german school oktoberfest
german school oktoberfest
GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 3E1 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY OKTOBERFEST Issue 3:5 (SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER) 2007 GERMAN SCHOOL German Language School Registration: Sept. 15th 2007 Saturday, Sept. 29th Details: Back Page Details: Pg. 8 Club Loreley: Durham region’s German heritage society; preserving German cultural traditions. The premier facility for holding your custom event. Specializing in weddings, business meetings and dances. Call, email, or visit our website for more information. German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY 2007-2008 - Board of Directors Address Telephone/Email 2007-2008 - Active Groups Group & Leader Telephone/Email Rifle Association: Peter Biller Thursdays: 7:30 to 10:00 PM Sundays: 10:00 AM to noon President: Ernst Stader 401-110 Park Rd N Oshawa, ON L1J 4L3 Vice-President: Edwin Albrecht 1636 Edenwood Dr H: 905-576-8664 H: 905-579-6803 Oshawa, ON L1G 7Y 6 Loreley Sänger: Otto Heller Mondays: 1:00 to 3:30 PM H: 905-728-1045 Heimat Sänger: Heinz Ottinger Thursdays: 2:00 to 4:00 PM H: 905-576-1199 Ladies Auxiliary: Irene Lipski Ingrid Maier Weekly Monday Practice: H: 905-571-7972 Kinder Tots: Kinder: Juniors: Seniors: Treasurer: Helmut Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 B: 905-985-3600 Soccer: Hans Gotthelf Directors of Administration: Rainer Stimming 126 Raigan St. Whitby, Ont. L1N 2S9 H: 905-668-6461 Urd Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 Karl Kreis 76 Keewatin St N Oshawa, ON L1G 6M8 House & Property: Herbert Albrecht 2 H: 905-985-8415 H: 905-436-2565 German Language School Loreley: Christine Dejan H: 905-576-9065 Newsletter/Webpage: Karl vom Dorff H: 905-373-1945 Next deadline for the newsletter is 3 p.m Oct. 20th 2007 Other supporting groups H: 905-728-3577 Oshawa, ON L1J 7A7 Hall Rental: Gerda Koepp 8070 Old Scugog Rd Enniskillen, On L0B 1J0 H: 905-725-1268 5:30 to 6:15 PM 6:15 to 7:30 PM 7:30 to 8:45 PM 8:45 to 10:00 PM Kinorama: Hans Mager H: 905-723-5435 Beverages: H. Dieter Keuthen 906 Tralee Ct H: 905-725-4705 H: 905-728-8133 K.G. Loreley/Youth Dancers: Holly Henninger Club Secretary: Gudrun Fuchs 807 Greystone Court Oshawa, ON L1K 2V1 Membership Treasurer: Brian Dimock 1086 St. Andrews Ct. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B5 H: 905-697-1044 H: 905-263-2745 Bar # 1 & 2: Lilli Rank Wanda Friedrich Club Caretaker: Joanna Tuszkiewicz Club Kitchen: Trevor Foreman H: 905-723-2107 H: 905-728-8714 Miss Loreley 2007/2008 Elizabeth Gifford H: 905-579-3120 H: 905-579-2565 H: 905-666-8145 H: 905-259-2723 Printing & organization of Loreley News - Ernst Stader, Karl vom Dorff, Klemens Denzel German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 German-Canadian Club Loreley “Das Haus der Gemütlichkeit” Club Loreley’s Bi-Monthly Newsletter German School Classes begin September 15th Page 8 Issue 3:5, 2007 Adidas Behält Nationalelf: Dumber in English: Biophysicist Stefan Klein on German as the language of science. Page 16 Page 13 President’s Report/Bericht des Vorsitzenden - Ernst Stader Let’s hope everyone had a beautiful summer, wherever you went, cottage, spending time in Toronto or elsewhere in Ontario, or just staying at home. By the time our paper is published, summer will be pretty well over, and we all are looking forward to the best time of the year ( in my opinion ): the fall with all those beautiful colors. But back to reality, and let us concentrate on things which affect our club. Firstly Fiesta Week--again a huge success. I was very proud how this was handled by Vice President Ed Albrecht and his staff. This is the second year Ed was in charge as pavilion chairman, and he has done a terrific job again. People like Ed makes it easier for everyone on the board, with their determination and willingness to do a job to perfection. Our club has participated since day one, and this is 35 years of Fiesta Week, and thanks to people like our current staff, we where able to come up with what we do best, and this is to perform and entertain Oshawa and its many visitors. I will leave this up to Ed to have a complete report about Fiesta and those many helpers during Fiesta Week. On July 17th we arranged a trip to Niagara on the Lake. At exactly 7:30 in the morning we left our club house with 51 people on board. This as mentioned before was organized by “ VITAFLEX “ and its representative Fred Schmidt. Our first stop was the Holiday Inn in St. Catharines with a presentation by Mr. Schmidt followed with a light lunch. Then we continued our day tour to the Reif Winery in Niagara on the Lake, a tour conducted by Mr. Reif himself. He was very informative as far as wine is produced and gave everyone an inside look as to how the process of producing wine takes place. Then the part of wine testing. (cont’d pg. 5). Wenn dieser Bericht erscheint, wird nicht mehr viel vom Sommer übrig sein. Ich hoffe, alle hatten eine gute Zeit in ihrem Wochenendhaus, im Urlaub, oder vielleicht nur im eigenen Garten. Doch der Herbst mit seinen herrlichen Farben ist auch keine Jahreszeit, die zu verachten wäre. Doch zurück zu unserem Klubleben und allem, was in den letzten Monaten passiert ist. Die Fiesta Woche war wieder einmal ein riesiger Erfolg – es gab Festlichkeiten, wo immer man in Oshawa verweilte. Hiermit möchte ich dem Vizepräsidenten Ed Albrecht und seinem Team aufs Herzlichste gratulieren zu der ausgezeichneten Arbeit während der Fiesta Woche. Ed war zum zweiten Mal der Verantwortliche für unseren Pavillon und hat wieder bewiesen, dass er dieser Arbeit gewachsen ist und alle Hindernisse auf seine Art bewältigt. Leute wie Ed machen dem Vorstand die Arbeit bedeutend leichter, durch ihre Entschlossenheit und eigenen Ideen. In diesem Jahr konnten wir auf 35 Jahre Fiesta Woche zurückblicken und Klub Loreley war von Anfang an mit dabei; auch darauf können wir stolz sein! Wir haben unserem Namen wieder alle Ehre gemacht mit unserem Unterhaltungsprogramm, gutem Essen, jeder Menge an verschiedenen Bieren aus Deutschland und - nicht zu vergessen – mit der Gastfreundlichkeit aller, die den Klub vertraten. Ed wird einen ausführlichen Bericht über die Fiesta veröffentlichen. Am 17. Juli machten wir eine Tagestour nach “Niagara on the Lake”. Pünktlich um 7.30 Uhr brachen wir mit 51 Leuten in einem Bus, der mit allem Komfort ausgestattet war, vom Klubhaus auf. Diese Tour wurde organisiert durch Herrn Fred Schmidt, Vertreter von “Vitaflex”. Die erste Pause wurde im Holiday Inn in St. Chatarines eingelegt mit einem Vortrag über Vitaflex, anschließend gab es Mittagessen. Weiter ging´s zum Weingut Reif in Niagara on the Lake. (Weiter auf Seite 5) German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont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alendar of Events $",'"3)#K.%,>?@@8@@,)"&#)%"&,-)%/)"8,T(0,04"/,B'03(5)"6, 7%)-,(%),"$&,(5*),&$,/$8, 4),"47.&,A)/)",;(3,=$%:$22)",'"/,4",/4)0)2,M(**),:$""&)", Loreley Singer’s ‘Rummage & Bake Sale’ - 9 a.m - 1:30 B3(4",-),.(=),*$0&,&-$,$#,$'%,/)(%,2)25)%0CCD(*&)%, p.m Sat. Sept. 8th -4%,/4),B%5)4&,"47.&,0)*50&,2(7.)"8, E('2)40&)%,(,#$%2)%,1%)04/)"&,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+,("/,H$"%(/, Grosser Preis Skat (11 a.m) Sat. Sept. 15th H)**)%6,(",(7&4=),2)25)%,$#,&.),IJ)42(&0K"3)%8L,,9'%, )4/)%,2'00&)",-4%,-4)/)%,B507.4)/,").2)",=$",^-)4,'"0)%)%, 7$"/$*)"7)0,&$,5$&.,#(24*4)08, a4&3*4)/)%6,D(*&)%,E('2)40&)%6,/)2,#%_.)%)",`$%04&^)"/)%,=$2, Kinorama (2 p.m) Sun. Sept. 16th *'5,G$%)*)+,'"/,H$"%(/,H)**)%,=$",/)",J)42(&0K"3)%"8,!"0)%, B*0$,"$&)-$%&.+,40,&.(&,F*'5,G$%)*)+,-4**,5),7*$0)/,#$%,&-$, Oktoberfest with ‘EURO CONNECTION’ Sat. Sept. 29th )4*)4/,(",5)4/),M(24*4)"8, -)):0,422)/4(&)*+,#$**$-4"3,M4)0&(,D)):,("/,-4**,$1)", (3(4",$",N'*+,OP&.8,,B7&4=),3%$'10,2(+,7$"&4"'),-4&.,&.)4%, Bi-annual Meeting (2 p.m) Sun. Oct. 14th 7.,2b7.&),.4)%,07.$",)%-K.")"6,/(00,'"0)%,H*'5,"(7.,/)%, -)):*+,%$'&4")8, 4)0&(,D$7.),#_%,^-)4,D$7.)",3)07.*$00)",40&8,T(0,34*&,A)/$7., Kinorama (2 p.m) Sun. Oct. 21st Q,(*0$,-$'*/,*4:),&$,&.(":,$'%,2)25)%0,-.$,/$"(&)/,#*(30, '%,#_%,H_7.),'"/,E(%c,/4),!"&)%3%'11)",:b"")",4.%), #%$2,&.)4%,7$'"&%4)08,,D),%)7)4=)/,&-$,R)%2(",#*(30,#%$2, “Glen Miller Night” Classical Swing Orchestra Sat. Nov. 3rd :&4=4&K&)",5)45).(*&)"6,d%b##"'"3,-4)/)%,(2,OP8,N'*48, J)%5,B*5%)7.&6,/4%)7&$%,#$%,.$'0),("/,1%$1)%&+,("/,S$*#, Kinorama (2 p.m) Sun. Nov. 18th ab7.&),247.,('7.,5)4,'"0)%)",a4&3*4)/)%",5)/(":)"6,/4),'"0, T$"(&.,U(,#$%2)%,2)25)%,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+V6,("/,(",B'0&%4(" (.")",('0,T)'&07.*("/,'"/,e0&)%)47.,24&5%(7.&)"8,J)%5, #*(3,#%$2,9&&$,M*)407.2(""8,,B,&.(":,+$',(*0$,&$,9*(#, Annual Christmas Market (from 10 a.m - 4 p.m) Sun. Nov. 25th *5%)7.&6,T4%):&$%,#_%,J('0,'"/,R%'"/0&_7:6,S$*#,T$"(&.6, S'/$*1.,("/,J)*2'&,R%("/)%,-.$,&$3)&.)%,-$%:)/,$",F*'5, %_.)%)0,a4&3*4)/,/)0,T)'&07.)",H*'50,24&,T)'&07.)",M(.")", G$%)*)+W0,#4%),1*("6,("/,-4&.,&.),1%$1)%,*(+$'&,1'&, Advent Concert (Loreley Singers) Sat. Dec. 1st "/,9&&$,M*)407.2("",#_%,/4),M(."),('0,e0&)%%)47.8,9*(#, )=)%+&.4"3,&$3)&.)%8,,Q,%)(/,&.),-.$*),1*("6,("/,5)*4)=),2), Rifle Club Christmas Party (2 p.m) Sun. Dec. 2nd '/$*1.,0$-4),J)*2'&,R%("/)%6,/4),/)",f,M)')%,Y47.)%'"30, 4&0,24"/,5$33*4"3,-.(&,&.),#4%),/)1(%&2)"&,)X1)7&0,+$',&$, *(",f,^'0(22)",0&)**&)"8,J(5),/)",3("^)",Z*(",/'%7., :"$-8, Club Loreley Christmas Dance with ‘Variation’ Sat. Dec. 8th )*)0)"6,2'00,0(3)",-(0,J)'&^'&(3),=)%*("3&,-4%/6,40&, !"#$%#&'()*$+,(&-./$M$%,(,*$"3,&42)6,&.),Y$'&.,04/),$#,$'% &'/4)",%)4#8, German Language School Christmas Party (2 p.m) Sun. Dec. 16th 5'4*/4"3,U&.),5(7:+(%/V,-(0,(,0$%),1(%&,4",&.),)+)0,$#,2("+, $#,$'%,2)25)%06,("/,)01)74(**+,&.),5$(%/,$#,/4%)7&$%08, 01#$2#34"14",#$5#&$%#&'()*./$Y7.$",0)4&,*("3)%,g)4&,-(%, New Year’s Eve Dance with EURO CONNECTION Mon. Dec. 31st Z)$1*),-.$,*4=),4",&.(&,7$21*)X,2(/),4&,(,.(54&,&$,'0),&.40, "0,/4),Y_/0)4&),'"0)%)0,H*'5.('0)0,U,/)%,R(%&)",V,)4",T$%", 2,B'3)8,G)'&)6,/4),4",/4)0)2,H$21*)X,-$.")"6,2(7.&)",)0, (%)(,(0,(,0.$%&7'&,&$,%)(7.,T)(",B=)8,[))/*)00,&$,0(+6,(**, :4"/0,$#,3(%5(3)6,*4:),7("06,5$&&*)0,("/,$&.)%,0&'##,-(0, 47.,^'%,B"3)-$.".)4&6,/)",:_%^)%)",D)3,/4%):&,.4"&)%, /'21)/,$",$'%,1%$1)%&+8,;.4"30,$"*+,7.("3)/,$"7),(", "0)%)2,H*'5.('0,^',-K.*)"6,'2,^'%,T)(",B=)"'),^', (1(%&2)"&,7$21*)X,-(0,5'4*&,$",&.),D)0&,04/),$#,$'%, $22)"8,T(0,.(&&),('7.,("/)%),M$*3)"h,U-)4&)%,]V, 1%$1)%&+8,U7$"&\/,]V, $ ! ! ./%(#)$*0-1#*02"&32"#! OP@@,Y427$),Y&%))&,[$%&., 90.(-(6,9"&8, GOR,iji, ;)*h,Uk@?V,lmnCioko, M(Xh,Uk@?V,iPoClPin, 4 !" , D(%0&)4")%, !" !" J(7:)%CZ07.$%%,, , J$*0&)", i@n?,Y*(/)=4)-,F%)07)"&,!"4&,pO@, a400400('3(6,9"&8,G?G,?jP, ;)*h,Uk@?V,nmnCmmPi,M(Xh,Uk@?V,nmnCOm@k, 6(7&$8*&59*&#$+,(&#$ :(&$!"&##$2#;#&*,1(;3$ +<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! %<=>?=<$@<AB0+$ ! F/E)!!!@!! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!& German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY President’s report cont’d: White and red wine was presented and on leaving the winery, everyone received a bottle of white wine. From there, we visited Niagara Falls with 3 hours of leisure time for everyone. The well liked bus driver took us safely home, and I believe we all enjoyed a wonderful day to the Falls and wine country. In closing, I would like to thank Mr. Fred Schmidt and his Company “ Vitaflex “ for organizing the day tour, and I can assure him, we all liked it very much. Somerfest is something for everyone: enjoy our backyard, take part in games, have something to eat, drink, or just have a conversation with members and friends. Unfortunately the weather gods were not on our side-sunshine till about afternoon, and then it came down in buckets. We all know we needed rain, but it did not damper our activities, because we all moved in to the main hall and continued with festivities. Games for children and grandchildren suffered a little bit, but other than that it was a pleasant afternoon. The shooting range which is covered was of course busy with old and young; for some it was like a magnet, you just could not get them away from there. Music and songs are part of the afternoon, and of course the big “tombola” with excellent prizes. Gerda and all helpers did a teriffic job again in providing us with such a wonderful afternoon, which I believe was enjoyed by everyone. Our thanks to “Soccer City” for the generous donation to our Sommerfest in memory of the good times we all had together. Those were the activities for the last few months and now to the present. On September the 8th the Loreley Singer “ rummage and bake sale “ from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Preis Skat on Saturday 15th. at 11 a.m. sharp, and let me remind everyone, if that one should turn out to be like the last one, only a few players, the Skat tournament will be cancelled for future events. Then Kino Rama after a long summer holiday on Sept. 15th. at 2 p.m. with an excellent program, (see flyer) The biggest event after Fiesta Week “ OKTOBERFEST “ in Oshawa on Sept. 29th. The kitchen will be open from 6 p.m. The “EURO CONNECTION” will start at 7:30 p.m. and our evening will start with an excellent entertainment by our Youth Dancers. German Cuisine, Draft Beer, Shooting Range in the Basement, and of course the already famous big Tombola with an assortment of prizes. All this for only $10.00 admission. Come along and bring your friends (see Oktoberfest flyer) Then it is time again to find out how Club Loreley (your club) is handling our affairs, so come out to our Für den Laien war es ein präsentabler Vortrag und für alle diejenigen, die mit Weingütern vertraut sind, ein normaler Vorgang. Mit einer Weinprobe endete dieser Besuch und jeder wurde noch mit einer Flasche Wein beschert. Dann ging es weiter nach Niagara Falls, wo man drei Stunden zur freien Verfügung hatte - zum Bummeln, Casinobesuch oder anderem Zeitvertreib. Pünktlich um 18:30 verließen wir die Niagara-Fälle und traten unsere Heimfahrt an. Ein ausgezeichneter Ausflug für einen Tag und ich glaube sagen zu dürfen, dass es allen gefallen hat. Nochmals unser Dank an Herrn Fred Schmidt für den Tagesausflug. Das Sommerfest ist eigentlich ein Fest für Jung und Alt, ein Fest für Jedermann und so war es auch wieder an diesem Tag. Das Wetter war diesmal leider nicht auf unserer Seite, trotzdem erfreuten sich unsere Mitglieder sowie Gäste und Freunde bei gutem Essen und einigen Getränken. Spiele für Kinder und Enkelkinder waren in Mengen vorhanden, mussten aber leider unterbrochen werden. Ausser der Schießstand, war fast immer besetzt und jeder hatte seinen Spaß. Natürlich gehören zu so einem Nachmittag Musik und Gesang und die Sänger sorgten dafür mit Einlagen. Die große Tombola war der Abschluss und so mancher verließ unseren Klub mit einem Gewinn. Gerda und ihre Helfer taten wieder ihr Bestes und sorgten für ein ausgezeichnetes Sommerfest, wie von allen Anwesenden bestätigt wurde. Auch möchten wir “ Soccer City “ für die großzügige Spende danken in Erinnerung an die guten Zeiten, die wir alle in der Fußballarena verbrachten. Das waren die Veranstaltungen der letzten Monate und nun zur Gegenwart. Am 8. September veranstalten die Loreley Singer wieder einen “ Rummage und Bake Sale” von 9 Uhr früh bis 13.30 Uhr. Dann findet am 15. September der große Preisskat statt und - wie schon gesagt - falls die Veranstaltung wieder so schlecht besucht ist, wird der Preisskat eingestellt. Genaueres wird in der Zeitung und Memberslounge bekannt gegeben; bitte tragen Sie sich früh genug mit Namen und Telefonnummer in der Liste ein, damit wir wissen, wie viele Teilnehmer es gibt. Nach langer Pause dann wieder Kinorama am 16. September mit ausgesuchten Filmen, (mehr unter Reklame) Dann das große Oktoberfest in Oshawa am 29. September; Einlass ab 18.00 Uhr und der Eintrittspreis beträgt „sage und schreibe“ 10 Dollar. Die so bekannten “EURO CONNECTION” werden uns musikalisch unterhalten, unsere Jugendtänzer werden den Abend mit erstklassigen Einlagen eröffnen und Chef Trevor German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 5 ! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY semi-annual meeting on Oct. 14th at 2 p.m. I would like to address our English only speaking members, the meeting in its entire form will be only held in English so don’t be afraid, and think you have to speak German to take part in that event. Kinorama again on Oct. 21st at 2 p.m. (see flyer ) wird uns mit echt deutschen Speisen verwöhnen. Dazu Bier vom Fass, ein Schießstand im Keller und nicht zu vergessen, die schon nicht mehr weg zu denkende Tombola. Wir hoffen, Sie alle bei diesem Fest im Klub Loreley begrüßen zu dürfen. (Mehr unter Reklame) Am 14. Oktober findet unsere Halbjahresversammlung um 14.00 Uhr im Klub statt. Für jedes nicht deutsch sprechende Mitglied hier eine wichtige Information: Diese Versammlungen werden grundsätzlich in Englisch abgehalten und nicht, wie vielleicht mancher dachte, in Deutsch! Es gibt also keinen Grund fernzubleiben; überzeugen Sie sich persönlich, wie unser Klub geleitet wird! !""#$%&'()*&+$,-$./()01$$ It might be wise to mention already a big event in November since our club paper might not be out in time, so for Nov. 3rd. will have the “Classical Swing Orchestra” for a Glen Miller night at our ["%3R)K*=)&;+73) Club. Advertising will be done well in advance, but :;&3$)K3*C)E;8+;8) remember the date, and mark this on your calendar. !"##$%&$'() 2"%$3$4)5"*(1)67+8$%)9):$.;'(%7(;"+) This will be my report for the next two month, and :;&3$)K3*C)'$7'"+)8"##$+8$') by the way, our kitchen will serve you again every Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m. Bring your friends and 2"%$3$4)!;+.$%):*##7.$)?)@7A$)!73$)B)7,#,)(")0)=,#,)) visitors to Club Loreley for an excellent meal, and Y;+"%7#7) maybe a few drinks. D%"''$%)E%$;')!A7()F//)7,#G)) UntilD$%#7+)27+.*7.$)!81""3)@$.;+') the next time, and greetings to all, IA("C$%&$'()FJ*%")K"++$8(;"+G)) Ernst Stader, President -++*73)M73&)5$7%')N$$(;+.)FO)=,#G)) Y;+"%7#7) !*+,)Z*34)B(1) Kinorama gibt es wieder am 12. !7(,)Z*34)OB(1) Oktober um 14.00 Uhr, (mehr unter Reklame) !*+,)-*.)/0(1) <*$',)!$=(,)>(1) Heute möchte ich schon bekannt geben, dass wir am 3. November einen besonderen <1*%',)!$=(,)W(1) Abend veranstalten unter dem Motto “Glen Miller Night” mit dem Classical Swing !7(,)!$=($#C$%)B(1) Orchester unter der Leitung von T. Pinto. !*+,)!$=(,)/L(1) Es ist sehr wichtig, über diesen Abend bereits in der aktu!7(,)!$=($#C$%)/H(1) ellen Ausgabe zu informieren, damit auch alle rechtzeitig Bescheid wissen, falls die nächste Zeitung nicht früh ge!7(,)!$=(,)/H(1) nug erscheint. !7(,)!$=($#C$%)0L(1) Das wäre wieder alles für die !*+,)I8("C$%)/>(1) nächsten Monate. Nebenbei bemerkt, unsere Küche ist wieder jeden Donnerstag von !*+,)I8(,)OO+R) 16 bis 21 Uhr geöffnet. Überzeugen Sie sich persönlich !7(,)S"T$#C$%)U(1) bei einem Besuch, wie ausgezeichnet das Essen !*+,)S"T$#C$%)/B(1) schmeckt! P.S. Helga und I would like to thank everyone for !813781&$'()9)&$7(*%;+.)(1$)P!=;8$)"&)2;&$Q)C7+R) the anniversary greetings, and especially the Y;+"%7#7) board of directors for the wonderful flower bouquet.-++*73)K1%;'(#7')N7%A$(V)&%"#)/L)7,#,)(")U)=,#,)) The table decoration for our dinner party !*+,)S"T$#C$%)OH(1) was-RT$+()K7%"3')=$%&"%#$R)7()K3*C)2"%$3$4)C4)(1$)2"%$3$4)!;+.$%') a dream, thanks to Gerda Koepp, Marianne Mit den besten Grüßen, !7(,)6$8$#C$%)O+R) Sellick and Irmgard Dus. A special thanks to :;&3$)K3*C)K1%;'(#7')E7%(4)) !*+,)6$8$#C$%)0%R) Wanda Friedrich who took care of the bar service. , Vorsitzender ChefK3*C)2"%$3$4)K1%;'(#7')67+8$)) Trevor and staff, a wonderful and excellent !7(,)6$8$#C$%)B(1) served dinner, which was enjoyed by everyone, K1;3R%$+Q')K1%;'(#7')E7%(4)FO)=,#G)) !*+,)6$8$#C$%)/L(1) thanks again to all of you. P.S. Helga und ich möchten uns recht Herzlich bei Allen D$%#7+)27+.*7.$)!81""3)K1%;'(#7')=7%(4) !*+,)6$8$#C$%)/W(1) bedanken für die Jubiläumsgrüße und vor allen Dingen Comments? beim Vorstand für die wunderschönen Blumen. Ein beS$X)5$7%')JT$)@733)) !*+,)6$8$#C$%)0/'() sonderer Dank an die Damen für die herrliche Tischdekoration der Dinner Party in der Memberslounge ( sage und schreibe ein Gedicht) Gerda Koepp, Marianne Sellick and Irmgard Dus. Sowie Wanda Friedrich für den Ausschank an diesem Abend. Unserem Chef Trevor und sein Küchen personal ein besonderes Lob für das ausgezeichnete Essen mit Vorspeisen und Cocktailbissen, sowie die hervorragende Bedinung. Ein Abend der von Allen gelobt wurde. Ernst Stader ! !"#$%&"'()*!"+(#,-(",*.%/0$',#* *&"0*1#,&,(*.2&""3"4!! Kommentar? !"#$%&'($)*+,,*$-,.*/$ $0.1232/$04$567$#78$ 5(26$98:;<$;=6>6:"#$ $$$5/22*7%((6$6>?@@>##;>#@#?$$ $$$$7&86$6>8:;>;=6>#":?$! "#$%&'!*1,''&'(,+A1,''&'(,+&'.B+2'C,DCEF! ()*+%,)'!333D1,''&'(,+&'.B+2'C,DCEF!! ! 6 ! F/E)!!!G!! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY KINORAMA Das nächste Kinorama findet statt: Sonntag, 16. September & Sonntag 21. Oktober 14 Uhr Kommt und erfreut Euch an einen schönen Film Nachmittag. Die Küche ist geöffnet fuer warmes Essen, sowie Kaffee und Kuchen. Die Bar ist ebenfalls offen. Für mehr Information: Hans Mager (905) 436-2565 Comments? Thank You - Toni Blakolmer On June 24TH, I had a wonderful 85Th birthday celebration with family and friends. I would like to thank all who attended especially the Heimat Singers under the direction of Heinz Ottinger. Thank you Juli, Anneliese, Edith for your solo and Ilse for your great accordion accompaniment. To the Ladies Auxiliary for the beautiful azalea plant and for all the good wishes I received. I am very fortunate to have a great family and good friends at Club Loreley. THANK YOU, Toni Blakolmer German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 7 “Learn German Have fun!” Children at beginner and advanced levels welcome Level 1 for students of JK, SK and Grade 1 Develop basic literacy by integrating play, music, crafts, including listening and speaking skills. Students are introduced to reading and writing. Children do not need previous exposure to German. We prefer students starting in SK age. Level 2 and 3 for students of Grade 2 to Grade 4 / 5 Split level for students starting at this age or building on German learned in previous courses. Students work in groups in accordance to their level 2 or 3. Correct spelling and grammar lead to further development of conversational, reading and writing skills. Level 4 and 5 for students of Grade 5 / 6 to Grade 8 Split level for students building on German learned in previous courses and advancing to level 4 or 5. This class offers a comprehensive education in German language development with emphasise on communication skills and cultural awareness. German for Beginners The program is designed to help students in preparation of a credit program in the High Schools or other language diploma. Develop conversational skills and cultural awareness for travelling or general interest on Saturday Mornings 9 am to 11: 30 am September 15, 2007 to May 24, 2008 at the Immanuel Christian School Oshawa, 849 Rossland Rd. W Registration: Sept 15th, 2007 For more info contact: Christine Dejan (905) 576-9065 email: website: GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY !"#$%#&'()*+,-#.$!" !"#$%#&'()*+,-#.$!"!"#$%&'()*'&#+,%-$ !"#$%&'()*'&#+,%-$!! 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coffee and cake • New business B$")$(+9="#-''$)"B="(99"/-'"&+-$*)'4"K.":('"(",+$(.";%#&%+.".%"./$"8$99$+"&(#2 B$")$(+9="#-''$)"B="(99"/-'"&+-$*)'4"K.":('"(",+$(.";%#&%+.".%"./$"8$99$+"&(#2 -9=".%"'$$"(9#%'."(99"%&"./$"1$-#(.'3*,$+"(."./$-+"09(;$".%"0(="./$-+"9('."+$2 -9=".%"'$$"(9#%'."(99"%&"./$"1$-#(.'3*,$+"(."./$-+"09(;$".%"0(="./$-+"9('."+$2 • Closure of the meeting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d+" 9-$B$+"G3*,$+&+$6*)"8%*+()"8$99$+"&d+" -##$+4"8%*+()":(+"*-;/."*6+"$-*"(M.-A$'" -##$+4"8%*+()":(+"*-;/."*6+"$-*"(M.-A$'" H/%+#-.,9-$)")$+"1$-#(.'3*,$+7"$+":(+" H/%+#-.,9-$)")$+"1$-#(.'3*,$+7"$+":(+" (6;/"6*'$+"(99$+B$'.$+"Q+$6*)"6*)",6.$+" (6;/"6*'$+"(99$+B$'.$+"Q+$6*)"6*)",6.$+" 8(#$+()4" 8(#$+()4" F$**"(6;/"'$-*"U9(.E"-#"H/%+"&d+"-##$+" F$**"(6;/"'$-*"U9(.E"-#"H/%+"&d+"-##$+" 9$$+"'.$/$*":-+)7"-*"6*'$+$*"1$+E$*":-+)" 9$$+"'.$/$*":-+)7"-*"6*'$+$*"1$+E$*":-+)" 8%*+()"&d+"-##$+":$-.$+"9$B$*4"" 8%*+()"&d+"-##$+":$-.$+"9$B$*4"" a-*"9-$B$'"J+%'.:%+."&d+"C$+.-"6*)"Q(#-9-$4" a-*"9-$B$'"J+%'.:%+."&d+"C$+.-"6*)"Q(#-9-$4" 5#&,$!.6*)76.)$&*)$*6$*)(.8$ 5#&,$!.6*)76.)$&*)$*6$*)(.8$ F$"&$9."A$+="/%*%6+$)".%"0$+&%+#"(."(":$))-*,"-*"%6+";96B"%*"O6*$"P@./" Come and be part of the team and express your opinion F$"&$9."A$+="/%*%6+$)".%"0$+&%+#"(."(":$))-*,"-*"%6+";96B"%*"O6*$"P@./" 3#,$-.69#,$:;"'#.<$<0$'&,3#.,=$ >@@?"456+"B$'.":-'/$'".%"./$"B+-)$"(*)",+%%#"&%+"("9%*,"(*)"/(00="#(+2 3#,$-.69#,$:;"'#.<$<0$'&,3#.,=$ With your attendance, you show you care >@@?"456+"B$'.":-'/$'".%"./$"B+-)$"(*)",+%%#"&%+"("9%*,"(*)"/(00="#(+2 +-(,$4" +-(,$4" (meeting conducted strictly in english) 36;"$-0)#$).#0#$2.#0,3#$$ 36;"$-0)#$).#0#$2.#0,3#$$ F$"/$90$)"%6.")6+-*,"Q-$'.("F$$M"B="$*.$+.(-*-*,"./$"06B9-;":-./"'%#$" F$"/$90$)"%6.")6+-*,"Q-$'.("F$$M"B="$*.$+.(-*-*,"./$"06B9-;":-./"'%#$" 0,3$3&#$/#&)$ 0,3$3&#$/#&)$ :%*)$+&69"'%*,'7"(*)"%&";%6+'$":$"(9'%"/$90$)"%6.":/$+$"$A$+"("/$90-*," :%*)$+&69"'%*,'7"(*)"%&";%6+'$":$"(9'%"/$90$)"%6.":/$+$"$A$+"("/$90-*," /(*)":('"*$$)$)N" /(*)":('"*$$)$)N" >#.'?-#,$@",$<0$A&,3#.,4$$ >#.'?-#,$@",$<0$A&,3#.,4$$ Peterborough deutschen Radio Sender, 92.7 FM, ist 56+"(;;%+)-%*"09(=$+"K9'$"1$*.';/$9")-)"(",+$(."R%B"(*)"'/$")$'$+A$'"'0$;-(9" 56+"(;;%+)-%*"09(=$+"K9'$"1$*.';/$9")-)"(",+$(."R%B"(*)"'/$")$'$+A$'"'0$;-(9" jeden Sonntag von 8-12 Uhr zu hoeren (vielleicht !! ./(*M'"&%+"(9'%"/$90-*,"%6."./$"S%+$9$="G-*,$+'":-./"B(;M,+%6*)"#6'-;")6+2 ./(*M'"&%+"(9'%"/$90-*,"%6."./$"S%+$9$="G-*,$+'":-./"B(;M,+%6*)"#6'-;")6+2 nicht in Oshawa), oder beim online stream. <5!NO6#)0!$0P!9)J#)0!<$)(0!KD6M)(Q8 -*,"./$-+"0$+&%+#(*;$"(."Q-$'.("F$$M4" <5!NO6#)0!$0P!9)J#)0!<$)(0!KD6M)(Q8 -*,"./$-+"0$+&%+#(*;$"(."Q-$'.("F$$M4" Knackwurst und Sauerkraut KLA$"%*;$"(,(-*"+$(;/$)"./$"$*)"%&"#="+$0%+.7"B6."B$&%+$";9%'-*,"K":%69)"9-M$" KLA$"%*;$"(,(-*"+$(;/$)"./$"$*)"%&"#="+$0%+.7"B6."B$&%+$";9%'-*,"K":%69)"9-M$" Trent Radio 92.7 FM .%":-'/"=%6"(99"("'(&$"$*R%=(B9$"'6##$+"A(;(.-%*":-./"=%6+"&(#-9-$'"(*)" .%":-'/"=%6"(99"("'(&$"$*R%=(B9$"'6##$+"A(;(.-%*":-./"=%6+"&(#-9-$'"(*)" !!!! 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PX?@"J(6*.%*"c%()"a('." 5'/(:("5*.(.-%" 5'/(:("5*.(.-%" SP1"^S]" ZW@[\"[]W2[]]P" ZW@[\"[]W2[]]P" J%0'%-9""`K*.$+9%;M-*,"`1=)+(69-;" J%0'%-9""`K*.$+9%;M-*,"`1=)+(69-;" G$$)-*,"I"<69;/-*,"`a'.-#(.-*," G$$)-*,"I"<69;/-*,"`a'.-#(.-*," b$'-,*-*,"`S(*)';(0-*," b$'-,*-*,"`S(*)';(0-*," "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! 9 !! F/E)!!!:?!! F/E)!!!:?!! ! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Rifle Club Report - Peter Biller Well it is already September and that means a new season is about to begin. I hope everyone had a happy and healthy summer. !" Since my last report we have had our annual Rifle Picnic on July 28th. Unlike last year’s 0#<%7"$+0+=>'%?1(8&+,%1'%"5+,%@&#$':9=%,1A&('%6$"B% "B%C)DD%E% rainy day, this year we had great weather. The day was very well attended and I'm sure F)DD%5GBG%H6%="#>:%01?+%("%+,I"=%'"B+%+J8+00+,(%.#$" .#$"5+9,% everyone had a great time. Once again this year Ossi and Maria Spooner provided us 8#1'1,+%1,%9%890B%9,:%$+09J1,A%9(B"'5&+$+%9B",A'(%6$1+, $1+,:'%9,:% with delicious burgers, thanks very much, that is three years in a row. Ernie and Helga 6$"B%9%K"$0:E809''%8&+6L%0""?%,"%6#$(&+$%(&9,%="#$%"K,%8 K,%80#<% Stader were kind enough to donate our first keg in celebration of 50 years of marriage, congratulations. And &"#'+M%N0+9'+%:"%8"B+%"#(%9,:%:1,+%9(%O0#<%7"$+0+=G%N$18 %N$181,A%1,E we cannot forget Waltraud, Ula, Helga, Marion, Karl and Wanda for the tasty cakes and salads. Thanks to 6"$B9(1",%1'%9'%6"00"K')! everyone who contributed. The day started around 2 pm with everyone meeting for a few drinks, then dinner was prepared by our BBQ !"#$%&'()")*%+,#(-./* ./*%012,3%4)5#% Chef Rolf Rocker who did an amazing job as usual. After dinner we gave out our awards with Jakob Fischer being the big winner who took home 3 awards, Pokal champion, first place in the senior group and second .I00)(! .(I0[5! place in the regular shooting. Second place in the senior group was Rolf Rocker. First place winner of the < 0 < an<& C < 0 DRolf A& "'dd))!H!P)/! regular group was Peter Biller and Ebenreth took first place in theOD60I9b)#!.I00)(! senior Pokal. We also hadC :our nual lawn dart tournament. At this time I have not heard who won but I am sure a good time was had by all. Thanks to everyone who attended. C:<0<<& C; 0 > A & "6)df5!OL)DI/#! .'K)59ID!^))(! I hope we can have the same turn out at our Rifle group general meeting on Sunday September 9 Cat: 010 am. A<& CE0>A& O'$L! TKL'(9)Q!^))(! Our season opens on Thursday September 6, good luck to all our members in the up coming season. Remember we are always accepting new members or if some past members want to come back out you are C:0A<& C; 0visit. <<& O/#/Q! eI0)! welcome to join us or just always Peter Biller O'd9!.(I0[5! "'dd))!H!"/[)! C:0A<& C;0A<& Comments? !"#$%&!'%(&)"*#+& &&&&),-&./))(#0"#1& P6)!'#Q)59!R)(K/0S"/0/QI/0!P(/2)#!1E)0D*! T0!P'('09'!</59! 470)Q!%*J!UVPP1!H!W1XTY!W&<TYU4;1YY! N!(!QI)!%)59)0!F()I5)!0/D6!Q)K!OZQ)0!%)5$D6)0!OI)! O7I55!H!"/0/QI/0!X)59/$(/09! ! 4$(!5L)DI/#9I)5!/()J! !" !" !" !" OD60I9b)#+ O9)/[+ O)/d''Q+ ^))d!R'$#/56+ !" !" !" !" 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G)H'(9!I('J!96)!K)(J/0!&/0E$/E)!LD6''#!M! !"#$%&$'()*(+,' Club Loreley Kitchen !"#$%%&'()*+(,-..+/(0/+$1(",(*+/+2(3)-4+#),($#4( !"#$%%&'()*+(,-..+/(0/+$1(",(*+/+2(3)-4+#),($#4( J#4%"6*(,"#4(4"+(37..+/8+/"+#(4$(-#4(4"+(36*-%+( J#4%"6*(,"#4(4"+(37..+/8+/"+#(4$(-#4(4"+(36*-%+( Our kitchen is open every Thursday evening from 4:00 5$/+#),(6+%+0/$)+4()*+(%$,)(4$&(78(,6*77%(7#(9-#+( 5$/+#),(6+%+0/$)+4()*+(%$,)(4$&(78(,6*77%(7#(9-#+( ",)($-,K( ",)($-,K( 7:00 p.m for members and the public. We look for:/4(;")*($(8-#($#4(5%$&(4$&2( :/4(;")*($(8-#($#4(5%$&(4$&2( ward to seeing you at our club to enjoy some fine L+/(%+)M)+(36*-%)$@(;-/4+(>7#(36*N%+/#(-#4(J%)+/#( L+/(%+)M)+(36*-%)$@(;-/4+(>7#(36*N%+/#(-#4(J%)+/#( European dining! We are closed June 28th & July 5th, <=(,)-4+#),(*$>+(/+6+">+4($(,-66+,,8-%(/+57/)( <=(,)-4+#),(*$>+(/+6+">+4($(,-66+,,8-%(/+57/)( @+.+"#,$.($.(:2(9-#"(.")(35"+%($#4(35$O( @+.+"#,$.($.(:2(9-#"(.")(35"+%($#4(35$O( but reopening on July 12th. 6$/42(( 6$/42(( @+8+"+/)2(( @+8+"+/)2(( Our head chef, Trevor Foreman, is a graduate of the <=(36*N%+/(+/*"+%)+#(+"#(+/87%@/+"6*+,( ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( <=(36*N%+/(+/*"+%)+#(+"#(+/87%@/+"6*+,( )* )* Liaison College in Toronto (where he trained under '(0-)( )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C '(0-)( P0,6*%-OM+-@#",2(L"+(.+",)+#(36*:%+/(*$0+#(,"6*( P0,6*%-OM+-@#",2(L"+(.+",)+#(36*:%+/(*$0+#(,"6*( Chef Michael Elliot). .$#&(.7/+(#+;(,)-4+#),($/+(+D5+6)+42(( .$#&(.7/+(#+;(,)-4+#),($/+(+D5+6)+42(( 0+/+"),(8N/(4$,(#+-+(36*-%Q$*/(+"#@+,6*/"+0+#'( 0+/+"),(8N/(4$,(#+-+(36*-%Q$*/(+"#@+,6*/"+0+#'( 4$,,($.(=C2(3+5)+.0+/(0+@"##)'('($0+/(4$##( 4$,,($.(=C2(3+5)+.0+/(0+@"##)'('($0+/(4$##( Foreman, who was raised in Winnipeg, has been A+;(,)-4+#),($)($#&($@+(8/7.(EF()7(F/$4+(G($/+( A+;(,)-4+#),($)($#&($@+(8/7.(EF()7(F/$4+(G($/+( ;+/4+#(>"+%+(#+-+(36*N%+/(+/;$/)+)2( cooking since he was 16. He moved to Toronto in 1997 ;+/4+#(>"+%+(#+-+(36*N%+/(+/;$/)+)2( ;+%67.+2(H*+(4">+/,")&(78(7-/(,)-4+#),(",($( ;+%67.+2(H*+(4">+/,")&(78(7-/(,)-4+#),(",($( to go to cooking school and apprenticed at the Westin 0+#+8")2(I+(;"%%(%+$/#(;")*(8-#($#4($.0")"7#2( 0+#+8")2(I+(;"%%(%+$/#(;")*(8-#($#4($.0")"7#2( A+-+(3)-4+#)+#'(>7.(E"#4+/@$/)+#$%)+#(0",(M-/(G2( Harbour Castle Hotel, as well as a number of smallerA+-+(3)-4+#)+#'(>7.(E"#4+/@$/)+#$%)+#(0",(M-/(G2( I*+)*+/($(0+@"##+/(7/($4>$#6+4'(,)-4+#),(78( I*+)*+/($(0+@"##+/(7/($4>$#6+4'(,)-4+#),(78( restaurants. The fallout from 9-11 dried up the convenE%$,,+(,"#4((4$##(;"%%17..+#2(L"+(R"+%,+")"@1+")( E%$,,+(,"#4((4$##(;"%%17..+#2(L"+(R"+%,+")"@1+")( tion business in Toronto and resulted in Foreman’s arrival at Pepperberries Bistro and was an origional $#&($@+(6$#(,)$/)(;")*7-)($#&(5/+>"7-,( $#&($@+(6$#(,)$/)(;")*7-)($#&(5/+>"7-,( -#,+/+/(3)-4+#)+#(",)(+"#+(S+/+"6*+/-#@2(35"+%'( -#,+/+/(3)-4+#)+#(",)(+"#+(S+/+"6*+/-#@2(35"+%'( member of the Pepper- berries staff, starting as the sous chef under David Evans, an Australian. The 1#7;%+4@+(78(F+/.$#2( 1#7;%+4@+(78(F+/.$#2( 35$O(-#4(E$.+/$4,6*$8)(;+/4+#(@+8T/4+/)2(( 35$O(-#4(E$.+/$4,6*$8)(;+/4+#(@+8T/4+/)2(( Bistro opened in November 2001, and taking over the roll of executive Chef in 2002. He has also run a 36*N%+/("#(Q+4+.(P%)+/(1T##+#(7*#+(R7/1+##)#",,+( 36*N%+/("#(Q+4+.(P%)+/(1T##+#(7*#+(R7/1+##)#",,+( very successful in-home catering business, where he comes into your home and prepares a dinner for !"#$"%&'()'*+,$'-(%"+"./'0+"1&"'&0%"12' !"#$"%&'()'*+,$'-(%"+"./'0+"1&"'&0%"12' 0+@"##+#2(' 0+@"##+#2(' you and your guests an event that you will never forget. 2005 brought on a new challenge as he took 34"'#"&&15"'()'(,%'&64((+'3('.(,%')1#7+7"&' 34"'#"&&15"'()'(,%'&64((+'3('.(,%')1#7+7"&' over the kitchen at Club Loreley in Oshawa. Foreman is committed and experienced in preparing exqui182')%7"82&9' 182')%7"82&9' !735+7"2"%'2"&';+,$'-(%"+".'$733"'4"+)3',8&'' !735+7"2"%'2"&';+,$'-(%"+".'$733"'4"+)3',8&'' site cuisine for his clients at Club Loreley no matter how big or small the party may be. Club Loreley’s ,82'"%<=4+3'>,%"8';782"%8/'>8?"+8',82' ,82'"%<=4+3'>,%"8';782"%8/'>8?"+8',82' kitchen staff, under the direction of Foreman, invite you to come for a wonderful dinner Thursday nights @"?1883"8'A(8',8&"%"%'B64,+"9' @"?1883"8'A(8',8&"%"%'B64,+"9' (see the menu below) or consider us for your next event (details on our website). Schnitzel Dinner !"#$%&'()'&*)+%#!%#',"),'-.)"$,',")!('&&/&0.)'++%1&,/&0) !"#$%&'()'&*)+%#!%#',"),'-.)"$,',")!('&&/&0.)'++%1&,/&0) Chef’s Special Soup */('++,)0"&&,1.'+-2)345) Salad */('++,)0"&&,1.'+-2)345) 6,.7"8",-)3'+'9,:,+7)5##%/+7'+7) 6,.7"8",-)3'+'9,:,+7)5##%/+7'+7) Coffee & Cake ! ! ! ! ;<<)3'=8'".)5>,+/,) ;<<)3'=8'".)5>,+/,) ?($'@'2)?+7))ABC)DED) ?($'@'2)?+7))ABC)DED) Coffee F<;GHD;GIIIJ) F<;GHD;GIIIJ) ($"&&,1.'+-#:'K$%7:'"&L#%:) ($"&&,1.'+-#:'K$%7:'"&L#%:) ! ! CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' $10.00 D8NE,8"'H,3(' D8NE,8"'H,3(' ! ! $10.00 F+#+/$%(^+5$"/,()7(P%%(?$1+,( F+#+/$%(^+5$"/,()7(P%%(?$1+,( $1.50 !7/+"@#(W(L7.+,)"6( !7/+"@#(W(L7.+,)"6( !$,)(!/"+#4%&(3+/>"6+( !$,)(!/"+#4%&(3+/>"6+( $1.50 $3.50 $0.50 M,7,)0,++"9) M,7,)0,++"9) =::(H$-#)7#(^7$4(I+,)'(d#")(e=_( =::(H$-#)7#(^7$4(I+,)'(d#")(e=_( \,*$;$'(\A2(V=F(:Hf( \,*$;$'(\A2(V=F(:Hf( H+%`(ab[_c(f:CZ[f<<( H+%`(ab[_c(f:CZ[f<<( !$D`(ab[_c(f:CZ]GC]( !$D`(ab[_c(f:CZ]GC]( N9O5!#PQ)!%$*P0E!9PJ)! N9O5!#PQ)!%$*P0E!9PJ)! ! ! !! DKLHM 'G'G DBBHG '' DKLHM DBBHG !" !" J%+6)/"6$%(?7)7/,( J%+6)/"6$%(?7)7/,( !" !" L$#87,,(?7)7/(U7#)/7%,( L$#87,,(?7)7/(U7#)/7%,( !"#$%&'()*#$+,"-,.) !"#$%&'()*#$+,"-,.) !" !" U7..+/6"$%(V"@*)(!"D)-/+,( U7..+/6"$%(V"@*)(!"D)-/+,( =:[[(L-#4$,(3)/++)(J$,)( =:[[(L-#4$,(3)/++)(J$,)( I*")0&'(\#)2(V=A(<E_( I*")0&'(\#)2(V=A(<E_( H+%`(ab[_c(CCGZCG<G(+D)2(=[C( H+%`(ab[_c(CCGZCG<G(+D)2(=[C( !$D`(ab[_c(CCGZ==C<( !$D`(ab[_c(CCGZ==C<( !" !" V"@*)(S-%0,(W(XYL(S$%Z V"@*)(S-%0,(W(XYL(S$%Z %$,),( %$,),( <C[(I+#);7/)*(3)2(J2( <C[(I+#);7/)*(3)2(J2( \,*$;$'(\#)2(V=X(]^]( \,*$;$'(\#)2(V=X(]^]( Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! 11 ! F/E)!!!:@!! ! F/E)!!!: GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Heimatsanger Report - Christel Petrowski The days are hot, the grass turned yellow, and our fresh Canadian fruits and veggies are in the stores; what does all that mean? It means that fall is just around the corner. So let’s enjoy what little is left of summer. Once the kids return to school it’s almost over! Not much has happened during the summer months. Most of us took a well deserved summer break, but there are always some of us who faithfully practise every Thursday throughout the whole year. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our picnic in July, It was a gorgeous, sunny, breezy day. It wasn’t a strong, but pleasant wind that blew that made it such a perfect day for picnicing. Again we used the club premises for our picnic which was perfect for such occasion. Food and drinks were plentiful. Actually there was so much food left over that we decided for next year everyone should only bring half of what was brought this year. Everyone was in a great mood. Of course, lots of singing and entertaining took place. Altogether we had a great time. We would like too thank our guests of honour, “Johanna and John Uhlmann“ for entertaining us with several jokes and stories. Nobody really wanted to part, but the time finally came at 6:30 pm to call it quits. Our Gerti Keller spoiled us with lots of goodies. Those with a sweet tooth were in their glory. No wonder we put on these extra pounds (smile). Thanks Gerti it all tasted great! We too would like to thank our Wanda for coming down to keep the bar open for the thirsty guys and gals. Wanda is always there for us and we would like to let her no how much we appreciate it. Thanks again Wanda! I guess that is all the news I can think of for what has happened over the last two months. Now that most singers are back, Heinz presented some new songs to us, which we’re eager to learn. As far as I know we plan to entertain the residents at the Bowmanville Retirement- Home with some peppy songs in the near future for Oktoberfest. Before I close off I’d like to wish you all, for the rest of the summer much enjoyment; and of course for the forthcoming Thanksgiving in October have a very happy Thanksgiving with all the trimmings, your families and friends. Once again, I have an interesting article for those who are interested to find out all about the origin of piggy banks. Please look at the next page. Until the next time, take care and don’t forget smile. Christel Petrowski Comments? Did you ever wonder why it’s called a piggy bank? Dogs bury bones. Squirrels gather nuts to last through the winter. Camels store food and water so they can travel many days across deserts. But do pigs save anything? No! Pigs save nothing. They bury nothing. They store nothing. So why do we save our coins in a piggy bank? Because someone made a mistake. During the Middle Ages, in about the fifteenth century, metal was expensive and seldom used for household wares. Instead, dishes and pots were made of an economical clay called pygg. Whenever housewives could save an extra coin, they dropped it into one of their clay jars.They called this their pygg bank or their piggy bank Over the next two hundred to three hundred years, people forgot that "pygg" referred to the earthenware material. In the nineteenth century when English potters received requests for piggy banks, they produced banks shaped like a pig. Of course, the pigs appealed to the customers and delighted the children. So now we all know how it began. Amazing one never learns out. 12 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Loreley Singer Report - Helga Gausrab And here we are again... Summer is over, we had real nice sunshine, little rain, but what the heck…September in all its glory will be just right for all of us. And then… we can think “Christmas” !! (Oh dear!) But before that nicest time of the year, we have a wonderful colorful Autumn ahead of us A lovely little poem I found in an old “Farmer’s Almanac” Actually nothing much to report. However, I would like to mention that I did speak to Ernst Stader and now I know why my July-August report was not printed and I feel much better because of our discussion. And I do apologize to our Editor Karl vom Dorff for all my “not so nice ravings” (which of course he did not hear!) But I do feel very bad for Karl, hearing, that he had lost all his work with that computer crash. Hopefully, he was able to retrieve all his information he needs for his studies. Through sunny days and yellow weeks, With clouds that melt in tears, The glory of the harvest speaks In all the silken ears. Our Garage sale on September 8th will go through. Helga Bodenweber has everything in her capable hands. On September 10th the “Loreley Singers” do start their new singing season. And our Monica Cotton will practice Christmas songs with us right away. J. Hazard Hartzell To All our Singers and Club Members who did not feel to well over the summer, very best wishes and speedy recovery. ♥♥♥ Keep singing my friends, and do not forget to smile ☺ ☺ ☺ All the best to all of you & yours truly always. Helga G. Comments? PS: These old “Farmers Almanacs” are really a wonderful source for finding written gems. Here is a short story about one little butterfly: The wood nymph butterfly (Cercyonis pegala) is common over the eastern half of the country anywhere there are meadows and wood edges. It’s a variable species, but in my northern area it’s fairly small, about the size of a big postage stamp. It’s the color of milk chocolate and has at the corner of each wing an elongated yellow patch enclosing a pair of dark eyespots. Its caterpillar looks like a tiny bit of some fruit candy: green with long yellow stripes. Every butterfly has its own way of flying. The wood nymph’s flight is loose and floppy, now fast, now slow, as it wanders low over the sunlit meadows. It has an odd tic in its habit of flight. The butterfly alights frequently, and when it does it invariably hitches or pivots itself around on its perch before resting, just as an old fashioned lady, on seating herself, might automatically gather her skirts around from behind her. Some butterflies are supposed to position themselves so as to avoid having their wings cast a shadow as they light. But the wood nymph’s quick sidestep doesn’t seem to do that. For me, the wood nymph is important as one of the first signs of the changing season. It appears each year in late July or early August, at the height of the high summer. The sun is hot, the woods rich in green shade, the days end in long, soft twilight. But when I see the first wood nymph, I know that in another month the leaves will have begun to turn. Just when it seems, that the summer must go on forever, this quiet little butterfly arrives to whisper; “no, it won’t”. German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 13 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Adidas behält Nationalelf: Statt der erwarteten Scheidung geht die Ehe zwischen dem DFB und Adidas plötzlich weiter – wahrscheinlich sogar länger als geplant. Und US-Riese Nike ist der Verlierer in der Millionen-Schlacht um unsere Nationalelf. Stuttgart, Hotel Schlossgarten, gestern früh um 8.49 Uhr. Adidas-Boss Herbert Hainer (53) erscheint schmallippig lächelnd zur Schiedsgerichts-Verhandlung. DFB-Präsident Dr. Theo Zwanziger (62) hatte im Hotel bereits übernachtet, wartete dort auf seinen Gegenspieler. Befürchtet wurde eine Schlammschlacht über die Frage: Hat der DFB den bisherigen Vertrag mit den Herzogenaurachern vorzeitig bis 2014 verlängert? Das behauptete Adidas. Michael Ballack machte im AdidasTrikot in 77 Länderspielen 35 Tore Oder ist der DFB ab 2011 frei für das Super-Angebot des US-Rivalen Nike? Es geht um 50 Millionen Euro pro Jahr. Doch Richter Prof. Willi Erdmann ließ keinen Rosenkrieg zu nach einem halben Jahrhundert Partnerschaft mit drei gewonnenen WM-Titeln. Drei Stunden lang drängte der Jurist auf einen Vergleich. Hainer („Eine kooperative Atmosphäre“) verschob extra seine Abreise zu einem anderen Termin. Am späten Nachmittag war klar: Es läuft auf eine Einigung hinaus. Adidas behält danach die Nationalelf – aber es wird teurer! Statt der zuletzt gebotenen 22 Millionen Euro pro Jahr wird aufgestockt, wenn auch nicht in Höhe der NikeOfferte. Und: Adidas baut zusätzlich Bolzplätze. Ein Lieblingsprojekt von Theo Zwanziger. Der drohende Wechsel zur amerikanischen Konkurrenz war offenbar das perfekte Druckmittel für den DFB... BILD erfuhr: Die Laufzeit soll nicht nur bis 2014, sondern möglicherweise bis 2018 gehen. Geplant ist, den neuen Vertrag in den nächsten Wochen zu besiegeln. Das bedeutet: Auch lange nach Michael Ballack und Miroslav Klose wird Deutschland noch mit den drei Streifen spielen. Und hoffentlich Weltmeister werden... Courtesy the Bild Zeitung Submitted by: Karl vom Dorff 14 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Hall Rental Features Hauptatraktionen The main hall accommodates up to 190 people, and the lounge 55. Both facilities are equipped with a bar. Der Saal fasst 190 Leute und unsere Member’s Lounge kann 55 Leute unterbringen. Beide sind ausgestattet mit einer Bar. LCD projector, screen, TV & VCR, and sound system available. LCD projektor, Bildschirm, Fernseher und VCR, Tonanlage. Full accessibility, air conditioning, and free parking. Ideally located just off of the 401, and 20 minutes East of Toronto. Kühlanlage, freies parken, und eingerichtet für Behinderten. Leicht zu erreichen, ideal gelegen. nur 20 minuten östlich von Toronto. Catering services available from an excellent chef. Both halls are available to rent for reasonable and competitive rates. Eigene Küche mit erstklassigen Chef wenn gebraucht. Beide Räume erhaeltlich für angemessene Preise. FOR YOUR NEXT WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, WHATEVER THE OCCASION, WE HAVE THE HALL FOR YOU! PLEASE CONTACT: GERDA KOEPP: (905) 263-2745 Hall Rental - $450 Member’s Lounge - $150 Members: half price *taxes not included FÜR IHRE NÄCHSTE FEIER, JUBILÄUM, HOCHZEIT, ODER ANDERE FEIERLICHKEITEN, WIR HABEN GENAU DAS, WAS SIE BRAUCHEN. WEITERE AUSKÜNFTE: GERDA KOEPP (905) 263-2745 Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 Hallenvermietung - $450 Member’s Lounge - $150 Mitglieder: Halber Preis *steuern nicht eingesclossen 15 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY PREIS – SKAT G)H'(9!I('J!96)!K)(J/0!&/0E !"#$%%&'()*+(,-..+/(0/+$1(",(*+/+2(3)-4+#),($#4( 5$/+#),(6+%+0/$)+4()*+(%$,)(4$&(78(,6*77%(7#(9-#+( th :/4(;")*($(8-#($#4(5%$&(4$&2( Saturday, Sept. 15 . 2007 <=(,)-4+#),(*$>+(/+6+">+4($(,-66+,,8-%(/+57/)( At 116$/42(( A.M. ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( Admission: $25.00 '(0-)( )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C G)H'(9!I('J!96)!K)(J/0!&/0E$/E)!LD6''#!M! !"#$%&$'()*(+,'! 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V"@*)(S-%0,(W(XYL(S$%Z H+%`(ab[_c(f:CZ[f<<( <C[(I+#);7/)*(3)2(J2( !$D`(ab[_c(f:CZ]GC]( %$,),( \,*$;$'(\#)2(V=X(]^]( !" 6,.7"8",-)3'+'9,:,+7)5##%/+7'+7) ! CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' D8NE,8"'H,3(' F+#+/$%(^+5$"/,()7(P%%(?$1+,( !" J%+6)/"6$%(?7)7/,( !7/+"@#(W(L7.+,)"6( !" L$#87,,(?7)7/(U7#)/7%,( M,7,)0,++"9) !$,)(!/"+#4%&(3+/>"6+( */('++,)0"&&,1.'+-2)345) ! !! ;<<)3'=8'".)5>,+/,) ?($'@'2)?+7))ABC)DED) F<;GHD;GIIIJ) ($"&&,1.'+-#:'K$%7:'"&L#%:) N9O5!#PQ)!%$*P0E!9PJ)! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+ ! 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 Club Loreley, CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' !DKLHM'GDBBHG' GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Dumber in English: Recently, a conference took place in Berlin with the lovely title, "Thought Researchers". It dealt with the issue of whether and how one can read thoughts and feelings directly from the brain with new techniques of neuroscience. Gathered in the auditorium were scientists, representatives of foundations and the German National Ethics Council – even the Federal Criminal Police Office had sent a delegate. All the speakers – six Germans, plus three from the United States and one from Great Britain – were outstanding. And they all spoke either English or, in the case of a German speaker, now and then something similar. Unusual word-choices and serpentine sentences can make a speech seem more brilliant than it actually is. But who in the audience spoke English? No one. And even the four foreign guest speakers could easily have understood a lecture in German, because simultaneous translation was available over headsets that were readily on hand. As someone from the sponsoring foundation told me, of course it would be better if the local guests would simply speak German. This would increase the public resonance. But the professors had another idea. Their argument: People only take a conference seriously when English is the official language. Now, one could muse over the confidence of researchers who think their credibility is enhanced in a foreign language. Or fume over the contempt for the public, if all that the organizers care about is their standing among peers. After all, the "Thought Researchers" had received funds for a public event, not for an experts' forum. Biophysicist and author Stefan Klein wants to ensure the future of German as a language of science. Our academic language is on the verge of atrophy, he says. Five hundred hears ago, Luca Pacioli, a pioneer of modern mathematics and accounting, bade farewell to Latin as the language of contemporary science. Galileo Galilei followed suit, 100 years later. They wrote in Italian, and a significant part of their contribution was in creating new terminologies for their new ideas, in the vernacular. Knowledge was to be accessible for all. Today, scientists are headed towards a reversal of Pacioli's revolution. But how do they expect to win the sympathy of a public with which they no longer even have language in common? And will we soon reach a point where we no longer can discuss the results of new research in German because we can't find the vocabulary? Society is threatening to split: On one side will be those who employ an elite language, and on the other, all those who miss out on the latest developments. So the issue of whether German remains a language for science is not merely a question of national pride. It has to do with something far more momentous: democracy. Anyone who only encounters scientific research in a foreign language pays a heavy price, even if he is a master of the idiom. "We are dumber in English" – this was the conclusion that researchers came to in Sweden and the Netherlands, where children were introduced to English on their first day of school. Lectures in English are part of every subject, but nevertheless, the test results are about ten percent lower on average than in courses taught in the mother tongue. In English seminars, students ask and answer fewer questions; they give the overall impression of being somewhat more helpless. Neither students nor teachers are generally aware of the problem, because they all overestimate their expertise in English. By now, English is the sole language used in lectures in 250 out of 1,976 advanced educational fields in Germany ("master's degree" programmes). Should this development continue, it would mean certain death for German as a language of research. In Sweden's most renowned university, in Uppsala, they already are considering offering more programmes in Swedish or returning completely to the mother tongue for basic studies. Students and their instructors don't only face comprehension problems. Language also transmits an emotional connection with a subject. And the more abstract a discipline, the more important this relationship. I remember well my enthusiasm when I heard the wonderfully catchy algebraic terms like kernels (amounts added to zero) and rings (amounts of numbers with specific links). I could immediately picture these concepts. In the utterly abstract field of quantum physics, Erwin Schrödinger coined the term of "Verschränkung" – most closely translated into English as entanglement – for little parts that, though far from one another, always keep the exact same distance from each other. But unlike the English term, the German word tells me right away what is meant. Einstein described the confusion of "Verschränkung" succinctly: It must have to do with a "spukhafte Fernwirkung," most closely translated as "long-distance ghostly effect" – a puzzle that preoccupied physicists to this day. Such clarity is lost forever, if the concepts only are known by the closest English equivalent. German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 17 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY So what can be done? German should remain the language for seminars and lectures. The counter-development – that people in the natural sciences, and increasingly also in the arts, only conduct international communication in English – is irreversible. For researchers, it's all about influence, which is greatest when everyone uses the same Lingua franca. It shouldn't hurt German scientific language if, in the course of everyday research, publications appear in English. Such articles almost always deal with tiny advances in knowledge – like the question of whether or not gene X is expressed under the influence of protein Y. They are oriented towards a small audience, they seldom influence scientific concepts and they are, even if composed by native speakers, usually linguistically as outstanding as a manual for a DVD player. But a pile of puzzle pieces is still not science. Every discipline needs publications that show connections, transmit inspiring ideas and sketch out new concepts. Such work is intended for colleagues beyond the narrow realms of one's own field and broaden the circles of knowledge. They are nourished by their use of language, because the author wants to lead the public through a distant and foreign territory, and thus wishes to be as convincing as possible. In order to preserve German as the language of science, we should make an effort along these lines. A little initiative is needed. These days, researchers get prestige and money for publication in the most renowned possible international journal or for an appearance at an international conference of experts. But they don't get that for an elegantly formulated essay about the intellectual concepts underlying their work, or for a book that puts their own work in its context, and certainly not for a lecture in a joint lecture series. Not only that, the preparation of such an article takes more effort than a hurriedly slapped-together piece in a trade journal. And no one in our universities teaches how best to accomplish this task. Yet scientists thrive on their ability to learn, and are receptive to rewards, just like any of us. So you have to offer them incentives to work on their use of language, and also to mix with the general public. Two measures could be taken immediately to induce a change in mood: First of all, in the future, final papers in all departments should contain a multi-page summary in an easily understandable German. This summary would be included in the exam grade. In addition, applications for public funding must include an extensive synopsis that any interested layperson could understand. Every researcher owes this to democracy. Secondly, in the future there should be a generous prize to encourage the best scientists to write. One could recognize German-language texts in various categories: The best collection of academic writing; the best essay; the best research report; the best textbook and then a best specialized book in both the natural sciences and the humanities. The Sigmund Freud Prize of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung (the German Academy for Language and Composition) cannot deliver what is needed. One could ask a jury to select the best German academic texts and complie these in a year book - the USA has been doing this for ages. In the final analysis, the question of whether and how to nurture language in the sciences depends on how we perceive the business of science as a whole. It is easy to forget that research is far more than posing hypotheses, collecting data and disproving theories. That is the daily work. But there is a much bigger picture produced by this collective effort: Science is also a narration by people who want to better understand and improve the world. That is why the works of Darwin, Galileo and Einstein fascinate us to this day. If we re-learn how to tell the story of science, then German will have a future as a language of science. This article originally appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on July 6, 2007 18 Submitted by: Karl vom Dorff German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 ! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Editor’s note - Karl vom Dorff I owe an apology to the Loreley Singers for missing their article in the last publication! Unfortunately, It came at a time when I criticized the lack of commitment to the the timely and ;<<7=43,835$"2$2/3$>./0$?4?043,@ ! regular submission of group leaders’ reports. This aside, I may have -./0$1234.45$67,#4,$8$98::5$;<<7= missed the article due to a hard drive failure, and just generally not having enough time to review everything prop$% erly - Sorry about that. &"'"()% !"#$% ('U! I should ''"#$have ;$%)(9!H!<IJ96!K)J056)JL)(! !"#$ more time now as I’m almost done school. I haven’t been able to figure out;/05!H!;)0(J)99/!T'('U! what’s going on with our website completely, but it seems we have some Turkish friends that are hacking 9! $ <(059!H!;J#I)!M/#/5D6! %"#$ <(JD!H!TJ0/!M$(E6/(I9! and defacing our website. I don’t know why, and it’s not pleasant. I’m not an expert at website design, but to combat their attempts to bring our website down. Unfortunately, we have lost our online photo alI)(5! will try )+3A$ ;)#L$9!"6(J59/!N('0)(! &"#$ KJ##J!H!<#J5/%)96!S/0I)(5! bum due to this. It can be restored partially, but it’s all very time consuming and work I don’t need. ! F/$#!H!1I/!O$##)(! &"#$ I have designed a new club logo, you can see it on the first page; hope you like it. Enjoy the rest of your summer! P(I!H!;)#L$9!Q(/0I)(! '("#$ Karl ;)J0R!H!100)#J)5)!499J0E)(! Comments? )*"#$ N$(9!H!;J#I)!SD6LJI! +',"$ Membership Treasurer’s Report - Brian Dimock 18A74,$;/B7.7835$!""#$%&'!"()*(+! Hello fellow members, O35,(F30P3,.(5:A(M,93:A.Q((( (3N5+1RS(2-6(63(R9T3(91Q(K,31U3R(.5R3.(5,3(;-9:;(,35RRS(63RRI( I do hope everyone is enjoying their summer, finding ways to beatH3(5,3(9:(123(09AAR3(-/(5(PB.S(M93.15(633T(5:A(1251(9.(3N5+1RS the humidity on those hot, sticky days. Fiesta Week I(X23S(;-(.-(;--A(6912(5(:9+3(+-RA(P33,(5:A(123(A3R9+9-B.( V-(6-:A3,C(62-(A-3.:W1(R9T3(123.3(;,351(/,3.2(K,31U3R.I(X23S( and Sommerfest were super events and a big thank you to all those who pitched in to help. RR(123(D5A93.(62-(6-,T3A(.-(25,A(5;59:I(Y-B(69RR(P3(,3$ /--A(X,3?-,(5:A(29.(1350(25?3(+--T3A(B8I(X25:T.(1-(5RR(123(D 5+3(51(-B,(<RBPC(.9:+3(63(25?3(129.(P35B19/BR(5,35(6912(123( On behalf of all our members, I would like to welcome our newest65,A3A(6912(5(K9+:9+(9:(EBRSC(629+2(9.(8R5:3A(1-(15T3(8R5+3(51( member, Mr. Rudi Bloedorn. Mr. Bloedorn is actually ,3(-:(EBRS(#C(R31W.(2-83(/-,(5(.B::S(A5SI(( :36(K3,;-R5(63(05S(5.(63RR(B.3(91I(7-(63(.33(S-B(123,3(-:(EB a former member who has rejoined our Club. Nice to see you back. (51(<RBP(D-,3R3SQ( H9.29:;(S-B(5RR(5(2588S(5:A(235R12S(.B003,Q(733(S-B(51(<RBP There has been quite a positive response to my phone calls to those members who hadn’t yet paid their membership ( dues. However, there are still some outstanding so I will be getting"#$%&'!"()*(+ on the blower again soon with another reminder. If your dues are outstanding, you can avoid that phone call by remitting your payment soon after reading this. As a reminder, single membership dues are $50.00 and family dues are $70.00. ! !12100134&-4&5/'6135&7'8.& ! If you know of someone who has expressed an interest in becoming a member of Club Loreley, please let them know that they can visit the Club and fill out a membership application and either send it to me, give it to Wanda in the Member’s Lounge or leave it in the office. Or simply have them phone me at 905-260-0275. Thank you. %"&(G9:;(71,331(H3.1( 4.2565C(4:1I(D'E(JG%( Hope to see you at Oktoberfest or our Semi-Annual Membership meeting. See the calendar of events for the dates and times. Till then, takeK2-:3L()!"#=(%&&$"!J!( care. M5NL()!"#=(%&>$&#>%( Your Membership Treasurer, Brian Dimock Comments? ! !"#$%&'$()*($+,&-./.&00.-.& '">(713?3:.-:(@-5A(7-B12( 4.2565C(4:15,9-( D'E(#F'( 2( !"#$%&&$'!!'( )*+,-..(/,-0(123(4.2565( 72-889:;(<3:13,=( German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1! (905) 728-9221 19 F/E)!!!CG!! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+< !&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! $"!..&/,0(,&12"!"#"$%&'(("$! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Ladies Auxiliary - Marianne Sellick !"#$%&'(")'&*"(+$"#,)-$"!. We are happy to report that all is well with our group. On a personal note, we all had a great summer start2(2$"1(2"N%C(+5*(1%-1+'($-1(#+N%(2+(-'(%'/C( ing with Fiesta Week and selling our fresh pretzels. A big THANK YOU to all the ladies who were on the daily -'/(2$%(^"'-&(*%15&21(-*%("'@(_(L+5&/(&">%(2+( pick-up run into the bakery in Scarborough. Ilse Hentschel donated 100 pretzels for the Loreley Youth Dancers. Irene Lipski is making a great recovery from her second2$-'>(Q-*&(Q*%"1(^+*(>%%6"'0(2*-#>(+^(+5*(1#+*%1(-&&( hip surgery and we continue to wish Waltraut 1%-1+'(&+'0@(9$"1(1%-1+'1(L"''%*1("'(+5*(I%05&-*( Haas good health. In June, Friedl Fleischmann celebrated her birthday as did Toni Blakolmer who turned 85 ?$++2"'0(8*+56(-*%V(.%*'/(`+N(4+*^^("'(^"*12( on the 24Th. Maria Mueller and Ingrid Maier celebrated in July. September is Irene Lipskis' month. We wel6&-#%C(-'/(J%2%*(."&&%*("'(1%#+'/(6&-#%@(_'(+5*( come Monika back from her long vacation. ?%'"+*(?$++2"'0(8*+56V(I+&^(I+#>%*(L-1(+5*(L"'\ September 5th is our next meeting starting with a barbecue in'%*(L"2$(8%*$-*/(7*5$'%*(2->"'0(1%#+'/(6&-#%@( our " Loreley Garden" and we will be planning 9$"1(1%-1+'1(J"12+&(3$-N6"+'(L-1(4"%2%*(Q%52$%'@( our fall schedule. We look forward to serving you cake and coffee at our bi-annual meeting on October 14th. I+&^(I+#>%*(*-'(+5*(A-'/%*6+>-&(-0-"'(2$"1(,%-*( Anyone interested in joining our fun group is more than welcome, we meet on the first Wednesday of every -'/(2$%(^"'-&(*%15&21(L%*%(-1(^+&&+L1V(356(L"''%*( month at 11 a.m. in the membership lounge. "'(2$%(K"*(I"^&%(8*+56("1(J%2%*(."&&%*C(-'/(2$%(A-'\ /%*6+>-&(?%'"+*(L"''%*("1(S->+B(7"1#$%*@( !" Marianne Sellick D'(!-,(G[2$(2$%(I"^&%(8*+56(-'/(^*"%'/1(2*-M%&&%/( 2+(D22-L-(W`"%L(+5*(6$+2+1(+'(60@(GOZ@(_(L+5&/( Submitted by Marianne Sellick for our secretary, Ingrid Maier and Treasurer, Irene Lipski. &"#"+51(1-'/L"#$%1(1566&"%/(B,(=%&0-(?2-/%*(-'/(#+&/( &">%(2+(2$-'>(H*'12(?2-/%*(^+*(/+"'0(-(0*%-2(a+B( %/(B,(!-*"+'(=%''"0(-'/()&&-(I+#>%*C(2$-'>1(2+(,+5(-1( Comments? +*0-'"b"'0(2$"1(2*"6(^+*(51@(D'(2$%(L-,(L%(%'a+,%/(/%&"#"+51 %U#%&&%'2(-^2%*'++'(-'/(%M%'"'0(L%(#-N%($+N%(%N62,( /*"'>1(1566&"%/(B,(4"%2%*(Q%52$%'@(3+^^%%(L-1(1566&"%/(B,(! 6%^5&&,(L$%'(2$%,(#+N%($%*%('%U2(,%-*(L%(#-'(L"'(2$%N( L%&&@(K&2$+50$(L%($-/(-(0*%-2(2*"6(2$%*%("'#&5/"'0(-'(%U#%&& $-'/%/C(L"2$(D22-L-(L"''"'0(-&&(2$%(2*+6$"%1@(.52($+6%^5&&, In der Fiesta Woche besuchten wir 13 Pavilllions, aber Club Loreley war für uns die Nummer UNO. B-#>C(+*(-2(&%-12(+'%(+^(2$%N@( Meinen herzlichen Dank an die Tänzerinen und den einen Bub, A%(0+2(-(&+2(+^(L+*>(/+'%(-'/(_cN(15*%(,+5(L"&&('+2"#%(2$%( ( allen Mitarbeitern die so fleissig mithalfen. Wir hatten eine wunderschöne Woche, die meisten Pavillions D'(S5'%(;Y2$(L%($-/(+5*(-''5-&(#&5B(#&%-'\56(/-,@(A%(0+ hatten junge Männer die mit tanzten. Die Ste+^(6%+6&%(2+(2$-'>("1(2++(&+'0C(,+5(>'+L(L$+(,+5(-*%C( venson Rd. Griechen hatten eine freude mit Opa, ich dachte mir, ich bin doch nicht ihr Opa. 8%*/-(-'/(A-'/-(+'(B%$-&^(+^(2$%(05,1(^+*(2$%(2-12,(&5'#$( /"^^%*%'#%(2$%('%U2(2"N%(,+5(-*%(-2(2$%(#&5B@(9$%(&"12(+^(6%+ 2$-'>1(^+*(-(a+B(L%&&(/+'%@(_(L+5&/(-&1+(&">%(2+(2$-'>(8%*/Schön wäre es, wenn Club Loreley auch wieder eine Erwachsenen Tanzgruppe hätte. Die Schwarzwälder, 2$%,(6*+M"/%/@( oder das Wolkenschieber Ballet will ich nicht mehr zurück in’s Leben rufen. Wäre aber gerne bereit, eine ''5-&(I"^&%(J"#'"#e(-2(3&5B(F+*%&%,(-2(G(6N@(_^("2("1(-',2$"'0( Loreley Volktänzer Gruppe mithelfen zu Gründen. Vier Paare D5*('%U2(/-2%(2+(*%N%NB%*("1(S5&,(GX2$C(2$"1("1(+5*(dK''5-&( haben sich schon gemeldet, den Segen vom ,+5(5'2"&(2$%(1%-1+'(*%15N%1(+'(?%62%NB%*([2$C($-M%(-( &">%(&-12(,%-*(,+5(L+'c2(L-'2(2+(N"11("2@(_^(_(/+'c2(1%%(,+5(5 President und Vorstand haben wir auch und auch ein freier Abend zum üben ist schon festgelegt. L+'/%*^5&(15NN%*@( Wir hoffen, das sich noch mehrere melden (bei Hubert Adebar phone Tel. 905-728-1877). Schön wäre es, wenn die Tänzer ein größeres Gaudi haben, als die Zuschauer. )'2"&('%U2(2"N%C( +$ Fiesta Week Report - Hubert Adebar Glück Auf, !"#"$%&'(("$% Hubert (Huby) Adebar /012345% ! !"#$%&''&#$()*&+$ ! 78"9&-01(0" !7:!;<" 20 H)IDJHKE(KIIKE8H!HE9?( ( A%//"'0C(."*2$/-,C(75'%*-&( ?$+L%*C(K''"M%*1-*,C(-'/(N+*%( OP:(Q"'0(?2@(A@()'"2(RP(D1$-L-C(D'2@(F;S(GFP( 9%&T7-UV(WXY<Z([P:\YX<Y(+*(;\OOO\G[X\XXG:( 7+*(%*N%*0%'#,(+*/%*1(6&%-1%(#-&&V(WXY<Z(<[]\[O;<( ( !" !" !" !" !" !"#$%&"'(( )'"*+,-&( .*"/0%12+'%( 3+'2"'%'2-&( 45'&+6( !" !" !" !" .7(8++/*"#$( 8++/,%-*( 7"*%12+'%( 8%'%*-&(9"*%( ! 3$"4&5$"6,'$." !"#$%&'()*%+++,-.-.% :;<(=+6>"'1(?2@(A$"2B,C(DE(F;E(G3;( German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 ! F/E)!!!:,!! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+< GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 21 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY 22 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Lösung German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 23 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY OKTOBERFEST BIGGEST EVENT IN OSHAWA!! AT CLUB LORELEY 389 DEAN AVE. Sept. 29th. 2007 Doors open at 6 p. m. Music by: “Euro Connection” Band starting time: 7:30 p. m. also entertainment by our Youth Dancers German Cuisine By Chef Trevor Beer kegs available Shooting gallery downstairs Bavarian fashion on display Lederhosen, Dirndls ect. Big Tombola – with excellent Prizes $10 Admis sion -OKTOBERFESTCome along and bring your friends 24 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221