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Numerology – the simple way to selfknowledge
Wulfing von Rohr
The Numbers of Your Life
[Die Zahlen deines Lebens]
What personal numerology
reveals about your life path
and purpose
Heyne Taschenbuch
272 pages
18 b/w illustrations
Format 11,8 x 18,7 cm
July 2013
18 b/w illustrations
Wulfing von Rohr is a nonfiction author, journalist,
and television producer,
and he is also active as a
business advisor and
continued education and
seminar leader. He is a yoga
teacher and an expert on
spirituality, meditation, and
intercultural and interreligious exchange. He has
written numerous books on
natural healing, spirituality,
and secret wisdom.
What can numbers reveal about our life, our strengths, and
our possibilities? What does numerology have to do with
Tarot, and how can planetary numbers help?
Wulfing von Rohr opens new perspectives with his handbook.
His decades of experience as a Tarot and astrology counsellor
have allowed him to recognize numerological laws that can
decode personal destinies, understand relationships better,
and open simple paths to success and fulfilment.
• Number magic, experienced practically: a convincing
synthesis of fortune numbers, astrology, and Tarot
• From one of the leading experts on numerological life
Also available:
Wulfing von Rohr: Die Zahlen deines Lebens [The Numbers of Your Life], 2013
Jutta Fuezi / Wulfing von Rohr: Engel-Reiki [Angel-Reiki], 2013
Jutta Fuezi / Wulfing von Rohr: Engel machen Wünsche wahr [Angels Make Our
Wishes Come True], 2012
Jutta Fuezi / Wulfing von Rohr: Die Engelbotschaft deines Namens [The Angels'
Message of Your Name], 2011
Jutta Fuezi / Wulfing von Rohr: Die Botschaft der Engelzahlen [The Message of
Angel Numbers], 2010
For more information please visit