fvw 2011 - Huson International Media
fvw 2011 - Huson International Media
fvw 2011 Rate Card No. 39, as of 1st January 2011 The Trade Magazine for Tourism and Business Travel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. Media Profile Publisher’s Details Product Line Circulation Technical Specifications Formats and Rates Publication Schedule Recruitment & Classified Ads Official ITB Dailies Loose Inserts, Tip-Ons, Bound Inserts Advertising Specials Advertorials Promotional Inserts Advertising on fvw.de Online Rates Online Advertising Specials E-Learning Events General Terms and Conditions Contacts/Representatives 1. Media Profile fvw – the leading travel trade magazine The bi-weekly trade magazine for tourism and business travel provides independent and objective information about the latest trends and current developments in the market. fvw is known as a synonym for reliable and objective journalism with a maximum of in-depth information and a great variety of topics. Its analysis and background reports serve as basis for decision-making. And last but not least, fvw also offers practical support for day-to-day business while features, commentaries, and a modern magazinestyle design ensure reading fun. Anyone who wants to know what is happening in the travel industry reads fvw. fvw.de fvw.de is the up-to-date online source designed to provide tourism and business travel professionals with key industry news plus current assessments and exclusive know-how from fvw’s team of editors. Additional services include the fvw job market section, a comprehensive agent discount database as well as blogs on current topics. Travel professionals start into day with the brand new fvw AM MORGEN newsletter while fvw Newsline is mailed every afternoon to about 12,000 newsletter subscribers, delivering a news summary for the day. 2. Publisher’s Details Media Expertise in Travel and Tourism Going into its 45th year in 2011, fvw is the largest publication of FVW Mediengruppe, whose portfolio also includes TravelTalk, the young weekly travel trade magazine, the consumer travel magazine Urlaub Perfekt, and the BizTravel business travel magazine. In addition, the group provides the industry with daily online news and stages events such as fvw Kongress. Through workshops and its FAMtrips plus more than 30 representatives worldwide the company is also very active on an international level. Publishing House: Verlag Dieter Niedecken GmbH, Wandsbeker Allee 1, 22041 Hamburg, Germany Postal Address: P.O. Box 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg, Germany Websites: www.fvw.de, www.fvw.com Publisher: Ines Niedecken Editor-in-Chief: Klaus Hildebrandt Group Advertising Sales Director: Michael Körner Deputy Group Advertising Sales Director / Advertising Director International: Matthias Schulz Advertising Director National: Michael Bordt Management: Ines Niedecken Advertising Sales: Phone +49 40 41448-844, fax +49 40 41448-899, anzeigen@fvw-mediengruppe.de Bank Account Details: HSH Nordbank AG, 20079 Hamburg, sorting code 210 500 00, account no. 116 186 000, Bic/Swift HSHNDEHH, IBAN: DE20 2105 0000 0116 1860 00 Terms of Payment: Net payment immediately upon receipt of invoice. 2 % discount on prepayment or direct debit provided that no earlier invoices are outstanding. The publisher reserves the right to demand advance payment from first-time advertisers. Invoices are issued in euro. Agency Commission: 15 % Volume: 45th volume Publication Frequency: Bi-weekly on Fridays 3. Product Line fvw Special (loose inserts) A total of 6 supplements particularly provide sales staff with extended product information as well as advice and backgrounds for improved sales performance. Topics are Business Travel Hotels/Resorts/Clubs Airlines & Airports Fit for Cruises Summer Program Highlights 2012 As a highly valued reference source offering in-depth analyses of select market segments fvw Spezial enjoys a long period of use especially in travel agencies, which makes the insert a premium advertising platform, notably also for providers of specialized products and services. fvw.de fvw Dossier (loose inserts) fvw’s great annual review reports, distributed as inserts to fvw. Editors analyze and evaluate in detail the German travel agency and tour operator market, which makes these inserts an important source of reference for the entire industry. Owing to its new design and new technology, the industry’s leading news portal offers an even greater amount of up-to-date information and increased reader interaction in 2011. Counter Series “Better Selling” The “Better Selling” series in fvw highlights one particular destination per issue, presenting all facts travel agents require. The “Better Selling” series, which is published within the magazine, serves travel agents as a valuable sales and counseling tool, making it an ideal advertising platform for those wishing to address counter staff. Besser verkaufen Die große fvw-Counter-Serie Karnataka Besser verkaufen Die große fvw-Counter-Serie Das touristische Angebot des kleinen arabischen Königreichs ist wesentlich größer, als mancher Tourist denkt. Jordanien Karnataka – dieser Bundesstaat im Süden Indiens kann mit allem aufwarten: schöne Strände, Kulturdenkmäler und eine reiche Tierwelt. Der Norden: rden: Antikes Erbe Totes Meer Ein Bad im Toten Auch die Ausstellung des Na-nbnis. Gute Ba- turkundemuseums lohnt. AnMeer ist ein Erlebnis. destellen gibt es vor allem im schließend kann man im Mu-Besser verkaufen maDie große fvw-Counter-Serie nengewässers. seumsrestaurant das Panorama Nordteil des Binnengewässers. ch auch die so- genießen. Hier befindet sich dt te Hotelmeile Madaba Wem die Hauptstadt genannte te ahlreichen in- Amman zu hektisch ist, sollte mit zahlreichen er nalen Ketten- nach Madaba ausweichen. Hier ternationalen zu hotels inklusive Pri- geht es etwas beschaulicher zu. re den. Erst Ende Die Stadt ist bekannt für ihre vatstränden. 2009 hat das Holiday antiken Mosaike. Das berühm-sort Sweimeh teste – die Palästina-Landkartee Inn Resort .– befindet in der St.ten geöffn öffn öf et. Die seine Pforten geöffnet. Insel imsich östlichen Mittelmeer n Nur weni- Georgs-Kirche. Bethanien Strandfans, Naturliebhaber he Jerash Die frühere römische meter nördlich lockt ge Kilometer ch Provinzstadt Jerash nördlich er Taufpl uf atz und ufpl liegt der Taufplatz Kultur-Entdecker. n Bethania, ein Muss für von Amman zählt zu den Tops Jor- 122 ten. Der Jor- Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten JorPilgertouristen. tiert sich hier daniens. Um die gut erhaltenee dan präsentiert Wanderwege Sechs Dutzend te aunes, wenige Anlage zu besichtigen, sollte nur als braunes, Wanderwege von unterschiedlien man sich schon einen ganzen es Rinnsal. Meter breites chem Schwierigkeitsgrad sind gut Dead Sea Museum Eine Tag Zeit nehmen. beschildert und ausgebaut. Landyssicht auf das Umm Qays Die römisch-byfantastische Aussicht schaftlich reizvoll sind vor allem gt ch vom Dead zantinische Ruinenstadt liegt Tote Meer bietet sich Touren durch das Troodos-Gebirge Sea Museum, das südlich des im äußersten Nordwesten Jor-sowie durch den Naturpark der Wadi Mujib etwas landeinwärts daniens. Von dort aus hat man Akamas-Halbinsel. ert Meter über einen herrlichen Ausblick auf und einige hundert Troodos-Gebirge Hier hat der Zywässer liegt. das Jordantal. dem Binnengewässer pern-Tourismus seine Wurzeln. Zunächst kamen Ägypter und Israelis wegen der frischen Luft in den Sommermonaten. Skifahren ist im Winter in der Bergregion Troodos möglich. Es gibt vier Lifte. Höhenluft Das Hotel New Helvetia bietet eine Kombination aus Berg- und Strandurlaub unter dem klingenden Titel „Urlaub zwischen Höhenluft und Meeresduft“. Zypern 46 City: Paläste und Hightech Bangalore: Die Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates hat viele Namen: Rentnerparadies, Indiens Silicon Valley, Biotech City oder Gar Gut, so ganz trifft Gartenstadt. ke der Bezeichnungen zu, keine ab sie veranschaulichen wie aber viele Gesichter Bengaluru, so der neue Name, hat. Programm: Die drittgrößte Progr Stadt Indiens bietet alles, was das Traveller-Herz begehrt. Schöne Parks, Kneipen und CaSc fés sorgen für die Unterhaltung. Zahlr Sehenswürdigkeiten Zahlreiche wie der monolithische Nandi aus grauem Granit im BullTe die größte Shiva-Statue Tempel, a-T a-Tempel oder der Stadt im Shiva-Tempel der riesige Botanische Garten lassen keine Langeweile aufko kommen. Fe Das Kulturfestiv lturf lturfestiv al Festival: Kulturfestival Bengalur Habba ist seit 2003 Bengaluru fe fester Programmpunkt im Kulturkalender der Stadt. Es findet im Dezember statt. Dann treffe sich in der Boomtown fen Natur: Sportlich entdecken Künstler aus aller Welt zum Rezitieren und Musizieren, Rezitier Tanzen. Der Eintritt zu allen kostenlos. Veranstaltungen ist ko Klima: Im Vergleich zzur Ebene Bangalore ein relaherrscht in Bangalor tiv angenehmes Klima. Durch die gute Verkehrsanbindung ist die Metropole ein idealer Ausgangspunkt für eine Reise durch Karnataka. Mysore: Diese Stadt trägt den City. Sie ist Beinamen Golden City wertvollen berühmt für ihre w kunstvolle RoSeidenstoff die kunstv Seidenstoffe, senholzschnitzereien, das duftende Sandelholz und die farbenfrohen Märkte. Sehenswert. Ein Muss ist der Mysore Palace. Das pr prunkvolle Gebäude ist verziert m mit Kuppeln, Türmchen und Bögen. Abends wird es von T Tausenden Glühlampen beleuchtet – ein bisschen wie ein Märc Märchen aus Tausendundeiner Nac Nacht. Die Stadt ist ein Mix aus altehrwürdigem Charme und Moder Moderne. Die Gäste verbringen sieben Tage in den Bergen und wohnen im New Helvetia, dann ist eine Woche Entspannen am Strand angesagt. Naturlehrpfad Der Kaledonian Trail führt bergab entlang eines ganzjährig Wasser führenden Bachs durch die Gebirgsvegetation zu den Kaledonia-Wasserfällen nahe der Ortschaft Platres. Fernwanderweg Der europäische Wanderweg E4 startet am Flughafen in Larnaca. Von dort führt der Weg südwärts zum Larnaca-Salzsee, Brutplatz vieler Vogelarten und Winterziel von Flamingos, und dann quer über die Insel Richtung Pafos. Akamas-Halbinsel Das Naturschutzgebiet ist Heimat seltener Orchideen. Über 1800 Wildpflanzen wachsen hier. Tourentipp: Smigies Nature Trail über gut sechs Kilometer oder zum Bad der Aphrodite (15 Kilometer). Ausgangspunkt ist der 53 ITB Special Issue fvw’s ITB Special Issue features news, trends and market analyses. It has a higher print run than regular issues. Official ITB Dailies The official ITB dailies for trade visitors and exhibitors carries the latest trade show news in German and in English. The official ITB dailies are published during the first four show days. fvw NEWSLINE Around 12,000 newsletter subscribers receive fvw AM MORGEN daily on weekday mornings, followed by fvw NEWSLINE, which provides them with an afternoon news summary for the day. 4. Circulation Analysis of Circulation and Coverage Subscription Copies vs. Total Circulation Circulation Audit 22,041 Circulation Analysis Copies per issue (annual average), IVW III/09–II/10, 1.7.09–30.6.10 Print Run 31,798 Total Distributed Circulation 31,087 of which abroad: 1,379 Total Copies Sold 26,561 of which abroad: 1,052 Subscriptions Other Sales Single Copies 22,041 of which member copies: 1,688 4,454 65 Free Copies 4,525 31,087 TravelTalk 3,132 31,061 6,955* Touristik Aktuell Travel One 30,956 1,176 20,599 Fully paid subscriptions Total circulation Source: Copies per issue (annual average), IVW III/09–II/10, 1.7.09–30.6.10 TravelTalk is mainly distributed through controlled circulation. 20,935 travel sales agents have qualified for a free subscription by filling in an extensive questionnaire (source: in-house statistics, July 2010). *Touristik Aktuell has 2,235 individual and 4,720 multiple subscribers (source: IVW III/09–II/10). 5. Technical Specifications Magazine Format: 220 mm width x 280 mm height Type Area: 195 mm width x 241.5 mm height Bleed/Gutter Bleed: Due to varying page content, text elements or images running into bleed must allow at least 8 mm from the trim. For bleed advertisements add 3 mm trim along outside margins. Printing Process: Rotary offset with heatset drying Screen: 60 lines per cm Dot Gain 40 %: Depth 19 %, Magenta 17 %, Yellow 11 %, Cyan 20 % Contact: Phone +49 40 41448-500 / fax +49 40 41448-599 Copy Material to be sent to: Verlag Dieter Niedecken GmbH, Produktion, P.O. Box 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg, Germany Proof: Kindly supply color print-outs or proofs with your digital files. Formats: Please make sure to include all required fonts and image files. Standard Format: PDF 1.3 (PDF/X-3:2002) Other Formats: Digital files only for Macintosh Indesign CS3, IIlustrator CS3, Photoshop CS3 Colour Composition: ISO coated V2 (FOGRA39L) Resolution: 300 dpi Digital Data Delivery: Please make sure to place a corresponding insertion order prior to supplying data. Copy Material Production: Optional at extra cost. Contact: Ad sales, phone +49 40 41448-844, fax +49 40 41448-899, anzeigen@fvw-mediengruppe.de E-Mail: druckunterlagen@fvw-mediengruppe.de (20 MB max.) FTP Site: Host: ftp.fvw-mediengruppe.de User ID: fvw_produktion, Password: produktion1001 Data Carriers: CD-ROM/DVD Naming Convention: File names should be composed as follows: 1. Magazine abbreviation (fvw) 2. Issue number (NOYY) 3. Advertiser’s name (ClientXY), e.g. fvw_0111_advertisersname.pdf 6. Formats and Rates 1/1 Page, 4c/bw type area 195 mm w x 241.5 mm h trim size 220 mm w x 280 mm h 2/1 Page, 4c/bw type area 412 mm w x 241.5 mm h trim size 440 mm w x 280 mm h Junior Page, 4c/bw type area 145 mm w x 193 mm h trim size 159 mm w x 209 mm h 1/2 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 95 mm w x 241.5 mm h trim size 109 mm w x 280 mm h 1/2 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 195 mm w x 118.5 mm h trim size 220 mm w x 134.5 mm h 1/2 Page 3 columns, 4c/bw type area 148.5 mm w x 174 mm h trim size 162.5 mm w x 189 mm h 1/3 Page 1 column, 4c/bw type area 61.5 mm w x 241.5 mm h trim size 75.5 mm w x 280 mm h 1/3 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 195 mm w x 77 mm h trim size 220 mm w x 93 mm h 1/3 Page 3 columns, 4c/bw type area 147.5 mm w x 111 mm h trim size 162 mm w x 126 mm h 1/4 Page 1 column, 4c/bw type area 45 mm w x 241.5 mm h trim size 59 mm w x 280 mm h 1/4 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 195 mm w x 56.5 mm h trim size 220 mm w x 72.5 mm h 1/4 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 95 mm w x 118.5 mm h trim size 109 mm w x 134.5 mm h 1/8 Page 1 column, 4c/bw type area 45 mm w x 128 mm h 1/8 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 94.5 mm w x 56.5 mm h 1/16 Page 1 column, 4c/bw type area 45 mm w x 59 mm h Elements running into bleed must allow at least 8 mm from the trim. For bleed advertisements add 3 mm trim along outside margins. Rates Formats 1/1 Page Discounts Rates in € 9,500 Inside Front/Back Cover 10,600 2/1 Page 19,000 Frequency Discount Volume Discount 5% 3x 3% 6 Pages 10 % 6x 5% 9 Pages 15 % 9x 10 % 12.5 % 3 Pages Junior Page 7,800 12 Pages 20 % 12x 1/2 Page 6,350 18 Pages 22 % 18x 15 % 1/3 Page 5,300 25 % 24x 20 % 1/4 Page 3,950 30x 25 % 1/8 Page 1,550 1/16 Page 800 A preferred position surcharge of 10 % applies only if explicitly stated. Ads in trim size are not subject to any surcharge. All rates are indicated exclusive of VAT. 24 Pages Discounts may not be combined with classified ads (Situations Vacant, Situations Wanted, Contacts & Products, Education and Training, Business Products). 7. Publication Schedule Month Issue Date of Closing Date for Topics Publication orders and copy January 01/11 07.01. 20.12. Spa Holidays Study and Guided Tours Hong Kong, Macau 02/11 21.01. 10.01. England, Scotland, Ireland Family Holidays Nordic Countries Bulgaria 03/11 04.02. 24.01. Spain – Fitur Report (Madrid 19.–23.1.) Airports and Airlines India Holiday Homes Austria 04/11 18.02. 07.02. Turkey Egypt fvw Special Fit for Cruises I 1 February 2 March 25.01. 05/11 03.03. Daily I Daily II Daily III Daily IV 09.03. 10.03. 11.03. 12.03. } 10.02. 10.02. ITB Special Issue prior to the International Tourism Exchange (Berlin 9.3.–13.3.) extended Germany print run Middle East Official ITB Dailies (ad booking only in combination with ITB Special Issue) Counter Series Better Selling Switzerland The Baltic States Basque Region Month 3 April Issue Date of Closing Date for Topics Publication orders and copy 06/11 16.03. 28.02. ITB Report Tunisia Sri Lanka Hainan 07/11 01.04. 21.03. Morocco Greece Holiday/Theme Parks Kemer 08/11 15.04. 04.04. Italy, Malta England Israel The Balearic Islands fvw Special Business Travel – Hotels, car rentals, airlines, IT prior to the Congress of German Business Travel Association (Berlin 20.4.–21.4.) 17.03. 4 May 5 June Counter Series Better Selling 09/11 29.04. 14.04. Cyprus extended Youth and Sports Holidays print run China E-Commerce prior to the Online Marketing Day (Frankfurt 10.5.) France 10/11 13.05. 02.05. MICE prior to Imex (Frankfurt 24.5.–26.5.) Portugal The Canary Islands fvw Special Hotels/Resorts/Clubs Croatia 14.04. 11/11 27.05. 16.05. Mexico Southeast Asia, Thailand Rail Travel Offers 12/11 10.06. 27.05. Turkey USA/Canada following Pow Wow (21.5.–25.5.) City Breaks, Musicals fvw Dossier German Travel Agency Chains and Cooperations 2010 20.05. Hike & Bike in the Alps Belgium 7. Publication Schedule Month 6 Issue Date of Closing Date for Topics Publication orders and copy 13/11 24.06. 10.06. 27.05. Counter Series Better Selling Central America Insurances fvw Special Airlines & Airports Nile July 14/11 08.07. 27.06. Continental Spain Abu Dhabi Brazil Bus Travel Report on the occasion of RDA Workshop (Cologne 26.7.–28.7.) 7 15/11 28.07. 15.07. River Cruises Gran Canary Switzerland Study and Guided Tours 16/11 12.08. 01.08. The Caribbean Southern Africa Poland, Czech Republic Winter Sports 17/11 26.08. 15.08. Japan, Taiwan Best Agers Florida 18/11 08.09. 26.08. Preview: fvw Congress (Cologne 13.9.–14.9.) August 8 September Luxury South America, Language Holidays La Palma extended print run Delhi and Northern India Month Issue Date of Closing Date for Topics Publication orders and copy 19/11 22.09. 09.09. fvw Congress Report Diving Holidays Nordic Countries October 20/11 07.10. 23.09. United Arab Emirates Australia, New Zealand Golf Holidays fvw Special Fit for Cruises II 10 21/11 21.10. 10.10. Austria Maldives Business Travel prior to the fall congress of the German Business Travel Association (VDR) (Leipzig 11.–12.11.) 22/11 04.11. 24.10. Dominican Republic, Cuba, Jamaica Asia/South Pacific Insurances 23/11 18.11. 07.11. Preview: Annual congress of the German Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Association (DRV) (Korea 24.11.–26.11.) Mauritius, Seychelles extended Turkey print run Car Rental 9 12.09. November 11 December 12 24/11 02.12. 25/11 16.12. 21.11. 07.11. 05.12. 28.11. Counter Series Better Selling Hong Kong New Orleans DRV Congress Report The Caribbean Travel Technology fvw Special Summer Program Highlights 2012 Fiji Egypt Honeymoons and Dream Holidays fvw Dossier German Tour Operators 2010/2011 Taiwan Publication schedule subject to changes and amendments 8. Recruitment & Classified Ads Formats and Rates (including online) 1/1 Page, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 259 mm h 3/4 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 193 mm h 5/8 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 160 mm h 1/2 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 259 mm h 1/2 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 127 mm h € 4,300 € 3,300 € 2,750 € 2,300 € 2,300 3/8 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 193 mm h 3/8 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 94 mm h 5/16 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 160 mm h 1/4 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 127 mm h 1/4 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 61 mm h € 1,750 € 1,750 € 1,600 € 1,300 € 1,300 3/16 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 94 mm h 1/8 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 61 mm h 1/16 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 97 mm w x 28 mm h € 750 € 400 € 1,050 Rates are based on delivery of print-ready data. Charge for layout/design (copy and images to be supplied by client): 1/1 Page – 5/8 Page € 350 1/2 Page € 200 3/8 Page – 1/4 Page € 100 3/16 Page – 1/16 Page € 50 Situation Vacant/Education and Training/ Contacts & Products/Business Contacts Situations Wanted Format bw, € Express Service: Ads on fvw.de may be published within 24 hours upon receipt of your order and delivery of advertising material. Express surcharge: € 70.–. Ad run-time: 4 weeks. 1/8 Page 1/16 Page 200 150 Rate: All rates are indicated exclusive of VAT. For insertions in this section a prepayment through direct debit or by cheque is required (deadline: closing date). Box Number Free: € 10.- in Germany and € 15.- abroad. Replies to box numbers are forwarded to advertisers twice a week. Text Corrections: Up to two corrections or amendments will be made free of charge. A € 80 charge applies for any additional corrections. Closing Date for all Classified Ads: Friday prior to week of publication (i.e. 7 days in advance) at 12 noon. Please consider that in case of bank holidays deadlines may vary. Character Size: Minimum 8 point Discounts: Please see section 6. Not eligible for accumulated discount with advertisements outside this section. Classified Ads Contact: Susanne Grabosch, phone +49 40 41448-511, s.grabosch@fvw-mediengruppe.de Fax +49 40 41448-599 9. Official ITB Dailies Advertising Formats and Rates 1/1 Page, 4c/bw type area 267 mm w x 386 mm h trim size 297 mm w x 420 mm h Junior Page, 4c/bw type area 199 mm w x 307 mm h trim size 214 mm w x 327 mm h 1/2 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 131 mm w x 386 mm h trim size 146 mm w x 420 mm h Official ITB Dailies – Publication Dates: 9./10./11./12.3.2011, Closing Date: 10.2.2011 € 6,400 € 5,200 € 4,300 Ad space in official ITB Dailies is only available in combination with an advertisment in fvw’s ITB Special issue. 1/2 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 267 mm w x 191 mm h trim size 297 mm w x 208 mm h 1/3 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 267 mm w x 126 mm h trim size 297 mm w x 143 mm h 1/4 Page 4 columns, 4c/bw type area 267 mm w x 93.5 mm h trim size 297 mm w x 110.5 mm h € 4,300 € 3,700 € 3,100 Front Cover Corner Ad in Dailies, 4c type area 53 mm w x 56 mm h Front Cover German: € 3,700 Front Cover English: € 3,700 1/4 Page 2 columns, 4c/bw type area 131 mm w x 191 mm h trim size 146 mm w x 208 mm h Discounts for official ITB Dailies € 3,100 Frequency Discount 2x 3x 4x 10 % 15 % 20 % Frequency discounts on insertions in fvw are non-transferable. Front Cover Strip Ad in Dailies, 4c type area 267 mm w x 93.5 mm h trim size 297 mm w x 110.5 mm h Front Cover German: € 5,200 Front Cover English: € 5,200 10. Loose Inserts, Tip-Ons, Bound Inserts Loose Inserts Bound Inserts Weight Volume Costs per 1,000 Total Circulation up to 25 g € 260 up to 50 g € 295 Rates for loose inserts exceeding 50 grams on request. Formats: Minimum: 105 mm w x 148 mm h Maximum: 210 mm w x 276 mm h Split-run advertising with geographical or mechanical split upon request, based on availability. Minimum circulation: 5,000. Surcharge: € 1,500.– Tip-Ons (incl. 1/1 page carrier ad) Response card CD € 12,700 € 13,900 Format: Response card/148 mm w x 105 mm h. Other tip-on formats on request Costs for preprinted inserts delivered to our printing house 4 Pages € 12,900 8 Pages € 15,800 12 Pages € 18,400 Format: 220 mm w x 280 mm h + 3 mm trim along outside margins. Other formats on request. Insertion Order Specifications for Inserts (Loose Inserts, Tip-Ons, Bound Inserts): Closing Date for Bookings: One week prior to ad closing date. Delivery: Inserts are to be delivered directly to the printing house by ad closing date. Print Run: 32,000 copies Please note: Orders for loose and bound inserts can only be accepted and confirmed upon receipt of a binding sample ( or at least a dummy) including size and weight details. The publisher distributes inserts with the care customary to business. Discounts: Rates for inserts and tip-ons are not eligible for discounts, but commissionable. Layout/Design and/or Printing: Available through fvw. Rates upon request. Central delivery address for loose and bound inserts and tip-ons: L.N. Schaffrath,Warenannahme, Marktweg 42–50, 47608 Geldern, Germany Delivery: For details on packaging guidelines, please contact our advertising department. Please mark all packages "fvw insert" and indicate the relevant issue number. 11. Advertising Specials Booklet* (supplied by advertiser) 105 mm w x 148 mm h Belly Band 500 mm w x 50 mm h 2 x 105 148 on front cover: € 17,900 500 50 € 26,000 within magazine: (incl. 1/1 page carrier ad) 1/2-Page Cover Wrap advertising space: 3 x 1/2 page (110 mm w x 280 mm h) plus booking of back outside cover (220 mm w x 280 mm h) 280 € 28,550 € 20,750 French Cover 455 mm w x 280 mm h € 29,000 110 119 217 119 280 214 Gatefolder* advertising space: 2/1 page (431 mm w x 280 mm h) plus 1/1 page (214 mm w x 280 mm 280 h) Full-Page Cover Wrap advertising space: 4 x 1/1 page (220 mm w x 280 mm h) 280 € 38,000 22 € 27,500 0 217 Fireplace*, 4c type area 92 mm w x 118.5 mm h 195 (220) € 4,750 € 5,950 92 Layout/design and/or printing available through fvw. Rates upon request. 92 118.5 € 7.100 Center Strip Horizontal, 4c (on a 1/1 page) type area 195 mm w x 77 mm h trim size 220 mm w x 77 mm h 77 241.5 (280) Center Column, 4c type area 92 mm w x 241.5 mm h trim size 92 mm w x 280 mm h Advertising specials are not eligible for discounts but commissionable. All rates are indicated exclusive of VAT. Formats in mm (for bleed advertisements add 3 mm trim along outside margins). *Limited availability per issue due to technical requirements. This is just a sample of what we offer our advertising clients. For further options please contact us at phone +49 40 41448-844. 12. Advertorials Drei offizielle Amtssprachen, dazu eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft – das kleine Großherzogtum ist ein weltoffenes Land, was sich natürlich auch im bunten Kulturangebot widerspiegelt. Große Architekten haben hier ihre Spuren hinterlassen, etwa Ieoh Ming Pei, der das neue Museum für Moderne Kunst Großherzog Jean in Luxemburg-Stadt auf die Mauern des alten Forts setzte. Wen es ins Freie zieht, wird nicht nur von den lieblichen Weinbergen und malerischen Orten begeistert sein, sondern auch von der aufrichtigen Gastfreundschaft – ob in den Ardennen, entlang der Mosel oder im Müllerthal. www.visitluxembourg.lu Das Gute liegt so nah Warum in die Ferne reisen, wenn das Schöne so nahe liegt? Flandern-Brüssel, Luxemburg und die Niederlande sind schnell zu erreichen und bieten eine einmalige Fülle an Highlights aus Kunst, Kultur, Natur und Lebensart, wie man sie auf kleinem Raum nirgendwo anders findet. FÜR KuLtuRLIeBhaBeR Das Vangogh-Museum in amsterdam, das Königliche Museum für schöne Künste in Brüssel und das Museum für moderne Kunst in luxemburg-stadt sind ein Muss für jeden Kunstfan. Von der Grachtenidylle Amsterdams über die atemberaubende Architektur Rotterdams bis zu Gourmetfreuden auf Topniveau in Maastricht – Holland verspricht vielfältige Stadterlebnisse. Tradition und Gegenwart liegen hier so nahe beieinander wie kaum irgendwo anders. In den zahlreichen Museen sind die Altmeister Rembrandt und Vermeer gleichermaßen präsent wie Mondrian und andere Ikonen der Moderne. Und dann ist ja da auch noch die niederländische Nordseeküste mit ihren fünf Inseln, wo das Urlaubsmotto lautet: durchpusten lassen! www.niederlande.de fvw1110_046 46 Benelux RoaDshoW 2010 FÜR natuRMenSChen in den Benelux-ländern findet das leben an der frischen luft statt, ob bei der tulpenblüte auf dem Keukenhof, beim Radeln durch Wälder und Weinberge oder beim Plantschen in der Nordsee. Bilderbuchstrände, kulinarische Leckereien, modernes Design, eine lebendige Kunst- und Kulturszene sowie Hotels mit Wohlfühlgarantie – Flandern und seine geschichtsträchtigen Städte haben Urlaubern viel zu bieten. Antwerpen, Brügge, Gent, Brüssel, Mechelen und Leuven gehören zu den besterhaltenen mittelalterlichen Städten Europas und haben nichts von ihrer alten Magie eingebüßt. Plus: Sie sind gut zu erreichen und nur wenige Kilometer voneinander entfernt. www.trade.flandern.com 26.05.2010 9:14:02 Uhr fvw1110_047 47 Am 30. Juni und 1. Juli 2010 veranstalten die Tourismusbüros von Flandern-Brüssel, den Niederlanden und Luxemburg gemeinsam eine Benelux Roadshow, die sich besonders an Organisatoren von Gruppenreisen richtet. Bei den Workshops in Frankfurt und Düsseldorf sind 45 Aussteller, darunter Hotels, Fremdenverkehrsämter, Museen und weitere touristische Leistungsträger, mit dabei: Sie beraten die Teilnehmer persönlich und geben ihnen Tipps zum Thema Gruppenreisen. Beim anschließenden Galabüfett werden zudem attraktive Reisen sowie kleine Überraschungspakete verlost. FrAnkFurt Hilton Frankfurt Hotel 30. Juni 2010 von 18:00 bis 21:30 Uhr Hochstraße 4 60313 Frankfurt / Sri Maiava Rusden FÜR hIStORIKeR im mittelalterlichen Brügge, in gent, amsterdam oder luxemburg-stadt, aber auch in vielen anderen malerischen städten begeben sich die Besucher auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit. DüsselDOrF Hilton Düsseldorf Hotel 1. Juli 2010 von 18:00 bis 21:30 Uhr Georg-Glock-Straße 20 40474 Düsseldorf Authority (HTA) FÜR GenIeSSeR Von den leckeren Frietjes und etlichen Biersorten über feine Pralinen der besten Chocolatiers bis zu erlesenen Weinen und der höchsten Pro-Kopf-Konzentration an Michelin-sternen in ganz europa. KOntaKt Benelux Roadshow 2010 Informationen zum Programm und Anmeldung für Reiseveranstalter bis Mitte Juni 2010 online unter www.beneluxroadshow.org Anzeige 26.05.2010 9:14:03 Uhr Foto: Hawaii Tourism These paid-for advertising pages are presented in an editorial format and are individually designed for each client. They offer a perfect opportunity to communicate specific information to fvw readers beyond image ads whilst providing the look and feel of editorial content. In compliance with article 3,5 of the Law Against Unfair Competition (UWG), advertorials must be clearly labeled in order to make sure they are immediately identifiable as adverts. The advertorial uses a typeface and layout that is distinctly different from the magazine’s style and design. The price for advertorials is based on the regular rate for the particular size ad plus cost for layout/design (e.g. € 1,300 for one full page), provided that the client supplies all images and copy. Anzeige Benelux Roadshow 2010 Jan Darthe (Toerisme Brugge) Advertorials Hawaii: Das ganz reale Paradies Als Surferparadies genießt die Inselkette im Pazifik Weltruhm gibt es nur ein Hotel, . Hawaii hat aber ein Postamt, einen noch viel mehr als traumhaf kleinen Laden. Und plötzlich te Wellen zu bieten. steht man am Hotelpool, vor sich den Wenn am Strand Pazifik, um sich herum von Waikiki nichts als den Duft der die Sonne untergeht, Tropen und eine wird Stille wie am Ende der Welt. Hawaii zum Postkarten kliHawaii ist aber auch schee. Die Surfer ein Outdoor-Paradies im Wasser mit massigen Vulkanen wie dem warten auf die letzte Mauna Kea Welle (4206 Meter), mit des Tages. Die Urlauber Regenwäldern und tosenden Wasserfäl len. Auf allen Inseln werfen sich in Pose im kann man Wandern, Mountainb Wettbewerb um iken, Schnorcheln, das Segeln und Golfen. Das Inselhüpfen schönste Foto. Und ist ein Kinderspiel. von „Die Infrastruktur Rund 120 Hotels, den Bars säuselt Hulaist hervorragend“, sagt Ulrike Grube, Hawaii-Pro neun Rundreisen Musik hinüber zum duktmanagerin bei Strand, FTI. sowie KreuzfahrDreh- und Angelpunk so süß wie die Mai t fast Tais, ten, Hochzeitspakeist nach wie vor Honolulu aller Rundreisen indes die auf den Sundowne auf der Insel Oahu, te, Mietwagen und rdie Hauptstadt des Terrassen serviert 50. US-Bundesstaates Flüge sind bei FTI werden. Hawaii. Waikiki Beach ist Teil auf Hawaii buchbar. Doch das Idyll ist kein Prividieses touristische n Hot Spots. Dort, wo die leg von Waikiki Beach. untergehen de Sonne Abend Hana, dem östlichsten In für Abend orangerote Flecken der Insel Tupfen auf das Wasser Maui etwa, am Ende der malt, und die Beach kurvenreichen Küstenstra Boys ihre Feierabend ße runde drehen. Klischee hin oder her: Der Traum ist real. HAWAII GANZ NACH Inselhüpfen im Mietwagen? Kein Problem mit dem Mietwagenspezialisten Alamo, der die Fahrzeuge für die Rundreisen im Hawaii-Programm von FTI die inklusive Mietwagen stellt, sind. Die Kategorien reichen von Economy bis Jeep und Cabrio. Auf jeder Insel übernehmen die Urlauber einen neuen Wagen. Julia Berg, Verkaufsdirektorin von Alamo, stellt die schönsten Touren vor. GUSTO Active Hawaii Sportspaß wie Surfunterricht und Schnorcheltouren und dazu die vier Hauptinseln – Oahu, Kauai, Maui und Big Island – in zwei Wochen. Natural Hawaii Je drei Tage auf Maui, Kauai und Big Island, um Vulkane, Canyons und kurvige Küstenstraßen zu entdecken. Hawaii: Hike & Bike Die ideale Tour für alle, die die vier Hauptinseln nicht nur per Mietwagen, sondern auch zu Fuß und dem Fahrrad entdecken mit wollen. Hawaii Deluxe 14 luxuriöse Tage für Oahu, Kauai, Maui und Big Island mit Unterkünfte n der und Fünf-Sterne-Kategorie. VierGut zu wissen: Auch die innerhawaiianischen Flüge sind Teil des Rundreisenpakets. Infos unter www.ftiservice.de. Spannung auch jenseits der Strände: Christine Klein von Hawaii Tourism Europe kennt viele Gründe fürs Inselhüpfen. Wale, Surfer und Vulkane Wie sieht die ideale Reiseroute für zwei Wochen Hawaii aus? Eine klassische Hawaii-Reis Waikiki, dem „berühmtes e beginnt in ten Strand der Welt“ auf der Insel Oahu. Auf Kauai sollte man sich vier Tage Zeit nehmen, zum Beispiel für den Waimea Canyon oder um an der Na Pali Coast zu wandern. Für Big Island würde ich drei Nächte an der Westund zwei Nächte an der Ostküste empfehlen, und zum Abschluss vier Tage auf Maui, um den Mount Haleakala zu besteigen oder im Molokini-Krater zu schnorcheln. Was darf ich auf keinen Fall verpassen? Surfen zu gehen! Vor allem Oahu bietet auch für Einsteiger perfekte Bedingungen . Weitere Highlights: Walbeobachtung (Dezember bis April), der Volcanoes National Park auf Big Island und die Road to Hana auf Maui. Und Hochzeit plant: Romantisch wer seine er als unter Palmen auf Hawaii geht’s nicht. Ihr persönlicher Event-Tipp 2010? Beim Na Hoku O Hawai’i Music Festival (27. bis 30. Mai) präsentieren über 100 Künstler Musik, Hula, Kunst und Kultur. Und das ganze Jahr über mehreren Wochenend gibt es an en kostenloses Open-Air-Kino am Queens Beach in Waikiki. Weitere Ideen finden sich unter www. gohawaii.com. fvw0610_083 83 15.03.2010 13:38:21 Uhr 13. Promotional Inserts Promotional Inserts These distinctive and informative brochures focus on a specific country and/or destination. They are produced by FVW Mediengruppe in close cooperation with the client. Services include conceptual design, copy, layout, and production. Catchy stories plus insiders’ tips make them an essential sales aid for travel agents while ensuring lasting attention from decision makers. Counter Infos Counter Infos are a recognized and established counseling tool for travel agents. They provide destination-related tips, trends, and attraction highlights at a glance. All supplements feature an identical standardized format and are designed and produced by FVW Mediengruppe in cooperation with the client. As removable inserts distributed with fvw magazine the supplements verifiably enjoy long-term use. In compliance with article 3,5 of the Law Against Unfair Competition (UWG) promotional inserts and Counter Infos must be clearly labeled in order to make sure they are immediately identifiable as adverts. 14. Advertising on fvw.de fvw.de The website for tourism and business travel. Right at the heart of the industry the portal features all key news, a comprehensive job market section, agent discounts, web services, and blogs on all important topics. Your choice of channels: Homepage Channel Reaching decision makers, travel agents, tourism professionals and opinion multipliers. 104,000 PIs* Decision Maker Channel News for industry decision makers. 199,000 PIs* Super Banner Counter Channel/travelXperts The information and training platform for travel agents. 289,000 PIs* Super Banner Super Banner Newsletter Channel News and key topics of the day. 12,000 recipients 180,000 PIs** Corner Space Ad Skyscraper Medium Rectangle Skyscraper Medium Rectangle Skyscraper Medium Rectangle Skyscraper Medium Rectangle Further forms of advertising available on request. *Source: In-house statistices (Webtrekk), **Source: IVW, PIs per month (annual average). fvw.de generates an annual average of 695,000 PIs (source: IVW). fvw.com: We offer service providers, advertising, PR and media agencies advertising space on fvw-mediengruppe.de and fvw-mediengruppe.com as marketing channels. For further information on rates, page impressions and formats, please see fvw-mediengruppe.de/media. 15. Online Rates Ad Type Size (in Pixel) Homepage Channel Pushdown Ad 920 x 90 3,100 Rate in € Decision Maker Channel Counter Channel/travelXperts 3,100 Newsletter Channel 3,100 – Super Banner* 728 x 90 2,100 2,100 2,100 – Skyscraper* 160 x 600 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Wallpaper flexible 4,700 4,700 4,700 – Corner Space Ad 162 x 95 – – – 1,400 Special formats on request. *Also available as special expandable format at a 25 % surcharge. Sizes upon request. Rates are indicated per calendar week. Due to the significantly higher number of visits during ITB and fvw Kongress, a peak season supplement of 25 % applies for calendar weeks 07–12/2011 and 36–39/2011. Surcharge for video and/or streaming components: € 250 one-time setup fee per campaign. forms t special : u o b a re Mo ising of advertpe.com/media p ru g ien fvw-med Discounts 5 % on sales totalling € 5,000+, 10 % on sales totalling € 10,000+, 15 % on sales totalling € 15,000+, 20 % on sales totalling € 20,000+. Ad discounts for fvw are not transferred to fvw.de. Rates are agency commissionable and indicated exclusive of VAT. Technical Specifications Booking Period: Bookings are based on calendar weeks (Monday, 12 midnight, through Sunday, 12 midnight). Data Delivery: Via e-mail by Thursday prior to publication date at anzeigen@fvw-mediengruppe.de. Flash and Click Tags: Please see fvw-mediengruppe.com/media. Ad Reports: Upon request. 16. Online Advertising Specials Advertorial An online advertorial allows you to present comprehensive information on your own mini website (“microsite”) within fvw.de. Benefit from fvw.de’s strengths to present your brand or campaign with plenty of scope: Copy plus images, flash elements plus videos or even maps – your branding is what we focus on. fvw.de offers three individually adjustable advertorial packages that vary in size and the amount of marketing communication provided. Services include, among others, programming, layout adjustments, hosting, reporting and promotional activities. Sponsoring A sponsorship secures long-term promotional exposure for a brand on fvw’s websites through display of the sponsor’s logo. The specific advantage lies in the conferring of fvw ’s image on the sponsor and in the fact that it enables him to reach target groups in an otherwise non-commercial environment, thus addressing user groups that can’t be reached through traditional means of communication. Sponsored by Ihr Logo Available sections for sponsoring by prior agreement. For further information please see fvw-mediengruppe.com/media 17. E-Learning E-Learning For more than five years FVW Mediengruppe has created and conducted successful e-learning programs through special travel agent training websites on select topics. These programs enable participants to expand their knowledge through high-quality training courses while learning at their own pace. In 2011 FVW Mediengruppe will conduct a minimum of five cross-industry e-learning programs. Scheduled topics are: Fit for Cruises Fit for the City Fit for Clubs Fit for Business Travel Fit for Extras (further topics upon request). All e-trainings have a distinct editorial focus and benefit from FVW Mediengruppe’s journalistic expertise. FVW Mediengruppe offers different sponsorship packages within this premium environment to suit all budgets and marketing strategies. Choices range from the sponsors’ integration on the website and in accompanying print advertising to complete e-trainings for the sponsors’ product. Commissioned e-learning solutions, tailored to the customer’s needs: FVW Mediengruppe not only offers editorial e-learning programs but also individually commissioned e-trainings designed and run exclusively on behalf of clients. Each of the three proven e-learning solutions on offer includes layout, programming, editing, hosting, and reporting, all based on the client’s individual needs and requirements. For further information please see fvw-mediengruppe.de/media 18. Events fvw Workshop fvw Workshop events bring together leading German tour operators, delegations of select travel agents, and representatives from tourism authorities and associations. They meet to discuss and develop new marketing strategies and visions to effectively establish your destination in the German market. The Workshop, which usually stretches over four days, is announced and advertised both in fvw and on fvw.de. An editor heads and moderates the event. FAMtrips Knowledge is best imparted through personal experience, which is why fvw and TravelTalk team up to host FAMtrips for handpicked sales agents. The groups of agents are accompanied by an editor and a photographer for extensive editorial coverage in fvw and TravelTalk (total circulation each). fvw Counter Trophy The fvw Counter Trophy event is designed to select those German travel agents with the greatest destination expertise. The contest starts out with a comprehensive knowledge test presented in fvw and on a dedicated website. The top 40 agents plus a team of fvw editors then travel to the host destination for a treasure hunt to select the overall winner. Extensive editorial coverage of the event stretches over a period of four months. Event dates to be discussed, based on availability. 19. General Terms and Conditions In its capacity as a specialized publisher for the tourism industry the FVW Mediengruppe publishes various trade and public magazines as well as other printed matter. In addition it operates various Internet pages and platforms with a diversity of offers and services. The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts for the placement of advertisements in the magazines and on the Internet pages operated by the FVW Mediengruppe (hereinafter referred to as "Publisher"): Item 1: "Advertisement order" is a contract for the publication of one or several advertisements by an advertiser or any other submitting party in a printed medium for the purposes of distribution. In the case of rubricated advertisement orders the printing under the respective heading is agreed. Item 2: "Insert order" is the contract for publication of advertisements in the form of special reproductions or other advertising media.They may contain no foreign advertisements and are to be designed by the customer in such a way that they cannot give the impression that they are a component of the printed media as a result either of the format or the presentation. Item 3: "Standing order" is the contract for the publication of multiple advertisements where each publication is made after release by the customer. In case of any doubt, advertisements agreed within the scope of a standing order are to be released for publication within one year of the conclusion of the contract. Item 4: "Advertising order" is the contract for the intermittent placement of online advertisements (channels) in the Internet for the purpose of distribution. Depending on the possibilities offered by the publisher an online advertisment can consist of, for example, photos and/or texts, of tone sequences and/or moving pictures (advertising banners) or of sensitive areas where, by clicking on these areas using another online address falling under the responsiblity of the customer, the link to further details is established. The placement intervals can be taken from the current advertisment pricelist. Item 5: The commitment of the publisher is restricted to the printing or placement of each advertisement in the agreed medium.The publisher reserves the right to postpone publication dates. In the case of print advertisement there is no right to a definite placement position of the advertisement in the magazine. Agreements to the contrary are only valid upon the written confirmation of the publisher. Item 6: Should a standing order not be completely fulfilled due to certain circumstances beyond the control of the publisher, the customer must reimburse to the publisher the difference between the discount granted and the discount due on the actual volume of advertisements supplied, irrespective of possible additional legal obligations. Item 7: Advertisements that by virtue of their editorial design are not recognisable as such, will be clearly identified as such by the publisher by adding the word "Advertisement" or a similar indication. Item 8: The customer is solely responsible for the content and the legal reliability of the texts, photos and other data supplied for the publication. He exempts the publisher from any claims whatsoever by third parties that may arise from the advertisement, and is liable for any damage to such third parties. The publisher reserves the right to reject advertisements – as well as individual placements as part of a standing order – and Insert orders on the grounds of their content, their origin or their technical format and to withdraw from the advertisement order. This applies in particular if · their content violates any laws or official regulations, · their content was rejected by the Deutscher Werberat (German Advertising Council), · their publication is not reasonable for the publisher because of the content, the design or the form, or · this contains advertising by third parties or for third parties. This also applies to orders that were placed with branches, agencies or representatives. The rejection of an order should be notified in good time to the customer. Item 9: With the submission of the data and information necessary for the commissioned work, such as advertisements, inserts, advertorials, e-learning facilities, the customer assigns the rights of usage to the publisher. This includes all rights for use in media of all kinds, in particular the right to duplicate, distribute, convey, send, withdraw from a database and to recall the data. In all cases these rights will be assigned to an unrestricted extent with regard to place and time of usage and will entitle the publisher to use the data and information for publication by means of all known technical methods and all known forms of online media. In case of publications that the publisher designs for the customer – no matter for which medium – all rights of usage shall remain in the hand of the publisher. Item 10: The publisher guarantees the quality appropriate to the booked medium within the framework of the possibilities presented by the print documents. The publisher will request replacements from the customer for recognisably unsuitable or defect print documents. The claim to remuneration will remain even without a proof if the documents needed for the printing are not supplied in good time. Item 11: The customer is obliged to send the necessary data to the publisher in good time before the publication date of online advertisements in complete and technically flawless condition by e-mail (anzeigen@fvw-mediengruppe.de). In doing so he guarantees that he is in possession of all rights necessary for the publication of the advertisement. Item 12: In the case of online advertisements, the publisher guarantees within the scope of the foreseeable requirements that he will reproduce the advertisement in accordance with the usual technical standards. An error in the publication is not constituted particularly if impairments are caused as a result of the use of an unsuitable reproduction soft- and/or hardware or due to an interruption of the communication networks of other operators or through a computer breakdown of third parties (in particular providers), through incomplete and/or non-updated offered on proxy servers (intermediate storage) or due to a failure of the ad-server used by the publisher of less than 24 hours. In case of failure of the ad-server for more than 20 % of the agreed period, the claim to payment shall be waivered for the period of the failure. Item 13: The customer should check the advertisement immediately after publication for the contractually agreed condition and if necessary, should notify any deviations. In case of fully or partly illegible, incorrect or incomplete reproduction of print advertisements the customer shall then be entitled to a replacement advertisements if this had led to an impairment of the purpose of the advertisement. Should the publisher let a deadline set for the publication of the replacement advertisement expire, should he refuse the publication of a replacement advertisement or if a replacement advertisement is still not in accordance with the contract, then the customer can demand a replacement on the grounds of futile expenditure. Further guarantee rights are excluded. Item 14: The publisher willl be liable for intent and gross negligence. This applies in commercial dealings only to serious default of organisation and gross negligence on the part of executives. A liability for gross negligence on the part of simple vicarious agents is excluded in commercial dealings. The publisher is liable for simple negligence only in case of injury to life, body and health and for violation of major contractual obligations when conducting consumer business negotiations. In such cases the liability is restricted to foreseeable damage typical of such contracts and up to the full volume of the advertisement order. In any case liability is moreover excluded for consequential and unforeseeable damage, loss of profit, default of savings and damage to the assets of third parties in cases of simple negligence. Item 15: Print proofs will only be supplied upon explicit request. The customer shall bear the responsibility for the correctness of the returned proofs. Item 16: If there are no special size requirements, then the usual, actual printing height depending on the type of advertisement shall form the basis for calculation. Item 17: The prices and discounting regulations are based on the current price lists. They are defined according to the format selected by the customer that must correspond to the formats stated in the price list. The discount regulations also apply for companies associated with the customer provided evidence of a capital share of more than 50 % is submitted to the publisher. A change in the advertisement price list also applies to current orders as from the date of validity of the price liste, but not before a period of three months after notification of the new price list. Item 18: The publisher is entitled to demand advance payment. Payments are due within 7 days of receipt of the invoice. Any discounts for premature payments are granted in accordance with the price Iist. Item 19: In case of default or deferment of payment, interest as well as collection fees will be charged. In case of default of payment, the publisher can refuse the further execution of a running order until payment is received, and demand advance payment for the remaining advertisements. Item 20: With the invoice the publisher willl supply an advertisement voucher. Depending on the type and scope of the advertisement orders, cuttings of advertisements, sample pages or complete reference copies of the magazine or newspaper in question will be supplied. If a voucher can no longer be acquired, then a legally binding certificate will be provided by the publisher concerning the publication and distribution of the advertisement. Item 21: Costs for the production of ordered layouts, scans, photo processings, compiling of PDF files and other amendments to originally agreed executions requested by the customer or for which the customer holds the responsibility shall be borne by the customer. Item 22: With respect to a standing order for multiple advertisements a reduction in the number of copies circulated may lead to a claim for a price reduction if the overall circulation average throughout the insertion year beginning with the first advertisement or stipulated otherwise - if the circulation has not be specified - is smaller than the average circulation sold during the previous calendar year (In case of trade magazines this refers to the distributed circulation, if applicable). Such a reduction in circulation, however, can only lead to a justified claim to a price reduction is at least equal to 25 % for circulation of up to 50,000 copies, 20 % for a circulation of 100,000 copies, 15 % for a circulation of 500,000 and 10 % for a circulation of more than 500,000 copies. Furthermore in case of standing orders for multiple advertisements price reductions are excluded if the publisher has informed the customer of the reduction in the circulation in such good time that the latter was able to withdraw from the contract before publication of the advertisement. Item 23: The publisher's business address is the place of fulfilment. For business transactions with commercial agents, legal persons by public law or separate estates in public law the place of jurisdiction for legal disputes in this connection is the publisher's registered head office. Otherwise the place of jurisdiction – provided this is legally permissible shall be agreed as Hamburg. All agreements in this connection will be governed by German law. Your Advertising Contacts Advertising Sales Director Michael Körner Phone +49 40 41448-831 m.koerner@fvw-mediengruppe.de Advertising Director National Michael Bordt Phone +49 69 96126-191 m.bordt@fvw-mediengruppe.de Director International Markets Matthias Schulz Phone +49 40 41448-711 m.schulz@fvw-mediengruppe.com Verlag Dieter Niedecken GmbH Wandsbeker Allee 1 22041 Hamburg Germany P.O. Box 70 06 29 22006 Hamburg Germany Phone +49 40 41448-844 Fax +49 40 41448-899 Northern Area Florian Hölzen Phone +49 40 41448-829 f.hoelzen@fvw-mediengruppe.de Account Manager International Heike Beller Phone +49 40 41448-714 h.beller@fvw-mediengruppe.com Office Frankfurt Diesterwegstraße 34 60594 Frankfurt Germany P.O. Box 70 10 62 60560 Frankfurt Germany Phone +49 69 96126-190 Fax +49 69 96126-189 anzeigen@fvw-mediengruppe.de www.fvw-mediengruppe.de Western Area + A, CH, Benelux Oliver Pawelzik Phone +49 69 96126-192 o.pawelzik@fvw-mediengruppe.de Central Area Juli Prochnow Phone +49 69 96126-522 j.prochnow@fvw-mediengruppe.de Michael Strussione Phone +49 69 96126-521 Fax +49 69 96126-529 m.strussione@fvw-mediengruppe.de Southern Area Michael Bordt Phone +49 69 96126-191 m.bordt@fvw-mediengruppe.de International Consultants and Representatives Argentina RRWW Communicaciones Australia Publicitas Australia Brazil Altina Media International Bulgaria VIA Bulgaria China Publicitas China Costa Rica Coral Technologies Cyprus GEM – Tourism Consulting Ltd. Egypt M.T.S. Egypt France Affinity Media S.A. Greece Publicitas S.A. Hong Kong/Taiwan Publicitas Hong Kong Ltd. Hungary Media & Print Kft. India/Sri Lanka/Maldives Mediascope Publicitas Indonesia MediaMandiri Israel El-Ron Adv. & Public Relations Italy Publicitas International S.p.A. Malaysia Publicitas International Sdn Bhd Mexico INTEGRA Tourism For Good, S.L. Middle East BSA Consultants Philippines ESB Marketing Services Portugal Ilimitada-Marketing Russia World Business Media Scandinavia/Baltic States Best of Scandinavia Incoming AS Singapore/Brunei/Vietnam Publicitas Singapore PTE Ltd. Spain COMIMAG S.L. South Africa Africa Adventure Tourist Information cc Thailand Publicitas (Thailand) Ltd. Turkey OTS/AKTAS Tur Seyahat Turizm UK/Ireland/Iceland Publicitas Limited USA/Canada Huson International Media +54 11 41230052 +61 2 92523476 +55 11 36379498 +359 2 9449196 +86 10 65888155 +506 2808297 +357 99 631950 +20 65 3553160 +33 1 53059401 +30 211 1060300 +852 25 161001 +36 1 3205410 +91 22 22835755 +62 21 8355510 +972 3 6955367 +39 02 55194385 +60 3 77296923 +521 9999471194 +971 4 2287708 +63 2 7401658 +351 21 3853598 +7 495 4160658 +46 980 16510 +65 68 362272 +34 93 2374782 +27 44 5335211 +66 2 6519273 +90 242 3113988 +44 20 75928300 +1 212 2683344