Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Katie Mahan
Pianist (USA)
PressKit 2015
Biography (English)
From America to the World.
Praised as "one of the most outstanding talents coming up today," American pianist Katie Mahan
is capturing the attention of audiences throughout the world for her innovative musical
personality, poetic interpretations, and graceful, charming stage presence. She possesses an
unquestioned technical mastery combined with a kaleidoscopic palate of tone colors, and has
been recognized as “a daring and innovative performer." A multi-faceted artist for whom music is
an endless passion, Katie is at home in a broad repertoire ranging from Bach to Poulenc, and is
particularly distinguished as an interpreter of the music of George Gershwin – performing her
own daring, exciting solo piano arrangements to standing ovations across the globe – and Claude
Katie's life has always been filled with music, and at the age of four, inspired by attending a
performance of Gershwin’s An American in Paris given by the famous French piano duo, Katia &
Marielle Labèque, she decided that she wanted to be a concert pianist. She subsequently began
piano studies with her mother, Bobette Mahan, giving her first solo recital two years later at the
age of six. An American in Paris opened the door to the vast world of classical music for Katie,
and her love of Gershwin quickly led her to discover the music of Debussy and Ravel, the French
composers that Gershwin idolized. Although Katie’s music now takes her all over the world, she
never forgets her American heritage, and the great American composer who inspired her to
become a pianist. Her programs often feature her own classical arrangements of her beloved
countryman’s music, alongside works of Debussy and the Viennese classical repertoire.
Katie's greatest pianistic influence came from her studies with the celebrated French pianist
Pascal Rogé, with whom she studied the music of the French Impressionists. Rogé - who traces
his musical heritage directly back to the great French tradition of Debussy and Ravel - was not
only an important pianistic influence on Katie, but also inspired her to devote years of study to
the search for understanding of French music, art and stylistic tradition. Today, Katie's playing
epitomizes the French style of elegance, beauty and poetry. Thomas Veszelits of the Münchner
Abendzeitung described Katie's Debussy thus: "Seasoned concertgoers who had already heard
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, long acclaimed as the best interpreter of Debussy and Ravel, were
impressed by Katie Mahan. With such richness of color, perfection of tone, and structural clarity,
she takes her world class place alongside the Maestro."
Since making her orchestral debut in 1999 performing Gershwin's Concerto in F with the
Breckenridge Symphony, Katie has appeared in concert throughout the USA, Europe, Canada, the
Middle East, Russia and Japan. She has performed with such celebrated conductors as Jiri
Belohlavek, Marin Alsop - who described her as a pianist "in the style of Clara Schumann", Grant
Cooper, and Lawrence Leighton-Smith, among others, and in such famous halls as the
Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Prinzregenten Theatre in Munich, and the Smetana Hall in Prague.
Katie has participated in master classes by such musicians as Lang Lang, Simon Trpceski, and
Michel Béroff, and has recently preformed with orchestras including the Prague Philharmonia,
Colorado Symphony, West Virginia Symphony, Cheyenne Symphony, Colorado Springs
Philharmonic, Boulder Philharmonic, Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra, and the Wiener
Residenz Orchestra, among others.
During the 2014-15 season, Katie will be presented in a concert tour of Germany, Spain and
Switzerland along with recitals and concerto performances throughout Europe and the USA. She
will also perform as a special guest at the Deutscher Filmmusikpreis in Halle, Germany in
October, and will record a CD of concerti by Rachmaninov and Gershwin with the Staatskapelle
Halle in 2016.
Katie has recorded six independently released CDs featuring diverse repertoire, and has just
completed a series of three CDs at the famous Emil Berliner Studios in Berlin, including a
Chopin album, a Debussy album and a Beethoven album. Katie is also committed to finding new
ways to bring younger audiences to classical music through multimedia, and is in the process of
producing an innovative video project on Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue.
Katie was a protégé of Howard Waltz - himself a student of the legendary French pianist Robert
Casadesus - and studied with Robert Spillman at the University of Colorado College of Music
where she graduated with highest honors. In addition to performing, Katie devotes her time and
talent to the support of various humanitarian, medical, and educational causes. In 2014, Katie
founded the Katie Mahan Foundation “Music for a Bright Tomorrow” whose objective is to
promote classical music and to inspire giving through music. Katie is a Steinway artist and was
awarded the Classic Superstar 2008 award by the Berliner Salon.
Biographie (Deutsch)
From America to the World. Die amerikanische Pianistin Katie Mahan gilt als eines der
herausragenden Talente der internationalen Konzertszene. Sie fasziniert ihr Publikum durch ihre
bestechende Virtuosität, ihre einzigartige musikalische Persönlichkeit und ihre anmutige,
charmante Bühnenpräsenz. Eine vielseitige Künstlerin, für die Musik eine endlose Leidenschaft
ist. Katie ist in verschiedenen Repertoires zu Hause, und präsentiert dabei technisch
anspruchsvollste Werke mit scheinbar spielerischer Leichtigkeit. Sie gilt als Interpretin von
höchstem Rang für die Werke George Gershwins, die sie in eigenen virtuosen
Soloklavierbearbeitungen in den Konzerthäusern der ganzen Welt spielt, und als technisch
brillante Spezialistin für das Piano Repertoire Claude Debussys.
Musik ist schon immer der Mittelpunkt in Katies Leben. Inspiriert und begeistert nach dem
Besuch eines Konzerts der Labèque-Schwestern, die Gershwins “Ein Amerikaner in Paris”
aufführten, beschließt sie bereits im Alter von vier Jahren Pianistin zu werden. Ihren ersten
Klavierunterricht nimmt sie bei ihrer Mutter, Bobette Mahan. Mit sechs Jahren absolviert sie
ihren ersten öffentlichen Auftritt. Für Katie öffnet “Ein Amerikaner in Paris” die Tür zur großen
Welt der klassischen Musik. Ihre Liebe zu Gershwins Musik führt sie weiter zu den
Komponisten Ravel und Debussy, beide erklärte Vorbilder Gershwins. Auf ihren Konzertreisen
rund um die Welt vergisst sie dabei weder ihre amerikanischen Wurzeln, noch den großen
amerikanischen Komponisten, der sie einst inspirierte Pianistin zu werden. Katies Konzerte
schliessen folgerichtig neben dem Repertoire der klassischen Meister und den Werken von
Debussy ihre eigenen virtuosen Bearbeitungen der Musik des beliebten Landsmannes Gershwin
Katies größter musikalischer Einfluss ist ihr Studium beim französischen Pianisten Pascal Rogé,
bei dem sie die französische Musik des Impressionismus studiert. Rogé, der das musikalische
Erbe der großen französischen Tradition von Debussy und Ravel weiterführt, übt nicht nur einen
wichtigen pianistischen Einfluss auf sie aus, sondern erweckt in der jungen Pianistin auch die
intensive Suche nach dem Verständnis für die französische Musik, Kunst und das Stilgefühl.
Heute wird Katies Klavierspiel, nach dem französischen Stil, durch Eleganz, Schönheit und
Poesie gekennzeichnet. Thomas Veszelits von der Münchner Abendzeitung beschreibt Katies
Interpretation von Debussy wie folgt: ,,Selbst verwöhnte Konzertbesucher, die bereits Arturo
Benedetti Michelangeli als den erklärt besten Interpreten von Debussy und Ravel gehört haben,
werden von Katie Mahan beeindruckt sein. Mit welchem farblichen Reichtum, klanglicher
Vollendung und strukturellen Klarheit sie ihren Debussy spielt, da hält sie mit dem Maestro in
der Weltklasse mit."
Seit ihrem Orchesterdebüt im Jahre 1999 mit Gershwins Concerto in F mit dem Breckenridge
Symphony unter Leitung von Gerhardt Zimmermann konzertiert Katie um die Welt, in den
Vereinigten Staaten, Europa, Russland, Japan und im Nahen Osten. Sie spielt mit berühmten
Dirigenten wie Jírí Belohlavek, Marin Alsop – dieser bezeichnet Katie als eine Pianistin ,,im
Stile von Clara Schumann" – mit Grant Cooper und Robert Lehrbaumer. Sie spielt in
berühmten Konzertsälen, wie dem Konzerthaus Berlin, dem Prinzregententheater München und
der Smetana Hall in Prag. Katie nimmt an Meisterklassen von Pianisten wie Lang Lang, Michel
Béroff und Simon Trpceski teil und spielt mit berühmten Orchestern: Prager Philharmonia,
Colorado Symphony, West Virginia Symphony, Wiener Residenz Orchester, Cheyenne
Symphony, Colorado Springs Philharmonic, Boulder Philharmonic, Vancouver Metropolitan
Orchestra und vielen anderen.
Während der Konzertsaison 2014/15 präsentiert Katie einer Rezitaltournee in Deutschland, den
Niederlandem und in Spanien. Weitere Engagements umfassen Rezitale und Auftritte mit
Orchestern in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten. Außerdem wird Katie als begleigung beim
Deutscher Filmmusikpreis in Halle im Oktober auftreten. Schon heute hat Katie einen Vertrag
mit dem Staatskapelle Halle, um eine CD mit Klavierkonzerten von Rachmaninov und Gershwin
zu produzieren.
Katie hat aktuell sechs CDs aufgenommen, inklusive Repertoire von Mozart bis Gershwin, und
hat gerade in Berlin drei neue CDs in den Emil Berliner Studios produziert: Ein Chopin Album,
ein Debussy Album und ein Beethoven Album. Ausserdem sucht Katie neue Wege ein jüngeres
Publikum an klassische Musik heran zu führen und produziert derzeit eine innovatives VideoMultimedia Projekt auf der Basis von Gershwins ,,Rhapsody in Blue”.
Katie ist Protegé von Howard Waltz, der selbst ein Student des legendären französischen
Pianisten Robert Casadesus ist. Sie studierte bei Robert Spillman an der Universität Colorado
College of Music, wo sie ihr Studium mit höchster Auszeichnung absolvierte. Zusätzlich zu ihrer
Konzertkarriere, engagiert sich Katie in verschiedenen humanitären und Bildungs-Projekten. Im
Jahr 2014 gründete sie die Katie Mahan Foundation ,,Music for a Bright Tomorrow”, deren Ziel
es ist, Klassische Musik voranzubringen und Spenden für humanitäre Zwecke zu generieren.
Katie ist Steinway Artistin, und wurde 2008 mit dem Klassik Superstar Award des Berliner
Salons ausgezeichnet.
Concerts 2015
• JAN 24, 2015
• JAN 25, 2015
• FEB 07, 2015
• FEB 08, 2015
• FEB 15, 2015
• FEB 21, 2015
• FEB 22, 2015
• MAR 08, 2015
• MAY 02, 2015
• MAY 03, 2015
• MAY 08, 2015
• MAY 10, 2105
• MAY 12, 2015
• MAY 17, 2015
• MAY 31, 2015
• JUN 02, 2015
• JUL 11, 2015
• JUL 12, 2015
• AUG 01, 2015
• AUG 02, 2015
• AUG 07, 2015
• AUG 08, 2015
• AUG 09, 2015
• SEP 13, 2015
• SEPT 24, 2015
Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra Rachmaninov Concerto No. 3
Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra Rachmaninov Concerto No. 3
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Evergreen Chamber Orchestra Mozart Concerto No. 20
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Dickens Opera House Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Mother's Day concert Baur's Restaurant Solo & Duo Piano
Second Tuesday Recital Series
Barns of Rose Hill Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Chamber Music Alexander Bedenko, clarinet; Basil Vendryes, viola
Chamber Music Alexander Bedenko, clarinet; Basil Vendryes, viola
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
• SEPT 25, 2015
• OCT 01, 2015
• OCT 02, 2015
• OCT 03, 2015
• OCT 08, 2015
• OCT 09, 2015
• OCT 16, 2015
• OCT 18, 2015
• OCT 25, 2015
• NOV 08, 2015
• NOV 22, 2015
• DEC 31, 2015
Colorado State University Symphony Beethoven Concerto No. 4
Colorado State University Symphony Beethoven Concerto No. 4
Louis K. Meisel Gallery Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Parrish Museum Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Gardiners Bay Golf Club Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Special Appearance TBA
Guest Appearance at the Deutscher Filmmusikpreis
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Placitas Artist Series Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Summit Music & Arts Recital: Debussy, Beethoven, Gershwin
Sundays at Central Concert Series Recital
Recital: Beethoven’s Birthday Celebration
Recital Programs
2016 Program Version 1
“Showmen of the Piano!”
W. A. Mozart
Sonata in A minor KV. 310
I. Allegro Maestoso
II. Andante cantabile ed espressione
III. Presto
Franz Liszt
Sonata in B minor S. 178
--- pause --George Gershwin
“They can’t take that away from me” arr. Mahan
“By Strauss” arr. Mahan
George Gershwin
“Second Rhapsody” arr. Mahan
2016 Program Version 2
“Showmen of the Piano!”
W. A. Mozart
Sonata in A minor KV. 310
I. Allegro Maestoso
II. Andante cantabile ed espressione
III. Presto
Franz Liszt
Sonata in B minor S. 178
--- pause --George Gershwin
Two Songs arr. Mahan
George Gershwin
Rhapsody in Blue arr. Mahan
2015 Program #1
“From Paris to New York!”
Claude Debussy
I. Pagodes
II. La soirée dans Grenade
III. Jardins sous la pluie
Claude Debussy
Claude Debussy
Images, deuxième série
I. Cloches à travers les feuilles
II. Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
III. Poissons d’or
Claude Debussy
L’isle joyeuse
--- pause --Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein"
I. Allegro con brio
II. Introduzione. Adagio molto - attacca
III. Rondo. Allegretto moderato - Prestissimo
George Gershwin
Rhapsody in Blue (arr. Mahan)
2015 Program #2
“From Bonn to Brooklyn!”
Claude Debussy
I. Pagodes
II. La soirée dans Grenade
III. Jardins sous la pluie
Claude Debussy
L’isle joyeuse
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein"
I. Allegro con brio
II. Introduzione. Adagio molto - attacca
III. Rondo. Allegretto moderato - Prestissimo
--- pause --Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata Op. 57 "Appassionata"
I. Allegro assai
II Andante con moto
III Allegro ma non troppo - Presto
George Gershwin
Rhapsody in Blue (arr. Mahan)
2014 Program
“Debussy Preludes and Gershwin Songs!”
Claude Debussy
Préludes, deuxième livre
I. Brouillards
II. Feuilles mortes
III. La puerta del vino
IV. Les fées son d'exquises danseuses
V. Bruyères
VI. Général Lavine - excentrique
VII. La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune
VIII. Ondine
IX. Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. PPMPC
X. Canope
XI. Les tierces alternées
XII. Feux d'artifices
- Pause Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata No. 30 Op.109
I. Vivace, ma non troppo
II. Prestissimo
III. Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo
Liebestod aus Tristan und Isolde
George Gershwin
Embracable You (arr. Wild)
Our Love is Here to Stay (arr. Mahan)
I got Rhythm (arr. Mahan)
2015 Chamber Music Program
“Wind & Strings!”
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-­‐1750) Sonata No. 1 in G major for viola & piano BWV 1027 I. Adagio II. Allegro ma non tanto III. Andante IV. Allegro moderato Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-­‐1827) Sonata No. 21 in C major “Waldstein” Op. 53 I. Allegro con brio II. Introduzione. Adagio molto III. Rondo. Allegretto moderato – Prestissimo Max Bruch (1838-­‐1920) Eight Pieces for clarinet, viola and piano, Op. 83 I. Andante II. Allegro con moto III. Andante con moto IV. Allegro agitato -­‐ Pause -­‐ Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-­‐1943) Vocalise for clarinet & piano Robert Schumann (1810-­‐1056) Fantasiestücke Op. 73 for clarinet & piano I. Zart und mit Ausdruck II. Lebhaft, leicht III. Rasch und mit Feuer Max Bruch (1838-­‐1920) Eight Pieces for clarinet, viola and piano, Op. 83 V. Rumänische Melodie: Andante VI. Nachtgesang: Andante con moto VII. Allegro vivace, ma non troppo VIII. Moderato Concerto Repertoire
Concerto in A major
Concerto in D minor
Concerto in G minor
Concerto No. 12 in A major KV. 414
Concerto No. 13 in C major KV. 415
Concerto No. 15 in B-flat major KV. 450
Concerto No. 17 in G major KV. 453
Concerto No. 20 in D minor KV. 466
Concerto No. 21 in C major KV. 467
Concerto No. 23 in A major KV. 488
Concerto No. 25 in C major KV. 503
Concerto No. 1 in C major Op. 15
Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major Op. 19
Concerto No. 3 in C minor Op. 37
Concerto No. 4 in G major Op. 58
Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major Op. 73
Mendelssohn: Concerto in E major for two pianos
Clara Schumann:
Concertino in F minor
Concerto in A minor
Concerto No. 1 in D minor Op. 15
Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major Op. 83
Concerto No. 1 in E minor Op. 11
Concerto No. 2 in F minor Op. 21
Rachmaninov: Concerto No. 3 in D minor Op. 30
Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op 23
Concerto in F
Rhapsody in Blue
Variations on ‘I Got Rhythm’
Concerto in G
CD Recordings
Debussy Album Préludes Bk. 2, Pour le piano, et al. - Recorded 2013 Emil
Berliner Studios (Berlin); not yet released
Beethoven Album Sonata No. 23, Op. 57, Sonata No. 30, Op. 109, Bagatelles
Op. 126 - Recorded 2013 Emil Berliner Studios (Berlin); not yet released
Chopin Album Sonata No. 2 et al. - Recorded 2013 Emil Berliner Studios
(Berlin); not yet released
Rhapsody in Blue Works by George Gershwin, Claude Debussy, Toru
Takemitsu, and Bela Bartok - produced by Katie Mahan; released independently
Mozart Sonata and Fantasy in C minor, Sonata in D major - produced by Katie
Mahan; released independently 2013
Dreaming of You Piano Favorites: Music for Relaxation; Works by Beethoven,
Satie, Chopin, Tan Dun, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Rachmaninov, Gershwin,
Debussy produced by SAMINA; released 2013
Rêverie Debussy Préludes premier liver, Suite Bergamasque, L'isle Joyeuse produced by TALAVAYA; released independently 2011
Liebestod Liszt Sonata in B minor, Chopin Sonata No. 2 et al. - produced by
TALAVAYA; released independently 2010
Brahms/Rachmaninov/Prokofiev Brahms Sonata No. 3, Rachmaninov
Etudes-tableaux, Prokofiev Sonata No. 7 - produced by TALAVAYA; released
independently 2008
Fantasy Schumann Fantasy Op. 17, Schubert Impromptus Op. 90 - produced by
TALAVAYA; released independently 2005
YouTube Recordings
PBS Television Documentary
Press Quotes
"Schon ihre Erscheinung verleiht der Bühne eine besondere Magie. Eine Fee am Klavier.
Behutsam berührt sie die Tasten, ein Stück von Claude Debussy wird sie hervorzaubern. Selbst
verwöhnte Konzertbesucher, die bereits Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli als den erklärt besten
Interpreten von Debussy und Ravel gehört haben, werden von Katie Mahan beeindruckt sein. Mit
welchem farblichen Reichtum, klanglicher Vollendung und strukturellen Klarheit sie ihren
Debussy spielt, da hält sie mit dem Maestro in der Weltklasse mit."
— Thomas Veszelits, Münchner Abendzeitung
"Insgesamt ein Gemuss, von dem man gern noch mehr hätte vertragen können."
— Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
"Wohl abgerundet und wunderbar erfolgreich wurden besonders die Töne, Melodien und
Harmonien von Katie Mahan gespielt. Selten hört man die Basspartien so gepsielt wie hier.
Zahlreiche Nuancen des Klangs ... bisweilen Stark, bisweilen überraschen Zart und intim,
umgaben und verführten die Zuhörer."
— Neue Ruhr Zeitung
"Une jeune pianiste avec un grand talent et un grand avenir qui m'a beaucoup impressionné par
son talent musical rare, et aussi par sa personnalité très intéressante ; ses interpretétations sont
toujours originales et personnelles."
— Französiche pianist Pascal Rogé
"In Robert Schumanns Fantasie C-Dur op. 17 kamen Bedeutung und musikalischer Stil einer
ganzen Epoche zusammen. In der Darbietung durch eine so herausragende Pianistin wie Katie
Mahan, bleibt dem Zuhörer nur sich in sich selber zu versenken, zu bewundern und zuzuhören."
— Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
"Katie Mahan is a daring and innovative performer; her rendition of Chopin’s Piano Sonata Op.
35 and of Wagner/Liszt’s Liebestod was the musical equivalent of blinding light illuminating
vast, scary spaces that are not for the faint of heart to venture into. Always in command of the
relationship between sound and space, and never afraid to explore new roads in what many
consider old territory, this young artist proves just how strong the impact of piano music can be;
she can tear from the piano an anguished and truly grand singing sound, as well as abandon
herself to joyful lightness and speed without fear. She was a most welcome guest of our Cultural
Events series and thoroughly inspired our students.”
— Fabio Parrini, Professor of Music, Cline School of Music, North Greenville
“Brilliant, masterly playing...associations with the young Clara Schumann were revived — she
could have played like this.”
— Neue Ruhr Zeitung
"A young pianist of unusual beauty whose playing encompasses not only the full range of
virtuosity through enthusiasm and inner volcanic power, but also the deeper emotional side of
— Macedonian pianist Simon Trpceski
"It was a great pleasure to work with pianist Katie Mahan who performed the Beethoven 4th
Concerto with the Wiener Residenz Orchester at the Festival Concerts series in Vienna. Both
elegant and exciting, she is a masterful pianist who knows how to balance poetry against intensity
and rhythmic drive. Katie Mahan is a fresh and compelling artist to grace the concert stage, and a
clear audience favorite."
– Robert Ward, PianoFest Austria Director
Katie Mahan gave a dramatic and emotional performance in the Brahms 2nd Piano Concerto.
Beginning with an unusual horn solo played by David Wallace, Mahan, with the flourishes of a
diva, began her cadenza followed by a wild concoction of stormy melodies. In quieter sections of
the Concerto she displayed an interpretive sensitivity. Many young performers today provide a
passionate display contemporary audiences expect as they arrive from the rock world. Mahan
does not use her star dramatic turn to cover inadequacies, but rather to highlight her singular
— Berkshire Fine Arts (NYC)
“Up and coming Denver pianist Katie Mahan ascended I-25 to tackle Chopin’s 1st Piano
Concerto. There was hardly a note missed in all three movements. The slow movement was the
highlight of the performance...Mahan exulted in capturing every detail and more than a little
nuance. She and the orchestra were one voice throughout.”
— Colorado Springs Gazette
"A young pianist with a great talent and a great future who impressed me immensely with her rare
musical talent and also with her very interesting musical personality; her interpretations are
always original and personal.”
— French pianist Pascal Rogé
“In Robert Schumann’s Fantasie in C major op. 17...the sense and musical style of an entire
period came together. When presented by an excellent pianist such as Katie Mahan, the listener is
left to immerse himself, admire, and listen.”
— Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
“What amazed the listener most was the striking dynamic range...a pianissimo of the most tender
poetry to a fortissimo of thunderous passion. An exquisite and memorable performance which
was both soulful and powerful, and of great artistic understanding.”
— Rocky Mountain News
“A pianist in the style of Clara Schumann"
— Maestra Marin Alsop, Colorado Symphony Orchestra
"One of the most outstanding talents coming up today"
— Maestro Ken Hsieh, Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra
“All in all a pleasure which one would like to have more often.”
— Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
“Well rounded, wonderfully successful were in particular the tones, melodies, and harmonies by
Katie Mahan, rarely does one hear the bass tones played like this. Numerous nuances of
sound...sometimes strong, sometimes astoundingly tender and intimate, surrounded and seduced
the audience.”
— Neue Ruhr Zeitung
"Katie Mahan is a musician whose performances are both elegant and thoughtful, stylish and
deep. Even in repertoire that tempts some pianists to play with excess or poor taste, she shows
thoughtful, refined playing that can still bring the audience to its feet. Her performance of
Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue with the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra showed just the right
combination of faithfulness to the score and stylistic license. Her playing made this familiar work
seem fresh: the music soared, sung, swooned, and swung. Her stage presence showed flair, and
her beauty charmed many; yet, this young woman proved that she has gravitas and must be seen
as a serious pianist.”
– Maestro William Intriligator, Cheyenne Symphony
Katie Mahan’s performance [of Beethoven’s Concerto No. 4] is convincing and impressive
through her high technical ability, secure performing, tasteful use of emotions and delicate sound
quality on the piano. She presents herself as an intelligent and very serious interpreter and has a
good sense for stylistic skills adjusting her performance to the special character of the composers.
Katie Mahan is a young artist whose appearance always will promise especially good reception
both by music lovers and music experts.”
— Maestro Robert Lehrbaumer, Wiener Residenz Orchester
"Katie's reading (of the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4) was both thoughtful and technically
assured. She was also easy to work with and approached the performance with a collegial spirit of
—Maestro Michael Butterman, Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra
"I still feel profoundly 'hypnotized' by Ms. Mahan's concert a week ago in Weilheim. Her
performance of the Liszt b-minor sonata belongs to the rare and unforgettable moments of my 50
years' attending over 500 piano recitals all over the world."
— Dr. Roland Ropers, publicist/critic (Germany)
"I have known pianist Katie Mahan for quite a while and have observed her continual interest to
learn and to hone her talent indefatigably, with ever renewed thirst for self-improvement. I have
always been aware of her total devotion, passion and ambition to the art of performing on the
piano, and have marvelled at the rapidity with which she absorbs all teachings, making her own
personal interpretation from the suggestions offered. Even though she is strikingly beautiful, she
never uses this to her advantage. She has a humble fervour always putting the music before
anything else. It is my opinion that Katie has all that it takes to have an international career at the
highest degree."
— Maestro Daniel Lipton, 2010
"We are tonight in the presence of greatness."
—Franz Mohr, legendary Steinway technician, on Katie’s performance in the Benedict
Music tent in Aspen, Colorado, August 2009
International Music Syndicate
2105 Academy Circle
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Contact: Phillip Erklen
Tel:+1 719 380 5595 (Direct)
Tel: 1 888 960 6518 (Toll Free)
Contact: Dr. Archie Beck
Tel:+1 303 931 2396
Xenia Evangelista Communications
Merzbacherstraße 32
D-80637 Munich, Germany
Contact: Xenia Evangelista
Tel:+49 (0) 173 40 50 30 7