Lightning produced NOx - Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Lightning produced NOx - Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Lightning produced NOx (LINOX) Experimental Design and Case Study Results Hartmut Höller, Ullrich Finke, Heidi Huntrieser, Martin Hagen, and Christian Feigl Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen Abstract. This paper investigates the role of lightning in the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and their subsequent distribution by thunderstorms. These questions were addressed by the field experiment LINOX (Lightning produced NOx) which was performed in southern Germany in July 96. The structure of thunderstorms was observed by radar and satellite, the lightning activity was recorded by a lightning detection network and airborne chemical measurements were performed aboard a jet aircraft penetrating the storm anvils. NOx concentrations in the storm anvils were found to typically range from 1 to 4 ppbv. The NO contribution to the total NOx was found to be dominant in narrow peaks produced by flashes as well as near cloud boundaries probably due to increased photolysis rates of NO2. Using CO2 as an air mass tracer, the lightning produced NOx amount was discriminated from the contribution due to transport of air from the boundary layer. It was found from a case study of a large storm anvil that lightning produced NOx was present in the same order of magnitude as the amount of NOx originating from lower levels, during later stages of cloud development, the content of the former even exceeded the latter one. A simple 2D model of advection and dispersion of the lightning produced NOx was able to reproduce the general structure of the anvil NOx plume. Some NOx peaks could directly be attributed to flash observations close to the aircraft track. 1 Introduction Reactive nitrogen oxides NOx (NOx=NO+NO2) are central to photochemistry. The ozone production rate depends strongly and non-linearly on NOx concentration [Ehhalt and Rohrer, 1995]. The main inputs of NOx to the middle and upper troposphere arise from vertical transports originating in the atmospheric boundary layer, from lightning in thunderstorms, due to transport from the stratosphere, and in-situ emissions of NOx from aircraft [Levy et al., 1996]. The global lightning induced NOx (LNOx) source represents the largest uncertainty in the global NOx budget, with estimates varying between 1 and 220 TgN/yr [Liaw et al., 1990]. More recent model analysis and field experiments come up with more narrow ranges of 2 to 5 TgN/yr [Levy et al., 1996; Ridley et al., 1996]. The strength and distribution of the LNOx sources must be known, in particular, for assessments of the impact of aircraft NOx emissions on the state of the atmosphere [Beck et al., 1992; WMO, 1995; Brasseur et al., 1996]. Up to now few measurements relating NOx concentrations to thunderstorm activities have been performed. Dickerson et al. [1987] studied trace gas transport in a midwestern thunderstorm. They measured up to 4 ppbv of NOx in the storm’s anvil and concluded that about 3 ppbv must have originated from lightning. Further airborne measurements showed peak NOx concentrations of up to 4 ppbv over Kansas [Luke et al., 1992], up to 1.3 and 2.0 ppbv NO within the anvil of 2 thunderstorms over New Mexico [Ridley et al., 1996], and about 0.7 ppbv NO after 24 hours in the outflow of a thunderstorm over Spain [Huntrieser et al., 1996]. Some of the key questions which were investigated by the LINOX field experiment are: (1) What is the lightning distribution within a thunderstorm? (2) What is the NOx concentration field in the vicinity and in the anvils of individual thunderstorms? (3) Can the different sources of NOx be discriminated by measurements and thus determine how much NOx can be attributed to lightning? In LINOX, for the first time, a combination of measuring tools was available for looking at 2 Nürnberg Germany N Switzerland Austria Italy DLR Alps Figure 1. Map of the LINOX experimental area around the DLR radar site. Two different types of flight patterns are shown: pattern 1 illustrates the long range surveillance flights, pattern 2 was performed in and around thunderstorm anvils preferentially in the SOA (Special Observation Area). lightning, microphysical, and chemical phenomena in thunderstorms; something not reported before. Huntrieser et al. [1998] have presented an evaluation of the LNOx production of the thunderstorms observed during LINOX in a statistical sense. The contribution of transport of low level air to the total NOx content observed aloft was assumed to be represented by measurements in cumulus congestus clouds. For larger storms it was found that, in general, 60-75% of the total NOx present in the anvils were due to lightning activity. In addition to this overall evaluation, a detailed investigation of a thunderstorm event including radar and lightning observations is reported in this paper. Applying parameterizations of NOx production by individual flashes, lightning data enable an assessment of the LNOx field in the storm outflow region. These results will be compared with the actual airborne chemical measurements. 2 Experimental Design During the LINOX field experiment new measurements and observations of thunderstorms, lightning and NOx were performed in July 96 in southern Germany (see Figure 1). The major experimental tools and supporting observational systems involved will now be detailed. • Research Aircraft (FALCON). Airborne measurements were performed using DLR’s research jet equipped with chemical probes for measuring NO, NO2, CO2, and O3 [see Schulte et al., 1997]. The NO and NO2 measurements made use of the chemiluminescence technique in combination with a photolytic NO2-to-NO converter. The NO2 concentration can be determined from the converter produced concentration [NOc] using [NOc] = [NO] + γ [NO2] (1) where γ = 0.66 is the converter efficiency. Basic meteorological parameters like pressure, temperature, humidity and wind were also recorded. • Lightning Location System (LPATS). Lightning data were provided from a 2-dimensional lightning location system (LPATS - Lightning Position and Tracking System [Bent and Lyons, 1984]), which is operated by local power stations (‘Bayernwerke’ and ‘Badenwerke’). The lightning localization is based on time-of-arrival of the signals for at least 3 stations. 3 350 355 360 CO2 (ppmv) Stratosphere 12 12 10 NO Height (km) Height (km) 10 8 O3 6 CO2 4 8 6 2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 O3 (ppbv) 10 8 Troposphere 6 0 NO/NOx 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 4 2 (a) Airborne Data NO2 Height (km) 345 12 Boundary Layer 0 (b) 0.1 Ground Based Data 0.3 0.2 Mixing ratio (ppbv) 0.4 Figure 2. (a) CO2 and O3 profiles obtained during aircraft ascent on 23 July 96 in the pre-storm environment, (b) NO and NO2 profiles obtained from aircraft measurements during the later stages of the flight as compared to the ground based mean values from the van for the same period. The type of discharge (cloud-to-ground - CG, intracloud - IC) is inferred from the signal shape and polarity. In the case of a CG flash this roughly corresponds to the location of the flash’s impact on the ground. The detection efficiency of the system is about 70% for CG lightning but much less (approximately 1%) for IC discharges. • Polarimetric and Doppler radar (POLDIRAD). Polarimetric radar measurements provide estimates of different kinds of hydrometeors [Höller et al., 1994]. In addition, Doppler measurements with POLDIRAD were performed showing interesting storm developments in a range up to about 100 km from the radar. • Supporting Observations. There was a variety of activities supporting the experiment. Ground based measurements have been obtained from a van equipped with standard meteorological instruments (recording pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind) as well as with chemical sensors determining concentrations of NO2, NOx, and O3. Radar data, lightning observations and radio soundings from neighboring countries were made available. Satellite data were used for monitoring the development of convection The airborne investigations were performed close to the radar site in order to measure the NOx outflow from individual thunderstorm anvils in conjunction with the radar and lightning information. The experimental concept was to infer the lightning produced amount of NOx from the anvil concentrations using, for the first time, CO2 as a tracer for boundary layer air. During the upward transport the low level air is mixed with the environmental air. It is assumed that the mixing process is similar for CO2 as well as for NOx. The difference of the expected NOx mixing ratio and the aircraft measurement is assumed to result from lightning activity. 3 The Storm Environment on 23 July 96 On 23 July 1996 a cold front approached the experimental area (to the west of the DLR site, near Munich) during the afternoon hours. The storms investigated here formed during the passage of the frontal system. In a thunderstorm a rapid vertical transport of low level air towards the upper troposphere is accomplished with strong updrafts. During this transport the rising air is undergoing mixing processes with the surrounding air mass. The NOx produced by lightning (LNOx) in the storm is mixed with the NOxenriched air originating from the boundary layer. In order to discriminate between the contributions from the two different sources by tracer analysis one has to consider the background concentrations of NOx in the boundary layer as well as in the free troposphere. For characterizing the storm environment, airborne measurements, located closely in space and time to 4 Free Troposphere Figure 3. Transport and mixing model used for calculation of LNOx production. Boundary layer air (1) is mixed with upper level air (2) by entrainment processes into the storm updraft. LNOx is added during ascent of the air mass. High NOx but low CO2 mixing ratios characterize the boundary layer air, whereas the opposite holds for the free troposphere. the large cloud system (discussed in section 5), were extracted. As the O3 measurements were contaminated by precipitation particles during the later cloud penetrations, the ’representative’ O3 and CO2 (for consistency) profiles are taken from the aircraft ascent from 15:00 to 15:50 UTC in the prestorm environment mostly undisturbed by convection (Figure 2a). The boundary layer air can clearly be recognized by its low CO2 and high O3 content. The CO2 minimum can be attributed to the vegetation which takes up CO2. A distinct increase of CO2 is observed at the top of the boundary layer at about 2.5 km height from 348-350 ppmv at low levels to 356362 ppmv in the troposphere. O3 does also show a change in concentration but, in contrast to CO2, the values first decrease and then increase again with height. This holds at least for a smoothed profile not taking into account the small scale variations with height. Therefore only CO2 (and to a rather limited degree also O3) can be looked upon as an air mass tracer. Low CO2-values found aloft in storm updrafts or anvils indicate a transport of boundary layer air into higher levels via updrafts. Information on ground level concentrations of O3, NO and NO2 is provided by the chemical measurements taken from a van. It was positioned in a rural environment about 50 km west of the radar site. The storms penetrated by the aircraft passed about 5080 km to the north of this site. Therefore no direct indication of enhanced NOx concentrations due to lightning could be detected in these data. NOx values range from 2-5 ppbv during the time of the aircraft operations. Most of the NOx is available as NO2 as would be expected from photochemical equilibrium. The mean ratio NR=[NO]/[NO2] was 0.1 for this period. The O3 measurements of about 80-90 ppbv are consistent with the aircraft observations in the late afternoon hours. Due to the instrumental design, airborne NOx measurements are only available in the upper troposphere at heights exceeding about 6 km. Figure 2b shows extra-cloud profiles from the later stages of the flight around 17:50 UTC when the aircraft began its final decent. The data shown were obtained outside the active thunderstorms and outside the anvil region. In the upper troposphere NOx values are relatively low as compared to the ground-level values. Both, [NO] and [NO2] are smaller than 0.05 ppbv below 8 km height where the ratio NR does not exceed 0.4. Probably due to a low photolysis rate caused by the cloud cover present at high and mid-levels, the NR values are quite low during these early evening hours. The NOx measurements seem to be quiet reliable as the accuracy of the airborne NO (NO2) measurements can be assessed to 8% (15%) under the observed conditions [Ziereis et al., 1999] and possible interferences are not likely to have occurred due to the low concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the upper troposphere. Closer to the tropopause, the mixing ratios increase. Values in excess of 0.1 ppbv are connected with NR ratios larger that 0.4. The relative contribution of NO to the total NOx does increase in accordance with an increase of the photodissociation rate with height. Possibly due to the presence of cloud covering, this increase is not strictly monotonic. 4 Principles of LNOx Assessment Some principle considerations used for the assessment and the interpretation of the NOx production by lightning will be discussed in this section. (1) With respect to the environmental data available (as discussed in the previous section) a simple mixing analysis is applied for performing the 5 LNOx assessment. (2) The presence of narrow peaks in the NO time series is indicative for a recent source generated by an individual lightning flash. (3) Considering most of the LNOx is originally produced as NO, the chemical composition can give hints towards the plume age (during the first few minutes after production). Later on high NO concentrations can also be caused by high photolysis rates under suitable radiational conditions sometimes extending over large cloud areas. For the assessment of lightning NOx production it is assumed that the simplified profiles shown in Figure 3 can be applied. The low level air lifted in the storm updraft (CO2,1 ,NOx,1) is mixed with the upper level air (CO2,2 ,NOx,2). The mixing is looked upon as an entrainment process adding environmental air to the cloudy air mass. Detrainment is neglected during the growing phase (or in the main updraft) of the cloud. The degree of mixing of low level air with environmental air is described by the entrainment parameter µ: [CO2,1] + µ·[CO2,2] = (1+µ) [CO2,m] (2) where [CO2,m] is the CO2 mixing ratio of the mixed air masses. The mixing parameter µ can be obtained from Equation (2) µ= [CO2,m] − [CO2,1] [CO2, 2] − [CO2,m] (3) and [CO2] of the mixture amounts to [CO ] = [CO ] + µ ⋅ [CO ] 2, m 2 ,1 2, 2 (4) 1+ µ The same mixing procedure is also assumed for the NOx mixing ratio [NO x,m] = [NO x,1] + µ [NO x,2] 1+ µ (5) Using µ as computed from Equation (3), the NOx mixing ratio expected inside the cloud resulting from transport (advection and mixing) of boundary layer air can be computed from Equation (5). If an additional NOx source due to lightning is present during this transport process, its concentration [NOx]L can be assessed from the difference of the measured NOx mixing ratio [NOx]M and the transported amount [NOx]T as computed from Equation (5), i.e., [NOx]L = [NOx]M – [NOx]T (6) The procedure described above critically depends on the choice of the environmental parameters characterizing the regimes (1) and (2). The CO2 profile can be represented by average values taken as [CO2,1].= 349 ppmv and [CO2,2] = 357 ppmv as can be inferred from the Figure 2. These values are obtained from the airborne measurements. The upper level NOx amounts are mostly smaller than about 0.1 ppbv except for heights above 9 km. Due to the lack of airborne NOx measurements below 6 km height, the assessment of a representative low level NOx concentration is rather difficult. The ground based measurements taken from the van may only be looked upon as an upper limit. The temperature and humidity profiles as obtained from aircraft and radio soundings (not shown here) indicate that the boundary layer was not strictly well mixed during the specific observation period. This indicates that the NOx mixing ratios which were measured at the ground (ranging between 2 and 5 ppbv) are probably overestimating the storm inflow concentrations if assumed representing low level values. This interpretation is further supported by the mixing computations itself. It is required that the computed in-cloud NOx mixing ratio due to transport must always be smaller than the observed value. This is only ensured for low level mixing ratios in the order of 0.5 to 1.5 ppbv. Furthermore, as was demonstrated by Huntrieser et al. [1998], typical NOx mixing ratios in cumulus congestus (cu-con) clouds did rarely exceed 0.5 ppbv on the same day. These clouds can be assumed as not being contaminated by lightning produced NOx. On the other hand, cu-con clouds can be expected to have undergone a mixing process with the environmental air during ascent of the low level air mass. Thus, a NOx mixing ratio of 1 ppbv is assumed in the following as being representative for the low level air, i.e. [NOx,1] = 1.0 ppbv, whereas the upper level air is characterized by [NOx,2] = 0.1 ppbv. 6 Beside the mixing considerations discussed above, a further principle aspect of data interpretation is the age of a plume and the relation to its spatial width. The NO measurements have a temporal resolution of 2 s (see also [Schulte et al., 1997] for a description of the chemiluminescence instruments) which corresponds to a spatial resolution of about 400 m (aircraft velocity was around 200 m/s). The original flash containing the NO, produced during the discharge process when the temperature has dropped to about 3000 K and the NO gets frozen in, has a dimension of a few centimeters (approximately 24 cm after Hill et al. [1980]). Mixing of the channel air with the surrounding air is responsible for the subsequent NO dispersion. For assessing the time scale involved a simple Gaussian model of plume broadening is assumed. At the beginning of the diffusion process the width of the plume at time t can be described by σ2 = ε t3 (7) where σ2 is the variance and ε is turbulent energy dissipation rate [e.g. Blackadar, 1997]. The energy dissipation rate can be obtained from the radar and aircraft measurements [Meischner et al., 1997]. It was highly variable within the storm and values ranges between 10-4 and 10-1 m2s-3. For a rough assessment of the mixing an average value of ε = 5 10-3 m2s-3 is assumed here. With this value a broadening of the plume to a diameter of 400 m can be established within 200 s (between 1 and 10 min for the extreme values mentioned above). Thus a δ-shaped peak in mixing ratio represented by a single data point would be indicative of a fresh NO emission not older than about 3-4 min. This time scale is also typical for the photochemical equilibrium to be established among NO and NO2. Therefore, it is not likely to detect LNOx from the chemical composition of an air sample within older and broader NO peaks. The composition is determined by the amount of ozone available and by the radiation conditions governing the photolysis rate of NO2 (see Equation 11). The reactions dominating the nitrogen chemistry are NO + O3 NO2 + hν → → NO2 + O2 (8) NO +O (9) O + O2 (+M) → O3 (+M), (10) demonstrating that radiative effects (photolysis of NO2, Equation (9)) and oxidation (ozone reactions, Equations (8) and (10)) are the most important influencing factors. Reactions involving peroxy radicals like HO2, CH3O2, and RO2 can also contribute to a conversion of NO to NO2. But, considering the relatively high NOx concentrations within a thunderstorm anvil, peroxy radical concentrations can be expected to be low enough for these reactions not to be dominant [Ridley et al., 1992]. Except on short time scales of the order of a few minutes, the reactions (8) to (10) cause the concentrations to remain in a quasi equilibrium state which can be determined from [ NO ] j = [ NO2 ] k[O3 ] (11) where j is the photolysis rate and k is the reaction constant of Equation (10). k depends on temperature T according to k = ae − b T , (12) where a and b are appropriate constants. 5 Discussion of Anvil Penetrations The convection in the southern part of the frontal system intensified when it approached the observation area at about 16 UTC. Various thunderstorms developed in connection with the frontal passage. The FALCON aircraft penetrated the anvils of these storms which were in different stages of development. In the following, measurements will be discussed which were made in (i) a small thunderstorm cell that had produced a few flashes prior and during the time of the aircraft penetration and (ii) a large storm system that had developed a widespread anvil and which was combined with a very active zone of lightning occurrence connected with the main storm (radar reflectivity) center. 7 8 8000 Flashes per Minute 2 0 -2 50 7000 6000 (a) 120 -4 360 5000 100 356 80 40 30 1/min 4 Height (m) w (m/s), q (g/kg) 6 20 352 60 20 344 Mixing Ratio (ppbv) 1340 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 Time (UTC) 0.8 1.5 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 (c) 20 Mixing Ratio (ppbv) 0 16:00 (b) 02 0 Figure 5. Time series of flash frequency registered by the LPATS network for the penetrated storm system between 16:00 and 19:00 UTC. 1.5 1 0.5 (d) 0 Figure 4. Cloud penetration between 16:15 and 16:20 UTC. (a): vertical velocity w and height h of the aircraft; (b): O3 and CO2 mixing ratios; (c): NO, NO2, NOx mixing ratios and the NR ratio; (d): NOx mixing ratio from measurement, calculated NOx mixing ratio resulting from transport [TNOx] and from lightning [LNOx]. 5.1 10 348 40 Small, isolated cell At 16:17 UTC the aircraft penetrated a small storm which was releasing precipitation to the ground. The storm had already produced some (5) cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes and 2 intra-cloud (IC) flashes had been recorded by the LPATS system. The aircraft entered the cell at about 7.2 km height and ascended further up to 7.9 km where it left the cloud. Peak updraft velocities of about 7.2 m/s were encountered (Figure 4a). Inside the cloud the NO and NO2 mixing ratios were distinctly higher than in the environment. Peak [NO] ([NOx]) values of 1.7 (1.8) ppbv have been detected. Ozone concentration was also higher inside the clouds, whereas CO2 mixing ratios drop down to 349 ppmv, a value assumed as representing the boundary layer conditions. These opposite tendencies of NO, NO2 (NOx) and O3 on one hand and CO2 on the other hand do reflect the characteristics of the profiles as discussed above (e.g. Figures 2 and 3). Following the tracer analysis discussed in the previous Chapter, one can separate the advective part of the total NOx amount from the lightning produced part as shown in Figure 4d. The contribution from both parts are of about equal magnitude. In Figure 4c the ratios of NO and NOx are displayed. Extremely large values (near unity) can be noted upon entering the cumulus towers from the SW side. Nearly all of the available NOx is made up of NO. It is likely that this does not originate from fresh NO emissions due to lightning but, moreover, is due to an enhanced radiational forcing causing very high photolysis rates j (see Equation 11). The cloud tower is illuminated on its western parts by the sun. Inside the cloud the ratio decreases gradually and finally reaches a value of 0.4 upon leaving the cloud. These values are typical for the eastern side of the storm at about 8 km height with the Cb anvil extending eastward right above the aircraft flight level. Enhanced photolysis rates in clouds have also been documented e.g. by Kelley et al. [1995]. They found enhancements of up to 58% when entering the tops of altocumulus clouds at 7.6 km height. Even if the present experiment did not include radiation measurements, the NO registrations suggest that the effects on the photolysis rate might be even more pronounced under thunderstorm conditions. 5.2 Large mature storm The storm discussed above was part of a multiple 8 110 100 2 100 90 80 70 17:06 O3 17:05 70 8200 100 80 60 40 20 40 17:04 60 60 17:07 17:03 50 50 8180 (b) 8160 360 O3 CO2 355 350 (c) (d) 3 1 345 NO NO2 NOx NO/NOx 0.8 0.6 2 0.4 17:08 1 40 40 17:09 0.2 0 4 0 NOx TNOx LNOx 3 30 30 (a) 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 8240 0 120-2 80 h 8220 -1 90 w 1 2 1 CO 2(ppmv) 110 (e) 0 Figure 6. Anvil penetration I from 17:03 to 17:10 UTC. (a) Composite of radar reflectivity at 3° elevation : IC flash) (around 7 km height at 120 km range), lightning events ( : negative CG; ↓: positive CG flash; during 15 min prior to the radar scan and track of the aircraft in 1 min intervals (marked by +). (b): vertical velocity w and height h of the aircraft; (c): O3 and CO2 mixing ratios; (d): NO, NO2, NOx mixing ratios and the NR ratio; (e): NOx mixing ratio from measurement, calculated NOx mixing ratio resulting from transport TNOx and from lightning LNOx. line system associated with the cold front passage. It happened in an early stage of development. A more intense and widespread system did follow the first line from the west. A cell complex associated with strong lightning activity did develop a broad and elongated anvil cloud which could be penetrated several times at varying heights by the aircraft. The storm was a very active lightning source as demonstrated by Figure 5. A rapid increase in flash frequency was observed at 16:30 UTC. Flash rate remained at a high level but was varying in intensity with 2 bursts of flashes at 16:45 and 17:15 UTC. The aircraft penetrated the storm several times between 17:00 and 17:45 UTC during the second intense lightning period. Four penetrations will be discussed more closely in the following. The chemical measurements illustrate different stages of the anvil development. Moreover, they represent different parts of the anvil as they were performed at different distances to the main storm center and, therefore, to the main lightning activity. 5.2.1 Penetration I During penetration I (Figure 6) the cloud anvil was still relatively small and in its growing phase. This is indicated by the radar as well as by the satellite data. Figure 6a shows the different kinds of flashes registered by the LPATS during a 15 min interval starting 15 min prior to the time of the radar measurement. Even if most of the lightning flashes occurred within the precipitation field, yet, due to the storm movement toward the east, a large number of flashes, shown in Figure 6, are located outside the reflectivity contours. The aircraft was just penetrating the easternmost outflow region of the anvil at about 8 km height. Upon entering the cloud, [NO] increased rapidly up to 0.6 ppbv whereas [NO2] did not exceed 0.1 ppbv thus causing a high value of NR at the outermost parts of the anvil (see Figure 6d). This feature is persistent for about 10 km along the flight track thus it is not indicative of a fresh NOx source. This can be, perhaps, attributed to radiative effects causing an 9 110 1 110 10400 10000 17:20 90 90 17:21 80 9600 -1 9200 8800 -2 w h 356 -3 80 Height (m) 100 100 w (m/s), q (g/kg) 0 8400 8000 CO2 17:23 60 60 352 350 348 3 346 50 40 17:24 50 40 17:25 17:26 30 30 1 NO NOx 2.5 NO2 NO/NOx 2 0.6 1.5 0.4 1 0.2 0.5 0 3 10 10 Distance West of Radar 0 NOx TNOx LNOx 2.5 Mixing Ratio (ppbv) 20 20 0.8 NO/NO x 70 CO 2(ppmv) 17:22 70 Mixing Ratio (ppbv) Distance North of Radar 354 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Figure 7. Anvil penetration II from 17:20 to 17:27 UTC. (a) Composite of radar reflectivity at 4.5° elevation (around 8 km height at 100 km range), lightning events ( : negative CG; ↓: positive CG flash; : IC flash) during 15 min prior to the radar scan and track of the aircraft in 1 min intervals (marked by +), (b): vertical velocity w and height h of the aircraft; (c): CO2 mixing ratio; (d): NO, NO2, NOx mixing ratios and the NO/NOx ratio; (e): NOx mixing ratio from measurement, calculated NOx mixing ratio resulting from transport TNOx and from lightning LNOx. enhanced photolysis rate in regions of a relatively thin anvil cloud. An assessment of the amount of NOx originating from lightning is also given in Figure 6e. As determined by the amount of CO2 measured in the anvil about 1/2 of the total NOx is made up of LNOx in most parts of the penetration. An exception is the spike encountered in the later stages of the penetration. It is made up by 2 NO data points exceeding the 1.5 ppbv level which corresponds to a peak width of roughly 400 m. NO contributes most of the total NOx whereas NO2 has a distinct minimum. According to the tracer analysis, about 3/4 of the total NOx is made up by LNOx for this peak. Therefore it is concluded that a relatively recent flash was responsible for this peak event. A further indication towards a lightning induced source is the lack of any distinct updraft structure associated with the spike as can be seen from the aircraft measurements. Moreover, the radar data do not show growing cells in this part of the storms (even though most of the flight path is not covered by radar observations). There was no lightning flash recorded in the LPATS data at a favorable time and location in order to be detected by the aircraft. Due to the limited detection efficiency of the LPATS system (about 70% for CG and only 1% for IC lightning) some fraction of the lightning flashes remains undetected. Hence, the flash which produced the NOx spike was either not recorded by the LPATS or it was an intra-cloud discharge which is not monitored by the system. Moreover, the exact position of a flash as a 3dimensional event cannot be discovered by the system. The LPATS is designed to locate the striking point of the flash at the ground, i.e. the lowermost part of the lightning bolt that is mostly vertically oriented. 5.2.2 Penetration II 15 minutes later the aircraft made a second 10 110 3 110 10120 h w 2 10080 90 0 10040 -1 10000 Height (m) 100 90 1 w (m/s), q (g/kg) 100 -2 -3 354 9960 80 17:29 70 60 70 352 CO 2(ppmv) 17:30 17:31 350 348 5 17:32 60 4 17:34 40 50 40 0.6 2 0.4 1 0.2 4 Distance West of Radar Mixing Ratio (ppbv) 30 0.8 3 5 0 17:35 30 NO2 NO/NOx x 17:33 50 1 NO NOx 3 NO/NO 80 Mixing Ratio (ppbv) Distance North of Radar CO2 0 NOx TNOx LNOx 2 1 0 Figure 8. Anvil penetration III from 17:28 to 17:35 UTC. (a) Composite of radar reflectivity at 4.8° elevation (around 9 km height at 100 km range), lightning events ( : negative CG; ↓: positive CG flash; : IC flash) during 15 min prior to the radar scan and track of the aircraft in 1 min intervals (marked by +), (b): vertical velocity w and height h of the aircraft; (c): CO2 mixing ratio; (d): NO, NO2, NOx mixing ratios and the NO/NOx ratio; (e): NOx mixing ratio from measurement, calculated NOx mixing ratio resulting from transport TNOx and from lightning LNOx. penetration of the storm’s anvil (penetration II shown in Figure 7). The anvil had grown considerably in size as a consequence of the heavy convective activity associated with the first flash maximum at 16:45 UTC (Figure 5). The intensification of the storm was also documented by the METEOSAT satellite observations. During the time between the subsequent scans 17:00 UTC and 17:30 UTC, the area of the cold cloud shield (< -50°C) increased from 1000 km² up to 3000 km². Upon entering the anvil the aircraft encountered a narrow peak in NO of nearly 3 ppbv. The horizontal dimensions of 1.6 km (for a mixing ratio in excess of 1.5 ppbv) were larger than for the peak value registered in penetration I. The NR ratio of 1 indicates a rather recent source probably due to a lightning event. The width may be explained either by a larger turbulent mixing of the NO plume or by the orientation of the flash relative to the aircraft track. If, in an extreme case, both would be parallel to each other a relatively elongated signal would be measurable even if the flash was rather young. Unfortunately, there was no direct confirmation of a lightning event close to the aircraft track from the LPATS data. As in penetration I, the peak was not correlated with any updraft signature. During penetration II, the aircraft made an ascent within the anvil cloud from about 9 km ASL at the beginning to 10 km ASL upon leaving the anvil. Thus the measurements originate from the top region of the storm. Therefore, a relatively high NR ratio was observed throughout the traverse increasing slightly from 0.5 to 0.6. Corresponding to the low CO2 values inside the cloud an LNOx contribution is computed which amounts to about 1/2 of the total NOx in regions of high mixing ratios. 5.2.3 Penetration III Penetration III was made 3 min later (Figure 8). NOx mixing ratios are generally higher (up to 3 ppbv with peak values of 4.3 ppbv) than in the previous 11 110 90 80 80 70 70 17:39 17:40 17:38 60 60 17:41 50 50 17:37 40 40 17:36 17:35 30 30 (a) 20 100 90 0 15 80 30 45 70 60 50 40 30 Distance West of Radar 23 July 1996 Elevation 4.5 Reflectivity (dBZ) 20 10 20 17:37 UTC w (m/s) Distance North of Radar 90 CO 2(ppmv) 100 8 4 356 Mixing Ratio (ppbv) Mixing Ratio (ppbv) 100 12 w h (b) 12 8 4 0 0 CO2 Height h (km) 110 352 348 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 (c) NO/NOx (d) NO NO2 NOx 3 2 1 (e) 04 NOx TNOx LNOx 3 2 1 (f) 17:28 17:29 17:30 17:31 17:32 17:33 17:34 UTC Figure 9. Anvil penetration IV from 17:35 to 17:42 UTC. (a) Composite of radar reflectivity at 4.5° elevation (around 8 km height at 100 km range), lightning events ( : negative CG; ↓: positive CG flash; : IC flash) during 15 min prior to the radar scan and track of the aircraft in 1 min intervals (marked by +), (b): vertical velocity w and height h of the aircraft; (c): CO2 mixing ratio; (d): NO/NOx ratio, (e): NO, NO2, NOx mixing ratios and; (f): NOx mixing ratio from measurement, calculated NOx mixing ratio resulting from transport TNOx and from lightning LNOx. penetrations and the cloud anvil has grown further in size. This is consistent with the occurrence of the second maximum of lightning activity about 15 min earlier. From the radar scan it can be recognized that the storm complex was made up of 4 major cells: two cells at the western boundary which are connected with a high lightning activity and two weaker cells in the NE part of the system which produced few flashes. The latter cells were embedded in the anvil cloud mass originating from the westmost cells. The aircraft passed over these weaker cells and penetrated the top of the southern one. Updraft velocity just exceeded 2 m/s. The passage of these cells is coinciding with two distinct peaks in NOx mixing ratio which had quite a different chemical composition. The first peak did contain mostly NO indicating LNOx emission by lightning. It was observed in a region of weak downdraft just before entering the cell. It was located between the cell penetrated a few seconds later and a weaker cumulus tower growing at the SE side of the complex. Thus it may be speculated that the NOx peak was caused by a cloud-to-cloud discharge which occurred between these two towers. There was no confirmation of a discharge from the LPATS system, possibly due to the low detection efficiency with regard to IC (intra-cloud) or CC (cloud to cloud) lightning. The NO mixing ratio in the second peak was considerably less and the NR ratio was similar to that observed in the other parts of the cloud (0.5 to 0.6). This peak was connected to a region of weak updraft corresponding to the top of a storm cell as described above. The LNOx amount is about the same for both peaks (around 3 ppbv; see Figure 8e). These measurements indicate that NOx, originating either from lightning sources or from the boundary layer, is accumulated in the top of the cell. The NOx was not yet distributed throughout the anvil. The LPATS network did register a lightning discharge in this cell about 8 minutes prior to the aircraft penetration of the cloud. There is no direct confirmation for the first peak in the LPATS data. As a result of the increased lightning activity of the 12 storm, not only a relatively high NOx level but also a high LNOx level can be noted from Figure 7e. LNOx mixing ratio generally exceeds the transported component (by a factor of 2). 5.2.4 Penetration IV During penetration IV (Figure 9) the aircraft just entered the edge of the main storm core. Updraft velocity up to 13 m/s was encountered. While performing the flight pattern, the aircraft was descending from its initial height of 10 km to about 7 km at the end of the flight track shown in Figure 9. This change in height does explain the slow decrease of the CO2 concentration between 17:36 and 17:39 UTC. When entering the strong updraft, [CO2] dropped markedly down to 346 ppmv, a value slightly lower than found from the vertical profile taken during the pre-storm aircraft ascent (Figure 2a). This air-mass probably originates from the very lowest layers close to the ground (where no CO2 measurements are available) and was lifted within the storm’s core. The NO registration shows a very spiky structure. Narrow NO peaks are superimposed on a low background concentration. But in these gaps, NO2 can be found in appreciable amounts thus causing the NOx curve to be less noisy. The NO peaks in excess of 1.5 ppbv consist of only one measurement, whereas the updraft or the CO2 structure exhibits much broader extremes. This is indicative of lightning produced NO not older than about 3 minutes. The occurence of 3 of the 4 major NO peaks can be traced back to individual lightning flashes observed by the LPATS (see Figure 10). Considering the advection of the air in the lightning bolt, using the aircraft observed wind velocities, 3 multiple-stroke events are most likely to represent the origin of the peaks. All flashes were negative cloud-to-ground flashes. The major peak is attributed to a 2-fold stroke, the following ones by a 3 and a 5-fold stroke, respectively. Not all of the NO peaks could be attributed to flashes observed by the LPATS. This especially holds at the beginning of penetration IV. Due to the lower resolution of the NO2 (NOc) measurements as compared to the NO data, a realistic assessment of the NOx amount within the narrow peaks is not possible. The response times are 1 s for the NO detector and 5 s for the NOc converter [see Schulte et al., 1997]. Thus, in an NO maximum, the NO2 mixing ratio as computed from Equation (1) will be very low due to the retarded response of the converter. Therefore, NO maxima cannot be expected to coincide with NO2 minima as suggested by Figure 9. 6 Simulation of LNOX Fields In order to substantiate the results discussed above a simple two-dimensional (x,y) model is applied for simulating the emission and the subsequent horizontal transport and diffusion of the NOx produced by individual lightning flashes. The computed concentration field is then compared to the airborne measurements. The model assumes that each flash locally releases a constant number of NO molecules. The resulting NOx concentration is advected within a constant twodimensional wind field which is inferred from the actual airborne wind measurements. Furthermore, the original NOx plume caused by the individual flashes is broadened due to turbulent diffusion along its path. In contrast to Equation (7), which refers to young emissions not older than about 10 min, the spreading of the plume in the later stages is assumed to be proportional to the square root of the NOx transport time. The concentration of LNOx at time t and location r is calculated as the accumulation of all prior emissions c(r , t ) = ∑ ci (r , t ) (13) i where the concentration contribution from the i’th flash, ci , is simulated by a Gaussian distribution shifted with constant linear drift vector v and the time dependent standard deviation with diffusion parameter α: [α ⋅ (t − t )] [(r − r ) − v ⋅ (t − t )]2 i i ci (r , t ) = c0 exp − 2α ⋅ (t − ti ) î for t > ti 1/ 2 i (14) The square in the argument of the exponential 13 4.0 4 LNO x Measurement 2 1 0 17:37 17:38 17:39 17:40 17:41 UTC LNOx Simulation 3.0 2.0 1.0 (a) 0.0 80 Distance North of Radar (km) Mixing Ratio [ppbV] NO (ppbv) 3 17:20 17:25 17:30 17:35 UTC 17:40 49.0° 17:20 70 1.5 17:40 0.1 90 80 70 60 Distance East of Radar (km) 0 Reflectivity (dBZ) 15 30 45 positive CG negative CG IC 23. July 1996 Elevation 4.5° Figure 10. Relating individual flashes (lower panel) to the NO maxima (upper panel) during penetration IV. Flashes are categorized (group 1 to 4) according to the time of their occurrence. Arrows show the advection (assessed from aircraft wind measurements) during the time necessary to intersect the aircraft track. function represents the dot product of the term in squared brackets. ri and ti are location and time of the i’th flash as detected by the LPATS. Since the altitude of the aircraft was changing during the three anvil crossings, the drift velocity v was chosen according to the mean wind in the corresponding flight level (speed 30 ± 10 m/s, direction 270°±15°). The parameter α was set as constant in a model consistent way in order to guarantee the proper dimension of the LNOx plume as derived from comparison with the airborne observations. Effects of vertical motions as well as details of the lightning flash geometry are not considered by the present model. The simulation is aimed at finding a set of reasonable parameter values for the simulation that fit the measured concentration time series in a satisfactory way. The result of the simulation is an LNOx 17:25 17:35 30 km (b) Falcon track 1.0 0.5 48.5° 60 17:30 10° 11° 12° Figure 11. 2D advection-dispersion simulation of LNOx inferred from the LPATS observations: (a) time series of simulated LNOx mixing ratio compared to the LNOx determined from the in-situ measurements; (b) simulated LNOx mixing ratio field (in ppbv) for 17:41 UTC. The solid line indicates the flight path of the FALCON aircraft. concentration field containing all the accumulated contributions from the cloud’s lightning history. This concentration field is plotted in Figure 11 for 17:41 UTC. The area of enhanced LNOx concentration corresponds to the anvil cloud which extends eastward from the active cloud core. Recent lightning in the western part produces local concentration maxima. In order to compare the simulated model data with the airborne observations presented in the previous section, the simulated NOx field is sampled according to the FALCON flight track. The sampling is done from the evolving NOx plume during the 20 min interval shown in Figure 11. The resulting time series is displayed in Figure 11a and compared to the LNOx data derived from the measurements. The overall structures of the individual anvil penetrations are well represented by the LNOx plume. Spatial sizes of the regions with high LNOx concentration agree well, but the concentration change at the boundaries of the anvil is smoother in the simulated field. This field is generally less spiky, 14 but the difference between the characteristic features of the last two anvil penetrations is reproduced. The time series for the last penetration yields strong fluctuations due the close vicinity to the storm core where lightning occurred closely in time. The disagreements between observation and simulation are due to the simplifying assumptions used in model. The diffusion model applied leads to an overestimation of dilution at the boundaries. A more realistic simulation should apply a time dependent diffusion law or utilize the measured turbulence in the cloud [Meischner et al., 1997]. Details of the cloud shape were not modelled, as they depend on the 2D variability of the wind and turbulence fields which has been neglected for the present assessment. As the aircraft descended inside the storm during penetration IV, the structural differences noted here do also arise from the three-dimensionality of the transport processes. Penetrations II and III were performed in the anvil and thus the cumulative effect of the flashes in all lower levels is included in the NOx concentrations measured. This also holds for the simulated fields which are two-dimensional and therefore cannot account for the vertical flash structure. Thus the largest differences can be expected for penetration IV, as is noted from Figure 11. The LNOx emission per flash (c0) which gave the best agreement with the measurement was c0 = 0.32 g[N]m-1 per flash. The comparison was done in terms of averages taken over the cloud penetrations shown in Figure 11, except for the poorly simulated structures between 17:36 and 17:37 UTC. Comparing the total LNOx amounts as determined from the measurements with the values calculated from the flash positions as observed by the LPATS implies that the emission of NOx by each flash has to be interpreted as an ’effective’ emission including processes like (i) NOx production from different types of flashes (CG or IC), (ii) different frequency of occurrence of these flash types, or (iii) the distribution of the LNOx among updrafts and downdrafts in the storm. A simple break down of the effective LNOx production into these different contributions can be done in order to obtain a production rate due to a CG flash. Assuming that there are 3 IC flashes occurring per CG flash [e.g. Liaw et al., 1990], producing NOx 10-times less efficiently than a CG flash, results in a 30% increase of NOx production per LPATS flash. Furthermore, it is assumed that the IC-produced NOx is completely transported into the anvil while 50% of the CGproduced NOx encounters a downdraft and thus can not be detected in the anvil (if re-circulations are not considered). Further reduction of the flash-related production rate results from the limited detection efficiency of the LPATS for CG flashes (around 70%). These reductions roughly balance the increase which was due to the explicit consideration of the IC flashes. Thus it can be concluded that the ’effective’ NOx production rate c0 is also representing the NOx production of a CG flash. The accuracy of the LNOx determination described in this paper can only be assessed roughly from the errors inherent in the measurements. The error in the LNOx concentration is dominated by the errors in the low-level NOx concentration which was assumed to range around 50% ([NOx,1] = 1.0 ± 0.5 ppbv) as discussed in section 4. The upper level NOx concentration and the CO2 values as discussed in section 3 have minor influence on the LNOx values as computed from Equation (6). It turns out that the resulting error in LNOx is also about 50%. As the assumptions made in the mixing model are not perfectly fulfilled, this assessment should be looked upon as a lower limit of the error in the LNOx and c0values. The c0-value obtained above is in reasonable agreement with production rates reported in the literature. For reasons of comparison with previous studies one can extrapolate this production rate to the global scale. Using a global lightning frequency of 100 s-1 [e.g. Lawrence et al., 1995] and a mean flash length of 5000 m yields an annual global production of 5 Tg[N]. This result is within the limits of previously reported values typically ranging from 2 TgN yr-1 [Lawrence et al., 1994] to 12 TgN yr-1 [Price et al., 1997]. It points towards the lower limit of the range. This simulation demonstrates the possibility to derive the observed LNOx fields from the detected lightning flashes using reasonable assumptions of perflash production and transport from the emission source. The results from the model calculations give confidence to the interpretation of the aircraft data as discussed above. It was demonstrated that the observed flash distribution could generate the general structure of the observed fields. 15 7 Summary and Conclusions The present study investigates the production of NOx by lightning. A field experiment was performed during July 1996 in southern Germany. Airborne measurements of NO, NO2, CO2, and O3 were performed in thunderstorm anvils. The radar structure as well as the lightning activity of the storms were also observed. Typically, enhanced NOx contents (compared to the cloud environment) were found in the storm anvils as well as in smaller cumulus congestus clouds. The CO2 mixing ratio decreased inside the clouds. This behavior could be attributed to the transport of low level air (high NOx and low CO2 content) originating from the boundary layer and to the additional production of NOx by lightning. These two main source mechanisms for the introduction of NOx into storm anvils (and subsequently into the upper troposphere) could be discriminated by means of a tracer (CO2) for low level air. The total LNOx amount in the large storm system was assessed to be about equal to the amount caused by transport from the boundary layer during the initial stages of the development. Later on, when the anvil had increased in size, the lightning produced NOx amount exceeded the contribution due to transport by a factor of 2. In a small (young) isolated storm cell, LNOx was also found to contribute about the same order of magnitude to the total NOx amount as was inferred for the transport part TNOx. A large NR ratio was found at the cloud edge which was illuminated by the sun. Even though such high ratios are also typical for fresh lightning sources, the large spatial extent of the region also supports the hypothesis of a high photolysis rate of NO2 causing this phenomenon. Similarly high ratios NR were also found at the edges and in the upper parts of the anvil of a large storm system. Moreover, narrow NO peaks were found, some of which could be attributed to individual lightning strokes as registered by the LPATS network. Considering the turbulent diffusion in the cloud as well as the NR values, the sources were not older than about 2-4 minutes. Further mixing with the anvil air and the superposition of different sources caused the structure observed during the insitu measurements. Most of the peaks in the NOx measurements, however, could not be assigned to lightning flashes located by the LPATS, probably due to its limited detection efficiency. In the present study the LPATS was mainly utilized for monitoring the CG lightning activity of the storms. A simple two-dimensional advection-dispersion model could give confidence into the interpretation of the airborne measurements. The overall structures of the individual anvil penetrations are well represented by the simulated LNOx plume. Details of the cloud shape cannot be represented as they depend on the 2D variability of the wind and turbulence fields which have been neglected for the present assessment. But occasionally, even single LNOx peaks could be reproduced by the simulation, provided that suitable advective conditions were given. Best agreement with the observed values was found for NO production rates of about 0.3 g per meter of flash length. In order to compare the results of the present study with previous investigations, the production rate can be expressed in terms of a global production rate. Applying a widely used assumption of L=5 km for the mean flash length L and a mean global flash frequency of 100 per second results in a global emission of 5·1012 g N per year. This result is within the limits of previously reported values. The results presented here are not necessarily representative for other storms, especially in different geographical regions. Further case studies should be performed in order to judge the representativeness of the present case study results. The extrapolation to global scale was only done for reasons of comparison with previous investigations. Huntrieser et al. [1998] recently investigated the storms observed during LINOX with respect to LNOx production in a statistical sense. A further point to be considered in future studies is the role of intra-cloud lightning in comparison with cloud-to-ground lightning which has nearly exclusively been available from the LPATS system for the present study. It was suggested by the measurement presented above that at least some of the young and narrow NOx peaks measured in the anvil might have originated from IC flashes. This gives indication that the IC component might be also important for NOx production, a contribution which has previously been assumed as being of minor importance. This point needs further clarification which can be achieved from more detailed lightning measurements covering the three-dimensional flash 16 structure as well as the IC flash history. Acknowledgments. We gratefully acknowledge ‘Bayernwerke AG and Badenwerke AG’ for making the lightning data available. Special thanks are due to the flight facility of DLR for performing the aircraft operations. 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