7/20/2015 Biobibliography Albert Henrichs Department of the
7/20/2015 Biobibliography Albert Henrichs Department of the
Biobibliography Albert Henrichs Department of the Classics 204 Boylston Hall Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-4027/1709 1942, Dec. 29 1962 1966 1967-1969 1969 1970-1971 1971-1973 1973 1973-1984 1975-1979 1982-1988 1984— 1984-2010 1985 1988, June 10 1989-1990 1990, spring 1992-1997 1998 2000-2006 2000-2007 2001-2005 2009, 26 November 272 Concord Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 354-6310 fax (617) 354-3829 henrichs@fas.harvard.edu born in Cologne, Germany Abitur, Dreikönigsgymnasium, Cologne Dr. phil., University of Cologne Visiting Lecturer in Classical Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Habilitation, University of Cologne Ausserplanmäßiger Professor, University of Cologne Associate Professor of Classics, U. of California, Berkeley A. M. (hon.), Harvard University Professor of Greek and Latin, Harvard University Editor, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Chairman, Department of the Classics, Harvard University Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, Harvard University Advisory Board, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Gaisford Lecture, University of Oxford Walter Channing Cabot Fellow, Harvard University Sather Professor of Classical Literature, U. C. Berkeley Senior Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D. C. Elected Member, American Philosophical Society Member, Administrative Committee, Center for Hellenic Studies Co-chair, Civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome, The Humanities Center, Harvard University Chair, Edit. Comm., Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Corbett Lecture, University of Cambridge Research interests: Greek literature; Attic drama; Hellenistic poetry; Greek prose style; Greek historians; the Greek novel. Greek mythology and religion; Dionysos ancient and modern. Papyrology; textual criticism. History of classical scholarship. Paganism and Christianity; Manichaeism. 7/20/2015 Henrichs 2 Biobibliography Publications 1. Zwei Fragmente über die Erziehung (Antisthenes), ZPE 1 (1967) 45-53. 2. Isokrates-Imitation (P. Colon. inv. 3327), ZPE 1 (1967) 75-76. 3. Iliasparaphrase, zu Il. 9, 128ff. bzw. 19, 245ff. (P.Colon.inv. 1755), ZPE 1 (1967) 111-112. 4. Apollonios Rhodios I 317-331 (P. Colon. inv. 929), ZPE 1 (1967) 113-116. 5. Wartetext, ZPE 1 (1967) 188. 6. (with L. Koenen) Aristophanes, Lysistrate 145-153, 182-199 (P. Colon. inv. 3), ZPE 1 (1967) 117-120. 7. Didymos der Blinde. Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura-Papyrus). 2 vols. Bonn 1968 (PTA 1 and 2). 8. (with G. M. Browne) A Papyrus of Aristides, Panathenaikos (P. Mich. 6651), ZPE 2 (1968) 171-175. 9. Achilleus Tatios, Aus Buch III (P. Colon. inv. 901), ZPE 2 (1968) 211-226. 10. Vespasian's Visit to Alexandria, ZPE 3 (1968) 51-80. 11. Zur Interpretation des Michigan-Papyrus über Theramenes, ZPE 3 (1968) 101-108. 12. Textkritisches zur Isis-Inschrift von Megalopolis, ZPE 3 (1968) 109-110. 13. Die “Erdmutter” Demeter (P.Derveni und Eurip. Bakch. 275f.), ZPE 3 (1968) 111-112. 14. (with L. Koenen) Drei Demosthenespapyri, ZPE 3 (1968) 113-123. 15. Nachträge zu Band 1, ZPE 3 (1968) 136-138. 16. (with E. M. Husselman) Christian Allegorizations (P.Mich. Inv. 3718), ZPE 3 (1968) 175-189. 17. Philosophy, the Handmaiden of Theology, GRBS 9 (1968) 437-450. 18. Review of F. Dunand, Papyrus Grecs Bibliques, Bibliotheca Orientalis 25 (1968) 45-46. 19. Kallimachos fr. 17, 8-10 und 18, 8 Pf. (P. Mich. inv. 3688), ZPE 4 (1969) 23-30. 20. Megaron im Orakel des Apollon Kareios, ZPE 4 (1969) 31-37. 21. Zu Kallimachos ep. 8, ZPE 4 (1969) 38. 22. Monumentum aere perennius (zu P. Oxy. 2435), ZPE 4 (1969) 150. 23. Lollianos, Phoinikika, Fragmente eines neuen griechischen Romans, ZPE 4 (1969) 205-215. 24. Aristophanes, Equites 1127-1141 (P. Mich. inv. 6035), ZPE 4 (1969) 216-218. 25. Didymos in koptischer Übersetzung, ZPE 4 (1969) 219-222. 26. Die Maenaden von Milet, ZPE 4 (1969) 223-241. 27. Review of R. A. Coles, Reports of Proceedings in Papyri, Gnomon 41 (1969) 415-417. 28. Pagan Ritual and the Alleged Crimes of the Early Christians, in P. Granfield and J. A. Jungmann (eds.), Kyriakon. Festschrift J. Quasten, vol. I (Münster 1970) 18-35. 29. Nachtrag zu Lollianos, Phoinikika, ZPE 5 (1970) 22-23. 30. Apollonios Rhodios I 699-719 (P. Mil. Vogl. 6 + P. Colon. inv. 522), ZPE 5 (1970) 49-56. 31. (with L. Koenen) Ein griechischer Mani-Codex (P. Colon. inv. 4780), ZPE 5 (1970) 97-216. Cf. #54, 63-64, 72 and 74. 32. Lollianos und P. Oxy. 1368, ZPE 6 (1970) 42-43. 33. Nachtrag zu Bd. V S.49ff. (Apollonios Rhodios I), ZPE 6 (1970) 76-77. 34. Zum Text einiger Zauberpapyri, ZPE 6 (1970) 193-212. 7/20/15 Henrichs 3 Biobibliography 35. Scholia Minora zu Homer I, ZPE 7 (1971) 97-149, 229-260. 36. Nochmals PGM XV, ZPE 7 (1971) 150. 37. Scholia Minora zu Homer II, ZPE 7 (1971) 229-260. 38. Scholia Minora zu Homer III, ZPE 8 (1971) 1-12. 39. Die Phoinikika des Lollianos. Fragmente eines neuen griechischen Romans. Bonn 1972 (PTA 14). 40. Toward a New Edition of Philodemus' Treatise on Piety, GRBS 13 (1972) 67-98. 41. Critique of J. M. Robinson, Jewish Gnostic Nag Hammadi Texts, in Protocol of the Third Colloquy of the Center for Hermeneutical Studies (Berkeley 1972, publ. 1976) 8-19. 42. Mani and the Babylonian Baptists: A Historical Confrontation, HSCP 77 (1973) 23-59. 43. Zwei Orakelfragen, ZPE 11 (1973) 115-119. 44. Scholia Minora zu Homer IV, ZPE 12 (1973) 17-43. 45. Papyri Graecae Magicae. Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von K. Preisendanz. Zweite, verbesserte Auflage von A. Henrichs. 2 vols. Stuttgart 1973, 1974. 46. Die Kritik der stoischen Theologie im P. Herc. 1428, Cronache Ercolanesi 4 (1974) 5-32. 47. Die Proitiden im hesiodischen Katalog, ZPE 15 (1974) 297-301. 48. Iuppiter mulierum amator in papyro Herculanensi, ZPE 15 (1974) 302-304. 49. Zur Neuausgabe von Philodems Schrift “Über die Frömmigkeit”, in Akten des XIII. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Marburg 1971, Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte 66 (München 1974) 157. 50. Die beiden Gaben des Dionysos, ZPE 16 (1975) 139-144. 51. Review of H. D. Betz, Der Apostel Paulus und die sokratische Tradition, JBL 94 (1975) 310-314. 52. Two Doxographical Notes: Democritus and Prodicus on Religion, HSCP 79 (1975) 93-123. 53. Philodems De Pietate als mythographische Quelle, Cronache Ercolanesi 5 (1975) 538. 54. (with L. Koenen) Der Kölner Mani-Kodex (P. Colon. inv. nr. 4780). ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΝΝΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΜΑΤΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΥ. Edition der Seiten 1-72, ZPE 19 (1975) 1-85. Cf. #31, 63-64, 72 and 74. 55. (with W. Müller) Apollonios Sophistes, Homerlexikon, in A. Hanson (ed.), Collectanea Papyrologica. Texts Published in Honor of H. C. Youtie, vol. I (Bonn 1976, PTA 19) 27-51. 56. Despoina Kybele. Ein Beitrag zur religiösen Namenkunde, HSCP 80 (1976) 253-286. 57. The Atheism of Prodicus, Cronache Ercolanesi 6 (1976) 15-21. 58. Ein Meropiszitat in Philodems 'De Pietate', Cronache Ercolanesi 7 (1977) 124-125. 59. Zur Meropis: Herakles' Löwenfell und Athenas zweite Haut, ZPE 27 (1977) 69-75. 60. Critique of W. Burkert, Orphism and Bacchic Mysteries: New Evidence and Old Problems of Interpretation, in Protocol of the Twenty-Eighth Colloquy of the Center for Hermeneutical Studies (Berkeley 1977) 21-23. 61. Greek Maenadism from Olympias to Messalina, HSCP 82 (1978) 121-160. 62. Horaz als Aretaloge des Dionysos: Credite Posteri, HSCP 82 (1978) 203-211. 7/20/15 Henrichs 4 Biobibliography 63. (with L. Koenen) Der Kölner Mani-Kodex (P. Colon. inv. nr. 4780). ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΝΝΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΜΑΤΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΥ.Edition der Seiten 72,8 - 99,9, ZPE 32 (1978) 87-199. Cf. #31, 54, 64, 72 and 74. 64. Berichtigungen (zu "Der Kölner Mani-Kodex", ZPE 32, 1978, 87ff.). ZPE 34 (1979) 26. Cf. #31, 54, 63, 72 and 74. 65. Thou Shalt Not Kill a Tree: Greek, Manichaean and Indian Tales, BASP 16 (1979) 85-108. 66. Callimachus Epigram 28: A Fastidious Priamel, HSCP 83 (1979) 207-212. 67. The Cologne Mani Codex Reconsidered, HSCP 83 (1979) 339-367. 68. Greek and Roman Glimpses of Dionysos, in C. Houser (ed.), Dionysos and his Circle: Ancient Through Modern, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 1979, 1-11. 69. Riper than a Pear: Parian Invective in Theokritos, ZPE 39 (1980) 7-27. 70. Literary Criticism of the Cologne Mani Codex, in B. Layton (ed.), The Rediscovery of Gnosticism, vol. II (Leiden 1981) 724-733. 71. Human Sacrifice in Greek Religion: Three Case Studies, in J. Rudhardt and O. Reverdin (eds.), Le sacrifice dans l’antiquité, Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique XXVII (Vandœuvres-Geneva 1981) 195-235. 72. (with L. Koenen) Der Kölner Mani-Kodex (P. Colon. inv. nr. 4780). ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΝΝΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΜΑΤΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΥ. Edition der Seiten 99,10 - 120, ZPE 44 (1981) 201-318. Cf. #31, 54, 63-64, and 74. 73. Changing Dionysiac Identities, in B. F. Meyer and E. P. Sanders (eds.), Jewish and Christian Self-Definition III: Self-Definition in the Graeco-Roman World (London 1982, Philadelphia 1983) 137-160 and 213-236. Cf. #85. 74. (with L. Koenen) Der Kölner Mani-Kodex (P. Colon. inv. nr. 4780). ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΝΝΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΜΑΤΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΥ. Edition der Seiten 121-192, ZPE 48 (1982) 159. Cf. #31, 54, 63-64, and 72. 75. Die Kekropidensage im P. Herc. 243: Von Kallimachos zu Ovid, Cronache Ercolanesi 13 (1983) 33-43. 76. The ‘Sobriety’ of Oedipus: Sophocles OC 100 Misunderstood, HSCP 87 (1983) 87-100. 77/78. The Sophists and Hellenistic Religion: Prodicus as the Spiritual Father of the Isis Aretalogies, HSCP 88 (1984) 139-158. An earlier version appeared under the same title in the Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies, vol. I (Budapest 1984) 339-353. 79. Loss of Self, Suffering, Violence: The Modern View of Dionysus from Nietzsche to Girard, HSCP 88 (1984) 205-240. 80. The Eumenides and Wineless Libations in the Derveni Papyrus, in Atti del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia (Napoli, 19-26 maggio 1983), vol. II (Naples 1984) 255-268. 81. Male Intruders among the Maenads: The So-Called Male Celebrant, in H. D. Evjen (ed.), Mnemai: Classical Studies in Memory of Karl K. Hulley (Chico 1984) 69-91. 82. Ein neues Likymniosfragment bei Philodem, ZPE 57 (1984) 53-57. 83. Zur Genealogie des Musaios, ZPE 58 (1985) 1-8. 84. “Der Glaube der Hellenen”: Religionsgeschichte als Glaubensbekenntnis und Kulturkritik, in W. M. Calder III, H. Flashar and T. Lindken (eds.), Wilamowitz nach 50 Jahren (Darmstadt 1985) 263-305. 7/20/15 Henrichs 5 Biobibliography 85. La donna nella cerchia dionisiaca: un’identità mobile, in G. Arrigoni (ed.), Le donne in Grecia (Rome/Bari 1985) 241-274. An abbreviated and slightly revised version of #73. 86. Welckers Götterlehre, in W. M. Calder III, A. Köhnken, W. Kullmann and G. Pflug (eds.), Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker. Werk und Wirkung, Hermes Einzelschriften 49 (Stuttgart 1986) 179-229. 87. Three Approaches to Greek Mythography, in J. Bremmer (ed.), Interpretations of Greek Mythology (London/Sydney 1986) 242-277. 88. The Timing of Supernatural Events in the Cologne Mani Codex, in L. Cirillo and A. Roselli (eds.) Codex Manichaicus Coloniensis. Atti del Simposio Internazionale (Rende-Amantea, 3-7 settembre 1984), Studi e Ricerche 4 (Cosenza 1986) 183-204. 89. The Last of the Detractors: Friedrich Nietzsche's Condemnation of Euripides, GRBS 27 (1986) 369-397. 90/91. Die Götter Griechenlands. Ihr Bild im Wandel der Religionswissenschaft. Thyssen-Vorträge “Auseinandersetzungen mit der Antike,” Heft 5 (Bamberg 1987) 48 pp. Repr. in H. Flashar (ed.), Auseinandersetzungen mit der Antike (Bamberg 1990) 115-162. 92. Myth Visualized: Dionysos and His Circle in Sixth-Century Attic Vase-Painting, in Papers on the Amasis Painter and His World (The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu 1987) 92-124. 93. Zur Perhorreszierung des Wassers der Styx bei Aischylos und Vergil, ZPE 78 (1989) 1-29. 94. Between Country and City: Cultic Dimensions of Dionysos in Athens and Attica, in M. Griffith and D. J. Mastronarde (eds.), Cabinet of the Muses. Essays on Classical and Comparative Literature in Honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer (Scholars Press 1990) 257-277. Full-text downloads at http://repositories.cdlib.org/ucbclassics/ctm/festschrift18. 95. Alte und neue Propheten als Stifter von Offenbarungsreligionen: Der Ursprung der Mormonen nach Eduard Meyer, in W. M. Calder III and A. Demandt (eds.), Eduard Meyer: Leben und Leistung eines Universalhistorikers, Supplements to Mnemosyne 112 (Leiden 1990) 182-207. 96. Namenlosigkeit und Euphemismus: Zur Ambivalenz der chthonischen Mächte im attischen Drama, in H. Hofmann and A. Harder (eds.), Fragmenta dramatica: Beiträge zur Interpretation der griechischen Tragikerfragmente und ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte (Göttingen 1991) 161-201. 97. Otto Jahn als Interpret antiker Bildwerke: Zur Ikonographie des Dionysos und seines Kreises, in W. M. Calder III, H. Cancik and B. Kytzler (eds.), Otto Jahn (1813-1869) (Stuttgart 1991) 77-95. 98. Gott, Mensch, Tier: Antike Daseinsstruktur und religiöses Verhalten im Denken Karl Meulis, in F. Graf (ed.) Klassische Antike und neue Wege der Kulturwissenschaften. Symposium Karl Meuli (Basel, 11.-13. September 1991), Beiträge zur Volkskunde 11 (Basel 1992) 129-167. 99. “He Has a God in Him”: Human and Divine in the Modern Perception of Dionysus, in T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone (eds.), Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca/London 1993) 13-43. 100. Gods in Action: The Poetics of Divine Performance in the Hymns of Callimachus, in A. Harder, R. F. Regtuit and G. C. Wakker (eds.), Callimachus, Hellenistica 7/20/15 Henrichs 6 Biobibliography Groningana 1 (Groningen 1993) 127-147. Rep. in G. Nagy (ed.), Greek Literature in the Hellenistic Period (New York 2001) 359-380. 101. The Tomb of Aias and the Prospect of Hero Cult in Sophokles, Classical Antiquity 12 (1993) 165-180. 102. Identity and Crisis in Hellenistic Literature: A Response, in A. W. Bulloch, E. S. Gruen, A. A. Long and A. Stewart (eds.), Images and Ideologies: Self-Definition in the Hellenistic World (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London 1994) 171-195. 103. Der rasende Gott. Zur Psychologie des Dionysos und des Dionysischen in Mythos und Literatur, Antike und Abendland 40 (1994) 31-58. 104. Anonymity and Polarity: Unknown Gods and Nameless Altars at the Areopagos, ICS 19 (1994) 27-58. 105. Why Should I Dance? Choral Self-Referentiality in Greek Tragedy, Arion, Third series, vol. 3, no. 1 (1995) 56-111. 106. Philologie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Zur Krise eines Selbstverständnisses, in H. Flashar (ed.), Altertumswissenschaft in den 20er Jahren: Neue Fragen und Impulse (Stuttgart 1995) 423-457. 107. Warum soll ich denn tanzen? Dionysisches im Chor der griechischen Tragödie. Lectio Teubneriana IV, Leipzig 1996. 108. Dancing in Athens, Dancing on Delos: Some Patterns of Choral Projection in Euripides, Philologus 140 (1996) 48-62. 109-116. Entries on Bouphonia, Clymenus, Dionysus, Epiphany, Fasting, Hades, Hecate, Iynx, Oxford Classical Dictionary (3rd ed., Oxford 1996) 258, 353, 479-482, 546, 588-589, 661-662, 671-673, 792. 117. Graecia Capta: Roman Views of Greek Culture, in Greece in Rome: Influence, Integration, Resistance, HSCP 97, 1995 (publ. January 1998) 243-261. 118. Afterword, bibliography and indices to the 3rd edition of U. von WilamowitzMoellendorff, Geschichte der Philologie (Leipzig 1998) 81-128. 119. Dromena und Legomena: Zum rituellen Selbstverständnis der Griechen, in F. Graf (ed.), Ansichten griechischer Rituale. Geburtstags-Symposium für Walter Burkert (Stuttgart/Leipzig 1998) 33-71. 120. Demythologizing the Past, Mythicizing the Present: Myth, History and the Supernatural at the Dawn of the Hellenistic Period, in R. Buxton (ed.), From Myth to Reason? (Oxford 1999) 223-248. 121-122. “Moira” and “Oidipus,” in Der neue Pauly 8, 2000, 340-343, 1129-1132. 123. “Parcae,” in Der neue Pauly 9, 2000, 327. 124. Götterdämmerung und Götterglanz: Griechischer Polytheismus seit 1872, in B. Seidensticker and Martin Vöhler (eds.), Urgeschichten der Moderne. Die Antike im 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart/Weimar 2001) 1-19. 125. Drama and Dromena: Bloodshed, Violence, and Sacrificial Metaphor in Euripides, HSCP 100 (2000, publ. 2002) 173-188. 126. “Zeus,” in Der neue Pauly 12, 2002, 782-789. 127. Writing Religion Yunis: Inscribed Texts, Ritual Authority, and the Religious Discourse of the Polis, in H. (ed.), Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece (Cambridge 2003) 38-58. 128. Hieroi Logoi and Hierai Bibloi: The (Un)written Margins of the Sacred in Ancient Greece, HSCP 101 (2003) 207-266. 7/20/15 Henrichs 7 Biobibliography 129. “Full of Gods”: Nietzsche on Greek Polytheism and Culture, in P. Bishop (ed.), Nietzsche and Antiquity: His Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition, (Rochester, N. Y. 2004) 114-137. 130. A Conversation with Professor Albert Henrichs, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature. Persephone 7.1, spring 2004, 68-75. 131. Sacred Texts and Canonicity: Greece, in S. I. Johnston, Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide (Cambridge, Mass. 2004) 633-635. 132. “Sacrifice as to the Immortals”: Modern Classifications of Animal Sacrifice and Ritual Distinctions in the Lex Sacra from Selinous, in R. Hägg and B. Alroth (eds.), Greek Sacrificial Ritual, Olympian and Chthonian, Proceedings of the Sixth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Organized by the Department of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Göteborg University, 25-27 April 1997 (Stockholm 2005) 47-60. 133. “Let the Good Prevail”: Perversions of the Ritual Process in Greek Tragedy, in D. Yatromanolakis and P. Roilos (eds.), Greek Ritual Poetics, Hellenic Studies 3 (Cambridge, Mass. 2005) 189-198. 134. Nietzsche on Greek Tragedy and the Tragic, in J. Gregory (ed.), A Companion to Greek Tragedy (Oxford 2005) 444-458. 135. Blutvergießen am Altar. Zur Ritualisierung der Gewalt im griechischen Opferkult, in B. Seidensticker and M. Vöhler (eds.), Gewalt und Ästhetik. Zur Gewalt und ihrer Darstellung in der griechischen Klassik (Berlin/New York 2006) 59-87. 136. Der antike Roman. Kerényi und die Folgen, in R. Schlesier and R. S. Martínez (eds.), Neuhumanismus und Anthropologie des griechischen Mythos. Karl Kerényi im europäischen Kontext des 20. Jahrhunderts (Locarno 2006) 57-70. 137. Reinhold Merkelbach über antike Religion, Literatur und Mysterien, in ZPE 163 (2008) 17-24. 138. What is a Greek Priest?, in B. Dignas and K. Trampedach (eds.), Practitioners of the Divine: Greek Priests and Religious Officials from Homer to Heliodorus (Washington, D. C./Cambridge, Mass. 2008) 1-14. 139. Dionysische Imaginationswelten: Wein, Tanz, Erotik, in R. Schlesier and A. Schwarzmaier (eds.), Dionysos—Verwandlung und Ekstase, Exhibition Catalog, Pergamonmuseum, Berlin, Nov. 5, 2008 to June 21, 2009 (Regensburg 2008) 18-27. 140. Inszeniertes Risiko. Rituelle Krisenbewältigung und provozierte Ritualkrisen in der griechischen Tragödie, in R. Schlesier and U. Zellmann (eds.), Ritual als provoziertes Risiko (Würzburg 2009) 97-108. 141. Introductory Note to Document s1930f [Ernst Zermelo’s Translation of Book V of the Odyssey], in: H.-D. Ebbinghaus, C. Fraser, and A. Kanamori (eds.), E. Zermelo, Gesammelte Werke/Collected Works, vol. I, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin 2010) 454-481. 142. Mystika, Orphika, Dionysiaka: Esoterische Gruppenbildungen, Glaubensinhalte und Verhaltensweisen in der griechischen Religion, in A. Bierl and W. Braungart (eds.), Gewalt und Opfer. Im Dialog mit Walter Burkert, MythosEikonPoiesis 2 (Berlin 2010) 87-114. 143. Fractured Communications: Narrators, Narratives and Discourse in Greek Novels on Papyrus, in G. Bastianini and A. Casanova (eds.), I papiri del romanzo antico. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 11-12 giugno 2009 (Florence 2010) 65-80. 7/20/15 Henrichs 8 Biobibliography 144. What is a Greek God?, in J. N. Bremmer and A. Erskine (eds.), The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations, Edinburgh Leventis Studies 5 (Edinburgh 2010) 19-39. 145. Who Abandons Whom? Intertextual and Cultural Disconnects in Cavafy’s ‘The God Is Leaving Antony’, in Panagiotis Roilos (ed.), Imagination and Logos: Essays on C. P. Cavafy. Cultural Politics, Socioaesthetics, Beginnings 1 (Cambridge, Mass. 2010) 91-106. 146. Missing Pages: Papyrology, Genre, and the Greek Novel, in D. Obbink and R. Rutherford (eds.), Culture in Pieces: Essays on Ancients Texts in Honour of Peter Parsons (Oxford 2011) 302-322. 147. Göttliche Präsenz als Differenz: Dionysos als epiphanischer Gott, in R. Schlesier (ed.), A Different God? Dionysos and Ancient Polytheism (Berlin/New York 2011) 105-116. 148. Dionysos Dismembered and Restored to Life: The Earliest Evidence (OF 59 I-II), in M. Herrero de Jáuregui, A. I. Jiménez San Cristóbal, E. R. Luján, R. Martín Hernández, M. A. Santamaría, S. Torallas Tova (eds.), Tracing Orpheus: Studies on Orphic Fragments in Honour of Alberto Bernabé (Berlin/New York 2011) 61-68. 149. Animal Sacrifice in Greek Tragedy: Ritual, Metaphor, Problematizations, in C. A. Faraone and F. S. Naiden (eds.), Greek and Roman Animal Sacrifice: Ancient Victims, Modern Observers (Cambridge 2012) 180-194. 150. “So sprach mein Herr und Meister”: Selbstaussagen Manis, aufgezeichnet von seinen Schülern, in A.-B. Renger (ed.), Meister und Schüler in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Von Religionen der Antike bis zur modernen Esoterik, Göttingen 2012, 161-178. 151-158. Entries on Bouphonia, Clymenus, Dionysus, Epiphany, Fasting, Hades, Hecate, Iynx, Oxford Classical Dictionary (4th ed., Oxford 2012) 248, 339, 461-464, 526527, 569, 640-641, 649-651, 770. Revised versions of #109-116. 159. Dionysos: One Or Many?, in A. Bernabé, M. Herrero de Jáuregui, A. I. Jiménez San Cristóbal and R. Martín Hernández (eds.), Redefining Dionysos, (Berlin/New York 2013) 554-582. 160-161. Entries on “Bacchus” and “Maenads,” in R. Thomas and J. Ziolkowski (eds.), The Virgil Encyclopedia (Chichester 2014) I 163-164, II 777-778. 7/20/15