First trip with new shipping cask


First trip with new shipping cask
are assured
Stefan Berbner, Head
of Studsvik’s segment
First trip with new shipping cask
AM01_cover.indd 1
2013-03-12 12:46:42
New beginnings
04 Teaming up
Studsvik and Westinghouse offer
decommissioning services to the
European nuclear power industry.
07 On the safe side
Studsvik is increasingly involved in
safety assessment reports, a necessity
for new nuclear power plants.
08 Creativity in the lab
Michael Granfors, specialist in mass
spectrometry, is finding new services
to offer at the Hot Cell Laboratory.
10 Maiden voyage
The new NCS 45 shipping cask fulfills
the latest national and international
government requirements.
12 A beautiful mind
The inventor of THOR, Studvik’s hightemperature process for reducing radioactive waste, recalls how it all transpired.
s the new CEO of Studsvik I am very excited about
the opportunity to lead the company. Studsvik has
a great reputation, unique know-how and a strong
position as a service provider to the nuclear industry.
Through my time as a supplier in the highly
competitive automotive industry, I have learned the importance
of strong and close working relations with customers in order to
provide high-value offerings. I look forward to meeting Studsvik’s
existing and future customers to learn more about their operations
and how we can adapt and develop our services to provide them with
the best value.
In the short term, I will focus on identifying and implementing actions to improve Studsvik’s profitability – actions necessary
to secure long-term growth. My vision is based on the following
mandates: possessing a profound understanding of our customers’
processes, needs and challenges to constantly improve our service
offering; becoming an organization with efficient work
processes that create minimum waste; and employing
competent and passionate people who are aligned
with our objectives and strategies.
When we have achieved our initial objectives
regarding value creation and profitability, my focus
will turn to growing the company based on
a foundation of our expertise and knowhow.
I look forward to leading Studsvik and
ushering in a new era of profitability by
remaining at the forefront of innovation, sustainability and service within
the nuclear industry.
Contents #1.2013
Michael Mononen, CEO
Editor-in chief: Jerry Ericsson, Studsvik Editor: Eva-Lena Lindgren, Studsvik
email: Address: Studsvik AB, P.O. Box 556, SE-611 10 Nyköping, Sweden
Managing editor: Petra Lodén, Appelberg Art director: Karin Söderlind, Appelberg
Layout: Lena Palmius, Appelberg Printing: Österbergs Cover photo: Thomas Müller
Innova is published by the Studsvik Group to share information about its business and the
international nuclear industry.
2 Innova [1:2013]
AM02_editorial.indd 2
2013-03-12 12:46:50
Global News
photo: istockphoto
U.K. order for waste treatment
LLW Repository Ltd. (LLWR) has
contracted Studsvik for the transport
and treatment of the remaining 10
redundant heat exchangers from the
Magnox Berkeley Site in the U.K. The
total order value is approximately GBP
15 million ($23 million).
The heat exchangers (boilers) each
Besides being found in nuclear power
plants, X-rays and radio waves from
mobile phones, radiation is used to
clean water, check the thickness of
paper, ensure that welds are flawless and determine whether luggage
contains illegal items. Products such
as smoke detectors also employ radioactive material in order to function.
April 15–17
2013 Studsvik International
Core Management Software
Users Group Meeting,
Madrid, Spain
April 22
Annual General Meeting,
World Trade Center,
Stockholm, Sweden
May 14-16
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik
(annual nuclear technology
meeting),Berlin, Germany
May 19–24
ICG-EAC 2013, Corrosion
and water chemistry,
Karuizawa, Japan
June 17–20
ENYGF, Stockholm,
September 15–19
2013 LWR Fuel Performance
Meeting/Top Fuel, Charlotte,
North Carolina
Next issue of Innova
weigh more than 300 tons. They were
used in the electricity generation
process of the nuclear power station before it ceased operation in
1989. There were 15 heat exchangers
remaining at the site, the first five of
which were successfully removed in
March 2012 and subsequently treated
by Studsvik. This contract is for the
remaining 10 heat exchangers, and
will complete an important step in
photo: studsvik
Did you know:
 Moving an object
that is more than 65
feet long and 18 feet
wide takes profound
knowledge of heavy
Sixteen countries depend on nuclear
power for at least a quarter of their
electricity. France gets around threequarters of its power from nuclear
energy; Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech
Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, South
Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia
and Ukraine get a third or more.
Source: World Nuclear Association
sign new agreement
In September 2012 the International Atomic Energy Agency
and the World Association of Nuclear Operators signed a new
Memorandum of Understanding to reflect increased cooperation between the two organizations following the Fukushima
Daiichi accident of March 2011. The agreement enables the two
organizations to work more closely together to support the safe
and reliable operation of nuclear power plants worldwide and to
enhance the exchange of information on operating experience
and other relevant areas.
the decommissioning program at the
Berkeley Site.
LLWR is acting on behalf of Magnox
Ltd. for the procurement and contract
management of the project, which is
scheduled to take place in 2013.
Michael Granfors
from Studsvik’s Hot Cell
Laboratory participated
in the Top Fuel industry
conference in Manchester, England, in 2012,
Michael Granfors
presenting studies
of spent nuclear fuel
using laser ablation
that he conducted
with colleague Anders
Puranen. The method
makes it possible to
Anders Puranen measure the concentration of various substances in separate spots on a sample
piece and to identify any variations
between the core and surface.
Puranen received the Sigvard
Eklund Prize in 2012. The prize is
awarded each year by the Swedish
Center for Nuclear Technology for the
best Ph.D. thesis on a subject related
to nuclear technology. Another expert
at Studsvik, Olivia Roth, received the
Sigvard Eklund Prize in 2008.
[1:2013] Innova 3
AM03_news_global.indd 3
2013-03-12 12:46:56
Ndcon, the integrated collaboration between Studsvik and
Westinghouse, covers the entire decommissioning process
from shutdown to “greenfield” status.
text Axel Schmidt· photo Thomas Müller
Shutdown and
from a
In operation
End of licence 2011
Biblis A
Biblis B
Philipsburg 1
Philipsburg 2
Neckarwestheim 1
Neckarwestheim 2
A significant number of
nuclear power plants across
Europe will need to be decommissioned and dismantled in
the next 15 to 20 years. Ndcon
offers a full range of decommissioning services for nuclear
power plants in Europe, initially
in Germany and Sweden.
Isar 1
Isar 2
Grundremmingen B
Grundremmingen C
Germany has decided to
phase out its 17 nuclear reactors by 2022. Eight of those
reactors were immediately
shut down in 2011. Today
Germany has nine nuclear
power plants with an electric gross output of 12,700
MW in operation.
4 Innova [1:2013]
AM04-06_outlook.indd 4
2013-03-12 12:47:00
Studsvik and Westinghouse are
collaborating on a nuclear decommissioning consortium (ndcon) joint
venture. The purpose of ndcon is to
optimally meet the needs of the nuclear
industry when decommissioning nuclear plants. Its services range from the
decommissioning of waste materials to
their treatment. In a straightforward
step-by-step method, ndcon walks the
operator through the decomissioning
process, from the shutdown of its plant
to “greenfield” status.
Through the cooperation, Studsvik
and Westinghouse can offer an integrated approach that meets the needs
of the nuclear industry in a particularly committed manner.
“We’ve been involved in various
decommissioning projects for the past
30 years,” says Norbert Haspel, Vice
President and Managing Director
Central Europe, Westinghouse. “In
addition to supporting the operator
in licensing and decommissioning
planning, our main focal areas include
various dismantling techniques that
have been tried, tested and continually improved through many trials.
Furthermore, we’ve focused on
decontamination systems and the
planning and installation of service
facilities for decommissioning.”
A collaborative project makes
even more sense, Haspel explains, as
Studsvik is experienced in all on-site
activities, and has many competent
staff present at the site who have been
involved in such areas as radiation protection. Additionally, there is the treatment of contaminated components
that Studsvik can handle and optimize
Time schedule for nuclear power plant decommissioning
Dismantling, noncontaminated parts
contaminated parts
activated parts
of building structures
Berbner and Westinghouse’s Norbert
Haspel will lead the
consortium ndcon.
for reuse at its processing center in
The pivotal point is the decommissioning concept. This includes, in
addition to strategy development, a
comparison of variants for an appropriate approach and the preparation of
the required application documents.
There are numerous options when
it comes to decommissioning. These
cover the entire plant, including
the primary, auxiliary and ancillary
systems. Ndcon takes care not only
of dismantling and segmentation but
also of the demolition of the biological shield, the recycling of materials
released following measurement and
their verification and release from the
nuclear regulatory control. It also supports its customers in the treatment
of non-released materials following
measurement according to the permanent repository conditions.
“Most operators have know-
Free release of
building structures
10–15 years
Studsvik’s Stefan
how on the subject of decommissioning,” says Haspel. “However, the
operators will have to ask themselves
whether decommissioning will be
their core business, into which investments will have to be made in the future in the form of personnel training 
[1:2013] Innova 5
AM04-06_outlook.indd 5
2013-03-13 14:45:04
and the acquisition of tools, or if other
strategies can be envisaged. Alternatively, it may be useful to consider
innovative approaches for collaborative partnerships when reflecting and
making strategic evaluations.”
The process of decommissioning
often involves significant logistical
challenges, explains Stefan Berbner,
head of Studsvik’s segment Germany.
“However,” he says, “through our
infrastructure we can provide proven
transport routes for the external treatment of waste for the nuclear industry.” This means that all logistical and
treatment facilities are ready for the
customer. Thus full control of residual
material management is ensured and
the need for on-site storage is significantly reduced.
The crucial question during
the decommissioning of a nuclear
installation is usually the conditioning
of residual materials and components.
Both must be utilized harmlessly.
Ndcon ensures extensive security for
its customers in this regard, because
it can rely not only on the required
infrastructure, including the necessary
containers, but also on many years of
experience. For plant operators, this
can mean tangible savings due to the
clear reduction of expenses.
Instead of conditioning large components on-site and avoiding potential
problems related to development,
transport and logistics, ndcon provides
a “rip-and-ship” approach.
“Studsvik and Westinghouse bring
experience from previous projects
[including the dismantling of German
and Swedish plants], as well as infrastructure and logistics,” says Berbner.
This leads to both time and cost
savings and allows the client’s project
to proceed in a timely and efficient
“We take our clients from where
they are and take care of their individual needs,” Berbner says. “This means
the establishment of interim storage
and radiation protection services
complete the portfolio.
With extensive knowledge of
country-specific legislation, ndcon has
a broad base, particularly in Germany
and Sweden. “Our customers are
assured top-notch service that takes
legal and other requirements into account,” says Berbner.
 Studsvik and
Westinghouse have
extensive experience
in various dismantling techniques.
that we act as a general contractor
and can guarantee the involvement of
competent suppliers at any time.”
In addition, ndcon can comprehensively assist its customers in transport
preparation and in the characterization and documentation of residues.
Well-founded storage concepts and
“During the dialogue between
the operator and ndcon, a technically
optimized and safe approach can be
developed that also meets the requirements of a cost- and time-optimized
overall project,” says Haspel. “The
cooperation, based on the partnership
between the operator and ndcon, will
lead to optimized solutions, which are
reflected in safe, fast and cost-effective
projects for decommissioning and
dismantling.” 
Nuclear decommissioning consortium (ndcon)
– A combination of strengths
The nuclear decommissioning
consortium by Studsvik and
Westinghouse is marketed
under the separate brand
name ndcon. Ndcon offers a
full range of decommissioning services for nuclear power
plants in Europe, initially in
Germany and Sweden.
The first commercial nuclear power plants in Europe
were commissioned 50 years
ago, and many of these units
are now approaching the
end of their designed operating life. Additionally, in some
instances, political decisions
have shortened the expected
operation of nuclear power
plants. Germany, for example,
has decided to phase out its
17 nuclear reactors by 2022.
Eight of those reactors were
immediately shut down in
For these reasons, a significant number of nuclear power
plants across Europe will need
to be decommissioned and
dismantled in the next 15 to 20
Studsvik is a leading supplier in the area of radioactive
waste treatment and in free
releasing such materials.
Studsvik has facilities for treatment of radioactive waste in
Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S.
 In Germany, Studsvik offers
high-quality services in waste
treatment on-site – in decommissioning, engineering and
radiation protection.
Westinghouse, part of the
Toshiba Corporation, has
global capabilities in decommissioning and dismantling.
 Westinghouse’s expertise also includes waste
management, licensing
procedures, engineering,
decommission planning,
dismantling and project
management with local
6 Innova [1:2013]
AM04-06_outlook.indd 6
2013-03-13 14:45:08
Radiological reports facilitate
safe nuclear power plants
Rebuilding a nuclear power plant or constructing a new one is a protracted and
complex process that requires extensive technical documentation. Studsvik is a
key player in the analysis of radioactivity and the design of radiation protection.
text Patrick Vreede · illustration Svenska Grafikbyrån
The construction of a new nuclear power plant or modification of an
existing one must be approved by the
national nuclear power or radiation
safety agency. A new or updated safety
assessment report (SAR) is submitted by the owner of the power plant
as the documentation basis for the
agency’s decision. The SAR includes
an exhaustive review of safety at the
plant, including particularly significant chapters regarding radioactivity
and radiation protection. Over the
past 15 years, Studsvik Nuclear AB has
performed almost all of the measurements and analyses of Swedish nuclear
power plants. The company is also
increasingly involved in nuclear reactors outside Sweden.
A reactor core equipment report
serves as the basis and starting point
for SAR analyses of radioactivity
and radiation protection. The report
includes measurements of the radioactivity levels of fission products and
actinides in the reactor fuel. These are
derived from the fuel description and
operational history obtained from the
follow-up of operations.
The level of neutron-induced
activity in the reactor vessel and its
internal components is also measured,
as is that in the surrounding concrete.
This is performed utilizing a threedimensional model of the reactor to
calculate the neutron flux density and
its distribution of energy in the various
components. One example obtained
through such modeling is shown in the
figure. The activation level of the reactor components can be calculated with
the aid of the neutron flux densities,
the weights of the components and
their material composition.
The cooling water and its contaminants in the reactor are also
activated, and this induced activity
is calculated.Before the SAR chapter
on radioactivity can be considered
complete, activity must be measured
for any fuel damage and for activation
of CRUD (Chalk River Unidentified
Based on the above determinations
of radioactivity, the various types of
radiological consequences from normal operation of the reactor and the
various types of postulated events are
● The design of the plant’s radiation
shield, the radiation classification
of different areas and the resulting
radiation doses for personnel.
● Activity levels in emissions to air
and water from normal operation
and the radiation doses that arise
from these emissions.
● Activity levels in operational and
demolition waste from the plant.
● Skyshine levels around the turbines.
● Radioactive emissions and the
resulting radiation doses for various
postulated events.
The SAR’s overriding objective is
to report how the plant complies with
the applicable safety requirements.
The Swedish nuclear power plants
Reactor vessel
Steam drier
Steam separator
Fuel assemblies
 A three-dimensional model of the reactor is made to enable calculation of the neutron-flux density and its distribution of energy in the
various components. The image shows a reactor and containment
model. Components that can be seen include fuel assemblies, control
rods, the steam separator, the reactor pressure vessel and the surrounding concrete. The neutron-flux density is measured from above,
below and radially from the reactor core (both inside and outside the
reactor vessel).
that have been analyzed meet these
requirements comfortably.
The methods described are also
applied to decommissioning planning.
Studsvik Nuclear AB updated these
analyses for all Swedish nuclear power
plants in 2012. 
[1.2013] Innova 7
AM07_technology.indd 7
2013-03-12 12:47:13
“I am rather
stubborn, and
I just have to
get it to work.”
Michael Granfors
methods in a nutshell
ICP-MS (inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry): A
kind of mass spectrometry that
can discover metals and display
non-metallic elements at very low
concentrations. The elements in
a sample piece are converted to
charged ions in plasma at very
high temperatures. The ions are
then led into the mass spectrometer where they are sorted according to their relationship between
mass and charge. A detector then
captures them and emits a measurable signal that corresponds to
the concentration of the element.
G-MS (gas mass spectrometry):
With this method, it is possible to
identify the elemental composition
of a gas sample. The measurements are made immediately on
the gas, and ionization occurs by
bombarding it with electrons.
8 Innova [1.2013]
AM08-09_portrait.indd 8
2013-03-12 12:47:25
Profile Michael Granfors
At Studsvik’s laboratories outside of Nyköping material analyses
for the nuclear power industry are conducted. Michael Granfors
makes sure the methods are up to standard.
text Åke R. Malm · photo Mattias Bardå
I n his office at Studsvik’s Hot Cell Laboratory (HCL) along the Swedish
coast north of Nyköping, Michael
Granfors reaches for the shelf above his
desk. He takes out six small aluminum
plates with pieces of cladding from a fuel rod
attached to the surface, examines them and
fingers the metal a little.
“We will test them tomorrow to see if we
can say anything about the lithium coating on
the claddings that were in a reactor,” he says.
“It is not good if the concentration levels are
too high. If we get this to work, we will have a
new service to offer.”
Granfors has worked at HCL since 2004
and is a specialist in mass spectrometry, a
method of analyzing the elemental composition of a substance.
“I assist project managers and others in interpreting the results of our analyses,” he says.
“And if customers have questions or concerns,
I see if we can answer them with the technology we have here.”
The term “hot cell” means that the laboratory is constructed to handle radioactive tests.
The business is entirely commercial and assignments come from various areas, such as
different manufacturers of nuclear fuel.
“We conduct a number of routine analyses,
but we receive many requests for services we
have not done before,” Granfors says. “That
is when you try to be creative and see if things
can be done and how we should handle the
samples. It can usually be solved one way or
He speaks calmly and thoughtfully. A trace
of dialect reveals that he has roots on the other
side of the Baltic Sea. He grew up on the family farm in Närpes, 50 miles south of Vasa in
the Swedish-speaking region of Finland. He
sometimes visited his paternal grandmother
on the weekends.
“Sometimes I slept over, and then we would
always bake,” he says. “I thought that was really fun.”
Today he has replaced Grandma’s oven
with HCL’s seven “hot cells” and measurement
room. He came here after studies in analytical
chemistry at Åbo Academy and five years at the
Corrosion and Metals Research Institute in
Stockholm, now known as Swerea Kimab AB.
We leave the sparsely decorated office, put
on protective clothing and go into the laboratory. He explains enthusiastically how the
samples are prepared behind the cells’ threefoot-thick lead glass before they come to the
measurement room.
Inside is the equipment he specializes in:
two mass spectrometers, one for gas (G-MS)
and one for solid materials. The latter is a
plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). It is
connected to a laser to analyze materials without having to break them down first, which
would be necessary otherwise. In that way it is
possible to measure the concentration of elements in separate spots instead of settling for
an average value.
The laser and the mass spectrometers are
standard components that Granfors and his
colleagues have supplemented with custommade equipment for radioactive materials. As
with the methods of analysis, the equipment
requires constantly innovation, and he likes
“I am rather stubborn, and I just have to get
it to work,” Granfors says. “There is a lot that
motivates me. And when I finally succeed it
feels great, to put it simply.” 
Michael Granfors
Title: Specialist in Mass Spectrometry
of Irradiated Materials.
Workplace: The Hot Cell Laboratory
(HCL) in Studsvik.
Residence: Nyköping, Sweden.
Born: 1970.
Family: Single.
Interests: Nature, traveling and cars. Has a
2001 BMW Z3 convertible as a summer car.
[1:2013] Innova 9
AM08-09_portrait.indd 9
2013-03-12 12:47:31
Eight fuel rods from Almaraz, the Spanish
nuclear power plant, were the first cargo for
Studsvik’s new shipping cask, NCS 45.
The destination was Studsvik’s Hot Cell
Laboratory, where the fuel was to be analyzed.
text Åke R. Malm · photo Studsvik
The first order
for a new
shipping cask
In September of 2012 , Studsvik
carried out the first transport using
its new shipping cask, NCS 45. Eight
spent fuel rods from the Spanish nuclear power plant Almaraz Block 2
were transported to Studsvik’s Hot
Cell Laboratory (HCL) outside of
Nyköping, Sweden, for analysis.
“We are very pleased with how
the first transport went,” says Mikael
Karlsson, Marketing Manager Fuel
and Materials Performance. “Everything was managed very professionally
by our staff on location.”
The fuel rods were placed in NCS
45 with the shipping cask immersed
in a pool of water at the nuclear power
plant. The cask was then closed and
placed in a specially designed ISO
container equipped with all necessary safety features. The trip to HCL
went by truck and took three days,
going through five different countries,
each with specific requirements for
physical protection. After arrival, the
ISO container was unloaded from the
trailer using a mobile crane, and the
NCS 45 cask was transferred to the
laboratory where the fuel rods were
discharged to the cell. Including all
the preparations, the project took a
year to complete.
The different types of fuel in the
“We are very
pleased with
how the first
Mikael Karlsson
fuel rods will be analyzed on behalf
of two Studsvik clients. It takes a
long time to develop a new fuel. The
process may start with around 50
different materials, and the number
is then gradually reduced. In the end
there are perhaps only three to five
materials that are test-run in a reactor
to evaluate their characteristics in real
operation. Then the test materials are
characterized, tested, analyzed and
evaluated so a material may be selected as the next product on the basis of
safety and performance aspects. That
is when Studsvik’s laboratories and
qualified staff play an important role.
“The fuel vendors need to verify
1 0 Innova [1:2013]
AM10-11_case.indd 10
2013-03-12 12:47:38
NCS 45 in figures
 Maximum gross weight:
22,660 kg (50,000 lbs)
 Length including shock
absorbers: 6,247 mm
(246 inches)
 Diameter including shock
absorbers: 1,630 mm
(64 inches)
 Maximum effective load:
350 kg (770 lbs)
 Maximum load length:
4,625 mm (182 inches)
 Maximum load diameter:
220 mm (8.7 inches)
that their fuel prototypes deliver and
perform as expected,” Karlsson says.
“After 15 years of development, it is
often ultimately data from our
analyses that determine whether they
choose one material over another.”
Shipping casks also take a long
time to develop, but then they are put
to use for a long time. Studsvik has
owned two flasks for transports of fulllength rods. The NCS 45 is the second
of these two flasks and one of only
two constructions in the world with a
weight below 50 metric tons that may
be used for international transport of
damaged full-length fuel rods.
“They are often what you want to
examine,” Karlsson says.
NCS 45 is based on an existing
design from Nuclear Cargo + Service
GmbH in Germany, and Studsvik
has contributed to its requirement
specification, including what should
be transportable. By the time its first
cargo was unloaded, about four years
had gone by since the decision was
made to replace the old shipping cask
with a new one.
Now NCS 45 has been put into
operation, and Studsvik considers the
problem of transport, both from Swedish and foreign power plants, solved
 Design: Cylindrical body
made of special steel with
lead screening and shock
absorbers made of balsa
wood on the ends.
 Manufacturer: Nuclear
Cargo + Service GmbH,
 Cost: Slightly more than
SEK 10 million (USD 1.6
 Worth noting: It can hold
the new, longer type of
fuel rods.
for the next two or three decades.
“Since it is manufactured according to
the latest regulations, it can be used for a
long time to come,” Karlsson says. 
Studsvik’s shipping cask for shipments of radioactive fuel rods
from power plants in Europe, the U.S. and Sweden did not meet
international requirements and new regulations for technical
The purchase of NCS 45, a shipping cask that fulfills the latest
national and international government requirements for both
characteristics and documentation.
[1:2013] Innova 1 1
AM10-11_case.indd 11
2013-03-12 12:47:47
Studsvik Chief Engineer Brad Mason is showing no
signs of slowing down. Even in semi-retirement, the
63-year-old inventor of the THOR process is keeping
his sharp mind focused and creative juices flowing.
text Nancy Pick · illustration Svenska Grafikbyrån
Invention usually involves a lot
of trial and error. But something
remarkable happened when Brad
Mason was inventing Studsvik’s hightemperature THOR process for reducing radioactive waste: He got it right on
the first try.
“The process worked the very first
time, though we had to do a little
tweaking,” says Mason, Chief Engineer
at Studsvik. “It worked so well that we
decided to spend the capital to build
the processing plant in Erwin, Tennessee, and we patented THOR.”
In fact, Mason holds more than 25
patents related to the decontamination and processing of nuclear and
hazardous waste. Now he is semiretired and living in Idaho, however, he’s
working on inventing something a little
more fun. (More on that in a moment.)
Back in 1995, Mason was looking
Brad Mason, Chief
Engineer, P.E.,
for an engineering solution to a business problem. In the U.S., nuclear
waste disposal – billed mostly by volume – is extremely expensive. Mason
searched for a way to reduce the volume of radioactive waste so dramatically that processing it would be cheaper than the original disposal costs.
“Saving money was the driver for
doing this,” Mason says.
When addressing this problem,
Mason and his team didn’t have to
start from scratch. In fact in Sweden,
Studsvik engineers had already
developed a process for extracting the
organic content from radioactive ion
exchange resin (nuclear waste), using
a high-temperature pyrolysis process.
That was a start, but the process didn’t
reduce the waste volume enough to
be economically viable in the U.S.
“When we began, we knew that
people had been trying – unsuccessfully – to treat ion exchange resins using
high temperatures,” Mason says.
This is the inspiration that led to his
1 2 Innova [1 :2013]
AM12-15_local.indd 12
2013-03-12 14:59:19
Wet waste
The THOR process
Off-Gas filter
Feed tank
brilliant idea: using high-temperature
“In Sweden, after they’d heated up
the resin, they were left with a carbonrich final residue,” says Mason. “We
thought it should be possible to gasify
the carbon, as well as provide further
volume reduction, and we knew that
steam could do that, so we built a pilot
plant. We demonstrated how we could
use high-temperature steam to reduce
the resin volume much further.”
Studsvik named the process THOR,
which stands for thermal organic
reduction (and also refers to the Norse
mythology, hammer-wielding god
of lighting). The process gasifies the
Shipment for
burial or storage
liquids and organics and captures the
radionuclides in a stable, granular
form that can be transported and
Nonetheless, there were a few setbacks after the initial month of operation at the Erwin plant. Salts and other
impurities in the waste were melting
during processing, causing stoppages.
To solve the problem, Mason and his
team of engineers developed additives
to stop the salts from melting. The
additives also turned out to be useful in
treating high-nitrate nuclear waste – a
double boom.
Mason, who studied chemical
 Stable waste from
wet organic waste
is fed into the THOR
process system,
which rapidly pyrolyzes and converts
the organic content
of the input material to synthesis gas
THOR, Studsvik’s technology
for liquid waste processing,
solves several major radioactive
waste issues:
Ion-exchange resins/dry active waste, along with various
low- and intermediate-level
radioactive wastes, and liquid/
sludge wastes.
 Nitrate/nitrite liquid and slurry
Studsvik’s patented technology
features a pyrolysis/steam reforming system to reduce the volume
and mass of organic waste
streams to a nonreactive waste
form. Wet radioactive waste is
heated up without any air supply,
which starts a form of dry distillation, called pyrolysis. The process
breaks down organics to form
gaseous steam and CO2, while
retaining the radionuclides and
inorganic material in solid form to
be disposed of. The nonleachable,
dry and homogeneous output is
safer and more stable for disposal
or on-site storage. Radioactive
waste streams that have been
treated successfully include ionexchange resins, nitrate wastes,
dry active wastes and various
liquid and sludge wastes.
engineering at Brigham Young
University, worked in the oil industry
and lived for several years in Indonesia
before entering the nuclear waste field.
Now, at 63, he and his wife have moved
to McCall, Idaho, north of Boise, a
beautiful resort town with sunny summers and plenty of snow in the winter.
But it’s not just scenic; Idaho is also the
site of a new Department of Energy
plant to treat radioactive waste, using
Mason’s own THOR process.
As for his newest invention, although
he can’t yet reveal the details, it involves
outdoor vehicles and the Idaho snow.
Says Mason, “I’ve always had a fascination with doing things better.”
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New Mexico
When a nuclear power plant wants
Waste Control
Specialist site
El Paso
site starts disposal
Waste from the processing facility in Erwin, Tennessee, can now
go directly to the newly opened Waste Control Specialist site in
Andrews, Texas, for disposal of Class B and C low-level waste. This
eliminates the need for above-ground storage containers and the
additional handling required for stored waste.
During an almost five-year disposal hiatus,
when the disposal facility in Barnwell,
South Carolina, closed its doors to all
imported waste from outside the Atlantic
Compact, customers experienced no interruption of service from Studsvik. (Barnwell
now accepts waste from South Carolina,
Connecticut and Vermont only.)
The seamless shift from Barnwell to
storage at the Waste Control Specialist
(WCS) site in Andrews, Texas, began in the
summer of 2008. During this time some
26 canisters were stored in South Carolina
Wes Taylor
Handles It All
until the WCS could begin disposal of lowlevel waste (LLW) in April 2012. The WCS
is now a fully permitted treatment, storage
and disposal facility, licensed to dispose of
Class A, B and C LLW.
“The Texas facility is the new standard in
site design for containment, public health,
safety and environmental sensitivity,” says
Joseph DiCamillo, General Counsel for
Studsvik, who ensured the WCS site could
accept Studsvik’s waste for disposal as soon
as possible after it opened, meeting customer expectations. “It’s an incredibly safe,
state-of-the-art facility.”
to upgrade, it can’t simply toss its old
equipment into the trash. The components – most of them huge – have to be
carefully packed up, then transported
to a site for decontamination. Managing such operations is a big job, and
Studsvik’s Wesley Taylor travels all over
the U.S. to make sure it’s done right.
“I oversee the packaging and
shipping of radioactive equipment
to our processing plant in Memphis
[Tennessee],” says Taylor, a Field
Services Project Manager based at
Studsvik Processing Facility Memphis
(SPFM). “Studsvik makes a promise to
the customer: We’re there until the last
component ships.”
In 2012, Taylor spent four months
at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station near Oswego, New York, while an
obsolete, high-pressure turbine rotor
weighing 156,000 pounds was being
removed. He oversaw the rotor’s move
to SPFM by truck, along with all of its
containerized miscellaneous material,
such as pipes and ducts.
At SPFM the rotor’s contaminated
surface metal is being shaved off for
burial in a radioactive waste facility.
Afterwards, about 70 percent of the
rotor’s materials can be conventionally disposed of or recycled. “Volume
reduction is key,” says Taylor. “By
keeping waste to a minimum, we can
extend the life of burial sites.”
Taylor, who is 35, studied business
administration in college, then left
school to take a job as a decontamination technician. He joined Studsvik in
2002, first as an operations supervisor
in health physics (radiation protection), then as an ISOCS calibration
software technician; and now to his
current project manager job.
Taylor is headed back to Nine Mile
Point, to oversee the removal of three
41,000-pound feedwater heaters. “I
love what I do, because I get to travel
and meet Studsvik customers,” he says.
“Based on my experience, I can offer
our customers the best and most efficient way to process their material.”
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Studsvik grows professionally
Cheers to At-
A licensed P.E. must:
1) have a bachelor’s degree
in an engineering discipline
from an accredited university,
2) have taken and passed the
Engineer “in Training” (EIT)
3) have four years of applicable
professional experience under
the supervision of another
licensed P.E., and
4) take and pass the P.E exam.
According to Foster, engi-
neering is “taking the time to
do things correctly.” Paying
attention to detail, not being
in a hurry to get to the finish and being diligent, and of
course studying the test material are precisely the qualities
required to earn one’s P.E.
license. Foster, who earned
his undergraduate and master’s degrees in mechanical
engineering from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville,
has been with the company
since 2009.
He is currently working on
the detail design for a waste
treatment facility in France,
performing analyses and
calculations and assisting
management for the design
of the components of the
core technology.
New CEO of Studsvik
Michael Mononen is
the new President and
Chief Executive Officer
of Studsvik AB. Michael
Mononen has long experience of manufacturing
industry with an international customer base.
His most recent position
was CEO of CTEK
Sweden AB and before
that, during the period
2001–2011, he was head
of Sapa Heat Transfer,
an export-oriented
group of companies in
the Sapa Group.
Age: 54 Education:
Engineer (M.Sc.) with
additional studies in
business equivalent to
a BA Family: married,
two children Lives:
Danderyd north of
Stockholm, Sweden
Interests: golf, skiing
and running.
Adam Foster,
who recently
earned his
(P.E.) License
from the
Adam Foster,
P.E. Engineer State of Georgia. With it,
he joins two other Studsvik
U.S. employees as licensed
P.E.s; Mr. Brad Mason, Chief
Engineer and Dale Roberts,
Director of Operations at
Studsvik Processing Facility
Erwin in Tennessee.
U.S. segment rolls out
the welcome mat
In January 2013, newly appointed
head of segment USA Mats Fridolfsson joined the Atlanta, Georgia,
office. Fridolfsson had previously
served as head of segment Sweden
since 2010.
“I look forward to getting to know
the staff here and the U.S. nuclear
market,” says Fridolfsson. “My focus
in the short term will be to increase
the profitability of the segment,
and in the long term to implement
strategies for continued profitability
and growth for the segment.”
Fridolfsson has extensive experience in both the nuclear power
industry and the manufacturing
industry. As head of segment USA,
he remains a part of the Studsvik
Executive Group Management team.
Global meeting of the minds
Studsvik senior managers
and executives gathered at
the Horsvik Vandrarhem
Resort at Studsvik facilities
outside Nyköping, Sweden,
for a global management
team meeting in November. “The purpose of the
meeting was to establish
the idea that we are all parts
of one company working
together, not as separate
holding companies around
the globe,” says Johnnie
Engesser, CFO of the U.S.
With a focus on introducing managers from different countries and cultures,
attendees were organized
into small multinational
teams for brainstorming
and problem solving.
“It’s an enjoyable way
to understand different
cultures and a great way to
break down barriers,” says
Engesser, adding that each
group delivered a presentation of their findings.
When each manager is
aware of the products and
services of the others, that
knowledge opens opportunities for cross selling
and developing leads,
which is a real plus in a
competitive environment.
Joseph DiCamillo, General Counsel, Johnnie Engesser, CFO,
Howard Stevens, VP Engineering, Mats Fridolfsson, President,
Steven Jameson, VP Sales & Marketing and Lloyd Solomon, COO.
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2013-03-12 14:59:25
Time off
Sudoku difficult
PhOtO: guNNAr BErgkrANtz
Flavorful Fish
Fish fillets and colorful vegetables look after themselves
in the oven. While they are cooking, you have time to
think about seasoning your potatoes – with dill, parsley,
basil, garlic or even Parmesan cheese!
Baked fish with tasty
mashed potato
serves 4
Mashed potato
10 average-sized potatoes
(about 2 lbs.)
2 tablespoons liquid
About 3/4 cup milk
Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons finely chopped
dill, parsley or basil
Baked fish
1 small leek
4 tomatoes
1 tablespoon olive oil
About 2/3 lb. white fish fillets
Salt and pepper
12 black olives
Fresh herbs
Heat the oven to 400 °F. Peel the potatoes
and cut them into small pieces. Put them
in a saucepan with water and salt and cook
until soft.
Trim and slice the leek thinly, pit and
chop the olives, and cut the tomatoes into
large cubes. Pour a thin stream of olive oil
into a baking dish. Place the fish, salt and
pepper in the dish, and sprinkle the vegetables on top. Bake for about 15 minutes.
While the fish is cooking, heat the milk
(don’t allow it to boil). Pour the potato water
off and mash the potatoes. Thin the potatoes
with the milk and margarine to the desired
texture. Season with salt and pepper, add
a dash of nutmeg and the chopped herbs.
Serve with a salad and slices of lemon.
Energy: 463 kcal per serving
Fat: 8 grams per serving
Brain puzzl
+ more
A student wro
te home and
asked for mo
money. He w
rote “send m
ore money ”
as a sum of tw
o four-digit
numbers (see
above). How
money did he
ask for?
Find the answ
er at the
bottom of the
Guess the photo
What is this? You find the
object in the
... and the answer by
turning the magazine
upside down.
Brain puzzle: 9567 + 1085 = 10652 (M = 1, O = 0, S = 9, R = 8, E = 5, N = 6, Y = 2, D = 7). Guess the photo: One of 15 heat exchangers (boilers) from the Berkeley site in the U.K.
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u.S. EditiON
Studsvik AB, PO Box 556, SE-611 10 Nyköping, Sweden. Phone: +46 155 22 10 00,
Fax: +46 155 26 30 00, email:,
2013-03-12 12:48:04