Abschluß/Zwischenbericht zum Forschungvorhaben /Studie über
Abschluß/Zwischenbericht zum Forschungvorhaben /Studie über
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen · Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe Universitätsprofessor Dr. ir. Rik W. De Doncker Calling of a Diploma Thesis/Master Thesis: Development of Diagnostic Algorithms for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles using Soft-Computing Techniques The battery management system (BMS) of battery-electric road vehicles must ensure an optimal operation of the electrochemical storage system to guarantee for durability and reliability. Besides the measurement hardware for data acquisition, the real key function of the BMS is the corresponding algorithms that provide the necessary information about the condition of the battery. Standard approaches may not achieve the necessary reliability; therefore, in this work the relatively new approaches of soft-computing techniques (artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms and chaos theory) shall be investigated. Artificial neural networks are computational adaptive models of nervous systems and able to process information that is relative while adapting to changing environments. Fuzzy logic, based upon fuzzy sets, map measured inputs to desired outputs by translating the behavior of the system using defined rules based on linguistic representation with relative factors that have changing levels of importance. Therefore, in this work the student needs to investigate solutions for battery management systems, focusing on those that use neural networks and fuzzy logic with the aim of combining the benefits of artificial neural networks with fuzzy logic for the estimation of the lithium-ion battery states (neuro-fuzzy). The previous knowledge of batteries would be helpful, but can also be acquired after a short learning curve. Experience needs to be provided for MATLAB / Simulink. Diese Diplomarbeit/Masterarbeit ist geeignet für Studenten des Studiengangs/der Studiengänge: Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Fachrichtung: Elektrische Energietechnik) frühestmöglicher Startzeitpunkt: sofort Diese Arbeit wird betreut von: Christian Fleischer, fl@isea.rwth-aachen.de 0241 / 80-99594 QuickView Nr. 1660 Adresse: Jägerstraße 17-19, D-52066 Aachen, Internet: http://www.isea.rwth-aachen.de/