City Council Meeting Agenda with attachments, 4-7-15
City Council Meeting Agenda with attachments, 4-7-15
CITY OF KYLE Notice of Regular City Council Meeting KYLE CITY HALL 100 W. Center Street Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Kyle, Texas will meet at 7:00 PM on 4/7/2015, at Kyle City Hall, 100 West Center Street, Kyle, Texas for the purpose of discussing the following agenda. Posted this 3rd day of April, 2015 prior to 7:00 p.m. I. II. Call Meeting To Order Approval of Minutes 1. City Council Regular Meeting - March 17, 2015 ~ Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary Attachments III. Citizen Comment Period With City Council The City Council welcomes comments from Citizens early in the agenda of regular meetings. Those wishing to speak are encouraged to sign in before the meeting begins. Speakers may be provided with an opportunity to speak during this time period on any agenda item or any other matter concerning city business, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. IV. Consent Agenda 2. (Second Reading) An ordinance granting Frederick Smith dba S&S TRANSPORT a franchise to provide non-emergency shuttle services within the boundaries of the City of Kyle, Texas; providing an agreement prescribing conditions, terms, and regulations governing the operation of the non-emergency shuttle services; providing penalties for noncompliance with franchise. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Attachments 3. (Second Reading) An ordinance suspending the implementation of the interim rate adjustment by TEXAS GAS SERVICE COMPANY under Section 1.04.301 of the Texas Utilities Code within the City of Kyle, Texas, pending hearing and discussion by the City Council. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Attachments 4. (First Reading) Approve an Ordinance amending the City's Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 by increasing total appropriations for expenditures by $16,629.13; General Fund by $9,529.13 and the Hotel Occupancy Fund by $7,100.00 and decreasing fund balance by the same amounts in the respective Funds. ~ Perwez A. Moheet, CPA, Director of Finance Attachments 5. Approve a professional services agreement with SPARKS ENGINEERING, INC., Round Rock, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $4,600.00 to complete an initial structural assessment of the Kyle Historic Water Tower & Storage Tank. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Attachments 6. Declare all IT computer equipment as identified and listed herewith to be surplus city owned property and authorize the sale of said surplus city property as listed to the highest bidder by auction on GovDeals, an internet-based auction marketplace. ~ Robert Olvera, IT Administrator Attachments 7. Approve a resolution accepting Bunton Creek Subdivision Phase 1B improvements. - Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer Attachments 8. Approve contract Task Order No. 2 to NEPTUNE-WILKINSON ASSOCIATES, INC., Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 for the purpose of providing engineering services for the Moreno Street Wastewater Improvements. Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer Attachments 9. Approve Contract Amendments No. 3 and No. 4 with ESPEY CONSULTANTS, INC. dba RPS, Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $226,922.00 for the purpose of providing additional professional engineering services for design changes, bid and award phase, construction phase and materials testing to the Southside Wastewater Improvements Project. - Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer. Attachments 10. Approve a resolution authorizing the negotiation of an agreement with CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (CEC) to provide consulting services to provide a comprehensive street pavement evaluation and assessment; providing that the meeting at which this resolution was passed is open to the public in compliance with the Open Meetings Act; providing an effective date; making findings of fact; and providing for related matters herein. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer Attachments V. Consider and Possible Action 11. Consider a request by Circus Aguilar on behalf of Edward R. Coleman for a Conditional Use Permit to hold a Circus open to the public from May 14th - May 18th, 2015 on property located at 24801 IH-35 (Central Texas Speedway). CUP15-002 ~ Debbie A.Guerra, Planning Technician Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the conditional use permit. PUBLIC HEARING Attachments 12. (First Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle, Texas, for the purpose of rezoning Lot 15 of Kyle Industrial Park (approximately 0.792 acres) from Commercial-2 "C-2" to Warehouse "W" and to assign original zoning to Lot 16 (approximately 1.175 acres) and Lot 17 (approximately 1.05) of Kyle Industrial Park from Agriculture "AG" to Warehouse "W", on property located on Kyle Crossing and south of Kohler's Crossing, in Hays County, Texas. (Joe and Katherine Torres, Z-14-020). ~ Debbie A. Guerra, Planning Technician Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the request. PUBLIC HEARING Attachments 13. Authorize an expenditure from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund in an amount not to exceed $2,500 to fund in-kind contributions in support of the Cinco de Mayo Fiesta scheduled for May 2, 2015, as requested by Hays Fiesta, Sylvia Gallo. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Attachments VI. Council Requested Agenda Items 14. Update on Granicus. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Attachments 15. Discussion and possible action of City Council approved travel for council members. ~ Todd Webster, Mayor Attachments 16. Discussion and possible action regarding requesting the Charter Review Commission to review certain provisions and sections of the Charter ~ Mayor Todd Webster Attachments VII. City Managers Report 17. Update on various capital improvement projects, road projects, building program, and/or general operational activities. ~ J. Scott Sellers, City Manager Budget retreat update Letter of support for FM 1626 widening Attachments VIII. General Discussion 18. Discussion only regarding council requests for future agenda items. Attachments IX. Executive Session 19. Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to convene in Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting. The City Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss any or all of the following topics. 1. Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek the advice of the City Attorney pursuant to Section 551.071 Properties not maintained by HOA's Contract negotiation with other entity for utility services Possible amendment to development agreement with utility district 2. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072. Regarding properties within the ETJ Acquisition of ROW 3. Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074. 4. Economic development negotiations pursuant to Section 551.087. Incentives for Economic Development prospects Attachments 20. Take action on items discussed in Executive Session. Attachments X. ADJOURN At any time during the Regular City Council Meeting, the City Council may adjourn into an Executive Session, as needed, on any item listed on the agenda for which state law authorizes Executive Session to be held *Per Texas Attorney General Opinion No. JC-0169; Open Meeting & Agenda Requirements, Dated January 24, 2000: The permissible responses to a general member communication at the meeting are limited by 551.042, as follows: "SEC.551.042. Inquiry Made at Meeting. (a) If, at a meeting of a government body, a member of the public or of the governmental body inquires about a subject for which notice has not been given as required by the subchapter, the notice provisions of this subchapter, do not apply to:(1) a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or (2) a recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry. (b) Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting. CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Approval of minutes Subject/Recommendation: City Council Regular Meeting - March 17, 2015 ~ Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download City Council Regular Meeting - March 17, 2015 Cover Memo The City Council of the City of Kyle, Texas met in Regular Session on March 17, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at Kyle City Hall, with the following persons present: Mayor Todd Webster Mayor Pro Tem Diane Hervol Council Member Becky Selbera Council Member Tammy Swaton Council Member Shane Arabie Council Member David Wilson City Manager Scott Sellers James Earp, Assistant City Manager Frank Garzz, City Attorney Perwez Moheet, Finance Director Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Kerry Urbanowicz, Parks Director Leon Barba, City Engineer Harper Wilder, Director of Public Works Chief Jeff Barnett, Kyle PD Debbie Scott CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Webster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor Webster called for roll call. Present were Mayor Webster, Mayor Pro Tem Hervol, Council Member Selbera, Council Member Swaton, Council Member Arabie, Council Member Wilson. Mayor Webster stated that Council Member Bellows and Honorary Member Collins would not be in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 3, 2015 ~ AMELIA SANCHEZ, CITY SECRETARY Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve the minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of March 3, 2015. Council Member Arabie seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. CITIZEN COMMENT PERIOD WITH CITY COUNCIL THE CITY COUNCIL WELCOMES COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS EARLY IN THE AGENDA OF REGULAR MEETINGS. THOSE WISHING TO SPEAK MUST SIGN IN BEFORE THE MEETING BEGINS AT THE KYLE CITY HALL. SPEAKERS MAY BE PROVIDED WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK DURING THIS TIME PERIOD, AND THEY MUST OBSERVE THE THREE-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 17, 2015 – Page 2 Kyle City Hall Mayor Webster opened the Citizens Comments at 7:01 p.m. Debbie Scott spoke and stated she had concerns with the new height allowance for buildings regarding light pollution in the neighborhoods and asked Council to promote light pollution measures. She stated she had an ordinance to share on light pollution that she got from Drippings for Council to review. With no one else wishing to speak Mayor Webster closed staff and that Citizens Comments at 7:03 p.m. PRESENTATION UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS DISCUSS ROAD REPAIRS INCLUDING BUNTON AND LEHMAN ROADS. ~ HARPER WILDER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Harper Wilder, Director of Public Works, provided a presentation on proposed road repairs on Bunton and Lehman Roads and an update on the downtown water and wastewater improvements. CONSENT AGENDA (SECOND READING) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE VI, SEC. 531047 (AUTHORIZED CONDITIONAL USES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, BY ADDING AS AN AUTHORIZED CONDITIONAL USE BUILDINGS WITH A HEIGHT OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FEET (150’) IN THE RS DISTRICT. ~ JAMES R. EARP, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER (SECOND READING) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 820 ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2014, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2014, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015, BY INCREASING THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR EXPENDITURES BY $69,890.00: GENERAL FUND BY $9,490.00, UTILITY FUND BY $50,000.00, PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BY $3,600.00, AND THE COURT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND BY $6,800.00; DECREASING THE FUND BALANCE BY THE SAME AMOUNTS IN THE RESPECTIVE FUNDS. ~ PERWEZ A. MOHEET, CPA, DIRECTOR FINANCE APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH MUNISERVICES, LLC, FRESNO, CA TO CONDUCT AUDIT OF SALES TAX COLLECTIONS FOR THE CITY OF KYLE FOR A 1-YEAR CONTRACT TERM WITH AN OPTION TO RENEW FOR UP TO TWO ADDITIONAL YEARS. ~ PERWEZ A. MOHEET, CPA, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 17, 2015 – Page 3 Kyle City Hall APPROVE ADOPTION OF AN INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE CITY OF KYLE'S OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT TRUST FUND. ~ PERWEZ A. MOHEET, CPA, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DECLARE ALL POLICE RADIO EQUIPMENT AS IDENTIFIED AND LISTED HEREWITH TO BE SURPLUS CITY OWNED PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY AS LISTED TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER BY AUCTION ON GOVDEALS, AN INTERNET-BASED AUCTION MARKETPLACE. ~ JEFF BARNETT, CHIEF OF POLICE Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve Consent Agenda items # 3 ~ (Second Reading) An ordinance amending chapter 53, Article VI, sec. 53-1047 (authorized conditional uses) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Kyle, Texas, by adding as an authorized conditional use buildings with a height of up to one hundred fifty feet (150’) in the RS district; #4 ~ (Second Reading) An ordinance of the City of Kyle, Texas, amending Ordinance No. 820 adopted on September 3, 2014, making appropriations for the support of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014, and ending September 30, 2015, by increasing the total amount of appropriations for expenditures by $69,890.00: General Fund by $9,490.00, Utility Fund by $50,000.00, Park Development Fund by $3,600.00, and the Court Special Revenue Fund by $6,800.00; decreasing the Fund Balance by the same amounts in the respective funds; #5 ~ Approve an agreement with MUNISERVICES, LLC, Fresno, CA to conduct audit of sales tax collections for the City of Kyle for a 1-year contract term with an option to renew for up to two additional years; #6 ~ Approve adoption of an investment policy for the City of Kyle's Other Post-Employment Benefit Trust Fund; #7 ~ Declare all police radio equipment as identified and listed herewith to be surplus city owned property and authorize the sale of said surplus city property as listed to the highest bidder by auction on GovDeals, an Internet-based auction marketplace. Council Member Swaton seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. CONSIDER AND POSSIBLE ACTION DISCUSS AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL FOR RENEWAL AND A 3-YEAR EXTENSION THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2017 OF THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KYLE AND ELEVEN OTHER ENTITIES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLUM CREEK WATERSHED PROTECTION PLAN. ~ J. SCOTT SELLERS, CITY MANAGER Nick Dornak provided an update of Plum Creek Watershed Protection Project. Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve renewal and a 3-year extension through August 31, 2017 of the Interlocal Agreement between City of Kyle and eleven other entities for the implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan. Council Member Selbera seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 17, 2015 – Page 4 Kyle City Hall CONSIDER A REQUEST FROM MR. CHRIS ESPIRITU TO WAIVE THE PERIMETER ROAD FEE FOR THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF 402 OLD STAGECOACH ROAD (SECTION 41-137 (P)). - LEON BARBA, P.E., CITY ENGINEER After discussion Mr. Espiritu withdrew his request to allow staff time to rework the fee schedule. Council Member Wilson moved to table a request from Mr. Chris Espiritu to waive the perimeter road fee for the proposed subdivision of 402 Old Stagecoach Road. Mayor Pro Tem Hervol seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. (FIRST READING) AN ORDINANCE GRANTING FREDERICK SMITH DBA S&S TRANSPORT A FRANCHISE TO PROVIDE NON-EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS; PROVIDING AN AGREEMENT PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS, TERMS, AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF THE NON-EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH FRANCHISE. ~ JERRY HENDRIX, CHIEF OF STAFF Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve (First Reading) An ordinance granting Frederick Smith dba S&S TRANSPORT a franchise with the change from ambulance to non-emergency shuttle services to provide non-emergency shuttle services within the boundaries of the City of Kyle, Texas. Council Member Arabie seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH SPAWGLASS CONTRACTORS, INC., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $343,499.00 FOR THE INTERIOR BUILD-OUT IN PHASE 3 OF THE HISTORIC TRAIN DEPOT RESTORATION PROJECT AND DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER TO BRING FORWARD A BUDGET AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,529.13 AT A FUTURE DATE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FULL FUNDING FOR THE CONTRACT AWARD. ~ JERRY HENDRIX, CHIEF OF STAFF Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve a contract with SPAWGLASS CONTRACTORS, INC., in an amount not to exceed $343,499.00 for the interior build-out in Phase 3 of the Historic Train Depot Restoration project and direct the City Manager to bring forward a budget amendment in the amount of $9,529.13 at a future date in order to provide full funding for the contract award. Council Member Wilson seconds the motion. All aye. With Council Member Selbera off the dais, motion carried 5-0. CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE CITY’S DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO INITIATE PROCESS, PREPARE DOCUMENTS, AND COORDINATE ALL APPROPRIATE STEPS NECESSARY FOR THE REFUNDING OF APPROXIMATELY $6,825,000 IN CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS, SERIES 2007 AND APPROXIMATELY $6,280,000 IN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 17, 2015 – Page 5 Kyle City Hall OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS, SERIES 2008 BY JUNE 30, 2015 IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE APPROXIMATELY $802,300 IN ESTIMATED INTEREST COST SAVINGS FOR THE CITY OF KYLE. ~ PERWEZ A. MOHEET, CPA, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve and authorize the City’s Director of Finance to initiate process, prepare documents, and coordinate all appropriate steps necessary for the refunding of approximately $6,825,000 in Certificates of Obligations, Series 2007 and approximately $6,280,000 in outstanding Certificates of Obligations, Series 2008 by June 30, 2015 in order to achieve approximately $802,300 in estimated interest cost savings for the City of Kyle. Council Member Swaton seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE CITY’S DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO INITIATE PROCESS, PREPARE DOCUMENTS, AND COORDINATE ALL APPROPRIATE STEPS NECESSARY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2015 BY JUNE 30, 2015 IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,480,000.00 IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED COSTS INCLUDING BOND ISSUANCE COSTS FOR THE FIVE ROADWAY PROJECTS CONSISTING OF BUNTON CREEK ROAD, NORTH BURLESON STREET, GOFORTH ROAD, LEHMAN ROAD, AND MARKETPLACE AVENUE AS AUTHORIZED BY THE VOTERS OF KYLE, TEXAS ON MAY 11, 2013. PERWEZ A. MOHEET, CPA, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moved to approve the City’s Director of Finance to initiate process, prepare documents, and coordinate all appropriate steps necessary for the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 by June 30, 2015 in the amount of $30,480,000.00 in order to provide funding for construction and related costs including bond issuance costs for the five roadway projects consisting of Bunton Creek Road, North Burleson Street, Goforth Road, Lehman Road, and Marketplace Avenue as authorized by the voters of Kyle, Texas on May 11, 2013. Council Member Selbera seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION APPROVING CONTINUED RETENTION OF DAVIDSON, TROILO, REAM, & GARZA, P.C., to perform legal services as the CITY ATTORNEY ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. ~ J. SCOTT SELLERS, CITY MANAGER Council Member Wilson moved to approve continued retention of DAVIDSON, TROILO, REAM, & GARZA, P.C., to perform legal services as the City Attorney on an as needed basis. Mayor Pro Tem Hervol seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERIM RATE ADJUSTMENT BY TEXAS GAS SERVICE COMPANY UNDER SECTION 1.04.301 OF THE TEXAS UTILITIES CODE WITHIN THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, PENDING HEARING AND DISCUSSION BY THE CITY COUNCIL. ~ JERRY HENDRIX, CHIEF OF STAFF CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 17, 2015 – Page 6 Kyle City Hall Council Member Wilson moved to approve an ordinance suspending the implementation of the interim rate adjustment by TEXAS GAS SERVICE COMPANY under Section 1.04.301 of the Texas Utilities Code within the City of Kyle, Texas, pending hearing and discussion by the City Council. Mayor Pro Tem Hervol seconds the motion. All aye. Motion carried 6-0. COUNCIL REQUESTED AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSS AND TAKE POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS UNDER CHAPTER 32 AND CONCEPT PLAN PACKAGES UNDER CHAPTER 41, CODE OF ORDINANCES. ~ SHANE ARABIE, TAMMY SWATON, COUNCIL MEMBERS No action taken. CITY MANAGERS REPORT UPDATE ON VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, ROAD PROJECTS, BUILDING PROGRAM, AND/OR GENERAL OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES ~ J. SCOTT SELLERS, CITY MANAGER City Manager Scott Sellers discussed an ordinance that is currently being worked on regarding all boards and commission, the ethics ordinance being updated, and the date and time for the City Council retreat, as well as a reminder about the Charter Committee meeting the next evening. GENERAL DISCUSSION DISCUSSION ONLY REGARDING COUNCIL REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Mayor Pro Tem Hervol asked for an update on Granicus at the next meeting. ADJOURN With no further business to discuss, Mayor Pro Tem Hervol moves to adjourn. Council Member Selbera seconds the motion. All votes aye. Motion carried 6-0. The City Council meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m. _______________________ R. Todd Webster, Mayor __________________________ Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS (2nd Reading) Ordinance granting a franchise to F. Smith d/b/a S&S Transport Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: (Second Reading) An ordinance granting Frederick Smith dba S&S TRANSPORT a franchise to provide non-emergency shuttle services within the boundaries of the City of Kyle, Texas; providing an agreement prescribing conditions, terms, and regulations governing the operation of the non-emergency shuttle services; providing penalties for noncompliance with franchise. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Other Information: This is the standard franchise agreement for non-emergency medical transport in the City City Limits. Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download S&S Transport Franchise Agreement Cover Memo AN ORDINANCE GRANTING FREDERICK SMITH, D/B/A S & S TRANSPORT, A FRANCHISE TO PROVIDE NONEMERGENCY AND ROLLOVER EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS; PROVIDING AN AGREEMENT PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS, TERMS, AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF THE NONEMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT TO THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND MAKING SUCH OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED HERETO. RECITALS WHEREAS, Article XI of the City’s charter gives the City council the power to grant by ordinance a non-exclusive franchise of all providers of public services, including ambulance services, for an effective period not to exceed ten (10) years; and, WHEREAS, except as specifically authorized and provided otherwise by state law, the City’s charter mandates that no provider of ambulance services shall provide any service within the City requiring the use or occupancy of any street, public right-of-way, or property without the City council’s determination to grant a franchise or permit the use of such City facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City’s charter provides that all grants of franchise as authorized in the charter shall be subject to the right of the city council to impose regulations and restrictions on the franchise as enumerated in Sec. 11.06 of the charter as may be deemed desirable or conducive to the health, safety, welfare and accommodation of the public; and, WHEREAS, this ordinance shall be passed only on two readings held after a public hearing for which ten (10) days’ notice is given; and, WHEREAS, Frederick Smith D/B/A S & S Transport (“S & S”), has requested and desires to be granted a franchise from the City of Kyle for the purpose of providing nonemergency and roll-over emergency ambulance services originating or terminating within the boundaries of the City of Kyle or outside the boundaries of Kyle with a destination within the City of Kyle; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The above foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as findings of fact. 1 Section 2. Franchise granted; scope and purpose. A non-exclusive franchise is hereby granted vis-à-vis this ordinance to Frederick Smith d/b/a S & S Transport (“S & S”) to operate Non-Emergency and Emergency Rollover Ambulance Services as described herein originating within the service area of S & S that is located in the City limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Kyle, Texas (hereinafter the “City”) or origination outside of the City limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Kyle, Texas with a destination within such area. S & S may use and occupy the City’s streets, avenues, alleys and any and all public property belonging to or under the control of the City for the purpose of operating its NonEmergency Ambulance Services as described herein. Section 3. Franchise recognized as a contract. In accordance with Article XI of the City’s charter, the franchise being granted by this ordinance is recognized as a contract (“Agreement”) between the City and S & S, and the contractual rights as contained herein shall not be impaired by the provisions of Article XI. The terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, which is attached hereto as EXHIBIT “A” and incorporated herein by reference, shall govern and regulate the operation by S & S of its Non-Emergency Ambulance Services as described herein. Section 4. Codification. This ordinance shall be codified in the City of Kyle Code of Ordinances at Appendix B, FRANCHISES. Section 5. Conflict. Any and all ordinances, and parts thereof, that are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or other portion of this ordinance is, for any reason, declared invalid, in whole or in part, by any court, agency, commission, legislative body, or other authority of competent jurisdiction, such portion will be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent portion. Such declaration will not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof, which other portions will continue in full force and effect. In the event of a subsequent change in applicable law so that the provision which had been held invalid is no longer invalid, said provision will thereupon return to full force and effect without further action by the City and will thereafter be binding on S & S and the City. Section 7. Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Ch. 551, Local Gov’t Code. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and take effect from and after the date of its final passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading the AND ADOPTED on Second Reading the day of March, 2015. PASSED day of 2 , 2015. THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS By: R. Todd Webster, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary Frank Garza, City Attorney 3 EXHIBIT “A” FREDERICK SMITH, D/B/A S & S TRANSPORT FRANCHISE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, a home rule city and political subdivision of the State of Texas (“City”) and FREDERICK SMITH DBA S & S TRANSPORT (“S & S”). RECITALS WHEREAS, S & S agrees to provide Non-Emergency and roll-over emergency Ambulance Services in the City pursuant to this Agreement; warrants that it holds all required permits for the required services; has all the necessary emergency vehicle permits issued by the State of Texas; and employs emergency medical technicians who are duly licensed by the Health District to perform Non-Emergency Ambulance Services; and WHEREAS, the City hereby finds and determines that S & S is able to own and operate suitable certified equipment and employ qualified, licensed personnel in connection with its Ambulance Services as defined herein; and, WHEREAS, the City’s charter incorporates that an agreement be entered into between the City and a franchisee; NOW THEREFORE, the City of Kyle and S & S mutually agree as follows: Section 1 Definitions The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement and in compliance with the ordinance: Ambulance. Any privately or publicly owned motor vehicle that is specially designed, constructed, or modified and equipped; and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated, for the transportation, on the streets or highways of this state; of persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless. Non-Emergency Ambulance Operator. A person with personnel and equipment in the business of transporting patients not in need of immediate medical treatment between various locations. Non-Emergency Ambulance Operator Franchise. A franchise granted to a person with personnel trained at the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) level and certified by NCOEMS. This franchise is to transport patients between health care facilities and other locations in non-emergent situations within Hays County. The use of warning lights and 4 audible warning devices is prohibited during vehicle operation except for the following: 1) transporting a patient who during the transport becomes critical or otherwise unstable to the closest most appropriate facility with an emergency room capable of treating the patient; or, 2) while stopped on a public roadway to render aid to motorists and/or pedestrians involved in a traffic or other incident that has potential to cause injury while waiting for emergency responders to arrive. Non-Emergency Ambulance Services. The operation of an ambulance for any purpose other than transporting emergency patients. Operator. An individual in actual physical control of an ambulance which is in motion or which has the engine running. Patient. Individual receiving services under this Agreement and in compliance with the ordinance. Person. Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation or organization of any kind, including any governmental agency other than the United States. Rollover emergency. A situation in which the primary provider of 911 Services is unable to timely respond to an emergency and the dispatch requests a response by a secondary provider. Section 2 Contents of Application to Provide Non-Emergency Services 1. Representations; warranties; revocation of franchise. In making this grant of non- exclusive franchise, the City has relied upon information provided by S & S to the City, and the City’s expectations of the operations and performance of any and all franchisees. S & S agrees that all statements, representations and warranties provided to the City are true and correct to the best of S & S’s knowledge at the time of submission; and further agrees that the City’s grant of franchise may be revoked upon discovery of any material misstatement of fact contained therein. 2. Application. S & S shall complete an application if required by the City to operate within the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. An application shall contain the following: a. The name and address of the provider or franchisee of the ambulance services for which a franchise is being granted; b. the trade and all other names, if any, under which the applicant does business, along with a certified copy of an assumed name certificate stating such name or names or articles of incorporation stating such name or names; 5 c. a complete resume of the training and experience of the applicant in the transportation and care of patients; d. a description in the manner in which the public will be able to obtain assistance and how the non-emergency vehicles will be dispatched; and e. a description of the non-emergency ambulance applicant’s capability to provide regular transportation services in the City. Section 4 Term of Agreement This Agreement will remain in full force and effect for a period of two (2) years, commencing on the effective date the ordinance is passed on second reading by the Kyle city council. The City shall have the sole option to renew this franchise for an additional two (2) years upon the written request of S & S. Section 5 Service Area S & S may provide in all areas originating or terminating within the City limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction Non-Emergency Ambulance Service that is not dispatched or required to be dispatched in accordance with 9-1-1-Dispatched Ambulance Service. Section 6 Disclosure of Patient Information S & S as a franchisee agrees that any unauthorized disclosure of specific patient-related information to the public is forbidden. If S & S as a franchisee is determined to have disclosed specific patient-related information to the public without the permission of the patient or authorized patient representative, the City may terminate this agreement and forfeit S & S’s franchise status. Section 7 Minimum Standards for Non-Emergency Ambulance Franchisees The City shall be the enforcing agency for the terms contained in this Agreement and may take the following actions: 1. inspect the premises, vehicles, equipment, and personnel of S & S to assure compliance to this Agreement and perform any other inspections as deemed necessary by law or for the benefit of the public safety, health or welfare; 2. recommend to the city council the temporary or permanent suspension of a franchise in the event of non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement; 6 3. receive complaints from the public, other enforcing agencies, and others regarding any infractions allegedly committed by S & S, and review or otherwise investigate any complaints, and recommend corrective action after S & S has had a responsible time to respond to said allegations; 4. maintain all records of compliance with this Agreement and other applicable State and County regulations; 5. require S & S to restore at its expense all public or private property to a condition equal to or better than that before being damaged or destroyed by S & S. Section 8 Violations; Penalties The city council shall have the power and authority to review this franchise Agreement at any time and to assess a penalty against S & S for its failure to comply with the franchise Agreement, this charter, the ordinances of the City, or the laws of the state. If in the opinion of the city council the requirements of the franchise Agreement, charter, ordinances or state law are not being complied with, the city council shall so notify S & S in writing stating the provisions S & S has failed to comply with and setting a time for a hearing and deadline for correction of the noncompliance. The city council may assess and enforce a reasonable penalty based upon the facts, issues and circumstances determined at the hearing if noncompliance is found. If S & S does not correct the noncompliance within a reasonable time established by the city council for correction, the city council may impose penalties, place S & S on probation, suspend the franchise or repeal or cancel the franchise. Penalties may be imposed and fines collected by the City as follows: 1. First offense: probation, suspension, or termination of the franchise, including up to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) levied against S & S, for which S & S is responsible to pay or otherwise said franchise may be terminated by the city council. 2. Second offense: probation, suspension, or termination of the franchise, including up to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) if within one (1) year of the first offense, levied against S & S, for which S & S is responsible to pay or otherwise said franchise may be terminated by the city council. 3. Third offense: probation, suspension, or termination of the franchise, including up to a fine not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if within one (1) year of the second offense, levied against S & S, for which S & S is responsible to pay or otherwise said franchise may be terminated by the city council. 4. Fourth and subsequent offenses: If within one (1) year of the third offense, City staff shall recommend to the city council permanent termination of the franchise, upon which city council may accept or deny staff recommendation, or at is discretion, the city council 7 may impose suspension, probation, or termination of the franchise and this Agreement. Section 9 Default Exclusive of the penalties set forth hereinabove, S & S shall be declared to be in default of this Agreement at the discretion of the city council if S & S violates or contravenes in any of the terms or conditions of the Ordinance or this Agreement. The city council may terminate the franchise if S & S is found to be in default. Section 10 Majority vote S & S may be liable for fines or other penalties set forth in this Agreement, including termination of its franchise, or found to be in default, only upon a finding by majority vote of the city council. Section 11 State Permits and City Franchise Requirements S & S, either as owner, agent, or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise, or otherwise be engaged in or profess to be engaged in the non-emergency transportation of patients within the City unless and until S & S holds a valid permit for each ambulance used in such ambulance service operation and has a valid franchise for the operation of such service by the City pursuant to this Agreement. Section 12 Exemptions from Franchise Requirements No franchise shall be required for: 1. any entity rendering assistance to S & S in the case of a disaster, major catastrophe, mutual aid, or emergency when the services franchised by the City are insufficient or unable to cope, and assistance has been requested by the City; 2. any entity other than the franchisee operated from a location or headquarters outside of the City limits, but transporting to facilities located within the City limits, or transporting patients within the City limits to locations outside of the City limits; 3. ambulances owned and operated by an agency of the United States Government; 4. vehicles owned and operated by EMS providers chartered by the State 8 of Texas as corporations to operate in the City limits to provide emergency medical services, or municipal EMS providers; or, 5. any entity other than franchisee providing emergency transportation services within the meaning of this ordinance that provides trauma transportation services in connection with a state-certified trauma transportation program. Section 13 Franchise Fees to City S & S shall, during the life of said franchise, pay to the City, to the attention of the City’s director of finance, three and one-half percent (3.5%) of the total amount billed to and collected from patients or customers for the non-emergency ambulance service fees and any other income derived from the operation of the non-emergency ambulance service within the City limits, which said remittance shall be made monthly on or before the tenth (10th) day of each calendar month. The compensation provided for in this Section shall be in lieu of any other fees or charges imposed by any other ordinance now or hereinafter in force during the life hereof, but shall not release S & S from the payment of ad valorem taxes levied or to be levied on local property it owns. The purpose of the franchise fee is to fund the City monitoring S & S’s operations and for the cost of administrative staff, vehicle inspections, and wear and tear upon the City’s roadways. Section 14 Quarterly Reports It shall be the duty of S & S to file with the City’s director of finance a sworn statement for each calendar quarter, which said statement shall report the total amount billed and collected for non-emergency ambulance service within the City limits for the preceding three (3) months, which statement shall be filed within ten (10) days following the end of the third month. S & S herein shall be required to adequately maintain a system of bookkeeping, which books shall be subject to reasonable audits by the City in executive session and such skilled person or persons as the City may designate so as to enable the City to periodically check the accuracy of the accounts kept and to compute fairly and accurately the percentage of the amounts privately billed that may be due to the City from S & S. Section 15 Cessation of Activity upon Termination of Franchise 1. Upon cancellation, suspension, or termination of S & S’s franchise, by actions taken by either the city council or S & S, S & S shall immediately cease operations that are granted under the franchise. 2. Upon revocation, suspension, or termination of a driver’s license or attendant’s certification or Emergency Medical Technician certificate, such attendant shall cease to drive an ambulance, perform service, or attend an ambulance under the 9 direction or authority of S & S. 3. S & S shall not permit any individual whose license or credentials are invalid to drive an ambulance or provide medical care in conjunction with the ambulance operator. Section 16 Rates and Charges to Patients or Customers 1. S & S shall comply with the schedule of rates that S & S has attached to this Agreement as EXHIBIT “B” and which is incorporated herein by reference. S & S may amend the schedule of rates only upon the adoption of an ordinance approving said amendment. 2. On non-emergency calls, or calls where a person requires transportation to a nonemergency facility, collection for service (payment) may, at the option of S & S, be made before the ambulance begins the trip. Section 17 Insurance Prior to providing any Ambulance Services in the City limits, S & S will provide proof of insurance coverage in the types, forms and amounts required by state law and this Agreement. Failure to maintain such insurance through the term of this Agreement will be cause for termination of the franchise granted herein. S & S shall be required to obtain and maintain in effect throughout the term of this Agreement a public liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $1,000,000. A copy of the insurance policy shall be filed with the City’s finance director within 10 days of the grant of the franchise. S & S shall not operate its service during any periods for which insurance lapses for any reason. Section 18 Nondiscrimination No individual shall be denied or subjected to discrimination in the receipt of services for activities made possible by or resulting from this Agreement on the grounds of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age or marital status. Material violation of this provision shall be considered a default of this Agreement. Section 19 Records, Reports S & S shall maintain the following records: 1. record of dispatch showing time call for transport was received, time ambulance dispatched, time arrived on scene, time arrived at destination, 10 time in service, and time returned to base; 2. a trip record that shall be so designed as to provide the patient or customer with a copy of it and that may serve as a receipt for any charges paid; 3. maintenance of a daily report log for the purpose of identifying all individuals transported in any given day; 4. daily driver and attendant checklist and inspection report which shall list contents and description of operations for each vehicle, signed by the individual verifying vehicle operations and equipment; and, 5. if private records are kept, including operational, vehicular maintenance, driver/attendant training certifications, insurance certifications, traffic compliance, accident records, financial, tax and related records, shall be open at any reasonable time for inspection and audit by the city manager or designee, or any professionally trained accountant/auditor; but S & S may deem and mark certain materials as proprietary and confidential or protected by state or federal law, which may still be viewed by the city manager, designee or accountant/auditor representing the City but not disclosed to the general public unless a Texas Attorney General Ruling or court of competent jurisdiction so orders such a public release. Section 20 Transfer and Assignment This non-exclusive franchise Agreement and the rights, privileges, permissions, and authorities granted herein are personal to S & S and cannot be sold, transferred, leased, assigned, or otherwise disposed without prior written approval from the City. Section 21 Private Ambulance Services Personnel Attendants and drivers employed by S & S shall be: 1. at least eighteen (18) years of age; 2. a citizen of the United States; 3. licensed by the State of Texas to operate the vehicle occupied; and, 4. certified as having obtained any legally required training as may be required by any regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over the provision of private ambulance services to the general public. 11 Section 22 Indemnification As a condition of the grant of this Agreement, and in consideration thereof, S & S shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless against all claims for damages to persons, individuals or property by reason of its franchise operations, or any way arising out of performance under this Agreement, directly, or indirectly, when or to the extent injury is caused, or alleged to have been caused, wholly or in part, by any act, omission, negligence, or misconduct of S & S or any of its contractors, subcontractors, officers, agents, or employees, or by any person for whose act, omission, negligence, or misconduct, S & S is by law responsible. This provision is not intended to create liability for the benefit of third parties but is solely for the benefit of S & S and the City. In the event any claim is made against the City that falls under this indemnity provision, the City shall promptly but no later than five (5) business days, provide S & S with the a copy of the claim with a written notice that such is deemed to fall under this provision. S & S shall then take over the defense of the claim with attorneys of its and/or its insurer’s choosing. S & S shall indemnify and hold the City harmless of and from any such liability, including any court costs, expenses, and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the City in defense thereof and incurred at any stage. Upon commencement of any suit, proceeding at law or in equity against the City relating to or covering any matter covered by this indemnity, wherein S & S has agreed by accepting this Agreement to indemnify and hold the City harmless, or to pay said settlement, final judgment, and costs, as the case may be, the City shall provide S & S immediate written notice of such suit or proceeding, whereupon S & S shall provide a defense to any such suit or suits, including any appellate proceedings brought in connection therewith, and pay as aforesaid, any settlement, costs or judgments that may be rendered against the City by reason of such damage suit. Section 23 Compliance with Laws and Regulations During the term of this Agreement, the City and S & S agree they will comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations. Failure to comply on the part of S & S may be grounds for the imposition of penalties or sanctions, including up to termination of this Agreement. Failure to comply of the part of the City may be grounds for S & S to terminate this Agreement without prior consent or approval by the City. Section 24 No Waiver; Cumulative Remedies S & S will not be excused from complying with any of the terms of conditions of this Agreement because of failure of the City, on one or more occasions, to insist upon or to seek compliance with any such terms or conditions, or because of any failure on the part of the City or S & S to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right or remedy hereunder, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy preclude any other right or remedy. S & S agrees that the City will have the specific rights and remedies set forth herein. These rights and remedies are in addition to any and all other rights or remedies now or hereafter available to the City, and will not be deemed waived by the exercise of any other right or remedy. The rights and remedies 12 provided in this Agreement and in the Ambulance Service Ordinance are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided by law, and nothing contained in this Agreement will impair any of the rights or remedies of the City under applicable law. The exercise of any such right or remedy by the City will not release S & S from its obligations or any liability under this Agreement, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement or as necessary to avoid duplicative recovery from or payments by S & S. Neither the provision of performance security, nor the receipt of any damages recovered by the City thereunder, will be construed to excuse faithful performance by S & S or limit the liability of S & S for damages, either to the full amount of the posted security or otherwise. Section 25 Administration The city manager or designee will administer or direct the administration of this Agreement. Section 26 Notices Any notice, request, or demand which may be or is required to be given under this Agreement will be delivered in person at the address stated below or may be deposited with the United States Postal Service, certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the party and address stated below: FRANCHISEE: Fredrick Smith D/B/A S & S Transport P.O. Box 3461 Pflugerville, TX 78691 Email: Phone: (512) 961-0491 Fax: (512) 551-8283 CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS (“CITY”): City of Kyle ATTN: City Manager 100 W. Center Street P.O. Box 40 Kyle, TX 78640 Fax: (512) 262-3987 13 Section 27 Governing Law This Agreement will be deemed to be executed in the City of Kyle in the State of Texas, and will be governed in all respects, including validity, interpretation and effect, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, as applicable to contracts entered into, and to be performed entirely with this State. Section 28 Modification or Amendment This Agreement may not be modified, amended, or changed in any way unless such modification, amendment or change is approved by the city council, and the terms and conditions thereof expressed in a written document, signed by both parties. Section 29 Entire Agreement The preparation, execution, and delivery of this Agreement by the parties have been induced by no representations, statements, warranties or agreements other than those expressed herein. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding by and between the City and S & S. There are no further or other agreements or understandings, written or oral, in effect between the City and S & S relating to the subject matter of this Agreement unless such agreements or understandings are expressly refereed to and incorporated herein. Section 30 Corporate Authority The undersigned warrant that each has the requisite corporate authority to execute this Agreement and bind each party to the terms of this Agreement. Section 31 Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or other portion of this Agreement is, for any reason, declared invalid, in whole or in part, by any court, agency, commission, legislative body, or other authority of competent jurisdiction, such portion will be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent portion. Such declaration will not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof, which other portions will continue in full force and effect. In the event of a subsequent change in applicable law so that the provision which had been held invalid is no longer invalid, said provision will thereupon return to full force and effect without further action by the City and will thereafter be binding on S & S and the City. 14 Section 32 Effective Date This Agreement shall be in full force and take effect from and after the date of the final passage or the ordinance in which the Agreement is incorporated and upon the signing and attesting of said Agreement as witnessed below. THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS By: R. Todd Webster, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary Frank Garza, City Attorney FREDERICK SMITH D/B/A S & S TRANSPORT (“FRANCHISEE”) By: Frederick Smith Title: 15 EXHIBIT “B” S & S SCHEDULE OF RATES All local wheelchair transports $ 25 each way All ambulatory transports $20 each way Cancel on arrival $25 Any patient over 260 pounds an additional fee of $20 each way 16 CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS (2nd Reading) Ordinance suspending Texas Gas Service rate adjustment Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: (Second Reading) An ordinance suspending the implementation of the interim rate adjustment by TEXAS GAS SERVICE COMPANY under Section 1.04.301 of the Texas Utilities Code within the City of Kyle, Texas, pending hearing and discussion by the City Council. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Other Information: This ordinance allows for the suspension of the requested interim Rate Adjustment made by Texas Gas Service under the Gas Reliability infrastructure program (GRIP). The GRIP allows gas companies to recover cost for infrastructure improvements through annual rate increases between full rate cases. The suspension period is for 45 days pending hearing and discussion by the City Council. Legal Notes: Budget Information: There is no budget impact for the City of Kyle with this action. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Ordinance Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Budget Amendment No. 3 for FY 2014-15: $16,629.13 Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: (First Reading) Approve an Ordinance amending the City's Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 by increasing total appropriations for expenditures by $16,629.13; General Fund by $9,529.13 and the Hotel Occupancy Fund by $7,100.00 and decreasing fund balance by the same amounts in the respective Funds. ~ Perwez A. Moheet, CPA, Director of Finance Other Information: This budget amendment number 3 for Fiscal Year 2014-15 totaling $16,629.13 will provide funding for the following items: Train Depot Construction Contract Phase 3: $9,529.13 Structural Assessment of Historic Water Tower: $4,600.00 In-kind Contributions for Cinco de Mayo Fiesta: $2,500.00 Supporting documents are attached for each of the above items providing detailed explanation for the budget amendment. Legal Notes: Budget Information: A Fiscal Note is attached. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Justification - Train Depot Construction Ph 3 Justification - Historic Water Tower Assessment Agreement & Scope of Work for Water Tower Assessment Cinco de Mayo Sponsorship Letter Ordinance - Budget Amendment #3 Fiscal Note Cover Memo ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 820 ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2014, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2014, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015, BY INCREASING THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR EXPENDITURES BY $16,629.13; GENERAL FUND BY $9,529.13 AND THE HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX FUND BY $7,100.00; DECREASING THE FUND BALANCE BY THE SAME AMOUNTS IN THE RESPECTIVE FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND MAKING SUCH OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED HERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Amendment to Current Budget. The appropriations for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2014, and ending September 30, 2015, for the support of the general government of the City of Kyle, Texas, is hereby AMENDED for said term by increasing the amount of appropriations for expenditures by $16,629.13 as follows: General Fund by $9,529.13 and the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund by $7,100.00, and decreasing fund balance by the same amounts in the respective funds in order to provide funding for the following expenditure items: (A) $9,529.13 for the Train Depot Renovation Project Phase 3 construction contract (CIP project). This will be a transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Train Depot Donation Fund to provide additional funding for the construction contract, (B) $4,600.00 for an engineering services contract to perform a structural assessment of the Historic Kyle Water Tower; and, (C) $2,500.00 for in-kind contributions in support of the Cinco de Mayo Fiesta to be held on May 2, 2015 in Kyle, Texas. Section 2. Approval of Amendment. This amendment is hereby approved in all aspects and adopted as an amendment to the City budget for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2014, and ending September 30, 2015. Section 3. Conflict. Any and all ordinances, and parts thereof, that are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Page 1 of 2 Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any purpose, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 5. Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Ch. 551, Local Gov’t Code. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and take effect from and after the date of its final passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading the ____ day of April, 2015. PASSED AND ADOPTED on Second Reading the ____ day of April, 2015. THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS By: R. Todd Webster, Mayor ATTEST: Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary Page 2 of 2 CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Award a $4,600 PSA to Sparks Engineering for Water Tower Assessment Subject/Recommendation: Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Approve a professional services agreement with SPARKS ENGINEERING, INC., Round Rock, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $4,600.00 to complete an initial structural assessment of the Kyle Historic Water Tower & Storage Tank. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: A budget amendment is required to appropriate $4,600.00 in the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. Please refer to Budget Amendment No. 3 included for City Council consideration and authorization on April 7, 2015. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Agreement & Scope of Work for Water Tower Assessment Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Declaration of IT Surplus Property Subject/Recommendation: Declare all IT computer equipment as identified and listed herewith to be surplus city owned property and authorize the sale of said surplus city property as listed to the highest bidder by auction on GovDeals, an internet-based auction marketplace. ~ Robert Olvera, IT Administrator Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download List of Surplus Computer Equipment Cover Memo Computer Acerpower desktop Acerpower desktop Acerpower desktop Acerpower desktop Acerpower desktop Dell Desktop Dell Desktop dell desktop Dell desktop dell desktop Dell desktop dell desktop Dell Desktop Dell Desktop dell desktop dell desktop optiplex gx520 Dell Desktop poweredge sc440 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4600 dell dimension 4700 dell dimension 4700 dell dimension 4700 dell laptop dell laptop dell laptop dell laptop dell optiplex gx520 dell optiplex gx520 hp Compaq hp Compaq hp desktop HP Desktop HP Desktop/combo flat screen HP Desktop/combo flat screen Serial Number psp370606473003a772713 psp370606473003c7a2713 psp370606473003a22713 psp37060647300d052713 psp37060473003c802713 cn-0n8372-71615-677-03bc 84cbnb1 c24l051 69pr2b1 1qfbm81 63pt9g1 g3l4xb1 c6ysm71 cp9y861 53l8v51 j38sc91 1tpz7f1 j1l8v51 gd1bx31 44bb751 j3bbz51 g2l8v51 g3bbz51 9c1bx31 5g6gg81 7g6gg81 8g6gg81 01-07898349890528 hp pavilion a620n 4282ed2tmxxxxyyy0716 IBM Think Pad Lenovo desktop 78-kr058 l1ta3ap Lenovo LAPTOP Lenovo LAPTOP Lenovo LAPTOP Lenovo LAPTOP l3-bo663 l3-a9195 l3-m8402 cn-0f3553-12961-513-3227 cn-0xd762-48643-61m-5721 24l4xb1 bl4x4b 2ua7060vf2 mxl6100kfw cnh6511mg3 cnh72712b7 mxl1020n6m mxl1020n67 City Identificatio n number Part Number 442 443 445 441 444 apfh-ud2160p apfh-ud2160p apfh-ud2160p apfh-ud2160p apfh-ud2160p 786 dcsm dhm dcsm dhm dcsm dcsm dmc dmc 428 and 750 824 784 462 546 823 770 741 747 550 904 dcsm dcta dmc dmc dmc dmc dmc dmc dmc dmc dmc dmc pp12l [pp25l pp08l pp11 dmcsm dmcsm en325ut#aba pz582ua#aba a1710n gj474aa vs834ut#aba tpc-q001 524 5731289720 862 810 744 749 748 724 728 459 727 447 751 885 510 504 2985335 2655-97u 23u 076122u-0761 076122u 076122u b53f I pulled drive I pulled drive I pulled hardrive I pulled hardrive I pulled hardrive I pulled hardrive I pulled hardrive I pulled hardrive has it's own case I pulled hardrive I pulled hardrive Microsoft 2000 + Carrying case Bad Keyboard - no hard drive Lenovo LAPTOP Lenovo LAPTOP Lenovo LAPTOP Lenovo Think Center Windows 7 Motion Computing (Older Tablet) 2985359 l3-m8379 l3-b0668 pbykt19 607 508 260715 Toshiba laptop veriton acer veriton acer veriton acer Sony MiniDisk Deck LG Flatron LG Flatron hp 1740 monitor hp 1740 monitor hp l1906 psv52060148030208c2701 psv520601480301fcb2701 psv5206014803020052701 8811139 809ndvw0p343 901uxvw1r351 cnd62201vw cnd62201vn cnc650qp70 nec multisync lcd175m hyunai hannspree hf229h philips brilliance 170p philips 190s Samsung Acer lcd monitor Acer lcd monitor Acer lcd monitor Acer lcd monitor Acer lcd monitor Acer lcd monitor Optiquest Q7 Optiquest Q7 Viewsonic Dell flat panel Dell Dell flat panel dell lcd Dell flat panel Dell HG Dell (fatbox) Dell (fatbox) dell lcd Dell Adjustable Dell adjustable Dell dell lcd dell lcd dell dell lcd dell lcd dell 19in lcd Dell display stand and hub s-9x100707na q19hhasf5a921219 821uhm03000a1648 bz000526111576 au3a0614000341 me19hvdp515617b etl480b29772509f34394f etl480b29772503579394f etl480b2977250ab5a394f elt480b2977250ab68394f etl480b2977250505b62394f 1.20318E+13 q4a075083111 q4a075083508 r3q095321155 cn-0j6642-716185b2-abam cn-0f5035-64180-55p-297l cn-0y4299-71618-49m-bcha cn-0cc639-72872-644-4vwt cn-0y4299-71618-49m-bch7 cn-0cj167-72872-68q-193L mx-0y1352-47605-3c1-bcd2 mx-08d466-47741-1aq-30h4 cn-0cc639-72872-644-4vnt cn-0cc280-71618-64R-Adfg cn-0y4299-71618-49m-bcn1 tw-05320u-47800-061-a38e Cn-0cc639-72872-644-ay1t cn-0cc639-72872-644-4w2t cn-ou491-46633-57h-7j2l cn-0cc352-64180-688-3g1c cn-0j664-71618-5b2-aba1 cnc650qp3l cn-0hd062-48643-77n-4137 b53f 076122u 076122u h3u t006 463 455 456 453 390 kylz 778 485 891 492 644 645 628 773 646 772 632 637 619 783 833 636 647 774 781 828 149 634 839 649 110 639 631 635 840 630 870 Portege m460 m460 m460 mds-je520 l1942tt w1934s-bn hstnd-2121-f hstnd-2121-f l1906 serial was too faded to read I pulled drive Still in box looks good lcd175m-bk l91d hm03-22u2-000g 170p6eb/27 190s7b/27 906bw al1716 a al1716 a al1716 a al1716 a al1716 a v173 vs11147 vs11147 vs12297 170fpvt rev a02 rev a00 rec a03 1704fptt 1707fpf e773s 08d466 e176fpf 1707fpt 1704fptt 3138-151-30250 e176fpf e176fpf e173fpb 1707fpc 1704fpvt hstnd-2a08 pr01x hp display stand and hub kensington stand and hub Emachines Envision Samsung Adjustable Samsung Adjustable Sony digital recording mz-r37 walkman Superstack 3 switch 4250t panasonic wireless phone system 2 phones Airvana Sprint wireless router Nortel IP phone linksys VPN router amseco multifunction receiver Avaya Ethernet phone (wireless) avaya ethernet phone Avaya Ethernet phone polycom IP/ethernet phone polycom IP/ethernet phone polycom IP/ethernet phone polycom IP/ethernet phone polycom IP/ethernet phone polycom IP/ethernet phone sonicwall firewall? 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Or router cysco ip phone 7912 series cisco pix 501 firewall hp Compaq t5000 plantronics cs55 plantronics cs50 cn netcom wirelles headset norstar analog terminal adapter norstar analog terminal adapter norstar analog terminal adapter norstar analog terminal adapter Panasonic 2-line phone meridian phone 2line time attendance device timekeeping - time and attendance device amseco door sign Fvy Motorola cobra bf0x0f0735037w #b0802a000183 mgn7220p11005 90868ca009723 hu24h9nq500441e hu24hcgq501203x 650 790 985 893 p-14894530-g ly3v3la58e90a0 394 9abxa nntm84j00fj6 c2910e801071 629 77306-01 004f21abc5d 0004f21a9f3b 0004f21a9ee0 0004f21aa083 0004f21a9f75 b1603575 2200-16155-001 0006b1248ce4 c1052350 006b10a9f24 inm092513t4 88811051631 cnv7470brz be753100 be675694 9120-48-05 nntm040anw0f nntm84561gqt nntm040anv4t nntm040anv47 9baxa034782 nntm0493k2v mz-r37 1730-210-000-5.04 983 01-ssc-5565 hd320fe5-72 apl11-029 7912 pix series rg049at#aba 1lstxnan-9120 971106 ata2 971106 971106 kx-tg9391t nt8b30ae-35 6.19096E+12 301400596 6816 EU152919 eu258704 FQ045370 FQ158467 03242-0091835 s702041664 s612002615 Complete set and box kx-tga939t airfemt02 ntdu82 befvp41 ver 2 ewpr-202 e648200 5402 2410 soundpoint IP 330 sip soundpoint IP 330 sip soundpoint IP 330 sip soundpoint IP 330 sip soundpoint IP 330 sip awh55 12097002335 700373558 2q672-090 k60722 e17t4w h170l 245bw 245bw 67064 ewpt-202 kebt-039-1 ch600 1564200r07 Ga-cc3 midland Walkie Talkie Radios Motorola Cobra nu-kote Epson erc-31 replacement ribbons HP printer undercarriage paper holder canon staple-j1 6707a001 ac canon staple-j1 6707a001 ac canon staple-j1 6707a001 ac HP Docking Station Brother 2006 Fax/printer hp cb394a 18cvp8-rev b Count 9 1 87786109403 bm335 cn5c81101s 61100614 68051562 68051562 CNU734xj5B u61325e6j687031 cnfy74l14b 756 c8237a 502c 502c 502c en488aa Fax-2820 cb394a count of 4 (sets) approx. 45$ missing one Out of order tag hp LaserJet 1018 hp lcolorphere cnb1205302 cnhc7cc53k 488 cb419 q7822a ithaca posjet 1000 receipt printer HP psc 1600 HP PP003989814 my59kf41d0 cnwdf24015 867 895 900 ITH-PJ1USBC2DG q5584a q5987a HP deskjet5150 Hp 2175 all-in-one my35u1q2nw my339c73qy 990 c8962a q3066a Hp 2175 all-in-one my355f82vf 802 q3066a Hp 2175 all-in-one hp photo smart d7560 hp Scanjet 5590 my463f50bq my96m99170 cn7b8th0b3 801 782 q3066a q8440a fclsd-0406 Brother Compatible Drum Cartridge HP eio hard disk j6054B black 142j9900t 411 - sg42306f9y 16666 j6054-60032 Epson Stylus C85 Printer HP Photosmart 8050 fxuy753230 my58k232cw Hp office jet 6000 HP psc 21 10v All in One Espeon Stylus C88+ Printer Canon pixma mp500 cn1bu3f1mr my2a8d204b jkdy219413 aaec34102 c57400001L415611078 Roller jams q6351L brand-new still in box e609a c8644a b251a/c61712001fgx6z13286 k10264 HP Office jet 9100 series all-in-one cn5ct92026 c8143a HP Office jet 9100 series all-in-one cn61c92064 c8143a canon image class d320 cgz95253 489 836 h12255 note that needs cart alignment note that needs cart alignment needs new ink cartage Canon canoscan n 650u f914600 807 Cameras Kodak easy share cx7430 Serial Number kckcy42403294 City IdentificationPart Number Number 424 e-c021-04-0191b axis security camera vdo Phones Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Serial Number 268435457409521853 v750 268435457409498561 v750 268435457409478215 v750 Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (Verizon flip) Motorola (verizon Flip) 268435457409489045 v750 268435457409481480 v750 j686nw497w j68ns6m2n 268435457409496618 v750 sn268435458115988000 268435459410596000 v750 kauf0103ab kauf0103ab kauf0116bb kauf0116bb kauf0103ab j686na247s/kauf0116bb j686nw2w4q motorola (i576) motorola (i576) 364vkw4j73 364vjy5mws h02xah6jr5an h02xah6jr5an Motorola Razor n650u 29892 2003812488 network camera 211w City IdentificationPart Number Number kauf0103ab kauf0103ab sjug2875ac motorola 364vjy56y4 Motorola i30sx Motorola i30sx Motorola i30sx Motorola i30sx Motorola i30sx Motorola i30sx 021tdlz931 021tdlz910 021yda3n71 021ydc82hd 021tdlz942 21tdm0056 h56xah6rr5an h56xah6rr5an h56xah6rr5an w56xah6rr5an h56xah6rr5an h56xah6rr5an Motorola i275 Motorola i275 Motorola i275 Motorola i275 Motorola i275 Motorola i275 Motorola i275 364fl9pmy 364yfn599q 364yfl5k5z 364YFN596m 364yfn6h75 364yfn4ww5 364yfq9npx h79xan6rr4an h79xan6rr4an h79xan6rr4an h79xan6rr4an h79xan6rr4an h79xan6rr4an h79xan6rr4an G'zone cvdk0333590 Dc0908 LG (Verizon flip) LG (Verizon flip) LG (Verizon flip) 512kpae2760816 608kpjp5477044 512kpwq2760553 vx5200 vx5200 vx5200 Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) Casio (Verizon flip) cvdk0185117 cvdk0333722 cvdk0333504 cvdk0333727 cvdk0333503 cvdk0333911 cvdk0333721 cvdk0333499 cvdk0333725 dc0808 dc0908 dc0908 dc0908 dc0908 dc0908 dc0908 dc0908 dc0908 Casio (Verizon flip) cvdk0333506 dc0908 Casio (Verizon flip with Battery boost) cvdk0333513 dc0908 Motorola i415 (Boost block) Motorola i415 (Boost block) Motorola i415 (Boost block) Motorola i415 (Boost block) Motorola i415 (Boost block) 364vhc05jl 364vheg2wx 364vheg6fr 364vhc072g 364vhc1m2r h80xah6rr1an h80xah6rr1an h80xah6rr1an h80xah6rr1an h80xah6rr1an LG Sprint Flip 801cykj0954221 lx160 364vjy56y4 364ygy8502 364vhjc1pj h02xah6jr5an h90xah9jr7an h90xah9jr7an kyocera (virgin mobile) Motorola Broken Top Motorola Broken Top Motorola Broken Top Phones without batteries OR BACKS Blackberry Cingular blackberry Nextel motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 motorola i576 354879013423453 C17 4027a9c0bb 364vka8wvd 364vjulhw9 364vlacwv1 364vlcc5lb 364vkwvg2p 364vla9ngh 364vlcc9h3 364vkw49rs 364vjy6moh 364vjy5518 364vlcc94f 2503A-RBE40GW 8350i-rcd21in broken screen ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an ho2xah6jr5an motorola i275 364yfl5jqv h79xan6rr4an No Battery kyocera motorola i576 motorola i275 No Backing motorola i776 364vkjdmgz 364yfn0gz1 10-m612-01a h02xah6jr5an h79xan6rr4an 364vkesh6g h02xah6jr6an Pagers plus case usamobility usamobility usamobility metrocall metrocall Wireless adapters/Mobile Broadband 5513498450 2102751 2109028 2505687 823-e1730856 823-e1758671 Sprint Pantech px-500 MobileBbcard Sprint Pantech px-500 MobileBbcard Sprint Pantech px-500 MobileBbcard 931.5125 931.5125 931.5125 931.5125 931.5125 7160320972 px-500 7160320980 px-500 7160320740 px-500 Sierra Wireless usb connect Sprint 9608608597 2417c-u598 Sierra Wireless usb connect Sprint 9608608373 2417c-u598 Sierra Wireless usb connect Sprint Novatel Wireless Verizon Novatel Wireless Verizon Novatel Wireless Verizon Novatel Wireless Verizon n7nc597 2417c-c597 9106863973 9115625541 9115624550 9116224128 usb760 usb760 usb760 usb760 pantech usb verizon pantech usb verizon 9191101511 801703954 um175vw um150vw kyocera Mobile Bbcard Verizon 3416498235 kpc680 Networking Equipment Serial Number City IdentificationPart Number Number Sun Microsystems Sunray 2 E-card 0816be8056 685 p001-20530.a1 Sun Microsystems Sunray 2 E-card sun ray 2 0831be8304 0834be8047 703 710 cmn-3004 Sun Microsystems Sunray 2 E-card 0831be82c4 0831be82ce 0815be833a 815be82fd 831be8340 821BE833C 689 721 Sun Microsystems Sunray 2-3004 0816BE82A1 Sun Microsystems Sunray 2-3004 0816BE80BC Sun Microsystems Sunray 2 E-card 0816BE829A 0815BE82c5 0825be8c95 0825be8c90 0816be8241 0831be83ff 0816be82ae 0834be8045 0810be8369 0816be8076 0831be82d3 0831be8302 0816be809c 0804be86d8 0831be82e5 0831be8305 0831be82e6 0831be82e1 0825be8c8b 0825be8c8e 0831be8298 0827be88e0 0831be82f7 0810be8334 0831be82df 0831be8300 0815be8514 0815be8333 0831be8323 0831be82de sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 716 380-1352-10 999 380-1352-10 776 720 690 683 706 701 704 702 722 719 684 687 711 688 707 709 457 998 682 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 0834be805a 0815be82bc 0825be8c87 0815be82d6 0816be8095 0831be8321 0831bes2cb 0816be8249 0831be82c7 0810be833f 0816be82b3 0815be84f2 0815be82e0 0831be8376 0816be8298 0814be84c6 0831be833d 0831be82f8 0827be84c5 0831be8317 0816be809e 0825be8bff 0831be8322 0831be8327 08304be86b3 0831be82a1 0816be82a4 0831be8329 0831be82d0 0831be8436 0827be88d4 0831be82cf 816be82be 0816be8234 0815be82aa 0815be82fe 0831be82d6 0827be85b2 081be92c8 0831be82f5 086be82af 0831be833b 0831be8330 0816be82a3 0816be80a1 0815be8500 0831be82c9 0815be832b 0825be8c8d 0815be82ed 0831be833e 0815be85oc 715 714 712 713 899 717 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 cmn-3004 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 sunray 2 0831be82dd 0831be82c1 0831be82c1 0831be82fb 0815be82be 0834be8057 0831be82d5 0815be82dc 0831be82d1 0831be8318 0816be80a4 0831be8155 0831be840f 0816be8275 0815be8280 0815be831e 0831be82cc 0815be8280 0815be831e 0831be82cc 0814be84d0 0825be8c94 0831be82d7 0826be84fc 0815be82d9 0925be8c91 0831be82fa Slimswitch Belkin Avaya ip412 office Wyse WinTerm Windows Thin Client Wyse WinTerm Windows Thin Client neoware Thin client avaya eu24 expansion module Anycom Bluetooth access point Buffalo Terastation pro f1b028-v 05fc49500932 708 700350408 683bfc01271 838 902094-06 683bfc01443 hp-3uc75301c3 826 61609011339 base station 003205 15821070512390a VXO-902094-06 kf330at#aba 700203656 1xu-2001 cc3052 ts-ho.0tgl/r5 NetGear Mini Print server Ps101v2 1af167bp00f54 ps101na NetGear Mini Print server Ps101v2 10y262b501cdf ps101na NetGear Mini Print server Ps101v2 1af167bn00f53 ps101na NetGear Mini Print server Ps101v2 1af167bp00f54 ps101na NetGear Mini Print server Ps101v2 1AF167B800c24 ps90bf25 in wrong box - c24 IVR Server Windows xp professional linksys 4-port gigabit security router with vpn vyatta 514 vyatta 500 linksys broadband router creative modem blaster magtek credit card reader/usb ne06100074 dc418atxr sno008203820 al1-3016-100501 0802b00717 chi00eb04329 dl1225003502 x01yc3y 731 733 rvs4000 nad-2074 514 rt41-bu de5671 21040108 linksys etherfast cable/dsl router Computer Hardware c2023008527 Serial Number Fan Controlled Power Supply Delta dld0407003470 c41956-001 Fan Controlled Power Supply Dell Fan Controlled Power Supply Bestec Fan Controlled Power Supply Dynex a310230505916 HP-p2507fw 134288-03100607760 5187-1098 3f055809 Dx-ps350w Siig DP 1-port ecp/epp parallel PCI ba41209x0157 jj-p01411-s1 brandnew still in box st1000bt32 brandnew in box gigabit ethernet pci card Serveraid m5015 sas/sata contr IBM intel computer fan Dell processor New Sony daul RW driver (external) Sony daul RW driver (external) ativa CD drive (external) befsr11 v2 City IdentificationPart Number Number 7320759141 46m0829kq666wc a46002-003 cn-0t0426-13740-714-00al ca5134262840uuc20805 7819501595-b a390746400662 fantom drives dvd drive (external) 020418p 05 new in box drx-840u drx-710ul dx-3h20a 497896 ibm eternal floppy disk drive fddrwu2p18l 10089 diamond external dialup modem? internal cd rom drive internal cd rom drive internal cd rom drive Toshiba DVD drive (internal) 52xmax CD drive mitsumi 1999 cd drive Aopen rewritible disk drive 2u57002002760 kr-04k729-35831-1ae-4064 cn-0np873-55081-7ag-4059 2.63614E+11 11s92p6270z1zbnl68a0tb 0i1116205286 eyc059959 50601222je Sata I terrabite wxb1a9235637 46m0829 a46002-003 06p522 has case gce-8160b dh-48n1p sohr-4839s-ct2 p92p6271 oip-cd5200a/g crmc-fx4010M 91.3fd37.474 wd10jpvtsp brand new still in box Harddrive 80gb Barracuda 3jv6bh65 Scrap Parts Lenovo Laptop Bottom Laptop top/mousepad L3-M8385 Seagate 120GB drive (internal) hp 36gb 5Lz3cfn8 3pe06x2w Key Boards and Mice Serial Number Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem Keyboard/ Silicon Keys 3-usb Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse st380011A 6.33205E+15 scrap scrap 0761-22u 51150639001 9cu133-030 dh36abaa5 Has Bad writen on it Bad drive City Identufucation Part Number Number 0581mcn-0820nx1009 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0926 3201366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0833 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0887 3201366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0973 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0963 0581mcn-0820nx0705 320-1366-03 0581mcn-080nx037 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0907 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0931 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0721 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx1017 320-1366-03 0581mcn-0820nx0957 320-1366-03 0820nx0703 565-1831-03 0820nx0976 565-1831-03 0820nx1010 565-1831-03 0820nx0902 565-1831-03 all boxes are comple and sealed and come with 2 power cables for the sunray2 Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse 0820nx0783 565-1831-03 0820nx0722 565-1831-03 0820nx0885 565-1831-03 0820nx0925 565-1831-03 0820nx0807 565-1831-03 0820nx0997 565-1831-03 0820nx0932 565-1831-03 0820nx0717 565-1831-03 0820nx1019 565-1831-03 0820nx0958 565-1831-03 0820nx0784 565-1831-03 0820nx0720 565-1831-03 0820nx0889 565-1831-03 0820nx1008 565-1831-03 0820nx0785 565-1831-03 0820nx0724 565-1831-03 0820nx1006 565-1831-03 0820nx0832 565-1831-03 0820nx0908 565-1831-03 0820nx0782 565-1831-03 0820nx1007 565-1831-03 0820nx1002 565-1831-03 0820nx0840 565-1831-03 0820nx0831 565-1831-03 0820nx0974 565-1831-03 0820nx0835 565-1831-03 0820nx0906 565-1831-03 Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun Microsystem complete set keyboard+mouse Sun 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Sun microsystems lazer mouse Sun microsystems lazer mouse Sun microsystems lazer mouse microsoft wireless mouse microsoft wireless mouse 0581mcn-0821nc1396 0581mcn-0821nc2085 0581mcn-0821nc2084 77967-492-033122-10718 90637-492-1016382-00713 371-0788-01 371-0788-01 371-0788-01 x803468-014 x806443-004 Dell Lazer mouse Dell Ball mouse 452079839 hcg43134163 20-15601DL01 851841-1000 microsoft wireless mouse microsoft wireless mouse microsoft wireless mouse x800412-132 x816852-001 x801603-118 Speakers Logitech 50/60hz Ls11 altec lansing altec lansing Serial Number cn-0p06144822039r0a0u cn-0p061448220-39r0aqi dell speakers dell speakers Dell As501 (Attached) Dell As501 (Attached) Dell As501 (Attached) Dell As501 (Attached) Dell As501 (Attached) Dell As501 (Attached) cn-0f6371-48220-55p-04kr cn-0d3431-48220-47r-04s6 cn-0x9450-48220-639-03tb cn-ouh852-48220-64b-0157 cn-ouh837-48220-683-011d cn-ouh837-48220-67t-027R cn-ouh852-48220-64b-0158 cn-ouh852-48220-64b-0153 a215 a215 A02 rev a00 a00 a00 a00 aoo Dell (single standing) Cn-0d3431-48220-45m-0b98 A00 Sakar speakers 79733ns ctl093lpd0169 ta-2006/476 70002-492-6608512-20726 City Identufucation Part Number Number s-00035 ada215 ada215 230510 Misc. Parts Rofu 9350 us28 (hardware only) Tv mounting Kit Screws and avi cables itox 8port kvm 17' console kit rckrl, r-rail. 2u, sl j460 kit rckrl, r-rail. 2u, sl, v4 Module fillers aluminum gabmer short support brace shipkit se6140 Dvi/ sun to monitor contectors starview (visual) 4 port keyboard/video/mouse s-rex-9350 1359496f0941 ne06100074 dc418atxr 9825acpb715100250 mx-0fj460-54612-72k-0108 cn-0fn360-01078-766-0226 count of 3 cdw000205746 560-2793-01 Count of 4 b020-008-17 0fj460 0fn360 na7311haa0345 sv411k lac-02/uds missing knobs GB Instruments - Lan Tracker City of Kyle Carry-on bags Pearston Camera Stand heavy iron desk panel heavy iron desk panel sun microsystems internal network controllers/optimizor sun microsystems internal network controllers/optimizor unbranded power tester kantech/lantronix uds-10 network/controller interface Cables Type Cl2 Madison Cable (huge grey) e311195 vw-1 Cat5/Ethernet Cords Verious Lenths Monitor - Female to HD connections Interconnect IEEE (printer networking) Basic Audio/aux connectors Belkin pro Monitor Male to female to Hd Belkin Digital Plumbing pro data transfer Usb to block (printers and older devices) Avi cables count of 5 Count of 1 4a0539g05810 4a0539g05808 ar8122 ar8122 0824bd01fb 594-5216-01 0824bd01fd 594-5216-01 00-20-4a-04-25-e7 080-212-000 h82058 50.7a2a0.001-r 23r3594 jhen vei Count of 8 Count of 1 9947-L2 count of 2 ll80671 count of 2 count of 1 count of 5 Count of 1 Monitor - male to male connection Audio to light phone cable un-ended cat5/ethernet cables Count of 1 count of 1 count of 1 count of 4 big bundle Power Cables Serial Number Panasonic cf-aa1653a2m ac adapter dc powercable with plug 16v toughbook automotive adapter 7A 125v Delta Electronics (Laptop adapter) thinkpad 90w ac adapter Phihong Switching Adapter Phihong Switching Adapter Phihong Switching Adapter Phihong Switching Adapter Phihong Switching Adapter City Identufucation Part Number Number count of 2 20110315 76737700353 kow0751073224 l3mfpn9 p74217055a1 p74214434a1 p74216696a1 p75201938a1 p80507399a1 in boxes dfjs90va pa-1650-1253 r33030 40y7659 psa31u-120 psa31u-120 psa31u-120 psa31u-120 psa31u-120 used? Brandnew sealed in box Phihong Switching Adapter p74214673a1 psa31u-120 Flypower Adaptor FT1 Cable Flypower Adaptor FT1 Cable spp34-12.0/5.0-2000 spp34-12.0/5.0-2000 Panasonic Li Shin International Ac Adapter 1633am208505534A a30622050921 Craftsman 14.4v charger 981481-001 43 Sony Car Charger Car Chargers for Motorola Phones Sony power adapter Cf-aa1633A lse9802a1255 110129 Dcc-L50 10063161692 AcL200c count of 2 asus power station 2 a7nya8041642308 asus laptop stand axis ps-l switching adapter a8-a7nya80416530e powerstation 2 sa106a-0512 Northern Telecom Adapter power cables without switch/adapter aPC surgeprotector smart-ups Tripp Lite Surge protector Tripp Lite Surge protector Tripp Lite Surge protector Batteries APC sealed, non spillable lead acid battery APC sealed, non spillable lead acid battery has sticky notebad ad-4405c count of 16 ws9932000268 9814by0sm659300279 9829by0sm659300060 9903cy0sm659300279 Serial Number 119 SU700bx120 smart 1200lcd smart 1200lcd City Identufucation Part Number Number 885-4514a rev2 VCVRA-0510/HP CN-0H4313-42940-48Q00K0/DELL 11S41A7716YVJ1BL75P33H/LEN OVO SERVICE TAG: 29PR2B1/DELL ZZGEG8036ZZ5121/General Dynamics ZZGEG8036ZZ5152/General Dynamics CND63913HQ/HP E2KWM3945ABG/DELL E2K4965AGNM/DELL 3CQ231179D/HP 885-4514a HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled at library 23104618985/ACER MXL1020N6M/HP MXL1020N8G/HP HDD pulled HDD pulled HDD pulled MXOY1352476053C1BCBE/DELL HDD pulled CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Bunton Creek Subdivision Phase 1B Subject/Recommendation: Approve a resolution accepting Bunton Creek Subdivision Phase 1B improvements. - Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer Other Information: A final walkthrough was completed on March 19, 2015. The punch list items have been completed on the project. The street, drainage, water and wastewater improvements have been constructed in substantial accordance with the City's requirements. Record drawings have been provided to the City. A Maintenance Bond (The Hartford - Bond No. 46BCSGZ8507) has been provided for a period of two (2) years. Legal Notes: N/A Budget Information: N/A Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Bunton Creek Subdivision Phase 1B Acceptance Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Moreno Street Wastewater Crossing Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: Approve contract Task Order No. 2 to NEPTUNE-WILKINSON ASSOCIATES, INC., Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 for the purpose of providing engineering services for the Moreno Street Wastewater Improvements. - Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer Other Information: The scope of work under this task order provides plans, specifications and bid documents to replace and enlarge a segment of gravity wastewater line from Moreno St. continuing under the Union Pacific Railroad and ending at Old Highway 81. Legal Notes: N/A Budget Information: A Fiscal Note is attached. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Moreno St. Wastewater Improvements Fiscal Note Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Southside Wastewater Line - Contract Amendment No. 3 and 4 Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: Approve Contract Amendments No. 3 and No. 4 with ESPEY CONSULTANTS, INC. dba RPS, Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $226,922.00 for the purpose of providing additional professional engineering services for design changes, bid and award phase, construction phase and materials testing to the Southside Wastewater Improvements Project. - Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer. Other Information: Amendment No. 3 is needed due to major design changes resulting from the acquisition process and negotiations with landowners. 1. Lift Station - New design for the relocated lift station. 2. Force Main - New design for 5,150 LF of force main. 3. Jack and Bore - Relocation of the two bores beneath IH35 and one bore beneath UPRR. 4. Wastewater Main - Relocation of 5,460 LF of wastewater main. The proposed revisions will require changes to almost all of the 103 plan sheets including all of the lift station, civil and electrical plans. Amendment No. 4 is needed for the bid and award phase, construction phase and for materials testing and electrical inspections. Legal Notes: N/A Budget Information: A Fiscal Note is attached. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Southside Wastewater Line Contract Amendment No. 4 Fiscal Note Southside Wastewater Line Contract Amendment No. 3 Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Agreement with Civil Engineering Consultants (CEC) Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: Approve a resolution authorizing the negotiation of an agreement with CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (CEC) to provide consulting services to provide a comprehensive street pavement evaluation and assessment; providing that the meeting at which this resolution was passed is open to the public in compliance with the Open Meetings Act; providing an effective date; making findings of fact; and providing for related matters herein. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer Other Information: A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued on March 4, 2015 seeking qualified consultant services to provide a comprehensive street condition assessment. Nine (9) submittals were received in response to the RFQ prior to the March 26, 2015 (noon) deadline. Staff evaluated the proposals and is recommending the firm of Civil Engineering Consultants (CEC) for City Council approval to provide the pavement evaluation and assessment of approximately 118 center line miles (360 lane miles) of city streets. A contract will be negotiated with the selected firm and it will be brought back to City Council for approval. Legal Notes: N/A Budget Information: A Fiscal Note will be prepared for the actual contract amount is brought to the City Council for approval at a later date. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Resoluion Evaluation and Assessment Cover Memo RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (CEC), SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE CONSULTING SERVICES TO PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE STREET PAVEMENT E V A L U A T I O N A N D A S S E S S M E N T ; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT; AND PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS. WHEREAS, the City of Kyle requested qualifications from professional engineering firms to provide a comprehensive street pavement evaluation and assessment; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain professional design services from CEC; WHEREAS, CEC, is qualified and capable of performing the professional engineering services proposed herein and is willing to enter into an Agreement with the City of Kyle to perform such services; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The hereinabove recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted by the City Council and made a part hereof for all purposes as findings of fact. Section 2. Authorization. The city manager is hereby authorized to execute a professional services agreement w i t h t h e f i r m f o r a c o m p r e h e n s i v e s t r e e t pavement evaluation and assessment. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date of its passage as authorized by the Charter of the City of Kyle, Texas. Section 4 . Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Resolution was passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Local Government Code. PASSED AND APPROVED this _____ day of April, 2015. THE CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS ATTEST: ________________________________ R. Todd Webster, Mayor ___________________________ Amelia Sanchez, City Secretary CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Executive Session Subject/Recommendation: Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to convene in Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting. The City Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss any or all of the following topics. 1. Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek the advice of the City Attorney pursuant to Section 551.071 Properties not maintained by HOA's Contract negotiation with other entity for utility services Possible amendment to development agreement with utility district 2. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072. Regarding properties within the ETJ Acquisition of ROW 3. Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074. 4. Economic development negotiations pursuant to Section 551.087. Incentives for Economic Development prospects Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Cover Memo Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Executive Session: Reconvene Subject/Recommendation: Take action on items discussed in Executive Session. Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Circus Aguilar - Conditional Use Permit Subject/Recommendation: Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Consider a request by Circus Aguilar on behalf of Edward R. Coleman for a Conditional Use Permit to hold a Circus open to the public from May 14th - May 18th, 2015 on property located at 24801 IH-35 (Central Texas Speedway). CUP-15-002 ~ Debbie A.Guerra, Planning Technician Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the conditional use permit. PUBLIC HEARING Other Information: The Circus Aguilar, on behalf of Edward R. Coleman, property owner, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to hold a Circus open to the public from May 14th – May 18th at Central Texas Speedway, located at 24801 N. IH-35. Hours of operation: Thursday, May 14th - (1) show at 8 pm Friday, May 15th - (2) shows 5pm and 8pm Saturday, May 16th - (3) shows 1:30pm, 5pm and 8pm Sunday, May 17th - (3) shows 1:30pm, 5pm and 8pm Monday, May 18th - (2) shows 5pm and 8pm Event set up date – Wednesday, May 13th Event tear down date – Tuesday, May 19th Legal Notes: Budget Information: N/A Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Project Location Map Photos Staff Memo Cover Memo MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Debbie A. Guerra, Planning Technician DATE: April 7, 2015 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CIRCUS AGUILAR- 24801 IH-35 ____________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Planning & Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the Conditional Use Permit. Request: The Circus Aguilar, on behalf of Edward R. Coleman, property owner, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to hold a Circus open to the public from May 14th – May 18th at Central Texas Speedway, located at 24801 N. IH-35. Hours of operation Thursday, May 14th – (1) show at 8 pm Friday, May 15th - ﴾2﴿ shows at 5pm and 8pm Saturday, May 16th - ﴾3﴿ shows at 1:30pm, 5pm and 8pm Sunday, May 17th - ﴾3﴿ shows at 1:30pm, 5pm and 8pm Monday, May 18th - ﴾2﴿ shows at 5pm and 8pm Event set up date – Wednesday, May 13th Event tear down date – Tuesday, May 19th Code Requirement Sec. 53-1046. - Purpose. The city council may by ordinance, adopted by four affirmative votes after receiving the recommendation of the commission, grant a conditional use permit in compliance with this division for the conditional uses as listed in section 53-1047. The city council may impose appropriate conditions and safeguards, including a specified period of time for the permit, to protect the comprehensive plan and to conserve and protect property and property values in the neighborhood. Sec. 53-1047. - Authorized conditional uses. The following listed conditional uses, and none other, may be authorized subject to the terms of this section and compliance with all conditional terms, regulations and requirements established by the city council: (1) Heliport in CM, W and PUD districts only; (2) Municipal service facilities and buildings in all districts; (3) Circus or carnival; but not within 300 feet of any residential district; (4) Privately operated community building or recreation field in all districts; (5) Telephone, radio or television broadcasting tower or station in T, CM, W and PUD districts only; (6) Churches in all districts where not otherwise specifically permitted; (7) Cemeteries in A, TU, E, CBD-2, RS, W, CM, or PUD districts; (8) Schools, public and denominational, but not day care in all districts where not otherwise specifically permitted; (9) Manufactured homes in the limited areas as specifically authorized by this chapter; (10) Quarry operations are permitted in the CM district as conditional uses, subject to the requirements in division 2 of this article; (11) The specific manufacturing and warehouse uses set forth in the table in section 53-1106 may be permitted as provided in division 3 in this article; and (12) RV sales in the RS district within the I-35 overlay district only. Sec. 53-1048. - Procedure. Before authorization of any of the conditional uses authorized in section 53-1047, public notice shall be given and public hearings shall be held as provided in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code Ch. 211; provided that a conditional use permit for a period not to exceed seven calendar days may be given for a use set forth in section 53-1047(3) after a public hearing is held by the city council after having received recommendation from the planning and zoning commission concerning the effect of the proposed use on the adjacent and neighboring properties and neighborhoods. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The applicant has provided a timeline of events for your review (attached to this staff report). After reviewing the request it appears that this event will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding properties. Staff is recommending approval of the request. Project Location Circus Aguilar W AR DS IL RI DG DR E DR C . yl e RI NG K YA R ity Li m ts IH 35 ED Q UA TO N 0 RD 250 500 Feet 1,000 Project Location Parcel Lines CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Torres - Zoning Subject/Recommendation: (First Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle, Texas, for the purpose of rezoning Lot 15 of Kyle Industrial Park (approximately 0.792 acres) from Commercial-2 "C-2" to Warehouse "W" and to assign original zoning to Lot 16 (approximately 1.175 acres) and Lot 17 (approximately 1.05) of Kyle Industrial Park from Agriculture "AG" to Warehouse "W", on property located on Kyle Crossing and south of Kohler's Crossing, in Hays County, Texas. (Joe and Katherine Torres, Z-14-020). ~ Debbie A. Guerra, Planning Technician Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the request. PUBLIC HEARING Other Information: Owner/Applicant: Joe and Katherine Torres Location: Kyle Industrial Park (Kyle Crossing south of Kohler's Crossing) Area: Lot 15 (approx. 0.792 acres) Lot 16 (approx. 1.175) Lot 17 (approx. 1.05) Existing Zoning: Lot 15 - Commercial 2 "C2" / Lot 16 & 17 Agriculture "AG" Proposed Zoning: Warehouse "W" Site Information: Transportation: The subject Property is located on the east side of Kyle Crossing, 1000 feet south of Kohler's Crossing. Access from IH35 is prohibited unless special permission is granted from TXDOT. Surrounding Zoning: North: Agriculture, (and R/S, north of Kohler's Crossing) South: Warehouse, R/S and Agriculture East: IH-35 West: Retail Service, LI (Plum Creek - Light Industrial) and Warehouse Cover Memo Future Land Use Designation: New Town District Utilities: There are no water or waste-water lines currently serving this site. Public Input: Notice of the proposed change was sent to property owners within 200' of the subject property. The Planning Department received one email of opposition and two phone calls asking for additional information regarding the proposed rezone. Under the new notification requirements a sign was also posted on the site. Staff Analysis: The subject property is located within the Kyle Industrial Park that is comprised of 18 total lots. The applicant is seeking to rezone Lot 15 from Commercial 2 to Warehouse and Lots 16 and 17 from Agriculture to Warehouse in order to provide a storage facility. Comprehensive Plan Guidance: The New Town District is designed to contain a horizontal mix of land uses that should be integrated across the area to express a cohesive community form. Many differing uses are encouraged throughout the district, but are distributed in independent land parcels instead of vertically aggregated in fewer land parcels. As it is with the Comprehensive Plan Retail Services serves as a Conditional Use within the District. Proposed Zoning District: The warehouse district is designed to provide locations for outlets offering goods and services to a targeted segment of the general public as well as industrial users. The permitted uses include those that primarily serve other commercial and industrial enterprises. No building or land shall be used, and no building hereafter shall be erected, maintained, or structurally altered, except for an allowed use. The conditions and limitations on uses in the Warehouse District are as follows: (1) The use is conducted primarily within an enclosed building or screened area, except for the customary outdoor activities for the specific use listed. (2) The use is not objectionable because of odor, excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar nuisance: and that such odor, smoke, dust, noise or vibration at the property line does not exceed the permitted levels established by ordinance. (3) Signs (advertising) must be in compliance with all applicable ordinances. (4) Establishments located on property that is within 300 feet of any property zoned for a residential use when the commercial use is first established may not to be open to the general public before 6:00Cover a.m.Memo and must be closed to the general public by 10:00 p.m. Analysis: The subject lot is located within the Kyle Industrial Park Subdivision. The lot is identified as Lot 15, 16 and 17 with a total area of 3.017 acres. The plat identifies a 60 foot R.O.W. - Bunny Cove, that remains undeveloped and shows to serve lots 12 through 18 as a cul-de-sac. Staff has reviewed the request for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and has made the following comments: Build-out of Bunny Cove must be completed for access to remaining lots. The proposed zoning change is Conditional within the Comprehensive Master Plan. Legal Notes: Budget Information: N/A Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Email of Opposition Project Location Map Ordinance with Exhibits A & B Staff Memo Cover Memo April 7, 2015 City Council Zoning Case Number: Z-14-020 The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the request. OWNER/APPLICANT: Joe and Katherine Torres LOCATION: Kyle Industrial Park (Kyle Crossing south of Kohler’s Crossing) AREA: Lot 15 (approx. 0.792 acres), Lot 16 (approx. 1.175), Lot 17 (approx. 1.05) PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL HEARINGS: First Reading: April 7, 2015 Second Reading: April 21, 2015 EXISTING ZONING: Lot 15 – Commercial-2 “C2” / Lot 16 & 17 Agriculture “AG” PROPOSED ZONING: Warehouse District “W” SITE INFORMATION: Transportation: The subject property is located on the east side of Kyle Crossing, 1000 feet south of Kohler’s Crossing. Access from IH 35 is prohibited unless special permission is granted from TXDOT. Surrounding Zoning: o o o o North: Agriculture, (and R/S, north of Kohler’s Crossing) South: Warehouse, R/S and Agriculture East: IH-35 West: RS Retail Service, District LI (Plum Creek – Light Industrial) and Warehouse Future Land Use Designation: New Town District Utilities: There are no water or wastewater lines currently serving this site. PUBLIC INPUT: Notice of the proposed change was sent to property owners within 200’ of the subject property. The Planning Department received one email of opposition for the request and two phone calls asking for additional information regarding the proposed rezone. Under the new notification requirements a sign was also posted on the site. April 7, 2015 City Council Zoning Case Number: Z-14-020 STAFF ANALYSIS: Background The subject property is located within the Kyle Industrial Park that is comprised of 18 total lots. The applicant is seeking to rezone Lot 15 from Commercial-2 to Warehouse and Lots 16 and 17 from Agriculture to Warehouse in order to provide a storage facility. Comprehensive Plan Guidance The New Town District is designed to contain a horizontal mix of land uses that should be integrated across the area to express a cohesive community form. Many differing uses are encouraged throughout the district, but are distributed in independent land parcels instead of vertically aggregated in fewer land parcels. As it is with the Comprehensive Plan Retail Services serves as a Conditional Use within the District. Proposed Zoning District The warehouse district is designed to provide locations for outlets offering goods and services to a targeted segment of the general public as well as industrial users. The permitted uses include those that primarily serve other commercial and industrial enterprises. No building or land shall be used, and no building hereafter shall be erected, maintained, or structurally altered, except for an allowed use. The conditions and limitations on uses in the Warehouse district are as follows: (1) The use is conducted primarily within an enclosed building or screened area, except for the customary outdoor activities for the specific use listed. (2) The use is not objectionable because of odor, excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar nuisance; and that such odor, smoke, dust, noise or vibration at the property line does not exceed the permitted levels established by ordinance. (3) Signs (advertising) must be in compliance with all applicable ordinances. (4) Establishments located on property that is within 300 feet of any property zoned for a residential use when the commercial use is first established may not to be open to the general public before 6:00 a.m. and must be closed to the general public by 10:00 p.m. Analysis The subject lot is located within the Kyle Industrial Park Subdivision. The lot is identified as Lots 15, 16 and 17 with a total area of 3.017 acres. The plat identifies a 60 foot R.O.W – Bunny Cove, that remains undeveloped and shows to serve lots 12 through 18 as a cul-de-sac. April 7, 2015 City Council Zoning Case Number: Z-14-020 Staff has reviewed the request for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and has made the following comments: Build-out of Bunny Cove must be completed for access to remaining lots. The proposed zoning change is conditional within the comprehensive master plan. Project Location Z-14-020 EVO / pe s Stri tsky's lo Sch 35 KYLE XING KOHLERS XING IH Future Auto Repair Shop Mat hes Pro on Ga duc s ts F Bus oulkro d ine ss P a rk . 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Project Location Parcel Lines 4/1/2015 zoning case Z14020 Debbie Guerra zoning case Z‐14‐020 Wed 4/1/2015 9:52 AM Inbox To: <>; I am writing to protest the proposed zoning/rezoning of three parcels of land between I35 and Dry Hole Road from AG and C2 to W (warehouse). Located in the New Town District, W is "conditional" which states that "design improvements shall be made to ensure compliance with intent and character objectives of the New Town District." (p. 147) According to the Comprehensive Plan, "the purpose of the New Town District is to harness economic development potential and establish its position as the sustainable center of surrounding growth. This District should provide economic support to Kyle based on locational advantages gained by access to growth advancing from south Austin and nodal developments on the northern side of Kyle. Mixeduse development should be encouraged, not only permitted, to maximize economic development." While there is currently one parcel zoned W to the south, it is an isolated property within a thin stretch of property currently zoned AG along the I35 access road. Warehouse is not an appropriate zoning category to maximize economic development potential along the interstate frontage. In order for the City to maximize potential sales tax revenues, Warehouse zoning should be avoided along the I35 corridor. There are other parcels zoned Warehouse and light Industrial to the west, but these are located along Kohler's Crossing away from the I35 Corridor. Among the types of businesses that can be located in the "W" zoning category are: wrecker yards, mens clubs (and there are no churches or residences located within 2000') and, yes, storage units as what the applicant has claimed. There was another parcel just to the north of the Amberwood subdivision that was rezoned to W some years ago ostensibly for storage units. Those were never constructed. Today, it is used as a junk car yard. Please remember that zoning is discretionary. And that once a zoning designation is given, the applicant is free to do whatever they want with the property within the "W" category. Regardless of what they promised the city at the time of the rezoning application. Thank you for your consideration. Lila Knight 1/1 CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Cinco de Mayo Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Subject/Recommendation: Authorize an expenditure from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund in an amount not to exceed $2,500 to fund in-kind contributions in support of the Cinco de Mayo Fiesta scheduled for May 2, 2015, as requested by Hays Fiesta, Sylvia Gallo. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Other Information: The basis for this request from the citizens that are planning the event is based upon the city's partnership with the event. Legal Notes: Budget Information: A budget amendment is required to appropriate $2,500.00 in the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. Please refer to Budget Amendment No. 3 included for City Council consideration and authorization on April 7, 2015. Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Sponsorship Letter Map Cover Memo East side of Burleson Rd and Parking here Closed for this event STAGE SOUND SYSTEMS BEER SALES FAMILY FUN AREA Main Street East side of Main Street Closed and Parking here Closed for this event Center Street Center Street CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM General Discussion Subject/Recommendation: Discussion only regarding council requests for future agenda items. Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Update on Granicus Subject/Recommendation: Update on Granicus. ~ Jerry Hendrix, Chief of Staff Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM Approved travel for Council Members Subject/Recommendation: Discussion and possible action of City Council approved travel for council members. ~ Todd Webster, Mayor Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Council Travel Budget Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM City Charter Discussion Subject/Recommendation: Discussion and possible action regarding requesting the Charter Review Commission to review certain provisions and sections of the Charter ~ Mayor Todd Webster Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Cover Memo CITY OF KYLE, TEXAS Meeting Date: 4/7/2015 Date time: 7:00 PM City Managers Report Subject/Recommendation: Update on various capital improvement projects, road projects, building program, and/or general operational activities. ~ J. Scott Sellers, City Manager Budget retreat update Letter of support for FM 1626 widening Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information: Viewing Attachments Requires Adobe Acrobat. Click here to download. Attachments / click to download Cover Memo