Curriculum Vitae - Kazecki


Curriculum Vitae - Kazecki
Department of German and Russian Studies
Bates College
3 Andrews Road, Roger Williams 229
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: 207-753-6984 / E-mail:
Ph.D. in Germanic Studies, Department of Central, Eastern and Northern
European Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 2007
M.A. in German Studies, Institute of German Philology, Adam-MickiewiczUniversity, Poznań (Poland), 2000
M.A. in German, German Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 1999
August 2012 – present
Assistant Professor, Department of German
and Russian Studies, Bates College, Lewiston, ME
September 2008 – July 2012
Assistant Professor, Department of Modern
Languages, Central Connecticut State University,
New Britain, CT
August 2006 – August 2008
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics
and Languages, McMaster University, Hamilton,
September 2004 – April 2006
Sessional Lecturer, Department of Central,
Eastern and Northern European Studies,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
i) Books
(with Karen A. Ritzenhoff, and Cynthia J. Miller, eds.) Border Visions: Diaspora and
Identity in Film. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2013.
Laughter in the Trenches: Humour and Front Experience in German First World War
Narratives. Newcastle upon Thyme: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
ii) Journal Articles
“Laughing Across the Border: Radek Knapp’s Mr. Kuka’s Recommendations and
Instruction Manual for Poland.” Canadian Slavonic Papers 51, vol. 4 (2009):
“‘What Makes a Man, Mr. Lebowski?’: Masculinity Under (Friendly) Fire in Ethan and
Joel Coen’s The Big Lebowski (1998).” Atenea 28, vol. 1 (2008): 147-160.
Jakub Kazecki
“Der Plakatkrieg: Die Unterschiede in der Rechtfertigung des Konflikts in den
deutschen und amerikanischen Propagandadesigns des Ersten Weltkriegs.”
Revista Estudios Filológicos Alemanes 9 (2005): 219-228.
iii) Book Chapters
“Lost Children: Images of Childhood on the Border in German and Polish Cinema of
the 2000s.” In Border Visions: Diaspora and Identity in Film, edited by Jakub
Kazecki, Karen A. Ritzenhoff, and Cynthia J. Miller, 177-198. Lanham:
Scarecrow Press, 2013.
“Border, Bridge, or Barrier? Images of the German-Polish Borderlands in German
Cinema of the 2000s.” In Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria,
edited by Gabriele Mueller and James M. Skidmore, 207-224. Waterloo:
Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012.
“Black and White in Color or Black Victory? The Comic of the Displaced in the Movie
Noirs et blancs en couleur (1976) by Jean-Jacques Annaud.” In Gender and
Laughter: Comic Affirmation and Subversion in Traditional and Modern Media,
edited by Gaby Pailer, Andreas Böhn, Stefan Horlacher, and Ulrich Scheck,
187-199. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2009.
(with Jason Lieblang.) “Regression Versus Progression: Fundamental Differences in
German and American Posters of the First World War.” In Picture This: World
War I Posters and Visual Culture, edited by Pearl James, 111-141. Lincoln and
London: University of Nebraska Press, 2009.
“Arnold Zweig.” In The Facts On File Companion To the World Novel: 1900 to the
Present, edited by Michael D. Sollars, 884-896. New York: Facts on File, 2008.
“‘The Long Gone City’s Past?’ The Destruction of Danzig/Gdańsk in Death in Danzig
by Stefan Chwin.” In Die zerstörte Stadt: Mediale Repräsentationen urbaner
Räume von Troja bis SimCity, edited by Andreas Böhn and Christine Mielke,
181-198. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2007.
iv) Reviews
“Review of (Nie)Obecność: Pominięcia i przemilczenia w narracjach XX wieku, edited
by Bożena Karwowska and Hanna Gosk.” Canadian Slavonic Papers 54, vol.
3-4 (2012): 518–519.
v) Encyclopedia Entries
“Paul Baumer, Stanislaus Katczinsky, Haie Westhus, Albert Kropp, Kantorek,
Himmelstoss, Franz Kemmerich, Mittelstaedt, Müller, Detering: The
Characters in All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque.” In
Dictionary of Literary Characters, edited by Michael D. Sollars. New York:
Facts on File, 2010.
“Gustav von Aschenbach, Tadzio: The Characters in Death in Venice by Thomas
Jakub Kazecki
Mann.” In Dictionary of Literary Characters, edited by Michael D. Sollars. New
York: Facts on File, 2010.
“Werther, Lotte, Albert, Wilhelm: The Characters in The Sorrows of Young Werther by
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.” In Dictionary of Literary Characters, edited by
Michael D. Sollars. New York: Facts on File, 2010.
“Macheath, Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum, Polly Peachum, Celia Peachum, Tiger
Brown, Jenny, Lucy: The Characters in The Threepenny Opera by Bertolt
Brecht.” In Dictionary of Literary Characters, edited by Michael D. Sollars. New
York: Facts on File, 2010.
“Grischa Paprotkin, Babka, Paul Winfried, Werner Bertin, Von Lychow, Schieffenzahn,
Posnanski: The Characters in The Case of Sergeant Grischa by Arnold Zweig.”
In Dictionary of Literary Characters, edited by Michael D. Sollars. New York:
Facts on File, 2010.
“Franz Biberkopf, Eva, Otto Luders, Gottfried Meck, Reinhold, Cilly, Mieze: The
Characters in Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin.” In Dictionary of Literary
Characters, edited by Michael D. Sollars. New York: Facts on File, 2010.
“Hans Castorp, Lodovico Settembrini, Leo Naphta, Clavdia Chauchat, Mynheer Pieter
Peeperkorn, Hofrat Behrens, Dr. Krokowski: The Characters in The Magic
Mountain by Thomas Mann.” In Dictionary of Literary Characters, edited by
Michael D. Sollars. New York: Facts on File, 2010.
“Arch of Triumph (Arc de Triomphe): Erich Maria Remarque (1945).” In The Facts on
File Companion to the World Novel: 1900 to the Present, edited by Michael D.
Sollars, 32-34. New York: Facts on File, 2008.
“Arnold Zweig.” In The Facts on File Companion to the World Novel: 1900 to the
Present, edited by Michael D. Sollars, 884-896. New York: Facts on File, 2008.
“The Axe of Wandsbek (Das Beil von Wandsbek): Arnold Zweig (1948).” In The Facts
on File Companion to the World Novel: 1900 to the Present, edited by Michael
D. Sollars, 42-44. New York: Facts on File, 2008.
“The Case of Sergeant Grischa (Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa): Arnold
Zweig (1927).” In The Facts on File Companion to the World Novel: 1900 to
the Present, edited by Michael D. Sollars, 143-145. New York: Facts on File,
“The Crowning of a King (Einsetzung eines Königs): Arnold Zweig (1937).” In The
Facts on File Companion to the World Novel: 1900 to the Present, edited by
Michael D. Sollars, 192-194. New York: Facts on File, 2008.
“The Road Back (Der Weg zurück): Erich Maria Remarque (1931).” In The Facts On
File Companion to the World Novel: 1900 to the Present, edited by Michael D.
Sollars, 669-671. New York: Facts on File, 2008.
vi) Translations
Lasker-Schüler, Else. “Ernst Toller.” In Toller! Toller!: Życie i twórczość Ernsta Tollera
dziedzictwem kulturowym Szamocina – project popularyzowania tradycji
regionalnej i wspierania inicjatyw lokalnych, translated by Jakub Kazecki, 30.
Społeczne Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno-Teatralne Stacja Szamocin, 2009.
Niekisch, Ernst. “Ernst Toller.” In Toller! Toller!: Życie i twórczość Ernsta Tollera
dziedzictwem kulturowym Szamocina – project popularyzowania tradycji
Jakub Kazecki
regionalnej i wspierania inicjatyw lokalnych, translated by Jakub Kazecki, 30.
Społeczne Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno-Teatralne Stacja Szamocin, 2009.
Mehring, Walter. In Toller! Toller!: Życie i twórczość Ernsta Tollera dziedzictwem
kulturowym Szamocina – project popularyzowania tradycji regionalnej i
wspierania inicjatyw lokalnych, translated by Jakub Kazecki, 30. Społeczne
Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno-Teatralne Stacja Szamocin, 2009.
Weisenborn, Günther. “Ernst Toller.” In Toller! Toller!: Życie i twórczość Ernsta Tollera
dziedzictwem kulturowym Szamocina – project popularyzowania tradycji
regionalnej i wspierania inicjatyw lokalnych, translated by Jakub Kazecki, 30.
Społeczne Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno-Teatralne Stacja Szamocin, 2009.
“Ernst Toller: życie i twórczość.” In Toller! Toller!: Życie i twórczość Ernsta Tollera
dziedzictwem kulturowym Szamocina – project popularyzowania tradycji
regionalnej i wspierania inicjatyw lokalnych, translated by Jakub Kazecki, 3234. Społeczne Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno-Teatralne Stacja Szamocin, 2009.
Rothe, Wolfgang. “Ernst Toller.” Translated by Jakub Kazecki, Archive of Społeczne
Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno-Teatralne Stacja Szamocin, 2005.
“Letters of a German Soldier in the First World War: Otto Hartmann - Stuart Clarkson.”
Peace and War in the 20th Century. Transcribed and translated by Jakub
Kazecki and Robert Gibson. McMaster University, 2009. Accessed on March 6,
Börner, Brigitte, et. al. Nawigator: Przyroda dla klasy piątej. Translated by Jakub
Kazecki and Tatiana Zgaińska. Poznań: LektorKlett, 2000.
Śmiełowski, Jan. Der aussterbende Adler - das Nationalsymbol. Translated by Jakub
Kazecki and Karolina Szymankiewicz. Poznań: Regionalne Centrum Edukacji
Ekologicznej Biblioteka Ekologiczna, 2000.
vii) Other Publications
“Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall.” Connecticut COLT World Language News
Exchange (Winter 2009/2010): 8-9.
(with Karen A. Ritzenhoff, eds.) Heroism and Gender in War Films. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan. (forthcoming in August 2014)
“Komik im Kriegsdienst: Die Funktionen der Komik und des Lachens im Roman Im
Westen nichts Neues von Erich Maria Remarque (1928).” In Genrebrüche,
edited by Andreas Böhn and Sabine Müller. Vol. 3. Komik und Gewalt, Comic
and Violence, Comique et Violence. Bochum: Projekt. (forthcoming in 2014)
“The Functions of Humour and Laughter in Narrating Trauma in German Literature of
the First World War.” In The Unspeakable: Narratives of Trauma. edited by
Magda Stroinska, Kate Szymanski, and Vikki Cecchcetto. Frankfurt am Main:
Peter Lang. (forthcoming in 2014)
“Hierarchies of Humour: Walter Bloem’s War Memoir Vormarsch (1916).” In Humor,
Entertainment and Popular Culture during WWI, edited by Clémentine Tholas 4
Jakub Kazecki
Disset. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (forthcoming in 2015)
Władysław Stankiewicz. Aforyzmy polityczne i litanie. Translated by Jakub Kazecki
and Bogdan Czaykowski. Kraków: Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej. (forthcoming in
”Children on the Edge: Images of Childhood on the German-Polish Border in
Contemporary German and Polish Cinema.” VII. The 2013 Annual Conference
of the Canadian Association of Slavists. University of Victoria, BC. June 1-3,
“Gone to the Dogs: Images of Heroism in A Dogville Comedy: So Quiet on the Canine
Front by Zion Myers and Jules White (1930).” VII. The 2012 Film & History
Conference. Milwaukee, WI. September 26-30, 2012.
“Humor und Lachen im Roman Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa von Arnold
Zweig.” VII. Germanisten-Kongress. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. December
19-21, 2011.
“Schröder’s Wonderful World: Images of German Polish Borderlands in German
Cinema.” Border Visions: Borderlands in Film and Literature Conference,
Central Connecticut State University, New Britain. October 12-14, 2011.
“Humour Called to Active Duty: Soldier Laughter and Comical Situations in German
Literature about the First World War.” Invited Lecture, Acadia University,
Wolfville, NS. September 23, 2011.
“Landscapes of Revenge: Immigration, Nation, and Gender in the Works of PolishGerman Author Dariusz Muszer.” 2011 Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Association of Slavists, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. May 28-30,
“Geschlecht und nationales Selbstverständnis in den Romanen von Dariusz Muszer.”
XII. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Vielheit
und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit, Warsaw, Poland. July 30 - August 7,
“Siegfried vs. Uncle Sam: Faith and Laughter as Community-Creating Strategies in
German and American WWI Posters.” Belief and Disbelief in the Space
Between, 1914-1945, The Space Between Society: Literature and Culture
1914-1945 Annual Conference, University of Portland, Portland, OR. June 1719, 2010.
“Looking East: Exploration of the German-Polish Borderlands in German Cinema of
the 2000s.” Being 20: June Baker Higgins Women’s Studies Conference.
Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT. May 7-8, 2010.
“German Dream: Images of Berlin in Polish Migrant Literature of the 2000s.” ThirtyThird Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Washington, DC.
October 8-11, 2009.
“Redrawing of Borders in the Movie Schröder’s Wonderful World by Michael Schorr
(2006).” 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature
Association. Harvard University, Boston, MA. March 26-29, 2009.
“Bridging Old and New Europe: Teaching German and Polish Cultural History in a
European Context.” 3rd CCSU Conference for Language Teachers. Central
Jakub Kazecki
Connecticut State University, New Britain. March 7, 2009.
“Laughing Across the Border: Radek Knapp’s Instruction Manual for Poland (2005)
and Mr. Kuka’s Recommendations (1999).” Canadian Association of Slavists
Annual Conference 2008. University of British Columbia, Vancouver. June 1,
“Border, Bridge, or Barrier? Images of the German-Polish Borderlands in German
Cinema of the 2000s.” Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria.
University of Waterloo, ON. May 2, 2008.
“All Quiet on the Western Front and Its Parodies.” Invited Lecture. Department of
Modern Languages. Central Connecticut State University, New Britain. April 9,
“What Do We Know about the First World War? Humour, Laughter and the
Fabrication of Knowledge in German Literature and Film of the Weimar
Republic.” CAUTG/APAUC Annual Meeting 2007. University of Saskatchewan,
SK. May 25-29, 2007.
“Hierarchies of Humour: Comical Situation and Soldier Laughter in the WWI Memoirs
of Walter Bloem.” Jesters, Jokes, and Laughter. The Politics of Humour in the
Twentieth Century. Munk Centre for International Studies, University of
Toronto, ON. March 16-18, 2006.
“Im Westen nichts Neues by Erich Maria Remarque and Its Parodic Doppelgaenger:
Contesting Models of Soldier Masculinity.” Comic Genres and Strategies, 3rd
International Conference of the Project “Subversions of Gender Identities
through Laughter and the Comic in Literature, Theatre and Modern Media.”
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON. August 16-21, 2005.
(with Karl Zaenker) “Comparative Cultural Studies: An Alternative to the Former
‘Deutsche Kulturgeschichte’?” CAUTG/APAUC Annual Meeting 2005.
University of Western Ontario, London, ON. May 27-31, 2005.
“Comic Strategies as Acts of Violence in Ernst Jünger’s The Storm of Steel (1920) and
Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1929).” 11th Annual
Graduate Symposium on Language and Literature: Violence and Recovery.
McGill University, Montreal, QC. March 19-20, 2005.
“Der Plakatkrieg: Die Unterschiede in der Rechtfertigung des Konflikts in den
deutschen und amerikanischen Propagandadesigns des Ersten Weltkriegs.”
Congreso de Filologia Alemana. Lingüística Contrastiva y Literatura
Comparada. Alemania y otras culturas (Germanisten-Kongress, Kontrastive
Linguistik und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. Deutschland und andere
Kulturen). Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. December 15-17, 2004.
“‘Black and White in Color’ or ‘Black Victory’? - The Comic of the Displaced in the
Movie La victoire en chantant (Black and White in Color) by Jean-Jacques
Annaud.” Cultural Diversity, Transnationalism and the Comic, 2nd International
Workshop of the Project “Subversions of Gender Identities through Laughter
and the Comic in Literature, Theatre and Modern Media”. University of British
Columbia, St. John’s College, Vancouver. August 20-24, 2004.
“What Makes a Man, Mr. Lebowski?’ - Masculinity Under (Friendly) Fire in Ethan and
Joel Coen’s The Big Lebowski (1998).” Geschlechtertausch,
Geschlechterrollenwechsel und Komik, 1. Internationale Tagung im Rahmen
des Projekts “Subversions of Gender Identities through Laughter and the
Jakub Kazecki
Comic in Literature, Theatre and Modern Media”. Kloster Bronnbach, Germany.
May 28-30, 2004.
Participant in the 22nd St. Louis Symposium on German Literature and Culture
“Crossing the Disciplinary Divide: Conjunctions in German and Holocaust
Studies.” Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Washington
University in St. Louis, MO. March 20-22, 2014.
“Not So Lost Generation?: German Writers Born in the 1860 in the First World War.”
International Conference “Initiations? Primordial Experiences of the First
World War.” Péronne Historial, France. June 30 – July 2, 2014.
“Mimicry of the Lizard Man: Dariusz Muszer’s Narratives of Migration in the
(Post)Colonial Context.” International Conference “Postcolonial Slavic
Literatures after Communism.” Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald,
Germany. October 15-18, 2014.
Peer-Reviewer for the Special Issue of Seminar “Representations of War Experiences
from the Eighteenth Century to the Present,” edited by Susanne Vees-Gulani
and Stephan Jaeger. Seminar 50, vol. 1 (February 2014).
Participant in the Workshop “Articulating German Curricula: Focus on the Second and
Third Year.” American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)/American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Meeting,
Orlando, FL. 20 Nov. 2008.
Participant in the Learning Technology Symposium “What Newer Technologies Are
Instructors Using?” Centre for Leadership in Learning, McMaster University,
Hamilton. 7 Dec. 2007.
Participant in the Annual Fortbildungsseminar “Germany’s Grand Coalitions: Past and
Future.” The Canadian Centre for German & European Studies, York University,
Toronto. 27-28 Jan. 2006.
Panelist of the Interdisciplinary Workshop “Bodywork and Health Practices: Historical,
Cultural, and Literary Perspectives.” Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies,
Liu Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 27-28 Apr. 2006.
Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG)
Canadian Association of Slavists (CAS)