Fresh Appetizer


Fresh Appetizer
Customer and Staff Magazine
of the ORIOR Group
No. 20 Summer/Autumn 2015
Bündnerfleisch TERROIR
News in brief 2
Credits 2
Editorial 3
ORIOR Group portrait 4
Noppa's: Fantastic. Vegetarian. 8
Export: The new gourmets 11
Fredag: Multi-faceted veggie world 12
BTS: The Brinks – animal welfare
according to Swiss standards
Fredag: Always keep your cool
Albert Spiess: Innovations 18
Cuisine from yesteryear and game 19
Interview: Success is in the air 20
Chips with a difference 22
Möfag: Creative fare from
Eastern Switzerland 23
Appenzeller Sunday Roast
Management Conference 2014 26
A look over the masters' shoulders
Rapelli: Innovations 30
Ticino's terroir 31
News in brief
In May, a 100 metre long, real Ticino
salsiccia could be admired on the
Piazza Grande in Locarno. Before the
eyes of enthusiastic onlookers,
Rapelli’s mastri salumieri prepared
35 kg of this highly popular, typical
sausage, piped it into a natural gut
casing and carefully wound it round in
a circle on an enormous chopping board. The salsiccia was then cooked on the grill and
offered to spectators in small, bite-sized portions. Also present was the well-known
Ticino TV and radio presenter, Fabrizio Casati (left in the picture).
Typical Italian!
Zest for life and eating culture dal Ticino 32
Pastinella: Innovations 34
Special Edition 37
Le Patron: Path-breaking gastro concepts 39
Le Patron: Innovations
Ocean's Best: Mangrove shrimps 43
ORIOR: It's show time! 44
New members of staff 46
ORIOR brand portfolio 48
From the pen of Rolf U. Sutter
Published by:
Dufourstrasse 101
8008 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 308 65 00
In-house editorial team:
ORIOR: Seraina Frehner
Rapelli: Ivan Trezzini
Spiess: Maya Zumstein
Möfag: René Signer
Fredag: Mirjam Frey
Pastinella: Patrizia Fischer
Le Patron: Andreas Liniger
International: Sylvia Fischer
Coordination, concept, design:
HBH Communications & Events
Breitensteinstrasse 96, 8037 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 447 40 90
Wordmaster English Translations
Absolutely champion!
HC Davos is Swiss Ice Hockey
Champion. Albert Spiess is always
present at home games in the form of
banner advertising and therefore had
particular cause to celebrate. However,
even more important is its sponsoring
activities for the junior players. Albert
Spiess supports the up-and-coming
talent, and thus helps ensure that the
young hockey stars of today will one
day also speed over the ice as
Wafer-thin dough, a creamy filling, freshly
prepared every day and seasoned with a
generous pinch of Italianità – that is the
fresh pasta from La Romagnola. The
exclusive pasta variations are sold in
eight shop-in-shops in the delicatessen
branches of Globus. The basic range is
complemented by seasonal specialities,
always offered with the appropriate
sauce. Besides filled pasta – home-made,
fresh lasagne and cannelloni – these
latest highlights are available with or
without meat, just as you prefer.
Photo: Maurice Parrée – Hotel Grischa Davos
Top marks for Rapelli
Traditionally, the AMMS (Misox and
Ticino association of prepared meat
producers) specially celebrate those
apprentices with excellent final exam
marks. Among the top five in the year are
no fewer than three apprentices from
Rapelli. We are very proud and extend to
them our sincerest congratulations.
(1) Silvano Agresta, (2) Andrea Sartori,
(3) Mirko Rea.
Dear Reader
My journey to the office takes me through the tranquil, still
sleeping rows of houses to the railway station, and into an
invariably overfull train. Subsequently, having just managed to
catch the waiting tram, I amuse myself by listening to the noisy
students as they chat and laugh among themselves, mingling
effortlessly with business people on their way to work. I alight
from the tram, and after just a few metres the aroma of freshly
baked bread lures me into the bakery. As I head towards my
office building, my thoughts turn to my favourite theme: What
motivates all these people?
For me, motivation goes hand in hand with progress. Understanding the essence of what
motivates people is therefore one of the most important insights that enable us to respond
with innovative, new products, concepts and ideas. I invite you to browse through this issue of
“Fresh Appetizer” and read all about the things that first and foremost move and shape ORIOR.
Allow yourself, for example, to embrace the Ticinese zest for life with the exclusive Limited
Edition by Rapelli (page 31), or take a look over the shoulders of the mastri salumieri (page 28).
Find out more about our unique Le Patron gastronomic concepts, be SMART and go Large
(page 39) – the perfect solutions for catering in all kinds of weather and for crowds of hungry
guests. The articles on today’s new, more selective gourmets (page 11) and trendy veggie
specialities (pages 12–13) provide an insight into the diversity of meat-free cuisine. And with its
tantalisingly tasty Tortellini Diavolo, Pastinella has transformed a seasonal product into an
absolute bestseller (page 37). These are just a few of the highlights in this year’s issue.
I have had the privilege of managing this fascinating and in many areas complex company
since February 2015. During this time, I have got to know a great many interesting and highly
motivated employees. In the course of countless visits and meetings, I have also met with
customers, partners and investors. All of them have different expectations. In addition, the
environment and the market are extremely dynamic and in many respects highly demanding.
But challenges are also always opportunities and an incentive to become even better. Our core
businesses are ideally aligned – and with its strong innovative spirit and consistent focus on
quality, ORIOR is optimally positioned to turn these opportunities into tangible and
sustainable developments.
I look forward to continuing to write our company’s success story together with our passionate
and highly committed staff. It will be a new chapter in ORIOR’s corporate history, characterised
by creative and innovative impulses, as well as by change and progress.
On behalf of the ORIOR team, I wish you an enjoyable read!
With culinary greetings
Daniel Lutz
ORIOR Group – Portrait
ORIOR is an independent Swiss food group with a strong corporate culture
that combines tradition with innovation. It specialises in fresh convenience
foods and refined meats. With its innovative products, it occupies a leading
position in fast-growing niches in the retail and food service markets, as
well as in selected sales channels abroad. ORIOR has built up a portfolio of
firmly established companies and brands, including Rapelli, Ticinella,
Albert Spiess, Möfag, Fredag, Pastinella and Le Patron.
ORIOR aims to create genuine value and achieve the highest level of
credibility in the eyes of its customers, suppliers and employees. Close
partnerships with customers and suppliers allow ORIOR to identify changing
requirements at an early stage and to respond swiftly with innovative
Modesty and the aspiration to exceed the expectations of all our stakeholders
lie at the heart of ORIOR’s business model. Customer closeness, innovative
drive and a strong corporate culture form the pillars on which ORIOR’s
success is based. We sum up our philosophy as: Excellence in Food.
In the 2014 business year, the ORIOR Group achieved sales
totalling CHF 521.6 million with 1,260 employees. ORIOR is
listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (ORON, ISIN
CH0111677362). Further information is available at:
We hear and read everywhere that employees are the
most important asset. This is undoubtedly true, but
we find it a rather banal statement. At ORIOR
it is about much more – for example, about
the way employees live up to our culture
of innovation, how they talk to each
other and about the enjoyment they
bring to their work. We have enshrined
this basic idea in the ORIOR vision, in
our strategy.
“We are ORIOR” is a philosophy based
on the 1,260 or so employees who write
the ORIOR story every day. Directors,
members of the Management Board and
heads of the companies are, of course, the
strategists and leaders that steer the business
towards its stated goals. But just as important, we
believe, is having a strong foundation of countless employees
who all strive together towards these goals day in, day out and thus drive the
entire ORIOR Group forward. We would like to take this opportunity to thank
them all very much for their untiring efforts.
ORIOR Convenience
ORIOR Refinement
ORIOR Refinement is the Group’s meat refining
segment and comprises the three competence
centres, Rapelli, Albert Spiess and Möfag.
The segment produces traditional premium
products, such as Bündnerfleisch, cured and
cooked ham, salami and Mostbröckli, which
are sold to the food retail, restaurant and food
service sectors. It operates seven processing
and refining facilities in the cantons of Ticino,
Graubünden and St. Gallen.
ORIOR Convenience and its competence
centres, Fredag, Pastinella and Le Patron,
focus on fresh convenience products, such as
ready-made dishes, pâtés and terrines, fresh
pasta, vegetarian and vegan specialities, and
ready-to-cook poultry and meat products. The
segment sells these products primarily through
food retail and food service channels, and operates six processing plants in German-speaking
ORIOR Corporate and Export is responsible for
exporting and marketing the Group’s products
in the neighbouring EU countries. It operates a
distribution centre for the European market in
Haguenau, France. This segment also includes
Group management functions and central
ORIOR / Spiess
Haguenau (F)
Le Patron
Le Patron
ORIOR Corporate & Export
Mösli Fleischwaren AG
Fredag AG
Noppa AG
Main site of the
respective company
Landquart hub
Albert Spiess AG
Rapelli SA
Salumi Val Mara SA
5th Annual
Daniel Lutz
himself and
presents a brief
outlook for
for a plate of
delicious fried
minced meat
with hörnli
pasta from the
ORIOR kitchen.
In 2014, the number of ORIOR AG shareholders
continued to grow and currently exceeds 2,700.
On 26 March 2015, the Chairman of the Board of
Rolf U. Sutter
guides the
through the
Directors, Rolf U. Sutter, welcomed the 553 who
attended the 5th Annual General Meeting in the Maag
Hall in Zurich. This meant that over one-fifth of all
ORIOR shareholders were present.
listen with keen
interest to the
events in the
2014 business
On arrival, guests were greeted with coffee and croissants served
in the foyer. At 10 o’clock precisely, the Chairman of the Board,
Rolf U. Sutter, opened the meeting with a few introductory words.
This was followed by a review of the 2014 business year presented
by Bruno de Gennaro, interim CEO until January 2015, and Hélène
Weber-Dubi, CFO of the ORIOR Group. After the meeting, Mrs
Weber-Dubi stepped down as CFO and handed over this office to
her successor, Ricarda Demarmels.
is thanked for
her many years
of invaluable
The shareholders approve all the proposals with an overwhelming majority.
From l. to r: Bruno de Gennaro, Head of Convenience segment, Hélène Weber-Dubi, CFO ORIOR Group, Daniel Lutz, CEO ORIOR Group, Rolf Friedli,
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Rolf U. Sutter, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr Thomas U. Reutter, lawyer at Bär & Karrer AG.
All the proposals put forward by the Board of Directors
were approved
The shareholders of ORIOR AG approved all the proposals
of the Board of Directors with an overwhelming majority.
The Board of Directors of ORIOR AG (from l. to. r.): Edgar Fluri, Monika
Walser, Rolf U. Sutter (Chairman), Christoph Clavadetscher, Rolf Friedli,
Dominik Sauter.
After 50 days as ORIOR’s new CEO, Daniel Lutz expressed some
thoughts about the future of the company and said a few words
about himself. Finally, Rolf U. Sutter guided the assembly through
the individual items on the agenda, all of which were approved with
an overwhelming majority. The formal business was followed by a
relaxed get-together, during which participants were treated to a
variety of appetising hors d’oeuvres – naturally from ORIOR –
accompanied by a glass of choice wine from the Zurich region.
Guests were also presented with a giveaway bag containing a
selection of delicious products and a recipe booklet.
Daniel Lutz in conversation with
• Approval of the annual report and the annual and
consolidated financial statements
• Resolution on the appropriation of profits
• Approval of a dividend payment of CHF 2.00 per
registered share
• Granting of discharge for the members of the Board of
Directors and the Management Board
• Re-election of Rolf U. Sutter as Chairman of the Board
• Re-election of Rolf Friedli, Christoph Clavadetscher,
Edgar Fluri, Dominik Sauter and Monika Walser to the
Board of Directors
• Re-election of Christopher Clavadetscher, Rolf Friedli and
Rolf U. Sutter to the Compensation Committee
• Re-appointment of Ernst & Young Ltd., Basel, as statutory
• Re-election of Ines Pöschel as independent proxy
• Approval of the proposed compensation to the members
of the Board of Directors and the Management Board
Bruno de Gennaro welcomes Daniel Lutz as the
new CEO of the ORIOR Group.
Ricarda Demarmels takes
over the office of CFO.
Some adhere to it strictly, others like it now and again – but the fact is, an increasing number of people
are favouring a meat-free diet. There are many reasons for this, but they all have one thing common:
the food should be packed with flavour and a delight to eat. And it is according to this philosophy that
Fredag – a pioneer in the sphere of meat-free food – is continually creating new products that are so
appetising that not only staunch vegetarians pick them off the shelves.
For some people, ecological, ethical or
health aspects are a deciding factor,
while for others, meat-free represents a
modern-day lifestyle. The market for
vegetarian products is booming. This
development constantly motivates
Fredag to optimise and expand its veggie
range. And with great success! It has
never been so easy to eat such a varied
and pleasurable diet without consuming
meat. Long-term vegetarians or vegans
are only too well aware that just a few
years ago, the choice of veggie products
was very modest, with the result that
they often had to content themselves
with food served as side dishes.
Nowadays, Fredag’s broad range of meatfree delicacies offers a tasty option for
each and every occasion – a substantial
evening meal for flexitarians, a tofu curry
lunch for all the family, or a barbecue
with all the trimmings for vegan guests.
terms of taste, structure and bite. Another key factor is their highly appealing visual
appearance. It is therefore hardly surprising that the vegetarian specialities also have a
great many meat-eating followers!
Noppa’s creative tofu kitchen
The variety offered by vegetarian cuisine extends far beyond classic meat substitutes.
Vegetables, potatoes, corn, lentils, Quinoa and countless other raw ingredients are
constantly being served in different forms. Sticks, triangles, medallions, balls – the
possibilities are endless.
Tofu plays a central role in Fredag’s innovative cuisine. With the acquisition of Noppa’s
in May 2014, the firm considerably expanded its expertise in the sphere of tofu. The
founders of Noppa’s, Noppa and Jörg Helbling, are now an integral part of the team and
are helping to drive forward the range of tofu specialities on the market. Noppa
Helbling is a master at constantly reinterpreting this product in countless different
flavours and preparation methods. Overflowing with creativity and passion, she gives
the development team valuable new impulses, including outside the world of tofu.
Appealing vegetarian
meat treats
Fredag has built up its leading role with
so-called “meat analogous products”
over the last 20 years or so. With great
commitment, the food developers are
constantly coming up with ways of
providing vegetarians with an even better
“meat experience”. Nowadays,
schnitzels, burgers, wings, sausages and
nuggets are of outstanding quality in
Noppa Helbling transforms tofu into tasty dishes and much-loved appetisers.
What is tofu?
Tofu is a classic meat substitute. This
traditional soy-based Asian food is easy to
digest and has practically no taste of its own.
Besides being high in protein and valuable
amino acids, it is a good source of various
vitamins and minerals. Tofu is also lactose-,
gluten- and cholesterol-free.
Give it a try!
Tofu, curry & mango croissants
• 1 sheet of puff pastry (round)
• 200 g tofu
• 1⁄2 mango
• 2 tomatoes
• 2 tbsp oil
• 1 small onion
• 1 garlic clove
• 1⁄2 red capsicum
• salt, pepper, curry powder, paprika, chilli powder,
oregano (fresh)
• egg yolk
Preparation method
Dice the tofu, mango, tomato, onion, garlic and capsicum.
Sauté the onion and garlic in the olive oil until they
become transparent.
Add the tofu and mango, and fry at a high heat, making
sure that the tofu does not crumble. As soon as the tofu is
nice and crisp, add the tomato and capsicum, and season
with salt, pepper, curry powder, chilli powder, oregano
and a pinch of paprika.
Cut the puff pastry into eight equal triangles. Distribute
the mass on the top with a spoon, roll up into a croissant
shape, and brush with egg yolk.
Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and cook in
a preheated oven at 220°C for 15–20 minutes.
Tofu tastes like lemon or soy sauce, like chilli,
curry, ginger or Tabasco: in a nutshell, it takes
on the taste of whatever ingredients are added
to it. It can be eaten sweet or spicy, hot or cold.
It is marinated, smoked or coated with
breadcrumbs; it can be steamed, deep-fried,
grilled, roasted or puréed. Tofu is transformed
into sausages, schnitzels, burgers or cold cuts,
or used as an ingredient for salads, soups,
sauces, desserts or pastry.
What’s green, delicious and
grows in a field?
Nuggets without the
old cluck.
Delicious. Vegetarian. Fast.
Treat yourself to some tasty vegetarian food.
Gourmet Veggie Nuggets, for example.
A delicious Nature Gourmet creation made
with soy and wheat proteins.
The new gourmets
are more selective
Nowadays, people who shop in health or organic sections of food
stores do not just show a healthy sense of environmental issues or
high regard for animals, but also modern zeitgeist. For meat-free,
vegetarian, vegan and health foods are currently fully in trend. This is
demonstrated in a particularly impressive way by the attractive, fresh
veggie counter at EDEKA, which is initially being introduced at around
50 outlets.
Treats for the eyes
and the palate
Initially, around 20 vegan and vegetarian
products, freshly produced every day, are
awaiting curious customers – such as
vegan pâté, egg salad without the egg,
falafel, satay schnitzels and vegetarian
burgers. Added to this is a colourful array
of barbecue products made from
marinated tofu and vegetables. But what
looks like Lyoner sausages, meatballs
and gyros are actually made from tofu,
seitan and lupin. The products are
presented in the same way as at a
delicatessen counter and can easily hold
their own against popular gourmet
specialities in terms of visual appearance,
taste and texture. The selection in the
veggie fresh range is still limited, but
there are plans for this to be continually
Positive echo
It is hardly surprising that the new range
has been so well received and frequently
ends up in customers’ shopping baskets.
For according to the German Vegetarian
Association (VEBU), there are currently
approximately 7.8 million vegetarians
and 900,000 vegans in Germany. And the
number is growing steadily. The amount
of flexitarians – people who do not want
to do without meat entirely – is also on
the increase. The reason is not just
criticism of the way animals are kept, but
also a clear commitment to living more
healthily and concern for the future of
our planet. While 10 years ago it was
difficult to find tofu outside health shops
or Asian speciality stores, nowadays it is
readily available in every supermarket.
“We are proud to be part
of this path-breaking
project right from the
onset. The veggie counter
corresponds perfectly
with the pioneering
spirit and innovative
power of the Noppa's
brand. EDEKA will
have great success
with it.”
A treat for the eyes and the palates of gourmets who do not eat
meat: the veggie counter. (Photo: Werbefotografie Guido Gegg)
Noppa and Jörg
Helbling, company
founders of Noppa’s.
Sabine Weingarten, Product Development
How do your customers react to the
new veggie counter?
The reactions at the food counters at
our EDEKA markets differ tremendously. We get a bit of everything –
astonishment at the new product
range, praise, and tips and recipes are
even exchanged. We are in constant
dialogue with everyone concerned so
that we can pass on new ideas to the
markets and constantly optimise our
veggie counter.
Has anyone made any suggestions
about possible products?
Oh yes. We’ve received a number of
requests from both consumers and
retailers relating to particular products
or brands. Paprika BBQ kebabs with
vegan meatballs or ready-to-serve
Bolognese for people with little time to
cook are the favourites. Naturally we
also get plenty of ideas from our sales
staff and EDEKA retailers about how to
further refine and process the
How do you see the future of the
vegetarian and vegan trends? Are
they temporary fads or is there more
behind them?
I think that the media presence that we
are currently experiencing will dwindle
in time. However, the trend towards
meat-free or meat-reduced nutrition
itself will continue. Sales will rise in
particular with products such as those
sold at our veggie counter. In my
opinion, the consumption of meat will
drop in terms of quantity, but there will
be increased demand for quality meat
products. With our new veggie counter,
EDEKA Südwest is well placed to
address both these areas.
Multi-faceted veggie world
Made from Swiss organic soya
The new delicatessen
products, exquisitely
On sale at Globus
Behind the tofu creations from Noppa’s is a real love story,
which begins in India and continues in Switzerland with lovingly
designed recipes using premium-quality tofu. Noppa and Jörg
Helbling enchant with their innovative delicacies – thus releasing
tofu from its wallflower existence for once and for all.
The creative vegetarian delicacies come in four variations:
• Noppa’s sesame tofu balls
• Noppa’s Tofulinos: tofu balls in sesame with sweet chilli
• Noppa’s vegan okara balls made from Swiss organic soya
• Noppa’s organic vegetable medallions with tofu
For vegetarian
master barbecuers.
Wholesome vegan
A boost of
vitamin B
A vegetarian bite to eat
For “meat lovers”
With the barbecue season upon us, the popular
Délicorn meat-free classics, made from premium,
natural ingredients and a subtle blend of spices, now
feature an optimised recipe and some new additions to
the range. The sausage specialities and kebabs are a
perfect way to bring variety to your barbecue.
The Délicorn barbecue range is available from Coop as:
• Wiener, bratwurst and cervelat sausages
• According to the season: chilli sausages, barbecue
ribs and Western-style barbecue kebabs
Don’t miss: Délicorn sliced cold meat with capsicum
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is produced from microorganisms and
plays an important role in modern-day nutrition. It is important,
among other things, for cell division, blood production and
nervous system function. Many people do not get enough vitamin
B12, even though a deficiency can lead to irreversible damage.
Plant-based foods contain very little of the vitamin, which is why it
is important for vegans and vegetarians to make sure they have a
sufficient intake.
The vegan Délicorn products available from Coop are now
made to a vitamin B12-enriched recipe.
• BBQ grill steak
• Pepper grill ribs
• Lemon & pepper schnitzel
• Nuggets with Viennese breadcrumb coating
• Minced meat
Embark on a
culinary journey
around the globe.
From all
over the
Karma, a world of vegetarian taste
Alicia Keys and Boy George both sang about it: karma
– the spiritual wisdom that every action has its
consequences. Karma is also the name of a line of
vegetarian products available across Switzerland
from Coop. It brings together taste, culinary skill,
freshness and convenience. Fredag and Betty Bossi
have once again teamed up to develop a number of
inspired articles for this label. The products – based
on new, sophisticated and still relatively uncommon
raw ingredients such as tempeh – take consumers on
a culinary journey around the globe.
New: Karma Tofu Cubes nature are now available in a
deep draw tray encased in a sleeve to attract even
more attention on the shelves.
• Karma teryaki tofu
• Karma tempeh
• Karma barbecue kebabs with curry (seasonal)
• Karma barbecue kebabs with tomatoes (seasonal)
A real sausage –
without the meat
In response to the high demand for vegetarian products
in the catering sector, some new “sausage” favourites
for (non-)meat lovers have been added to the popular
cervelat under the Fredag brand. They are:
• Bratwurst
• Cipollata
• Barbecue sausages
• Vienna sausages
• Sliced cold meat
Barbecue platter,
provençale barbecue
steak and vegan
barbecue ribs.
For hot vegetarians
A fiery experience for those who want the outdoor
cooking experience but without the meat. Migros now
stocks these new Cornatur barbecue products.
good: real veggie
bratwurst sausages.
Can you
tell the
Right on cue for the start of the barbecue season, the
Spar Veggie standard range has been extended to
include spicy, meat-free bratwurst complete with grill
marks. Vegetarians everywhere can now sink their teeth
into a juicy sausage. Another new product in the Spar
range is vegan falafel – an insider tip on the shelves
from July.
• Spar Veggie bratwurst
• Spar Veggie falafel
Irresistible veggie
Clad in a crispy coat
As fingerfood, served with a fresh salad or to
accompany an aperitif – the Cornatur products hit the
mark every time. This popular line now has two new
additions in the shape of cauliflower cheese medallions
and creamy lentil & quinoa balls. Available from Migros.
• Cauliflower cheese medallions
• Lentil & quinoa balls
THE BRINKS – animal welfare
according to Swiss standards
Animal welfare is a major concern at Fredag, and there is no reason for this to stop at the national
borders. That is why the company has also been looking for partners in Germany who are willing to rear
poultry according to Swiss animal welfare regulations and meet the high standards of Switzerland’s
“particularly animal-friendly stable systems” (BTS) programme. Supporting Fredag on the project is
Swiss Animal Protection SAP, which guarantees an independent and regular assessment of compliance
with the BTS standards. Fredag is now in a position to offer its high-quality chicken products, such as
Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Schnitzel and Chicken Cordon Bleu, made with German poultry in accordance
with Swiss BTS standards.
We approach the Brink family’s idyllic farm and poultry rearing
operation to an enthusiastic welcome from their 8-year-old
Labrador, Leika. She is joined a moment later by Martina Brink,
who invites us into her comfortable home for coffee and
biscuits. Even before we have sat down, Martina Brink begins
telling us all about the family and her husband’s parents, who
also reared poultry in their spare time.
An interesting conversation ensues...
signs that I look out for to make certain they are in good shape.
The feeders and drinkers are filled automatically, which ensures
that the supply is always suitable for their age. There are four
different types of feed, made from maize, wheat, soya, and so
on, depending on how old they are. I then drive to work and my
wife takes over.
MARTINA BRINK: We work as a team –
which includes our 20-year-old son and
15-year-old daughter. The operation is a
family project, and our children will take
over from us one day. My daughter is
very keen and took over 800 photos
documenting the rebuild according to
the BTS guidelines.
Mr and Mrs Brink, this year you
became the proud owners of a poultry
farm that is run in line with the strict
standards of the Swiss BST
“particularly animal-friendly stable
systems” programme. What was your
motivation to farm chickens according
to these specifications?
LEONHARD BRINK: The idea of rearing
poultry as my parents did here on the
same farm came to me two or three
years ago. A visit to Switzerland where I
saw the BTS standards in operation was
enough to convince me of the
programme. It will also be the way
forward in Germany in the long term.
Animal love that comes from the heart. MARTINA BRINK: The chickens are happy; they can move
around freely, scratching and picking as nature intended.
LEONHARD BRINK: In the evenings, when it’s quiet in the
henhouse, I sometimes sit on the raised perch area – which,
incidentally, we also brought from Switzerland – and start to
make soft cheeping noises. The chicks gather round me and
cheep back. This connection with the animals is very important
to me.
What is a typical day on your farm?
LEONHARD BRINK: The first thing I do in the morning is go into
the coop to see how the chickens are. There are various small
LEONHARD BRINK: That’s really
important. I would never do it without
all the family on board. We’ve invested a
large amount of money in rebuilding the
chicken coop. Incidentally, we received
a lot of support from Swiss Animal
Protection SAP in the process and could
always approach them with our
You have studied the BTS standards in great detail. What are
the major differences to conventional poultry farming?
LEONHARD BRINK: The birds have a lot more space and an
outdoor area; there are also plenty of places for them to sit and
roost. When it’s cold, they are a bit reluctant to venture outside.
But as soon as the sun slowly starts to reappear, they love to go
outdoors. Optimal conditions are created by a controlled supply
of fresh air and good circulation. Naturally, the feed also plays
an important role. We only buy the best quality, which has not
been genetically modified. That is no easy matter nowadays,
and it is considerably more expensive. But it is definitely worth
it. Now we’re all hoping that the investment and our hard work
every day will pay off and that much greater importance will be
attached to animal welfare in the future.
Celine Brink
Leonhard Brink
Martina Brink
Marco Brink
The principles of BTS are anchored in the following Swiss
laws and ordinances: the Animal Welfare Act of 16.12.2005,
the Animal Welfare Ordinance of 23.04.2008, the Federal
Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) Ordinance on the
Keeping of Livestock and Domestic Animals of 27.08.2008,
and the Direct Payments Ordinance of 01.01.2014.
The following standards are prescribed under animal welfare
legislation and the BTS:
• Open-air runs
• Roosts and raised perches
• Buildings with windows and optimal lighting for a natural day-night
cycle, including daylight lighting
• Controlled fresh air supply and good air circulation
• Significantly more space for the animals than under EU conditions
• Reduction of excessive noise
• Opportunities for movement and foraging
• Fully littered coops
• Stable temperatures guaranteed in summer and winter
Suitable size of feeding areas and access to drinkers
Swiss Animal Protection SAT periodically inspects the conditions,
transport and slaughter on poultry farms.
More information:
Want to experience an mmmmmh moment?
Guaranteed to get guests’ mouths watering, no matter what their age – crispy, tender poultry specialities, either
baked golden-brown or with a delicious filling. Fredag actively promotes animal welfare and offers a wide range
of poultry products from particularly animal-friendly stable systems (BTS).
FREDAG Oberfeld 7, CH-6037 Root
Tel: +41 (0)41 455 57 00,
Keep your cool.
Chicken roulade stuffed with
vegetables and served with
a creamy mustard sauce
Serves four
Preparation time: approx. 30 minutes
New at Bofrost
Chicken roulade stuffed
with vegetables
This roulade is made from chicken breast stuffed with
carrot, leek, celeriac and onion. Specially seasoned and
refined with choice herbs.
A light treat for
roulade fans.
New at SPAR
Chicken breast strips
with paprika
Strips of delicate chicken breast, seasoned with a
paprika marinade and gently cooked through – a
delicious meal whether eaten hot or cold. Ideal
accompanied by salad variations or tender vegetables.
Chicken fillet strips, served
with a fresh summer salad.
• 4 pieces of chicken roulade stuffed with vegetables
• 1.5 dl white wine
• 2–3 tbsp mustard
• 3 dl single cream
• pinch of salt
• 1⁄2 orange, grated peel
• pepper
• 1⁄4 tsp sugar
• 200 –300 g noodles, coloured if desired
(e.g. spinach noodles )
Preparation method
Defrost the chicken roulades overnight in a covered
dish in the fridge. To cook, sear the defrosted
roulades on both sides in a pan and then roast in a
preheated oven at 200°C for 15–20 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the sauce. Add the white
wine (or stock) and cream to the meat juices and
gently bring to the boil. Stir in the mustard well.
Season with salt, pepper, grated orange peel and
sugar, and simmer gently. Add the cooked chicken
roulades and the juices to the sauce and simmer
Cook the noodles in plenty of salted water until they
are al dente, then drain.
Arrange each chicken roulade and some noodles on a
plate and add the sauce.
for Bündnerfleisch fans
Classic Bündnerfleisch encased
in a trendy herb & pepper coat
Bündnerfleisch has many gourmet fans all over the world. There are no bounds
to the pleasure this tender, spicy, cured meat gives to the taste buds. So we at
Albert Spiess asked ourselves how we could take something that is already so
delectably delicious to the next level and surprise our loyal customers with a
new speciality.
Our innovative food inventors have come up with two new coatings that give
Bündnerfleisch extra class. After the traditional maturing process, the choice
pieces of meat are coated by hand with the finest of alpine herbs or spicy
pepper. These blends of herbs and spices bring out the delicate taste of the
Bündnerfleisch and give it a very special aroma.
Bernhard Curschellas,
Deputy Head of Operations,
Albert Spiess AG
An absolute highlight on any hors d’oeuvres
platter – and a welcome change for gourmets
with a discerning palate. Surprise your guests!
Both products are available in the large-size
jumbo fresh tray, which presents this classy
product in a particularly appetising way.
“We pay particular attention that the
coatings are distributed evenly over the
product. In addition, they should not
compromise the quality of the meat in any
way. It takes weeks until, after intensive
testing and tasting, we come up with the
perfect recipe. I’m naturally very proud of
the result and delighted that it has met with
such a positive response among our
customers. Incidentally, this innovation was
inspired by a member of our sales team.”
Jumbo fresh tray is
a great success
The large-size tray format is the most
significant innovation in the sphere
of charcuterie packaging in recent
years. Gourmets are easily enticed
to buy and indulge in the delicacies
within, for the jumbo-size tray allows
them a clear view inside the
packaging and the premium
products, all of them carefully
arranged by hand, are displayed to
their best advantage. Here less is
definitely more.
Also available in the jumbo fresh tray: air-dried meat and
Artisanal Graubünden raw ham, produced in the tradition
of true craftsmanship.
unhurried cooking
at today’s busy pace
The times are increasingly hectic and frequently the working day ends up longer
than planned – in today’s everyday life, there is often little time left to cook. But
now families and guests who turn up unexpectedly are in for a treat. The creators
and trendsetters at Albert Spiess have transformed two recipes from yesteryear into
modern-day convenience products: Hungarian Goulash and Beef Sauerbraten.
Slow, gentle braising or roasting gives these specialities, which are popular among
young and old alike, the perfect texture and an incomparable aroma. With these
ready-to-eat products, you can serve up a delicious – and nutritious – meal in no
time at all. With compliments guaranteed.
Hungarian Goulash
The Hungarian Goulash is made according to an original recipe, and is quick and
easy to prepare. Choice pieces of meat in a spicy sauce promise a tasty menu. It can
be served with potatoes, rice or pasta.
Beef Sauerbraten
The delicately cooked roast meat in a creamy sauce fills the kitchen with its
tantalising aromas – and awakens pleasant memories of family get-togethers
around the table. Accompanied by egg spätzli or mashed potato, this dish is
transformed into a feast that everyone will enjoy.
Jugged game in a jar
Last winter saw the development of an artisanal game product
presented in an out-of-the-ordinary way: jugged venison with
mushrooms in a rustic-style preserve jar. With this highly original
product, Albert Spiess – an experienced producer of game
specialities for generations – once again demonstrated that
it is one large step ahead of the market.
The extra-fine recipe and the gentle processing of the
succulent pieces of meat clearly distinguish this
game product from similar brands. The aromas of
the forest and the fragrant mountain air immediately
linger in the nose and on the palate. The presentation
in an elegant jar highlights the premium quality and
also makes the venison ragout a perfect gourmet gift
that is guaranteed to meet with resounding approval.
A perfect gift for gourmets.
Preparation before serving is quick and easy.
Accompanied by egg spätzli, fresh autumn vegetables
and the classic trimmings, it is a real delight for the taste buds.
is in the air
Interview with Ottavio
Ruggiero, Operations
Manager at the
Trocknerei Davos,
Albert Spiess AG.
How long have you been working
for Albert Spiess?
Three and a half years now. The
former operations manager gave
me a thorough induction into the
job, and I took over management of the meat-drying facility here
in Davos around two years ago.
How big is your team?
I have 26 staff in total, all of them men. The work is very
physically demanding. However, we are organised so that
everyone can do everything, which helps to keep the work
If somebody wants to work for you, what do you look for?
Most of all I’m interested in personal characteristics like
punctuality and reliability. Everything else can be learned on the
Do you have a high turnover of staff, or have many of the
employees been here for a long time?
No, the workforce doesn’t change much at all. Some of our staff
have been working for the firm for over 15 years. We’re lucky in
that respect, because that way we retain our expertise within the
company. And that’s important in the meat refining business.
How did you get into this line of work?
My father-in-law was operations manager at Albert Spiess for
over 30 years, so I was very familiar with the challenges of
producing Bündnerfleisch and other speciality meats. I began
my career in catering – so we always had plenty in common to
talk about.
What did you train as and what experience did you gain in
I trained to become a chef in Italy. I worked for a number of years
in my home country, and then I moved to Davos. I had various
interesting jobs here. First I was sous-chef in an Italian
restaurant and later head chef in a 4-star hotel.
What is your typical daily routine?
I’m always on the premises before 6.00 am – I’m the first to
arrive and often the last to leave in the evening. I plan the day
ahead and the staff assignments and check the work schedules.
I inspect the pieces of meat and the technical equipment every
day. Another part of my job is to check incoming and outgoing
goods. The evening comes around very quickly, and my working
day ends with a final inspection of the technical plant.
Is it often stressful?
After my experience in catering, I don’t consider my present job
as being stressful. Everything is very clearly structured. But you
can’t really compare the two types of work.
What do you enjoy most?
Very definitely staff management and planning.
What is the biggest challenge?
Product quality and cleanliness are naturally at the top of the
list. The adjustment of the air supply is also very interesting, as
it has a major influence on quality. Depending on the time of the
year and the weather conditions, there is always some finetuning to be done.
What is the most difficult part of the production process for
Determining the right time for pressing. You can never plan it
exactly. That is why I check pieces of meat by hand at short
intervals. This job requires a lot of experience, but it’s all the
more rewarding when the result is a perfect piece of
What do you do to balance out your busy working day?
I spend a lot of time with my family – my wife and our three
children. But I also enjoy sport. My favourite leisure activity here
in the mountains is definitely biking, but I also like climbing and
jogging. Now and then I work as a DJ. My family and hobbies are
an excellent way of switching off and unwinding after a busy
time at work.
Ihr Fachmann für feine Bündner Trockenfleischspezialitäten.
Votre expert pour les délicieuses spécialités séchées des Grisons.
Your expert for delicious dried meat specialities from Grisons.
Il vostro esperto per gustose specialità di carne secca dei Grigioni.
Albert Spiess AG | Dorfstrasse 64 | CH-7220 Schiers
Telefon: +41 (0)81 308 03 08 | |
Chips with a difference
They stave off hunger pangs before the next
meeting, thwart lovesickness and make a relaxed
get-together with friends all the more enjoyable
– snacks are fully in trend and also comprise an
important component of our diet. ORIOR’s speciality
chips products are not just uncomplicated and
surprising in flavour, but also wholesome and very
easy to digest!
Game for an
autumn snack
The Eat Meat Chips
from Albert Spiess now
include a new snack for
game lovers, made with venison.
This new product is the latest
addition to the air-dried venison,
wild boar raw ham and
venison salsiz in the
existing game
charcuterie range.
Venison is especially
low in fat and rich in vitamins, so the chips are a
healthy snack option. Delicious served with an autumn
aperitif by the fireside, they are also ideal to take on a
sunny hike.
A real trendsetter
After the launch of the Cavallo Chips, it quickly became clear
that meat-based snacks harboured plenty of potential. A real
gap in the market had been uncovered, which swiftly prompted
Möfag to develop a range of speciality chips, or crisps as they
are otherwise known.
Next up were turkey chips, which ticked several customer boxes
at once: low in fat and calories, tasty, affordable and pork-free.
The third in the range, chips made from lamb, was a truly novel
product, with nothing comparable elsewhere on the dried meat
market. The selection was rounded off with protein-rich venison
Available in a 100 g double-chamber ASP tray.
Grab a salami
The air-dried, mild Salami Paprika Chips
are a popular choice for aperitifs or picnics,
and also make a good snack between meals.
The blend of spices with sweet paprika lends the chips
their delicious, distinctive flavour.
Made in Ticino with Swiss pork.
Available in handy snack packs of 2 x 30 g from all
Migros stores.
Creative fare from Eastern Switzerland
Flavour squared
The best products
come from the near
Fürstenland – Miini Region
Products with the “Miini Region” (Swiss German for
“My Region”) seal of quality have been available from
Coop since the beginning of 2014. This label tells
customers which foods are sourced and produced
locally. “Miini Region” stands for fresh, authentic taste
and supports agriculture and businesses in various
regions of Switzerland.
A meat specialty made for figure-conscious customers,
rich in protein, low in calories and fat, but nevertheless
packed with aroma and taste: Möfag has teamed up
with Coop to develop and bring to market Weight
Watchers diced turkey. The steady rise in sales figures
confirm that this new product is very much in line with
modern-day taste and lifestyle choices.
The tiny “Würfeli” cubes are ideal for adding a new hint
of flavour to a quiche or tarte flambée, pepping up a
salad or bringing pasta dishes and soups to life.
Whether used with hot and cold dishes, the
possibilities are endless!
Weight Watchers turkey cubes are available in Coop
stores throughout Switzerland.
Möfag – known for its Fürstenländer specialities –
supplies Coop with five “Miini Region” products:
• Fürstenländer Mostbröckli cured beef, sliced
• Fürstenländer Möckli, sliced
• Fürstenländer fine ham, sliced
• Fürstenländer cooked ham, sliced
• St. Galler Klosterbraten roast, seasoned and sliced
The Fürstenländer specialities are available from eleven
regional Coop stores in Eastern Switzerland.
Fürstenland is the name given to the region of
Eastern Switzerland between Rorschach and Wil
(Canton St. Gallen). The region was first
mentioned in an official document in 1580,
where it was referred to as the “Alte Landschaft”
(“Old Country”). The name Fürstenland is
thought to have originated in the 18th century
when the Fürstabtei Gallen, or Princely Abbey of
St. Gallen, took possession of the County of
Toggenburg. The princely status of the abbots of
St. Gallen lent the region its noble title.
Peps up salads,
quiches or pizzas.
A cut above the rest.
• delicately smoked meats
• exquisite ham variations
• spicy Mostbröckli and bacon types
• succulent turkey specialities
Mösli Fleischwaren AG, CH-9524 Zuzwil,
Sunday Roast
– any day of the week
Roman Solenthaler.
Where did the idea for the Appenzeller
Sunday Roast come from?
The basic idea surrounding this authentic
recipe had been buzzing around in my
head for a while. Consumers have an
emotional response to Appenzell; it
immediately gets them interested. We
then came up with the attractively priced
and popular pork loin cut as the right
“raw material” for our innovation. The
enhanced convenience aspect, in the
form of a heat-resistant baking foil as
packaging, seemed to me to be almost of
greater importance, as it allows
consumers to enjoy a traditional meal
without spending hours in the kitchen.
These were the conditions for our initial
Can you describe the development
Ideas for new products mature by
observing the market and analysing
consumer and competitor behaviour –
and not necessarily just in the meat
industry. We can also derive major trends
from other sectors. The first development
trials and testing take place in-house and
in private kitchens, whereby the initial
focus is on productivity and feasibility.
When, after the sampling stage, a
decision is made to go ahead with the
project, we make trial products for our
It is astounding just how many culinary specialities this canton –
which is also known for its handicrafts and unique sense of humour
– has produced. Biber gingerbread, Alpenbitter liqueur, cheese, beer,
Mostbröckli cured beef and special aromatic mineral waters – all of
them are very well-known and popular products. Besides these deeply
rooted traditions, it seems that the climate in Appenzell is particularly
beneficial for innovative entrepreneurs. Möfag also smelled success in
the air when it launched its Appenzeller Sunday Roast, a new and very
on-trend product. We talked to Roman Solenthaler, Head of Production
and member of the Management Board at Möfag.
customers. If we can win at least one
major customer for our innovation, the
product is further developed and
perfected down to the very last detail.
What is the difference between this
Fürstenländer speciality and
comparable products on the market?
The raw product is only lightly salted, so
the roast retains its juices and has a
subtle salty taste, enhancing the overall
flavour. The marinade contains original
Appenzeller Alpenbitter, with its typical
herby character, and Appenzeller
Mostbröckli cubes. This is a unique and
distinctive combination. And as I have
already mentioned, prepping is simple,
because the packaging is made of a heatresistant baking foil that is not yet widely
available on the Swiss market.
What are your next innovative
We are currently running various trials
with poultry products, which we will be
presenting to our customers in the near
future. They will be on the shelves as
soon as we have found the right sales
channels. Other innovations are in the
pipeline relating to cooked meats and
raw cured products, which are especially
popular with our customers.
From l. to r.:
Simone Mundschin,
Sandra Buess and
Michel Nick enjoy a
cup of coffee and look
forward to an exciting
Every comment is
important. From l. to r.:
Claudio Cavadini,
Jens Krüger,
Michael Heinzen and
Roman Güdel.
The day continues
with a fascinating
tour of Rapelli.
Reto Brühlmann,
Jens Krüger,
Gerd Forsting.
Relaxed conversation.
From l. to r.:
Gerd Forsting,
Bruno de Gennaro,
Philipp Keller.
Rapelli production:
the quality label is
added right at the
Discussing the
impressive speech:
Christian Crivelli,
Fabio Scartezzini.
And on to the
fun part.
From l. to r.:
Zdravko Mrnjec,
Seppi Spiess,
Mathias Denny.
This year’s theme: Innovations
Glauco Martinetti guides visitors through
the Rapelli production facility. In this way,
the highest of quality and hygiene standards
are complied with.
Bruno de Gennaro calls on staff to explore
new sales markets and focus on the customers
of tomorrow.
Dr Ludwig Hasler presents his theories,
which place direct accountability and
instinct at the fore.
Every year, the ORIOR Group organises a conference for its
executives and key staff on past and prospective developments,
opportunities and specific tasks for a successful future. For this
year’s event, the delegates gathered in sunny Ticino.
Around 100 employees from across the ORIOR Group met on 10 September 2014 at
Rapelli’s subsidiary in Stabio for the 2014 Management Conference on the theme of
“Innovation”. The day began with a welcome coffee and an interesting tour of the
operating plant. It was followed by a stroll through the narrow streets to the Hotel
Serpiano, where various speakers talked about very different aspects of the event’s
The audience listened with hushed interest to the speakers from ORIOR’s six
subsidiaries. Bruno de Gennaro, who acted as interim CEO of the ORIOR Group from
June 2014 until January 2015, presented the ORIOR Group strategy and identified
ways of implementing it in day-to-day operations. He called on the audience to
thoroughly examine and review processes and planning on a regular basis and make
better use of synergies. New sales markets and marketing methods should also be
explored, and greater focus placed on the younger generation as present and future
customers. To do this would take different lines of communication, new language and
a new look, he said. His talk was followed by other interesting presentations on such
topics as innovation in the traditional meat market, vegetarian expertise, process
management and 2015 food trends.
The guest speaker, Dr Ludwig Hasler, held an inspiring talk entitled “Wer führen will,
muss auch verführen können” (He who wants to lead must also be able to seduce).
As food is increasingly becoming a religion that attracts the most diverse followers,
the food industry especially needs leaders who are at the very forefront of
developments – not for their opinions, but for their special ability to pick up on what
is in the air. “Don’t just keep on swimming in one direction; sit on the bank now and
then, stare into the blue, and dream. And then look back down to the river: is this the
right direction? Leadership lies in this to-ing and fro-ing – not in simply forging blindly
ahead. Your job is to steer. Please do it with pleasure. Good luck in your endeavours!"
A farewell drink before leaving gave the delegates the opportunity to continue their
lively discussions.
The presentations included deliberations
that were new, funny, unexpected – and also
thought-provoking. From l. to r.: Mathias
Denny, Claude Heymoz and Simone Merkle.
A look over the
Giovanni Moletta, what kind of hams do you produce?
The pear-shaped, bone-free disossato, the pelato without the
rind, and finally the cubed mattonella, which is sold in trays.
These products are marketed under the name of San Pietro,
named after the village of San Pietro di Stabio.
How long does production take?
The production cycle lasts at least 12 months. It begins with the
moment the hams are salted and ends when they are delivered
to the customer. Depending on the size, this can take up to 14
Giovanni Moletta, 57, Head of Production for raw ham, has worked at
Rapelli for 35 years.
“A good ham requires
skilled treatment by hand, a
lot of loving care and even
more time.”
How does the curing process work?
The selection of the meat is of prime importance. This is
followed by the salting phase, using sea salt without any other
additives. The meat is then left to rest for 21 days. The third
phase comprises the cold drying, which lasts at least 90 days.
Then the hams are washed to remove the salt, and left for a
further five or six months to mature. Afterward, the surface of
the meat is coated with a mixture of pig fat, salt, pepper and
flour. This protects the meat and keeps it tender. The hams are
left to ripen for between 12 and 14 months. After they are
divided into large and small legs, they undergo various kinds of
treatments to package them and make them ready for sale.
What is particularly important for you?
The raw products must invariably be of prime quality, so that we
can guarantee top-of-the range products. The secret lies in
selecting only the very best quality meat and treating it by hand
and with loving care.
The famous San Pietro raw ham
from Rapelli has received
numerous awards from
recognised international
During the 12-month
maturing period, the San
Pietro raw ham develops
its incomparably full and
mouth-watering flavour.
We had the opportunity to accompany Rapelli’s
mastri salumieri as they went about their demanding
work and to ask them a few questions.
What kinds of salami do you produce?
If only you knew how many different sorts are produced here!
We divide them into two categories: Milano salami and Nostrano
salami. The difference lies in the texture: the Milano is chopped
up very finely, while the Nostrano is somewhat coarser. Both
sorts are available in different sizes, aromas and qualities. More
than 60 different kinds of salami leave our production plants
every day for delivery all over Switzerland.
How long does it take to make a salami?
First, the meat is mixed with herbs and spices until the mass has
reached the correct consistency and temperature. The casings
are then filled and tied. Now the salami is ready to undergo all
the various stages of drying and maturation. And this takes time
– exactly how long depends on the quality of the natural gut
casing and the size of the salami. Finally, it is packed up ready
for selling.
Why is the drying process so important?
During the drying process, the salami is refined. It is important
to get the right balance between temperature and humidity.
During this phase, the salamis are hung up so that they do not
touch each other and have room to “breathe”.
Anything else that you think worthy of mention?
The production of a good salami is a difficult and tricky process.
Even a minor deviation can put the success of this lengthy
process at risk. Only the professionalism, experience and
passion of the entire team make it possible to produce a product
of this quality.
Raffaele Condino, 38, Head of Production for raw products,
has worked at Rapelli for 15 years.
“Passion, experience and
choice raw products – the
ideal ingredients for a
perfect salami.”
For lovers of coarse-grained salami: the
Grottino Rustico. Filled into a natural
gut casing and tied by hand.
Rapellino Classico
– prime-quality
fine-grained salami
in a tray.
All the raw products for the salamis
and hams are of 100% Swiss origin.
Cutting a fine figure
The production of culatello enjoys a long tradition that
extends as far back as the Middle Ages and is firmly
anchored in Italian-speaking countries.
This delicate ham speciality is made from the very best
muscle in the rear leg of the pig. During processing,
particular attention is paid to making accurate cuts,
which gives the culatello its characteristic pear shape.
A new springtime
creation to savour.
Rapelli is now offering a cooked, sliced variant with
Ticinese herbs, which is available in a handy cold-meat
It grows amidst the enchanting landscape and lush
forests of the Maggia valley: the wild garlic that imbues
this salsiccia with a slightly sweet, delicate hint of garlic.
The wild garlic is carefully picked by hand and processed
according to artisan methods at the family-run enterprise,
Punto Verde, in Bignasco. The flavour is enhanced by
adding a little salt and oil, after which it is combined with
the other ingredients to create a tasty springtime
barbecue sausage following a traditional recipe. The
salsiccia with wild garlic brings the magic of the delightful
region along the River Maggia directly onto the table!
Culatello cotto with
Ticinese herbs.
Spicing it up
The Ticino-based firm, Salumeria Val Mara, presents two classics that have
been reinvented by refining them with fresh herbs from the region.
Spicy yet mild.
A treat for the
taste buds.
Roast culatello with herbs
During the production stage, the tender meat is
seasoned with thyme, rosemary and sage. All the herbs
used grow in the vicinity and comply with the stringent
guidelines of integrated farming. The unmistakably mild
and well-balanced flavour of this meat speciality
gradually unfolds as it slowly roasts in the oven.
Pancetta cotta
Only pork from the IP-Suisse certified Manor programme is used
for this cooked bacon speciality. The belly of pork is first salted
and then seasoned from the inside with a harmonious blend of
parsley and garlic. Subsequently it is gently cooked in a hot-air
oven, thereby retaining the pancetta cotta’s distinctive aroma.
Rapelli’s Limited Edition demonstrates an intimate
awareness of Ticino’s terroir and its gastronomic
roots, and underscores the desire to preserve
important local cultural heritage. Rapelli also wishes
to create for consumers products that are based on
the expertise and work of local artisans and offer
delicious, new dimensions in taste. We spoke to
Andrea Corti from the Research & Development
department at Rapelli.
Where did the idea come from to marry traditional products
like salami and ham with ingredients such as chestnuts,
herbs or Merlot?
Andrea Corti: Our idea was to introduce a series of premium
quality products onto the market for a limited period of time to
draw attention to their exclusive and unique character. We chose
raw ham and salami because they are both very familiar and
popular products. Also the characteristic ingredients are
already firmly established in consumers’ minds. These
novel combinations attract customers’ attention and
make them want to find out more. At the same time, the
origin of the products gives them a
sense of security. As a result,
they simply cannot resist the
18-month-old San Pietro raw
ham, Salame al Merlot.
What do you wish to achieve
with your creations?
We have several different aims. Our
creations give us an opportunity to launch new products with
special connotations, create added value and establish close
ties with the canton of Ticino. The Limited Edition is also an
expression of entrepreneurial uniqueness and our ability to offer
products that are based on true craftsmanship. It is the same
concept that characterises the philosophy behind the entire
range of standard products.
How do you select the regional ingredients – such as pepper,
chilli pepper, herbs or Merlot – that lend the products their
special character?
Giovanni D’Adda (right), responsible for the Horticulture
sector at the Azienda Agraria di Mezzana, explains to
Andrea Corti (left) the secrets behind Ticinese herbs.
Of all the ingredients traditionally used, we select only the
finest. For example, it is customary to use wine when making
sausages. By producing a salami with Merlot, however, we are
offering our customers an even more prized and flavoursome
version of this speciality. In other cases it is the new
combinations – for example raw ham with Ticinese herbs –
where the two components blend perfectly to create an
extremely delicious Ticinese product.
What form does your work with
local producers take?
It is always a very special
experience, as we work together
with small producers – real artists
of their trade. You can sense the
respect they have for Ticino’s terroir,
and can see, taste and smell the
quality of their products. This special
feeling is precisely what we want to
flow into our products. We see pride
and tradition in the eyes and words of the producers.
From them we learn that modesty and the unrelenting desire
to improve are a mark of true greatness.
What products are available in the Limited Edition?
So far we have developed a salami with Merlot, a raw ham with
Ticinese herbs, a San Pietro raw ham that has matured for 18
months, a salami with chilli pepper cultivated in Ticino, a salami
with chestnuts and one with truffles.
Anything new on the way?
There are so many possibilities! We are already working on new
ideas with local producers … but they are still a secret!
zest for life
and eating
The Ticinese attitude to life – Ticinesità – is abounding in passion and
carefree joyfulness. The aim of the concepts, “Aperitivo Ticinella”
and “Grotto Ticinella”, is to authentically convey the eating culture
that is firmly anchored in this laid-back approach to life. To achieve
this, Ticinella has mobilised its experienced mastri salumieri (master
butchers) and assigned them the task of presenting and celebrating
the specialities from this sun-blessed canton in selected locations.
The guests are enthusiastic
about the products.
A food tasting experience with Ticinese specialities.
With the “Aperitivo Ticinella” and “Grotto Ticinella” concepts, Ticinella aims to
showcase Ticinesità and the Ticinese eating culture. As a result, guests at various
events have the opportunity to also try and savour Ticino’s gastronomy beyond the
cantonal borders. At these events, the Ticinella products are carefully prepared by the
promoters and made ready for tasting. Thus guests can sample the products in a
relaxed setting and fully immerse themselves in the Ticinese way of life.
Rapelli’s plan of raising public
awareness of its specialities and
Ticino’s gastronomic culture through
social media has proved a resounding
success. The Rapelli community is
growing in leaps and bounds. In
autumn 2014, it reached the 10,000
mark – and since then its Facebook
page already has an additional 2,000
Rafael Caballero, promoter: “I always try to decorate the venue as
attractively as possible. It is the little details that make all the
difference. The best moment for me is when everything is ready and I
can watch the guests enjoying our products with a smile on their
Fernando Premazzi, promoter: “Already when I am slicing the
Piora raw ham and arranging it carefully next to the Salame dei
Castelli di Bellinzona, I am looking forward to telling the guests
about the background to the various products and their origins.
My main task is to underscore the top-quality and distinctive
characteristics of these Ticinese specialities. And I always do that
with a smile – because besides fresh bread, there is nothing that
goes better with our culinary delicacies.”
The interesting competitions, mouthwatering snack and hors d’oeuvres
suggestions, product news and not
least the amiable “Chef Mario” – who
guides visitors through Rapelli and,
among other things, informs them
about events, anniversaries or public
holidays – are more popular than
ever. The posts are regularly clicked
on, liked and shared.
Tasty spätzli
for everyone!
Filled with even
more flavour
For the Anna’s Best range, Pastinella’s
food developers have come up with two
temptingly delicious, filled pasta types.
While the chicken option is already on sale at
Migros, we are still awaiting the new meatfree creation…
Spätzli just
like from our
Culinary enjoyment without limitations for all
those who, due to an allergy or intolerance,
have to do without foods containing lactose
and gluten – as a pioneer in this field,
Pastinella has taken up the challenge.
Pastinella has now succeeded in producing egg spätzli
that in terms of taste and consistency is every bit as
good as its counterpart made according to the classic
The success story of Pastinella’s gluten- and lactosefree product line started with the “invention”
of perfectly filled fresh pasta. In autumn
2013, the variations “spinaci e ricotta” and
“mozzarellla e pomodori secchi” with
creamy fillings were launched in Migros
stores. Coop followed suit in summer 2014.
Success makes you hungry for more!
Further developments followed with
great results: wonderfully authentic
gluten-and lactose-free spätzli that
taste as if they have been freshly made
by hand. Now, in addition to delicious
pasta in a range of variations, the
whole family can help themselves to the same dish of
spätzli without any misgivings.
Available at Migros under the Anna’s Best aha! brand,
at Coop as Betty Bossi products, and at selected retail
stores as part of the Le Patron range.
Bienvenue en
Originally foreseen as a Limited
Edition, the Agnolotti Poulet Provençal has made it
into the standard range. Hardly surprising – as its
mouth-watering chicken filling and harmonious blend
of herbs and spices are simply too good to be available
for just a limited time. The Agnolotti conjures an
irresistible hint of holiday feeling onto the plate. And –
as is typical for Anna’s Best – it is ready in no time at all.
An exciting mix!
Fiori Tofu Thai
With this fiori, Pastinella is not only
catering to the vegetarian trend, but also launching a
daring combination of delicious pasta and a new, spicy
filling made from tofu and curry. Fiori Tofu Thai Curry is
available from September at Migros stores. Planned is a
Limited Edition – but who knows, perhaps this exciting
mix of Italian and Asian cuisine will also earn itself a
place in the standard product range.
Per tutta la
The table is set, the delicious aromas of the pasta
lunch hang in the air, taste buds are watering in
anticipation … it goes without saying that everyone
is raring to tuck in. When there are many mouths
to feed it is a good idea to make plenty – which is
where Pastinella’s new, larger pack of fresh pasta
comes in. Prepared in extra-fast time, it is perfect
for family-sized portions.
A colourful mix for
both the eyes and
the palate.
When the whole family is home,
it is time for a pasta feast.
Pasta to quickly banish the
hunger pangs
The generously sized 750 g special offer packs of
Anna’s Best Family Pasta in the variants, “Rucola Grana
Padano” and “Farmer’s Bacon”, are guaranteed to
quickly satisfy the hunger of pasta fans both big and
small. The al-dente pasta is also a good basis for a tasty
gratin, a delicious side dish to go with a succulent piece
of meat, or served with grated cheese, pesto, sugo or a
dash of olive oil.
On special offer at Migros.
Tortellini Tre Colori Basilico
The colourful pasta in red, yellow and green brightens
up any family menu and appeals particularly to children
– although it is a well-known fact that adults, too, eat
with their eyes. As a result, this tortellini with its
wonderfully seasoned basil filling is a hit before it even
reaches the mouth. The colourful mix in the 500 g pack
is ready for serving in just a few minutes, and can be
dished up on its own or refined with a sprinkling of
Parmesan cheese.
Available at Migros as an M-Classic product and at Spar
under the Le Patron brand.
Tortelloni Diavolo
for a fiery-hot meal
Black tortelloni with a red filling made from
tomato, capsicum, cream cheese and chili sauce
2x2500g, frozen
Available from your supplier.
Further information:
Pastinella Orior Menu AG
CH-5036 Oberentfelden · 062 737 28 28 ·
Special Edition
ORIOR Convenience
by Pastinella
Pastinella creates seasonal pasta specialities for
the restaurant and food service trade, which are
particularly popular among guests. Four times
a year, they are complemented by choice pasta
variations that have been lovingly enhanced with
delicious fillings. These new products are only
available for a limited period of three months,
adding variety to the menu and giving pasta lovers
incomparable moments of culinary pleasure.
Announcing the four highlights:
Fiori Provençale.
• January to March: Fiori Asia.
Exotic – with vegetables,
tofu and red curry
• April to June: Fiori
Provençale. Irresistible –
with Cantadou cream cheese
with herbs
• July to October: Raviolo
Eringer. Hearty – with Eringer
beef, vegetables and red
• November to December:
Surprise. The recipe is still a
secret. Look forward to a
Raviolo Eringer.
Tantalisingly tasty
Tortelloni Diavolo.
The Tortelloni Diavolo, which
was also originally developed
as a three-month limited offer,
proved to be so popular that it
has now been added to the
standard range. This devilishly
delicious vegetarian product
tantalises as a result of its
daring combination of black
pasta and spicy red filling
made from tomato, capsicum,
cream cheese and hot chilli
New organisation of sales in
Western Switzerland and Ticino
Le Patron, Fredag and Pastinella are cooperating even more
closely: the customers of all three units in Western Switzerland
and Ticino are now being looked after by one department.
This collaboration makes it possible to react to customer
requirements in the rapidly changing convenience market in an
even more swift and flexible manner. Joint projects are driven
forward and implemented without delay.
Responsible for the
Western Switzerland
and Ticino regions are
the two long-standing
food experts, PaulRené Fardel (retail
sector) and Daniel
Montavon (restaurant
and food service
The Convenience sector encompasses the
following areas:
• poultry and meat
• vegetarian products
• seafood
• pasta
• ready-made dishes and menu components
• pâtés and terrines
• and many more specialities
Fardel, sales
retail, Western
Switzerland and
Montavon, sales
restaurant and
food service,
Switzerland and
Event menus
for greater success
Give us a try!
go LARGE‘s catering system offers premium-quality food
as a simple, promising solution for your event.
We will accompany you when choosing and testing the menus,
advise you on calculating quantities and assist you with the
implementation of your event.
In a nutshell:
1. Menu
2. Quantity 3.
Your personal adviser will support you throughout the entire process.
+41 61 985 85 00 or
Orior Menu AG Le Patron
Rohrmattstrasse 1, 4461 Böckten
go !.
gastronomic concepts
from Le Patron
Video: Case study
Gregor Mahlke, chef at the ski piste
restaurants in Saas-Fee.
10,000 guests? No problem!
Le Patron offers a simple yet top-quality catering solution for largescale events. Whether a sports festival, concert or town fair, over 1,000
tried and tested recipes – traditional, hearty, vegetarian or exotic – can
be combined to make customised menus or served individually.
For example, using go LARGE’s services, Käfer Schweiz AG provided the catering for
6,350 persons at the Praise Camp in Basel, which was equivalent to 56,000 meals.
“The catering requirements were very precisely defined,” explained Käfer’s Markus
Wenger. “Both the budget and the procedures posed a real challenge.” Usually, Käfer is
able to handle its contracts on its own, but with its relatively small kitchen capacity, on
this occasion the experienced caterer was pushed to its limits.
The products are delivered in 1 kg or 3 kg bags. Specially trained personnel can quickly
heat these through in a water bath or steamer oven and get everything ready for the
serving stations. Thanks to the straightforward procedures, all the guests could be
served by a kitchen team at the rear comprising just 10 persons – and that with three
meals a day and an average catering time of one hour. Wenger praised the good
collaboration with Le Patron: “We were delighted with go LARGE, as regards both the
people and the quality of the food provided.”
Sun, powder good:
400 guests. Wind,
snowfall: 40 guests.
Gastronomy at excursion destinations
is particularly subject to heavy
fluctuation and is faced with
challenges that are almost impossible
to solve. However, be SMART
customers can breathe a sigh of relief,
as they can now combine convenience
products according to their individual
wishes – from individual components
right through to complete menus. Just
like chef Gregor Mahlke, who used
this method to turn around his lossmaking restaurants on the ski piste in
Saas-Fee. The menus can be
regenerated in the steamer oven by
trained personnel as and when
required. This results in low staff
costs, a consistently high level of
quality, and a minimum of waste.
Freshly made every day:
lasagne and cannelloni.
Presented in an
authentic packaging.
Straight into the oven!
The La Romagnola shop-in-shop concept at the Globus
department store is now featuring two new “preferiti”, or
preferred menus. The lasagne and cannelloni are freshly
prepared daily and packaged for selling over the counter – after
which they simply need to be baked au gratin in the oven at
For the La Romagnola staff, the preparation of these products is
a challenging yet enjoyable task. In the morning, the lasagne
and cannelloni are placed in layers in the trays, covered with
sauce and sprinkled with wafer-thin slices of Parmesan. An
aromatic sprig of rosemary underscores the high quality of these
oven-ready meals and provides, so to speak, the cherry on the
cake for fresh culinary enjoyment.
Indulgence with a
clear conscience: non
force-fed goose and
duck livers.
Vive les Romands!
This nonchalance, this légèreté, this savoir vivre! The
world in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, the
Romandie, is quite different to that of the Germanspeaking region.
The Ligne Artisanal has been specially developed to
please the palates of the French-speaking Swiss and
is sold at Coop Suisse Romand outlets under the
brand, “Le Patron traditionel”. Already within a short
period of time, these delightful, wide-shaped pâtés
and terrines recorded a pleasing growth in sales, a
sign of the considerable interest shown by customers
from Western Switzerland and France. The products
from “Le Patron traditionel” are made according to
original French recipes. They convince as a result of
their harmonious formulations with coarse
forcemeat, generous amount of internal garnishes
and crispy pastry. The authentic recipes and the
intentionally simple design of the packaging echo the
rural, down-to-earth, natural and primordial
characteristics of the Ligne Artisanal. The terrines
and pâtés are made solely by hand and with Swiss
For gourmets with a conscience
The growing demand for Swiss meat products from sustainable,
animal-friendly sources, coupled with consumers’ affinity with
Switzerland as a production location and their identification
with Swiss quality, has meant that increasingly fewer foreign
products that fall short of animal welfare standards are finding
their way onto Swiss retailers’ shelves. In collaboration with
Coop, Le Patron has developed a variety of mousses made using
the livers of non force-fed ducks and geese that fulfil the highest
of quality standards. The duck livers originate exclusively from
Coop’s own duck production, where the birds have free access
to water to swim in. In terms of both taste and animal
friendliness, too, these products satisfy consumers’ wishes.
Christmas sales are clear evidence that this success story
promises to undergo an exciting development in the coming
According to an original French recipe:
coarse forcemeat and crispy pastry.
Tempting hors d’oeuvres
for special guests.
Small in size, big in taste
Small treats for every day are in trend. As a result,
Le Patron is now offering both new and established
products in smaller sizes and packaging. Instead of
having to buy large, heavy packs, consumers can
now take home smaller, more convenient portions,
allowing greater variation on a hors d’oeuvres
platter or to a buffet meal. The new Terrinettes
weigh 140 g and are ideal as bite-sized appetisers
for small or single-person households.
Clever – a removable
divider separates the food
Ready to mix!
There is a truism that says
that sometimes the
packaging is almost as
important as the content.
Indeed, the graphic design of the product packaging is an
essential aspect of marketing and plays a significant role in
making a particular brand known and encouraging consumers to
pick it off the shelf. Whereas outer cartons or bands around the
products serve as information carriers, consumers have great
expectations of the primary packaging: it should fully protect
the contents, be easy to open, allow a good view of what is
inside, feel comfortable to hold, and stand up to the technical
demands made by microwaves.
With its innovative
tray with divider,
Le Patron is once
again writing
convenience food
history. The easily
partition separates
the various meal
components. After heating through, the divider can simply be
taken out and the ingredients combined as required. With these
ready-to-mix menus, Le Patron is once more demonstrating its
innovative strength in the Swiss convenience market.
Food tasting times three
After almost a year of planning and reorganisation, the food
tasting infrastructure of Fredag, Pastinella and Le Patron has
been optimised, streamlined and professionalised. The highly
modern stands and equipment can be used for various ORIOR
brands and units. The stands are characterised by their compactness in terms of logistics, their ease of erecting and dismantling
on location, and their matching work surfaces, which are used
for cutting and cooking demonstrations.
However, the appearance and material alone are not always
enough to convince potential customers. The promoters also
play an important role. Week after week, they visit the various
retail outlets or the gastronomic trade, where they talk to and
advise the large streams of customers and get them excited
about our products. They introduce the latest additions to the
range, present seasonal delicacies, and revive interest in our
bestsellers. Thanks to
intensive training, the
promoters are always
up to date with the
latest developments.
They have extensive
knowledge about all
the products sold by
the three firms, and
are also well
acquainted with
issues relating to
hygiene at work.
Together everything
is easier: joint
equipment for
Fredag, Pastinella
and Le Patron.
In great demand:
vegetarian meals from
Anna’s Best.
More often something new to
try. And delicious, too!
Anna’s Best for vegetarians
The vegetarian cuisine sold under the Anna’s Best brand
is characterised by its choice vegetables, herbs and
spices. All the products bear the V-label and fulfil the
criteria laid down by the European Vegetarian Union.
With the launch of this varied product line, Migros is
moving with the times and responding to present-day
vegetarian trends. The menus from various countries
and cultures appeal not just to vegetarians, but also to
so-called flexitarians, who occasionally like to do
without meat.
Le Patron delivers three new menus to the vegetarian
convenience food section at Migros:
• Mushroom ragout with carrots and mashed potatoes
• Penne con verdure del sole
• Indian vegetable curry with almond rice
Pâtés and terrines are
always in season
Depending on the time of year, Le Patron presents its
terrines and pâtés in seasonal colours, with typical
ingredients and in the corresponding look.
The result is a varied and appetising range of seasonal
• in the cold months of the year, in winter, there is
hearty bacon
• in spring, fresh wild garlic and tender green asparagus
• for hot days, a light vitello tonnato or chicken
with lemon
• in the autumn game season, a choice selection of
culinary treasures from the forest
In the search for new ideas, the focus was always on
popular, aromatic ingredients that are typical for the
season. The innovative creations on Coop shelves are
replaced by new ones after between 8 and 15 weeks.
Particular importance is attached to the visual
appearance. This is manifested in the packaging, which
distinguishes itself from the standard range in terms of
colour and design, in line with the season.
Vegetarian diversity with recipes
that everyone loves.
Mangrove shrimps
Sustainably farmed shrimps
Next to coral reefs and tropical rainforests,
mangroves are among the most productive
ecosystems on earth. Mangrove forests
contain almost seventy species of trees and
bushes from different plant families. They have
adapted to the conditions along coastlines and in
brackish river estuaries.
Playing to nature’s tune
Mangrove shrimps are high-grade black tiger shrimps from seminatural farms along the coastal mangrove forests around Cà
Mau in southern Vietnam. The shrimps grow in natural channels
and feed solely on resources in their environment. They receive
no additional feed.
The moon also plays a role
This natural cycle helps to protect the ecologically valuable
mangrove forests in a sustainable way. During the full and new
moon phases, the gates connecting the channels with the main
tributary to the sea are opened for 4–5 days. Other creatures,
such as crabs, molluscs or fish, swim into the channels and are
harvested when the tide goes out.
For animals and humans
The polycultures created in this process provide the farmers
with different types of produce to sell at the local markets,
guaranteeing the small farming families a regular and
sustainable additional source of income.
Around 2,600 accredited small shrimp farmers began rearing
mangrove shrimps in 2013. Each household farms around 3–5
hectares. The shrimp larvae are supplied by the internal
hatchery. Only this way is it possible to monitor the process and
ensure that it remains free from chemical contamination.
MANGROVE SHRIMPS are available in five different varieties
in 5 x 1 kg packs.
300 kg/ha
No additives,
no chemicals
With additives:
No artificial feeding
Artificial feeding
WWF Score 2–3,
Naturland certified
WWF Score 5
Show time
Le Patron olé! Brazil Night
The Sales department presents itself as Team Le Patron, complete with
water carriers and mental coach.
As befitted the summer of the 2014 Football World Cup, Le
Patron’s company party was on the theme of Brazil. And the
name said it all: awaiting guests from Böckten and Uetendorf
were a venue decorated in yellow, green and blue, freshly mixed
caipirinhas, mouth-watering food and hot music rhythms. The
highlights of the evening included exciting games with a grand
prize-giving ceremony and lively, fun-loving samba dancers.
Their colourful feather costumes brought even diehard “couch
potatoes” out of themselves and onto the dance floor. The
atmosphere was simply bombastic and the celebrations carried
on well into the night.
Roman Solenthaler,
Head of Production
at Möfag, insisted
on taking charge of
the barbecue. The
satisfied guests
were evidence that
the event was a
resounding success!
Möfag: more than just
a BBQ party
One tradition that is chiselled in stone in all
Möfag employees’ diaries is the barbecue
party on the company premises. Directly
after the end of the working day, the entire
team get together to talk, joke around and enjoy something
tasty from the grill. This year, the expert grill master was none
other than Head of Production Roman Solenthaler himself, who
performed the task with bravura. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed
the delicious food and agreed that it was a successful evening
that should definitely be repeated.
Working successfully and
celebrating in style – two things
at which ORIOR employees
are extremely accomplished!
Here are just a few of the team
events that abounded in fun
and action, laughter and – of
course – delicious food.
Fredag und Pastinella:
You’re only twenty once!
Fredag and Pastinella invited all members of staff who have
worked at the company for 20 years to a celebration lunch – a
treat that with their loyalty they have well and truly deserved.
This casual get-together was also attended by CEO Bruno de
Gennaro and Head of Operations Philipp Keller, who took the
opportunity to thank the staff for their many years of invaluable
work, which is greatly appreciated by the entire company.
Letafete Sahiti
(cutting the cake)
has been working
at Pastinella since
1 March 1995. She
celebrated her
20th anniversary
with the company
together with her
12th Swiss Championship in
301 contestants, 1,100 spectators,
1,500 shoulders of pork, 44 jury
members: it could only be the Swiss
Deboning Championship. The event
organised by the Verein Freunde der
Metzgerschaft (Association of the
Friends of the Butchery Trade) took
place on 13 September 2014.
Unfortunately, none of the Möfag
entrants qualified for the final round.
But here, too, it is the Olympic spirit
that counts: taking part is more
important than winning.
Urs Mösli, CEO Möfag, gives it his all.
Andreas Schätti Michael Greminger
Martin Gartmann Oliver Damm Andre Sousa Amorin Imre Bölcskei Cutting
Urs Mösli
Sarah Dort Deputy Sales
Rapelli: even the party-loving
Irish were impressed
ORIOR’s employees do a great job. And it seems that
they often spend their leisure time in unusual ways.
When we asked about any exciting hobbies, we
received numerous surprising replies. For example,
the Wittmann sisters – both of whom work at Albert
Spiess AG – are passionate about racing in the snow.
Nadja and Raffaela Wittmann practically
grew up with huskies and dog racing.
Yet it was only ten years ago, when
Husky Ronja came to live with
Nadja, that they really caught the
racing bug. In the meantime,
the pack comprises five
Siberian Huskies and two
terrier crossbreeds. The
Wittmann sisters spend the
autumn and winter going off on
tours with cart and sled –
sometimes at a more leisurely pace
with friends, but also with two or
three races on the programme.
Raffaela actively assists in both her sister Nadja's
and her father’s team. She looks after the dogs before and after
the training or race, puts on their harnesses and booties,
attaches their lines, and feeds and rewards them. She also
regularly helps her sister by acting as a dog sitter if the need
For both women, one thing is clear: the most important thing is
not winning the races, but working with the dogs, enjoying the
spectacular scenery and interacting as a team.
“It’s more than a hobby, rather a way of life. The dogs are an
integral part of our lives; they are part of the family.”
Nadja Wittmann
“In winter, I invest every weekend, and in summer every second
one, for the dog teams. But I still have time for other hobbies and
my friends – it’s just a matter of organisation.”
Raffaela Wittmann
The Rapelli group gave Raf plenty of encouragement while tucking
into Luganiga burgers and a freshly sliced Ticino platter.
As part of the “Rassegna del Salumiere” activities, promoter
Rafael Caballero held a demonstration at the Trinity Irish Pub in
Lugano. While the guests were well supplied with freshly sliced
Ticinella specialities, a small yet colourful group of Rapelli
employees – comprising kitchen staff right through to a member
of management – sat close by and livened up the proceedings
even more. The Rapellis were the life and soul of the evening.
Raf’s product promotion was followed by entertainment by a
music band – with the Ticinella panel and a cold meat slicer in
the background!
Nadja (right):
Assistant, Operation
Raffaela (left):
Assistant, Sales Office
Vera Lachmann, 25, QA Assistant,
Vasko Ostojic, 27, Product Manager
Poultry & Seafood, Fredag
Vreni Gasser, 49, QA Assistant,
Stephan Gramlich, 43, Site Manager
Rüti, Fredag
Spring is very much Vera’s season. As
soon as the first rays of sunshine
appear, she likes to get out into the
nature on short and longer hikes.
Travelling, theatre, concerts and
music – she plays the flute in various
wind orchestras – are other important
activities in her life.
Much of his leisure time is dedicated
to sport and good food. Vasko enjoys
playing football and tennis. He is also
a passionate cook and regularly
spends his time in the kitchen trying
out new recipes.
Ask her what are favourite hobbies
are, and Vreni will say hiking and
spending time with good friends, but
also her work – for if you like your job,
you enjoy spending time on it. Vreni is
married and has two sons aged 14 and
15. The family’s guinea pigs also have
a permanent place in the household.
Stephan is a walking music encyclopaedia. He knows exactly what was
going on in the 60s, 70s and 80s in
rock, pop, funk and blues. He often
goes to concerts, walks the boards of
a renowned local amateur theatre and
is actively involved in the traditional
masked carnival festivities in Schwyz.
He shares his home with his girlfriend
and two cats.
CAREER PATH: Studied food
technology: Bachelor’s degree in
Bremerhaven, Master’s in Vienna,
Master’s dissertation at the ZHAW
Wädenswil (where she fell in love with
CAREER PATH: Commercial training –
marketing assistant – product
MOTTO: Live your life!
CAREER PATH: Studied food
technology at a higher professional
college – quality management
MOTTO: Every day is a gift.
MOTTO: Laugh if it’s not enough to
make you cry.
Daniel Montavon, 49, Key Account
Manager Restaurant & Food Service,
Western Switzerland & Ticino,
Le Patron
MOTTO: Carpe diem.
Urban Ziegler, 42, CFO, Albert Spiess
Daniel spends most of his leisure time
with his partner Paula and their two
children. He loves cooking, enjoys
travelling and recharges his batteries
on long walks in the woods. If you ask
him whether he has any pets, he will
give an unusual answer: a pig.
Urban’s sons Michael and Thomas –
aged almost 2 years and 1 month
respectively – keep him and his wife
Michelle very busy. His hobby of
cooking currently takes priority, as it is
something he can do at home yet still
provides plenty of variation. When he
wants to get away from it all, he goes
cycling – and is already looking forward
to pursuing his favourite winter sports.
CAREER PATH: Chef – sales
representative – sales manager –
commercial director – key account
CAREER PATH: Apprenticeship as a
commercial employee – cross country
skier – various functions in Finance/
Controlling – Chief Financial Officer.
MOTTO: Just laugh!
MOTTO: If Plan A doesn't work, there
are still another 25 letters in the
Alessia Baccala, 29, Marketing,
Giacomo Venturoso, 25, Chemical
Laboratory Assistant, Rapelli
Alessia is engaged to be married. A
keen swimmer, diver and hiker, she
needs no encouragement to be active.
Nothing enriches her life more than
her travel experiences, and taking
photographs sometimes gives her a
whole new perspective on the world.
The main thing on his and his
girlfriend’s minds at the moment is
their forthcoming wedding in July.
Giacomo says his favourite pastimes
are cooking, target shooting and long
walks in the woods with his girlfriend
and their two dogs, Nora und Oliver.
CAREER PATH: MSc in Communication
and Economics – trainee – employee.
CAREER PATH: Diploma as a chemicalbiological technician – chemical
laboratory assistant – microbiological
MOTTO: Never stop dreaming!
CAREER PATH: Diploma as electrician
– commercial college – head of
technical maintenance – full-time
studies as a certified technical
manager (higher professional college).
MOTTO: Make the best you can of
every day.
Martin Zgraggen, 28, Product
Development, Pastinella
Christopher Schwank, 39, Deputy
Manager QA/QM, Pastinella
Do it yourself! For Martin, tanning
leather and making his own fur hats
are all part and parcel of his hobby:
hunting. The passionate biker also
makes his own fruit vinegar, which he
uses in a variety of dishes. And he still
has time to look after the cat and the
two remaining chickens (after a visit
by a fox). Martin and his partner are
planning to start a family.
Christopher’s interests are diverse,
which means that every season has its
own special appeal for him. He skis in
the winter, goes sailing or barbecues
with friends when the temperatures
rise, and in autumn he collects
mushrooms. He also loves travelling,
preferably to destinations where he
can go snorkelling and diving.
CAREER PATH: Food engineering ETH
– QA – one year as a butcher.
MOTTO: Better late than never.
Peter Hollenstein, 56, Head of
Department, Labelling & Logistics,
Peter is married and has three grownup children: a son of 23 and two
daughters aged 21 and 19. He actively
unwinds from work by going mountain
biking, playing football and meeting
friends to play cards. In the winter he
is a keen snowshoe trekker.
CAREER PATH: Butcher – head
butcher – head of department,
incoming goods/logistics/transport
MOTTO: Enjoy life while you can.
CAREER PATH: Apprenticeship as a
chef – studied food technology.
MOTTO: If you can’t do what you
want, may you want what you can do.
Denise Morger, 33, Head of
Administration and Finances, Möfag
It is clear from the many ways Denise
spends her spare time that she is
active and loves animals. Besides
snowboarding, hiking and travelling,
she also takes care of her own horse –
which she rides regularly – and her
two cats.
CAREER PATH: Apprenticeship as a
commercial employee – work
experience in different sectors
(construction, alternative energy,
MOTTO: Don’t dream your life, live
your dream.
Adriano Votta, 34, Sales Service
North, Rapelli
Life without football? Unthinkable for
Adriano. Then again, he is not just a
spectator, but also a keen player.
Apart from football, family and friends
are the most important things in his
life – and he spends most of his
leisure time in their company.
CAREER PATH: Apprenticeship as a
commercial employee – footballer –
MOTTO: Every day is a new chance to
learn and improve.
Andy Glarner, 47, Retail & Catering
Sales, German-speaking Switzerland,
Andy is not married, not engaged –
but he is in love! A sports enthusiast,
he spends his time on the water
(dragon boat and canoe), outdoors
(polysport and hiking) and indoors
(inline skating).
CAREER PATH: Publican’s son (dish
washer) – chef – diet chef – hospital
chef – restaurant chef – sales
consultant – regional sales manager –
key account manager – sales
Darija Subotic, 27, Accounts
Receivable clerk, Rapelli
Anela Karabasic, 33, EDIFACT and
master data, Rapelli
Darija lives with her partner. Her
favourite way of burning off excess
energy is in the mountains, skiing in
the winter and mountain biking in the
summer. She loves shopping all year
round. And her dog, who she happily
devotes part of her spare time to
every day.
The happily married mother of two
loves cooking and spending time in
the kitchen creating delicious dishes
for her loved ones. To switch off and
clear her head, Anela puts on her
trainers and heads outdoors for a jog.
CAREER PATH: Waitress – accounting
MOTTO: Carpe diem!
CAREER PATH: Aargau cantonal
business school – sales.
MOTTO: The secret to getting ahead is
getting started.
MOTTO: Happiness is forgetting the
things you cannot do anything about.
Jasmina Dedovic, 20, VID
Administration, Export ORIOR
Her great passion? Singing, no
question about it. Jasmina has already
performed for a variety of audiences
and loves to be on stage. She also
enjoys travelling and never says no to
a spontaneous trip away. She loves to
spend relaxed Saturday evenings with
friends at the cinema.
CAREER PATH: Apprenticeship as a
commercial employee – administration
assistant – project manager.
MOTTO: Learn from yesterday, live
today, plan for tomorrow.
Lia Pulgar, 43, Communication &
Graphics, ORIOR
Adele Schilling, 43, Internal Sales,
Albert Spiess
Hans Thürig, 51, Head of Logistics &
Transport, Albert Spiess
Dancing, Zumba, yoga, photography,
trying out new recipes … Lia needs
zest, movement and variety in her life.
She spends a lot of time with her
family and friends. She also likes
collecting new interior decoration
ideas for her house, which she shares
with her 15-year-old daughter and her
Shih Tzu dog.
Adele likes to unwind with a good
book, is a creative cook, recharges her
batteries by gardening and enjoys
living it up at carnival time. She is
always happy when she can spend
time with her 23-year-old son.
The father of three enjoys spending
quality time with his wife and children
(two boys aged 10 and 15 and a
daughter of 10). Hans is involved in
village politics as an independent and
is responsible for the care & welfare
sector on his local council. He keeps
fit with regular skiing and swimming.
The Thürigs also own a Greek tortoise
and chickens.
CAREER PATH: Apprenticeship as a
typeface & advertising designer –
assistant – head of typeface workshop
– desktop publisher – graphic artist.
CAREER PATH: Teleoperator – mother
– service employee – customer service
and team management – internal
MOTTO: Live your dream, don’t dream
your life.
MOTTO: You get what you give
(positive or negative). Give and take.
MOTTO: Keep calm and enjoy life.
Christian Haefeli, 43, Systems
Engineer, ORIOR
Claudia Assaf, 46, SAP Inhouse
Consultant FI/CO, ORIOR
Luc Modolo, 50, SAP Business
Objects BI Supervisor, ORIOR
In order to leave his everyday life
behind – or rather below – him,
Christian heads off to lofty heights:
climbing in the mountains. He also let
off steam with a game of squash. To
take his mind off things, he likes
watching a good film – preferably one
that is not just entertaining, but also
Claudia lives with her partner and in
her free time likes to immerse herself
in other worlds – whether by reading
an exciting book or travelling to
nearby or distant lands. She derives
fresh impetus and pleasure from
music, which plays an important role
in her life.
Luc is married and has a daughter and
a son. The family is kept busy by its
two dogs, four guinea pigs and two
foster horses. When his batteries are
low, he recharges them by playing the
CAREER PATH: Typesetter – student –
service technician – system
MOTTO: Don’t put off until tomorrow
what you can do today.
CAREER PATH: Commercial training –
training as an accountant –
accountancy consultant.
MOTTO: Don’t do to others what you
would not want them to do to you.
CAREER PATH: Office employee –
logistics manager – federal diploma in
logistics management.
CAREER PATH: Qualified as an
electrical fitter – qualified as an
Engineer TS specialising in IT –
systems engineer – database
administrator ‒ Deputy Head of
MOTTO: Live in the present, not in the
Brand portfolio
Rapelli, a brand imbued with the tradition of the ancient “mastri salumieri”.
Authentic products and an uncompromising commitment to quality. Italian
delicatessen meats in all its variations – interpreted in both a traditional and a
modern manner since 1929.
Ticinella. La vita è bella! Typical Ticinese specialities, firmly rooted in the
gastronomic culture of Switzerland’s southernmost canton. A journey of discovery
into a unique world of flavours, with tastes that conjure up Ticino’s mild climate and
zest for life.
This raw ham undergoes a slow, curing process in the clean, crisp air of the Mendrisiotto region of Ticino for at least 12 months under the watchful eye and in the
experienced hands of our specialists, giving it a distinct and mouth-watering flavour
that consumers have come to love.
Recipes for Val Mara salami and salametti have been passed down through many
generations. Made by hand with the utmost care, these Ticinese products are truly
authentic and unique.
Albert Spiess AG is the keeper of the age-old tradition of hanging meat to dry in
clean, fresh mountain air. The higher elevations of the Graubünden mountains are
ideal for curing meat in this way. This coupled with a deep passion for perfection are
what make these top-of-the-line meat specialities so unique.
Besides its own products from Graubünden, Spiess Gastro supplies various
high-class restaurants and hotels with exclusive specialities from both home
and abroad.
Bündnerfleisch, raw ham and salsiz from Europe’s highest meat drying facility. The
time-honoured Swiss products sold under the “Albert Spiess – Switzerland’s Finest”
brand are conquering the world.
Fürstenland, a region in eastern Switzerland, is home to a wide variety of meat
specialities, ranging from smoked delicatessen products to ham and poultry
variations. Fürstenländer’s Appenzeller Mostbröckli has become a cult product
that is known and loved far beyond the regional borders.
Cook fine – gain time. Fredag is synonymous with high-quality convenience food. Its
products range from poultry specialities to meat convenience meals.
Top-quality seafood. Frozen specialities from lakes, rivers and seas, and from
countries near and far. Convenience products of impeccable quality for the
restaurant and food service sectors. Fish and shellfish are mainly sourced directly
from fisheries with sustainable practices.
Vegetarian and vegan products for gourmets. Only the choicest ingredients
prepared according to Swiss quality standards are good enough for Nature
Gourmet, a trendsetting brand for a new philosophy of nutrition.
Swiss premium organic tofu creations. The varied range includes traditional tofu
products, as well as innovative, vegetarian and vegan specialities for restaurants
and the retail trade.
Pastinella, un amore di pasta. Pasta fresca in all possible variations and in many
ways unique. Gnocchi, tortellini, ravioli – Pastinella offers everything that is needed
for a perfect meal of Italian pasta, including, of course, a line of appetising sauces.
Créations culinaires. From appetisers to desserts, Le Patron offers traditional,
exclusive and exotic delicacies of uncompromising quality that delight the palate.
Le Patron stands for premium convenience products from Le Patron, Fredag and
Pastinella in the Swiss retail market. Its brands are geared towards consumers who
want quick and easy meals without compromising on quality, taste and enjoyment.
Hand-made, wafer-thin dough and exquisite, creamy fillings – this premium pasta
is freshly prepared every day. La Romagnola products can be bought at exclusive
shop-in-shops in first-class retail outlets and at high-end Italian speciality stores.
From the pen of Rolf U. Sutter
Our new Group CEO, Daniel Lutz, is making very high demands. His message is clear: ORIOR must grow.
ORIOR should be managed in an entrepreneurial way, with great passion and a focus on facts, and develop
further by means of great innovative strength. An exciting new chapter is being added to the ORIOR book,
documenting the story of our company's success.
I am extremely impressed by the energy and commitment with
The cards are constantly dealt out anew
which Daniel Lutz is going about his tasks. He is keen to
Every point in time brings with it its own challenges. In the eyes
understand and intent on finding the best possible solutions
of those concerned, the here and now is always the most
and implementing them with the utmost persistence.
onerous. I honestly believe that particularly great things are
Encouraging people, not forfeiting valuable expertise, and
required of our industry because repeatedly the unexpected
making the winning team even more successful – these are just
happens and all of a sudden other factors take on new
some of the things he is setting his sights on. My demands of
importance. Underlying conditions cease to be underlying, and
him are high, very high in fact. But his demands on ORIOR are
the cards are to a certain extent dealt out anew.
also just as high. And I like that.
With the ORIOR House of Success, we are optimally positioned
Welcome, Ricarda Demarmels
as regards our fundamental concept. The foundations have
Our new Group CFO is actually an "old acquaintance". Demon-
proved solid and the architecture is uncontested. However, that
strating a great degree of identification with ORIOR, she played
does not mean that future-oriented business models should
a key role in our successful launch on the stock market in 2010,
fundamentally not be created. Our aspiration is to exceed all
and on doing so evidently fell in love with our company. We are
expectations. Both with our existing products and with new
delighted that we have been able to secure her services.
Company mentality
(Return On Customer)
ORIOR pension funds
ORIOR has two staff pension funds of its own. I am
now handing over the position of Chairman of the
Board of Trustees to Hélène Weber-Dubi, a long-
Foresight, development,
Be modest and listen to
customer needs
Be open to change
Planning, processes,
Exceed expectations
Values of the company
Financial basis
standing and highly valued member of the ORIOR
Management Board. She will continue to manage
the pension funds prudently and successfully.
Team rules
Want to experience an mmmmmh moment?
Discover the wide variety of tofu specialities from Noppa’s creative kitchen, the appetising classic dishes
from Nature Gourmet, and many more delectable mmmmmh moments.
FREDAG Oberfeld 7, CH-6037 Root
Tel: +41 (0)41 455 57 00,
ORIOR AG Head Office
Tel. +41 44 308 65 00
Rapelli SA
Tel. +41 91 640 73 00
Albert Spiess AG
Tel. +41 81 308 03 08
Mösli Fleischwaren AG
Tel. +41 71 944 11 11
Fredag AG
Tel. +41 41 455 57 00
ORIOR Menu AG Pastinella
Tel. +41 62 737 28 28
ORIOR Menu AG Le Patron
Tel. +41 61 985 85 00
Spiess Europe
Tel. +33 3 889 06 990