kirkehilsen - The Danish Lutheran Church of Toronto


kirkehilsen - The Danish Lutheran Church of Toronto
Danish Lutheran Church
of Toronto
a church of
The Danish Church Abroad / Danish Seamen’s Church
Danske Sømands og Udlandskirker (DSUK)
For denne rene farve, den er mig som en vårens dåb,
den la'r mig nyfødt arve en evighed af håb.
Så bøjer jeg mig da mod jord og stryger ømt dit silkeflor,
en flig af nådens trone.
Du lille anemone, hvor er din skaber stor!
Kaj Munk, 1943
Annunciation Sunday
Luke 1:46-55. Mary’s Song
Children’s Hour
APRIL 13th
Palm Sunday
John 12:1-16. The anointing at Bethany
Children’s Hour will participate for part of
the service
APRIL 17th
NB: 12:30pm
Maundy Thursday
John 13:1-15
The washing of the feet
Golden Age Club Service - Everybody is welcome
(Andrea Gerhardt on Flute)
APRIL 18th
Jesu død
APRIL 20th
Easter Sunday
Matt. 28:1-8
The Resurrection
(Andrea Gerhardt on Flute)
APRIL 27th
1. søndag efter påske
Joh. 21,15-19
Jesus og Peter
Children’s Hour
MAY 4th
Confirmation Service
Please see more under Pastor’s Corner
MAY 11th
3rd Sunday after Easter
John 14:1-11
“Do not let your hearts be troubled”
Children’s Hour
MAY 18th
4. søndag efter påske
Joh. 8,28-36
Sandheden skal gøre jer frie
MAY 25th
5th Sunday after Easter
John 17:1-11
Eternal Life
JUNE 1st
NB: No Service in Toronto
Constitution Day Celebration at Sunset Villa
JUNE 8th
Joh. 14,15-21
Sandhedens ånd
JUNE 15th
Trinity Sunday
Matt. 28:16-20
The Great Commission
JUNE 22nd
NB: 6:30pm
Sankt Hans Evening Service
Children’s Hour
JUNE 29th
2. søndag efter trinitatis
Luk. 14,25-35
JULY 7th
3rd Sunday after Trinity
Luke 15:11-32
The lost son and the dutiful Son
On Palm Sunday, April 13th, the children will be preparing lunch and a presentation about needy children
around the world.
Please bring a little extra for the coffee collection, as
that money will be sent to The Lutheran World Relief
Fund on behalf of our children.
Well, twice a year we have this little event called “The Bazaar”, and everybody is
very busy around that time. Kirkehilsen will be covering 3 months this ONE
TIME, so in the future the production will not coincide with the bazaars. The
next Kirkehilsen, for July and August, will be back to the normal 2-month issue.
We hope you don’t mind!
Kind regards,
The Editors
Church Café: Every Tuesday at 12 noon
Choir practice: Every Tuesday at 7:00 pm (see pg. 7)
Friday April 4th
Tuesday April 8th
Friday April 11th
Thursday April 17th
Friday April 25th
Saturday April 26th
Saturday April 26th
Saturday May 3rd
Thursday May 8th
Friday May 9th
Saturday May 10th
Sunday May 11th
Thursday May 22nd
Friday May 23rd
Friday May 30th
Saturday May 31st
Sunday June 1st
Friday June 6th
Saturday June 14th
Wednesday June 18th
Thursday June 19th
Sunday June 22nd
Folk dancing in the Royal Hall
GAC Bus trip to Toronto Aquarium
NB: This is a Tuesday!!
Folk dancing in the Royal Hall
GAC church service and luncheon
Folk dancing in the Royal Hall
Federation Spring meeting for Ontario
Region (see pg. 11)
6:00pm Royal Dinner (see pg. 5)
2:00pm Danish Movie: “Hvidsten Gruppen”
(see pg. 17)
12:30pm GAC Luncheon. Programme TBA later
7:30pm Folk dancing in the Royal Hall
3:00pm Concert with the Mercury Ensemble
(see pg. 9)
After the Celebratory Luncheon (see pages 9 and 12)
12:30pm GAC Luncheon. Programme TBA later
7:30pm Folk dancing in the Royal Hall
7:30pm Folk dancing in the Royal Hall
10:00am Spring Clean-up Day (see pg. 8)
10:00am Grundlovsdag/Constitution Day celebration
At Sunset Villa (see pg. 13)
7:30pm Folk dancing in the Royal Hall and Folk
Dancers’ Season’s End Party (see pg. 6)
2:00pm Danish Movie: “Den Store Badedag”
(see pg. 17)
7:30pm Concert with the Nordic Singers
(see pg. 13)
12:30pm GAC Annual BBQ
6:30pm Sankt Hans Aften Service, followed by
strawberries and ice cream in the park
(weather permitting) (see pg. 17)
Last Children’s hour before the summer
Saturday, April 26th
at 6 pm
Quiche Lorraine
Roast Beef dinner - by Chef Kelly
Ice Cream dessert
Price per person $25
Children/Students $15
Wine, beer and soft drinks available
Please order tickets:
by calling Jannie Decoste (905-272-4631) or
Pastor Kenneth (416-222-2494)
before April 20th
The Golden Age Club invites you to join us for a delicious lunch with new and
old friends every other Thursday. For dates and times please see the Almanac.
In April we have a bus trip to the new aquarium, with a stop at the Redpath
Sugar Museum, and lunch at a nice restaurant.
We are working on programmes for May, and will announce them later.
On June 19th we will have our summer barbecue, and we hope for better
weather! We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards,
The Board of the Golden Age Club
Move over Heidi Klum! Stylish models at the Golden Age Club Fashion Show!!
We are having a busy spring even if we have to be without our
capable leader Laine, who was head-hunted to a position in Edinburgh Scotland for 6 months. Fortunately, Lis Broholm has accepted the responsibility of leading us for the remainder of the
season and preparing us for our coming performances. Lis will lead us in many
of our “old” favorites and revive some of the dances from our past programs.
We are also picking up and practicing the Sønderhoning from Fanø.
We dance as usual on Friday nights in April and May at the church. See the
church bulletin or our calendar for exact dates.
To celebrate the coming of spring we will make our traditional tour to Orangeville to entertain the seniors at the Lord Dufferin Centre, complete with the favourite Maypole Dance. It is always an enjoyable event for both the Folkdancers
and the seniors and we all have a good time. Our spring session will finish with a
get-together on June 6th before we break for summer.
After the break, we start again in September. Due to schedule restraints in the
spring, we have decided to postpone our “Krobal” party to the fall. Check out
the “Kirkehilsen” for the exact dates.
The Folkdancers
Web page:
Det er idag et Vejr, et Solskinsvejr!
This is the title of my favorite song, and right now is the perfect time to sing it, since it celebrates the coming of spring.
I normally don’t sing a lot, and there have been a lot of
springs in my life, where I have only been humming this
song in the back of my head while doing dishes or walking
the dogs.
But this year I know I’m going to sing it, and sing it from the
top of my lungs (or really from the bottom, but I’ll tell you
about that in a minute). The reason I know I’m going to sing it this spring is because we’re singing it in the choir! If you knew me just a little bit from before,
you would think “Mette in a choir?! No way! Unless of course, the other choir
members use cotton balls for their ear protection!” From August to November
last year I had been trying to convince everybody that this was the one group in
the church, where I would be no good at all. But when our organist and my
friend, Rikke, was asked to fill in as choir director, and she asked me with those
pleading eyes to join the choir, I thought: She’ll have to learn the hard way! Imagine my surprise when I realized, that after plenty of stretching, and breathing
exercises where we breath all the way down to the tailbone (hence the bottom of
my lungs instead of the top) I could actually carry a tune, not every tune, mind
you, but some, and enough to find it both fun and exciting. Ever since that day I
have been looking forward to Tuesday night where the choir gathers.
If you have a favorite tune, that you love to hum and you know for sure that
choir is absolutely not for you, I invite you to try out this choir. Who knows what
little songbird hides at the bottom of your lungs? Anyone and everyone is welcome, and I promise you this: When you leave from choir practice, you will feel
an inch taller from all the stretching, your lungs will feel twice as big from all the
singing, and that cloud of tiredness that a long day of work or chores has gathered around your head, will have lifted. Anyway that is why I go there.
On a final note, I would like to wish all of you a wonderful spring and I look
forward to seeing you in church at either Sunday service or one of the many
other activities (choir included;-))!
Best wishes,
Mette Berg
PS: If this little introduction to singing in the choir has had
any effect on you, please do not hesitate to call our choir
director, Rikke, for further information (see contact information on the back of Kirkehilsen) - or talk to her when you
see her in church! And when you do join us, please feel free
to bring your favorite tune!
PPS: We are on Easter break on Tuesday April 15th - i.e. no practice.
The glory of our King was seen
When he came riding by
And all the children waved and sang
Hosanna King most high.
I hope to see many children at church in the next two months. We will study
some of the parables and on April 6th prepare our presentation about needy
children. Have you remembered to save some of your money ? Palm Sunday
will be very busy as we decorate, prepare lunch and bring palm leaves to the
altar. After the stage presentation and lunch, we will collect the coffee money
and the money you have saved and decide what animals or supplies we want to
send to The Lutheran World Relief Fund.
Our last meeting before the summer will be on June 22nd.
I wish you all a good summer. Remember to read some Bible stories. Maybe
you can find the Easter story we talked about. I hope to see you at church with
your parents during the summer.
Danish School has only two classes left: April 12th and May 24th, and that will
complete this school year. We have had a wonderful school year with Danish
Folk Dancers, Fastelavn and Påske celebrations, along with learning many Danish traditions - and of course lots of Danish.
Keep up to date on our website for Fall registration and to see what happens at
Danish School.
Have a safe and fun spring!
Saturday May 31st
Yes – it’s that time again!! On Saturday May 31st from 10:00am to 2:00pm we
will be giving our church and the grounds its annual Spring Clean-Up. We will
be cleaning and tidying all rooms as needed inside, and picking up litter and
trimming shrubs and branches outside - just to name some of the tasks. Cleaning
materials will be provided, but bring your own garden tools and gloves. Many
hands make light work, so come and help out. Together we can make everything
look fresh and clean for us all to enjoy. As usual, we start with coffee, and later
refreshments and a light lunch will be served. Believe it or not: We actually always have a lot of fun on the clean-up days, so please come and join us! If you
have any questions please contact Audrey or Helle.
In Concert:
The Danish Lutheran Church
Paulina Derbez – violin
Andrea Gerhardt – flute
Rikke Krabbenhoft – piano
Saturday May 10th 2014, 3pm
Programme: Bach, Telemann,
Mozart, Debussy,
Ibert and others
Entrance $15
Please join us on Sunday May 11th (Mother’s Day) after the service for a lovely
Danish style sandwich lunch put on by the Board, to celebrate the confirmation
families as well as an additional very special event (see Kitchen Fund Update on
pg. 12). We will also honour our confirmation graduates (both past and present)
and give them a chance to meet up once more – so please pass the word.
We look forward to an enjoyable afternoon and seeing you there!
It has to be spring now, we have had enough of winter. I have never had a winter lasting this long, but we do know spring will come.
We have made our spring programme. Saturday April 26th, we will have our
Welcome Spring event starting at 6:00pm. As usual, delicious sandwiches will
be available, and the lottery draw will be another highlight of the evening.
Sunday after the Welcome Spring Party, we will have the service at 10:30am,
and after the service and the lunch we have our Annual General Meeting.
Right now we are in the process of getting our new furnace installed and I
know it will be good! Thank you to all of you who have made this possible.
Next we will take a look at the windows – the broken ones first! There is always something to do and repair.
I wish all of you a great spring time.
Pastor Lars
“Spring came early this year in Toronto. Already during March Break
we could enjoy the warmth of the
spring sun and almost see the bulb
flowers growing. After a winter that
was never a real winter there was
nothing as good as being able to greet
spring welcome again.” I was looking
at a Kirkehilsen from two years back
and the first few lines of Pastor’s Corner struck my eye. At the time of
writing this, it’s equinox but spring
still seems far away. I can spy a little
grass when I look out the window
from my office but the overall impression is still winter-like. If nothing
else, we certainly had a real winter
this year. But we know that spring
will come. Eventually.
In the church as well the seasons
change. It’s not as obvious as outside
but it still deserves to be noted. As we
enter April, we’re still in the season
known as Lent. It has given us stories
about a struggling Jesus: fighting demons and dealing with opposition
from his contemporaries. Soon we
will enter the Holy Week where this
opposition comes to a head. The
holy week spans the week from Friday before Palm Sunday to Saturday
before Easter. The three services
during this week mark the events
leading up to, and including, the conviction and death of Jesus. Palm Sunday takes its name from the branches
that people cut from the trees and
spread in his path as Jesus entered
Jerusalem. Initially he was heralded
as a king but eventually he would be
crucified as a criminal. Children from
Liselotte’s Children’s Hour will illustrate this episode by carrying in
branches and placing them at the
altar. Maundy Thursday the story is
about Jesus washing his disciples’
feet. He will soon part ways with his
fellow travellers. In this context, the
washing of feet is meant as an illustration of the “new commandment” to
his disciples or Jesus’ “testament”:
“You must love one another just as I
have loved you.” Finally, on Good
Friday, we listen to the story of the
crucifixion and death of Jesus. There
will be a sermon and we will celebrate communion, as on any other
Sunday. But the hymns and the music will create an atmosphere that is a
little different from that of the other
services during the year. And the
candles on the altar will only be lit for
communion. The Good Friday service has a solemn tone.
Then comes Easter. Easter Sunday
inaugurates a new season of the
church year. The Easter season begins on Easter Sunday and ends on
Pentecost Sunday. All the Sundays in
-between are celebratory. Will this
coincide with the arrival of spring?
With the exception of Easter Sunday
itself, every passage that we shall listen to is taken from the Gospel of
John. There is not much narrative
and the texts are sometimes hard to
understand. In a sense, I guess, there
is nothing more to tell. Everything
centres on the theme of the resurrection. Or perhaps on the question of
what a life might look like that has
been saved from the fear of death.
Easter Sunday itself is the oldest and
with them on most Sundays after the
service and to teach classes outside
the classroom so to speak. The confirmation service is always a very festive event and you don’t have to be
family or friends to be a part of it.
Please come help celebrate this year’s
Easter Season ends with Pentecost.
Perhaps this will coincide with the
arrival of summer? After Pentecost,
the Sundays take their name from the
Feast of the Trinity. This season,
which will stretch until Advent, is also
called Ordinary Time. It sounds dull
but it doesn’t have to be. The texts
will focus on the teachings and sayings of Jesus. This is where we find
some of his most well-known parables. What does it mean to be a
Christian? Don’t forget that at the
end of June, we will celebrate Skt.
Hans. After the service we will picnic
in the park. That is, if the snow has
I’m looking forward to seeing you in
the church and under the spring sun!
Glædelig påske!
Pastor Kenneth
most jubilant Christian holiday of the
year. The service will be in English
but we will include some Danish
hymns, at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end. Grundtvig’s
hymns have a way of combining the
Christian celebration of Easter with
the secular celebration of spring.
Perhaps this is why they are so evocative. Even if it snows, we will be sure
to sing some of them.
Confirmation is on the second Sunday after Easter. Our two confirmands are Ben and Erin and they have
been preparing for this event since
October. Ask them any question
about the Bible or Christianity and
they will be able to answer you. Or
almost. Before you put them to the
test with tricky questions about important names like Gedaliah
(Babylonian governor of Judah) or
Othniel (the first of the Biblical judges), bear in mind that we’ve spent
most of our time on the New Testament and the story of Jesus. They’ve
read the entirety of the Gospel of
Mark. It’s been a pleasure to meet
The Spring Meeting of the Ontario Region will be held at the Danish Lutheran
Church of Toronto, Saturday April 26th at 2:00pm. Everyone who is interested
is heartily welcome. We will share the latest news from the ten member organizations, as well as hear the details about the upcoming 33rd Annual Conference
of the Federation of Danish Associations in Canada, to be held in Ottawa, May
22nd to May 25th.
The conference will be followed by the Heritage Seminar with the theme South
Slesvig. The seminar will led by Pastor Lars Skjødt- Jakobsen from May 26th
until May 31st at the beautiful Calabogie Peaks Resort, west of Ottawa.
For further information about the conference or the seminar see the brochures
available at church.
Even though spring is late, the worst
winter in 36 years will soon be behind us. Hopefully nature’s coming
regeneration can be our inspiration
to continue. We are still full speed
ahead with the work of the church
and its activities. The Organ Concert,
Soup Sunday, and Fastelavn were a
welcome relief from the weather. At
our AGM we were updated on
events from 2013 as well as plans for
2014. The expired positions on the
board were filled in due course, and
it was agreed at a subsequent board
meeting that the executive officers
would be kept the same as last year.
The proposal to continue looking
into becoming incorporated was
overwhelmingly accepted. And finally, despite the “lovely weather” we
did have a successful bazaar. Many
thanks to the 60 volunteers who
worked tirelessly for several weeks in
preparation for this event. And, of
course, many thanks to all the participants who came to spend time (and
money) for the church’s benefit. We
truly appreciate your support.
I want to say a special welcome to
Gerda Andersen as the new member
of the Board, and a special thank you
to Joan Skovhoj for her services the
past two years. She joined the Board
at a trying time, but stayed the course
with full honours. We all appreciate
the great support she gave the Board
and the church during her tenure,
and are glad to know she will still be
within reach if needed.
As you probably know, this issue
covers the next three months. There
are many events scheduled, so please
make sure you take a good look
through this issue or at the almanac
or our website to see what is happening when. Events you don’t want to
miss are our Easter services, the annual Royal Dinner on Saturday April
26th (always a big hit!), Confirmation
Sunday May 4th, a special music
concert on Saturday May 10th, the bi
-annual return of the amazing Nordic
Singers on Wednesday June 18th
and our Skt Hans celebration
(complete with summer lottery draw)
Sunday June 22nd. We will return to
the two month cycle next issue, allowing us to fit the bi-monthly publications within the calendar year.
We encourage people to participate
in our church activities and in particular our Sunday services. Please join
us as all are welcome to share in the
benefits of our wonderful church.
Sune Overgaard
It is with great pleasure that we can announce the Kitchen Renovation Fund has
reached its goal. It has now been fully matched against its total cost. Although
there have been many contributors to this fund, it is mainly due to the Sally Morris family, who filled in the last major portion in memory of her mother Klara
(Nielsen) Glavanov, that we can close the books on this particular fund raiser.
In honour of this unique donation we will have a special presentation after the
service on Sunday May 11th to recognize this event, in conjunction with our
celebratory luncheon. Please plan to join us and some of the Glavanov family for
this memorable occasion.
WHERE: Danish Lutheran Church
72 Finch Avenue West,
WHAT: $30 Admission - Reception with singers to follow
For tickets or more info
call 416-222-2494 (Pastor)
WEDNESDAY JUNE 18th at 7:30pm
The 5 performers are: Danish Soprano Randi Gislason, Swedish Soprano
Cecilia Lindwall, Icelandic Tenor Magnus Gislason, Danish Baritone Hans
Lawaetz, and Danish Pianist Knud Rasmussen.
Nordic Singers is a group of professional opera singers from the Nordic countries. Their performance includes a complete entertaining programme of music
from opera, operetta, Broadway musicals and popular songs from famous movies and evergreens and of course songs from the Nordic countries.
Is the winter over? The calendar says so, and there are actually some little green
sprouts coming up in my front yard, don’t know what it is, but that does’t matter,
it is the promise of flowers that matters, can’t wait to see them!
Here at Sunset Villa we are always busy preparing for the next activity. At the
moment it is for the Annual General Meeting on April 6th, 1 pm at Crieff community hall, down the street from Sunset Villa. I was very surprised last year by
the number of members showing up; let’s hope they will be back this year.
As I write this, the park is still covered in snow, so we can’t start the clean-up
process. I am sure there is going to be a lot to do after this long winter, but I am
also sure, with the help of our volunteers, it will be done, and the park will once
again be blooming and beautiful.
Then of course we have also started the preparations for the Constitution Day
Celebrations, this year it will be on Sunday June 1st. The park will open at
10:00am, and activities will start at 12 noon. I hope you are going to join us
again this year. Last year it was the first time I participated and I was far too
nervous to enjoy myself, but this year I am “an old hand” and I intend to have
fun, so please come help me!
Have you ever thought about signing up for a senior apartment at Sunset Villa?
It is a beautiful place to live, think about it, I am sure you would love it.
Karin Thorlund Larsen
Our church has over 56 years of history, but it still takes the efforts of
many dedicated volunteers to keep it
going, as well as many willing participants who give of their time and
money to meet our needs. This is a
very important relationship that
needs to be understood and respected. The event calendar shows the
various activities covering almost every day of the month. Most are for
groups associated with our church –
like Church café, the Choir, the
Golden Age Club, the Folk Dancers,
and the At the Movies gang. But they
also include groups like the Cornerstone Korean Church, and the Girl
Guides of Canada, and the Danish
School. We even have various local
community groups occasionally using
our facilities. That is how we give
back to the community. It takes a lot
of work to plan, prepare, and perform all the different activities and
events we have at our church. I want
to thank each and everyone who has
helped to make this church the happy and successful place it is. Looking
back on 2013, early in the year we
said goodbye to Pastor CC, and
shortly after Hanne Vejs returned –
again, and stayed until late April. In
the meantime we moved ahead with
advertising in Denmark for a new full
-time minister. Since DSUK was not
able to help us with another substitute minister, we made our own arrangement with a former pastor,
Christian Dickmeiss and his wife, to
come for a “holiday” to Toronto.
Once again our history of good relations with previous pastors benefited
us. Soon after we got the incredibly
tragic news of the loss of Else Staal
Nielsen. She meant so much not only
to her family and friends of course,
but also to her church family – us.
We have managed to continue in her
absence and her memory is still alive
and well in our church and our
hearts – and that is a good thing.
In early summer we initiated a new
program – the kitchen renovation
fund. Various fund raising activities
were put into place with help from
many volunteers. Their ideas and
efforts helped grow the kitchen fund.
In short order we were able to get
very good participation and contributions for this event. Over the next
several months some folks even
made large individual donations to
this cause. We are extremely grateful
for all these donations both large and
small, and it was exciting to see the
thermometer grow each month. Before we knew it we raised over
$30,000 by year’s end.
There was more good news - our new
full time minister was arriving in early
July. We were not only glad for his
arrival, but also pleased with how
quickly he jumped into our way of
getting things done. It didn’t take
long to see we had a very thoughtful
and considerate pastor in our midst.
A month later his wife Mette arrived
and they both have been a major
“plus” for us. The rest of the summer
went on without any major surprises,
and we actually had a very nice fall.
This was kitchen renovation time –
boxes and trays and workers and
dusts everywhere.
But we survived, and just in time to
prepare a Thanksgiving Dinner for
115 people. The results have been
amazing. We now manage dinners
and bazaars and other events involving the kitchen with much better efficiency and effectiveness. It was a
major event for our church, and it
became a great success with the help
of much effort and many donations.
November and December are traditionally very busy months for our
church. Our fall bazaar was a huge
success and together with the earlier
spring bazaar we had the most successful bazaars ever. We have much
to be grateful for – especially to
Liselotte and the Bazaar team, and
everyone else who took part in it.
The Christmas season is always a bit
of a panic as we have major events
happening weekly, but somehow they
still get done. Our Lucia Pageant and
Nativity play and Christmas party
were enjoyed by many children and
their families. And who can forget
the snow and ice storm and extreme
cold just before Christmas. Many
were without power, including the
church, and attendance at our events
was affected by this.
Our many activity groups are an important part of our church, as well as
the usual mix of bazaars, lotteries,
concerts, dinners, and special events
like Fastelavn and Lucia. They all
draw good crowds which we appreciate and want to continue for 2014,
but it would also be nice to have a
few more faces join us for Sunday
services. We have come up with proposed changes to our constitution
and by-laws. We have been 100%
self-funding since 1998 and felt it was
only proper to be fully independent
and responsible for our actions and
our future. Further investigation also
uncovered a surprising fact that we
are not a recognized entity and that
our members are potentially exposed
to various levels of risk. It was strongly suggested that we incorporate to
become a legal entity and receive
proper corporate protection.
Financially we have done quite well
even though our true expenses far
exceeded our income due to the
kitchen renovation. We expect that
2014 will be an uneventful financial
year which our budget reflects. We
have areas of repair that need attention but can handle these costs within
the proposed budget. Your Board
has willingly given of their time and
efforts. Whether it is dinners, bazaars, concerts, Sunday coffee, or
greeting you at the front doors, they
are there time and time again. You
should be grateful that this group has
been here to serve your needs. I for
one am proud of them and the work
they all do for you and this church.
The following story confirms that the
efforts we – this church and this congregation - have done in the past, and
that we continue to do, are not only
necessary and needed, but also gratefully appreciated. I received a call
from a lady who wanted to make a
donation to the kitchen fund in
memory of her mother. She said
many years ago her mother had been
an active member of our church and
enjoyed being a part of it. We just
recently received that donation – a
very, very significant donation towards the kitchen fund in memory of
Klara (Nielsen) Glavanov – I’m sure
some of you will remember that
name. In fact our fund has now been
topped off to fully cover the remaining outstanding costs.
On behalf of all of us we wish to express our sincere gratitude to her
family for this generous gift, and for
thinking of this church. There will be
a special presentation after a service
the near future to recognize this extraordinary donation.
In closing, please remember that we
are all volunteers. We are always
looking for new opportunities and
ideas to explore and share with for
your benefit and that of our wonderful church. We are here every Sunday and look forward to see you. It
has been my pleasure to serve as
your President.
Sune Overgaard
By the time you read this bulletin another successful bazaar will be over!
Once again a big thank you is extended to the many helping hands before, during and after the bazaar. Your many donations and hard work make it all possible. A great big thank you to all our shoppers, who on the day of the bazaar,
helped us reach the grand total of just over $9,000, despite major snow storms
that made it impossible for many people to make it to the church that day.
If you were one of the unlucky people who were unable to get to the bazaar this
year, you can still find a table set up in the Royal Hall with Danish Imports and
Easter treats. Do pay us a visit! Your continued support of our church is very
much appreciated.
The Bazaar Committee, 2014.
Bake Booth
Gift Booth
Easter Booth
Needlework Booth
Import Booth
Jewelry Booth
Coffee Booth
Silent Auction
Danish Plates
Books and Videos
White Elephant
Total (net)
SATURDAY MAY 3rd at 2:00pm
Inn-keeper Marius Fiil lives with his big family in Hvidsten
just north of Randers in the 1940ies. The German occupation upsets Marius, and when he gets a chance to make a
difference he does not hesitate, but steps into action, along
with his family and people from the community.
The movie is based on a true story about a family who
stuck together and revolted against having their freedom
taken away. It shows how people can make a difference,
and the consequences of fighting for what you believe in.
Danish movie from 2012. English subtitles.
SATURDAY June 14 at 2:00pm
Den Store Badedag foregår i 1930’ernes København hos
en lille arbejderfamilie. Den 7-årige Gustav Adolf har
stor respekt for sin far, Axel og for hans mægtige viden
om alverdens forunderligheder.
Svea, moderen i familien, drømmer om stranden og
vandet, men Axel synes det er noget nymodens pjat og
farligt, fordi solens stråler brænder og vandet er iskoldt.
Men Axel skifter mening og beordrer alle ejendommens
beboere ud til ”det havfriske vand og den sunde sol.
Badedagen bliver fuld af stærke oplevelser for Gustav
Adolf, og da den er slut, har han fået en ny opfattelse af
sin far, og en komisk oplevelse…
Dansk film fra 1992. Ingen englske undertekster
Sunday June 22nd at 6:30pm
Our mid-summer festival will start with a short evening service, complete with
musical accompaniment. Afterwards we will go into our lovely park (weather
permitting of course), and enjoy a traditional Skt. Hans program complete with
songs, a bonfire (well, maybe!), a speech, and strawberries and ice cream with
our coffee. Bring your own lawn chairs if you like. Lottery tickets will be mailed
out in May, and we expect a great list of prizes as usual. At 8:00pm we will make
the draw for the lucky winners of our Summer Lottery. All tickets have to be
received by then to be eligible. Join us for a fun and entertaining evening!
Worship Expenses
Organist and Music
Bazaars and Lotteries
Church Bulletin,
Office Expenses
Cleaning / Janitorial
Offerings and donations
Rental income
Bazaars and Lotteries
Activity Groups
Kitchen Project
Other Income
Repairs and
Other Expenses
January 26
February 2
February 9
February 16
February 23
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 23
Born September 2nd, 1930 in Hellerup, Denmark
Passed away June 22nd, 2013.
Missed by husband Kai, Erik, and sister in-law Ane
From Aurora
Born March 24th, 1948 Torshavn, Færøerne
Passed away December 5th, 2013
Leaving behind wife Onita, son Jan,
daughter in-law Caroline, grandchildren Julia and Owen
Born June 5th, 1931 in Svendborg, Denmark
Passed away March 15th, 2014 in Newmarket.
Will be sadly missed by Carol-Ann, by his sister Jytte and
her husband Erik, by his nephews and niece Ulf, Gitte,
and Björn, by Jytte’s grandchildren, and by many friends.
Born December 26th, 1926 in Løgstør, Denmark
Passed away March 19th, 2014 in Stouffville.
Loving wife of the late Arnold Kingo Hansen,
sister of Frede, caring mother of Ann, Jane, Debbie,
Vivian, and Gary, cherished mormor of Jon, Mark,
Rebecca, Abigail, Keirra, Hayley, Harley, and Leif,
and admired farmor of Eleanor.
72 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M2N 2H4
Phone in Church Hall: 416-222-0990, Website:
Kenneth Berg
72 Finch Ave. West
Toronto, ON, M2N 2H4
(office closed Mondays)
Sune Overgaard
4105 Treetop Crescent
Mississauga, ON, L5L 2L6
Lilly Nielsen
22 Carroll St.
Whitby, ON, L1N 7Y4
Lisa McConnell
84 Carberry Cres.
Brampton, ON, L6V 2E9
Jannie Decoste
629 Claymeadow Avenue
Mississauga, ON, L5B 4H7
Gerda Andersen
Mona Hansen-Kelly
John Uffe
Audrey Urszulan
Liselotte Østergaard
Lisa McConnell
Lis Søndergaard
Gurli Ahlgreen
Audrey Urszulan
Activity Contacts
Golden Age Club Lilly Nielsen
Children’s Hour Liselotte Østergaard
Choir Leader
Rikke Krabbenhøft
Deborah Harlton
Helle Overgaard
Audrey Urszulan
Kirke Hilsen is published six times a year, 575 copies,
plus online distribution on

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