CHAPTER CLXXIII. An Ad~fo,establish~ngan Health 0//Ice, and to
CHAPTER CLXXIII. An Ad~fo,establish~ngan Health 0//Ice, and to
c ~3 :i CHAPTER CLXXIII. An Ad~fo,~ establish~ngan Health 0//Ice, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the ii~trôductionof pestilential and contagious diseases. Section 1. E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representath~esof the commonwealth of Pennsyh’a72ia, in General A.~ .~emblymet, and it is hereby ei~actedby the au~ thority of the same, That a board of health A board of’ shall be estallished iii the manner herein after ~ directed, which shall be and hereby is erected corporated into a body corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style and title, of ‘~The Board of its style, ‘“ Health,” who shall have perpetual succession, to enjoy nil and enjoy all and every the rights, liberties and ~ privileges, powers, authorities and immunities corporation; incident or belonging to a corporation ~r body politic, and shall moreover have and exercise the powers and authorities herein after mentioned; that is to say, the Governor of this the ~overncr commonwealth shall on or before the first day ~ of May next, commission and appoint five per- who are to ~ three of whom shall be resident in the city ~ ~ofPhilad6lphia, one in the Northern Liberties, ~nd con~ns~e and one in the diitrict of Southwark and town- in Office one ship of Moyamensing, who shall compose the said board of health, and shall continue in office one year, next ensuing, the date of their appointment, but not more than two of the not more than said board shall be physielans; they ~ha1lreceive four hundred dollars each, per annum, as a ans; t1~ir compensation for their service3~and in case the death, sicknes., resignation, refu al to serve, or removal from Office of all or any of VoL. V. 4 G them, i: 594 ] them, their.places shall be supplied by other appointments; out of their own body, the ~ board shall choose a president, who shall pretarvro~dtrea~side at the meetings of the board, and ~‘hose place shall be supplied in his absence by the th~du~ks; appointment of a chairiñan, for the time; a secretary whose duty it shall be to keep fair • t’ninutes of all the proceedings, rules and regu_ • lations of the board, and atreasurei-who shall give bond with sureties~as, is required of the county treasurer, who shall receive all monies belonging to the corporation, and pay and disbursë the same upon the order of the board, signed by the president and attested by the secretary, who shall keep fair and just accounts ofhis rccdipt:~and expendicure~,shall make ex~ tracts thereof whenever the board shall require’ the same, and shall once in every yea?, his ac~ counts having been allowed by the board~ pub’!ih the same lii one or more of the publid nev ~p~pcrsofthe city ofPhiladelphia, and the b~ct; said board shalt sit upon their own adjournment, as they, shall hnd necessary, b~t shall meet at least once in every day, between the first day of May and the fir~tday of November special fl1Cc~t. in e’~rery year; and also when the board shall be specially convened by order of the p~esinumber i~icce~ dent, or any two of the members, ‘and at mary to brm a board, all meetings, three members snail form a hoard, to lrah~actbusiness, hut a less nun,— ~cneral pow- her may adjou~n;and the said board 5hall b~ ~ have and hereby is vested with full power and authority, to make general rules, orders and reg~ilationsfor the government and mane agement of the Iarzaretto, and the vessels, cargoes and persons there detained under quarantine, and of the health office and public hospitals, and for the mode of visiting and • cizamining vessels, persons, goods and houses, and~ ~ ~. 5~5 i ~nd shall also hav&power to appoint such other officer and servants, as from time to time shall be found necessary, to perform th~several du~ ties recp4ired by this act, and their future regttlations : Provided, That such officer shall not hold any office df prof~tor trust under the United State3, and to remove any of the officers or servants by them appointed, and appoint others in, their places, and to allow ~nd pay the said ,o~hcersand servants so ap. pointed, such compensation for their respective ~rvices as th~said board shall deem just ~nd proper; and the Governor is hereby au- The Qoveinor to appoint a thorLed and required to appoint o~cphysician, la~czrettophywho shall reside at the lazaretto, and shall tal s~ianhospIphy~ie~ *~, l~edenominated the lazaretto pl~ysic1an,and leeal~oiIc’er one ph~sicianwho shall reside’ in the. ci~of and quaranPhiladelphia, and shall be denominated th~“°~ hospital physician, one health officçr, and one quarantine master, all of wl~omshall be ~ the direction ‘ • der the direction and control of the board o2t1~eboardo~ of health, and may be removed from office health andremovable by by the Governor at the request of the ma~the Governor jority of the members of the board of health; at the request of a rna~ortty and the said lazaretto physician shall be enti- ~s~s methtied to occupy the house hitherto occupied bem; by the resident physician, and to have fuinish- iowed pr~~~~m5 the laSied him pasturage, provender and stabling foi~zar~ttdphy’sician and quaOne’ horse and one cow, and also to such rantine ninovegetables as may be necessary to supply his ten: table~whilst reiding at the lazaretto, from the gavd~n there, and the quarantine master. ~halI •be entitled to occupy the house hitherto occupied by the quarantine master, and to have furnished him pasturage, provender and stabling for. one horse and one cow, anti also, to, such vegetables as may. be necessary to supply his table whilst residing at the lazaretto, from the garden there. Sec. ~, F 5~6 j See, ~. And be i~Jurtherenacted by the auaforesaid, That the health officer on ~ receiving from tl~ec~ptain or master of any physicians, ship or vessel, arriving from a foreign port the quarantine , place, the certificate as herein aftei direct, 01 ~i~~cer. ed to be furnished by the lazaretto physician and quarantine master or hospital physician, shall be ~ntitled to receive from such cape tam or master the sum of siit dollars and n~ more, of which the lazaretto physician shall ~‘iavethr~edollars, ~nd the hospital physician, Conipensation ‘thority tl~equar~intinemaster and health ofli~cerone ~lol1areach, in full compensation for all ser~ yic~senjoined on them by this a~t~ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the auaforesaid, That the b~iildingsnow ca1~~n~undthere~ed the lazaretto, and tl~e ground therewith rç~vithreserved, served and oecupied, and all the property and ~ ~ estate of every kind whatsoever, now vested health esta,-, in the present board of health, sl~a~l’ become thisact,~ith and be fully vested in the board of health ~owerto etéct cQnstitut~d~y this act, i,inmediately and as èeO sooi’~a~the ~aine sl’~a1~be organised, for the ~ecorn~da.’ uses and purpQsç~fo~which the said board tio~iof seais instltut~d~ncl es~ablish~d,and the sam~ shall be fully ‘and entirely under the direç~tion and management of the said board; and • the, said board sha~1 l~ave power to erc~t su~hbuildings on the lot or tract adjoining the lazaretto, as to them may seem neces~ sary and proper, for the accommo~atio1’~ oft~ie seamen and passengers who may arrive at the lazaretto station in health, during the p~rformancc o~such quarantine, or during such detention ‘as may be enjoined by this The expence act: Provided, Tha~tthe Cost of such build~ ofaiieh buildings U9t ings shall not exceed in t~ewhole, ten thouceed ~1O,O sand dollars. Sec. ;i~~ The 1az~rettothority ~ [ 507 J Sec. 4. And be it further enacted by the authorhy aforesaid, That every ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place, bound thearrival of to the port ,of Philadelphia, bet~reenthe first vessels coming from fores—o day ~f May a~’id.the first day of ~ovenlLer in ports bound every year, shall come to anchor in the river the port of r Philadelphia Delaware, as near to the lazaretto as the draft of water arid the weather svill allow, before any part of the cargo or baggage be landed, or any person who came in such ship or vessel shall leave her, or any person be permitted to go on board, and shall submit to the exaiiiinatjons herein after directed; and ifany master, ai~penalty commander or pilot, shall leave his station be- for neglscting fore the said lazm-ett~,or if any master or corn- the same ~uandcr shall permit or suffer, any part of the cargo or baggage, or any person or persons arriving in such ship or vessel, from any port beyond the limits of the United States, to be landed on either shore of the Delaware bay or river, or suffer any person except the pilot - - - to [ come on board, before such examinatioi~ be duly had and a certificate obtaimied, as is herein after specified, the person or persons so permitting, and the person or persons so landing or going on board, unless imthinent dan- j ger of the loss of the vessel or lives of the crew, shall render assistance necessary, being thereof convicted, upon indictment or prose-. cation under this act, by verdict, confessiorL or standing mute, in any court having j urisdiction of the offence, shall pay a fine not ex— ceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein after directed And it shall be the duty of the lazaretto phy- Lazar~tu sician and the quarantine master, so soon as physicianana any ship’ ~r vessel shall be anchored near the j~it lazaretto, between sun rise and sun set, im- vessels ~pediately, wind and wçather permitting, to go 598 ~ ~ii~ examine ~1C~ th go on board the same, and there thoroughly, examine in such form and manne’r as shall ~eealtho~”f the be prescribed by the ‘board of health the said ‘~‘Y~ &c~ ship or vessel, the crew, passengers, cargo for which p’n~-ai’id’ baggage on board the same, and to de- inand answers under oath or affirmation, to administered by either the said physician quarantine master, who are severally here~ by empowered to administer the same, to all ~uch questions as ‘shall be put to’ any per-, son on board such ship or vessel, touching the health of the crew and passengers during the voyage, and the nature’ and state of the cargo its the board of health by their rules shall from time to time direct to be asked; they shall but it shell be the duty of the per~o~~ so ~ c~:amiuingupon. oath or affirmation, before lie ~e penalty on shalt pro~ectl therein, to make known to the’ on oath be to,a~yi~ crzc’a or 1 ‘ person interrog~ited, tl’ic penalty imposed by this act upon the person who shall give false answers, under oath or afiirrnation to the ~t’iwhat cases questions prOposed in such examination; and •if upon such examination it shall appear to and per- the said phiy~ieian aud quarantilie mat;ter, that ~c~i~e th~said ali~por vessel came from a port or place, a~which no nialig’nant or contagious disease p~vai~ecl at the time of her depar-, ‘~,‘r?~ ques- ture, that the persons on board the same are free frorn every pestilential or contagious cliscase, the small pox and mea~ks excepted, ~wclthat the said vessel ha~had no maiignai~t disease on board, either duringthe honiewaid or outward bound voyage, or daring her coiv~ tinuance in a foreign port, and they shall t~ee • no cause to suspect that the cargo or any part thereof is infected, they shall forthwith deli*er to’ the master or captain of such ship or vcs~el,a certificate of the facts, ~n such form ~ sl~ll b.~directed by the board of health and E 59~ ‘1 and the’ said captain or master niay thi~ctipoñcapialni t~ proceed accordIng to his destinati~n,and shall ~ present such certificate at the health office in th~hezi~i,f: Philadelphia, within twenty-four houl’s zifter his ~ • • ~ arrival and safely mooring there : But ‘if it !11eir arrival shall ~rpeai to the sCud physician and qu~ir_ antine master upon such examination, that be d~ta~ncd bf ~he ship or vessel came from a port or place ~ at which •a malignant or contagious disease quaranthie prevailed, the said ship or vessel shall he dei. ~ained at the lazaretto for the space of tiven~ecntion ty days, and the letter bag of the vessel when purified, and ~ueh letters as the master, com~ ,mander or pas~engersshall think proper to 1’ • &~ write to their owners, consignees or friends, shall be transmitted to the health officer in • Philaclelphia, who shall safely deposit the same in the post-office, and the vessel and cargo ~ vezsel ‘a,icl shi~llbe thoroughly cleansed, and all cloath-1~ ~j ing and big~ageshill be aiied and pwfe~ , ~ at the expence of the master, owners or con- rjhied~ signees of the vessel, and the goods respectively Pro’~,2d,~’datwc~ys, That wine, rums Spcci~cai~ott salt, sugar, spir]ts, molasses, mahogany, wh~ehmay bd thanuFacturcd tobacco, dyc-wood~ preserved forLhe’ithcon~ fruits, and such other articles as the board ~ health shall by their general regulations spe. e~a; cify and permit, may be conveyed immediately to ‘the city iii lighters ; and at the cx- what vessels ~ñration of such quarantine, if it shall appear to the said physician and quarantine master, may proceed that no person has been sich ‘with a malig- to the clt1r; nant or contagious disease, the small pox and measles excepted, on board said ship or ~ressel, either during the voyage outward or homeward, or during her continuance in a foreign port, nor any of the crew or passen. gers,~or other person from on board such. vessel, during the performance of quarantin; audi L • 600 ]‘ and the said ‘physician and quarantine master shall certify the said facts to the board of health, and that in their opinion the vessel, crew, cargo and passengers may be safely suffered to proceed to the city, the said captain or master may proceed with the same according to his destination, uiJess the board of health shall deem it necessary to cause a further detention of the said vessel or cargo~ or of the crew or passengers, or of any baggage’ on board said vessel, in which case ~hc same shall be detained, until the board of health shall authorise the same to proceed • and enter the city, and upon the arrival of the said captain’ or master at Philadelphia, he ‘shall present the said certificate of the physician and quarantine master at the health of• • • fice, within twenty-four hours after his arrival; but if upon examination of any vessel where vessels by the said physician and quarantine masas aforesaid, br during the performance quarantine by any vessel, it shall appear prqceed to the ter ~ of Iter~c.’ • • to the said physician and quarantine master, that’ there has been any person sick on board said vessel, with any mali~nan~ or contagious disease, either during the voyage outward or homeward, or during the continuance of the vessel in a foreign port, or during the performance of quarantine at the lazaretto, or that any person from ~on board such vessel has been aft~ctedwith such disea’se, then in such case the vessel shall not he suffered to ~proeeedto the city until after the first day o,f November • then next ensui~ng,and the cargo and baggage, except such part thereof as in the opin. ion of the board of health may be supposed • incapable of retaining infection, which said part may be transportecP* to the city in light‘ci’s, shall be unladen and thoroughly cleansed 2’~ncpw’W~ in thu r~riginni, and 60i. ~ to ~ ~p~i~d; and the crew and ~asseng~r~ whj~liwere on board said vessel, ‘and the car~ go and baggage On board the same, o. any part thereof’, except as before excepted, sha~l not be suffered. to enter the city before the ~1rst day of. November, then next ensuing, without the licence and permission of the board of health to that effect first had and obtained: Prb’~i~dednc~ertIcZess, That suchyes- PrOvis t1i~t such ~‘esse1sb 9 ~el or ship after she shall have been tho after being roughly cleansed and purified~ if no malignant cleansed and malignant disease appear on board, may be allowed ,to no disease appearing on take in freight at the la~arettoby means ofb~ may lighters and proceed to sea; and if any master take in freight or captain, or other person bn board of any andproceed vessel, whicl~sl~all~ be ~amin~d agreeably to P~na1tyon this law, shall not true answers make, to all captains or other persons such questions as the said la~arettophysician giving.false and quarantine master, or the said health of- answei~s to questions pto~ fleer or hospital physician shall ask agreeably posed by the to this act, or the~rules which shall from time 1~arettopb.y~ time be established by the beard of health ‘ tine sicia~i,quaianmaster ~orshall knowingly deceive or a~ternptto de- &c. ~ceivethe proper officers as aforesaId, in hi~or attempUog to deceive answers to their official enquiries, he having said officers in been duty infQrmed and apprised of the penal~such answe~ss ties imposed by’ this act, upon the person so offending previous to his said examination, by the person making such e~amination,such person for each and’every such offence, on be~ngthçreof legally convicted, shall forfeit and pay a~sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appr’opriated as is herein after provided and directed, and. shall mor~over be sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor, for any term not less than one year, and Pen~ity a~ ne~ not exceeding five years: And if any captain captains glecting cr master of’ an~ship or vessel, shall neglect present 1~is at to prevent the health office, cer.Jieate the heaItl~ VOL. V. 4 H [ 6D2 J in any case in which he is herein before directed so to’ do, within the time directed by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of three hundred dollars, to be recovered and appro~n i’efusi~gor priated as herein after directed; and if any neglecting to comply ‘witit Captain or master of any ship or vessel, or the directione any other person on boaM the same, shall re. of thelazaretto physician, fuse or neglect to comply with the directions &c. of the lazarctto physician and quarantine master, which shall be made agreeably to this act, or the regulations of the board ofhealth, with respect to the detention of any ship or vessel, or t~elanding from on board the same, of an~person or persons, or of any goods, nierchandize, bedding, baggage or cloathing, or ~hail refuse to carry the same into effect, such person for each aud every such offence, shall ~‘orfcitand pay a sum not exceeding five himdred dollars, nor less than two~.hundreddollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein after provided and directed. -‘ eec. 5. And be it further ~enacted by the au- T ‘~. esse1sb9uml thorjty aforesaid, That any ship or vessel coni~ from a Foreign ~ PIII~. ing form any port or place within the United deiphia h~ States, at which said port or place the said ing touched at ship or vessel had only called in, or touched any nther port within t~u. upon her arrival from a foreign port or place, S. tobetreat- shall be liable and subject to all the rules, reedintlies~jn~ 1 ~s gusations and restrictionz of the preceeding ve3sls a~rrivingsections of this act, and shall be examined and diecctly d’om a foreign port; treated as ~vellthe vessel itself, as the ;~argo, crew, passengers and baggage on board, in the same manner as if such ship or vessel had clirectly arrived ~t the lazaretto from a foreign port or place, without having first touched at proceeding~~ ~ port or place within the United States; and case of veesejs atriving ~ all ships or ves~els, as well vessels of war as any port or merchant vc~cls coming from any port or ~1sce~ithia place - . C 603 ] pia~ewIthfri~the Ut~iitedStates, sand bo~nd,‘tO~theU.S. be~ the port of- Philadelphia~between the first day t~h the firet of May and the first day pf Nove~nberin every year, and having on board ahy goods Or mer~~s~g on chandize, the growth or produce ofany foreign.~~,.~ place or country; or any person or porsons; of foreign bedding or cloathing, from any foreign port ~ • or place, shall come to anchor opposite the sald lazaretto, and shall be examined by the laz~ retto phy~icianand quarantine master, and it’ the captain or master of any such ship or yesseJ, shall produce su~chsatisfactory proof, tis the board of health shall in that- case direct to be required, that the said goods or merchan-. dize have been landed in the United States more than thirty days, and are free from dla~ ñiage, and that the said vessel, bedding, cloath. ~ng.and persons, are free- from the infec.tion of any dangerous contagious disease whatever, then and in that case the said physician and quarantine master, shall give to the captain or rna~terof such ship or vessel a certificate of the ‘facts, permitting such ship or vessel to’ F°çeed to the city, which certificate the said captain or master shall present at the health office In Philadelphia, within twenty—four hours af. ter his arrival and safely mooring there, and if he should neglect so to do, being thereof legally convicted under this act, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein after directed and provided; and if the said captain or master shall fail to pro~.nce such satisfactory proof as aforesaid, of the wholesome state of the said vessel, gpods, merchanclize, bedding, cloath5~i-igand peisons, the said vessel, goods, mer~il~andize,bedding, cloathing and personSe shall be detained at the lazaretto, and shall be p~’oceededwith in. th~ - - - - - - 604 3 s~n~ie manner, and subject to the same orcleis and regulations as are herein before provided and directed in the case ofvessels coming directly from a foreign port or place and if the captain or master of any ship or vessel, coin~ng from any port or place within the United States, and bound to the port of Philadelphia,. having on board any goods or merchandize, bedding, cloathing- or persons as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to come to anchor op~ posite the la~aretto,and shall pass the sarn.e with intent to~proceed to the city, Withctut examination by, and certificate obtained from the said physician and quarantine master as, aforesaid, he shall on conviction, forfi-it and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein after pro~ vided and, directed; and the said vessel, goods, merchancUz-e, bedding, cloathing and. persons,, sh$l be sent back to the lazaretto, there to be proceeded with in such manner as the board of health, agreeably to. this act sbafl in that case devise and, direct.. . ~roceedings ~ i~igfront the ~edtera,iean. Sect., 6. A~zd’be ~-ji~rther enacted ~y:hc au~‘horiiyaforesaid, That every ship or vessel coming from the Mediterancan, shall be sub~ ject to a strict examination, under similar rc~ulations and penaties as are provided in the fourth section of this act, and if it appears that the said ship or vessel came from any place, where the plague exists, or haa spoken with any vessel on hoard of which any Person was affected with the plague ~ or ft’ any person is affected with the said disease on his arrival at -the lazarettO, or has been afièc ted during the voyage, the ~aid vessel shall not be suffered to proceed to the city, the cargo ~nd baggage shill te ~nlad~d, and th~oroughly ~leansec.l - ~O5 - I J cleansed and purified, and no part shall be suffered to enter the city, without the permis~ion of the board of health first obtnined,’and the crew and passengers shall perform a qua~ Y~li1tifleof twenty days: Frotilded neverthe?es~ rlhat such ship or vessel, after she shall have been thoroughly c1eans~dand purified, may be allowed to take in. freight at the la~u~ettq, by ineans of lighters, and proceed to sea. - Sec. 7. And be it further enacted by the authority afbresqid, That any person or person~,Persons, &e. and all gooth, merchandize, bedding and coming from any foreign cloathing, arriving at any port or place With-port or place in the United States, from any foreign port infected with dis. or place, at which any malignant or conta- malignant ease prohibit. ~giousdisease, the small pox and measles cx- ed eisteringfrom the city or cepted, prevailed at the time of their departure, ~ ofPhior iii any vessel in which any such disease’~°-~P~ or county of Dcexisted, whi1~tthey were on board the same, lawore, beare hereby prohibited from entering the city tweenthe first of Mhy and or county of Philadelphia, or the county of November Delaware, except the township of Tinicum‘ withoutper. mission of the at any time between the first day of May board of -and the first day of November, in any year, health, &c either by land or water, without permision of the board 9f health first had and obtain. ed, under the penalty of five hundred dollars, for each and every Ofiènee, and the for‘feiture of all such goods, merchandize, beddin~ or cloathing, to be recost~red and ap.. propriated as is herein after directed. Sec. 8. ~4ndbe itfurther enacted by the authority ~forcsciid,That no lazaretto p~hy~ician, Lnzaretto qu~rantine master, or other officer or servant physician, quarantinc ,Qf the said lazaretto, ~ha11absent himself master, &c. :From the place of his duty, between the firs ott0O.bse,~t ~ themsei~~e~ .day of May and tl~eflr~tday --of November, from the place of their duty 0~ C 606 i between the on any pretence, for, any time whatsoever, first ofMay andNovember without. leave first’ obtained in writing from ~ithout leave, the board of health, under the hand of the &c. president or chairman for the tinie, attested by the secretary, -and entered on the minutes, under the the penalty of forfeiting his office, and a fine of any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. - Sec. 9. And be it further enacted by the auDuty of the thority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of lazaretto phy- the lazaretto physician, immediately on the aicia~,on the arrival of any arrival of any ship or vessel, liable to be devessel liable to tamed at the lazaretto, in order to be cleansquarantine, to cause thesick, ed and purified as aforesaid, to cause the ifany, to be sick, if any on board, to be removed to the removed to the house pre. building which shall be appointed by the board paredfortheir health for their reception, and diligently reception, to 0~ attend on and and impartially with his best skill, attend upon administer ~ and administer med,ical assistance, to each and them medical aid, &c. every sick person that shall be therein - lodg- ed, and generally superii~tend,and cause to be executed, such orders and regulations’ as the said board shall from time to time ordain, for the government and management of the lazaretto, and of the ve-sels, cargoes and persons under quarantine. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted by the au- Of the qua- thority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of rantine master, the quarantine master, immediately after the to cause yes- arrival of and examination as aforesaid~ of ~e1sperrorm. any ship or vessel, liable to be detained at ing quarantine to be moored the lazaretto for purification aforesaid, to ,seartlie.Iaza- direct and cause such ship or ve’~el to be retto at apropel, distance properly moored near the lazaretto, at such from other vessels, ~ distance from any other vessel or vessels unbedding, &c. der quarantine, as may preventthe communi~bem’ein to be lantied, aired, cation of any infectious disease to or from the [ 607 :i the same, and the cargo, bedding and deathing, or any part thereof contained in such ship or vessel, to be landed, cleansed and purified, under the direction of the lazaretto physician; and it shall be the particular duty ~ of the said quarantine master, to prevent any tween persona personal intercourse between the person& on board diflerent vessels under quarantine, and underqmmaranfor that purpose to take possession of, and t1lt~,.&C. secure the boats of such vessels, until their respective terms of quarantine shall be cornpleated, to pr~serveand enforce order and obedience to this act, and all such orders and regulations as the board ofhealth, shali from time to time ordain, for the government and management of the lazaretto, ai~d the persons, vessels and cargoes under quarantine. - - - Sec. 11. And be itfurther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it thall be the duty 0f0fth~0~p~ t the hos~iitalphysician, upon receiving infor- ~ Ination from the health officer, or other per~ezaminevessuspected son whomsoever, that any person or persons sels to be infected on board of any ship or vessel, in the port by contagious of Philadelphia, is or are afflicted or sus-disease, &c. pected to be afflicted, with any pestilential oi contagious disease, or that there is just cause to su’pect the cargo, or any part thereof, contained in any such ship or vessel, is infected with any such dis~ase,the said physician in either of the foregoing eases, shall visit and carefully examine such ship or vessel; and if he shall discover any sick person proceedings or persons on board any such ship or vçssel, andpowers nf he shall thereupon have and exercise the authority, to direct such sick person or persons such ccm:t~. to be removed to the said lazaretto, or to some other safe place \vhi~hmay be specified by the I ~ ~ the board c-f health, and the said physiciaii shall without delay, repo*t the state of said vessel, cargo and crew to the boaTd of health, who shall direct arid determine how the crew, passenger3, vessel and cargo shall be disposed of and managed, for the restoration of their health and purification, and on the arrival of any ship or ve.~se1in the port of Philadelphia, from any foreign port or place, from th~ first day of November in any year, to the first day of May in the next succeeding year, it shall be the duty of the said phy.ician~ Vrovided such ship or yes el shall not have been previously visited and examiusd, by the lazaretto physician and quarantine master, and before any of the passengers, crew, cargo or baggage are landed, to -visit and carefully examine such ship or vessel, in manner and forni as the said lazai-etto physician and quarantine master are bound to do; and to demand answers under oath or affirmation, to be adminis‘tered by the said hospital physician, ~ho is hereby empowered to administer the same, ~tndif the crew, passengers, vc~seland cargo be in a healthy state, and if there shall be no ground to suspect that any of the crew or passengers have died in the voyage, of any dangerous contagious disease whatever, or - that the cargo, bedding or cloathing is in, fected, then and in such case the said phy. sician, shall give to the master or conirnan’ der a certificate of the facts, which the said master or commander shall present at th~ health office within twenty-four hours after such examination, and if lie shall neglect so to do, being thereof legally convicted under this act, he thai! be sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and ~propriated is herein after pi’ovide4 and directed; 609 •I t1~rected;and if on examination any suspicion shall arise in the mind of the said physicians touching the health of tb~crew or ~assen. gers, or the infectious state of the vessel, c~irgo,bedding or cloathing on board, 110 p~trtthereof shall be landed, but the said physician shall immediatel3r rèpbrt the same to the board of heaIth~who shall direct ahd determine what theasures shall be pt~rsued. telative thereto, and the said physicia~i~ipbn request of the health officer or thc board of health, shall from time to time, visit and ~xamine such houses and peFsons, as the said board or the health officer shall hayc reason to suspect are infected with any dangerous contagious disease, and miike report thereof to the said health officer4 - - Sec. i2~And be it further ~‘nacted ~j the authorty aJbi-~azd~That It shall be tile duty Ddtyof the of the health officer, at seasonable and pro~~dtht oil1cer~ per hours on each day, (Sunday excepted) th open and keep a public office, at ~uch to i~p place !I1 tile city of PhiiadeI~hiao~5ceinth~ city, as shalt be directed by the board of health, whereat all masters or captaius of ships or bus~n~~ ~obe COflVefl]eflt - . vesse1s~ shall deliver the certificates or bil1~trauzact~1 of health to them .granted by the la~arettothe~t; ‘physician and quaratine master, or hdspital physician as aforesaid~ and the board ofhealth shall there assemble, and meet as often as they deem needful, for the pur~$se ~f cxccuting the duties and trust of their appointment and the said health officer shall file to die b~lhof ~tnd preserve in good order, all the certifiQates ~ ~r bills of health so delivered, and shall keep a register of the ships or vessels, and the pu~pr~rtoft~ names of the captains or masters, owners orregist~ tonsign~es,for which the same were respecV~i~ V~ 4 I ~ave1y - - C 610 ] tivcly granted, the port or ports from which the ship or vcssel respectively sailed, or at which they touched during their respective voyages, and the number of pci-sons on board th~i’eofrespectively, at the time of’ their leav- - ing their respective ports of departure, and also at the time of their arrival respectively teattend the at the port of Philadelphia; and the said health niectings of ificer shall attend the health office, at tile the board of 0 health, meetings of the board of health, and at such other times as shall be requisite for dis~ to execute the charging the duties of his appointment, and regulations of the~board; generally enforce and execute the regulations and to recover and instructions of the board of health; and and collect pe~it nalties andforfeitures, to shall be tile duty of the said health officer collect, recover and receive all forfeitures and penalties imposed, and sums of moneydirected to be paid by this act. Sec. 13. 4ndbe it fnrthc;- enacted by the at:every diseased person to the lazaretto, by Patients to be thority afoi’esaid, That kcptandniaintainedatthe duly landed or sent lazaretto ‘till either of the aforesaid discharged; master or the health - ~roceec1ings andpennl?v theiee lopi~g - cer - physicians, quarantine officer, shall be thci-e kept and maintained, until the lazai-etto physician shall grant him or her a discharge in writing; and if before obtaining a discharge as aforesaid, any such person shall elope or otherwise absent himself or herself from. the lazaretto, it shall be lawful for tile health offior any- constable or other person, whom he ~haiI call to his assistance, and they are hereby enjoined and required, to lend such assistance to pursue and apprehend the person so escaping~ or absenting himself or herself from the h~aretto, and there again cle!iv~r him or hei-, to be detained until he o~-she be duly discharged as a-foresaid, and moreover the person so eloping and absenting himself or - I 61.1] or herself, shall for each and every offence forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, or sufl~r such other punishment by confinement, not exceeding three months, as the board of health shall ordain and award; and jfp~ty on masters ofyeaany master or captain shall knowingly receive, eels orhouse. O~’ employ on board of his ship or vessel, or keepers barbouring such if any house-keeper or other inhabitant of runaways: ti-us commonwealth, shall knowingly receive, harbour or in any way entertain, any person so eloping or absenting from tile Jazaretto, each and every master and captain, and each and every house-keeper or inhabitant so respee tively offending, shall on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay a Sum df two hundred dollars And if any person arrivIng in or Penalty onpcrr sons dctainisd belonging to any ship or vessel, detained at tile at the lazaretto lazaretto as aforesaid, shall elope or absent eloping before liiniself, without having ‘obtained a discharge discharge; obtaining a signed by the lazaretto physician and quaran— tine master, or if any person other than those detained at the lazaretto as aforesaid, shall go On board or along side of any ship or vessel whilst under quarantine as aforesaid, or if any on pci-sons not person not authorised by the proper officer authol-ised lug within go-. the shall go within the limits of the lazaretto, Such flniits of th~ person or persons shall perform such qu~I’an~ lazarettq tine as th~board of health may direct; the - person so offending U~OUlegal conviction of such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered a~dap~ propriated as herein after directed: And if any011 patients~ - diseased or other person landed and sent to the &c, at the in-. Zaretto not lazaretto, by any officer having authority to do obeying the the saine, QI~any persoi~arriving in or belong~direcnoi-is of lazeretto lug to any ship or vessel detained at the la~a.pthe hysician, &c~ retto as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect t~ obey the directions of the lazaretto physician or ~uara~t~iie li~asterrespectively, agreeably to thia - c 612 ] thIs act, and the oi-ders and regulations by the board of health, which shall from time to time be ordained, and established, for the ~overn~ ~nent and management oftile lazaretto, and the persons, vessels and cargoes under quarantine, the person so refusing or neglecting shall for each and every offence, on being thereof legal- ly convicted, forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred do11ar~,to be recovered aixi ~ppro. ~riated as is herein after directed. Sec. 14, Al7d be itfurther enacteçl’by the authouity aforesaki, That when any vessel shall d~pbr~ with come up to the city of Phila’lelpbia, or the n’~ert:flcateofshôi~èaT South%vark, or of the Northern Liber~ ties h~the river ~elaware, althbugh the said. suspicion; ‘vessel may have obtained a certificate of health, I-onx the lazaretto physician a~d quarantine master, or the hospital physician, if the said vessel shall appear to tile board ofhealth to be infected with any contagious disorder, dangerous to the community, the said board are hereby authorised to order the said vessel, to, the lazaretto, there to undergo thç necessary purification, befoi-c she shall be permitted to re~ - ~ vessels ~a~e~r: fect~dpart of ~te i~hore~. - çí the-city )~p;tal, turn to the city or shores aforesaid; and the said board are hereby authorised and em~owcred, to removeany vessel or vessels from such part of the city or shores aforesaid, as shall b~ infected with such disorders as ‘aforesaid, ~o. such convenient distance as they may deem. proper, although such vessels may not be infected. Sec. 15. And be jt furthez~’enactedby the. az~. thorjty aforesaid, That the messuages ai~idlots, commonly called tile city hospital, sit1~ateol~ ihe nOrth side of Sassafras-street, and east side, of the river Schuylkill, shall cOntinue to be held j 613 :i held as a public hospital, for the township of the Northern Liberties and Moyamensing, as well as for tile city and district of Southwark, ~~til the board ofhealth shall procure and pro-. vide a more convenient public hospital for the purpose aforesaid; and all persons other than rsnns inpersons on board of any ship or vessel, and a ~‘ liable to be sent as aforesaid tQ the lazaretto, disease in the iesidiiig withir~the city of Philadelphia, the ~ district of Southwariç~the townships of’ the moved and Northern Liberties and Moyamensing, who Irintalned shall be afflicted with any pest~Ientialor contagious disea~e,(the small pox and measles excepted) may upon the advice and order of the hospital physician, or any other physician5 or person authocised by the board of health, to grant such order, to be rern~oved by the health officer, and such assistance as he shall for that purpose employ, to the said public hospital, or to sucli other place as the physi~ (.cian or board of health shalt approve, if the j~ersonafflicted with any contagious :or pestilential disease, cannot be properly and suffi~ientlyattended at home, there ~ç be lodged, nursed and niaintained, and, kept until du1~ discharged, by a Permit ill writing signed by a physician of the said public hospital Provided al-ways nevertbcles.~,That each and every pa- The expences tient, and his or her estat~real ~in4 personal, ~~ow y’ ~hal1be lia~bleto pay, satisfy and reimburse all ed tile charges and expènCe, Ofl his or her account incurred in the said public hospital, unless the hoard of health award that be or she shall be ,~ e~wneratedor exempted therefrom. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Tha whenever the said ipoard, Proceedings Qf health shall receive information, that any C contagious disease rages in any port or place. ea~ergc~n withi~ - - - .‘ 1 Ste 614 1 within the United States, or on the colitinent of America, they shall make diligent enquiry concerning the same, and it ~ha1land may be lawful for the said board, to prohibit and prevent all communication by land and water, with such infected port’s or places, by stopping all vessels coming into the port of Philadelphia, and at and before the lazaretto~in the same manner, and under the same penalties and forfeitures, as are hereby provided in case of ves~els coming from foreign ports; and by stopping all persons corn- ing from such infected places, in such manncr as the circumstances and exigencies of s~r~tmntlica- the case shall require; and the said board of ~~~01health are hereby authorised and required, the c.ity,&c. whenever a fever of a contagious nature shall h~)wt~Ise appear, in any part of the city of Philadelphia, tile di.. trict of Sourhwark, or the townships of the Northern Libertied or Moyarnensing, to adopt without delay, such prompt measures as will elTectually prevent all coinmunication, between the part or parts so infected, and any other part of the city, district or townships afore:~aid; and all judges, justices, sheriffs, constables and other civil officers and citizens of this state) are hereby authorised and empowered, enjoined and required, to aid and assist the said board and their officers, to the utmost of their power, in carrying into effect such rules, orders and regulations touching the stoppage of such intercourse, or removal of the infected, as the board shall ordain and publish. See, 17. And be it further enacted by the anthority aforesaid, That whenever by means jj~ec~td with aforesaid, or by the report of the hospital a con~z&i~kus phyrician, or any other physician appointed by Pr~v&m r 615 ] by the boaid ofhealth, (whom the said board cIi~ea~e w~thi~t are hereby authorised to send to places or houses suspected to be infected) it shall come y to the knowledge of the said board, that any person within the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, the townships of the Northern Liberties or Moyamening, is afflicted. with any contagious disease, dangerous tc~ the communIty, it shall and may be lawful for the ~jaid hoard, to take order for preventing the spreading of the contagion, by forbidding and preventing all commtmication with the infected house or family, except by means of physicians, nurses or messengers, to convey the necessary advice, medicines and - provisions to the afflicted, and shall exercise all such other powers, as the circumstances of the case shall requiie, and as shall in their judgment be most conducive to the public good, with the least private injury. ( Sec. 18. And be it further enacted by the azithority aforesaid,. That if any person shall obstructing l~na~tyon o~ obstruct, or resist the board of health, or any ~-~~istiti~~ of the members thereof, or any person by btar~Iof them appointed in the execution of the powers to them given, or in performance of ditties enjoined on them by this act, and the rules ax~idregulations of the said board, such person shall on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to ,be recovered and appropriated as is herein after directed, and if after the expiration of the quarantine, any mariner or other person, who shall have complied with the re~uiations,hereby established, shall commit any violence on the person of a member of the board of health, or any of the officers attached to the same, fo~any thing done - - C ~‘o ] - done in the execution of his duty, such perk son shall be subject on coT1vict~on thereof, to a fine of two hundred dolIar~,and shall also be sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor, for any term not exceeding three years. - Sec. 19. And be it further enacted by the auaforesaid, That for payment and satis~ faction of all forfeitures and penalties, which virtue ofthis are imposed by this act, and all sums of morecovered, be ney directed by this act to be paid, it shall be the duty of the he.tlth officer to sue or prod secute, and the same to collect, recover and receive, and the same shall be reco-’~rerablebefore any alderman, justice of the peace, or •court of justice having lawful jurisdiction, to the amount ofsuch forfeitures, penalties and sums of money respectively, or in the case or upon the offence upon which the proceeding shall be had, and tile same when reeo~ to ~ to th~vered and received, shall be appropriated and ofthe in. shall inure to the use of the institution, Un— stitution, cler the management and direction of thø Pensitics, for- thority board of health; and 110 citizen or inhabitant of the city of Philadelphia, tile district of be Southwark, OF tile townships of the Nortilern from siting as Libci-ties or Moyamensin~, shall be disquahi~j~” fled from sitting as ju~gesor jurors, or common inte- from giving testimony respecting any of the i-csttherem. offences mentioned in this act, by i-casoii of his, her or their common interest, in the appropriation of the sum or Ilenalties imposed for such offence, nor shall any member of the board of health, or any officer intrust~d with the execution of this act, or any part but i,-ihabit~ntof the thereof, be disqualified from giving testimony respecting any of the said offences~ Sec. ~iO. t 617~ sec. ~O. And be it.further enacted by the auIhori& ajo~esaidThat dli actions Or pro ~~imit~ti~tt • icr bringmg tions to be commenced again:~tany thaster, action.~, cnd captain, d-~neror consi~nee,of any ship or procedings therein vessel, or other person by virtue of this act, shall be brought within t~elv~months nexç after the cbinrnission of the offence where- , •i~)ithhe is charged, and if any action or suit shall be commenced, against any person or persons for an~ matter or thing conlrnitted in violation of this art, the defendant ot~de~ fendants may pl~itdthe general i~ue, ai~d give this act ai~dthe special matter in ‘eVi~ence, at any trial to be had thereupon~ - • • . - • ~ec- 21. And be itfufthère~zavtedby di~a~t~hori~ afo,~esaid,.That it the duty of Pro~Wo~i I~or ithe saia board of health, to ~atise all Gifensive or pui~ridsubstances, and ~tll ttuisa’nces nrbs~ which may ‘ha’ve a tendency, hI their opinion, ~tbendanger th~-health of the cItizens, ‘to b~ from t-h~streets, lanes, a1ley~,1lJgh~ ‘~Vays, ~harves,~ ~i~~ksor any other p~trt àr parts o~-the dt~yof -~hiiadelphia, the d1s~i-ict of Southwar~ and the tOwnships of the ~bi~ them Liberties and Moyamensing, and to • cause such of the privies within the limits aforesaid, to be eth~ded ot corrected with 1~lirne o’r otherwise, at the e~rpenceof the in~dividuals, who are -~wners ofThe -houses to which the said privies are appurtenant, ~tsthe said board shall from time to ‘time, deem necessary, for tile health of the inhabitants thereof; and ‘if t-he owne~sor occ~ipiers of ‘the pei~n1~y ~r •~rethise~s~ ‘o~i winch any nui~ance may be~~~t er r-. c~l-c~oc~ *ound, shall on due notice thereof being gw~n, refuse or neglect to have the tame un•:rnediately removed or corrected as aforesaid, he, the or they ~o refusing or neglecting, ~hail • YpL~V. 4 K foi~teit - - • - - • ~ - Ww~-ein the cr~i al, i: 618 ~ forfeit and pay for such offence, any sum n~t less than twenty nor more than two hi~ndred dohlai’s, to be recovered and appropriated as • by this act is directed. - Sec.’ 22. And be it further enacted by the auforesaid, That for defraying the cx-. to be incurred, in erecting and sup-. porting the said lazaretto, and fon- carrying ~‘uud to be thou-ity raised for ;he pences this act, - • into complete effect tile other provisions con.~ tamed in this act, tile said boaid of health are hereby authorised and empowered, by and with the C0flSCfl~ of the mayor or recorder, two alderii~nand two ju~ticesas aforesaid, to levy and collect by tax, on the estates and inhabitants of the city of Philãclel— phia, the district of Southwark, and town- ships of the Northern Liberties and Moya~ in the same manner, at tile same rates, and under the same regulations, as the coupty rates and levies are Or may be by lnensmg, law levied and collected, suóh stuns annually as the said board by and with ~he cohsent at’ the mayor or recorder, two aldermen and two justices as afore~aid,shall, deem necessary for the use of the said institution; provided the same does not exceed the sum of forty thousand dollars, and tile said board of health are hereby authorised and empowered, to borrow upon the credit of the taxes afore~ • said, such sum or sums of money as may be thought necessary for the benefit of the .~aidinstitution. See; 23. And be it further enacted by the au-. thority aforesaid, That at any time between to be reported the fifteenth and twenty-.flfth days of Decemto the d ber yearly, and every year hereafter, the board ~ei~ of health shall report to the Governor tile amount C?tU~~ ~ L 619 ] amount of taxes which may be levied, the monies received, and the monies expended in pursuance of this act, and generally an exact and circumstantial account of the institution, and shall publish the same in one or more newspapers printed. in the city of Philadelphia. Sec. 24. Azd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no pilot bringing a Pilots brinrship or vessel to the lazarettó, in an apparent ~ state of good health, shall be obliged to per- iealthy not form quarantine, but the lazaretto physician ,q~ shall grant such pilot a certificate, permitting him to proceed to the capes of Delaware, in order that he may prosecute his profession, but such pilot shall Ilot on any pretence come into tile city ofPhiladelphia, the Northern Liberties, the district of Southwark or township of Moyamensing,’ for thirty days fl-em the dat~ of such certificate,, under the penalty’ of Onehundred doihirs, and also of one year’s imprisonunent, which penalty shall be recovered and applied in the manner herein before directed; and any pilot bringing to the said Iazaretto~a w thevbi-ing ship or vessel infected, or suspected to he in. suspected fected with any pestilential or contagious dis- 1axidat~the~ ease, may be permitted to go and remain on lazaretto, &o. shore within -the boutuds of the lazaretto, during the time tile ship or vessel brought thither by him shall be detained under quarantine: Provided ~-jlways,That if the said vessel shall if they’~ei~be infected with any such disease as aforesaid, fected to he shall be detained and treated in like man-i be treat ncr, as seamen or passengers so infected are herein directed to be detained and treated And provided further, That‘if he shall go without the bounds of tile lazaretto, he shall be liable to the sanue penalties, as are by this a~t • iniposed~ - - ~ 620 J imposed on seamei~qr passengers escaping therefrom. Sec. 25. And be itfurth~renacted by the auL~mkationo± tharity. aforesaid, That this act shall Continue act in force for three years, and. from thence to the end of the next session of the ger~eral~ sembly, and no longer. ~1MQN SNYDER, Speaker of t/.e ll~usc~f Rcprcsentatives~ RQ~ERTWHITZH~LL., Speakqr of the Senate. ArrRov-ED’—-.April the fic~t,1803: THOMAS M’KEAN, (~overnor of the Commonwealth of .Pcnnsyl’vania~ cHAPTER CLX~IVI 4n ACT to, vest it~the- devisees of James~ Farrock, deceased, suchparts of the forfeited estate of ~obn F~rr9ck,which’ have not bee~z ,cold by this C~n~n,~onv~calth. it hath been represented to the legislature, that a small portion of WHEREAS the estate of John Parrock, deceased, forfeited ~y 1-us attainder hath never been sold on behalf o~tl~me commonwealth, and Richard Smaliwood ~nd’ oth~rs,heirs of the said John Parrock, have ~rayca that the same may b~vested ii~i. them: The~efpr; Section 1. .& i~enacted by the Senate. and ,Hoj~seof Repreientatives of ;he cornmpnwealth ~fPennsylvania, in Genera~’Assembly met, and ~çis hereby etuweed by the authprity of the same,