Blood Classif Classified Advertising
Blood Classif Classified Advertising
Blood Classif ied Adv ertising Classified Advertising Blood will accept advertisements for its Classified Advertising section only if they substantially relate to and further the American Society of Hematology’s taxexempt purpose. ASH’s purpose is to engage exclusively in charitable, scientific, and educational activities and endeavors, including promoting and fostering, among the many scientific and clinical disciplines, the exchange and diffusion of information and ideas relating to blood and blood-forming tissues and encouraging investigations of hematologic matters. Examples of advertisements that substantially relate to ASH’s purposes include advertisements for hematologyrelated employment at academic institutions that involve a research and/or an educational component, and advertisements for symposia and meetings that relate to furthering the exchange of hematology-related information and ideas. To place an advertisement in Blood’s Classified Advertising section, please contact Valerie Marvin at the following address: Blood, 180 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ 07675. Phone: 201-767-4170; fax: 201-767-8065; e-mail: University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center (UMGCC) Paul Calabresi Clinical Oncology Training Program UMGCC’s Paul Calabresi Clinical Oncology Training Program, funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), supports tomorrow’s leaders in clinical oncology research through the appointment of Paul Calabresi Scholars (Scholars) following a competitive application process. Clinical Scholars must have recently completed postgraduate training in Medical, Radiation, Surgical, or Gynecologic Oncology or Oncology Nursing and must be ready for a first faculty appointment. Basic Science Scholars must have a Ph.D. or Pharm. D., must have completed at least two years of post-doctoral experience, and must be ready to develop a clinically oriented, but laboratory focused, research program. UMGCC’s Paul Calabresi Clinical Oncology Training Program will focus primarily on recruitment of Scholars with research interests in three thematic areas: Multimodality Treatment Strategies for Cancer; Drug Discovery and Development; Underserved Populations & Cancer Treatment Disparities. At this time we are particularly seeking candidates with an interest in allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies. Applications will be due February 1, 2012 for appointments starting July 2012. Please see for details. The University of Maryland, Baltimore is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Points of Contact: Aaron P. Rapoport, MD Professor of Medicine Associate Director, Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program 410-328-1230 office Or Saul Yanovich, MD Professor of Medicine Clinical Director, Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program 410-328-1230 office ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ACADEMIC HEMATOLOGIST Saint Louis University, a Catholic, Jesuit institution dedicated to student learning, research, health care and service is seeking a full time Assistant or Associate Professor The division of Hematology/Oncology and the Department of Medicine at the Washington Hospital Center (WHC) in Washington, D.C. are recruiting a staff faculty member, a board certified or eligible Medical Hematologist. The academic position includes fellow and house staff training, patient care in an interdisciplinary setting, and clinical research. The Washington Hospital Center is an 850-bed academic tertiary care teaching hospital named the best hospital in the Washington DC area by U.S. News and World Report. The division has an active clinical research program and a fully accredited Hematology/Oncology fellowship. The successful candidate will participate in didactic and bedside teaching of students, residents and fellows, supervise the inpatient and consult services, staff the outpatient clinics and engage in clinical research trials. Full time faculty are encouraged to apply for a Clinician Scholar academic appointment with Georgetown University. on the non-tenure track to be the Director of the Adult Hemophilia Treatment Program. This position will involve clinical services for bleeding and thrombotic disorders. Opportunities include patient care, teaching (internal medicine house staff and fellows) and clinical research. The physician will participate in scholarly activity. Applicants should be board-certified in internal medicine and board eligible for hematology and medical oncology. This position offers competitive benefits and salary commensurate with experience. Interested candidates must submit a cover letter, application, and current curriculum vitae to Send three letters of recommendation to: Friedrich Schuening, M.D., Division Director of Hematology and Oncology, 3655 Vista Ave 3rd floor, St. Louis, MO 63110. Or e-mail: Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the position is filled. Saint Louis University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encourages nominations and applications of women and minorities. Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae and three references to Dennis A. Priebat, M.D. Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving St., NW, Suite C-2151, Washington, DC 20010, FAX; 202-877-8910, or e-mail Pediatric Oncology Advanced Fellowship in Stem Cell Transplantation The University of Virginia's Department of Medicine, Stem Cell Transplant Program, announces an opening in the Advanced Fellowship in Stem Cell Transplantation. This one year GME approved fellowship program is designed to provide clinical and investigative training in stem cell transplantation including related/unrelated allogeneic and autologous peripheral blood stem cell procedures, for individuals who intend to pursue a career in clinically applied research in an academic setting. The fellow will participate in ambulatory clinical/inpatient care, and research. Specific focus will be customized to meet the fellow’s learning objectives within the program’s guidelines. The University of Virginia and its Health System offers many opportunities for collaborative clinical and basic research, an active clinical trials program, within its NCI-designated Clinical Cancer Center. At the time of entry, fellows must be board eligible in Hematology / Oncology and be eligible for a limited or permanent medical license from the Commonwealth of Virginia. The successful applicant will rotate through the Cytotherapy (Cell Processing) Laboratory and receive training in FACT/FDA requirements, conduct scholarly activities and teaching in the arenas of stem cell graft engineering research. We encourage applicants who have a strong background and interest in designing and conducting early phase clinical trials with strong translational components. Successful candidates will integrate novel clinical protocols within the Stem Cell Transplant Program's research focus on umbilical cord blood allogeneic engraftment in adult patients, UCB hematopoietic stem cell regulation, and allogeneic immunology research. Research faculty with strong immunotherapy and cancer vaccine background are housed in the new $70M Carter-Harrison Research building within walking distance of University of Virginia's state-of-the-art Cancer Center. To apply, candidates should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Mary Laughlin, M.D., Director, Stem Cell Transplantation, Department of Medicine, P.O. Box 800716, Charlottesville, VA 22908 or e-mail: The Division of Pediatrics at The Patrick Zweidler-McKay, M.D., Ph.D. University of Texas MD Anderson Associate Professor Cancer Center in Houston, Texas Division of Pediatrics currently has a faculty position The University of Texas (Associate or Full Professor) available MD Anderson Cancer Center for individuals with interests in leading 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Unit 907 Pediatric phase I clinical trials research. Houston, TX 77030 Primary responsibilities include 713-563-5395 office establishing and maintaining a portfolio of diverse phase I clinical trials, as well as a robust academic clinical practice. A key focus of this position includes leadership in developing a world-class operation that cares for patients with relapsed/refractory cancer, leading multiple innovative clinical translational trials, writing high-impact papers, and obtaining peer-reviewed and other funding. Candidates must be experienced in all aspects of the clinical research for children and young adults (AYA) with cancer and have an accomplished academic record. Candidate must have completed the M.D. degree in an accredited medical school or equivalent, must have completed residency training in an approved American Residency Program or equivalent, and have made application and been accepted by the American Board of Pediatrics. Please forward letter of application, indicating position of interest, and curriculum vitae, to: MD Anderson Cancer Center is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or veteran status except where such distinction is required by law. All positions at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center are security sensitive and subject to examination of criminal history record information. Smoke-free and drug-free facility. The University of Virginia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. How do you get double the exposure for the same price? Your classified advertisement in Blood gives you more exposure than you think. When you place a print advertisement, you will also receive a free 30-day* posting on the American Society of Hematology’s online Job Bank. This employment resource is located at and is free for all job seekers. For more information on submitting a classified ad in Blood, contact Valerie Marvin at or at 201-767-4170. *Your 30-day online posting will start when your print advertisement first appears in Blood. An der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern und dem Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern ist die Ordentliche Professur für Hämatologie und die Stelle des Direktors und Chefarztes der Universitätsklinik für Hämatologie / Hämatologisches Zentrallabor per 01. August 2013 neu zu besetzen. Die Universitätsklinik für Hämatologie / Hämatologisches Zentrallabor gehört zur Universität Bern und zum Inselspital. Das Hämatologische Zentrallabor ist Teil des Zentrums für Labor-Medizin. Der/Die neue Stelleninhaber/in verfügt über eine breite klinische Ausbildung auf dem gesamten Gebiet der Hämatologie (Facharzttitel FMH für Hämatologie oder Äquivalent) inklusive hämatologische Labordiagnostik auf tertiärmedizinischem Niveau, eine starke kompetitive Forschungstätigkeit mit internationaler Ausstrahlung in einem Hämatologie-spezifischen Thema und den Nachweis über substantielle eingeworbene kompetitive Drittmittel. Für die Leitung der Universitätsklinik / Hämatologisches Zentrallabor sind Führungserfahrung, sowie hohe Sozialkompetenz mit ausgezeichneten kommunikativen Fähigkeiten unabdingbar. Es wird eine starke Bereitschaft zur Prozessoptimierung und vertiefte Integration des Hämatologischen Zentrallabors in das Zentrum für Labor-Medizin erwartet. Sie engagieren sich zudem stark in der Nachwuchsförderung. Die Habilitation oder ein gleichwertiger akademischer Leistungsausweis werden vorausgesetzt. Im Rahmen der Massnahmen zur Erhöhung des Frauenanteils innerhalb des Lehrkörpers der Fakultät fordern wir insbesondere Kandidatinnen zur Bewerbung auf. Nähere Auskünfte erhalten Sie bei der Präsidentin der Nachfolgekommission, Frau Prof. Dr. med. Kathrin Mühlemann, Ko-Direktorin des Institut für Infektionskrankheiten der Universität Bern: Bewerbungen sind bis zum 29. Februar 2012 dem Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern elektronisch einzureichen ( Unter finden Sie die Angaben bezüglich verlangter Unterlagen. Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät, Universität Bern, Murtenstrasse 11, CH-3010 Bern