Lifelong learning bibliography: a European VET perspective No 1 January-June 2001 Cedefop Dossier series; 1 Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002 A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu.int). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002 ISBN 92-896-0120-5 ISSN 1608-9901 © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2001 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the European Union’s reference Centre for vocational education and training. We provide information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems, policies, research and practice. Cedefop was established in 1975 by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 337/75. Europe 123 GR-57001 Thessaloniki (Pylea) Postal Address: PO Box 22427 GR-55102 Thessaloniki Tel. (30) 310 490 111 Fax (30) 310 490 020 E-mail: info@cedefop.eu.int Homepage: www.cedefop.eu.int Interactive website: www.trainingvillage.gr Edited by: Cedefop Library and Documentation Service Marc Willem, Bettina Brenner, Carlos da Cruz, Maite Santos, Anne Waniart No guarantee can be given for the accuracy of e-mail addresses and websites included throughout the bibliography Acknowledgements: Martina Ni Cheallaigh, Project manager Lifelong Learning All members of the Documentary Information Network Published under the responsibility of: Johan van Rens, Director Stavros Stavrou, Deputy Director Foreword The European Commission published its Memorandum on lifelong learning in October 2000. The Member States, EEA and candidate countries, as well as European institutions and non-government organisations were given until 30 June 2001 to organise extensive consultation on the memorandum, involving a maximum number of European citizens. The period from January to June 2001, covered by the present bibliography, was therefore a time of intense debate and reflection on lifelong learning in Europe. This first issue includes references to output from this productive period and, no doubt, further documents emanating from this debate will appear in future issues. Cedefop and Eurydice provided the Commission with supporting material as background to the consultation process. A joint publication, National actions to implement lifelong learning in Europe, was published and bibliographical material was supplied. Consequently, Eurydice published its contribution entitled Thematic bibliography: lifelong learning. Bibliographical material supplied by Cedefop provided the basis for the present bibliography, which has been added to and improved. The memorandum proclaimed lifelong learning to be the ’guiding principle for provision and participation across the full continuum of learning contexts’. Drawing together all aspects of education and training under one umbrella, it therefore covers a wide spectrum of learning throughout life and in all settings, formal, non-formal and informal. Cedefop’s work focuses on learning in that part of the continuum, usually following compulsory education, when preparation for work commences and continues until retirement. The scope of the library’s collection also spans this phase, covering initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET). It complements the work of other international organisations dealing with the literature on general and adult education, specifically Eurydice and Unesco’s Institute for Education in Hamburg. Together our valuable libraries can provide a picture of the literature on lifelong learning - from the cradle to the grave. Knowledge of the literature is essential in keeping abreast of research and developments in policy and practice. This bibliography and its electronic counterpart will provide an important tool for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners alike. Martina Ní Cheallaigh Project coordinator for lifelong learning 1 Table of contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................1 Table of contents...................................................................................................................................3 Introduction............................................................................................................................................5 Key themes ............................................................................................................................................7 Skill development.................................................................................................................................7 Literacy .............................................................................................................................................8 Computer literacy .............................................................................................................................9 Learning to learn ............................................................................................................................10 Human resources development.........................................................................................................11 Financing ........................................................................................................................................12 Learning innovation ...........................................................................................................................12 Teachers and trainers ....................................................................................................................14 E-learning .......................................................................................................................................15 Work-related training ......................................................................................................................16 Higher education ............................................................................................................................20 Specific target groups ....................................................................................................................21 Accreditation of prior learning ............................................................................................................23 Guidance and Counselling.................................................................................................................24 Community-based learning................................................................................................................25 Distance learning ...........................................................................................................................26 Transversal themes.............................................................................................................................27 Active citizenship ...............................................................................................................................27 Employability......................................................................................................................................28 Partnership.........................................................................................................................................29 Situation at European level ................................................................................................................30 European policy .................................................................................................................................30 National policy documents.................................................................................................................34 EU / EEA countries ............................................................................................................................35 Austria ............................................................................................................................................35 Belgium ..........................................................................................................................................36 Denmark .........................................................................................................................................37 Finland............................................................................................................................................37 France ............................................................................................................................................37 Germany.........................................................................................................................................37 Greece............................................................................................................................................39 Iceland ............................................................................................................................................39 Ireland ............................................................................................................................................39 Italy .................................................................................................................................................40 Netherlands ....................................................................................................................................41 Norway ...........................................................................................................................................41 Portugal ..........................................................................................................................................42 Spain ..............................................................................................................................................42 Sweden ..........................................................................................................................................42 United Kingdom ..............................................................................................................................43 Central and eastern European countries...........................................................................................44 3 Situation at international level ...........................................................................................................45 International organisations.................................................................................................................45 Africa..................................................................................................................................................46 Asia ....................................................................................................................................................46 Australia .............................................................................................................................................47 United States and Canada.................................................................................................................47 Annex....................................................................................................................................................49 Members of the documentary information network ...........................................................................49 Austria ............................................................................................................................................49 Belgium (FR) ..................................................................................................................................49 Belgium (NL) ..................................................................................................................................49 Denmark .........................................................................................................................................49 Finland............................................................................................................................................49 France ............................................................................................................................................50 Germany.........................................................................................................................................50 Greece............................................................................................................................................50 Iceland ............................................................................................................................................50 Ireland ............................................................................................................................................50 Italy .................................................................................................................................................51 Luxembourg ...................................................................................................................................51 The Netherlands .............................................................................................................................51 Norway ...........................................................................................................................................51 Portugal ..........................................................................................................................................51 Spain ..............................................................................................................................................51 Sweden ..........................................................................................................................................52 United Kingdom ..............................................................................................................................52 4 Introduction Lifelong learning bibliography: a European VET perspective A new bibliography on LLL This semi-annual bibliography is the printed counterpart of an online version available as a profile from our bibliographical database VET-Bib at: 1 http://www.trainingvillage.gr/etv/Information_resources/Library/profiles.asp ( ) Clicking on the profile will allow you to view a list of publications organised in the same way as the printed bibliography, which is updated in ‘real time’ as soon as a new record is added to the database. The profile is organised into two main sections: one part organised thematically following the main 2 keywords of the European Commission Memorandum on lifelong learning ( ); the other organised according to geographical aspects. All the items listed in the bibliography are catalogued in the bibliographical database VET-Bib. Public access to this database is provided through Cedefop's own Internet site (www.cedefop.eu.int/library.asp) and the European Training Village. (www.trainingvillage.gr) Data are provided: monthly by partner institutions from Cedefop’s documentary information 3 network( ), in each of the EU Member States, Norway and Iceland, who supply bibliographical records of the latest documents on vocational edcation and training; and, by Cedefop's librarians who select and add material from the EU and international organisations. The VET-Bib database launched by Cedefop in 1985, provides comprehensive coverage of European literature on developing vocational education and training (VET). It mainly includes monographs, journal articles and some grey literature. The most widely covered subjects are: descriptions of national training systems; training policy and reform; training in specific sectors; various types of training (school-based or vocational education, apprenticeship, alternating training); training for specific target groups: youth, women, disabled, unemployed; continuing and further training for those in employment; certification systems and procedures, and recognising diplomas and qualifications; training developments because of structural and occupational changes, including skill development. Related themes cover labour market outlooks, employment policies, forecasting workforce needs, the sectors and types of occupation which are developing and their resulting training needs, lifelong learning policies, e-learning initiatives and tools. A semi-annual bibliography This thematic bibliography will be published semi-annually to inform VET specialists of new publications and documents on lifelong learning. Each issue of this new series will list the latest publications catalogued and indexed in the VET-Bib database during the previous six months. The Lifelong learning bibliography includes monographs, chapters, journal articles, legal texts, Internet sites and CD-ROMs dealing with lifelong learning. (1) To access this service on the ETV (European Training Village), users should register. (2) Full bibliographical reference. (3) For contact details, see Annex. 5 The bibliography is structured: (a) under headings currently of particular interest, e.g. lifelong learning as seen by international organisations, EU policy, employability, partnerships, and themes in line with key messages of the EC memorandum: basic skills, financing, innovation, accrediting and valuing learning, guidance, and access close to the learner; (b) by the situation in Member States and the candidate countries, at international level, etc. Within each category, literature is presented in alphabetical order by title, showing all important fields to enable identification of suitable documents. For titles which are not in English or French a rough translation has been provided to give users an idea of an item. In addition, documents have been indexed using the TEF (European training thesaurus ). Descriptors are listed under each publication. The easiest way to obtain the full record of a document mentioned in the bibliography is to open the VET-Bib database, click on the ‘get’ function, choose the index ‘system number’ and type in the VETBib system number. This is the number in square brackets above each reference in the bibliography. The full record of each document will provide additional information, such as an abstract, written in English or French and details of availability, etc. Cedefop hopes the Lifelong learning bibliography, issued periodically, will be a useful tool for all who have an interest in lifelong learning, both for practical and research purposes. Reactions and comments are welcome. If you have a document you would like added to any of our bibliographies, please send the library a copy for cataloguing and abstracting, and we would be glad to include it. Library and Documentation Service 6 Key themes Skill development [0036345] Betriebliches Weiterbildungsmanagement: employability for employment? [Managing in-plant continuing vocational training : employability for employment?] Falk, Rüdiger In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 2000 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; enterprise culture; human resources management; personnel management; skill analysis; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0037749] Controlling-Wissen als Zusatzqualifikation / Tina Christiansen und Markus Walber. Christiansen, Tina; Walber, Markus In: Ausbilder-Handbuch, p. 1-13 (pt 5.7.2, su 41) Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 2000 ISBN 3-87156-165-7 skill development; personal development; vocational training; continuing vocational training; cost effectiveness; lifelong learning; learning organisation; Germany [0035634] eEurope 2002 - an information society for all : draft Action Plan prepared by the European Commission for the European Council in Feira 19-20 June 2000 / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 330 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 34 p. ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-312-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/pdf /actionplan_en.pdf information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035896] eEurope 2002 - Eine Informationsgesellschaft für alle : AKTIONSPLAN vorbereitet von Rat und Europäischer Kommission zur Vorlage auf der Tagung des Europäischen Rates in Feira 19.-20. Juni 2000 / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 330 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 36 p. ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-312-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/pdf /actionplan_de.pdf information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035677] eEurope 2002 mise à jour - préparée par la Commission européenne en vue du Conseil européen de Nice des 7 et 8 décembre 2000 communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 783 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 6p. ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-762-FR-C information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035637] eEurope 2002 - une société de l'information pour tous: projet de plan d'action préparé par la Commission européenne en vue du Conseil européen de Feira 1920 juin 2000 / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 330 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 34 p. ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-312-FR http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/pdf /actionplan_fr.pdf information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0036623] The foundation for lifelong learning : a comparative international study of adult skills in understanding and using written information. Statens skolverk Stockholm : Liber Distribution, 2000, 120 p. (The National Agency for Education Report, 188(2000)) ISSN 1103-2421 http://www2.skolverket.se/BASIS/skolbok/webtext/trycksak /DDD/663.pdf adult learning; educational background; immigration; labour market; literacy reading; skill development; writing; lifelong learning; Sweden [0035060] Information Society Ireland, third report of Ireland's Information Society Commission. Information Society Commission Dublin : Stationery Office, 2000, 152 p. ISBN 0-7076-6599-X information technology; conditions of employment; continuing education, government policy; school; skill development; training material; training of trainers; Internet; Ireland [0029407] Learning at work / edited by Frank Coffield. Coffield, Frank; Policy Press; Economic and Social Research Council - ESRC Bristol : Policy Press, 1998, 76 p. ISBN 1-86134-123-7 adult learning; on-the-job training; continuing education; access to training; learning process; learning strategy; skill development; job requirements; lifelong learning; job rotation; learning organisation; United Kingdom; Germany [0036182] L'educazione degli adulti tra ambiguità e prospettive di sviluppo. [Adult education between ambiguity and development prospects.] Angori, Sergio In: Prospettiva EP, No. 2-3, p. 11-28 Rome : Bulzoni, 2000 continuing education; access to employment; continuing vocational training; skill analysis; training legislation; 7 training reform; training system; vocational rehabilitation centre; human capital; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Italy [0037435] Marchmont observatory : researching lifelong learning and good practice. University of Exeter Exeter : University of Exeter, 2001URL: http://www.lifelonglearning.ac.uk/ manpower; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; manpower; skill development; lifelong learning; eLearning; United Kingdom [0034291] A memorandum on lifelong learning. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memoen.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0035479] Mémorandum sur l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memofr.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0034293] Memorandum zum lebenslangen Lernen. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memode.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0037465] National Skill Standards Board. National Skill Standards Board - NSSB Washington : NSSB, 1998URL: http://www.nssb.org/ skill analysis; voluntary organisation; computer skills; skill shortage, validation; non formal learning; lifelong learning; United States [0035864] New directions in Australia's skill formation : lifelong learning is the key / Chris Robinson. Robinson, Chris; National Centre for Vocational Education Research - NCVER Adelaide : NCVER, 2000, 38 p. ISBN 0873976207 http://www.ncver.edu.au/research/proj2/mk0001.pdf skill shortage; trend; training development; training policy; social change lifelong learning; Australia [0037647] Het nieuwe discours over levenslang leren en het volksontwikkelingswerk. 3rd ed. [Lifelong learning and adult education institutions] Hinnekint, Huib In: Vorming, 3, p. 189-206 Brussels : VCVO, 2001 continuing education; older person; skill development; evaluation; lifelong learning; Flanders; Belgium [0036399] Potentialer för lärande i processoperatörers arbete : en studie av operatörers lärande och arbete i högautomatiserad processindustri. [Potential for learning in process operator work : a study of operator work in a highly automated process industry] Gustavsson, Maria; Linköpings Universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap Linköping : Linköping University, 2000, 228 p. (Linköping Studies in Education and Psychology, 71(2000)) ISBN 91-7219-853-2; ISSN 1102-7517 http://www.bibl.liu.se/liupubl/disp/disp2000/ibv71s.htm skill development; case study; learning process; processing industry; staff training; work organization; competence; human capital; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037462] Prior learning assessment and recognition : PLAR = Évaluation et reconnaissance des acquis : ERA. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC Quebec : HRDC, 1999URL: http://www.plar.com skill analysis; skill shortage; accreditation of prior learning; non formal learning; validation; lifelong learning; Canada [0037437] Skillsbase : labour market information database. Department for Education and Employment - DfEE London : DfEE, 2000URL: http://www.skillsbase.dfee.gov.uk/ skill analysis; skill development; manpower; information service; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0037449] TTnet European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - Cedefop Thessaloniki : Cedefop, 2000URL: http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/ttnet/index.asp training of trainers; educational innovation; computer network; career development; skill development; lifelong learning; Europe Literacy [0037598] Actions for lifelong learning : a report from the Joint Committee on Lifelong Learning. Joint Committee on Lifelong Learning; Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation - IBEC Dublin : IBEC, [2001], 15 p. 8 adult learning; higher education; educational disadvantage; management attitude; literacy; access to education; in-plant training; career development personal development;certification; Ireland [0037438] Adult literacy and life skills survey. National Center for Education Statistics - NCES Washington : NCES, 2001URL: http://www.nces.ed.gov/surveys/all/ skill analysis; adult learning; literacy; information technology; computer literacy; educational statistics; survey; lifelong learning; United States [0037207] Better basic skills : learning with the unions / TUC. Trades Union Congress - TUC London : TUC, 2000, 18 p., A4 ISBN 1 85006 530 6 trade union training; literacy; numeracy; core skill; basic education; second chance education [0036623] The foundation for lifelong learning : a comparative international study of adult skills in understanding and using written information. Statens skolverk Stockholm : Liber Distribution Publication Services, 2000, 120 p. (The National Agency for Education Report, 188(2000)) ISSN 1103-2421 http://www2.skolverket.se/BASIS/skolbok/webtext/trycksak /DDD/663.pdf adult learning; educational background; immigration; labour market; literacy reading; skill development; writing; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037594] Ireland’s learning poor : adult educational disadvantage and cross-border co-operation : a report for the Centre for Cross Border Studies / Paul McGill, Mark Morgan. McGill, Paul; Morgan, Mark Armagh : Centre for Cross Border Studies, 2001, 120 p. educational disadvantage; continuing education; crossborder cooperation; level of qualification; literacy; post-secondary education; higher education; financing of education; Northern Ireland; Ireland [0036236] Verschuivingen in de basiseducatie. Callens, Philippe In: Van a tot z, No. 1-2, p. 3-5 Antwerp : Vlaams Ondersteuningcentrum voor de Basiseducatie (VOCB), 2000 ISSN 0779-4924 basic education; basic training; continuing education; society; lifelong learning; training education relationship; Belgium; Flanders Computer literacy [0037404] Career space : future skills for tomorrow’s world. International Co-operation Europe - ICEL Dublin : ICEL, 2001URL: http://www.career-space.com/ computer training; training partnership; skill shortage; computer industry lifelong learning; EC countries [0037480] CLN : Community Learning Network. Office of Learning Technologies - OLT Quebec : Office of Learning Technologies, 2000URL: http://olt-bta.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/CLN/index.html computer literacy; information technology; community; community development lifelong learning; Canada [0037479] Community Access Program : CAP. Industry Canada - IC Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2001URL: http://cap-pac.ic.gc.ca/english/hub.htm computer literacy; community; information technology; lifelong learning; Canada [0037715] Computergestützte Lernwelten : der PC als Trainer und Coach / Erwin Ihm [et al.]. [Computer-based learning worlds : the PC as trainer and coach.] Ihm, Erwin In: Personalführung, Vol 34, No 2 (2001), p. 24-67 Dusseldorf : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung, 2001 ISSN 0723-3868 computer based training; communication medium; telecommunication; multimedia system; in-plant training; vocational training; continuing vocational training; self directed learning; lifelong learning; Germany [0037405] ECDL : European Computer Driving Licence. European Computer Driving Licence Foundation - ECDLF Dublin : ECDL Foundation, 2001- URL: http://www.ecdl.com/ computer literacy; computer based training; training standard; lifelong learning; Europe [0037717] E-Learning : Unternehmen begeistern sich für Lernportale / Wolfgang Kraemer [et al.]. [E-Learning : enthusiasm among enterprises for learning portals.] Kraemer, Wolfgang In: Personalwirtschaft, Vol 28, No 1 (2001), p. 22-47 Neuwied : Luchterhand, 2001 ISSN 0341-4698 computer based training; telecommunication; in-plant training; vocational teacher; continuing vocational training; personnel management; learning organisation; eLearning; lifelong learning; Germany [0037459] IMS : global learning consortium. IMS Global Learning Consortium Burlington : IMS, 2001URL: http://www.imsproject.org/ computer based training; network; resource centre; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0035323] Lerntechnologien in der beruflichen Bildung : zehn Thesen. [Learning technologies in vocational training : ten theses] Schenkel, Peter Bonn : BIBB, 2000, 40 p. ISBN 3-88555-686-3 computer based training; continuing vocational training; learning; multimedia system; vocational training; learning to learn; lifelong learning; eLearning Germany [0037439] Ro-Computer Literacy programme. Goverment Department for Education and Sport Ljubljana : Goverment Department for Education and Sport, 2001- 9 URL: http://ro.zrsss.si/angl/okvir.htm computer literacy; educational technology; educational innovation; lifelong learning; eLearning; Slovenia [0037476] La Scuola Va- il portale dell Scuola e della Formazione. URL: http://www.scuolava.it computer network; educational innovation; information network; vocational training; lifelong learning; eLearning; Italy [0037440] SeniorNet Sweden. Stockholm : SeniorNet Sweden, 1998URL: http://www.seniornet.se computer literacy; voluntary organisation; computer network; older personlifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden 0036491] Unternehmensnetzwerke durch neues Lernen : die Textilbranche in der lernenden Region sächsisches Vogtland und Oberfranken : Erfahrungen aus dem ADAPT-Projekt Nettex A. [Enterprise networks through new learning : the textile industry in the learning region Saxon Vogtland and Upper Franconia : experiences from the ADAPT project Nettex A.] Loebe, Herbert; Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000, 101 p. ISBN 3-7639-0150-7 computer based training; continuing vocational training; local training initiative; textile industry; lifelong learning; Bavaria; Germany; Saxony Learning to learn [0036115] Bedingungen lebenslangen Lernens im Beruf. [Conditions of lifelong learning on the job] Lempert, Wolfgang In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 4 Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001 ISSN 0172-2875 training research; dual system; experiential learning; onthe-job training training and teaching personnel; learning to learn; lifelong learning; work based training; Germany [0035302] Leren op Latere Leeftijd. [Lifelong learning.] Doets, Cees; Neuvel, Jan Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen – CINOP 's Hertogenbosch : CINOP, 2000, 70 p. ISBN 90-5003-321-0 continuing education; duration of training; older person; training needs training participation rate; training supply; lifelong learning; Netherlands [0036046] Bildungsmarketing : ein dienstleistungsorientierter Ansatz für kommerzielle Bildungsanbieter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung strategischer Aspekte. [Marketing training : a service-based approach for commercial training suppliers with particular attention to strategic aspects.] Bernecker, Michael Sternenfels : Verlag Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2001, XV, 317 p. (Schriftenreihe Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 42) ISBN 3-89673-101-7 adult learning; adult training; cost-benefit analysis; marketing; learning organisation; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0035323] Lerntechnologien in der beruflichen Bildung : zehn Thesen. [Learning technologies in vocational training : ten theses] Schenkel, Peter Bonn : BIBB, 2000, 40 p. ISBN 3-88555-686-3 computer based training; continuing vocational training; learning; multimedia system; vocational training; learning to learn; lifelong learning; eLearning; Germany [0035374] Die bildungspolitischen Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Bundesregierung. [Education policy challenges from the perspective of the German federal government] Bulmahn, Edelgard In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung, p. 1-19 (suppl.2110/118) Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 1999 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 educational policy; computer based training; continuing vocational training training policy; vocational training; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037909] E-ssential or e-lusion? / Toby Greany of the Campaign for Learning. Greany, Toby In: ’t’ Magazine, June 2001, p. 16-20 Truro : ’t’ magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 computer based training; trainees’ attitude; employers’ role; trend; learning method; learning process; interactive learning; Internet; United Kingdom 10 [0037934] Many ways to learn / Helen Rainbird. Rainbird, Helen In: 't' Magazine, April 2001, p. 20-23 Truro : 't' magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 adult learning; learning method; staff training; on-the-job training; in-planttraining; continuing education; lifelong learning; work-based learning; United Kingdom [0036533] Organic learning : mutual enterprise and the learning and skills agenda. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE Leicester : NIACE, 2000, 32 p. ISBN 1-86201-106-0 continuing education; adult learning; training management; training policy training system; United Kingdom [0034500] The culture of adult learning in Sweden. Sohlman, åSa; Commission for Adult Learning How adults learn. Washington,DC. 1998 Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Education, 1999, 26 p. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/HowAdultsLearn/Sohlman.pdf adult learning; educational policy; educational statistics; enrolment; social movement; vocational education; lifelong learning; Sweden Human resources development [0036591] Analyse ausgewählter Methoden zur Identifikation dynamischer Kernkompetenzen. [Analysis of selected methods of identifying dynamic core skills.] Rose, Peter M. Munich : Hampp, 2000, XIX, 239 p. (Hamburger Schriften zur Marketingforschung, 12) ISBN 3-87988-523-0 company management; core skill; enterprise; human resources management in-plant training; learning organisation; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0036345] Betriebliches Weiterbildungsmanagement : employability for employment? [Managing in-plant continuing vocational training : employability for employment?] Falk, Rüdiger In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 2000 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; enterprise culture; human resources management; personnel management; skill analysis; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0036923] 2000 research abstracts. Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training - KRIVET Seoul, South Korea : KRIVET, 2001, 146 p. (Research material, 01-2) ISBN 89-8436-249-2 training research; educational research; vocational school; core skill; training system; human resources management; training programme; vocational guidance; Korea; lifelong learning [0036118] Les enjeux d’une refonte de la formation professionnelle continue : bilan pour un futur. Lichtenberger, Yves; Méhaut, Philippe Paris : MEDEF, 2001, 2 vols (37 p. + annexes) URL: http://www.medef.fr training reform; access to training; alternating training; collective bargaining; continuing vocational training; evaluation; financing of training; staff training; training needs; training statistics; training-employment contract; lifelong learning; France [0037444] HRDC : Human Resources Development Canada. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC Quebec : HRDC, 2001 URL: http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ human resources management; manpower; information service; disadvantaged group employment service; lifelong learning; Canada [0035328] Innovative Weiterbildungskonzepte : Trends, Inhalte und Methoden der Personalentwicklung in Unternehmen. 2nd ed. [Innovative continuing vocational training concepts : trends, contents and methods of personnel development in enterprises] Hofmann, Laila Maja Göttingen : Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie, 2000, VIII, 380 p. (Schriftenreihe Psychologie für das Personalmanagement) ISBN 3-8017-1380-6 continuing vocational training; human resources management personnel management; training management; training innovation; training method; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0036920] Jobrotation : a new track in Europe : report on the main themes from the opening conference. Jobrotation : a new track in Europe. Vienna. 1996 Silkeborg : EU Jobrotation, 1996, 54 p. fight against unemployment; EC policy; employment creation; staff training unemployed worker; employment policy; job rotation; lifelong learning; ADAPT; EC countries; Denmark [0037934] Many ways to learn / Helen Rainbird. Rainbird, Helen In: 't' Magazine, April 2001, p. 20-23 Truro : 't' magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 adult learning; learning method; staff training; on-the-job training; in-plant training; continuing education; lifelong learning; work-based learning; United Kingdom [0034291] A memorandum on lifelong learning. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memoen.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0035479] Mémorandum sur l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memofr.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0034293] Memorandum zum lebenslangen Lernen. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memode.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0036399] Potentialer för lärande i processoperatörers arbete : en studie av operatörers lärande och arbete i högautomatiserad processindustri. [Potential for learning in process operator work : a study of operator work in a highly automated process industry] Gustavsson, Maria ; Linköpings Universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap Linköping : Linköping University, 2000, 228 p. (Linköping Studies in Education and Psychology, 71(2000)) 11 ISBN 91-7219-853-2; ISSN 1102-7517 http://www.bibl.liu.se/liupubl/disp/disp2000/ibv71s.htm skill development; case study; learning process; processing industry; staff training; work organization; competence; human capital; lifelong learning; Sweden [0034617] Työssä oppimisen reflektiivisyys ja kontekstuaalisuus. [Reflectivity and contextuality in learning at work] Järvinen, Annikki; Poikela, Esa In: Aikuiskasvatus, 4, p. 316-324 Helsinki : Kansanvalistusseura, 2000 ISSN 0358-6197 staff training; on-the-job training; training-employment relationship; personal development; place of work; learning organisation; work based training; Finland Financing [0037442] The career training loan program. Student Loan Marketing Association - SLMA Marlton : SLMA, 1995URL: http://www.salliemae.com/paying/training.html educational loan; financing of training; lifelong learning; United States [0037446] CSN : Centrala studiestödsnämnden. Centrala studiestödsnämnden - CSN Sundsvall : CSN, 2001URL: http://www.csn.se/ educational loan; financing of education; student allowance; adult learning lifelong learning; Sweden [0037407] Financing lifelong learning. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2000 URL: http://www.oecd.org/els/education/fll/index.htm financing of education; OECD; financing of training; manpower; lifelong learning; international organisation [0035787] The financing of vocational education and training in Ireland : financing portrait. Fox, Roger; McGinn, Kathy Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 75 p. (Cedefop Panorama, 5107) ISBN 92-896-0014-4; Cat.No. TI-30-00-178-EN-C http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/publication/download/pa norama/5107_en.pdf financing of training; unemployed worker; training system; training legislation; training statistics; ESF; Ireland [0037428] Folkbildningsrådet. [Swedish National Council of Adult Education] Folkbildningsrådet - FBR Stockholm : Folkbildningsrådet, 2001URL: http://www.folkbildning.se/ continuing education; financing of education; educational policy; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037443] Individual Learning Accounts. Department for Education and Employment - DfEE London : DfEE, 2001URL: http://www.dfee.gov.uk/ila/index.shtml financing of education; educational loan; continuing education; lifelong learning; United Kingdom 0037594] Ireland’s learning poor : adult educational disadvantage and cross-border co-operation: a report for the Centre for Cross Border Studies / Paul McGill, Mark Morgan. McGill, Paul; Morgan, Mark Armagh : Centre for Cross Border Studies, 2001, 120 p. educational disadvantage; continuing education; crossborder cooperation; level of qualification; literacy; post-secondary education; higher education; financing of education; Northern Ireland; Ireland [0036914] Lernen, ein Leben lang : Strategien für ein LernzeitKonto / Beirat "Berufliche Bildung und Beschäftigungspolitik" der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales und Frauen. [Lifelong learning : strategies for learning credits] Berlin : Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen, 2001, 18 p. continuing vocational training; educational innovation; hours of work; learning; training credit; financing of education; lifelong learning; Germany Learning innovation [0037427] Adult Education Initiative. National Agency for Education and the Adult Education Initiative [s.l.] : National Agency for Education and the Adult Education Initiative, 2001URL: http://www.kunskapslyftet.gov.se/ 12 continuing education; adult learning; educational innovation; lifelong learning; Sweden [0035374] Die bildungspolitischen Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Bundesregierung. [Education policy challenges from the perspective of the German federal government] Bulmahn, Edelgard In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung, p. 1-19 (suppl.2110/118) Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 1999 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 educational policy; computer based training; continuing vocational training training policy; vocational training; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037448] Canada’s SchoolNet = Rescol canadien. Industry Canada Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2000URL: http://www.schoolnet.ca/home/ educational innovation; computer network; educational technology; eLearning; lifelong learning; Canada [0037503] European Network of Innovative Schools : ENIS. European Schoolnet - EUN Brussels : EUN, 2001http://www.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/enis2/entry_frame.cf m?id_area=18 information technology; educational innovation; European school; computer network; educational technology; eLearning; lifelong learning; Europe [0037488] FlexVux. Statens Skolor för Vuxna - SSV Härnösand : Statens Skolor för Vuxna, 2000URL: http://www.ssv.gov.se/ distance study; information service; open learning; educational innovation continuing education; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0036937] In Kompetenzen für alle investieren : Kommuniqué / Tagung der OECD-Bildunsminister. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2001, 7 p. URL: http://www.oecd.org/media/release/nw01-32d.pdf skill; training policy; adult learning; educational policy; lifelong learning knowledge society; competence [0035328] Innovative Weiterbildungskonzepte : Trends, Inhalte und Methoden der Personalentwicklung in Unternehmen. [Innovative continuing vocational training concepts : trends, contents and methods of personnel development in enterprises] Hofmann, Laila Maja 2nd ed. Göttingen : Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie, 2000, VIII, 380 p. (Schriftenreihe Psychologie für das Personalmanagement) ISBN 3-8017-1380-6 continuing vocational training; human resources management; personnel management; training management; training innovation; training method; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0036938] Investing in competencies for all : communiqué / meeting of the OECD education ministers. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2001, 7 p. URL: http://www.oecd.org/media/release/nw01-32a.pdf skill; training policy; adult learning; educational policy; lifelong learning knowledge society; competence [0036939] Investir dans les compétences pour tous : communiqué / réunion des ministres de l'éducation des pays de l'OCDE. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2001, 7 p. http://www.oecd.org/media/communique/nw01-32f.pdf skill; training policy; adult learning; educational policy; lifelong learning knowledge society; competence [0036914] Lernen, ein Leben lang : Strategien für ein LernzeitKonto / Beirat "Berufliche Bildung und Beschäftigungspolitik" der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales und Frauen. [Lifelong learning : strategies for learning credits] Berlin : Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen, 2001, 18 p. continuing vocational training; educational innovation; hours of work; learning; training credit; financing of education; lifelong learning; Germany [0034291] A memorandum on lifelong learning. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memoen.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0035479] Mémorandum sur l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memofr.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0034293] Memorandum zum lebenslangen Lernen. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memode.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0037403] Netd@ys Europe 2000. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000URL: http://www.netdays2000.org/ educational innovation; educational technology; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0037492] PaceSetter : electronic newsletter of the EuroPACE network. Europace Leuven : Europace, 1999- 13 URL: http://www.europace.be/pacesetter/ educational innovation; distance study; educational technology; eLearning lifelong learning; Europe [0037445] Symbol University. Symbol Technologies Holtsville : Symbol Technologies, 2000URL: http://edu.symbol.com/ distance study; educational innovation; open learning; lifelong learning eLearning; United States [0037504] Telematics for libraries : distance learning projects, resources and research. European Commission, Directorate General Information Society Brussels : European Commission, 2000URL: http://www.cordis.lu/libraries/en/liblearn.html educational innovation; distance study; library; educational technology computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries Teachers and trainers [0037472] Academia : programme européen d'échanges de practiciens de l'orientation Académie de Créteil. [s.l.] : Académie de Créteil, 2001URL: http://www.ac-creteil.fr/steurop/ vocational counsellor; guidance teacher; job placement; EC programme; career development; lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; EC countries [0037715] Computergestützte Lernwelten : der PC als Trainer und Coach / Erwin Ihm [et al.]. [Computer-based learning worlds : the PC as trainer and coach.] Ihm, Erwin In: Personalführung, Vol 34, No 2 (2001), p. 24-67 Dusseldorf : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung, 2001 ISSN 0723-3868 computer based training; communication medium; telecommunication; multimedia system; in-plant training; vocational training; continuing vocational training; self directed learning; lifelong learning; Germany [0037717] E-Learning : Unternehmen begeistern sich für Lernportale / Wolfgang Kraemer [et al.]. Kraemer, Wolfgang In: Personalwirtschaft, Vol 28, No 1 (2001), p. 22-47 Neuwied : Luchterhand, 2001 ISSN 0341-4698 computer based training; telecommunication; in-plant training; vocational teacher; continuing vocational training; personnel management; learning organisation; eLearning; lifelong learning; Germany [0036752] Developing teachers : the challenges of lifelong learning. Day, Christopher Brighton : Falmer Press, 1999, 264 p. ISBN 0-75070-748-8 teacher training; adult learning; continuing education; educational theory; in-service training; learning process; training theory; United Kingdom [0037447] European SchoolNet : EUN. European Schoolnet - EUN Brussels : EUN, 2000URL: http://www.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/index.html school; computer network; teacher training; educational technology; lifelong learning; eLearning; Europe 14 [0037451] Flexible learning leaders. Australian National Training Authority - ANTA Brisbane : ANTA, 2001URL: http://www.flexiblelearning.net.au/leaders/ training of trainers; vocational training; computer based training; lifelong learning; eLearning; Australia [0037457] ITiS : National Action Programme for ICT in Schools. Ministry of Education and Science Stockholm : Ministry of Education and Science, 2000URL: http://www.itis.gov.se/ educational technology; government policy; teacher training; continuing education; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0037456] National Centre for Technology in Education : NCTE. Department of Education & Science Dublin : Department of Education and Science, 2001URL: http://www.ncte.ie/ educational technology; information technology; teacher training; educational innovation; lifelong learning; eLearning; Ireland [0037474] Rainbow : increasing the intercultural awareness among guidance counsellors. Centre for International Mobility - CIMO Helsinki : CIMO, 2001URL: http://rainbow.cimo.fi/ vocational guidance; vocational counsellor; in-service training; guidance teacher; lifelong learning; Europe [0037450] Teacher quality : helping teachers through highquality professional development. US Department of Education Washington : US Department of Education, 2000http://www.ed.gov/teacherquality/development.html teacher training; career development; educational innovation; lifelong learning; United States [0037449] TTnet European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - Cedefop Thessaloniki : Cedefop, 2000http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/ttnet/index.asp training of trainers; educational innovation; computer network; careerdevelopment; skill development; lifelong learning; Europe E-learning [0035784] Aktionsplan eLearning: Gedanken zur Bildung von morgen Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und an das Europäische Parlament / Kommission der Europäische Gemeinschaften. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-DE-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_de.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037477] Avoin yliopisto Suomessa. [Open university in Finland] University of Helsinki Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2001URL: http://www.avoinyliopisto.fi distance study; open learning; open university; database; older person eLearning; lifelong learning; Finland [0037489] DISTUM : the Swedish Agency for Distance Education. Distansutbildningsmyndigheten - DISTUM Härnösand : DISTUM, 2001URL: http://www.distum.se/ distance study; continuing education; information technology; eLearning; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037398] Education and Culture at a Glance. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission - DG for Education and Culture, 2001http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/education_culture/publ/new s/01/newsletter_en.htm EC policy; educational policy; training policy; culture; youth policy; continuing education; computer based training; knowledge society; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0037402] E-learning initiative. European Commission- DG Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission- DG for Education and Culture, 2001URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/elearning/ educational technology; information technology; distance study; computer based training; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0037717] E-Learning : Unternehmen begeistern sich für Lernportale / Wolfgang Kraemer [et al.]. [E-Learning : enthusiasm among enterprises for learning portals.] Kraemer, Wolfgang In: Personalwirtschaft, Vol 28, No 1 (2001), p. 22-47 Neuwied : Luchterhand, 2001 ISSN 0341-4698 computer based training; telecommunication; in-plant training; vocational teacher; continuing vocational training; personnel management; learning organisation; eLearning; lifelong learning; Germany [0037125] E-ssential or e-lusion? / Toby Greany of the Campaign for Learning. Greany, Toby In: ’t’ Magazine Truro : ’t’ magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 computer based training; trainees’ attitude; employers’ role; trend; learning method; learning process; interactive learning; Internet; United Kingdom [0037451] Flexible learning leaders. Australian National Training Authority - ANTA Brisbane : ANTA, 2001URL: http://www.flexiblelearning.net.au/leaders/ training of trainers; vocational training; computer based training; lifelong learning; eLearning; Australia [0037488] FlexVux. Statens Skolor för Vuxna - SSV Härnösand : Statens Skolor för Vuxna, 2000URL: http://www.ssv.gov.se/ distance study; information service; open learning; educational innovation; continuing education; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0037487] ICON : Italian culture on the net. ICON Consortium Pisa : ICON Consortium, 2001URL: http://www.italicon.it/ distance study; university; Italian language; cultural service; lifelong learning; eLearning; Italy [0037459] IMS : global learning consortium. IMS Global Learning Consortium Burlington : IMS, 2001URL: http://www.imsproject.org/ computer based training; network; resource centre; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0037484] International Centre for Distance Learning : ICDL. UK Open University - UK OU Milton Keynes : Open University, 2000URL: http://www-icdl.open.ac.uk/icdl/ distance study; research centre; database; educational technology; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0037452] Learning Federation. Washington Advisory Group Washington : Washington Advisory Group, 2001URL: http://www.learningfederation.org/ distance study; educational technology; educational research; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States [0035323] Lerntechnologien in der beruflichen Bildung : zehn Thesen. [Learning technologies in vocational training : ten theses] Schenkel, Peter Bonn : BIBB, 2000, 40 p. ISBN 3-88555-686-3 computer based training; continuing vocational training; learning; multimedia system; vocational training; learning to learn; lifelong learning; eLearning; Germany 15 [0037435] Marchmont observatory : researching lifelong learning and good practice. University of Exeter Exeter : University of Exeter, 2001URL: http://www.lifelonglearning.ac.uk/ manpower; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; manpower; skill development; lifelong learning; eLearning; United Kingdom [0035834] On demand learning : training in the new millennium / by Darin E. Hartley. Hartley, Darin E. Amherst : HRD Press, 2000, 170 p. ISBN 0874255392 continuing education; learning; adult learning; information technology intellectual development; on-the-job training; lifelong learning; knowledge society; eLearning [0037492] PaceSetter : electronic newsletter of the EuroPACE network. Europace Leuven : Europace, 1999URL: http://www.europace.be/pacesetter/ educational innovation; distance study; educational technology; eLearning; lifelong learning; Europe [0035783] Plan d'action eLearning: penser l'éducation de demain communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen / Commission des Communautés européennes. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-FR-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_fr.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037482] SUNY Learning Network. State University of New York - SUNY Albany : SUNY, 2000- URL: http://sln.suny.edu/admin/sln/original.nsf distance study; open learning; university; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States [0037445] Symbol University. Symbol Technologies Holtsville : Symbol Technologies, 2000URL: http://edu.symbol.com/ distance study; educational innovation; open learning; lifelong learning; eLearning; United States [0037504] Telematics for libraries : distance learning projects, resources and research. European Commission, Directorate General Information Society Brussels : European Commission, 2000URL: http://www.cordis.lu/libraries/en/liblearn.html educational innovation; distance study; library; educational technology; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0035782] The eLearning action plan : designing tomorrow's education communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament / Commission of the European Communities. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-EN-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_en.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037490] The Virtual University Gazette : free distance learning newsletter. geteducated Essex Junction : geteducated, 2001ISSN 1099-4262 URL: http://www.geteducated.com/vugaz.htm distance study; continuing education; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States Work-related training [0037196] Analyse, Nutzen und Anerkennung informellen Lernens und beruflicher Erfahrung : wo liegen die Probleme ? / Ute Laur-Ernst. [Analysis, benefits, and accrediting of informal learning and vocational experience : where are the problems ?] Laur-Ernst, Ute Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung. Hamburg. 2000 In: Arbeits- und erfahrungsorientierte Lernkonzepte, p. 161-175 Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000 (Berufsbildung zwischen innovativer Programmatik und offener Umsetzung, 18) ISBN 3-7639-0174-4 experiential learning; training needs analysis; in-plant training; in-service training; training research; training system; lifelong learning; learning to learn; Germany 16 [0035337] Auf dem Weg in die Jobgesellschaft? : Perspektiven für das Berufsbildungssystem. [On the way to a job society? : Prospects for the vocational training system] Pahl, Veronika In: Zukunft der Arbeit - Qualifikationen der Zukunft, p. 1012 Bonn : Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Berufsbildung, 2000 dual system; continuing vocational training; modular training; training needs analysis; trend; training system; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037184] Aus der Arbeit lernen : Situationsaufgaben als neuen Leitbild der Qualifizierung zum Geprüften Industriemeister Metall / Claus Drewes, Dietrich Scholz und Dieter A Wortmann. [Leaning from work : situational tasks as a new training principle for qualified foremen in the metalworking industry.] Drewes, Claus; Scholz, Dietrich; Wortmann, Dieter A. Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000, 188 p. (Materialien zur beruflichen Bildung, 106) ISBN 3-7639-0922-2 metalworker; training objective; continuing vocational training; on-the-job training; certification; training innovation; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0037133] Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf Arbeit und Arbeitslosigkeit /Ernst Kistler und Markus Hilpert. [Impact of demographic changes on work and unemployment.] Kistler, Ernst; Hilpert, Markus In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, No 3/4 (2001), p. 5-13 Trier : Paulinus, 2001 ISSN 0479-611X older person; labour market; unemployment; working life; working time arrangement; continuing vocational training; lifelong learning; Germany [0036115] Bedingungen lebenslangen Lernens im Beruf. [Conditions of lifelong learning on the job.] Lempert, Wolfgang In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 4 Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001 ISSN 0172-2875 training research; dual system; experiential learning; onthe-job trainingtraining and teaching personnel; learning to learn; lifelong learning; work based training; Germany [0037174] Berufliche Bildung : Mühlen im Wind der Veränderung / Rainer Bliesener [et al.]. Bliesener, Rainer Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund - DGB, Landesbezirk Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart : Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund, 2000, 140 p. ISBN 3-8311-0422-0 training system; dual system; training reform; training research; on-the-job training; in-plant training; computer based training; lifelong learning; Germany [0037761] Berufsbegleitende Nachqualifizierung als Instrument der Personalentwicklung für An- und Ungelernte / Margitta Klähn. [On-the-job training as a means for development of unskilled staff.] Klähn, Margitta In: In: Betriebliche Nachqualifizierung, p. 13-18 Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000 (Wirtschaft und Weiterbildung, 23) ISBN 3-7639-0155-8 unskilled worker; in-plant training; on-the-job training; vocational training; continuing vocational training; training experiment; lifelong learning learning to learn; Germany [0035334] Berufsbildung für den Strukturwandel im Handwerk : Expertise. [Vocational training for structural transformations in the handicrafts : expert opinion] Rauner, Felix; Riedel, Marion Berlin : BBJ Verlag, 2000, 65 p. (Schriftenreihe der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales und Frauen - Arbeitsmarktpolitik, 42) ISBN 3-930411-13-x handicraft; dual system; information technology; on-thejob training vocational training; learning organisation; structural change; lifelong learning; Germany [0035609] Beschluss des Rates vom 19. Januar 2001 über die Leitlinien für beschäftigungspolitische Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten im Jahr 2001 / Der Rat der Europäischen Union. Council of the European Union Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 In: Official Journal of the European Communities, L 22, p. 18-26 ISSN 0376-9461 employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; youth unemployment; youth protection; female employmentlong term unemployment; entry into working life; entrepreneur; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037756] Die Bestimmung des betrieblichen Weiterbildungsbedarfs : eine betriebspädagogische Untersuchung am Beispiel gewerblichmittelständischer Unternehmungen / Herbert Grüner. [Determing the needs for continuing in-service training : a study of in-plant training at medium enterprises in trade and industry.] Grüner, Herbert Frankfurt : Lang Verlag, 2000, 338 p. ISBN 3-631-35693-5 in-plant training; in-service training; continuing vocational training; medium enterprise; career development; career planning; training placement; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0037709] Betriebliche Weiterbildung und Arbeitszeitkonten / Rolf Dobischat und Hartmut Seifert. [In-plant continuing vocational training and working time accounts.] Dobischat, Rolf; Seifert, Hartmut In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Vol 54, No 2 (2001), p. 92-101 Frankfurt : Bund-Verlag, 2001 ISSN 0342-300X in-plant training; continuing vocational training; personnel management; career planning; hours of work; working time arrangement; lifelong learning; Germany [0036345] Betriebliches Weiterbildungsmanagement : employability for employment? [Managing in-plant continuing vocational training : employability for employment?] Falk, Rüdiger In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 2000 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; enterprise culture; human resources management; personnel management; skill analysis; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0037751] Betriebspädagogik und berufliche Weiterbildung : Wissenschaft - Forschung - Reflexion : Festschrift für Theo Hülshoff zum 65. Geburtstag / Bernd Dewe [et al.]. [In-plant training and continuing vocational training : science - research – reflection] Dewe, Bernd Bad Heilbrunn : Klinkhardt Verlag, 2000, 377 p. ISBN 3-7815-1082-4 in-plant training; information technology; technological change telecommunication; continuing vocational training; social role; knowledge management; lifelong learning; Germany 17 [0036046] Bildungsmarketing : ein dienstleistungsorientierter Ansatz für kommerzielle Bildungsanbieter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung strategischer Aspekte. [Marketing training : a service-based approach for commercial training suppliers with particular attention to strategic aspects.] Bernecker, Michael Sternenfels : Verlag Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2001, XV, 317 p. (Schriftenreihe Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 42) ISBN 3-89673-101-7 adult learning; adult training; cost-benefit analysis; marketing; learning organisation; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037572] Certification en route to lifelong learning / Barbara Kelly. Kelly, Barbara IITD conference. Dublin. 2001 Dublin : IITD, 2001, 11 p. certification; open learning; in-plant training; training legislation; EC proposal; labour mobility; Cedefop; lifelong learning; Ireland [0035615] Décision du Conseil du 19 javier 2001 sur les lignes directrices pour les politiques de l’emploi des États membres en 2001 / Conseil de l’Union européenne. Council of the European Union Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 In: Official Journal of the European Communities, L 22, p. 18-26 ISSN 0378-7052 employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; youth unemployment; youth protection; female employment; long term unemployment; entry into working life; entrepreneur; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037583] Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment annual report, 2000. Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Dublin : Stationery Office, 2001, 88 p. Ministry of labour; EC programme; financing of training; continuing vocational training; job seeker; access to education; in-service training; network Ireland [0037724] Dienstleistungsexpansion : neue Arbeitsformen und Qualifikationen als Folge von Entgrenzungen in der Erwerbsarbeit / Sibylle Peters. [Expansion in the service industry : new forms of work and skills as a consequence of blurring borders in gainful employment.] Peters, Sibylle In: Wirtschaft und Erziehung, Vol 53, No 3 (2001), p. 8491 Wolfenbüttel : Heckners Verlag, 2001 ISSN 0174-6170 services; technological change; information technology; job requirements lifelong learning; self directed learning; qualification system; Germany [0037746] Einstieg in die Weiterbildung im Bereich Sozialmanagement erfolgreich : Berufskolleg qualifiziert für Leitungsaufgaben / Wilfried Berghoff, Irmtraud Richter und Hedwig Schomacher. [Success in continuing vocational training in the area of social services : ’Berufskolleg’ training for management positions.] Berghoff, Wilfried; Richter, Irmtraud; Schomacher, Hedwig 18 In: Der berufliche Bildungsweg, Vol 2000, No 11/12, p. 1820 Krefeld : J. van Acken, 2000 ISSN 0723-6522 caring personnel; health service; social services personnel; personnel management; continuing vocational training; management training; vocational school; lifelong learning; Germany [0037717] E-Learning : Unternehmen begeistern sich für Lernportale / Wolfgang Kraemer [et al.]. [E-Learning : enthusiasm among enterprises for learning portals.] Kraemer, Wolfgang In: Personalwirtschaft, Vol 28, No 1 (2001), p. 22-47 Neuwied : Luchterhand, 2001 ISSN 0341-4698 computer based training; telecommunication; in-plant training; vocational teacher; continuing vocational training; personnel management; learning organisation; eLearning; lifelong learning; Germany [0037725] Erfolgreiche Weiterbildung ist individuell / Thieß Petersen. [Effective continuing vocational training is individualized.] Petersen, Thieß In: Personalwirtschaft, Vol 28, No 2 (2001), p. 28-32 Neuwied : Luchterhand, 2001 ISSN 0341-4698 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; personal development; level of qualification; personnel management; lifelong learning; learning to learn; learning organisation; Germany [0037470] Euroguidance Network. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2001URL: http://www.euroguidance.org.uk/ information network; guidance service; vocational counsellor; vocational training; lifelong learning; Europe [0037466] European Forum on the Transparency of Vocational Qualifications in Europe. European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - Cedefop Thessaloniki : Cedefop, 1998http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/listserver/listserv_docs/e u_forum.html recognition of diplomas; Cedefop; occupational qualification; lifelong learning; non formal learning; validation; Europe [0036340] La formazione continua nel turismo al tempo dell'occupabilità : riflessioni e strumenti da un progetto sperimentale. [Continuing vocational training in the tourism in the employability’s time : considerations and tools from an experimental project] Ente bilaterale nazionale per il turismo – EBNT Milan : Angeli, 2000, 144 p. (Collana Economia, 116) ISBN 88-464-2561-8 tourism; certification; continuing vocational training; occupational qualification; pilot project; seasonal worker; training credit; training material; training method; competence; lifelong learning; Italy [0035330] Gestaltung der Weiterbildung und Weiterbildungsinteressen der Beschäftigten : eine empirische Untersuchung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. [The design of continuing vocational training and the training interests of employees : an empirical study in small and medium enterprises] Iller, Carola Munich : Hampp, 1999, 244 p. ISBN 3-8058-3347-4 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; personnel management information personnel; small and medium enterprises; training participation rate; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0036920] Jobrotation : a new track in Europe : report on the main themes from the opening conference. Jobrotation : a new track in Europe. Vienna. 1996 Silkeborg : EU Jobrotation, 1996, 54 p. fight against unemployment; EC policy; employment creation; staff training unemployed worker; employment policy; job rotation; lifelong learning; ADAPT; EC countries; Denmark [0029407] Learning at work / edited by Frank Coffield. Coffield, Frank Economic and Social Research Council - ESRC Bristol : Policy Press, 1998, 76 p. ISBN 1-86134-123-7 adult learning; on-the-job training; continuing education; access to training learning process; learning strategy; skill development; job requirements; lifelong learning; job rotation; learning organisation; United Kingdom; Germany [0035326] Leitprojekte : Nutzung weltweiten Wissens für Ausund Weiterbildung und Innovationsprozesse : Informationen compact. [Pilot projects : using global knowledge for vocational and continuing vocataional training : compact information] Degen, Ulrich; Härtel, Michael; Stübig, Jacob Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB In: Limpact, 1; p. 1-22 Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000 ISSN 1439-8079 training research; innovation; information technology; project report; lifelong learning; Germany [0037934] Many ways to learn / Helen Rainbird. Rainbird, Helen In: 't' Magazine, April 2001, p. 20-23 Truro : 't' magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 adult learning; learning method; staff training; on-the-job training; in-plant training; continuing education; lifelong learning; work-based learning; United Kingdom [0035834] On demand learning : training in the new millennium / by Darin E. Hartley. Hartley, Darin E. Amherst : HRD Press, 2000, 170 p. ISBN 0874255392 continuing education; learning; adult learning; information technology; intellectual development; on-the-job training; lifelong learning; knowledge society; eLearning [0035346] Schlüsselqualifikationen : Handlungs- und Medienkompetenz, Personale und Soziale Kompetenz. [Core skills : Practical and media competence, personal and social competence] Lang, Rudolf W. Munich : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2000, XXI, 579 p. ISBN 3-423-50842-6 core skill; in-plant training; on-the-job training; team work; training method; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0036445] I Topikotita tis koinonikis oikonomias sta ethnika schedia drasis gia tin apascholisi (ESDA). [The local character of social economy in the National Action Plans for Employment (ESDA)] Ioannidou, Anastasia In: Epitheorisi Ergasiakon Scheseon, No. 20, p. 64-72 Athens : Eidiki Ekdotiki A.E.E.B.E., 2000 ISSN 1106-6970 employment policy; continuing vocational training; disabled person; employment creation; fight against unemployment; job vacancy; transfer of learning; woman youth; lifelong learning; new technologies; social exclusion; Greece [0034617] Työssä oppimisen reflektiivisyys ja kontekstuaalisuus. [Reflectivity and contextuality in learning at work] Järvinen, Annikki; Poikela, Esa In: Aikuiskasvatus, 4, p. 316-324 Helsinki : Kansanvalistusseura, 2000 ISSN 0358-6197 staff training; on-the-job training; training-employment relationship; personal development; place of work; learning organisation; work based training; Finland [0035339] Weiblich oder kompetent? : der Pflegeberuf im Spannungsfeld von Geschlecht, Bildung und gesellschaftlicher Anerkennung. [Feminine or competent? : caring personnel caught in the tension between gender, education and social recognition] Piechotta, Gudrun Bern : Huber, 2000, 254 p. ISBN 3-456-83504-3 caring personnel; career choice; core skill; female employment; occupational qualification; sex distribution; social role; lifelong learning; Germany [0036069] Welfare that works : beyond the New Deal. Pinto-Duschinsky, David London : DEMOS, 2001 ISBN 1-84180-065-1 social assistance; adult learning; employers’ role; employment creation; social security; training programme; United Kingdom [0035338] Wettbewerbsfaktor Weiterbildung : Ergebnisse der Weiterbildungserhebung der Wirtschaft. [Continuing vocational training as a competitive factor : findings of a business and industry survey on continuing vocational training] Weiß, Reinhold; Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft - IW Cologne : Dt. Inst.-Verl., 2000, 52 p. (Beiträge zur Gesellschafts- und Bildungspolitik, 242) ISBN 3-602-24994-8 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; cost of training; on-the-job training; training statistics; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany 19 Higher education [0037598] Actions for lifelong learning : a report from the Joint Committee on Lifelong Learning. Joint Committee on Lifelong Learning; Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation - IBEC Dublin : IBEC, [2001], 15 p. Shelf Location: FAS adult learning; higher education; educational disadvantage; management attitude; literacy; access to education; in-plant training; career development; personal development; certification; Ireland [0037477] Avoin yliopisto Suomessa. [Open university in Finland] University of Helsinki Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2001URL: http://www.avoinyliopisto.fi distance study; open learning; open university; database; older person eLearning; lifelong learning; Finland [0035862] Bridging the divide : developing the institutional structures that most effectively deliver cross-sectoral education and training / Leesa Wheelahan. Wheelahan, Leesa; National Centre for Vocational Education Research - NCVER Adelaide : NCVER, 2000, 82 p. ISBN 0873976568 http://www.ncver.edu.au/research/proj/nr8029.pdf continuing education; post-secondary education; higher education; vocational education; lifelong learning; Australia [0036190] Combined honours. Arkin, Anat In: People Management, No. 6/20, p. 42-46 London : Personnel Publications, 2000 ISSN 1358-6297 university-enterprise relationship; adult learning; continuing education higher education; in-service training; university; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0037506] ELLI : European Lifelong Learning Initiative. Napier University Edinburgh : Napier University, 2001URL: http://www.noesis.se/elli/ research centre; university-enterprise relationship; lifelong learning; Europe [0036222] Etter- og videreutdanning ved UH: : en internasjonal studie. [Further and continuous education at universities and colleges: : an international survey] Brandt, Ellen Oslo : NIFU, 2000, 53 p. (NIFU skriftserie, 17/2000) ISSN 0808-4572 continuing education; educational planning; further training; higher education university; training needs; training institution; Norway 20 [0037491] EuroPACE : a virtual university for Europe. Europace Leuven : Europace, 2000URL: http://www.europace.be/ telematics; network; university-enterprise relationship; educational technology; lifelong learning; Europe [0037487] ICON : Italian culture on the net. ICON Consortium Pisa : ICON Consortium, 2001URL: http://www.italicon.it/ distance study; university; Italian language; cultural service; lifelong learning; eLearning; Italy [0037459] IMS : global learning consortium. IMS Global Learning Consortium Burlington : IMS, 2001URL: http://www.imsproject.org/ computer based training; network; resource centre; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0037368] Socrates : Community action programme in the field of education. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture [s.l.] : European Commission, 2000http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates.html EC programme; educational policy; school; higher education; continuing education; language; information technology; Socrates; lifelong learning; Comenius; Erasmus; Grundtvig; Lingua; EC countries [0037482] SUNY Learning Network. State University of New York - SUNY Albany : SUNY, 2000URL: http://sln.suny.edu/admin/sln/original.nsf distance study; open learning; university; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States [0037445] Symbol University. Symbol Technologies Holtsville : Symbol Technologies, 2000URL: http://edu.symbol.com/ distance study; educational innovation; open learning; lifelong learning; eLearning; United States [0037490] The Virtual University Gazette : free distance learning newsletter. geteducated Essex Junction : geteducated, 2001ISSN 1099-4262 URL: http://www.geteducated.com/vugaz.htm distance study; continuing education; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States Specific target groups [0036582] 30 Jahre Berufsbildungs- und Arbeitsförderungsgesetzgebung : 30 Jahre Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung. [30 years of vocational training and employment promotion legislation : 30 years of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training.] Pütz, Helmut Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000, 180 p. ISBN 3-7639-0913-3 training policy; disabled person; dual system; training legislation; training policy coordination; training research; learning organisation; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037744] Bildungsprozesse und Erziehungsverhältnisse im 20. Jahrhundert : praktische Entwicklungen und Formen der Reflexion im historischen Kontext / Dietrich Benner und Heinz-Elmar Tenorth. [Educational processes and conditions in the twentieth century : practical developments and forms of reflection in historical context.] Benner, Dietrich; Tenorth, Heinz-Elmar In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Vol 42 (2000), 293 p. Weinheim : Beltz Verlag, 2000 ISSN 0514-2717 educational system; training system; personal development; adult training; social integration; older person; lifelong learning; learning to learn; Germany [0037187] An die Arbeit! : an die Arbeit? / Peter Faulstich, Michael Galuske und Frank Braun. [To work! : to work?] Faulstich, Peter; Galuske, Michael; Braun, Frank In: Pädagogisches Forum, Vol 28 (2000), No 6, p. 438465 Baltmannsweiler : Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren, 2000 ISSN 1430-5399 working life; youth training; disadvantaged group; social integration technological change; vocational preparation; lifelong learning; Germany [0031109] Countdown : Unesco education news. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO, Education Programme Paris : UNESCO, 1999http://www.unesco.org/education/educnews/ouvcd.htm education; continuing education; educational development; training development; right to education; educational disadvantage; lifelong learning [0037133] Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf Arbeit und Arbeitslosigkeit / Ernst Kistler und Markus Hilpert. [Impact of demographic changes on work and unemployment.] Kistler, Ernst; Hilpert, Markus In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, No 3/4 (2001), p. 5-13 Trier : Paulinus, 2001 ISSN 0479-611X older person; labour market; unemployment; working life; working time arrangement; continuing vocational training; lifelong learning; Germany [0037477] Avoin yliopisto Suomessa. [Open university in Finland] University of Helsinki Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2001URL: http://www.avoinyliopisto.fi distance study; open learning; open university; database; older person; eLearning; lifelong learning; Finland [0036342] Berufsausbildung für besondere Zielgruppen : die Benachteiligtenförderung im Strukturwandel. [Vocational training for special target groups : promoting the disadvantaged in the context of structural change.] Esch, Franzjosef; Brosi, Walter In: Berufsbildung : Kontinuität und Wandel Bonn : BIBB, 2000 ISBN 3-88555-679-0 disadvantaged group; access to training; initial training; school-enterprise relationship; technological change; vocational guidance; vocational preparation; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037483] CTC : Community Technology Centers. Office of Vocational and Adult Education - OVAE Washington : OVAE, 2001URL: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/CTC/ educational technology; community; developing area; computer literacy; information technology; lifelong learning; United States [0035803] Education policy analysis : 2001. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI Paris : OECD, 2001, 152 p. ISBN 92-64-18636-0 educational policy; training development; educational development post-secondary education; financing of training; educational technology; lifelong learning; OECD countries [0036182] L'Educazione degli adulti tra ambiguità e prospettive di sviluppo. [Adult education betweeen ambiguity and development prospects] Angori, Sergio In: Prospettiva EP, No. 2-3, p. 11-28 Rome : Bulzoni, 2000 continuing education; access to employment; continuing vocational training skill analysis; training legislation; training reform; training system; vocational rehabilitation centre; human capital; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Italy [0036305] Educazione degli adulti : il dibattito internazionale. [Adult education: the international discussion] De Natale, Maria Luisa In: Formazione per il domani, No. 4, p. 21-44 Milan : Fondazione Clerici, 2000 continuing education; adult training; EC policy; educational policy; labour market; model; social structure; training method; EU countries; EU policy lifelong learning; Denmark; EC countries; Italy; United Kingdom 21 [0036619] Educazione permanente e terza età. [Lifelong education and third age] Spallacci, Luigi In: Prospettiva EP, No. 2-3, p. 3-10 Rome : Bulzoni, 2000 adult training; continuing education; older person; open university; social change; training method; working life; lifelong learning; Italy [0036628] Equality and access to lifelong learning : a model of good practice to enable people with disabilities to access, participate in and benefit from lifelong learning. Sullivan, Estelle; Crowley, Sinead; Manning, Brian; Cork Institute of Technology - CIT; Department of Innovation in Education Cork : South West Regional Authority, 2000, 59 p. disabled person; access to education; continuing education; disadvantaged group; EC programme; project method; training needs; EMPLOYMENT; lifelong learning; Ireland [0036214] Formazione continua e marginalità sociale : presentazione del progetto in atto. [Continuing vocational training and social marginalization : presentation of the progress project] Boccioni, Giuseppe; Istituto regionale di ricerca sperimentazione e aggiornamento educativi - IRRSAE, Lombardia In: Bollettino Irrsae Lombardia, No. 72, p. 19-21 Milan : IRRSAE - Lombardia, 2000 training of trainers; continuing vocational training; Ministry of education model; occupational profile; prisoner training; regional planning; lifelong learning; Latium; Lombardy [0036125] La formazione integrata : nuovi modelli e sviluppo del territorio. [The integrated training : new models and local development] Missaglia, Dario; Gilardi, Gianna; Zoppi, Sergio; Istituto di scienze amministrative e sociali - ISAS Milan : Angeli, 2001, 240 p. (Collana ISAS, 7) ISBN 88-464-2665-7 training reform; apprenticeship; continuing education; continuing vocational training; curriculum development; educational reform; social partners; training administration; training innovation; lifelong learning; training education relationship; Italy [0037444] HRDC : Human Resources Development Canada. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC Quebec : HRDC, 2001 URL: http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ human resources management; manpower; information service; disadvantaged group; employment service; lifelong learning; Canada [0037408] ILO : International Labour Office : Education activities. International Labour Organisation - ILO Geneva : ILO, 1998http://www.ilo.org/public/english/dialogue/sector/sectors/e ducat.htm ILO; vocational training; employment policy; educational statistics; lifelong learning; international organisation 22 [0037594] Ireland's learning poor : adult educational disadvantage and cross-border co-operation : a report for the Centre for Cross Border Studies / Paul McGill, Mark Morgan. McGill, Paul; Morgan, Mark Armagh : Centre for Cross Border Studies, 2001, 120 p. educational disadvantage; continuing education; crossborder cooperation; level of qualification; literacy; post-secondary education; higher education; financing of education; Northern Ireland; Ireland [0036625] Kompetansereformen voksenopplæring : Endringer i opplæringsloven juni 2000 om rettigheter for voksne. [The competence reform adult education : ammendments to the act concerning vocational training June 2000 about adults right to education] Stette, øYstein Oslo : PEDLEX Norsk Skoleinformasjon, 2000, 23 p. ISBN 82-7841-091-7 training legislation; access to education; adult training; continuing education; skill; apprenticeship; curriculum; educational legislation; quality of education; right to education; lifelong learning; Norway [0036631] Konfeksjon eller skreddersøm ? : et studium i voksenpedagogikk. [Ready-made or tailor-made ? : a look at adult education] Søbakken, Ola Johan Lillehammer : Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2000, 118 p. ISBN 82-7671-140-5 adult learning; education; learning process; quality of education; research field; curriculum; lifelong learning; Norway [0035302] Leren op Latere Leeftijd. [Lifelong learning] Doets, Cees; Neuvel, Jan; Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen – CINOP 's Hertogenbosch : CINOP, 2000, 70 p. ISBN 90-5003-321-0 continuing education; duration of training; older person; training needs; training participation rate; training supply; lifelong learning; Netherlands [0037647] Het Nieuwe discours over levenslang leren en het volksontwikkelingswerk. 3 Ed. [Le nouveau discours sur l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie et le travail socioculturel.] Hinnekint, Huib In: Vorming, 3, p. 189-206 Brussels : VCVO, 2001 continuing education; older person; skill development; evaluation; lifelong learning; Flanders; Belgium [0034437] Op weg naar een kwaliteitsvol vormingsbeleid: de brug tussen rusthuizen en vormingsinstanties. Messelis, Els In: Wijs over Grijs, 4, p. 26-30 Brussels : DOE vzw, 2000 ISSN 1374-1373 older person; quality of training; training policy; lifelong learning; Belgium; Flanders [0036041] I Politiki apascholisis tis Evropaikis Enosis kai I dierevnisi pros tis xores tis Kentrikis kai Anatolikis Evropis. [Employment policy in the European Union and the expansion towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe] Baloti, Xeni D. In: Epitheorisi Ergasiakon Scheseon, No. 21, p. 14-27 Athens : Eidiki Ekdotiki A.E.E.B.E., 2001 ISSN 1106-6970 employment policy; access to employment; economic development; educational development; female unemployment; fight against unemployment; long term unemployment; social partners; training development; youth unemployment; EC countries; Greece [0037705] Samstaða ríkir um gildi menntunar nú á dögum / Thorsteinn Brynjar Bjornsson. [Agreement on the value of education today.] Bjornsson, Thorsteinn Brynjar In: Morgunbladid, 22 Jul (2001), p. 25 Reykjavik : Arvakur, 2001 ISSN 1021-7266 school-enterprise relationship; continuing education; continuing vocational training; labour market; EC programme; Cedefop; Leonardo da Vinci; Europass Iceland [0037440] SeniorNet Sweden. Stockholm : SeniorNet Sweden, 1998URL: http://www.seniornet.se computer literacy; voluntary organisation; computer network; older person; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0036445] I Topikotita tis koinonikis oikonomias sta ethnika schedia drasis gia tin apascholisi (ESDA). [The local character of social economy in the National Action Plans for Employment (ESDA)] Ioannidou, Anastasia In: Epitheorisi Ergasiakon Scheseon, No. 20, p. 64-72 Athens : Eidiki Ekdotiki A.E.E.B.E., 2000 ISSN 1106-6970 employment policy; continuing vocational training; disabled person; employment creation; fight against unemployment; job vacancy; transfer of learning; woman youth; lifelong learning; new technologies; social exclusion; Greece [0035340] Von der Schule ... Ins Abseits? : Untersuchungen zur beruflichen Eingliederung benachteiligter Jugendlicher : Wege aus der Ausbildungskrise. [From school ... to the margins of society? : Studies on the vocational integration of disadvantaged youths : ways out of the training crisis] Friedemann, Hans-Joachim; Schroeder, Joachim Langenau : Vaas, 2000, 215 p. ISBN 3-88360-130-6 disadvantaged group; disabled person; social integration; training reform; transition from school to work; unskilled worker; youth training; Germany [0037421] Women's Education Initiative. Department of Education & Science Dublin : Department of Education and Science, 2000http://www.irlgov.ie/educ/980216WomensInitiative.htm female unemployment; educational disadvantage; female status; lifelong learning; Ireland Accreditation of prior learning [0037196] Analyse, Nutzen und Anerkennung informellen Lernens und beruflicher Erfahrung : wo liegen die Probleme ? / Ute Laur-Ernst. [Analysis, benefits, and accrediting of informal learning and vocational experience : where are the problems ?] Laur-Ernst, Ute Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung. Hamburg. 2000 In: Arbeits- und erfahrungsorientierte Lernkonzepte, p. 161-175 Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000 (Berufsbildung zwischen innovativer Programmatik und offener Umsetzung, 18) ISBN 3-7639-0174-4 experiential learning; training needs analysis; in-plant training; in-service training; training research; training system; lifelong learning; learning to learn; Germany [0037184] Aus der Arbeit lernen : Situationsaufgaben als neuen Leitbild der Qualifizierung zum Geprüften Industriemeister Metall / Claus Drewes, Dietrich Scholz und Dieter A Wortmann. [Leaning from work : situational tasks as a new training principle for qualified foremen in the metalworking industry.] Drewes, Claus; Scholz, Dietrich; Wortmann, Dieter A.; Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000, 188 p. (Materialien zur beruflichen Bildung, 106) ISBN 3-7639-0922-2 metalworker; training objective; continuing vocational training; on-the-job training; certification; training innovation; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0037464] AQF-Australian Qualifications Framework. Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board Secretariat Carlton : Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board Secretariat, 2001URL: http://www.aqf.edu.au/ recognition of diplomas; information dissemination; vocational training; lifelong learning; accreditation of prior learning; Australia [0037463] Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment : CAPLA. Ontario : CAPLA, 2001URL: http://www.tyendinaga.net/fnti/prior/capla.htm adult learning; educational assessment; validation; non formal learning; accreditation of prior learning; lifelong learning; Canada [0037572] Certification en route to lifelong learning / Barbara Kelly Kelly, Barbara IITD conference. Dublin. 2001 23 Dublin : IITD, 2001, 11 p. certification; open learning; in-plant training; training legislation; EC proposal; labour mobility; Cedefop; lifelong learning; Ireland [0035986] L'Éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie : séminaire, Biarritz 4 et 5 décembre 2000. [Lifelong learning : seminar, Biarritz 4 and 5 december 2000.] European Union, European Presidency Paris : Ministère de l'emploi et de la solidarité, 2000, various pagination http://www.travail.gouv.fr/actualites/pdf/biarritzFR.PDF access to education; training-employment relationship; lifelong learning; employability; accreditation of prior learning; EC countries [0037466] European Forum on the Transparency of Vocational Qualifications in Europe. European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - Cedefop Thessaloniki : Cedefop, 1998http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/listserver/listserv_docs/e u_forum.html recognition of diplomas; Cedefop; occupational qualification; lifelong learning; non formal learning; validation; Europe [0036340] La Formazione continua nel turismo al tempo dell'occupabilità : riflessioni e strumenti da un progetto sperimentale. [Continuing vocational training in the tourism in the employability’s time : considerations and tools from an experimental project] Ente bilaterale nazionale per il turismo - EBNT Milan : Angeli, 2000, 144 p. (Collana Economia, 116) ISBN 88-464-2561-8 tourism; certification; continuing vocational training; occupational qualification; pilot project; seasonal worker; training credit; training material; training method; competence; lifelong learning; Italy [0036393] La Qualità nei processi formativi in Germania. [The training processes’ quality in Germany] Giovannini, Fabrizio Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF In: Osservatorio Isfol, No. 5, p. 57-81 Rome : ISFOL, 2000 ISSN 0391-3775 quality of training; certification; continuing vocational training; model; pilot project; training administration; training course; training evaluation training management; training standard; training supply; lifelong learning; quality management; standard; Germany [0037465] National Skill Standards Board. National Skill Standards Board - NSSB Washington : NSSB, 1998URL: http://www.nssb.org/ skill analysis; voluntary organisation; computer skills; skill shortage validation; non formal learning; lifelong learning; United States [0037462] Prior learning assessment and recognition : PLAR = Évaluation et reconnaissance des acquis : ERA. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC Quebec : HRDC, 1999URL: http://www.plar.com skill analysis; skill shortage; accreditation of prior learning; non formal learning; validation; lifelong learning; Canada Guidance and Counselling [0037472] Academia : programme européen d'échanges de practiciens de l'orientation Académie de Créteil. [s.l.] : Académie de Créteil, 2001URL: http://www.ac-creteil.fr/steurop/ vocational counsellor; guidance teacher; job placement; EC programme; career development; Leonardo da Vinci; lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; EC countries [0036572] Aus- und Weiterbildung im Handwerk : neue Strukturen, bewährte Qualität. [Vocational training and continuing vocational training in the handicrafts : new structures, proven quality.] Philipp, Dieter; Brosi, Walter In: Berufsbildung : Kontinuität und Wandel Bonn : BIBB, 2000 ISBN 3-88555-679-0 dual system; continuing vocational training; handicraft; initial training training reform; vocational guidance; youth training; lifelong learning; Germany [0036342] Berufsausbildung für besondere Zielgruppen : die Benachteiligtenförderung im Strukturwandel. [Vocational training for special target groups : promoting the disadvantaged in the context of structural change.] Esch, Franzjosef; Brosi, Walter In: Berufsbildung : Kontinuität und Wandel Bonn : BIBB, 2000 ISBN 3-88555-679-0 24 disadvantaged group; access to training; initial training; school-enterprise relationship; technological change; vocational guidance; vocational preparation; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0037475] Connexions : guidance and support for 13 to 19 year olds. Department for Education and Employment - DfEE London : DfEE, 2001URL: http://www.connexions.gov.uk/ vocational guidance; youth; guidance service; transition from school to work lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0037420] DIE : Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung. Leibnizgemeinschaft - WGL Frankfurt : Leibnizgemeinschaft (WGL), 2001URL: http://www.die-frankfurt.de/index.asp continuing education; educational research; vocational guidance; lifelong learning; Germany [0037418] Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich. Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur BMBMK Wien : BMBWK, 2001URL: http://www.erwachsenenbildung.at continuing education; information service; guidance service; distance study lifelong learning; Austria [0037469] Estia project. Estia Goteborg : Estia, 2000URL: http://www.estia.educ.goteborg.se/ information network; pilot project; vocational counsellor; vocational guidance lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; Europe [0037468] EURES : European Employment Services. European Commission, Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs Brussels : European Commission, 2001http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/elm/eures/ index.htm employment service; guidance service; working conditions; labour mobility; information service; lifelong learning; Europe [0037470] Euroguidance Network. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2001URL: http://www.euroguidance.org.uk/ information network; guidance service; vocational counsellor; vocational training; lifelong learning; Europe [0037471] Go Between : EU project : the career counsellor as broker between demand and supply in adult education. Kunskaplyft Söderhamn : Söderhamn Kommun, 1998 http://www.kunly.soderhamn.se/gobetween.html#anchor5 13941 vocational guidance; pilot project; vocational counsellor; continuing education; lifelong learning; EC countries [0034291] A Memorandum on lifelong learning. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memoen.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0035479] Mémorandum sur l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memofr.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0034293] Memorandum zum lebenslangen Lernen. Commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000, 36 p. (SEC (2000) 1832) http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/memode.pdf training policy; skill development; human resources management; educational guidance; learning strategy; access to training; lifelong learning; non formal learning; EC countries [0036040] Obbligo formativo : avvio delle sperimentazioni della formazione di base. Allulli, Giorgio; D’Arcangelo, Anna; Lucisano, Piero Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori - ISFOL, Area sistemi formativi Milan : Angeli, 2001, 143 p. (Collana Strumenti e ricerche Isfol, 92) ISBN 88-464-2870-6 basic training; continuing vocational training; core skill; duration of studies; educational guidance; local training initiative; polyvalence; regional planning; training administration; training evaluation; lifelong learning; training education relationship; Emilia-Romagna; Latium; Trentino-Alto Adige Umbria [0037473] On the move II. Rannsóknaþjónustu Háskóla Íslands Reykjavík : Rannsóknaþjónustu Háskóla Íslands, 2001URL: http://www.rthj.hi.is/otm/ guidance service; student mobility; youth employment; vocational guidance; EC programme; eLearning; lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; Europe [0037478] One-stop system. US Department of Labor - US DOL Washington : US DOL, 2001URL: http://usworkforce.org/onestop/ guidance service; continuing education; employment service; manpower; information service; lifelong learning; United States [0037474] Rainbow : increasing the intercultural awareness among guidance counsellors. Centre for International Mobility - CIMO Helsinki : CIMO, 2001URL: http://rainbow.cimo.fi/ vocational guidance; vocational counsellor; in-service training; guidance teacher; lifelong learning; Europe Community-based learning [0037480] CLN : Community Learning Network. Office of Learning Technologies - OLT Quebec : Office of Learning Technologies, 2000URL: http://olt-bta.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/CLN/index.html computer literacy; information technology; community; community development; lifelong learning; Canada [0037479] Community Access Program : CAP. Industry Canada - IC Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2001URL: http://cap-pac.ic.gc.ca/english/hub.htm computer literacy; community; information technology; lifelong learning; Canada 25 [0037483] CTC : Community Technology Centers. Office of Vocational and Adult Education - OVAE Washington : OVAE, 2001URL: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/CTC/ educational technology; community; developing area; computer literacy information technology; lifelong learning; United States [0036214] Formazione continua e marginalità sociale : presentazione del progetto in atto. [Continuing vocational training and social marginalization : presentation of the progress project] Boccioni, Giuseppe Istituto regionale di ricerca sperimentazione e aggiornamento educativi - IRRSAE, Lombardia In: Bollettino Irrsae Lombardia, No. 72, p. 19-21 Milan : IRRSAE - Lombardia, 2000 training of trainers; continuing vocational training; Ministry of education model; occupational profile; prisoner training; regional planning; lifelong learning; Latium; Lombardy [0035781] La formation professionnelle, nouveau droit de l'homme. Santelmann, Paul Paris : Gallimard, 2001, 226 p. (Folio actuel, 85) ISBN 2-07-041782-4 continuing vocational training; training policy; regional planning; training-employment relationship; lifelong learning; France [0036643] Normativa nazionale e regionale. [National and regional legislation.] Torsello, Anna Maria In: Osservatorio Isfol, No. 5, 106-126 Rome : ISFOL, 2000 ISSN 0391-3775 training legislation; career development; continuing vocational training; core skill; duration of studies; financial resource; financing of training individual training; in-plant training; local administration; lifelong learning; Italy [0036586] Nuovo apprendistato : sperimentazione in Toscana. [New apprenticeship : experimentation in Tuscany] Regione Toscana - Dipartimento delle politiche formative e dei beni culturali, Servizio formazione professionale Florence : Regione Toscana, 2000, 238 p. apprenticeship; alternating training; apprentice; continuing vocational training; handicraft; local training initiative; small and medium enterprises textile industry; trainingemployment relationship; lifelong learning; Italy Tuscany [0036040] Obbligo formativo : avvio delle sperimentazioni della formazione di base. [Compulsory training : start of basic training experimentations] Allulli, Giorgio; D’Arcangelo, Anna; Lucisano, Piero Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori - ISFOL, Area sistemi formativi Milan : Angeli, 2001, 143 p. (Collana Strumenti e ricerche Isfol, 92) ISBN 88-464-2870-6 basic training; continuing vocational training; core skill; duration of studies; educational guidance; local training initiative; polyvalence; regional planning; training administration; training evaluation; lifelong learning training education relationship; Emilia-Romagna; Latium; Trentino-Alto Adige Umbria [0037481] Smart communities = collectivités ingénieuses. Industry Canada Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2001URL: http://smartcommunities.ic.gc.ca/ community; regional development; information technology; quality of life; lifelong learning; Canada [0037505] TELS : towards a European learning society. Noesis Nyköping : Noesis, 2001URL: http://www.noesis.se/tels/ community development; community; regional development; lifelong learning eLearning; Europe [0036491] Unternehmensnetzwerke durch neues Lernen : die Textilbranche in der lernenden Region sächsisches Vogtland und Oberfranken : Erfahrungen aus dem ADAPT-Projekt Nettex A. Loebe, Herbert Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft Bielefeld : Bertelsmann Verlag, 2000, 101 p. ISBN 3-7639-0150-7 computer based training; continuing vocational training; local training initiative; textile industry; lifelong learning; Bavaria; Germany; Saxony Distance learning [0037477] Avoin yliopisto Suomessa. [Open university in Finland] University of Helsinki Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2001URL: http://www.avoinyliopisto.fi distance study; open learning; open university; database; older person; eLearning; lifelong learning; Finland [0037572] Certification en route to lifelong learning / Barbara Kelly. Kelly, Barbara IITD conference. Dublin. 2001 Dublin : IITD, 2001, 11 p. certification; open learning; in-plant training; training legislation; EC proposal; labour mobility; Cedefop; lifelong learning; Ireland 26 [0037485] Distance Learning Resource Network- DLRN. Phoenix : DLRN, 2000URL: http://www.dlrn.org/ distance study; information network; information service; resource centre adult learning; lifelong learning; United States [0037489] DISTUM : the Swedish Agency for Distance Education. Distansutbildningsmyndigheten - DISTUM Härnösand : DISTUM, 2001URL: http://www.distum.se/ distance study; continuing education; information technology; eLearning lifelong learning; Sweden [0037488] FlexVux. Statens Skolor för Vuxna - SSV Härnösand : Statens Skolor för Vuxna, 2000URL: http://www.ssv.gov.se/ distance study; information service; open learning; educational innovation continuing education; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0037487] ICON : Italian culture on the net. ICON Consortium Pisa : ICON Consortium, 2001URL: http://www.italicon.it/ distance study; university; Italian language; cultural service; lifelong learning; eLearning; Italy [0037484] International Centre for Distance Learnin : ICDL. UK Open University - UK OU Milton Keynes : Open University, 2000URL: http://www-icdl.open.ac.uk/icdl/ distance study; research centre; database; educational technology; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0037452] Learning Federation. Washington Advisory Group Washington : Washington Advisory Group, 2001URL: http://www.learningfederation.org/ distance study; educational technology; educational research; eLearning lifelong learning; United States [0037482] SUNY Learning Network. State University of New York - SUNY Albany : SUNY, 2000URL: http://sln.suny.edu/admin/sln/original.nsf distance study; open learning; university; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States [0037445] Symbol University. Symbol Technologies Holtsville : Symbol Technologies, 2000URL: http://edu.symbol.com/ distance study; educational innovation; open learning; lifelong learning; eLearning; United States [0037504] Telematics for libraries : distance learning projects, resources and research. European Commission, Directorate General Information Society Brussels : European Commission, 2000URL: http://www.cordis.lu/libraries/en/liblearn.html educational innovation; distance study; library; educational technology; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0037490] The Virtual University Gazette : free distance learning newsletter. geteducated Essex Junction : geteducated, 2001ISSN 1099-4262 URL: http://www.geteducated.com/vugaz.htm distance study; continuing education; eLearning; lifelong learning; UnitedStates Transversal themes Active citizenship [0037367] Leonardo da Vinci : Community vocational training action programme. European Commission [s.l.] : European Commission, 1995http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo.html EC programme; training programme; vocational training; lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; EC countries [0037403] Netd@ys Europe 2000. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000URL: http://www.netdays2000.org/ educational innovation; educational technology; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0035746] Perspectives on the new economy of corporate citizenship / edited by Simon Zadek, Niels Hojensgard, Peter Raynard. Zadek, Simon; Hojensgard, Niels; Raynard, Peter The Copenhagen Centre - TCC Copenhagen : TCC, 2001, 151 p. ISBN 87-988161-0-1 economy; government policy; social policy; enterprise; trend; lifelong learning; EC countries [0034206] The information society in Europe : work and life in an age of globalization / edited by Ken Ducatel, Juliet Webster, and Werner Herrmann. Ducatel, Werner; Herrmann, Werner; Webster, Juliet Lanham : Rowman and Littlefield, 1999, 324 p. ISBN 0-8476-9590-5 information technology; economy; social change; technological change; working life; information society; lifelong learning; globalisation; EC countries [0037912] The ’learning society’ and small and medium-sized enterprises : empowering the individual / Rick Holden and John Hamblett. Holden, Rick; Hamblett, John In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol 53, No. 1, p. 121-136 Wallingford : Triangle Journals, 2001 ISSN 1363-6820 adult learning; continuing education; small and medium enterprises; training policy; financing of training; lifelong learning; knowledge society; United Kingdom 27 Employability [0035784] Aktionsplan eLearning : Gedanken zur Bildung von morgen Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und an das Europäische Parlament / Kommission der Europäische Gemeinschaften. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p. ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-DE-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_de.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035337] Auf dem Weg in die Jobgesellschaft? : Perspektiven für das Berufsbildungssystem. [On the way to a job society? : Prospects for the vocational training system] Pahl, Veronika In: Zukunft der Arbeit - Qualifikationen der Zukunft, p. 1012 Bonn : Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Berufsbildung, 2000 dual system; continuing vocational training; modular training; training needs analysis; trend; training system; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0035609] Beschluss des Rates vom 19. Januar 2001 über die Leitlinien für beschäftigungspolitische Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten im Jahr 2001 / Der Rat der Europäischen Union. Council of the European Union Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 In: Official Journal of the European Communities, L 22, p. 18-26 ISSN 0376-9461 employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; youth unemployment; youth protection; female employment; long term unemployment; entry into working life; entrepreneur; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0036345] Betriebliches Weiterbildungsmanagement : employability for employment? [Managing in-plant continuing vocational training : employability for employment?] Falk, Rüdiger In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 2000 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 in-plant training; continuing vocational training; enterprise culture; human resources management; personnel management; skill analysis; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Germany [0035615] Décision du Conseil du 19 javier 2001 sur les lignes directrices pour les politiques de l’emploi des États membres en 2001 / Conseil de l’Union européenne. Council of the European Union Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 In: Official Journal of the European Communities, L 22, p. 18-26 ISSN 0378-7052 employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; youth unemployment; youth protection; female employment; long term unemployment; 28 entry into working life; entrepreneur; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035782] The eLearning action plan: designing tomorrow's education communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament / Commission of the European Communities. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p. ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-EN-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_en.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035654] European social dialogue : a mixed picture / Christophe Degryse. Degryse, Christophe European Trade Union Confederation - ETUC Brussels : ETUC, 2000, 18 p. (Discussion and working papers) ISSN 1025-2533 http://www.etuc.org/etui/publications/DWP/Degryse.pdf social partners; trade union; EC policy; employers’ organization; collective bargaining; social dialogue; EC countries [0037400] European Social Fund : ESF. European Commission, Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs Brussels : European Commission, 2000http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/esf2000/ind ex.htm ESF; financing of training; structural funds; employment policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035986] L'Education et la formation tout au long de la vie : séminaire, Biarritz 4 et 5 décembre 2000. European Union, European Presidency Paris : Ministère de l'emploi et de la solidarité, 2000, various pagination http://www.travail.gouv.fr/actualites/pdf/biarritzFR.PDF access to education; training-employment relationship; lifelong learning; employability; accreditation of prior learning; EC countries [0035653] Lifelong learning and employability : is the European model of vocational training in crisis / Winfried Heidemann. Heidemann, Winfried European Trade Union Confederation - ETUC Brussels : ETUC, 2000, 24 p. (Discussion and working papers) ISSN 1025-2533 http://www.etuc.org/etui/publications/DWP/Heidemann2.P DF continuing education; employment; EC policy; trend; employment policy; vocational training; training policy; training innovation; lifelong learning; employability; EC countries [0035783] Plan d'action eLearning: penser l'éducation de demain communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen / Commission des Communautés européennes. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p. ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-FR-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_fr.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035346] Schlüsselqualifikationen : Handlungs- und Medienkompetenz, Personale und Soziale Kompetenz. [Core skills : Practical and media competence, personal and social competence] Lang, Rudolf W. Munich : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2000, XXI, 579 p. ISBN 3-423-50842-6 core skill; in-plant training; on-the-job training; team work; training method learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany Partnership [0034402] Abschlussberich über die Durchführung der ersten Phase des Gemeinschaftlichen Aktionsprogramms Leonardo da Vinci (1995-1999) / Bericht der Kommission. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 28 p. (Documents COM, (2000) 863 final) ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-835-DE-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/report_en.ht ml training programme; crossborder cooperation; student mobility; training policy; EC policy; continuing vocational training; EC programme; lifelong learning; EC countries [0036932] Bestandsaufnahme regionaler und überregionaler Kooperationsverbünde/Netzwerke im Bereich lebensbegleitendes Lernen in Deutschland : Abschlussbericht. [State of the art of regional and supraregional co-operation networks within the area of lifelong learning in Germany : final report] Faulstich, Peter; Vespermann, Per; Zeuner, Christine Universität Hamburg, Institut für Sozialpädagogik, Erwachsenenbildung und Freizeitpädagogik Hamburg : Universität Hamburg, 2000, 59 p. URL: http://www.blk-lll.de/LLL/LIT/BestNetzwerke.zip continuing education; cooperative; learning; government policy; lifelong learning; network; Germany [0037404] Career space : future skills for tomorrow’s world. International Co-operation Europe - ICEL Dublin : ICEL, 2001URL: http://www.career-space.com/ computer training; training partnership; skill shortage; computer industry; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037401] EQUAL Initiative. European Commission, Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs Brussels : European Commission, 2001http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/equal/equal. cfm equal opportunities; access to employment; crossborder cooperation; lifelong learning; Equal; EC countries [0037412] European Association for the Education of Adults : EAEA. Brussels : EAEA, 2001URL: http://www.eaea.org/ continuing education; adult learning; crossborder cooperation; network; lifelong learning; Europe [0034400] Final report on the implementation of the first phase of the Community action programme Leonardo da Vinci (1995-1999) report from the Commission / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 28 p. (Documents COM, (2000) 863 final) ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-835-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/report_en.ht ml training programme; crossborder cooperation; student mobility; training policy; EC policy; continuing vocational training; EC programme; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037594] Ireland’s learning poor : adult educational disadvantage and cross-border co-operation : a report for the Centre for Cross Border Studies / Paul McGill, Mark Morgan. McGill, Paul; Morgan, Mark Armagh : Centre for Cross Border Studies, 2001, 120 p. educational disadvantage; continuing education; crossborder cooperation; level of qualification; literacy; post-secondary education; higher education; financing of education; Northern Ireland; Ireland [0036321] La formazione continua nei progetti Adapt. Di Lieto, Giuseppe Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori - ISFOL, Struttura nazionale di supporto Adapt Rome : ISFOL, 2000, 215 p. continuing vocational training; EC programme; methodology; pilot project; training initiative; training partnership; training policy; ADAPT; EU programme; lifelong learning; Italy [0035768] Lifelong learning in Sweden : the extend to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in Sweden. Boström, Ann Kristin; Boudard, Emmanuel; Siminou, Petroula Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, VI, 71 p. (Cedefop Panorama, 5112) ISBN 92-896-0038-1; ISSN 1562-6180; Cat.No. TI-35-01320-EN-C http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/download/publication/panora ma/5112EN.pdf continuing education; educational system; training partnership; learning strategy; lifelong learning; Sweden 29 [0034401] Rapport final concernant la mise en oeuvre de la première phase du programme d’action communautaire Leonardo da Vinci (1995-1999) rapport de la Commission / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 28 p. (Documents COM, (2000) 863 final) ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-835-FR-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/report_en.ht ml training programme; crossborder cooperation; student mobility; training policy; EC policy; continuing vocational training; EC programme; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037388] Transnational virtual environment for lifelong learning. Travelling Project Oviedo : Travelling Project, 2001URL: http://www.travelling.uniovi.es/ crossborder cooperation; training innovation; training material; information technology; social environment; lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; EC countries Situation at European level European policy [0034402] Abschlussberich über die Durchführung der ersten Phase des Gemeinschaftlichen Aktionsprogramms Leonardo da Vinci (1995-1999) / Bericht der Kommission Commission of the European Communities. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 28 p. (Documents COM, (2000) 863 final) ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-835-DE-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/report_en.ht ml training programme; crossborder cooperation; student mobility; training policy; EC policy; continuing vocational training; EC programme; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035784] Aktionsplan eLearning: Gedanken zur Bildung von morgen Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und an das Europäische Parlament/ Kommission der Europäische Gemeinschaften. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, 19 p. ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-DE-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_de.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035609] Beschluss des Rates vom 19. Januar 2001 über die Leitlinien für beschäftigungspolitische Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten im Jahr 2001 / Der Rat der Europäischen Union. Council of the European Union Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 In: Official Journal of the European Communities, L 22, p. 18-26 ISSN 0376-9461 employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; youth unemployment; youth protection; female employmentlong term unemployment; entry into working life; entrepreneur; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0034403] The Concrete future objectives of education systems report from the Commission / Commission of the European Communities. 30 European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 25 p. (Documents COM, (2001) 59 final) ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-???-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/objet_en.pdf educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035946] De Concrete doelstellingen van de onderwijs- en opleidingsstelsels Ontwerp-verslag van de Raa Onderwijs aan de Europese Raa / Raad van de Europese Unie. European Commission Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035871] Convergences and divergences in European education and training systems : a research project commissioned by the European Commission Directorate-General XXII / Andrew Green, Thomas Leney, Alison Wolf ; EU, European Commission. Green, Andrew; Leney, Thomas; Wolf, Alison European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 1999, 45 p. (Education Training Youth) ISBN 92-828-5677-1; Cat.No. C2-18-98-590-EN-C training system; comparative analysis; educational system; EC countries [0035872] Convergences et divergences dans les systèmes d'éducation et de formation européens : un projet commissionné par la Commission européenne, direction générale XXII. Green, Andrew; Leney, Thomas; Wolf, Alison European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 1999, 45 p. (Education Training Youth) ISBN 92-828-5678-X; Cat.No. C2-18-98-590-FR-C training system; comparative analysis; educational system; EC countries [0035615] Décision du Conseil du 19 javier 2001 sur les lignes directrices pour les politiques de l’emploi des États membres en 2001 / Conseil de l’Union européenne. Council of the European Union Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 In: Official Journal of the European Communities, L 22, p. 18-26 ISSN 0378-7052 employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; youth unemployment; youth protection; female employment; long term unemployment; entry into working life; entrepreneur; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037405] ECDL : European Computer Driving Licence. European Computer Driving Licence Foundation - ECDLF Dublin : ECDL Foundation, 2001URL: http://www.ecdl.com/ computer literacy; computer based training; training standard; lifelong learning; Europe [0037467] ECTS : European Credit Transfer System. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2001http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates/ects.ht ml recognition of diplomas; academic degree; student mobility; lifelong learning Europe [0037398] Education and Culture at a Glance. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission- DG for Education and Culture, 2001http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/education_culture/publ/new s/01/newsletter_en.htm EC policy; educational policy; training policy; culture; youth policy; continuing education; computer based training; knowledge society; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0036305] Educazione degli adulti : il dibattito internazionale. De Natale, Maria Luisa In: Formazione per il domani, No. 4, p. 21-44 Milan : Fondazione Clerici, 2000 continuing education; adult training; EC policy; educational policy; labour market; model; social structure; training method; EU countries; EU policy lifelong learning; Denmark; EC countries; Italy; United Kingdom [0035634] eEurope 2002 - an information society for all Draft Action Plan prepared by the European Commission for the European Council in Feira 19-20 June 2000 / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 330 final, 34 p) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-312-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/pdf /actionplan_en.pdf information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035896] eEurope 2002 - Eine Informationsgesellschaft für alle : AKTIONSPLAN vorbereitet von Rat und Europäischer Kommission zur Vorlage auf der Tagung des Europäischen Rates in Feira 19.-20. Juni 2000 / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 330 final, 34 p.) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000 ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-312-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/pdf /actionplan_de.pdf information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035677] eEurope 2002 mise à jour - préparée par la Commission européenne en vue du Conseil européen de Nice des 7 et 8 décembre 2000 communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 783 final, 6 p.) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000 ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-762-FR-C information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035637] eEurope 2002 - une société de l'information pour tous : projet de plan d'action préparé par la Commission européenne en vue du Conseil européen de Feira 1920 juin 2000 / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 330 final, 34 p.) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000 ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-312-FR http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/pdf /actionplan_fr.pdf information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035701] The eEurope 2002 update prepared by the European Commission for the European Council in Nice, 7th and 8th December 2000 communication from the Commission to the Council and European Parliament / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 783 final, 6 p. ) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000 ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-762-EN-C information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035782] The eLearning action plan: designing tomorrow's education communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament/ Commission of the European Communities. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final, 19 p.) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-EN-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_en.pdf 31 information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037372] The Europass training : for the promotion of European pathways in work-linked training, including apprenticeship. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission- DG for Education and Culture, 1999 http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/europass/index_en.ht ml training initiative; EC policy; labour mobility; apprenticeship; vocational training; training validation; training abroad; Europass; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035491] EU social statistics move into high gear. Statistical Office of the European Communities EUROSTAT In: Sigma : the bulletin of European statistics, (2000) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 Cat.No. CA-AB-00-003-EN-C statistical analysis; economic development; educational statistics; training statistics; labour statistics; technological change; conditions of employment; socio-economic conditions; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037466] European Forum on the Transparency of Vocational Qualifications in Europe. European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - Cedefop Thessaloniki : Cedefop, 1998http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/listserver/listserv_docs/e u_forum.html recognition of diplomas; Cedefop; occupational qualification; lifelong learning; non formal learning; validation; Europe [0037409] European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Dublin : EFILWC, 2001URL: http://www.eurofound.ie/ European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; living conditions; information dissemination; working conditions; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037410] European Industrial Relations Observatory ONline : EIROnline. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions -EFILWC Dublin : EFILWC, 1998URL: http://www.eiro.eurofound.ie/ labour relations; Dublin foundation; information dissemination; database; lifelong learning; Europe [0037468] EURES : European Employment Services. European Commission, Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs Brussels : European Commission, 2001http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/elm/eures/in dex.htm employment service; guidance service; working conditions; labour mobility; information service; lifelong learning; Europe [0037503] European Network of Innovative Schools : ENIS. European Schoolnet - EUN Brussels : EUN, 2001http://www.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/enis2/entry_frame.cf m?id_area=18 information technology; educational innovation; European school; computer network; educational technology; eLearning; lifelong learning; Europe [0037491] EuroPACE : a virtual university for Europe. Europace Leuven : Europace, 2000URL: http://www.europace.be/ telematics; network; university-enterprise relationship; educational technology; lifelong learning; Europe [0037447] European SchoolNet : EUN. Brussels : EUN, 2000URL: http://www.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/index.html European school; computer network; teacher training; educational technology; lifelong learning; eLearning; Europe [0035702] eEurope 2002 - Aktueller Stand Vorlage der Europäischen Kommission fuer die Tagung des Europäischen Rates am 7./8. Dezember 2000 in Niza Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und das Europaeische Parlament / Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften European Commission (Documents COM, (2000) 783 final, 6 p.) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000 ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-762-DE-C information technology; employment creation; access to information; skill development; social integration; technological change; EC policy; information society; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035654] European social dialogue : a mixed picture / Christophe Degryse. Degryse, Christophe; European Trade Union Confederation - ETUC Brussels : ETUC, 2000, 18 p. (Discussion and working papers) ISSN 1025-2533 http://www.etuc.org/etui/publications/DWP/Degryse.pdf social partners; trade union; EC policy; employers’ organization; collective bargaining; social dialogue; EC countries [0037412] European Association for the Education of Adults : EAEA. European Association for the Education of Adults - EAEA Brussels : EAEA, 2001URL: http://www.eaea.org/ continuing education; adult learning; crossborder cooperation; network lifelong learning; Europe 32 [0037400] European Social Fund : ESF. European Commission, Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs Brussels : European Commission, 2000http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/esf2000/ind ex.htm ESF; financing of training; structural funds; employment policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037413] European Society for Research on the Education of Adults : ESREA. European Association for Research on the Education of Adults - ESREA Helsinki : ESREA, 1997URL: http://www.helsinki.fi/jarj/esrea/ continuing education; educational research; information network; lifelong learning; eLearning; Europe [0034400] Final report on the implementation of the first phase of the Community action programme Leonardo da Vinci (1995-1999) report from the Commission / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 28 p. (Documents COM, (2000) 863 final) ISSN 0254-1475; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-835-EN-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/report_en.ht ml training programme; crossborder cooperation; student mobility; training policy; EC policy; continuing vocational training; EC programme; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035888] Follow-up to the report on concrete future objectives of education and training systems document from the Commission / European Commission -DirectorateGeneral for Educationand Culture. European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2001, 16 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035983] Futuros objetivos precisos de los sistemas de educación y formación informe del Consejo "Educación" al Consejo Europeo / Consejo de la Unión Europea European Commission. Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035945] Gli obiettivi futuri e concreti dei sistemi di istruzione e di formazione relazione del Consiglio (Istruzione) al Consiglio europeo / Consiglio dell'Unione Europea. European Commission Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0036920] Jobrotation : a new track in Europe : report on the main themes from the opening conference. Jobrotation : a new track in Europe. Vienna. 1996 Silkeborg : EU Jobrotation, 1996, 54 p. fight against unemployment; EC policy; employment creation; staff training unemployed worker; employment policy; job rotation; lifelong learning; ADAPT; EC countries; Denmark [0035948] Konkreta framtidsmål för utbildningssystemen rapport från rådet (utbildning) till Europeiska rådet/ Europeiska Unionens Råd. European Commission Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0034405] Die konkreten künftigen Ziele der Bildungssysteme Bericht der Kommission/ Commission of the European Communities. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 25 p. (Documents COM, (2001) 59 final) ISSN 0254-1467; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-???-DE-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/objet_de.pdf educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035813] Leitlinien für beschäftigungspolitische Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten im Jahr 2000 und Empfehlungen des Rates zur Durchführung der Beschäftigungspolitik der Mitgliedstaaten. [Guidelines for Member States’ employment policies for 2000 and recommendations of the Council.] European Commission, Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 35 p. (Beschäftigung und Soziales) ISBN 92-828-8957-2; Cat.No. KE-26-99-352-DE-C employment policy; employment growth; employment creation; labour market; economic policy; EC policy; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035653] Lifelong learning and employability : is the European model of vocational training in crisis / Winfried Heidemann. Heidemann, Winfried European Trade Union Confederation - ETUC Brussels : ETUC, 2000, 24 p. (Discussion and working papers) ISSN 1025-2533 http://www.etuc.org/etui/publications/DWP/Heidemann2.P DF continuing education; employment; EC policy; trend; employment policy vocational training; training policy; training innovation; lifelong learning employability; EC countries [0037403] Netd@ys Europe 2000. European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture Brussels : European Commission, 2000URL: http://www.netdays2000.org/ educational innovation; educational technology; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; EC countries [0035836] Les Objectifs concrets futurs des systèmes d'éducation et de formation rapport du Conseil "Education" au Conseil européen/ Conseil de l'Union européenne European Commission. Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries 33 [0034404] Les objectifs concrets futurs des systèmes d’éducation rapport de la Commission / Commission of the European Communities European Commission. Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 25 p. (Documents COM, (2001) 59 final) ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-055-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/objet_fr.pdf educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035947] Os objectivos futuros concretos dos sistemas de educação e formação relatório do Conselho (Educação) para o Conselho Europeu / Conselho da União Europeia. European Commission Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037492] PaceSetter : electronic newsletter of the EuroPACE network. Europace Leuven : Europace, 1999URL: http://www.europace.be/pacesetter/ educational innovation; distance study; educational technology; eLearning lifelong learning; Europe [0035783] Plan d'action eLearning : penser l'éducation de demain communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen / Commission des Communautés européennes. Commission of the European Communities (Documents COM, (2001) 172 final, 19 p.) Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001 ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-OO-???-FR-C http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/eu/leg/com/com_200 1_0172_fr.pdf information technology; innovation; multimedia system; technonological change; skill shortage; access to employment; social integration; employment creation; eLearning; lifelong learning; EC countries [0034401] Rapport final concernant la mise en oeuvre de la première phase du programme dþaction communautaire Leonardo da Vinci (1995-1999) rapport de la Commission / Commission of the European Communities. European Commission Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 28 p. (Documents COM, (2000) 863 final) ISSN 0254-1491; Cat.No. KT-CO-00-835-FR-C http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/report_en.ht ml training programme; crossborder cooperation; student mobility; training policy; EC policy; continuing vocational training; EC programme; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035951] Oi sigkedrimenoi melontiki stoxi ton aistimaton ekpedevsis kai katartisisekthesi tou Simboulio Pedias pros to Europaiko Simboulio. European Commission Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries [0035950] Uddannelsessystemernes Konkrete fremtidige mål Rapport fra Rådet (uddannelse) til Det Europæiske Råd / Rådet for den Eurpæiske Union European Commission. Brussels : Council of the European Union, 2001, 17 p. educational policy; quality of education; student mobility; school-enterprise relationship; basic education; training system; EC policy; training of trainers; foreign language teaching; lifelong learning; EC countries National policy documents [0036932] Bestandsaufnahme regionaler und überregionaler Kooperationsverbünde/Netzwerke im Bereich lebensbegleitendes Lernen in Deutschland : Abschlussbericht. [State of the art of regional and supraregional co-operation networks within the area of lifelong learning in Germany : final report] Faulstich, Peter; Vespermann, Per; Zeuner, Christine Universität Hamburg, Institut für Sozialpädagogik, Erwachsenenbildung und Freizeitpädagogik Hamburg : Universität Hamburg, 2000, 59 p. URL: http://www.blk-lll.de/LLL/LIT/BestNetzwerke.zip continuing education; cooperative; learning; government policy; lifelong learning; network; Germany [0037508] Dia viou mathisi. [Lifelong learning] General Secretariat for Adult Education, GSAE Athens : GSAE, 2001URL: http://www.lifelonglearning.gr/ continuing education; government; lifelong learning; Greece 34 [0037129] Evaluating welfare to work for young people / Terry Hyland and Denise Musson. Hyland, Terry; Musson, Denise In: Education and Training Bradford : MCB University Press, 2001 ISSN 0040-0912 youth training; employment programme; youth policy; government policy; training policy; training evaluation; United Kingdom [0035060] Information Society Ireland, third report of Ireland’s Information Society Commission. Information Society Commission Dublin : Stationery Office, 2000, 152 p. ISBN 0-7076-6599-X URL: http://www.isc.ie/cgilocal/download.cgi/ISCThirdReport.pdf?f=ISCThirdReport. pd f&dir=Third_Report_of_Irelands_Information_Society_Co mmission information technology; conditions of employment; continuing education government policy; school; skill development; training material; training of trainers; Internet; Ireland [0037457] ITiS : National Action Programme for ICT in Schools. Ministry of Education and Science Stockholm : Ministry of Education and Science, 2000URL: http://www.itis.gov.se/ educational technology; government policy; teacher training; continuing education; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0036913] LebensLangesLernen : Expertisen zu Lebenslangem Lernen, Lebensarbeitszeiten, Lebensweiterbildungskonten. [Lifelong learning : experts’ opinions on lifelong learning, life working times, continuing training accounts] Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen Berlin : BBJ Verlag, 2001 (Schriftenreihe der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen, 44) ISBN 3-930411-18-0 continuing vocational training; continuing education; government policy; hours of work; career development; training credit; EC policy; labour mobility; vocational training; lifelong learning; Germany [0036839] Lifelong learning. Smith, Jim; Spurling, Andrea London : Continuum, 1999, 288 p. ISBN 0-30470-587-X continuing education; access to education; adult learning; educational policy; government policy; United Kingdom [0035974] Lifelong learning and the new educational order / John Field. Field, John Stoke on Trent : Trentham Books, 2000, XII + 181 p. ISBN 1-85856-199-X educational research; adult learning; access to education; continuing education; educational policy; government policy; training policy; lifelong learning; information society; social exclusion; United Kingdom [0036058] Lifelong learning in the Netherlands : the state of the art in 2000. Doets, Cees; Hake, Barry; Westerhuis, Anneke Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen - CINOP; Max Goote Kenniscentrum voor Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie - MGK'sHertogenbosch : CINOP, 2001, 136 p. (Expertisecentrumreeks) ISBN 90-5003-333-4 continuing education; adult; educational innovation; educational needs educational policy; government policy; training method; lifelong learning; Netherlands [0035746] Perspectives on the new economy of corporate citizenship / edited by Simon Zadek, Niels Hojensgard, Peter Raynard. Zadek, Simon; Hojensgard, Niels; Raynard, Peter The Copenhagen Centre - TCC Copenhagen : TCC, 2001, 151 p. ISBN 87-988161-0-1 economy; government policy; social policy; enterprise; trend; lifelong learning; EC countries [0037128] The ’learning society’ and small and medium-sized enterprises : empowering the individual / Rick Holden and John Hamblett. Holden, Rick; Hamblett, John In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training Wallingford : Triangle Journals, 2001 ISSN 1363-6820 adult learning; continuing education; small and medium enterprises; training policy; government policy; financing of training; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0036941] The role of national qualification systems in promoting lifelong learning / Directorate for Education, Labour and Social Affairs, Education Committee. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2000, 7 p. (DEELSA/ED, (2000) 3) continuing education; skill; occupational qualification; lifelong learning; qualification system [0037924] The social, the cultural and the economic case for lifelong learning : NIACE’s response to the Learning and Skills Council draft corporate plan / NIACE. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE Leicester : NIACE, 2001, 14 p. training policy; adult learning; continuing education; government policy training institution; planning of training; training policy coordination; United Kingdom EU / EEA countries Austria [0035422] Bildung als Schlüssel zur Informationsgesellschaft. [Education is the key to the information society] Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft - IBW Vienna : IBW, 2000, 374 p. ISBN 3-900671-85-0 educational research; choice of studies; continuing education; information dissemination; information technology; transition from school to work; Austria [0037418] Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich. Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur BMBMK Wien : BMBWK, 2001- URL: http://www.erwachsenenbildung.at continuing education; information service; guidance service; distance study; lifelong learning; Austria [0037417] Institut für Berufs-und Erwachsenenbildungsforschung : IBE. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Linz : Johannes Kepler Universität, 2001URL: http://www.ibe.co.at continuing education; educational research; training evaluation; working conditions; vocational training; lifelong learning; Austria [0037496] Lebenslanges Lernen. [Lifelong learning] Koordinationsstelle für lebenslanges Lernen des bm: bwk 35 Vienna : BMBWK, 2001URL: http://www.lebenslangeslernen.at/ continuing education; training initiative; computer literacy; information technology; lifelong learning; Austria; EC countries [0036474] Lifelong Learning : Österreich im Kontext internationaler Strategien und Forschungen. [Lifelong Learning : Austria within the context of international strategies and research] Lassnigg, Lorenz Vienna : IHS, 2000, 61 p. (Reihe Soziologie/Sociological Series, 45) ISSN 1605-8011 adult learning; economics of education; educational policy; Austria Belgium [0037667] Besluit houdende de vaststelling van de vakken en de indeling van de vakken in algemene vakken, technische vakken en praktische vakken in het secundair onderwijs voor sociale promotie = Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant les cours et la répartition des cours en cours généraux, cours techniques et cours pratiques dans l'enseignement secondaire de promotion sociale. Vlaamse minister van Onderwijs en Vorming Brussels : Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, 2001, p. 2697-2699 (Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, 29) secondary education; technical training; practical training; practical skill continuing education; legislation; school administration; lifelong learning; Flanders; Belgium [0037666] Besluit van de Vlaamse regering betreffende de structuur van het secundair onderwijs voor sociale promotie = Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand relatif à la structure de l'enseignement secondaire de promotion sociale. Vlaamse minister van Onderwijs en Vorming Brussels : Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, 2001, p. 2028-2053 (Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, 22) URL: secondary education; continuing education; curriculum; school-enterprise relationship; legislation; educational system; lifelong learning; Flanders; Belgium [0034430] De jaren '90: het belang van basiscompetenties en vaardigheden bij het leren van volwassenen. Scheeren, Jo; Van De Poele, Luc In: Nieuwsbrief SWAV, 4, p. 138-144 Leuven : Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid Arbeid en Vorming (SWAV), 2000 continuing education; evaluation; history; research and development; trend; lifelong learning; qualification system; Belgium; Flanders [0037645] Edufora : to be in or to be in. Frans, Max In: VCVO Nieuwsbrief, No.1, p. 14-17 Brussels : VCVO, 2001 education; continuing education; social work; cultural policy; evaluation; institutional framework; lifelong learning; socio-cultural work; Flanders Belgium [0034420] Flexibeler leren in modulaire structuur : Plus est en nous. 36 De Keyzer, Diane In: Van a tot z, 3-4, p. 6-9 Antwerp : Vlaams Ondersteuningcentrum voor de Basiseducatie (VOCB), 2000 ISSN 0779-4924 continuing education; cognitive process; educational development; educational facility; history; society; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Belgium; Flanders [0034428] Investeren in een leven lang leren is investeren in een toekomst voor iedereen ! Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen - SERV In: SERV-Bericht, 8, p. 7-8 Brussels : SERV, 2000 continuing education; continuing vocational training; recommendation; social partners; lifelong learning; Belgium; Flanders [0037633] Koop geen opleiding maar resultaat. [N'achetez pas de formation mais plutôt des résultats.] Cobbaut, Jo In: KMO Magazine, No.200, p.16-18 small and medium enterprises; in-plant training; continuing education continuing vocational training; vocational training; lifelong learning Flanders; Belgium [0036307] Levenslang leren, een leerschool op zich. Dejonckheere, Henk In: Nieuwsbrief SWAV, No. 4, p. 65-69 Leuven : Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid Arbeid en Vorming (SWAV), 2000 continuing education; educational objective; educational planning; educational policy; lifelong learning; Belgium; Flanders [0034425] Levenslang leren, tussen werknemer en werkgever, tussen sectoren en overheid. In: Nieuwsbrief SWAV, 4, p. 70-72 Leuven : Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid Arbeid en Vorming (SWAV), 2000 continuing education; educational development; educational policy; history lifelong learning; Belgium; Flanders [0037630] Het maatschappelijk debat inzake levenslang leren in Vlaanderen en Europa. [Le débat social relatif à l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie en Flandre et en Europe.] Baert, Herman; Van Wiele, Isabel Leuven : Centrum voor Sociale Pedagogiek, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.L), 2001, 171 p. + annexes continuing education; continuing vocational training; society; lifelong learning; Flanders; Belgium; Europe [0037647] Het nieuwe discours over levenslang leren en het volksontwikkelingswerk. [Le nouveau discours sur l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie et le travail socioculturel.] Hinnekint, Huib In: Vorming, 3, p. 189-206 Brussels : VCVO, 2001 continuing education; older person; skill development; evaluation; lifelong learning; Flanders; Belgium [0034437] Op weg naar een kwaliteitsvol vormingsbeleid: de brug tussen rusthuizen en vormingsinstanties. Messelis, Els In: Wijs over Grijs, 4, p. 26-30 Brussels : DOE vzw, 2000 ISSN 1374-1373 older person; quality of training; training policy; lifelong learning; Belgium; Flanders [0036236] Verschuivingen in de basiseducatie. Callens, Philippe In: Van a tot z, No. 1-2, p. 3-5 Antwerp : Vlaams Ondersteuningcentrum voor de Basiseducatie (VOCB), 2000 ISSN 0779-4924 basic education; basic training; continuing education; society; lifelong learning; training education relationship; Belgium; Flanders Denmark [0037232] En reform med mening i? : 18 kronikker med væsentlige indlæg i debatten om en reform på voksenog efteruddannelsesområdet : læring gi'r næring. [The reform of adult and continuing training : does it make sense?] Kvindeligt Arbejderforbund i Danmark - KAD; Nærings- og Nydelsesmiddelarbejderforbundet - NNF; Specialarbejderforbundet i Danmark - SID Copenhagen : KAD, 1999, 88 p. (Kroniksamling, 1999) ISBN 87-89097-07-6 adult training; continuing education; semi-skilled worker; training policy training reform; lifelong learning; Denmark [0036920] Jobrotation : a new track in Europe : report on the main themes from the opening conference. Jobrotation : a new track in Europe. Vienna. 1996 Silkeborg : EU Jobrotation, 1996, 54 p. fight against unemployment; EC policy; employment creation; staff training; unemployed worker; employment policy; job rotation; lifelong learning; ADAPT; EC countries; Denmark [0037419] UFV - Udviklingscenteret for folkeoplysning og voksenundervisning. Copenhagen : UFV, 2001URL: http://www.ufv.dk/ continuing education; research and development; information dissemination; lifelong learning; Denmark Finland [0037477] Avoin yliopisto Suomessa. [Open university in Finland] University of Helsinki Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2001URL: http://www.avoinyliopisto.fi distance study; open learning; open university; database; older person eLearning; lifelong learning; Finland [0034617] Työssä oppimisen reflektiivisyys ja kontekstuaalisuus. [Reflectivity and contextuality in learning at work] Järvinen, Annikki; Poikela, Esa In: Aikuiskasvatus, 4, p. 316-324 Helsinki : Kansanvalistusseura, 2000 ISSN 0358-6197 staff training; on-the-job training; training-employment relationship; personal development; place of work; learning organisation; work based training; Finland France [0037460] EDUCNET : Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Enseignement. Ministere de l'Education Nationale Paris : Ministere de l'Education Nationale, 1998URL: http://www.educnet.education.fr educational technology; information network; Ministry of education; computer literacy; lifelong learning; France [0036118] Les Enjeux d’une refonte de la formation professionnelle continue : bilan pour un futur. Lichtenberger, Yves; Méhaut, Philippe Paris : MEDEF, 2001, 2 vols (37 p. + annexes) URL: http://www.medef.fr training reform; access to training; alternating training; collective bargaining; continuing vocational training; evaluation; financing of training; staff training; training needs; training statistics; training-employment contract; lifelong learning; France [0035941] Formation tout au long de la vie. Jaquet, Dominique Paris : ACTIS, 2000, 62 p. continuing education; training innovation; lifelong learning; France [0035781] La Formation professionnelle, nouveau droit de l’homme. Santelmann, Paul Paris : Gallimard, 2001, 226 p. (Folio actuel, 85) ISBN 2-07-041782-4 continuing vocational training; training policy; regional planning training-employment relationship; lifelong learning; France Germany [0035337] Auf dem Weg in die Jobgesellschaft? : Perspektiven für das Berufsbildungssystem. [On the way to a job society? : Prospects for the vocational training system] Pahl, Veronika In: Zukunft der Arbeit - Qualifikationen der Zukunft, p. 1012 Bonn : Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Berufsbildung, 2000 dual system; continuing vocational training; modular training; training needs analysis; trend; training system; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany [0036115] Bedingungen lebenslangen Lernens im Beruf. [Conditions of lifelong learning on the job.] Lempert, Wolfgang In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 4 Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001 ISSN 0172-2875 training research; dual system; experiential learning; onthe-job training; training and teaching personnel; learning to learn; lifelong learning; work based training; Germany [0035336] Berichtssytem Weiterbildung VII : Integrierter Gesamtbericht zur Weiterbildungssituation in Deutschland. [Continuing vocational training reporting system VII : integrated comprehensive report on the state of vocational training in Germany] 37 Kuwan, Helmut; Gnahs, Dieter; Seidel, Sabine; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF Bonn : BMBF, 2000, XXII, 397 p. training statistics; adult training; continuing education; continuing vocational training; training management; training participation rate; lifelong learning; Germany [0036932] Bestandsaufnahme regionaler und überregionaler Kooperationsverbünde/Netzwerke im Bereich lebensbegleitendes Lernen in Deutschland : Abschlussbericht. [State of the art of regional and supraregional co-operation networks within the area of lifelong learning in Germany : final report] Faulstich, Peter; Vespermann, Per; Zeuner, Christine Universität Hamburg, Institut für Sozialpädagogik, Erwachsenenbildung und Freizeitpädagogik Hamburg : Universität Hamburg, 2000, 59 p. URL: http://www.blk-lll.de/LLL/LIT/BestNetzwerke.zip continuing education; cooperative; learning; government policy; lifelong learning; network; Germany [0037769] Bildung, Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarktchancen in Deutschland : eine Studie zum Wandel der Übergänge von der Schule in das Erwerbsleben / Susanne Steinmann. [Education, training and labour market opportunities in Germany : a study of changes in the transition from school to work.] Steinmann, Susanne Opladen : Leske und Budrich, 2000, 298 p. (Forschung Soziologie, 110) ISBN 3-8100-2965-3 transition from school to work; youth training; initial training; training needs analysis; training market; personal development; training system lifelong learning; Germany [0037732] Bildung in der Informationsgesellschaft / Volker Spies. [Education in the information society.] Spies, Volker In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, No 6/7 (2001), p. 12-19 Tübingen : Paulinus, 2001 ISSN 0479-611x training policy; information technology; technological change; training administration; educational institution; training institution; knowledge management; lifelong learning; Germany [0035374] Die bildungspolitischen Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Bundesregierung. Bulmahn, Edelgard [Education policy challenges from the perspective of the German federal government] In: Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung, p. 1-19 (suppl.2110/118) Cologne : Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 1999 ISBN 3-87156-033-2 educational policy; computer based training; continuing vocational training; training policy; vocational training; learning to learn; lifelong learning Germany [0036393] La qualità nei processi formativi in Germania. [The training processes’ quality in Germany] Giovannini, Fabrizio; Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung BIBB; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF In: Osservatorio Isfol, No. 5, p. 57-81 Rome : ISFOL, 2000 ISSN 0391-3775 38 quality of training; certification; continuing vocational training; model; pilot project; training administration; training course; training evaluation; training management; training standard; training supply; lifelong learning quality management; standard; Germany [0037092] Lebensbegleitendes Lernen im Beruf : internationaler Kongress am 22. und 23. Oktober 1996 im TagungsCentrum Messe (TCM) in Hannover = Lifelong learning in working life : international conference at the Tagungs-Centrum Messe (TCM) in Hannover. [Lifelong learning in working life : international conference at the Tagungs-Centrum Messe (TCM) in Hannover.] Institut für Entwicklungsplanung und Strukturforschung IES; Niedersachsen. Kultusministerium Hannover : IES, 1997, 179 p. continuing education; educational system; vocational education; educational policy; lifelong learning; Germany [0037090] Lebenslanges Lernen : Erfahrungen und Anregungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis : Ergebnisse aus der Fachtagung vom 13. bis 15. Dezember 1995 in Bensberg / hrsg. von Bernhard Nacke und Günther Dohmen. [Lifelong learning : experiences and suggestions from research and practice.] Nacke, Bernhard; Dohmen, Günther; Katholische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung KBE Würzburg : Echter, 1996, 179 p. (EB Buch, 7) ISBN 3-429-01789-0 continuing education; self-instruction; case study; information technology; lifelong learning; Germany [0035873] Lebenslanges Lernen : Programmbeschreibung und Darstellung der Länderprojekte / Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung. [Lifelong learning : descriptions of programmes and projects.] Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung - BLK Bonn : BLK, 2001, 47 p. (Materialien zur Bildungsplanung und zur Forschungsförderung, 88) ISBN 3-934850-11-1 continuing education; educational policy; educational reform; educational innovation; lifelong learning; Germany [0036913] LebensLangesLernen : Expertisen zu Lebenslangem Lernen, Lebensarbeitszeiten, Lebensweiterbildungskonten. [Lifelong learning : experts' opinions on lifelong learning, life working Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen Berlin : BBJ Verlag, 2001 (Schriftenreihe der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen, 44) ISBN 3-930411-18-0 continuing vocational training; continuing education; government policy; hours of work; career development; training credit; EC policy; labour mobility; vocational training; lifelong learning; Germany [0036914] Lernen, ein Leben lang : Strategien für ein LernzeitKonto / Beirat "Berufliche Bildung und Beschäftigungspolitik" der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales und Frauen. [Lifelong learning : strategies for learning credits] Berlin : Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Berufliche Bildung und Frauen, 2001, 18 p. continuing vocational training; educational innovation; hours of work learning; training credit; financing of education; lifelong learning; Germany [0035370] Vorschläge für Bundesregelungen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung : gewerkschaftliche Initiative. [Recommendations for federal regulations in continuing vocational training] Bayer, Mechthild Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft - GEW Frankfurt : Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, 2000, 16 p. training legislation; continuing vocational training; training policy coordination; training policy; training reform; learning to learn; lifelong learning; Germany Greece [0037508] Dia viou mathisi. [Lifelong learning.] General Secretariat for Adult Education, GSAE Athens : GSAE, 2001URL: http://www.lifelonglearning.gr/ continuing education; government; lifelong learning; Greece [0036041] I politiki apascholisis tis Evropaikis Enosis kai I dierevnisi pros tis xores tis Kentrikis kai Anatolikis Evropis. [Employment policy in the European Union and the expansion towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe] Baloti, Xeni D. In: Epitheorisi Ergasiakon Scheseon, No. 21, p. 14-27 Athens : Eidiki Ekdotiki A.E.E.B.E., 2001 ISSN 1106-6970 employment policy; access to employment; economic development; educational development; female unemployment; fight against unemployment; long term unemployment; social partners; training development; youth unemployment; EC countries; Greece [0036445] I topikotita tis koinonikis oikonomias sta ethnika schedia drasis gia tin apascholisi (ESDA). [The local character of social economy in the National Action Plans for Employment (ESDA)] Ioannidou, Anastasia In: Epitheorisi Ergasiakon Scheseon, No. 20, p. 64-72 Athens : Eidiki Ekdotiki A.E.E.B.E., 2000 ISSN 1106-6970 employment policy; continuing vocational training; disabled person; employment creation; fight against unemployment; job vacancy; transfer of learning; woman youth; lifelong learning; new technologies; social exclusion; Greece Iceland [0037705] Samstaða ríkir um gildi menntunar nú á dögum / Thorsteinn Brynjar Bjornsson. [Agreement on the value of education today.] Bjornsson, Thorsteinn Brynjar In: Morgunbladid, 22 Jul (2001), p. 25 Reykjavik : Arvakur, 2001 ISSN 1021-7266 school-enterprise relationship; continuing education; continuing vocational training; labour market; EC programme; Cedefop; Leonardo da Vinci; Europass Iceland [0036037] Símenntun er æviverk fyrir alla : dagur símenntunar 28. ágúst. [Continuing education is a lifelong process: Day of continuing education 28 August.] Thoroddsen, Skuli [Keflavik] : Midstod simenntunar a Sudurnesjum, [1999], 16 p. continuing education; adult learning; adult training; continuing vocational training; Iceland Ireland [0037598] Actions for lifelong learning : a report from the Joint Committee on Lifelong Learning. Joint Committee on Lifelong Learning; Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation - IBEC Dublin : IBEC, [2001], 15 p. adult learning; higher education; educational disadvantage; management attitude; literacy; access to education; in-plant training; career development; personal development; certification; Ireland [0037572] Certification en route to lifelong learning / Barbara Kelly. Kelly, Barbara Dublin : IITD, 2001, 11 p. certification; open learning; in-plant training; training legislation; EC proposal; labour mobility; Cedefop; lifelong learning; Ireland [0037583] Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment annual report, 2000. Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Dublin : Stationery Office, 2001, 88 p. Ministry of labour; EC programme; financing of training; continuing vocational training; job seeker; access to education; in-service training; network; Ireland [0036628] Equality and access to lifelong learning : a model of good practice to enable people with disabilities to access, participate in and benefit from lifelong learning. Sullivan, Estelle; Crowley, Sinead; Manning, Brian; Cork Institute of Technology - CIT; Department of Innovation in Education Cork : South West Regional Authority, 2000, 59 p. disabled person; access to education; continuing education; disadvantaged group; EC programme; project method; training needs; EMPLOYMENT; lifelong learning; Ireland [0035060] Information Society Ireland, third report of Ireland's Information Society Commission. Information Society Commission Dublin : Stationery Office, 2000, 152 p. ISBN 0-7076-6599-X information technology; conditions of employment; continuing education; government policy; school; skill development; training material; training of trainers; Internet; Ireland [0037594] Ireland's learning poor : adult educational disadvantage and cross-border co-operation : a report for the Centre for Cross Border Studies / Paul McGill, Mark Morgan. 39 McGill, Paul; Morgan, Mark Armagh : Centre for Cross Border Studies, 2001, 120 p. educational disadvantage; continuing education; crossborder cooperation; level of qualification; literacy; post-secondary education; higher education; financing of education; Northern Ireland; Ireland [0037456] National Centre for Technology in Education : NCTE. Department of Education & Science Dublin : Department of Education and Science, 2001URL: http://www.ncte.ie/ educational technology; information technology; teacher training; educational innovation; lifelong learning; eLearning; Ireland [0035787] The financing of vocational education and training in Ireland : financing portrait. Fox, Roger; McGinn, Kathy Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2000, 75 p. (Cedefop Panorama, 5107) ISBN 92-896-0014-4; Cat.No. TI-30-00-178-EN-C http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/etv/publication/download/pa norama/5107_en.pdf financing of training; unemployed worker; training system; training legislation; training statistics; ESF; Ireland [0037421] Women’s Education Initiative. Department of Education & Science Dublin : Department of Education and Science, 2000http://www.irlgov.ie/educ/980216WomensInitiative.htm female unemployment; educational disadvantage; female status; lifelong learning; Ireland Italy [0036305] Educazione degli adulti: : il dibattito internazionale. [Adult education : the international discussion] De Natale, Maria Luisa In: Formazione per il domani, No. 4, p. 21-44 Milan : Fondazione Clerici, 2000 continuing education; adult training; EC policy; educational policy; labour market; model; social structure; training method; EU countries; EU policy lifelong learning; Denmark; EC countries; Italy; United Kingdom [0036619] Educazione permanente e terza età. [Lifelong education and third age] Spallacci, Luigi In: Prospettiva EP, No. 2-3, p. 3-10 Rome : Bulzoni, 2000 adult training; continuing education; older person; open university; social change; training method; working life; lifelong learning; Italy [0036182] L'Educazione degli adulti tra ambiguità e prospettive di sviluppo. [Adult education betweeen ambiguity and development prospects] Angori, Sergio In: Prospettiva EP, No. 2-3, p. 11-28 Rome : Bulzoni, 2000 continuing education; access to employment; continuing vocational training skill analysis; training legislation; training reform; training system; vocational rehabilitation centre; human capital; learning organisation; lifelong learning; Italy 40 [0036321] La Formazione continua nei progetti Adapt. [Continuing vocational training in Adapt projects] Di Lieto, Giuseppe; Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori - ISFOL, Struttura nazionale di supporto Adapt Rome : ISFOL, 2000, 215 p. continuing vocational training; EC programme; methodology; pilot project; training initiative; training partnership; training policy; ADAPT; EU programme; lifelong learning; Italy [0036340] La Formazione continua nel turismo al tempo dell'occupabilità : riflessioni e strumenti da un progetto sperimentale. [Continuing vocational training in the tourism in the employability’s time : considerations and tools from an experimental project] Ente bilaterale nazionale per il turismo - EBNT Milan : Angeli, 2000, 144 p. (Collana Economia, 116) ISBN 88-464-2561-8 tourism; certification; continuing vocational training; occupational qualification; pilot project; seasonal worker; training credit; training material; training method; competence; lifelong learning; Italy [0036125] La Formazione integrata : nuovi modelli e sviluppo del territorio. [The integrated training : new models and local development] Missaglia, Dario; Gilardi, Gianna; Zoppi, Sergio; Istituto di scienze amministrative e sociali - ISAS Milan : Angeli, 2001, 240 p. (Collana ISAS, 7) ISBN 88-464-2665-7 training reform; apprenticeship; continuing education; continuing vocational training; curriculum development; educational reform; social partners; training administration; training innovation; lifelong learning; training education relationship; Italy [0037476] La Scuola Va- il portale dell Scuola e della Formazione. URL: http://www.scuolava.it computer network; educational innovation; information network; vocational training; lifelong learning; eLearning; Italy [0037487] ICON : Italian culture on the net. ICON Consortium Pisa : ICON Consortium, 2001URL: http://www.italicon.it/ distance study; university; Italian language; cultural service; lifelong learning; eLearning; Italy [0036643] Normativa nazionale e regionale. [National and regional legislation] Torsello, Anna Maria In: Osservatorio Isfol, No. 5, 106-126 Rome : ISFOL, 2000 ISSN 0391-3775 training legislation; career development; continuing vocational training; core skill; duration of studies; financial resource; financing of training; individual training; in-plant training; local administration; lifelong learning; Italy [0036586] Nuovo apprendistato : sperimentazione in Toscana. [New apprenticeship : experimentation in Tuscany] Regione Toscana - Dipartimento delle politiche formative e dei beni culturali, Servizio formazione professionale Florence : Regione Toscana, 2000, 238 p. apprenticeship; alternating training; apprentice; continuing vocational training; handicraft; local training initiative; small and medium enterprises; textile industry; trainingemployment relationship; lifelong learning; Italy; Tuscany Netherlands [0037461] Kennisnet : the knowledge network. Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen OCenW Zoetermeer : Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, 2001URL: http://www.kennisnet.nl educational technology; computer network; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; Netherlands [0035302] Leren op Latere Leeftijd. [Lifelong learning] Doets, Cees; Neuvel, Jan Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen – CINOP 's-Hertogenbosch : CINOP, 2000, 70 p. ISBN 90-5003-321-0 continuing education; duration of training; older person; training needs; training participation rate; training supply; lifelong learning; Netherlands [0036058] Lifelong learning in the Netherlands : the state of the art in 2000. Doets, Cees; Have, Barry; Westerhuis, Anneke Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen - CINOP; Max Goote Kenniscentrum voor Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie – MGK 's-Hertogenbosch : CINOP, 2001, 136 p. (Expertisecentrumreeks) ISBN 90-5003-333-4 continuing education; adult; educational innovation; educational needs; educational policy; government policy; training method; lifelong learning Netherlands [0037423] Max Goote Kenniscentrum voor Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie. [Max Goote Expert Centre for Vocational Education and Adult Education.] University of Amsterdam - UvA Amsterdam : UvA, 2001URL: http://www.educ.uva.nl/MGK/ continuing education; vocational education; research centre; vocational training; lifelong learning; Netherlands Norway [0036044] Børsnotering av voksnes kompetanse : og to aksjeposter. [Adult education on the stock exchange : and two shares] Båtnes, Per Inge In: Curriculum Vitae, 01/2001, 3 p. Oslo : Voksenopplæringsforbundet, 2001 ISSN 1500-760X adult training; access to education; educational legislation; quality of training; lifelong learning; Norway [0035741] CV : curriculum vitae : tidsskrift for folkeopplysning og voksnes læring. [Curriculum vitae : journal for adult education and learning. Voksenopplæringsforbundet - VOFO Oslo : VOFO, 2001URL: http://www.vofo.no/cv/arkivet.html adult learning; pedagogics; culture; politics; lifelong learning; Norway [0036222] Etter- og videreutdanning ved UH: : en internasjonal studie. [Further and continuous education at universities and colleges: : an international survey] Brandt, Ellen Oslo : NIFU, 2000, 53 p. (NIFU skriftserie, 17/2000) ISSN 0808-4572 continuing education; educational planning; further training; higher education; university; training needs; training institution; Norway [0036625] Kompetansereformen voksenopplæring : Endringer i opplæringsloven juni 2000 om ettigheter for voksne. [The competence reform adult education : ammendments to the act concerning vocational training June 2000 about adults right to education] Stette, øYstein Oslo : PEDLEX Norsk Skoleinformasjon, 2000, 23 p. ISBN 82-7841-091-7 training legislation; access to education; adult training; continuing education; skill; apprenticeship; curriculum; educational legislation; quality of education; right to education; lifelong learning; Norway [0036631] Konfeksjon eller skreddersøm ? : et studium i voksenpedagogikk. Søbakken, Ola Johan Lillehammer : Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2000, 118 p. ISBN 82-7671-140-5 adult learning; education; learning process; quality of education; research field; curriculum; lifelong learning; Norway [0037425] VOFO : Voksenopplæringsforbundet. [Norwegian Association for Adult Education NAAE.] Voksenopplæringsforbundet - VOFO Oslo : VOFO, 2001URL: http://www.vofo.no/ continuing education; information service; educational planning; lifelong learning; Norway [0037424] VOX : Voksenopplæringsinstituttet. [National Institute for Adult Education] Voksenopplæringsinstituttet - VOX Oslo : VOX, 2001URL: http://www.vox.no/ continuing education; adult learning; research centre; educational resource vocational training; lifelong learning; Norway 41 Portugal [0037472] Academia : programme européen d'échanges de practiciens de l'orientation Académie de Créteil. [s.l.] : Académie de Créteil, 2001URL: http://www.ac-creteil.fr/steurop/ vocational counsellor; guidance teacher; job placement; EC programme; career development; Leonardo da Vinci; lifelong learning; Leonardo da Vinci; EC countries Spain [0036918] Comparative studies on lifelong learning policies : report of a NIER/UIE joint project / edited by National Institute for Educational Research of Japan (NIER) and Unesco Institute for Education (UIE). UNESCO Institute for Education - UIE; National Institute for Educational Research Japan - NIER Tokyo : NIER, 1997, 312 p. comparative analysis; continuing education; case study; initial training post-secondary education; learning; lifelong learning; Thailand; Mexico Burkina-Faso; Czech Republic; Japan; Australia; Canada; Sweden; Germany; Spain; South Africa Sweden [0037427] Adult Education Initiative. National Agency for Education and the Adult Education Initiative [s.l.] : National Agency for Education and the Adult Education Initiative, 2001URL: http://www.kunskapslyftet.gov.se/ continuing education; adult learning; educational innovation; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037446] CSN : Centrala studiestödsnämnden. Sundsvall : CSN, 2001URL: http://www.csn.se/ educational loan; financing of education; student allowance; adult learning; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037489] DISTUM : the Swedish Agency for Distance Education. Distansutbildningsmyndigheten - DISTUM Härnösand : DISTUM, 2001URL: http://www.distum.se/ distance study; continuing education; information technology; eLearning; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037429] FAS : Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap. Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research; Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap - FAS Stockholm : FAS, 2001URL: http://www.fas.forskning.se/ educational research; working life; social research; labour market; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037488] FlexVux. Statens Skolor för Vuxna - SSV Härnösand : Statens Skolor för Vuxna, 2000URL: http://www.ssv.gov.se/ distance study; information service; open learning; educational innovation continuing education; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden 42 [0037428] Folkbildningsrådet. Folkbildningsrådet - FBR Stockholm : Folkbildningsrådet, 2001URL: http://www.folkbildning.se/ continuing education; financing of education; educational policy; lifelong learning; Sweden [0037457] ITiS : National Action Programme for ICT in Schools. Ministry of Education and Science Stockholm : Ministry of Education and Science, 2000URL: http://www.itis.gov.se/ educational technology; government policy; teacher training; continuing education; computer literacy; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0037430] Kommittén för Kvalificerad Yrkesutbildning. [Commission on Advanced Vocational Education.] Kommittén för Kvalificerad Yrkesutbildning - KY Stockholm : Kommittén för Kvalificerad Yrkesutbildning, 2001URL: http://www.ky.gov.se/ vocational education; Ministry of education; evaluation; vocational training lifelong learning; Sweden [0035768] Lifelong learning in Sweden : the extend to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in Sweden. Boström, Ann Kristin; Boudard, Emmanuel; Siminou, Petroula Luxembourg : EUR-OP, 2001, VI, 71 p. (Cedefop Panorama, 5112) ISBN 92-896-0038-1; ISSN 1562-6180; Cat.No. TI-35-01320-EN-C http://www2.trainingvillage.gr/download/publication/panora ma/5112EN.pdf continuing education; educational system; training partnership; learning strategy; lifelong learning; Sweden [0036399] Potentialer för lärande i processoperatörers arbete : en studie av operatörers lärande och arbete i högautomatiserad processindustri. [Potential for learning in process operator work : a study of operator work in a highly automated process industry] Gustavsson, Maria; Linköpings Universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap Linköping : Linköping University, 2000, 228 p. (Linköping Studies in Education and Psychology, 71(2000)) ISBN 91-7219-853-2; ISSN 1102-7517 http://www.bibl.liu.se/liupubl/disp/disp2000/ibv71s.htm skill development; case study; learning process; processing industry; staff training; work organization; competence; human capital; lifelong learning Sweden [0037440] SeniorNet Sweden. Stockholm : SeniorNet Sweden, 1998URL: http://www.seniornet.se computer literacy; voluntary organisation; computer network; older person; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0037426] Skolverket : nationell myndighet för barnomsorg och skola. [Skolverket : National Agency for Education.]. Stockholm : Skolverket, 2000URL: http://www.skolverket.se/ continuing education; research and development; educational system; lifelong learning; eLearning; Sweden [0034500] The culture of adult learning in Sweden. Sohlman, åsa Commission for Adult Learning How adults learn. Washington,DC. 1998 Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Education, 1999, 26 p. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/HowAdultsLearn/Sohlman.pdf adult learning; educational policy; educational statistics; enrolment; social movement; vocational education; lifelong learning; Sweden [0036623] The foundation for lifelong learning : a comparative international study of adult skills in understanding and using written information. Statens skolverk Stockholm : Liber Distribution Publication Services, 2000, 120 p. (The National Agency for Education Report, 188(2000)) ISSN 1103-2421 http://www2.skolverket.se/BASIS/skolbok/webtext/trycksak /DDD/663.pdf adult learning; educational background; immigration; labour market; literacy reading; skill development; writing; lifelong learning; Sweden United Kingdom [0036130] Adult education at the crossroads : learning our way out. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE Leicester : NIACE, 2001, 256 p. ISBN 1-86201-108-7 adult learning; continuing education; educational theory; social change; social effect; United Kingdom [0036190] Combined honours. Arkin, Anat In: People Management, No. 6/20, p. 42-46 London : Personnel Publications, 2000 ISSN 1358-6297 university-enterprise relationship; adult learning; continuing education; higher education; in-service training; university; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0036752] Developing teachers : the challenges of lifelong learning. Day, Christopher Brighton : Falmer Press, 1999, 264 p. ISBN 0-75070-748-8 teacher training; adult learning; continuing education; educational theory; in-service training; learning process; training theory; United Kingdom [0037125] E-ssential or e-lusion? / Toby Greany of the Campaign for Learning. Greany, Toby In: 't' Magazine Truro : 't' magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 computer based training; trainees’ attitude; employers’ role; trend; learning method; learning process; interactive learning; Internet; United Kingdom [0036078] Formative assessment and learner autonomy in lifelong learning. Ecclestone, Kathryn London : Routledge Falmer, 2001, 192 p. ISBN 0-41524-740-3 continuing education; adult learning; evaluation; learning pace; learning process; trainees’ attitude; United Kingdom [0037443] Individual Learning Accounts. Department for Education and Employment - DfEE London : DfEE, 2001URL: http://www.dfee.gov.uk/ila/index.shtml financing of education; educational loan; continuing education; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0037434] Institute of Education : Lifelong Learning Group. University of London - IoE, Institute of Education London : Institute of Education, 2000URL: http://www.ioe.ac.uk/lll/home.htm continuing education; post-compulsory education; research centre; vocational training; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0037896] ’It’s the perfect education’ : lifelong learning and the experience of Foundation-level GNVQ students / AnnMarie Bathmaker. Bathmaker, Ann-Marie In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol 53, No 1, p. 81-100 Wallingford : Triangle Journals, 2001 ISSN 1363-6820 occupational qualification; second chance education; curriculum research; trainees’ attitude; training evaluation; post-compulsory education; United Kingdom [0029407] Learning at work / edited by Frank Coffield. Coffield, Frank; Policy Press; Economic and Social Research Council - ESRC Bristol : Policy Press, 1998, 76 p. ISBN 1-86134-123-7 adult learning; on-the-job training; continuing education; access to training; learning process; learning strategy; skill development; job requirements; lifelong learning; job rotation; learning organisation; United Kingdom; Germany [0036839] Lifelong learning. Smith, Jim; Spurling, Andrea London : Continuum, 1999, 288 p. ISBN 0-30470-587-X continuing education; access to education; adult learning; educational policy; government policy; United Kingdom [0036480] Lifelong learning. Leicester, Mal; Field, John London : Routledge Falmer, 2000, 352 p. ISBN 0-75070-990-1 continuing education; access to education; adult learning; educational policy; educational theory; learning process; training policy; United Kingdom [0035974] Lifelong learning and the new educational order / John Field. Field, John Stoke on Trent : Trentham Books, 2000, XII + 181 p. ISBN 1-85856-199-X educational research; adult learning; access to education; continuing education; educational policy; government 43 policy; training policy; lifelong learning; information society; social exclusion; United Kingdom [0037146] Many ways to learn / Helen Rainbird. Rainbird, Helen In: ’t’ Magazine Truro : ’t’ magazine, 2001 ISSN 1359-2319 adult learning; learning method; staff training; on-the-job training; in-plant training; continuing education; lifelong learning; work based training; United Kingdom [0037435] Marchmont observatory : researching lifelong learning and good practice. University of Exeter Exeter : University of Exeter, 2001URL: http://www.lifelonglearning.ac.uk/ manpower; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; manpower; skill development; lifelong learning; eLearning; United Kingdom [0037436] NIACE : National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education. Leicester : NIACE, 2001URL: http://www.niace.org.uk/ continuing education; vocational training; research centre; continuing education; lifelong learning; eLearning; United Kingdom [0036533] Organic learning : mutual enterprise and the learning and skills agenda. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE Leicester : NIACE, 2000, 32 p. ISBN 1-86201-106-0 continuing education; adult learning; training management; training policy; training system; United Kingdom [0036947] Policies, politics and the future of lifelong learning / edited by Ann Hodgson. Hodgson, Ann London : Kogan Page, 2000, 210 p. (The future of education from 14+) ISBN 0749432020 continuing education; educational policy; continuing education; post-compulsory education; lifelong learning; United Kingdom [0037912] The ’Learning Society’ and small and medium-sized enterprises : empowering the individual / Rick Holden and John Hamblett. Holden, Rick; Hamblett, John In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol 53, No. 1, p. 121-136 Wallingford : Triangle Journals, 2001 ISSN 1363-6820 adult learning; continuing education; small and medium enterprises; training policy; financing of training; lifelong learning; knowledge society; United Kingdom [0037924] The social, the cultural and the economic case for lifelong learning : NIACE’s response to the Learning and Skills Council draft corporate plan / NIACE. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE Leicester : NIACE, 2001, 14 p. training policy; adult learning; continuing education; government policy; training institution; planning of training; training policy coordination; United Kingdom [0036069] Welfare that works : beyond the New Deal. Pinto-Duschinsky, David Demos London : DEMOS, 2001 ISBN 1-84180-065-1 social assistance; adult learning; employers’ role; employment creation; social security; training programme; United Kingdom [0037925] Winners and losers in an expanding system : the NIACE survey on adult participation in learning 2001 / Fiona Aldridge and Alan Tuckett. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE Leicester : NIACE, 2001, unpaged ISBN 1 86201 125 7 http://libserver.cedefop.eu.int/vetelib/nat/gbr/gov/2000_00 02.htm access to education; access to training; training participation rate; educational research; lifelong learning; United Kingdom Central and eastern European countries [0037439] Ro-Computer Literacy programme. Goverment Department for Education and Sport Ljubljana : Goverment Department for Education and Sport, 2001URL: http://ro.zrsss.si/angl/okvir.htm computer literacy; educational technology; educational innovation; lifelong learning; eLearning; Slovenia [0036041] I Politiki apascholisis tis Evropaikis Enosis kai I dierevnisi pros tis xores tis Kentrikis kai Anatolikis Evropis. 44 [Employment policy in the European Union and the expansion towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe] Baloti, Xeni D. In: Epitheorisi Ergasiakon Scheseon, No. 21, p. 14-27 Athens : Eidiki Ekdotiki A.E.E.B.E., 2001 ISSN 1106-6970 employment policy; access to employment; economic development; educational development; female unemployment; fight against unemployment; long term unemployment; social partners; training development; youth unemployment; EC countries; Greece; Central and Eastern Europe Situation at international level International organisations [0037694] Analyse des politiques d'éducation: 2001. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI Paris : OECD, 2001, 170 p. (Enseignement et compétences) ISBN 92-64-28636-5 educational policy; training development; educational development; post-secondary education; financing of training; educational technology; lifelong learning; OECD countries [0036918] Comparative studies on lifelong learning policies : report of a NIER/UIE joint project / edited by National Institute for Educational Research of Japan (NIER) and Unesco Institute for Education (UIE). UNESCO Institute for Education - UIE; National Institute for Educational Research Japan - NIER Tokyo : NIER, 1997, 312 p. comparative analysis; continuing education; case study; initial training; post-secondary education; learning; lifelong learning; Thailand; Mexico Burkina-Faso; Czech Republic; Japan; Australia; Canada; Sweden; Germany; Spain; South Africa [0031109] Countdown : Unesco education news. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO, Education Programme Paris : UNESCO, 1999http://www.unesco.org/education/educnews/ouvcd.htm education; continuing education; educational development; training development; right to education; educational disadvantage; lifelong learning [0035803] Education policy analysis : 2001. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI Paris : OECD, 2001, 152 p. ISBN 92-64-18636-0 educational policy; training development; educational development post-secondary education; financing of training; educational technology; lifelong learning; OECD countries [0036305] Educazione degli adulti: : il dibattito internazionale. [Adult education: the international discussion] De Natale, Maria Luisa In: Formazione per il domani, No. 4, p. 21-44 Milan : Fondazione Clerici, 2000 continuing education; adult training; EC policy; educational policy; labour market; model; social structure; training method; EU countries; lifelong learning; Denmark; EC countries; Italy; United Kingdom [0036222] Etter- og videreutdanning ved UH: : en internasjonal studie. [Further and continuous education at universities and colleges : an international survey] Brandt, Ellen Oslo : NIFU, 2000, 53 p. (NIFU skriftserie, 17/2000) ISSN 0808-4572 continuing education; educational planning; further training; higher education university; training needs; training institution [0037407] Financing lifelong learning. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2000 URL: http://www.oecd.org/els/education/fll/index.htm financing of education; OECD; financing of training; manpower; lifelong learning; international organisation [0037408] ILO : International Labour Office : Education activities. International Labour Organisation - ILO Geneva : ILO, 1998http://www.ilo.org/public/english/dialogue/sector/sectors/e ducat.htm ILO; vocational training; employment policy; educational statistics; lifelong learning; international organisation [0036937] In Kompetenzen für alle investieren : Kommuniqué / Tagung der OECD-Bildunsminister. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2001, 7 p. URL: http://www.oecd.org/media/release/nw01-32d.pdf skill; training policy; adult learning; educational policy; lifelong learning; knowledge society; competence [0037414] International Association for Continuing Education and Training : IACET. Washington : IACET, 2001URL: http://www.iacet.org/ continuing education; continuing vocational training; distance study; educational resource; research centre; lifelong learning; international organisation [0037484] International Centre for Distance Learning: - ICDL UK Open University - UK OU Milton Keynes : Open University, 2000URL: http://www-icdl.open.ac.uk/icdl/ distance study; research centre; database; educational technology; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0028406] International journal of lifelong education. Jarvis, Peter; Parker, Stella London : Taylor and Francis, 1991ISSN 0260-1370 educational policy; adult learning; educational innovation; continuing education; educational planning; learning strategy; learning; distance study; information technology; human resources management; skill development; educational research; lifelong learning [0036938] Investing in competencies for all : communiqué / meeting of the OECD education ministers. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2001, 7 p. 45 URL: http://www.oecd.org/media/release/nw01-32a.pdf skill; training policy; adult learning; educational policy; lifelong learning; knowledge society; competence [0036939] Investir dans les compétences pour tous : communiqué / réunion des ministres de l'éducation des pays de l'OCDE. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2001, 7 p. URL: http://www.oecd.org/media/communique/nw0132f.pdf skill; training policy; adult learning; educational policy; lifelong learningknowledge society; competence [0037092] Lebensbegleitendes Lernen im Beruf : internationaler Kongress am 22. und 23. Oktober 1996 im TagungsCentrum Messe (TCM) in Hannover = Lifelong learning in working life : international conference at the Tagungs-Centrum Messe (TCM) in Hannover. Institut für Entwicklungsplanung und Strukturforschung IES; Niedersachsen. Kultusministerium Hannover : IES, 1997, 179 p. continuing education; educational system; vocational education; educational policy; lifelong learning; Germany [0037474] Rainbow : increasing the intercultural awareness among guidance counsellors. Centre for International Mobility - CIMO Helsinki : CIMO, 2001URL: http://rainbow.cimo.fi/ vocational guidance; vocational counsellor; in-service training; guidance teacher; lifelong learning; Europe [0036941] The role of national qualification systems in promoting lifelong learning / Directorate for Education, Labour and Social Affairs, Education Committee. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Paris : OECD, 2000, 7 p. (DEELSA/ED, (2000) 3) continuing education; skill; occupational qualification; lifelong learning qualification system [0027631] Selective bibliography : lifelong learning and training, a bridge to the future = Bibliographie sélective : education et formation tout au long de la vie, un pont vers l'avenir. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation - UNESCO Seoul, South Korea : UNESCO, 1999, 22 p. continuing vocational training; continuing education; employment; lifelong learning; EC countries Africa [0036918] Comparative studies on lifelong learning policies : report of a NIER/UIE joint project / edited by National Institute for Educational Research of Japan (NIER) and Unesco Institute for Education (UIE). UNESCO Institute for Education - UIE; National Institute for Educational Research Japan - NIER Tokyo : NIER, 1997, 312 p. comparative analysis; continuing education; case study; initial training; post-secondary education; learning; lifelong learning; Thailand; Mexico Burkina-Faso; Czech Republic; Japan; Australia; Canada; Sweden; Germany; Spain; South Africa Asia [0036923] 2000 research abstracts. Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training - KRIVET Seoul, South Korea : KRIVET, 2001, 146 p. (Research material, 01-2) ISBN 89-8436-249-2 training research; educational research; vocational school; core skill training system; human resources management; training programme; vocational guidance; lifelong learning; Korea [0036918] Comparative studies on lifelong learning policies : report of a NIER/UIE joint project / edited by National Institute for Educational Research of Japan (NIER) and Unesco Institute for Education (UIE). 46 UNESCO Institute for Education - UIE; National Institute for Educational Research Japan - NIER Tokyo : NIER, 1997, 312 p. comparative analysis; continuing education; case study; initial training post-secondary education; learning; lifelong learning; Thailand; Mexico; Burkina Faso; Czech Republic; Japan; Australia; Canada; Sweden; Germany; Spain; South Africa [0037422] Japanese government policies in education, science, sports and culture 1996. Monbusho Tokyo : Monbusho, 1996 URL: http://wwwwp.mext.go.jp/eky1996/ government policy; Ministry of education; information technology; educational innovation; lifelong learning; Japan Australia [0037416] ANTA : Australian National Training Authority. Australian National Training Authority - ANTA Brisbane : ANTA 2001URL: http://www.anta.gov.au educational administration; Ministry of education; vocational training; lifelong learning; Australia [0037464] AQF : Australian Qualifications Framework. Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board Secretariat Carlton : Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board Secretariat, 2001URL: http://www.aqf.edu.au/ recognition of diplomas; information dissemination; vocational training; lifelong learning; accreditation of prior learning; Australia [0035967] Australian personal enrichment education and training programs : statistics 1998 : an overview / National Centre for Vocational Education Research. National Centre for Vocational Education Research NCVER Adelaide : NCVER, 2000, 27 p. ISBN 0873975928 training statistics; adult training; training participation rate; continuing education; personal development; lifelong learning; Australia [0035862] Bridging the divide : developing the institutional structures that most effectively deliver cross-sectoral education and training / Leesa Wheelahan. Wheelahan, Leesa National Centre for Vocational Education Research NCVER Adelaide : NCVER, 2000, 82 p. ISBN 0873976568 http://www.ncver.edu.au/research/proj/nr8029.pdf continuing education; post-secondary education; higher education; vocational education; lifelong learning; Australia [0037451] Flexible learning leaders. Australian National Training Authority - ANTA Brisbane : ANTA, 2001URL: http://www.flexiblelearning.net.au/leaders/ training of trainers; vocational training; computer based training; lifelong learning; eLearning; Australia [0037459] IMS : global learning consortium. IMS Global Learning Consortium Burlington : IMS, 2001URL: http://www.imsproject.org/ computer based training; network; resource centre; university-enterprise relationship; distance study; lifelong learning; eLearning; international organisation [0037415] Lifelong Learning Network. University of Canberra Canberra : University of Canberra: Australia, 2001URL: http://www.life-learning.net/ continuing education; network; educational research; lifelong learning; Australia [0035864] New directions in Australia’s skill formation : lifelong learning is the key /Chris Robinson. Robinson, Chris; National Centre for Vocational Education Research NCVER Adelaide : NCVER, 2000, 38 p. ISBN 0873976207 http://www.ncver.edu.au/research/proj2/mk0001.pdf skill shortage; trend; training development; training policy; social change lifelong learning; Australia United States and Canada [0037438] Adult literacy and life skills survey. National Center for Education Statistics - NCES Washington : NCES, 2001URL: http://www.nces.ed.gov/surveys/all/ skill analysis; adult learning; literacy; information technology; computer literacy; educational statistics; survey; lifelong learning; United States [0037448] Canada’s SchoolNet = Rescol canadien. Industry Canada Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2000URL: http://www.schoolnet.ca/home/ educational innovation; computer network; educational technology; eLearning lifelong learning; Canada [0037463] Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment : CAPLA. Ontario : CAPLA, 2001URL: http://www.tyendinaga.net/fnti/prior/capla.htm adult learning; educational assessment; validation; non formal learning; accreditation of prior learning; lifelong learning; Canada [0037480] CLN : Community Learning Network. Office of Learning Technologies - OLT Quebec : Office of Learning Technologies, 2000URL: http://olt-bta.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/CLN/index.html computer literacy; information technology; community; community development; lifelong learning; Canada [0037479] Community Access Program : CAP. Industry Canada - IC Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2001URL: http://cap-pac.ic.gc.ca/english/hub.htm computer literacy; community; information technology; lifelong learning; Canada 47 [0037483] CTC : Community Technology Centers. Office of Vocational and Adult Education - OVAE Washington : OVAE, 2001URL: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/CTC/ educational technology; community; developing area; computer literacy; information technology; lifelong learning; United States [0037485] Distance Learning Resource Network : DLRN. Distance Learning Resource Network - DLRN Phoenix : DLRN, 2000URL: http://www.dlrn.org/ distance study; information network; information service; resource centre; adult learning; lifelong learning; United States [0035993] European school-to-work systems : a view from the American States. National Governors’ Association [S.l.] : National Governors’ Association, 1995, 8 p. URL: http://icdl.uncg.edu/ft/081299-02.html transition from school to work; youth training; training system; lifelong learning; EC countries; Denmark; Germany; United States [0037444] HRDC : Human Resources Development Canada. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC Quebec : HRDC, 2001 URL: http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ human resources management; manpower; information service; disadvantaged group; employment service; lifelong learning; Canada [0037452] Learning Federation. Washington Advisory Group Washington : Washington Advisory Group, 2001URL: http://www.learningfederation.org/ distance study; educational technology; educational research; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States [0037432] National Research and Dissemination Centers for Career and Technical Education : NCCTE. US Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education - OVAE Washington : OVAE, 2001URL: http://www.nccte.com/ vocational education; information dissemination; career development; research centre; continuing education; lifelong learning; United States [0037465] National Skill Standards Board. National Skill Standards Board - NSSB Washington : NSSB, 1998URL: http://www.nssb.org/ skill analysis; voluntary organisation; computer skills; skill shortage validation; non formal learning; lifelong learning; United States [0037455] Office of Educational Technology : OET. US Department of Education Washington : US Department of Education, 2001 URL: http://www.ed.gov/Technology/index.html 48 educational technology; educational policy; continuing education; educational innovation; lifelong learning; eLearning; United States [0037478] One-stop system. US Department of Labor - US DOL Washington : US DOL, 2001URL: http://usworkforce.org/onestop/ guidance service; continuing education; employment service; manpower; information service; lifelong learning; United States [0037462] Prior learning assessment and recognition : PLAR = Évaluation et reconnaissance des acquis : ERA. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC Quebec : HRDC, 1999URL: http://www.plar.com skill analysis; skill shortage; accreditation of prior learning; non formal learning; validation; lifelong learning; Canada [0037481] Smart communities = collectivités ingénieuses. Industry Canada Ottawa : Industry Canada, 2001URL: http://smartcommunities.ic.gc.ca/ community; regional development; information technology; quality of life; lifelong learning; Canada [0037482] SUNY Learning Network. State University of New York - SUNY Albany : SUNY, 2000URL: http://sln.suny.edu/admin/sln/original.nsf distance study; open learning; university; eLearning; lifelong learning; United States [0037445] Symbol University. Symbol Technologies Holtsville : Symbol Technologies, 2000URL: http://edu.symbol.com/ distance study; educational innovation; open learning; lifelong learning; eLearning; United States [0037450] Teacher quality : helping teachers through highquality professional development. US Department of Education Washington : US Department of Education, 2000URL: http://www.ed.gov/teacherquality/development.html teacher training; career development; educational innovation; lifelong learning; United States [0037442] The career training loan program. Student Loan Marketing Association - SLMA Marlton : SLMA, 1995URL: http://www.salliemae.com/paying/training.html educational loan; financing of training; lifelong learning; United States [0037458] Towards a lifelong learning culture in Canada = vers l'apprentissage à vie au Canada. Human Resources Development Canada - HRDC, Office of Learning Technologies -OLT Quebec : HRDC, 2000URL: http://olt-bta.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ educational technology; educational innovation; computer literacy; eLearning; lifelong learning; Canada Annex Members of the documentary information network Austria ABF - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berufsbildungsforschung IBE - Institut für Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildungsforschung Raimundstr. 17 A - 4020 Linz Web address: http://www.ibe.co.at Contact person: Ms. Marlis Milanovich milanovich@ibe.co.at IBW - Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft Rainergasse 38 A - 1050 Wien Web address: http://www.ibw.at Contact person: Ms. Susanne Klimmer klimmer@ibw.at Belgium (FR) FOREM - Office wallon de la Formation professionnelle et de l’Emploi CIDOC - Centre intercommunautaire de documentation pour la formation professionnelle Boulevard Tirou 104 B - 6000 Charleroi Web address: http://www.forum.be Contact persons: Nadine Derwiduée nadine.derwiduee@forem.be Belgium (NL) VDAB - Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding ICODOC - unautair documentatie-centrum voor beroepsopleiding Keizerlaan 11 B - 1000 Brussel Web address: http://www.vdab.be Reinald van Weydeveldt rvweydev@vdab.be Thomas Quaethoven tquaetho@vdab.be Contact persons: Denmark DEL - Erhvervspaedagogiske Laereruddannelse [The National Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers] Rosenorns Allé 31 DK - 1970 Frederiksberg C Web address: http://www.delud.dk Contact persons: Pia Cort, Research Assistant pia.cort@delud.dk Merete Heins, Librarian merete.heins@delud.dk Finland NBE - National Board of Education Hakaniemenkatu 2 PO Box 380 FIN-00531 Helsinki Web address: http://www.oph.fi/ Contact persons: Matti Kyrö matti.kyrö@oph.fi Arja Mannila arja.mannila@oph.fi 49 France Centre INFFO - Centre pour le développement de l'information sur la formation permanente 4, avenue du Stade de France F-93218 Saint Denis La Plaine Cedex Web address: http://www.centre-inffo.fr Contact persons: Patrick Kessel, Director kessel@easynet.fr Danièle Joulieu, Head of Documentation d.joulieu@easynet.fr Stéphane Héroult, Documentation s.heroult@easynet.fr Germany BIBB - Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung [Federal Institute of Vocational Training] Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10 D - 53113 Bonn Web address: http://www.bibb.de Contact persons: Dieter Braecker, Head of Library braecker@bibb.de Martina Krause, Librarian krause@bibb.de Greece OEEK - Ypourgeio Ethnikis Paideias kai Thriskeumaton [Organization for Vocational Education and Training] 1, Ilioupoleos St. GR - 17236 Athens Web address: http://www.oeek.gr/ Contact persons: Loukas Zahilas, Director zalouk@hol.gr Ermioni Barkaba, Head of Documentation oeek20@ath.forthnet.gr Iceland MENNT (EDUCATE) - Samstarfsvettvangur atvinnulífs og skóla Laugavegi 51 IS-101 Reykjavik Web address: http://www.mennt.is Contact persons: Stefania Karlsdóttir, General Director stefania@mennt.is Adelheidur Jónsdóttir, Project manager alla@ment.is Bára Stefánsdóttir, Librarian barastef@mennt.is Ireland FAS - Training and Employment Authority PO Box 456 27-33 Upper Baggot Street IE - Dublin 4 Web address: http://www.fas.ie/ 50 Contact persons: Ms. Margaret Carey, Head of Library margaret.carey@fas.ie Ms. Jean Wrigley, Librarian jean.wrigley@fas.ie Italy ISFOL - Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori Via Morgagni 33 I - 00161 Roma Web address: http://www.isfol.it Contact persons: Colombo Conti, Head of Documentation isfol.doc2@iol.it Luciano Libertini, isfol.doc2@iol.it Luxembourg FOPROGEST 23, rue Aldringen L - 2011 Luxembourg Contact persons: Web address: http://www.foprogest.lu Jerry Lenert, Director AGN@foprogest.lu The Netherlands CINOP - Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen [Centre for Innovation of Education and Training] Pettelaarpark 1 Postbus 1585 NL-5200 BP’s-Hertogenbosch Web address: http://www.cinop.nl Contact persons: Martine Maes mmaes@cinop.nl Annemiek Cox acox@cinop.nl Norway NCU - Leonardo Norge PO Box 2608 St. Hanshaugen N-0131 Oslo Contact persons: Aagot Van Elslande Aagot.van.Elslande@teknologisk.no Web address: http://www.teknologisk.no/leonardo Portugal CIDES - Centro de Informação e Documentação Económica e Sociale Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Praça de Londres 2-1 Andar P - 1091 Lisboa Codex Web address: http://www.mts.gov.pt Contact persons: Odete Lopes dos Santos, Director odete.santos@deppmts.gov.pt Fátima Hora, Documentation fatima.hora@deppmts.gov.pt Spain INEM - Instituto Nacional de Empleo Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Condesa de Venadito 9 E - 28027 Madrid Web address: http://www.inem.es Contact persons: Maria Luz de las Cuevas Torresano Information and Documentation mluz.cuevas@inem.es 51 Sweden SIP – Internationella Programkontoret för utbilningsomradet [The Swedish International Programme Office for Education and Training] PO Box 22007 S-10422 Stockholm Web address: http://www.programkontoret.se Contact Persons: Heléne Säll helene.sall@programkontoret.se Rolf Nordanskog rolf.nordanskog@programkontoret.se Sandra Dias dos Santos Skogar sandra.dias.dos.santos@programkontoret.se United Kingdom CIPD - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development CIPD House 35 Capm Road UK-London SW 19 4UX Web address: http://www.cipd.co.uk Contact persons: Jennifer Schramm, Policy advicer j.schramm@cipd.co.uk Cathy Doyle, Information officer c.doyle@co.uk 52 Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Lifelong learning bibliography: a European VET perspective No 1. January-June 2001 Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2002 – VI, 52 pp. – 21 x 29.7 cm (Cedefop Dossier series ; 1 – ISSN 1608-9901) ISBN 92-896-0120-5 Cat. No: TI-42-02-779-EN-C Free of charge – 6005 EN –