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Children’s Books – Series
Ingo Siegner
Coconut, the Little
Dragon, in the Haunted
Rights sold to:
[Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss
im Spukschloss]
Volume 10
Illustrated in colour
Belgium (Baeckens), China (21st
Century), France (Bayard Jeunesse),
Italy (Edizioni), Spain/Castilian (La
Galera), Spain/Catalan (La Galera),
Turkey (ABM)
72 pages
Format 15,5 x 21,0 cm
August 2008
Ingo Siegner, born in 1965,
studied history and French,
spent two years in France as
an au pair and as a student
and trained as a bank clerk.
He is an autodidact who
prefers to always carry his
paints with him. He has
been writing and drawing
for years for neighbours'
children and loves to read
them stories. Read more at or
A creepy adventure story with Little Dragon Coconut – not for
the weak-nerved!
While on an outing to the cliff-top forest, Coconut, the little
dragon, and his friend Matilda are surprised by a violent
thunder storm. The two of them just manage to find shelter in
the nick of time in a gloomy castle. It may be dry here but it is
nevertheless dangerous, for the old ruins are haunted by a
terrifying ghost. Clemenzia of Cliff Stone will not tolerate any
intruders and uses all the tricks of her ghostly trade to send
the friends packing.
The dragon and the porcupine are told by ghost specialist
Badger that Clemenzia has already started haunting the
whole of the cliff-top forest and won’t let the forest
inhabitants sleep in peace.
It doesn’t take Coconut, the little dragon, long to realise what
is really behind Clemenzia’s spooky attacks: loneliness and
boredom! There’s only one thing for it – Clemenzia needs a
ghostly friend! Would perhaps Gerd the Ghost, one of
Coconut and Matilda’s old friends, be the right pal for the
difficult Clemenzia? It would certainly be worth trying! But
Gerd well and truly has to give Clemenzia the creeps if she is
to accept him as a friend! This is obviously another problem
that Coconut manages to solve, and the result is a wonderful
ghostly friendship.
Also available:
Picture Books:
Vol. 1: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss [Little Dragon Coconut], 2002
Sold to: Thailand (Nanmee Books), Denmark (Gyldendal), Italy (Edizioni EL), Japan
(Hikumano Shuppan), Korea (Woongjin), China (Beijing World Dragon Develop.),
Brazil (Cia das Letras)
Foreign rights contact:
Vol. 2: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss feiert Weihnachten [Little Dragon Coconut
Celebrates Christmas], 2005
Sold to: Italy (Edizioni EL), Korea (Gimm-Young Publishers), China (Beijing World
Dragon Develop.)
Vol. 3: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss reist um die Welt [Little Dragon Coconut
Travels round the World], 2007
First Readers / Beginning Readers:
Vol.1: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss kommt in die Schule [Little Dragon Coconut
Starts School], 2004
Sold to: Thailand (Nanmee Books), Korea (Gimm-Young Publishers), Italy (Edizioni
EL), Iceland (Aeskan), China (Beijing World Dragon), Frankreich (Bayard)
Vol. 2: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss - Hab keine Angst! [Little Dragon Coconut –
Don't Be Frightened!], 2004
Sold to: China (Beijing World Dragon), Italy (Edizioni EL), Frankreich (Bayard)
Vol. 3: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und der große Zauberer [Little Dragon
Coconut and the Great Magician], 2005
Sold to: Italy (Edizioni EL), China (Beijing World Dragon), Frankreich (Bayard),
Tschechien (Vikend)
Vol. 4: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und der schwarze Ritter [Little Dragon
Coconut and the Black Knight], 2005
Sold to: Italy (Edizioni EL), China (Beijing World Dragon), Frankreich (Bayard)
Vol. 5: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss – Schulfest auf dem Feuerfelsen [Little
Dragon Coconut – School Festival on the Fire Cliffs], 2006
Sold to: China (Beijing World Dragon), Frankreich (Bayard), Italien (Edizioni EL)
Vol. 6: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und seine Abenteuer [Little Dragon Coconut
and his Adventure], 2006
Sold to: China (Beijing World Dragon), Frankreich (Bayard), Tschechien (Vikend)
Vol. 7: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss besucht den Weihnachtsmann [Little Dragon
Coconut – Visits Father Christmas], 2006
Sold to: China (Beijing World Dragon), Frankreich (Bayard)
Vol. 8: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und die Wetterhexe [Little Dragon Coconut
and the Weather Witch], 2007
Sold to: Frankreich (Bayard)
Vol. 9: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und die wilden Piraten [Little Dragon Coconut
and the Wild Pirates], 2008
Sold to: Frankreich (Bayard)
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