6000 CHF
6000 CHF
Personal consulting company Qualified nurse / surgical care Starting salary: Type of employment: 6000 CHF Hlavný pracovný pomer Starting date: Location: CH 30.06.2016 Post: Diplomovaná zdravotná sestra Long term employment: Yes Sector: Zdravotníctvo a sociálna oblasť Employment relation: Internal employee Vacancies: 1 Job ID: CH532 Apply for the offer Save the offer Settings of an offer Hide all descriptions Search in the offer - Qualified nurse / surgical care Search! Job description ID: CH532 Job title: Qualified nurse / surgical care Post, sector: Diplomovaná zdravotná sestra, zdravotníctvo a sociálna oblasť Type of employment: Hlavný pracovný pomer Long term employment: Yes Job description: - YOUR AUFGABEN - Sie sind für den mitverantwortlich reibungslosen und sowie fachgerechten Betriebsablauf sicheres und ruhiges Instrumentieren zudienen und der im Haus und üblichen WahlNotfalleingriffe. Sie sind Zudem zuständig For the correct Ausführung der Operationsvorbereitung und die fachgerechten Entsorgungsarbeiten nach der Operation. - Your workloads .: You shares responsibility / Y for proper and professional operation of the operating room, as well as for peaceful and professional preconditioning instruments and devices required in case of an emergency. You will also be responsible / Y for the preparation and selection of appropriate operational tools, the preparation of the operating room. After the operation for their proper removal and adjustment of the operating room. IHR PROFILE - Verfügen Sie über die vom SRK anerkannte Zusatzausbildung als Dipl. Pflegefachfrau / HF mann Operationspflege oder Dipl. Erotic error fachfrau failure / -mann Operationstechnik HF sowie der fundierte Kenntnisse beschriebenen Aufgaben. Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung Operationssaal setzten wir im voraus. Sie sind flexible, belastbar engagieren und sich für Ihren Beruf. Hohes Verantwortungsbewusstsein Teamfähigkeit runden und Ihr Profil AB. - Steht Ihnen ein engagiertes Team zur Seite und es erwartet Sie eine interessante and varied Tätigkeit. Sie finden Zudem fortschrittliche Anstellungsbedingungen (GAV) vor. Your profile .: The corresponding additional higher professional education recognized under the requirements of the Swiss Red Cross as a diploma. nurse - specialty surgical nurse or diploma. Assistant - the instrumentation / ka meeting the above expertise. Years of experience of working in the operating room are a prerequisite. Flexibility, commitment, resistant to stress, devoted to his work, sense of responsibility and team work. Behind me you have a very dedicated and professional team of co-workers and you can expect a very interesting and varied work activities. Location: , Salary Starting salary 6000CHF brutto za mesiac The salary is showed Gross. Benefits and advantages Other advantages: - Bids for work in Switzerland (the medical staff): Does the Swiss employment contract This is a full time opportunity to work overtime are paid overtime by law accommodation are settled themselves before traveling accommodation will help you find in some cases, accommodation is provided in the a medical device does not work on turnusy- is a long-term employment opportunity to go to work immediately in one of the best equipped medical institutions in the world the possibility of career development and employment opportunity for family members directly in health or in other areas of interest Procedure in the event of health personnel: Client confirms Job offer: e-mail, SMS, in person at a branch Client prepared by Professor German Client Profile + documents (recognition of education, health certificate from the school ID card, extract from trestov- not older than three months, references from previous employers ) sending e-mail Swiss trading partner, follow-up phone interview with Swiss business partner, who will check knowledge of German language If the client passes the interview take (Athens) with clients videoviztka send you to a medical facility. If a given medical facility will agree with the proposed client determines the term personal interview + test days in the institution journey to Switzerland, the client pays itself. Accommodation during the test days is provided after the probation days bidder will be notified and undergo an interview When the interview ends successfully there to signing the employment contract. - Recognition of education in Switzerland for recognition of education in Switzerland shall be accompanied by the following documents: fill out a form if it justify current resume (preferably Europass) notarized copy of diploma, a certified copy also its translation, translation with official stamp (translation can be in English, French, Italian or English) Empowerment (Vollmacht) Proof of practice A copy of the identity card / passport copies of all completed education (ie, primary and secondary schools and universities) any certificates relating to performance practice, education and supplementary education and the attestation certificate of residence All offices translated and notarized (approx. / by number of documents) 100 euros) Niveabestätigung diploma worth CHF 150 (€ 145), Gleichwertigkeit diploma 550 (€ 523) to CHF Documents form (see attachment) be sent to the Staatssekretär fuer Bildung und Forschung Innovation SBFI Einsteinstrasse 2, 3003 Bern, Switzerland Bundesamt fuer Gesundheit Or BAG MEBEKO, CH-3003 Bern MEBEKO-Ausbildung@bag.admin.ch Performs the Vorgesuch in Switzerland on the basis of these documents takes place Gesuch and expressed either positiv or negative. Amount paid in the event of a negative answer returned. Accommodation We prefer candidates who have permanent or temporary residence near the place of work Requirements for the employee Minimal education required: Selection procedure Frequently asked questions General frequently asked questions What should I do to work through the personal agency Atena - Personal Consulting Ltd.? On our website href="http://www.atena.sk/" www.atena.sk you can REGISTER for free. Then one of our call centre operators will contact you to give you further informations. Also he will send you our registration form, which will help us to quickly find a suitable job for you. You can also contact our call centre (or to contact us by e-mail) every day from Monday to Sunday between 06:00 to 22:00 on any telephone number that can be found at href="http://www.atena.sk/" www.atena.sk in a CONTACT section. You also have the option to choose a branch which is closest to your residence and arrange a personal consultation. Do I have to pay any fees to ATENA – PERSONAL CONSULTING s.r.o. for recruitment services? Do I have to attend an interview on a branch? Show more frequently asked questions Benefits from Atena company See more Add a comment to this job offer Qualified nurse / surgical care CH532 Similar offers Zdravotná sestra Lekár - chirurg, cievny chirurg Zdravotná sestra Projektový manažér pre opatrovateľskú službu Farmaceutický reprezentant (východné Essen Plat: 2100 € Bratislava Plat: 2000 € Dresden Plat: 10 € Banská Bystrica Plat: 560 to 1500 € SK) Košice Plat: 1000 €