

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz
Autumn Semester 2007
for students of the MBA program of the Faculty of Economics and Management
A. Textbooks
I. Textbooks specialized on European internal market law
Barnard, Catherine
The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, 2nd edition 2007
Davies, Gareth
European Union internal market law, 2nd edition 2003
Dutheil de la Rochère,
Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 3rd edition 2006
Ehlers, Dirk (editor)
Europäische Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten, 2nd edition 2005
Epiney, Astrid
Meyer, Annekathrin
Mosters, Robert
Europarecht, Teil 2: Die Grundfreiheiten des EG-Vertrages, 2004
Hailbronner, Kay
Jochum, Gerhard
Europarecht II. Binnenmarkt und Grundfreiheiten, 2006
Jones, Alison
Sufrin, Brenda
EC Competition Law. Text, Cases, and Materials, 2nd edition 2007 [coming
Nagel, Bernhard
Das Wirtschaftsrecht der Europäischen Union. Eine Einführung, 4th edition
Van Bael & Bellis (editor)
Competition Law of the European Community, 4th edition 2005
Woods, Lorna
Free Movement of Goods and Services within the European Community,
II. Textbooks on European law in general
Alehno, Ivo
Buka, Arnis
Butkevičs, Jānis
Jarinovska, Kristīne
Škoba, Laine
Ievads Eiropas Savienības tiesībās (Tiesu prakse un komentāri), 2nd edition
Blūzma, Valdis
Buka, Arnis
Deksnis, Eduards Bruno
Jarinovska, Kristīne
Jundze, Inese
Jundzis, Tālavs
Levits, Egils
Eiropas tiesības, 2nd edition 2007
Craig, Paul
Búrca, Gráinne de
EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials, 4th edition 2007
Fairhurst, John
Vincenzi, Christopher
Law of the European Community, 6th edition 2007
- Bibliography (Business Law - EC Internal Market Law), page 2 -
Folsom, Ralph H.
European Union Law in a Nutshell, 2005
Gautron, Jean-Claude
Droit européen, 12th edition 2006
Herdegen, Matthias
Europarecht, 9th edition 2007
Oppermann, Thomas
Europarecht, 3rd edition 2005
Steiner, Josephine
Woods, Lorna
Twigg-Flesner, Christian
Textbook on EC Law, 9th edition 2006
B. Commentaries (article-by-article presentation)
Calliess, Christian
Ruffert, Matthias
Kommentar des Vertrages über die Europäische Union und des Vertrages
zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft - EUV/EGV -, 2nd edition
Dabbah, Maher M.
EC and UK Competition Law. Commentary, Cases and Materials, 2004
Groeben, Hans von der
Schwarze, Jürgen (editors)
Kommentar zum Vertrag über die Europäische Union und zur Gründung
der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 6th edition, volume 1 - 4, 2003 - 2004
Smit, Hans
Herzog, Peter
Campbell, Christian
Zagel, Gudrun (editors)
The Law of the European Union (loose-leaf edition), volume 1 and 2, 2005
Streinz, Rudolf (editor)
EUV/EGV. Vertrag über die Europäische Union und Vertrag zur Gründung
der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 2003
C. Works of reference, encyclopaedias and handbooks (for scientific research)
Dauses, Manfred A.
Handbuch des EU-Wirtschaftsrechts (loose-leaf edition), updated 2007
Debard, Thierry
Dictionnaire du droit de l'Union européenne, 2nd edition 2007
Le Baut-Ferrarèse, Bernadette
Nourissat, Cyril
Frenz, Walter
Handbuch Europarecht, volume 1: Europäische Grundfreiheiten, 2004;
volume 2: Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2005; volume 3: Beihilfe- und
Vergaberecht, 2006
Jones, Christopher
Woude, Marc van der
EC Competition Law Handbook 2006/2007, 2006
Ritter, Lennart
Braun, David W.
European Competition Law. A Practitioner's Guide, 3rd edition 2005
Toth, A.G.
The Oxford Encyclopaedia of European Community Law, volume II: The
Law of the Internal Market, 2005
D. Exercises in legal case-solving and learning materials (especially for law students)
Epping, Volker
Lenz, Sebastian
Fallrepetitorium Europarecht. Fälle und Lösungen, 2005
Fox, Eleanor M.
Cases and materials on the competition law of the European Union, 2002
Schäfer, Peter
Studienbuch Europarecht. Das Wirtschaftsrecht der EG. Übersichten,
Prüfungsschemata, Fallmethodik, 3rd edition 2006
Weatherill, Stephen
Cases and materials on EU law, 7th edition 2005
- Bibliography (Business Law - EC Internal Market Law), page 3 -
E. Law reports and casebooks
European Court of Justice
[Eiropas Kopienu Tiesa]
Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance,
Part I: Court of Justice, Part II: Court of First Instance (official reports of
the case-law of the ECJ and of the Court of First Instance)
European Court of Justice
Case-law of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, http:// (internet law reports in different
languages at the website of the ECJ)
Emmert, Frank (editor)
European Union Law. Cases, 2001
Hummer, Waldemar
Vedder, Christoph (editors)
Europarecht in Fällen, 4th edition 2005
Kacsorowska, Alina (editor)
Law of the European Union.. 150 Leading Cases, 3. Auflage 2004
Koenig, Christian
Pechstein, Matthias
Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs. Studienauswahl, 3rd edition
F. Compendiums of laws (easy access to treaties and legislation)
Publications Office
[Publikāciju birojs]
EUR-Lex. The access to European Union law [Piekļluve Eiropas Savienības
tiesību aktiem], (Online compendium in the different official languages of the EU. Here you can find almost all regulations
and directives and the Official Journal of the EU. Look for the founding
treaties and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (not in force)
European Commission
[Eiropas Komisija]
Activities of the European Union - Summaries of legislation: Internal Market, (specialised online compendium of legislation concerning the European internal market)
Simmonds, K. R. (editor)
Encyclopedia of European Community Law, volume 1 - 9 (loose-leaf edition), updated 2006
G. Important journals in the field of European law
Common Market Law Review, since 1964
European Law Journal, since 1995
European Law Review, since 1975
Europarecht, since 1965
Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, since 1990
Forum Constitutionis Europae,
index.htm, since 1998 (internet journal)
Jean Monnet Working Papers,, since
1995 (Internet-Zeitschrift)
Revue du Marché commun et de l'Union européenne, since 1958
WHI-Papers, since 1997
Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien, since 1998
For detailed references to articles in journals see the bibliographical data base Rave of the University of
Düsseldorf ( and the project European Integration
Current Contents of the NYU School of Law (
H. Internet sources in the field of European law
There are many internet sources which allow an easy orientation and a quick access to the Law of the European Union. For example, you can find all the founding treaties, all EU legislation and all the case-law of the
- Bibliography (Business Law - EC Internal Market Law), page 4 -
European Court of Justice in the internet. As well, some introductions to case-solving in the field of
European law have been published in the internet. See the links on the special website for this course (http:// Those who understand a little bit German will
find detailed references at (see "Links", "A. Europarecht" and "F. Fälle
und Lernmaterialien"). Many subjects of this course are covered by the special websites on the European
internal market of the European Commission ( and
of the EU main server "Europa" (
I especially recommend those internet sources which provide the same informations in different European
languages (see, for example, the website of EuR-Lex, It is useful to have a look on
different language versions and to learn the most important legal terms in various languages. Most times, it is
easy to switch between the different language versions ("lv" stands for Latvian, "en" for English and "de" for
German). If possible, the founding treaties should be read in French, Italian oder German because the English
version has been added later and contains many unprecise and problematic passages which may cause misunderstandings. Be careful with the Latvian translations because they show a lot of mistakes.
- Unfortunately, not all documents are available in all official languages of the European Union.
More Informations on this course at a special website at See also the website for the course
"EC Internal Market Law" at the Faculty of Law for a more comprehensive bibliography. For any questions, suggestions
and criticism please contact me via e-mail at
(Datei: Bibliography (ECIntML-MBA))