101112 Media Markt To Go - Media


101112 Media Markt To Go - Media
The smallest shops in the world: Media Markt tests
“Media Markt toGo” automated shops
Ingolstadt, 12.11.2010. Have you ever set off on holiday and realized at the airport that you have forgotten your camera or your
recharger cable? Or perhaps you forgot to bring home a souvenir from your trip and your family is waiting for you at the gate?
This will soon no longer be a problem. Starting at the beginning
of December, Media Markt will be testing “Media Markt toGo”,
the sale of products at airports, train stations and shopping centers via automated shops.
The first two automated shops will be located at the main train station
in Munich and at Munich’s Franz Joseph Strauß Airport, in the departure area in terminal 1 behind the security checks. Additional machines are planned for the Düsseldorf and Hamburg airports. Customers will find 50 different products that they might need while traveling but which do not require any great explanation, such as headphones, recharger cables, mp3 players, digital cameras and other
useful travel items, in every “Media Markt toGo”. The range of products offered concentrates on items that are often forgotten at home
when people travel, as well as products that people like to buy as
presents. Only top brand names products will be offered. The prices
will be approximately on the same level as the prices asked in the
stores. Customers can pay for their purchases using ATM card, Visa,
Maestro or Mastercard. The products are displayed behind glass windows and are easy to see. Purchases are made using a touchscreen,
and “Media Markt toGo” offers instructions in both German and English. When customers make a purchase, they can watch their product
being picked off the shelf by a robotic arm and placed in the pickup
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The automated shops were developed in an exclusive European
partnership with ZoomSystems, a leading US supplier of automated
retail stores that holds a patent for the automated delivery system.
This system ensures that customers do not pay for their purchase
until the product has been removed from the pickup box. “Media
Markt toGo" marks the first time that the automated shops from
ZoomSystems will be used in Europe.
With “Media Markt toGo“, Media Markt wants to offer its customers an
additional service that is available 24/7 at locations where no fixedlocation stores are accessible.
During the test phase, it is planned that eleven “Media Markt toGo“
automated shops be set up at airports, train stations and shopping
centers in Germany by the middle of next year.
Über Media Markt
Mit einem Nettoumsatz von 6 Milliarden Euro und 15.234 Mitarbeitern im Jahr 2009
ist Media Markt Deutschlands Elektrofachmarkt Nummer Eins. Kennzeichnend für
das 1979 gegründete Unternehmen, das unter dem Dach der Media-Saturn-Holding
GmbH geführt wird, sind die einzigartige Auswahl an Markenprodukten zu Tiefpreisen, kompetente Beratung, guter Service, ein unverwechselbarer Werbeauftritt und
seine dezentrale Struktur. Jeder Geschäftsführer ist zugleich Mitgesellschafter seines
Marktes und zeichnet damit für Sortiment, Preisgestaltung, Personal und Marketing
verantwortlich. In Deutschland gibt es derzeit 236, europaweit 603 Media Märkte in
14 Ländern.
Media Markt
Christine Knoepffler
Wankelstraße 5
D-85046 Ingolstadt
Tel.: +49 (841) 634-1111
Fax: +49 (841) 634-2478
E-Mail: presse@mediamarkt.de
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