June 2013 - Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists
June 2013 - Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists
Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Magazine Issue 25 June 2013 www.rospariders.co.uk In this issue: Classifieds I 2 Editorial 3 Meetings etc. 4 Group activities 4 Committee 4 Chair’s Corner 5 Events Officer 6 Colchester M/C Show 8 Membership Report 9 Tenpin bowling 10 Found… 13 Interlude I 13 HoP & London Eye 14 Charity Days 21 Testing and Training 22 Paul’s Clinic 22 Members’ small ads 23 ERAM necktubes 24 Interlude II 24 Diary dates 2013 26 Classifieds II 27 Colchester Motorcycle Show: visitors find it difficult to resist Sue’s persuasive sales techniques! Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists Page 2 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Junel 2013 Classifieds I Total Advanced Training Advanced motorcycle training Email: totaladvanced@tiscali.co.uk Phone: 07813 167749 Based in Essex, we provide professional advanced motorcycle training for London and the South East. We offer a range of post-test courses from ‘back to biking,’ which is aimed at confidence building, through to riders wishing to undertake the highest advanced qualification; namely, the RoSPA Gold. The Chief Instructor, Mick Jones, is a highly respected and qualified retired police motorcyclist holding advanced IAM and RoSPA Gold qualifications. He is a Driving Standards Agency qualified instructor and a member of the Driving Instructors Association. He holds a Diploma in advanced tuition and is currently a Regional RoSPA Examiner and a Bike Safe Assessor. Training will be conducted by Mick in person or other suitably qualified instructors. We provide excellent tuition and use state of the art technology with a camera bike filming the training. For a small fee, a personalised DVD can be produced for riders to view their achievement. Total Advanced is the only training company recognised by Equity Red Star Insurance who will discount riders who achieve our advanced accreditation qualification. Prices range from £50 - £160 for a full day’s training. Page 3 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Editorial Hello - and welcome to the 25th issue of RoSPA Riders. This edition has some different content, as it is the first to be published after Sue has organised her first events and, if the level of satisfaction is anything to go by, it looks like we could be having more of those before long! As Smurf mentions in one of her columns, the summer has officially arrived and when this magazine is delivered, it will be nearly midsummer’s day. I know there is (some) debate about the effects of global warming and climate change and that this has been going on for years now, but the old expression ‘flaming June’ has rather changed its meaning from a description of the weather to be expected, to an ironic curse that it isn’t any more. For more years than I care to think of now, I have said to Mara that we seem to have this every year. In addition, I can’t remember the last time I slept in the summer on evenings that were so hot that bed covering had to be reduced to a minimum in order to get comfortable. Largely owing to the weather, Mara and I have only been on one trip together this year – and that wasn’t very far – we revisited the aircraft museum at Flixton and we had lunch at the delightful Earsham Street Café in Bungay (excellent reviews on Trip Advisor). The parking is not good, but if I had known that Flixton Garden Centre houses their sister café, the Three Willows, we might have gone there. Anyway – let’s hope that the weather picks up in July, ‘cos: Full address and phone number details will be emailed to all - ‘Ead ‘Itter. Disclaimer Notice: The articles published herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclist Group. They are the opinions of individual contributors and are published with a view that free expression promotes discussion and interest Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists Page 4 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Junel 2013 Meetings etc. Group activities Group social night 19:30 on the 3rd Thursday of the month, February December. Essex Police Sports Pavilion, St Margaret's Road, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6DN. Group annual dinner Christmas dinner? Bah – humbug. Join us on the 3rd Thursday in January for an evening of variety: chicken chunder, posh nosh or bargain burgers? You choose. Propose a venue and we’ll vote on it! Group social rides 09:30 on the 3rd Sunday of the month, 9:30 a.m. at Boreham (BP) Services, CM2 5PY If there are any changes or additions, meeting places and/or times will be announced at Group Night. For most up to date information, please see our website and/or our newsletter. Newsletter Advertising Please contact the Editor to change contents. Personal small ads are free to members. Please send them to the Editor. Committee Chairperson Sandra Murphy chairman@rospariders.co.uk Secretary Jaques DeKlerk secretary@rosparders.co.uk Treasurer Solveig Hart treasurer@rospariders.co.uk Membership Sandra Murphy membership@rospariders.co.uk Training Paul Collins training@rospariders.co.uk Publicity Vacant Webmaster Steve Bancroft web@rospariders.co.uk Ride co-ordinator Richard Parker followme@rospariders.co.uk Newsletter editor Members Steve Webb Gary Carter Peter Layley Phil Reader George Brown Sue Whitford Dimitar Kehayov Ashley John news@rospariders.co.uk Life Member Raffles Deputy training officer Social Events Regalia Page 5 June 2013 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Chair’s Corner Allegedly, summer is here. Typical that we have had some nice weather and, just as I’m about to go away on the bike, it changes! I hope that a lot of you managed to get away, or out on your bikes while it was sunny. We attended the Essex Motorcycle Show at Colchester and have received some new members from that, so welcome to you if you are one of them. I would like to pass on thanks to all those who helped represent the group on the stand, and especially Gary Carter who took charge of the event promotional material and gazebo. We have also held a couple of the new social events that Sue Whitford has arranged. The bowling was well attended, but I understand that Sue and Richard may have had a little more experience at bowling than they let on – they have their own bowling balls. Great value for money as it was half price Tuesday. Although I was unable to attend, word is that this was a great evening where it gave an opportunity for members to have a chat and a giggle. I did manage to attend the Houses of Parliament tour and the flight on the London Eye. This was very enjoyable and pardon the pun, an eye opener! The tour guide at the Houses of Parliament gave us lots of information, much of which took us back to our school days and history lessons. I’m certainly looking forward to the Buckingham Palace tour. Please let Sue know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending any of the social events. Talking of social – don’t forget the monthly social rides on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Richard Parker and other members work hard to arrange these rides for you, so please try to attend them. And finally, Jaques and I attended the RoADAR regional meeting recently. It was good to speak with other groups (car and bikes). There was Head Office representation from Bob Smalley (Chief Examiner) and Amy Brant (Events and RoADAR Project Manager) who listened to what we had to say and took away some suggestions we gave for improvements. A couple of important points that came out of the meeting were that Head Office has made improvements to the process for test applications. This means that members shouldn’t be left waiting for ages before being contacted by a local examiner. So please let me know if you find this is not the case. Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 6 Junel 2013 The other interesting point was that there is a new edition of Roadcraft to be published in August. This was still in draft form at the time of the meeting, so we didn’t get full details of the revisions. As soon as I have these I will let you know. Smurf Events Officer Forthcoming Social Events 1. Buckingham Palace Tour: For those with ideas above your station, how about a tour of one of the most opulent residences in London - Buckingham Palace?! When - Saturday September 7th 9.30am - I know it's early but it does get busy - but it will give you time to play tourist somewhere else. Cost - £19 adults / £17.50 over 60 / £10.85 child There is a £1.25 booking fee in addition for each ticket - I didn't know this until I tried book! This may seem expensive BUT if you get your ticket stamped as you leave, it turns into a one-year pass giving 12 months’ complimentary admission to the Palace. This pass is valid for a year from the date of your first visit. The tour includes all the State Rooms and Picture Gallery as well the Throne Room. Each year a special exhibition is laid on - last year it was Diamonds. This year the theme is 'The Queen's Coronation' - a spectacular array of dress, uniform and robes worn by the principal royal party will be shown. Works of art, paintings and objects used on the day will also be on display to recreate the atmosphere of that extraordinary occasion. The tour takes about 1 - 1.5 hours depending on how slowly you go. Your get an audio guide for the tour, which works really well - very informative and makes the tour quiet so you can soak up the surroundings. At the end of the tour, have coffee and cake on the cafe on the terrace overlooking the lawn! Then buy your souvenirs before leaving. Page 7 June 2013 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 If you are interested, let me know by replying to the thread on the website or emailing me at social@rospariders.co.uk. As usual, if you say that are going to this event and a ticket is purchased for you, you will be liable for the cost if you don't get someone to take your place. Some have already indicated interest but I would like to get this booked ASAP. 2. Slot Car Racing This is still in planning stage as I have not had enough confirmed interest to book a date - again if you are interested let me know via the website or email. (All the details on the ERAM website) Once I get enough I can sort out a date. 3. Clay Pigeon Shooting I still plan to organise this and have had some interest but this will now be later in the year as I still need to check out the venue. If you have anything you would like me to organise - let me know. Sue Whitford I’d just like to add that, judging by the events and the appreciation expressed so far, there will be many happy punters in future! – Ed. Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 8 Junel 2013 Colchester M/C Show “Be there by 8:30 to get set up and ready for the 9:00 start” I was told. I did as bid and found myself on my tod, wondering if I had got the wrong date (well, I obviously hadn’t, as I was surrounded by stallholders all set up and raring to meet the happy punters). The only trouble was, there was no tent, no goods and no other helpers. I was starting to wonder what to do, and then Gary and Alan turned up with the necessary. From there on, it didn’t take much time at all to get set up and we got on with spreading the good word. It was quite a good day and there seemed to be much interest in the club and a couple of people signed up then or later, so it was worth the trip. Next year, it would be nice to see if we could book a spot further away from the band. The music wasn’t bad, just way too loud… - Ed. Page 9 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Membership Report The membership figures are healthy again – 76% of members who had joined before September 2012 have renewed. More positive news; we now have a new process whereby one of our tutors (Jaques) is taking out new associates on the waiting list so that they can start some training rather than be sat waiting for the next available Tutor. This is working well and is ensuring that new associates get an assessment ride within a month of joining the group. We are now up to 16 new joiners this year - not one of them female! In fact, we only have seven female members in total, so do you know any female riders who could benefit from joining ERAM? Membership figures as at 10th June are: Associates Full Total 30 86 56 Welcome to the following new members: Colin Chenery, John Marsters, Thomas McGeehan, Grant Weitsz, Martyn McKean, Andrew James Congratulations to the following for their test passes: Name Grade Tutor Examiner Steve Williams Silver Geoff Preston Mark Anderson Peter Layley Diploma* N/A Paul Roberts *Denotes Retest Don’t forget to let me know if you have passed your test recently; this also includes any retests. Smurf Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists Page 10 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Junel 2013 Tenpin bowling By Sue Whitford As this was the first Social event that I had organised for the group I must admit I was a bit nervous as to how the evening would go – but I had played a little bit safe and had chosen something I was familiar with. I was grateful that all who had booked turned up and then we set about getting shoes – and grateful also, that they had size 16s available for Colin! Next job was for everyone to sort out their balls – bowling balls –please! Making sure that you have the right weight and that you can get your Page 11 June 2013 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 fingers in the holes is key (I can hear you all sniggering!) For some of the guys this was a challenge as they don’t cater for extra-large! And, just because Richard and I turned up with our own shoes and balls we weren’t cheating – honest. Once the 12 had been split into two groups of six on the lanes it made for some healthy competition amongst the couples – battle commenced. The first ball of the evening was mine with rather embarrassingly went straight down the gulley! Not an auspicious start. Jacques had the best start with a strike as an opener (for those not familiar with bowling a strike is getting all ten pins down with one ball). Richard and Constance were next to strike with Richard following his with two more! Don’t you hate a show off? By the end of the first game Jacques had another strike to his name with Colin joining the ranks and I picked up two. Everyone was now getting into the flow and by the end of the first game; some very respectable scores were being made with spares being picked more frequently. (A spare is when you get all ten pins with two balls). Some interesting throwing techniques were emerging and we really needed to video the evening but hopefully the photos can convey some of Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 12 Junel 2013 the more interesting positions. At least no one ended up throwing themselves down the alley – almost. Constance was the star of Team 27 on the first game with a score of 110 and Jacques of Team 28 with 126 (we won’t mention Richard got 157). The alley was now starting to get a bit busier but considering it was a half price evening it was still fairly quiet. At the start of Game 2, Keith certainly upped his game opening with a strike as did Roger on the other lane. After that, there was no stopping Keith, racking up another strike, and picking up the spares later finishing on 125. Phil also broke the 100. Most improved their scores on the second game and those who didn’t will have chance to next time. From the feedback from the evening – we will certainly be going back. Sue My performance was appalling; after I reported such to Mara when I got home, she said – ‘Oh, that’s a shame, you used to be quite good at it’. At least she confirmed my suspicions, although no-one would believe it on the evidence presented… - Ed. Page 13 June 2013 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Found… On a trip down to Spa many years ago. I can just see the reviews: “uncomfortable experience…” Interlude I Er - what? Is there a longer one somewhere? For lorries perhaps? Or buses? Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 14 Junel 2013 HoP & London Eye House of Parliament Tour & London Eye – Saturday June 1st I had thought that Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square was an appropriate place to meet to start the tour – one of our greatest Prime Ministers and somewhere that no one could miss! It was lucky that I had booked the tour for mid-morning as in town that day was the rehearsal for Trooping of the Colour so roads around the Palace and Horse Guards had closed; an EDL march was planned for later in the day in Whitehall and the protesters against the badger cull were also marching along Milbank to Parliament Square at around lunchtime. The day was warm and dry, if a little overcast, and almost all made it to the Square. We went in at the Cromwell Green entrance and had to go through airport style security, passing a very serious looking armed policeman. Once we had been deemed safe, we entered the vast Westminster Hall to meet our guide. The Hall is the oldest part of the building dating from the 11th Century and has seen everything from great state banquets, speeches and was where the Queen Mother lay in state after her Page 15 June 2013 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 death. A new stained glass window is waiting to installation to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Owen, a Blue Badge guide of 20 years, drew the short straw and got our group of 19, plus a few others, making 25 in all. At any one time there can be 30 groups touring the Houses of Parliament during the summer opening and tours are done in other languages as well! It soon became apparent that we had a guide who was not only incredibly knowledgeable but also had a sense of humour. There were some simple rules and they all started with ‘No’: No photos No chewing gum No hats – which meant Lee had to take his baseball cap off!, & No sitting down anywhere unless told to. We were led through the House to start the tour at the Norman Porch where the Queen arrives for the State Opening, and then into the Queen’s Robing Room which was stunning. You will have to take my word for it as we couldn’t take photos! From there we went into the Royal Gallery, which was Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 16 Junel 2013 not only ornately decorated but, as the name suggests, full of art of past Royalty. Owen gave us the history of the building – which had started in the 11th Century as a Palace and only began to be used by Parliament in the 16th Century. From there we went through the Prince’s Chamber into the House of Lords which is dominated by the Throne and its surroundings where the Queen sits during her Speech. Tempting though it was, we weren’t allowed to sit on the red leather benches (red for the Lords, green for the Commons!). We then went through the Peers Lobby and Corridor into the Central Lobby which is where news crews film, and then into the Commons Corridor and finally into the House of Commons. Owen came up with so many fascinating facts and anecdotes that I could fill the magazine with them. (No one is stopping you – Ed.) We also learnt where some common sayings that we use came from such a ‘3 line whip’ and the word ‘lobbying’. The Commons Chamber with its green pews was much plainer and smaller than you imagine it to be but with beautiful wood panel carving all around it. Just before we entered the chamber we were given a lesson on how the voting is carried out in rooms either side, and a rare chance to sit down! Owen got Zane and a child from the other group to act as counting MPs as we all went through the doors to show how the No’s or the Aye’s are counted for votes. The final room on the tour was St Stephen’s Hall, which is currently undergoing renovation work. It was the original Commons Chamber from the 16th Century until the fire of 1834. After passing the inevitable gift shop we returned to Westminster Hall and after a few photos and thanking Owen, we descended on the Cafe for a breather before the next event. We were all very impressed with the tour and it went into a lot more detail that I had anticipated. Well worth doing. Page 17 June 2013 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Those of us that were on the next leg of the day battled towards the London Eye against the tide of tourists and crossed Westminster Bridge. Some of those who weren’t joining us were planning a leisurely boat trip down to Greenwich. The South Bank was heaving – but then in a small area there is not only the Eye, but the London Aquarium, the London Dungeon, a McDonalds and the pier for River Boat cruises. You also have street theatre going on nearby as well as other various attractions. And it was the end of half term. Our tickets for the Eye included a 4D Cinema experience first – wasn’t sure what to expect of this, but it was interesting! I’ll leave it at that. Our tickets were for 2.30pm so we joined the queue, which seemed to go on forever, as advised at 2.00pm – and it did take the full 30 minutes to get onto the Eye but at least we all managed to get in the same capsule! Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Two trips in one view – Ed. Page 18 Junel 2013 Page 19 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 As we slowly rose, the full panorama of London and beyond unfolded and you could see everyone trying to identify well-known landmarks, snapping away with cameras. The ride was actually quite smooth and you couldn’t really feel any movement. All too soon, we were at the very top and could see for about for about 25 miles in every direction. Everyone on the ground looked very small. I think some in the capsule were glad when we started descending and finally had feet back on solid ground. As we parted, I think everyone agreed it had been a good day out, hopefully enjoyable, something different and ready to take part in another social event! See you all at the next one......... Sue George, Mara and I boarded our boat at about the time the rest of the trip were due to go on the Eye. We rather hoped that there would be a shot of us shivering on the top deck, viewed from above. – Ed. Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 20 Junel 2013 Page 21 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Charity Days Our incredibly exciting high octane track day is back with a brand new venue, allowing you to really enjoy some of the world's most exotic cars up close and personal. Featuring Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, McLaren and many more. Come along and let the drivers show you what these amazing cars are capable of and have the ride experience of your life! With a classic car show, food, live music, shows and fair rides, this is the event not to be missed. Finish off your summer in style and join us for the Little Havens Petrol Fest! 23rd June 2013, Chelmsford Join us in the saddle this summer and test your endurance on our 60 or 25 mile courses – both brand new routes for 2013 - or take it easy on our family and child friendly 10 mile jaunt along cycle paths. With fun for all the family there are attractions on site and refreshments on route. Date: 15th September 2013 Time: 09:30 - 17:00 Place: North Weald Airfield, Essex, CM16 6HR Our scratch cards are on sale for just £1 in aid of Havens Hospices with hundreds of prizes ranging from £1 to the jackpot £1,000. The scratch cards are available for you to buy in one of our charity shops. Why not pass on the chance of winning? Use the scratch cards as a unique gift for family and friends. 8th Sept 2013, London Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ is more than just a running event. With top DJ’s pumping out motivational tunes as you eat up the miles and a euphoric set from the headline act to look forward to at the finish line, the atmosphere on the day will be electric. Stuart House, 47 Second Avenue, Westcliff on Sea Essex SS0 8HX Telephone: 01702 220350 Fax: 01702 22035 RCN 1022119 Company Number 2805007 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 22 Junel 2013 Testing and Training RoSPA Advanced Tutor Training Tutor training will be provided by the Group’s Advanced Tutors on a structured three-day programme. Interested Gold and Silver RoSPA Riders can train to become approved tutors and share their skills and experience by helping to train associates. This is a worthwhile exercise and has many benefits other than the obvious ones. It may be that you haven’t ever considered tutoring others and, possibly, you don’t think you are suitable for the task. Please don’t let that put you off - give it some consideration. You may well find that you have hidden talents and that you find you enjoy helping others to become as good as you are after all, you will have obtained a Silver or Gold in the first place! Talk to Paul Collins or Phil Reader at a group night or contact Paul on his public email address: training@rospariders.co.uk Test ready? Has your tutor advised you are test ready? If so, Smurf has a supply of test application forms. You can also obtain these from RoSPA HQ or download from the website. The full link address is http://www.roadar.org/drivers/info/membershipapplication-form.doc. If you are not reading this on a PC, go to www.roadar.org and follow the link. If you submit your application through the Group, ERAM can claim £3 from HQ towards Group funds. Please make a cheque out to Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists for £54. Paul’s Clinic No, nothing to do with unmentionable diseases, but an offer from the club (and Paul Collins) to assist with any matters of riding that can be addressed by demonstration or examination at the club premises. If you have any queries, or you would like some advice on aspects of slow riding, U-turns or other topics, please let Paul know and it can be addressed ‘offline’ – either in a corner somewhere or possibly in the club car park. It is sometimes better to have a one-to-one and, if practical demos are called for on some subjects, it is better to be able to deal with the bike, rather than verbally or on paper. Don’t be afraid to ask… Page 23 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Members’ small ads That page heading is not a euphemism! It is an opportunity for you to sell those unwanted items, or plead for where you might be able to buy those hard to find items (or hope someone will take pity on you and offer them for free, á la Freecycle…) Wanted Blank – for your special wishes! For sale Plenty, probably – you just have to list it! ERAM REGALIA If you would like to buy a polo shirt or sweatshirt embroidered with our group logo please speak to Dimitar or Sandra at group night, or post a message on the forum of www.rospariders.co.uk Samples are available to look at but other sizes, styles and colours can be ordered from our catalogue. Prices vary according to choice of garment. Buying and wearing the Regalia is for a good cause as it supports Advanced Motorcycling which we all love. Thank you for your support! Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists Page 24 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Junel 2013 ERAM necktubes ERAM logo necktubes. £11! 4 season The material is 2-way stretch that retains its original shape after use. It is a breathable fabric that wicks moisture away from the skin, so is therefore cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It is extremely comfortable to wear and looks stunning. The printing is digital and the fabric is treated with SILVERPLUS® which provides 99.9% antimicrobial protection to the wearer that does not wash out, so is hygienic and fresh at all times. The fabric is also machine washable and colours are not susceptible to fading. They are handmade with seamed edges. Interlude II Page 25 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 SUNDAY 4th AUGUST 2013 10am–5pm All motorcycles welcome: Veteran, vintage, classics, racing, cruisers, scooters, etc. (Free entry to exhibitors) CLASS TROPHIES Bike equipment and jumble stalls welcome (Pitches £22) Trials riding demonstrations, live band, beer tent, food, stalls & bouncy castle. Museum and tearoom open with working historic machinery and mini steam train rides. The bar will be open on Saturday night to stallholders & clubs camping overnight. £5 pitch fee booked in advance. Admission: Adults £6.00, Seniors £5.00, Children 0-11 free For further details contact Mick on tel. 07762 889408 or e-mail mickhewitt39@hotmail.com Entry forms available at www.museumofpower.org.uk Museum of Power Hatfield Road, Langford near Maldon Essex CM9 6QA Charity no. 1087459 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Page 26 Junel 2013 Diary dates 2013 Date Event information Jun 2nd MotoGP Round 6: Mugello 14th-16th BSB Knockhill 16th MotoGP Round 7: Catalunya 27th Group Night – First Aid for motorcyclists 29th MotoGP Round 8: Assen Jul 5th-7th BSB Snetterton 300 Norfolk 7th MotoGP Round 9: Sachsenring 18th Social evening @ Steve & Mara’s 19th-21st BSB Brands Hatch GP 21st MotoGP Round 10: Laguna Seca Aug 4th Bike meet at Langford Museum of Power (see advert herein) 9th-11th BSB Oulton Park Cheshire Triple Header 18th MotoGP Round 11: Indianapolis 24th-26th BSB Cadwell Park Lincolnshire 25th MotoGP Round 12: Brno Sep 1st MotoGP Round 13: Silverstone 6th-8th BSB Donington Park GP Leicestershire 8th Essex Air Ambulance Run 15th MotoGP Round 14: Misano 15th Little havens Track day – Date Event information North Weald 20th-22nd BSB Assen The Netherlands 29th MotoGP Round 15: Aragon 30th Copdock Motorcycle Show Oct 4th-6th BSB Silverstone GP Northamptonshire 13th MotoGP Round 16: Sepang 18th-20th BSB Brands Hatch GP Kent Triple Header 20th MotoGP Round 17: Phillip Island 27th MotoGP Round 18: Motegi Nov 10th MotoGP Round 19: Valencia Dec Got any dates you want to add, remind or tell me about? news@rospariders.co.uk of course… Page 27 Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists June 2013 RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Classifieds II Paul Collins is Chief Instructor and owner of his own advanced rider training school Perfect Control. The school specialises in advanced riding skill tuition and all post-test motorcycle rider training. Using radio communications, Perfect Control give on-road, real time tuition, with advice and correction given at breaks in road sessions, skills check sessions, briefings and session critiques. Structured training courses are: Back-2-Bikes, skills improvement training, DSA enhanced rider scheme, advanced riding techniques and training to RoSPA, IAM and DIA standards. Perfect Control offers great opportunities for riders of all abilities to improve their skills and continue their development. CONTACT DETAILS: www.perfectcontrol.co.uk Mob: 07941 803043 Email: rockape.pc@virgin.net Essex RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists RoSPA Riders Issue 25 Junel 2013 01702 338843, or philhreader@aol.com Keys cut for bikes, cars and domestic Motorcycle physical security products Locks and safes supplied and fitted Advice freely given Also: Page 28 Baglux 20% off products: Tank bags, tank covers and accessories
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