

Curriculum vitae
David E. Lee
Contact Information
Home: 4519 Owana Dr., Knoxville, TN 37914 Tel. (865) 637-4133
Office: Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages, 713 McClung Tower, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0470 Tel. (865) 974-7158 Fax (865) 974-7096
Educational Background
Ph.D.:1968, Stanford University
M.A.:1963, Stanford University
B.A.:1962, Princeton University
Foreign study
University of Munich, 1960-61,
University of Hamburg 1963, 1965-66,
University of Tübingen, 1971-72
Professional Experience
1970-present Associate Professor of German, University of Tennessee
1987-1998 Head of Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages, University of Tennessee
1966-70 Instructor-Associate Professor, Fisk University
1968-70 Chairman, Department of Foreign Languages, Fisk University
Summer 1967, 1969 Visiting Assistant Professor, Stanford University
Goebel, Ulrich and David Lee (eds.). The Ring of Words in Medieval Literature. Studies in
Russian and German 9. Lewiston NY: Mellen. 1994
“Berlin in Halberstadt und Halberstadt in Berlin: Wunschbilder und ihre Auswirkungen im
Gleim/Ramler Briefwechsel.” Scheduled for publication 2001 in Urbanität als Aufklärung:
Karl Wilhelm Ramler als Integrationsfigur der Berliner Aufklärung.
“Karl Wilhelm Ramler as Prussian Patriot.” Wezel-Jahrbuch 2 (1999): 115-130.
“Carl Wilhelm Ramler.” In: Gerlinde Wappler, “Sie sind ein ungestümer Freund.” Menschen um
Gleim I. Oschersleben: Ziethen, 1998. pp. 152-65
Ed. “Die älteste Gestalt des West-östlichen Divans. Zweite Untersuchung.” (Lecture by Konrad
Burdach to the Royal Prussian Academy of Arts and Sciences, May 16, 1911.) GoetheJahrbuch 104 (1987): 270-300.
“Zur Überlieferungsgeschichte des West-östlichen Divans.” Goethe Yearbook: Publications of
the Goethe Society of North America 6 (1987): 275-323.
“Television Commercials for German Listening Comprehension.” Die Unterrichtspraxis 17
(1984): 133-35.
“Gottfried Benns St. Petersburg -- Mitte des Jahrhunderts.” In Erkennen und Deuten: Essays zur
Literatur und Literaturtheorie: Edgar Lohner in memoriam. Eds. Martha Woodmansee
and Walter F. W. Lohnes. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1983. 273-299.
“Critical Editions East and West--The Politics of the Comma?” Studies in GDR Culture and
Society 2. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on the German Democratic
Republic, 1982. 153-64.
“Zum Stand der Wasserzeichenforschung in der Goethe-Philologie--mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung des 'West-östlichen Divans.'“ Goethe Yearbook: Publications of the
Goethe Society of North America 1 (1982): 138-52.
“Two Pages in Goethe's 'Deutscher Divan' of 1814.” Modern Language Notes 93 (1978): 48082.
“Objektivität oder dichterische Eigenart? Goethes Verhältnis zu seinen Quellen im 'Noten'Kapitel 'Blumen- und Zeichenwechsel.'“ Goethe- Jahrbuch 94 (1977): 236-55.
“Die Rolle der Musik bei der Entstehung von Goethes 'West-östlichem Divan.'“ In
Interpretationen zum West-östlichen Divan. Ed. Edgar Lohner. Wege der Forschung 288.
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973. 176-227. Co-authored with F. E.
Translations - English into German
Schrader, William C. “Der Sieg des Reform-Katholizismus im Osnabrücker Domkapitel 15851623.” Osnabrücker Mitteilungen 102 (1997): 65-76.
----------. “Osnabrücker Domherren 1591-1651.” Osnabrücker Mitteilungen 95 (1990): 9-39.
----------. “Das älteste Aufschwörungsbuch im Niedersächsischen Staatsarchiv zu Osnabrück.”
Osnabrücker Mitteilungen 94 (1989): 77-97.
Patrick Brady. Rococo Poetry in English, French, German, Italian: An Introduction. In:
Synthesis 1.2 (Fall 1995): 189-90.
Cape, Ruth I. Das französische Ungewitter: Goethes Bildersprache zur Französischen
Revolution. Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, ser. 3, vol. 1. In: Seminar 29.1 (Feb.
1993): 71-72.
“Evaluation of the Conference on Language, Technology and Economic Growth. Tennessee
Technological University. April 21, 1990.” Proceedings on the Conference on Language,
Technology and Economic Growth: April 21, 1990. [Cookeville, Tennessee: Department
of Foreign Languages]. 37-38.
Vivian, Kim, Richard Lawson and Frank Tobin (eds.). Survey of German Literature. Vol. 2:
Classicism to Naturalism. In: Die Unterrichtspraxis 22 (1989): 207-08.
Koepke, Wulf. Die Deutschen: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 3rd ed. New York: Holt,
Rinhart and Winston, 1985. In: Die Unterrichtspraxis 21 (1988): 242-43.
Selected Professional Activities
“Reactions to the Historical Figure of Julian the Apostate in Enlightenment Germany.” Paper
presented at the Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies in Huntsville, March
Introduction to the film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari,” Knoxville Museum of Art, October 15,
Contributor to panel discussion on 10th anniversary of German unification, University of
Tennessee, October 3, 2000
“Opera and Exotics: Two Early Poems on Enlightenment Themes by Karl Wilhelm Ramler”
paper presented at the Souteastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies in Savannah
March 2000
“English as the Official Language of the United States,” talk to the Union County Historical
Society, December 1999
“English as the Official Language of the United States,” talk to the West Knoxville Optimists,
October 1999
“Berlin in Halberstadt und Halberstadt in Berlin: Wunschbilder und ihre Auswirkungen im
Gleim/Ramler Briefwechsel.” Invited paper at conference on Urbanität als Aufklärung:
Karl Wilhelm Ramler als Integrationsfigur der Berliner Aufklärung. Halberstadt,
September 1999.
“Karl Wilhelm Ramler as Prussian Patriot.” paper presented at the Kentucky Foreign Language
Conference in Lexington, April 1999
“Mein lieber deutscher Horaz” -- Ramler als Dichter und als Freund Gleims. Invited lecture,
Gleimhaus, Halberstadt, May 1998.
“Big-time College Athletics: A Faculty View,” talk to the Maryville Rotary Club, April 1998
“Currency and Chaos - 1923,” lecture to the New Horizons Club, St. Paul United Methodist
Church, March 1998
“Big-time College Athletics: A Faculty View,” talk to the Jefferson City Civitan Club, March
“Big-time College Athletics: A Faculty View,” talk to the Newport Kiwanis Club, September
Discussant on UTK Faculty Panel on Ethics in Athletics, Conference on Values in Higher
Education, Knoxville, April 1997
“Currency and Chaos - 1923,” lecture to the Technical Society of Knoxville, February 1997
“Big-time College Athletics: A Faculty View,” talk to the First United Methodist Men's Club,
November 1996
Presented in-service workshop on Germany Today to Knox County German teachers, November
“Currency, Chaos, and Creativity: the Weimar Inflation 1922-23,” gallery talk in McClung
Museum, October 1996
Presented in-service workshop on UT German program to Knox County German teachers,
November 1995
Chair, Session on Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century German Literature, Mountain Interstate
Foreign Language Conference, Knoxville, October 1994
Co-chair, Materials Subcommittee for the annual SAMLA meeting, Knoxville, November 1992
“Introducing Film Studies Courses,” presentation for immersion seminar sponsored by the
Goethe Institute of Atlanta at Rhodes College, Memphis, October 1992
“Getting Extra Mileage from the AATG National Test: Multiple Uses in High School and
College,” paper presented at joint national meeting of the American Association of
Teachers of German and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,
Nashville, November 1990
Evaluator of conference on technology in foreign language instruction at Tennessee
Technological University, Cookeville, April 1990
Presented workshop on all aspects of video in foreign language instruction on invitation of
foreign language department at Western North Carolina University, Culhowee, November
“An Unknown Poem from Goethe's 'Deutscher Divan' of 1814,” paper presented at the Kentucky
Foreign Language Conference in Lexington, April 1989
“Fishing in Troubled Waters: Surveys of Student Opinion,” paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Modern Foreign Languages Association in New Orleans, December 1988
Organized session on “Goethe as Traveler” for the Goethe Society of North America session at
the national meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Knoxville,
April 1988
Presented talk on recent trends in foreign language education -- technology, methodology and
public policy -- to the Knoxville Torch Club, February 1987
Presented session on the use of authentic video materials in German language instruction at
intensive seminar for Tennessee German teachers sponsored by the Goethe Institute,
September 1986.
Presented two sessions on same subject at the North Carolina AATG meeting, Greensboro, April
Presented demonstration and led discussion on same subject at Goethe Institute Summer Seminar
for German teachers, Unicoi, Georgia, Summer 1983
Presented demonstration and discussion on related subject at conference of Middle Atlantic
Independent Schools, Knoxville, November 1982
Presented paper and led discussion on German youth today at Goethe Institute Summer Seminar
for German teachers, Unicoi, Georgia, Summer 1981
Academic and Professional Honors, Awards
Summer 1994 Faculty Research Grant, University of Tennessee
Summer 1993 Faculty Research Grant, University of Tennessee
Summer 1992 NEH Travel Grant plus support from University of Tennessee Graduate School
and own department for work on Gleim/Ramler project
Winter 1985 Faculty Research Grant, University of Tennessee
Summer 1979 Faculty Research Grant, University of Tennessee
Winter 1978 Goethe Institute Seminar participant, Berlin
Summer 1973 Faculty Research Grant, University of Tennessee
1970-71 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship
1962-65 NDEA Graduate Fellowship
1962 B.A. magna cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa
Membership in Professional Organizations
American Association of Teachers of German; founding member 1971 of Tennessee Chapter,
President of Tennessee Chapter, 1973-75, representative for Placement Information Center
1975-1995, Chairperson of Testing Awards Program 1975-1995, Chairperson of Testing
Program 1984-1995, Member Testing Awards Program 1999-2000
American Association of University Professors; Member of Committee W (Status of Woman)
1977-1982, Head of Committee W 1980-1982, Secretary, UT Chapter 1982-1985,
President-Elect 1985-1986, President 1986-1987; State Delegate to National Convention
1986, 1988; President, State Conference 1988-1990; Newsletter editor 1989-1992;
Nominating Committee 1997; Head, Claxton Award Committee 1996-present; Member,
Board of Directors of Tennessee AAUP Foundation 1992-present, Treasurer 1996-present
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; Modern Language Association;
Goethe Society of North America; American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies
Consortium for German in the Southeast; advisory board member 1988-1995
UT Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, President 1997-1998
Professional Activity at the Graduate Level
Courses Taught
Introduction to German Literature (Sp 99)
519/520 (with French 516): Proseminar / Introduction to Research and Bibliography (F98,F00)
552 Enlightenment, Rococo, Storm and Stress (Sp 99)
561 Independent Study: Introduction to German Film (Sp 97)
4110 Studies in German Literature
4210/421 Studies in German Literary Types--Lyric Poetry
5200 Proseminar
5210-20-30 College Teaching of German
5530 The Enlightenment and Rococo
5540 German Classicism
5550 Goethe's Faust
6210/621 Seminar in German Literature
Theses/Dissertations Directed
Stephen Poe. David Wellbery’s Interpretation of Goethe’s “Willkommen und Abschied”: The
Specular Moment, 2001
Sandra R. Smith. The Power to Influence: A Comparison of the Propaganda in Kolberg and
Bataan, 1998
Elaine Lawson. Metaphors of the Theater and Inner Life in Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters
Lehrjahre, 1992
Alexandra Ghica. The Critical Reception of Nietzsche's Götzendämmerung, 1988
Thomas L. Hayes. Miss Fanny Wilkes--A Character Study, 1988
Penny Underwood. Goethe's “Wandrers Sturmlied,” 1987
Mark Riggs, A Critical Study of “Der Winter und Timur” from Goethe's West-östlicher Divan,
Robert Lane. Festpsalmen der ledigen Brüder in Salem, 1770-1800: Introduction and
Diplomatic Edition, 1976
Margaret Nelson. An Individualized Program of Instruction for First Year German at the College
Level, 1975
Robert Rogers. The Tennessee Staatszeitung, 1975
Maria Slonina. German-Speaking Peoples in Tennessee from Colonial Times to World War I:
An Introduction and Bibliography, 1973
Jacqueline Ratliff. Images of War in the Works of Poet-Soldiers of the Thirty Years' and PrussoAustrian Wars, 1994
Waltraud Renate Hufft. Die deutsche Reisebeschreibung über Paris zu Beginn der Französischen
Revolution: 1789-1792, 1987
Finley Taylor. Nineteenth-Century Scholarship on Goethe's West-östlicher Divan, co-director
with Prof. J. Osborne, 1986
Service on Graduate Committees:
20 M.A. Committees, 1972-present
7 Ph.D. Committees, 1979-present
Service on University or Departmental Committees
Post-tenure Review Committee for Natalia Pervukhina, Spring 2001, Chair
Ad hoc Committee on Departmental Performance Standards, Fall-Spring 2000-01
German Search Committee, Chair, Fall-Spring 2000-01
Departmental Representative to Arts & Sciences Advising Center, Fall 2000, Spring 2001
UT Council on International Education, 2000-present
Humanities Divisional Committee, Chair 1991-1999
Language and World Business Committee 1999-present
German Search Committee 1998-99: Chair, 2000-01
Jon LaCure Tenure Committee, Chair, Fall 1998
Chancellor's Committee on Academic Integrity in Athletics, Chair 1995-1998
Self-Study Committee for NCAA Division I Certification 1993-1995
University Athletics Board, 1990-1995, Head of Student Life Committee 1993-1995
Executive Committee, University Athletics Board, 1990-1992
Faculty Senate Athletics Committee, 1987-1995, Chair 1990-1992
Advisory Board, Tennessee Governor's Academy for Teachers of Foreign Languages, 1986-1995
Liberal Arts Scholarship Committee, 1983-present
Koblenz Exchange Selection Committee, 1983-1990
ISEP Screening Committee, 1980-1991
Comparative Literature Committee, 1985-1990
Writing Standards Committee, 1972-1975
updated 7/7/2001

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