June 2012 - Strasburg, IL


June 2012 - Strasburg, IL
Gnome News
Strasburg, Illinois
“Gnome News is Good News!”
June 14
Flag Day-Flag Disposal Ceremony at Veteran’s Memorial
June 2012
Poppy Day & Flag Memorial
June 18-22 Village Office Closed
June 19
Community Blood Bank at
Community Building
June 26
SCAN Quarterly Meeting
June 27
Seasoned Citizens meet
June 28
Lions Club meets
July 9
Village Board meets
July 13-14
Lions Club Homecoming
Farmers Market
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Wayne’s words
of Wirth
Did you notice the
new American flags
that have been attached to the light
Strasburg mayor poles along the highand all around way? These flags
great guy!
have heavier poles
and brackets, and were purchased by
the American Legion Auxiliary with the
assistance of Holly Giertz and Marty
Doehring and the committee raising
money for the Support Our Troops
signs. Matt Figgins, Derek Durbin and
Mike Antonacci worked to install the
new brackets and flags. Thank you to
Matt for the use of his bucket truck,
and a big thank you to the three for
volunteering their time.
From left to right– Skylar Vonderheide, Abby Brown, Grace Vonderheide, Lexi
Vonderheide, Sarah Wyckoff, Leo Wyckoff and Caralea Moffett.
Saturday, May 19 was a very busy day for the members of the
Strasburg American Legion Auxiliary Unit #289. It was Poppy Day in Strasburg. Senior members distributing poppies were Evelyn Augenstein, Kathryn Hartman, Pat Wallace, Jamie Brown, Linda Oakley, Cinda Held,
Caralea Moffett and Sarah Wyckoff. Junior members assisting were Skylar Vonderheide, Lexi Vonderheide, Grace Vonderheide and Abby
Brown. Leo Wyckoff also helped with the poppy distribution. Thanks to
the donations of Strasburg residents, more than $330 was raised to fund
projects, including Mattoon VA Outpatient Clinic, Illiana Medical Clinic in
Danville, plus the Central Illinois Honor Flight.
Following the distribution of the poppies, 10 members of Auxiliary
traveled to five area cemeteries and placed 186 flags on the graves of
veterans in preparation for Memorial Day. In all, 64 flags were placed at
St. Paul’s Cemetery; 74 flags at Grace Cemetery; 42 flags at Richland
Cemetery; four at Wade Cemetery and two at Lone Point Cemetery. Those
members assisting with the placement of the flags included Senior Members Gail Rincker, Cinda Held, Caralea Moffett, Sarah Wyckoff, Jamie
Brown and Linda Oakley. Junior members included Skylar Vonderheide,
Lexi Vonderheide, Grace Vonderheide and Abby Brown. Also assisting was
Sarah's son Leo Wyckoff, who is learning at a young age how to volunteer.
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Wayne’s words of Wirth cont. A thank you also goes to the American Legion Auxiliary and the Support
Our Troops committee for purchasing this beautiful and patriotic addition
to Strasburg. It is very heartwarming to note the volunteerism that takes place in Strasburg. To the Auxiliary and
the Support Our Troops committee, we thank you for honoring our country and our veterans. To our area veterans,
we thank you for your service.
As you drive through town take time to notice the flowers and decorations display. Individuals take pride in flying
their flags and honoring our country and town. The SCAN group has again planted flowers from the Strasburg Welcome signs as you enter town, up Commercial Street (also known as Main Street) to the park. Volunteers again
water and weed the displays as they are needed. If you would like to volunteer to weed and/or water, please contact Pam Clark. Our thanks go to Pam for coordinating this for the Village. The Farmers Market is back in town!
After a successful initial season last year, this season promises to be bigger and better. The market has been
moved up to the park this year to be more convenient for both buyer and seller.
The Lift Station Grant has been approved. The money is available as soon as it
can be released. A 30’ x 30’ plot has been purchased adjacent to the old plot to
make necessary space available.
A lot has been purchased in the York Acres Subdivision. As soon as M & L Custom
Builders from Arcola finishes their current project they will start to build, to the
right is a picture of the signing.
Are you ready for the World Famous Strasburg Tractor Pull? The Strasburg Lion’s Club is gearing up for the annual
Strasburg Homecoming July 13 & 14. Friday evening will start with a pork chop meal, followed by entertainment
on the stage. Saturday morning will be the inaugural 5K Walk/Run replacing the bicycle ride. Saturday afternoon
will start with the tractor pull which will run well into the night. Also in the afternoon will be kids games and a pedal
tractor pull. Hamburger, pork burger, pronto pup, beer garden, Big Al’s shakeups, need I say more?
The Third Annual Strasburg Hog Roast with parade, beer garden, Farmer’s Rodeo (what a blast), car show
(something new), Miss Strasburg and Miss Junior Miss contest, Poprocks band (under tent) and other fun things
they haven’t even told me about yet!
Let’s keep on making Strasburg RIGHT! in the middle of everything!
Are you interested in making Strasburg a better
place to live?
The Strasburg Community Action Network has
been very successful at improving the quality of
life in the village of Strasburg. This volunteer organization is made up of your friends and
neighbors who give of their time and talents for
the betterment of their community.
We invite you to attend the next SCAN quarterly
meeting on Tuesday, June 26 at 7 p.m. at the
Strasburg Community Building. Discussions will
include main street improvements and the fall
festival. Questions, call Gary Kull at 217-6443141.
Share your talents and ideas! Be part of it!
Community to nominate candidates for Volunteer of
the Year
Each September at the Community Weiner Roast a
member of the community whose volunteer activities
have benefited the Strasburg Community has been
presented the ―Volunteer of the Year‖ award. The
award winner has been nominated and chosen by the
Village Board. Beginning this year, the Village Board
would like for members of the community to nominate
those individuals they think are deserving of this
Criteria for the nomination will be included in the August Issue of the Gnome News.
Previous winners of the award are: 2007 Larry Giertz,
2008 Gary Kull, 2009 Linda Oakley, 2010 Patsy Lenz
and 2011 Karen Kull and Lisa Shelton.
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Lions Club Homecoming July 13-14
Schedule of Events
For more information
or questions please
contact Gary Schultz
at 217-682-3680
Friday, July 13th
5 p.m. Pork Chop Dinner
Ice Cream & Cake by LYF
7 p.m. Stage Entertainment Dance,
Beer Garden (closes at 11
8:30 p.m. Band on Stage: ―The
Strasburg Hog Roast
Saturday, September 1, 2012
At the Park
San arden
Featuring This Year
 Car Show NEW!
 Parade
 Junior Miss and Miss Strasburg Pageant
 Farmers Rodeo
 Raffle
Event is Sponsored by:
* Village of Strasburg * Strasburg Lions Club
* American Legion Auxiliary Unit #289
* American Legion Post #289
* Strasburg Community Action Network
All proceeds go towards the Community Building!
For more information please contact the Village Office at
Saturday, July 14th
9 a.m. 5k Walk/Run
11 a.m. Tractor Weigh-In
12 p.m. Food Stand Opens
1 p.m. Tractor Pull Begins
Kids Games on Ball
3 p.m. Pedal Tractor Pull Begins
Beer Garden Opens
(closes at midnight)
5 p.m. Break in Pull Action for
Any business, individual, or family who
would like to contribute to the prizes or
goody bags for the Miss Strasburg or Junior Miss Strasburg winners and contestants should please contact Sara Long at
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rayer shawls have been blessing the hearts and lives of many in our local communities and surrounding areas for the past couple years. The women of the United
Methodist Churches began their Prayer Shawl Ministry in 2009. Shawls are knit or crocheted and blessed on the alter at the Strasburg church on the first Sunday of each month.
They are available to anyone who has a need for a special blessing: someone who is ill, has
lost a loved one, or even elderly and alone. All the churches in the Five Point Parish have
contributed to the ministry, Gaskill Chapel, Washington, Mode, Stewardson and Strasburg.
Some ladies knit or crochet shawls, donate yarn or give financial support. Shawls have
been given to many of the nursing home patients and to Haven House in St. Louis (a place
for cancer patients). You only need to ask someone in the Strasburg church to receive a
shawl for someone. Those of us in the ministry are blessed as we bless others with the gift
of a shawl.
Submitted by Kay Adams
―Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to Comet Country!‖...Mark Wildman’s voice had echoed
throughout the halls and gym of Stewardson—Strasburg school for over twenty-five years. If you’ve gone to a Homecoming game or a home varsity boys basketball game you’ve heard the crowd roar with Mark’s introductions. Mark
has been a FFA advisor and teacher for more than 30 years at Stewardson-Strasburg.
Mark teaches agriculture, coop, resource management and agriculture business. Stewardson-Strasburg is Mark’s first teaching job after graduating from University of Illinois
in 1980.
Mark has also worn a lot of other hats. He has coached 8th grade boys basketball for
18 years, girls junior softball for 10 years, and has been a bus driver and IAVAT President all while teaching at Stew-Stras. Mark grew up in Lovington, IL and met his wife
Jeanne when coming to Stew-Stras. They have four children: Lauren Wetherell, Nicole,
Alecia, and Shalyn Wildman. They also have four grandchildren: Tyler, Dylan, Wyatt, and
Karly Wetherell. Mark has been involved in Lions Club, a reader at St. Paul’s Church,
judge at the State Fair, and has also worked at various fairs, The Timbers and Bales Unlimited.
Mark is suffering from liver failure due to Cirrhosis of the liver. The Stewardson-Strasburg Education Association is
holding a benefit June 29, 2012 from 4-8 p.m. called ―Wild for Wildman‖ at Stewardson-Strasburg School. There is
a kids carnival from 4-7 p.m., a pedal tractor pull at 6 p.m. and an auction at 7 p.m.
Mark your calendar! Lets get out and support our teacher, advisor, coach and friend!
Submitted by Barb Ohnesorge
Strasburg Short Stop and Subway will be having
customer appreciation days
on Friday, July 6
4-8 p.m. T
There will be prizes, food
and fun! Plan now to attend
and enjoy the festivities.
A gift to the Strasburg Community Endowment Fund is
truly a gift that keeps on giving. All gifts small and large
can make a difference.
Permanent monies which are set aside now will not be
spent, but serve as a pool of funds for future generations
to use to help our community. A tax exempt gift or memorial for a loved one are great ways to help your community.
Find a donation form
at www.strasburgil.com or http://enrichingourcommunity
.org/ or call Joedy Hightower at 217.342.4988.
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Page 5
People Serving in the Armed Forces from the Stewardson, Strasburg, and Mode Area:
Aaron Kessler
Aaron Moomaw
Adam Vonderheide
Cameron Beitz
Chad Kessler
Curtis Webb
Dave Wetherell
John Florida
James Overbeck
Kenny Castille
Precious Mulvany
Illinois National Guard
Air Force
Illinois National Guard
Illinois National Guard
Seth Blythe
Tim Kessler
Andy Beitz
Brendon Bowers
Cody Collins
Landon Collins
Mike Doehring
Matt Giertz
Nick Grieco
Cody Locke
Blake Phegley
Matt Rentfro
Illinois National Guard
Air Force
Army Reserves
Navy Submarine
Illinois National Guard
Air Force
Illinois National Guard
The Stew-Stras Support the Troops Fund appreciates the contributions of the following
businesses, groups, and individuals for the purchase of signs, brackets, poles, and flags:
Prairie National Bank
Richards Insurance Agency
Tate Farm Equipment
Stewardson Builder Supply
McCormick Diesel
Mane Design
Ooo La La
Moomaw Truck Alignment, Inc.
Moomaw Elevator
T&L Locker
Stewardson Lions Club
Kull Appliance Service
Shelby County State Bank
Strasburg Elevator
Karen Haarmann Beauty Shop
Dean Rentfro Repair
Strasburg Lions Club
3rd Base Bar
Howe and Yockey Funeral Homes
Newell Sand and Rock Filter Cleaning
Dave Doehring
We apologize if we missed listing anyone. Donations may be sent to or deposited at Prairie
National Bank, account number 3948 for The Stew-Stras Support the Troops Fund.
The Stew-Stras Support the Troops Fund group would also like the names of other residents who
are serving in the military. Contact Holly Giertz or Marty Doehring for future listings.
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Taylor Wagner entertains at Seasoned Citizens
Taylor Wagner, granddaughter of Denny and Judy Patridge of Strasburg, and a college
student from Nashville, Tennessee, entertained a very surprised group of seniors with
two songs, one accompanied on guitar, singing Hallelujah and Amazing Grace. Taylor
has several more gigs this summer in neighboring towns. Her web site is Taylorwagnermusic.com. Twenty-seven people in all attended the May meeting at the Strasburg
Methodist Church with the walking taco as the feature food. Bob Adams offered the
opening prayer. Doris Stremming won the door prize, a beautiful patriotic hand-made
wall hanging or table centerpiece. Chris Storm and Linda Oakley made announcements on local events. Abbey, an EIU student from Effingham, will be a new intern
working with Linda on Thursdays. The women’s legion auxiliary purchased the flags
that are displayed on utility poles on Walnut Street in Strasburg. Matt Figgins, Derek
Durbin and Mike Antonacci installed the flags with use of a bucket truck.
Trudy Lawson gave the tip of the day. She said that this may be a wives tale but it
really worked. If you are suffering from a sty in the eye, just rub a gold ring on it once a
day for two days. Should be gone by the third day!
It was announced that Lake Land College is offering introductory computer classes at Effingham or Mattoon. Cost
is $15.65 if you are 65 or older. Chris Storm shared a true story of a World War I Veteran called "Old Grey and a
Bucket of Shrimp." Jane Giertz gave a talk about Memorial Day and its origins.
Larry Giertz announced an upcoming fund raiser bicycle ride to St Louis from Strasburg involving over 37 registered folk to raise money for the support of Haven House in St Louis. It is to honor Jordan Giertz, whose family
stayed there during his illness and was a big help. It will be held June 23-25. More folk are welcome who can handle a bicycle for nearly 68 miles in two days.
Kay Adams and Jane Giertz displayed a collection of lap robes and shawls that the women of the Methodist church
make for the sick and those needing encouragement. Also, more than 100 caps for cancer patients have been distributed by Mike and Peggy Giertz at Haven House. Juanita Thompson, Lydia Lewis and Margaret Webner have knitted many of the items mentioned.
A hat was passed to collect for the fund raiser. The meeting was dismissed and a garden walk at the home of Jane
Giertz was enjoyed by all who attended.
Submitted by Nancy Shiels
Join us next month at Seasoned Citizens, a fun group for ages 55+
Have you seen this building?
Do you know where it is? Do you
know what it is? You all will probably know if you have lived around here for a
long time. Paul Manhart could tell you.
Herborn is located in Prairie Township, three miles north of Stewardson, and
three miles south of Strasburg. The land was once owned by Heinrich W.
Rincker who received compensation in exchange for the right of way through his
land. The C&P Railroad agreed to install a switch at the location in Herborn.
This railroad was built in 1873 and 1874. This switch in the middle of Prairie
Township was known as ―Rincker Siding‖ and ―Rincker Station‖ until 1878. A
post office was established in the fall of 1878 under the name of Herborn after
Mr. Rincker’s home in Germany. This building is still standing and can be seen at the Paul Manhart residence in
Want to know more? There are a lot of interesting stories about the railroad. Look for upcoming articles in the
Gnome News by Brad Friese who has researched the history of the local railroad.
Submitted by Jane Giertz
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Page 7
We Remember…
Glenn E. Buesking, 91, Strasburg
(February 16, 1921 - April 24, 2012)
Good Luck
Wishing Miss Strasburg
Haley Mettendorf
much success at the IHSRA
State Rodeo Finals in
Altamont this weekend.
Glenn was born in rural Strasburg, IL. He farmed in the
Strasburg area until his retirement. Glenn was a lifelong
member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Strasburg.
Theodore A. Alwardt, 92, Mattoon
(April 22, 1919 - April 16, 2012)
Ted was a retired farmer from the Strasburg area and a
former member of Grace Lutheran Church, Strasburg.
He is the grandfather of Sarah (Alwardt) Gracey of Strasburg.
Spring cleaning
and repairs at the
Park by Lions
Club members
Juanita (Doeding) Weber, 87 Strasburg
(August 5, 1924 - April 26, 2012)
Juanita was a lifelong member of St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church, a graduate of Strasburg High School class of
1942 and a U.S. Navy veteran of WWII. Survivors include sisters Lela Ostermeier and Dorothy Juhnke of
Thank You!
The Trustees for the Village of Strasburg are:
Mike Antonacci, Chris Daniels, Jason Durbin,
Doug Quast, Dawn Schlechte, and Chuck
Individuals/Groups who wish to reserve the
park’s pavilion should contact the Village Office.
Ruff! All dogs in town should be on a leash, it
is a Village Ordinance. Ordinance #12-5 regarding penalties in violation of the Dog Ordinance became effective June 1, 2012. ―Any
person, firm or corporation violating this Ordinance shall be fined $50 for the first offense,
with the fine to double with each subsequent
offense, plus any attorney fees that might be
incurred by the Village‖. (1st offense $50 fine,
2nd offense $100 fine, 3rd offense $200 fine,
etc.) ―A separate offense shall be deemed
committed on each day during or on which a
violation occurs or continues‖.
The 2012 Stew-Stras Alumni Banquet
he Stewardson-Strasburg Alumni Banquet was
revived in 2012 after no banquet was held in
2011. Seventy alumni and guests gathered on
Saturday May 26th at the Stewardson Community
Building to visit and celebrate those who received
awards. The social hour entertainment was provided by local pianists- Kathy Yakey, Sheryl Vonderheide, Ruth Anderson, and Julie Slifer. Many
thanks to them for sharing their talent with us!
President Heath McCormick led the group in the
pledge of allegiance and invocation. A delicious
Pictured from left to right, Gabe Wascher, Josh Agapita, Darlene Eborg, Viola
meal was catered by Off Route 32 Café, StewardWetherell, Franklin Brandt, Al Krietemeier
son. During the roll call of classes by decade,
Karen Rentfro played appropriate music for the
years as Heath McCormick and Tracy Vonderheide read off the names. It was agreed to continue having the banquet on this date each year. The 2013 officers for the alumni association will be President- Darcy Wernsing, VicePresident- Autumn McCormick, Treasurer- Sheila Renner, and Secretary- Lulu Love.
Award Committee Chairman, Karen Rentfro, recognized the 2012 student award nominees: seniors Sarah Luce,
Brendan Wascher, and Josh Agapito. The winner of the $100 savings bond was Josh Agapito. Josh and 2011 student winner Gabe Wascher read their essays for the alumni. The Distinguished Service Award went to 20-plus year
basketball and baseball coach and alumnus, Franklin Brandt.
The Outstanding Alumnus Award had three winners: Darlene (Beitz) Eborg was recognized for her community involvement in the Bloomington area for the past 40 years as well as her work with state Senator Bill Brady, Al
Krietemeier was recognized for his extensive work in education, ministry, and coaching, and Viola Wetherell was
recognized for her tireless work in her community and family for over 60 years, especially her work with the disabled.
To end the evening, a free will donation was taken. Door prizes included two Stew-Stras T-shirts from the PTSA and
potted plants from His Glories Farm, rural Strasburg. In closing, President McCormick thanked everyone for coming
and encouraged them to return next year with more alumni and to consider having their class reunions in conjunction with the banquet. Congratulations to these wonderful alumni, we are so proud to recognize the fantastic role
models who are tied to our school.
4:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursdays in Strasburg Park until September 27
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The SCAN booth will be accepting produce donations with proceeds going to SCAN

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