Bibliography of Periodical Literature


Bibliography of Periodical Literature
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Volume 3 | Issue 1
Article 14
Bibliography of Periodical Literature
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Bibliography of Periodical Literature, 3 J. Am. Inst. Crim. L. & Criminology 156 (May 1912 to March 1913)
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Adler, Felix-The Ethics of Punishment. Proceedings of the Academy of Political
Science In the City of New York. Vol. r, July, 1911, No. 4, 600-609.
Alfredo, Andreotti-L'indagine del discernimento nei delitti colposi. I1 Progresso
del Diritto Criminale. Anno III, November-December, 1911, N. 6-Vol. III, 362367.
Amschi, Alfred-Abtreibung und Kindesmord. "Archiv ffr Kriminal-Anthropologie
und Kriminallstik, 1911, Band 43, Heft 1 and 2, 79-91.
Amschl, Alfred-Die Irrtiimer der Strafjustiz und ihre Ursachen.
Archiv ffir
Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminaltstik, Band 45, Heft 1 and 2, 81-89.
Battaglini, Prof. Dr. Glullo Q.-Das Problem der Bekampfung des Selbstmordes.
Kriminalpolitische Betrachtungen.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift f ir Strafrecht,
1911. Vierundswanzigster Jahrgang, Heft 2, 202-240.
Bennecke, Dr.-Simulation und Selbstverstiimmlung in der Armee unter besonderer
Beriicksichtigung der forenslschen Beziehungen.
Archlv fiir KriminalAnthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 1911, 193-272.
Bradley, F. H.-Anglo-American Philosophies of Penal Law IV.
The Philosophy
of Responsibility. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 2,
1911. 186-199.
Criminology, The Modern Science of. The Green Bag, Vol. XXTII, No. 10, 530-535.
Doty, Madeleine Z.-Treatment of Minor Cases of Juvenile Delinquency. Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4,
Ellwood, Charles A.-Lombroso's Theory of Crime. Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, Vol. I, No. 5, 716-724.
Emanuele, Carnevale-Ancora del limiti morali nella repressione del furto. Il
Progresso del Diritto Criminale, Vol. III, No. 6; 321-332.
Engelhard, Dr. Herbert-Betrug durch Vorspiegelung gesessmidriger oder unsittlicher Gegenleiftungen.
Zeitschrift gesamte strafrechtswissenschaft, 1911,
Dreiunddrelssigster Band, Zweites Heft, 133-146.
'ulenburg, A.-Selbstmorde von Kindern und Jugendlichen. EncykI. H. B. Kinderschultz, No. 11, 239-244.
Fetfenberger, Dr.-Das Verhaltnis der mildernden umstande zu den besonders
leichten und besonders schwernfallen. Zeitschrift fir die gesamte Strafrechtswissensehaft. Einunddreiklgster Band, Achtes heft, 948-952.
Fenton, Frances-The Press and Crime, Vol. XII, No. 5, whole No. 124, Bulletin
of the AmericanAcademy of Medicine, 307-316.
George, Charles E.-Causes of Degeneracy, Lawyer and Banker, Vol. 5, No. 1,
Gross, Von Hans-Zur Frage der Selbstkastration. Archly fUr Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalisttk, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 339-340.
Gunther, Prof. Dr. L.-Beitrkge zur Systematik und Psychologie des Rotwelsch
und der ihm verwandtera deutschen Geheimsprachen (Fortsetzung).
fuir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 1 and 2, 1-72.
Hutchinson, Arthur Woods-Human Misfits. Everybody's Magazine, October, 1911,
Ivins, William M.-What Is Crime? Proceedings of the Academy of Political
Science in the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 531-559.
Jelliffe, Smith Ely-Predementia Praecox:
The Hereditary and 'Constitutional
Features of the Dementia Praecox Make-up. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Diseases, Vol. 38, No. 12, 1-27.
Jones, Ernest-Psychoanalysis and Education. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,
Vol. VI, No. 6, 458-460.
Kassner, Prof. Dr. C.-Die Verwertung der Wetterbeobachtungen in Norddeutschland durch die Kriminalistik.
Archiv fiir KrImtnal-Anthropologie und
Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 1 and 2, 154-165.
Krauss, W.-Ein Bauernmord an Ehefrau und Schwiegertochter.
Archly f~r
Kriminal Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 45, Heft 1 and 2, 109-144.
Lydston, G. Frank-Malingering Among Criminals. Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, Vol. 2, No. 3, 386-389.
MacDonald, Arthur-Assassins of Rulers. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4, 505-521.
Makino, Dr. E.-Der Riickfall nach der japanischen Kriminalstatistik. Archly fur
Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 323-335.
Meyer, Dr. Adolf-The Phipps Psychiatric Clinic. Proceedings Sixth Maryland
Conference of Charities and Correction, 75-78.
Mezger, Dr.-Zur Frage der Arstlichen Zwangsuntersuchungen.
Archly fiir
Krimlnal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 1 and 2, 119-122.
Ndcke, Dr. P.-Auftauchende Visionen als eine Quelle der Kinderlilgen. Archiv
fiir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 346.
'May, 1911, to March, 1912.
Archlv fur
Nicke, Dr. P.-TMerkwiirdige Folgen einer machtvollen Suggestion.
Kriminal-Anthropologle und Kriminallstik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 345-346.
Nicke, Dr. P.-Neuere Untersuchungen fiber Hodenverdnd erungen. Archiv filr
Kriminal-Anthropologie und Krlminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 343-344.
Oberholzer, Dr. Emil-Kastration und Sterilisation von Gelsteskranken In der
Schweiz. Juristisch-psychiatrische Grenzfragen, Band VIII, Heft 1-3, 25-140.
Papillault, G.-Anthropometrle comparee de negres africains et de francais de deux
sexes. Rev. Anthro., Vol. 21, 321, September, 1911.
Patrizi, AT. L.-La fase psicologica dell'antropologia criminale e Ia monogenesi del
delitto. - Scuola Positiva, XXI, 145-150.
Phelps, Edward Bunnell-Neurotie Books and Newspapers as Factors In the Mlorality of Suicide and Crime. Bulletin of the American Academy of MNedicine, Vol.
XII, No. 5, 'Whole No. 124, 264-307.
Polzer, von cand. jur. Wilhelm Graz-Form und Farbvernderungen des Bluttropfens. Archly fiir Kcriminal-Anthropologle und IKriminalistik, Band 44, Heft
3 and 4, 326-330.
Ranschburg-The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Ifemory Tests. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, Vol. VI, No. 6, 460-462.
Richter, H.-Ein Beispiel ffir hereditare Belastung. Archiv fiir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Icriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 303-305.
Rottger, Dr. Med. Walter-Uber Haarverletzungen und jiber die postmortalen
Vergnderungen der Haare in forensischer Beziehung. Archly fUr KrlminalAnthropologle und Kriminalistik, Band 44, Heft 3 and 4, 209-249.
Schiile, Dr.-Der INampf um die Todesstrafe. Archly filr Krlminal-Anthropologie
und Kriminalistik, Band 45, Heft 3 and 4, 298-304.
Schilltze, Dr.
.- Das Schneidersche Abziehblatt fiir am Tatort gefundene Fingerspuren und beweisende Erfolge der Tatortsfingerschau. Archly f ir !KriminalAnthropologe und Kriminalistik, Band 45, Heft I and 2, 89-109.
Sturm, Dr. Friedrich-Massensuggestion.
Archly flir Kriminal-Anthropologie und
Kriminalistik, Band 42, Heft 3 and 4, 361-363.
Sturm, Dr. Friedrich-Zur Lehre von der Urteilsbegrundung im Strafverfahren.
Archly fiir lrfminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 45, Heft 1 and 2,
Taylor, E. W.-Possibilities of a Modified Psychoanalysis. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, Vol. VI, No. 6, 449-456.
Turkel, Dr. Siegfried-Die Photogrammetrie bei kriminalistischen Tatbestandsaufnahmen. Archly ffir IKriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistil, Band 45,
Heft 1 and 2, 27-48.
Wadler, Dr. Arnold-rkenntnistheorle und Kriminalstatistik. Zeltsch. f. d, gesante
Strafrechtswissenschaft, XXXI, 1911, 499-535.
Alien, I. O.-Psychic Causes of Insanity. Lancet-Clinic, Cincinnati, October 7,
CVI, No. 15, 355-380,
Auden, George A.-Feeble-Mindedness and Juvenile Crime. Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology, Vol, II, No. 2, 228-239.
Battaglin, Giulio Q.-The Function of Private Defense in the Repression of Crime.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. I, No. 3, 370-375.
Davenport, C. B.-IMental Defectives.
Popular Science M[onthly, January, 1912.
Glos, Dr. Anton-Bin Heiratsschwindler. Archiv ffir Kriminal-Anthropologie und
Krlminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 335-339.
Herring, Dr. Arthur P.-The State and Its Insane. Proceedings Sixth M1aryland
* Conference of Charities and Correction, 72-75.
H6ffding, Harald-The State's Authority to Punish Crime. Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 5, 691-704.
Needy, Edwin R.-Insanity and Criminal Responsibility. Report of Committee B
of the Institute. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4,
Kirchwey, Geo. W.-The Future Attitude Toward Crime. Journal of American
Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4. 501-505.
Leonard, Oscar-The Criminal Insane. The Survey, Vol. XXVII, No. 3. 1047.
Littlefleld, Walter-The Neapolitan Camorra and the Great Trial at Viterbo, I.
Mfetropolitan, Vol. 34, 555.
MacDonald, Carlos F.-Bxpert Evidence in Criminal Trials. Proceedings of the
Academy of Political Science In the City of New York, Vol. 1, No. 4, 641-660.
Page, C. W.-Insanity and Non-Restraint. Atlantic, Januav, 1912.
Serao, Ernesto-Tbe Truth About the Camorra. Outlook, Vol. 98. 717.
Stekel, Wilhelm-The Sexual Root of Kleptomania. Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, Vol. It, No. 2, 239-247.
Abbott, Grace-The Treatment of Aliens in the Criminal Courts. (Report of SubCommittee G.)
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4,
Auer, Dr. jur. George-Der Betrug in der Novelle des ungarischen Strafgesetzbuches
(Gesetz XXXVI aus dem Jahre, 1908, Sec. 50).
Archly ffir Strafrecht und
Strafprozess, Band 59, Heft 1 and 2, Berlin, 1911, 40-47.
Baldwin, Hon. Simeon E.-The Artificiality of Our Law of Evidence. Yale Law
Journal, Vol. XXI, 105.
Balmer, Paul-Die Strafgesetzentwiirfe in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz
ipi ihren Bestimmungen Uiber die Prostitution. Schweizerische Zeitschrift ftlr
Strafrecht, Vierundswanzigster Jahrgang, Heft 2, 182-202.
Barnett, James D.-Pardon in the Courts. Lawyer and Banker, Vol. V, No. 1,
Bostwick, Charles F.-Proposed Reforms in Criminal Procedure. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 2, 216-228.
Brown, Willis-The Legal Basis of Juvenile Courts. The Juvenile Court Record,
January, .1912, 17.
Bruce, Andrew Alexander-Humanity and the Law. Central Law Journal, Vol. 73,
335, 1911.
Doerfler, Christian-The Duty of the Lawyer as an Officer of the Court. The
Green Bag, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, 74-78.
Lxner, Dr. Franz-Schuld und Erfolghaftung im Schweitzerischen Vorentwiirf.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fUr Strafrecht, Vierundswanzigster Jahrgang, Heft
2, 167-182.
Ferrari, Robert-The Public Defender: The Complement of the District Attorney.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 5, 704-716.
Ford, Tirey L.-Parole Law of California. The Lawyer and Banker, Vol. V, No. 1,
Fraeb, Dr. Walter Martin-Die Behandlung der Morphiumsucht in Gesetz und
Rechtsprechung zugleich ein Vorschlag Zur Reform des Strafgesetzbuches.
Archly fir Strafrecht und Strafprozess, Band 59, Heft 1 and 2, 69-77.
Gans, Howard S.-The Consequences of Unenforceable Legislation. Proceedings of
the Academy of Political Science In the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 563590.
Gautier, Alfred-La question des tribunaux d'enfants & Genove. Schweizerische
Zeitschrift fir Strafrecht, Vierundswanzigster Jahrgang, Heft 2, 119-167.
Gleisbach, Graf-Das Zusammentreffen von strafbaren Handlungen und Strafgesetsen. Osterreichische Zeitschrift fUr Strafrecht. Dritter Jahrgang, 1 and
2 heft, 31-64.
Glover, Alexander G.-Some Characteristics of English Criminal Law and Procedure. Law Magazine and Review, Vol. XXXVII, No. 363, 162-175.
Hartmann, Dr. Adolf-Reform of the Criminal Law In Germany. Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 3, 349-356.
Hartwig, Von Alfredo-Das neue Strafgesetzbuch von Venzuela. Mitteilungen der
Internationalen Kriminalistischen Vereinigung, Achtzehnter Band, Heft 2, 561623.
Archiv fMr KriminalHellwig, Dr. Albert-Feuerbestattung und Rechtspflege.
Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 44, Heft 1 and 2, 1-203.
Hellwig, Dr. Albert-Strafrichter und Strafrechtsreform. Archly ffirKriminalAnthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 42, Heft 3 and 4, 252-359.
Heney, Francis J.-The McNamara Sentence Justified. Journal of Criminal Law
and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 5, 731-736.
Higgins, Win. E.-Criminal Justice in Kansas. Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, Vol. II, No. 2, 247-257.
Hirschfeld, Julius-German Courts at Work. Journal of Comparative Legislation,
Vol. 12, pt. 1, 419.
Hopkins, Archibald-Criminals and the Law. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 1, 68-72.
Keedy, Edwin R.-Criminal-Law Reform in England and In the United States.
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City.of New York, Vol.
1, No. 4, 667-676.
Lemieux, K. C.-The Conduct of an Action. The Canadian Law Times, Vol.
XXXII, No. 2, 140-148.
McDermott, E. J.-Delays and Reversals on Technical Grounds In Criminal Trials.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. IT, No. 1, 28-39.
Machen, Jr., Arthur W.-Responsibility for Crime by Corporations. Proceedings of
the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 590-600.
Maier, Dr. Hans W.-Die Nordamerikanischen Gesetze gegen die.Vererbung von
Verbrechen und Geistesstdrung und deren Anwendung. Juristisch-psychiatrische Grenzfragen, Band VI1, Heft 1-3, 1-24.
Marx, Dr. Hugo-Schuld und Strafe. Bin kriminal-psychologisches Vorwort zu
Archly fir Kriminal-Anthro(Schluss.)
einem Deutschen Strafgesetzbuch.
pologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 1 and 2, 91-119.
Meyer, Bruno-Homosexualit.t und Strafrecht. Archiv fUr Kriminal-Anthropologle
und Kriminalistik, Band 44, Heft 3 and 4,'249-326.
Middlebrook, Judge R. B.-Necessity for Summary Action in Legal Proceedings.
Yale Law Journal, Vol. XXI, No. 1, 55-58.
Moore, John Bassett-The Difficulties of Extradition. Proceedings of the Academy
of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 625-635.
Nair, Justice C. Sankaran-Indian Law and English Legislation. Contemporary
Review, Vol. 100, 213. ' - '
Nott, Jr., Charles C.-The Effects of the Twice-in-Jeopardy Principle in Criminal
Trials. Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science In the City of New
York, Vol. I, No. 4, 660-667.
Olson, Harry-The Chicago Court of Domestic Relations. Survey, Vol. 26, 739.
Ottolenghi, S.-Quelques mots sur te projet de loi relatif aux tribunaux pour
enfants. Revue de Drolt Penal et de Criminologie, Sixieme Annee No. 2, 69-89.
Page, Alfred R.-The Powers and Importance of the Magistrates' Court. Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science In the City of New -York, Vol. I, No. 4,
Pike, LeRoy-Nevada Divorce Law. Lawyer and Banker, Vol. 5, No. 1, 56-65.
Rodgers, W. C.-The'Value and Admissibility of Photographs as Evidence. Criminal Law Journal of India, Vol. XII, Nos. 10 and 11, 182-187.
Scott, Francis-A Few Points as to the Administration of the Criminal Law
Suggested by the McNamara Trial. The New Jersey Law Journal, Vol.
XXXV, No. 1, 4-8.
Smith, Walter George-The Outlook for Uniformity of Legislation. The Green Bag,
Vol. XXIII, No. 12, 619-622.
Stevens, E. Ray-The Administration of Criminal Justice in Wisconsin. Journal
of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 1, 39-48.
Strahan, J. Andrew-Obscene Literature and Constitutional Law in America. Law
Magazine and Review, Vol. 36, 459.
Taft, William Howard-Needed Changes in Criminal Procedure. Proceedings of
the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 620-625.
Towne, Arthur W., and Homer Folks-The Probation System In the Juvenile Court.
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science In the City of New York, Vol.
I, No. 4, 682-694.
Trials in Jury Cases, The Prevention of Repeated-The Bench and Bar, Vol. XXVII,
No. 1, 8-12.
Van Hamel, J. A.-The International Union of Criminal Law. Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology, Vol. IF, No. 1, 22-28.
Allen, Stephen H.-The State's Guardianship Over Criminals. The Canadian Law
No. 8, 580-588.
Times, Vol. 3XI,
Chillingworth, H. R.-Sentimentalism and Hanging. Westm., Vol. 176, 177.
Cotes, Kenelm D., and C. A. Herreshoff Bartlett.-The King's Peace vs. Mob-Law.
Law Magazine and Review, Vol. 37, 43.
De Vere, R. S.-Discretion In Penalties. Law Quarterly Review, Vol 27, 317.
Elliot, Hugh S. R.-Punishment and Crime. Nineteenth Century, Vol. 70, 306.
FInzi, Marcello-Una Disposizione poco nota del diritto processuale penale italiano.
La Scuola Positiva, Serie III, Vol. II, No. 10, 496-500.
Folks, Homer, and Arthur W. Towne.-The Probation System in the Juvenile Court.
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. I,
No. 4, 682-694.
Giddings, Franklin H.-The Relation of the Criminal to Society. Proceedings of
the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4,
Journal of
Henderson, Charles R.-The Cell: A Problem of Prison Science.
Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 1, 56-68.
Kriegsmann, N. Hermann-Die Kriminalpolitsche Bedeutung des Borstalsystems.
Mittellungen der Internationalen Kriminalistischen Vereinigung, Achtzehnter Band,
Heft 2, 506-552.
Leale, Henri-Les Qualities du juge au criminel. Archives d'anthropologie criminelle.
De medecine legale et de psychologie normale et pathologie, XXVI, 369-383.
Manvers, Raymond B.-New England County Jails a Menace and Disgrace. New
England Magazine, 1911, 407-421.
Marx, Dr. Hugo-Schuld und Strafe. Archly fiir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 42, Heft 3 and 4, 304-352.
Mills. Wood H.-Present Jail Conditions in Maryland. Proceedings SLxth Maryland
Conference of Charities and Correction, 83-85.
Prins, Adolphe, and Ugo Conti-iluropean Comment on the American Prison System.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 2, 199-216.
A Prisoner-The Indeterminate Sentence. Atlantic, Vol. 108, 330.
Report of the Commissioners of Prisons. Law Magazine and Review, Vol. XXXVII,
No. 363, 175-189.
Richberg, Donald R.-The Imprisonment of Criminal Corporations. Case and Comment, Vol. 18, No. 9, 527-530.
Rosnyay, David von Kolozsvar-Die Behandlung der KriminelI. Archly f. Strafrecht
und Strafprozess, LVIII, 37-47.
Ruggles-Brise, Sir Evelyn-An English View of the American Penal System.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 3, 356-370.
Journal of CrimShipley, Maynard-Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?
inal Law and Criminology, Vol. I1, No. 1, 48-56.
Smithers, W. W.-The 1910 Meeting of the International Union of Penal Law.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 3, 381-386.
Speranza, Gino C.-Crime and Immigration (Report of Committee G of the Institute). Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4, 546-554.
Sullivan, Joseph M.-The Convict Critic and Other Prison Notes. New England Magazine, December, 1911, 371-374.
Swift, Morrison I.-Humanizing the Prisoners. Atlantic, Vol. 108, 170.
Towne, Arthur-Civil Service Examinations for Probation Officers. The Juvenile
Court Record, November, 1911, 11-15.
Ulman, Joseph N.-Baltimore's Prisons. The Review, Vol. II, No. 2, 10-12.
Wade, Frank E.-Justice for Young Misdemeanants. The Review, Vol. I, No. 2,
Whitin, Dr. E. Stagg-Prison Labor. The Review, Vol.
Wiebe, Paul A.-Sliall Sense or Sentiment Prevail in the
nile Offenders? The Juvenile Court Record, January,
Wines, Dr. Frederick Howard-The County Jail System.
land Conference of Charities and Correction, 85-100.
II, No. 2, 6-8.
Treatment of Our Juve1912, 13-16.
Proceedings Sixth Mary-
Mcaffrey, Geo. H.-The Boston Police Department. Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, Vol. 1I, No. 5, 672-691.
Melcher, Webster A.-The Identification of a Mark. The Canadian Law Times, Vol.
X=XC, No. 8, 611-616.
Archiv fiir KriminalNilcke, Dr. P.-Zur Identifizierung verwandter Personen.
Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 1 and 2, 72-79.
Ottolenghi, S.-Police Scientifique et anthropologie criminelle. Revue de Droit
Penal et de Criminologie, Sixieme Annee No. 2, February, 1912, 89-99.
Polzer, Wilhelm-Das Wiederverwenden gebrauchter Marken. Archly fMir KcriminalAnthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 43, Heft 3 and 4, 273-281.
Prochoroff, Dr. K-Uber die Technik der Daktyloskopie und den Vergleich der
Fingeradriicke. Archiv fiir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band
43, Heft 1 and 2, 165-174.
Sullivan, Joseph Mathew.-Police Rays. New England Magazine, January, 1912,
Falkner, Roland P.-Statistcs of Crime in the United States. Proceedings of the
Academy of Political Science in the -City of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 609-620.
Hourwich, 1. A.-Immigration and Crime. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 12,
No. 4, 478-490.
Koren, John-Criminal Statistics in the United States. Report of Committee (3)
of the Institute. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4,
Ruttiens, Raoul-Les donnees de la statistique judiciaire de ]a Belgique au point de
vue penal. Revue de Droit Penal et de Criminologie, Cinquieme annee Nos.
8, 9, 10, 567-584.
Virvilil, Filippo-La criminalita Italiana secondo le ultime statistiche penall e
carcerarie. La Scuola Positiva, Anno XXI, Serie III, Vol. II, No. 9, 433-456.
American Institute of -Criminal Law. Third Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. I, No. 4, 583-595.
Anon-A Recent Georgia Peonage Case. Throwing a Sidelight on Legal and Social
Conditions in the South. The Green Bag, Vol. XXIII, No. 10, 525.
Bushee, Frederick A.-Science and Social Progress. Popular Science Monthly,
Vol. 79, 236.
Currey, John-Abnormal Predicament of Ruef. The Lawyer and Banker, Vol. V,
No. 1, 12-19.
Fehlinger, H.-Alkoholismus eine Ursache der Entartung? Archly fir KriminalAnthropologie, Vol. 41, 302-306.
Gager, Edwin Baker-Professional Ethics. The Duties of Attorney. Yale Law
Journal, Vol. 21, 72.
Gilmore, E. A.-Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Branch. Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 5, 724-731.
Glos, Dr. Anton-Ein Strassermord. Archiv flir Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 42, Heft 3 and 4, 363-366.
Hemenway, Henry B.-Report of the Committee on Publishing Details of Suicides
in the Public Press. Bulletin of American Academy of Medicine, Vol. XII, No. 5,
Whole No. 124, 253-264.
Hoppe, Hugo-Ist Alkoholismus eine Ursache der Entartung? Archly ffir KriminalAnthropologie und Kriminalistik, Band 45, Heft 1 and 2, 144-164.
Hurty, J. N.-Practical Eugenics in Indiana. Proceedings Sixth Maryland Conference of Charities and Correction, 119-127.
Leonard, Oscar-The Labor Leader and Familliy Rehabilitation. Survey, Vol. 26, 757.
MacChesney, Nathan William-Report of the President of the Institute. Journal
of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. II, No. 4, 573-583.
Mack, Julian W.-The State and the Child. Proceedings of the Academy of
Political Science in the City'of New York, Vol. I, No. 4, 676-682.
Osborn, A. S.-An Expert's View as to Expert Testimony. Fair Play, Vol. I, No. 1,
, 11-12.
Osborn, A. S.-Proof of Handwriting. Illinois Law Review, Vol. VI, No. 5, 334-340.
Prins, Ad.-L'evolution du patronage. Revue de Droit Penal et de Criminologie,
Cinquieme annee, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 684-591.
Prinzing, Von, Dr. F.-Krebs und Beruf. Archiv ffir Soziale Hygiene, Band VII,
Heft 1, 32-46.
Roosevelt, Theodore-Lynchiig and the Miscarriage of Justice. The Outlook, Vol.
99, 706.
Wadsworth, Wm. S.-The Newspapers and Crime. Bulletin of the American Academy of Medicine, Vol. XII, No. 5, Whole No. 124. 316-326.