thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules


thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules
Thornhurst Country Club Estates
143 Country Club Estates Thornhurst, PA 18424 (570) 472‐9521 Phone
(570) 472‐3151 Fax
Robin Hess
Susan Berkery
Bob Guancione
Mike McCambridge
Brittany Penetra
Joyce Covert – Manager
Steve Michael ‐ Greenskeeper
Phil Bellinato ‐ Ranger
Skip Famous ‐ Ranger
Elmer Money ‐ Ranger
Bernadette Taylor – Ranger
President ~ Cindi Mazza
Vi P id
Vice President
~ Paul Pavlick
P l P li k
Secretary ~ Wendy Reeder
Treasurer ~ Victor Schaller
Board Members
Andy Martin
Tami Berry
Tara Tomczak
Tara Tomczak
As approved by the Membership at the Budget Meeting on October 17, 2009
100 LOTS
General Membership Dues
Capital Reserves
$ 95.00
$ 80.00
Option 1 - Payment in full with discount
A 5% discount is offered if full payment is received by December 31, 2009. Payment must be received before
December 31st to be eligible for the discount. If you make your payment in January, you will not be credited with
the discount.
Homes - $934.80
Lots - $920.55
Combined Lots - $230.14
Option 2 - Quarterly Payment Plan
Homes - $247.00*
Lots - $243.25*
Combined Lots - $ 61.56*
Payments are quarterly and the first payment is to be made by December 31, 2010 and then every 90 days thereafter.
*A $4.00 service fee has been added to each account choosing this option. No late charges will be added if payments
are made before the following dates:
December 31, 2009
March 31, 2010
June 30, 2010
September 30, 2010
Option 3 - Monthly Payment Plan
Homes - $ 83.00*
Lots - $ 81.75*
Combined Lots $ 21.18*
Payments are monthly and the first payment is to be made by December 31, 2009 and then by the last day of the month
thereafter. *A 12.00 service fee has been added to each account choosing this option. No late charges will be added
as long as monthly payments are received by the last day of each month beginning 12/31/09 and ending 11/30/10.
If none of the above options are chosen, payment in full is due by March 31, 2010. After that date a late charge of
1.25% per month (15% for the year) will be assessed on any account not current, which includes monthly and quarterly
payments. Legal action will be initiated against owners who fail to make payment or payment arrangements by March
31, 2010. Costs of filing and legal fees will be added to those accounts.
Please indicated your payment option on the enclosed form and mail it or drop it off along with; payment in full if
choosing the discount, or first payment if choosing a quarterly or monthly plan, to the office. YOU MUST INCLUDE
PAYMENTS. Please be sure to include your name, address, lot # and payment option on the form.
Objection or Comment to Proposed Rate Increase Form
Submitting this form will inform the Public Utility Commission and the parties to a pending rate case of your
opinion. It will NOT make you a formal party to the case.
By filing this “Objection or Comment to Proposed Rate Increase Form,” you can officially
register your objections and comments to a proposed rate increase, which will be placed in the
document folder of the case for review by the presiding officer, the parties to the case and the
Commission staff.
Please print in ink or type.
Your name, mailing address, county, telephone number:
Street/P.O. Box ___________________________________Apt. # _________________
City ______________________ State _________________ Zip ___________________
County _________________
Daytime Telephone Number Where We Can Contact You: ______________________
E-mail Address (optional): ______________________
Name of utility company your comment or objection concerns:
PUC CASE DOCKET NUMBER (IF KNOWN) ______________________________
TYPE OF UTILITY (check one)
Steam heat
Waste Water
Motor carrier (e.g. taxi, moving company,
August 2007
Use additional paper if you need more space.
A public input hearing may be scheduled in your area to give consumers an opportunity to tell the
Commission in person what you think of the proposed rate increase.
Notice of a public input hearing will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in your
area, publicized through Public Utility Commission press releases, and noted on the Commission’s
Web site:
I understand that this form will be placed in a document folder for the review of the presiding
officer, the parties to the proposed rate increase, and Commission Staff.
August 2007
Please return the completed form to one of the addresses listed below:
If using U.S. Postal Service:
Pennsylvania Public Utility
P.O. Box 3265
Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265
If using overnight delivery service:
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
400 North Street
Commonwealth Keystone Building, 2nd
Floor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
If you have any questions about filling out this form, please contact the Secretary’s
Bureau at 717-772-7777, or email the Public Utility Commission at
August 2007
JULY 20,1996
Note: It should be understood that in these Bylaws when the male gender is used in referring to a
party or an entity (e.g. he, his, him) the use is traditional, for brevity and clarity, and bears no bias
of gender but includes each sex without bias.
"Articles of Incorporation" means the Articles of Incorporation of Thornhurst Country Club
Estates Property Owners Association, Inc.
"Association" means the Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property Owners Association, Inc., a
Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation .
. "Association Member, Association Membership or Associate Member" shall have the meaning
contained iri Article N of these Bylaws.
"Association Office" is Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property Owners Association, Inc. The
main office shall be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors.
"Board or Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Association elected pursuant
to the provisions of these Bylaws, as per Article VI, Section 2.
"Bylaws" means these Bylaws of the Association. The written code of rules for the regulation or
management of the business and affairs of the Association.
"Common Area" means any and all real property designated as such on a Plat and all real property
acquired by the Association together with all improvements constructed thereon; including but not
limited to: roads, recreational, community facilities, lakes, parks, and utility system.
"Declaration" means a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, dated April 1, 1971 (Map Book
Volume 741, pages 841-846), made by Pocono Resort Enterprises, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation,
and recorded in the Office for the Recording of Deeds in and for Lackawanna County, setting forth
certain restrictive covenants, easements, etc., with respect to the Development.
"Development" means all of the real property comprising Thornhurst Country Club Estates located
in Lehigh Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, as shown on the Plats as provided in the
. Declaration, including any real property annexed thereto as provided herein.
"Executive Committee" shall be only the Members of the Board of Directors.
"Guest" means all invitees of Members and Associate Members.
"Household" shall have the same meaning as that normally associated with the term single family
"Lot" means any numbered, named, or lettered tract of real property with such boundaries as are
shown on any Plat within the Development. ~
"Owner" means any person, or persons, who hold(s) fee simple title to any lot.
"Plat" means a final subdivision map with respect to the Development, as recorded by Pocono
Resort Enterprises, Inc., in the Office for the Recording of Deeds in and for Lackawanna County.
The term "Plats" shall mean all of the final subdivision maps of the Development from time to time
identified thereon as Plat Maps of Thornhurst Country Club Estates including any additions or
revisions thereto.
"Policy" refers to the written rules and regulations or course of conduct adopted by the Board of
Directors in the governing and operating of Thornhurst Country Club Estates.
"Reserved Area" means any and all of the real property designated as such on a Plat, including but
not limited to, future subdivision.'
"Road" means any and all of the real property designated as such on a Plat.
"Single Family Dwelling" means a residential dwelling for a household.
"Transition Agreement" means that Agreement executed on February 27, 1985, titled Settlement
Agreement, Transition of Control Thornhurst Country Club Estates Common Elements.
"Utility Facilities" means all property, real, personal, or mixed acquired or constructed by Pocono
Resort Enterprises, Inc. and used or useful in connection with providing water supply service,
sanitary sewage collection and disposal service and electric service to property within the
Development, or providing such other services (including cable television service) as shall be
determined by the Association to be useful and necessary to property within the Development
"Voting Member or Voting Membership" shall have the meaning contained in Article IV of these
Identification, Purpose, and Location
Section L Name. The name of this organization shall be Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property .
Owners Association, hereinafter called The Association.
Section 2. Corporate Seal and Purpose. The Association shall be incorporated as a nonprofit
corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the following purposes: to
have unlimited power to engage in and to do any lawful act concerning any lawful business for
which nonprofit corporations may be incorporated under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1972,
Act of November 15,1972, P.L. 271, as amended and including, but not limited to: the power to do
all acts necessary to protect and insure the present and future residential living conditions relating
to health, safety, public morals and recreational comfort of property owners at Thornhurst Country
Club Estates.
Section 3. Location. The Association shall be identified with the property known as Thornhurst
Country Club Estates, or successors thereof, located in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. The
principal mail address of The Association shall be the premises of the aforesaid property, with
further defmition of address (such as box and/or street number, and zip code) to be designated by
the Board of Directors as may be appropriate based on available postal services. Any change of
address shall be announced at a regular meeting of the Membership and circulated in the newsletter
of The Association.
Purposes and Aims
Section 1. Purposes. The purposes for which The Association was formed are stated in its Articles
of Incorporation.
Section 2. Aims. In order to carry out the purposes for whichThe Association was formed, the aims
of The Association are:
a: to promote the interests of its Members in social and recreational facilities, roads, lakes,
premises, and activities in and about the premises of the property with which The Association is
identified in Section 3 of Article II of these Bylaws;
b: to administer and maintain all property and amenities owned by The Association currently in
Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the property known as Thomhurst Country Club Estates, and pursuant to the
Settlement Agreement those common facilities, yet to be developed, in Sections 4 and 5 pursuant
to Paragraph 11 of the Transition Agreement;
c: to act as the liaison among its Members, and between its Members and various public and
private organizations, in matters of concern to the Membership in general.
Types, Requirements,
Rights and Obligations
Section 1. Types of Membership. The Association Membership shall be composed of Voting
Members and Associate Members as hereinafter set forth.
Section 2. Voting Membership. Qualification for designation as the Voting Members in The
Association shall be: 1. The ownership of at least one lot or acreage under or by virtue of a deed
indicating ownership of property with which The Association is identified in Section 30f Article I
of these Bylaws. 2. A member in good standing which is contingent upon and maintained by the
payment of such fees, dues, or assessments when due, The Association may prescribe when due, as
stated in the Master Deed and more specifically as defmed in Section 4 of this Article. 3. It is further
required that a Voting Member be at least 18 years of age.
Section 3. Beginning of Voting Membership. No formal application shall be required for Voting
Membership in The Association, since designation to Voting Membership is by lot ownership as
indicated in Section 2 of this Article. Pursuant to the terms contained in the Master Deed,
Membership in The Association is mandatory. Membership commences with ownership in the
- Community.
*Section 4. Fees, Dues, and Assessments. Annual fees or dues for the following calender year shall
be fixed by the Voting Membership of The Association at the second regular meeting in each year.
..Assessments may from time to time be necessary to supplement the receipts from annual fees or dues
in order to adequately carry out the purposes and aims of The Association. The need for any
assessment shall be presented to The Association's Members at a Properly Convened Meetingand
approval of the purpose, amount, time oflevy, and the period during which the assessment shall be
applied to the Members of The Association shall require a simple majority vote of those Voting
Members in good standing present and voting. All fees, dues, and assessments are payable to The
Association when due. The Board of Directors may from time to time establish a payment scale to
provide for periodic payments. In all cases the annual charges must be paid in the current fiscal year.
The payment of dues, fees, and assessments is the responsibility of the owner. Each owner is
responsible for the applicable payment due The Association. Fees, Dues, and Assessments shall be
determined from time to time by the Board of Directors distinguishing between developed and
undeveloped lot(s).*(*Revision-Effective May 19,1990.)
See pg.15 .
*Section 5. Voting Membership Limitation. There shall be but one Voting Member per Household
without regard to whether the lot owner owns more than one lot or acreage at the property defined
in Section 2 of this Article. Where ownership is individual. the owner may not designate anyone to
vote other than himself or herself as Voting Member with the limited exception that said individual
owner may designate his or her spouse residing in the same household as the Voting Member
without regard to whether the spouse is named on the Deed to that property as an owner. If
ownership is other than individual, then the owner must designate, in writing, one of the owners who
shall be the Voting Member. Such designated individual may be changed from time to time by
written notice to the Business Secretary prior to any business meeting of The Association. Where
the language of this section conflicts with the language of any other Section of these Bylaws. this
Section shall control. *
*Underlined passages indicate Bylaw amendments approved by vote of Membership on July 20,
Section 6. Voting, Office, and Other Rights. Every Voting Member in good standing shall have
the right to vote at the regular and special meetings of The Association, and shall have the right to
hold office, either as an Officer of The Association or as one of the other elected Members of The
Board of Directors. A Voting Member in good standing shall also have the right to inspect the
books, accounts, and records of The Association at a time agreeable to the Secretary and/or Treasurer
and to the Member requesting such inspection, but not to exceed a period of 30 days from such
written request, or a shorter period if such inspection may reasonably affect some anticipated action
by The Association. Any Voting Member not in good standing forfeits the right to vote, hold office
or enjoy the other rights and privileges reserved to Voting Members in good standing.
Section 7. Associate Membership. Associate membership in The Association shall be granted to
persons living in the household of a Voting Member in good standing. The Associate Member shall
have all the privileges of the Voting Member upon whom the Associate Membership is contingent
except voting and office holding rights. These exceptions do not bar Associate Members from
appointment to and service on any Conunittee of The Association except the Board of Directors.
Since Associate Membership is contingent upon a Voting Membership, if the Voting Member fails
to maintain good standing, the related Associ~te Members also lose their privileges.
Section 8. Membership Termination.
Loss or transfer of ownership of a lot(s) on which Voting
Membership was based shall terminate Voting Membership, and related Associate Membership in
The Association. The termination of Membership in The Association shall not relieve or release any
such former Owner, Member, Voting or Associate Member, from any liabilities or obligations
incurred under or in any way connected to The Association during the period under such Ownership
or Membership, or impair any rights and remedies which The Association may have against such
former Owner or Member or related Associate Member arising out of or in any way connected with
such Membership and the privileges and obligations incident thereto.
Section 1. The Association Regular Meeting. There shall be three regular meetings each year of
The Association.· The meetings shall be held as follows:
a: The first regular meeting, known as the Annual Meeting, shall be held on a Saturday or Sunday
in May, the actual date of the meeting to be designated by the Board of Directors. This meeting shall
be for the primary purpose of conducting elections.
b: The second regular meeting of the Association shall be held on a Saturday or Sunday in
August. the actual meeting date to be designated by the Board of Directors. This meeting is limited
to business cOncerning the presentation of a budget by the Board and the President shall also give
an annual·"State of the Community" address at this meeting wherein he or she shall report to the
Membership on the financial status of the community as well as other areas of importance to the
c: The final regular meeting of The Association shall be held on a Saturday or Sunday in October,
the actual date to be designated by the Board of Directors. This meeting is for the purpose of voting
on the adoption of a budget by the Membership.
d: The regular meetings of The Association shall be held at the property with which The
Association is identified in Article I, Section 3 of these Bylaws.
e: Notice of time and place of each regular meeting shall be mailed to each voting member in
good standing at such a time as to be postmarked at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled
meeting date.
Where the language of this Section conflicts with the language of any other Section of these Bylaws,
this Section shall control. *
*Underlined passages indicate Bylaw amendments approved by vote of Membership on July 20,
Section 2. The Association Special Meetings. A special-meeting of The Association may be called
by the President of The Association at any time he may deem necessary, or in response to a written
request signed by at least twenty-five Voting Members in good standing. A special meeting in
response to such written request shall be held within 60 days from the receipt of the request. The
special meeting shall be held at the property referred to in Section 1 of this article. Notice of each
special meeting of The Association, stating the purpose( s) of the special meeting, shall be mailed to
each voting member in good standing at such time as to be postmarked at least 10 Post Office
business days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.
Section 3. Quorum for The Association Meetings. Not less than twenty-five Voting Members in
good standing for any regular or special meeting of The Association shall be considered a quorum.
Section 4. Board of Direct on Regular Meetings. The Board of Directors of The Association shall
meet on the third Saturday of each month, open to the Membership, unless the Board of Directors
are informed otherwise, by mail or telephone, by the President or by the President's authorized
communicant The regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the property
referred to in Section I of this Article. The time of the meetings Will be determined by the Board
of Directors and posted on the bulletin board of The Association. This is the only voting meeting
of the Board of Directors other than any regular or special properly convened meeting of the Board
of Directors.
Section 5. Board ofDiredors
Special Meetings. A special meeting of the Board of Directors of
The Association may be called by the President whenever he shall deem necessary, ·or in response
to a written request signed by at least three members of the Board of Directors. A special meeting
in response to such written request shall be held within 30 days from the receipt of the request. The
place of each special meeting of such Board shall be determined by agreement of the Board of
Directors.' .
. Section 6. Executive Committee Meetings. Executive Committee meetings are held for all
members of the Board of Directors only for reviewing and updating information pertaining to The
Section 7. Quorum of Board of Direct on. To convene any regular or special meeting of the Board
. of Directors for the transaction of business, a simple majority (4) of the.{7) members of the Board
of Directors shall constitute a quorum,
Section 8. Parliamentary Procedure. The latest edition of The Modem Rules orOrder shall be
followed in the conduct of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors. except
for any variance which may exist due to provisions in these Bylaws. *
-. .
II:Underlined passage indicates Bylaw amendment approved by vote of Membership on May 24,
Section 1. Titles. The titles of the Officers of The Association shall be the following:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. BusinesslRecording
d. Treasurer
Section 2. Bonding. Fidelity bonding may be required of such Officers as the Board of Directors
shall deem necessary, for such amounts as the Board of Directors may deem requisite. Required
fidelity bonding shall be at the expense of The Association.
Section 3. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Association shall indemnify and hold
harmless the Board of Directors of The Association, their heirs, executors and administrators, against
.loss, cost and expense which they may reasonably incur in connection with any action, suit or
proceeding to which they may be made parties by reason of their being or having been Board of
Directors of The Association, except as to matters wherein they shall be .finally adjudged in such
action, suit, or proceeding, to be liable for or guilty of gross negligence or willful misconduct. The
foregoing rights shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such Board of
Directors of The Association may be entitled.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of The Association. He
a: have general and active management of the business of The Association between meetings and
under the direction of The Association and the Board of Directors, and in keeping with the obligation
shall have the powers, duties, and management responsibility usually vested in the office of the
President of a corporation;
b: preside at all business meetings of The Association and of the Board of Directors;
c: have general supervision and direction of all other Officers of The Association and see that
their duties are properly performed;
d: see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out;
e: report from time to time to the Board of Directors all matters within his knowledge that may
affect The Association;
f: execute all bonds, mortgages and contracts of The Association as approved by the Board of
g: be responsible for the preparation of an annual report of the operations of The Association to
be submitted to the Board of Directors and to The Association at the Annual Meeting;
h: appoint all committees, both standing and temporary, as set forth in Article XII of these
i: be ex-officio a member of all standing and temporary committees.
The President may designate any of his duties as he may from time to time feel necessary to the Vice
President so as to effectively utilize his time and talents.
Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President or during any
time the President may be unable to perform his duties, perform all the duties that appertain to the .
Office of President. To assist the President, the Vice President shall discharge such duties as the
President may from time to time delegate to him.
Section 3. BusinesslRecording Secretary. The BusinessIRecording Secretary shall:
a: be responsible for mailing notices of all meetings of the Board of Directors to Members of the
Committee and attend all meetings as its clerk;
b: be responsible for mailing notices of all meetings of The Association to all Members of The
c: be the custodian of and Officer responsible for The Association's Corporate Seal;
d: perform such other duties as are normally associated with the Office of the Business Secretary
and as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee or by the President of The Association;
e: record all votes and minutes of all proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose;
f: be the custodian of all of the books and records of The Association, except for the financial
records which shall be in the custody of the Treasurer and any books and records of which custody
may be otherwise directed.
Section 6. Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall:
a: have charge, under the direction of the Board of Directors, of the funds of The Association and
deposit same in the name of The Association in depositories and accounts designated by the Board
of Directors;
b: be the custodian of all the fmancial records of The Association;
c: be responsible for billing for membership fees or dues, and for any assessments approved by
The Association (see Section 4 of Article IV);
d: issue to each Voting Member upon payment of fees or dues a card of membership' in The
Association for the current year;
e: make a complete and accurate report of the finances of The Association at each Annual
Meeting of The Association, and at any other time, upon request, to the Board of Directors;
f: perform such other duties as are normally associated with the Office of Treasurer.
Section 7. Additional Duties and Powers of the Officers. In between meetings of the Board of
Directors the President of The Association is empowered to make any and all decisions relating to
an emergency. These actions are binding on The Association and are to be disclosed at the next
regular scheduled Board of Directors meeting. The declaration of an Emergency can only be made
by the President of The Association.
Board of Directors
Section 1. Members Forming. The Board of Directors of The Association shall consist of seven
members effective with the Annual Membership Meeting of May 19, 1990, as follows:
Voting Members of the Board of Directors:
a: the four Officers of The Association;
b: three other Voting Members of The Association, to be chosen by the election for terms as given
in Section 3 of Article X of these Bylaws ..
Non-Voting Members of the Board of Directors:
c: Immediate Past President for a term of one year.
shall'bCeffectiveWiththeAlmuaIBlectiqiJ. in 1990. The Boat<;l,ofDit~tors.
-shallhave (7) total Officers and Directors. 'Ihe.electiensfmhe.following years are to establish the
proper rotation of the Board of Directors:
Positions to be Elected
S~OD 2. Duties~ The fo:ut 9fficer:s'of The, &Soclatibn stulll perform' dut.ies on the Board of
Diredoam keephlg with the defi.Ditionof their dUties ili Article VII of these ByJaws.,DutieS of the
three other Members of the Board of Directors shall be as delegated by the President of 'The
Association and carried out under his supervisionend direction. The immediate Past President shall
be a one year post position. This shall be an advisory position and a non-voting position.
Section 3. 'Filling Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority
vote of the Board of Directors for the period up to the next regular meeting, (the Annual Meeting)
at which time an election will be held to fill the unexpired term of the vacancy.
Section 4. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Section 3 of Article VI of these Bylaws governs
indemnification which The Association shall provide for any of the Board of Directors or elected
Officers of The' Associatiop. who are Members of the Board of Directors (re: Section' l:a of this
Article). The conditions of Section, 3 of J\!ticle VI shall govern indemnification which The '
Association shall provide for any of the seven M~mbers of the Board of Directors (re Section
l:b and l:c of this Article).
~ection 5. Infractions by Board Members. Any Member of the Board of Directors, as defined
above. who misses any three (3) consecutive meetings or a total offive
meetings in a calender
year. shall be removed from office. For other infractions. such as failure to perfonn bis or her duties
as noted in this Article or elsewhere in the Bylaws, or for other misconduct. the same or lesser
penalties as determined by the Membership. shall apply. The procedure prescn"bed in "Robert's
'Rules" shall be applied.'"
"'Underlined passages indicate Bylaw amendments approved by vote of Membership on July 20,
Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors
Section 1. Management
The Association.
Duties. The Board of Directors shall manage the property and business of
Section 2. Specific Powers. In order to cany out the management duties encompassed in Section
1 of this Article, the Board of Directors has expressly conferred on it the following specific powers
in addition to the general powers it holds by virtue of the offices held by the powers and authority
expressly given by law, and by terms of the Articles of Incorporation of The Association.
a: to purchase or otherwise acquire for The Association any property, right, or privilege which
it is authorized to acquire, at such price or consideration, and upon such terms as the Board of
Directors deems expedient, except that in no event shall the Board of Directors expend more funds
than are currently available, nor incur any indebtedness, without first having obtained the express
consent of The Association at a regular or special meeting;
b: to appoint, to remove, or to suspend subordinate agents or servants, and to determine their
duties and affix their salaries as approved in the Budget of The Association;
c: to comer, by resolution, upon any Officer or Agent of The Association the power of suspending
or permanently removing any subordinate Officer or servant;
d: to determine who shall be authorized, on behalf of The Association, to sign bills, notices,
receipts, acceptances, endorsements, checks, releases, contracts, and any other instruments, provided
that the signatures of at least two Officers of The Association shall be required for checks and
e: to designate the depositories and accounts in which the Treasurer shall place the funds of The
f: to require the fidelity bonding of such Officers and Agents of The Association as the Board of
Directors shall deem necessary, for whatever amounts the Board of Directors may deem fit to grant
at the expense of The Association;
g: to grant exceptions, special permission, and variances from the building use and lot
measurement requirements that are contained in the Original Deed, under the same conditions and
circumstances that a Court of competent jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania could
grant such relief. Such proposed variances shall be posted and mailed to all Owners 60 days prior
to any such consideration.
Section 3. Limitations.
Notwithstanding any other provision contained in these Bylaws:
a: Where the amount of any non-emergency expenditure exceeds $10,000.00, the Board shall
attempt to acquire three (3) sealed bids for such project or purchase from the providers thereof.
These bids shall be publicly opened at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
b: A non-emergency capital expenditure. not budgeted during a budget year, shall not exceed Four
Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) per expenditure, nor more than Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00)
in the aggregate per budget year. *
*Underlined passages indicate Bylaw amendments approved by vote of Membership on July 20,
Elections and Terms of Office
Section 1. Elections. Elections shall be held yearly, at the Annual Meeting of The Association, to
select the Officers of The Association, who shall also serve as Members of the Board of Directors,
and to select one or more of the other three elected Members of the Board of Directors as stipulated
in Section 2 of this Article.
Section 2. Terms of Officers and Board of Director Members. All Officers and Board of Director
Members terms of office shall be two years. The terms of office shall be two years in a scattered
format. All even ending years the Office of President and two Board Members terms will expire.
All odd ending years the Offices of Vice President, Treasurer, Business/Recording Secretary, and
one Board Member term of Office will expire.
Section 3. Duration of Reelection. Any Board Member or Officer is limited to serve in anyone
position for not more than two consecutive terms. This does not preclude any Board Member from
serving in another position on the Board of Directors. No one position can be filled for more than
two consecutive terms.
Section 4. Nominations. The Nominating Committee shall develop a slate of nominees for the
various elective positions defined in these Bylaws, and shall submit such slate of nominees to the
President of the Board of Directors at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting of The Association.
Nominations may also be made from the floor at the time of the elections by any Voting Member
in good standing, provided that each person so nominated is a Voting Member in good standing and
- is present at the time of the nomination from the floor or has in advance of such nomination provided
, a written statement of willingness to serve in the Office for which nominated.
Section 5. Election by Majority Vote. A simple majority vote of the Voting Members in good
standing present and voting shall be required to elect any Officer of The Association or any other
elected Member ofthe Board of Directors. Election balloting shall be by show of hands unless any
Member specifically requests secret written balloting. this Section is subject to the quorum
requirements contained in Section 3 of Article V.
Section 6. Conflict of Interest. A Board Member. or Officer shall not be a paid employee or
concessionaire of The Association. *
*Underlined passages indicate Bylaw amendments approved by vote of Membership on July 20,
Passage of Motions
Section 1. At The Association Meetings. Unless otherwise provided, a simple majority vote of
those Voting Members in good standing present and voting shall be required to pass any motion at
any properly convened meeting of The Association.
Section 2. Manner of Voting. Voting on any motion at a meeting of The Association shall be by
voice or show of hands, unless any Voting Member specifically requests secret written voting.
Section 3. At board of Director Meetings. Unless otherwise provided, a simple majority vote of
the Board of Directors present shall be required to pass any motion or resolution at any properly
convened meeting of the Board of Directors.
Standing and Temporary Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees. The Association shall have three (3) standing committees: 1) a
Nominating Committee, 2) an Audit Committee, and 3) a Budget Committee. Each of the three (3)
committees shall have no less than three (3) nor more than five (5) members, appointed by the
President at some time following the Annual Meeting of The Association but not later than the next
regular meeting. Persons appointed to these Committees shall serve on them until immediately after
the next Annual Meeting. The duties of the Nominating Committee are set forth in Article X of
these Bylaws. The Audit Committee shall function as directed by the President of The Association
but shall be primarily responsible for providing an Audit Report of the Treasurer's records at the
Annual Meeting of The Association. The Budget Committee shall function as directed by the
President of The Association, but shall be primarily responsible for providing a Budget at least thirty
(30) days prior to the second Association Regular Meeting. Additional standing committees may
be appointed from time to time by the President of The Association subject to the approval of the
Board of Directors. *
*Underlined passages are amendments approved by Membership vote July 20, 1996.
Section 2. Temporary Committees. The President of The Association may from time to time
appoint such temporary committees as are deemed necessary. All temporary committees shall
function as directed by the President of The Association.
Section 3. Committee Organization. The members of any standing or temporary committee shall
be responsible for selecting from their own membership a committee chairman and a secretary, and
any other committee official(s) deemed necessary.
Section 1. Procedure. Any amendment to these Bylaws must be proposed by resolution of the Board
of Directors, or in writing by a group of at least twenty-five Voting Members in good standing of
The Association. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be mailed by the Recording Secretary
to each Voting Member in good standing at such time as to be postmarked at least 30 days before
the scheduled date of a regular or special meeting at which a motion for adoption of the amendment
is to be considered.
Section 2. Passage. To pass any motion to amend these Bylaws at any regular meeting, or at any
special meeting called for considering amendments, a two-thirds majority vote of the Voting
Members in good standing present and voting shall be required.
Order of Business
Section 1. The Association Regular Meeting. The order of business for each regular meeting of
The Association shall be as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Reading of Minutes.
4. Reports of the President, Business Secretary and Treasurer.
5. Report of the Board of Directors.
6. Reports of the Standing Comniittees.
7. Reports of the Temporary Committees.
8. Unfinished business.
9. New business.
10. Election (at Annual Meeting only) of Officers of The Association and of
elected Member(s) of the Board of Directors.
11. Adjournment.
i.The Association
Special Meeting.Tlie order of business for each specialmeeting of The
Association shall be in accordance with an agenda prepared by the President of The Association
based on the announced purpose(s) for which the meeting was called.
Section 3. Board of Director Meetings. The order of business for each meeting, regular or special,
of the Board of Directors shall be in accordance with an agenda prepared by the President of The
Association based on the announced purpose(s) for which the meeting was called.
Adoption of Bylaws
Section 1. Purpose. These Bylaws shall be in full force and effect immediately upon their adoption
as set forth in Section 2 of this Article, except provisions for number of Directors which transition
is detailed in Article vm above.
Section 2. Procedure. The adoption of these Bylaws shall require a two-thirds majority vote of those
present and voting at the time of proposal for ratification thereof. Eligibility to vote on the adoption
of these Bylaws shall be determined on the basis of lot or acreage ownership at the property with
which The Association is identified in Section 3 of Article IIof these Bylaws, with the limitation that
there shall be but one vote per family, partnership, or corporation without regard to whether the
family, partnership, or corporation owns more than one lot or acreage or whether lot or acreage
ownership may be joint.
ReVision of Article IV, Section 4.a. (Fees, Dues, and Assessments)-Effective
May 19, 1990:
Section 4.a. The Association shall waive all additional dues, fees and assessments on adjacent
lots that have been developed in such a way that only a single home can be constructed on them.
All such waivers must be requested from the Board and may be granted at any regular meeting.
Subject to the saine conditions, exceptions and reservations as are contained in prior deeds
forming the chain of title and subject to the further restrictions as are set forth in Schedule A,
In these restrictions the following words shall have the following meanings:
SELLER - "Seller" means the vendor, seller, grantor or transferer name
document, and includes the successors and assigns of the Seller;
the' annexed
PURCHASER- "Purchaser" herein means the purchaser, buyer, grantee or transferee named
in the annexed document and includes the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and
assigns of the Purchaser;
LOT - "Lot" means the premises referred to in the annexed document, and if used for the
erection of more than one private dwelling house, shall, where the context so requires, mean that
portion of the premises upon which the erection of one private dwelling is permitted by these
Easements for installation and maintenance of electric, gas, water drainage and sewage
facilities are reserved over the front, side and twenty feet of each lot, and is made subject to any
easement which may be existing at the present time.
No building erected on the Lot shall be used for the purpose of any profession, trade,
employment manufacture or business of any description or as a school, hospital or other
charitable institution, nor as a funeral home or crematorium or anything in the nature thereof, nor
as a hotel, apartment house, duplex, rooming house or place of public resort, nor for any sport or
game other than such games, as are customarily played in connection with the occupation of a
private residence, nor for any purpose other than that of a private residence for the use of one
family only and garage for the use of the occupants thereof, nor shall the Lot without a building
be so used, nor shall anything be done on the Lot or in any building thereon which may be an
annoyance to the occupiers of neighboring lands. Any use of building or Lot must comply with
local and/or State ordinances. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent
one duly qualified medical practitioner from practicing in any such private dwelling house where
he resides, but this shall not be construed to permit any such practitioner or any other person to
use such private dwelling house as a sanatorium, hospital, nursing home or anything in the nature
thereof. No sign shall be displayed on the Lot and/or any improvements thereon, offering the
same or other property for sale or lease or otherwise, without the prior consent of the Seller. No
trailer, tent, barn, outbuilding, shack or other temporary building shall be erected on the Lot and
no basement or garage shall, at any time, be used as a residence either temporarily or
permanently and no house shall be occupied prior to completion except with the prior consent of
the Seller.
No building or structure shall be erected upon the premises hereby conveyed without first
obtaining the approval, in writing, of the Seller as to location, elevation, plan and design, on a
form supplied by the Seller to the Buyer. Fee for review and approval of the same by the Seller,
shall be $10.00. No building shall be erected on the Lot other than one private detached
dwelling house, such dwelling house to be suitable for the use of, and to be used by, a single
family only, minimum square footage of the house of 800 square feet, with one private garage
attached to or detached from the dwelling house and suitable only for the use of the occupants of
such dwelling house.
No Purchaser shall clear his lot of brush, trees, or anything else of an inflammable nature
except after first having obtained the approval of the Seller in writing. Such approval to specify
the time and manner in which such clearing shall be made. No fires are to be started in the
streets at anytime. All lots are sold AS IS, and all expense for clearance and removal of debris,
including stumpage, from the premises shall be for the account and risk of the Purchaser.
The Purchaser may not install or continue to use on the lot a subsurface septic tank system
or holding tank system for disposal of sewage if there is "available" a central sanitary sewer
system with on-site treatment facilities that Purchaser's lot can be connected to for disposal of
sewage. The Seller and only the Seller or entity designated by Seller shall have the sole
conclusive and absolute right and power to make the determination whether a central sanitary
sewer system is "available" for connection to Purchaser's lot. If a determination is made that a
central sanitary sewer system is "available" for connection to Purchaser's Lot, then the
Purchaser must pay to Seller or an entity designated by Seller, the proportionate cost of
connecting Purchaser's Lot to the said central sanitary sewer system, which cost is hereinafter
called "connection charge". The "connection charge" shall include all costs of connecting and
running from a main sewage line provided by Seller to the dwelling of the Purchaser. Said
connection to be made by the Seller or his designee at a charge reflecting the cost, plus a
reasonable profit therefore. Buyer agrees to pay an annual fee for said sewage service of $4.00
per month, when available; $5.00 per month when utilized by the buyer or any other fee as
determined by the Public Utilities Commission. Buyer agrees to pay an annual fee for said water
service of $2.00 per month, when available; $4.00 per month when utilized by the buyer or any
other fee as determined by the Public Utilities Commission.
6. The finished grade of the lot after construction shall be such as to conform with the drainage
plan prepared by the Seller, and all drainage swales or ditches required by the aforesaid drainage
plan shall be kept free and clear of spoil, debris or other material and any landscaping carried out
by the Purchaser shall not interfere with or alter in any way the drainage plan.
The portion of the lands of the Seller laid down on the map as streets are not dedicated to
public use and title thereto shall remain in the Seller subject to the right to convey to Thornhurst
Country Club Estates Property Owners Association with reservations and subject to the right to
the Purchaser and those claiming under them to use the same for ingress and egress to and from
the public roads by the most direct course over the streets shown on said map, and if and when
dedicated for public use shall be made subject to the right of the Seller to maintain or grant the
right to maintain water mains, sewer pipes, street drains, gas mains, fixtures for street lighting,
telephone and electric poles, within the lines of such roadways. Purchaser's Lot fronts on and is
contiguous to a shale and stone chip road.
The restriction as herein provided may be changed by the Seller on all remaining lands of
Seller when desired by it or its successors, said restrictions being imposed for the benefit of all
lot owners and the remaining lands of the Seller in this development and lands which may be
hereafter acquired located contiguous to this development. Buyer shall pay to Seller an annual
maintenance charge of $25.00 per year for the maintenance of the roadways not conveyed by the
Seller to the Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property Owners Association or dedicated for
ublic use.
The Purchaser agrees to join the Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property Owners
Asociation, the only qualification for election to Membership being ownership or prospective
.'wnership of a Lot or Lots or acreage within the development, and to maintain such membership
and pay (i) such annual fees or dues as the Association may by its bylaws prescribe, (ii) such
assessments as the Association may charge for the repair and maintenance of the streets and
roads and (iii) such assessments as the Association may charge for control, maintenance and
adminisration of beach and other recreational facilities. It being understood that the Seller, being
a member of the Association by virtue of the lands owned by the Seller, will not be liable for
such annual fees or dues, assessments, and charges. Purchaser hereby agrees to require, as a
condition precedent to the sale of Lots, that any purchaser shall join the Thornhurst Country Club
Estates Property Owners Association.
The Purchaser shall cut dead and/or fallen trees or branches on the Lot and cause the
removal of same when it constitutes a fire hazard. The Purchaser shall maintain the Lot in neat
condition, and, if after July 1st in any year, the Lot, in the opinion of the Seller or its agent, is
untidy or unsightly, Seller may, after 30 days written notice to Purchaser, clear or tidy the Lot and
charge reasonable costs of such work to the Purchaser.
11. No building shall be erected closer to the side line of the Lot than the greater of (i) 15 feet
or (ii) 10% of the Lot width measured at a point 35 feet from the front line of the Lot; nor shall
any building be erected closer than 50 feet from the front Lot line, provided that in the case of a
comer lot, no building shall be closer than 15 feet to the street abutting the long side of such Lot;
nor shall any building be erected closer than 25' feet from the rear Lot line. No trees within 20
feet of rear of each Lot can be cut down without the Seller's permission other than dead or
unsightly trees, in order to maintain a green area. Also no tree over 6" in diameter can be cut
without permission.
The Seller may designate the Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property Owners
Association as agents of the Seller for the purposes of carrying out all or part of the authority
vested in the Seller by these restrictions.
13. That at any time in the future the Seller, its successors or assigns, shall have the right to
purchase said premises if the Purchaser desires to sell the same. If, at any time, the Purchasers,
their heirs, executors or administrators receive a bonafide offer for the premises and the
Purchasers, their heirs, executors or administrators decide to accept such offer, they shall first
give written notice to the Seller and Seller shall have the right within thirty (30) days from the
receipt of such written notice to purchase said premises at the price offered to Purchaser by such
other party. The terms, provisions and powers of under this agreement shall be binding on and
exercisable by the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Seller
and the Purchaser, except that the Purchaser may not assign this agreement without the written
consent of the Seller.
The following easements and the right of ingress and egress to the extent
reasonably necessary to exercise such easements are reserved to Declarant:
Utilities: A 10-foot wide strip on each Lot along the line of such Lot
abutting a street and a 5-foot strip on each Lot along the side and rear
lines of such Lot for the installation, maintenance and operation of
utilities including TV antenna cables and the accessory right to locate
guy wires, braces or anchors. In addition, the Pennsylvania Power and
Light Co. shall have the right to a lO-foot easement on road side of road
right-of-way line and a 10-foot easement shall be granted on Lot side of
road right-of-way line and a 5-foot easement shall be granted on each
side of side and rear property lines. The Pennsylvania Power and Light
Co. shall have the right to locate poles from road right-of-way line to
5 feet on road side of road right-of-way line or anywhere from road rightof-way line to 5 feet on lot side of road right-of-way line and the
Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. shall have the right to trim and/or cut
any or all trees and the right to maintain all electrical facilities in the
given easement.
15. The Purchaser shall pay the Developer, or his Assignee, a hook-up charge of $1,000 for
sewage and $500 for water.
Reference Deed Book 778, pages 121-123.
(Must be updated annually)
Property Address: __________________________________________________________________
Property Owner: _____________________________________ Phone #: _____________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Renters Name: ________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________
(list all on the lease-use back of page if necessary)
Renters Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Length of the Lease: _____________________________________
Renters Vehicles: (for TCCE Stickers)- use back of page if necessary - list all vehicles at property
Make: ______________________________
Model: __________________________________
Color: ______________________________
Lic. Plate # ______________________________
Make: ______________________________
Model: __________________________________
Color: ______________________________
Lic. Plate # ______________________________
Make: ______________________________
Model: __________________________________
Color: ______________________________
Lic. Plate # ______________________________
Rental Registration Fee: Check # ____________________
Amount: $25.00
All Property Owners are responsible for guest and renter adherence to the Rules and
Regulations and re obliged to provide guest/renters with current copies. Copies may be
obtained from the Management Office. Property Owners have direct liability for fines accrued.
Renters Signature: _________________________________________________________________
Property Owners Signature: _________________________________________________________
For Office Use Only:
Received: ________________ By: _______________________________
Property Manager Signature
Month,day, year
(These Rules and Regulations do not set aside restrictions within the Original
Deed for Thornhurst Country Club Estates)
Individual Properties-Deed Restrictions, Township Ordinances,
State Statutes.
a) Property owners are responsible for cutting dead and/or fallen trees or branches on
their property and removing them when in the opinion of the Safety Committee, the
Board, or a TCCE agent that it constitutes a fire hazard.
Property Owners are responsible for keeping their properties free of refuse and other
unsightly debris when it constitutes a health hazard or in the opinion of TCCE agent it
has the potential of negatively impacting the property values of other property owners or
the Community.
(Original Deed-sec. 10)
Violators will be notified by letter. Penalty: $100.00 1st 15 days after notification, $200.00
after that, and after 60 days TCCE will clear and tidy lot and bill property owner. Until
paid, property owner is not a Member-in-good-standing. Other civil remedies could
apply, such as judgment or property lien.
b) No sign shall be displayed on the lot that offers the property for sale or rent or
anything else for sale. Real Estate signs must be affixed to deck of house or in a
window of the house.
(Original Deed #2) (Fine: $25.00 per day)
c) Private Swimming pools-must be located within TCCE setback limits.
Under Pennsylvania/Township Uniform Construction Code, any pool over 24 inches
deep must be enclosed by a four foot high fence with no opening larger than 4” in width
and all gates must be self closing and self latching. Pools over four feet (48”) high do
not require a fence if the outside walls are constructed in a way that does not permit
access to pool. Stairs, steps, ladders used to reach water surface must be removed
when pool is not in use.
The Management Office must be contacted prior to the installation of any pool
over 24”.
(Pennsylvania Statute, Township Ordinance apply)
The Property Manager must inspect all pools to make sure that all the above
requirements have been met.
Penalty: Referral to Township Enforcement Officer.
d) Drainage ditches and swales-It is the responsibility of the Property Owner to keep
their drainage ditches free and clear of spoil, debris, or other material. Landscaping
cannot interfere with TCCE existing drainage plan. It is the homeowners responsibility to
maintain driveway culvert pipe. (Original Deed-sec 6)
Penalty: cost of repair of damage to TCCE property or damage to adjacent properties.
e) Cutting of trees-The management office must be contacted before any tree over
6” in diameter can be cut. No trees within 20 feet of rear of lot can be cut without
permission other than dead or unsightly trees. In order to maintain a green area,
homeowners may be required to submit a landscaping plan to the Architectural Review
(Original Deed-sec 11) (Fine: $100.00 per tree)
f) Noise-Thornhurst Township’s Noise Ordinance permits normal activity such as
construction, social gatherings, yard maintenance, etc. between the hours of 7a-11p. It
also regulates noise anytime that prevents other residents from enjoying the use of their
(Township Ordinance #38)
Penalty: referral to Township Code Enforcement Officer or Supervisors for prosecution
and upon conviction, a $1000.00 fine.
g) No more than two vehicles can be stored or parked on a lot which does not bear a
current state inspection sticker and/or a valid license plate.
(Fine: $25.00 per day, per vehicle)
h) A building permit is required from TCCE and Thornhurst Township before any new
construction can be started for the construction of any detached outbuilding such as a
shed or garage, decks, or to erect a fence, etc. The Management Office must be
contacted and all the procedures outlined in TCCE’s Building Procedures must be
strictly adhered to.
Fines and Penalties: See Building Procedures and Regulations-IV-A: “Compliance and
Penalties”. Notification of Township’s Code Enforcement Officer.
I) Due to the greater danger in an area of higher building density, any outdoor burning
is prohibited. (Thornhurst Township/Lackawanna County Ordinance #6)
, plus damage to private or Commonwealth property, referral to Township
Code Enforcement Officer.
j) All boats, RVS, trailers on private property must be stored or parked 25 feet from
(Fine: $25.00 per day, per vehicle)
k) Erecting or occupying any temporary structure such as a tent, trailer, RV on any lot is
strictly prohibited. (Original Deed-#2)
(Fine: $25.00 per day, per occurrence)
ARTICLE II-Public Safety
a) Snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcross, minibikes, and go-carts are not permitted on
Community roads, common areas, or the golf course. Emergencies:See b.
(1st offense:$50.00 fine, 2nd offense:$100.00 fine, 3rd offense: Prosecution)
b) In winter, during snow emergencies, private plowing contractors, residents using
ATVs, bob-cats, backhoes for plowing must submit proof of insurance to Management
Office if they are utilizing Community roads.
(Fine: $50.00 per occurrence)
c) The maximum speed limit in the Community is 20 MPH.
d) Overnight parking on Community roads or easements is strictly prohibited.
(1st offense: $100.00, 2nd offense $200.00, 3rd offense: vehicle towed at owner’s
e) Pedestrians and bicyclists have the right-of-way.
f) No commercial vehicle, motor home, or trailer over 8,000 lbs. maximum gross weight
(except local deliveries or as posted otherwise) shall be kept or maintained within the
Community unless prior approval is received from the Thornhurst Country Club Estates
Property Owners Association.
(Fine: $100.00 per day)
g) Motor vehicles shall not be operated or parked on recreational properties unless they
are in authorized parking areas.
(Fine: $50.00)
h) No boats or trailers are permitted to park on TCCE property.
(Fine: $25.00 per occurrence)
I) No material may be dropped off at the compactor other than normal household
waste. Leaves and other yard debris must be disposed of by property owner.
Arrangements for the disposal of bulk items, such as furniture, building materials,
tires, appliances and all other items must be made with the Management Office or
removed at owner’s expense.
(Fine: $500.00, Civil penalty: Judgment and property lien, prosecution)
ARTICLE III-Pool, lakes, boating, fishing, Picnic Grove, Tennis Court
a) When on duty, lifeguards are the final authority regarding pool and water safety
conditions; they must be obeyed at all times. No alcoholic beverages or gambling are
allowed in the pool area. Smoking is permitted outside pool’s fenced area. Bathrooms
must be kept clean at all times by the respective user. Anyone found defacing or
destroying any amenity is subject to cost of repair and suspension of privileges.
Penalty: Suspension of privileges
b) there shall be no “rough play” or other conduct which endangers life or property or
interferes with the normal enjoyment of these facilities by others.
Penalty: Suspension of privileges.
c) Picnicking is permitted only in designated areas. Trash must be disposed of in the
proper containers. Users of the picnic grove must register with the Management Office
prior to use. Overnight camping is strictly prohibited.
(Fine: $50.00)
d) All refuse shall be placed in the receptacles provided for that purpose. No glass or
bottle containers are allowed in the pool area. All metal tabs must be deposited in
refuse containers.
(Fine: $50.00)
e) Children under ten years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Lifeguards are
f) With the exception of dogs trained and used to aid the handicapped, no pets of any
kind are permitted at the pool, clubhouse, tennis court, or golf course unless permission
is granted by the Board of Directors.
(Fine: $25.00)
g) No swimming, boats, rafts, or floatation devices are allowed in any lake of TCCE.
(Fine: $25.00)
ARTICLE IV- Clubhouse/Proshop/Tennis Court
a) Bare feet are prohibited in any part of the Clubhouse or Pro-shop.
b) Cover ups over bathing suits and other proper attire are required to enter clubhouse
or pro-shop.
c) Neither iceskates, roller blades, roller skates, skateboards nor any other wheeled
vehicle (with the exception of those for the handicapped) are permitted in the clubhouse,
prohop, or on the tennis court.
(Fine: $25.00)
d) Children under 10 years of age are not permitted in the clubhouse unless continuous
parental supervision is provided. Such adult supervisors assume full responsibility for
such minors. They must leave the area in good order and properly close the clubhouse
upon leaving.
ARTICLE V- Renting of Property
a) Any member renting or otherwise permitting another to use the member’s house
must give notice to the Management Office, verbally or in writing if possible.
(Fine: $250.00 for no notification)
b) Owners renting their properties long-term will be required to register their tenants
with the Management Office in writing, pay a $25.00 per year registration fee, and
furnish the Management Office with a mailing address and telephone number for the
(Fine: $250.00)
c) All Property Owners are responsible for guest and renter adherence to these
Rules and Regulations and are obliged to provide guests/renters with current copies.
Copies may be obtained from the Management Office. Property Owners have direct
liability for fines accrued by renters or guests. Property Owners must present all
appeals on behalf of the renter or guest.
a) Any Member, who in the opinion of the Board, is a serious or repetitious violator of
any of these Rules and Regulations, is subject to sanctions by the Board, including but
not limited to: the suspension of the right to use the recreational facilities in the
Community, and fines.
b) Littering or dumping of refuse anywhere in the Community, other than in receptacles
provided is prohibited.
(Fine:$500.00, judgment and property lien, prosecution)
c) Hunting and trapping within the Community boundaries is strictly prohibited.
(Fine: $500.00, Commonwealth laws apply)
d) Pets must be kept under control at all times. Dogs must be leashed or wear an
electronic collar when off the owner’s property.
(Fine: $100.00, referral to Lackawanna County Dog Warden)
**Township Noise Ordinance #38 states that harboring “any animal which barks, bays,
cries, squeaks or makes other such noises continuously or intermittently for an extended
period which annoys or disturbs a person of normal sensitivity” is a violation.
(Referral to Township Code Enforcement Officer)
e) Any organized group or club within the Community who wishes to use an
Association owned facility or area for a community function shall make a request to the
Management Office prior to such use.
(Fine: $100.00)
f) Acts of vandalism and malicious mischief that cause damage to Association owned
property shall subject the offender to the cost of repair of damage, prosecution, and the
civil remedy of a judgment and property lien.
g) Only paid-up members and the guests of paid-up members are authorized to use the
recreational facilities except paying public fees authorized by the Concessionaire.
Identification badges or membership cards must be displayed or shown to authorized
personnel on request.
(Must vacate immediately or suffer $100.00 fine)
h) A non-paid member may not use the facilities as a guest of a paid-up member.
Non-paid members must pay public fees (for non-members) as posted.
(Must vacate immediately or both parties will suffer a $100.00 fine)
I) Threatening, verbally abusing, or harassing by phone, e-mail, or in person any TCCE
employee or Board Member is prohibited. (Feb 17th 2007 Minutes).
(Fine: $300.00)
ARTICLE VII-Appeal of Penalty or fine
a) Person or persons making a complaint about violations of these Rules and
Regulations must do so in writing. Complaint forms must be obtained from
Management Office.
b) A letter will be sent to alleged violator stating rule violated, date of violation, and the
fine for violation.
c) Appeal of fine or penalty will be by hearing before the Appeals Committee.
d) Written request for appeal must be made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice
of fine or penalty. (Appeal forms can be obtained in Management Office)
e) The Appeals Committee will meet once a month to hear appeals.
f) Decision of the Appeals Committee is final and binding.
g) After this decision, any unpaid fine will result in suspension of privileges and use of
amenities until fines are paid. (Civil remedy: Judgment and property lien)
h) In the event that the fines are unpaid, legal action may be taken and the amount of
the fine and associated charges will be added to the fees owed.
Country Club Voice
Thornhurst Country Club Estates
143 Country Club Estates
Thornhurst, PA 18424
(570) 472-9521 Phone ~ (570) 472-3151 Fax
Winter/Spring 2010
Hello POA!!!
We are surviving another winter and hoping for spring to come soon. Since our last newsletter Aqua has completed their next phase and they have included more areas than they originally quoted. Once they have repaired minor areas they will be back in the spring to pave the
roadways that they had to tear up. Bob will be going around ensuring that the work is completed.
Inside this
Manager’s Corner,
Let’s not forget that the next Yankees game is scheduled for July 11, 2010 at 1pm. Everyone
had such a great time last year that hopefully more community members and their families
will attend this year.
Board of Directors
POA members are looking into starting a book club and will be sending out information once
it is finalized. It is great to see the community starting to come together.
Pa Dog Laws
Township News
Emergency #’s
Kids Fun
Just think within a few months golf season will be upon us. Our Golf committee has been
working very hard over the winter months on prices and promotions so that we have a successful season. We have sold over $600 worth of books so far and hope to sell more. See
Robin or any member of the golf committee. On April 10, 2010 Golf buffet breakfast will be
held and free golf for those who attend. If you cannot golf the day of the breakfast, you will
be given a ticket that will be good for another day! Cannot wait.
Bob has been keeping himself busy over these past few months with renovating the office,
new paint and flooring and looking great. Stop by and see our employees at work.
Let’s stay warm and cozy for the next few months ………..hope to see everyone at our
Board Meetings.
Special points of interest:
 Yankees Outing
Cynthia Mazza
Useful websites:
Sunday ~ July 11, 2010 ~ 1:05pm
Lackawanna County Stadium
Come out and enjoy the game! Last year
everyone who went had a great time.
Adults ~ $25 Children 12 & Under ~ $15
Price includes: Lunch Buffet ~ Hat ~ Ticket
to the game
Cash Beer and Wine Bar will be available.
Call the office at 472-9521 to register
 Book Sale
 Golf Breakfast
 Night at the
 Kate’s Quilt
 Breakfast with
Santa photos
 Lackawanna
College Environmental Institute
 PUC Form
Have books that you have already read laying around your
house? Looking for books to
read but don’t want to spend
the money on new ones? This
sale will be perfect for you!
Articles included in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of
Thornhurst Country Club Estates Property Owners Association. Thornhurst Estates will not be responsible for inaccuracies for articles submitted in this newsletter. All advertising is paid for by the advertiser. The
Product and Service advertisements are solely intended to provide a
resource which members may find useful, they do not imply endorsement by the Association
Saturday, March 27th ~ 9am to noon at the
Books to be donated may be dropped off at the
office by March 19th.
All proceeds will go to a charity or a family in
need in the community.
Call the office at (570) 472-9521 for further
Manager’s Corner, by Robin A. Hess ~ Property Manager
WOW ~ we thought we were having an easy winter
and then the storm hit! Two feet of snow!!! Bob, Mike
and Phil, along with outside contractors, Brett and
Brian, did an OUTSTANDING job keeping the roads
open and passable throughout the entire storm. Please
understand that your driveways are going to get
snowed in at the end, especially during a large snowfall
such as this. Hopefully that was the last blast of winter
and we can now look forward to spring!
There are some exciting events coming up not only in
the community but in the township as well. This issue
is packed full of information on the events, from the
TCCE Book Sale, Golf Course Breakfast, Yankee Game,
to the Fire Company’s Night at the Races and the
Church’s Pork ‘n Kraut Dinner. Hope to see you all at
these events!
We have been informed by the State Police, as well as
some part-time home owners, that there have been
quite a few break-ins in the past few months. Please
make sure you lock your doors, secure your alarms if
you have them and if you are a part-time homeowner,
make sure you have your driveway plowed so that it
does not look like your property is empty. The State Police
have been doing some random drive thru checks of the community. These break-ins are happening during the daytime, so
if you see someone or something that does not seem right,
call the State Police at (570) 963-3156.
Everyone should have received their dues billing in the mail
and if you have not paid in full or signed up for a monthly or
quarterly payment plan, you must do so by March 31st in order to avoid collection action being taken. Do not wait until
you receive a letter to go to court as it will be too late and
court fees will be added to your account. Call the office and
speak to me now if you need special payment arrangements; I
will work with you to get this taken care of.
Bob has been working hard with the snow removal and in between snow storms, he has been working on the main office.
Stop by and take a look if you get a chance, it looks great!
That is about it for now. Soon it will be summer and the golf
course and pool will be open. Hopefully we will see many of
you at the Golf Course Breakfast and Free Golf Day, on April
10th, as it sounds like it is going to be a great day!
Good Through April 10, 2010
April 10, 2010 ~ 8:00am to 12:00pm
Season Golf Pass
Member ~ $45.00
Adults ~ $7 Children 12 and under ~ $4
Non Member ~ $108.00
The Golf Committee is giving away a 2010 golf
pass. Entry blanks are available in the clubhouse.
Winner to be announced at the Golf Committee
Free Golf and Breakfast Buffet.
Condolences go out
to the following:
Joe Socolof for the loss of his
Chris Papa for the loss of his
The Family of Sean Spillane
Joyce Covert for the loss of her
Restaurant Rental:
(Energy Use Fee)
Season Pass:
Buy 3 seasons
passes get 4th at
1/2 price
Resident in good
standing—$25 (also
$50 refundable
Resident in good
clean up deposit
Each additional
household mem$150
Pool Rental (after
pool hours):
Non Resident—
Residents in good
Coupon Book:
standing only Resident in good
Bulk Trash
Truck Load—$50
Car Load—$25
Non Resident—
Cindi Mazza
Vice President
Paul Pavlick
Wendy Reeder
Victor Schaller
Our deepest sympathies to the above
families for their
Board Members
Andy Martin
Tami Berry
Tara Tomczak
Please remember that if you are getting
a package delivered from any service
Daily Fee:
Individual Item—
All Players—$10
Dumpsters will be
available the last
week of :
Cart Rental:
All Players—$3
other than the postal service, you MUST
have your street address on the package. UPS, Fed Ex, etc., cannot locate
you with just your mailing address.
Residents who are not in good standing are
charged non resident prices where allowed.
Residents not in good standing are not allowed to use the pool.
Bulk dumping fees must be paid at the office
BEFORE dumping. Anyone caught dumping
at the trash shed or dumping in the dumpster without paying will be fined $500 for
illegal dumping.
The advertising rates for the newsletter are listed below. The newsletter will print three times per year,
March, July & October. If you wish to advertise,
please contact Robin at the office for more information.
Business Card—$ 15.00
1/2 Page—$ 50.00
1/4 Page—$ 25.00
Full Page—$100.00
Please be aware that PA DOES have laws put in place regarding dogs. Below is an excerpt from the PA Department of Agriculture website regarding Dog Laws. For
more information you may visit their site at:
Owners, you must control your dogs at all times and you
are responsible for any and all damages caused by your dog
running loose. Any violation of this will be reported to the
dog warden and is subject to a fine of $100 per occurrence
as per TCCE’s Rules and Regulations. For the safety of
others and your pet, please obey the PA Dog Laws
What are Pennsylvania’s Dog Laws?
 All dogs three months of age or older must be
licensed. Licenses are issued by the County
 All dogs must be under control and must not
be allowed to run at large. Dogs are personal
property, and owners are responsible for
damages caused by their dog.
 It is illegal to mistreat or abuse any animal.
Violations should be reported to a local humane organization or the police.
 It is illegal to abandon or attempt to abandon
any dog.
 No dog under seven weeks of age may be
sold, traded, bartered or transferred.
 You may not place any poison or harmful substance in any place where dogs may easily eat
it, whether it is your own property or elsewhere.
 You must have a current kennel license if you
operate a facility that keeps, harbors, boards,
shelters, sells, gives away or transfers a total of
26 or more dogs in any one calendar year.
 Owners of dogs and cats 3 months of age or
older are required to have a current rabies
vaccination. It is illegal to interfere with an
officer or employee of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture engaged in enforcement of dog laws.
See pictures
section of the
More pictures on the back cover.
Clean up after your dog!!! It is not right that other
property owners have to deal with your dog’s mess!
Contractor working hours are 7 am—7 pm, Monday—
Saturday, no working on Sundays or Holidays (except during an
All contractors must register in the office before starting a job.
Homeowners must make their contractors aware of the hours
and the registration requirement.
Homeowners will be charged a $300 fine per violation of the
contractor working hours.
March 20, 2010
April 17, 2010
May 15, 2010
(Annual Meeting @ 10 am)
June 19, 2010
Board meetings start at 9am and are held in the upper level of the clubhouse.
Thornhurst Vol. Fire & Rescue Co., Ambulance Squad & Auxiliary
Township Meeting Dates and Times
Planning Commission
1st Tuesday of each month
2nd Thursday of each month
March 12th
Lenten Soup Sale ~ pre-order for pickup
Township Supervisors
March 28th
Kids Easter Party 2pm-4pm
April 17th
Hoagie Sale ~ pre-order for pickup
May 1st
Night at the Races ~ 5:30-9:30pm
Both meetings are held at 7:30pm in the Township Building.
More information about local events and other Township
news is posted on the bulletin board outside the Township
Pre-purchased horses for $10 each
Township Dumpsters Available
Byob ~ Need not be present to win
May 5th ~ May 8th a the Township Building
May 15th
EMS Day and Blood Drive ~ 12-4pm
May 30th
Car Show ~ 10am-3pm
North Pocono Care Events
St Marks Roman Catholic Church News
Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 4pm with confessions heard from 3:153:45pm. The Mass schedule changes to Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at
9am Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at
7:30pm in the Thornhurst Township Building, unless otherwise notified. For more information call Bonnie Smith at 4723274 or email
Thornhurst United Methodist Church
April 17th
Pork ‘n Kraut Dinner
Adults $8 ~ Children $4
May 29th
Wear your Kentucky
Derby Hat!
Hoagie and Bake Sale
12” hoagie ~ $4
Hoagies must be preordered by calling Barbara
Ellis @ (570) 842-3189
Prize will be awarded
for the best hat!
July 31st
Blueberry Festival &
Flea Market
Call Barbara Hudson @ (570) 643-6605 to order blueberry pies
Saturday ~ May 1st ~ 5:30pm—9:30 pm
Sept. 4th
Hoagie and Bake Sale
Bet on Horses
12” hoagie ~ $4
Hoagies must be preordered by calling Barbara
Ellis @ (570) 842-3189
Buy your own horse for $10
Clean Up
Driveway Stone
Personalized Service/ Owner operated
Fully Insured
PA License # PA012104
TCCE resident references available
Scott Smith Construction
Gouldsboro, Pa.
(570) 840-2673
Interior Remodeling
(570) 842-7866
Fire and Rescue
(570) 342-9111
Dunmore State Police
(570) 963-3156
Aqua PA Water Company
PA Game Commission
(570) 675-1143
Lack. County Dog Warden
(570) 563-1840
Tax Collector (Tami
(570) 472-2266
Thornhurst Twsp. Building
Kate’s Quilt
Handmade Quilt Raffle
Colors are blue and yellow, yellow for sunshine and blue sky’s pattern is stars
Winner will be drawn on September 4th
$5 per ticket or five tickets for $20
Proceeds go to Kate Dunham and family.
Contact Tami Berry (570) 877-9928 or
Nicole Margalis (570) 472-2528 for more
Tickets are available in the TCCE Office
Gouldsboro Post Office
(570) 842-7191
Thornhurst Zoning Officer
(George Stefanski)
(570) 842-4272
Kate Dunham is a local TCCE resident and mother of three young
children. She is currently battling an aggressive Brain Stem
Glioma. She is a member of the “Moms Group” of TCCE. They recently had a Bingo Benefit for Kate and it was packed...everyone had
a great time and the money was raised for a great cause.
Blue Ridge Cable
(570) 839-3550
Verizon Phone Company
(800) 479-1919
PP L Electric
(800) 342-5775
Mountain Pest Control
(570) 839-8502
North Pocono School Dist.
(570) 842-7606
TCCE Office
(570) 472-9521
(570) 472-3151 Fax
TCCE Golf Course
(570) 472-9079
We would like to thank the community for all their generosity and support. The kind gestures
you made for the Bingo Benefit on our behalf will always be remembered.
Thank You So Very Much,
Kate Dunham & Family
For more information on Firewise, visit
1. Eliminate fire fuels within 30 feet of any structure on the property. This includes clearing
any dead wood or timber that could ignite or provide fuel for fire. Eliminating dead standing timber should be considered.
2. Maintain trees and bushes in a fire safe manner. Where possible use
bushes that maintain high moisture content. Trim tree limbs to a level of 6
to 10 feet above ground to prevent them acting as ladder fuel for fire.
3. Ensure tree canopies do not overhang any structure.
4. Keep roof gutters and downspouts free of leaves and other fire fuels.
5. Enclose patios and decks to prevent fire fuel from being ignited by flying
sparks, in the event of fire.
6. Build and maintain a non-flammable barrier of 3 feet or more from any
structure to prevent ignition of the structure. Use rocks, stone, or other
non-flammable material as much as possible.
7. Maintain a green lawn area at least 20 feet around any structure where
possible. During summer months, ensure the lawn area is watered to
maintain its moisture for deterrence against ignition by fire. Keep the grass
mowed short.
8. Keep the area around your house
raked free of fallen leaves and needles.
9. Dispose of cuttings and debris properly.
10. Make sure your driveway has sufficient width and height room for a fire
The board would like to thank Joe Socolof for
all of his hard that he has done and continues
to do towards the firewise program grants.
Joe is the one who handled all of the applications for the grant that we received and we
were just notified that we will be receiving
another grant as well.
11. Maintain woodpiles at least 10 feet
from the house.
Try to fill in the missing numbers.
The missing numbers are integers between 0 and 9.
The numbers in each row add up to totals to the right.
The numbers in each column add up to the totals along the
The diagonal lines also add up the totals to the right.
Solution on back page
Solution on back page
Objection or Comment to Proposed Rate Increase Form
Submitting this form will inform the Public Utility Commission and the parties to a pending rate case of your opinion. It
will NOT make you a formal party to the case.
By filing this “Objection or Comment to Proposed Rate Increase Form,” you can officially register your objections and comments to a proposed rate
increase, which will be placed in the document folder of the case for review by the presiding officer, the parties to the case and the Commission staff.
Please print in ink or type.
Your name, mailing address, county, telephone number:
Street/P.O. Box ___________________________________Apt. # _________________
City ______________________ State _________________ Zip ___________________
County _________________
Daytime Telephone Number Where We Can Contact You: ----------------______________________
E-mail Address (optional): ----------------______________________
Name of utility company your comment or objection concerns:
TYPE OF UTILITY (check one)
Steam heat
Waste Water
Motor carrier (e.g. taxi, moving company,
Use additional paper if you need more space.
A public input hearing may be scheduled in your area to give consumers an opportunity to tell the Commission in person what you
think of the proposed rate increase.
Notice of a public input hearing will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in your area, publicized through Public Utility
Commission press releases, and noted on the Commission’s Web site:
I understand that this form will be placed in a document folder for the review of the presiding officer, the parties to the proposed rate
increase, and Commission Staff.
Please return the completed form to one of the addresses listed below:
If using U.S. Postal Service:
If using overnight delivery service:
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
P.O. Box 3265
400 North Street
Commonwealth Keystone Building, 2nd Floor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265
If you have any questions about filling out this form, please contact the Secretary’s Bureau at 717-772-7777, or email the
Public Utility Commission at
Article II, Section d of the Rules and Regulations specifically states:
“Parking on community roads or EASEMENTS is strictly prohibited from November 1st through April
30th. Overnight parking on community roads or easements is prohibited from May 1st through October
(1st offense $100, 2nd offense $200, 3rd offense: vehicle towed at owners expense)
TCCE will not be held responsible for any damage done to vehicles that are in violation of this rule. Please be
aware, however, that property owners who violate this rule will be held responsible for any damage done to
Tcce's or outside contractor’s equipment due the violation of this rule.
Please note that this includes the easements. Many people park at the top of their driveway, however, the association has a 10 foot easement along the front of the property and cars are not to be parked in that easement.
Every year we go through the
same thing when it comes to
snow removal. When are the
trucks sent out? When do we
call for backup? Why aren't’ there salt and cinders on the roads yet? I just shoveled my driveway and the plows put more snow in my driveway.
When it snows, we follow a procedure for plowing, calling in backup and cindering. Our trucks
start plowing when there is an accumulation of 2”
of snow and they continue to plow until the snow
stops, making sure the main roads are opened
first and then working on the side streets. If
there is a call for a large snowfall, like what happened on October 28th, we call for backup. We
have three employees on staff who can operate
our equipment and we have two backup contractors that we call in when needed. As was the
case in the recent snowfall, we had two of our
trucks out during the daytime and then we had
one of our trucks out at night along with both
backup contractors to get the roads and the side
streets opened.
AFTER the snow has stopped, cinders and salt will
be put down. Salt cannot be put on the dirt roads
as it will turn them to mud, therefore, the dirt
roads are cindered and the paved roads are
As for the plowing over the
driveways, please understand
that this happens wherever you
have snow removal as the roadways have to be widened. The
plow trucks cannot turn the
plow every time they go
past a driveway.
Calling the office and yelling at the office staff, or
yelling at any of the maintenance staff over snow removal may result in a violation of Article VI, Section I
of the Rules and Regulations.
One final note on snow removal. Our maintenance staff
cannot open property owners
driveways. There are several
contractors listed in this issue
who do snow removal. The
only exception to this will be
for those needing medical care.
Please call the office and we will
put you on the list to have the
bottoms, or tops of your driveways opened up. Please note
that this is only if you are in
need of medical care.
Recreation Committee
Members Needed
Volunteers are needed for the Recreation Committee. Over the past few
years we have had many new families move in to TCCE and there has
been expressed interest in recreational
If you have some good ideas for activities, for all age groups, including
adults and seniors, and you have
some time to volunteer, then the Recreation Committee is for you!
Call the office at (570) 472-9521 for
more information and to volunteer.
Volunteers help put the “unity”
back in community!!!
P.O. Box 435, Moscow, PA 18444
Jamie Reeger - Director ~
Sharon Yanik ~ Ecological Educator ~
Michelle Wheeler ~ Sustainability Coordinator & Education Assistant ~
One of our property owners brought in information about this institute and the programs that it offers. Below are a few of the
programs offered and some information about them. This looks like a very interesting place for both adults and children. For
more information check out their website at
Directions to the Environmental Institute:
Nature Walks & Sustainability Talks
From Rt. 81 take Rt. 380 South
Refreshments Provided ~ $4 per participant
Programs run 1-2 hours ~ Pre-registration required
Bear left onto exit 2, Rt. 435 to Elmhurst.
Travel 8 miles through the blinking light in Moscow.
The entrance is the second driveway on right after passing
March 2 Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
Intro to Alternative Transportation with Philip Jones, MAREA
Learn about the latest alternatives in transportation
St. Catherine’s Cemetery across from A.J. Chevrolet.
The Institute is the white building visible from the road.
including battery powered electric cars, hybrid
Natural Wonders:
cars, biofuel vehicles and public transportation. Philip
will review the pros and cons as well as offer
A Program Series for Early Explorers
other ways to reduce our transportation footprint including
Natural Wonders is a unique program for children ages 3-5
public transportation and much more.
and their guardians that offers discovery-based learning with
themes that change with each season. The cost is $5 per session.
March 16 Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
Classes may be conducted indoors and outdoors. Registration is
limited and pre-registration is required. For more information or
to register, contact Lackawanna College Environmental Institute
at 842-1506.
Cool Cities: Solving Global Warming One City at a Time
with Frank Muraca, Sierra Club
Find out about the “Cool Cities” campaign in Scranton
Natural Wonders: Inside of an Egg
and Lackawanna County and the work being
March 25, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
done to persuade cities and counties to take action with
smart energy solutions that reduce global
Children will learn which animals are hatched from eggs and go
on an egg hunt to find animals that lay eggs.
warming emissions. Frank will also discuss PPL's proposed
Natural Wonders: Super Seeds
Line B project.
April 8, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Children will discover how seeds travel and what they need to
March 30 Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
grow. Each child will plant a seed to take home.
Going Solar 101 with A.J Bittner, President, Keystone Energy
Natural Wonders: Awakening Amphibians
During this power point presentation participants will find
April 22, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
out what to know before purchasing a solar electric system,
What does a frog feel like? What does a baby frog look like?
how these systems work, what is involved with installation and
Children will use all their senses to learn about frogs as we
how much money you can save on your electric bill. Keystone
Energy will also update participants on the new state and federal
tax credits and rebates that make these systems affordable.
for critters around the pond.
Natural Wonders: Animal Mothers
May 6, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Many animals have their babies in the spring! In celebration of
Mother’s Day we will take a closer look at how animal mothers
raise their young.
For more events go to the website @
CALL (570) 842-1506 TO PRE-REGISTER
Number Block Solution
Cryptogram Solution
I wish summer would hurry up
and get here!
See pictures section of the
Thornhurst Country Club Estates
143 Country Club Estates
Thornhurst, PA 18424
(570) 472-9521 Phone ~ (570) 472-3151 Fax