Transparencies Encryption


Transparencies Encryption
Informatics 3
SS 2008
3.1 Encryption / Introduction
Kay Förger
1. Hardware and Operating Systems
No guarantee for computer security
Why use encryption?
„Computer interior“ Linux, Windows
2. Database Systems
Terms and Designs,
Language used by Database Systems SQL (Structured Query Language)
3. Encryption
Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption, Digital Signature, ...
4. Networks
Data Packets and Network Addresses: Ethernet,
TCP/IP (connection oriented /connectionless Protocols)
Network Services (Protocols: DNS, HTTP, SMTP, POP, Security: Firewall)
Accidental view / disclosure of confidential data
System administrators must no have access to all information
stored on a computer
Make attacks more difficult
asymmetric (public, private Key)
symmetric, Problem: secure exchange of the key
Network communication: z.B. ssh, scp
E-Mail: e.g. PGP
Inf3 1
3.1 Encryption / Introduction
Einführung in die Kryptographie Network Associates
International (NAI) :, ebenfalls unter:
SS 2008
Alice wants to instruct her bank to send money to somebody.
She wants to use the Internet for transmission of the message.
3.2 Encryption / Example
Script von Prof. Völler Fachbereich E+I der HAW:
Confidentiality (de: Vertraulichkeit) (only the bank can read Alice's message)
Authenticity (the bank must be sure that the message was really send from Alice)
Integrity (The content of the message is unchanged, e.g. the amount of money)
Das Handbuch der freien Software GnuPG
Integrity is self-acting obtained if
● Confidentiality
● Authenticity are guaranteed
Some times confidentiality is not desired
Example: public notice but authenticity (travel warning
really originated from the government) and Integrity (is
really for Irak) are necessary
3.3 Encryption / Methods
SS 2008
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
3.3.1 Symmetric Encryption continued
3.3.1 Symmetric Encryption
In our example:
plain text
encrypted text
plain text
picture taken from NAI:
SS 2008
3.3.1 Symmetric Encryption continued
Properties of symmetric encryption
3.3.2 Symmetric Encryption Examples
Rearranged Alphabet:
Sender and receiver have the same key which is used for
encryption and decryption
The encrypted text cannot be read without the key
i.e. only at great expense (not being worth the attempt)
The encryption procedure is a matter of common
knowledge (Kerckhoffs Maxim, niederl. Philologe, book: La cryptographie militaire)
secret/confidential is only the key
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
Shift characters (Caesar): easy to crack (analyse relative frequencies of letters)
Machine for encryption
Dt. Wehrmacht: Enigma
Realtive frequencies
3.3 Encryption / Methods
pictures: Script Prof. Dr. Völler
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
3.3.3 Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
3.3.4 Symmetric Encryption Problem
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
1977 developed by IBM in collaboration with NSA
Key length 56 bit (+ 8 parity bits = 64 bits)
Does the algorithm contain any “backdoor”?
1991 Shamir: method to reduce analysis by a factor of 512
(known 1977 but unpublished)
3.3.5 Asymmetric Encryption, Principle
Solution: asymmetric Encryption (next transparency)
2nd possibility to apply asymmetric encryption
Private key
Private key
Public key
encrypted text
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
3.3.5 Asymmetric Encryption, Principle
1st possibility to apply asymmetric encryption
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
plain text
Transmission of the
bkey on secure way
Key length: 128 Bits
Triple IDEA: Improvement of security by useing two keys
T: plain text, C: encrypted (ciphered) text,
E(K, T): encryption function, D(K, C). decryption function
C = E(K1, D(K2, E(K1,T)))
T = D(K1, E(K2, D(K1,T)))
Public key
The key exchange (transmission) is not secure
if the Internet is used
IDEA (developed to substitute DES)
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
plain text
Picture taken from NAI:
plain text
encrypted text
plain text
Picture taken from NAI:
3.3 Encryption / Methods
SS 2008
3.3.6 Hybrid Method
3.3.6 Hybrid Method continued
Problem: asymmetric encryption takes 1000 times more
computation time (compared with symmetic encryption)
Solution: hybrid method
Generation of a random symmetric session key
Transmission of the session key by asymmetric encryption
Use session key for symmetric encryption of data
The plain text is
encrypted with a
random generated
so called session key
SS 2008
Essentially dependent on the state of hardware technology,
because thte private key can be calculated in priciple form
the public key, but the run time would be very long
Comparison of key lengths
Symmetric 80 bit key is equivalent to 1024 Bit asymmetric key
Symmetric 128 bit key is equivalent to 3000 Bit asymmetric key
Methods for asymmetric encryption
RSA (1977, Authors: Rivest, Shamir, Adlemann)
Choose large prim numbers p,q, and e,d with
(e*d)%((p-1)*(q-1)) = 1
public key: (e, p*q), private key: (d, p*q)
Encryption of a number t (0 <= t < p*q): c = te %(p*q),
Decryption t = cd %(p*q)
ElGamal (1985 Taher ElGamal )
Usage of private key of recipient
to encrypted session key
Session key to
encrypted plain text
plain text
Pcitures taken from NAI:
3.3.7 Security of Asymmetric Encryption
session key
plain text
Pictures taken from NAI:
Decryption using the hybrid medthod
Session key is encrypted with
public key of recipient
Encrypted plain text +
encrypted session key
3.3 Encryption / Methods
SS 2008
3.3 Encryption / Methods
3.4 Verschlüsselung / Unterschriften
SS 05
3.4.1 Digitale Unterschrift, grundlegende Idee
Unterschreiben: Originaltext + mit privaten Schlüssel
verschlüsselten Text übertragen
Verifizieren: verschlüsselten Teil mit öffentlichem Schlüssel
entschlüsseln, bei Übereinstimmung: Unterschrift OK
3.4 Verschlüsselung / Unterschriften
SS 05
3.4 Verschlüsselung / Unterschriften
3.4.2 Anwendbares Verfahren
3.4.2 Anwendbares Verfahren
Nachteile der grundlegenden Idee
SS 05
große Datenmengen sind zu übertragen (2 x Nachricht)
großer Berechnungsaufwand
Lösung: Hash-Funktion
berechnet aus einem Text beliebiger Länge: Ausgabe
mit fester Länge, geringfügige Änderungen am Ausgangstext verändern Ergebnis völlig, z.B.
MD5 [RFC1321]: Message digest (engl. Nachrichten Zusammenfassung) Version 5,
128 Bit Länge (Autor: Rivest),
SHA1 [RFC3174]: US Secure Hash Algorithm 1, 160 Bit Länge)
Lösung: Hash-Funktion
berechnet aus einem Text beliebiger Länge: Ausgabe
mit fester Länge, geringfügige Änderungen am Ausgangstext verändern Ergebnis völlig, z.B.
MD5 [RFC1321]: Message digest (engl. Nachrichten Zusammenfassung) Version 5,
128 Bit Länge (Autor: Rivest),
SHA1 [RFC3174]: US Secure Hash Algorithm 1, 160 Bit Länge)
3.4 Verschlüsselung / Unterschriften
3.5 Verschlüsselung / Zertifikate
SS 05
3.4.2 Anwendbares Verfahren (Fortsetzung)
SS 05
3.5.1 Grundlegende Idee
Problem: Angriffe durch gezielte Verfälschung eines
öffentlichen Schlüssels (Man in the middle attack)
Lösung: Zertifikate = unterschriebene Schlüssel zur Prüfung
der Authentizität eines öffentlichen Schlüssels
zur Automatisierung des Ablaufes benötigt man:
Quelle der Bilder NAI:
öffentlicher Schlüssel
Zertifikatsdaten zur Identität des Benutzers
eine oder mehrere digitale Unterschriften einer vertrauenswürdigen
Liste von vertrauenswürdigen Einrichtungen + deren öffentliche Schlüssel
Certificate Server (Schlüssel/ Zertifikatserver)
Abrufen von Schlüsseln / Zertifikaten
● Bereitstellen von Schlüsseln/Zertifikaten
Extras ->
>Zertifikate ...<
3.5 Verschlüsselung / Zertifikate
3.5.2 Zertifikate z.B. im Browser (IE)
SS 05
3.5 Verschlüsselung / Zertifikate
SS 05
3.5.2 Zertifikate
Zertifiaktstypen: X.509, PGP, ...
Weitere Möglichkeit zur Prüfung der Gültigkeit:
Fingerabdruck (=Hash des Zertifikates)
MD5 Fingerprint=22:55:A4:CF:F3:3D:5E:73:74:E1:5F:73:B3:5A:9F:8B
Ein solcher Fingerabdruck kann beispielsweise auf einer
Visitenkarte stehen, die persönlich (oder per Post) einem
Kommunikationspartner übergeben wird.
Def. PKI: Darunter versteht man alle Einrichtungen, Werkzeuge
und Verfahren, die erforderlich sind, um Verschlüsselung in einem
konkreten Anwendungsfall fachgerecht einzusetzen.
Zertifizierungsinstanz (entspricht Behörde, die Ausweise
CSA 149