‐Verlag. 1952. German. 179pp. Good. Slight foxing, upper corners bent. $7.5 [313243] Rist, John M.. __On the Independence of Matthew and Mark__. Cambridge. 1978. . 132pp. Very good; ex-­‐library. $10 [296352] Ritchie, Arthur. __Spiritual Studies in St. Luke's Gospel, vol. 1__. Young Churchman Co.. 1906. . 405pp. Ex-­‐library, light foxing. Rebound in red buckram. $3.34 [214525] Robertson, A.T.. __Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament__. Hodder and Stoughton. 1925. . 300pp. Badly shaken. Penciling throughout. Foxing. Cloth torn and peeling at spine. $5 [342046] Robertson, Frederick W.. __Expository Lectures on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians__. C. Kegan Paul & Co.. 1878. . 452pp. Full leather with marbled end papers. Front board detached but present, foxing. $4.5 [355831] Robinson, Anthony B. and Robert W. Wall. __Called to be Church: The Book of Acts for a New Day__. Eerdmans. 2006. . 286pp. Like new. $8 [CR0901] Robinson, James M. and Helmut Koester. __Trajectories through Early Christianity__. Fortress. 1971. . 297pp. Pencil underlining throughout. Bumped corners. $8 [305574] Robinson, John A.T.. __Twelve New Testament Studies__. Alec R. Allenson. 1962. . 180pp. Underlining, creased spine. $3 [304697] Rohde, Joachim. __Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists__. Westminster. 1968. . 278pp. Ex-­‐library, good otherwise. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [709179] Rohrbaugh, Richard. __The Biblical Interpreter__. Fortress. 1978. . 125pp. Pen underlining, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [U13112] Roloff, Jürgen. __Kerygma und der irdische Jesus: Historische Motive in den Jesus-­‐ Erzählungen der Evangelien__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprech. 1970. . 287pp. Good; bent corners. $3.5 [313055] 102 Rössler, Dietrich. __Gesetz und Geschichte: Untersuchungen zur Theologie der jüdischen Apokalyptik und der pharisäischen Orthodoxie [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 3. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1960. . 119pp. Pencil underlining, small stains on fore-­‐edge; chipped dust jacket. $7.5 [296594] Roukema, Riemer. __Gnosis and Faith in Early Christianity__. SCM. 1999. . 212pp. Very good. $8 [315750] Rowland, Alfred. __Paul's Ideal Church and People: A Popular Commentary on the First Epistle to Timothy__. Cranston & Curts. 1893. . 287pp. Very good; slight foxing. $5 [266796] Ruckstuhl, Eugen. __Literarische Einheit des Johannesevangeliums. Der Gegenwärtige Stand der Einschlägigen Forschungen [Studia Friburgensia, Neue Folge, Heft 3]__. Paulusverlag. 1951. German. 289pp. Good. Pencil underlining, slightly torn wrappers, yellowed pages. $6.5 [313011] Sabatier, A.. __Apostle Paul: A Sketch of the Development of His Doctrine__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1899. . 402pp. Ex-­‐library; rubbed cover, yellowed pages. $3.5 [167063] Salmon, Victor. __Quatrième Évangile [Histoire de la Tradition Textuelle de l'Original Grec]__. Letouzey et Ané. 1969. . 64pp. Good; bent corners. $8.5 [298419] Sampley, J. Paujl. __'And the Two Shall Become One Flesh' A Study of Traditions in Ephesians 5:21-­‐33 [Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 16]__. Cambridge. 1971. . 177pp. VG/G $8.5 [296250] Sams, Earnell Jr.. __Pride Against Power__. Doctrine of Christ Publications. 1981. . 294pp. Very good; creased spine. $8.5 [286036] Sanday, William. __Life of Christ in Recent Research__. Oxford. 1907. . 328pp. Shaken. $3.5 [217244] Sanders, E.P.. __Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People__. Fortress. 1983. . 227pp. Ink and pencil underlining. $9.5 [360639] Sanders, Jack T.. __Ethics in the New Testament__. Fortress. 1975. . 144pp. good $3.75 [KVS533] Sawyer, Elbert H.. __Biography of Jesus__. Winston. 1927. . 188pp. Good; bumped corners. $5 [266467] 103 Sayler, Gwendolyn B.. __Have the Promises Failed? A Literary Analyis of 2 Baruch [SBL Dissertation Series 72]__. Scholars Press. 1984. . 171pp. Good; faded wrappers. $5 [326081] Schaberg, Jane. __The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: The Triadic Phrase in Matthew 28:19b [SBL Dissertation Series 61]__. Scholars Press. 1981. . 367pp. Good; faded spine. $8 [348034] Scheid, José Ewaldo. __Heilstat Gottes in Christus: Ergänzung zu Kerygma und Mythos V, Ergänzungsband II__. Herbert Reich, Evangelischer Verlag. 1962. . 259pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in green library buckram. Otherwise good. $4.5 [321146] Schelkle, Karl Hermann. __Paulus: Leben, Briefe, Theologie [Erträge der Forschung, Band 152]__. Wissenschafliche Buchgesellschaft. 1981. . 261pp. Good; slight penciling. $3.5 [325978] Schenck, Wolfgang. __Der Segen im Neuen Testament. Eine begriffsanalytische Studie [Theologische Arbeiten, Band XXV]__. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin. 1967. . 191pp. Very good. $8.5 [322433] Schenke, Hans-­‐Martin. __Der Gott 'Mensch' in der Gnosis__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1962. . 183pp. Underlining, front wrapper stained; spine reinforced with clear tape. $4 [210716] Schenke, Ludger. __Der Gekreuzigte Christus: Versuch einer literarkritischen und traditionsgeschichtlichen Bestimmung der vormarkinischen Passionsgeschichte__. KBW Verlag. 1974. . 150pp. Good; ex-­‐library. $5 [286060] Schilder, K.. __Christ in His Suffering__. Eerdmans. 1938. . 467pp. Underlining, shaken, foxing, bumped corners. $5 [291343] Schilder, K.; Henry Zylstra, trans.. __Christ on Trial: A Sequel to Christ in His Suffering__. Eerdmans. 1939. . 549pp. Ink underlining in first half. Slightly shaken. Yellowed. $5 [342263] Schillebeeckx, Edward. __Jesus: An Experiment in Christology__. Seabury. 1978. . 767pp. Front hinge partially broken, first few leaves coming loose. $4.5 [285659] Schlatter, A.. __Die Theologie der Apostel__. Calwer Vereinsbuchhandlung. 1922. German. 576pp. Worn cover, foxing, some page edges chipped, underlining. $3.5 [331231] Schlatter, A.. __Geschichte des Christus__. Calwer . 1923. . 543pp. Yellowed pages, else good. $3.5 [212055] 104 Schlatter, A.. __Theologie der Apostel__. Calwer . 1922. . 576pp. Yellowed pages, else good. $3.5 [212057] Schlier, Heinrich. __Zeit der Kirche: Exegetische Aufsätz und Vorträge __. Herder . 1962. . 314pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $3.34 [199927] Schmauch, Werner (Hrsg.). __In Memoriam Ernst Lohmeyer__. Evangelisches Verlag. 1951. German. 375pp. Wrappers torn and repaired with clear tape; extensive ink underlining. $5 [255811] Schmid, Christian Friedrich; trans. by G.H. Venables. __Biblical Theology of the New Testament__. T&T Clark. 1870. . 552pp. Foxing, pencil underlining. Rebound in burgandy library buckram. $8.5 [306364] Schmidt, Karl Ludwig. __Die Stellung der Evangelien in der allgemeinen Literaturgeschichte [Sonderdruck aus der festschrift für Hermann Gunkel EUCHARISTRION: Studien zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1923. German. 134pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. In a hardcover library binding. $6.5 [333399] Schmidt, Karl Ludwig. __Ein Gang durch den Galaterbrief. Leben, Lehre, Leitung in der Heiligen Schrift [Theologische Studien, Heft 11/12]__. Evangelischer Verlag. 1947. German. 104pp. Very good; slight foxing. $4 [314071] Schmidt, Karl Ludwig. __Gang durch den Galaterbrief: Leben, Lehre, Leitung in der Heiligen Schrift [Theologische Studien, Heft 11/12]__. Evangelischer Verlag. 1942. . 104pp. Good; foxing. $4 [281394] Schmidt, Ludwig (Hrsg.). __Kleine Predigttypologie, Band III: Neue Testament__. Ehrenfried Klotz. 1965. German. 410pp. VG/VG $3.67 [179982] Schmiedel, Paul W.; trans. by Maurice A. Canney. __The Johannine Writings__. Adam & Charles Black. 1908. . 285pp. Good; penciling. $4.5 [303284] Schmithals, Walter. __Gnosis in Korinth: Eine Untersuchung zu den Korintherbriefen__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1965. . 353pp. Ex-­‐library, else good. $4 [228262] Schmithals, Walter. __Kirchliche Apostelamt. Eine historische untersuchung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1961. . 273pp. Underlining and highlighting, worn and torn wrappers. $4 [168396] Schmithals, Walter. __Office of Apostle in the Early Church__. Abingdon. 1969. . 288pp. Torn dust jacket, front board yellowed. $3.5 [299546] 105 Schmithals, Walter. __Paulus und die Gnostiker: Untersuchungen zu den kleinen Paulusbriefen__. Herbert Reich. 1965. German. 203pp. Underlining. $3.5 [255233] Schmithals, Walter. __Theologische Anthropologie des Paulus: Auslegung von Röm 7,17—8,39__. Kohlhammer. 1980. German. 204pp. Penciling in first half. Else good. Mass-­‐market paperback. $5 [342076] Schmithals, Walter. __Theology of the First Christians__. Westminster. 1997. . 396pp. very good $4.25 [KVS452] Schnackenburg, Rudolf. __Christian Existence in the New Testament (2 vols)__. Notre Dame. 1968. . 233, 234pp. VG/VG $9 [296651] Schnackenburg, Rudolf. __The Church in the New Testament__. Herder / Burns & Oates. 1965. . 222pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. $3 [329241] Schneider, Johannes. __Die Taufe im Neuen Testament__. Kolhammer. 1952. German. 80pp. Good; foxing. $5 [331789] Schniewind, Julius. __Nachgelassene Reden un Aufsätze__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1952. . 207pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library. $8.5 [286552] Schniewind, Julius. __Parallelperikopen bei Lukas und Johannes. 2. Auflage__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1958. . 100pp. Good; sunned cover. $3.5 [309506] Schoeps, H.J.. __Paul: The Theology of the Apostle in the Light of Jewish Religious History__. Lutterworth. 1961. . 303pp. G/VG. Book: some neat pencil underlining, else good. DJ: Spine a bit faded, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U11960] Schoeps, Hans Joachim. __Aus Frühchristlicher Zeit. Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1950. German. 320pp. Good; foxing. $8 [312533] Schoeps, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Paulus: Die Theologie des Apostels im Lichte der Jüdischen Religionsgeschichte__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1959. German. 324pp. Extensive ink underlining. $6.5 [308286] Schottroff, Luise. __Glaubende und die feindliche Welt: Beobachtungen zum gnostischen Dualismus und seiner Bedeutung für Paulus und das Johannesevangelium [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 37. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1970. . 324pp. Extensive ink underlining. $5 [298701] 106 Schottroff, Luise and Wolfgang Stegemann. __Jesus and the Hope of the Poor__. Orbis. 1986. . 134pp. Extensive ink underlining, cocked spine. $5 [349120] Schrage, Wolfgang. __Ethics of the New Testament__. Fortress. 1987. . 369pp. Very good. $3 [255460] Schrage, Wolfgang. __Ethik des Neuen Testaments (Grundrisse zum Neuen Testament, Band 4)__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1982. . 340pp. Good, corners bumped. $3 [213641] Schreiber, John L.. __Primitive Christian Traditions: Toward the Historical Structure of Primitive Christianity (A Selected Bibliography)__. Garrett Theological Seminary Library. 1968. . 44pp. Ex-­‐library, in a pamphlet folder. $8.5 [358456] Schreiber, Otto L.. __Lives of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus the Christ__. Philadelphia: General Council Publication House. 1912. . 167pp. Ink underlining. $8.5 [313905] Schrenk, Gottlob. __Studien zu Paulus [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments]__. Zwingli Verlag. 1954. German. 148pp. Good; slight foxing. $3.5 [310104] Schulz, Siegfried. __Untersuchungen zur Menschensohn-­‐Christologie im Johannesevangelium__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1957. German. 182pp. Underlining, taped spine. $3.34 [212453] Schweizer, Eduard. __Beiträge zur Theologie des Neuen Testaments__. Zwingli Verlag. 1970. . 288pp. VG/VG $8.5 [279059] Schweizer, Eduard. __Jesus__. John Knox. 1971. . 200pp. Near fine $2.75 [145687] Schweizer, Eduard. __Theologische Einleitung in das Neue Testament [Grundrisse zum Neuen Testament 2]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1989. . 176pp. Underlining and highlighting, else good. $3 [210532] Scott, Bernard Brandon. __Hear Then the Parable: A Commentary on the Parables of Jesus__. Fortress. 1989. . 465pp. Ink underlining throughout. Faded & slightly torn dust jacket. Bookplate. $6.5 [296681] Scott, Ernest F.. __Purpose of the Gospels__. Scribners. 1949. . 171pp. Chipped dust jacket; very good otherwise. $3.5 [150107] Scrivener, Frederick . __Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, vol. 2 only. 4th edition__. Wipf & Stock. 1997. . pp. Slightly defective new copy. $8 [241822] 107 Scroggs, Robin. __New Testament and Homosexuality__. Fortress. 1983. . 158pp. Underlining, good otherwise. $5 [247530] Scroggs, Robin. __The Last Adam: A Study in Pauline Anthopology__. Fortress. 1966. . 139pp. G/VG, underlining. $7.67 [227181] Segovia, Fernando F.. __The Farewell of the Word: The Johannine Call to Abide__. Fortress. 1991. . 341pp. VG/VG, upper corners bumped. $6.5 [296661] Sell, Jesse. __Knowledge of the Truth-­‐ Two Doctrines. The Book of Thomas the Contender (CG II, 7) and the False Teachers in the Pastoral Epistles [European University Studies, Series XXIII, vol. 194]__. Peter Lang. 1982. . 108pp. Good; foxing. $9.5 [309366] Sevenster, G.. __Christologie van het Nieuwe Testament__. Uiteversmaatschappij te Amsterdam. 1946. . 390pp. G: pencil underlining $3.75 [137314] Sharman, Henry Burton. __The Teaching of Jesus About the Future: According the Synoptic Gospels__. Chicago. 1909. . 381pp. Reglued binding, ink underlining. $5 [306438] Shepherd, Massey Hamilton Jr. and Sherman Elbridge Johnson; preface by Henry Bradford Washburn. __Munera Studiosa__. Episcopal Theological School. 1946. . 182pp. Very good. From the library of Abraham Malherbe. $5 [324880] Shuler, Philip. __A Genre for the Gospels: the Biographical Character of Matthew__. Fortress. 1982. . 131pp. VG/VG $3.75 [141116] Siegert, Folker. __Erstentwurf des Johannes. Das ursprüngliche, judenchristliche Johannesevangelium in deutscher Übersetzung vorgestellt nebst Nachrichten über den Verfasser und zwei Briefen von ihm (2.3 Joh.) [Münsteraner Judaistische Studien, Band 16]__. Lit Verlag. 2004. German. 147pp. Very good. $8.5 [326679] Simon, Johannes. __Toten des Christus durch seine Apostel: Besinnung zur Apostelgeschichte__. Stiftungsverlag/Potsdam. n.d.. . 52pp. Yellowed pages, underlining. $5 [255090] Simpson, Robert L.. __Interpretation of Prayer in the Early Church__. Westminster. 1965. . 189pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $6.5 [266581] Simpson, W.J. Sparrow. __The Resurrection and the Christian Faith__. Zondervan. 1968. . 462pp. VG/G $7.5 [329261] Smith, Abraham. __Comfort One Another: Reconstructing the Rhetoric and Audience of 1 Thessalonians__. Westminster. 1995. . 160pp. Near fine. $2.75 [201289] 108 Smith, David. __Our Lord's Earthly Life__. George H. Doran Co.. . . 500pp. GThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.75 [704056] Smith, Morton. __Tannaitic Parallels to the Gospels [Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. VI]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1951. . 215pp. Good; faded wrappers. $7 [299464] Smitmans, Adolf. __Weinwunder von Kana: Die Auslegung von Jo 2, 1-­‐11 bei den Vätern und heute [Beiträge zur Geschichte der Biblischen Exegese, 6]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1966. . 337pp. Very good $8.5 [299686] Soderlind, Per. __Paulus: Ett Bibelstudium for Belysning av den Store Apostelns Personlighet__. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag. n.d.. . 102pp. Good. $4 [243426] Soltau, Wilhelm. __Unsere evangelien ihre Quellen und Ihr Quellenwert__. Dieterich'sche Verlags-­‐Buchhandlung. 1901. German. 149pp. Ex-­‐library, slight foxing, lower page corners slightly bent. In an edgeworn library binding. $3 [336975] Sommer, J. L.. __Die Epistolischen Perikopen des Kirshenjah res Exegetisch ind homiletisch behandeft__. A. Deichertsche Verlagsbuch. 1902. . 815pp. good, spine rubbed, hinges weakened, slight yellowing, penciling, no Title page, halfbound with leather $3.75 [KVS669] Sparks, H.F.D.. __Formation of the New Testament__. Philosophical Library. 1953. . 172pp. Foxing, slightly torn dust jacket. $5 [296868] Spencer, Aida Besancon. __Paul's Literary Style: A Stylistic and Historical Comparison of II Corinthians 11:16-­‐12:13, Romans 8:9-­‐39, and Philippians 3:2-­‐
4:13__. Evangelical Theological Society. 1986. . 338pp. Very good. $4.5 [299948] Spivey, Robert ed.. __Abstracts: American Academy of Religion 1973__. American Academy of Religion. 1973. . 104pp. Very good. $3.34 [194870] Stafford, Tim. __Surprised by Jesus__. IVP. 2006. . 253pp. Discounted new book. $5 [252200] Stambaugh, John E. and David L. Balch; edited by Wayne A. Meeks. __New Testament in Its Social Environment [Library of Early Christianity, vol. 2]__. Westminster. 1986. . 194pp. Underlining. $3 [286736] Stanton, Graham. __Gospel Truth? New Light on Jesus and the Gospels__. Trinity Press International. 1995. . 215pp. Ink underlining, foxing. $5 [338309] 109 Stauffer, Ethelbert. __Theologie des Neuen Testaments__. W. Kohlhammer. 1947. . 367pp. Yellowed pages, slightly chipped wrappers. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $4 [235660] Stewart, John. __Scripture Questions and Analyses of the Gospels and Acts__. Relfe Brothers. n.d.. . 248pp. Very good; rebound in green buckram. $5 [215236] Stott, John R.W.; Stephen Motyer revised. __Men with a Message: An Introduction to the New Testament and Its Writers__. Eerdmans. 1994. . 158pp. VG/G. Previous owner's book plate, dust jacket edges reinforced with tape. $3.34 [170217] Strauss, David Friedrich. __Lebe Jesu, Erster Theil: Volks-­‐Ausgabe__. Emil Strauss. 1904. . 162pp. Worn cover, yellowed pages. $4 [214523] Strauss, David Friedrich. __The Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History: A Critique of Schleiermacher's The Life of Jesus [Lives of Jesus series]__. Fortress. 1977. . 169pp. Good; pencil underlining. $5 [317737] Strawson, William. __Jesus & the Future Life: A Study in the Synoptic Gospels__. Westminster. 1959. . 249pp. VG: pencil marksThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [704070] Strecker, Georg. __History of New Testament Literature__. Trinity Press International. 1997. . 238pp. Near fine. $3 [286131] Stuhlmacher, Peter. __Paulinische Evangelium, I. Vorgeschichte__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. . 313pp. Underlining and notes, else good. $9.33 [210365] Stuhlmacher, Peter. __Versöhnung, Gesetz und Gerechtigkeit. Aufsätze zur Biblischen Theologie__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1981. . 319pp. Good; pencil underlining and notes. $5 [301106] Stuhlmacher, Peter. __Vom Verstehen des Neuen Testaments [Grundrisse zum Neuen Testament, Band 6]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1979. German. 262pp. Cocked spine, faded wrappers, pencil underlining. $3.5 [305616] Stuhlmacher, Peter and Helmut Glass. __Evangelium von der Versöhnung in Christus__. Calwer Verlag. 1979. . 88pp. Slight pencil marks, else good. $4 [219544] Suggs, M. Jack. __Wisdom, Christology, and Law in Matthew's Gospel__. Harvard. 1970. . 132pp. Heavy ink underlining & notes. $6.5 [305175] 110 Swartley, Willard M.. __Israel's Scripture Traditions and the Synoptic Gospels: Story Shaping Story__. Hendrickson. 1994. . 367pp. Very good. $5 [299456] Sweeney, Marvin A. ed.. __1999 Review of Biblical Literature__. SBL. 1999. . 442pp. Good. $5 [350249] Sweeney, Marvin A. ed.. __2003 Review of Biblical Literature__. SBL. 2003. . 554pp. Good. $5 [350250] Sweeney, Marvin A. ed.. __2004 Review of Biblical Literature__. SBL. 2004. . 600pp. Very good $5 [350248] Talbert, Charles H.. __Reading Luke: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Third Gospel__. Crossroad. 1982. . 246pp. Ink underlining, faded dust jacket. $8 [347845] Tannehill, Robert C.. __Narrative Unity of Luke-­‐Acts, vol. 1: The Gospel According to Luke__. Fortress. 1986. . 334pp. Underlining, ex-­‐library. $8.5 [337710] Tatum, W. Barnes. __John the Baptist and Jesus: A Report of the Jesus Seminar__. Polebridge Press. 1991. . 182pp. Good; front wrapper slightly creased. $4.5 [347872] Taylor, Vincent. __Person of Christ in New Testament Teaching__. Macmillan. 1958. . 321pp. Badly shaken. $4 [200172] Taylor, Vincent. __Text of the New Testament: A Short Introduction __. Macmillan. 1961. . 113pp. VG/VG * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.5 [709193] Taylor, Vincent. __The Names of Jesus__. Macmillan. 1953. . 179pp. Very good; slight foxing, $8 [296327] Taylor, Vincent; edited by Owen E. Evans. __The Passion Narrative of St. Luke: A Critical and Historical Investigation [Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 19]__. Cambridge. 1972. . 148pp. VG/G, foxed dust jacket. $10 [298001] Taylor, William M.. __Miracles of Our Saviour, Expounded and Illustrated__. Harper. n.d.. . 449pp. Very good. $4 [215148] Teeple, Howard M.. __The Mosaic Eschatological Prophet [Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. X]__. Society Biblical Literature. 1957. . 122pp. Grubby wrappers. $4.33 [190671] 111 Temple, Patrick J.. __Pattern Divine: Our Lord's Hidden Life__. B. Herder. 1950. . 389pp. Stained cover and end papers, badly torn and stained dust jacket. $3.5 [299845] Thatcher, Tom. __Jesus the Riddler: The Power of Ambiguity in the Gospels__. W/JKP. 2006. . 188pp. Underlining, creased spine. $7 [347576] Theissen, Gerd. __Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament__. Fortress. 1992. . 303pp. VG/VG $5 [345875] Theissen, Gerd. __The Gospels in Context: Social and Political History in the Synoptic Tradition__. Fortress. 1991. . 320pp. G/VG, underlining. $8 [346236] Theissen, Gerd and Annette Merz. __The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide__. Fortress. 1996. . 642pp. Very extensive underlining and notes. $7.5 [347186] Thiele, Walter. __Wortschatzuntersuchungen zu den Lateinischen Texten der Johannesbriefe__. Herder. 1958. . 48pp. Very good. $8.5 [298675] Thielscher, Paul. __Unser Wissen um Jesus. Ein Neuer Weg der Quellenuntersuchung I: Die Selbstentfaltung des Stoffes in dne Vier Evangelien__. Leopold Klotz Verlag. 1930. German. 442pp. Ex-­‐library, faded and slightly creased wrappers. $5 [357325] Thompson, J.M.. __Miracles in the New Testament__. Edward Arnold. 1912. . 236pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library, slightly shaken. $8 [328973] Throckmorton, Burton H.. __The New Testament and Mythology__. Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd. 1960. . 255pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn and slightly torn on the spine. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1703] Thüsing, Wilhelm. __Per Christum in Deum: Studien zum Verhältnis von Chrsitozentrik und Theozentrik in den paulinischen Hauptbriefen__. Verlag Aschendorff. 1965. . 275pp. G/G, ex-­‐library $5 [299382] Tiede, David L.. __Prophecy and History in Luke-­‐Acts__. Fortress. 1980. . 166pp. Underlining. Inscribed by the author to Krister Stendahl. $3.5 [302568] Tietjen, John H.. __The Gospel According to Jesus__. Creative Communications for the Parish. 2006. . 83pp. VG $4.5 [362576] Timmer, John. __Julius Wellhausen and the Synoptic Gospels: A Study in Tradition Growth__. Drukerij Bronder. 1970. . 127pp. Very good. $10 [310528] 112 Todt, H.E.. __Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition [New Testament Library]__. SCM. 1965. . 366pp. Underlining, cocked spine, bumped corners. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [711825] Todt, Heinz Eduard. __Der Menschensohn in der synoptischen Uberlieferung__. Gutersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1959. . 331pp. VG/VG, slight foxing $4.38 [141304] Torm, Fr.. __Hermeneutik des Neuen Testaments__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1930. . 253pp. Very good. $3.5 [154770] Torm, Frederik. __Indledning til det Ny Testamente__. G.E.C. Gads Forlag. 1951. . 500, (4)pp. Wrappers chipped and creased, slight ink underlining. $8.5 [244427] Torrey, Charles Cutler. __Composition and Date of Acts [Harvard Theological Studies I]__. Harvard. 1916. . 72pp. Ex-­‐library. Mold stains and foxing, rebound in green buckram. $4.5 [345866] Trench, Richard Chenevix. __Notes on the Parables of Our Lord__. Tibbals Book Co.. n.d.. . 393pp. Penciling. Shaken. Ex-­‐library. Cloth peeling on spine. $3.5 [238751] Trenkle, Franz Sales. __Einleitung in das Neue Testament__. Herder. 1897. German. 487pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in black library buckram. Foxing, pages becoming brittle; title page is detached but present, last page (index) is torn (no text lost). $8.5 [310921] Trilling, Wolfgang. __Conversations with Paul__. Crossroad. 1987. . 116pp. Ex-­‐
library, otherwise very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [710876] Trilling, Wolfgang. __Wahre Israel: Studien zur Theologie des Matthäus-­‐
Evangeliums [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Band X] Dritte, umgearbeitete Auflage__. Kösel-­‐Verlag. 1964. German. 248pp. Good; slightly musty, slighty bent corners. $3.5 [304235] Trocmé, Étienne. __La Formation de L'Évangile Selon Marc__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1963. . 231pp. Very good, edges uncut. $8.5 [242767] Tucker, T.G.. __Life in the Roman World of Nero and St. Paul__. Macmillan. 1910. . 453pp. Foxing, very shaken, edgeworn cover. $4 [298854] Uhlfeld, D. Friedrich. __Predigten uber die epistolischen Perikopen__. Richard Muhlmann. 1899. . 676pp. boards scuffed, paper yellowed, spines faded $3.34 [KVS260] 113 Umen, Samuel. __Pharisaism and Jesus__. Philosophical Library. 1963. . 145pp. Very good. $4 [310284] Usteri, Leonhard. __Entwickelung des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes in seinem Verhältnisse zur biblischen Dogmatik des Neuen Testamentes. Ein exegetisch-­‐
dogmatischer Versuch__. Zurich: be Orell, Füfsli und Comp. 1834. German. 444pp. Worn cover, foxing, ex-­‐library. $9.5 [335532] Vallings, J.F.. __Jesus Christ the Divine Man: His Life and Times (Men of the Bible series)__. Revell. n.d.. . 226pp. Upper spine bumped, good otherwise. $3.5 [184165] Van Belle, Gilbert. __De Semeia-­‐Bron in Het Vierde Evangelie, Ontstaan en groei van een hypothese__. Universitaire Pers Leuven. 1975. . 160pp. Very good. $8.5 [295638] van Belle, Gilbert. __Semeia-­‐Bron in Het Vierde Evangelie, Ontstaan en groie van een hypothese__. Universitaire Pers Leuven. 1975. . 160pp. Ink underlining and margin notes. $8.5 [295838] van der Watt, Jan G. ed.. __2008 Review of Biblical Literature__. SBL. 2008. . 596pp. Good; upper spine bumped. $5 [350236] Van Hartingsveld, L. . __Eschatologie des Johannesevangeliums, eine Auseinandersetzung mit Rudolf Bultmann__. Van Gorcum. 1962. . 271pp. Ex-­‐
library, good otherwise. $7.67 [165809] van Iersel, Bas. __Reading Mark__. Liturgical Press. 1988. . 261pp. Underlining, creased spine. $8 [338996] van Ruler, Arnold. __Christliche Kirche und das Alte Testament__. Chr. Kaiser. 1955. . 92pp. Ex-­‐library, chipped and browned wrappers. $5 [221342] Van Segbroeck, F.. __Bibliografie Nieuw Testament [Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia, 6]__. Seminarium Neotestamenticum Lovaniense. 1970. . 53pp. Foxing, wrappers starting to loosen. $8.5 [301119] Van Segbroeck, F. and G. Selong. __Bibliografie Evangeliecommentaren / Bibliography: Gospel Commentaries [Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia, 9]__. Seminarium Neotestamenticum Lovaniense. 1972. . 45pp. Foxing, else good. $8.5 [301121] van Unnik, W.C.; trans. by George Ogg. __Tarsus or Jerusalem: The City of Paul's Youth__. Epworth. 1962. . 76pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise good. $8 [295679] 114 Vedder, Henry C.. __Johannine Writings & the Johannine Problem: An aid to the critical study of the Bible as literature__. Griffith & Rowland. 1917. . 362pp. Ex-­‐
library, shaken. $4.67 [177245] Vedder, Henry C.. __Our New Testament: How Dit We Get It?__. Griffith & Roland. 1908. . 388pp. Faded spine, shaken, penciling, and bumped corners. $5 [VL2324] Verner, David Carl. __Household of God and the Social World of the Pastoral Epistles__. Emory University. 1982. . 207pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in blue buckram. $8.5 [312165] Via, Dan. __Kerygma and Comedy in the New Testament: A Structural Approach to Hermeneutic__. Fortress. 1975. . 179pp. VG/VG $3.34 [135825] Vincent, Marvin R.. __Word Studies in the New Testament (4 vols. bound as 2)__. Eerdmans. 1985. . pp. Shaken, musty, concave spines. $9 [336634] Vischer, Lukas. __Auslegungsgechichte von I. Kor. 6, 1-­‐11: Rechtsverzicht und Schlichtung__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1955. German. 139pp. Foxing. Else good. $5 [342320] Vogels, Heinrich Joseph. __Beiträge zur Geschichte des Diatessaron im Abendland [Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, VIII. Band 1. Heft]__. Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1919. German. 151pp. Foxing, chipped and detached wrappers, bent corners; upper edges uncut. $8.5 [313447] Volf, Judith M. Gundry. __Paul & Perseverance: Staying In & Falling Away__. W/JKP. 1990. . 325pp. Wraps creased. Else very good. $9 [296747] Volz, Paul. __Die Eschatologie der Jüdischen Gemeinde im Neutestamentlichen Zeitalter. Nach den Quellen der rabbinischen, apokalyptischen und apokryphen Literatur__. Georg Olms. 1934. . 458pp. Good; bumped corners. $6.5 [362462] Volz, Paul. __Eschatologie der jüdischen Gemeinde im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1934. German. 458pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in blue library buckram. $6.5 [330842] von Soden, Hermann Frhr.. __Wichtigsten Fragen im Leben Jesu (Ferienkurs-­‐
Vorträge)__. Alexander Duncker. 1904. . 119pp. Ex-­‐library, yellowed pages. $8 [243687] Vos, J.S.. __Traditions-­‐ Geschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Paulinischen Pneumatologie__. van Gorcum. 1973. . 151pp. Ink underlining and notes. $5 [250413] 115 Vos, J.S.. __Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Paulinischen Pneumatologie__. van Gorcum. 1973. . 151pp. Underlining and notes, spine reinforced with clear tape. $4.67 [210381] Wagenmann, Julius. __Stellung des Apostels Paulus neben den Zwölf in den ersten zwei Jahrhunderten__. Alfred Töpelmann in Giessen. 1926. German. 224pp. Badly torn wrappers, sound otherwise. $8 [331800] Wagner, Günter. __Das religionsgeschichtliche Problem von Römer 6, 1-­‐11 [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 39]__. Zwingli Verlag. 1962. . 351pp. Good; slight foxing. $6.5 [346979] Wahlstrom, Eric H.. __The New Life in Christ__. Muhlenberg. 1950. . 295pp. Very good. $4 [268450] Walker, Rolf. __Heilsgeschichte im Ersten Evangelium__. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 1967. . 161pp. Slightly yellowed. Edgeworn dust jacket. From the personal library of Krister Stendahl. $5 [309389] Walker, W.R.. __Studies in Acts, Part 1: Chapters 1:1-­‐12:24__. College Press. n.d.. . 102pp. Good; slightly worn cover. $3.5 [343543] Walker, William O. Jr. ed.. __The Relationships Among the Gospels: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue__. Trinity University Press. 1978. . 359pp. Very good. $8 [A248541] Wanke, Joachim. __Emmauserzählung: Eine Redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Lk 24, 13-­‐35 [Erfurter Theologische Studien, Band 31]__. St. Benno-­‐Verlag GMBH Leipzig. 1973. . 193pp. Stained and slightly torn wrappers, binding beginning to crack, pencil underlining. $8 [301089] Warnecke, Heinz. __Tatsächliche Romfahrt des Apostels Paulus [Stuttgarter Bibelstudien, 127]__. Verlag Kathlisches Bibelwerk GmbH Stuttgart. 1987. . 164pp. Good; highlighting. $6.5 [286058] Watson, Alan. __Jesus and the Jews: The Pharisaic Tradition in John__. Georgia. 1995. . 157pp. New copy. Multiple copies are available. $4.5 [252206] Watson, Duane Frederick. __Invention, Arrangement, and Style: Rhetorical Criticism of Jude and 2 Peter [Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation series, 104]__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 214pp. Extensive ink underlining. $8.5 [295110] Watson, Francis. __Guide to the New Testament__. Barnes and Noble Booksq. 1987. . 198pp. G/GThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.5 [704100] 116 Weaver, Walter P.. __The Historical Jesus in the Twentieth Century, 1900-­‐1950__. Trinity Press International. 1999. . 449pp. Ink underlining, label on spine. $5 [267674] Wegenast, Klaus. __Verständnis der Tradition bei Paulus und in den Deuteropaulinen (Wissenschaft Mongraphien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 8. Band)__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1962. . 179pp. Underlining, yellowed pages, bumped corners. $3.34 [211436] Wegener, w.. __Beitrage zur Praktischen Behandlung der Biblischen Geschichte. Neues Testament__. St Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 1910. . 298pp. Edgeworn, shaken, small stain to front board, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [U12640] Weinel, H.. __Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Religion Jeus und des Urchristentums (Grundriss Theologische Wissenschaften)__. J.C.B. Mohn. 1928. . 517pp. Spine and corners worn, ex-­‐library, yellowed pages. $3.34 [189912] Weinel, Heinrich. __Bildersprache Jesu in Ihrer Bedeutung für die Erforschung Seines Inneren Lebens__. J. Ricker. 1900. . 49pp. Ex-­‐library, yellowed pages; disbound within worn cardstock cover. $5 [189904] Weinrich, William C. ed.. __The New Testament Age: Essays in Honor of Bo Reiche (2 vols.)__. Mercer. 1984. . 579pp. Slightly musty, chipped dust jackets. $3 [360040] Weiss, Bernhard. __Leben Jesu (2 Bands)__. Wilhelm Hertz. 1882. . 565, 636pp. Half-­‐leather binding. Foxing, spine of first volume is splitting along upper edge. $8 [268449] Weiss, Bernhard. __Manual of Introduction to the New Testament (2 vols.)__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1886. . 420, 426pp. Very worn cover, bumped corners, very shaken. $8 [334413] Weiss, Bernhard. __Religion of the New Testament__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1905. . 440pp. Rubbed cover, badly shaken, underlining and notes. $4.5 [347982] Weiss, Johannes; Rudolf Knopf, ed.. __Urchristentum__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1917. . 681pp. Shaken. Extensive pencil & red-­‐pencil underlining. Spine peeling. $5 [303551] Wellhausen, J.. __Einleitung in die Drei Ersten Evangelien, 2. Ausgabe__. Georg Reimer. 1911. . 176pp. Ex-­‐library, extensive pencil underlining and notes, a few margin tears, rebound in blue library buckram. $5 [286546] 117 Wendland, Heinz-­‐Dietrich. __Geschichtsanschauung und Geschichtsbewusstsein im Neuen Testament__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1938. German. 84pp. Good; foxing. $8.5 [313375] Wendt, Hans Hinrich. __Schichten im vierten Evangelium__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1911. . 158pp. Underlining, spine and wrapper edges reinforced with clear tape. $5 [212459] Wendt, Hans Hinrich; John Wilson trans.. __Teaching of Jesus (2 vols.)__. T and T Clark. 1896. . 408, 427pp. Edgeworn, spines chipped, some pencil underlining, vol. 2 spine cocked, else sound. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. $7 [U14026] Wendt, Hans Hinrich; trans. by John Wilson. __The Teaching of Jesus (2 vols.)__. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1892?. . 408+pp. Used book. Fair condition. Hinges are starting to break on both vols. Light underlining and marginalia in vol. 1. Covers are both bumped and worn on the spine. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8 [NW1717] Wernle, Paul. __Anfänge unserer Religion__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1904. German. 514pp. Foxing, sound otherwise. $4 [318131] Westcott, Brooke Foss. __Revelation of the Risen Lord, 5th edition__. Macmillan. 1891. . 199pp. Rubbed cover, foxing, lacks half-­‐title page. $5 [266831] Westermann, Claus. __Handbook to the New Testament__. Augsburg. 1969. . 180pp. Extensive red underlining and notes. $3.5 [151929] White, John L.. __The Apostle of God: Paul and the Promise of Abraham__. Hendrickson. 1999. . 277pp. NF/NF $4 [263744] White, R.E.O.. __Listening Carefully to Jesus__. Eerdmans. 2000. . 108pp. NewThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.5 [704916] Wikenhauser, Alfred. __New Testament Introduction__. Herder. . . 579pp. Extensive ink underlining, creased spine. $4.5 [157346] Wilckens, Ulrich. __Missionsreden der Apostelgeschichte, Form-­‐ und Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 5. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1963. . 238pp. Underlining, else good. $3.5 [233872] 118 Wilckens, Ulrich. __Weisheit und Torheit: Eine exegetisch-­‐religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu 1. Kor. 1 und 2 [Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie, 26]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1959. German. 299pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in blue library buckram. $3.5 [330836] Wilder, Amos N.. __Jesus' Parables and the War of Myths: Essays on Imagination in Scripture__. Fortress. 1982. . 168pp. Slightly bowed boards. $4 [339234] Wiles, Virginia; Alexandra Brown, Graydon F. Snyder eds.. __Putting Body & Soul Together: Essays in Honor of Robin Scroggs__. Trinity Press International. 1997. . 360pp. Board edges bowed, some highlighting. $7.67 [199232] Wiley, H. Orton. __Epistle to the Hebrews__. Beacon Hill Press. 1984. . 395pp. Very good. $9.5 [339038] Wilkens, Wilhelm. __Entstehungsgeschichte des vierten Evangeliums__. Evangelischer Verlag. 1958. . 178pp. Underlining, yellowed pages. $4 [211444] Willis, G. Christopher. __Sacrifices of Joy: Being Meditations on Philippians__. Christian Book Room. n.d.. . 361pp. Creased spine, otherwise good. $4 [215785] Wilson, A.N.. __Paul: The Mind of the Apostle__. W.W. Norton. 1997. . 274pp. G: underlining $3 [135072] Wilson, R. McL.. __Gnosis and the New Testament__. Fortress. 1968. . 149pp. Underlining. $7 [254904] Wilson, R. McL.. __Gospel of Philip, Translated, with Introduction and Notes__. Harper. 1962. . 198pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $5 [316314] Windisch, Hans. __Der Sinn der Bergpredigt. Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Richtigen Exegese [Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, Heft. 16]__. J.C. Hinrichs. 1929. German. 176pp. Browned and brittle wrappers, foxing, underlining. $8.5 [306369] Windisch, Hans. __Paulus und das Judentum__. W. Kohlhammer. 1935. . 93pp. Penciling, binding beginning to loosen, foxed wrappers. $8.5 [298349] Wink, Walter. __John the Baptist in the Gospel Tradition__. Cambridge. 1968. . 132pp. Ink underlining & notes throughout. Slightly shaken, cocked spine. Chipped & corner-­‐clipped dust jacket. $7.5 [295336] Winquist, Charles E. ed.. __Abstracts: American Academy of Religion, 150th Annual Meeting__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 238pp. Good; yellowed pages. $5 [252284] 119 Winstanley, Edward William. __Jesus and the Future__. T&T Clark. 1913. . 415pp. Ex-­‐library, slightly shaken; else good. $9.33 [196327] Wolff, Peter. __Frühe nachösterliche Verkündigung des Reiches Gottes__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1988. . 144pp. Very good. $3.34 [188726] Wood, Ralph Charles. __Evangelium vum Mattheus__. J.F. Steinkopf in Stuttgart. 1955. . 56pp. Very good. $5 [244709] Woolf, Bertram Lee. __Authority of Jesus and Its Foundation: A Study in the Four Gospels and the Acts__. Richard R. Smith. 1930. . 301pp. Stained and edgeworn cover, shaken. $4 [311429] Wrede, D.W.. __Charakter und Tendenz des Johannesevangeliums (Sammlung Gemeinverständlicher Vorträge und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsgeschichte, 37)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1933. . 71pp. Wrappers chipped and taped along spine and edges, else good. $3 [213397] Wrege, Hans-­‐Theo. __Überlieferungsgeschichte der Bergpredigt [Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 9]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1968. . 207pp. VG/VG $5 [233633] Wuest, Kenneth S.. __Bypaths in the Greek New Testament for the English Reader__. Eerdmans. 1946. . 124pp. Ex-­‐library, worn cover, binding reglued. $3 [289564] Wuttig, O.. __Johanneische Evangelium und seine Abfallunszeit__. A. Deichert. 1897. . 134pp. Good. $4 [189942] Zahn, Theodor. __Grundriss de Einleitung in das Neue Testament__. A. Deichertsche. 1928. . 120pp. Very good; slightly yellowed pages. $8.5 [255775] Zahn, Theodor. __Grundriss der Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanons: Ein Ergänzung zu der Einleitung in das Neue Testament__. A. Deichert'sche Verlag.. 1904. . 92pp. Foxing, chipped, torn, and creased wrappers. $4 [357329] Zehnle, Richard F.. __Peter's Pentecost Discourse: Tradition and Lukan Reinterpretation in Peter's Speeches of Acts 2 and 3__. Abingdon. 1971. . 144pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [346583] Zehnle, Richard F.. __Peter's Pentecost Discourse: Traditon and Lukan Reinterpretation in Peter's Speeches of Acts 2 and 3 [Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, 15]__. Abingdon Press. 1971. . 144pp. Used book. Good condition. Underlining in the first third of the book. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1729] 120 Zockler, Otto. __Zum Apostolikum-­‐Streit-­‐ Gedanken & Antersuchungen__. Munchen: C.H. Becksche Verlag.. 1893. . 107pp. Ex-­‐library. Half leather library binding, cover extremities quite rubbed and worn, boards beginning to split away. Leaves in very good shape. $7.67 [155021] OLD TESTAMENT Aalders, G. Ch.. __Oud-­‐Testamentische Kanoniek__. J.H. Kok. 1952. German. 415pp. Shaken, underlining. $5 [333407] Ackroyd, Peter R.. __Archaeology, Politics and Religion: The Persian Period. The Inaugural Lecture of the Walter G. Williams Lectureship in Old Testament.__. Publisher not indicated. 1982. . 23pp. Stapled booklet. Slight foxing, small tear in upper edge of front wrapper. $4.5 [360213] Ackroyd, Peter R.. __Continuity: A Contribution to the Study of the Old Testament Religious Tradition__. Basil Blackwell. 1962. . 31pp. Sewn booklet. Underlining, some bent pages. $5 [313195] Ackroyd, Peter R.. __Exile and Restoration [Old Testament Library series]__. Westminster. 1968. . 286pp. Good, in a badly chipped dust jacket. $5 [A325911] Adamiak, Richard. __Justice and History in the Old Testament: The Evolution of Divine Retribution in the Historiographies of the Wilderness Generation__. John T. Zubal. 1982. . 103pp. Very good; slight foxing. $4.5 [264030] Ahuis, Ferdinand. __Autorität im Umbruch__. Calwer. 1983. . 128pp. Some pencil markings, else good. $6.5 [362207] Allgeier, Arthur. __Über Doppelberichte in der Genesis. Eine Kritische Untersuchung und Eine Prinzipielle Prüfung__. Herdersche Verlagshandlung. 1911. German. 142pp. Torn and stained wrappers, ex-­‐library. $5 [310574] Allis, Oswald T.. __The Unity of Isaiah: A Study in Prophecy__. Presbyterian and Reformed. 1950. . 136pp. Underlining, foxing, shaken. $3.5 [326340] Altmann, Peter. __Erwählungstheologie und Universalismus im Alten Testament (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 92)__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1964. . 31pp. Wrappers torn and nearly loose, extensive ink underlining and notes. $3.34 [A188377] Anderson, Berhard W. and Walter Harrelson eds.. __Israel's Prophetic Heritage: Essays in honor of James Muilenburg__. Harper. 1962. . 242pp. Ink underlining, chipped and faded dust jacket. $7.5 [360661] 121 Anderson, Bernhard W. ed.. __Old Testament and Christian Faith: A Theological Discussion__. Harper. 1963. . 271pp. Some underlining. Dust jacket in very good condition * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [709423] Anderson, G.W. ed.. __Tradition and Interpretation: Essays by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study__. Oxford. 1979. . 462pp. Ink underlining. $8.5 [315097] Anderson, Gary A. and Michael E. Stone, eds.. __Synopsis of the Books of Adam and Eve__. Scholars Press. 1994. . 76pp. Very good. $6.5 [361565] Arvastson, Allan. __Svensk Psalm Under 1900-­‐Talet__. Gleerups. 1959. . 188pp. Bumped corners, musty. $5 [192570] Auerbach, Elias. __Moses (text in German)__. Amsterdam: G.J.A. Ruys. 1953. . 243pp. Ex-­‐library, back glued end paper partially stripped away (due to rough removal of library matter). Sound otherwise. $3.5 [166322] Bach, Robert. __Aufforderungen zur Flucht und zum Kampf im Alttestamentlichen Prophetenspruch [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 9. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1962. . 112pp. Ex-­‐library, slightly sunned cover. $3.5 [321169] Bächli, Otto. __Israel und die Völker [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 41]__. Zwingli Verlag. 1962. . 235pp. Good; slight foxing. $5 [321764] Bal, Mieke. __Murder and Difference: Gender, Genre, and Scholarship on Sisera's Death__. Indiana. 1987. . 150pp. VG/VG $4.5 [294035] Baldwin, Edward Chauncey. __Types of Literature in the Old Testament__. Ronald Press. 1929. . 218pp. Good; slightly shaken. $8 [312537] Balscheit, B. and W. Eichrodt. __Die soziale Botschaft des Alten Testaments für die Gegenwart__. Friedrich Reinhardt. n.d.. . 59pp. Foxing, underlining, wrappers slightly torn. From the library of Frank Moore Cross. $3 [268632] Baltzer, Klaus. __Biographie der Propheten__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1975. . 220pp. Very good. Inscribed by the author. $8 [268650] Baltzer, Klaus. __Bundesformular [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten & Neuen Testament, 4]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1960. . 215pp. Yellowed. Bookplate. Else good. $6.5 [295968] 122 Barré, Lloyd M.. __Rhetoric of Political Persuasion: The Narrative Artistry and Political Intentions of 2 Kings 9-­‐11 [Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 20]__. Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 1988. . 161pp. Very good. $8 [315064] Barre, Michael L.. __The Lord Has Saved Me: A Study of the Psalm of Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:9-­‐20) [Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 39]__. Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 2005. . 294pp. Very good. $9.5 [361064] Barrera, Julio Trebolle. __Cenena in Libros Samuelis et Regum. Variantes Textuales y Composición Literaria en Los Libros de Samuel y Reyes__. Consejo Supeior de Investigaciones Científicas Instituto de Filología. 1989. . 235pp. Very good. $8.5 [316682] Barth, Christoph. __God with Us: A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament__. Eerdmans. 1991. . 403pp. Weak front hinge. Ink marks in first half. Edgeworn dust jacket. $6.5 [A298826] Barton, John. __Oracles of God: Perceptions of Ancient Prophecy in Israel after the Exile__. Darton, Longman and Todd. 1986. . 324pp. Extensive pencil marks. Stain in first few leaves. Yellowed. $3.5 [317661] Bauckmann, Ernst Günter; Georg Fohrer (Hrsg.). __Proverbien und die Sprüche des Jesus Sirach [Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1960. . 63pp. Good. Rebound in paper boards. $8 [317806] Bauer, Walter (Hrsg.). __Die Oden Salomos [Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen, 64]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1933. German. 81pp. Foxing, ink underlining. $8 [310724] Baumgärtel, Friedrich. __Verheissung: Zur Frage des evangelischen Verständnisses des Alten Testaments__. C. Bertelsmann. 1952. . 159pp. Underlining, yellowed pages; rebound in black buckram. $4 [187941] Baumgartner, Walter. __Jeremiah's Poems of Lament__. Almond Press. 1987. . 114pp. Very good. $5 [361067] Baynes, Norman H.. __Israel Amongst the Nations: An Outline of Old Testament History__. SCM. 1927. . 328pp. Bowed boards, cloth slight frayed at spine edges, foxing. $5 [308675] Beegle, Dewey M.. __Moses, the Servant of Yahweh__. Eerdmans. 1972. . 368pp. VG/VG * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [710838] 123 Bensly, Robert L.. __Fourth Book of Ezra: The Latin Version Edited from the MSS [Texts and Studies, Vol. III, No. 2]__. Kraus Reprint Limited. [1895] 1967. . 107pp. Red ink underlining. Creased spine. Introduction by Montague Rhodes James. $5 [361291] Bentzen, Aage. __Det Sakrale Kongedømme. Bemaerkninger i en Løbende Diskussion om de Gammeltestamentlige Salmer__. G.E.C. Gads Forlag. 1945. Danish. 127pp. Foxing, chipped wrappers, bent corners. $6.5 [311301] Bentzen, Aage. __Introduction to the Old Testament, vol. 1__. G. E. C. Gad Publisher. 1959. . 300+pp. Used book. Good condition. Cover is slightly worn. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [NW0895] Berg, Sandra Beth. __The Book of Esther [SBL Dissertation Series 44]__. Scholars Press. 1978. . 219pp. Very good. $8.5 [267333] Bergfalk, Bradley J. and Paul E. Koptak eds.. __To Hear and Obey: Essays in Honor of Frederick Carlson Holmgren__. Covenant Publications. 1997. . 184pp. Very good. $8.5 [317976] Bernhardt, Karl-­‐ Hienz. __Die Umwelt des Alten Testaments__. Gutersloher Verlagshaus. 1967. . 388pp. VG, ex-­‐library, slight yellowing $2.75 [KVS130] Beyerlin, Walter. __Herkunft & Geschichte der altesten Sinaitraditionen__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1961. . 203pp. Ex-­‐library, good otherwise. $5 [171967] Beyerlin, Walter. __We Are Like Dreamers: Studies in Psalm 126__. T&T Clark. 1982. . 67pp. VG/VG $6.5 [299490] Beyerlin, Walter. __'Wir sind wie Träumende'. Studien zum 126. Psalm [Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 89]__. Katholisches Bibelwerk Stuttgart. 1978. . 79pp. Very good. $3 [321734] Beyerlin, Walter (Hrsg.). __Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch zum Alten Testament [Grundrisse zum Alten Testament, 1]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1975. German. 303pp. Good; creased and scuffed wrappers. $5 [A299652] Beyerlin, Walter; trans. by S. Rudman. __Origins and History of the Oldest Sinaitic Traditions__. Blackwell. 1965. . 191pp. Ink underlining. $7.5 [A258187] Bierberg, Rudolph P.. __Conserva Me Domine: Psalm 16 (15). A Dissertation...__. Catholic University of America Press. 1945. . 141pp. Ex-­‐library, wrappers very slightly torn. $4.5 [298462] 124 Birch, Bruce C.. __Rise of the Israelite Monarchy: The Growth and Development of 1 Samuel 7-­‐15 [SBL Dissertation Series 27]__. Scholars Press. 1976. . 170pp. Very good. $7 [A295056] Bissell, Edwin Cone. __Biblical Antiquities: A Hand-­‐book, 2nd edition__. American Sunday-­‐School Union. 1893. . 420pp. Slightly dampstained upper edges, shaken, damage to cloth at lower spine. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [709424] Bissell, Edwin Cone. __The Pentateuch: Its Origin and Structure. An Examination of Recent Theories__. Charles Scribner's. 1905. . 484pp. Good; rubbed cover, slightly edgeworn boards. $5 [298425] Blackwood, Andrew W. Jr.. __Ezekiel: Prophecy of Hope__. Baker. 1965. . 274pp. Some ink underlining. $5 [342141] Blaszczak, Gerald R.. __Formcritical Study of Selected Odes of Solomon (Harvard Semitic Monographs, 36)__. Scholar's Press. 1985. . 155pp. Fine. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [711675] Bleek, Friedrich; Johannes Bleek und Adolf Kamphausen (Hrsg.). __Einleitung in das Alte Testament [Einleitung in die Heilige Schrift, 1 Theil]__. Georg Reimer. 1886. German. 629pp. Spine repaired with strips of clear tape; foxing, lower page corners bent. $5 [312951] Blenkinsopp, Joseph. __A History of Prophecy in Israel__. Westminster Press. 1983. . 287pp. Owner's name to ffep, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [U11973] Blenkinsopp, Joseph. __Gibeon and Israel: The Role of Gibeon & the Gibeonites in the Political & Religious History of Early Israel__. Cambridge. 1971. . 151pp. Dust jacket faded & corner-­‐clipped. Else VG/G. $8 [294283] Blenkinsopp, Joseph. __Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins__. Notre Dame. 1986. . 206pp. Slightly faded spine, penciling. $8.5 [280156] Boccaccio, Petrus and Guido Berardi. __Interpretatio Habacuc (1QpHab) III. Editio. Appendices: Interpretatio Nahum (2, 12g-­‐14) 4QpNah (ed Journal of Biblical Literature LXXV [1956] 90-­‐91), Interpretatio Ps 37 8-­‐11; 19b-­‐26 4Qp Ps 37 (ex Palestine Quarterly 86 [1954] 69-­‐75)__. Pontificium Seminarium Pecenum. 1958. . 40pp. Stapled booklet. Foxing, else good. In Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Italian. $6.5 [313372] 125 Boecker, Hans Jochen. __Die Beurteilung der Anfänge des Königtums in den Deuteronomistischen Abschnitten des I. Samuelbuches. Ein Beitrag zum Problem des 'Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerks' [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 31 Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1969. German. 99pp. Very good. $5 [320949] Boecker, Hans Jochen. __Redeformen des Rechtslebens im Alten Testament [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 14. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1964. . 182pp. Good. Slight penciling, cover slightly grubby and sunned. $5 [308515] Bogart, John. __Orthodox and Heretical Perfectionism in the Johannine Community as Evident in the First Epistle of John [SBL Dissertation Series, no. 33]__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 190pp. Spine broken, p. 71-­‐72 coming loose, some pen underlining. $8.5 [362596] Bracker, Hans Detlef. __Das Gesetz Israels. Verglichen mit den drei Altorientalischen Gesetzen__. Agentur des Rauhen Hauses Hamburg. 1962. . 175pp. G/VG, underlining. $5 [321792] Bratcher, Robert G. . __Marginal Notes for the Old Testament__. UBS. 1980. . 187pp. VG $5 [362228] Breit, Herbert & Westerman, Claus Hrsg.. __Calwer Prodigthilfen Band 6 : Ausgewahlte Alttestamentliche__. Calwer. 1971. German. 319pp. VG, slight stains on cover, otherwise like new $5 [KVS702] Breit, Herbert & Westermann, Claus Hrsg.. __Calwer Predigthilfen : Band 3 Die Alttestamentlichen Texte Der Funftem Reihe__. Calwer. 1965. German. 280pp. VG, like new $5 [KVS703] Bright, John. __the Authority of the Old Testament__. Abingdon Press. 1967. . 272pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is worn. chipped, and clipped. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW0901] Brown, William P. and S. Dean McBride, Jr., eds.. __God Who Creates, Essays in Honor of W. Sibley Towner__. Eerdmans. 2000. . 273pp. Slightly faded spine. Else very good. $9.5 [360836] Bruce, W.S.. __Ethics of the Old Testament, 2nd edition, enlarged__. T&T Clark. 1908. . 320pp. Water-­‐damaged cover, badly cocked spine. $8.5 [325985] Brueggemann, Walter. __Hope Within History__. John Knox. 1987. . 128pp. New book. $10 [AEN4106] 126 Brueggemann, Walter. __Like Fire in the Bones: Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah__. Fortress. 2006. . 255pp. VG/VG, upper corners slightly bumped. $5 [361582] Bullock, C. Hassell . __An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books__. Moody. 1986. . 391pp. NF/NF $3.5 [ZZ0244] Burchard, Christoph. __Bibliographie zu den Handschriften vom Toten Meer [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 76]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1959. . 118pp. Good. Foxing, upper spine repaired with clear tape. $5 [303250] Burns, Rita J.. __Has the Lord Indeed Spoken Only Through Moses? A Study of the Biblical Portrait of Miriam [SBL Dissertation Series 84]__. Scholars Press. 1986. . 142pp. Very good. $8 [314781] Butin, Romain. __The Ten Nequdoth of the Torah, or the Meaning and Purpose of the Extraordinary Points of the Pentateuch (Massoretic Text). A Contribution to the History of Textual Criticism Among the Ancient Jews__. J.H. Furst. 1906. . 136pp. Rebound in buckram. Foxing. Inscribed: 'To the Rev. G.C. Petersen, C.S.P. with the Compliments of the Author.' $8 [361092] Cadman, S. Parkes; illustrated by Frank O. Salisbury. __The Prophets of Israel__. Macmillan. 1933. . 197pp. Good; foxing. $4 [313671] Carley, Keith W.. __Ezekiel Among the Prophets: A Study of Ezekiel's Place in Prophetic Tradition__. Alec R. Allenson. [1974]. . 112pp. Very good. Former owner details. $3.5 [297463] Carpenter, Eugene E., ed.. __A Biblical Itenerary: In Search of Method, Form and Content (Essays in Honor of George W. Coats) [Journal For the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 240]__. Sheffield Academic Press. 1997. . 194pp. Used book. Very good condition. Cover is bumped at the bottom and on top corners. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW0914] Carroll, Robert P.. __From Chaos to Covenant: Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah__. Crossroad. 1981. . 344pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn along the edges. Slight foxing. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW0915] Carter, George. __Reigns of David and Solomon; Comprising Notes on Samuel II., and Kings I. Chapters I.-­‐XII.__. Relfe Brothers. n.d.. . 102pp. Good; foxing. $6.5 [265343] 127 Caspari, Wilhelm. __Israelischen Propheten [Wissenschaft und Bildung, 122]__. Quelle & Meyer. 1914. . 156pp. Moderate underlining, yellowed pages. $3.5 [231940] Caspers, A.. __Diaspora-­‐Gedanken aus der Schrift__. S.G. Liesching. 1858. . 400pp. Yellowed pages, rebound in black buckram. $4 [180023] Causse, A.. __Israel et la Vision de L'Humanite [Strasbourg: Etudes d'Histoire et Philosophie Religieuses, 8]__. Librairie Istra. 1924. . 152pp. Extensive ink & pencil underlining. Yellowed & chippd wraps. $8.5 [298928] Chary, Th.. __Prophètes et le Culte, à Partir de l'Exil [Bibliothèque de Théologie, Série III, vol. III]__. Desclé & Cie.. 1955. . 311pp. Good; ex-­‐library. $5 [312321] Cheyne, T.K.. __Prophecies of Isaiah (2 vols. in 1)__. Thomas Whittaker. 1892. . 310, 317pp. Edgeworn cover, badly shaken, foxing. $9.5 [317389] Cheyne, Thomas Kelly. __Origin and Religious Contents of the Psalter in the Light of Old Testament Criticism and the History of Religions__. Thomas Whittaker. 1891. . 517pp. Rubbed cover, hinges nearly broken, light foxing. $8.5 [315828] Childs, Brevard S.. __Isaiah and the Assyrian Crisis__. Allenson. 1967. . 144pp. Spine faded, else good. $7 [362396] Childs, Brevard S.. __Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context__. Fortress. 1985. . 255pp. Ink underlining, sound otherwise. $8 [316593] Clements, Ronald E.. __Old Testament Prophecy: From Oracles to Canon__. W/JKP. 1996. . 278pp. Red ink underlining in preface & intro. Else G/VG. $9 [265334] Clements, Ronald E.. __Wisdom for a Changing World: Wisdom in Old Testament Theology__. BIBAL Press. 1990. . 77pp. Very good. $6.5 [268889] Cloete, Walter Theophilus Woldemar. __Versification and Syntax in Jeremiah 2-­‐25: Syntactical Constraints in Hebrew Colometry [SBL Dissertation Series 117]__. Scholars Press. 1989. . 257pp. Very good. $4 [295892] Coats, George W.. __From Canaan to Egypt: Structural and Theological Context for the Joseph Story [Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, 4]__. Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 1976. . 101pp. Upper corners bent, sound otherwise. $6.5 [285181] 128 Coats, George W.. __Rebellion in the Wilderness: The Murmuring Motif in the Wilderness Traditions of the Old Testament__. Abingdon. 1968. . 288pp. Shaken, cracked spine. Cocked spine. Yellowed. Some pencil underlining. Chipped dust jacket. $4 [307190] Coats, George W. and Burke O. Long eds.. __Canon and Authority: Essays in Old Testament Religion and Theology__. Fortress. 1977. . 190pp. VG/VG $4 [247892] Coats, George W., ed.. __Saga, Legend, Tale, Novella, Fable: Narrative Forms in Old Testament Literature__. JSOT Press. 1985. . 159pp. Yellow highlighting. Creased wraps. $8.5 [248316] Cogan, Morton. __Imperialism and Religion: Assyriah, Judah and Israel in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C.E.__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1974. . 136pp. Faded wraps. Else good. $8.5 [360502] Cohn-­‐Sherbok, Dan ed.. __A Traditional Quest: Essays in Honour of Louis Jacobs [Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 114]__. JSOT Press. 1991. . 233pp. Very good. $4 [360568] Coote, Robert B.. __Early Israel: A New Horizon __. Fortress. 1990. . 197pp. VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U15356] Coote, Robert B. ed.. __Elijah and Elisha in Socioliterary Perspective__. Scholars Press. 1992. . 156pp. Very good. $10 [315165] Cornfeld, Gaalyahu ed.. __Adam to Daniel: An Illustrated Guide to the Old Testament and Its Background__. Macmillan. 1961. . 558pp. VG/VG. $3.34 [195685] Cornill, Carl Heinrich. __Prophets of Israel__. Open Court. 1917. . 194pp. G. ex-­‐
library, worn, Robert Denton's signatureThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.13 [703529] Cotter, David W.. __A Study of Job 4-­‐5 in the Light of Contemporary Literary Theory__. Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana. 1989. . 396pp. Good; slightly bumped corners. $8.5 [297999] Coughenour, Robert A. ed.. __For Me to Live: Essays in Honor of James Leon Kelso__. Dillon/Liederbach Books. 1972. . 282pp. VG/VG $3.5 [297865] Craig, Kenneth. __Poetics of Jonah: Art in the Service of Ideology__. South Carolina. 1993. . 221pp. Like new, in a like new dust jacket. $7 [336518] 129 Craigie, Peter C.. __The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content__. Abingdon Press. 1988. . 351pp. Used book. Very good condition. Top corners are slightly bumped. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [NW0923] Crenshaw, James L.. __Story and Faith: A Guide to the Old Testament__. Macmillan. 1986. . 472pp. Near fine. $3.34 [182558] Crenshaw, James L. and John T. Willis eds.. __Essays in Old Testament Ethics (J. Philip Hyatt, In Memoriam)__. KTAV. 1974. . 287pp. G/G, pencil underlining, chipped dust jacket. $10 [298864] Crim, Keith R.. __Royal Psalms, The__. John Knox Press. 1962. . 127pp. Yellowed. Slight ink marks. $3.5 [305716] Czarnomska, Elizabeth ed.. __Authentic Literature of Israel (2 vols.)__. Macmillan. 1928. . 422, 552pp. Ex-­‐library, rubbed covers, yellowed pages, small stain affects edges of last few pages in second volume; good otherwise. Please note: our store's terms regarding heavy or high value books will apply to this item. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $7.67 [709438] Dale, Patrick. __Old Testament Law__. Reprint. 2006. . 278pp. Remainder copy of a limited reprint edition, in like new condition. $3 [356789] Davidson, A.B.. __Old Testament Prophecy__. T&T Clark. 1905. . 507pp. Good. Shaken, underlining, bumped corners. $5 [303258] Davies, W.D.. __Torah in the Messianic Age and/or the Age to Come [Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. VII]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1952. . 99pp. Creased and torn wrappers. $4 [338794] Davis, John J.. __Moses and the Gods of Egypt: Studies in the Book of Exodus__. Baker. 1983. . 331pp. Yellow highlighting, creased spine. $6.5 [CR0826] Davis, M.M.. __Queen Esther__. Christian Board of Publication. 1898. . 201pp. Good; cocked spine. $8 [343536] De Boer, P.A.H. ed.. __Oudtestamentische Studien, Deel X__. Brill. 1954. . 256pp. Spine slightly faded, previous owner's stamp on ffep; otherwise good. $7.67 [163960] De Boer, P.A.H., ed.. __Oudtestamentische Studien, Deel VI__. Brill. 1949. . 218pp. Spine slightly faded, previous owner's stamp on ffep; otherwise good. $7.67 [KS0406] 130 de Graaf, S.G.. __Verbondsgeschiedenis. Schetsen voor de Vertelling van de Bijbelse Geschiedenis (2 vols.)__. J.H. Kok. 1952. Dutch. 626, 532pp. Very good. $10 [313623] de Jonge, Marinus and Johannes Tromp. __Life of Adam and Eve and Related Literature__. Sheffield. . . pp. Yellow highlighting and slight penciling. $8 [361315] De Langhe, Robert. __Le Psautier. Ses origines. Ses problèmes littéraires. Son influence [Orientalia et Biblica Lovaniensia IV]__. Publications Universitaires. 1962. . 451pp. Very good. $8 [314400] de Vaux, Roland. __Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions__. McGraw-­‐Hill. 1961. . 592pp. Worn cover, shaken, underlining. John McHugh, trans. $6.5 [317863] de Vaux, Roland. __Bible and the Ancient Near East__. Doubleday. 1971. . 284pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [316238] de Vaux, Roland. __Die Hebräischen Patriarchen und die Modernen Entdeckungen__. Patmos-­‐Verlag. 1961. . 109pp. Ink underlining, slightly yellowed pages. $3.5 [322438] de Vaux, Roland. __Hebräischen Patriarchen und die Modernen Entdeckungen__. Patmos. 1961. German. 109pp. VG/G $3.5 [315045] de Vaux, Roland. __The Bible and the Ancient Near East__. Doubleday. . . 284pp. G/G. Some pencil underlining; DJ scuffed. $5 [362092] de Vaux, Roland . __Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions__. Darton, Longman and Todd. 1961. . 592pp. Shaken, head of spine bumped. Badly chipped dust jacket. Extensive pencil underlining and notes. $8.5 [305465] De Vries, Simon J.. __1 and 2 Chronicles [Forms of the Old Testament Literature, Vol. XI]__. Eerdmans. 1989. . 439pp. Very good. $5 [360095] Deane, William J.. __Abraham: His Life and Times__. Anson D.F. Randolph. n.d.. . 179pp. Ex-­‐library, otherwise very good. $3 [179117] Dearman, John Andrew. __Property Rights in the Eight-­‐Century Prophets: The Conflict and its Background [Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, no. 106]__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 171pp. Used book. Fine condition. Previous owner's stamp inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW0934] 131 Delitzsch, Franz. __An Old Testament History of Redemption__. Alpha. 1980. . 213pp. VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [U15178] Delitzsch, Friedrich. __Grosse Tauschung, Erster Teil, Neuausgabe, 17, Tausend__. Karl Rohm. 1924. . 161pp. Ex-­‐library. Yellowed. Mild stain to front wrap. Bumped corners and worn wraps. $3.5 [308318] Delling, Gerhard. __Jüdische Lehre und Frömmigkeit in den Paralipomena Jeremiae [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für alttestmentliche Wissenschaft 100]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1967. . 77pp. Very good. $8.5 [294963] Dever, William G.. __Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?__. Eerdmans. 2003. . 268pp. VG/VG, stain on upper edge. $8 [247149] DeVries, Simon. __Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow: Time & History in the Old Testament__. Eerdmans. 1975. . 389pp. G/G: Stamps, badly worn dust jacket. Signed by the author.This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.75 [703539] Donner, Herbert. __Geschichte des Volkes Israel und seiner Nachbarn in Grundzügen [Grundrisse zum Alten Testament 4]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1984. German. 232pp. Very good. $8.5 [350355] Donner, Herbert. __Israel Unter den Völkern [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol. XI]__. E.J. Brill. 1964. . 193pp. Very good. $8 [314802] Doorly, William J.. __Obsession with Justice: The Story of the Deuteronomists__. Paulist. 1994. . 166pp. Very good. $8 [361674] Driver, G.R.. __Canaanite Myths and Legends [Old Testament Studies, no. 3]__. T&T Clark. 1956. . 168pp. Foxing, underlining, bumped corners. $8 [355615] Driver, G.R.. __Judaean Scrolls: The Problem and a Solution__. Schocken Books. 1965. . 624pp. Very slight pencil marks. Edgeworn and tanned dust jacket. Else good. $7 [360483] Driver, S. R. . __Modern Research as Illustrating the Bible [The Schweich Lectures 1908]__. Oxford University Press. 1909. . 95pp. Used book. Fair condition. Ex-­‐
library. Binding is starting to break. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW0936] 132 Dutcher-­‐Walls, Patricia. __Narrative Art, Political Rhetoric: The Case of Athaliah and Joash [Journal For the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 209]__. Sheffield Academic Press. 1996. . 198pp. Used book. Fine condition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW0937] Dyrness, William. __Themes in Old Testament Theology__. IVP. 1979. . 252pp. Owner's stamp on flyleaf, a bit of edgewear, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U11173] Eaton, John. __Psalms of the Way and the Kingdom: A Conference with the Commentators [Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 199]__. Sheffield. 1995. . 144pp. VG/VG $8.5 [295033] Eichrodt, Walther. __Theologie des Alten Testaments, Teil 2 / 3__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1974. . 398pp. Pencil underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4 [169751] Eissfeldt, Otto. __Einleitung in das Alte Testament__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1964. . 1129pp. Very good. $6.33 [210062] Eissfeldt, Otto. __Kleine Schriften, Band IV__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1968. German. 304pp. Faded and slightly scuffed wrappers, good otherwise. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Sellheim und Fritz Maass. $5 [360198] Eissfeldt, Otto. __Old Testament: An Introduction__. Harper. 1965. . 861pp. Previous owner's name on front glued end paper, light foxing. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [710753] Eitzfeldt, Otto. __Israels Geschichte, 1.-­‐5. Tausend (Praktische Bibelerklärung 4)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1914. . 52pp. Shaken, ex-­‐library. $4.5 [228951] Ellison, H.L.. __Prophets of Israel__. Eerdmans. 1969. . 176pp. VG/VGThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [703547] Elmslie, W.A.L.. __How Came Our Faith__. Cambridge. 1958. . 417pp. VG/GThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $4.5 [703550] Englert, Donald M.C.. __Peshitto of Second Samuel [JBL Monograph Series, Vol. III]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1949. . 102pp. Wraps rubbed. Else good. $4 [362195] 133 Engnell, Ivan; trans. and ed. by John T. Willis with Helmer Ringgren. __Critical Essays on the Old Testament__. S.P.C.K.. 1970. . 303pp. Used book. G/VG. Slight underlining and marginalia throughout the book. DJ is covered in protective plastic. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [NW0952] Ewald, Heinrich. __History of Israel, vol. III: Rise and Splendor of the Hebrew Monarchy__. Wipf & Stock. 2004. . 332pp. Slightly blemished new copy. $9 [241491] Fascher, Erich. __Jesaja 53 in christlicher und jüdischer Sicht [Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, Heft 4]__. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin. 1958. German. 58pp. Wrappers chipped and foxed, extensive ink underlining and notes. $8.5 [336875] Fey, Reinhard. __Amos und Jesaja: Abhängigkeit und Eigenständigkeit des Jesaja [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 12. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1963. German. 159pp. Good, lower corners bumped. $8 [305394] Fichtner, Johannes; Klaus Dietrich Fricke, ed.. __Gottes Weisheit: Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament__. Calwer. 1965. German. 162pp. Edgeworn dust jacket. Bookplate. Else good. $5 [323062] Finegan, Jack. __Myth and Mystery: An Introduction to the Pagan Religions of the Biblical World__. Baker. 1989. . 335pp. VG/VG. Scuff to spine of DJ. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $6.5 [U12765] Fitzgerald, Aloysius. __Lord of the East Wind [Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 34]__. Catholic Biblical Association of America. 2002. . 234pp. Very good. $8 [314525] Flanagan, James W.. __David's Social Drama: A Hologram of Israel's Early Iron Age__. Almond Press. 1988. . 373pp. Pencil marks throughout. Cocked spine. Chipped wraps. $6.5 [KA3195] Fohrer, Georg. __Das Alte Testament, Erster Teil__. Evangelische Verlag. 1971. . 183pp. VG/VG $3.34 [169747] Fohrer, Georg. __Das Alte Testament, Zweiter & dritter Teil__. Evangelische Verlag. 1972. . 210pp. VG/VG $3.34 [169748] 134 Fohrer, Georg. __Elia [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, Band 53]__. Zwingli Verlag. 1957. . 104pp. Slightly yellowed. Else very good. $8.5 [308307] Fohrer, Georg. __Überlieferung und Geschichte des Exodus: Eine Analyse von Ex. 1-­‐
15__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1964. German. 125pp. Yellowed. Else good. $5 [314961] Fohrer, Georg (Hrsg.). __Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 73. Band, 1961, Heft 2__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1961. . 264pp. Good; foxing, wrappers slightly torn. $4 [305970] Fohrer, Georg; trans. by David E. Green. __History of Israelite Religion__. Abingdon Press. 1972. . 416pp. Used book. Good condition. DJ is worn and chipped along the spine. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1055] Frankenberg, Wilhelm. __Composition des deuteronomischen Richterbuches (Richter II, 6-­‐XVI), nebst einer Kritik von Richter XVII-­‐XXI__. N.G. Elwert. 1895. . 81pp. Good. $7.67 [211905] Freedman, David Noel. __Divine Commitment and Human Obligation, vol. 1: Ancient Israelite History & Religion__. Eerdmans. 1997. . 545pp. New copy. $4 [160589] Freedman, David Noel and David Frank Graf eds.. __Palestine in Transition: The Emergence of Ancient Israel [Social World of Biblical Antiquity Series, 2]__. Almond. 1983. . 108pp. Very good. $6.5 [297594] Freedman, David Noel; Beck, Astrid B.; Bartelt, Andrew H.; Raabe, Paul R.; And Franke, Chris A. (Eds.). __Fortunate The Eyes That See: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday __. Eerdmans. 1995. . 672pp. VG/VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [U15567] Galling, Kurt. __Studien zur Geschichte Israels im Persischen Zeitalter__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1964. German. 222pp. Boards bowed. Edgeworn dust jacket. Bookplate. Else good. $8 [323068] Galling, Kurt (Hrsg.). __Textbuch zur Geschichte Israels__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1950. German. 89pp. Yellowed pages, good otherwise. $3.5 [244195] Gammie, John G.. __Holiness in Israel__. Fortress. 1989. . 215pp. Underlining. $6.5 [273386] 135 Geikie, Cunningham. __Hours With the Bible or, The Scriptures in the Light of Modern Knowledge, Vol. VII: New Testament Hours, Vol. 1: The Gospels__. James Pott and Company. 1905. . 498pp. Ex-­‐lib with usual paraphenalia, interior hinges retaped, edgeworn, RFEP cut, else a good reading copy. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U15418] Geikie, Cunningham. __Landmarks of Old Testament History__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1896. . 525pp. Foxing, stained cover. $8.5 [267754] Genung, John Franklin. __Hebrew Literature of Wisdom in the Light of To-­‐day. A Synthesis__. Houghton, Mifflin. 1906. . 408pp. Spine cloth rubbed and frayed, yellowed pages, underlining, shaken. $3.5 [182065] Gerstenberg, Erhard S.. __Yahweh the Patriarch: Ancient Images of God and Feminist Theology__. Fortress. 2009. . 168pp. Very good. $3.5 [314413] Gerstenberger, Erhard. __Wesen und Herkunft des 'Apodiktischen Rechts' [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 20. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1965. German. 160pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [360658] Gerstenberger, Erhard. __Wesen und Herkunft des Sogenannten Apodiktischen Rechts im Alten Testament__. Bonn. 1961. German. 173pp. Red ink underlining, spine's exterior is taped, wrappers reglued. $3.5 [310928] Gerstenberger, Erhard S.. __Yahweh the Patriarch: Ancient Images of God and Feminist Theology__. Fortress. 1996. . 168pp. Very good. $5 [316195] Gese, Hartmut. __Lehre und Wirklichkeit in der alten Weisheit. Studien zu den Sprüchen Salomos und zu dem Buche Hiob__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1958. . 90pp. Good; slightly faded wrappers. $5 [310591] Gese, Hartmut. __Verfassungsentwurf des Ezechiel (Kap. 40-­‐48). Traditionsgeschichtlich Untersucht [Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie, 25]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1957. . 192pp. Good; faded wrappers. $8.5 [299588] Gevirtz, Stanley. __Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel__. Chicago. 1963. . 97pp. Very good, slightly faded spine. $8.5 [305969] Ginsberg, H. Louis. __Studies in Daniel__. Jewish Theological Seminary of America. 1948. . 92pp. Red pencil underlining. Worn wraps. $8.5 [323100] Ginsberg, H.L.. __The Supernatural in the Prophets, with Special Reference to Isaiah__. Hebrew Union College Press. 1979. . 23pp. Stapled booklet. Upper corners bent, else good. $8 [358660] 136 Girdlestone, R.B.. __Building up of the Old Testament__. Revell. 1912. . 314pp. Foxing, book plate, faded cover. Very slight markings in text. Good otherwise. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $8.67 [709419] Gitay, Yehoshua ed.. __Prophecy and Prophets: The Diversity of Contemporary Issues in Scholarship [Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1996. . 174pp. Highlighting. $8.5 [321768] Glazebrook, M.G.. __Lessons from the Old Testament (2 vols.) Senior Course__. Percival & Co.. 1891. . 340, 340pp. Spines peeling, some penciling. $7.67 [219627] Goldman, Samuel. __Book of Human Destiny (2 vols.) Vol. 1: The Book of Books; vol. 2: In the Beginning__. Harper. 1948. . 459, 892pp. Very good. $3 [220429] Goldstein, Herbert S.. __Between the Lines of the Bible: A Modern Commentary on the 613 Commandments__. Crown. 1959. . 349pp. Mildew stains on end papers and all leaves along spine edge. $7.67 [187434] Gordis, Robert. __Studies in the Book of Amos [Reprinted from the Jubilee Volume of the American Academy for Jewish Research Proceedings vols. XLVI-­‐XLVII, 1979-­‐
1980]__. American Academy for Jewish Research. 1980. . pp. Stapled booklet. Slight stains, penciling. $4 [317876] Gordon, Alex R.. __Early Traditions of Genesis__. T&T Clark. 1907. . 348pp. Stained cover, tender hinges, foxing, stained page corners. $3 [315595] Gottwald, Norman. __All the Kingdoms of the Earth: Israelite Prophecy & International Relations in the Ancient Near East__. Harper. 1964. . 448pp. G/G: underlining, chipped dust jacket. This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.5 [706129] Graffy, Adrian. __A Prophet Confronts His People: The Disputation Speech in the Prophets [Analecta Biblica, 104]__. Biblical Institute Press. 1984. . 148pp. Highlighting, creased wrappers. $8 [299733] Grandwohl, Roland. __Die Farben im Alten Testament: Eine Terminologische Studie [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 83]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1963x. German. 116pp. Good. Foxing, reglued wrappers. $6.5 [314038] Green, S.G.. __The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah after the Disruption__. Sunday School Union. n.d.. . 330pp. Good, slightly shaken. $7.5 [250496] 137 Green, William Henry. __Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded__. James & Klock Christian Publishers. 1977. . 369pp. Penciling throughout. Slight ink marks. Two leaves stained. Chipped dust jacket. $10 [296757] Greenspoon, Leonard. __Max Leopold Margolis: A Scholar's Scholar__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1987. . 190pp. Very good; inscribed by the author to Frank Moore Cross. $5 [266951] Grelot, P.. __Bible et Théologie: L'Ancienne Alliance-­‐ L'Écriture Sainte [Le Mystère Chrétien, Théologie Dogmatique]__. Desclée. 1965. French. 207pp. Very good. $8 [285106] Gunkel, Hermann. __Einleitung in die Psalmen: Die Gattungen der religiosen Lyrik Israels__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1966. German. 464pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $8.5 [305501] Gunkel, Hermann. __Israel und Babylonien. Der Einfluss Babyloniens auf die Israelitische Religion.__. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 1903. . 48pp. Yellowed. Faded and worn wraps. $5 [308309] Gunkel, Hermann. __Reden und Auffätze__. Vandenhoek & Ruprecht. 1913. German. 192pp. Torn wrappers, spine repaired with clear tape, bent corners, extensive red ink underlining. $8 [311556] Gunkel, Hermann; trans. by W.H. Carruth. __Legends of Genesis__. Open Court. 1901. . 164pp. Shaken, penciling, slightly edgeworn cover. Double association: From the libraries of Amos Wilder and of Charles Foster Kent. $8.5 [317390] Gunn, George S.. __God in the Psalms__. Saint Andrew Press. 1956. . 216pp. Underlining, faded and chipped dust jacket. $4 [361489] Gunneweg, A. H. J.; trans. by John Bowden. __Understanding the Old Testament [The Old Testament Library]__. Westminster Press. 1978. . 265pp. Used book. VG/G. DJ is slightly discolored on the spine and chipped. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [NW0967] Gunneweg, A.H.J.. __Vom Verstehen des Alten Testaments: Eine Hermeneutik [Grundrisse zum Alten Testament, 5]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1977. . 220pp. Foxing, else good. $3.5 [295712] Gunneweg, Antonius H.J.. __Geschichte Israels bis Bar Kochba__. Kohlhammer. 1972. . 198pp. Foxing to interior of wrappers. Former owner's name. Else good. $3.5 [300271] 138 Gunneweg, Antonius H.J.. __Mündliche und schrifliche Tradition der vorexilischen Prophetenbücher als Problem der neuern Prophetenforschung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1959. German. 128pp. Ink underlining. $3.5 [310777] Gutberlet, Constantin. __Erste Buch der Marchabäer [Alttestamentliche Abhandlungen, VIII. Band 3.-­‐4. Heft]__. Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1920. German. 262pp. Badly torn wrappers, binding beginning to split, corners quite bent, foxing. Ex-­‐library. Some page edges uncut. $10 [310047] Guthrie, Harvey H.. __God & History in the Old Testament__. SPCK. 1961. . 179pp. VGThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $4.5 [703567] Habel, Norman C.. __Form and Meaning of the Fall Narrative: A Detailed Analysis of Genesis 3__. Concordia. 1965. . 53pp. Stapled booklet. Good; slight underlining. $5 [329032] Habel, Norman C.. __The Form and Meaning of the Fall Narrative: A Detailed Analysis of Genesis 3__. Concordia Seminary Print Shop. 1965. . 52pp. Some ink underlining and notes, lower corners bent. $4.5 [336990] Hagstrom, David Gerald. __The Coherence of the Book of Micah: A Literary Analysis [SBL Dissertation Series 89]__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 152pp. Ink underlining. $8.5 [300626] Hajek, Herbert. __Heimkehr Nach Israel (Biblische Studien 33)__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1962. . 89pp. Very good, from the library of Brevard S. Childs. $3.5 [189806] Haller, Max. __Das Judentum: Geschichtsschreibung, Prophetie und Gesetzgebung nach dem Exil [Schriften des Alten Testaments, 2. Abteilung, 3. Band]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1925. . 363pp. Heavy foxing, rebound in faded library buckram. $5 [297032] Han, Joseph J.. __A New Light on the Visions of the Book of Daniel: The Messianic Kingdom is Right at the Door__. Joseph & Beatrice: Seoul, Korea. 1976. . 117pp. Good; foxing. $8.5 [322411] Hänel, Johannes. __Erkennen Gottes bei den Schriftpropheten__. W. Kohlhammer. 1923. German. 268pp. Foxing, worn board corners. $3.5 [311375] Hann, Robert R.. __Manuscript History of the Psalms of Solomon [SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 13]__. Scholars Prss. 1982. . 158pp. Good. Slightly faded spine, lower corners bumped. $3.5 [325045] 139 Hanson, Paul D.. __Dawn of Apocalyptic: The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology__. Fortress. 1975. . 426pp. Chipped dust jacket, stained boards, musty. $3.5 [317941] Hanson, Paul D.. __The People Called: The Growth of Community in the Bible__. Harper. 1986. . 564pp. Good; wrapper corners bent, remainder mark on lower edge. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.5 [710884] Harrington, Wilfrid J.. __Path of Biblical Theology__. Gill & Macmillan. 1973. . 438pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $8.5 [316246] Harrison, Roland Kenneth. __Introduction to the Old Testament__. Eerdmans. 1982. . 1325pp. G/G, concave spine, chipped dust jacket. $4.5 [343829] Hauret, Ch.. __Aux Grands Carrefours d la Révélation et de l'Exégèse de l'Ancien Testament [Recherches Bibliques VIII]__. Desclée de Brouwer. 1967. French. 191pp. Good; pencil underlining. $8 [311558] Hayes, John H. and Frederick Prussner. __Old Testament Theology: Its History and Development__. John Knox. 1995. . 290pp. Good; faded wrappers. $8 [337874] Hayes, John H. and J. Maxwell Miller eds.. __Israelite and Judaean History__. Westminster. 1977. . 736pp. VG/G $5 [315249] Hayes, John H. ed.. __Old Testament Form Criticism__. Trinity University Press. 1974. . 289pp. Good; bumped corners. $6.5 [303616] Heiligstedt, Aug.; Max Budie (Hrsg.). __Präparation zum Propheten Jesaja__. Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn. 1893. German. 158pp. Pencil underlining, shaken, foxing. $5 [296966] Heiligstedt, August. __Präparation zu den Psalmen mit den nötigen, die Übersetzung und das Verständnis des Textes erleichternden Anmerkungen__. Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn. 1909. German. 177pp. Foxing, penciling, worn library binding. $3.5 [311099] Heiligstedt, August; Max Budie. __Präparation zur Genesis mit den nötigen die Übersetzung und das Verscändnis des Textes erleichternden Anmerkungen__. Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn in Leipzig. 1930. German. 126pp. Foxing, penciling, title page repaired. Rebound in library buckram. $5 [302023] Heine, Ronald E.. __Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church: Exploring the Formation of Early Christian Thought__. Baker. 2007. . 204pp. As new. $6.5 [309349] 140 Heinisch, Dr. Paul; Heidt, O. S. B. William G.. __History of the Old Testament__. Liturgical Press. 1952. . 457pp. Acceptable. Cover creased and worn, tape on top of spine, sticker torn off top of front cover, spine creased, else good clean reading copy. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [89265] Heinisch, Paul. __Geschichte des Alten Testamentes__. Peter Hanstein Verlag G.M.B.H.. 1950. . 387pp. Deeply yellowed. Shaken. Slightly chipped dust jacket. $5 [296779] Hempel, Johannes. __Glaube, Mythos und Geschichte im Alten Testament__. Verlag Alfred Töpelmann. 1954. German. 61pp. Stapled booklet. Foxing, spine covered in clear tape. Upper page corners bent. $3 [336681] Henry, Marie-­‐Louise. __Glaubenskrise und Glaubensbewährung in den Dichtungen der Jesajaapokalypse. Versuch einer Deutung der literarischen Komposition von Jes. 24-­‐27 aus dem Zusammenhang ihrer religiösen Motivbildungen [Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament fünfte Folge, Heft 6]__. W. Kohlhammer Verlag. . . 208pp. Good; slight foxing. $8 [298993] Henry, Marie-­‐Louise. __Prophet und Tradition: Versuch einer Problemstellung [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für alttestmentliche Wissenschaft 116]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1969. . 77pp. Ink underlining and highlighting. $6.5 [294556] Hens-­‐Piazza, Gina. __Of Methods, Monarchs, and Meanings: A Sociorhetorical Approach to Exegesis [Studies in Old Testament Interpretation, 3]__. Mercer. 1996. . 199pp. VG/VG $5 [360811] Henze, Matthias, Ed.. __Biblical Interpretation at Qumran__. Eerdmans. 2005. . 214pp. VG $8 [362579] Hermisson, Hans-­‐Jürgen; Günther Bornkamm & Gerhard Von Rad, eds.. __Sprache und Ritus im Altisraelitischen Kult: Zur "Spiritualisierung" der Kultbegriffe im Alten Testament [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten & Neuen Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1965. . 165pp. Yellowed. Chipped dust jacket. $5 [262388] Herrmann, Siegfried. __Jeremia: Der Prophet und das Buch [Erträge der Forschung, Band 271]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt. 1990. . 233pp. Extensive underlining. $4 [321779] Herrmann, Siegfried. __Jeremia: Der Prophet und das Buch [Ertrage der Forschung, 271]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1990. . 233pp. Pencil underlining throughout. Cocked spine. $4 [305434] 141 Herrmann, Siegfried. __Prophetischen Heilserwartungen im Alten Testament [Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament Fünfte Folge, Heft 5]__. W. Kohlhammer. 1965. . 325pp. Foxing, underlining. $5 [317655] Hesse, Franz. __Verstockungsproblem im Alten Testament: Eine Frömmigkeitsgeschichtliche Untersuchung [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 74]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1955. . 107pp. Good; foxing, slightly torn wrappers. $8.5 [308637] Hoftijzer, J.. __Verheissungen and die Drei Erzväter__. E.J. Brill. 1956. . 103pp. Ink underlining, bent corners. $8.5 [296609] Holborn, Alfred. __The Pentateuch in the Light of To-­‐Day__. T&T Clark. 1902. . 113pp. Stained cover, pencil underlining. $3.5 [312150] Holladay, William L.. __Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading__. Reprint. 2003. . 177pp. Remainder copy of a limited reprint edition, in very good condition. $4 [356763] Holladay, William L.. __Psalms Through Three Thousand Years: Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses__. Fortress. 1993. . 395pp. Slight ink underlining. Creased spine. $8.5 [326413] Holloway, Steven W. & Lowell K. Handy eds.. __Pitcher is Broken: Memorial Essays for Gosta W. Ahltrom (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series 190)__. JSOTS, Sheffield. 1995. . 474pp. NF/NF $7.67 [172233] Holt, Else Kragelund. __Prophesying the Past: Use of Israel's History in the Book of Hosea (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series 194)__. JSOT, Sheffield. 1995. . 314pp. Corners bumped, otherwise very good. $5 [172349] Höpfl, P.H.; Athanasius Miller et Adalbertus Metzinger. __Introductio Specialis in Vetus Testamentum [Introductionis in Sacros Utriusque Testamenti Libros, vol. 2]__. Ephemerides Liturgicae. 1946. Latin. 599pp. Shaken, foxing, underlining. $7 [312128] Horst, Fridrich. __Das Privilegrecht Jahves: Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Deuteronomium__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1930. German. 124pp. Foxing, chipped wrappers. Upper page edges uncut. $9 [336916] Horton, Robert F.. __Women of the Old Testament: Studies in Womanhood__. Nisbet. 1900. . 291pp. Boards slightly edgeworn, cocked spine, foxed end papers. $5 [266420] 142 Hostetter, Edwin C.. __Old Testament Introduction [IBR Bibliographies No. 11]__. Baker. 1997. . 106pp. Fine. This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.5 [707957] Howie, Carl Gordon. __Date and Composition of Ezekiel [Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. IV]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1960. . 121pp. Good; faded and creased wrappers. $3 [299548] Howie, Carl Gordon. __The Date and Composition of Ezekiel [SBL Monographs 4]__. Scholars Press. 1960. . 121pp. Faded wrappers, sound otherwise. $3 [361408] Hubbard, Robert L., Robert K. Johnston and Robert P. Meye Eds.. __Studies in Old Testament Theology__. Word. 1992. . 333pp. G/VG. Small stain to fore edge, pencil markings to a few pages. $4.5 [361650] Hunter, Henry. __Sacred Biography; or, the History of the Patriarchs. To Which is Added, the History of Jesus Christ. Being a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Scotch Church, London-­‐Wall__. Philadelphia: Marcus E. Cross. 1838. . 596pp. 12 mo, in worn, full leather binding. Heavy foxing, a few chipped page edges. Lacks free end papers. $6.5 [356166] Hupper, William G.. __(vol. 5) Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies__. ATLA, Scarecrow. 1992. . 708pp. Musty, otherwise good. $7 [164521] Hutton, Rodney R.. __Charisma & Authority in Israelite Society__. Fortress. 1994. . 229pp. As new $4.5 [145785] Hvidberg, Flemming Friis. __Den Israelitiske Religions Historie__. Ejnar Munksgaards Forlag. 1943. . 186pp. Chipped and browned wrappers, penciling. From the personal library of Krister Stendahl. $6.5 [268367] Jacob, Edmond. __Grudfragen Alttestamentlicher Theologie. Franz Delitzsch-­‐
Vorlesungen 1965__. Kohlhammer. 1970. German. 51pp. Underlining, bent corners. $5 [329352] James, Fleming. __Thirty Psalmists: A study in Personalities of the Psalter as seen Against the Background of Gunkel's Type-­‐Study of the Psalms__. Putnam's. 1938. . 259pp. Dust jacket badly chipped. Previous owner's name on front glued end paper. Some wear to edges of boards. Light browning to page margins. $3.34 [200819] 143 Jenks, Alan W.. __Elohist & North Israelite Traditions [SBL Monograph Series, Vol. 22]__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 147pp. Very slight pencil marginalia. Edgeworn wraps. $5 [262646] Jensen, Joseph. __The Use of tora by Isaiah: His Debate with the Wisdom Tradition [Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 3]__. Catholic Biblical Association of America. 1973. . 156pp. Good; slight foxing. $6.5 [360637] Jeppesen, Knud and Benedikt Otzen eds.. __The Productions of Time: Tradition History in Old Testament Scholarship__. Almond. 1984. . 169pp. Very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [713912] Jepsen, Alfred. __Quellen des Königsbuches. 2, Um Einen Nachtrag Ergänzte Auflage__. Max Niemeyer. 1956. . 120pp. Chipped wrappers, extensive underlining, foxing, shaken. $8.5 [315065] Jepsen, Alfred (Hrsg.). __Von Sinuhe bis Nebukadnezar: Dokumente aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments__. Calwer Verlag Stuttgart. 1975. German. 248 + platespp. Ink underlining, slightly sunned spine. $3.5 [334668] Jepsen, Alfred and Robert Hanhart. __Untersuchungen zur israelitisch-­‐Jüdischen Chronologie__. Alfred Topelmann. 1964. . 96pp. Yellowed, foxing. Wraps chipped at spine. Mostly unopened pages. $3.5 [309828] Jeremias, Jörg. __Kultprophetie und Gerichtsverkündigung in der späten Königszeit Israels [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 35. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1970. German. 214pp. Ink underlining and highlighting, foxing. $9 [310319] Jeremias, Jörg. __Reue Gottes: Aspekte alttestamentlicher Gottesvorstellung [Biblische Studien, 65]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1975. German. 127pp. Good; yellowed pages. $4 [269483] Johansson, Catherine. __Concepts of Freedom in the Old Testament__. Vantage. 1965. . 92pp. VG/VG $3.5 [225060] Johnson, Aubrey R.. __Vitality of the Individual in the Thought of Ancient Israel__. Wales. 1949. . 107pp. Good. Wrappers scuffed and creased. Handwritten letter from the author laid in. $3.5 [358668] Kallai, Z.. __The Tribes of Israel: A Study in the Historical Geography of the Bible (in Hebrew)__. Bialik Institute, Jerusalem. 1967. . 447pp. Badly stained dust jacket and page edges, else sound. Association copy: From the library of G. Ernest Wright $9.5 [329407] 144 Kallai, Zechariah. __Northern Boundaries of Judah, from the Settlement of the Tribes Until the Beginning of the Hasmonaean Period__. Magnes Press. 1960. . 116pp. G/G. Text is in Hebrew. $8.5 [262665] Kaufmann, Yehezkel. __The Babylonian Captivity and Deutero-­‐Isaiah [History of the Religion of Israel, vol. IV]__. Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1970. . 236pp. Underlining and highlighting, upper corners dampstained, torn dust jacket is adhered to back board. $4.5 [318080] Kayatz, Christa. __Studien zu Proverbien 1-­‐9. Eine Form-­‐ und Motivgeschichtliche Untersuchung unter Einbeziehung Ägyptischen Vergleichsmaterials [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 22 Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1966. . 147pp. Red ink underlining. $8.5 [300533] Kellermann, Diether. __Priesterschrift von Numeri 1, bis 10.10: Literarkristisch und traditionsgeschichtlich untersucht [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für alttestmentliche Wissenschaft 120]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1970. . 168pp. Very good. $9 [294545] Kenik, Helen A.. __Design for Kingship: The Deuteronomistic Narrative Technique in 1 Kings 3:4-­‐15 [SBL Dissertation Series 69]__. Scholars Press. 1983. . 249pp. Small stains on fore-­‐edge, else very good. $8.5 [334719] Kennett, Robert H.. __Composition of the Book of Isaiah in the Light of History and Archaeology [Schweich Lectures, 1909]__. British Academy / Henry Frowde. 1910. . 94pp. Very good; light foxing. $6.5 [293867] Kissling, Paul J.. __Reliable Characters in the Primary History: Profiles of Moses, Joshua, Elijah and Elisha [Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplament Series 224]__. Sheffield Academic Press. 1996. . 220pp. Used book. Fine condition. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW0993] Kittel, Rudolf. __Geschichte des Volkes Israel (1 & 2 Band)__. Friedrich Andreas Perthes. 1912, 1909. German. 668, 589pp. Slight foxing, wrappers of second volume badly torn. $10 [336731] Klopfenstein, Martin A.. __Scham und Schande nach dem Alten Testametn__. Theologischer Verlag. 1972. . 217pp. Bottom edge worn, light soiling to spine. Else very good. $8.5 [304041] Klotz, John W.. __Genes, Genesis and Evolution__. Concordia. 1959. . 575pp. Ink underlining. $7 [260679] 145 Kneucker, J.J.. __Das Buch Baruch. Geschichte und Kritik, Übersetzung und Erklärung auf Grund des Wiederhergestellten Hebräischen Urtextes__. Reprint. n.d.. German. 361pp. Photographic reprint of the F.A. Brockhaus edition of 1879, in a comb binding. $4.5 [340241] Knierim, Rolf P.. __The Task of Old Testament Theology: Method and Cases__. Eerdmans. 1995. . 390pp. VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $6.5 [U13702] Knight, Douglas A.. __Tradition and Theology in the Old Testament__. Fortress. 1977. . 336pp. dust jacket has one small slit, a couple of small scrapes on front * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.75 [710734] Knight, George A. F.. __Deutero-­‐Isaiah: A Thelogical Commentary on Isaiah 40-­‐55__. Abingdon Press. 1965. . 283pp. NF-­‐, light sunning along top edge of front board. Previous owner's name on front gluedown.This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.5 [703600] Knight, George A.F.. __A Christian Theology of the Old Testament__. John Knox. 1959. . 383pp. Extensive ink underlining, sound otherwise. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.34 [709425] Knight, Jack C. and Lawrence A. Sinclair eds.. __The Psalms and Other Studies on the Old Testament Presented to Joseph I. Hunt__. Nashotah House Seminary. 1990. . 203pp. Very good. $5 [269388] Koffler, Jacob. __Exile to Exile__. Kay Publishing. 1955. . 472pp. Very good. $8 [312096] Kohler, Ludwig; trans. by A. S. Todd. __Old Testament Theology__. The Westminster Press. 1957. . 257pp. Used book. Good condition. Cover is slightly worn on top of spine. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW0995] König, Eduard. __Geschichte der Alttestamentlichen Religion__. C. Bertelsmann. 1915. German. 689pp. Ex-­‐library, slightly faded cover, bumped corners. $8 [335408] Koole, J.L.. __Verhaal en Feit in Het Oude Testament__. J.H. Kok. n.d.. . 65pp. Front wrapper scraped, else good. $4 [194308] Kraeling, Emil G.. __Book of the Ways of God__. Charles Scribner's. 1939. . 270pp. Good. Edgeworn boards, ink underlining. $4 [310429] 146 Kraeling, Emil G.. __The Prophets__. Rand McNally. 1969. . 304pp. Underlining and highlighting. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3.5 [707787] Kraft, Robert A. and Ann-­‐Elizabeth Purintun. __Paraleipomena Jeremiou [Texts and Translations 1, Pseudipigrapha Series 1]__. SBL. 1972. . 49pp. Very good, stapled booklet. $3.5 [314736] Kraft, Robert A. and George W.E. Nickelsburg eds.. __Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters__. Fortress. 1986. . 494pp. Badly cocked binding, else good. $8.5 [282434] Kraus, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Geschichte der Historisch-­‐Kritischen Erforschung des Alten Testaments von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart__. Neukirchen Kreis Moers. 1956. German. 478pp. Pencil underlining, chipped dust jacket. $7 [305646] Kraus, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Theologie der Psalmen [Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament, XV 3]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1979. . 272pp. Ink underlining. $6.5 [321076] Kraus, Hans-­‐Joachim. __Worship in Israel: A Cultic History of the Old Testament__. John Knox. 1966. . 246pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $5 [317293] LaCocque, André. __The Feminine Unconventional: Four Subversive Figures in Israel's Tradition__. Fortress. 1990. . 144pp. Underlining, else good. $4.67 [228549] Laffey, Alice. __The Pentateuch: A Liberation-­‐Critical Reading__. Fortress. 1998. . 216pp. Very good. $4 [194666] Lampe, M. Willard. __Limitations upon the Power of the Hebrew Kings: A Study in Hebrew Democracy__. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1914. . 47pp. Stapled booklet. Wrappers chipped along spine crease, else good. $3.67 [212071] Lang, Berhard. __Monotheism and the Prophetic Minority [Social World of Biblical Antiquity Series, 1]__. Almond Press. 1983. . 191pp. Slightly yellowed. Former owner details & book review pasted in. $8 [295949] Laru, Gerald. __Sex and the Bible__. Prometheus Books. 1983. . 173pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $5 [231147] Laurin, Robert B.. __Contemporary Old Testament Theologians__. Judson Press. 1970. . 223pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn and slightly chipped along the edges. Previous owner's stamp inside. Text is clean. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1006] 147 Lemche, Niels Peter. __Prelude to Israel's Past__. Hendrickson. 1998. . 247pp. VG/G $6.5 [362624] Lindblom, J.. __Prophecy in Ancient Israel__. Muhlenberg. 1962. . 472pp. G/G, underlining, chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [A282366] Lindblom, Joh.. __The Servant Psalms in Deutero-­‐Isaiah: A New Attempt to Solve an Old Problem__. C.W.K. Gleerup. 1950. . 114pp. Foxing, chipped wrappers. $8.5 [294044] Little, George O.. __Royal Houses of Israel and Judah: An Interwoven History with a Harmony of Parallel Passages__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1900. . 329pp. Shaken, slight markings in the text. $8 [255247] Livingston, G. Herbert. __The Pentateuch in its Cultural Environment__. Baker Book House. 1977. . 296pp. Used book. Very good condition. Previous owner's name written on outside of pages and inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1007] Lods, Adolphe; trans. by S. H. Hooke. __Israel [The History of Civilization]__. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. 1948. . 512pp. Used book. Poor condition. Binding is broken. Spine is slightly cocked. Very slight underlining and marginalia. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1009] Lohfink, Norbert. __Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy__. Fortress. 1994. . 314pp. Highlighting, else sound. $3 [316513] Lohmeyer, Ernst. __Gottesknecht und Davidsohn [Symbolae Biblicae Upsalienses 5]__. C.O. Ekblad & Co.. 1945. . 155pp. Foxing, else good. $4 [298269] Long, Burke O.. __1 Kings [Forms of the Old Testament Literature, vol. IX]__. Eerdmans. 1984. . 265pp. Very good. $7.5 [337661] Long, Burke O.. __2 Kings [Forms of the Old Testament Literature, vol. X]__. Eerdmans. 1991. . 324pp. Good; slightly creased wrappers. $3 [330839] Long, Burke O., ed.. __Images of God and Man: Old Testament Short Stories in Literary Focus [Bible and Literature Series]__. The Almond Press. 1981. . 127pp. Used book. Very good condition. Previous owner's name stamped inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1011] 148 Longacre, Lindsay B.. __Old Testament: Its Form & Purpose__. Abingdon. 1945. . 264pp. Torn dust jacket, otherwise very good. $3.5 [152271] Lowrie, John M.. __Prophet Elisha__. Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1869. . 287pp. Ex-­‐library, underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $7.67 [708681] Lunden, C.. __Abraham and the Life of Faith__. Bible Truth Publishers. n.d.. . 67pp. VG/VG $4 [214993] Lunden, C.E.. __Elijah: The Man of God from Tishbe__. Bible Truth Publishers. 1980. . 162pp. VG/VG $4 [215260] Lutz, Hanns-­‐Martin. __Jahwe, Jerusalem und die Völker zur Vorgeschichte von Sach 12, 1-­‐8 und 14, 1-­‐5 [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 27]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1968. . 237pp. VG/G, bumped corners. $5 [295180] Macdonald, Duncan Black. __The Hebrew Philosophical Genius: A Vindication__. Russell & Russell. 1965. . 155pp. Used book. Good condition. Very slight underlining. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1015] Mack, Burton L.. __Wisdom and the Hebrew Epic: Ben Sira's Hymn in Praise of the Fathers__. Chicago. 1985. . 263pp. Extensive multi-­‐colored highlighting. Cocked spine. $9 [361288] Malamat, Abraham. __Davidische und Salomonische Königreich und seine Beziehungen zu Ägypten und Syrien. Zur Entstehung eines Grossreichs [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Pholosophisch-­‐Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 407. Band]__. Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1983. . 42pp. Very good. $8.5 [269540] Matthews, Victor H.. __More Than Meets the Ear: Discovering the Hidden Contexts of Old Testament Conversations__. Eerdmans. 2008. . 198pp. As new. $7.25 [309175] Mazar, B.. __The Philistines and the Rise of Israel and Tyre [Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, vol. 1, no. 7]__. Magnes Press. 1964. . 22pp. Very good. $5 [267326] Mazar, Benjamin ed.. __Judges [The World History of the Jewish People, vol. III]__. Rutgers University Press. 1971. . 366pp. Very good. $5 [268043] 149 Mazar, Benjamin ed.. __Patriarchs [The World History of the Jewish People, vol. II]__. Rutgers University Press. 1970. . 306pp. Stained cover, shaken. $4 [268044] McGlinchey, James M.. __Teaching and Amen-­‐Em-­‐Ope and the Book of Proverbs. A Dissertation...__. Catholic University of America. 1939. . 44pp. Ex-­‐library, foxing. $8 [299154] McGregor, Leslie John. __Greek Text of Ezekiel: An Examination of Its Homogeneity [Septuagint and Cognate Studies 18]__. Schocken. 1985. . 296pp. Good; slightly creased wrappers. $8.5 [346489] McKane, William. __Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives__. The Handsel Press. 1979. . 262pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn and chipped along the edges. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1017] Mendenhall, George E.. __The Tenth Generation: The Origins of the Biblical Tradition__. Johns Hopkins. 1973. . 248pp. Underlining. $4 [317625] Mendenhall, George E.; Gary A. Herion Ed.. __Ancient Israel's Faith and History: An Introduction to the Bible in Context__. WJKP. . . 284pp. Some highlighting and marginalia, else good. $5 [361800] Merk, Augustino. __Introductionis in S. Scripturae Libros Compendium (2 vols.)__. P. Lethielleux. 1944. . 1092pp. Foxing, torn wrappers. Upper edges uncut. $8.5 [300156] Michel, Diethelm. __Qohelet [Erträge der Forschung]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1988. . 181pp. Highlighting. $8 [322471] Millar, William R.. __Isaiah 24-­‐27 and the Origin of Apocalyptic [Harvard Semitic Monograph Series, 11]__. Scholars Press. 1976. . 125pp. Very good. $10 [295114] Miller, Patrick D.. __Sin and Judgment in the Prophets: A Stylistic and Theological Analysis [Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, no. 27]__. Scholars Press. 1982. . 143pp. Good; worn wrappers. $5 [296564] Miller, Robert D. II. __Chieftains of the Highland Clans: A History of Israel in the 12th & 11th Centuries B.C.__. Eerdmans. 2005. . 186pp. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $10 [713299] Miller, William T.. __Mysterious Encounters at Mamre and Jabbok [Brown Judaic Studies 50]__. Scholars Press. 1984. . 243pp. Very good. $9 [316512] 150 Miscall, Peter D.. __Workings of Old Testament Narrative__. Fortress. 1983. . 150pp. Good; faded spine. $4 [325572] Möller, Wilhelm och Hans Möller. __Vad Lär Gamla Testamentet?__. Evangeliska Fosterlands. 1938. . 440pp. Ex-­‐library, faded cover. $8.5 [250637] Montefiore, Claude G.. __Old Testament and After__. Macmillan. 1923. . 601pp. Ex-­‐
library, cloth frayed at spine edges, shaken. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [710768] Montgomery, Robert M.. __An Introduction to Source Analysis of the Pentateuch [Auxiliary Studies in the Bible]__. Abingdon. 1971. . pp. Very good. $7 [319560] Montgomery, Robert M.. __Auxiliary Studies in the Bible: Introduction to Source Analysis of the Pentateuch__. Abingdon. 1971. . pp. Markings in the workbook, else sound. $7 [334464] Moore, Michael S.. __Balaam Traditions: Their Character & Development [SBL Dissertation Series, 113]__. Scholars Press. 1990. . 157pp. Ink underlining in introduction only. Edgeworn wraps. $7.5 [295373] Mowinckel, Sigmund. __Religion und Kultus__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1953. . 164pp. VG/G, chipped and torn dust jacket. $3.34 [221603] Mowinckel, Sigmund. __Tetrateuch -­‐ Pentateuch -­‐ Hexateuch: Die Berichte uber die Landnahme in den Drei Altisraelitischen Geschichtswerken__. Alfred Topelmann. 1964. . 85pp. Faded & worn wraps. Slightly yellowed. Former owner details. $8.5 [300255] Mowinckel, Sigmund. __The Psalms in Israel's Worship (2 vols.)__. Abingdon. 1962. . 246, 303pp. Underlining, otherwise sound. $10 [A317381] Mowinckel, Sigmund. __Zur Komposition des Buches Jeremia__. Kristiania in Kommission bei Jacob Dybwad. 1914. German. 68pp. Torn and chipped wrappers; back wrapper detached. Foxing, underlining, lower edges bent. $5 [335363] Mozley, J.B.. __Ruling Ideas in Early Ages & Their Relation to Old Testament Faith__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1907. . 295pp. Some penciling. Heavy foxing. Faded & worn boards. Ex-­‐library. Shaken. $3 [274053] Müller, Dav. Heinr.. __Strophenbau und Responsion in Ezechiel und den Psalmen [Biblische Studien IV]__. Alfred Hölder. 1908. German. 64pp. Wrappers torn and detached, spine portion of wrappers missing. Ex-­‐library, foxing, disbound. $4 [313059] 151 Munoa, Phillip B. III. __Four Powers in Heaven: The Interpretation of Daniel 7 in the Testament of Abraham [JSPS 28]__. Sheffield. 1998. . 170pp. VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [U13665] Muraoka, T.. __Greek-­‐Hebrew / Aramaic Index to I Esdras__. Scholars Press. 1984. . 85pp. Very good. $5 [361286] Murphy, Frederick James. __The Structure and Meaning of Second Baruch [SBL Dissertation Series 78]__. Scholars Press. 1985. . 148pp. Highlighting, creased wrappers. $5 [361377] Murphy, Roland E.. __Wisdom Literature: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes and Esther [FOTL, XIII]__. Eerdmans. 1981. . 185pp. Slightly yellowed. Else good. $4 [342414] Myers, J.M.; O. Reimherr, H.N. Bream eds.. __Biblical Studies in Memory of H.C. Alleman__. J.J. Augustin. 1960. . 224pp. Very good. $7.5 [247882] Nakanose, Shigeyuki; foreword by Norman K. Gottwald. __Josiah's Passover: Sociology and the Liberating Bible__. Orbis. 1993. . 192pp. Very good. $8 [314592] Nasuti, Harry P.. __Tradition History and the Psalms of Asaph [SBL Dissertation Series 88]__. Scholars Press. 1987. . 204pp. Very good. $7.5 [296630] Nelson, Richard D.. __The Double Redaction of the Deuteronomistic History [Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Monograph Series, 18]__. Sheffield. 1981. . 185pp. Underlining, creased and dampwarped wrappers. $9.5 [314774] Newberry, T. . __Types of the Levitical Offerings__. Bible Study Classics. n.d.. . 123pp. Pen markings to a few pages, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $6.5 [U14445] Nicholson, E.W.. __Deuteronomy and Tradition: Literary and Historical Problems in the Book of Deuteronomy__. Fortress. 1967. . 145pp. Ink underlining. $3.5 [317385] Nickelsburg, George W.E. ed.. __Studies on the Testament of Moses [Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 4]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1973. . 125pp. Good; sunned spine. $6.5 [295473] Nielsen, Eduard. __The Ten Commandments in New Perspective__. Alec R. Allenson. 1968. . 162pp. Very good, previous owner's name on front wrapper. $4 [255729] 152 Nikel, Johannes. __Genesis und Keilschriftforschung. Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Biblischen Ur-­‐ und Patriarchengeschichte__. Herder. 1903. German. 261pp. Binding split along the center, so that the book is in two pieces. Wrappers torn, slight ink markings. Slight ink markings. $6.5 [310535] Nohrnberg, James. __Like Unto Moses: The Constituting of an Interruption__. Indiana. 1995. . 396pp. VG/VG $3 [337695] Noordtzij, A.. __De Filistijnen. Hun Afkomst en Geschiedenis__. J.H. Kok. 1905. Dutch. 247pp. Good; slightly edgeworn cover. $5 [333331] Noth, Martin. __Geschichte und Gottswort im Alten Testament (Bonner Akademische Reden 3)__. Scherpe-­‐Verlag. 1949. . 30pp. Ex-­‐library, else very good, in a pamphlet folder. $4.5 [228952] Noth, Martin. __History of Israel, revised edition__. Harper and Row. 1960. . 487pp. Chipped dust jacket. $5 [330660] Noth, Martin. __System der Zwölf Stämme Israels__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1930. . 174pp. Some underlining, otherwise good. $4 [299617] Noth, Martin. __The History of Israel__. Harper. 1958. . 479pp. G/G. Book: Some pencil marginalia, else good. DJ: edgeworn, else good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [U11952] Noth, Martin. __The Laws in the Pentateuch and Other Studies__. Fortress. 1966. . 289pp. Good; slightly shaken. $4.5 [337136] Noth, Martin. __The Old Testament World__. Fortress. 1964. . 404pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [A317638] Noth, Martin. __Überlieferungsgeschichte des Pentateuch__. W. Kohlhammer. 1948. German. 288pp. Foxing, pencil underlining and notes. Association copy: From the library of John Bright, whose name appears on front wrapper. $5 [279992] Noth, Martin. __Welt des Alten Testaments, Dritte, erweiterte Auflage__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1957. . 318, 4pp. Very good. $3 [220475] Noth, Martin; D.R. Ap-­‐Thomas, trans.; Norman W. Porteous, intro.. __Laws in the Pentateuch, and Other Studies__. Oliver & Boyd. 1966. . 289pp. Slight markings, cocked spine, chipped and torn dust jacket. $4.5 [317878] Nötscher, Friedrich. __Altorientalischer und alttestamentlicher Auferstehungsglauben__. Würzburg: C.J. Becker. 1926. . 348pp. Foxing, penciling, sunned wrappers. $10 [301540] 153 Nötscher, Friedrich. __Vom Alten zum Neuen Testament [Bonner Biblische Beiträge, 17]__. Peter Hanstein Verlag. 1962. . 250pp. Good. Foxing, bumped corners. $8 [310702] Nyström, Samuel. __Beduinentum und Jahwismus: Eine Soziologisch-­‐
Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zum Alten Testament__. C.W.K. Gleerup. 1946. . 238pp. Slightly chipped wrappers, upper corners bent. $9.5 [311165] Obbink, H. Th.. __Over Het Boek Job__. H.R. Paris, Amsterdam. 1935. Dutch. 55pp. Good; foxing. $6.5 [326680] Odendaal, Dirk H.. __Eschatological Expectation of Isaiah 40-­‐66 with Special Reference to Israel and the Nations__. Presbyterian & Reformed. 1970. . 202pp. Good; sunned wrappers. $7.5 [299457] Oehler, Gustave-­‐Frédéric. __Théologie de L'Ancien Testament (2 vols.)__. Sandoz et Fischbacher / Librairie Générale J. Sandoz. 1876. French. 387, 454pp. Slight foxing, edgeworn quarter-­‐leather binding. $8.5 [351871] Oesterley, W.O.E.. __A History of Israel__. Oxford University Press. 1951. . 496+pp. Used book. Poor condition. Vol. I -­‐ DJ is worn, torn, and chipped. Binding broken. Heavy underlining. Previous owner's name written inside. Vol. II -­‐ DJ is worn along the edges. Hinges are weak. Binding is broken. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $8 [NW1056] Oesterley, W.O.E.. __Introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha__. SPCK. 1935. . 345pp. Rubbed and slightly faded cover, else good. $4 [212142] Oesterley, W.O.E. and Theodore H. Robinson. __History of Israel (2 vols.)__. Oxford. 1945. . 496, 500pp. First volume's lower spine and board edge badly bumped, dust jackets chipped and stained; else G/G. FLB $5 [187561] Ohler, Annemarie; David Cairns, trans.. __Studying the Old Testament from Tradition to Canon__. T&T Clark. 1985. . 388pp. Faded dust jacket. Else VG/VG. $4 [299266] Orelli, Conrad von; Friedrich Kropatscheck. __Der Knecht Jahve's im Jesajabuche [Biblische Zeit-­‐ und Streitfragen, IV. Serie. 6. Heft]__. Edwin Runge. 1908. German. 46pp. Foxing, ex-­‐library, ffep loose but present. $5 [332987] Otto, Eckhart and Tim Schramm. __Festival and Joy [Biblical Encounters series]__. Abingdon. 1980. . 205pp. Very good. Translated by James L. Blevins. $8.5 [248530] 154 Otzen, Benedikt. __Studien über Deuterosacharja [Acta Theologica Danica, vol. VI]__. Ptostant apud Munksgaard. 1964. German. 303pp. Cover stained, spine cloth damaged; slightly shaken, underlining. $5 [314684] Pagán, Samuel. __Palabra Viva: Entorno Histórico, Literario y Teológico del Antiguo Testamento. El mensaje del Antiguo Testamento es tan relevante a finales del siglo veinte como cuando fue escrito__. Reprint. 2005. . 165pp. Remainder copy of a limited reprint edition, in like new condition. $4 [355491] Paterson, John. __Book That is Alive: Studies in the Old Testament Life & Thought as Set fourth by the Hebrew Sages__. Scribners. 1954. . 196pp. Ex-­‐library, chipped dust jacket $4 [150786] Paterson, John. __Praises of Israel: Studies Literary & Religious in the Psalms__. Scribners. 1950. . 256pp. Chipped dust jacket, otherwise good. $3.5 [151490] Patrick, Dale. __Old Testament Law__. SCM Press. 1985. . 278pp. Leaves yellowed, spine faded, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $6.5 [U14409] Patrick, Dale. __The Rendering of God in the Old Testament__. Fortress. 1981. . 148pp. Underlining, creased spine. $3.5 [273378] Peckham, Brian. __History and Prophecy: The Development of Late Judean Literary Traditions__. Doubleday. 1993. . 880pp. G/VG, concave spine. $8.5 [295421] Pedersen, Johs.. __Israel: Its Life and Culture (4 vols. in 2)__. Geoffrey Cumberlege. 1954. . 578+pp. Used book. Good condition. Vol. I -­‐ Spine is slightly cocked. Slightly shaken. Text is clean. Vol. II -­‐ Cover is discolored on spine. Bottom corner is bumped. Pencil scribbling on the past-­‐down and front free endpaper. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $10 [NW1059] Peisker , Herausgegeben von C. H.. __Kleine Predigttypologie II: Das Alte Testament__. Ehrenfried Klotz. 1965. . 372pp. good $3.75 [KVS298] Perdue, Leo G.. __Wisdom and Cult: A Critical Analysis of the Views of Cult in the Wisdom Literatures of Israel and the Ancient Near East [SBL Dissertation Series 30]__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 390pp. Good; first few pages slightly loose. $9 [353694] Peters, John P.. __Early Hebrew Story: Its Historical Background__. G.P. Putnam's. 1904. . 308pp. Good; slightly shaken. $6.5 [308652] 155 Peters, Melvin K.H.. __An Analysis of the Textual Character of the Bohairic of Deuteronomy [SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 9]__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 374pp. Good; faded spine. $5 [326110] Peters, Norbert. __Text des Alten Testaments und seine Geschichte [Biblische Zeitfragen, Heft 6/7]__. Aschendorffsche Verlag.. 1912. . 71pp. Faded, stained and chipped wrappers, yellowed pages. $5 [254242] Petersen, David L.. __Late Israelite Prophecy: Studies in Deutero-­‐Prophetic Literature and in Chronicles [Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. 23]__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 104pp. Underlining, faded wrappers. $3.5 [316075] Petersen, David L.. __Rolse of Israel's Prophets__. Sheffield. 1981. . 131pp. Ink underlining & marginalia. Creased spine. $5 [360448] Petersen, John. __Reading Women's Stories: Female Characters in the Hebrew Bible__. Fortress. 2004. . 226pp. Near fine $4 [711341] Pfeiffer, Robert H.. __Introduction to the Old Testament__. Harper. 1948. . 909pp. Foxing, underlining, faded cover. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $3 [713195] Philonenko, Marc. __Semitica XVIII: Le Testament de Job__. Librairie d'Amérique et de'Orient Adrien-­‐Maisonneuve. 1968. . 75pp. Chipped and torn wrappers; else good. $7.67 [220149] Philonenko, Marc; Jean-­‐Claude Picard, Jean-­‐Marc Rosenstiehl, Francis Schmidt. __Pseudepigraphes de l'Ancien Testament et Manuscripts de la mer Morte, 1__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1967. . 66pp. Very good. $3.5 [192822] Pidoux, Georges. __L'homme dans l'Ancien Testament__. Cahiers Théologiques. 1953. . 75pp. Extensive underlining. $3 [220433] Piepenbring, Ch.; trans. by H. G. Mitchell. __Theology of the Old Testament__. Thomas Y. Crowell. 1893. . 361pp. Pencil underlining, good otherwise. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4.33 [710738] Plöger, Otto. __Aus der Spätzeit des Alten Testaments__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1971. . 187pp. Good. Ink underlining, faded wrappers. $4.5 [308459] Pohlmann, Karl-­‐Friedrich. __Studien zum dritten Esra__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1970. . 164pp. Musty. Else sound. $8.5 [299269] 156 Polk, Timothy. __The Prophetic Persona: Jeremiah and the Language of the Self [JSOT Supplement Series, 32]__. JSOT Press. 1984. . 239pp. Red ink underlining and marginalia, cocked spine. $8 [337121] Porteous, Norman W.. __Living the Mystery: Collected Essays__. Basil Blackwell. 1967. . 188pp. Underlining. $9.5 [268849] Preuss, Hors Dietrich. __Jahweglaube und Zukunftserwartung [Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament Fünfte Folge,Heft 7]__. W. Kohlhammer. 1968. German. 255pp. Foxing, underlining, wrappers torn at upper spine, spine edges bumped. $3.5 [322428] PREWITT, TERRY J.. __The Elusive Covenant: A Structural-­‐Semiotic Reading of Genesis__. Indiana. 1990. . 146pp. VG/VG. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [U11814] Quell, Gottfried. __Auffassung des Todes in Israel__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1967. German. 43pp. Red penciling throughout. Foxing to end papers. Bookplate. $3.5 [323047] Rashkow, Ilona N.. __Taboo or Not Taboo: Sexuality and Family in the Hebrew Bible__. Fortress. 2000. . 195pp. Near fine. $8 [264760] Rashkow, Ilona N.. __The Phallacy of Genesis: A Feminist-­‐Psychoanalytic Approach__. W/JKP. 1993. . 144pp. Very good. $8.5 [361520] Reid, Stephen Breck. __Prophets and Paradigms: Essays in Honor of Gene M. Tucker [Journal For the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 229]__. Sheffield Academic Press. 1996. . 242pp. Used book. VG/VG. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $7.5 [NW1067] Reider, Joseph. __Book of Wisdom: An English Translation with Introduction and Commentary [Dropsie College Edition, Jewish Apocryphal Literature]__. Harper. 1957. . 233pp. Underlining, sound otherwise. $5 [296444] Rendall, Robert. __History, Prophecy and God__. Paternoster. 1954. . 127pp. Chipped dust jacket, some underlining. Good otherwise. $4 [153076] Rendsburg, Gary A.. __Linguistic Evidence for the Northern Origin of Selected Psalms [Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series]__. Scholars Press. 1990. . 143pp. Faded wrappers, ink underlining. $8 [296851] 157 Rendtorff, Rolf. __Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament [Theologische Bücherie, Band 57]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1975. German. 311pp. Very good. $6.5 [310585] Rendtorff, Rolf. __Gesetze in der Priesterschrift: Eine gattungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1963. German. 80pp. Very good. $8 [267323] Rendtorff, Rolf and Klau Koch, eds.. __Studien zur Theologie der Alttestamentlichen Überlieferungen__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1961. German. 174pp. Red ink underlining. Yellowed. Cocked spine. Bookplate. $3.5 [323081] Reventlow, Henning Graf. __Gebot & Predigt im Dekalog__. Gutersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1962. . 95pp. Very good. $4 [152710] Reventlow, Henning Graf. __Heiligkeitsgesetz Formgeschichtlich Untersucht [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 6. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1961. . 170pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $10 [337908] Reventlow, Henning Graf. __Liturgie und prophetisches Ich bei Jeremia__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1963. . 267pp. Underlining, otherwise good. $7.5 [317154] Reventlow, Henning Graf. __Wächter über Israel. Ezechiel und Seine Tradition [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 82]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1962. German. 172pp. Underlining. Enclosed in a pamphlet folder. $8 [322443] Richter, Wolfgang. __Recht und Ethos: Versuch einer Ortung des weisheitlichen Mahnspruches [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Band XV]__. Kösel-­‐Verlag München. 1966. . 217pp. Pencil underlining, bent corners. $8.5 [300207] Ridout, S.. __The Book of Job__. Publication Office 'Our Hope'. n.d.. . 264pp. Edgeworn boards, shaken, ex-­‐library. $5 [360211] Ridout, Samuel. __Lectures on the Tabernacle__. Loizeaux Brothers. 1986. . 519pp. Used book. VG/G. DJ is slightly torn. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4.5 [NW1068] Ringgren, Helmer. __Israelitische Religion__. Kohlhammer. 1963. . 326pp. VG/VG $4 [233741] 158 Ringgren, Helmer. __Psaltarens Fromhet__. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans. 1957. . 185pp. Penciling, else good; inscribed by the author to Krister Stendahl. $8.5 [243404] Ringgren, Helmer. __Religionen des Alten Orients__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1979. . 254pp. Very good. $5 [255502] Ringgren, Helmer; David E. Green, trans.. __Israelite Religion__. Fortress. 1966. . 391pp. Good; some underlining. $3.5 [329038] Robinson, Bernard P.. __Israel's Mysterious God: An Analysis of Some Old Testament Narratives__. Grevatt & Grevatt. 1986. . 93pp. Very good. $8 [267099] Robinson, H. Wheeler. __Record and Revelation: Essays on the Old Testament by Members of the Society for Old Testment__. Oxford University Press. 1951. . 539pp. Used book. Fair condition. Binding is starting to break. DJ is slightly discolored, chipped, and torn. Previous owner's name written inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1075] Robinson, H. Wheeler. __The Cross in the Old Testament__. SCM. 1955. . 192pp. G: mustyThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.5 [703653] Robinson, H. Wheeler. __The Old Testament: Its Making and Meaning__. Abingdon-­‐
Cokesbury. 1937. . 247pp. Used. Clean, tight binding, some underlining. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [776902] Robinson, H. Wheeler ed.. __Record & Revelation: Essays on the Old Testament by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study__. Oxford. 1938. . 539pp. VG, pencil, foxingThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3 [703656] Robinson, Theodore H.; J.W. Hunkin, and F.C. Burkitt. __Palestine in General History [Schweich Lectures, 1926]__. British Academy / Humphrey Milford. 1929. . 106pp. Very good; light foxing, bumped corners. $7.5 [293864] Rösel, Martin. __Bibelkunde des Alten Testaments. Die kanonischen und apokryphen Schriften, Überblicke Themakapitel Glossar__. Neukirchener. 1996. . 182pp. Very good; corners slightly bumped. $6.5 [300101] Rosenbaum, Stanley N.. __Amos of Israel: A New Interpretation__. Peeters/Mercer. 1989. . 129pp. Very good. $10 [361809] 159 Rössler, Dietrich. __Gesetz und Geschichte. Untersuchungen zur Theologie der Jüdischen Apokalyptik und der Pharisäischen Orthodoxie [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, III. Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1960. . 119pp. Extensive ink underlining. $7.5 [300064] Rost, Leonhard. __Die Vorstufen von Kirche und Synagoge im Alten Testament__. Wissenschafliche Buchgesellschaft. 1967. German. 156pp. Very good. $5 [322427] Rost, Leonhard. __Studien zum Alten Testament [Beiträge zur Wissenchaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, Sechste Folge]__. W. Kohlhammer. 1974. . 107pp. VG/G $8.5 [293963] Rost, Leonhard. __Succession to the Throne of David__. Almond Press. 1982. . 133pp. Foxing, otherwise good. $3.5 [296580] Rost, Leonhard. __The Succession to the Throne of David__. Almond Press. 1982. . 133pp. Foxing, underlining, highlighting. $3.5 [336028] Rowley, H.H.. __From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology__. British Academy. 1964. . 200pp. Ex-­‐library, underlining. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.13 [702329] Rowley, H.H.. __From Moses to Qumran: Studies in the Old Testament__. Association Press. 1963. . 293pp. Used book. G/G. DJ is slightly worn along the edges and chipped. Slight underlining. Previous owner's stamp inside. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $4 [NW1126] Rowley, H.H.. __Prophecy and Religion in Ancient China and Israel__. Harper. 1956. . 154pp. Foxing, good otherwise. $5 [255382] Rowley, H.H.. __Unity of the Bible__. Carey Kingsgate Press. 1953. . 201pp. VG/G. DJ is grubby and edgeworn. Inscribed: "with best wishes for Christmas from H.H. Rowley." $9.8 [142921] Rowley, H.H. ed.. __Old Testament & Modern Study: a Generation of Discovery & Research-­‐ Essays by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study__. Oxford. 1951. . 405pp. VG: slight foxing, bumped cornersThis item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate a possible extra week in delivery time. $3.5 [703668] Rowley, Harold H.. __From Moses to Qumran: Studies in the Old Testament__. Association Press. 1963. . 293pp. Underlining, spine label. $4 [192305] 160 Russell, D.S.. __Daniel: An Active Volcano__. Westminster John Knox. 1989. . 141pp. Owner's name on inside front cover, else very good. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $5 [89092] Russell, D.S.. __Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic [Old Testament Library series]__. Westminster. 1964. . 464pp. Underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $4 [710809] Sachs, Michael. __Festgebete der Israeliten, 9. Theil: Wochenfest__. Louis Gerschel. 1864. . 389, 23pp. Worn cover, foxing, slightly shaken. In Hebrew and German. $5 [336048] Sanders, James A.. __Torah and Canon__. Wipf & Stock. 1999. . 124pp. Remainder copy, reprinted from Fortress edition of 1972. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $6.33 [712902] Sauer, Erich. __Dawn of World Redemption: A Survey of Historical Revelation in the Old Testament__. Eerdmans. 1953. . 206pp. Slightly shaken. Small amount of ink underlining. Foxing to end papers. $3.5 [354591] Sauer, Georg. __Die Sprüche Agurs [Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, 5. Folge]__. Kohlhammer. 1963. German. 144pp. Good; foxing. $8.5 [360947] Sayler, Gwendolyn B.. __Have the Promises Failed? A Literary Analysis of 2 Baruch [SBL Dissertation Series 72]__. Scholars Press. 1984. . 171pp. Very good. $5 [295220] Scharbert, Josef. __Die Propheten Israels um 700 v. Chr.__. J.P. Bachem in Köln. 1965. . 359pp. Underlining, else sound. $5 [321864] Schelhaas, Jan Hz.. __Messiaansche Profetie in den tijd voor Israels volksbesaan__. R. Slingenberg. 1932. German. 137pp. Foxing, torn wrappers, light foxing. $5 [313067] Schmid, Herbert. __Gestalt des Mose. Probleme alttestamentlicher Forschung unter Berücksichtigung der Pentateuchkrise [Erträge der Forschung]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1986. . 144pp. Very good $7.5 [322470] Schmid, Herbert. __Mose: Überlieferung und Geschichte [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 110]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1968. . 113pp. Very good. $8 [299422] 161 Schmidt, Johann Michael. __Judisch Apokalyptik: Geschichte ihrer Erforschung von den Anfangen vis zu den Textfunden von Qumran__. Neukirchener. 1969. . 343pp. Tidy pencil underlining; faded dust jacket, bowed boards. $7.67 [163791] Schmidt, Nathaniel. __Messages of the Poets: The Books of Job and Some Minor Poems in the Old Testament, with Introductions, Metrical Translations and Paraphrases__. Kessinger Editions. 1918. . 163pp. new copy $9 [246432] Schmuttermayr, Georg. __Psalm 18 und 2 Samuel 22 Studien zu Einem Doppeltext [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Band XXV]__. Kösel-­‐Verlag. 1971. . 241pp. Very good. $8 [316676] Schoff, Wilfred H., ed.. __Song of Songs: A Symposium__. Commerical Museum. 1924. . 120pp. Red penciling. Foxing. Contributors: Max L. Margolis, James A. Montgomery, Walter Woodburn Hyde, Franklin Edgerton, Theophile J. Meek, and Wilfred H. Schoff. $9.5 [361883] Schottroff, Willy. __Altisraelitische Fluchspruch [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 30]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1969. . 280pp. Good; slight foxing. $8 [310042] Schreiner, Josef. __Sion-­‐Jerusalem Jahwes Königssitz. Theologie der Heiligen Stadt im Alten Testament [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Band VII]__. Kösel-­‐
Verlag München. 1963. . 311pp. Very good. $9 [299672] Schultz, Samuel T.. __The Prophets Speak: Law of Love-­‐ the Essence of Israel's Religion__. Harper & Row. 1968. . 159pp. G/G $3 [328986] Schulz, Hermann. __Das Buch Nahum: Eine redaktionskritische Untersuchung [Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 129]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1973. German. 163pp. Very good. $10 [296611] Schuster, Hermann. __Offenbarung Gottes im Alten Testament (Sammlung Gemeinverstandlicher Votrage und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsgeschichte 238/239)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1962. . 59pp. Ex-­‐library, wrappers browned and tearing along spine. $3.34 [188596] Seebass, Horst. __Der Erzvater Israel und die Einführung der Jahweverehrung in Kanaan [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für alttestmentliche Wissenschaft 98]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1966. . 111pp. Very good. $8 [294964] Seitz, Christopher R.. __Word Without End: The Old Testament as Abiding Theological Witness__. Eerdmans. 1998. . 355pp. Highlighting, else sound. $8 [317593] 162 Shanks, Hershel, ed.. __Ancient Israel: A Short History From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple__. Biblical Archaeology Society. 1988. . 267pp. Used book. Good condition. Very slight underlining. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3 [NW1053] Shead, Andrew G.. __The Open Book and the Sealed Book: Jeremiah 32 in its Hebrew and Greek Recensions [Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 347]__. Sheffield. 2002. . 316pp. Ex-­‐library, scuffed cover. $5 [296318] Shen, Bing W.. __Step Toward Cracking the Deutero-­‐Isaiah Codes: His Name is Israel!__. Zeroah Publishing. 2007. . 232pp. Signed & inscribed by author. Very good condition. $8.5 [360844] Sheriffs, Deryck. __The Friendship of the Lord: An Old Testament Spirituality__. Wipf & Stock / Paternoster. 1996. . 363pp. Near fine. $8.5 [ZZ0027] Siegel, Jonathan Paul. __The Severus Scroll and 1QIs-­‐a [Masoretic Studies no. 2]__. Scholars Press. 1975. . 108pp. Good; faded wrappers. $6.5 [325574] Singer, Richard E.. __Job's Encounter__. Bookman Associates. 1963. . 276pp. Ink underlining, chipped and torn dust jacket. $3 [267610] Skehan, Patrick W.. __Studies in Israelite Poetry and Wisdom [Catholic Biblical Quarterly-­‐ Monograph Series I]__. Catholic Biblical Association of America. 1971. . 265pp. Foxing, penciling. $8 [316442] Skinner, John. __Prophecy and Religion: Studies in the Life of Jeremiah__. Cambridge. 1940. . 360pp. Pencil underlining, badly chipped dust jacket. $4 [163683] Slingerland, H. Dixon. __The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Critical History of Research [SBLMS 21]__. Scholars Press. 1977. . 122pp. Very Good. Owner's name to flyleaf. $8 [361967] Smend, Rudolf. __Die Enststehung des Alten Testaments__. Kohlhammer. 1978. German. 242pp. Very Good. $5 [361572] Smend, Rudolf. __Jahwekrieg und Stüammebund, Erwägungen zur ältesten Geschichte Israels [Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 84. Heft]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1966. . 99pp. Ex-­‐library, else good. Rebound in dark blue buckram. $3.34 [187921] 163 Smend, Rudolf. __Mosebild von Heinrich Ewald bis Martin Noth [Beiträge zur Geschichte der Biblischen Exegese, 3]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1959. . 80pp. Good; moderate red ink underlining. $3.5 [310278] Smith, George. __The Patriarchal Age: Or, the History and Religion of Mankind, from the Creation to the Death of Isaac, 4th edition__. Carlton & Porter. 1856. . 527pp. Worn and faded full leather cover. Ex-­‐library, heavy foxing. $8.5 [336043] Smith, Sidney. __Isaiah Chapters XL-­‐LV: Literary Criticism and History__. London: British Academy. 1944. . 203pp. Faded cover, else good. $6.5 [264166] Smith, W. Robertson. __Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History__. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1882. . 444pp. Underlining, some foxing, edgeworn boards, stained page edges. $3.5 [266466] Soggin, J. Alberto. __History of Ancient Israel from the Beginnings to the Bar Kochba Revolt, A.D. 135__. Westminster. 1985. . 436pp. G/G. Faded and creased dust jacket, slightly cocked spine. $4.5 [315009] Soggin, J. Alberto. __Introduction to the Old Testament, revised edition__. Westminster. 1982. . 508pp. Rubbed cover, otherwise good. $3 [711392] Soggin, J. Alberto. __Storia d'Israele: Dalle origini a Bar Kochbà__. Paideia Editrice Brescia. 1984. . 573pp. Reglued wrappers, else sound. $8.5 [317885] Soggin, J. Alberto. __The Prophet Amos: A translation and commentary__. SCM. 1987. . 150pp. Underlining and highlighting. $5 [297492] Sonsino, Rifat. __Motive Clauses in Hebrew Law [SBL Dissertation Series 45]__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 336pp. Very good. $8.5 [298740] Spriggs, D.G.. __Two Old Testament Theologies [Studies in Biblical Theology, 2nd series, 30]__. Alec R. Allenson. 1974. . 127pp. Highlighting, penciling. $3.5 [361178] Stärk, W.. __Enrik (Psalmen, Hoheslied und Verwandtes) [Die Schriften Alten Testaments, 1. Band]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1911. German. 267pp. Worn and faded cover, rubbed spine, foxing, very shaken, some underlining. $3.5 [330402] Stave, Erik. __Israels Historia__. P.A. Norstedt & Söners. 1931. . 279pp. Underlining, faded cover. $8.5 [242990] 164 Steck, Odil Hannes. __Uberlieferung und Zeitgeschichte in den Elia-­‐Erzahlungen__. Neukirchener. 1968. . 160pp. Slightly yellowed. Former owner name-­‐stamp. Else very good. $4.5 [300256] Steck, Odil Hannes. __Wahrnehmungen Gottes im Alten Testament [Theologische Bücherei, Band 70]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1982. . 322pp. Good. $8 [317602] Steinmann, Jean. __Livre de la Consolation d'Israël et les Prophètes du Retour de L'Exil [Lectio Divina, 28]__. Les Éditions du Cerf. 1960. . 312pp. Good, some page edges slightly bumped. $8 [301084] Steinmann, Jean. __Prophétisme Biblique des Origines a Osée [Lectio Divina 23]__. Éditions du Cerf. 1959. French. 260pp. Very good, rebound in blue buckram. $5 [313422] Stewart, Robert Laird. __The Land of Israel__. Fleming H. Revell. 1899. . 352pp. Ex-­‐library, rebound in blue buckram. $4.5 [351873] Stock, Augustine. __The Way in the Wilderness: Exodus, Wilderness, and Moses Themes in Old Testament and New__. Liturgical Press. 1969. . 156pp. G/G. Shaken, label on dust jacket's spine $8 [311383] Stone, Michael E.. __History of the Literature of Adam and Eve__. Scholars Press. 1992. . 163pp. Highlighting and slight ink marks. $7 [361317] Stone, Michael E. ed. & trans.. __Armenian Version of the Testament of Joseph [Society of Biblical Literature Texts and Translations 6, Pseudepigrapha Series 5]__. Scholars Press. 1975. . 57pp. Very good. Previous owner's name on front wrapper. $8.5 [298813] Strack, Hermann L.. __Einleitung in das Alte Testament, Einschliesslich Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen__. C.H. Beck. 1906. . 256pp. Good; worn cover, yellowed pages. $5 [262049] Stuart, M.. __Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon__. Andover: Allen, Morrill and Wardwell. 1945. . 452pp. Spine cloth peeling, boards edgeworn, ex-­‐library, foxing, shaken. $8.5 [267405] Stulman, Louis. __The Prose Sermons of the Book of Jeremiah: A Redescription of the Correspondences with the Deuteronomistic Literature in the Light of Recent Text-­‐Critical Research [SBL Dissertation Series, 83]__. Scholars Press. 1987. . 157pp. Very good, small stain on back cover. $8.5 [296008] Sutcliffe, Edmund F.. __Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testaments__. Thomas Nelson. 1953. . 175pp. Very good. $4 [310793] 165 Suter, David Winston. __Tradition & Composition in the Parables of Enoch [SBL Dissertation Series 47]__. Scholars Press. 1979. . 235pp. Edgeworn wraps. Else good. $6.5 [300354] Talmon, S. ed.. __Textus, vol. VI__. Magnes Press. 1968. . 133pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $3.5 [335463] Teeple, Howard M.. __The Mosaic Eschatological Prophet [Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, vol. X]__. Society of Biblical Literature. 1957. . 122pp. Underlining, else good. $3.34 [199613] Tengström, Sven. __Die Hextateucherzähulung. Eine literaturgeschichtliche Studie [Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament Series 7]__. CWK Gleerup. 1976. . 187pp. Very good. $8.5 [303251] Terrien, Samuel. __The Psalms and Their Meaning for Today__. Bobbs-­‐Merrill. . . 278pp. Minimal penciling; in a chipped dust jacket. $5 [CR0827] Terry, Milton S.. __Moses and the Prophets: An Essay Toward a Fair and Useful Statement of Some of the Positions of Modern Biblical Criticism__. Eaton & Mains. 1901. . 198pp. Good; slightly worn cover. $8.5 [346480] Thomas, D. Winton, ed.. __Archaeology and Old Testament Study__. Oxford. 1967. . 493pp. Slightly shaken, crack in spine. Ink underlining in first half. $5 [325020] Thompson, Michael E.W.. __Situation & Theology: Old Testament Interpetations of the Syro-­‐Ephraimite War__. Almond Press. 1982. . 179pp. Yellowed. Head of spine bumped. Former owner's name-­‐stamp. $4.5 [294137] Torrey, Charles Cutler. __Second Isaiah: A New Interpretation__. Scribner's. 1928. . 477pp. Good; pencil underlining, small stain on front cover. $8.5 [296136] Treves, Marco. __Dates of the Psalms: History and Poetry in Ancient Israel__. Giardini Editori. 1988. . 109pp. Good. Slightly sunned and torn wrappers. Pages uncut. $10 [301590] Trilling, Wolfgang. __Das Wahre Israel. Studien zur Theologie des Matthäus-­‐
Evangeliums [Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Band X]__. Kösel-­‐Verlag München. 1964. German. 248pp. Ex-­‐library, bent corners $3.5 [332563] Trilling, Wolfgang. __Wahre Israel: Studien zur Theologie des Matthäus-­‐
Evangeliums__. Kösel-­‐Verlag München. 1964. . 248pp. Extensive ink underlining. $3.5 [300203] 166 Twombly, Gerald H.. __Major Themes from the Minor Prophets__. BMH Books. 1981. . 142pp. Very good. $3.34 [215602] Ulrich-­‐Kerwer, G. W.. __Im Prophetenmantel__. Von C. Bertelsmann. 1911. . 300pp. Vg, very slight yellowing $3.75 [KVS672] Vaccari, A.. __Theologia Biblica Veteris Testamenti I,2: De Deo Creante et Providente, in usum privatum auditorum__. Pontificio Instituto Biblico. 1944. Latin. 37pp. Foxing, lacks wrappers. $3.5 [336970] van der Woude, A.S.. __Uittocht en Sinaï__. G.F. Callenbach N.V.. n.d.. Dutch. 20pp. Very good, stapled booklet. $5 [335961] Van Leeuwen, Raymond C.. __Context & Meaning in Proverbs 25-­‐27 [SBL Dissertation Series 96]__. Scholars Press. 1988. . 171pp. Very good. Former owner address label on FFEP. $8 [264078] van Oyen, Hendrik. __Ethik des Alten Testaments [Geschichte der Ethik, Band 2]__. Güterslogher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1967. German. 208pp. Ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $5 [318704] Van Roo, William A.. __The Mystery__. Gregorian University Press. 1971. . 386pp. Foxing, underlining, creased spine. $7 [296221] Vandervorst, J.. __Israël et l'Ancien Orient, 2nd édition__. Librairie Albert Dewit. 1929. French. 452, xvipp. Ex-­‐library, light foxing, penciling. Rebound in a pamphlet folder. $5 [312133] VanGemeren, Willem A. ed.. __Guide to Old Testament Theology and Exegesis__. Zondervan. 1999. . 235pp. Very good. $8.5 [ZZ0043] Vawter, Bruce. __Job & Jonah: Questioning the Hidden God__. Paulist. 1983. . 126pp. Some ink underlining. Wraps creased. $5 [360827] Vawter, Bruce. __On Genesis: A New Reading__. Doubleday. 1977. . 501pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $3.5 [318055] Vermeylen, J.. __Job, Ses Amis et Son Dieu: La Légende de Job et ses relectures postexiliques__. E.J. Brill. 1986. . 100pp. Good; sunned wrappers. $5 [272918] Vischer, Wilhelm. __Christuszeugnis des Alten Testaments, I.Band: Das Gesetz. 3. Auflage__. Chr. Kaiser Verlag. 1936. . 318pp. Chipped dust jacket. Slight foxing. Else very good. $5 [281582] 167 Vogt, Ernst. __Untersuchungen Zum Buch Ezechiel__. Biblical Institute Press. 1981. German. 180pp. Slight yellowing. Else good. $8.5 [360959] von Orelli, Conrad. __Zwölf kleinen Propheten__. C.h. Beck. 1908. German. 243pp. Very good. $4.5 [332690] von Rad, Gerhard. __Die Josephsgeschichte [Biblische Studien 5]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1964. German. 24pp. Very good, stapled booklet. $4 [336930] Von Rad, Gerhard. __Old Testament Theology (2 vols.)__. Harper and Row. 1962. . 2 vols.pp. Ink and heavy pencil underlining and notes. Cocked spines. Vol. I does not have a dust jacket. Vol. II dust jacket chipped. $8.5 [305682] von Waldow, Eberhard. __Traditionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund der Prophetischen Gerichtsreden [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 85]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1963. . 53pp. Foxing, red ink underlining, wrappers reglued. $4 [299525] Vriezen, Th. C.. __Religion of Ancient Israel__. Westminster. 1967. . 328pp. Underlining, faded dust jacket. $3 [A321079] Wagner, Volker. __Rechtssätze in Gebundener Sprache und Rechtssatzreihen im Israelitschen Recht [Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 127]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1972. . 72pp. Very good. $10 [296856] Wallace, Ronald S.. __Hannah's Prayer and its Answer: an exposition for Bible Study__. Eerdmans. 2002. . 113pp. New copy. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [709416] Weidner, Revere Franklin. __Biblical Theology of the Old Testament: Based on Oehler__. Lutheran Augustana Book Concern. 1896. . 351pp. Shaken, edgeworn, tear to top of spine, pencil markings to a few pages. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.34 [U14020] Weil, Shraga (drawings). __Song of Solomon, Le Cantique des Cantiques, El Cantas de las Cantares (Hebrew text)__. Sifriat Poalim. 1962. . 52pp. Good; bumped corners. $3.5 [313599] Weippert, Manfred. __Settlement of the Israelite Tribes in Palestine__. Alec R. Allenson. 1971. . 171pp. Very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $6.5 [711524] Weippert, Manfred. __The Settlement of the Israelite Tribes in Palestine__. SCM. 1971. . 171pp. Good; creased spine. $4 [267690] 168 Weiss, Hugo. __Messianischen Vorbilder im Alten Testament. Ein Beitrag für den Religionsunterricht__. Herdersche Verlagshandlung. 1905. German. 100pp. Boards detached but present, upper spine cloth chipped away. Foxing. Front free end paper corner-­‐clipped. $8 [334639] Welch, Adam C.. __Work of the Chronicler: Its Purpose and Its Date__. British Academy, Humphey Milford, Oxford University Press. 1939. . 163pp. Foxing, otherwise very good. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $6.5 [713895] Westermann, Claus. __Aufbau des Buches Hiob (Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1956. . 115pp. Corners bumped, wrappers faded. $3.34 [188527] Westermann, Claus. __Ausgewählte Psalmen: Übersetzt und erklärt von Claus Westermann__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1984. . 209pp. Very good. $5 [262156] Westermann, Claus. __Das Johannesevangelium aus der Sicht des Alten Testaments__. Calwer. 1994. . 109pp. VG. $6.5 [362206] Westermann, Claus. __Der Aufbau des Buches Hiob [Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie, 23]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1956. . 115pp. Good; yellowed pages, chipped wrappers. $5 [268348] Westermann, Claus. __Erzählungen in den Schriften des Alten Testaments__. Calwer. 1998. . 88pp. Some pen markings, else good. $3.5 [362161] Westermann, Claus. __Forschung am alten Testament [Theologische Bücherei, 24]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1964. German. 359pp. Yellowed pages, else good. Signed by the author. $5 [268651] Westermann, Claus. __God's Angels Need No Wings__. Fortress. 1979. . 126pp. VG/VG $4 [A195274] Westermann, Claus. __Prophetische Heilsworte im Alten Testament__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1987. German. 219pp. Highlighting and underlining, edgeworn wrappers. $3.5 [311097] Westermann, Claus. __Theologie des Alten Testaments in Grundzugen__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1978. . 222pp. Light penciling throughout. Yellowed. Faded wraps. $3.5 [305546] Westermann, Claus. __Vergleiche und Gleichnisse im Alten und Neuen Testament__. Calwer Theologische Monographien. 1984. . 144pp. Very good. $5 [269486] 169 Westermann, Claus (Ed.). __Essays on Old Testament Hermeneutics__. John Knox. 1966. . 363pp. G/G. Neat pencil marginalia and underlining. This is located at our store in Portland, Oregon; please anticipate extra delivery time. $3.5 [U12294] Westermann, Claus (Hrsg.). __Probleme alttestamentlicher Hermeneutik, Aufsätze zum Verstehen des Alten Testaments (Theologische Bücherei, Band 11)__. Chr. Kaiser. 1960. German. 372pp. Pencil underlining, yellowed margins; good otherwise. $3.34 [182853] Westermann, Claus; Rainer Albertz (Hrsg.). __Erträge de Forschung am Alten Testament: Gesammelte Studien III [Theologische Bücherei, Band 73]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1984. German. 226pp. Very good. $3.5 [297712] Westermann, Claus; trans. by Douglas W. Stott. __Elements of Old Testament Theology__. John Knox. 1982. . 261pp. Extensive underlining, slightly dampwarped wrappers. $3.5 [317984] Westermann, Claus; David E. Green, trans.. __The Promises to the Fathers: Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives__. Fortress. 1980. . 191pp. Extensive ink underlining. Cocked spine. $8.5 [262492] Whitley, C.F.. __The Genius of Ancient Israel: The Distinctive Nature of the Basic Concepts of Israel Studied Against the Cultures of the Ancient Near East__. Philo Press. 1969. . 179pp. Ex-­‐library, slightly sunned cover, otherwise good. $8 [298885] Whybray, R.N.. __The Succession Narrative: A Study of II Sam. I-­‐20 and I Kings I and II__. SCM. 1968. . 118pp. Very good. $4 [314590] Wifall, Walter. __The Court History of Israel: A Commentary on First and Second Kings__. Clayton Publishing House. 1975. . 192pp. Good. $8.5 [267666] Wildeboer, G.. __Litteratur des Alten Testaments nach der Zeitfloge ihrer Entstehung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1895. German. 464pp. Foxing, worn cover, spine cloth peeling. $5 [314067] Willi-­‐Plein, Ina. __Vorformen der Schriftexegese innerhalb des Alten Testaments. Untersuchungen zum literarischen Werden der auf Amos, Hosea, und Micha zurückgehenden Bücher im hebräischen Zwölfprophetenbuch__. Walter de Gruyter. 1971. . 286pp. Good. Stained and worn cover, ex-­‐library, underlining. $8 [301808] Williams, James G.. __Women Recounted: Narrative Thinking and the God of Israel__. Almond. 1982. . 150pp. Very good; yellowed pages. $8 [295217] 170 Willis, John T. ed.. __World and Literature of the Old Testament__. Sweet. 1978. . 378pp. Underlining. * This item is at our store in Portland, Oregon.. Please anticipate an additional week in delivery time. $5 [710969] Wilson, Robert R.. __Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel__. Fortress. 1980. . 322pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $5 [319151] Wittenberg, Martin. __Gottes Weg Mit Israel: Durchblicke, Beobachtungen, Erwägungen__. Freimund-­‐Verlag. 1953. . 72pp. Foxing, faded wrappers. $4 [300182] Wolfensberger, G.H.. __The Indispensable Old Testament__. Netherlands Bible Society. n.d.. . 63pp. Very good. $3.5 [219727] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Amos' Geistige Heimat [Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1964. German. 66pp. Foxing, ink underlining. $3.5 [297599] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Anthroplogie des Alten Testaments__. Chr. Kaiser. 1973. German. 14pp. Ink underlining. $8 [306052] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Frieden Ohne Ende. Eine Auslegung von Jes. 7,1-­‐17 und 9, 1-­‐6 (Biblische Studien 35)__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1962. . 93pp. Very good. $3.5 [189804] Wolff, Hans Walter. __Studien zur Prophetie: Probleme und Erträge [Theologische Bücherei, 76]__. Chr. Kaiser. 1987. . 195pp. Very good. $6.5 [317228] Wright, Benjamin G.. __No Small Difference: Sirach's Relationship to Its Hebrew Parent Text [Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 26]__. Scholars Press. 1989. . 354pp. Some dampwarped pages, sound otherwise. $8.5 [359795] Wright, Charles H.H.. __Introduction to the Old Testament, 2nd edition, revised (Theological Educator series)__. Thomas Whittaker. 1891. . 232pp. Foxing, bookplate, bumped corners. Otherwise a good copy. $3.34 [143769] Wright, G. Ernest. __Old Testament and Theology__. Harper. 1969. . 190pp. G/G: heavy underlining $3.5 [141943] Würthwein, Ernst. __Das Erste Buch der Könige, Kapitel 1-­‐16 [Alte Testament Deutsch, Teilband 11, 1]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1977. . 204pp. Very good. $4.5 [321085] 171 Würthwein, Ernst and Otto Kaiser, eds.. __Tradition und Situation: Studien zur Alttestamentlichen Prophetie. Artur Weiser zum 70. Geburtstag am 18. 11. 1963 dargebracht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern__. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 1963. German. 156pp. Red ink underlining. Faded spine. Bookplate. $5 [323080] Wutz, Franz. __Psalmen: Textkritisch Untersucht__. Kösel & Pustet. 1925. . 472pp. Yellowed pages, slightly musty, cocked spine $8 [242590] Yalkowsky, Stanley. __The Sins of Israel__. Crucible Publications. 1996. . 392pp. Very good. $7 [362247] Yoder, Sanford Calvin. __Poetry of the Old Testament__. Herald Press. 1952. . 426pp. Ink underlining and marginalia, good otherwise. $4.67 [163809] Zimmerli, Walther. __Man and His Hope in the Old Testament__. Alec R. Allenson. [1968]. . 174pp. Very good. $3.5 [297466] Zimmerli, Walther. __Old Testament Theology in Outline__. John Knox. 1978. . 258pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $4 [316450] Zobel, Hans-­‐Jürgen. __Stammesspruch und Geschichte [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 95]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1965. . 163pp. Very good. $6.5 [293586] Zwemer, Samuel M.. __Heirs of the Prophets__. Moody Press. 1946. . 137pp. Ex-­‐
library, pencil underlining. $5 [286709] 172