Hans-Martin JÄCK


Hans-Martin JÄCK
Hans-Martin JÄCK, Ph.D.
Professor of Immunology
Hans-Martin JÄCK, Ph.D.
Division of Molecular Immunology
Department of Internal Medicine III
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Glückstrasse 6, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany
++49 (9131) 8535912
++49 (9131) 8539343
Ph.D. in Immunology, University of Tübingen, Germany
(summa cum laude)
Diplom (M.Sc. equivalent) in Biochemistry, University of Tübingen,
Vordiplom (B.Sc. equivalent) in Biochemistry, University of Tübingen,
1997 - present
Division Head
& Professor
1997 - present
1996 -1997
Associate Professor
1990 - 1996
Assistant Professor
1988 - 1990
Postdoctoral Fellow
1984 - 1988
Research Assistant
(Ph.D. student)
Research Assistant
(Ph.D. student)
Research Assistant
(Ph.D. student)
Teaching Assistant
1984 - 1984
1984 - 1984
1979 - 1984
Division of Molecular Immunology
Department of Internal Medicine III
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Loyola University Chicago Medical Center
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Loyola University Chicago Medical Center
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Loyola University Chicago Medical Center
Department of Microbiology & Immunology,
University of California, San Francisco
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
University of California, San Francisco
Laboratory of Radiobiology
Basel Institute for Immunology, Basel,
Max-Planck Institute, Tübingen,
Institute of Biochemistry, Tübingen,
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES (Molecular Biology of B Lymphocytes)
My overall research activities concentrate on molecular aspects of the humoral immune
response. In particular, my lab is interested in signaling pathways and cellular factors
that control early maturation and selection of normal B lymphocytes as well as terminal
differentiation into antibody-secreting plasma cells. In addition, we investigate the
mechanism by which aberrant mRNA, so-called nonsense mRNA, is degraded and
whether this process is important in order to control VDJ recombination and thus the
monospecificity of B lymphocytes.
• Molecular control of B cell development
(Structure, function and signal-transducing capabilities of the immunoglobulin-like
pre-B cell receptor, role of microRNA, Ig class switch)
• Nonsense codon-mediated degradation (NMD) of non-functional Ig mRNA
(mRNA Surveillance)
• Molecular mechanism of plasma cell differentiation and tumorigenesis
• Role of endogenous retroelements in autoimmune diesease
Pending applications for extramural funding
Current Extramural Funding
06/13 - 05/17
01/10 – 03/15
German Research Community (DFG)
Transregio TRR130: B cells in immunity and autoimmunity
Project 9: "microRNA-controlled generation and maintenance of
humoral memory"
Positive evaluation, decision May 2014
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
German Research Community (DFG)
Training Grant GRK1660 (project C4)
“Role of miRNA in plasma cell differentiation”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
Previous Funding
10/09 – 06/13
BayImmuNet , Hightec initiative State of Bavaria
“The Mighty Mouse: An in vivo factory to produce human
Principial investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck & Jürgen Wittmann
02/07 – 05/13
German Research Community (DFG)
Research Group FOR 832/1: Regulators of Humoral Immunity:
(project 2, JA968/5-2)
“Mechanism of pre-B cell receptor mediated selection of the
antibody repertoire”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
09/06 – 08/11
Interdisciplinary Center Grant in Clinical Research (IZKF)
“Role of microRNA in B cell maturation and B leukemogenesis”
(Project D5)
Principal Investigators: Hans-Martin Jäck & Jürgen Wittmann
01/09 – 01/11
German Research Community (DFG)
Individual grant JA 968/6-1
“Current Concepts in Immunology”
(Support for Autumn School in Immunology)
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
Hiege-Stiftung gegen Hautkrebs, Hamburg
"Evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic options of microRNAs
(miRNAs) in malignant melanoma"
Principal Investigators: J. Wittmann, H.-M. Jäck and G. Schuler
09/07 – 08/10
Interdisciplinary Center Grant in Clinical Research (IZKF)
“Molecular characterization of signaling complexes in anergic,
autoreactive and normal B lymphocytes“ (Project A7)
Principal Investigators: Hans-Martin Jäck & Dirk Mielenz
05/00 - 04/09
German Research Community (DFG)
Training Grant GRK592 (project A1)
“Mechanism of pre-B cell receptor mediated signal transduction”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
01/02 - 09/07
German Research Community (DFG)
Individual Research Grant (project JA 968/2)
“Structure and function of the pre-B cell receptor”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
06/06 – 05/07
ELAN Fonds (Intramural, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
“Role of the transcriptions factor KLF2 in B cell maturation”
Principal investigators: Wolfgang Schuh & Hans-Martin Jäck
2005 – 2006
ELAN Fonds (Intramural, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
“Role of micro-RNA in early B cell maturation”
Principal investigators: Jürgen Wittmann & Hans-Martin Jäck
2000 - 2004
Alzheimer’s Fund (private contribution)
“Role of aberrant proteins in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
2000 - 2002
German Research Community (DFG)
Collaborative Research Project Grant SFB263
“Role of Notch-1 in cell type decisions and apoptotic cell death
processes during development and differentiation of B lymphoid
Principal Investigators: Hans-Martin Jäck and Birgit Jehn
1999 - 2003
Roche Pharmaceuticals
“In vitro translation using a bioreactor”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1999 - 2006
German Research Community (DFG)
Collaborative Research Project Grant SFB466
“Molecular mechanisms of pre-B cell receptor-mediated induction
of proliferation and apoptosis in normal B cell precursor cells”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1999 - 2003
Human Frontier Science Project (HFSP)
“Molecular misreading, nonsense transcript stability and
aberrant accumulation in Alzheimer disease”
Principal Investigator(s): E. Hol, Hans-Martin Jäck, H. Dietz,
M. Racchi, J. Verhaagen
1995 - 1998
Tobacco Research Council
“The Role of Surrogate Light Chains During B Cell
Development” Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1995 - 1997
American Cancer Society of America - Research Award
“Biological Function of CD30”
Principal Investigator: Thomas Ellis
Co-Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1995 - 1996
American Cancer Society, Illinois Division
“The Role of Surrogate Light Chains during B Cell
Principal investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1994 - 1998
National Institute of Health (NCI), NIH R29 Grant
“The Role of Endogenous Antigens in B Cell Tumor Formation”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1994 - 1997
American Cancer Society of America
Junior Faculty Research Award
“The Role of Endogenous Antigens in B Cell Tumor Formation”
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1994 - 1997
Allergen Inc., San Francisco (contract)
“Generation of a mouse/human chimeric anti-poison ivy
1994 - 1997
American Cancer Society
“Endogenous Antigens in B Cell Tumor Formation”
Principal investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
(Due to scientific overlap with NIH R29 grant below, I did not
accept this research award)
1992 - 1995
Schweppe Career Development Award
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1991 - 1994
National Cancer Institute, NIH R01 Grant
“Biology and Treatment of AIDS Lymphomas”
Principal Investigator: Richard Fisher
Co-Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1992 - 1993
Loyola Cancer Research Institute, Potts Foundation
"Mechanisms of Immunoglobulin mRNA Degradation"
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1992 - 1993
American Cancer Society, Illinois Division
"The Role of Endogenous Antigens in B Cell Tumor Formation"
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
1990 - 1991
Loyola Cancer Research Institute, Potts Foundation
"The Role of Endogenous Antigens in B Cell Tumor Formation"
Principal Investigator: Hans-Martin Jäck
• Member of Editorial Boards, Study Sections and Review Panels
2010 - present
Member, advisory board (Kuratorium), Fraunhofer-Instituts für
Zelltherapie und Immunologie (IZI), Leipzig
Member, Editorial Board, Frontiers in Molecular Antigen Presenting
Cell Biology
Review Editor, Frontiers in B Cell Biology
2009 - present
Member, Editorial Board, European J. of Immunology
2004 - present
Member, Editorial Board, Current Immunology Reviews
Guest Editor, Seminars in Immunology
2001 - 2005
Associate Editor, Journal of Immunology
Member, Evaluation Committee for the Heinrich-Pette Institute,
Leibniz Society Germany
2011- present
1999 - present
Member, Committee on Animal Research, State of Bavaria,
District, Lower Franconia, Germany
1996 - 1998
Member, Medical Advisory Board
Leukemia Research Foundation Chicago
1996 - 1999
Member, Adhoc study section
National Cancer Institute of Canada
Member, Adhoc Immunology and Virology NIH study section
• Extramural Activities and Appointments
President, German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
Presidency starts January 2013)
2008 - present
Leading coordinator, Immunology Autumn School
German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
2007 -present
Member, committee on education in immunology
German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
2006 - present
Speaker of 11 research study groups of the
German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
2006 - 2010
Associate council member, German Society of Immunology
2004 - present
Speaker, research study group B Lymphocytes,
German Society of Immunology
2000 - present
Council member, Biochemical Society Tübingen (MoBBEL),
• University Programs and Committees (University of Erlangen, Germany)
2013 - present
Member, Coordination committee
DFG Transregio TRR130 initiative
2010 - present
Director, DFG Doctoral Training Grant GRK1660
Key signals of adaptive immunity
2006 - present
Co-Director, DFG research group FOR832
Regulators of humoral immunity
2004 - present
Member, Committee on Research and postgraduate education,
Medical School University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
2002 - present
Director, Immunology module
Graduate programs in Molecular Medicine and Biology
2000 - 2009
Director, DFG Doctoral Training Grant GRK592 Lymphocytes
1998 - 2002
Member, Intramural Research Grant Committee (ELAN)
Medical School
1997 - 2002
Member, Committee on Research, Medical School
• Departmental Committees (Loyola University Chicago, Medical School)
1990 - 1997
Member, Graduate Admission Committee
Graduate Program in Microbiology and Immunology
Chair, Committee for the Evaluation of Graduate Affairs
Chair, Faculty Search Committee
1996 - 1997
Member, Equipment Committee
1996 - 1997
Member, Committee for Public Education
• University Programs and Committees (Loyola University Chicago, Medical School)
1990 - 1997
Member, Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program in Molecular Biology
1995 - 1997
Member, Curriculum Committee, Molecular Biology program
1990 - 1997
Member, Cancer Research Institute
(Director: Dr. Richard Fisher)
1991 - 1994
Member, AIDS/Lymphoma Committee, Loyola University
(Chair: Dr. Richard Fisher)
1990 - 1992
Member of the Biomolecular Facility Committee, Loyola
University (Chair: Dr. Robinson)
1993 - 1997
Member, Ad hoc committee, Reconstruction of Loyola's Animal
Facility (Chair: Dr. G. Engelmann)
1992 - 1994
Member, Retreat Committee, Molecular Biology Program
Loyola University
1995 - 1997
Member, Curriculum Committee, Molecular Biology Program,
Loyola University
• Invited Reviews
J. Exp. Med
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Experimental Cell Research
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.
Journal of Immunology (Associate editor, 2000-2005)
International Immunology
Cancer Research
Journal of Cranial-Maxillofacial Surgery
European Journal of Immunology
(Member of the Editorial Board since 2007)
Research Grant
Book reviews
National Institute of Health (NIH, U.S.A.)
German Research Community (DFG, Germany)
European Research Council (ERC)
National Cancer Institute (NCI) of Canada
Welcome Trust
Helmholtz Foundation, Germany
Ministry of Research, State of Thuringia, Germany
Ministry of Research, State of Tirol, Austria
Leukemia Research Foundation (U.S.A.)
Wilhelm-Sander-Foundation (Germany)
Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
(FWF, Austria)
Charite Intramural Funding, Berlin, Germany
Jubiläumsfonds, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austria)
Minerva Foundation, Israel/Germany
Human Science Frontier Project (HSFP)
The Department of Veteran’s Affairs (U.S.A.)
”Bispecific Antibodies” by Michael W. Fanger, R.G. Landes
”Molecular Immunology”, edited by B.D. Hames and D.M.
Glover, Doody Publishing
• Consulting
2004 - 2009
1998 - 2005
1992 - 1997
Picobella, Burlingame, California, U.S.A.
Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Penzberg, Germany
Allergen Inc., San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
1994 - 1996
Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
• Membership in Professional Societies
Society of Biological Chemistry (GBCH), Germany
Signal Transduction Society, Germany
Kunckel Society, Rockefeller University, USA
German Society of Immunology (DGfI), Germany
(Associate member of the council since 2005)
Biochemical Society Tübingen (MoBBEL), Germany
(member of the council since 2000)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), U.S.A.
Illinois Society of Medical Research, U.S.A.
American Society of Microbiology, U.S.A.
American Association of Immunologists (AAI), U.S.A.
Chicago Association of Immunologists (CAI), U.S.A.
• Graduate Courses (Loyola University)
MICRO 413:
MICRO 420:
MBIO 417:
MICRO 411:
MICRO 414:
MICRO 431:
MICRO 471:
MICRO 443:
Basic Concepts of Immunology
Course Director: Jäck
Methods in Molecular Biology
Course directors: Jäck and Gallagher
Introduction into Molecular Biology (Course Director: Dr. M.
Kelley) Lectures: - Control of mRNA turnover
Introduction into Microbiology (Course Director: Dr. W. Yotis)
Lectures: - Protein synthesis in prokaryotes
General Virology (Course Director: Dr. T. Gallagher)
Lectures: Viral pathogens, virokines, and immunity against viruses
Molecular Virology (Course Director: Dr. S. Baker)
Lectures: Biology and Immunology of HIV
Molecular Microbial Genetics (Course Director: Dr. Alan Wolfe)
Lecture: Somatic Mutation in Mammalian Cells
Molecular Biology of B Cell Differentiation
(Course Directors : Knight & Jäck)
• Graduate Courses (University of Erlangen, Germany)
Concepts of Immunology (Course Director: Jäck, Beuscher)
Aspects of humoral immunity (Course Director: Jäck)
Laboratory course in Molecular Immunology (4 weeks)
(Course Director: Jäck)
Advanced laboratory course in Molecular Immunology (6 weeks)
(Course Director: Jäck)
Special topics in humoral immunity (Course Directors: Jäck)
Seminar in Biochemistry for medical students
(Course Director: Becker)
7 Postdoctoral fellows
20 PhD students
3 MD students
30 MS students
20 BS students
4 Postdoctoral fellows
6 PhD student
1 MD/PhD student
5 Undergraduate students
I am currently a member of 8 PhD advisory committees in the graduate programs of
Molecular Medicine and Cellular Biology in Erlangen
since 2010
1992 - 1994
President, German Society for Immunology
Member, Henry-Kunkel Society, Rockefeller University New York
Junior Faculty Research AwardAmerican Cancer Society, U.S.A.
Member, Scientist-Educator Team (SET) Program, sponsored by the
National Science Foundation and the American Society of
Schweppe Career Development Award
MoBBEL Prize, Biochemical Society Tübingen, Germany
(Outstanding Ph.D. thesis in Biochemistry)
Günther-Weitzel Lecture
3rd International Autumn Meeting of the Biochemical Society
Summa cum laude (Ph.D.)
Department of Biology, University of Tübingen, Germany
Max-Planck Fellowship, Max-Planck Society, Germany
Symposium B cells, German Society of Immunology, Bonn
Guest Symposium , American Association of Immunologists, Pittsburgh
German-Argentinian Workshop
Workshop - miRNA in immunity Zürich, Switzerland
Study Group B Cells, Schluchsee, Germany
Spring School of Immunology, Ettal, Germany
European Workshop on Rheumatic Disease, Prague
Department of Immunology, University of Basel
International Symposium on Adaptive Humoral Immunity, Erlangen
Department of Biochemistry, University of Tübingen
Hofmann La Roche, Penzberg, Germany
1st German-Italien Workshop on miRNA and Immunity, Lake Garda
Department of Chemical Pharmacy, University of Frankfurt
Annual European Congress of Rheumatology
Kunkel Society Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany
Midwestern Immunology Conference, Birmingham, Alabama
Department of Rheumatology, University of Freiburg, Germany
Guest symposium, 99th Annual Meeting, American Association of
Immunologist, Boston, USA
Department of Veternary Medicine, Vienna
Department of Rheumatology, University of Freiburg
International IZKF Symposium, Kloster Banz
B Cell Forum, Arbeitskreis B-Zelle, Kloster Banz
Spring School of Immunology, Ettal
1. Gradute Student Symposium, University of Turku, Finland
Division of Experimental Immunology, University of Amsterdam
Study Group B Cells, Bad Sooden
Department of Immunology, LMU München, Germany
Department of Immunology, University of Tübingen
Graduiertenkolleg-Symposium, Essen
8th German-Japanese Symposium, Cuxhaven, Germany
1st German-Chinese Symposium, Burg Wanzleben, Magdeburg, Germany
Annual Meeting DGfI Study Group 'B cells', Dresden, Germany
Graduiertenkolleg - Symposium, Hamburg, Germany
Department of Clinical Immunology, Necker Hosptital, Paris, France
Kunkel Society Annual Meeting, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
Advances in Targeted Therapies, Mandelieu, France
30th European Workshop of Rheumatology, EWRR, Bamberg, Germany
Babraham Research Institute, Cambridge, England
Biotechnikum, Erlangen, Germany
AR:O.S.A. V Expert Workshop: Current Rheumatology, Berlin, Germany
Department of Surgery University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Department of Immunology, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Department of Immunology, University of Jena, Germany
Medical University of Tokio, Japan
German-Japanese Immunology meeting, Fukuoka, Japan
Department of Cell Biology, University of Bern, Switzerland
5th B Cell Forum, Eibsee, Germany
Immunology Spring School 2008 Cloister Ettal, Bavaria
Department of Immunology, University of Göttingen, Germany
Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Rochester, USA
Roche Forum: The B Cell Interdisciplinary, Castle Wernberg-Köblitz,
Immunology Spring School 2007, Cloister Ettal, Bavaria
4th B Cell Forum, Banz, Germany
Max-Planck-Institute for Immunobiology, Freiburg, Germany
IZKF Symposium on Tissue and Inflammation, Bamberg, Germany
ESF-EMBO Symposium on B Cells Cross the Divide: From In Silico to the
Whole Person, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
University of Marburg, Department of Microbiology, Germany
University of Würzburg, Department of Immunology, Germany
3rd B Cell Forum, Bad Breisig, Germany
University of Marseille, Department of Pathology, France
Laudatio, 150th Birthday of Emil von Behring, Emil-von-Behring High
School, Erlangen
2st German B Cell Forum, Potsdam, Germany
1st German B Cell Forum, Titisee, Germany
Autumn Meeting of the Signal Transduction Society (STS) Weimar
Symposium on B Lymphopoiesis II, 70th Birthday of Max Cooper
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Annual Congress of the American Association of Nephrologists, San Diego,
University of Essen, Department of Cell Biology, Germany
Max-Planck-Institute, Martinsried, Division of Neuroimmunology
Württemberger Rheumatology Days, University of Tübingen, Germany
University of Freiburg, Division of Rheumatology, Germany
2. Signaltransduction Meeting, Signal Transduction Society, Berlin
University of München, Institute of Immunology, Germany
EMBO Symposia: Signaling in B cell development, Sweden
10th International Autumn Meeting of MoBBEL, Tübingen, Germany
Minisymposium: B Cell Development, FASEB, San Francisco, USA
Chicago Association of Immunologists, Chicago, USA
University of Toronto, Department of Immunology, Canada
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Microbiology, USA
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Medicine, Germany
Wabash College, Indiana, USA
Rush University Medical School, Department of Immunology, USA
University of Heidelberg, Department of Biochemistry, Germany
University of Erlangen, Department of Internal Medicine, Germany
University of Health Sciences, Chicago Medical School, Chicago, USA
Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of Biology, Chicago, USA
University of Heidelberg, Department of Biochemistry, Germany
University of Erlangen, Institute of Rheumatology, Germany
University of Health Sciences, Chicago Medical School, Chicago, USA
American Heart Transplantation Meeting, Atlanta, USA (Antibodies as a tool
to prevent graft rejections)
University of Heidelberg, Department of Biochemistry, Germany
3rd European Congress on Lupus Erythrematodes, Erlangen, Germany
First Symposium in Molecular Medicine, Loyola University, USA
Northeastern Illinois University, Department of Biology, Chicago, USA
University of Erlangen, Department of Immunology, Germany
Symposium ”30 Year: Ph.D. Program in Biochemistry”, University of
Tübingen, Germany
6th International Autumn Meeting of MoBBEL, Perugia, Italy.
5th International Autumn Meeting of MoBBEL Prague, C.S.F.R.
University of Erlangen, Department of Immunology, Germany
University of South Carolina, Columbia, U.S.A.
University of Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A.
Iowa State University, Ames, U.S.A.
Northwestern University Chicago, U.S.A.
University of Toronto, Canada
2nd UCSF/UCB Immunology Conference Asilomar, U.S.A.
4th International Autumn Meeting of MoBBEL Thannheim, Austria
University of Freiburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
University of München, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Basel Institute of Immunology, Basel, Switzerland
University of Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
University of Erlangen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Schering Inc., Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Hans-Martin JÄCK, Ph.D.
Professor of Immunology
1. Winkelmann R, Sandrock L, Kirberg J, Jäck HM, Schuh W. (2014). KLF2-a negative
regulator of pre-B cell clonal expansion and B cell activation. PLoS One. May
2. Gabler J, Wittmann J, Porstner M, Renz H, Jäck HM, Abram M, Zemlin M. (2013).
Contribution of microRNA 24-3p and Erk1/2 to interleukin-6-mediated plasma cell
survival. Eur J Immunol. 43(11):3028-37.
Brachs S, Lang C, Buslei R, Purohit P, Fürnrohr B, Kalbacher H, Jäck HM, Mielenz D.
(2013). Monoclonal Antibodies to Discriminate the EF Hand Containing Calcium
Binding Adaptor Proteins EFhd1 and EFhd2. Monoclon Antib Immunodiagn
Immunother. 32(4):237-45.
Metzner, M., Jäck, H.-M. and Wabl, M. (2012). LINE-1 Retroelements Complexed and
Inhibited by Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase PloS ONE 7(11):e49358.
Newrzela S. Al-Ghaili N, Heinrich, T, Petkova M., Hartmann S, B Rengstl B, Kumar A,
Jäck HM, Gerdes S, Roeder I, Hansmann ML, and von Laer D (2012). T-cell receptor
diversity prevents T-cell lymphoma development. Leukemia (12):2499-507.
Preussner, M.; Schreiner, S.; Hung, L-.H.; Porstner, M.; Jäck, H.-M.; Benes, V.;
Bindereif, A. (2012). HnRNP L and L-like cooperate in multiple-exon regulation of CD45
alternative splicing. Nucl Acids Res 40(12):5666-78 .
Thiele S, Wittmann J, Jäck H-M, Pahl A (2012). miR-9 enhances IL-2 production in
activated human CD4+ T cells by repressing Blimp-1. Eur J Immunol 42(8):2100-8.
Buettner M., Lang A, Tudor CS, Meyer B, Cruchley A. Barros M, Farrell P, Jäck H-M,
Schuh W, Niedobitek G (2012). Lytic EBV infection in epithelial cells but not in B
lymphocytes is dependent on Blimp1. J Gen Virol 93(Pt 5):1059-64.
Wittmann J, Jäck H-M, Mashreghi MF. [MicroRNAs in B-cells and T-cells as regulators
of inflammation]. (2011). Z Rheumatol Aug;70(6):507-10. German.
10. Dedman AM, Majeed Y, Tumova S, Zeng F, Kumar B, Munsch C, Bateson AN,
Wittmann J, Jäck H-M, Porter KE, Beech DJ. (2011). TRPC1 transcript variants,
inefficient nonsense-mediated decay and low up-frameshift-1 in vascular smooth muscle
cells. BMC Mol Biol. 12;12:30.
11. Lutz J, Müller W, Raman C, Jäck H-M (2011). Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain mRNA
Controls VDJ Rearrangement. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(26):10644-9.
12. Vettermann, C, Castor D, Mekker A, Gerrits B, Karas M and Jäck H-M (2011).
Proteome profiling suggests a pro-inflammatory role for plasma cells through release of
high-mobility group box 1 protein. Proteomics (7):1228-37.
13. Wittmann J & Jäck H-M (2011). microRNAs in rheumatoid arthritis: midget RNAs with
a giant impact. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011; 70(Suppl_1): p. i92-96i
14. Winkelmann R, Sandrock L, Porstner M, Roth E, Mathews M, Hobeika E, Reth M, Kahn
ML, Schuh W, Jäck HM (2011). B cell homeostasis and plasma cell homing controlled
by Kruppel-like factor 2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Dec 27. [Epub ahead of print].
15. Lang VR, Mielenz D, Neubert K, Böhm C, Schett G, Jäck HM, Voll RE, Meister S.
(2010). The early marginal zone B cell-initiated T-independent type 2 response resiststhe
proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. J Immunol. 185(9):5637-47. Epub2010 Oct 4.
16. Wittmann J, Jäck HM (2010). Serum microRNAs as powerful cancer biomarkers.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1806(2):200-7. Epub 2010 Jul 13.
17. Wittmann J, Jäck HM. New surprises from the deep--the family of small regulatory
RNAs increases (2010). ScientificWorldJournal. 10:1239-43. Review.
18. Danke C, Grünz X, Wittmann J, Schmidt A, Agha-Mohammadi S, Kutsch O, Jäck HM,
Hillen W, Berens C (2010). Adjusting transgene expression levels in lymphocytes with
aset of inducible promoters. J Gene Med. 12(6):501-15.
19. Duy C, Yu JJ, Nahar R, Swaminathan S, Kweon SM, Polo JM, Valls E, Klemm
L,Shojaee S, Cerchietti L, Schuh W, Jäck HM, Hurtz C, Ramezani-Rad P, Herzog
S,Jumaa H, Koeffler HP, de Alborán IM, Melnick AM, Ye BH, Müschen M (2010).
BCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire. J Exp Med.
207(6):1209-21. Epub 2010 May 24.
20. Vettermann C, Jäck HM (2010). The pre-B cell receptor: turning autoreactivity into selfdefense. Trends Immunol. 31(5):176-83. Epub 2010 Mar 30.
21. Brandl A, Wittmann J, Jäck HM (2010). A facile method to increase titers of miRNAencoding retroviruses by inhibition of the RNaseIII enzyme Drosha. Eur J Immunol.
2010 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print].
22. Kroczek C, Lang C, Brachs S, Grohmann M, Dütting S, Schweizer A, Nitschke L, Feller
SM, Jäck HM, Mielenz D (2010). Swiprosin-1/EFhd2 controls B cell receptor signaling
through the assembly of the B cell receptor, Syk, and phospholipase C gamma2 in
membrane rafts. J Immunol. 184(7):3665-76. Epub 2010 Mar 1.
23. Metzner, M., W. Schuh, E. Roth, E., Jäck, H.-M., and M. Wabl (2010). Two forms of
AID differing in their ability to bind agarose. PlosONE, Jan 27;5(1):e8883..
24. Beck-Engeser, G., Eilat, D., Harrer, T., Jäck, H.-M. & M. Wabl, M. (2009). Early onset
of autoimmune disease by the retroviral integrase inhibitor raltegravir. Proc Nat Acad Sci
USA. 106(49):20865-20870.
25. Trageser, D., Iacobucci, I., Chang, M.-S., Duy1, C, Nahar, R., Klemm, L., Park, E.,
Schuh, W., Gruber, T., Herzog, S., Kim, Y., Hofmann, W.-K., Li, A., Storlazzi, T.,
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