Winter-Spring 2009


Winter-Spring 2009
Message from the Director:
Dear Friends,
1857 Wantagh Avenue
Wantagh, "Y 11793
Office: (516) 781-8637
Glen Cove: (516) 609-0079
Jericho: (516) 938-5211
Hempstead: (516) 280-3220
E. Massapequa: (516) 781-8637
Board of Directors
Patricia Fitzgerald
Joseph Bottner, MD
Thomas Lilly, Esq.
Joan Phillips, MSW
Hilary Becker, CPM
Mary Gilroy-Doohan, MD
Joan Durso Serra
Mary McCaffrey
William Sullivan, CPA
Jeanne Towers
Director: Patricia Shea
Sorry for the delay in sending out this newsletter. I am always reluctant
to pass on bad news and would prefer to share our good times. Hyatta, the first
resident to enter the Hempstead MOMMAS House, graduated from Hunter Business School on August 8, 2008 and is now working at a doctor’s office in Rockville Centre. In less than 18 months, she went from homeless and dependent to a
working, contributing member of society. We are very proud of her accomplishments and expect that soon she will be finding her own “first home”, as she
graduates from our program.
The Hempstead house opened in 2007 and has assisted 10 families
during these two years. All the mothers were enrolled in school and training
programs. Some achieved their goals, while others left because they could not
abide by the program structure. For those motivated, it has been a successful
time. At the very least, the mothers and children were kept safe while they
shared our home.
Now, all that may change. The funding which came from Nassau
County’s “Common Sense for the Common Good” grant, has now been officially cut, effective March 31, 2009. Those promised funds were allocated into
our 2009 budget, so this loss is very significant. Additionally, several other
grants also reduced their funding and we are now seeking to replace well over
The actual cost of housing each family is $2000/month. This includes
rent, food, supplies, insurance, utilities, maintenance & repairs and staff salaries
(which includes the office and 4 residences).
There are 17 families, comprising 35 people under our care and there
are 12 full-time and 3 part-time employees. The salary range is from $10/hour to
$32,000/year. There are no paid fund-raisers - 100% of funds raised go to program; but a great deal of administrative time is spent on this activity. I am sure
by now you can guess where this is going. WE NEED HELP NOW.
In the newsletter, there are various suggestions on how you can help
close this huge budget gap. Recently, an appeal was made to 500 prior donors to
send $100 (or collect $20 from 5 friends). There were 122 responses and over
$12,000 was raised; additionally, a very generous benefactor sent $10,000 - topping $22,000 from this one appeal. Currently, a second appeal went out to those
in the group who were unable to respond the first time, in the hopes that they are
now in a position to help us chip away at this deficit. Anyone familiar with
MOMMAS knows that we are not aggressive regarding money; unfortunately
desperate times call for desperate measures and sadly, we are left with no alternative.
One of my daughter’s friends, Mackenzie Tierney, made a generous
donation toward this appeal and her company’s matching program doubled it!
She also sent e-mails to friends and colleagues who were able to do the same. It
had a wonderful ripple effect - thanks, Mackenzie.
Belanna Lauto, a professor at St. John’s University’s Fine Arts Dept.
and Florence Scarinci, Librarian at Nassau Community College both sent out email appeals to co-workers and raised more than they could swing personally.
Just imagine what you can do. If you visit our web-site, you will see the “Have a
Heart” appeal which can be sent out to your e-mail contact list. It would cost you
nothing, and think of how extensive the contacts would build.
Please help us to continue to give hope to the most vulnerable among
us. In Hempstead, Hyatta and her son Joseph are just the beginning of the lives
that can be changed with a little help. Together, we can break this cycle of poverty.
With much hope,
Pat Shea
Winter - Spring 2009
A Real Choice For Life
Winter - Spring 2009
Memorials Received
What’s Happening Around MOMMAS House
Please remember in your prayers:
Aunt Josie
Carol Buonauto
Joan Bundy
Josepsh Colasanti
Frances Coppola
Ted DeLyra
Mary Eccleston
Thomas Fitzgerald
Robert King
Vincent Mattone
Elizabeth Franz Oliver
Richard Sullivan
Richard Supple
Virginia Syracuse
Michael V. Tepedino, MD
Fred Trumpy
Florence Urff
Louise Zollo
Living Tributes
Please keep in your prayers:
Dr. Erik Enquist
Baby Robert John Gaudiosi
William Keeley
Michael & Regina Keogh
Mel & Anthony Lauto
Take a Chance on Life Night
Mary Jean Murphy & MOMMAS South Shore Fundraising Committee wish to report that
“Take a Chance on Life” night held September 13th at St. Frances de Chantal Church Auditorium in Wantagh was a huge success. Over 100 people tried their luck at Blackjack, Roulette,
Slots, Texas Hold’em, etc. More than a few were heard to let out enthusiastic whoops as just
the right card or number came up. The tournament was professionally run by M&M Entertainment, who also donated a real home slot machine for raffle. Talk about raffle prizes! How
about the popular seasonal gifts of a GPS, large flat panel LCD TV, laptop computer, a golf
club (Tiger would appreciate), a bracelet from Tiffany & Co. and baskets filled to the brim
with gift certificates to restaurants and services. We thank our donors who were very generous
to our work. That, and the delicious food served, ensured a “winning” evening.
Over and again, departing comments such as, “That was so much fun!” were offered with
enthusiasm! If you missed this one, better luck next time!
**PLEASE Patronize the Following Generous Merchants**
The Schooner, Bedell’s, Thom-Thom, Hemingway’s, Cara Mia Duo, Wantagh Inn, Ale
House, Danford’s, Swan Club, Season Four, McDonalds, Lucky Duck, Butera’s, Spasso’s,
Cherrywood Café, Grimaldi, Spumonte, Johnny Malone’s, Lady Anne’s Tea House, Per
Un’Angelo and Uncle Bacala’s, Seaford Cinemas, Clean Machine Car Wash, Fashion Nail
Salon, The Wooden Heart, Simply Massage, Wantagh Emporium, Jim Dandy Cleaners
Village Cleaners, Atlantis, Silver Scissors Salon, Hicks Nursery, Slap Happy Bakery, Jays
Appliance, Merrick Stage, New Wave Seafood Market, Lowe’s, Ivaronne Brothers, Numa
Florist, Beverage Barn, Dinner My Way, Pinnacle Tax, The Stage Theatre, Taxxes
NYIT, Massage Therapy Shoppe, Polara Jewelers, NY Jets, NY Islanders, Joseph’s Flowers
New Noble Nails & Spa, and Tiffany & Co.
Grant Update
Sincere thanks to the trustees of the
following for grant funding:
Maternity and Early Childhood Foundation, Nassau County Common
Sense for the Common Good, Nassau
County Emergency Shelter Grant, the
Hagedorn Long Island Fund, Delucia
Family Foundation, Howard E. Stark
Foundation, the Thomas & Jeanne
Elmezzi Private Foundation, H. W.
Wilson Foundation, CMFN Program
- Kate Nowack, Mineola-Pacific
Oddfellows Lodge # 125, Charity
Begins at Home, Nassau County WE
CARE Bar Association, and Fund for
the Poor.
Around the World in 80 Days
Dinner Dance Gala
Chairladies, Mary Mc Caffery, Mary Gilroy-Doohan, Beth Mahon, Joan DursoSerra and Marianne Iordanou join in thanking their committee for yet another
blockbuster evening on November 14, 2008 held at the Garden City Hotel. This
year’s honorees were the most deserving couple - Mayor Richard & Mrs. Irene
Goodwin, who have both championed the work of MOMMAS House for years!
Every year we say, “How will they ever top this year’s gala?” And every year they
do! Wonderful job ladies, you are truly an inspiration!
Upcoming Events
May 15 - 7pm GOLD PARTY to benefit MOMMAS, Wantagh, NY
June 5 & 6 - 10-4 Spring Yard Sale @ 53 Bay Drive, Massapequa, NY
Summer 2009 - Tentative plans for an English Garden Tea
September 26, 2009 - Casino &ight at St. William the Abbot, Seaford
"ovember 2009 - Dinner Dance Gala - more details to follow
Always call office for details 516-781-8637 or
visit our website for updates.
Christmas Reunion
Joan Phillips and her busy “elf” volunteers did another splendid job with planning and arranging our Annual Christmas Reunion.
Widely attended by alumni and current residents alike, this event has been graciously held at the Bellmore Knights of Columbus
for the past few years. This year Gino’s of Bellmore generously donated all the food for 125 people, ensuring the party’s success.
Just in case there are any non-believers out there… this party takes place every year, bringing the true spirit of Christmas to those
most in need, at virtually no cost to MOMMAS House! As in free – venue, presents, food, service, photos and entertainment and
yes, the big guy himself – Santa! Now I would call that a modern day miracle; thanks to all that make it happen!
Winter - Spring 2009
Knowledge is Power
Resident Katie reporting on the Financial Literacy Workshop
Over the past four months of attending the Financial Literacy workshop I have
learned many things; one of them being how to invest my money wisely into
the stocks, through the stock market game. My fellow residents at MOMMAS
House and I have learned how to buy and sell stock and the difference between
stocks and mutual funds.
Coming in first place among the other MOMMAS House teams was very rewarding and exciting. All of the teams had similar strategies in playing the
game; but having Wal-Mart stock put ours over the top.
Previously, if someone asked me how the economy was, I would not have had
a clue. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of volunteers, like our instructor
Kate Nowack, I have now taken an interest in the economy, as well as my own
financial well being.
We Salute...
As aforementioned, our Christmas Party and celebrations at
individual houses were a huge success! This party would never
be possible without the Bellmore Knights of Columbus making room at their “Inn” for us. Every child in attendance was
treated to gifts from Santa, made possible by his many elves at
PROPHET NYC, Verizon Pioneers, South Nassau Hospital,
Oceanside, Half Hollow Hills H.S. East, N.B.C. Toys for Kids,
KPMG of L.I., Runyon’s of Seaford, Manhasset H.S.,
TWEEZERMAN Int’l., L.I. Fund for Women & Girls, Coalition for the Homeless, Shelter Rock Church, St. William the
Abbot Church, St. Frances de Chantal Church, Deborah E.
Wares of Wantagh, the Gaelic Society, Newman & Make a
Difference Clubs at Nassau Community College conducted toy
drives, St. Raymond’s St. Vincent de Paul Society, and of
course, the Congregational Church of Manhasset whose
“Angle Tree” does it’s very best every year to make dreams
come true!
• Additionally, many individuals set out with supplied Wish
Lists to fulfill. Julie McCann was checking her list twice and
did a great job for Glen Cove House. Rachel Gaudiosi stopped
by several times in her quiet, unassuming way, adding presents. The Dangelo Family honored their beloved mother Evelyn’s legacy by purchasing two new computers for the residents. Alas, the dreaded danger of these lists – the sin of omission. If you were not mentioned, please accept my apologies
and know where it really counts, your goodness has been duly
noted. God bless you one and all.
• Those that answered our Christmas Appeal; over $22,000 was
generated at a time when the need is great. In the same vein,
we greatly appreciate those that have: approached employers
about “Matching Gift” programs, have gotten into the habit of
using our memorial/living tribute card program and finally,
those who have joined the ranks of regular monthly donors.
We can breathe a little easier when there are funds we can
count on as much as the bills!
• The Daughters of Portugal for lovely gift baskets and a
generous monetary contribution.
Katie and her son Paul
We thank Holy Child School, Old Westbury and Friends
Academy for their Paper/Practical Item Drive. Toilet paper
may not be “cute”, but it sure comes in handy when you need
it! Kidding aside, these items require constant replenishing, so
their donation saves us from having to buy. (Call the office for
suggested list.)
Kudos to Manhasset High School, Robert Novak, fellow
teachers and staff who came up with the genius idea of “Penny
Wars”; nothing like healthy competition between grades to get
things moving – resulting in proceeds of $5,491.25 to
To St. William the Abbot 8th Grade, Church of Notre Dame,
New Hyde Park for much needed MetroCards, West Hempstead Cathedral Auxiliary - Post #1087 for various Wish List
items, St. Catherine of Sienna, Franklin Square, St. Mary’s of
Manhasset decorated the Jericho House, St. Raymond’s of
East Rockaway, St Joseph’s Churches of Hewlett and Garden
City, Our Lady of Lourdes, Malverne, Holy Child School, Old
Westbury, and St. Frances de Chantal, Wantagh.
Molloy College, Adelphi, C.W. Post and St. John’s Universities for continued support volunteering service/learning hours.
More and more colleges/universities are establishing a winwin relationship with us. They are practicing what they are
learning, be it: public relations, speech therapy, early intervention, etc. benefiting us both. Additionally, their internship programs are enabling us to offer more services to our residents.
Detective Steven and Honorable Patti McDonald for their
loyal and immeasurable support!
To our many workshop instructors (i.e. Kate owack of Financial Literacy – see resident report) who offer their time and
expertise to MOMMAS’ residents, affording them a real
chance at successful living.
To all of our other volunteers: those that rock our babies, drive
to doctor appointments, sort clothing, pick-up furniture/food,
make fundraising events memorable and profitable, write
grants, keep the books, make up our Board of Directors…you
know who you are and what you do, we hope you know how
grateful we are!
Winter - Spring 2009
Little Ninja, Joseph, at our
Halloween Party October ‘08
Volunteer, Ann, reads to Amaya
Dinner Dance Committee, starts to plan the next event
Christian making his way
Layla, our little angel
“Bedtime Stories”, Tina with her daughter Jennifer
Samantha admiring her son Jeremiyah
Santa visits our Christmas Party
Winter - Spring 2009
Volunteer Spotlight… Chris Aivazian
When my business started feeling the economic decline, I was faced
with some additional free time. I wanted to help a local organization
so I searched the Internet for opportunities that were local, that needed
volunteers, and that involved driving – I love to drive. Helping
MOMMAS House allows me to use the flexibility that I need for
work, and provides a little bit of assistance to an organization that
needs it.
I use my SUV to pick up donated food items from the Island Harvest
organization – either from their warehouses or from their weekly surplus distribution facilities - and deliver these items to the 3 MOMMAS
House locations in Hempstead, Glen Cove and Jericho.
MOMMAS House not only provides room and board for young mothers, but it allows these moms to finish high school, start college, find a
job, and care for their babies. These skills are difficult enough for older married couples, let alone young single mothers.
MOMMAS House gives these moms a sense of accomplishment, teaches them responsibility, and gives them a view of the real
world. It also allows them to jump-start their futures equipped with an education, a paying job, and most-importantly, an increased sense of self-worth and heightened self-esteem.
Like most not-for-profit organizations, MOMMAS House relies on contributions in order to keep their services available. These
contributions can come in the form of donations, and in the form of services. Donors can use the MOMMAS House web site to do their online shopping. There are several retail organizations that will use a portion of the proceeds
to support MOMMAS House. Additionally, need-based donations of furniture, food, clothes, etc. are always welcome. Lastly,
donors who wish to help with their skills can provide mentoring services, handyman work, general construction, office work,
fundraising and other valuable services. Please go to the website and see how you can help.
My two partners and I own a Computer Consulting firm specializing in Information Technology, Security and Compliance; I help
Island Harvest doing on-call food runs when I can; I’m a member of the Lindenhurst Volunteer Fire Department Rescue Company and I’m studying to become an EMT; I’m a former United States Marine; I’ve been living on Long Island since 1970; And,
I’ve been blissfully married to my best friend Carol for 24 years. Editor’s note: Semper Fi…“Lucky lady!”
Christmas Concert
Kudos again to the "orth Shore Pops Band for once
again treating us to a lovely evening of holiday music held
at St. Rocco’s Parish Hall, Glen Cove; a rockin’ time was
had by all. Consider saving the date next year, guarantee
you will be glad you did!
Special thanks to Laurie Broderick, of Shelter Rock
Church for helping to make this a special evening. Since
the concert is held on a week night and clear cross-island,
you cannot imagine how invaluable that help was!
Capital Fund Campaign Update
The current status of the Capital Fund Campaign is making
progress. We are halfway “home”! Please consider investing in the future of MOMMAS House and the women and
babies we serve.
We would be most grateful if a couple of you would consider hosting a reception at your home/business or anywhere feasible to accommodate an intimate gathering.
Light refreshments only, as the main purpose is to have a
platform on which to explain what MOMMAS House is
and what it hopes to accomplish. No high pressure tactics
are ever used, only the distribution of information and ways
one might help if so inclined.
Donate to MOMMAS House
With the success of our Drive to Thrive program, many of our
mother’s are obtaining their driver’s licenses and are now in
need of some wheels!
If you have a working car you’re looking to get rid of, please
consider donating to MOMMAS House. The car will be
given to any resident who has obtained her driver’s license
and begun working. All donations are tax deductible, and this
would be a wonderful gift for one of our young mother’s just
starting their careers. Please contact the office at 516-7818637 and leave a message about your vehicle, etc.
At Your Service
Do you need an extra set of hands at your next party or family/corporate gathering? We have trained some of the young
mothers to provide this service and I am sure you will be pleased
by their conscientiousness. They will set up, serve and clean-up.
Please give them a chance to earn some money, while they attend school and parent their children. Contact the Office at 516781-8637 if you are interested in this service.
Winter - Spring 2009
What’s on our Wish List?
New Carpeting in our Glen Cove residence bedrooms and
Jericho residence office.
MiniVan in good running condition - late model for a reasonable price.
A used WORKING CAR for newly licensed mothers
METROCARDS*** - this is how our girls get to school, work,
doctor’s appts., and counseling.
Potty Training seats - we have several toddlers ready to take
the next step!
Paper goods for all houses: paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, tissues, baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5 & 6), copy/printer
All Cleaning Supplies – kitchen, laundry, bathroom
Toiletries - toothpaste/brushes, soap, Band-aids/antiseptic, shampoo, children’s “Tylenol”, Pedia-Lyte, baby health/first aid kits
Bed in a Bag sets - twin size
Solid color Knit Crib Sheets!!
We are NOT in need of infant clothing at this time, but if you
are having a drive or baby shower, we could use new
TODDLER size clothing 2T-5T.
Home Depot Gift Cards
A Wet-Dry Vacuum
Baby monitors
Sponsor a young mother for driving
lessons - $500-$600, perhaps your
family, group or organization can
raise the funds for this purpose.
Driver’s Education teachers to help
our moms obtain their driver’s license
VOLUNTEERS!! Clerical work - mail
assembly, filing, maintenance of
mailing list; minor house repairs /
maintenance & yard work, help sort
donations, build some storage
shelves, etc.
Child care volunteers during the day
& evening, especially in Glen Cove!
Join existing Fund-Raising Committees
“A few good men” with a truck/van to
pick-up and deliver donations, especially furniture
Minor house repairs/maintenance
Seasonal gardening - at all houses
renewal (clean-up, bushes, flowers)
Your support for all events is greatly appreciated. There are many ways to
contribute to MOMMAS and we hope you will choose one of them:
1. Join our volunteer staff - greatest need, the fundraising committees
2. Donate on the Internet - " (or link directly from our website)
3. If you are a federal employee, donate to MOMMAS, Inc. through the LI Federated Campaign
payroll deduction Designate MOMMAS #31704 as the recipient
4. Employer offer “Matching Gifts Program”? Choice of Monetary or Time & Talent offered by some
5. Commemorative Cards Available – Memorials, Births, Anniversary, Birthdays – any occasion worth
remembering, make your gifting “meaningful”
6. Internet Shoppers – Make purchases through or and MOMMAS will get
a percent of every sale from 1,000+ retail participants. Go online to register or call office for details.
7. Information available on how to remember MOMMAS when involved with Estate Planning
8. Place the enclosed envelope where you pay your bills so that you will keep us in mind when
contribution is possible
9. Commemorative Cards Available – Memorials, Births, Anniversary, Birthdays – any occasion worth
remembering, make your gifting “meaningful”
10. A 2006 law makes charitable giving from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) tax-free. People
70 ½ and older can gift assets from an IRA to a qualified organization without it being taxed as income. Please remember MOMMAS House!
Winter - Spring 2009
Plant a Seed… to help our flowers grow
Please give now as the need is great and the options are few. There are many ways to support our mission to help pregnant or parenting young women on their journey to become good parents and self-supporting
Please help in any way you can
Support upcoming events
Volunteer your time and share your gifts.
Designate MOMMAS as a recipient of your Federated
Campaign contribution
Include MOMMAS, Inc. in your estate planning
I would like to make a Monthly donation of $ ________
Best Buddies: Layla, Jennifer and Madelyn
in our Glen Cove day care
I would like to make a One Time donation of $ ________
I would like to make a pledge of $________ to the Capital Fund Campaign for MOMMAS to purchase a new home
to house homeless mother and their children. OR ______ I would be interested in hosting a reception at my home
to encourage others to pledge support for the Capital Fund Campaign - please send more information.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We accept checks made payable to MOMMAS, Inc. or Credit Card Payments (complete information below). You
can send this page and your contribution in the self-addressed envelope provided. Thank you for your support!
"ame _________________________________________ Phone "umber: ____________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
I wish to make a contribution of $ ___________________ for my choice of support indicated above.
Charge Card
____American Express
Card "umber ____________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________
___ I wish to charge my donation of $ ____________________ monthly / one time (circle one)
Signature ________________________________________________ Date _______________________
We are pleased to have over 7,000 individuals, groups,
businesses and families on our Mailing List. We strive to
keep our supporters informed and involved in MOMMAS
House. However, the cost of printing and postage for
such a large list is cumbersome. We ask that you
please let us know if you are no longer interested in receiving the newsletter. Please let us know if you have
moved and your mail is being forwarded, so that we
may update your contact information.
Winter - Spring 2009
Are you environmentally conscious? Or maybe you
just hate the paper you’ve got piling up around the
house? Well now you can choose to have your
MOMMAS House newsletter sent to you electronically!
Just email with the
“Email Newsletter” and inside please indicate your
Name and Address where you currently receive our
Newsletter. We will stop sending you paper newsletters, and instead you can get the newsletter emailed to
you in PDF format 4 times a year! This would really
help MOMMAS House cut down on the costs of
printing and mailing!
We’d love to be able to keep our
friends and supporters up to date
on MOMMAS events in between
our newsletter mailings. Please
email us at
with the subject: “Keep In Touch”.
1857 Wantagh Avenue
Wantagh, NY 11793
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