Intelligible Beauty
Intelligible Beauty
‘Intelligible Beauty’ Recent Research on Byzantine Jewellery Edited by Chris Entwistle and Noël Adams British Museum Research Publication Number 178 Publishers The British Museum Great Russell Street London WC1B 3DG Series Editor Josephine Turquet Assistant Production Editor: Distributors The British Museum Press 46 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3QQ ‘Intelligible Beauty’: Recent Research on Byzantine Jewellery Edited by Chris Entwistle and Noël Adams Front Cover: Bracelet in the British Museum, with a bust of the Virgin on the disc of the clasp, dated to around ad 600 (PE AF 351). See Yeroulanou, p. 48. ISBN 978-086159-178-7 ISSN 1747-3640 © The Trustees of the British Museum 2010 Note: the British Museum Occasional Papers series is now entitled British Museum Research Publications. The OP series runs from 1 to 150, and the RP series, keeping the same ISSN and ISBN preliminary numbers, begins at number 151. For a complete catalogue of the full range of OPs and RPs see the series website: Order from For trade orders write to: Oxbow Books, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2EW, UK Tel: (+44) (0) 1865 241249 e-mail website or The David Brown Book Co PO Box 511, Oakville CT 06779, USA Tel: (+1) 860 945 9329; Toll free 1 800 791 9354 e mail Printed and bound in the UK by Latimer Trend Contents Foreword List of Contributors Illustration Acknowledgements The Six Techniques of Pierced Jewellery in Late Antiquity and their Evolution Bálint László Toth v vi vii 1 Some Unconventional Early Byzantine Rings Jeffrey Spier 13 Notes on Selected Recent Acquisitions of Byzantine Jewellery at the British Museum Chris Entwistle 20 The Evidence for Jewellery Production in Constantinople in the Early Byzantine Period Yvonne Stolz 33 Important Bracelets in Early Christian and Byzantine Art Aimilia Yeroulanou 40 Byzantine Jewellery? Amethyst Beads in East and West during the Early Byzantine Period 50 Jörg Drauschke Byzantine Belt Ornaments of the 7th and 8th Centuries in Avar Contexts Falko Daim 61 Byzantine Influences on Visigothic Jewellery Barry Ager 72 Rethinking the Sutton Hoo Shoulder Clasps and Armour Noël Adams 83 Byzantines, Goths and Lombards in Italy: Jewellery, Dress and Cultural Interactions Neil Christie 113 Sicily and Southern Italy: Use and Production in the Byzantine Koiné Isabella Baldini Lippolis 123 Byzantine Dress Accessories in North Africa: Koiné and Regionality Christoph Eger 133 Avar Goldsmiths’ Work from the Perspective of Cultural History Csanád Bálint 146 Byzantium and the Slavs in the Light of Goldsmiths’ Production Bartłomiej Szymon Szmoniewski 161 Byzantine Jewellery of the Hungarian Conquest Period: A View from the Balkans Ádám Bollók 173 Byzantine Jewellery: The Evidence from Byzantine Legal Documents Maria G.Parani 186 Elegance over the Borders: The Evidence of Middle Byzantine Earrings Jenny Albani 193 ‘Temple Pendants’ in Medieval Rus’: How were they Worn? Natalija Ristovska 203 Jewellery from Princely Kiev and Byzantine Influence Ljudmila Pekarska 212 A 13th-Century Jewellery Hoard from Thessalonica: A Genuine Hoard or an Art Dealer’s Compilation? Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie Some Aspects of the Finger-Rings in the Chalcis Treasure at the British Museum Bet Mcleod 219 233 This volume was made possible by a generous donation from the Thaw Charitable Trust, Santa Fe, USA Foreword The papers in this volume derive from a conference held at the British Museum and King’s College, London, from 27–29 May 2008. The conference, organised under the auspices of the British Museum Byzantine Seminar, was the fifth in an annual series going back to 2003. The purpose of these conferences is to examine recent research in the field of Late Antique and Byzantine art and archaeology with a special focus on material culture. The objective of this particular conference was to concentrate on the burgeoning field of Byzantine jewellery with specific reference to the work being done by colleagues on the Continent. Papers delivered at the seminar covered a diverse range of topics ranging from technical deliberations to topics such as the relationship between the metalwork of Byzantium and its neighbours, including inter alia the Visigoths, Lombards, Avars, Slavs, Islam and Kievan Rus’. Further papers explored the topic of how we attempt (or not) to identify the jewellery emanating from the capital Constantinople as opposed to regional centres, and what are the stylistic and technical criteria employed. All but four of the papers given at the conference are published in this volume. For their assistance with photographic enquiries and other logistical matters the editors would like to thank respectively Marta Zlotnik and Stephen Zwirn of the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, Washington DC, and Christina Vona and Panorea Benatou of the Benaki Museum, Athens. Both Sofia Valente and Kit Candler, voluntary interns with British Museum Press, provided generously of their time towards the design of the volume. Further thanks are due to Cindy Archer, Grants Manager at the Thaw Charitable Trust. Our greatest debt, however, is to Josephine Turquet, Series Editor of British Museum Occasional Papers, without whose enthusiasm and patience this volume would be much the worse. Editorial Note: Bibliographic abbreviations where used follow the style in Byzantische Zeitschrift. ‘Intelligible Beauty’ | v List of Contributors Dr Noël Adams c/o Department of Prehistory and Europe British Museum London WC1B 3DG UK Barry Ager Department of Prehistory and Europe British Museum London WC1B 3DG UK Dr Jenny Albani Ministry of Culture and Tourism Hellenic Republic 42 Bouboulinas Street 10682 Athens Greece Dr Isabella Baldini Department of Archaeology University of Bologna Via Zamboni, 33 40126 Bologna Italy Professor Csanád Bálint Institute of Archaeology P.O. Box 14 H-1250 Budapest Hungary Dr Ádám Bollók Institute of Archaeology P.O. Box 14 H-1250 Budapest Hungary Dr Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Institut für Kunstgeschichte Arbeitsbereich Christliche Archäologie und Byzantinische Kunstgeschichte Binger Str. 26 55122 Mainz Germany Dr Neil Christie School of Archaeology and Ancient History University of Leicester Leicester UK Dr Falko Daim Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2 55116 Mainz Germany Dr Jörg Drauschke Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2 55116 Mainz Germany vi | ‘Intelligible Beauty’ Dr Christoph Eger Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Provinzialrömische Archäologie Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 D-80539 München Germany Chris Entwistle Department of Prehistory and Europe British Museum London WC1B 3DG Bet Mcleod fsa 93C Central Hill London SE19 1BY UK Dr Maria G. Parani Department of History and Archaeology University of Cyprus P.O. Box 20537, Nicosia CY 1678 Cyprus Dr Ljudmila Pekarska Curator The Shevchenko Library & Archive 49 Linden Gardens Notting Hill London W2 4HG UK Natalija Ristovska Exeter College Oxford OX1 UK Dr Jeffrey Spier University of Arizona 1955 East 6th Street Tucson, AZ 85719-5224 USA Dr Yvonne Stolz Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Kurfürstliches Schloß Ernst-Ludwig Platz 2 55116 Mainz Germany Dr Bartek Szmoniewski Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk Oddział w Krakowie ul. Sławkowska 17 31-016 Kraków Poland Dr Bálint László Toth 10 en Bonne Ruelle 57000 Metz France Aimila Yeroulanou c/o Benaki Museum Koumbari 1 Athens Greece Illustration acknowledgements N. Adams: Rethinking the Sutton Hoo Shoulder Clasps and Armour Pls 1,2.1,2.2,3,5.1,5.4,9 – London, British Museum; Pl. 4.1 – after M.-C. Bianchini (ed.), L’Or des princes barbares du Caucase à la Gaule Ve siècle après J.-C., Poitiers, 2000, no. 37.6; Pls 4.2,17 – after N. Adams, ‘The Development of Early Garnet Inlaid Ornaments’, in Cs. Bálint (ed.), Kontakte zwischen Iran, Byzanz und der Steppe in 6.–7. Jahrhundert, Varia Archaeologica Hungarica IX, Budapest–Naples–Rome, 2000, pl. VIII.3; Pls 4.3,11,12.3,14,16.3,25,26 – author; Pls 4.4,16.1 – courtesy of the Thaw Foundation; Pl. 5.2 – after W. Janssen, Das frankische Reihengräberfeld von Rödingen, Kr. Düren, Germanische Denkmäler der Völkerwandergungszeit, Ser. B, Stuttgart, 1993, pls 4, 5, 185; Pl. 5.3 – after U. Koch, Das Reihengräberfeld bei Schretzheim, Germanische Denkmäler der Völkerwandergungszeit, Ser. A, Bd. 13, 1977, pl. 20.6, 8-9; Pl. 6 – after I.P. Zaseckaja, ‘To the Dating of the Dagger from Borovoye–Lake find in Kazakhstan’, in F. Vallet and M. Kazanski (eds), L’armée romaine et les barbares du IIIe au VIIe siècle, A.F.A.M., Saint– Germain–en–Laye, 1993, fig. 6; Pl. 7 – after A. Kiss, Das awarenzeitliche Gräberfeld in Kölked–Feketekapu B, Monumenta Avarorum Archaeologica 6, Budapest, 2001, 331–2, pl. 149; Pl. 8.1 – after G. Behrens, ‘Spätrömische Kerbschnittschnallen’, Schumacher– Festschrift, Mainz, 1930, 202, pl. 8; Pl. 8.2 – after I. Undset, ‘Archäologische Aufsätze über südeuropäische Fundstücke’, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 23 (1891), fig. 37; Pl. 10.1 – after É. Garam, ‘Die münzdatierten Gräber der Awarenzeit’, in F. Daim (ed.), Awarenforschungen I, Vienna, 1992, pls 1 and 2; Pl. 10.2 – after I. Popović, Zlatni avarski pojacs iz okolin Sirmijuma (Golden Avarian Belt from the Vicinity of Sirmium), Belgrade, 1997, figs 1–6; Pl. 10.3 – after R. Mengarelli, ‘La necropoli barbarica di Castel Trosino’, Monumenti antichi della Accademia dei Lincei 12 (1902), 266, fig. 139; Pl. 12.1 – after V. Sarianidi, The Golden Hoard of Bactria from the Tillya–tepe. Excavations in Northern Afghanistan, New York, 1985, 226, no. 1.2; Pl. 12.2 – after A.M. Apakidze et al., Mcheta. Itogi arheologičeskix issledovanii. Arheologičeskie pamyatniki Armazis–hevi po raskopkam 1937–46 g.g., Tbilisi, 1958, fig. 52; Pls 13, 21 – after H.W. Bohme et al. (eds), A l’aube de la France: la Gaule de Constantin à Childéric, Paris, 1981, figs 177, 7; Pl. 15 – after An Yingxin, ‘Xinjiang yili zhaosuxian chutu jinyinqi deng zhengui wenwu’, Wenwu 9 (1999), 9, no. 13; Pl. 16.2 – after T.M. Minaeva, ‘Rasjkopki svjatilišča iz mogil’nika vozle gorodišča Giljač v 1965 g.’, in A.K. Ambroz and I. Erdeli (eds), Drevnosti epohi velikogo pereselenija narodov V–VIII vv, Moscow, 1982, 230–3, figs 6.7 and 7; Pls 18,20 – after R.L.S. Bruce-Mitford, The Sutton Hoo Ship– Burial, Vol. 2, Arms, Armour and Regalia, The Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1978, fig. 395 and fig. 177; Pl. 19 – after Roth n. 29; Pl. 22 – after H. Stolpe and T.J. Arne, La nécropole de Vendel, Stockholm, 1927, pl. xlii, fig. 1, and G. Ardwisson, Die Gräberfunde von Valsgärde III, Valsgärde 7, Uppsala, 1977, abb. 115, 120; Pl. 23 – after A.D.H. Bivar, ‘Cavalry Equipment and Tactics on the Euphrates Frontier’, DOP 26 (1972), fig. 7; Pl. 24 – after M.V. Ščepkina, Miniatiury Khludoskoy psaltyri, Moscow, 1977. B. Ager: Byzantine Influences on Visigothic Jewellery Pl. 1 – after W. Menghin et al., Germanen, Hunnen und Awaren, Nuremberg, 1987, pl. 55 right; Pls 2,3,6,15, 28,29 – author; Pls 4,20 – after G. Ripoll López, Toreutica de la Bética, Barcelona, 1998, fig. 7, 24–5; Pls 5,12,21,22, 25 – after The Art of Medieval Spain, New York, 1993, pls 27,26,9b,63a, 13; Pls 7,8,13,16,17,8,19,31,35,37 – London, British Museum; Pls 9,10,26 – after L. Balmaseda et al., Hispania Gothorum. San Ildefonso y el reino visigodo de Toledo, Toledo, 2006, 394, 384; Pl. 11 – after H. Zeiss, Die Grabfunde aus dem spanischen Westgotenreich, Berlin, 1934, pl. 31, 1a-b; Pl. 14 – courtesy of Aleksander Aibabin; Pls 23,24 – after N. Åberg, The Occident and the Orient in the Art of the Seventh Century, Stockholm, 1945, figs 78 and 79; Pl. 27 – after T. Demirjan, Treasures of the Dark Ages in Europe, New York, 1991, fig. 213; Pls 30,32,33,36 – after A. Perea (ed.), El Tesoro Visigodo de Guarrazar, Madrid, 2001, pls 125, 8–9, 164, 7; Pl. 34 – after C. Bertelli and G.P. Brogiolo (eds), Il futuro dei Longobardi, Milan, 2000, 36, fig. 2. J. Albani: Elegance Over the Borders: The Evidence of Middle Byzantine Earrings Pls 1,2 – after H.-C. Evans and W.D. Wixom (eds), The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era, ad 843–1251, New York, 1997, 320; Pl. 3 – Athens, Kanellopoulos Museum; Pls 4,24 – Athens, Benaki Museum; Pl. 5 – London, British Museum; Pl. 6 – Preslav, Natsionalen Istoriko – Arkheologischeski Reservat s Muzei ‛Veliki Preslav’; Pl. 7 – Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Stathatos Collection; Pl. 8 – Athens, Byzantine and Christian Museum; Pls 9,13 – after D. Minić and M. Tomić, ‛Ostava srednjovekovnog nakita iz Velikog Gradišta’, Starinar XXIII (1972), pl. I/4; Pl. 10 – after G.R. Davidson, Corinth. Volume XII: The Minor Objects, Princeton NJ, 1952, 253, no. 2035, pl. 108; Pl. 11 – after S. Ercegović-Pavlović, ‘Ostava naušinca sa rimsko-vizantijskog kastela iz Boljetina na Dunavu’, Starinar XX (1969), 84–93, figs 1–11a; Pls 12,14,17 – Chania, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Collection; Pl. 15 – after D.M. Petrović, ‘Srednjevekovna nekropola na Donićkon Brdu (Gradac cod Kragujevca)’, Starinar XIII–XIV (1962–63), figs 28/2, 3,4; Pl. 16 – Greece, 7th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities; Pl. 18 – after G. Marianović-Vujović, ‘Srednjovekovne nekropole u Srbiji evidentirane kroz arheološka iskopavanja’, Starinar XXXVII (1986), 208, figs 1–2; Pl. 19 – Jerusalem, L.A. Meyer Memorial Institute for Islamic Art; Pl. 20 – Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture; Pl. 21 – after G. Marjanović-Vujović,‘Rasprostranjenost naušina naroskanog tipa u Srbiji’, Starinar XXVII (1976), 108–9, pls I, II, III/I; Pl. 22 – photo A. Bosselmann-Ruickbie; Pl. 23 – after V. Jovanović, ‘Razmatranja o srednjovekovnoj nekropoli Lukovit-Mušat kod Loveća u Bugarskoj’, Starinar XXXVIII (1987), pls. I-V; Pl. 25 – after K. Preka-Alexandri, ‘Ο τύμβος του Παραποτάμου’, Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον 47–8 (1992–93), Α΄. Μελέτες, 169, pl. 40.2. I. Baldini Lippolis: Southern Italy and Sicily: Use and Production in the Byzantine Koiné Pl. 1 – after O. Von Hessen, ‘Sei linguette in ferro ageminate per cintura’, in C. D’Angela (ed.), Gli scavi del 1953 nel piano di Carpino (Foggia). Le Terme e la necropoli altomedievale della villa romana di Avicenna, Taranto, 1988, 147–50; Pls 2,3,4,5,9,14,17 – after I. Baldini Lippolis, L’oreficeria nell’impero di Costantinopoli tra IV e VII secolo, Bari, 1999, 139, 110, 203,205,108,182; Pls 6,11– after E. Riemer, Romanische Grabfunde des 5.-8. Jahrhunderts in Italien, Leidorf, 2000, 57 and pl. 86; Pl. 7 – author; Pl. 8 – Soprintendenza Archeologica della Puglia; Pl. 10 – after Kathemerine zoe sto Byzantio, Athens, 2002, no. 512; Pl. 12 – London, British Museum; Pls 13,20 – after A. Garside (ed.), Jewelry. Ancient to Modern, Baltimore, 1979, nos 392 and 427; Pl. 15 – after M. Corrado, ‘Note sul problema delle lamine bratteate altomedievali dal Sud Italia’, in R. Fiorillo (ed.), Il Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, Firenze, 2003, 110–14; Pl. 16 – after P. Orsi, Sicilia Bizantina, I, Rome, 1942, 137–53; Pls 18,19,21,22,23 – after Pulcherrima res..., Palermo, 2007, 73–4; Pl. 20 – after G. Vikan, Byzantine pilgrimage art, Washington DC, 1982, 42. C. Bálint: Avar Goldsmiths’ Work from the Perspective of Cultural History Pl. 1 – after Gy. László, ‘La trouvaille de Tépe’, Archaeologiai Értesítő 33 (1940), 77–90; Pls 2,7 –after É. Garam, Funde byzantinischer Herkunft in der Awarenzeit vom Ende des 6. bis zum Ende des 7. Jahrhunderts (Monumenta Avarorum Archaeologica 5), Budapest, 2001, Taf. XIV:2; Taf. XIX:3; Pls 3,22,28,29 – after G. Bott and W. Meier-Arendt (eds), Awaren in Europa. Schätze eines asiatischen Reitervolkes 6.-8. Jh., Frankfurt am Main, 1985, 31, Abb. 15; 30, Abb. 13; 53, Abb. 45; 27, Abb. 10; Pl. 4 – after D. Csallány, Goldschmiedegrab aus der Avarenzeit von Kunszentmárton (Ungarn), Szentes, 1933; Pl. 5 – © Hungarian National Museum, by kind permission of I. Kovrig; Pls 6,8,9,10,11,14, 20,21,23,24,25, 30,32 – after E.A. Arslan and M. Buora (eds), L’oro degli Àvari. Popolo delle steppe in Europa, Milan, 2000, no. 94, 72; no. 70c, 68; no. 74, 81; no. 158, 122; no. 257, 138–9; no. 252, 93; no. 15, 14; no. 98, 54; no. 69, 27; no. 37, 60; no. 40, 45; no. 92, 72; no. 77; 82; Pls 12,26 – after B. Bühler, ‘Der Scharnierbeschlag von Weiden am See und die Drahtherstellung im Frühmittelalter’, in F. Daim (ed.), Die Awaren am Rand der byzantinischen Welt (Monographien zur Frühgeschichte und Mittelalter–archäologie 7), Innsbruck, 2000, 241, Abb. 22; 235, Abb. 15; Pl. 13 – after N. Fettich, Das awarenzeitliche Kunstgewerbe in Ungarn (Archaeologia Hungarica 1), Budapest, 1927, Taf. IV, V; Pls 15,16,33,37 – after G. C. Menis (ed.), Gli Avari. Un popolo d’Europa (Pubblicazioni della Deputazione di Storia Patria per il Friuli 22), Udine, 1995, 174; 126 (middle); 132 (above); 12; Pl. 17 – after Cs. Bálint, The Treasure of Nagyszentmiklós (Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 16a), Budapest, 2004, 433, Pl. 187; Pl. 18 – after Cs. Bálint, Die spätawarenzeitliche Siedlung von Eperjes, Kom. Csongrád (Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 4), Budapest, 1991, Taf. XXX: 12; Pl. 19 – © Arheologicky Ústav Slovenské Akadémie Vied, by kind permission of Zl. Čilinská; Pl. 27 – after I. Popović, Golden Avarian belt from the vicinity of Sirmium (Archaeological Institute, Belgrade Monographies 32), Belgrade, 1997, ‘Intelligible Beauty’ | vii Illustration acknowledgements 56, fig. 32; Pl. 29 (right) – Courtesy of the Museum of the City of Ufa (Bashkiria), through the kind mediation of V.A. Ivanov; Pl. 31 – after F. Daim, ‛Byzantinische’ Gürtel-garnituren des 8. Jahrhunderts’, in F. Daim (ed.), Die Awaren am Rand der byzantinischen Welt (Monographien zur Frühgeschichte und Mittelalter-archäologie 7), Innsbruck, 2000, 173, Abb. 99; Pls 34,35– after O. Heinrich–Tamáska, Studien zu den awarenzeitlichen Tauschierarbeiten (Monographien zur Frühgeschichte und Mittelalterarchäologie 11), Innsbruck, 2005, 55, Abb. 28; 113, Abb. 65; Pl. 36 – after A. Kiss, Das awarenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Kölked-Feketekapu B (Monumenta Avarorum Archaeologica 6), Budapest, 2001, II, Taf. II: 3,4; Pl. 38 – after Zl. Čilinská, Kov v ranoslovanskom umení, Bratislava, 1981, 42; Pl. 39 – after T. Kovacs and E. Garam, The Gold of the Avars: the Nagyszentmiklós Treasure, Budapest, 2002, 6,8,10; Pl. 40 (above) – after K.V. Kasparova et al., Treasure of Khan Kubrat: Culture of Bulgars, Khazars, Slavs, Sofia, 1989, 89 (middle); Pl. 40 (below): after– R. Würth (ed.), Die Schraube zwischen Macht und Pracht. Das Gewinde in der Antike, Baden–Württemberg, 1995, no. 72, 100. Á. Bollók: Byzantine Jewellery of the Hungarian Conquest Period: A View from the Balkans Pl. 1 - after M. Ćorović-Ljubinković, ‘Metalni nakiti belobrdskog tipa. Grozdolike minđuše. – La parure en metal chez les slaves du sud aux IX–XIéme siècles. Boucles d’oreilles à appendice en forme de grappe’, Starinar 2 (1951), fig. 18; Pls 2,3 – after K. Mesterházy, ‛Bizánci és balkáni eredetű tárgyak a 10–11. századi magyar sírleletekben II (Gegenstände byzantinischen und balkanischen Ursprunges in den ungarischen Gräberfeldern des 10.–11. Jhs. II)’, Folia Archaeologica 42 (1991), 166–7; Pl. 4 – after E. Istvánovits, Arétköz honfoglalás- és Árpádkori emlékanyaga, Nyíregyháza, 2003, fig. 112; Pls 5,7 – after Cs. Bálint, Südungarn im 10. Jahrhundert (Studia Archaeologica 11), Budapest, 1991, Abb. 30; Pl. 6 – after I. Fodor, L. Révész and M. Wolf (eds), The Ancient Hungarians. Exhibition Catalogue, Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, 1996, fig. 9; Pl. 8 – after D.I. Blifeld, Davn’orusky pam’jatniki Šestovicy, Kiev, 1977, Tab. XXXII.1; Pl. 9 – Athens, Benaki Museum; Pl. 10 – after K. Mesterházy, ‘Hacksilber-funde im Karpatenbecken’, in G. Fusek (ed.), Zborník na počesť Bariny Bialekovej, Nitra, 2004, Abb. 4. A. Bosselmann-Ruickbie: A 13th-Century Jewellery Hoard from Thessalonica Pls 1–33, 39 – © author; Pl. 34 – after T. Mathews, The Byzantine Churches of Istanbul: A Photographic Survey, University Park, PA, 1976, pl. 10–40; Pls 35 and 40 – London, British Museum; Pl. 36 – after H.-C. Evans and W.D. Wixom (eds), The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era, ad 843–1251, New York, 1997, no. 183; Pl. 37 – Athens, Benaki Museum; Pls 38 and 41 – photos: Marion Mennicken. N. Christie: Byzantines and Lombards in Italy: Jewellery, Dress and Cultural Interactions Pls 1,3,4 – Ravenna, Museo Archeologico Nazionale; Pl. 2 – Wikipedia; Pls 5,6,8 – London, British Museum; Pl. 7 – Cividale, Museo Archeologico Nazionale. F. Daim: Byzantine Belt Ornaments of the 7th and 8th Centuries in Avar Contexts Pls 1:1,1:2,1:4,1:5,2,3 (reconstruction of the mounted belt ornaments [single drawings]) – after E. Garam, Funde byzantinischer Herkunft, Budapest, 2001, Taf. 95; Taf. 94; Taf. 81; Taf. 53 and 54; Pl.1:3 after F. Daim, Das awarische Gräberfeld von Leobersdorf, Nieder-österreich, Vienna, 1987, Taf. 153; Pl. 4 (reconstruction) – after T. Vida, Budakálasz – Dunapart, Tivadar, 1996, 344–5; Pl. 5 – after B. Tobias, Frühmittelalterliche Gräber mit Schmiedewerkzeugen (RGZM Monograph) in preparation; Pls 6,14 – after E. Garam, Katalog der awarenzeitlichen Goldgegenstände und der Fundstücke aus den Fürstengräbern im Ungarischen National-Museum, Budapest, 1993, Taf. 72-4, Taf. 26; Pls 7,8,10,11 – after F. Daim, ‘‘Byzantinische’ Gürtel-garnituren des 8. Jahrhunderts’, in idem, Die Awaren am Rand der byzantinischen Welt. Studien zu Diplomatie, Handel und Technologietransfer im Frühmittelalter, Innsbruck, 2000, Abb. 61–73; Abb. 75; Abb. 30b and 36b; Pl. 9 – after A. Rettner, ‛Zu einem vielteiligen Gürtel des 8. Jahrhunderts in Santa Maria Antiqua (Rom)’, in F. Daim (ed.), Kontakte zwischen Iran, Byzanz und der Steppe im 6.-7. Jahrhundert, Budapest, 2000, Abb. 6 and 7; Pl. 12 – photo: R. Müller (RGZM); Pl. 13 – drawing: V. Kassülke (RGZM). viii | ‘Intelligible Beauty’ J. Drauschke: Byzantine Jewellery? Amethyst Beads in East and West During the Early Byzantine Period Pl. 1 – Washington DC, Dumbarton Oaks Collection; Pl. 2 – Nicosia, Cyprus Museum (after A. Yeroulanou, Diatrita, Athens, Benaki Museum, 1999, fig. 60); Pl. 3 – after E. Possenti, Gli orecchini a cestello Alto-medievali in Italia (Ricerche Archeologia Altomedievale e Medievale, 21), Firenze, 1994, 72, no. 40, pl. 13, 1-2; Pl. 4 – Oxford, Ashmolean Museum; Pl. 5 – Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Referat 25 Denkmalpflege (Y. Mühleis); Pl. 6 – Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (Johann Rauch); Pls 7,8,10,11 – author; Pl. 9 – after A. Burzler et al., Das frühmittelalterliche Schleitheim – Siedlung, Gräberfelder und Kirche, Schaffhausen, 2002, 331, pl. 110,30.5. C. Eger: Byzantine Dress Accessories in North Africa: Koiné and Regionality Pl.1 – after D. Quast, ‘Völkerwanderungszeitliche Frauengräber aus Hippo Regius (Annaba/Bône) in Algerien’, JbRGZM 52 [2005] (2007), 242, Abb. 4,3; Pls 2,3,4,8,9,14,15,16 – author; Pl. 5 – after M. Mackensen, ‘Metallkleinfunde’, in F. Rakob (ed.), Karthago III. Die deutschen Ausgrabungen in Karthago, Mainz, 1999, 539, Abb. 2,10; Pls 6,7 – after L. Pani Ermini and M. Marinone, Catalogo dei materiali paleocristiani e altomedievali (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari), Rome, 1981, 114–15, nos 189–90; Pl. 10 – after E. Riemer, ‘Byzantinische Gürtelschnallen aus der Sammlung Diergardt im RömischGermanischen Museum Köln’, Kölner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte 28 (1995), 777–809; Pl. 11 – after G. Ripoll López, Toréutica de la Bética (siglos VI y VII d. C.), Barcelona, 1998, 187; Pl. 12 – after H. Roth, ‘Almandinhandel und – verarbeitung im Bereich des Mittelmeeres’, Allgemeine und vergleichende Archäologie Beiträge 2, 1980, 330–1; Pl. 13 – after F. Rakob (ed.), Karthago I. Die deutschen Ausgrabungen in Karthago, Mainz, 1992, 210. C. Entwistle: Notes on Selected Recent Acquisitions of Byzantine Jewellery at the British Museum Pls 1–50 – London, British Museum. B. McLeod: Some Aspects of the Finger-Rings in the Chalcis Treasure at the British Museum Pls 1–8 – London, British Museum. L. 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