Prof. Dr. Oliver Frör - Universität Koblenz · Landau


Prof. Dr. Oliver Frör - Universität Koblenz · Landau
Prof. Dr. Oliver Frör
Date of birth:
Contact information:
Institute of Environmental Sciences
University of Koblenz-Landau
Fortstraße 7
76829 Landau, Germany
Fon: +49(0)6341280-31534
Fax: +49(0)6341280-31326
Ph.D. Economics (Dr. oec., summa cum laude), 2007, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Thesis title: “Rationality concepts in environmental valuation”
M.A. Economics, 2000, State University of New York at Albany
Diploma (German) Geoecology, 1998, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Fields of Interest
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Behavioral and Psychological
Economics, Ecological-Economic Modelling
Professional background
Since December
Professor for Environmental Economics at the University of KoblenzLandau, Campus Landau, Germany
October 2010 –
November 2011
Interim professor for Environmental Economics at the University of
Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Germany
October 2001 –
September 2010
Academic assistant (teaching and research) at the department of
economics, especially environmental economics, regulatory and
consumer policy at the University of Hohenheim, Germany
January – May
Adjunct professor in economics at Siena College, Loudonville, NY,
September 2000
– August 2001
Consultant at the New York State Department of Economic
Development (Empire State Development) in Albany, NY and New
York, NY, USA
Frör, O. (2007), Rationality Concepts in Environmental Valuation, Peter Lang Verlag,
Bern u. a. O.
Häuser, I., Martin, K., Germer, J., He, P., Blagodatskiy, S., Liu, H., Krauß, M., Rajaona,
A., Shi, J., Pelz, S., Langenberger, G., Zhu, C-D., Cotter, M., Stürz, S., Waibel, H.,
Steinmetz, H., Wieprecht, S., Frör, O., Ahlheim, M., Aenis, T., Cadisch, G., (2015),
Environmental and socio-economic impacts of rubber cultivation in the Mekong region:
Schulz, R., Bundschuh, M., Gergs, R., Brühl, C.A., Diehl, D., Entling, M.H., Fahse, L.,
Frör, O., Jungkunst, H.F., Lorke, A., Schäfer, R.B., Schaumann, G.E., Schwenk, K.
(2015), Review on environmental alterations propagating from aquatic to terrestrial
ecosystems, Science of the Total Environment 538, 246-261
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Luo, J., Pelz, S., Jiang, T. (2015), Towards a Comprehensive
Valuation of Water Management Projects When Data Availability Is Incomplete – The
Use of Benefit Transfer Techniques, Water 7. doi:10.3390/w70x000x
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Luo, J., Pelz, S., Jiang, T., Yiliminuer (2015), The Social Value
of Environmental Improvements in the Tarim Basin – toward a Comprehensive
Assessment in a Heterogeneous Setting, Environment and Natural Resources Research
5(2), 49-65
Rumbaur, C., et al. (2015), Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim
River in North-Western China under Conditions of Climate Change, Earth System
Dynamics. 6, 83-107. doi:10.5194/esd-6-83-2015
Ahlheim, M., Börger, T., Frör, O. (2015), Replacing rubber plantations by rain forest in
Southwest China – Who would gain and how much? Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment 187(3), DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-4088-8
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Langenberger, G., Pelz, S. (2014), Chinese urbanites and the
preservation of rare species in remote parts of the country – The example of eaglewood,
Environmental Economics 5(4), 32-42.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Luo, J., Pelz, S., Jiang, T. (2013), How do Beijing residents
value environmental improvement in remote parts of China? Advances in Climate
Change Research 4(3), 190-200.
Neef, A., Ekasingh, B., Friederichsen, R., Becu, N., Lippe, M., Sangkapitux, C., Frör,
O., Punyawadee, V., Schad, I., Williams, P.M., Schreinemachers, P., Neubert, D.,
Heidhues, F., Cadisch, G., Dang, N.T., Gypmantasiri, P., Hoffmann, V. (2013),
Participatory Approaches to Research and Development in the Southeast Asian
Uplands: Potential and Challenges. In: Fröhlich, H., Schreinemachers, P., Stahr, K.,
Clemens, G. (eds.): Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia:
Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas. Springer Environmental Science and
Engineering, 321-365.
Ahlheim, M., Börger, T., Frör, O. (2013), The effects of extrinsic incentives on
respondent behaviour in CVM, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2 (1),
Frör, O., Schindler, S. (2012), Nachhaltigkeit durch Umweltpolitik, Unterricht
Wirtschaft + Politik 2 (3), 2-5.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O. (2011), Drinking and protecting: a market approach to the
preservation of cork oak landscapes. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning
13(2), 179-196.
Ahlheim, M., Ekasingh, B., Frör, O., Kitchaicharoen, J., Neef, A., Sangkapitux, C.,
Sinphurmsukskul, N. (2010), Better than their reputation: enhancing the validity of
contingent valuation mail survey results through citizen expert groups. Journal of
Environmental Planning and Management 53(2), 163-182.
Weldesilassie, A.B., Frör, O., Boelee, E., Dabbert, S. (2009), The Economic Value of
Improved Wastewater Irrigation: A Contingent Valuation Study in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 34(3), 428-449.
Ahlheim, M., Dinh, P.V., Duc, N.M., Frör, O., Heinke, A., Keil, A., Saint-Macary, C.,
Zeller, M. (2009), Landslides in mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam: Causes,
protection strategies and the assessment of economic losses. International Journal of
Ecological Economics and Statistics 15, 20-33.
Frör, O. (2008), Bounded rationality in contingent valuation: Empirical evidence using
cognitive psychology. Ecological Economics 68, 570-581.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Sinphurmsukskul, N. (2006), Economic valuation of
environmental benefits in developing and emerging countries: theoretical considerations
and practical evidence from Thailand and the Philippines, Quarterly Journal of
International Agriculture 45, Heft 4, 397-419.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O. (2005), Environmental indicators from an economic perspective significance and political relevance, In: C.-P. Hutter u. R. Böcker (Hrsg.),
Umweltindikatoren - Mythos oder Wirklichkeit? Was wissen wir wirklich über unsere
Umwelt? - Beiträge der Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg,
Band 35, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O. (2005), Constructing a preference-oriented index of
environmental quality, in: U. Schmid / S. Traub (Hrsg.): Advances in public economics:
Utility, choice and welfare, Dordrecht, 151-172.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Kohnert, I., Lehr, U., Wolf, U. (2004), Die ökonomische
Bewertung von Änderungen der Umweltqualität mit Hilfe der Kontingenten
Evaluierungsmethode, in: R.F. Hüttl, W. Gerwin (Hrsg.), Entwicklung und Bewertung
gestörter Kulturlandschaften. Fallbeispiel Niederlausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft, 377402.
Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Lehr, U., Wagenhals, G., Wolf, U. (2004), Contingent Valuation
of Mining Land Reclamation, IAW-Report, Heft 2, 2004, 33-61.
Ahlheim, M., Frör O. (2003), Valuing the non-market production of agriculture,
Agrarwirtschaft 52, Heft 8, 356-369.
Frör, O. (2003), Ist die kontingente Evaluierung die Methode der Wahl zur Bewertung
der Biodiversität? Eine kritische Analyse. In: Korn, H. und Feit, U. (Hrsg.): Treffpunkt
Biologische Vielfalt III, Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des
Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt, Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn- Bad
Godesberg, 221-226.
Bartelink, H.H., Bernhofer, Ch., Berbigier, P., Borghetti, M., Cienciala, E., Dolman,
A.J., Frör, O., Gracia, C.A., Granier, A., Grünwald, T., Hari, P., Jans, W., Kellomäki,
S., Kramer, K., Leinonen, I., Loustau, D., Magnani, F., Markkanen, T., Matteucci, G.,
Mohren, G.M.J., Moors, E., Nissinen, A., Peltola, H., Sabate, S., Sanchez, A., Sontag,
M., Valentini, R., Vesala, T. (2002), Evaluation of six process-based forest growth
models using eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes at six forest sites
in Europe, Global Change Biology 8(3), 213-230.
Lessons from a CVM study in Northern Thailand, Hohenheimer Diskussionsbeiträge
Frör, O. (2003), Using Stated Preference Methods for Biodiversity Valuation - A
Critical Analysis, Hohenheimer Diskussionsbeiträge, Nr. 217/2003.
Current and Past Research Projects:
“Clim’ability” (led by INSA Strasbourg”, INTERREG V project, 2016 - 2018
“Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research” (led by Basel University),
INTERREG V project, 2016 – 2018.
“Development of a nature conservation compliant concept of mosquito control at the
Upper Rhine”, project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), 20152017
“Possibilities and limits of a monetary assessment of social benefits from measures of
river rehabilitation in Rhineland-Palatinate”, project funded by the Ministry for
Environment, Agriculture, Nutrition, Viniculture and Forestry Rhineland-Palatinate
(2014 - 2015).
“Meadow watering – a productive form of land use with high value for man and
nature”, project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), 2013-2016.
Co-project leader “Welfare economic valuation of sustainable rubber production in
Southeast Asia: an exemplary study in SW-China”, Research project with the SinoGerman Research Cooperation “Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in the Mekong Region
- Development of an integrative land-use concept in Yunnan Province, China
(SURUMER)” funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF),
Co-project leader "Contingent Valuation of a more sustainable oasis management in
the Tarim Basin", Research project with the Sino-German Research Cooperation
"Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River / China (SuMaRiO)",
funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF), 2011-2016
Co-project leader: "Economic risk analysis and valuation", Research project within the
Collaborative Research Cooperation " Sustainable Coastal Land Management: TradeOffs in Ecosystem Services (COMTESS)", funded by the German Ministry of
Education and Science (BMBF), 20011-2014
Co-project leader: "Optimizing the use of direct methods for environmental valuation
in northern Thailand and Vietnam ", Research project within the International
Collaborative Research Center (SFB) No. 564 of the German Science Foundation
(DFG) on "Sustainable Landuse and Rural Development in Montainous Regions of
Southeast Asia", 2009-2012
Co-project leader: "Employing direct and participatory valuation methods to support
allocation decisions in the environmental sector", subproject ECON-A within the
Sino-German Research Cooperation "Living Landscapes China (LILAC)" funded by
the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF), 2007-2010
Co-project leader: "Economic valuation of environmental improvements in northern
Thailand and northern Vietnam", Research project within the International
Collaborative Research Center (SFB) No. 564 of the German Science Foundation
(DFG) on "Sustainable Landuse and Rural Development in Montainous Regions of
Southeast Asia", 2006-2009
Researcher: "Valuation and tenure of common-pool resources in mountainous regions
of Thailand and Vietnam", Research project within the International Collaborative
Research Center (SFB) No. 564 of the German Science Foundation (DFG) on
"Sustainable Landuse and Rural Development in Montainous Regions of Southeast
Asia", 2003-2006
Researcher: "Economic Valuation of Changes in Environmental Quality", Research
project within the Collaborative Research Center No. 565 of the German Science
Foundation (DFG) on "Development and Valuation of Disturbed Landscapes", 20012003.
Student researcher (diploma thesis): "Long Term Effects of CO2-Increase and Climate
Change on European Forests" (LTEEF II) of the European Union, Bayreuth Institute
of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research (BITOEK), May 1997 - April 1998.
Teaching experience
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany (since October 2010)
Lectures, exercise courses and seminars in German at the B.Sc.-level and M.Sc.-level of
the study course “Environmental sciences” in the subjects “Resource Economics”,
“Ecological Economics”, “Ecological-Economic Modelling”, “Economic Risk Analysis”
and “Microeconomics”.
University of Hohenheim, Germany (from October 2001 until September 2010):
Lectures, exercise courses and seminars (both in English at the M.Sc.-level and in German
at the B.Sc.-level) in the subjects “Instruments of Environmental Policy” (M.Sc.),
“Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis” (M.Sc.), “Sustainability and the Use of Natural
Resources” (M.Sc.), “Regulatory Policy” (both M.Sc. and B.Sc.), “Consumer Policy”
(B.Sc.), “Environmental Economics” (B.Sc.).
Siena College, USA (spring 2001):
Lectures in “Principles of Microeconomics” (first year B.Sc.)